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TSR 9278 - DLR1 - Otherlands

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CHORANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
The Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Ameshites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Yaluu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Vodar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Non-Human Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The Monsters of Chorane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
F u n n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
R a z h a k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Ursoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2
SELASIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-63
Prelude: The Decline of the Irda . . . . . . . . 33
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
The Spine of Taladas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Features of Selasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
The Mischta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
The Bolandi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Anaiatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55



The Irdanaiath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bolandi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ogre, Mischta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ogre, Nzunta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spirit, Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WATERMERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-96
Dargonesti Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Geography and Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Daily Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Flora and Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Dargonesti from Cradle to Grave . . . . . . . 75
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
The Dargonesti Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
M a g i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Relations with Undersea Folk . . . . . . . . . . 83
Relations with Surface Folk . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
The Mahkwahb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Dargonesti as PCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Dragon, Brine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Design: Scott Bennie, Scott Haring, and John Terra
Editing: Mike Breault
Cover Art: Fred Fields
Interior Art: David Simons

Cartography: Supvr./Designer: Dave Sutherland

Artist: Dave Sutherland & Linda Goehre
Typography: Angelika Lokotz

Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the
toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material
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1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

TSR, Inc.
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ISBN 0-88038-829-3






Sing out all you people,

Of that long-ago day
When Amesh the Brave One
Led our fathers away
The land had grown harsh,
And our enemies strong;
Soon none would be left
To sing our tribes song.
Amesh the Brave One,
He rode out alone.
He swore he would find
His people a home.
Sing out all you people,
Of that long-ago day
When Amesh the Brave One
Led our fathers away.
In a year and a day
Brave Amesh returned.
He told of a land
he called Ice That Burns.
South they all traveled,
And then south some more,
Over the Ice Wall
and through Ameshs Door.
Sing out all you people,
Of that long-ago day
When Amesh the Brave One
Led our fathers away
Twas a hard trip and long,
And many were lost,
But for a new home and freedom,
It was well worth the cost.
Down into the ice,
In molten rock domes,
Amesh led his people
To this, our new home.
Sing out all you people,
Of that long-ago day
When Amesh the Brave One
Led our fathers away

Excerpt from

Song of Amesh,


To many people on Krynn, Chorane is

a myth. Everyone knows that nothing
could possibly live in the frozen wastes
beyond the Ice Wall south of Ansalon;
Chorane is a romantic notion, to be sure,
but with no basis in reality.
Those who dismiss the possibility of
life oreven more unlikelycivilization
beneath the southern ice cap of Krynn do
not adequately understand the geology
of this very unusual planet. Nor do they
take into account the ability of Krynns
various inhabitants to endure great hardship and to adapt to nearly any environment. For not only is there life beneath
the ice, but in Chorane there is a complex
civilization of many different intelligent
races, interacting in all sorts of peaceful
(and not-so-peaceful) ways.

It is a long, dangerous trek across
nearly a thousand miles of frozen ground
and sheets of ice before any sign of
Chorane can be found. And even that
sign shows no outward evidence of being
the gateway to a vast underground civilization; it is a 175-foot-wide crevasse in
the tundra that is nearly half a mile long
and seemingly bottomless. Rising from
the crevasse is a constant flow of steam
that warms the area along both sides for a
dozen or so yards from each edge.
Growing along the lip of the crevasse
and down along the sides for as far as the
eye can see are all sorts of fungi, clinging
vines, small flowering plants, and even
the occasional gnarled tree. The edge of
the crevasse is very slippery because of the
fungi and the constant condensation
from the steam; many explorers have approached the edge too enthusiastically
and fallen to their deaths just as they were
on the brink of their greatest discovery.

Actually, Ameshs Rent (as it is called
by the Ameshites), or The Crack (as it is
called by the other peoples of Chorane),
is not the only way to get to Chorane.
There are at least 17 other, smaller cre2

vasses that are known to lead to the vast

underground caverns and tunnels that
make up this land (see the map on page
3). Other than Ameshs Rent, however,
there are only two other frequently-used
entrances: The Little Crack and ThreeMile Gorge (see map). Of the other 15,
five are too dangerous or connect with areas of Chorane that are too remote to be
useful. The other ten are Dragonholes.
With only minor variations, all the
Dragonholes are the sameperfectly
round, perfectly smooth holes anywhere
from 30 to 50 feet in diameter, headed
straight down with only a hint of a spiral
for over two miles. Eventually, the Dragonholes veer sideways into various labyrinthine passages that lead to huge
underground lairs and (it is rumored) vast
treasure chambers. No one has ever returned with any of this treasure, however.
In fact, very few people who explore the
Dragonholes have ever come back at all.
(For more on dragons in Chorane, see
Page 29).
The Crack is over 7,000 feet deep, and
it leads down to a lake of crusted-over
molten rock. This lake, and several other
exposed lava flows, provide the heat and
steam necessary for life in Chorane. Starting at just over 500 feet down, a series of
tunnels, fissures, and caves opens out
into Ameshs Rent, providing a surprising amount of space. Once you get any
significant distance away from The
Crack, however, caves this near the surface are far too cold to live in. And of
course, the opposite problem exists if you
get too close to the molten lake. The various peoples of Chorane, therefore, all live
between 2,000 feet and 3,400 feet below
the surface of the ice.
There are five different groups of people, including three tribes of humans,
living in Chorane. Four of the five groups
live in their own distinct areas of
Chorane, as shown on the map on pages
Most of the caverns, chambers, and
tunnels in Chorane were formed naturally early in the history of Krynn. Only a
very few of the areas have been carved out
by the inhabitants. Earthquakes, lava
flows, and other seismic upsets are fortu-


nately very rare, but they tend to be very

devastating when they do occur. The last
recorded serious earthquake in Chorane
was 133 years ago.

When Chorane was formed long ago,
it was a land of rock and ice. Since then,
however, millennia of steam, volcanic
heat, and hardy plants gaining tenuous
footholds have worked on the rock where
it meets the warm, humid air, forming a
shallow (three inch or so) layer of dirt in
many places. Until magic-using creatures
found Chorane, of course, it was too dark
for plants to grow (except for certain types
of fungus) anywhere but very close to direct passages to the surface, so in the
darker recesses of Choranethat is, most
of itthe surface is still solid rock. Since
Amesh and his followers found their buried refuge some 700 years ago, however,
their use of magical light spells and items
has greatly extended the areas in which
fungus and plants can be grown. As a result, more and more rocky surfaces are being broken up. In some areas, almost one
inch of topsoil has developed.
What is not rock in Chorane is ice.
There are many chambers and corridors
in this underground kingdom that are
made entirely of ice, but very few people
inhabit them except out of necessity. A
fire or other source of heat can be built in
a rock chamber; the effects in one of ice
can be very, well, wet. In some places, ice
runs in veins through the rock. This type
of formation is rare and much prized by
the Choranians, as it provides an easily
accessible source of water.
Getting around in Chorane is fairly
easy, if you stay within one tribes area.
(Moving from one tribes area to another
has perils all its own, as will be explained
later.) The caverns and large chambers are
all connected by a crazy quilt of tunnels,
slides, and corridors; there are usually at
least three perfectly good ways to get
from one place to another. One of the
leading pastimes among Choranians, in
fact, is arguing over which of the many
available routes between two places is actually the best.

Getting around in Chorane is more of a

three-dimensional exercise than it is on
the surface. With 1,400 feet or so separating the highest and lowest habitable areas, getting up and down is just as
important as getting back and forth. By
using Choranes many natural sloping
passageways and stairways that have been
cut into the steeper tunnels, it is possible
to walk to any elevation in the area
eventually. To get any great distance up or
down quickly, however, takes other
There are over a dozen nearly vertical
shafts traversing the entire height of
Chorane, including one over 40 feet
across. These are of very great strategic
importance to the various tribes, so these
are very difficult to use without someone
noticing. Several of the shafts have handand footholds for climbing, while others
have had climbing ropes and ladders
(made of rope, leather thongs, and cured
funno hides) built in them. One shaft,
controlled by the Yaluu, has a crude
elevator-type contraption in it for the
convenience of the ruling elite; it is powered by slave labor.
All Choranians are accomplished
climbers and mountaineers (though they
do not use the word mountaineerin
fact, they have no idea at all what a
mountain is) practically from birth. In a
pinch, one could climb the wall of
Ameshs Rent all the way to the surface
and make it look as easy as walking. Accidents still happen, of course, but a newcomer to Chorane would find it
impossible to safely move around at even
a fraction of the speed of the natives.

Seasonal variations are nearly nonexistent in Choraneat 2,000 feet below the
surface, its hard to tell even the difference between day and night. Temperatures, along with most other climactic
conditions, remain constant year round.
At the top of Chorane, closest to the surface, temperatures stay near 45 degrees,
while at the bottom it is a more comfortable 65 degrees or so. It is colder farther
up, of course (the temperature on the sur-

face is above freezing only during the day

in the summer), and much hotter as you
approach the lava lake at the bottom of
Ameshs Rent.
Choranians have not moved any farther down than the 3,400-foot level because there are few habitable caverns in
the next 500 to 1,000 feet. Below that,
there are more good locations, but the
temperatures are well in excess of 140
Fahrenheit. Hunting parties occasionally
venture into these hotter areas to hunt
animals and to harvest rare plants and
fungi, but it is a dangerous foray that is
not to be taken casually.
As you move away from the steam
vents (at any level), the temperatures
drop dramatically. Only a few hundred
feet from any of the major vents, the temperature drops 15 to 20 degrees from
what is normal for that depth.
Humidity is very high throughout
Chorane, and this is a good thing; the
steam rising from the lava flows far below
condenses on the cool ice and rock walls
and forms the foundation of the entire
food chain down here.
The wind blows constantly in Chorane.
It rushes up the major vents toward the
surface, drawing air through the corridors
and caverns of the land as it goes. The
wind patterns are very well known by the
natives, but they may take newcomers by
surprise; it would not be unusual to step
out of a small cave with hardly any wind
into a cross corridor with a wind strong
enough to knock an unaware man to the


In The Song of Amesh, the song cycle
that tells of the history of the Ameshite
people, it says that when Amesh brought
his people to Chorane, at first they met
no other peoples, and they thought the
entire of Chorane was uninhabited, except for various wild animals and the occasional monster. This did not turn out to
be entirely true.
The first people the Ameshites met
were the Kendar (as they called themselves), a lost offshoot of the kender race
that still spoke an obscure dialect related
to the kender tongue. The same size and
general appearance of kender, the Kendar share their cousins great curiosity
and carefree attitudes, though they are
quieter and less demonstrative than their
surface-dwelling cousins.
It was only a few score years later that
first contact was made with the Theiwar, a
race of dwarves that had not seen the surface in several millennia. It was not (and
still is not) known whether these Theiwar

had always lived in a remote section of

Chorane, or had just discovered it after
extensive underground exploration from
some other part of Krynn.
While the Ameshites got along with the
Kendar much better than they did with
the Theiwar (the latter being very possessive of their own holdings and somewhat
covetous of everybody elses), there was little cause for strifeboth the Theiwar and
the Ameshites were busy exploring and expanding their territories, and the Kendar
werent interested in warfare. It was only
after the Great Rift that affairs degenerated into their current state.
The Great Rift was a direct result of the
Cataclysm that struck Krynn some 300
years ago. While not as devastated as
many other parts of Krynn, Chorane was
severely damaged by the Cataclysm. Entire caverns were collapsed or cut off,
while new passages and living areas
opened up. There was no place to hide
during the Cataclysm and its many aftershocks. Thousands of Choranians died,
and thousands more were never seen
again and were presumed dead.

It was during the clean-up and repair

process that the first rumblings of what
would become the Great Rift were felt.
One group of Choranians felt that the
Cataclysm was proof that the people had
turned away from the gods. They felt that
the solution was to rededicate themselves
to the old rituals and beliefs that Amesh
brought with him from Ansalon. These
people became known as Ameshites.
Another group believed the exact
oppositethat the Cataclysm was proof
that the gods had turned away from the
people, and that the solution was to find
new gods. They ridiculed the Ameshites
for their tired, old beliefs, and called
themselves the Yaluu, which is the
Choranian word for seekers.
And there was a third group of Choranians with yet another set of beliefs, the
Vodar. The Vodar were most interested
in keeping all the humans of Chorane together, emphasizing their common background and heritage. The Vodar sought a
compromise between the Ameshites and
the Yaluu, suggesting that some of the
old traditions and rituals be maintained


while new answers were also sought.

Extremists in both camps ignored the
Vodars offer of reconciliation, each
group accusing the Vodar of being in
league with the other. It did not take
long, in the enclosed spaces of Chorane
and under the great stress of recent disasters, for the philosophical disagreements
between the peoples of Chorane to escalate into violence and bloodshed.
Fueled by constant feuding and skirmishing over the past 300 years, the tensions between the three human factions

of Chorane are as high as ever. An uneasy

truce exists between the Ameshites and
the Yaluu, though either group would eagerly exploit any opportunity for gain.
The Vodar continue to be stuck in the
middle, mistrusted and disliked by both
While this hatred is more intense than
ever, its nature has changed. The reasons
for the dispute have been forgotten by
many; while the government and religious leaders remember, most of the people hate the other side simply because its

the way things have always been. In many

of the stories and oral histories of the
Ameshites and Yaluu, new and more heinous charges than simple religious
unorthodoxycannibalism, genocide,
and much worsehave crept in. Most of
them are not true (though one can never
be sure about the Yaluu) and are repeated
solely for their propaganda value.
What follows is an outline of each of
the five major humanoid races living in
Chorane. This is common knowledge, for
players and DM alike.


While all three human tribes of
Chorane are descended from the legendary Amesh and the people he brought
with him from southern Ansalon, it is the
Ameshites who follow Ameshs teachings
the most scrupulously. The Ameshites
consider themselves the true followers
of Amesh; the Yaluu and the Vodar are
heretics and blasphemers, traitors to the
memory of their common ancestors.
This attitude does nothing to make the
Ameshites popular with the other two
Choranian tribes; indeed, relations between the Ameshites and the Yaluu and
the Vodar are downright hostile. The
Ameshites believe they are on a holy crusade to return the fallen tribes to the true
way of Amesh, or failing that, to root
them out of every last hole in Chorane.
Like all descendants of Ameshs tribe,
the Ameshites are small of build and
rarely over 55) tall. Nearly all Ameshites
have dark hair; blondes (and especially
redheads) are very rare and are treated
with both great suspicion and great fascination. The men develop heavy beards at
a very young age, and very few go to the
trouble to shave. After 700 years or so in
the caverns of Chorane, the Ameshites
have also developed very pale skin and
enlarged and sensitive eyes, both as a result of the lack of natural light.
There are just over 17,000 Ameshites
living in Chorane. They control nearly all
of inhabited Chorane at the highest
levels, but their territory extends no lower
than 2,600 feet down or so (see map,
page 4). They have boundaries with their
allies the Kendar, as well as with the Vodar. While the border between Ameshite
and Kendar territory is free and open (in
fact, there is a zone on either side of the
border where the two peoples are thoroughly mixed together), all crossing
points from Ameshite lands into Vodar
lands are heavily guarded by Ameshite
(and Vodar) troops.

The Ameshite government is a theocracy; that is, the government is run by

the religious leaders. The Ameshite religion does not worship Amesh, though
the tribal leader who brought them to
Chorane some 700 years ago has been elevated to a demi-god status in the hearts of
many Ameshites. The Ameshites worship
Paladine, though that is not what they
call him. In Chorane, Paladine is known
as Parthenu, The First Singer. Parthenu is
most frequently depicted as a tall, perfect
Ameshite young man, clad in religious
vestments and strumming a lute. Other
popular icons of Parthenu show him playing several other instruments, including
flute, trumpet, drum, harp, lyre, triangle, and recorder.
Music, especially singing, is the backbone of Ameshite religious life and, to a
great extent, their entire society and culture. The Ameshites have a song for every
occasion, and many more songs for no special occasion at all. Every important event
in Ameshite lifemarriages, funerals,
government meetings, elections, religious
ceremonies, business negotiations, betrothals, trials, and a host of other meetingsis accompanied by singing.
The leader of the Ameshites is known as
the Prime Singer; he or she (about half of
the previous leaders have been women)
rules for life. Each Prime Singer is chosen
from among the ranks of the Second Singers, a select circle of a dozen or so leaders of
the Ameshite people. There is no set number to the size of the Second Circle (as it is
known); there have been as many as 35
Second Singers and as few as four. The current makeup of 11-14 has endured for
nearly 100 years, more out of tradition and
convenience than anything else.
The Prime Singer and the Second Circle share power in their part of Chorane.
Since the Prime Singer rose from the
ranks of the Second Circle, he or she is
probably good friends with most of its
members; if relations become unbearably
strained, the Second Circle may replace
the Prime Singer, but only by a unanimous vote. A wise Prime Singer insures a
long reign by delegating power and authority to many members of the Second
Circle. Each major aspect of the Ameshite
governmenttaxes, defense, food production, education, religious ceremo9

nies, records, and musical training,

among othersis under the direct control of a Second Singer.
Below the Second Circle is the Chorus,
the priesthood of the Ameshites. Members of the Chorus are known as Singers;
that honorific is used the same way other
cultures use Reverend or Minister.
There are anywhere from 250 to 500 Singers among the Ameshites at any time;
they are the ones who get the governments work done. The Singers collect the
taxes, manage the farms, teach the children, perform the religious ceremonies,
lead the skirmishers, write the chronicles,
compose the songs, and tend to the people of Chorane.
Becoming a Singer is not easy. Many
more want admission to this elite group
than obtain it. Twice a year, the Second
Circle announces that new Singers will be
added. Any promising citizens who have
been recommended by other Singers are
invited to apply. Ameshites who are not
specifically invited may still ask for consideration, but their chances are not as good.
The applicants are all interviewed by
Second Singerssometimes just one,
sometimes the entire Circle, depending
on how may applicants there are and how
big the Circle is. After the interviews
comes the Festival.
The Festival is part celebration, part
concert, and part audition. All applicants
for the Chorus perform before the assembled Ameshites in the Great Hall, singing before the multitude. As many
people as can get away from their other
duties attend the Festival, which is one of
the highlights of Ameshite social life.
Most applicants perform traditional
Ameshite songs, though many sing original compositions. While the Second Circle has final say as to who is accepted, the
reaction of the audience to the individual
performances is an important factor.
There is no quota for how many applicants are admitted into the Chorus; all
qualified applicants (in the Second Circles opinion) are accepted. After some
Festivals, no applicants have been admitted; after others, particularly after fierce
fighting with the Yaluu when the ranks of
the Chorus have been depleted, all of the


applicants have become Singers. The

standards have been known to shift in accordance to the need for additional
As followers of an aspect of Paladine,
one would think the Ameshites follow a
philosophy that would classify them as
Lawful Good. Certainly, though the
Ameshites do not use such words, they
believe their worship of Parthenu is good
and pure, a true following of the main
force for Good in Krynn. Theyre wrong.
Take 700 years of isolation, throw in
the Cataclysm (which they werent even
the target of), add 300 years of civil war,
and its fairly easy to see how the Ameshites devotion to Parthenu could have
slowly twisted into something other than
what Paladine would care for.
The Ameshites are still, for the most
part, good people. They treat each other
with respect and consideration, and they
consider fairness and honesty to be important virtues to be cultivated and promoted. It is in their dealings with the
other peoples of Chorane where they
have fallen from Paladines teachings.
The Ameshites are a paranoid people,
distrustful of and hostile to anyone they
consider different. Their alliance with
the Kendar is an uneasy one, though even
the most bigoted Ameshites know they
need the Kendar in order to survive, so
tensions are kept to a minimum.
The Ameshites reserve their greatest
hatred for the Yaluu, though the Vodar
are not all that far behind. While it is true
the Yaluu have developed some nasty
habits in the 300 years since they split
from the Ameshites (more on the Yaluu
will follow), this constant war has been
mostly the Ameshites idea.
The Ameshite military, like most fighting units in Chorane, emphasizes speed
over size. Most of the fighting between
the various peoples takes place in narrow
corridors and choke points between different areas; what good are 200 fighters
when only five of them can fight at a
Instead, the reliance is on quickness of
response and tactical maneuvering. The
cornerstone of the Ameshite army is the
tenner, a unit of ten men, consisting of

one sergeant and five foot soldiers, all

with short swords and shields, two spear
men, and two missile specialists, armed
with either short bows, light crossbows,
or slings, depending on the circumstances. The spear men and missile men
also carry short swords, but they do not
have shields.
All soldiers wear armor made of cured
funno hides, which are particularly
strong and effectivewhile most hide armors are AC 6, funno armor is AC 5. A
funno-hide shield reduces the armor class
of the wearer to AC 4.
Standard tenner tactics call for the
swordsmen to block a corridor from edge
to edge, while the spear men and missile
men launch attacks from the second rank.
The sergeant and any remaining swordsmen stand ready to fill gaps in the front
line. Tenners drill rigorously so that they
can move through narrow corridors, slip
through crevices, climb steam vents, and
move through the other types of Choranian terrain quickly and silently while
staying together as a unit.
Large-scale warfare is difficult in the
narrow, winding pathways of Chorane.
Instead, fighting is of the hit-and-run variety, with tenners (and similar units from
the other peoples) moving swiftly
through remote side passages, trying to
outflank, surround, and outnumber enemy units. Territorial conquest is very difficult, because the defender, knowing the
ins and outs of his home territories, has a
tremendous tactical advantage. This is
the main reason fighting between the
Choranians has gone on for 300 years
with no end in sight.
Wizards, priests, thieves, and other
specialists are not regularly attached to
specific Ameshite military units, though
a sergeant or officer can request one for a
particular mission. Approval for such an
assignment must come from one of the
Madrigal, the group of eight Singers that
runs the Ameshite military. Each member
of the Madrigal commands 12 to 15 tenners. At least one of the members of the
Madrigal is always of Second Circle rank;
in times of great trouble, more than one
belongs to the Second circle.


Chorane is not the most hospitable of
lands; nearly all of the peoples time is
spent gathering food, making clothes
and shelter, and taking care of the other
basics of survival.
All the Ameshites work, even the children, though all children between the
ages of 6 and 12 get two hours of formal
schooling per day. The schooling is run
(like everything else) by the Ameshite
church, and it emphasizes the basics: reading, writing, simple math, and music.
Only students who show promise continue
their schooling beyond the age of 12.
There is very little sex discrimination
among the Ameshites. The military is
predominantly male, but other than
that, women and men are found in almost equal numbers in all jobs. The most
important of these is producing food.
The agriculture of the Ameshites, like
that of the rest of the Choranians, is
based on a surprisingly wide variety of
fungi that can be found throughout the
land. Some are harvested from cave walls,
floors, and ceilings, where they have
grown naturally for thousands of years.
Others, including some new varieties and
strains developed by experimentation,
are cultivated like any other crop.
Most of the different varieties of fungi
(including mushrooms) were developed
for culinary reasonsthere have to be
some changes in the color, flavor and texture of what youre eating, or morale and
general mental health suffers. Others of
the plant life of Chorane has special properties that deserve further mention. They
are the following:
Panisil: This fungus is light green and
fuzzy. It grows to a depth of about one
inch on any moist surface. When eaten in
sufficient quantities (at least half a cup or
so), it may cure disease as per the priest
spell of the same name. This is not a sure
thing; there is a base 30% chance the
panisil is effective. That percentage can be
modified by the DM according to circumstances, such as the severity of the disease,
how far advanced the disease is, the Constitution of the person, and other such
things. If panisil proves to be ineffective,



the patient cannot try again, though if he

recovered and later caught the same disease, panisil may be tried a second time
with the same chance of success.
Panisil is not at all effective against lycanthropy and diseases caused by the
touch of certain undead. It is of only limited effectiveness (10% chance of success)
against the effects of a cause disease spell.
Some Choranians eat a small amount
of panisil each day as a sort of preventative against disease. This is somewhat effective but dangerous. While those who
eat a small amount of panisil daily develop a mild resistance to disease (20%
chance that, when a person would normally contract a disease, he does not
lycanthropy and undead-caused maladies
not affected), there is a 1% chance
(checked daily) that the regular intake of
panisil actually causes a debilitating disease that will incapacitate the consumer
for 1d6 + 4 days. Note that this side effect
does not occur when the panisil is taken
to combat a specific, already-present disease; what happens when a healthy person takes the fungus is that the panisil,

finding no disease in the consumers

body to attack, attacks the body itself!
This does not stop the Ameshites who follow this custom, howeverthey have not
associated their occasional violent illnesses with the panisil.
Medroc: This is a small (one inch to
three inches high), light brown mushroom with dark brown spots on the stem
and a chalky white cap. It is edible but
not particularly nutritious. It also tastes
horrible. But the medrocs value to the
Ameshites (and other Choranians) is not
as a foodstuff.
When pressed and heated, the medroc
produces a milky white fluid the Choranians call medrocide. Medrocide is used
to stiffen and glue together funno hides
into the many useful objects the Ameshites make every day. The funno and its role
in Choranian life is discussed more fully
Brak: Brak is the most common and
the most important of Choranes fungi.
Also known as Ameshs Blessing
among the Ameshites, brak is the main
food of all Choranians of all races, as well


as most of the wild and domestic animals

of this land.
Brak is a fast grower, even for fungi. It
is a white mushroom with a stem slightly
less than a foot high and nearly four
inches across, supporting an immense cap
approximately three feet wide. A single
brak weighs nearly 12 pounds and can
feed a family for several days. Braks grow
in direct proportion to the water and nutrients provided, with no apparent upper
limit to their speed of growth; in ideal
conditions, an Ameshite brak farmer can
harvest fully-grown mushrooms every 15
to 20 days.
Brak is used to feed not only the people
of Chorane, but it is also the primary feed
for the livestock (such as it is) they keep;
more on this later.
Tannadako: This is a much rarer fungus. In many ways it is prized more highly
than brak. This is because tannadako is a
powerful intoxicant, either eaten raw or
(for an even stronger experience) distilled
into a clear, bitter liquid called dakoline.
Tannadako is a dark, reddish-brown
fungus that grows on the walls of steam


ventsonly in those areas of high heat

and humidity can it thrive. This makes
harvesting the plant difficult (there are
no climbs in all of Chorane as treacherous
as the inside of a steam vent). Every year,
several enthusiastic tannadako users fall
to their deaths trying to harvest more fungus while still under the heady influence
of the previous batch.
Dakoline is easy to make from tannadako; all that is required is a cooking fire
and a pot. After cooking the fungus for
several hours, the pulp is strained out and
the liquid bottled. (Or, alternatively, the
mix is allowed to cool and settle and the
dakoline is decanted off the top.)
The consumption of tannadako or dakoline is strictly prohibited among the
Ameshites, though that does not mean
that it doesnt happen. And while the
Ameshites are very puritanical, they also
have a strong mercenary streak; tannadako is harvested and dakoline made for
sale to the Kendar and (when the level of
tension permits) to the Vodar. There is a
small but thriving black market among
Ameshites for dakoline, with high prices
and extremely paranoid security.
Ameshite justice is harsh, and dakoline
bootleggers know it.
Sessup: Almost as soon as they are old
enough to crawl, Ameshite children are
taught two important lessons: Dont Fall
Down Steam Vents, and Dont Touch
Sessup. Sessup is a hardy mushroom that
is ruthlessly eradicated wherever it is
found, because it is extremely poisonous.
Fortunately, sessup is easy to spot. It is
a slender mushroom, four to six inches
tall, bright red with large black spore
pods on the cap. If eaten, treat even the
smallest morsel of sessup as a Type J poison (see the 2nd Edition DMG, page 73).
Whats more, the fungus is also poisonous to the touchif just touched, treat as
a Type M poison. If a person picks up a
sessup and then eats it, he would have to
roll two separate saving throws vs. poison.
More than just fungus grows in
Chorane, but not much more. Herbs and
spices are raised by nearly everyone in
small private gardens, as well as in larger
community plots. Brak is the main component of 90% of the meals eaten by

Ameshites; after 700 years, these people

have developed a surprisingly diverse
number of ways of preparing it. Whats
more, different methods of cooking and
new combinations of herbs and spices are
constantly being tried in an attempt to
add to the variety of Ameshite cuisine.
A real treat at the Ameshite dinner table is a bit of fresh meat. Funnos are
raised primarily for their hides, but their
meat is also eatendespite the fact that it
is not very tasty. Once again, Ameshite
wizardry with herbs and spices can usually redeem the meal. Whats more, funnos are extremely scrawny animals, no
matter how much brak is forced down
their throats.
More often, the meat that occasionally
graces the Ameshite dinner table has
been scavenged from a slain attacking
monster, or less frequently, the product of
an actual hunting expedition. Hunting
for wild game in the more remote sections
of Chorane is not a popular pastime, for a
number of reasons. Far away from the
steam vents and rents to the surface, these
remote sections of Chorane are dark,
cold, and treacherous. In addition to the
hostile elements, there are many monsters in the wilds (as they are called).
These monsters are much more likely to
make a meal of the hunters than the other
way around. And as a final difficulty,
should an Ameshite hunting party happen to run into any of their sworn enemies, no quarter would be given.
For most Ameshites, however, the
funno is as close as they ever get to a creature of the wilds. Possibly related to the
weasel, funnos were found in Chorane by
the first people to come here. These creatures were hiding from stronger predators
and living off whatever fungi they could
Today, funnos are thoroughly domesticated. About four feet long when fully
grown and with short brown hair, they resemble in many ways oversized dachshunds, though their faces are more like
those of rats than dogs. Funnos are also
extremely stupid; they are easily herded,
never try to escape their pens, and make
lousy pets (mainly because they cannot be
taught even the simplest tasks or tricks).

Funnos are still highly prized, however,

for their hides.
The hide of the funno can be cured and
dried to make a leather that is good for armor, clothing, thongs and ropes, and so
on. However, if the funno hide is soaked
for several days in water, it can be cut and
formed into nearly any shapepoles,
sheets, boards, even weapons and
shields. Once shaped, it is then coated
lightly with medrocide, an extract from
the medroc fungus. The result is a durable substance lighter than wood but
nearly as strong as some softer metals.
Medrocide can also be used as a powerful
and permanent glue to bind together
pieces of treated funno hide.
By shaping the funno hides into standard shapes, and then using the medrocide
to harden and then assemble the pieces, a
number of useful things are built by the
resourceful Ameshites, including furniture, ladders, bridges, doors, stages,
shields, bows, arrows, hand weapons,
carts and wagons, fortifications, farm implements, fences, and more. Basically, if
a surface-dweller can make it out of
wood, a Choranian can make it out of
funno hide.
When the Ameshites need something
more durable than funno, there is an
abundant supply of stone in Chorane.
The Ameshites have neither the patience
nor the skill of the great dwarven stonecrafters, however, so their stonework is
crude and slow. Some artists have done
impressive carvings in the main meeting
halls of the Ameshites over the past 700
years, but it has always been easier to discover and conquer new living space than
to carve it out of the rock.
The Ameshites are much better metalsmiths than stonecrafters, but that is not
saying a great deal. Veins of metal ore run
through the rock of Chorane, and there
are a fair number of steel weapons as well
as other, more mundane steel goods, such
as cooking pots, knives, and the like. But
since almost all implements and tools are
easier to make out of funno than metal,
there is not a great demand for metal
Some plate and chain mail armor exists, but it is worn by only the highest-


ranking members of the Madrigal, and

then only during times of open warfare or
grand military ceremony.

The Ameshites are a well-disciplined,
ordered people. Hundreds of years of
militant religious orthodoxy has gotten
them so used to taking orders without
question that theyve actually grown to
like this state of affairs.
Children are taught from a very early
age that those in authority over them
speak with the voice of Parthenu and are
to be obeyed without question. Those in
authority include (in ascending order of
power) their parents, Singers, members
of the Second Circle, and the Prime
But the leaders of the Ameshites are
not fools, and they know that a rein held
too tightly only causes the horse to buck
(which is an interesting saying among
Ameshites, because none of them have
seen a horse in 700 years). The government imposes very few duties on its people, other than a fair share of work,
military service in times of need, and attendance at church services. The Ameshites still have a strict society, but the rest of
the rules are enforced almost entirely by
peer pressure.
And that pressure can be quite severe.
Ameshites have a long list of standards
they expect each other to live up tono
drunkenness, a close-knit monogamous
family life, honest business dealings, no
shirking of work or dutyall in all, a very
puritanical code. People who dont meet
this code are hounded non-stop, implored to return to the song of
Parthenu. Ultimately, people who fail to
measure up despite many second chances
are ostracized by the rest, completely
Daily life for the Ameshites is relatively
normal, all told. Children go to school in
the morning and work in the afternoon.
(After the age of 12, only the most promising students continue schooling.)
Adults work eight to ten hours a day, usually in the fungus fields, tending the
funno herds, or making funno items. The

entire economy is run by the Singers, who

decide who works where and who gets
what. Food is stored in church-run caves
to be distributed equally among the
In fact, the entire Ameshite economy is
one gigantic commune. There is very little private property, save for extremely
personal items like jewelry and family
heirlooms. Everything else is communally-owned. If someone needs a new
cooking pot (for instance), he would contact the Singer in charge of their area, and
that Singer would get the item. For most
simple items, it is simply a matter of making the request to the right person, and
the Ameshites need is met. Things can
get more difficult in the case of large or
rare items, but the Singers are dedicated
to insuring that the people under their
care are not neglected, so reasonable requests are automatically filled.
Thus the Ameshites have no money,
per se. In fact, they have very little that
surface-dwellers would consider valuable
at all, with the possible exception of the
occasional piece of crude jewelry and
some steel implements and weaponry.
Singers have a great deal of influence
over the Ameshites daily lives. While
some of the Singers are military leaders,
or agriculture experts, or engineers and
craftsmen, the vast majority of them are
simply Conductors, as they call themselves, placed in a position of direct authority over a small portion of the general
Ameshite population.
Technically, Ameshite young people
are free to find their own mates; in reality,
Singers frequently act as matchmakers,
taking into account the needs of the entire community as well as the feelings of
the young people involved. The Singers
make suggestions as to who might be a
suitable mate for whom. Ameshites have
learned long ago that such suggestions
are not to be ignored. This is but one example of the Singers power over the lives
of the folk under them.
Fortunately, the Singers are very dedicated and truly care for their people; the
system seems, for the most part, to work.
When there is a dispute between
Ameshites, they take the problem to


their Conductor; in the case of two people from different areas, the case is heard
by each persons respective Conductor
and a third, impartial Singer from another area. The decision made at this
level is finalthere is no appeal. Cases
are heard on no regular schedule, because
they dont come up often enough to require a regular, set-aside time.
In the case of a criminal offense, the
Conductors representing the victim and
the accused (if the same Singer is in
charge of them both, then just that one
Conductor) get together and conduct the
investigation as they see fit. They then
reach a decision and set a punishment.
Despite their harsh attitude toward outsiders, Ameshites are fairly merciful toward each other; punishments for minor
crimes like petty thefts and assaults are
usually a forfeiture of goods to the victim
and his family, as well as extra work time
in one of the more unpleasant jobs available (cleaning funno pens, perhaps).
In the case of more serious crimes, imprisonment is an option, especially for repeat offenders. What the Ameshites call
a prison is really no more than a cold
cave with one narrow fissure to let steam
and heat in, and one heavily-guarded entrance. Several fungus-bearing plots near
the steam vent make the cave almost entirely self-sufficient. It rarely takes more
than two or three months in the cave for
someone to see the error of their ways.
For the rare capital crime, however, the
Ameshites do have the death penalty.
Capital crimes include murder, rape, desertion from the military, and spying.
The death penalty is carried out by binding the offender with funno ropes and
casting him down Ameshs Rent into the
lava lake several thousand feet below.

The line between wizardly magic and
clerical magic has been obscured for hundred of years among the Ameshites. They
firmly believe that all good things
come from Parthenu, and that includes
magic of all kinds. So many of the singers
who consider themselves clerics of
Parthenu are actually mages.

True clerics of Parthenu are few and far

between. As discussed earlier, Parthenu is
just another name for Paladine, and the
Ameshites have strayed far from Paladines teachings, especially in the area of
love and tolerance toward others. There
are clerics of Parthenu who receive clerical
spells from Paladine, but they are rarely
part of the Ameshite church hierarchy
in some cases, they are completely separate from the church.
Those clerics who truly follow Paladines teachings find that Paladine/
Parthenu gives them spells daily. The rest
either do not cast spells (serving Parthenu
in other ways, they say), or cast wizardly spells, telling their unquestioning
flock that the magical effects are gifts of
Parthenu. This rationalization is so embedded in the mind-set of the Ameshite
priesthood that many Singers believe
they are faithful servants of Parthenu,
even as they cast wizard spells and preach
the violent slaughter of all non-believers.
About 75% of all Singers are mages,
usually no higher than 3rd level; a few
more astute students rise higher, but
most Singers have too many mundane responsibilities in keeping the Ameshite
economy going to study any further. The
most powerful wizard in Ameshite history was Alban Amesh, a Prime Singer
who died some 45 years ago. Alban rose
to 16th level, and his spell book has been
passed on to each subsequent Prime
Singer, though none have been able to attain his level of expertise.
Anyone wishing to study magic must
first become a Singer; the priesthood of
the Ameshites has a monopoly on wizardly spellcasting.
True clerics of Paladine/ Parthenu are
much rarer. Only a handful of Singers are
true clerics. These are usually humble,
dedicated Conductors, farmers, or craftsmen, far removed from the corrupting influence of the church hierarchy. There are
many cases of Ameshite Singers who began as true clerics, rising as high as 3rd or
4th level, but as they rose in the church
infrastructure, Paladine stopped answering their prayers. Rather than admit that
they lost favor with their god, these
priests would turn to wizardly magic. In

game terms, treat these priests as dualclass characters who abandoned the cleric
class to pursue the mage class.
There are more true clerics of
Paladine/Parthenu (around 50 or so) outside the priesthood entirely. These clerics
are almost completely anonymous, keeping their true devotion to Paladine in
their hearts. Though they call the god
they worship Parthenu, Paladine
knows the truth of their faith and answers
their prayers. Often, they work quietly
and behind the scenesa sick child will
be visited late at night by a mysterious
stranger bearing exotic herbs, and the
next morning the fever will be gone; a
farmer will rush to the aid of a co-worker
who has taken a nasty fall, and by the
time more help arrives, the victim is fine
(It must not have been as bad as I first
thought, the bewildered victim will
say); similar episodes are the norm when
dealing with these clerics.
Magical items are extremely rare among
the Ameshites. There are a few clerical
items left over from before the Cataclysm,
but they are not used, mainly because no
one in the church is high enough level to
use them, much less recharge them or create new ones. (It is said that a locked chest
kept in the Prime Singers quarters contains a staff of curing with seven charges on
it, and a rod of resurrection with a single
charge remaining.)
Slightly more common are other magical items. There is a fair amount of magical arms and armor among the top
commanders and officers of the army (all
of it metal; for all its advantages, funno
has the singular drawback that, for reasons unknown, it cannot be enchanted).
Many Ameshite family heirlooms are,
in fact, minor magical items. But truly
powerful magicmagic that would be
useful in an all-out war, for exampleis
nonexistent. This is probably a good
thing for the enemies of the Ameshites.


The Yaluu are very closely related to the
Ameshites, and they are very similar in
appearance, attitudes, and approach
which may be why they hate each other so
much. The Yaluu are only slightly less intolerant of the Ameshites than the
Ameshites are of them, and this has led to
nearly 300 years of running warfare of the
most brutal kind. The Yaluu broke away
from the worship of Parthenu after the
Cataclysm, citing the disasters as proof
that the old gods had turned away from
them. In the pursuit of a new, improved
meaning of life, the Yaluu have tried and
discarded dozens of religions
elementalism, ancestor worship, agnosticism, atheism, and the elevation of many
false prophets to would-be godhood, to
name a few.
Most of the Yaluu have given up. In a
world where their prayers go unanswered
and life is a daily struggle, the Yaluu are
content to follow whoever happens to be
leading them at the momentand that
happens to be whoever is the strongest at
the moment. The Yaluu have enough
sense of togetherness to solve common
problemsattacks by Ameshites, for
examplebut for the most part, they are
loners, leaving each other to fend for
Like their Ameshite cousins, the Yaluu
are slight of stature, with pale skin, dark
hair, and slightly larger than normal eyes.
Women wear their hair very long as a sign
of statusanyone who can spare two or
three hours a day to take care of hair that
reaches below the knee is obviously
wealthy and powerful. Men prefer shorter
hair and a clean-shaven look.

The Yaluu have been governed for
hundreds of years by a series of
dictatorssome benign, but most ruthless and cruel. There has been an occasional bit of reformist fervor here and
there over the past few decades, but no
serious attempt at changing the way the
Yaluu are governed has been made in a
long, long time.

Yaluu rulers have absolute power over

the Yaluu people. Citizens can be (and
frequently are) stripped of privileges,
rank, wealth, or even life at the whim of
the crown. Less often, great wealth and
privilege can be awarded with the same
speed. The people have no rights as such,
and they do not expect any. Most of the
Yaluu obey their leader unquestioninglyuntil, of course, the next one comes
Yaluu dictators rule from strength, and
should they show the slightest hint of
weakness, they are overthrown. Yaluu
politics is ruthless and brutal; only the
strongest and most cunning survive long
enough to taste power. Most people,
quite sensibly, want nothing to do with
politics or the government, and follow
whoever is in control. The closest to dissent most people get is to try to ignore (to
the extent the government will let them)
whatever laws they dont agree with.
The current Yaluu leader is President
Hosi Sambu, the oldest son of one of
Yaluus greatest leaders, Mostat Sambu.
Mostat ruled Yaluu for over 23 years, surviving 17 assassination attempts and
squelching six attempted coups. He also
succeeded in retiring without being
killed, handing over power to his most
trusted advisor some 12 years ago in one
of only two non-violent transfers of power
in the last century. Since Mostats retirement, there have been nine Yaluu leaders, Hosi having taken over two years ago
following the accidental death of the
previous president.
Hosi has learned well from his father;
prospects for a long rule are fairly good.
The key to ruling the Yaluu, Mostat
Sambu once said, is not determining
who your enemies are. Everyone is your
enemy. The key is discovering early on
which of your enemies can be bribed and
which of them must be eliminated. Then
do it. While there is no doubt who is in
charge, Hosi has formed an impressive
coalition with many Yaluu power groups.
Now that some of the more reluctant
players have been eliminated, everyone
seems relatively happy with the situation.
The president has turned over many of
the key duties of the governmentfood

distribution, justice, taxation, military

conscription, and the likein order to
placate those powerful rivals who would
otherwise seek to do him harm. Of
course, Hosi would never admit to such
an arrangement in public; that would be
an admission of weakness and an invitation to a coup. In the minds of the Yaluu
people, Hosi Sarnbu is a strong leader,
completely in charge.
The one part of the government Hosi
does control absolutely is the military.
This is a good idea not only from a selfpreservation standpoint, but it also is a
good thing for the Yaluu, because Hosi is
a natural leader with a good grasp of military tactics. The Yaluu military has a
larger hierarchy of officers than the
Ameshite army, but the basic unit is still a
squad of ten to 12 men, specially trained
to move quickly through difficult tunnels
and twisting passages without breaking
Each squad has its own leader, of
course, and every group of four squads
(called a cincte) is commanded by a captain. Overcaptains come next in the
Yaluu military structure, each commanding four cinctes (slightly less than 200
men). There are seven overcaptains, who
report to two generals, who are directly
under the president. This is certainly
more officers than is required for an army
of only 1,400 men or so, but the military
has always attracted ambitious men, and
the various presidents of the Yaluu discovered long ago that one way to placate
ambitious military officers was to create
new levels of bureaucracy so that more of
them could feel like they were making
Yaluu soldiers, like all fighters in
Chorane, wear funno armor and are
armed with either a short sword and
shield (again, made of funno hide),
spear, or an occasional missile weapon.
Yaluu squads prefer to use the light crossbow because of its accuracy (especially at
short distances) and its ability to be fired
at close quarters.
Because of their alliance with the
Theiwar, the Yaluu have much greater access to metal weapons and armor than
their Ameshite enemies. More metal


arms and armor means more enchanted

arms and armor. It is not uncommon for
even squad leaders to have a sword +1 or
+2, and captains and overcaptains almost always have full sets of magical
While relatively weak magical items
(nothing higher than +2, and no special
powers) are often the personal property of
the soldiers using them, the really powerful magical weapons and armor remain
the property of the Yaluu military, and by
extension, the President. This is another
instance where the usually self-centered
Yaluu agree to sacrifice for the common
good; military commands change nearly
as often as rulers, and if each outgoing
staff took all the good magical items with
it, there would be nothing left to fight
the Ameshites with. Its also not a bad
idea for the leader of the Yaluu to keep
powerful magical items where he can
keep an eye on them.
Mages are found with Yaluu military
squads more frequently than they are
with those of the Ameshites, but it is still
not an everyday occurrence. Whats
more, the mages who do accompany the
Yaluu on their raids tend to be low level,
rarely higher than 3rd. (While there are
many students of magic among the
Yaluu, very few remain among their people and rise to a high level, for reasons
that will be explained more fully later.)
Criminal justice, like most other aspects of everyday Yaluu life, is harsh. In a
society where mercy is mistaken for weakness, the penalties for nearly all crimes are
severe and unrelenting. Torture, maimings, and the death penalty are not as frequent as one might think; despite the
Yaluu predisposition toward cruelty, they
also need every worker and soldier they
can get. Instead, slavery and forced labor
are the penalties of choice. Over threequarters of the work force in the most unpleasant jobs (cleaning funno pens,
harvesting mushrooms), and almost onethird of the army, consists of convicts paying their debt to Yaluu society.
Sentences are longten years for
theft, 20 for assault, even more for more
serious crimesbut to keep the convict
labor motivated, credit is given for hard

work and not causing trouble. This can

cut the actual time spent in forced labor
by more than half.
For murder, rape, major theft, assault
resulting in permanent injury, spying,
and treason, the death penalty is imposed. There are three official executioners appointed by the president. It is their
job to carry out the executions, and in
most cases the method of execution is left
up to them. The executioners methods
range from swift and painless to very slow
and unpleasant; in extreme cases, their
cruelty is matched only by their inventiveness. All executions are public, a very
popular form of public entertainment.
The most important of these death
crimes, from a political point of view, is
treason. This is a catch-all charge used by
those in power to dispose of potential enemies. Traditionally, at least a pretense of
wrongdoing is necessary to bring a charge
of treason before the President (unless, of
course, its the president whos making
the charge). If no such pretense exists,
covert assassination is still a practical
Technically, all criminal judgments
should be made by the president, since
he holds all power. However, this is
clearly not practical in a society of this
type and size, so the president appoints
judges to hear cases and dispense punishment for him. How much control the
president keeps over his judges is a matter
of personal choice, and this varies from
ruler to ruler. Some completely ignore
their judges once theyve been appointed, giving the judges carte blanche
to do what they will; others check up very
carefully, changing verdicts, modifying
punishments, and even suggesting methods of death to the official executioners.
Its all a matter of personal style.
Due to the way the Yaluu criminal justice system works, there is no such thing
as a victimless crime. In order for there
to be a trial at all, the victim of the crime
(or, in the case of murder, friends or family of the victim) must bring the charges.
So gambling, con games, prostitution,
bootlegging, and other activities that
have no victims willing to come forward
and make a charge are not crimes.

There is also no such thing as civil law

among the Yaluu. If someone has a disagreement or dispute with another, he
must seek his own remedy. It is only if this
remedy turns violent that the government may get involved. While there is
much arguing and contention between
people, very little is actually done about
it. The Yaluu society is one in which the
strong dominate the weak on all levels;
people who are wronged by a more powerful person simply learn to live with it.

The Yaluu economy, while based on the
same basic items as the Ameshite economy, is vastly different. The people still
eat brak, make practically everything
from funno, and drink dakoline for fun.
But instead of the benevolent communal
sharing of the Ameshites, the Yaluu practice a ruthless version of free enterprise
where, as in everything else, the strong
victimize the weak.
Among the Yaluu, nothing is considered to be communal property. Everything is owned by somebody, and
nothing is given away. Even public
property, like council chambers, meeting
halls, and the like, are actually the private
possessions of the Yaluu leader.
The Yaluu use a monetary system
based on a coin called a brathan. The brathan is cast from a mixture of common
metals, such as tin, lead, antimony, and
copper, in varying combinations depending on availability. The metal is heated
until it softens, and then it is rolled into
sheets from which the coins are stamped.
The design on the coin changes regularly
(usually with a change in leadership), so
counterfeiting is very difficult. Counterfeiting is also punishable by a slow, horrible death, which is another reason it is
not very common.
Brathans are fairly small (about the size
of dimes), so they are easy to carry in large
quantities. For large transactions, there is
a coin worth 100 brathans, but the average Yaluu hardly ever sees one, much less
uses it.
The cost of goods in the Yaluu economy varies wildly with supply and de-


mand. Only the most common items

brak and raw funno hides, for example
have relatively stable prices. Everything
else is up for grabs. In general, one brathan has the same buying power as 10 to
15 gold pieces, though this should be
used as the only the most basic of guidelines. Remember, in Yaluu society, the
strong prey upon the weak at every opportunity; while supply and demand has
some bearing on prices, in most cases the
wealthy and powerful can force the common people to pay outrageous prices for
just about anything.
While the brathan has value among
the Yaluu, it is of little true value. Small
in size and made up of common metals,
its value as treasure is negligible. An outsider who stole a large cache of brathans
would be hard pressed to do anything
with them besides use them as fishing
weights. Enemies of the Yaluu (like the
Ameshites) have organized raids and
taken large numbers of brathans before,
but do it more to annoy the Yaluu and
deny them the use of the coins than to use
them themselves. After the last raid, in

fact, the Ameshites dumped the coins

into Ameshs Rent, sending them to the
molten lava far below.
There is one other aspect of the Yaluu
economy that bears mentioning. Because
the Yaluu inhabit the lowest regions of
Chorane, they have easier access to the
deeper, hotter tunnels nearer the exposed
lava flows far below. Remember, the inhabitable section of Chorane extends to
only 3,200 feet or so below the surface; the
next thousand feet have no sizable tunnels
or caverns in them, and below that, temperatures average over 125 degrees.
While it is much too hot to live in those
lower depths, short expeditions into the
area are possible. Work crews, under the
guidance of a well-armed overseer, descend the Crack and enter this fertile area
via side tunnels and crevasses. There they
find exotic fungi, such as panisil, tannadako, and medroc, in much greater
quantities than these are usually found in
Chorane proper. The gathering and subsequent selling of these rare products to
the other tribes of Chorane do much toward defraying the high cost of war.


These deep runs (as the Yaluu call

them) are not without peril, so criminals,
debtors, and prisoners of war are frequently used. Escape is not really a
considerationwhile it would be easy to
flee while down in the lower depths, survival for more than a day would be nearly
impossible. And the overseer usually
stays close to the pulley basket used to
bring the workers down, so getting back
to Chorane that way is not feasible. Most
workers simply do their jobs and hope
they survive.
Surviving a deep run involves more
than just beating the heat. Rock slides,
unpredictable steam geysers, and other
deadly geologic activity keep visitors on
their toes, as do an array of dangerous
plants and vicious monsters. In addition
to the deadly fungus sessup, there are several other poisonous plants, including
the following:
Berrenia: This thorny bush is also
known as The Devils Sword for its
strong, sharp spines. The berrenias
spines have been known to grow more
than four feet long (though 18 inches is


more common), with extremely sharp

points and barbed edges. Anyone who
blunders into a berrenia has a good
chance of being skewered; give a bush
one attack each time someone bumps
against it, with a THAC0 of 18. The DM
may adjust this depending on the circumstances; characters who said they were
proceeding carefully may get a bonus to
their AC, while someone who tripped
and fell into a berrenia would be a nearcertain bet to get stuck.
And getting stuck is just the half of it.
The berrenias spines not only cause 1d4
+1 points of damage, but they contain a
Type B poison (see the AD&D 2nd Edition Dungeon Masters Guide, page 73).
Sessupine: This weaker relative of the
deadly sessup is smaller and paler than its
more potent cousin. It has the same poison as the sessup, but saving throws
against the sessupine gain a +4 bonus.
Pegaller: This plant is not truly poisonous, but it still poses a hazard for deep
runners. Pegaller is a clinging vine that
grows up sheer rock walls and occasionally
hangs down from outcroppings, stalactites, and other rock formations.
If any part of the pegaller plant comes
in contact with a person, he must roll a
successful saving throw vs. poison or be
afflicted with a painful rash. Armor is no
protection. The rash does not develop for
2-4 days, but when it does, it develops
quickly. The victim suffers penalties of 2 to his Dexterity and -1 to his Charisma
for 1d4 + 4 days; after that time, the rash
departs as quickly and mysteriously as it
The toxins on the pegaller plant are
very potent and long-lived; anyone coming into contact with an affected person
(including during those 2-4 days before
the rash shows up) must also roll a successful saving throw vs. poison (but with a
+4 bonus) or be similarly affected. Once
the rash manifests itself, everyone knows
better than to come near an affected person. For this reason, deep runners are
routinely put in a four-day quarantine
upon their return to the Yaluu from the
lower depths.

The primary driving factor in everyday
life with the Yaluu is that the strong prey
upon the weak. It happens in all facets of
life, in a million small ways. This domination is thorough, yet subtle and practical; for example, while the strong are free
to intimidate, beat, and even kill the
weak in Yaluu society, it is understood
that if that sort of behavior went unchecked, then there would very shortly be
no one left to dominate.
While an occasional dispute will escalate to violence, the Yaluu have found a
number of less dangerous ways to test
their standing with their fellows. One,
touched on earlier, is the use of personal
grooming and appearance to imply
power and status. Clean-shaven males,
long, perfectly-brushed hair, and
intricately-decorated clothes are all signs
of superiority; unlike the lower classes,
who must work hard each day just to get
by, the truly powerful have the time to
devote to meticulous personal grooming.
The results of this have become, to outsiders, somewhat amusing (though joking about it is high on the list of Ten
Things You Should Never Say To A
Yaluu). Even common laborers go to
uncommon lengths to not look like common laborers, so the sight of a cleanshaven, perfectly groomed, impeccably
dressed man wrestling funnos in a pit
knee-deep in mud and slop is an everyday
occurrence. And if common people go to
the trouble to look good on the job, how
much further must the rich and powerful
go to distinguish themselves? The answer
is too far. Elaborate hair braiding,
heavy embroidery, tattoos, hand-painted
fabrics, and gaudy jewelry are all common among the Yaluu who can afford it.
Another arena for social competition
among the Yaluu is in the size of ones entourage. The truly powerful never go anywhere alonethey require bodyguards,
groomers, hairdressers, porters, servants,
heralds, interpreters, and anyone else
they can afford. The larger the entourage, the more powerful the person. Even
among the lower classes, people take
turns serving as each others entourage


when dealing with more powerful people, just to avoid getting completely overwhelmed. The President of the Yaluu,
Hosi Sambu, routinely travels through
his kingdom with an entourage of over 65
The tradition of the entourage fits
nicely into one of the more important status rituals of the Yaluu, the ritual of passage. There are many narrow tunnels in
the parts of Chorane controlled by the
Yaluu, more so than in other sections of
the land, and it is a matter of tradition
that the more powerful people are given
the right-of-way. If two groups approach
a tunnel narrow enough for only one at
the same time, the less powerful person is
supposed to back down and allow the
other person (and his entourage) to go
These showdowns are not common
among the typical Yaluu, for people traveling alone or in small groups rarely run
into conflicts with other small groups.
The larger the entourage, however, the
more passages there are where conflicts
may arise. And since these conflicts are,
more often than not, with other large entourages, the potential for a major power
struggle in Yaluu society exists every time
someone decides to go for a walk.
One of the bloodiest feuds in recent
Yaluu history began 18 months ago at a
particularly narrow side passage near the
main marketplace that is now known by
the nickname of Blood Alley. Nespar
Sambu, younger brother of President
Hosi Sambu and a key advisor to him, was
late for a meeting and decided to take a
shortcut through Blood Alleyalong
with his entourage of 35 assorted guards,
advisors, and groomers. There he had the
bad luck to encounter Malech Radu.
Radu is perhaps one of the most important and powerful people in all of Yaluu
society to have never held any sort of public office. A wealthy merchant and powerful wizard, Radu has been the power
behind the throne of several recent Yaluu
leaders; he is also the widely rumored but
unproven ringleader behind several successful coups in the chaotic time before
Hosi Sambu came to power. It is also rumored that Radu deals regularly with sev-


eral of the dragons who inhabit some of

the remote caves of Chorane where no
one (well, practically no one) dares go.
Radu, it is widely known, allows no
one other than the President to take precedent over him in passageand then
only in public. It is a point of stubborn
pride with him. Most of the other Yaluu
elite concede passage to him, not wishing
to start what would inevitably become a
bloody feud.
Not Nespar Sambu. It is not entirely
clear what Nespar was thinkingperhaps
he thought that being the presidents
brother would help him, perhaps he truly
felt he could take on Radu, or perhaps he
was just in a hurry. But for whatever reason, Nespar refused to yield at Blood Alley
when he encountered Malech Radu and
his entourage. Radu does not travel with as
large an entourage as many other of the
Yaluu elite, mostly because he doesnt
need toanother conceit on the part of a
distinctly unhumble man. Not only did
Nespars entourage refuse to concede the
passage, but they physically assaulted Radus entourage, moving it aside so that
Nespar could continue on his way. Radu
did nothing but glare, disappearing
shortly after the conflict began.
Nespar made his meeting on time, and
soon word of the incident spread
throughout the upper echelons of Yaluu
society, aided and embellished by Nespars bragging tongue. People wondered
if this was the first crack in Radus previously impenetrable facade. Even President Hosi had to reconsider how he
would deal with his younger brother now
that he was apparently much more powerful than anyone had thought.
Hosi did not have to reconsider long.
Within 24 hours, several key members of
Nespars staff died of mysterious, painful
illnesses. Nespar dispatched his assassins
in retaliation, and the feud was on. The
rest of the major players, including president Hosi, simply laid low and waited for
the smoke to clear. After an initial violent
fury in which 34 people were killed in 11
days, things have settled down. The feud
continues, thought Radu is clearly winning. Nespar Sambu has been wounded
twice by assassins, while Radu remains


untouched. Seventy-five people have

been killed in the past year and a half, 45
of them Nespars, 23 Radus, and seven
innocent bystanders.
Despite all this, the Yaluu have a very
human society. People laugh, dance, fall
in love, marry, and have funtheyre
just very careful about doing it in public.
Any signs of weakness are invitations to
abuse, so people have learned to put on a
public face that is tough and uncompromisingthough many are not like that at
all among family and close friends.

One quick way to get ahead in Yaluu
society is through the study of magic, so
just about anybody with an aptitude for it
gives it a shot (and many more with no
aptitude at all try anyway). Finding a
teacher is a difficult proposition, however, because few mages are willing to
train people whose main goal in life is to
replace them. The relationship between
the student and teacher is very tenuous;
the student must continue to declare undying allegiance to the master and work
to advance the interests of the master, all
the while plotting to eventually surpass
him in power. The master, on the other
hand, must teach enough to the apprentice so that he will be useful, but not so
much that he will become a threat.
The Yaluu have a cruel society, and
Yaluus wizards play an important part in

that. Mages tend to specialize in the

schools that contain spells most useful to
an evil, repressive society, such as the following:
Enchantment/Charm: This school of
spells is useful in a society where the
strong bend the wills of the weak. Particularly favored spells are charm person,
suggestion, domination, demand, and
even feeblemind. These are some of the
first spells Yaluu wizards teach their apprentices.
Greater Divination: The informationgathering aspects of this school of spells
make them very popular among wizards
who want to find work in the employ of
one of the Yaluu power brokers or wouldbe power brokers.
Invocation/Evocation: Popular for the
obvious reasons, the powerful damaging
spells like fireball, lightning bolt,
cloudkill, and the many different wall
Necromancy: The Yaluu have a fascination with causing, controlling, and overcoming death. So, these spells are studied
very carefully by most aspiring wizards.
There are a fair number of magical
items among the Yaluu, but centuries of
power games, overthrows, assassinations,
and ambushes have left nearly all of them
concentrated in the hands of the most
powerful people. They usually lend these
out to those who can use them to the
owners benefitbodyguards, for example, as well as hired specialists for specific


missions. Some of the more profitoriented of the power elite would also
consider renting items outfor a high
price, of course.
Clerics are much less common than
mages among the Yaluu, for there is no
state-mandated (or even state-supported)
religion. In religious matters, the Yaluu
are completely open-minded, granting
total freedom to all. In their search for
truth and meaning, a few Yaluu have returned to the old gods that all Choranians
worshiped before the Cataclysm; 90% of
these have turned to the Dark Queen,
Takhisis. These clerics and their followers
have actively sought out the dragons that
live deep in the remote sections of
Chorane, and they have made these
beasts objects of worship. (For more on
the dragons of Chorane, see page 29.)
There are self-proclaimed clerics of a
dozen other deities, but no deities other
than Takhisis and Gilean provide their
followers with actual clerical spells and
powers. Those who follow the neutral
god Gilean are very few in number (no
more than three clerics and 100 worshipers) and not very powerful, so they
spend most of their time hiding from the
clerics of Takhisis, who actively seek their
destruction. There are no followers of
Paladine/Parthenu among the Yaluu.


While the Ameshites and the Yaluu
continue their bitter battle, the remaining group of human descendants of
Amesh, the Vodar, are caught in the middle. While they are repulsed by the evil
ways of the Yaluu, they cannot bring
themselves to get swept up in the fanatical fervor of the Ameshites. Consequently, they are distrusted by both sides.
At the time of the Great Rift, the Vodar preached tolerance and reconciliation. Unfortunately, neither of the two
other sides would have any part of it. Ever
since, the Vodar have practiced the principles of tolerance and open-mindedness
with an almost fanatical devotion.
The idea of being fanatically tolerant
may at first seem a contradiction in terms,
but the Vodar have found a way to make
it work. The concept is not without its
snags, however. Imagine a world where
there is always another side to a story;
where there is no black and white, only
varying shades of gray; where every diverse opinion is not only tolerated, but
encouraged; where no decision gets made
until it is thoroughly analyzed, discussed,
and debated. This is the world the Vodar
have made for themselves.

The Vodar have a representative form
of government. The citizens elect Spokesmen (as they are called), who meet and
debate important issues. The Spokesmen, in turn, fill important individual
positions (Supreme Leader, Chief Judge,
Army Commander, etc.) by electing
qualified individuals from their ranks.
The Spokesmen (and Spokeswomen) of
the Vodar go to great lengths to make sure
that everyone who has an opinion on a
subject and wants to express it has a chance
to be heard. This makes government
meetings very long and not just a little bit
boring; it is only the Vodars strong belief
that this is the way things should be done
that keeps the system alive.
So despite the fact that it takes forever
to get anything done, enough does get
done to keep the Vodar going. Food is

harvested, taxes collected, soldiers

armed, justice administered, and diplomats dispatched. Because of their commitment to the system, the Vodar do not
complain if important things take too
long to happen and less important things
dont happen at allits just the price of
freedom, they shrug.
And the Vodar are a free people, certainly more so than the Ameshites or the
Yaluu. They are also better off materially,
because they dont have to put as great a
portion of their production toward defending themselves from enemies. There
is a very high level of distrust and dislike
between the Vodar and both the Ameshites and the Yaluu, but it is not nearly as
bad as a the hatred those other two tribes
have for each other. The Vodar hold the
balance of power; if either the Yaluu or
the Ameshites were to conquer them, the
conquerors would then be so strong as to
successfully defeat their ultimate enemy,
and each tribe knows that. So if either the
Ameshites or the Yaluu were to launch an
all-out attack on the Vodar (as has happened several times in the past 300 years),
the other would have to reluctantly ally
with the Vodar and aid their defense.
Vodar still has an army, of course. It is a
small group of men (not more than 500
soldiers), only half of whom are on active
duty at any one time. They handle border
guard duty at some of the more sensitive
spots in Chorane where Vodar territory
meets other tribes, as well as engaging in
monster hunting and law enforcement.
Vodar troops are armed and organized
similarly to the other human tribesthe
only major difference is that magical arms
and armor are extremely rare, even
among the career officers.
Theres not a whole lot to the Vodar
criminal justice system, because in a land
in which nearly every type of belief and
almost every sort of behavior is tolerated,
not that many things are against the law.
The so-called victimless crimes, including bootlegging, gambling, and
vice, are entirely legal. In crimes in which
the victim is not seriously harmed
including fraud, swindling, and even
burglarycitizens are encouraged to find
their own solutions to the problem,

rather than involve an already overburdened and not very competent system.
In cases where the victim is physically
harmed, of course, the police and courts
step in. Penalties are usually fines, a portion of which are given to the victim or
the victims family as compensation, and
time in an exile camp. The death penalty is not part of the Vodar system.
Vodars exile camp is a section of Vodar
territory where convicts live and work together. Guards are posted to keep a modicum of control over the area, but it is not
a prison convicts are free to travel in
most sections of Vodar. To distinguish
them from the general population, convicts have shaved heads marked by a large
red tattoo. The tattoo is permanent, but
after the convicts have served their terms,
they are allowed to grow their natural hair
back, concealing the tattoo. Convicts are
not totally reviled by Vodar society, but
they are not particularly welcomed, either, so they tend to live and work in the
exile camp until their sentence is served.
There is no such thing as civil law
among the Vodarif two citizens have a
dispute that cannot be resolved in any
other way, the last result is the Debate,
which will be explained in greater detail

The economy of the Vodar stakes out a
middle ground between the communal,
share-and-share-alike system of the
Ameshites and the ruthlessly capitalistic
system of the Yaluu. There is private
property, money (the vodon, a coin similar to the brathan, but slightly larger and
with a different design), and plenty of
free enterprise. There are also taxes and a
government-sponsored system to make
sure that Vodars less fortunate are taken
care of.
Vodar, though, has very few people
who qualify as less fortunate. Because
they have a defense budget that is only a
fraction of their neighbors, there is a lot
more brak to go around for things like
feeding everyone. The basics of the economy are the same as everywhere else in
Choranegrowing brak, brewing dako-


line, making nearly everything out of

cured funno hides, and a little mining for
precious metals and gems. The Vodar are
not particularly adventurous, and they do
very little monster hunting or deep

The Vodar tolerance for diverse viewpoints and opinions has a profound effect
on nearly all aspects of their society. Just
as with their government, nothing of any
social importance can be accomplished
without a great deal of argument. The remarkable thing is that the Vodar would
have it no other way.
At the center of Vodar social life is The
Debate, a formal ritual in which two people representing differing views on a subject argue, in a very formal and polite
way, before an audience. After a set period of time (usually one hour, but sometimes as much as three), the audience
indicates by vocal acclimation which side
wins. If there is any doubt about which
side the audience is on, the Debate is considered a draw, and the decision is put
off. Draws happen more than half the
time, for anything short of universal, enthusiastic support for one of the two debaters is interpreted as an inconclusive
result. Better to talk it out again than to
make a poor decision, wise Vodar say.

For all their ceremony and solemnity,

the Debates decide very few issues permanently, and never any important ones.
Questions like Should we go to war with
the Yaluu? never come up in Debates;
questions like Should I let my daughter
marry Abrech the hide curer? come up
all the time. In many ways, the Debate is a
social custom, in which a Vodars neighbors may share in the important moments
in a persons lifethe naming of children,
deciding whom to marry, where to live,
what sort of career to pursue, and so on.
Beyond the fact that they argue and
debate over everything endlessly, rarely
coming to any conclusions anyway, the
Vodar lead fairly normal lives. They work
hard, raise their families, and try to get by
each day with a minimum of pain and

Since the Vodar accommodate and participate in nearly every philosophy ever
known to Krynn, it only follows that at
least some of them are students of magic.
Vodar wizards are occasionally used in defense of their lands when they come under attack, but for the most part, the
mages are more interested in knowledge
than conquest.
One thing Vodar mages never use are
the various charm spells and other spells


used to influence another persons

thoughts or attitudes. Wizards do not
even admit to knowing these particular
spells, even if they do. The one thing Vodar society prizes above all others is freedom of thought and the right to hold
ones own opinionmanipulating those
thoughts through magic would be unspeakably vile.
The Vodar possess very few magical
items, mainly because the wizards would
rather learn new truths than crank out
toys for the rich. The only exception is
items used to gather knowledge crystal
balls, scrying mirrors, and the like. These
are in abundant supply and nearly constant use. As a result, Vodar wizards know
a great deal more about Chorane and the
rest of Krynn than do the other tribes that
live here.
There are clerics of nearly every faith
and philosophy among the Vodar, but
only those who follow the true gods receive any clerical spells or powers. All
three major gods of Krynn have
followerseven the Dark Queenbut
Gilean is the most popular. Takhisiss followers are viewed with as much distaste
and suspicion as the open-minded Vodar
can muster; after all, the Dark Queens
desires for conquest are well known. But
her followers operate openly, contemptuous of the tolerance that allows their very


The legends of Krynn make mention
of the Theiwar, but they do not go into
much detail other than they are a tribe of
evil dwarves that has lived in the deep underground for so long that no one is certain anymore that they still liveor that
they were ever more than legend.
Among the dwarves that still live on
Krynns surface and deal with the humans and other races there, the Theiwar
are still somewhat of a mystery. The
dwarves know the Theiwar lived at one
time, and are fairly certain they still do,
but they are not entirely sure where. The
dwarves do not consider the Theiwar evil
as much as reclusive and distant, shunning all company save each other.
The truth about the Theiwar is this.
They do indeed live to this day, in a vast
underground complex that includes a
section of Chorane (see the pull-out
map). They are reclusive, surly, and a little bit opportunistic, but not actually

evil. They lived in Chorane long before

the humans followed Amesh here some
700 years ago.
The Theiwar do not call this labyrinth
of caverns and tunnels Chorane at all;
their name for it is Alzhak Reger, which
roughly translates to Sanctuary. The
name refers to Chorane being halfway between the deadly extremes of the polar ice
cap far above and the lava pools far
The Theiwar resented the coming of
the humans because of their reclusive nature, but there was never any direct competition between the two races for
Choranes meager resources. There were
only a few specific sections of the Chorane
that the Theiwar were not willing to give
up, and Amesh, a good man acutely
aware that after a grueling journey his
people were in no position to argue,
gladly took the areas offered.
The areas the Theiwar keptindeed,
the areas they control to this dayare the
only ones in Chorane with large, rich deposits of valuable metals, including iron,
silver, and gold. The Theiwar send most


of the metal, in both ore and refined

states, back along their secret passageways to other hidden complexes far from
Chorane where even more dwarves make
their homes. They trade small amounts of
metal and the occasional finished
product (a sword, a suit of armor) to the
humans of Chorane, but the simple truth
is that the Choranians dont have anything the Theiwar want or need. The
Theiwar have their own brak fields and
funno herds, in addition to their great
forges and mines, and they are completely self-sufficient.
The Theiwar are led by a Thane, a hereditary position that wields absolute
power over the various tribal chieftains,
who are in turn in control of their respective tribes. The Thane of the Theiwar
lives far from Chorane. While members
of three different tribes live and work in
Chorane, only one chieftain, Barakedno
of the Glowing Hammer tribe, actually
lives here. As far as the humans of
Chorane are concerned, Barakedno is the
leader of the Theiwara notion the
prideful dwarf does not bother to correct.

N O N -H U M A N R A C E S

Because of his remote location,

Barakedno has a great deal more autonomy than most Theiwar chieftains. He
has taken advantage of that situation to
strike an alliance of sorts with the Yaluu.
Barakedno has said more than once that
he is an admirer of the Yaluus ruthlessness, and he has no love for the Ameshites, who have tried to capture and convert
the occasional straggling Theiwar now
and again. Barakedno has provided highquality dwarven weapons to the Yaluu
army, traded precious metals for food and
other goods, and even sent troops to participate in Yaluu raids.
Why the normally reclusive Theiwar
would do this is a mystery to many. There
are a number of interesting reasons for
this arrangement. First, Barakedno is a
truly evil individual, and he enjoys the
opportunity to cause mayhem and suffering among humans. Second, Barakednos
tribe, the Glowing Hammer tribe, are
smiths first and foremost. We were born
at the forge, the tribal history says.
Barakedno is more willing to trade the
products of the forge for food and other

goods because he believes it is beneath

dwarves to tend mushroom fields; he is
more than happy to let humans, who
are much better suited to such menial labor, perform this work.
The third reason involves Barakednos
ambitions to increase his power among
the Theiwar. All the tribes have armies,
and they are all well-armed and heavily
trained. But only the Glowing Hammer
tribe has had the opportunity to get the
experience of actual battle against a live
enemy. This is a source of pride and prestige for the tribe and its chieftain, and
also a practical boon should Barakednos
thirst for power lead him to consider a
military option.
There are Theiwar mages and clerics in
Chorane, but they are relatively few in
number and have little to do with the
tribes dealings with the other peoples of
the area. The Theiwar nature is still basically reclusive, despite Barakednos recent overtures to the Yaluu, and Theiwar
mages and clerics are reclusive even
among their own people.

No one knows how the Kendar got to
Chorane, or even how long they have
been there; not even the Kendar themselves know. Weve always been here, a
Kendar will say if asked about the races
origins. I mean, I think so . . . wait a
minute. Hmmm . . . well, Ive always
been here, except for that time I went exploring down that steam vent . . . so I
guess weve always been here. Yes, definitely. Weve always been here. I think.
Obviously, the Kendar are a lost offshoot of the kender who roam the surface
of Krynn. But no Kendar has ever seen
any of these surface-dwelling cousins, so
they do not acknowledge their existence.
The Kendar believe only what they have
seen and experienced first-hand. If another member of their particular clan
swears his own first-hand experience of
something, then his clanmates may believe itmaybe. Otherwise, its strictly
seeing is believing.
The Kendar have probably been here
nearly as long as the Theiwar, though the


two did not know of each others existence

until Amesh and his humans arrived 700
years ago, building bridges and filling the
empty caverns of the land. Today, the area
in which the Kendar live even borders
briefly on Theiwar territory, though the
two races have very little to do with each
other. The Kendar do deal extensively
with the humans, however, both as trading partners and simply as friends.
Despite the fact that they have been
separated from their surface-dwelling
cousins for millennia, there are many
similarities between the Kendar and the
kender. They are about the same size
(Kendar may be slightly smaller), and
they look and dress quite similarly. The
Kendar have abandoned the hoopak that
is common on the surface of Krynn, for
reasons no one knows.
The Kendar are as good-natured and
cheerful as kender, but a good deal less
trustingas mentioned earlier, Kendar
tend to not believe anything they havent
seen themselves. They are every bit as curious as kender, but they are not as fearless or foolhardythey can recognize
inherently foolish or dangerous behavior,
and they are not nearly as likely to go
rushing off into danger and have to be
Kendar can be infuriating in their own
ways, however. No one can tell them
anythingunless theyve seen something themselves with their own two eyes,
they tend to not believe it. Theyre also
very difficult to talk to, as they do not
give straight answers or ever get to anything remotely resembling the point.
They ramble, qualifying everything they
say with I think or perhaps or
maybe, and they have to be constantly
steered back to the original subject, or
they will talk for what seems like forever
on nearly any subject except the one the
conversation was originally about.
Of the three human tribes, the Kendar
get along the best with the Ameshites.
The Kendar and Ameshites share a great
love of music, and this has brought the
two groups together. Many Kendar attend the Ameshites Auditions (discussed
above), strictly for the pleasure of hearing
the music. And Ameshites are frequent

guests at the Kendars many Clansings, a

tradition that affirms each members
place in the clan through a ritual cycle of
songs and dance.
The Kendar also love to discuss religion
with the Ameshites. Nothing ever gets
resolvedthe Kendar love the story of
Parthenu, the First Singer, though they
dont for a moment believe itbut both
the Ameshites and the Kendar are delighted to find conversation partners who
are willing to put up with the excesses and
eccentricities of the other. To an outsider,
one of these free-wheeling discussions
would be the height of boredom, but to
the participants, its heaven.
In addition, the Kendar are essentially
good-natured folk, and identify much
more closely with the values of the
Ameshites than with the Yaluu, whom
the Kendar feel are quite evil and should
be avoided if at all possible. The Kendar
get along well with the Vodar, and they
trade with the Vodar a great deal, but
they prefer the company of Ameshites.
Kendar society is based around the
clan, a loosely-organized extended family
unit that usually includes between 200
and 500 Kendar. There are over 100 Kendar clans in Chorane, each led by a Clan
Master. The Clan Masters gather three
times a year, under the guidance of the
oldest among them, to settle whatever issues any of the Clan Masters wishes to
bring before the group. These sessions
can take as long as two weeks to complete,
as everyone has something to say, and
they take forever to say it.
The day-to-day things governments are
supposed to do are handled on the clan
level. If members of two different clans
have a dispute, their respective Clan Masters find a third, neutral Clan Master
agreeable to them both to resolve the
problem. On purely internal clan affairs,
the Clan Masters word is law.
The Kendar survive in Chorane the
same way as everyone elsegrowing brak
and herding funnos. Kendar do not brew
or consume dakoline, because for some
unknown reason, the extract of the tannadako fungus that gets humans and
dwarves drunk only makes Kendar sick.
Kendar also have a mercenary streak

that is second only to that of the covetously greedy Yaluu in Chorane. Many
enterprising Kendar make their living as
merchants, loading their goods in a cart
they wrestle through whatever sections of
Chorane they can, wheeling and dealing
for coins, bartering for goods, and making whatever trades they can. Some Kendar even deal with the Yaluu if the profit
potential is there, though the risks are
quite high. A Kendar will deal in
anythingpots and pans, small sculptures, jewelry, herbs and spices, and even
minor magical items.
The Kendar have a military, but it is
neither very big nor very effective. Each
clan is responsible for providing, arming,
and training a squad of ten to 20 soldiers
(depending on the size of the clan) who
serve in the militia for one-year terms.
The Kendar have offered to help the
Ameshites militarily in case of attack, but
they want no part of Ameshite raids on
the Yaluu or the Theiwar.
There are no Kendar clerics, mainly because there are no Kendar religions (they
dont believe in anything they cant see,
remember?). The ever-curious Kendar
are fairly adept at magic, though there
arent as many aspiring young mages because of the races natural skepticism.
Kendar love magical items, however, and
will trade well in excess of their actual
value to get them. A magical item is
something you can see, and its effects are
also (usually) visible.



Chorane is a large, vast complex of caverns and tunnels, much larger than just
the area the human and demihuman tribes
live in. There are plenty of other places, but
they are either too cold, too hot, too far
from water, too hard to get to, too small,
too rocky, or otherwise unsuitable.
Unsuitable, that is, for humanoids.
There are plenty of other creatures that
get along just finecreatures the Choranians call monsters. Of course, its all in
the point of view; in the eyes of these
other creatures, its the Choranians, with

N O N -H U M A N R A C E S

their hunting parties and spears and

bows, who are the monsters.
Most monsters do not frequent the
heavily-populated areas of Chorane, but
that does not mean it does not happen. A
monster may become lost, sick, or just
desperately hungry and looking for a
snack. The monster usually runs into one
of Choranes many armies fairly early in
its adventure, with predictable results.
Monsters are more frequently encountered on the fringes of civilized Chorane,
called the frontier by Choranians, and
of course, out in the wilds.

There are several creatures that are
unique to the underground environment
of Chorane; these monsters are not found
anywhere else on Krynn. Complete,
Monstrous Compendium- style pages for
each of these monsters appear later, but
heres a brief description of them, along
with information on how they fit into
daily life in Chorane.
Funno: The appearance and functions

of these odd creatures are described earlier (also see entry on page 30).
Razhak: Razhaks are a race of shapechanging rock-men who have lived in
Chorane for thousands of years. Razhaks
resemble earth elementals, but they are
not affected by any of the magical items
or spells that affect elementals. They are
very intelligent and interested in the affairs of men, but they prefer to observe
and learn without revealing themselves.
Razhaks live for thousands of years in
bodies of living rock, which they can shape
into anything they desire. They prefer to
mimic natural rock formations. They can
go decades without movingmany
razhaks have been living in the passages
and caverns of Chorane for centuries, with
no one ever discovering them.
Razhaks operate on a much different
time scale than the humans of Chorane.
Since they live for thousands of years, the
life span of an individual human is but a
single breath to them. The entire span of
human history in ChoraneAmeshs discovery of the land, the Cataclysm, the
Great Rift, and the subsequent 300 years


of civil strifeis all a recent development

to the razhaks. As a result, they do not
decide anything or take any actions in
haste. A snap decision for a razhak takes
about two years. So, despite their interest
in the affairs of the people of Chorane,
they have done very little but observe.
Only one of the humanoid tribes on
Chorane even know of the razhaksthe
Kendar. The Kendar have shown a great
deal of wisdom and discretion, however,
by not telling anyone else about the rockmen. The Kendar fear that either the
xenophobic Ameshites or the evil Yaluu
will hound and persecute the razhaks (or
most likely, both will). While it is not certain just what the humans could do to
these powerful creatures, it would certainly cause problems. Humans are infinitely ingenious when it comes to finding
ways to destroy things, as the Kendar
know all too well. There is a particularly
high concentration of razhaks in the
Kendar-controlled sections of Chorane,
and the two races get along quite well.
Ursoi: The Ursoi are a race of semiintelligent bears that live in cold, remote

N O N -H U M A N R A C E S

caves far from the civilized sections of

Chorane. They have a language of their
own and a tribal society. While they do
not make tools or weapons, they have
been known to use weapons taken from
previous victims.
Ursoi have very little use for weapons,
however, because they are so dangerous on
their own. They stand nearly nine feet tall
when they rear up on their hind legs, and
they weigh over 1,000 pounds. They have
powerful jaws, sharp claws, and thick,
tough skin. They are strictly meat-eaters,
preying on fish found in underground
lakes and streams, wild funno, and anything else they come across. Ursoi fear only
dragons; a hunting pack, working together, can easily bring down umber hulks
and other extremely dangerous monsters.
The Ursoi have learned to avoid the
civilized areas of Chorane. An individual
humanoid is no match for even a young
Ursoi, but they never encounter individual humanoids. Instead, the Ursoi find
large groups of well-organized men, using bows, spears, special tactics, and even
traps. No, the Ursoi know better than to
go bothering the humans of Chorane.
The humans of Chorane, however, apparently dont know better than to go
bothering the Ursoi. Hunting parties frequently go into the wilds, looking for
some fresh meat to bring back. The smart
groups look for easier prey than Ursoi,
but some groups (mostly Yaluu and
Theiwar) actively hunt the bears down.
Some groups return with a trophy
many more do not.

What follows is a random encounter
table for adventures in Chorane. When
using this table, the DM should take into
account what part of Chorane the players
are in, what sort of terrain exists there,
and use some common sense. A party of
characters is not going to encounter a
stone giant in a tunnel that is only four
feet high, for example. Use this table as a
guideline, and feel free to change things
as they suit your campaign.

Chorane Random Encounter Table

D100 roll Monster
Basilisk, Dracolisk
02-04 Carrion Crawler
05-07 Cat, Lynx
O8-10 Cave Fisher
11-14 Centipede, Giant
Dragon, Black
16-17 Dragon, White
Dragon, Gold
19-27 Fungi, Any
28-35 Funno, Wild
36-38 Ghoul
39-42 Lizard, Subterranean
43-45 Mold, Brown
46-49 Mold, Yellow
50-53 Mold, Russet
54-55 Myconid
56-58 Ooze, Ochre Jelly
59-60 Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
61-63 Ooze, Gray Ooze
64-66 Ooze, Green Slime
67-69 Piercer
70-73 Pudding, Black
74-75 Pudding, Cold
78-81 Scorpion, Any
82-83 Skeleton
84-85 Snake, Giant Constrictor
86-87 Snake, Giant Poisonous
88-89 Spider, Giant
Toad, Ice
91-92 Umber Hulk
94-95 Wight
99-00 Zombie




The great dragons are the most fearsome creatures on all of Krynn. There is
no part of the planet that they have not
found a way to make part of their domain, and Chorane is no exception.
There are many parts of the land beneath
the pole that, because of the narrow passages and crevasses that lead to them,
dragons cannot get to (in their natural
form, that is). But in those caverns and


open areas they can reach, the great

wyrms have exerted their influence.
As mentioned in the very first section
of this chapter, there are a number of
openings leading to the surface of Krynn
from Chorane, but the people use only
one or two of them. Some of the others
are simply too remote or inconvenient;
the rest (ten of them, to be exact) are Dragonholes.
Clearly, some great and powerful
magicperhaps even the direct intervention of the godscreated the Dragonholes. These are perfectly smooth,
perfectly round holes that descend into
the earth for over a mile, with only a hint
of a spiral; then they branch into several
winding side passages before leading to
individual caverns large and comfortable
enough for the most demanding dragon.
Many great, old dragons use the Dragonholes as their lairs. Remote and very
difficult to get to, the Dragonholes are
perfect for dragons who have fought their
share of battles and are now looking for a
place to sleep and count their riches without the constant hassle of thieves and adventurers coming by every few weeks to
take their shot at the big prize.
But for dragons that still want to do
more than just take it easy, Chorane has
much to offer. Several dragons have very
profitable relationships with some of the
more powerful Yaluu leaders, who bring
the dragons prisoners of war and other
tasty snacks in exchange for magical spells,
the lending of powerful magical items,
strategy and advice, and once in a very
great while, direct intervention. One of
Malech Radus chief rivals was taken care
of several years ago when he, along with
his entire entourage of 57, was eaten by a
great black dragon named Brominade. Radus direct involvement was never proven
(it never is), but it is rumored that he visits
Brominade regularly with gifts and tribute
in exchange for his help.
The average Choranian, living an ordinary, day-to-day sort of life, has little to
fear from the dragons of the land. It is
only those who go looking for adventure
(and trouble) that find it.


Low (5-7)


S (3 long)
Unreliable (2)

The funno is an unremarkable-looking animal; at first glance, it is

difficult to believe that the people of Chorane could not survive
without them.
The funno is a member of the rodent family, looking a lot like a
large, shaggy dachshund (about three feet long) with the head of a
rat. Funnos range from tan to chocolate brown in color, with the occasional all-black specimen. They weigh 25 to 30 pounds each.
Combat: The funno is not much of a fighter, preferring to run
from any threat, or if that is not possible, to cower and whimper. If
cornered and sufficiently agitated, however (say, a group of small
children teasing it for several minutes), it will turn and nip at its attackers with surprisingly sharp teeth.
In the wild, funnos stick together for mutual
protection, raising the herds young communally. They travel the
passages of Chorane with remarkable agility. They eat practically any
sort of plant or fungus they can find. When raised domestically, funnos lose what little free spirit they once had, content to wander about
their pens, waiting for the daily feeding and the inevitable trip to the
slaughter pen.

Ecology: Funno meat, while not incredibly tasty, is a welcome

change from the Choranians steady diet of brak and other fungi.
However, it is not the funnos meat that makes it a prized commodity.
The hide of the funno is a soft and pliable leather that can be
formed into many shapes. However, once those shaped pieces are
treated with medrocide (a liquid extract of the medroc fungus), the
hide hardens into a substance of surprising strength and hardness.
Formed into armor, it is as effective as chain mail; it can also be
formed into shields, swords, axes, spears, and other weapons, as it
holds an edge quite well.
Medrocide not only hardens the hides, but it is used as a powerful
glue to attach pieces of hide to each other. By forming funno hides
into standard shapes, then putting them together with medrocide
glue, any number of important things can be made. Bridges, ladders, carts, garden tools, baskets, fences, platforms, tables, chairs,
even entire buildingsall have been made of cured funno hides in


Solitary, but see below
Not applicable
Highly (13-14)
Neutral good


- 8
up to 4
H (15 tall)
Steady (12)

Razhaks are a unique race of extremely long-lived rock-men. Their

favorite activity is to mimic natural rock formations and observe the
goings-on of creatures around them.
Nearly every living thing in Chorane has seen a razhak at one time
or another, but they just never realized it. It is tough to say exactly
what razhaks look like, because they can form themselves into any
shape they want. They are also capable of altering their surface texture and color to blend in with whatever natural rock they are near.
Combat: Razhaks do not care for combat, being essentially peaceful creatures. But if pressed, they strike with up to four pseudopods
(formed from their bodies). These attacks can be directed at up to
four separate targets; a razhak generally does not use multiple attacks against a single opponent, unless the opponent is extremely
large and powerful or the razhak is extremely upset. (An upset
razhak, by the way, is a rare sight that few remember happily.)
Defensively, razhaks are extremely difficult to harm. In addition
to their high number of Hit Dice and exceptional Armor Class,
razhaks can retreat through solid rock at a rate of 3 per turn, regaining 1d6 hit points each turn as they travel. Essentially, they leave
their damaged flesh behind (as cracked and crumbled rock) and absorb new rock as they move. This is the razhaks preferred method of
movement; if there is no rock available to move through, razhaks can
slide along open ground at a rate of 1 per turn.
Razhaks are not related to earth elementals, so they are not affected by rings of elemental control or stones of controlling earth elementals.
Habitat/Society: Razhaks are solitary creatures, but all razhaks in
an area are linked by a limited telepathy. Each razhak is

aware of the general state of each other razhak, and they can also
communicate verbally (in their own special language). This is not a
communal intelligencea razhak could not, for example, see what a
distant fellow sees. The distant razhak could, however, tell the first
one all about it. This telepathy cannot be detected by standard magical means.
Razhaks feed on the mineral content of the surrounding rock to
live. They do not breathe or sleep. If a razhak were somehow kept
from contact with any other rock or dirt (magically levitated, say), it
would feed on itself until it finally disappeared and died. This would
take approximately 150 yearsa razhak is nearly 12 tons of solid
rock, and it needs very little sustenance to survive.
At first glance, it would seem that razhaks are somehow related to
earth elementals. That is not the case. Earth elementals are
magically-created beings, formed from rock, dirt, clay, mud, and
other forms of earth. Razhaks, while they have some magical powers,
are not inherently magical. They cannot be conjured or controlled
like elementals, and they are made only of solid rock, not of any
other earth materials.
E c o l o g y : Razhaks have a natural life span of thousands of years;
while interested in the lives of humans and other shorter-lived races,
their perspective is one of taking the long view. This means they are
not likely to get involved in human events, since it all happens so
fast. If they could somehow be convinced to aid in a cause, they
could be very useful, and not just for their formidable combat skills;
their shapechanging abilities could be used to form walls, create
shelters, surround enemies, or any number of other useful things.


Temperate to Arctic/ Subterranean

Low (5-7)
20% chance Q per creature
Lawful neutral


3 (1 with weapon)
2-16/1-6/1-6, or by weapon type
L (9 tall)
Champion (16)

Ursoi are a race of bears that have evolved into an intelligent, social
species. They live and work together in a tribe, use tools and sometimes weapons, and hunt cooperatively for food.
The typical ursoi looks a great deal like a bearup to nine feet tall
when standing on its rear legs, with thick shaggy fur and four paws.
The front paws have longer, better articulated fingers than the
typical bear, to better use tools and weapons. Ursoi also wear jewelry,
leather belts, and even, on special occasions, ceremonial clothing.
C o m b a t : While an ursoi can use weapons, there are few weapons
more effective than this creatures own fangs and claws. It attacks
three times per turn, but it cannot split its attacks against multiple
If both claw attacks hit an opponent in a turn, on the next turn the
ursoi may (50% chance) opt for a hug attack. This requires another
attack roll, and it is the only attack the ursoi can make that turn. If it
succeeds, the victim suffers 2d4 points of crushing damage each successive turn. In addition, the ursoi can bite a hugged victim with a
+4 bonus to the attack roll. An ursoi will not release a hugged victim until the ursoi has fewer than 10 hit points left, or the victim
dies. A hugged creature may not attack or throw spells. An ursoi can
hug only those creatures smaller than itself.
The ursoi are fearless fighters and do not back down from a challenge. However, they are also smart enough to flee when things start
going badly for them. Though their morale is high, they do not fight
to the death against impossible odds.

Habitat/Summary: Ursoi are known to live only in the remote

caves on the outer edges of Chorane beneath the south pole of
Krynn, but there is no reason they could not live on the surface.
They would prefer colder climates, however, staying in arctic or temperate forest regions. They have developed a tribal society, with a
chieftain, a tribal shaman (some sages who have studied the ursoi say
that the shamans will soon develop spellcasting ability), and several
sub-chieftains. Their primary occupation is huntingwhile ursoi
are omnivorous, they greatly prefer fresh meat to leaves and berries.
E c o l o g y : Ursoi are intelligent and have a highly-developed sense of
personal honor. Under the right circumstances, a person could persuade an ursoi to serve as a bodyguard, sentry, or other sort of fighter.
One example might be if a person were to save an ursois life and demand a payment on the debt of honor. The period of service
would have to be for a short, specified time (no more than a year),
and the ursoi would have to be treated with honor and respect (no
suicide missions). Communicating with the ursoi would have to be
done magically, as no non-ursoi has ever learned their language, and
ursoi cannot form human speech sounds and cannot speak common.
(Intellectually, ursoi have the capability to understand common
when it is spoken to them, but there is no proof to date that any have
learned it.)





The Age of Dreams was a time when

dragons were in full glory and the power
of dreams and imagination was so great
that many new creatures came into being.
Of all these creatures (so the ogres say),
the ogres were the first-born. They were
tall, handsome, and strong, without the
hideous deformations that would plague
their race in later years.
Then other races came, the graceful
elves, the brooding dwarves, and the industrious humans. These peoples the
ogres met with anger and then violence,
for in those days the ogres were a proud
people and suspicious of others.
But that was before the coming of Igrane, wisest of all the creatures that have
walked the ground, save only for the noblest dragons. Igranes foresight told him
that violence would lead to death or enslavement for the ogres, and he sought a
kinder, gentler path. From humans, he
learned the power of choice, and he decided to reject evil and violence. He gathered his clan together, and told them of a
new way to live.
His voice was gifted with the power of
Choice; most of the ogres refused to give
up their evil ways, and in doing so made
their Choice, and the race of ogrekind fell
from their lofty heights. And these ogres
feared Igrane for his wisdom and his ability to give Choice, and they tried to kill
him and the few who followed him.
To escape the ogres, Igrane followed his
heart, and his heart led him to the sea. In
a single great canoe, the followers of Igrane paddled their way, fed only by faith
and wisdom, through storm and struggle. And they were rewarded, for they
landed on a great island. And Igrane told
them to live as wisdom and Choice told
them to live. He gave his daughter the
same authority that his people had given
him, then he retired into a mountain.
Centuries later, the ancient Igrane em-

erged from the mountain holding his

great book, the Irdanaiath. He named his
people the Irda, which means the Gentle Ones, then he died.
For centuries, the Irda lived up to Igranes vision. They were a peaceful people who loved life, a highly magical race
that felt close to the powers of the Age of
Dreams. They built their homes by the
glorious northern sea, warmed by the
Their rulers were descended, son by
son, daughter by daughter, from the great
Igrane himself. Their land, their wonderful island, was named Anaiatha; it was a
place of beauty and rustic pleasure.
But as centuries passed, a vice began to
develop among this peaceful people
pride. They built towers and large cities
on hillsides, and they began to think of
themselves as superior to the other creatures of the world. They did not become
boastful or arrogant, but in their pride
they decided that they no longer needed
their gods. They worshiped them, but
only because of tradition; in matters of
importance, they felt the gods did not
It was at this time that the Irda faced
the test of the Cataclysm. In Anaiatha (as
in Ansalon), the Cataclysm was not a
punishment of people for their evil, but a
test of the peoples claim to goodness.
The Irda failed their test.
One century before the Cataclysm,
the Dark Ogres began to invade. These
were ogres who had belonged to the Irda
in the Age of Dreams; though they had
not become physically debased, they
had become wicked and malevolent as
the ages passed. They attacked Anaiatha, and the Irda defended themselves
in accordance with the Right of Igrane
(see the excerpts from the Irdanaiath in
the Culture section).
The Irda, after many bloody battles,
defeated the Dark Ogres and drove them
back to their caves. However, the Irda had
not turned to their gods in this conflict;
they believed that they could triumph
without the intervention of deities. On
the day of the Cataclysm, the High King
of the Irda stood on the foot of Igranes
mountain, and, facing away from the

temple that contained the one copy of the

Irdanaiath, proclaimed openly that the
Irda no longer needed the gods.
There was then the sound of thunder;
the island was torn apart, and a chasm
formed beneath the High Kings feet,
swallowing him. Then the section of the
island that contained the Irdanaiath
broke away and was borne into the depths
of the sea, uninhabited except for a few
priests, warriors, and mages who had remained loyal to the gods. Anaiatha was
The Cataclysm changed the surviving
Irda. War resumed against the Dark
Ogres, and again they repulsed them,
though many of their number were taken
as slaves to Ansalon or Taladas. After the
war, they named themselves the Mischta.
They are now beautiful and proud creatures who retain much of the wisdom and
dignity of the Irda, but with a great deal
of sadness. The name of the island was
changed from Anaiatha to Selasia (Place
of Sundering).
During every High Sanction, the Mischta hear the call of Anaiatha, which calls
to all Irda who are not there, but the
High King has said that the Mischta may
never return to Anaiatha; Anaiatha must
return to them in the same way that it departed, and only then will the Irda be
whole once again.


This section details the coral reef island
chain that is located between Taladas and
the Undersea Kingdoms of the
Dargonesti. Sailors refer to this coral reef
chain as the Spine of Taladas. The central
island of the chain, Selasia, is home to
two major cultures: the Twilight Irda, the
Mischta, and the Bolandi. The Mischta
are the remnants of the High Ogre culture that was once centered on Selasia
(then part of a larger island known as
Anaiatha). The Bolandi are a race of mischievous tree-dwellers with the powers of
The island chain is also the home of a
degenerate tribe of Orughi, the evil island ogres who worship their masters, the
cruel Nzunta.

The Nzunta are the last of the Dark

Ogres, remnants of a once widespread
culture of evil ogres equal in power and
majesty to the Irda. The Orughi launch
periodic attacks against Selasia, and they
have been forging ties with evil creatures,
such as lacedon, to wipe out the Mischta.
The waters of the Spine of Taladas are
also the home of sharks and other potentially hostile creatures. Within the shallow waters of the reef is at least one deep
trench, where the lacedon dwell.
The island chain is along the trading
route between Taladas and the
Dargonesti. There are several human bases on the islands, which the humans use
to restock their trading ships. The islands
are noted for their warm climate, their
rich and exotic vegetation, and their
fauna, both friendly and hostile. The


area teems with many varieties of fish,

which attracts human fishermen. The
Irda, who have long memories, have also
made records of many active volcanoes.
This is a turbulent area, rich in both life
and death.
On Selasia itself there are great ruins of
the Irda; there are also indications that
the ancient powers, like the volcanoes,
are not quite asleep.
Within these islands are friends
(though the Mischta are quite anti-social
because of persecution at the hands of
humans) and foes (the Orughi are very
fond of humansas meals). There are
ancient ruins and creatures that are not
found on other parts of Krynn. In short





The Spine of Taladas was formed by volcanic activity that occurred during the later
stages of the Age of Dreams; some legends
say that Anaiatha sprang to life as a gift
from the gods to the Irda, the most faithful of the First Born. Whatever their origin, the islands have been shaped by two
forces: volcanoes and colonies of coral.
The coral colony is of the barrier variety, built on the skeletons of dead mollusks and sponges. It is fed by algae,
plankton, and sunlight. The coral rests
on the shallow bottom of the water,
where sunlight can barely penetrate. It
expands in all directions at a rate of onehalf to one foot per year; sailors have noticed that some places easily accessible in
their fathers time are now too treacherous to navigate. The intricate latticework
of the coral has folds that create numerous caves, home to sharks, crabs, moray
eels, and other sea creatures. The reef
produces algae, which attracts many varieties of fish to the area.
In some areas, coral islands have
formed. These islands are atolls, forming
a loop around a tiny lagoon; they are covered in soft white sand and palm trees.
Some of these coral islands are used as
berths for ships traveling between Taladas
and the Sea Kingdoms. They have been
given names like Port Storm, Port
Dragon, and Port Typhoon. In fact, these
islands are too small to provide protection
against storms, and no port facilities have
ever been built on them.
Twice each year, the trading ships pass
through the Spine of Taladas; those families or small clans that dont have the resources for this migration stay here and
act as middlemen (literally) for other
ships that go to the Undersea Kingdoms.
They avoid anyone who might pose a
threat to them (and are highly suspicious
of the Mischta). Occasionally these small
settlements are raided by the Orughi;
captives are soon feasted upon.
The region was somewhat volcanic in
ancient times, but the volcanic activity
within the Spine has intensified since the

Two hundred years ago, the island of

Vorm rose out of the sea in a spectacular
display of fire; its rise is recorded by the
Mischta, who could see its fires hundreds
of miles away. There are dormant or extinct volcanoes on every major island in
the chain. The region is frequently rocked
by earthquakes. The last major tremor occurred 50 years ago; it destroyed many of
the structures on Selasia and Fedron, except for some of the ruins of the Irda.
Volcanic activity occurs regularly on
Vorm. Its mountains erupt in great
streams of magma, which flow spectacularly down the slopes. On the sides of the
mountains, geysers of erupting magma
spew high into the air, creating fountains
of molten rock. Fortunately for the residents of the other islands, volcanic activity is a rare occurrence elsewhere.
The volcanic soil of these mountains is
extremely fertile, and vegetation grows in
abundance. Animal life is plentiful. For
the most part, the Spine of Taladas is one
of the most pleasant areas in all of Krynn.
The following is a guide to its major

Vorm is the southernmost major island
in the Spine. Because of its frequent volcanic activity, few people visit it, though
some brave traders have landed there to
collect its rich volcanic soil to sell as a restorative on Taladas. A few traders claim
that being buried in this material will
provide an instant resurrection and rejuvenation (of course, the traders who make
this claim are quick to leave town after
their sale; this tale is absurd and has no
There are no major inhabitants save for
a family of red dragons (othlorx). They
are not here because they like the toasty
warm, pleasant climate as they claim,
but because they are quite cowardly and
ashamed. They wish to avoid the company of other dragons and so they bathe
in magma and play, trying to forget the
curse of Takhisis. They launch raids
against Odith, Abshu, and the deserted
areas of Fedron, but they leave Selasia
alone. Pumice stones form their diet.




The leader of the dragons is Mahaxibal

(once known to the priests of Takhisis as
Forge, but now referred to by less charitable names). Mahaxibal participated in
the War of the Lance, but when his mate
was slain, he fled from the battle, leading
his family into the northern sea. Cursed
and disgraced, he eventually found his
way to Vorm. Mahaxibal is an old red
dragon, and his children are adult dragons who are raising several hatchlings.

This small island has one active volcano, which has been dormant for several
hundred years; it was said that this was
once a much larger island, but its volcano
exploded violently at the time of the Cataclysm, destroying most of the island.
This island is home to a large variety of
sea birds.
There are a few old ruins on the island,
whose origin is unknown. Rumors say
that a great treasure is hidden in a cave
somewhere within the volcano, but it is
guarded by fire and spirits. The truth is
that centuries ago this island was a base
for minotaurs. The minotaurs went to
war against the Nzunta and lost. There
was once treasure here, but it was destroyed in the last eruption. A number of
undead guardians remain, awaiting adventurers to slay them and put them to
A family of rocs live near the summit of
Odiths tallest mountain.
There is one other noteworthy danger
of Odith; it is the home of a very old amphidragon. This beast has been preying
on ships for centuries and is a very nasty

This island was once part of Odith, but
at the time of the Cataclysm most of it
was destroyed; a gap of 20 miles now separates Odith and Abshu. Like Odith, it is
a sanctuary for seabirds, most notably
wari and emre.
This is the only volcanic island of the
Spine that human trading ships will approach; its mountains are rich in precious




metals, and some attempts have been

made to mine it. All attempts, however,
have been destroyed by Orughi raiding

This northernmost major island in the
Spine was an ancient home of the minotaurs that once ruled this region, but
these creatures are now long gone from
Chandion is a rugged island with a
rocky surface covered with pumice and
thick growth; its rugged hills are rich in
precious metals. Fifty years ago, the
Nzunta ordered 100 Orughi to leave their
homes on Fedron and journey to Chandion. They planned that the Chandion
ogres would grow in strength and eventually join in a two-pronged attack against
the Mischta and the Bolandi. The current
Orughi population on Chandion is now
about 150; cannibalism and disease have
kept their numbers down. The Orughi of
Chandion have abandoned their worship
of the Nzunta (and, indeed, any form of
allegiance to them) and have reverted to
the religion of Zeboim, the evil Queen of
the Sea. They have built three tower
shrines in her honor.
Game is plentiful on Chandion. Tigers
stalk the land, feeding even on the
Orughi, though small game is far easier
to kill. There are also elephants in the
dense jungle of northwestern Chandion.

To the north and east of Chandion is
the island of Little Taladas. The island
was given this name by sailors as a joke;
no one goes there, if only because sailors
can see the prayer towers on Chandion
and do their best to avoid the Orughi.
The terrain is very thick, dense, jungle.
No one knows what dangers lurk within.

The most dangerous island of the
Spine is Fedron. It is notable for its tall
(but extinct) volcanoes and its large population of Orughi. Less well known is the

fact that this island is the last remaining

stronghold of the evil Nzunta, the legendary Dark Ogres.
Centuries ago, the great Nzunta chieftain, Doom, realized that the ogres were
allowing their race to fall into decay.
Physical debasement, as predicted by the
Irda King Igrane, was becoming commonplace. Doom decided that if his people were to be preserved, all impure
influences would have to be purged. He
ordered the systematic extermination of
all offspring that were not pure ogres.
Not all accepted Dooms wishes. As it
had been with Igrane, there was bloody
struggle in places unknown to man.
Doom decided to flee with a band of 50
followers of exceptional purity. He made
his way to a great island off the coast of
Ansalon. There he found a relic, a spelljamming engine. Doom and 30 followers
left for places unknown, promising to return someday. He left 20 Nzunta (as he
named them) to track down and destroy
the hated Irda.
Eventually, the Nzunta found the Irdas home of Anaiatha. They made their
home on the nearby island of Fedron,
taking control of the Orughi and using
them as slaves. Since then, the Nzunta
have launched frequent wars against the
Irda and their offspring, the Mischta.
Fedron is divided into four major
settlements, each ruled by a Nzunta clan.
The four major clans each have between
30-90 members. These clans are called
the Roam, the Deathmark, the Fall, and
the Magus. Each clan organizes a village
of 200-500 Orughi as worshipers and
The building of prayer towers is forbidden; instead, the Orughi worship the
Nzunta, who allegedly pass their worship
to the gods. The priests of the Nzunta
make blood sacrifices and offerings to
avoid bringing on the wrath of the deities
for usurping their worship. The Nzuntas
chosen deity is Sargonnas, whom they call
Lord Vengeance, but they also offer riches
to Zeboim, on behalf of their Orughi
slaves (mainly because they fear her
The Nzunta build their homes out of
solid stone on the sides of mountains, re36

inforced to hold up against the most severe earthquakes.

Nzunta never expose themselves to potential danger; the Orughi fight all of
their battles unless their backs are against
the wall. According to current policy,
once the Nzunta reach a population of
500, they attack the Mischta in full
The Nzunta are led by the High Magus
(he abandoned his name to receive the title); he is a Black Robe wizard of 12th
level as well as a Changer Savant. The
Nzunta base their magic system on that
established by the Towers of High Sorcery, and the Master of Apprentices
makes all would-be mages pass a test similar to the tests of High Sorcery. However,
the Black Robe Order of High Sorcery
would not consider a Nzunta to be a part
of their order (if only because Nzunta
Black Robes rival or surpass many of the
true Orders most powerful members!).
The Nzunta number approximately
200. They do not leave the island but instead use Orughi and summoned and enchanted creatures as their slaves. There
are no major monsters on this island, with
the exception of a few othlorx blue dragons, trapped by their oath to serve the





The greatest island in the Spine is (of

course) Selasia, the home of the Irda between the Age of Dreams and the Cataclysm, before the sundering of Anaiatha.
The island is almost entirely covered by
dense jungle, an extremely thick rain forest that is nearly impassable on the
The Mischta live in the mountains,
along the vents of extinct volcanoes,
sometimes building beautiful dwellings
of bamboo and palm fronds in natural
clearings. Some Mischta follow a more
ancient tradition and live in caves; there
are many vents and holes within the volcanoes, and they provide excellent shelter
in times of storm.
The Mischta have a few paths through
the jungle, but the jungle grows very
quickly here, and the paths are usually
nearly impossible to find, except as
slightly less impassable sections of jungle.
Only the grace and intelligence of the
Mischta enable them to travel through
Selasia at all.
A few of the caves open into very large
caverns. These were first discovered by
the Irda, who used them as areas of private meditation and shrines to their
gods. Since the Mischta have great reverence for their ancestors, they emulate
this practice.
The deepest jungle is the home of the
Bolandi, the mischievous, ogre-related
people of the trees. This race builds its
villages in the thick growth of the forest,
and they travel by swinging on vines.
They interact freely with the Mischta.
Even though the Mischta arent always
glad to have the Bolandi as neighbors (especially when they play practical jokes),
the relationship is for the most part a
friendly one. (The Bolandi are described
in detail in their own section of this
Many species of jungle creatures live on
Selasia. These include tigers, elephants,
monkeys, and leopards. There are crocodiles in the river regions; the Bolandi
tease these creatures mercilessly. Snakes,
both the poisonous and the constrictor

varieties, are present here, especially near

the river.
Rocs live on the peaks of the highest
mountains, as do gold dragons. In fact,
one of the largest hatcheries of good dragons in all of Krynn is located on Selasia,
guarded by over a dozen good aligned
dragons. The dragons (despite being
meat-eaters) are on good terms with the
The dragons keep a very close watch on
their eggs and avoid involvement in the
battles of the Mischta. The Bolandi view
these creatures with awe; a Bolandi who
climbs the mountain to peek at the nursery is treated as a conquering hero.
Unfortunately, not all creatures on Selasia are benign. Pyrolisks have also made
the island their home. Orughi periodically
land on the island and make settlements
to use as bases in their wars against the
Mischta. The Bolandi usually use their
magic to drive the Orughi off the island
(the Mischta are involved in acts of violence only in extreme circumstances, and
so the defense of the island is left in the
rather haphazard care of the Bolandi).
The rivers on Selasia are wide and slow,
except near the mountains. The largest
river is the Gold Dragon River, which
flows into a small sheltered bay. There are
piranha in some of these rivers, and
sharks circle the coastal waters; it can be
said that there are no safe waterways on
Selasia. The Mischta have built bridges of
bamboo and stone to cross these rivers,
but the bridges are often old and in poor
There is a large swamp, the Engulf,
which is on the edges of Gold Dragon
Bay; crocodiles are here in force (according to the Bolandi, these are the meanest,
toughest, and stupidest crocodiles in all
of Krynn).

One of the most noteworthy features of
Selasia are the Ruins. These are huge
stone buildings that were constructed by
the Irda during the Age of Might (which
the Mischta name the Age of Folly). The
buildings collapsed during the Cataclysm. All that is left of the ruins are tall



pillars of granite, nearly three hundred

feet in height, the pits where they were
quarried from the mountainside, where
nothing grows, and their deep foundations, carved into the stones beneath the
Originally built by the High King of
the Irda to demonstrate that their race
was as technically gifted as the Later Peoples (as the Irda then referred to all other
races), the Ruins represent the pride of
the Irda that led to the Cataclysm. The
Ruins are preserved as a lesson to future
generations of Mischta.
The Ruins are places of great magic;
they represent the greatest technical
achievements of the Irda and their greatest foolishness. At night, wisdom spirits
often roam the empty shells. Those in
need of advice have a good chance to find
these beings in the night mists of the Ruins (see the New Monsters section under Spirit, Wisdom).
Beneath the foundation of the Ruins is
the Underworld. When the Irda first came
to Anaiatha, they encountered many terrible monsters. The Irda defeated the monsters, but since they prefer not to kill their
opponents, they herded them into vast caverns and placed a great stone seal over the
exit to banish the monsters forever. The
Underworld still exists, and monsters that
are rarely encountered elsewhere in Krynn
can be found here, such as chimera, cockatrices, manticores, gorgons, and even
more terrifying monsters.


The Mischta are one of the two main
humanoid races of Selasia. They are the
pious and gentle descendants of the Irda,
the proud High Ogres who were humbled by the Cataclysm. During the Age of
Might they left the forests to live in great
stone towers, towers which are now ruins.
Since the Cataclysm, the Mischta have
been reduced to living in the forests. The
family is basic social group of the Mischta. Over the course of centuries the
families have grown quite largeeach
family is the equivalent of a small village.
The Mischta now live in houses made
from mud, bamboo, grass, and leaves.
Their dwellings are not quite as primitive
as this description sounds, for the Cataclysm did not rob the Mischta of their skill
as architects and engineers, nor did it dull
their highly developed sense of aesthetics.
Instead, they have transferred their skill
with wood to their new materials, and
have created villages that defy anything
done with these materials in the past.

Much of the Mischtas philosophy is
given to them from Igrane, as expressed
in his book, the Irdanaiath. Sections of
the Irdanaiath are printed later in the
text, but the essential tenets of this philosophy are as follows:
Love must be in harmony with
knowledge. Only the knowledgeable can
use love wisely, and one must have love to
use knowledge properly.
l One must always strive to love and
do good. Animals should be slain only in
self defense. Plants, especially trees, may
be cut down only when there is an important need.
l Those gods who encourage goodness
are to be emulated and worshiped.
l Violence is acceptable only in extreme circumstances. An Irda should
never initiate an act of violence. If necessity forces an Irda to such an action, a
penance is necessary.
l Aggressiveness and evil is the heritage of all ogres. The Irda must constantly
guard against the evil in their hearts.

l Possessions inspire desire. An Irda

must guard against possessiveness and
envy, the two most self-destructive evils.
l All evil is based on fear. An Irda
must strive to be courageous and to be
sustained by love.

Under these guidelines, the Irda strive

toward a culture that is nonviolent,
peaceful, and worships love and those deities who represent love and goodness.
When an Irda commits an act of evil,
he is filled with guilt and shame. He must
immediately (except when the safety of
the community is at stake) cleanse himself by immersing himself in water. Sins
include lying, coveting, excessive indulgence in food or drink, any act of violence, negligence of duties, and
nonfulfillment of promises.
In spite of the reverence that the Mischta and Irda have toward Igrane, the
philosophy of the Irda is not based solely
on the Irdanaiath. The Irda enjoy a good
discussion of abstract philosophy and debating moral issues. They are so expert in
the art of conversation that few humans
can win an argument with them; they almost always have a logical counterargument ready for any point an
opponent may raise. Priests are particularly adept in this art.

The laws of the Mischta are extremely
primitive; if one commits an act of evil,
one will submit oneself for punishment,
usually a Cleansing ritual. Mischta commit violence against each other on extremely infrequent occasions; when this
happens, a court of the wise (high-level
clerics) is summoned to determine what
caused the violence and how it can be prevented. No Mischta has murdered another Mischta since the Cataclysm, and
accidental deaths are extremely rare. The
Mischta have an acute sense of guilt and
extremely active consciences; their own
sense of morality is usually their harshest
The major problem with Mischta law
occurs when there is trouble with outsiders. If a Bolandi drops a coconut on a Mis-


chta and accidentally injures him, then

the Mischta elders will meet with the Bolandi and discuss the situation. Usually the
Mischta use this opportunity to demonstrate the virtue of forgiveness, but their
patience is not unlimited. If the Bolandi
continue to commit practical jokes that
cause series injuries, then the Mischta will
respond by suspending all communication
with them (the silent treatment). Eventually, the Bolandi get bored of the Mischtas
silence and apologize.
Another unclear area of Mischta law is
the actions of other races that occasionally
visit Selasia (such as humans). Orughi
soldiers are punished by forced removal
(they are disarmed and put back in their
boats) and pointed in the right direction
away from the island. If humans were to
commit acts of violence on Selasia, the
Mischta would try to capture them, determine why they committed the acts, then
blindfold them, take them by boat
within sight of Taladas (a very long journey) and leave them with sufficient rations to survive. The Mischta do not
believe in imprisonment.
While the habit of eating meat is disgusting to the Mischta, they do not consider it a crime, though killing animals
indiscriminately is a crime. In general,
the Mischta do not believe that other
species have to reach their high moral

There are approximately 2,000 Mischta
on Selasia. They use a political system
that dates back to the ogre clans of the
Age of Dreams. The Mischta are ruled by
a High King, who organizes the affairs of
the Mischta, intervenes in disputes, arranges for new constructions and repairs,
and coordinates the common defense.
Since the Cataclysm, many of these duties have been taken over by the priests
(see the Religion section). The High
King is now virtually a figurehead, a position maintained to honor the traditions
of the Irda.
All High Kings of Selasia claim to be
subordinate to the High King of Anaiatha; should Anaiatha ever become one


with Selasia again, the High King of the

Irda would become the ruler of the Mischta.
The current High King is Kreala, the
granddaughter of the High King who
rules at the time of the Cataclysm. Kreala
is a highly respected woman, but she is
now nearing the age of her retirement
(her oldest daughter Melei is the most
likely successor). Kreala is patient, tolerant, and thoughtful, but sometimes too
slow to act in times of crisis; she hates impulsiveness.
Political power is centered at the family
level. The head of the family is the head
of the local village (as all villages are run
by a single family unit) and given the title
Lord. Typically, the oldest child of the
Lord succeeds him to that title, but it is
not unknown for a Lord to resign and give
the title to someone else if he feels that
the other Mischta is better qualified to
lead the community.
The Lord is responsible for the day-today welfare of the community; he sees to
the food-gathering and care of the sick,
and he decides how to deal with the mon-

sters that occasionally threaten a village.

The Lord has powers to distribute food,
relocate a village, and order community
service from any member.
Duties of the family to the High King
include attendance at Council, sharing
surplus food (if requested), and providing defenders for an army (if requested).
When a family reaches 250 members,
it is considered wise for the family to divide into two villages. The Lord chooses a
new leader, assigns branches of his family
to that new village, and asks the High
King for approval. The family then
moves into the forest and builds a new
Selasia has no standing army. A few
Mischta specialize in fighting, having
acquired martial skills during battles
against the Orughi. These Mischta believe that skilled fighters are needed to
protect against future dangers. They
number less than three dozen, though
they train often and are well-skilled. The
pursuit of fighting skill is looked down
upon by the Mischta (this is one of their
few prejudices). The fighters do not let


this bother them, even when their acts of

physical bravery sometimes seem to be
unappreciated by the general population.
At the time of Solinus (Solinaris)
High Sanction, the High King meets
with all Lords and High Priests to hear
complaints and discuss important matters. Any Mischta may address the Council at this time. In addition, the High
King will meet daily with any citizen at
nightfall to discuss matters of concern.
An emergency meeting of the High
Council can be gathered in three days.
The High King rules until the age of
300, when he must step down and let his
successor take his place, typically his oldest child. The succession ceremony is one
of the few displays of pageantry that the
Mischta allow themselves, probably because it does not happen often.
The Bolandi who attend the ceremony
are sometimes astonished at the spectacle: leaf banners displaying discarded
feathers from birds of paradise, ceremonial dress, choirs, and feasts. It is one of
the few times that the somber Mischta al-


low themselves to feel the joy that was

more common in the days of the Irda.
As mentioned earlier, the most important Mischta political unit in Selasia is the
family. Each family controls a village, or a
cluster of small villages loyal to a single
Lord. Here is a list of major families (100
members or more):

Leader (Cl/L)



Moreal (C5)
Shadan (C2)
Worriea (F7)
Kreala (C8)
Verxagha (F10)
Kaselfar (C4)
Luthlien (M3)
Duerkau (C10)
Aka-Temloth (M5)
Herikor (M3)





Mischta are one of the oldest societies

in Krynn. By most civilized standards,
they are also one of the most enlightened.
There are very few class distinctions in
Mischta society, except for leadership positions. The priests may form an upper
class (because they are revered), and
fighters may form a lower class (because
they are considered to be tainted by barbarism), but no member of Mischta society is denied privileges or access to
opportunity because of his birth.
In spite of their beauty, the Mischta can
be described as a cheerless people. Religion, guilt, and penance are utmost in
their minds at all times. Violence and anger are major taboos; a Mischta is expected to be gentle and temperate at all
One of the most important ceremonies
for the Mischta is the Cleansing ceremony. This is performed by any Mischta
when he feels that he has behaved badly.
It is also performed by the entire race, if
they have been forced into an act of violence. A Cleansing ceremony involves the
silent recitation of prayers under a night
sky. Depending how bad the sin was,
this can be required to take place over several consecutive nights. If appropriate
Cleansing ceremonies are not completed,

Mischta believe that they will be denied a

peaceful afterlife.
Here is a list of Mischta customs and
beliefs in several important areas.
Art: The Mischta are an extremely artistic race. They are skilled poets, musicians, philosophers, and singers. They
often perform religious and philosophical
The Mischta do not keep records of
their works, as this would be catering to
vanity. The only permanent records made
of Mischta art, philosophy, and literature
are copies made by non-Mischta who believe that a certain work deserves to be
Athletics: The Mischta do not stress
physical adeptness; common labor gives
them all the exercise that most need.
Sports are chiefly for the very young. Approved activities include running, swimming, climbing, jumping, and throwing.
There is one game, shadowball, which
has been borrowed from the Bolandi.
War: The Mischta never provoke war.
When hostilities are forced upon them,
priests immediately send runners to villages to warn others or request aid, then
organize resistance. Fighters are provided,
usually by the Modialli family, which has
the greatest respect for the fighting arts of
all of the families of Selasia.
Marriages: When two Mischta of opposite sex are 25, they are eligible to be married. The marriage ceremony is usually
held at Solinus Low Sanction, on the
feast day, and attended by an entire village (or several villages, if the union involves two families). Mischta are
monogamous; they may not be divorced,
and widows or widowers may not be married. A happy marriage is considered to
be one of the greatest achievements that
is possible for a Mischta. Marriages are
not formally arranged, but families often
try to push certain children together.
Brothers, sisters, and cousins may not
Funerals: When a Mischta dies, his naked body is buried in the soil in an unmarked grave. The funeral is long and
bitter: his friends stand over the grave,
telling stories of his life, and his family
sings songs and grieves. A Mischta does

not aspire to be remembered after death,

thus no monuments are built and no records of death are kept.
Skills: Because of their long life span
(they are in their prime for approximately
150 years), the Mischta take the opportunity to learn many skills. Activities that
are performed by the Mischta include
basket-weaving and embroidery, banner
making, cooking, the arts, athletics,
plant cultivation, animal handling, and

There is no economic system among
the Mischta; food, clothing, shelter, and
other needs are provided by the community to all members, while supplies such
as paper, ink, paint, dye, and cloth for artistic works may be requested from the
priests or the village Lord. There is no
trade between the Mischta and any other
people, including the Bolandi. As a result, there is no economic activity whatsoever in Mischta society.
The Mischta do produce coins, however. Before the Cataclysm, the High
King realized that the peoples of the
outer world coveted jewels and gold (particularly in coins). So he ordered that the
Irda dig into the mountains to extract
their ores, and learn the art of metallurgy.
When the Cataclysm struck, the development of metallurgy on Selasia came to
an end. But the people of Selasia found
that hard work in the mines made for a
good penance, and the fighters who
made swords feared that unless they continued to make steel weapons, the
Orughi would eventually overwhelm
them. So the art of forging swords has
been preserved, though only a few masters of the art remain (chiefly in the Modialli family, which have trained many
When coins and gems are produced,
they are given to the High King, who distributes them to the families, who in turn
give them to individuals (often as
presents or as rewards for fine service).
Each Mischta is expected to have a few
coins and gems, in case they ever need a


Selasia is known for its fruits and

plants. On rare occasions, humans seek
out the Mischta to consult with them on
jungle and plant lore; the Mischta will
usually ask for a favor in return. Humans
who help the Mischta in times of need
may also be given coins, probably from
the collection of the High King.

Worship is extremely important to the
Mischta. The religion of the Mischta is a
very strict one; anger and evil thoughts
are considered to be great sins, and they
must be atoned for by Cleansing. The
gods are given devotion at nightbreak
(dawn), when Paleas (Paladine) is honored, and nightfall (dusk) when Magea
(Mishakal) is honored. Honor is given
through offerings of food and through a
morning and evening song. This song
praises the deity, asks forgiveness for the
crimes of the Mischta, and requests protection from their enemies.
There is no active worship for the
Highfather, except at meal time, when all
Mischta look into the sky and offer a symbolic thanks to him, whom they call the
Priesthood in the Mischta is open to all
members of society over the age of 25.
Those who wish to become priests must
travel to the Ruins, find a wisdom spirit,
and converse with it. If the wisdom spirit
feels that the individual is wise enough
and willing to serve the gods, it gives the
would-be initiate a gift (usually a small
token such as a coin).
The initiate hands the object to the
master of initiates, who accepts the initiate into the priesthood. The priest then
undertakes seven years of rigorous meditation, fasting, schooling, and worship.
Then the priest is ready to assume the duties of a priest (i.e., he has reached 1st
level in the priesthood).
Priests of the Mischta serve the entire
roster of good deities in the Krynn pantheon, centering on the worship of Paleas
(Paladine). The duties of a priest in Mischta society include the organization of
worship, ceremonies of Cleansing, marriage, and burial, organizing the defense



of the Mischta (the few Mischta who specialize in fighting are worshipers of
Amman-Duke (Kiri-Jolith). Priests are
expert debaters and assist the High King
(the High Kings top advisors are usually
The Mischta worship all of the good
deities and occasionally give offerings to
some neutral deities when their spheres
have treated the Mischta with beneficence. In order of importance to the Mischta (and the Irda), here are the gods that
are worshiped:
Ansalon Name

Irda Name



It is noteworthy that both the Irda and

the Mischta know the gods by their Ansalon (and Taladas) names, but they prefer
to address the gods by names given by Igrane in the Irdanaiath. Igrane said that it
was the act of naming the deities that set
the Irda apart from other creatures. This
also demonstrated the power of free will
that they learned from humans in the
Age of Dreams. Gods that do not receive
worship are known by their Ansalon
names, except for the Dark Queen Takhisis, who is known as the Lady Duerhelis
(the Lady of Hells Anger).
The holy period for the Mischta is three
days each month when Solinu is at High
Sanction. The Holy Time is marked by
fasting (all food is offered to Paleas), and
ritual mourning and Cleansing. Before
the Cataclysm, this was the feast time for
the Irda, a time of joyous celebration. But
now, by order of the High King, none
may celebrate at High Sanction until
Anaiatha is rejoined to Selasia.
The new period of celebration is when
Solinu is at Low Sanction. A feast is offered
in praise to Eshanre, and there is a singing
competition that is devoted to Baradin.
There is also (in good weather), a shadowball game with the Bolandi (see culture),
which is dedicated to Amman-Duke.

The Mischta religion has the following

things to say on general topics:
Neutrality: This philosophy is based
on selfishness and the denial of love.
Those who worship nature or the Balance
are fools, for these are things that have no
intelligence, and worship of these forces
achieves nothing. Neutrality is viewed by
Mischta as being not very different than
evil, for those who will not devote their
lives to good are contributing to evil.
Neutrals are to be converted to love.
Neutral deities are to be ignored
(though some craftsmen give thanks to
Sammakax [Reorx]) and Gilean is sometimes openly mocked.
Evil: Evil creatures are to be pitied, for
they are without love or have lost it, and
they are under the influence of Fear. Offerings to evil deities (even in times of
great danger) is forbidden by the Mischta, as that is a legacy of their ogre past.
Evil creatures are to be converted if possible; otherwise, they are to be ignored.
They cannot be harmed, except in self
Evil deities are also ignored by the Mischta, but are not treated with the same
scorn as the gods of neutrality.
Dragons: Dragons are the forms in
which the gods clothe themselves to reveal their magnificence to humans. Good
dragons are to be treated with greatest respect; the dragons of the Gold Mountain
are to be given whatever assistance (or solitude) that they may desire. Evil dragons
are to be shunned, or fought if they attack. (The Mischta have not yet encountered the Othlorx, so naturally they have
no opinion about them).
Life: Life exists because otherwise there
would be no opportunity to love, or to
perform acts of kindness and honor. Life
always has existed and always will exist.
The purpose of life is not to fight evil, but
to create and glorify goodness. The Irda
have no special place in things, and they
are intrinsically no better or worse than
humans or elves or any other creature capable of free thought.
Death: Death exists because the
Grandfather (Highfather) wishes life to
be filled with new ideas and new struggles. When one has lived a good life,

passed all of the tests or repented all failures, one is ready for a wonderful afterlife
with the Grandfather.

The Irda, parents of the Mischta, are
some of the most accomplished magicians in all of Krynn. The curse that affected the Mischta during the Cataclysm
robbed them of the Irda ability to get an
extra spell at their highest spell level, and
they no longer have an unlimited progression in the wizard class. Nonetheless,
the Mischta are still extremely capable
The Mischta have founded an order of
mages that is based on the Orders of High
Sorcery. Any Mischta who wishes to become a mage may do so, though he must
be at least 30 years old before he is allowed to take the Test. As with the Orders
of High Sorcery in Ansalon, all mages
must pass a severe Test, which occasionally leaves the Mischta physically or emotionally damaged. (Emotionally
damaged Mischta are taken into the care
of the priests, who nurture them back to
health with the help of healing magic and
the intervention of wisdom spirits.) If the
Test is passed, the Mischta is allowed to
become a wizard. It takes six years of constant study for a Mischta to become a lstlevel wizard.
All Mischta are White Robe Wizards,
though they would receive a rather cold
reception (at the very least) from their
brethren mages in Ansalon. There is one
master mage (15th level), who coordinates the use of magic on the island; the
master mage is subordinate to the high
priest of Paleas when magic is needed to
defend the island. There is also a mage
who is in charge of the studies of apprentices, including (unfortunately) Bolandi
Wizards have no special duties other
than general service as the High King
commands; in return, they are given privacy in mountain caves, where they meditate and practice the arts of spellcasting.
The wizards of Selasia have a slightly
different spell selection from their counterparts in Ansalon. Mischta are allowed


access to the following magical spheres:

Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination,
Enchantment/Charm, Evocation, and
The Illusion/ Phantasm sphere is not
normally allowed to White Robe wizards,
but there are a large number of spells
from this sphere that are forbidden to the
Mischta. These spells are Bigbys
clenched fist, Bigbys crushing hand,
chain lightning, cloudkill, cone of cold,
curse (reverse of remove curse), delayed
blast fireball, demi-shadow magic, demishadow monsters, feeblemind, fireball,
flaming sphere, ice storm, imprisonment
(but freedom is allowed), lightning bolt,
magic missile, Melfs acid arrow, meteor
swarm, Mordenkainens sword, phantasmal killer, shades, shadow magic, shadow
monsters, wall of fire, wall of ice, wall of
iron, weird.
It is fairly obvious that this list of forbidden spells includes most of the spells
that cause physical damage. A Mischta
mage is expected to protect his people
through ingenuity and subtlety, not by
acts of violence.
There are a few new magical spells that
are possessed only by the Mischta and the

Float (Abjuration)
Level: 1
Range: 30 yards
Component: S
Duration: 2 rounds / level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast upon a creature, the creature will float on the surface of any liquid. This spell will prevent
a man from drowning, for example. This
spell will also increase the swimming
rate of a creature by 10 feet per round.
This spell can also be used as an offensive weapon, to prevent captives who are
trying to escape from diving into deep
water (this spell causes a target that is
underwater to be propelled to the sur-

face immediately).
A saving throw negates this spell.
Major Cloak (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V, S ,M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One land mass, 5,000
square miles or smaller
Saving Throw: None
This is the spell that was used by the
Irda to cloak Anaiatha. It causes a land
mass that is surrounded by water to become invisible to all except the species
that normally inhabit it. The island cannot be detected by sight or by scrying.
Furthermore, the illusion affects all
who come within one mile of its coastline, causing them to take a route around
the island while making them believe
that they are taking a direct route
through the waters where the island is
actually located.
There is one drawback to this spell; it
does not prevent the cloak from radiating
intense magic, and those who scry the
seas for magic may be able to detect it.
Because wizards of the Mischta may
not reach 18th level, they have not been
able to use this spell to hide Selasia.




This section describes important or

unusual people the PCs might encounter on (or from) Selasia. Each description
begins with the following information in
this order:
Name and Family
Level and Class
Title (if any)
Race and Sex
Hurion Modialli
12th-Level Ranger
Mischta Male
Of all of the fighters in Selasia, Hurion, third son of Verxagha Modialli, is
the most powerful. He is 60 years of age


(the prime of Mischta life), and he is

filled with wanderlust. Hurion is an
skilled swimmer and boatsman, and he is
secretly building a ship. He and a few of
his friends plan to leave Selasia and seek
their destiny in the wide world, eventually making contact with the lost Irda.
Hurion is filled with a very un-Mischta
adventuresome streak, perhaps given to
him by Amman-Duke (Kiri-Jolith), his
patron deity.
Hurion is extremely aggressive and violent (by Mischta standards) in that he
doesnt go out of his way to avoid a fight
(but neither is he fond of killing). Hurion
is naive about the outer world and human
attitudes toward the Mischta and the
Irda, but he is no fool either.
He is adamant in his belief that life on
a small island is no life for a strong young
Mischta. Hurion is young and charismatic, a natural leader, but he is less gentle than most with his wordsalmost
human (or so he jokes). Because he has a
sense of humor, he is a close friend of the
Hurion appears to be a normal Mischta
male, but taller and broader, well over six
feet tall and 200 pounds. He has deep
green skin, which is rare among the Mischta. In his youth, his parents feared that
he might be a debased ogre, but he is as
handsome and as graceful as any of his
Salandra Nuuni

3rd-Level Cleric
Mischta Female
At the age of 28, Salandra is barely
considered to be fully grown, and she
looks much younger than her years.
Nonetheless she has advanced considerably in the service of the gods, far more
quickly than others in her order. She
speaks often with the wisdom spirits by
the Ruins, and her conversation seems to
delight them.
She has won the favor of Paleas, and the
greatest gift of allthe friendship of dragons. The good dragons who nurse their
eggs on Gold Dragon Mountain count her
as one of their few friendsone of only a
handful of mortals who have been allowed


to freely converse and visit them in their

hatchery over the course of many centuries. Once, one of the largest gold dragons
even allowed her to ride him.
Salandra is a gentle girl who is filled
with love with all things. She is usually
quite happy and joyous; more like an Irda
than a Mischta. She also has frightening
dreams, which sometimes come true. Salandra usually keeps them to herself.
In appearance Salandra is a typical Mischta female, with pale blue skin. She is
not extraordinarily beautiful, but she has
a lovely singing voice.
Kreala Igrani
8th-Level Cleric
High King
Mischta Female
Now approaching the ripe old age of
300, Kreala is the respected figurehead of
the Mischta monarchy.
Her life has been shaped by the experience of watching her grandfather die in
the Cataclysm that he himself had
caused. She is extremely humble (for a
monarch), kind-hearted, and prone to
hesitation in matters of crisis, which is
why she has turned over much of the
power of the throne to the High Priests,
whom she feels are better suited to deal
with emergencies.
Kreala feels that the Igrani family in
general and she in particular bear some
responsibility for the Cataclysm, so she
lives a life of penance that is emulated by
her people. She tries to help her people,
but is better at listening than talking.
Kreala is an older Mischta, with a prematurely wrinkled face and greying hair.
Her skin is a deep blue. She typically
wears normal Mischta clothing, with a
sash her only token of office.
Benesis Erisei
12th-Level Cleric
High Priest
Mischta Male
The High Priest of the Mischta is relatively young for his position (only 150
years of age), but he is one of the Mischtas most respected leaders, known for

his sense of fairness and competence. In

times of crisis the High King Kreala relies
heavily on his judgment, which is usually
sound. Benesis has always been a faithful
follower of Paleas; he is as devout in his
worship as Kreala is in her penitence.
Benesis has one unusual quality for a
Mischtaambition. While Benesis isnt
the sort of person who gets what he wants
at all costs, he has always wanted to be
High Priest. Everything he has done in
his life has been in pursuit of that one
goal. Benesis isnt power-hungry, but he
feels that his talents are best utilized in a
position of authority and that the gods
have given him gifts that will help the
Mischta survive.
Benesis is an affable man, but very
shrewd; while (like most Mischta) he
doesnt understand evil very well, he is
not easily deceived. His ability to settle
disputes is highly respected.
Benesis is slightly taller and thinner
than the average Mischta. He wears silk
robes dyed red, and he has deep blue
Forcasion Omidai
15th-Level White Robe Mage
Master of the White Robes
Mischta Male
Forcasion, or Old Forcasion as he is
commonly known, is well over 500 years
of age (one of the oldest Mischta on Selasia). Despite his advanced age, he is still
an extremely intelligent man and a mage
of great renown. He refuses to retire, or to
allow his apprentices (now great wizards
in their own right) to take his responsibilities, so Forcasion still oversees the training of new mages, research on new spells,
and councils the High King on things
Forcasion is stubborn but soft-hearted.
He is not a devout follower of any religion, as he spent half of his life before the
Cataclysm when the gods were not as important. He sometimes mutters the heretical notion that the Cataclysm was
unfair (being very old, he can get away
with saying that!).
Forcasion enjoys telling his students
stories about the good old days (highly

embellished, of course). He gets rather

annoyed when the Bolandi invent parodies of his tales and spread them around
the schools.
Forcasion is the bluntest of all of the
High Kings councilors, often saying that
the Mischta are too remorseful, and that
they allow their grief over what happened
in the Cataclysm to threaten their survival.
Forcasion is a strong believer in the unpopular practice of recording art, poetry,
and philosophy for future generations.
He has written an autobiographywhich
he hasnt shown to anyone.
Forcasion is a stooped but intense looking Mischta, with light blue skin (it was
darker when he was young). His nearly
bald head is crowned by white hair. He
wears white robes at all times.
Murmika Adishau
8th-Level White Robe Mage
Mischta Female
Murmika is one of the Mischtas best
mages. She concentrates on illusionist
magic (though she is not a specialist and
receives no spell bonuses). She is one of
the most influential mages on the island.
She is also a good friend of the Bolandi;
she often mediates in disputes between
the Mischta and the Bolandi.
Murmika has a reasonable sense of humor, or at least a sense of tolerance. She is
strongly attracted to Hurion Modialli,
and she is torn between leaving the island
with him and staying behind in case it
needs her skills. She has a burning desire
to see Anaiatha and will probably leave if
she feels the Orughi will not attack. To
that end, she is organizing a secret mission to spy on the Orughi on Fedron. Of
course, she doesnt know about the
Murmika is an Irda of average height,
with longer hair than many. She has deep
blue skin and wears white robes.


Krynn was but a lifeless ball of rock
when the first Bolandi snuck his way into
the heavens in search of the biggest
dragon of all, which he wanted to ride.
He jumped on the dragons back, and the
dragon started, then dove to Krynn,
smashing himself against the rock. The
dragons death scream became the wind;
its blood became the oceans, and its
bones the mountainsthus the Bolandi
created Krynn, there can be no doubt. As
for that first Bolandi? He was injured in
the fall, so the gods were created to heal
his injury. Unfortunately, the gods
wouldnt accept the good advice of the
Bolandi, and they went off arguing
among themselves. Yup, its all true. Really if you dont believe me, ask anyone
else, theyll tell you the same thing. Of
course, if they dont agree, theyre lying.

Regardless of their origin, there can be

little doubt that the Bolandi are one of
the most irrepressible species in all of
Krynn, given to pranks, tall tales, and
flexible truths. It is sometimes said
that if the Mischta traded the Bolandi to
Ansalon for the kender, the Mischta
would get the better deal. In spite of
their nature, the Bolandi, the practical
joking Tree People of Selasia, are kindhearted beings and fierce in defense of
their territory.

The Bolandi, like the Orughi, are originally of ogre stock. They were transformed into their present form by Reorx
and the Greystone of Gargath. They were
given a malicious nature, but they are
content with small humiliations rather
than death or injury. For millennia they
lived in both Ansalon and Taladas, but as
time passed, the Bolandi found that their
sense of humor was not appreciated by
the other races, and they were often persecuted. Finally, one thousand years before the Cataclysm, they made their way
to the Spine of Taladas.
They lived on the islands of OdithAbshu and Fedron for centuries, until the

coming of the Nzunta and their slaves,

the Orughi. Some Bolandi fought against
the invaders, others fled; all were killed
except for several dozen that fled to
Anaiatha, the home of the Irda. The
haughty Irda gave them land and told the
Bolandi not to bother them. Then the
Orughi invaded Anaiatha.
This time the Bolandi fought; the Irda
also battled the Orughi, but their efforts
were not coordinated. After many bloody
battles, the Orughi were driven from
Anaiatha. Some of the Irda recognized
the valor of the Bolandi, and friendships
were formed. This was only on a small
levelthe High King and his court
wanted nothing to do with these lesser,
debased creatures.
Then came the Cataclysm. The island
of Anaiatha was sundered, and the
haughtiness of the Irda was destroyed.
The Irda were reduced to Mischta, twilight Irda, and they no longer saw the Bolandi as lesser creatures. The Orughi took
advantage of the Cataclysm to strike
against Selasia, as the island was now
called. The Bolandi and the Mischta
worked together to stave off this threat,
which would have surely destroyed them
Since that time, the Bolandi and the
Mischta have lived in peace on Selasia;
the Bolandi view the Mischta as a benevolent but dour people who utterly lack a
sense of humor. At times, the Mischta
view the Bolandi as immature pests who
were placed on Selasia as a punishment
for the Mischta. But the Mischta also see
the Bolandi as good creatures whose unusual habits deserve to be tolerated. The
philosophy of the Mischta has influenced
the Bolandi and taken away some of their
evil influences. Few if any Bolandi tend
toward evil, though there are still some
chaotic neutral individuals among them.

The Bolandi have a very chaotic society
with few laws. The laws of the Bolandi
consist of the following: have fun, but
dont injure people, and dont touch
military property (its all right to build
your own net and drop it on someone for


fun, but dont use the nets that were designed to defend the village and dont
drop them on people involved in military
If these rules are broken, the offending
Bolandi is judged by the village Marshall,
who is supposed to remain unbiased in
these affairs. Trials are raucous affairs, as
the defendant is commonly mocked by
the entire clan. Punishment for a Bolandi
is typically isolation from the village for
one month, and the silent treatment for
one month after that. Sometimes Bolandi who are isolated go to the Mischta
to cause trouble; a few end up volunteering to become wizards.
Occasionally, a Bolandi will kill another Bolandi (almost always by accident). The punishment for this is
banishment from Bolandi society; exiled
Bolandi eventually make their own
dwellings deep in the heart of the forest,
sometimes founding their own villages.
The Marshalls also try to discourage
their people from bothering the Mischta
or the dragons. This doesnt usually keep
the Bolandi (especially young, curious,
and impulsive Bolandi) away from them.
Those who bother the Mischta are subject
to punishment (though they are hard to
catch and judge, since few Mischta can
tell individual Bolandi apart); when incidents occur frequently, or if a Mischta is
injured by a Bolandi joke, strains develop
in the relations between the two peoples.

Bolandi society is a loose alliance of
clans, each of which controls a village,
much like Mischta society. This practice
dates back before the Bolandi landed on
Selasia, and may even predate the division of the Bolandi from ogres by the
Greystone of Gargath.
The Bolandi have a simple system of
government: The one important position
is village (or clan) leadership, and that is
filled by cleverness. To become the leader
of a Bolandi village, one must humiliate
the previous leader with a practical joke;
to stay the leader, one must avoid being
humiliated by a joke. Thus the Bolandi
do not have a very stable leadership, and


they do not take being leader very seriously. The job of leadership involves presiding at social occasions and telling tall
tales at gatherings.
This war of jokes extends to changes in
social class. Dwellings in a Bolandi village
consist of three tiers; the top tier is situated near the top of the trees, the middle
tier is positioned in the center of the
trees, and the bottom tier is situated near
the bottom of the trees. The top tier has
the most status, so the Bolandi try to play
practical jokes on the people of the upper
tier to take their dwelling, possessions,
and social position.
The one thing the Bolandi do take seriously is the defense of the island. The
most capable tacticians live alone on the
outskirts of the village and stay out of the
joke wars. If a Bolandi shows a special talent at tactics (often by a pulling a consistent string of brilliant jokes), he is named
the village Marshall. The Marshall judges
violation of the few laws the Bolandi
have, organizes lookouts at key points of
the island, and patrols (those who are in
the Marshalls service wear special sashes;

they may not play jokes nor be victimized

by jokes while they are on duty).
The Marshalls of different villages
gather together regularly (at Sukasas [Solinaris] High Sanction) to play jokes on
each other and discuss any legitimate defense concerns (in times of crisis, the jokes
stop; otherwise its a chance for the Marshalls to blow off steam, since they are forbidden to play jokes in their own villages).
The following is a listing of the current
major Bolandi clans of Selasia (those that
number 200 or more), their Marshalls,
and the clan membership. The levels of
those with magical talents are listed beside their names:



Alkyrs (M3)
Relm (M7)
Evon (M5)






The Bolandi have a saying (one of their

many sayings): This isnt life, its an adventure! The Bolandi pride themselves
on living adventuresome lives; if they
dont, they invent adventures they claim
to have had! The Bolandi have a very
open society. Social class distinctions are
present (the tier in which one lives determines ones class or status), but since one
can change dwellings with a successful
practical joke, the Bolandi can safely be
described as having a very mobile class
Lying is a trademark of the Bolandi.
They claim that this characterization is
unfairthey exaggerate, but they dont
lie. If a Bolandi sees an Orughi war canoe
sail past the island, he will tell people
that he saw ten war canoes almost land on
the island, then describe in laborious detail their terrifying war paint, their evil
chanting as they paddled their craft, and
add a dozen embellishments. A Bolandi
Marshall will understand that this means
that a single Orughi canoe was seen pad-


dling past the island (the Bolandi can tell

the difference between truth and fantasy). Out-and-out lies are acceptable,
except when they endanger the village (if
someone says that he saw a fleet of war canoes, when there really were none, the
liar would be subject to punishment).
Over the course of time, the Mischta
have learned to be skeptical of the claims
of the Bolandi. Other races that have
never been exposed to the Bolandis particular brand of tale-telling may find
them difficult to suffer.
For the 5,000 Bolandi on Selasia, the
purpose of life is to have fun, as much fun
as possible, and to live an eventful life.
However, by the age of 30 (referred to as
the stiffening time by younger Bolandi), many Bolandi become discontented with this life of the Bolandi and
pursue more serious matters. These Bolandi become mages and craftsmen who
work toward the preservation of the clan.
They also cease committing jokes (or do
so much less frequently) and usually live
on the bottom tier of the village, no
longer interested in a life of oneupmanship.
Here is a list of Bolandi customs and
beliefs in several important areas.
Art: The Bolandi have acquired some
artistic tastes from the Mischta, but most
of their efforts end up as parodies, intentional or otherwise. They also enjoy choral singing, which sounds like animals
howling together off-key. They draw on
caves and on leaf papers that are given to
them by the Mischta; the drawings are
very primitive and cartoon-like. However, their architecture is very sophisticated (they build very complex structures
in the trees). No one on Krynn masters
the mock epics the way the Bolandi do;
they tell them in a serious, utterly believable mannersometimes even they believe what theyre saying!
The Bolandi have no written literature.
Over the course of generations, heroic epics have been elaborated on until they become quite believable: The Bolandi hero
Jowesh tricked the evil sea queen into giving her the key to the Underworld, where
he lifted up six mountains to get to Tazukasa (Takhisis) and ripped off five of her

heads (And thats why Tazukasa has

only five headsshe used to have ten!
And all this to get directions to go back
home; imagine what would have happened if he had been really mad!).
Athletics: Young Bolandi live a rough
and tumble existence, with none of the
restraint of the Mischta in physical matters. They enjoy running, climbing,
swimming, and swinging races, as well as
wrestling. They have contests to see who
can lure the most crocodiles after them
and escape (the Bolandi equivalent of
Their most noteworthy pursuit is shadowball. This game is a test of magical
and physical skill. A ball that starts at the
center of a large clearing must be kicked
into a goal. There are two teams of ten
players, with no goaltending allowed.
Physical contact between players is forbidden (those caught must stand still for
a 100 count as play continues around
them). Magic may be used, but players
may not be physically affected. The ball
can be affected, but it may not be turned
invisible. This is often a test of illusions
that can be quite amusing to watch. The
Bolandi clans compete against a Mischta
team at the festival of Sukasas Low Sanction; even the Mischta allow themselves
to enjoy it.
War: The Bolandi are incredibly serious and cunning when it comes to war.
Because they have a lot of practice in ambushing against each other, Bolandi tactics are often frighteningly efficient. Like
the Mischta, the Bolandi view war as evil
(though they like adventure, war keeps
Bolandi from really fun things like playing jokes). The Bolandi never initiate
They enjoy telling tall tales about war,
but prefer not to fight. If forced to fight,
they often retreat until they can find a
safe position to ambush the enemy. The
Bolandi also use animal calls and signals
to alert other villages when they are under
a confirmed attack.
Marriages: Young Bolandi have open
relationships; marriage is something that
is done when one passes 30. Once married, Bolandi remain married for life, and
may not remarry or divorce; there are no

political advantages to be gained through

marriage. Weddings are mournful
events, as the couple is mocked by most
of the community for giving up their
freedom. This is seen as a test of love for
the bride and groom.
Funerals: Funerals are celebratory
occasionsfor the Bolandi, the celebration of life is more important than
mourning the coming of death. The
dead are buried in mounds outside the
village, and a stone is added to the top of
the mound to count how many are buried there. Over the grave, tall stories of
the dead are recited. A custom of the Bolandi is that as soon as a funeral is over,
there must be a wedding; unfortunately,
this cant always happen, but it often
Outsiders: The Bolandi judge outsiders cautiously, since their only experience
in this area is with the Orughi (and the
Mischta). Once they confirm that these
are indeed strangers (neither Orughi nor
Mischta), they appear to the strangers to
see if the newcomers attack. If the outsiders dont attack, the Bolandi try to befriend them. Befriending includes minor
practical jokes to see if they have a sense
of humor and trading tall tales to see if
they have an imagination. Of course,
outsiders dont always appreciate these
Skills: The Bolandi possess a number
of survival skills, handed down by the
guardians (and sometimes learned the
hard way). These skills include food gathering, herbal medicine, basket-weaving,
and other crafts necessary to survive in a
primitive society.

What economics? The Bolandi
wouldnt understand why anyone would
want to trade something; if someones
hungry or thirsty, you give him food or
water, otherwise, what else does anyone
need? Actually, the Bolandi have a few
needs, usually taken care of by the Mischta. They sometimes like to draw on leaf
pages, and of course, spellcasters need
spell books. Each village has several spell
books, which are community property


and used by spellcasters as they need

them. The books are protected by the village Marshall and may not be used in
pranks (except for the mages who use illusions in their jokes, of course!).
Bolandi are attracted to shiny rocks,
and sometimes keep a collection. A large
or really shiny collection attracts attention from other Bolandi, so the owner
ends up being the subject of numerous
pranks, and eventually loses them (by
right of conquest). Bolandi who perform exceptional deeds are sometimes
given coins and gems by the Mischta.
These are really sought after by other Bolandi, and can cause major prank epidemics. Sometimes Bolandi try to hide
their treasures, especially when they have
been given something special, but their
boastful nature prevents them from
keeping their prizes secret for long.
The Bolandi do not produce trade
items. When they find gemstones, it is always in uncut form; as a result they are
more likely to be attracted to colorful
stones, such as jade and agate, than really
valuable but uncut gems, such as diamonds or emeralds (though they would
love to have finished gems in their collection).
The Bolandi are very useful as sources
of plant and animal lore.

The Bolandi are not a religious people;
their main use for deities is as characters
in tall tales. They tend to be rather sacrilegious, although in such a light-hearted
way that no deity with a sense of humor
would object (but how many of them
have senses of humor?).
Nonetheless, the Bolandi engage in religious worship, on occasion. Every High
Sanction of Sukasa, the Bolandi offer a
sacrifice of fruits to a favored deity. The
deity chosen for the sacrifice is determined by the village leader, who presides
over the ceremony (imitating the acts of
Mischta clerics). There are no clerics or
shamans among the Bolandi; though
they have the potential to use clerical
magic, the Bolandi have never seen fit to
try it.



When a Bolandi village goes through a

major trial (such as surviving a war), then
the leader is obliged to offer a feast to the
gods in thanks. This ceremony is often
less comical than the others, since battle
is a traumatic experience to the Bolandi.
Some of the Bolandi who have formed
close friendships with the Mischta have
adopted a more serious worship of the
gods, offering daily sacrifices and prayers.
This gladdens the Mischta, though they
do not actively strive to convert the Bolandi.
The number of deities worshiped by
the Bolandi is small. They include the
following (in order of importance):
Ansalon Name

Bolandi Name



Kiri-Jolith is worshiped chiefly because

he is the god of battle; he is seen as the
guardian of the Bolandi. He assists in the
defense of their villages (tales, of course,
usually have Amdukasa begging the Bolandi for their matchless assistance). The
worship of Pakasa is borrowed from the
Mischta. Sukasa is honored by mages.
Ruzakasa is believed to be the servant of
the Bolandi (since, tales say, it was the Bolandi who solved the problems he created
when he accidentally dropped the Greystone on Krynn!). Ezirakasa is sometimes
invoked when nights are cold, which isnt
The Bolandi do not have devout religious beliefs. When the Bolandi die, legends say, they become Kings of the
Overworld, where they serve as the rulers
of the gods. No one really believes the
legend. Instead, the Bolandi believe that
they go to a comfortable afterlife, where
they spend eternity in happiness and
laughter. The Bolandi dont usually care
what other faiths believe. They do not
have a good understanding of the concept of guilt, which the Mischta feel
For the most part, the Bolandi believe
that the gods are more concerned with

other races (who have real problems and

need all the help they can get) than they
are with the happy, well adjusted Bolandi. They also believe that the gods are
rather stuffy and pretentious; they dont
know how to have fun or have a good
sense of humor (the lack of chaotic deities
on Krynn has much to do with this impression).
A few Bolandi have speculated that
somewhere there are other, greater gods
than those who govern Krynn, but
theyre too busy having a good time to
get involved in the affairs of mortals,
which is a highly sensible idea (by Bolandi standards). These Party Gods (as
the Bolandi refer to them) arent worshiped because it is felt that they do not
need worship. For the most part, the Bolandi pity the humorless gods (and the
humorless Mischta who serve them), but
arent an important part of the Bolandis

As part of their ogre heritage, the Bolandi have a natural affinity to magic.
When the Greystone created the Bolandi
race, it enhanced the parts of the old ogre
culture that emphasized stealth and deception, giving the Bolandi natural displacement abilities and a talent to learn
illusionist magic.
Because scholastic endeavors were
never popular with the impatient and
restless Bolandi, the Bolandi remained
ignorant of their magical potential. It was
only when the Mischta began to train
them that their abilities were realized.
About 20% of the Bolandi try to learn
illusionist magic from the Mischta. They
require a Test for admittance, which is
usually not as severe as the Test of the Mischta (if only because the Bolandis progress is more limited). The Bolandi rarely
suffer physical or mental injury during
the Test, as they view the Test as a joke the
magical school is playing on them.
Bolandi who study illusionist magic
fall into three categories: older Bolandi
who feel that learning magic will help
them defend the community, younger
Bolandi who are being punished and who


want to get away from fellow villagers

who are angry with them, and Bolandi
who think that neat magic will help
them with their jokes. The first category
of Bolandi is (relatively) well behaved
the other two are not. Many Bolandi are
expelled from the schools for disruptive
Most (70%) of the Bolandi who manage to learn magic from the Mischta never
make it past 4th level. Only the most studious students make it to higher levels (510). Bolandi should be considered
illusionist specialty wizards.
Bolandi can learn only those spells
from the Alteration and Illusion/
Phantasm spheres. As the Mischta are
White Robed mages and thus do not
learn Alteration spells (and therefore cannot teach them), Bolandi can only learn
spells in the Illusion/ Phantasm sphere,
unless they research Alteration spells
themselves (see following). Bolandi are
typically White Robed mages when they
leave the Mischta schools, but more than
a few have decided that the constraints required by the White Robes are too stifling and switch to the Red Robes.
The Bolandi do not try to teach themselves magic (the Mischta are much better
at than the Bolandi). As mentioned earlier, the Bolandi do not have individual
spell books, but they have access to their
villages spell book.
The Bolandi occasionally perform spell
research; they have managed to duplicate
the effects of the following spells: affect
normal fires, alter self, dancing lights,
enlarge, irritation, light, message, plant
growth, slow.
There is a 10% chance that a Bolandi
illusionist has researched 1-3 of these
spells, and thus they are in his villages
spell book.




8th-Level White Robe Illusionist
Bolandi Male
One of the most powerful Bolandi illusionists is Kluun, the most respected


member of Clan Logavi. Now approaching the ripe age of 35, Kluun is not as
physically adept as he was in his youth,
when he earned a reputation as an unholy
terror, but he is still an able and fit Bolandi. He has also mellowed substantially
since his boyhood days, though he is still
extraordinarily cunning and devious
when circumstances call for it. He is a
good friend of Hurion Modialli, and he
will be accompanying Hurion on his explorations.
Kluun is 4 feet tall and appears to be
a typical Bolandi, though his hair is greying. He wears white robes to mark his station.
4th-Level Red Robe Illusionist
Bolandi Female
Eliia is a young girl who belongs to clan
Shidalf. Despite her youth, Eliia on a
rampage may be the most terrifying thing
in all of Krynn! She is extremely intelligent (acquiring illusionist magic at a rate
that even the brightest Mischta teacher

didnt think was possible) and extraordinarily devious, given to planning incredible jokes, usually on dozens of people at a
time. She is an extremely pretty (and
wide-eyed) girl, and she gets away with a
lot of things because she can fake contrition and regret better than anyone else.
The tall tales she tells are utterly convincing, even to the craftiest elder.
Eliia has a malicious streak; those who
manage to score a joke against her do not
go unpunished. On the other hand, like
most Bolandi, she doesnt play tricks that
physically injure people. She also plays
frequent pranks against the Mischta, because she likes it when they get angry.
Nasty, fiendish, diabolical, cutethese
words all describe Eliia Shidall, the terror
of Selasia! Woe to any outsiders who meet
Eliia is only 17 years of age, with longer
than normal brown hair and extremely
large eyes. She usually doesnt wear the
Red Robes, but instead wears typical Bolandi clothing, with shell jewelry.


Morzan Marshall
Bolandi Male
Aoltin is the most respected Marshall
in Selasia. It was Aoltin who encouraged
the clans to expand the defensive network
of the Marshalls. Aoltin is a superb tactician who developed many of the stratagems and traps used by the Bolandi;
while he was never a great prankster, he
was very good at analyzing a good joke
and adapting it to military use.
Aoltin is a no-nonsense old Bolandi,
with little tolerance for jokes, especially
when they are directed against him and
the people under his command. Few Bolandi are willing to face his wrath.
Now approaching the extremely old
age of 70, Aoltin maintains himself in excellent physical and mental condition.
He is slightly stooped, has white hair, and
wears black robes.




(Excerpts from a Bolandi legend)

In their gathering place in the sky, the
gods were worried. Amdukasa had been
gravely wounded in the fight with the
Unbeatable Thing, the Moonshadow.
Ruzakasa was busy trying to repair his
spear, which had been broken in three
O, woe is us! Tazukasa (Takhisis)
cried, her five heads sobbing a rainstorm
upon Krynn, her lamentations becoming
a hurricane. We are gods, yet we cannot
stop what is happening to our dear
Gilkasa (Gilgean) and Miskasa (Mishakal) were sobbing uncontrollably, when a
wonderful thought came to Pakasa (Paladine).
We could get a hero to save our
moons! Wouldnt that be wonderful!
You and your heroes! Tazukasa
shouted back. Theyve never been good
for anything! They only cause trouble!
Gilkasa picked himself off the floor
and ceased his lamentation. But there is
one race on Krynn that never causes trouble. An ingenious race that has never had
any problems. Surely we can call upon
the Bolandi!
The gods began to dance in celebration
at this thought. But Pakasa frowned.
Yes, the Bolandi could surely save us.
But would they? What do they care for
our moons.
Offer them wealth and power! Tazukasa suggested.
Alas, sighed Gilkasa, For other
races of Krynn, wealth and power would
spur them to great deeds. But so great are
the Bolandi that they need neither wealth
nor power. I fear that there is we have
nothing that would interest them.
The gods began to lament, until the
injured Amdukasa spoke. I know the
Bolandi. They are a generous and kindhearted race, far beyond all others on
Krynn. All we need do is ask politely, and
they will deal with the creature that is destroying our moons.

The gods celebrated, except for envious Tazukasa. If only I were as powerful,
wise, and beautiful as the Bolandi! she
Pakasa went over to his nemesis and
whispered. That is a very foolish
thought. For we are mere gods, and cannot approach the grace of the most glorious creatures in creation, the Bolandi.
But the Dark Queen nurtured the foolish thought in her heart, so she has always
sent her servants, the dull Orughi,
against the Bolandi. But this has never
bothered the Bolandi, for always they
have been cleverer.
One day Fielax, a young Bolandi boy
renowned for his cleverness, was venturing by a stream, when a huge gold dragon
descended. Fielax took no notice of such
an unimportant creature, when a voice
behind him shouted: Wait!
Fielax turned and saw the prostrate figure of the god Pakasa, stretched out on
his stomach, begging.
Please! Pakasa groveled, his white
robes blackened by the mud. We need
the help of the Bolandi. An evil creature,
the Moonshadow, has come and is devouring our moons! Please help us! I beg
Fielax argued that he had to gather
fruit, but so piteous were the gods pathetic cries that Fielax decided to help
him. After all, if there were no moons,
there would be no feast of High Sanction.
Fielax reasoned that saving the moons
would be even more important than
gathering food. Fielax patted the god on
the head and wiped the mud off his
Now, do not despair. Of course we
will deal with this creature. Now go back
to the sky, and tell your fellow gods that
all will be well.
Pakasa jumped up and down like a
child, shouting Thank you, Bolandi,
thank you! Now we are saved! Then he
vanished into the sky.
Fielax turned to the dragon, which
bowed before him in reverence. Please
honor me by riding me to the moons.
the dragon said. I will offer half my
hoard for the privilege.


Fielax laughed. Keep your hoard. I

could bounce off a tree branch and jump
to the moon, but since you have asked, I
will ride you. . . .
A lot of adventures follow, in which
Fielax helped the stupid and cowardly
gold dragon, Druthithiksteen, become
courageous and intelligent. Fielax rides
the dragon to Lunitari, then tells the
dragon to go back to Krynn and teach the
other gold dragons how to be intelligent
and courageous. Ever since that time,
thanks to the Bolandi, the gold dragons
are the most courageous and brilliant of
all dragonkind.
Finally Fielax confronts a giant, indestructible creature, the Moonshadow.
Frustrated at being confronted by such an
obviously superior adversary, the Moonshadow thought and thought of a way to
defeat the Bolandi child. The Moonshadow shifted, and grew so large that it hovered ominously over all three moons.
Can you do that, little Krynnling?
the monster shouted.
Fielax strained and struggled, and he
finally managed to force himself to grow
even taller than the Moonshadow. The
creature hissed with rage. Fielax returned
to normal height, not wishing to make
the monster feel badly. You are very impressive, Moonshadow. Almost worthy of
a Bolandi!
For some reason, probably because it
was evil and foolish, the Moonshadow
was enraged by the compliment. I will
destroy you! it shouted.
Fielax thought for a minute and a brilliant idea came. If you can do two things
I cant do, I will let you eat me. If I can do
two things you cant do, I will eat you. Is
that fair?
The Moonshadow decided that it
would go through with the contest, and
cheat to win. Very well. it agreed.
First, can you create a bright light?
Fielax asked.
The Moonshadow concentrated the
light of the moons in to a single spot.
Brighter! Fielax requested. The
Moonshadow strained. Brighter! Finally the light was brilliant enough for
Fielaxs purposes. Now, we are going to
dance on the sun. I will go first.


And the Moonshadow saw Fielax fly to

the sun and begin to dance, a tiny black
speck over such a great distance. The
Moonshadow could not allow itself to be
upstaged. But when it approached the
sun, it began to scream and shrivel up.
The sun is deadly to Moonshadows.

Soon, the monster was dead.

The gods were amazed. How did you
do it? Pakasa asked.
Easy. Fielax stated. I got the Moonshadow to create enough light that I
could cast a shadow on the sun. I tricked
it into believing I had gone there. He


began to make a shadow image of himself

with his hands.
The gods jumped with glee and
thanked the Bolandi. To this day, no creature in the universe has dared to threaten
the moons of Krynn, knowing they will
have to face the wrath of the Bolandi.


Related to the topic of the Mischta and
their homeland of Selasia is the question
Where are the Irda and what happened
to Anaiatha?
While it is claimed that Anaiatha was
carried away in the Cataclysm to parts unknown, this doesnt seem likely. The Cataclysm was chiefly a natural disaster, a
punishment of those who had failed their
tests: the Kingpriest, Lord Soth, the High
King of the Irda, and the people who allowed them to misuse their power.
The deliverance of Anaiatha is a supernatural event, which does not fit with the
Cataclysm. And though the Irda are a remarkably rational people, who can say
what really happened in the chaos of the
Cataclysm? The Mischta believe that the
portions of Anaiatha that contained the
quarters of the faithful, those Irda who
served the gods, were destroyed, and the
Irdanaiath is lying somewhere in Gold
Dragon Bay.
And yet, draconians did invade an island of Irda, true Irda, and carried many
hostages away to Ansalon. The draconians did not get these Irda from Selasia,
though some Irda were captured by the
Nzunta prior to the Cataclysm and also
sold into slavery. Another point of note is
that all Irda, the Mischta included, feel a
call to travel to an island somewhere in
the depths of the seato go home.
It may be that the gods did not desert
their faithful, but instead transported
them to a new island. Whether this island
separated from Selasia and floated away
of its own accord is a matter of speculation.
Unknown to the Mischta, the island of
Anaiatha does still exist. Those who were
taken from Anaiatha by the draconians
and the forces loyal to the Dark Queen
describe it as a beautiful tropical paradise, nearly identical to Selasia.
The Irda who live on Anaiatha are
deeply religious. They spend much of
their time praying for the return of the
lost Irda and the redemption of the Mischta, who they sense are in grave danger.
They are ruled by the son of the High

King who turned his back on the gods before the Cataclysm, a son who remained
true to the ways of Igrane. And the Irdanaiath is here, within a fortress of stone.
The Irda are powerful magicians,
greater than the Mischta (see Monstrous
Compendium, Volume 4 for details).
They have magically cloaked their island
from discovery by other creatures; only
the power of Takhisis was able to reveal
the location to her dragons and draconian
The Irda have endured a long and
bloody war, then a long Cleansing. They
are now beginning to send emissaries out
to other lands to learn the location of the
lost Irda. These emissaries are also to establish friendships among the Later Peoples, who mistrust the Irda and have
hunted them down in the past.




There are two ways for player characters

to get to Selasia. A ship crewed by the heroes could crash into Selasia and require
repairs. In the meantime, some Bolandi
steal provisions as a joke, and lead the heroes into the depths of the jungle, where
peril and the Mischta await.
The second way is less heavy-handed.
The heroes find themselves sailing the
trade route between Taladas and the Undersea Kingdoms. They see large islands
in the distance. (Why dont we go
there? they say. The captain replies,
Legends say that evil creatures are there,
protecting their treasures by eating all
who come near. We stay away.) Player
curiosity should do the rest.
What do the heroes do on Selasia,
where most of the people are benign?
The jungle isnt friendly, and survival
isnt easy. The Bolandi may make them
the targets of their jokes, testing their patience. The Mischta are the subject of ancient legends, and they are rumored to be
highly evil. Do the player characters slay
them on sight? You should treat Selasia
and its inhabitants as challenges to test
the abilities and ethics of the heroes who
get there. Remember that the Mischta
have a much more protective view of life


than PCs. They are very uncomfortable

conversing with meat-eaters and skinwearers, just as PCs might find it discomfiting to be talking with someone who is
gorging himself on human blood. Stress
the differences in culture between humanity and Mischta; it will make for a
more entertaining play session.
If the heroes befriend the Mischta,
then there are several events that might
occur. The Orughi might choose that
time for a particularly determined invasion, forcing the PCs to work side by side
with the Mischta and the Bolandi. Some
Mischta might be taken captive by the
Orughi, forcing the PCs to travel to Fedron on a rescue mission, leading to a
confrontation with the Nzunta.
If the PCs become very close to the Mischta, they might undertake the greatest
quest of allreuniting the Mischta with
the Irda, and healing the wounds that
were inflicted during the Cataclysm. This
is truly an epic quest, perhaps leading to
dangerous places and requiring magic of
the greatest power, as the Mischta believe
a physical reunification between Anaiatha and Selasia is necessary for their race
to be whole once more.


While the only copy of this book has been
lost to the peoples of Selasia, the Mischta
still remember many of its stories and its
messages. These they pass down orally
from father to son.
The Irdanaiath was never intended as a
sacred book. Igrane instructed that no
copies be made of it, but any who wanted
to read it could travel to the cave of Igrane
and study it at their leisure, and then interpret it as they saw fit. Thus the reader
could insert his own philosophy into the
text, and engage in a rigorous debate
with others over the proper course of Irda
affairs. Igrane intended the book to be
advice and opinions from a wise man,
rather than commandments from the
Unfortunately, the book became more
and more sacred to the Irda even as they
turned away from the gods.
The Irdanaiath is divided into four sections: A collection of lore that describes
the early history of all the species in the
age of Dreams, to the time of the flight of
the Irda; a collection of philosophical essays; poems of praise and devotion; fables
and parables that demonstrate the wisdom of love.
The primary theme of the Irdanaiath is
that one must be knowledgeable and full
of love to be happy and prosperous. Here
follows a selection of notable passages
from the Irdanaiath. As one might expect, this book is the foundation for
many of the beliefs of the Mischta (as well
as the Irda).

The basis for all evil is fear. A man who
is unafraid has no reason to commit evil.
Those who commit evil in the name of attaining power are fearful of losing power.
Those who commit evil in the name of
survival are afraid of death. Those who
commit evil because they are enjoy it are
afraid of life.
Fear is an emotion, and therefore the
base of all evil is emotion. The key to conquering evil is twofold: emotional and rational. One must be filled with love,

which is the enemy of fear. But even love

can be twisted into jealousy, which is itself a fear the fear of losing love. Therefore the emotion of love must be
tempered with the rational mind, the
ability to recognize (even when overwhelmed by emotions) the simple fact
that emotions are controlling ones
Great living comes not from luxury or
power, but from harmony with life.
Therefore, we must be guided by love,
but not a love of control or a love of beautiful or rare things, but a love of life itself
Happiness comes from the love of things
that live.
Some will say that there are times when
there is a good reason for fear. In such
times, be ruled by the mind, and not the
fear; when the rational mind says to be
cautious, it is possible to withdraw in
peace, without committing evil. When
one cannot withdraw, it is allowable to
defend ones self, even to the deaths of
ones enemies. But this decision must be
ruled by the mind, and the only emotion
to be expressed is sorrow that no other
way was possible.




The gods created the Irda, of that there

can be no doubt. Even if they did not
take our sacrifices, comfort us in our hour
of need, or answer our prayers with the
abilities to perform miracles, still we
could feel their spirit in the conflicts of
the world, and in the beauty of creation.
The question that we, who are not gods,
must ask ourselves is Why should we
worship them ? Often I have heard it
said that a character in a poem does not
worship its author, so why should we worship those who created us?
The fact is that we are not characters in
poems; we are living, breathing people,
with the power to think. The gods
thought, and they wrought, and therefore, we exist. To worship them is an act
of gratitude; to love life, we must love the
creator of life.
But what if there were no gods? Even if
there were no spirits guiding creation,
and we were creatures of chaos, we should


worship these beings, or at least what the

things that they stand for. They represent
a spirit of creation, of love, that deserves
to be revered. This spirit is best revered
through worship to a higher being.
By worshiping, we acknowledge the
better parts of ourselves; by holding that
exist those greater than ourselves, we recognize that we are not the greatest, and
that we have room to grow.
The greatest danger that faces the Irda,
as it faces all ogre-kind, is the order of our
birth. For we are the eldest, and it is easy
to be proud and to scorn the achievements of the other peoples.
Pride is self-love, a destructive love
that can admit no other. Pride in our people is a destructive love, for it admits the
love of no other peoples. When we are
the object of hate, it is necessary to hide
to protect ourselves, but that is no reason
to hate.
In the end, the Irda will emerge from
their island and join the other races.
When this happens, they must love elves
as much as they love Irda, humans as
much as they love Irda, dwarves as much
as they love Irda. This extends even to the
darker races that wish to destroy us. In
this time of love of all races, I will know
peace, and there will be no need for Igrane or my book, for within your hearts
you will have the wisdom to survive.




I have heard wise men say that they are

not ruled by gods, but by nature, so why
should they give their worship to gods? I
have also heard it said that evil exists because there must be a Balance between
good and evil, and if the Balance is so important, why should one strive to do
good? And thus men give their devotion
not to goodness, but to the Balance or to
the laws of nature.
I have said earlier that we should strive
towards two goals: to be full of knowledge and to be full of love. Knowledge
shows us how to use love, and love gives
us the wisdom to use our knowledge


wisely. They are a complementary pair, a

wedded couple. But nowhere in this union is a Balance mentioned, nor the laws
of nature.
Nature serves two purposes. First, it
sustains us. Were nature utterly hostile,
we could not survive. Nature nurtures us.
But nature itself is not without a ruler; it
is ruled by weather, which is but combinations of warmth or cold, wetness or dryness, and stillness or moving wind. This is
weather. It, like nature, has no intelligence, rather it is a force given to all peoples by the creator to keep us alive.
Secondly, nature challenges us. To
thrive, we must first survive. On occasion, the combinations of weather go to
extremes, and we find it difficult to survive. This is not an act of cruelty, but
rather the design of natures maker, who
wishes our existence to be challenged. To
earn the right to call ourselves knowledgeable beings, our abilities must be
tested; we cannot test our intelligence
without the challenge of survival.
It is understandable why some, especially those who are without much knowledge and who are ruled by superstition,
would worship nature. The forces of nature are so awesome that is clear they can
inspire worship in some of us. However, I
cannot understand why anyone would
have a similar reverence for the highly abstract concept known as the Balance.
We are beings of Choice. We have a
Choice between the interests of Many,
and the interests of One, ourselves. Love
requires that we be willing to sacrifice and
compromise our own interests for the
benefits of Many. Evil, and we have discovered that evil is fear, exists to test that
love even as nature exists to test our
Some believe that we should worship
things that have the greatest power over
us; certainly the test of evil that is created
by the Balance is an extremely powerful
thing. But true worship is devotion rather
than tribute. We worship the gods not
because they are powerful, but because
they are virtuous, examples to us of what
we should be like. Worship focuses our
minds on these virtues; it enables us to
transcend what we are.

That which tests us is powerful; only a

few mortals of power will be given such a
grave test that they might be allowed to
affect the Balance, just as only a few
mages and priests of great power can
hope to affect the weather. However worshiping the Balance does nothing for us,
for the Balance is an unintelligent thing;
it exists but cannot perceive. It is more rational to look toward something that
loves you, that is willing to help you, than
something that does not care.

The greatest poetic work in the Irdanaiath is a dialogue between two speakers: One speaker, Shuri, is an old ogre
who has lived a long, hard life, and is extremely cynical about life. The other
speaker, Yesri, is a young ogre who sees
happiness in all things and conveniently
overlooks any problems that might arise.
Welcome the sun,
Welcome the new day
The night has fallen.
The road is covered with dust
To be swept under ones feet.
New wonders await my eyes.
My muscles tense for new struggle.
Welcome to glory, the sun.
Welcome the new day.
I wish I could welcome the day.
But it is as new as yesterday.
The sun rose then, and set again.
No man can hold the sun forever.
I have seen too many nights
Cold winds greet the dusk.
I have felt too many struggles
And I await the fall.
I feel the rain against my face.
Fresh sky- tears of joy
Exhilarate me.
The wind rustles against my brow.
I watch the miles pass under foot,
And look to meet new love,

And make new works,

And feel new joys.
I feel the cold against my face.
Harsh water soaks my brow,
Tears where tears should not be.
The wind flays my fingers.
I walk the aching uncertain steps
Counting the losses of my life:
Old works forgotten,
Old joys that turned to




The following excerpt from the Irdanaiath is a satire that mocks the role of
Gilean as protector of the Balance. At the
same time that Igrane gave ogres the gift
of choice, some people (especially among
the elves) began advocating the Neutralist movement. Adherents of this belief
preached that the Balance was the only
thing worth worshiping, and that true
goodness was unobtainable.
It is interesting that one of the chief
targets of Igrane in the Irdanaiath were
the Neutralists and the Balanceworshipers, whom he believed kept honorable creatures from the service of good.
It is obvious that Igrane felt that the idea
of the Balance would prove tempting to
the Irda, who were not naturally disposed
to goodness. In this case, Igranes famed
foresight has not yet been fulfilled; the
Irda have never warmed to the idea of
worshiping neutrality.
Look at stern Gilean alone in his chair.
Gilean, sweet Gilean why are you there?
The time has not come, the pendulum
Eventually it stopstis the way of
Shall I kill a sheep; methinks it hurts the
Shall I mock my love; no, there is too
much romance.
Too much kindness in the world, thus I
must be cruel.
Dont worry about mortalslet them
play the fool.


Gilean, dour Gilean, I pity you and your

Never to know joy or love within your
Is no room for emotion within your design?
No room for love, or the other things
Your worship is sterile, your gifts a curse.
You countenance evil, which I know is
You feel in mathematics, your smile is
Without concept of love, your leaderships blind.


This is an example of an Irda folktale,
which was recorded by Igrane in the Irdanaiath, though with several additional
twists to demonstrate Igranes philosophy. It contains some dramatic differences from human heroic tales that
clearly illustrate the differences between
the two cultures.
In a great valley, far away from the jungle island, there lived several families of
Irda who labored on a great farm. It was a
difficult life, for the soil was poor on this
island and they had to work hard to cultivate their crops. As a result of this hard
life, even a minor misfortune was a threat
to their survival.
One day, an event worse than a misfortune befell them. A dragon landed on
the hill beside their farm, presumably to
hunt new prey The Irda knew that an evil
dragon would include Irda as prey But it
was dusk when the dragon came to them,
and its body had been silhouetted in the
twilight; none could tell what color it
was. Thus they did not know whether it
was good or evil.
The Irda were afraid, but they knew
that this fear was justified, and therefore
it was not evil. They considered sending
an animal to check on the dragon, but if
the dragon was evil, the animal would
die, so they decided against it. Instead,
they reasoned that someone would have
to go and check to see which color it was,

since an evil dragon was sure to attack the

One Irda left, cloaked in invisibility.
An hour later, he returned. Its a red
dragon! he screamed. Fortunately, the
dragon was asleep, but even so, he was
The Irda had a great council, and debated what should be done. There was
among these Irda a young girl named
Maeni. Maeni felt that the reason that
dragons were evil was because no one had
ever given them love. If someone gave
them love, she felt, then it was possible
that the dragons would change their evil
Cloaked only by the darkness of the
night sky, Maeni crept toward the dragons hill. About the hill, the darkness
seemed to intensify. The air stank of dragons and evil, warning her to stay away.
The night birds, sensing the new arrival,
had deserted the area.
Maeni told herself that her fear was not
justified; dragons were fierce, but she had
never met anyone whom love could not
befriend. She was a young girl, and had
little experience in the wide world, but she
had tremendous enthusiasm and beauty
The earth was scorched and broken in
the darkness; bravely little Maeni
climbed it, expecting to see the great
drake at any moment. She did not have
long to wait; soon she was face to face
with a dragon.
The dragon, who had eaten well in the
hour before its arrival, was fast asleep.
Maeni was torn between courtesy (should
she be so rude as to wake a sleeping
dragon?) and devotion to her mission.
She finally decided to wake it.
Little ogre girl, the dragon said after
inhaling the air, Young, fresh, and tender.
The brave girl did not blink. I have
come to bid you welcome. We are glad to
have your company, and we offer you
friendship and peace!
Suddenly the drake roared with laughter.
The girl started for a second, but did
not run away. Greater courage the Irda
have never seen than the love of this girl,
unskilled in magic or physical combat.

She smiled: I have heard it said that you

are an evil monster, something that must
be destroyed. But you do not need to be
evil, nor do you need to be destroyed. Accept my love and friendship, and come
and go in peace.
The words of the girl were so beautiful,
so soft and musical, that for a brief instant the dragon thought he was talking
to a goddess. But he inhaled again . . .
no, it was definitely an ogre. The dragon
smiled, and said: Little girl, let me show
you my friendship. Then he rose and ate
the little girl. A great rush of flame issued
forth from the hill, as the dragon enjoyed
its meal.
When the Irda heard the noise from
the meal, they rushed to see if all of the
Irda were safe in their homes. But alas,
poor little Maeni was gone.
The younger Irda became angry and
swore revenge against the dragon, for all
had loved Maeni and hoped to marry her
when she was the proper age. The elders,
realizing that their young were on the
brink of committing evil, called the
young Irda together and ordered them to
forget about fighting the dragon.
The village elder made a great speech
in Maenis memory, and he told them
that violence in the name of this gentle
woman would dishonor her spirit. And
the Irda realized that he was right,
opened their hearts to grief, and allowed
their honest anguish to flow. And the
dragon smiled upon hearing this, for he
was an evil beast and afraid of joy
But in the hearts of some of the Irda,
there was no stopping the pain, and they
plotted the dragons end. One of this
number was Jurian, a clever Changer,
adept at taking the forms of beasts and
monsters. He reasoned that with cleverness, he could trick the dragon into a
foolish action, then catch it by surprise
and slay it.
Jurian armed himself with his most
powerful spells and climbed the hill, in
hopes of catching the dragon unawares.
He came to the dragons lair. He saw with
horror the bones of the beloved Maeni,
scattered like kindling upon the ground.
Anger reared in him, but he subdued it,
in the hopes of achieving his mission.


The dragon sniffed the air. Male ogre.
Older, alas, your meat is not as tender.
Why have you offered yourself to me?
Jurian smiled and began to flatter the
beast. I am but the humblest morsel,
great dragon, he said. Our people have
beheld your power and realize that we are
no match for you. In exchange for our
lives, we offer you a place of great feasting
for one such as you.
There is a magical window in the river
that is hidden. It leads to food and great
wealth. Many gold pieces and jewels are
to be found there.
Only a creature of great power can
breach this magical window; we Irda have
been unable to do so.
The dragon, like all of its kind, loved
gold, and so it agreed to accompany Jurian to the magical window into the land
of gold. Jurian took it to the river.
You must go closer, for it is difficult to
see. Jurian said. The dragon moved to
the edge of the river, where it saw an im-

age of treasure and many delicious creatures. The dragon started, and then
turned. . . .
At that moment the startled Jurian was
struck by a great paw and hurtled into the
water. He had changed to an iron golem,
whose skin he felt could withstand both
the dragons fire and its fangs. Instead,
he sank to the bottom of the great river
and drowned. The dragon is the ultimate
trickster and knows a trap when it hears
The illusion that Jurian had cast vanished as soon as he hit the water, a fate he
had intended for the dragon.
Jurian changed back to his Irda form
before he died, but he still drowned. And
the Irda found his body by the river, and
mourned again. Then Asperax, the
strongest Irda that had ever been, greatest in the arts of war, armed himself with
weapons of peerless craftsmanship and
deadly magic. He told his people that he
would kill the dragon. No creature had
ever been able to harm him in battle. As-


perax was truly invincible.

Asperax marched on the dragon, who
had returned to the hill. I am Asperax,
mightiest of the First Born! the warrior
shouted proudly You have slain two of
our people. I swear an oath unto the gods
themselvesno more of my people shall
And there was a great fight. But Asperax, in his pride, had neglected to call
upon the gods for aid, and so he fought
alone. Since the dragons are the scions of
the gods, they cannot be slain without
the gods sanction. Hours later, the
dragon dropped Asperaxs corpse in to the
astonished village, and there was silence.
In the end, the Irda realized that their
power was no match for that of a dragon.
They departed the valley and lived prosperous lives elsewhere. For life is more
important than heroics, or pride, or revenge. The preservation of life is allimportant. The truth is not always the
most flattering commodity, but it is certainly the most precious.


Tropical and subtropical/Plains, jungles,

hills, and mountains
Very rare
Average-Very (8-12)
Chaotic good or neutral


12, Swing 18
1-4 (weapon)
See below
Phase shift
M (4-5 tall)
Steady (13)

The Bolandi are small humanoids (between four and five feet tall)
with smooth brown skin, with brown hair and eyes. They are slim
but well-muscled, with long toes and fingers to help them climb.
They wear loose linen clothing.
The Bolandi speak their own language and that of the Mischta,
though they speak the latter with great difficulty, for they have highpitched barking voices.
The Bolandi are a race of tree dwellers with minor illusionary
powers. They live on Selasia, the jungle island that they share with
the Mischta. They may be distantly related to the Irda, but no one
really knows their origins with any certainty. Several hundred years
before the Cataclysm, the Bolandi lived on other islands in the same
chain as Selasia. Then the Nzunta, the dark ogres, came to their island, bringing with them their brutish slaves, the Orughi. Many Bolandi died; the others fled to Selasia, where they were welcomed by
the Mischta and aided them in their struggle against the Nzunta.
C o m b a t : The Bolandi are not a warrior society, but they know how
to defend themselves, typically fighting with either bow or spear.
They have adopted many of the weapons of the Mischta, including their powder bombs. These bombs, when dropped, affect all targets in a ten-foot radius and force them to roll successful saving
throws vs. poison or fall victim to one of the following effects: sleep,
paralysis, or blindness (depending on the type of bomb). These effects last 2d4 rounds.
The Bolandi sometimes dip their weapons into a paralyzing poison that lasts two rounds on the weapon before it evaporates; if
struck, the target must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison (with
a +2 bonus) or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. Bolandi tree villages are
protected by nets, which they drop on intruders.

The Bolandi also have a displacement ability. By the age of maturity (15 years), Bolandi can displace themselves (as a cloak of displacement) once per day. By the age of greater maturity (40 years),
they can displace themselves twice per day.
Twenty percent of all Bolandi have magical abilities: they can
reach up to 10th level of illusionist ability. They are instructed in
these arts by Mischta mages, who sometimes regret it.
Habitat /Society: The Bolandi are a mischievous race. Coming up
with the perfect practical joke is considered the greatest feat that a
Bolandi can perform. Since they have learned from the Mischta a
philosophy that is devoted to the preservation of life, they will never
intentionally hurt anyone with their jokes.
Bolandi live in villages constructed in the limbs and branches of
trees. Their homes are constructed from vines, ropes woven from
jungle plants, and reeds.
A few Bolandi live on other islands. They live a similar but somewhat more savage existence (no magic and a more neutral outlook on
life) as they have not been influenced by the Mischta.
Ecology: Bolandi have a natural life span of 60 years. They have
one to three young per decade between the ages of 15 and 35, but infant mortality is high and one of three die in infancy. The Bolandi
are a race of plant-eaters, but they are capable of eating meat if they
Their natural enemies are creatures that feed on man-sized creatures, such as griffons, evil dragons, and tigers. Some Bolandi are
captured and are hunted for sport by the Nzunta and the Orughi.

Ogre, Mischta


Tropical, subtropical, and

temperate/Plains, forests, swamps,
jungles, hills, and mountains
Very rare
Varies (5-20)
Individual: L, M
Family: Qx5, F
Varies, but usually neutral or lawful
8 (10)
1-10 (weapon)
+2 to damage
See below
See below
M (6 tall)
Steady (12)

Once the Mischta were the great Irda, the First Born, among the noblest and most powerful of all of the humanoid races. But pride
caused the Cataclysm to strike against them, and now they are Twilight Irda.
In appearance, the Mischta are almost identical to Irdathey are
tall, slender creatures, averaging six feet in height and weighing 150
pounds. Females tend to be as tall and as heavy as the males. Although slender, they are quite strong, as evidenced by their firm
muscles. Their skin tones range from midnight blue to a deep sea
green; midnight blue is most common. Their hair is usually black,
but it can be silver or white.
The Mischta are known for their fluid, graceful movements and
for their song-like voices.
C o m b a t : Mischta hate fighting; when they do engage in combat,
they suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls.
The Mischta have developed two special weapons: bolas and cluster bombs. Bolas are thrown up to a 25-yard range. They inflict 1d4
points of damage, and the victim must free himself (must roll a successful Dexterity check with a -2 penalty) before he can take any
other action. Cluster bombs are hollowed-out eggs that contain combinations of natural herbs and poisons. These bombs, when
dropped, affect all targets in a ten-foot radius and force them to roll
successful saving throws vs. poison or fall victim to one of the following effects: sleep, paralysis, or blindness (depending on the type of
bomb). These effects last 2d4 rounds.
The Mischta feel awkward in armor, and thus they wear it only in
extreme circumstances. They prefer the lightest armor (padded) and
never wear armor made from animals, such as leather.
The Mischtas relatively low Constitution makes them vulnerable
to the effects of poison (-1 penalty to their saving throws).

Habitat/Society: The Mischta are ruled by a king who is descended

from the great Igrane himself. The current king is the granddaughter of the king who was killed in the Cataclysm. A king retires at the
age of 300, leaving his oldest offspring (either male or female) to become the new king.
Almost all the Mischta live in the tropical paradise of Selasia,
though a few of them searched for lost Anaiatha and ended up settling on other islands. On Selasia, they live in intricate structures created from straw, bamboo, and palm fronds. In spite of their
dwellings elaborate designs, the Mischta will occasionally relocate
when the spirit moves them.
All Mischta master the art of shapechanging by age 20, enabling
them to disguise themselves as humans. A Mischta with an 18 Intelligence can learn to become a Changer Adept once he reaches the age
of 100.
Learning to be a Changer Adept takes 20 years, but once the training is mastered, a Changer Adept can shapechange, as per the 9thlevel wizard spell, up to three times per day.
E c o l o g y : The Mischta try to live in perfect harmony with nature.
They never intentionally harm a living creature except in selfdefense. They are strict vegetarians.
Mischta Class/Level Limits
Solamnic Knight

Max Level
N/E *

Mage (Renegade)
Illusionist (Renegade)
Wiz. of High Sorc.

N/E *
N/E *

Cleric (Heathen)
Druid (Heathen)
Holy Order of Stars

N/E *
N/E *


N/E *

* N/E means Not Eligible for that class.

The initial ability rolls of the Mischta are modified by a -2 penalty to Constitution and +2 bonuses to Dexterity, Intelligence, and
Charisma. The minimum and maximum ability scores for Mischta
are as follows:



Ogre, Nzunta

Tropical, subtropical, and

temperate/Plains, forests, swamps,
jungles, hills, and mountains
Very rare
Varies (5-20)
Individual: L, M
Family: Qx5, F
Varies, but usually neutral or lawful evil

1-10 (weapon)
+2 to damage
See below
M (6 tall)
Steady (12)
There is a legend that the First Born, the ancient ogres, will one day
rise up and try to dominate Krynn, as they did in the ancient days.
Some scholars laugh at these legends; all of the ancient ogres are debased, bestial creatures.
These scholars are wrong. Hidden on remote islands are the children of the First Born, and age has only deepened their malevolence.
They are the Nzunta.
The Nzunta are almost identical in appearance to Irda, their hated
brethren; they are tall, slender creatures, averaging six feet in height
and weighing 150 pounds. Females tend to be as tall and as heavy as
the males. Although slender, they are quite strong, as evidenced by
their firm muscles. Their skin tone is a deep blue, almost black,
which matches the color of their hair. They have drawn faces with
drooping eyelids, which give them a dispassionate look.
The Nzunta move as gracefully as the Irda and their voices are also
beautiful, but in a deeper, sinister way. They wear clothing that has
been tailored from animal skins; in combat they cover themselves in
thick leather hides.
C o m b a t : The Nzunta are eager fighters, but they prefer to battle
their enemies with magic. Their ogre heritage and superior strength
enables them to strike for 1d10 points of damage with a typical
weapon attack. They often use deadly sea snake venom on their
weapons (victims must roll successful saving throws vs. poison, with
a -3 penalty, or die instantly. Even if the roll succeeds, the victim
suffers 1d6 points of damage and is slowed for 1d4 rounds).
The Nzunta are able magicians. They have a clearer understanding of the workings of magic than most races, thus nzunta clerics and
wizards gain one additional spell of the highest level they can use.
Nzunta wizards have set up a Black Robes Order. They live under
their own principles and make no contact with the Towers of High
Sorcery in Ansalon.
Habitat/Society: Because they have a policy of strict racial purity,
the number of Nzunta are quite small; there are less than three hundred in all of Krynn. They prefer to rule through their slaves, the
Orughi, while they remain behind the scenes.
All Nzunta master the art of shape-changing by the age of 20, enabling them to disguise themselves as humans. Nzunta with Intelligences of 16 or more can begin studying to become Changer Adepts

at age 75. This study takes 15 years, but once mastered, Changer
Adepts can shapechange; as per the 9th-level wizard spell, up to
three times per day. Those with 18 Intelligences can learn to become
Changer Savants once they reach the age of 150. Learning to become
Changer Savants takes 75 years of intense training, but once the
course is finished, Changer Savants can shapechange at will.
The Nzunta have a luxurious existence, thanks to their Orughi
slaves. These ogres serve as their troops, their house servants, and
their worshipers (the Nzunta believe that the other orders of ogres
exist to serve and worship them). They are known for their poetry
and their philosophy, but their arts and their sciences tend to be dark
and brooding.
There are rumored to be several large colonies of Nzunta in space.
These ogres use spelljamming engines to further their plans of conquest.
E c o l o g y : The Nzunta have life spans of about 600 years, with 500year-old Nzunta not uncommon. They give birth to 1d2 pure
Nzunta children per century, until they reach the age of 400. There
are other births, but many of these offspring have the characteristics
of Orughi and are slain; unlike other ogres, the Nzunta practice
strict standards of racial purity. Nzunta are meat-eaters; they eat
their slaves in times of famine.
Nzunta Class /Level Limits
Solamnic Knight

Max Level
N/E *
N/E *
N/E *

Mage (Renegade)
Illusionist (Renegade)
Wiz. of High Sorc.

N/E *
N/E *

Cleric (Heathen)
Druid (Heathen)
Holy Order of Stars

N/E *
N/E *


N/E *

* N/E means Not Eligible for that class.

The initial ability rolls of the Nzunta are modified by a -2 penalty to Constitution and +2 bonuses to Dexterity, Intelligence, and
Charisma. The minimum and maximum ability scores for Nzunta
are as follows:



These small, fat ogres are the slaves of the Nzunta. They are described in the Monstrous Compendium, Volume 4. For those without that book, use the regular statistics for ogres, with the following
changes: Orughi inflict 1d6 points of damage with weapons (+2 because of their strength), and they move at a rate of 9 (and swim at 18
with their webbed feet and hands).

Spirit, Wisdom

Very Rare
God-like (20)
Lawful good


Pacification, Fear
Cold iron or magic weapons to hit, plane
M (6 tall)
Elite (14)
Of all the creatures that have ever walked on Krynn, one of the wisest
was Igrane, father of the Irda, the High Ogres. Igrane was also a man
of extraordinary foresight and prophetic ability; he foresaw that the
race of ogres would become debased unless they turned away from
evil, and he foresaw that the Irda would be tested.
To help his people survive in a world of physical and spiritual uncertainty, he gave the Irda two gifts. One was the Irdanaiath, a text
that became sacred to the Irda. Sensing that this would not be
enough, Igrane forsook death and the great honors he had earned in
the afterlife, and divided his soul into eight parts. These pieces
would wander the world wherever his children, the Irda and the Mischta, lived, advising them in moments of great crisis and protecting
them in their hour of darkest need. These pieces of Igranes spirit are
known as wisdom spirits.

Wisdom spirits appear mainly at night, when all seems bleakest.

In times of extreme need (for guidance or protection), an Irda or Mischta may cry out for aid and there is a 15% chance that a wisdom
spirit will appear. This cry may be made once in an individuals lifetime. A wisdom spirit appears to be identical to Igrane, a tall, wise,
middle-aged Irda in simple clothing. One cannot tell that it is a
spirit unless a detect magic spell is used.
C o m b a t : Wisdom spirits are not effective combatants. They prefer
to use their spells in combat; they have the spell capabilities of a
20th-level wizard and a 20th-level cleric (with 20 Wisdom and Intelligence). They never use spells that cause damage or physical injury.
The sight of a wisdom spirit forces all non-Irda and non-Mischta to
roll successful saving throws vs. wand or run away in fear for 3d4
rounds, dropping whatever they have in their hands.
The touch of a wisdom spirit causes a victim to be pacifiedhe
cannot perform violent or hostile actions for 2d6 rounds, unless he is
attacked, in which case he may defend himself.
If a wisdom spirit is damaged in combat, it immediately plane
shifts away (it can move freely within and between the planes). If the
damage done to a wisdom spirit in one round exceeds its hit points,
the spirit is dispelled; it reforms in 50 years. If all eight spirits are dispelled, then Igranes spirit is irrevocably destroyed.
Habitat /Society: Wisdom spirits inhabit any place frequented by
Irda or Mischta. There are legends among the Irda of a strange man
who approaches the young and teaches them; these teachers are wisdom spirits. Wisdom spirits do not discriminate against other creatures, but their glory fills other species with fear.
E c o l o g y : Wisdom spirits are not a part of the natural order. They
do not feed on creatures, nor are they part of the food chain.
Wisdom spirits have no treasure or magic. They offer advice to
creatures of good alignment, and cast healing spells in exchange for a
promise from that character to protect or assist any Irda or Mischta he




The Dargonesti, or Quoowahb

(KWOO-wab) in their native tongue, are
a race of elves living in a vast undersea
valley located southwest of Southern
Hosk. The Dargonesti are also known as
the Deep Elves, though they do not appreciate the term, since it seems to indicate something sinister.
Physically, the Dargonesti have slender
bodies with long, webbed fingers and
toes. They have large, violet eyes, dark
blue skin, and hair that varies from a
golden color to deep green, very much
like the color of seaweed.
Taladas Dargonesti are arguably the
sturdiest race of elves on Krynn, for their
muscles and skeletons are constantly subjected to the crushing pressures of the
deep seas.
The Dargonesti are the tallest race of
elves on Krynn. They are amphibious,
able to breathe air and water with the
same level of ease.
Dargonesti have all the same racial
benefits outlined in the elves section of
the AD&D 2nd Edition Players Handbook.




Age? What is age to the sea? Does the

sea acknowledge time? For one to exist in
harmony with the sea, one must follow
the seas example.
From The Daristrophon,
the history of sea elves on Krynn,
author unknown
In the year 2050 PC, during the Age of
Might, the elves of Ansalons western
Silvanesti began the Great March. The
purpose behind the March was to colonize Qualinesti.
Some Silvanesti went by a collection of
ships known as the Great Armada. A
great storm scattered a portion of these
ships; Habbakuk, the Sea Lord, guided

the lost ships to Taladas. The Silvanaes,

the Lost Silvanesti of Ansalon, reached
landfall in the Bay of Hoor and founded
the nation of Armach.
When the Silvanaes attempted to create
their Armach-Nesti (the Dry Land of the
People), in order to recreate the glory of
Silvanesti, a wiser segment of the Silvanaes
refused to participate. This group was reviled by the majority of the Silvanaes.
In 1959, the dissenters migrated to the
islands on the Banks of the Hoor. They
gradually moved into the shoal areas,
eventually developing the ability to
breathe underwater. These elves became
known as the Dimernesti. Note that Ansalonian Dimernesti were created centuries before this, courtesy of the
Grathanich (Greystone), which transformed some Silvanesti into Dimernesti
and Dargonesti.
This new branch of Taladan elves lived
happily for a short time (to an elf, anyway), but a further complication caused a
second split.
When the Dimernesti set themselves
up in the shoals, they adopted a simpler
version of the Silvanesti guild system for
their society. A portion of the population, nicknamed The Purifiers, did not
wish to have any connections or reminders of the folly of the Silvanaes.
The Purifiers tried to change the young
society, but to no avail. So, in the year
1863 PC, the Purifiers migrated to a
broad, sandy undersea valley, and the
Dargonesti were born.
Soon, the Dargonesti began to realize
that splitting from the Dimernesti was
but one trial for their people, and a small
trial it was. Led by Drudarch Takalurion,
a Dargonesti elf of great skill in sword and
spell, as well as a creature of great wisdom
and conscience, the Dargonesti had to
fight a long, bloody war against koalinths
for living space.
The foul creatures were pushed back to
an area southwest of what was to become
the Dargonesti kingdom of Watermere.
In the year 1862 PC, the land gains that
the Dargonesti had made were consolidated into Watermere, with Drudarch Takalurion as the first Speaker of the Moon.
The next few centuries saw the

Dargonesti population and culture

thrive. Cities were built, art was created,
clans grew strong, and the isolation between the Dargonesti and all surface
dwellers continued unabated.
As humans began populating the coral
islands, they eventually ran afoul of the
Dargonesti. Sporadic fighting broke out,
escalating into an all-out war when several
human fishermen hunted down four dolphins and killed them. Dolphins were,
and still are, allies of the Dargonesti, and
this senseless act enraged the elves to the
point of actually devoting themselves to
total war against the humans.
Once again, Takalurion drew his sword
in anger and led his people into battle.
Being a creature of conscience, Takalurion limited his reprisals to military targets only, casting aside any plans to raid
villages and kill innocents.
This unusual compassion caused some
of the human leaders to stop and take a
good look at whom they were fighting. It
had become clear in the early days of the
fighting that the Dargonesti held the advantage in quality and quantity of combatants, yet Takalurion refused to engage
in wholesale slaughter. So impressed were
these humans that they sued for peace
and requested negotiations.
Being a gracious leader, Takalurion assented. The result of the negotiations was
that the humans could live on the islands
as long as they paid rent. The elves were
feeling the effects of shortages of forged
items and woven fabric. The humans set
up trading posts on many of the islands,
where the Dargonesti still to this day sell
their dyes at a profit, and in return can
buy human goods at very low prices.
A further provision of the agreement
stated that the humans would buy sea
products only from the Dargonesti, not
from the Dimernesti or the mermen. The
entire series of skirmishes, war, and negotiations happened between 1538 and
1521 PC.
Takalurions final challenge came in
the year 1320 PC, when the Dargonesti
had their first run-in with Sagarassi, the
Sea Witch. Marshalling together the defeated koalinths, plus the lacedons, sea
dragons, and amphidragons, Sagarassi



launched an offensive against Watermere.

A tentative alliance was drawn up between the Dargonesti, mermen, and the
humans on the leased islands. This group
engaged the forces of evil for 12 bloody
decades of fighting. The end came when
Takalurion succeeded in creating dissent
among the Sea Witchs various armies. As
Sagarassis delicate alliance collapsed
with the evil armies attacking each other,
a massive offensive led by Takalurion
himself gave the forces of evil a devastating blow that sent the dark hordes fleeing
The fate of the evil armies defeated
leader, Sagarassi, was a mystery to the victorious armies. Since the forces of good
only penetrated as far as the eastern
mountain range that runs down the right
side of the broad, sandy plain that precedes the Sea Witchs lair, they never
found out what happened to her. Takalurions armies decided to turn back toward
Watermere since his forces were getting
tired and losing their momentum.
Some scholars speculate that an even
bigger reason for Takalurions turnaround
was his loss of his best magical sword,
After the rout of her foul armies, Sagarassi tortured her strategists, advisors,
and representatives from her former allies, then killed them all. Her desire for
vengeance somewhat sated, she retreated
to her gloomy castle-lair and began
brooding about her eventual return.
One month later, Drudarch Takalurion
breathed his last. Though the mourning
was great among the clans of the
Dargonesti, they derived a small measure
of comfort from the fact that at least Takalurion got to see peace once again in
Watermere. Drudarch was succeeded by
his daughter, Imbrias Takalurion, as
Speaker of the Moon.
Imbriass reign as Speaker was an uneventful one, though the people loved
her, for she had much of her father in her
manner. Imbrias died in the year 1 PC,
mercifully missing the Cataclysm. She
was succeeded by her slothful and incompetent cousin Dohwarqh Kwahbrahb.
The Cataclysm struck Krynn, with the

continent of Taladas getting hit by a single large meteor. The resulting impact
caused lands to sink and fissures to open.
The Dargonesti received very little in the
way of damage, though there was some
loss of life and property due to the intense
shock waves produced by the meteors
impact. Some of the larger surface islands
sank, giving the Dargonesti new lands
and cities to populate.
The Dargonesti were fully aware of the
scope of the disaster that had struck
Krynn. Rather than turning away from
the gods, this incident and the fact that
the Dargonesti were spared the worst of it
drove the grateful elves closer to Habbakuk and his brother Kiri-Jolith.
Unfortunately, the elves were not so
grateful that they were willing to help
those who caught the brunt of the Cataclysm. At the urging of Speaker
Dohwarqh, the Dargonesti kept to themselves. This so enraged Habbakuk and
Kiri-Jolith that in the year 2 AC,
Dohwarqh was swallowed whole by a giant dolphin and was never seen again.
Furthermore, the Dargonesti were
stricken with the same diseases that ravaged the surface world. The gods also
withheld all divine powers from their
It seems that whenever things are at
their darkest, a hero comes forth to battle
and lift the darkness. And so it was, that
in the year 12 AC, a Dargonesti warrior
named Nakaro Silverwake took upon
himself a quest of faith. He traveled to
the mountain range where Drudarch Takalurion lost the sword Tideripper. Nakaro pleaded to the gods that if he went
alone into koalinth and lacedon territory
and recovered the sword, would they heal
the Dargonesti and restore divine power
to the clerics? Though he received no
answer, he felt that it was his mission to
accomplish this feat. Two months later,
after many adventures and battles, Nakaro recovered Tideripper and returned
in humble victory to Watermere.
This so impressed Habbakuk and KiriJolith that the two gods healed the
Dargonesti elves and resumed answering
the elven clerics prayers. The four
Dargonesti gods followed suit. Out of

gratitude the Dargonesti appointed Nakaro as the new Speaker of the Moon.
Under Nakaros rule, the Dargonesti
rebuilt their cities and brought life back
to a semblance of normalcy. Nakaro ruled
a relatively short time, only three and a
half centuries, after which he died, passing on his title to his first-born son,
Treyen Silver-wake.
Treyens first challenge was the resurgence of the Sea Witch, who timed her
return to coincide with the War of the
Lance on Ansalon. (It is generally believed that the best time to launch a good
or evil enterprise is when there is an
strong undercurrent of good or evil in the
land. The Sea Witch understood this,
and she launched a new offensive after reforging the various evil underwater races
back into a single fighting unit.) The first
offensive began in the year 348 AC.
Seeing that Watermere faced a better
organized and stronger threat than the
last war, Treyen recruited the help of the
dolphins, octopi, tritons, whales, and
hippocampi. His greatest alliance accomplishment, however, was in enlisting the
help of the dragon turtles.
The latter allies were instrumental in
securing victory against the forces of evil.
While Treyens armies struck at the eastern edge of the Sea Witchs empire, the
dragon turtles slammed into the western
edge of her land. The resulting hammerand-anvil approach brought Sagarassis
forces to a halt, though it took two years
to accomplish.
Sagarassi survived this second defeat,
though she gave her generals and advisors
the same reward that she bestowed upon
the leaders of her armies during the first
The Sea Witch is now nearly psychotic
from the frustration of her last two defeats. It is speculated that her next attempt, whenever that is, will be her
greatest effort to date.
The war ended in the year 350 AC.
Since then, the Dargonesti have busied
themselves in rebuilding their land.
Treyen Silverwake remains the Speaker of
the Moon. Any alliances that he had
made, however, fell apart as soon as the
menace of the Sea Witch vanished.


All things in Quoowahb have their
place; as the sea has everything from the
humble plankton that act as food for the
great whales, to the moons that push the
tides. Everyone and everything has its use
and role in shaping our society.
Excerpt from Drudarch Takalurions
First Highmoon Festival benediction
Like the Dimernesti and Silvanesti
branches of elves, the Dargonesti have a
group system, though theirs is based on
clans rather than guilds. While certain
clans show particular suitability to certain
occupations, any member of any clan can
enter any trade. This sort of attitude
causes the other elven races, which use
guilds as their social structure, to look
down on the Dargonesti as primitives.
The social structure of the Dargonesti
is very loose indeed. Though deference
and obedience is given to the leaders, a
paladin in the Order of the Dolphin is
not considered any more or less worthy of
respect than a humble coral sculptor.
Though the Dargonesti are certainly
standoffish and exclusive toward other
races, all within Dargonesti society have
equal value.
Most Dargonesti are either lawful or
chaotic good, though Watermere has its
share of neutrally aligned sea elves. Evil
sea elves are extremely rare; these usually
are exiled from Watermere if discovered.
All Speakers and military leaders must be
either lawful or chaotic good aligned.
Each clan is headed by a Speaker of the
Blood, usually the family patriarch or
matriarch. This Speaker holds absolute
power in his clan.
A distinction must be made between a
clan and a family. There can be eight different families living all over Watermere
with the surname Whitebreakers. This
means that all eight families belong to
Clan Whitebreaker, and there is one
Speaker of the Blood that represents all
eight families.
The Speakers of the Blood for all of the
Dargonesti clans gather together once
every 36 days, coinciding with Solinaris

High Sanction phase. This meeting is

called the White Sanction, and it is presided over by the Speaker of the Moon.
During the White Sanction, each clan
leader has the chance to air his grievances
or raise certain issues that may affect all of
Watermere. Disputes between clans are
resolved during the Sanction. The clans
also set trade tariffs and rental fees for the
surface dwellers and merfolk. Inter-clan
issues are decided by consensus, with the
Speaker of the Moon having the final say
in all matters, as well as the ability to
override any decisions.
The White Sanction lasts for six days,
followed by two days of feasting, celebrations, and religious services.
The Speaker of the Moon, so named
because the moons of Krynn exert the
strongest influence on the oceans, rules
Watermere. The title is hereditary,
though exceptions can and have been
made. In these cases, the Speakers of the
Blood elect a Speaker of the Moon by consensus, the candidate usually being a
Dargonesti who has done some great
deed for the people.
A Speaker of the Blood is usually the
eldest member of a clan. Both males and
females are allowed to ascend to any
Speaker position.
Dargonesti society is very family oriented. Many of the elves prefer to dwell
in tight-knit family groups instead of the
underwater cities.
Dargonesti are shy and reclusive to outsiders, but within their homelands embrace, they are a happy people who love
life and live it to its fullest. There are
strong feelings of loyalty among Dargonesti. Possessions, food, and even
homes are freely shared with those in
need. Dargonesti revere life and nature,
and they seek to work with nature rather
than attempting to manipulate or control
Despite this openness, Dargonesti
families value their privacy. It is rude to
ask even the slightest personal question
of a Dargonesti unless the asker is part of
that Dargonestis clan.
It is generally true to say that the Dargonesti have two faces: one that they wear
when around non-Dargonesti (especially

surface-dwellers), and one that they show

to each other. In fact, it is not unusual for
a group of Dargonesti to be laughing and
joking among themselves, only to immediately drop into a heavy silence when a
non-Dargonesti walks by them.
As a rule, most Dargonesti dwell in underwater caves, sea shell citadels, surface
cities that sank to the bottom during the
Cataclysm, and the few cities that the
elves themselves built.
There are some Dargonesti who live
apart from the group habitats. These
elves are usually engaged in kelp farming
or fish breeding. Since these homesteaders do not have the strength of numbers
to protect themselves against undersea
predators, most have several dolphins or
hippocampi as loyal, intelligent guards.
The largest Dargonesti-built city is
called Takaluras, after the first Speaker of
the Moon. It is a wonder to behold, with
its towering spires of highly polished crystal and walls of coral carved with pride
and care. Not many of the Dargonesti live
in Takaluras. It is a city built more for ruling Watermere, holding festivals and
White Sanctions, and receiving visitors.
Certain sections of Takaluras have air
chambers to accommodate the extremely
rare surface visitor, or to do some small
manufacturing of items that cannot be
fabricated in a wet environment.
The Speaker of the Moon and his clan
are among the few Dargonesti who dwell
in Takaluras.
The term Dargonesti is a Silvanesti
word, and rarely used by the sea elves.
They prefer the term Quoowahb,
which means Sea Elves, and comes
from a splinter tongue created by the
Dargonesti themselves. Quoo means
sea, and wahb denotes elves or
pertaining to the elves.
There are many bubbling sounds in
the Quoowahb language because these
phrases are easier to utter underwater,
though many Dargonesti still speak the
normal Silvanesti tongue. The Silvanesti
tongue is considered an inferior form of
communication among the Dargonesti.
A speaker runs the risk of his words not
carrying the weight due to them, if he
chooses to speak in Silvanesti. Speaking


Quoowahb tells the listeners Listen!

This is important and worth hearing!
Speakers of the Blood and the Moon
must speak in Quoowahb at all public
In general, the Dargonesti wish to be
left alone. They avoid any major dealing
with surface races, finding most of them
to be vulgar and needlessly violent folk.
The aquatic races hardly fare any better.
The Dargonesti look down on the Dimernesti in much the same way that the
Dimernesti look down on the Dargonesti. Other races such as the merfolk
are hardly ever approached.
The number of Dargonesti is small in
relation to other elven races, with the several wars accounting for most of the depletion. Thus a birth is a much celebrated
and welcome event. Treyen Silverwake,
the current Speaker of the Moon, is
strongly urging families to procreate.
Current population figures hover around
4,000 Dargonesti, which includes the


Within Dargonesti society is a group of
warriors known as the Order of the Dolphin. Created by Kiri-Jolith and Habakkuk, this Order is the Dargonesti
version of the Knights of Solamnia.
These warriors are either lawful or chaotic
good, and they are sworn to defend the
Speaker of the Moon, the Speakers of the
Blood, and the borders of Watermere.
Members of this Order can be clerics,
fighters, or paladins, subject to the usual
alignment restrictions.
Note that the Order of the Dolphin is
not recognized as a Solamnic Knighthood by anyone on Ansalon. The Order
is merely the Dargonesti version of the
Knights and not the Solamnic Knights
per se. The Order is well-received by the
Dargonesti. If a Dargonesti from Taladas
somehow encountered a Solamnic
Knight, the elf would respect the Knight
regardless of how the Solamnic Knights
are faring in overall public opinion. Dargonesti could care less about public
A second interesting group, but one

that is not as well-liked, is the Beekatawahb, or fringe elves. This group feels
that the Dargonesti have an obligation to
help out all fellow living creatures, be
they water or air breathers.
The Beekatawahbs lifestyle is one of
self-denial and helping others, especially
those who cannot help themselves. Airbreathing sailors who tell tales of being
rescued from pirates by mysterious benefactors, or of people washed overboard
who appear safely back on board their
ship a few hours later, are speaking of the
This group is called the fringe, because their philosophy is certainly not
consistent with standard Dargonesti
thought, though the Beekatawahbs unconditional goodness makes it impossible
for the sea elf society to dismiss it altogether. Thus, this kind-hearted group is
considered to be on the fringe of Dargonesti society: not exiles, but certainly
not mainstream. Most of them live on the
borders of Watermere, making their
name even more apt.
The Beekatawahb are led by a female
Speaker of the Stars who worships Habbakuk. Her name is Toouata Solacehand, a 12th-level cleric of chaotic good
Some Dargonesti consider the Beekatawahbs actions to be crazy, and have nicknamed them Foobwahb, which means
crazy elves.

Special days celebrated by the Dargonesti include the Day of Beginnings,
which commemorates the establishment
of Watermere, Drudarch Takalurions
Birthday, the Day of Triumph, which
marks Takalurions victory over the Sea
Witch, the Day of Mourning, which is a
solemn observation of the day that the
gods struck the Dargonesti with disease
when the latter refused to help victims of
the Cataclysm, the Day of Redemption,
which marks the successful end of Nakaro
Silverwakes quest, and the Highmoon
Festival, which takes place in the first
month of summer during the week of Solinaris High Sanction.


Most of the holidays are celebrated

with festivals of food, water-ballet, epic
stories, dramatic plays, and religious




In general, the Dargonesti do not enjoy war and fighting. They engage in
combat only out of necessity. But when
they do fight, they fight to win. Stay thy
hand as long as thou can. Let thine patience be as great as the vastness of the
ocean; yet when thine anger bursts forth,
let it be as terrible as the crashing waves
is an old Dargonesti saying that pretty
much sums it up.
In combat, the Dargonesti are formidable foes indeed. Clad in a leather-like
armor that comes from the hides of
manta rays, and armed with daggers,
lances, tridents, and even long swords on
rare occasion, the Dargonesti are capable
of dispassionately inflicting terrifying
amounts of damage to their foes.
Crime is almost unknown in Dargonesti society. A predominantly goodaligned population and an abundant
amount of food and shelter make crime
unnecessary. Besides, penalties for many
crimes are somewhat harsh.




The first thing that a surface dweller

must know about the name Watermere is that, like Dargonesti, it is a
surface term that is generally not favored
by the Quoowahb. The sea elves prefer
the name Quoonoqua, which means
Sea land.
The geography of Watermere is a subject of much wonder. It is both beautiful
and dangerous. The land is made up of
sandy undersea valleys and massive coral

Perhaps the most outstanding feature
of Watermere is the capital, Takaluras. It
serves as the political, financial, and cultural capital, but it has few actual residents. In a grudging concession to the
possibility of visitors from the surface,
there is even an inn that has a secure air
atmosphere. The place is called The
Wet Dog, the name being a source of
ridicule among the Dargonesti. Anyone
who has ever smelled a wet dog knows
that it is not the greatest odor in the
The ancestral residence of the Speaker
of the Moon is located in Takaluras. This
is an impressive castle with towering battlements and thick walls. It is one of the
few luxurious places in Watermere, and it
includes several fresh-air rooms.
The rest of Takaluras is made up of
temples, libraries, meeting halls, places
of business, and governmental buildings.
There are no roads, for there is no need
for them. Instead, there are stone markers with light spells cast upon them. Set at
intervals of ten yards, these stones define
the thoroughfares of Takaluras.
One of the more unusual places in Takaluras is the Air Zoo. The Zoo is a collection of opaque crystal domes filled with
air. The domes are in essence cages that
hold specimens of air-breathing creatures. There are no bars, but such things
are hardly necessary: where would an airbreathing escapee go?

The domes contain not only many varieties of air-breathing animals, but humanoids as well. Sometimes, captured
pirates are forced to serve a prison term
inside a dome, where the prisoner is
forced to be on display.
Each dome is equipped with all the
comforts of the caged creatures natural
habitat. Dargonesti swim by the domes
and peek at the creatures through windows, as much for scholarly study as for




In the extreme northern border of Watermere, where the coral reefs are particularly dangerous, lies a vast graveyard of
shipwrecks, some going back as far as preCataclysm days. The ships are victims of
the treacherous coral reefs and tropical
storms. This area is known as Hawahk
toh-Narqua, which translates as Tomb
of Ships.
The wrecks are in varied states, from
heaps of dashed timber to perfectly preserved sailing ships. There are over 400
wrecks in this 160-square-mile area.
The area is very dangerous, since many
of the wrecks are populated either by vicious sahuagin, giant slugs, or groups of
lacedons, the latter being the reanimated
dead bodies of the ships crews. In fact,
some of the more clever lacedons have arranged special lairs and deadfalls using
the wood from the ships hulls. A few
such lairs resemble giant labyrinths, and
the foolish adventurer who enters may
never find his way out.
Hawahk toh-Narqua is avoided by the
majority of the Dargonesti, though many
young, impetuous sea elves, anxious to
make a name for themselves, sometimes
venture into the wrecks in much the same
way that surface youths go off to the local
ruins to find fame and fortune. This
comes as no surprise, since many of the
cargo holds still contain riches and magic,
ripe for the picking. Also in the same way
of their young air-breathing counterparts, many do not come back.
Some Dargonesti scholars speculate
that there is some dark power or artifact
that draws evil creatures to lair here. This




same power also supposedly is responsible for reanimating the dead crews. Most
of these scholars guess that the power is
located in the dead center of the shipwreck area.
The scholars are more correct than they
can imagine. The Sea Witch has managed to plant one of her tentacles in the
direct center of this region. It is slowly
growing, and in a few decades it will mature into a powerful offspring of the
Witch. In the meantime, its strong emanations of evil animate the victims of the
shipwrecks, as well as attract the notice of
wicked creatures.

Another feature in northern Watermere is the Blooquah, or Oracle. This
wizened female Dargonesti is rumored to
be over two millennia old. Her name is
Daydra Stonecipher, and she is a lawful
good 27th-level priestess of Mishakal.
Daydras lair is hard to find; it requires
the seeker of knowledge to navigate his
way through a twisting, hazardous field
of coral.
Once through the coral, the lair is
guarded by an ancient dragon turtle that
screens visitors, sending away those with
frivolous or greedy questions. The foolishly persistent visitors become the
dragon turtles meals.
The oracle shrine proper is a cave hewn
from a massive column of coral. The
column itself breaks the oceans surface
and is an island rented to the humans.
The humans notice that there is something different about this island. According to the surface dwellers, if one drops a
coin into a certain hole in the ground,
and then asks a question, it may (65%
chance) be answered.
Daydra herself rarely makes a personal
appearance anymore. Usually, the supplicant enters a vast audience chamber and
lays the gift of food, wine, precious
stones, coins, or even pretty shells, in the
shell of a trained giant clam. Petitioners
pay according to their means, and Daydra
knows when someone is being dishonest.
Would-be cheaters are forcibly ejected
from the chamber by the dragon turtle.




What no Dargonesti knows is that

Daydra is related to the Sea-Witch; they
shared the same mother. Daydra came
over to Taladas in the Great Armada, and
immediately exiled herself to the underwater area, knowing that her half-sister
had already done so. Daydra knows much
about her evil half-sister, but is reluctant
to discuss her. Sagarassi is the older of the
two sisters.
Originally, both sisters lived on Ansalon. During the Kinslayer War, Daydra
wished for power to stop the bloodshed,
and appealed to Mishakal for help.
Sagarassi, on the other hand, wished for
power to destroy the humans. She pleaded
to Takhisis for power, and the evil goddess
steered the foolish elf to the goddesss evil

daughter, Zeboim, the Sea Queen. Takhisis wanted an agent in place near Taladas.
Zeboim obeyed her mothers wishes and
transformed Sagarassi into the Sea Witch,
and the waves carried the evil elf to her
present home on the oceans floor.
Daydra was made aware of this, which
prompted her to sail with the Great Armada in hopes of searching for her evil
A forgotten prophecy (forgotten, that
is, by everyone except for Daydra and Sagarassi) states that the two kinswomen
will fight to the death, but no winner is
named. This could that both die, the battle is inconclusive, or that the prophecy
merely chose not to include the victors


In the meantime, Daydra bides her

time and does good by being the
Dargonesti oracle, something she has
done for centuries. As may be imagined,
Daydra has accumulated a vast fortune.
Daydra is friends with all the sea creatures within a 50-mile radius of her lair,
even the sharks. Anyone who dares harm
Daydra will find themselves hunted by
every living creature in the scope of her
The Speaker of the Moon is the only
Dargonesti who can ask for a personal audience with Daydra.





The Land of the Dead is the vast graveyard of the Dargonesti. All of the Speakers of the Blood and the Moon are
interred here, as are high-ranking or particularly worthy Dargonesti.
Besides an Eternal Honor Guard of four
Order of the Dolphin paladins, six regular
Dargonesti warriors, and two Wizards of
High Sorcery, there are a half dozen tritons
and hippocampi keeping vigil. The Eternal Honor Guard is composed of participants of 7th level and greater.
The Speakers of the Blood and the
Moon h ave an un u s u a l r e s t i n g
arrangementthey are buried in giant
clam shells that are held shut by spells.
Some of these shells have carved effigies
on their surfaces, depicting the person
enclosed within. Some of the shells are
buried in the soft sandy ocean bottom,
but many, including all of the Speakers of
the Moon, have theirs merely resting on
the ocean floor itself.
The Land of the Dead has many varieties of graves. Some are made up of simple rock sarcophagi buried in the sand,
with a stone marker telling all who it is
that lies buried there. Some graves are
coral mausoleums with their contents
wrapped in special seaweeds that mummify the corpse. Other bodies merely
have rocks piled on top of them. There
are no cremations in the Dargonesti
death rites.
A deceased Dargonesti is buried with
his wealth. The Honor Guard and its allies ensure that the valuables remain
Another reason that the Honor Guard
is here, though no Dargonesti likes to say
it aloud, is to protect against the possibility that the Sea Witch may attempt to
raise the dead and use them in her foul
Unlike surface-dwellers cemeteries,
the Land of the Dead are not visited except during burials or festivals. The Land
is considered sacred ground; any
Dargonesti who dares enter here on the
wrong days must do penance. A nonDargonesti or a grave robber is immediately killed.

The Allshrine is a vast temple comprised of sculpted coral. The edifice is located a few miles south of the Land of the
Dead. The Allshrine is a polytheistic temple, devoted to Habakkuk, Kiri-Jolith,
Mishakal, and the four Dargonesti gods.
The four elven gods are Kailthis, goddess of love and procreation, Tumarq,
god of tradesmen and handicrafts,
Daidlin, goddess of sea creatures and
plants, and Randorilthi, god of luck.
These gods have four tiny constellations
in the heavens. The Dargonesti call these
constellations Habbakuks Servants.
The Allshrine is the center of the
Dargonesti faith. It was one of the first
buildings constructed by the sea elves
when they arrived at what was to become
There is a large rectory adjoining the
Allshrine. This houses about half of all
the Holy Order of the Stars clerics who are
over 5th level.
All the dead clerics are buried in a crypt
under the Allshrine. None are buried in
the Land of the Dead.




A large island, 30 miles across at its

widest point and 160 miles long, lies
sunken at the bottom of the ocean floor,
just 20 miles northeast of the capital.
The island was called Kosketh Minor,
and it sank during the Cataclysm. It had
two cities, Hoorward and Farport, both
populated by humans. When the island
sank, the Dargonesti took possession of it
and moved into Hoorward, rebuilding
many of the structures. The Dargonesti
renamed the sunken island Armach uQuoob, meaning Dry Land in the Sea.
The ruined city of Farport, however,
was quickly seized by fell creatures, in addition to the unfortunate fact that many
of the humans that drowned in the city
became undead. That alone was enough
to deter even the most obstinate
Dargonesti explorer. A careful guard has
been established to ensure that nothing
comes out of the dark ruins.
The city of Gloorghin-Tekh, Water-




meres second city, was ruined during the

Cataclysm. Most of the Dargonestis casualties were accounted for in the remains
of this once-fair city.
The Dargonesti abandoned Gloorghin-Tekh, as this graphic reminder of
the horror of the Cataclysm was too much
for the Dargonesti to bear. While this is
an understandable reaction, it was a bad
one. The evil koalinths, whose scouts observed the Dargonesti abandonment of
Gloorghin-Tekh, have moved into the ruins. These fell beasts have set up guard
stations and scouting outposts in the
jumbled heaps of buildings.
Now, the ruins of Gloorghin-Tekh
pose a threat to the continued well-being
of Watermere. The smashed city has
given the koalinths a toehold, albeit a
tiny one, in Dargonesti territory.
Besides the koalinths, the ruins are infested with sharks, evil octopi, and even,
if rumors are to be believed, an amphidragon.




Watermeres terrain consists primarily

of two main geological features
smooth, relatively flat sand and massive
coral reefs.
The coral reefs feature many beautiful
colors and naturally created intricate patterns. Certain reefs are so large that they
break the surface. These reefs support islands that are rented to the humans of
this climate;
The southern borders of Watermere
run parallel to the continental shelf line.
Below the shelf is koalinth territory. Fortunately, the shelf is approximately two
miles higher than the valley of the koalinths. This makes for a strong defensible
position for the Dargonesti.
Watermeres climate is comfortable
and warm all year round, and there are
two big reasons why. First, Watermere is
located in the tropical latitudes of Krynn.
Second, Watermere lies in the path of
several warm, steady ocean currents.
The water is clear enough that some
sunlight filters down to Watermere,
enough for the Dargonesti to tell when it
is night or day.


May your kelp fields be thick, fat fish
be always within spears reach, your family be large, your coral house strong, and
warm currents comfort you all the days of
your life.
Traditional Dargonesti formal
greeting. Also used as a benediction by
Dargonesti priests.
Most Dargonesti dwell in underwater
caves, but some are known to live in stone
houses, sea shell citadels, glass manors,
crystal castles, and coral cottages, and
even surface-built structures that fell into
the sea during the Cataclysm.
Whatever the composition of the
dwellings, most are set up with furniture
made of sculpted sea shells, carved coral,
or planking salvaged from shipwrecks.
Beautiful tapestries woven from sea
plants, jewel-encrusted sea shells, ceremonial weapons, and knickknacks from
sunken ships make up the majority of
Dargonesti home decorations. Some
homes even have several favorite marine
life specimens that roam about the
house. It is not unusual to enter a
Dargonesti home and be greeted by a
large lobster that expects you to give it a
treat. Many such animals are trained as
As far as personal decoration, the
Dargonesti wear sheer clothing spun
from the most delicate of sea plants.
Some wear cloaks spun from special seaweeds; these are the underwater versions
of cloaks of elvenkind. Dargonesti do not
use footwear.
Many sea elves wear jewelry made from
polished sea shells or finely sculpted
pieces of coral. Anyone chancing to meet
a Dargonesti who is wearing gold or platinum jewelry can safely assume that particular sea elf has access to the surface, or
at least to a shipwreck.
Life under the sea certainly offers a different sort of daily existence than life on
Krynns surface. Living immersed in an
ocean brings with it some unique problems and demands.


Coral sculptor

As mentioned before, a sufficient

amount of sunlight filters down from the
surface to give the Dargonesti an idea of
what time of day it is. When dawn
breaks, a large piece of metal set high
atop the Allshrine is repeatedly struck.
This device causes a deep bass thrumming that spreads throughout Watermere
(and its environs) in concentric circles.
This is the Call of the Morning, which
calls the Dargonesti to worship and announces the start of the day.
The gong is rung also at midday and at
sunset. At the latter sounding, all loyal
Dargonesti stop what they are doing and
engage in a small ritual.
First, all Dargonesti bow toward the
Allshrine in recognition of the gods having given the people another day. Next,
all face the capital, Takaluras, and clasp
both hands over their hearts in a gesture
of fealty toward the Speaker of the Moon.
Third, they face southwest, fists crossed
in front of their faces in defiance of their
enemies and the Sea Witch. Finally, they
face northeast, place their hands first over
their ears, then their eyes, then they turn
their backs on the northeast. This is a declaration to the Dimernesti that the sea
elves no longer listen to nor recognize the
shoal elves, and they have turned their
backs on the shoal elves forever.
After this little ritual, it is considered
evening, and all Dargonesti end their labors and spend time with each other.
Many of the sea elves take walks, carrying
globes with light spells cast inside them.

Ink and dyemaker

The average Dargonesti is a farmer or
fish breeder. The Dargonesti diet consists
of various plants and certain species of fish
that lack any true sentience. Vast farms of
kelp and other edible plants dot the terrain of Watermere, where an occasional
fishherder and his school of tuna may wander by, grazing on the vegetation.
Of course, there are Dargonesti with
other trades. Among the occupations
that can be found among the sea elves are
the following:


Hippocampi trainer
and groomer
Scrimshaw carver

Dargonesti culture leans heavily toward music, poetry, drama, and writing.
The Quoowahb are proud of their history,
and their art reflects this. Many of the
plays that the Dargonesti see performed
in giant half-shell theaters deal with historical events.
Much of Quoowahb poetry is in the
form of epics that depict events in the
lives of heroic figures, such as Drudarch
Writing is difficult underwater, hence
it is confined to the dry, air-filled chambers. In these places, Dargonesti scholars
compose their works using waterproof ink
and pages composed of specially treated
skins of various fish. Despite the limitations, there are more books available to
the average middle-class Dargonesti than
his air- breathing, human counterpart.
During the day, young Dargonesti are
given education in history (from the
Dargonesti viewpoint, of course!), botany, zoology, reading and writing, and
Like many other species of elves, the
Dargonesti do not require much sleep.
Still, during the hours when most creatures are sleeping, the Dargonesti spend
time indoors with their families.
Though the Dargonesti have their own
army, each capable male and female
adult must drill in a militia unit once
every 36 days.





Behold the great bounty of plants that

thrive on the ocean floor and nourish us!
Behold the great schools of succulent fish
that fill our stomachs! Secure under the
waves, we are free from want. The only
error our ancestors committed in leaving
the surface world is that thy did not do it
Excerpt from first Highmoon Festival
speech ever given by Taladas

The undersea world does indeed possess great bounty. Edible plants are numerous and of many different varieties.
The following are some of the more common or useful plants.
Breathroot: This brown tuber grows
wild all over the sunken island of Armach
u-Quoob. Breathroot probably originally
was a land plant, but it was changed by
the Cataclysm.
When a three-inch length of
breathroot is chewed, its oxygen-rich
pulp enables an air-breather to remain
underwater for a period of four hours.
Breathroot is used frequently during
rescue operations for sinking ships, Every
Dargonesti who goes up to the surface
carries ten doses of breathroot.
Dragonfolly: These serrated yellow
leaves grow in only one placethe interior of the Oracles reception cave. As a
result, this plant is hard to come by. Some
enterprising Dargonesti herbalists have
tried to transplant a few dragonfollies
and make them grow in gardens, but the
plant refuses to thrive anywhere else.
Dragonfolly is prized because it has
the same effects on dragons that catnip
has on cats. When a dragon comes
within 40 feet of dragonfolly, it must roll
a saving throw vs. poison. A dragon that
fails its saving throw becomes irrationally attracted to the dragonfolly, getting the desire to roll around in it, sniff
it, and eat it. Some dragons even become playful. In essence, dragonfolly
turns dragons into giant, frisky house
cats for 2d6 turns,

Attacking a dragon under the influence of dragonfolly gives the attacker two
free rounds of combat against the beast.
At the end of the second round, the dragons mind is clear, resulting in one very
enraged dragon.
As can be imagined, no dragon wishes
this fate. If a successful saving throw is
rolled for a dragon exposed to dragonfolly, it knows full well what the plants
owner had in mind. It enters into a homicidal rage, refusing any further discussion, intent only on killing the
dragonfollys wielder.
Dream Anemone: These beautiful sea
flowers contain a potent fluid that causes
the imbiber to fall into a deep sleep and
have vivid dreams.
Dream anemones grow wild everywhere in Watermere. Many are harvested,
mixed with kelp juice, and fermented
into a form of alcoholic beverage. Only a
dose of three ounces or more of pure, undiluted dream anemone extract can cause
the sleep and dream effect (no saving
Haltweed: Resembling a sickening
handful of green, brown, and yellow
tendrils, haltweed thrives on wooden surfaces. Yet another plant that grows wild
on Armach u-Quoob, haltweed is used to
slow down enemy sailing vessels.
When a handful of haltweed is hurled
at an underwater section of the hull of a
moving ship, the wooden hull and the
churning, oxygen-rich water provide
haltweed with the perfect growing conditions. The plants tendrils shoot out at an
accelerated rate, and the haltweed doubles its size every round. The resulting
drag gradually slows the ship to a halt.
As a rule, one handful of haltweed per
ten feet of ship length is enough to stop
the ship in five rounds.
The plant is nearly sentient. It cannot
be removed except by a creature born in
the sea. Haltweed gets a +2 bonus to
saving throws vs. any attempt to control
it by means of spell or potion. It also gets
a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. firebased attacks.
Lightleaf: Lightleaf is a sea plant with
smooth, broad leaves; it grows abundantly on the sandy floor of the sea. The



plant contains a high amount of luminescent material in its sap. When a lightleaf
is broken, the luminescence is released.
Five leaves of this plant can light up a 20foot-square room. The glow lasts for 36
Some Dargonesti harvest the leaves
and mash them into a liquid. This liquid light is used as a paint for houses or
for decorative purposes. There are even
some Dargonesti who use the extract as
body paint, which gives them an eerie,
spectral appearance.
Neverwhere: Neverwhere is made of a
variety of sea grass that is almost transparent. Dargonesti cloaks of elvenkind are
spun from neverwhere. Most Dargonesti
clothing is made from a blend of
neverwhere and normal seaweed, the latter giving the garment greater toughness.
Neverwhere grows near the Oracles
cave and in large cultivated patches on
the outskirts of Takaluras.
Tonguehalt: This slimy, black plant has
tiny leaves the size of a mans thumbnail.
When placed under the tongue of a victim, the plants enzymes mix with saliva
and create a mixture that freezes the victims vocal cords.
Tonguehalt is used primarily to silence
spellcasters held in detention. This
numbness lasts as long as the leaf is under
the tongue, plus an additional 12 hours
after the leaf is removed.
The plant grows wild, and in abundance near the shipwrecks.
Waterbane: This prickly, spherical
plant is prized for its sap. Waterbanes
sap repels water and acts as an excellent
sealant. Dargonesti alchemists highly
value waterbane sap, for it enables them
to seal potion bottles and carry these
around the sea without the threat of water seepage.
One application of waterbane lasts for
approximately one year.
In regards to Watermeres fauna, there
are many species of fish and marine life
that call the waters of Watermere home.
Plants are also woven into clothing,
ropes, and tools, or mashed into dyes,
paints, and salves. The Dargonesti try to
find a use for everything that grows.




Dargonesti divide all sea life into two
categories: sentient and non-sentient life.
Non-sentient marine life can be eaten.
Eating sentient marine life is tantamount
to cannibalism, unless the life form is an
enemy of the Quoowahb.
Non-sentient marine life includes most
fish, such as tuna, barracuda, and marlins, as well as eels, slugs (which to a
Dargonesti taste delicious once the acid is
neutralized), crabs, lobsters, oysters, and
Sentient marine life includes dolphins,
whales, narwhals, sharks (enemies of the
Dargonesti and consequently considered
fit to eat), octopi, and hippocampi.
Narwhals and dolphins are considered
sacred creatures. Killing one of these results in imprisonment and possible exile.
Hippocampi travel in herds in much
the same way as air-breathing horses.
They serve as mounts for the Dargonesti.
In fact, one of the most fascinating
sights is when a special group of
Dargonesti called the Teebawkh, literally,
the tuna lads, ride their hippocampi to
herd great schools of tuna to their feeding
grounds. Scores of large tuna are driven
to fertile kelp beds by approximately two
dozen Teebawkh wielding blunt poles,
special nets, and lariats made from specially treated hemp.



We do not enjoy killing our enemies;
we prefer to simply outlive them.
Dargonesti proverb
Dargonesti share the elven heritage of
a long life span. Most Dargonesti, if allowed to die a natural death, live for
about 15 centuries. There have been cases
of Dargonesti living for two millennia.
(Daydra and Sagarassi are much older
than two millennia, but this is due to divine intervention and magical spells.)
Some people may think that the great
life span of the Dargonesti means that the
stages of development are proportionately
increased. Nothing could be further from
the truth (a Dargonesti would remain an
infant for 15 years if this were true).
No, what really happens is that for the
first 14 years of life, the development of
an elven child and a human child are precisely the same. On the fifteenth year of a
Dargonesti childs life, his metabolism
dramatically slows down to adult levels.
This is when the vast life span proportions
settle in.
Female Dargonesti are fertile only once
every 36 months. The gestation period is
36 weeks. As an aside, it should be mentioned that due to the depleted numbers
of the Dargonesti, terminating a pregnancy or attacking an expectant mother
are capital offenses, bringing a swift
death to the perpetrator. These crimes, as
well as treason and entering the Land of
the Dead during forbidden times, are the
only crimes punishable by death.
Within 36 hours of the birth of the
baby, the parents must take it to the Allshrine (or, if unable, to the nearest cleric)
for a foretelling of the childs destiny and
calling. Once this is accomplished, there
is a dedication ceremony, followed by a
feast given by the fathers family.
Schooling begins at age five. As told before, Dargonesti children get a complete academic education from Watermeres
scholars. It is up to the family itself to instruct the child on moral values, survival

techniques, and martial arts. Formal education lasts until the child turns 20, though
would-be scholars have barely scratched the
surface of required education.
When the child reaches the age of ten,
he is taught how to shapechange into a
dolphin. At age 15, the child is instructed
in the ways of the inherent magic common to all Dargonesti.
When the child turns 16, regardless of
how complete or incomplete his magical
training is, he takes the Test of the
Threshold. This is an exercise that tests
the childs intelligence, cleverness, stamina, and overall physical prowess. As a
rule, the test is not fatal (the Dargonesti
cannot afford to lose a single soul needlessly!), though the truly foolish sometimes meet with death.
The childs mastery (or lack thereof) of
the Test determines which vocation the
child is best suited for; it also marks the
childs crossing of the threshold into
adulthood. If a child fails the Test, he
must take it again 36 weeks later. Until
the child passes the Test, or dies trying, he
is not considered a legal adult, and consequently does not possess the rights, privileges, and respect enjoyed by adults.
Once the Test is completed and vocation is established, the childs education
becomes focused more on the skills required to succeed at that occupation.
The 20-year-old adult Dargonesti then
enters a term of service in the Dargonesti
army. The term usually lasts between four
and eight years.
The next stage is apprenticeship in an
occupation. This lasts for about 20 years,
after which the Dargonesti is a fully
trained and legal tradesman in his work.
Most Dargonesti begin showing an interest in the opposite sex around the age
of 36, which is the time of complete sexual maturity for a Dargonesti. Much of
what is considered serious courtship usually does not begin until age 40.
Courtships can last from five to ten
years, followed by a betrothal, which lasts
three years (36 months). During these
two time periods, both partners must remain chaste.
Due to the populations small size and
the greater number of females than





males, polygamy is allowed. A male elf

may have more than one wife, but the
husband must present absolute proof to
the Speakers of the Blood of all his wives
that he is capable of supporting more
than one wife, emotionally and financially. If any one Speaker has misgivings,
the arrangements cannot be initiated.
This system and the inherent monogamist tendencies of the Dargonesti mean
that very few elves take advantage of the
polygamy rule.
Immediately after the wedding celebration, the newlyweds proceed to a place
where they can get to know each other
better. This period lasts for 36 days and is
called the Whitemoon. The couple usually sequesters themselves somewhere
away from the general populace, with selected troops from both partners militia
units acting as guards, from a guardhouse
located a discreet distance from the newlyweds quarters. These guards, called
the Whitemoon Knights, are usually the
closest friends and relatives of the happy
Once Whitemoon is over, the couple
begins the task of reassimilation into
Dargonesti society. They resume their occupations and life returns to normal until
a birth occurs.
Once it is discovered that a female
Dargonesti is pregnant, she immediately
becomes the center of attention of all who
know about the event. The Dargonesti
view each pregnancy as everyones object
of protection. Anything that the couple
needs is provided for them. The motherto-be remains at home throughout the
pregnancy, and the father-to-bes duties
and responsibilities are halved so that he,
too, can spend much time at home.
The more children that a couple have,
the more honor is bestowed upon them.
Their words carry more weight, since they
are directly contributing to the overall
strength of Watermere.
Unlike the elderly of other races, elderly Dargonesti do not suffer much from
the debilitating effects of old age. Senility is virtually unknown, and reductions
in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
are minimal (-1 in each for every 500 years
of life).


If a being chooses to ignore the gods
then he should make a habit of doing
other things that are equally as intelligent, such as sticking his head in the
mouth of a hungry shark, or challenging
the Sea Witch to a duel of honor.
Kwuhlahl, priest of Habbakuk,
during his benediction on the
Festival of the Moon, 734 PC
The Dargonesti have always been, and
continue to be, a very religious folk.
However, they do not go to any extraordinary lengths to include the gods in their
daily life. The Dargonesti feel that if one
loves the gods, then acts of devotion and
faith come naturally and are woven into
daily life with no effort.
The Dargonesti do not go out of their
way to act pious. One does not act pious, one is pious, goes a saying from a
Dargonesti childs religious primer. The
sea elves revere the gods not out of fear,
but out of genuine adoration and love.
Perhaps this is why, when the Cataclysm struck, the Dargonesti clerics lost
their powers only for a short time. It took
the sea elves sin of not caring for the
other victims of the Cataclysm to cause
the gods to inflict a measure of punishment on the Dargonesti, and even then it
was small compared to what happened on
the surface. The god Habbakuk knew
that the sea elves would come to their
senses quicker than the other races.
Of course, it took the faith of one
Dargonesti hero to bring back the sea
elves to a position of health and prosperity, as told earlier.



The Dargonesti worship Habbakuk,

known as the Sea Lord, above all other
gods. To the Dargonesti, Habbakuk is
represented by a dolphin, a frequent ally
of the sea elves. In fact, it is said that the
numbers of dolphins that swim in the
lands of Watermere is a sign of Habbakuks current attitude toward the

Dargonesti. The more dolphins seen, the

greater the pleasure of Habbakuk is assumed to be. A complete absence of dolphins indicates that something is very
wrong. A giant dolphin appearing out of
nowhere and swallowing someone whole
is a sign that the victim did something
truly bad.
During the punishment of the
Dargonesti, around the time of the Cataclysm, there was not a dolphin to be seen.
In fact, many fish, including the ones
that the Dargonesti use for food, were nowhere to be seen in Watermere.
The second most popular god is KiriJolith, the good god of war and Habbakuks twin brother. Despite the
Dargonesti distaste for violence, the
pragmatic elves offer worship to KiriJolith so that he will keep war away; if war
does come, it is hoped that the god will
empower the elves to achieve peace
through a swift victory.
The elven symbol for Kiri-Jolith is the
narwhal, the unicorn of the sea. He is especially venerated by the militia.
The origins of the four Dargonesti gods
are unclear. There is some speculation
that they are four especially worthy elves
who ascended into godhood long ago.
Kailthis the Beautiful, goddess of love
and procreation, is depicted as a stunningly beautiful female Dargonesti. Her
symbol is a mermaid of exceptional
beauty. Kailthis is chaotic good, and
functions as a 2lst-level cleric.
Kailthiss clerics can cast spells from
the following spheres: All, Astral,
Charm, Divination, Guardian, Healing,
Protection, and Sun.
Special attention is paid to Kailthis
during courtships, betrothals, weddings,
Whitemoons, and births. Sacrifices to her
are in the form of sea flowers and scrolls
of love poems.
Tumarq, god of tradesman and handicrafts, appears as a muscular Dargonesti
with nimble fingers. His symbol is a hermit crab. Tumarq is especially venerated
by any Dargonesti who uses his hands to
make a living. Tumarq is lawful good and
functions as a 20th-level mage. He is the
most serious-minded of the four
Dargonesti gods.

Tumarqs clerics can cast spells from the

following spheres: All, Astral, Combat,
Creation, Divination, Elemental, and
Most Dargonesti tradesmen offer prayers and sacrifices of small models of
equipment before commencing work on
a new project. There are unconfirmed reports that a small cult of Tumarq exists
among the Spire Mountain gnomes on
Taladas. Since some gnomes will go to
any lengths to gain inspirations for their
projects, the reports should not be dismissed altogether.
Daidlin is the goddess of the seas flora
and fauna, and her symbol is a golden
anemone. She is chaotic good, and functions as a 22nd-level cleric. Daidlins appearance is of a very plain female elf, with
chains of flowers draping her shoulders,
and small forms of marine life encircling
her head like a halo.
Daidlins clerics can cast spells from the
following spheres: All, Animal, Astral,
Combat, Divination, Elemental, Plant,
Summoning, Sun, and Weather.
The goddess Daidlin functions more
like a druid than any other god that the
Dargonesti worship. Her name is invoked
when Dargonesti fish hunters go on a
food-gathering trip. Feasts and services
are held in her honor when crops are
planted, and later in the year when the
crops are harvested
The most unpredictable and mischievous Dargonesti god is Randorilthi, the
god of luck. His symbol is the sea urchin.
The symbolism is perfect, for he acts like
a street urchin. Randorilthi is chaotic
good, and acts as a 24th-level thief, a profession unheard of among the
Dargonesti. His favorite form is of a small
Dargonesti boy with tousled green hair
and a perpetual smirk.
Randorilthis clerics (none are
known) can cast spells from every
sphere. It is not known how he managed
to gain access to all of the known spheres
of clerical power. Most would say that he
was just lucky.
If any Dargonesti worships Randorilthi in a formal and consistent manner, no one has spoken of it. The gods
name is usually exclaimed in a last-ditch


effort to ward off a bad consequence to an

Most Dargonesti settlements have a
cleric of either one of the major gods of
Krynn or one of the four Dargonesti
gods. These priests are no higher than 5th

level; more experienced priests go to serve

at the Allshrine.
There are even small shrines that dot
the ocean floor of Watermere. These
shrines usually consist of half a clamshell
set upright, with a statue of the respective


god inside it, and a small urn for donations toward its upkeep. Most of these
shrines radiate protection from evil spell,
and have continual light spells cast upon


It would seem the role of all the elves in
the universe is to be the magic, romantic
figures that are oppressed by humans and
hordes of evil beasts, to be eventually
driven in to exile or extinction. As sure as
my heart is strong, my sinews mighty my
eyes keen, and my sword sharp, the
Quoowabb shall not have to be content
with the lot of the sufferer. Such nonsense ends now!
Excerpt from Speaker of the Moon
Takalurions victory speech
after the Sea Witchs forces
were defeated for the first time.
Though it has already been established
that the Dargonesti deplore violence and
enter war only when absolutely necessary,
the sea elves still have an organized army.
The Speaker of the Moon is technically
the High Commander of the army, unless
he has demonstrated either a reluctance
to lead the army on the field, or a complete lack of strategic and tactical skill.
Several generals run the army from the
capital city of Takaluras. Though the
number of generals fluctuates, there is always at least three such military leaders
active during peaceful times. When the
Dargonesti are involved in prolonged
hostilities, there are a maximum of 18
For a race that dislikes war, the
Dargonesti have a very organized military
force. All companies consist of 180 soldiers, with two companies together being
called a perfect.
Each company is divided into two
groups, each of 90 soldiers, called
leftgroup and rightgroup. The
groups are subdivided into ten ninesoldier sections called linwahb (nine
In each linwahb, there is a sergeant,
seven regular soldiers, and a wizard. The
sergeant is the equivalent of a 5th-level
fighter, while the wizard is no higher
than 7th level. The regular soldiers are all
1st-level fighters.

Companies are commanded by captains, who are at least 7th-level fighters or

paladins. Each company also has a warwizard, a mage of at least 8th level, and a
priest of the Holy Order of Stars of at least
7th level. The priest is usually a cleric of
Kiri-Jolith. Besides the usual priestly
functions, the cleric also acts as advisor to
the captain.
A perfect is commanded by a Knight
Perfect, the equivalent of a 10th-level
fighter or paladin. The Knight Perfect is
aided by a wizard of at least 14th level
and a priest of at least 10th level.
Companies have beautiful war standards, and each company adopts a sea creature as its symbol. A perfects symbol is
made up of the two involved companies
adopted creatures tethered together,
pulling a moon out of the sky.
The militia duties include not only defense of Watermere from external enemies, but also enforcement of common
law and guard duty at places of special
significance, such as the Allshrine. They
are trained in the use of every type of
Dargonesti weapon.
There are certain special units in the
Dargonesti army. The most prominent
companies are the ones that make up the
Hippocampi Lancers, or Waveriders. This
unit is the most difficult force for a
Dargonesti to enlist into. The Hippocampi Lancers are the Dargonesti equivalent of cavalry.
Each Waverider is assigned a hippocampus colt during training. Rider and
mount train together and are emotionally
bonded with strong feelings of loyalty.
During this two-year period, the team
trains in underwater maneuvers, surface
ship identification and boarding party
techniques, linwahb tactics, and trick riding maneuvers.
The Waverider is further taught how to
blindfight, tend battlefield wounds, and
how to wield a variety of weapons, from
lances to swords to weighted nets.
The Hippocampi Lancers have fought
with distinction throughout Dargonesti
history. The unit is steeped in tradition,
and morale is very high. There are 720
Waveriders on active duty at any given
time. As might be guessed, the Waveri78

der symbol is the hippocampus.

The Farstriker Companies are also specially trained units. They train with the
bwohrb, a device that launches harpoons
in very much the same way as crossbows
on the surface fire quarrels. The Farstrikers are the sharpshooters or archers of
the Dargonesti army.
The Farstrikers are 900 strong, most
deployed on the frontiers of Watermere,
where danger is the greatest. Despite the
potentially fatal patrol area, morale is
high and discipline is very strong. The
battle standard of the Farstrikers depicts a
giant slug spitting acid, a symbol that has
brought the unit many unflattering jokes
and comparisons, but they do not mind.
The Farstrikers are self-assured and convinced of their own competence, and
they do not worry what others say.
The Company of the Octopus is the
most mysterious special unit in the militia, and for good reason. This company
specializes in stealth, reconnaissance, and
The Octopis prime mission is to conduct rescue operations, spy missions, and
reconnaissance behind enemy lines.
Their work is extremely dangerous, so
they are taught how to defend themselves
in every way possible. They are also
taught techniques of rapid, silent swimming, camouflage, sign language, and
The unit adopted the octopus as its
symbol, for just as the octopus releases a
cloud of black ink to throw off attackers,
the company works in the darkness of
shadows. There is only one company of
180 Dargonesti, since the work is so dangerous and specialized.
The Order of the Dolphin, the
Dargonesti version of the Knights of Solamnia, become attached to the army
during times of prolonged conflict. At
other times, they are simply an autonomous order of religious warriors, wandering about the land of Watermere (and
sometimes beyond) doing good.
The Dargonesti have built a series of
small forts along the frontier with the
koalinth, as well as a few scattered forts
on the borders of merfolk territory and
the northern frontier.


The largest fort is a full-sized construction called khab-Takaluras (fortress Takaluras). This is the only large defensive
complex that the Dargonesti have consented to build. (As a rule, the
Dargonesti do not enjoy building war
machines of any sort, and even something defensive, such as a fort, falls into
that category.)
Dargonesti weaponry consists of daggers, lances, tridents, and long swords
(for some higher level warriors and leaders). Other weapons included are nets,
bwohrb, spears, and clubs fitted with
razor-sharp sea shells.
Armor consists mostly of leather armor
made from manta rays or eels. Many
Dargonesti also wear helmets made of the
same material. Some militia troops enjoy
decorating their helmets with small items
or carvings. One of the favorite devices is
a stylized narwhal horn protruding from
the front of the helmet.
In certain rare instances, suits of
leather armor are fitted with sea shells.
The shells are treated with special liquids
that make them as tough as steel. Unfortunately, this is a painstaking process.
Consequently, only fighters and leaders
of great strength, renown, or wealth wear
shell armor. Shell armor affords the protection of splint armor.
Shields are not used that often, most of
them being relegated to a ceremonial capacity. Dargonesti shields consist of
tough hides stretched over a framework
of shark bones.
Of all the weapons and armor of a
Dargonesti, 35% of these are magical,
made by their own wizards.
Female Dargonesti fight in the army
only when Watermere is engaged in prolonged fighting. During times of peace,
most female Dargonesti revert to reserve
status. Those of captain rank and higher
are allowed to stay on, but even so, they
are encouraged to marry (presumably to a
fellow army officer) and bear children.
This does not reflect on the females
combat ability; the Dargonesti do not
feel that their males are any more capable
than their females in ways of fighting.
The Dargonesti are just very much aware
that it is the females who bear young,

thus they play a valuable role in the continuation of Dargonesti society.

Sometimes, the Dargonesti army needs
to conduct operations on the surface of
the ocean. This is usually prompted by
human or Minotaur pirates operating in
Watermeres environs. The Dargonesti
have perfected a method of dealing with
trespassing surface vessels,
When surface ships begin to appear in a
pattern of increasing frequency, the army
sends several dolphins, accompanied by a
single Dargonesti sergeant shapechanged
into a dolphin, toward the ships to determine the intruders intent. In some ways,
this is also a subtle warning to surface trespassers that they have attracted the attention of the Dargonesti, and would do well
to leave while they still can.
If the ship crews react in a hostile fashion, or the transformed sergeant recognizes certain symbols and standards of
pirate ships, the dolphins swim back to
the army and tell what they have seen.
The sergeant remains with the ships,
tracking their movements. Then, the
finely developed tactics of the Dargonesti
are put into action.
At least two linwahbs of Waveriders,
with handfuls of haltweed, swim on an
intercept course toward the vessels, depositing the haltweed in front of the ship,
which enables the plants tendrils to slow
down the ship. The Waveriders are covered by four linwahbs of Farstrikers.
As the ship grinds to a halt, the sergeant of the Waveriders pops up to the
surface in order to parlay with the surface
ships crew. Should the crew recant their
actions and promise to go back where
they came from, the Dargonesti release
the ship and the crisis ends. If the crew
refuses (or worse, they just attack the sergeant immediately), then the airbreathers have sealed their own fates.
The wizard uses ESP, clairaudience,
and clairvoyance to check the ships for
any possible non-combatants or hostages
being held on board. If there are none,
the battle begins.
With the ship held immobile in the
haltweed, the Waveriders begin charging
at the submerged part of the ships hull
with their lances, poking holes in the bot79

tom. The Farstrikers break the surface

and begin picking off crewmen on the
If the crew strikes their colors (surrenders), the Dargonesti extract a tribute
from the intruders. Most of the time this
tribute is in goods that the Dargonesti
need but cannot manufacture. Sometimes the tribute is in the form of gems or
precious metals. In extreme cases, the
Dargonesti ask for the ships captain as
their prisoner. Most of the time that such
a request is made, the terrified sailors toss
the captain overboard.
Should the ship stubbornly refuse to
strike its colors, every Dargonesti and ally
withdraws into the ocean. Most human
crews make the mistake of thinking that
the Dargonesti are faltering in the attack.
Far from it.
The Farstrikers wizards come up to the
surface; each spellcaster hurls a fireball at
the ship and ducks back down into the
safety of the sea.
After the explosions subside, the
Dargonesti break the surface and hurl
great amounts of water on the burning
hulk. When the ships fires are out and
things have cooled down, the Waveriders
board the ship and strike down any survivors. Anything useful is removed from
the ship and the hulk is left to drift away
(they try not to sink the ship, as it would
pollute Watermeres sea bed).
If these ships have any obvious noncombatants on them (rare, since most pirate ships do not carry the young or the
elderly), these people are given
breathroot and brought to Watermere.
The sea elves tend to the humans as best
they can, then put their charges into a
safe, deep sleep. When the humans wake
up, they are on one of the human islands.
Another important role that the military fulfills is in hunting down and slaying sharks that have strayed into the
borders of Watermere. These vicious undersea predators are as welcome among
the Dargonesti as hungry wolf packs are
among communities of surface dwellers.
Most shark hunts are conducted by the
normal militia units. Especially large or
deadly intruders are dealt with by


Each of our people dwells in two vast
seas: The first is the life-sustaining water
of Krynn, the second is the sea of eldritch
power that courses through each
Quoowahb. It is every citizens duty to
co-exist with the former and control the
Dargonesti Archmage of High Sorcery
Karibda Stormlord, trusted advisor and
friend of Drudarch Takalurion.
While still a youth, every Dargonesti is
taught the principles of innate magic.
This varies from the training of Ansalon
Dargonesti, who must wait until they
gain far more experience before getting
such knowledge.
The innate spell abilities that each
Dargonesti must master before passing
into adulthood are color spray, dancing
lights, blur, darkness 15 radius, and mirror image. Each Dargonesti gains all of
the above spells, useable once per day.
This is but the first of a two-part magical
education, however.
The second part is mastering the
Klookah (shapechange). This enables
a Dargonesti to shapechange into dolphin form. The change can be performed
three times a day. The transformed
Dargonesti is indistinguishable from a
regular dolphin except to another
Like so many other elves throughout so
many different Prime Material planes,
the Dargonesti revere magic and actively
seek out new arcane knowledge.
Of course, there are Dargonesti Wizards
of High Sorcery, with all wizards being of
the Order of White Robes. The bulk of the
magical items and weapons in Watermere
are fabricated by these wizards.


It is not the eldritch power of a weapon
that makes a hero, it is the inner strength
of the one who wields it. A lost enchanted
blade can be recreated, but lose a hero to
deaths grasp, and he is gone forever. Depend not on magic to make yourself bet-

ter, rather seek the path of trials and

experiences to make yourself strong.
Excerpt from the ceremonial remarks
made to new initiates into the
Order of the Dolphin
Like all other magic-using cultures, the
Dargonesti have fabricated their share of
objects infused with magic. Most of the
water-attuned magical items found in the
Dungeon Masters Guide can be found in
Watermere. Some of the items are created
by the Dargonesti themselves, while others are acquired by chance.
In addition, the Dargonesti have created their own unique magical objects. A
partial list follows.
Blessed Trident: Land-based paladins
seek out Holy Avenger swords, rare
swords that give many abilities to the paladins who wields them. Holy Avengers
are even more scarce under the sea.
The paladins in the Order of the Dolphin use special tridents created by the
Dargonesti wizards and priests.
To a non-paladin, the trident acts as a
+1 weapon with no other abilities. In the
hands of a paladin, it becomes a +4
weapon, which does +8 points of damage against lawful or chaotic evil opponents.
In addition, the trident bestows 25%
magic resistance to the wielder. The trident also can cure serious wounds and
know alignment, each three times a day.
The trident also enables the paladin to
communicate with any sea creature encountered.
Circlet of Underwater Speech: This circlet made of tiny sea shells connected by a
silver thread. It is worn on the brow.
The circlet enables the wearer to speak
and hear noises without any underwater
distortion of sound.
These circlets are kept mostly for the
sake of air-breathing guests who are not
accustomed to conversing underwater.
Dooms Diadem: It is unclear whether
this grim item was constructed by evil Dargonesti or by the Sea Witch. In either case,


the diadem is a nasty piece of work (worse

still, there are at least three of them in existence, though there may be six). The
item is also known as the Helm of Horror
and the Cadaver Comb. Its normal form is
of a simple coronet made of coral, with
tiny carvings of sea creatures on it.
The diadems first function is its ability
to shapechange into any sort of article
meant to be worn on the head. Its most
popular forms, besides its diadem shape,
are those of a jeweled comb or an elaborately designed, open-faced helmet. The
diadem can change shape seven times a
day. The fact that it comes in several different forms makes it harder to identify
by sight.
When first worn, the user gets a tingling sensation, as well as a feeling of
happiness that he has put on the diadem.
The victim will refuse to part with the object regardless of friends pleas, offers of
great wealth, or any other incentives.
As time passes, the wearers actions
and thoughts become increasingly evil.
On the middle night of Nuitaris next
High Sanction, the wearers alignment
changes to the evil version of his current
alignment (e.g., a lawful good character
becomes lawful evil).
If the wearer is already evil, there are
no bad effects until the week of Nuitaris
next High Sanction. For the entire seven
days, the wearer will take every opportunity to commit senseless evil, as well as
succumbing to lycanthropy (determine
the type of creature turned randomly).
The other powers of the diadem include a +3 bonus to saving throws and
Armor Class and 15% magic resistance.
For spell purposes, the diadem functions
as a 16th-level caster. The diadem also
gives the wearer a +4 reaction bonus
when dealing with evil-aligned creatures
and sharks.
When worn, the diadem enables the
user to cast the following spells, each once
per day: animate dead, bestow curse, dispel magic, fear, flame strike, know alignment, meld into stone, and speak with
Obviously, no self-respecting
Dargonesti would wear this diadem. Its
purpose seems to be to create evil


Dargonesti, presumably to follow

Destroying a diadem is not easy. Only
striking it with a holy weapon, having a
dispel evil spell cast upon it by a good
cleric of at least 20th level, or surrendering it to nine dragon turtles on the middle night of Nuitaris Low Sanction can
destroy one of these accursed objects.
Hardwater Amulet: This beautiful,
starburst-shaped amulet is made of clear
crystal. It is practically invisible on the
wearer. Activated by the wielders will, it
can harden water into granite-like consistency. The user can create walls or hurl
bolts of hard water at enemies.
The volume of water that can be hardened equals 30,000 square feet. This can
be one large mass or many small ones.
The user can shape it into any form he
The bolts cause 4d8 points of damage
(half if a successful saving throw vs.
breath weapon is rolled).
The amulet can be used five times a
day. It requires no command word, but

the wielder still incurs a +3 initiative

penalty when using the amulet.
Horn of the Dolphins: This conch shell
can be blown as a horn. It sends out a
deep booming thrum that can be heard
in a ten-mile radius. All dolphins in its
range will swim at top speed toward the
user, anxious to heed the summons.
The horn cannot command the dolphins to obey the summoners orders.
Whether the dolphins obey or not depends on the merits of the horns owner.
The horn can be winded nine times a
Howling Harpoon: This weapon is enchanted with a +3 bonus. When hurled,
it creates a horrifying howl that emanates
in a cone-shaped configuration, 40 feet
long and 30 feet wide at its far end.
All victims in this cone must roll successful saving throws vs. paralyzation or
run as far as possible from the harpoons
thrower for 2d6 turns.
The harpoon wails for 1d4 rounds. Any
victims who stay in the cone of noise must


roll saving throws each round.

If the harpoon hits its intended target
but does not kill it, the target gets no saving throw and must immediately flee.
The harpoon remains in the victim,
which sometimes results in the unwilling
creature driving away its comrades as well
as itself!
The howling harpoon works well
against large groups of enemies.
Karnrohbs Airy Sphere: Used mostly
in rescuing air- breathing creatures from
drowning, this tiny glass globe creates a
globe of energy six feet in diameter. Inside the globe is a constantly replenishing
supply of fresh air. Water is kept out, but
the energy cannot keep out spells or living creatures.
To activate the tiny globe, it must be
either hurled at the subject or tapped on
the subjects forehead. The sphere can be
hurled up to 20 feet away.
The sphere can be used three times a
day, each use lasting three hours. The tiny
item has a very limited offensive capability; a resourceful person could throw the


sphere at a water-breathing foe, causing

the enemy to drown in the air. The
thrower performs this action by making a
standard attack roll (the target is AC 10
minus any bonuses for Dexterity, quickness, or speed).
The sphere always remains centered on
the subject, though he may voluntarily
depart by actively concentrating on leaving the sphere. The subject can take no
other action that round.
Loyal Net of Restraint: The Dargonesti
do not enjoy violence, which is why this
net was created. When a command word
is uttered, the net unravels and hurls itself at the first target it encounters within
its 30-foot range.
The net leaps in the direction that the
owner points to when saying the command word.
When unfurled the net covers a 20foot-diameter circle. It is ineffective
against any creature of large or greater
All who are trapped in the net must
roll saving throws vs. spell, with a -2
penalty. Any who fail the saving throw
become placid and motionless, unable
and unwilling to take any actions. Furthermore, each victim who fails the saving throw can be asked three questions,
which he must answer truthfully. Those
who succeed with their saving throws are
merely entangled until they can escape.
The net has an effective Armor Class of
-3, 50 hit points, and a Strength of 18/00.
It has a speed factor of 1. Any Dargonesti
wizard with the weaving nonweapon proficiency can repair a damaged net.
Another command word will cause the
net to release its opponents and curl back
into its compact shape, hooking itself
back onto its owners belt. Some Dargonesti give their nets names as one
would do for a pet.
The net responds only to its owners
commands. The would-be owner must
keep the net in his dwelling for nine days,
giving the net the chance to attune itself
to its owner.
Pearl of Entrancement: This tiny pearl
gives off a gentle, white glow that is very

soothing to look at. When placed under

the tongue of an unconscious victim, the
pearl extends the state of unconsciousness
to 36 days. During this time, the pearl enables the victim to go without food or air.
As its second benefit, the pearl can
force the unconscious victim to obey the
commands of the pearls owner. During
this function, the victim walks about with
glazed eyes, as if in a trance.
These pearls are used mainly on humans who are taken underwater and need
to be kept a while before being returned
to land.
Shell Amulet of Protection From
Sharks, 10 Radius: This amulet is always
in the form of a beautifully polished half
of a sea shell.
When worn around the neck, it creates
a circle of protection around the owner.
Sharks cannot penetrate the circle, but
the protection is forfeit if the user attacks.
Staff of Aquatic Wizardry: Always
made from a long piece of driftwood that
has been ritually purified during Solinaris High Sanction, this staff is eagerly
sought by all Dargonesti wizards.
The staff can be wielded as a normal
weapon, with a +2 enchantment. It acts
as a ring of protection +2 and as a necklace of adaptation, enabling the owner to
exist above or below the sea.
The staff also enables the wielder to
create a waterspout three times a week.
The spout is a funnel of water 100 feet
high and 40 feet wide at its top, tapering
down to five feet in width. Anything
caught up in this fearsome water form is
helplessly tossed about, unable to take
any action. If the staffs wielder wishes,
the victim can be spat out of the spout at
a movement rate of 48. Should the victims momentum be halted by something
hard, like a rock, the impact inflicts 5d12
points of damage.
The waterspout can be created under
the sea or on the waters surface. It lasts
for 2d4 rounds, and has a speed factor of
1. Making a waterspout expends two
The staff also has the following powers,
requiring one charge each: alarm, enlarge,

fog cloud, shield, summon swarm (tiny

marine animals), and whispering wave (as
whispering wind but underwater).
The following spells can be cast at the
expense of two charges: airy water, animal growth (sea creatures only), chain
lightning, control weather, crystalbrittle,
dust, Evards black tentacles, lower water,
part water, summon water elemental,
transmute water to dust, water
Tideripper: No Dargonesti magical
item section would be complete without
a description of their most famous artifact, the long sword Tideripper. This
mighty weapon was wielded by Drudarch
Takalurion and is still used by Speakers of
the Moon to this day.
Tideripper is a long sword +4 that is
usable only by a good-aligned warrior.
The sword can also perform the following functions twice per day: detect evil
(60 radius), detect lie, dispel magic,
heal, part water, and strength.
In addition, the sword vibrates with
anticipation when an evil being of 12 or
more Hit Dice or levels approaches within
100 yards.
The wielder of Tideripper is unaffected
by all water combat restrictions. The
wielder fights as if he was on dry land.
There are some legends that say that
nine such swords were forged, one for
each day of Solinaris quarter in High
Sanction. If this is true, there are eight
other swords like Tideripper scattered
throughout Krynn.
Wardstone: Carved into the shape of a
sea creature friendly to the Dargonesti,
the wardstone is made from a small piece
of coral. When held in the palm of the
hand, it senses the presence of hostile
creatures in a 100-foot radius.
As the user of the wardstone gets closer
to the belligerent creatures, the stone gets
warmer to the touch.
If the user so wills it, the stone can also
emit a soft, greenish light either in place
of, or in addition to, the heat.


The merfolk are the Dargonestis closest friendly neighbors. The Dargonesti
call the merfolk territories Wibmachgloonestu and Wobmachgloonestu,
which translated mean North land of
the fish-people and South land of the
fish-people, respectively. Collectively,
the territories are known as Machunestoo,
or Lands of the fish-people.
Machunestoo is made up of the species
of common merfolk that can be found
throughout the multiverse. They are neutral aligned, amphibious humanoids
with the upper torsos of humans and the
lower torsos of fish.
The merfolk are divided into communities, each led by a chief. Groups of
communities of either the northern or
southern territories are called a clan.
A single ruler, the Sea King, is sovereign over both the northern and southern
clans. The Sea King dwells in a vast city
located in the northern clans territory.
The merfolk play a large part in
Dargonesti politics because the sea elves
own a long stretch of land that separates
the two clans of merfolk, a piece of territory that the Dargonesti won after the
second struggle with the Sea Witch.
In order for the two clans of merfolk to
communicate and trade with each other,
they must either cross dangerous koalinth
territory, or use the Dargonesti-captured
land and pay heavy taxes and fees. This
infuriates the merfolk, and some factions
within the clans are contemplating
To the Dargonesti, there is no reason
for the merfolk to contemplate anything
concerning the Corridor of Glory, as the
Dargonesti call the piece of land that
splits the merfolks land in two. As far as
the Dargonesti are concerned, it was elven blood that purchased the Corridor
during the second war with Sagarassi,
and therefore it rightfully belongs to
What frustrates some of the merfolk

clans is that the elven argument is quite

sound. The Dargonesti bore the brunt of
the fighting and consequently received
the heaviest casualties. Even the most
radical merman grudgingly admits that if
not for the Dargonesti elves and their excellent military leaders, the non-evil folk
of the underwater world would be condemned to a hellish existence.
Despite the universal acknowledgement of Dargonesti sacrifice, some of the
more obstinate merfolk have the But
what have you done for us lately? attitude. Even in the underwater world,
memories tend to be short.
During the two wars against the Sea
Witch, the merfolk did help out. The alliances were uneasy at best, since both
sides were teamed up only because they
had a common enemy that threatened
their very survival.
The Dargonesti do not fully trust the
merfolk, knowing that they are descended from humans, which is one bad
mark against them already. In addition,
the continuous rhetoric about who owns
the Corridor does little to alleviate
Dargonesti fears. It is small wonder that,
after the koalinth frontier, the
Watermere-Machunestoo border is the
next heaviest fortified area.
Still, the Dargonesti would never consider launching an offensive strike against
the merfolk. The Dargonesti are a peaceloving folk who want nothing more than
to be left alone. Therefore, the sea elves
maintain a state of defensive, nonaggressive vigilance.
The merfolk have done little to make
the Dargonesti feel at ease. On numerous
occasions, Dargonesti patrols have caught
merfolk making forays into Watermere,
though the Sea King of the merfolk always insists that the culprits were acting
of their own accord. The Speakers of the
Moon (for the Dargonesti have no use for
diplomats and ambassadors) have not accepted the Sea Kings explanations as
truth. Naturally, the Sea King does not
appreciate being called a liar, but the
Dargonesti could not care less about the
Sea Kings likes or dislikes.
Thus far, due mostly to the peaceful
nature of the Dargonesti, blood has not



been shed. It is not known how much

longer Dargonesti patience can last.
Direct action is not the only way that
the merfolk have tried to wear down the
implacable Dargonesti will. The Wibmachgloonestu, the northern merfolk,
are working with the humans on the surface to set up an advantageous alliance.
The humans on many of the islands in
this area also pay tribute to Watermere in
the form of rent remitted to the
Dargonesti for use of those islands.
The Wibmachgloonestu are hoping
that an allied show of force will push back
the Dargonesti-owned Corridor of Glory.
Though it may seem as if the Wibmachgloonestu merfolk are looking to
start hostilities, they really do not seek
war with the Dargonesti. All they want is
right of passage in the Corridor, lower
taxes, and perhaps ownership of some of
the islands that Watermere owns, specifically the islands that the merfolk use as
their favorite spots to lie back and enjoy
the warmth of the sun.
The odd thing about the alliance that
the Wibmachgloonestu are pushing for is
that merfolk really do not like humans,
As a rule, they spurn any attempt at setting up trade, making alliances, or simply
fraternizing. Still, merfolk can be dispassionately pragmatic, and perhaps this
change of heart is indicative of that.

The koalinth are the aquatic hobgoblins of Krynn, much in the same way that
they are throughout the rest of the multiverse.
As is also true on other worlds, these
aquatic hobgoblins hate the other
aquatic human, humanoid, and demihuman races. Furthermore, like their counterparts throughout the Prime Material
plane, these koalinth also reserve their
greatest hate for elves, in this case, the
Dargonesti of Watermere.
The Dargonesti call these koalinth the
Nabari, the Hated Ones. The Nabari
have clashed with the Dargonesti in fullscale war four times before, twice under
the control and guidance of Sagarassi the
Sea Witch. The Nabari have lost badly all




four times, each defeat getting them

more and more enraged.
Even now, the Nabari launch bloody
raids on the Dargonesti frontiers, looting, pillaging, and taking Dargonesti for
food. Fortunately for the elves, the steep
continental shelf that the Nabari must
scale in order to get to Watermere makes
such raids difficult to carry out, and consequently there are few such attacks. For
further insurance, Dargonesti families are
not allowed to homestead within ten
miles of the edge of the shelf.
If anything can make a peace-loving
Dargonesti change his mind and become
a ruthlessly efficient killing machine, it is
the Nabari. Tales of the koalinths savagery are seared in the lore and memory
of the Dargonesti.
The Nabari are organized in tribes with
such Dargonesti-pleasing names as the
Dolphin Rippers, the Elf Reavers, and
the Bloody Looters. Each tribe has a section of land staked out for living, but a
tribe can lose any part of it to a stronger
tribe. The strongest tribe, and consequently the ruling tribe of the Nabari, is
the Blood-Frenzied Sharks, led by King
One would think that the BloodFrenzied Sharks, having their pick of the
best land, would choose to live far away
from the Dargonestis borders. To the
contrary, the tribe lives almost at the foot
of the continental shelf that separates
Watermere from the Nabari. The king
considers this a way of showing the rest of
the Nabari how tough and brave he is, as
well as sending a message to the
Dargonesti that he does not fear them.
This action of the kings is not as brave
as it seems when it is remembered that
the Dargonesti do not initiate hostilities.
Apparently, the fact is lost on the Nabari,
since the king is venerated for having the
nerve to live so close to the koalinths
hated enemies for so long. In true
Dargonesti form, the sea elves could care
less where the king of the Nabari lived.
There have never been, nor will there
ever be, any sort of non-hostile relations
between the Dargonesti and the Nabari.
Wars between the two races never end as a
result of negotiations. Instead, it is the

utter breaking of the Nabaris warmaking capability that has ended all four
Fortunately for the Dargonesti, the
Nabari have plenty to worry about, having to deal with the neighboring lacedons
to the northwest, as well as the amphidragons to the east.
The frustrated Nabari cannot even
score significant victories against the merfolk of the north or the south. Both merfolk territories are protected by the same
continental shelf that keeps the Nabari
away from the Dargonesti.
Raids launched on the merfolk fare just
as badly as raids launched on the
Dargonesti. This is not because the merfolk fight just as well as the elves, but the
merfolk have the advantage of numbers,
not having been involved in many decimating campaigns.
So, King Soobrahwn sits on his throne
of dolphin bones in the middle of the
capital city of the Nabaris territory. He
broods over the string of defeats that has
plagued the Nabari throughout their history. The more he thinks, the angrier he
gets. This anger has resulted in two very
significant thoughts brewing in the kings
less-than-exceptional brain.
First of all, King Soobrahwn awaits the
Sea Witchs next move. He will gladly
join her armies, providing, of course that
she give him some measure of power. In
fact, there are rumors that she is stirring
again, anxious to darken the good lands
with the shadows of her foul tentacles.
Second, the king is trying to get over
his distaste of humans (his distaste in
dealing with them, that ishe still finds
human flesh quite good) long enough to
forge an alliance with a few of the more
unscrupulous among them. What the
king fails to realize is that there are not
enough evil humans on the islands to
make it worth the trouble. Sagarassi tried
it, then she abandoned the idea when she
saw how hideously ineffectual the evilaligned humans were.
The king has even heard of some struggle that has occurred recently on a continent southwest of the Nabari, where the
forces of evil have lost. Perhaps some of
them will migrate in this direction? And

perhaps they will make an alliance with

him, or at the very least help the king
control the amphidragons? Only time
will tell.

The lacedon presence is an unusual situation that the Dargonesti have had to
deal with in the past, and will most certainly have to deal with again in the future. (Lacedons are ghouls that live at the
bottom of the sea.)
It is speculated that the first lacedons
that chose this site were evil humans who
had once served the Sea Witch but had either displeased her or tried to betray her.
She transformed them into an undead
state, then let them run free on the ocean
floor in the deeper areas, knowing that
they would add to their numbers of their
own accord.
And add they did. When the Cataclysm ravaged Taladas, living and dead
bodies that fell into the depths controlled
by the lacedons became food or new lacedons.
After the Cataclysm, when ships
foundered in storms and dashed themselves on rocks and islands that did not
exist before, the lacedons were there to
kill any poor sailors that still survived.
This legacy of horror has produced an
area of the ocean floor controlled by a
horde of over five thousand lacedons.
The atmosphere is so oppressive that even
sharks hesitate to swim here.
There is no society here, no cities, no
culture. All that exists is a dark ocean
floor covered in a carpet of bones of the
lacedons victims.
Even some marine life has been transformed into a ghoulish state. There exist
a few undead sharks and hippocampi.
The merfolk are safe from most of the
lacedons ravages, thanks to the continental shelf. The lacedons have to climb up
the steep cliff faces in order to cross into
merfolk territory, and the vast majority of
them lack the patience to do so. Still, the
merfolk keep a close watch on this border,
for once in a while a flock of sea ghouls
will erupt without warning into the pure
waters of the living, ready to wreck havoc.


The territory of the sea dragons is a

place that only the most insane lacedons
attempt to penetrate. These ferocious
and fanatically territorial dragons do not
fear even the undead, and the sharp claws
of the lacedons have little hope of cutting
through tough dragon hide. As a result,
the lacedons give the sea dragons a very
wide berth.
Less fortunate are the koalinths. The
sea hobgoblins have no natural barrier to
keep out the hungry undead, and consequently many koalinths fall to the horrid
claws of the lacedons. This keeps the
ranks of the koalinths in moderate numbers, and forces the sea hobgoblins to
keep a large military force on the lacedonkoalinth border. Ironically the Dargonesti and merfolk have the lacedons to
thank for the small number of koalinth
raids on their lands.
Sometimes, roving bands of lacedons,
their ranks supplemented by koalinth
victims, cross into Watermere. It is fortunate that most Dargonesti militia units
have clerics who can turn away undead. It
must be mentioned that only Dargonesti
clerics of Kin-Jolith, Habakkuk, Daidlin,
and Randorilthi can affect the undead
reavers. The clerics of Kailthis and Tumarq are powerless against the lacedons.
The Dargonesti, like all elves, are also
immune to the paralyzing touch of the
lacedons. This resistance blunts some of
the horror of having to deal with these
The lacedons have no government or
anything that remotely resembles organization. However, there does exist a lacedon of 12 Hit Dice to whom all the other
lacedons defer.
In general, if the lacedons limited their
involvement to the occasional random,
mindless wandering into Watermere,
they would hardly rate mentioning as a
threat to the Dargonesti. However, the
continued presence of the Sea Witch
makes the lacedons a dangerous threat.
When Sagarassi placed the first lacedons in the dark ocean area, she considered it to be a planting. She then sat back
and awaited her harvest.
The Sea Witch has twice used the lacedons against the Dargonesti. Under her

dominion, the lacedons become a formidable fighting force. There is little

doubt that when Sagarassi tries again to
take control of all the undersea lands,
that she once more call on the undead
Before the Sea Witch tries to invade
the non-evil lands again, she is toying
with the idea of having a lich seize the
rulership of the lacedons. Sagarassis first
hurdle is finding a mortal wizard who can
be corrupted or tricked into accepting the
transformation into lichhood.
If a Dargonesti cleric attempts to turn a
lacedon in the sea ghouls territory, there
is a -2 penalty to the turning attempt.
Certain areas of the lacedons turf are
even absolute proof against turning.
These areas are called dead zones, a
term coined by surviving Dargonesti clerics during the first war against Sagarassi
and her allies. There may even be a gate
into the Negative Energy plane somewhere in the lacedons land.


The sea dragons, like the lacedons, are
not so much a political entity as they are a
gathering of the same species with the
same intentto stake out land for themselves, feed, and multiply. Of course, it is
no coincidence that these powerful reptiles have chosen a place between the Sea
Witchs home and her enemies, the
It was Sagarassi who welcomed the first
mated pair of sea dragons to what would
be the new homeland of the beasts. The
Sea Witch struck a bargain with the dragons, wherein they would defend the approaches to her home and she would give
them treasure and steer victims toward
their ravenous jaws. Miraculously, both
sides kept their word, and the sea dragons
multiplied rapidly.
This arrangement was forged eighteen
centuries ago, and the original pair of sea
dragons is still alive, now great wyrms.
The pair are recognized as the King and
Queen of the sea dragons. They dwell in a
mountain close to the Sea Witchs home,
and the dragons treasure is said to be almost beyond counting.




The King and Queen, who have

shunned their true names in favor of their
titles, are the only sea dragons who can
walk in the presence of the Sea Witch.
There is some dark rumor that mentions that possibly Takbisis, also known as
Erestem, may actually come to the sea
dragon land, and demand the fealty of all
of the evil dragons, including the King
and Queen. Since it was Erestem who
gave Sagarassi her powers, it is felt that
the Sea Witch would be constrained not
to object.
The amphidragons in the Taladas area
of the sea came about as a result of the
union of a sea dragon of the Dragon King
and Queens tribe with a green dragon
envoy from Erestem. The envoy came to
this part of Krynn in order to judge how
receptive the evil sea creatures in this region would be to Erestems rule.
The sea dragon female who seduced
the green dragon envoy bore a clutch of
eight eggs, an unusual feat. Sagarassi herself saw to it that the eggs hatched and
that all the offspring survived to maturity.
The Sea Witch gave the eight amphidragons the vast parcel of territory southeast of the sea dragons domain. It is
conjectured that Sagarassi also cast some
sort of fertility spell upon the eight, for
their egg numbers were great, and the
population swelled in but a few decades.
There are currently somewhere around
3,000 amphidragons of all ages.
The amphidragons are disappointingly
lazy and irresponsible. Whether this was
a genetic defect brought on by Sagarassis
spell, or by the forced rapid breeding, or
by a little of both, it is generally agreed
that the amphidragons are so lazy and repulsive that they avoid even each other.
Still, Sagarassi has always shown a talent for using whatever resources are at
hand, and so it was with the amphidragons. The Sea Witch noted that the creatures inherited the green dragon quality
of hating good-aligned beings, and that
the amphidragons were easily bullied.
Sagarassi uses the amphidragons as
more guards against the good races. The
amphidragons territory is yet another
buffer against unwanted visitors.




If any race of creatures on Krynn can be

said to suffer from a low self-image, it is
the amphidragons. Looking like little
more than giant winged toads with skin
that is covered by oozing warts, the amphidragons are easily manipulated by
promises of wealth and prestige, the sort
of promises that the Sea Witch excels at
Sagarassis soothing words, pretense of
friendship, and occasional gifts of baubles, cause the amphidragons to see her as
someone who is mighty yet kind, and
whose existence is threatened by those
terrible merfolk and sea elves. As a result,
the amphidragons are fanatically loyal to
the Sea Witch.
In order to ensure that the amphidragons do not stray from their loyalties, she
allows the ugly beasts to help themselves
to an occasional meal of koalinth every so
often. Naturally, Sagarassi always feigns
horror and outrage when a koalinth envoy comes to her and complains about the
amphidragon raids.
Similarly, she has also told the amphidragons that the sea dragons consider the
amphidragons to be inferior creatures.
Thus the Sea Witch tries to pit her factions against one another to bind them to
Unfortunately for the Sea Witch, the
amphidragons are not mentally equipped
for these subtleties. Sagarassis campaign
of slander has worked only too well and
the amphidragons can tolerate the
koalinths and sea dragons for only so long
before they start indiscriminately killing
everyone in sight.
Like any other race with a sense of aesthetics, the Dargonesti are repulsed by
the sight of the amphidragons. Any
Dargonesti that has the capability to fight
or flee will do so without stopping to parlay with the beast.
Amphidragons have no leaders, as no
amphidragon is tolerated long enough to
have its orders listened to, let alone
obeyed. The beasts just range around
their allotted lands, looking for food and
generally acting unpleasant to each other.




Of all the entities and forces that dwell

in the underwater realms, none is more
feared than Sagarassi.
Sagarassis preferred form is that of the
beautiful face and well-developed torso
of a Silvanesti female. In place of lower
torso and legs, however, there is a mass of
black tentacles, complete with spiny
ridges and large suction cups.
Alternatively, she can assume the form
of any type of female elf of stunning
beauty, a huge, black-and-gray shark, or
a giant, misshapen old humanoid hag
with eight arms and massive strands of
putrid seaweed hanging off her body.
Sagarassi is the half-sister of Daydra
Stonecipher, the Dargonesti Oracle. Unlike her priestly sister, Sagarassi is a Wizard of High Sorcery of 20th level, as well
as an accomplished fighter.
A massive mountain, whose top
pierces the ocean surface as an island, is
the lair of the Sea Witch. The structure
built on the island is a wonder of architecture.
Atop the dry land of the island is a
tower 150 feet high, made of jagged granite formations. At its apex is a bright jewel
that sends out rays of pure white light at
night. This light is used to lure ships to a
splintering doom upon the rocks, which
provides the Sea Witch with a constant
source of entertainment and food.
There are no legends or stories of this
insidious trap, because there have never
been any survivors to go back to civilization and tell about it. If a ship looks as if
it will bypass the island, Sagarassi summons a storm to give the ships crew more
incentive to seek the nearest land, which
of course happens to be her island!
Sagarassi also uses the tower when she
wishes to be surrounded by a less wet environment, though she usually comes to
the islands surface only at night, especially when the moon Nuitari is at High
Sanction. Some of her more complicated
spells are cast atop the tower, bathing the
island in unholy red or greenish-black
The tower contains a wide shaft that
runs through the center of the mountain


and ends in a vast underwater citadel

carved from the mountains foundations.
This citadel, called Khegar (Death Hall)
by the Dargonesti, has been the Sea
Witchs home for centuries.
Khegar is a vast, dark, gloomy structure
decorated with the skeletons of humans,
demihumans, humanoids, and marine
creatures who had the misfortune to enter
those unholy halls. Stylized carvings of evil
sea creatures leer from every corner and alcove. Sagarassi keeps many types of creatures in Khegar as her guards. Giant slugs,
poisonous aquatic snakes, sharks, and
ghagglers can be found roaming the halls
of the foul edifice.
Seven sea dragons and seven amphidragons serve as the Sea Witchs honor
guard. They are chosen from among the
mightiest and most ruthless specimens of
dragonkind that she can find.
The final abominations that can be
found in these dark environs are the vast
numbers of undead that shuffle aimlessly
through the convoluted dungeon areas of
These undead creatures are zombies,
skeletons, ghouls, ghasts, and wights,
victims of shipwrecks or prisoners of war
that have been transformed by the Sea
Witch into their current state. They are
slavishly devoted to Sagarassi.
Sagarassi is a ruthless individual who
seeks nothing less than the total subjugation of all the undersea races. She is lawful evil, believing in an organized rule of
evil as the best system to live by.
Being a Wizard of High Sorcery, she is
closely tied with the moon Nuitari, perhaps too much so. During the week of
Nuitaris High Sanction, any spells she
casts work at the fullest possible effect,
range, and duration. Creatures that are
attacked by her magic during Nuitaris
High Sanction suffer -2 penalties to
their saving throws and their magic resistance is lowered by 10% (e.g., from 65%
to 55%).
Conversely, when Nuitari is in Low
Sanction, her powers diminish. Sagarassis victims receive +2 bonuses to saving
throws and their magic resistance is increased by 10%. Furthermore, she loses
one spell from each spell level.


Sagarassi is skilled in the many known

ways of dealing with others. Melee combat, negotiations, full-scale warfare strategy and tactics, sorcery, psychological
warfare, and pretense are all in her repertoire. She can appear as a seductive vixen,
a horrifying hag capable of extreme violence, a lonely victim of the incessant hatred of the Dargonesti, or a wise
The Sea Witch is a master at playing
different sides against each other, but she
is also excellent at bringing together disparate factions into a coherent force, albeit temporarily. Any who stop an attack
on the Sea Witch in order to grant her a
chance to make an appeal has sealed their
doom, for she will drain their will with
her honey-dripping falsehoods. That is,
unless she decides to use the respite to
change her opponents into frogs, then
teleport them into the middle of a school
of sharks instead.
Despite Sagarassis advantages when
dealing with people, she has some drawbacks.
First of all, Sagarassi has a terrible temper. If her lies are exposed, the Sea Witch
drops her facade of sweetness. Her victims are freed from the hypnotic effect of
her persuasiveness, and Sagarassis true
nature stands revealed in all of its terribleness. Also, when the Sea Witch gets
very angry, she makes horrendous mistakes.
Secondly, the Sea Witchs ability to
bring disorganized groups together does
not last long if her enemies try turning
the factions back against each other.
Finally, like many other evil sorts, Sagarassi becomes too cocky after a few victories. She tends to be arrogant,
constantly underestimating the power,
intelligence, motivation, or stubbornness
of her opponents.
Sagarassi has tried on two separate occasions to take over the undersea kingdoms, failing both times. Each defeat has
made her angrier and more ruthless. Sagarassi is the embodiment of the sore
During the Cataclysm, the Sea Witch
simply slunk into her lair and waited for
things to calm down. Even when her al-

lies were suffering greatly, Sagarassi did

nothing to help. She merely cast some
spells to make sure that her island would
not sink, then sat back and watched
everything happen.
A third attempt at seizing the underwater kingdoms is inevitable. Currently,
Sagarassi is trying to marshal her power
and forge new alliances with the various
evil aquatic races. This time, however,
she has embraced a new strategy that may
prove to be a winner.
Disguising herself as some sort of
magical elf from across the sea, the Sea
Witch is trying to win over all of the humans on the islands, not just the evil
ones. Claiming that the Dargonesti are
her rebellious children, Sagarassi is trying
to persuade the humans that she wishes
to use them as her instrument of disciplining her wayward elven offspring. Of
course, she drops a few hints about financially compensating the humans for their
In order to strengthen her case, the Sea
Witch also keeps bringing up the fact
that the Dargonesti are economically enslaving the humans with the high rents
that the elves force them to pay for use of
the islands. A few veiled comments about
the possibility that the men have lost
their manhood to the Dargonesti have
proven effective in swaying some of the
more hot-headed humans to her side.
Sagarassi also knows that at some
point, she and her sister Daydra must
fight their final battle. What her sister
does not know, but Sagarassi feels may be
the real truth behind the two womens
animosity, is that originally the girls were
supposed to be just one person, but that
some of the gods, for whatever reason,
split the egg into two eggs, one of which
resulted in Sagarassi, a being of extreme
evil, and a year later, by a different father,
Daydra, a being of pure goodness.
The Sea Witch fears that the final battle will not result in one or the other
dying, but rather the fusing of both
women into a single neutrally aligned entity, the way the one child was supposed
to be. For this reason, Sagarassi does not
want to fight her sister, though the Sea
Witch hates her good counterpart.



Sagarassi worships Zeboim, the evil

Sea Queen and daughter of Takhisis.
What Sagarassi does not know is that Zeboim told her mother about the Sea
Witchs power, and the large numbers of
dragons that she can call upon. Unwittingly, Sagarassi may be setting herself up
to be stripped of all of her allies.
Takhisis will at least wait until after Sagarassi makes her third attempt at taking
control of the peace-loving races. (Takhisis was the one who split Sagarassi and
Daydra into two women, for she found
out that the child was supposed to be a
champion of neutrality, set up by Gilean.)


The final major evil faction in this undersea area is that of the dragon turtles.
These great beasts are loners and very territorial. They migrated to their present
lands from the ocean floors around Ansalon during the Cataclysm.
The area that the dragon turtles have
staked out for themselves lies to the
southwest of Sagarassis lair. A great volcanic rift, running northwest to southeast, separates the dragon turtles from
the Sea Witch. Sagarassi dismisses the
dragon turtles as group of useless entities.
Not true dragons, dragon turtles are
nonetheless very deadly opponents.
Though normally dragon turtles are hostile toward each other, the ones here have
built up a tolerance toward each other, especially in the shadow of such a powerful
threat as the Sea Witch. The dragon turtles do not trust her. They watched from a
distance once when Sagarassi attacked the
more peace-loving folk of the ocean floor.
During Sagarassis second attempt at
becoming conqueror of all, the
Dargonesti recruited small bands of
dragon turtles to help out against the Sea
Witch. When the evil forces were defeated, the alliance fell apart. Still, the
dragon turtles have been watching with
alarm as the Sea Witch slowly rebuilds
her forces.
The dragon turtles apprehensions
about the Sea Witch have been noted by
the Dargonesti. The sea elves, sensing




that Sagarassi may be readying for another foray into the peaceful lands, are
beginning to send out small teams to negotiate with the dragon turtles in hopes
of reforging the alliance if the need arises.
These negotiations seem to contradict
the basic Dargonesti tendency to remain
isolated and private, but it must be remembered that the Dargonesti are elves,
and share in the elven quality of being
pragmatic when necessity dictates. The
Dargonesti generals are hoping that the
dragon turtles would strike at the Sea
Witchs lightly protected rear, catching
Sagarassi and her forces in a pincer movement, with the Dargonesti and merfolk
providing the other pincer.
The tactic worked once, though the
dragon turtles did not make much progress into the Sea Witchs domain. However, Sagarassi has learned from her
mistakes and has set up magical traps and
special monstrous guards to defend her
rear. Since she has not used any of her
normal forces, the Dargonesti think that
the Sea Witch has not reinforced the area.
Thus far, the dragon turtles are willing
to listen to the Dargonesti, but the great
beasts are most capricious in their intents.
There are about 1,700 dragon turtles of
all ages. The creatures live in cave lairs,
with no more than two dragon turtles to a
lair. Usually, this arrangement is made up
of an adult and an offspring.
The dragon turtles have collected immense amounts of treasure, and thus cannot be bought. On the other hand, they
are always looking for better living space.

Besides the major factions covered
above, there is a group of creatures that
the Dargonesti classify as minor races.
The tritons are the most significant of
the minor races. A colony of 1,000 tritons
live in an independent area located on
the southeastern border of Watermere.
The northern border of the southern merfolks territory also abuts the tritons
These handsome, noble sea-dwellers
respect the Dargonesti need for privacy,
since they themselves are reclusive. Still,

there is an occasional incident where a

triton patrol has aided a Dargonesti patrol against a shark attack, or the
Dargonesti have done something similar
for the tritons.
The merfolk, despite being more like
the tritons physically, have a cooler relationship with them. The tritons feel that
the merfolk are wrong in the dispute with
the Dargonesti over land rights. Tritons
are much more accepting of what fate
deals them, and they feel that other races
should be the same way.
By no means is there any latent hostility between the tritons and merfolk. The
tritons merely do not have the same unspoken respect for the merfolk that they
have for the Dargonesti.
The tritons are ruled by a king and a
queen, who dwell in a beautiful castle on
the ocean bottom.
Though the tritons are formidable
fighters, they have not gotten involved
in the past wars with the Sea Witch, nor
have the Dargonesti asked for their help.
This fact makes the Dargonesti look even
better in the eyes of the tritons. They admire the way that the Dargonesti do not
wish to involve others in their own problems.
Still, the noble qualities of the tritons
are beginning to make this sea race feel
that the Dargonesti are fighting to preserve the life and freedom of all the
peace-loving races under the sea. The tritons are feeling more and more that they
should help the Dargonesti should hostilities resume.
There are some tritons that live with
the Dargonesti, but this group numbers
only 60.
Perhaps it is just a small bit of vindictiveness that makes the Dargonesti place
their relatives, the Dimernesti, in the minor race category.
The Dimernesti are the shoal elves who
dwell in the shallow waters of the human
territories to the northeast of Watermere.
This race is aggressive, as opposed to the
relative peacefulness of the Dargonesti.
The Dimernesti do not get along with the
Dargonesti, and vice versa. Each race of
elves considers the other to be barbaric
and primitive.

The two elven races want nothing to do

with each other, though the Dimernesti
take perverse delight in hearing of the
Dargonestis political problems with their
human and merfolk tenants.
Dimernesti and Dargonesti do not
trade with each other, nor do they help
each other out in times of trouble. The
break between the races was a messy and
bitter one. It would take an enemy of
unheard-of power bringing about a disaster of earth-shattering proportions to
make the Dimernesti and Dargonesti
even consider working together.
The Dargonesti word for Dimernesti is
Tokwahb, which means inferior elf.
It is hard to believe that these two races
are related, given the way both groups
feel about each other.
The Dimernestis leader is called the
Speaker of the Sea, which the Dargonesti
point to as yet another example of how
primitive the shoal elves are. After all, everyone knows that the moons influence
the seas tides, so the Dargonesti Speaker
of the Moon has more influence than the
Dimernesti Speaker of the Sea.
Like the Dargonesti, the Dimernesti
do not tolerate strangers. This works
somewhat to the Dargonestis advantage,
since this means that, unlike the merfolk,
the Dimernesti are not trying to stir up
the feelings of the humans who pay rent
to the Dargonesti.
There is another race of sea elves to be
considered, the Mahkwahb (covered later
on), the Dargonesti version of evil elves.
The Dargonesti treat the Mahkwahb in
much the same way as one would treat the
black sheep of the familythey never
speak of them. Officially, the Dargonesti
refuse to acknowledge the existence of
their exiled brethren, though the Speaker
of the Moon is not so foolish as to pretend
that they do not truly exist.
The existence of the Mahkwahb is the
Dargonestis closest guarded secret. It can
be said that the Dargonesti would go to
any lengths to preserve that secret.
The final race to be considered is a new
breed of dragon, the brine dragon. Full
details on the brine dragon can be found
on page 95.






The Dargonestis relationship with surface dwellers is not one of goodwill and
friendliness. It is merely the Dargonesti
way of acknowledging that some times
one must do unpleasant things in order to
survive in an unpleasant world.
In the year 1530 AC, when the humans
from Taladas and the tropics came to the
coral islands in Dargonesti territory, they
knew that someone else was already
The newly-arrived humans found
small way-stations complete with dried
food, water supplies, and odd potions.
Strange runes decorated these small
structures, runes that the humans could
not decipher. Warily, the humans began
setting up camps and staking out territory. They had no inkling of the existence
of the Dargonesti below them.
The humans ignorance was shortlived. A few days after they landed on the
biggest island, a Dargonesti patrol made
up of members of the Order of the Dolphin came to tend their way-station.
This particular group of Dargonesti,
being disciplined paladins, showed enormous grace and control in the face of a
barrage of insults and outrageous claims
from the human fishermen. The paladins
courteously informed the humans that
the islands belonged to the Dargonesti,
and that the sea elves had owned them for
the past 300 years. The sergeant also gave
the humans 36 days to depart.
Thirty-six days later, the very same
group of paladins returned along with a
leftgroup of Waveriders and a rightgroup
of Farstrikers.
Not only had the humans not left the
island, they had spread out to several
neighboring islands. Furthermore, the
humans were waiting for the Dargonesti
to return. Without warning, the fishermen and traders attacked the Dargonesti
using spears and arrows.
Though momentarily surprised, the
Dargonesti defended themselves with
ease and destroyed two boats full of human warriors. The Dargonesti casualties

were light, mostly injuries, and they returned to Watermere. The humans
thought that they had driven off the
elves, and immediately began making
preparations for a victory feast to be held
that night.
The victors were only one hour into
their revelry, when then-Speaker of the
Moon Drudarch Takalurion appeared in
their midst with his most trusted advisor.
Drudarch told the foolish air-breathers
that the Dargonesti would regain all the
islands by force if necessary, but that negotiation was preferred. For good measure, Drudarchs advisor cast a spell that
spoiled all of the food at the party, sort of
as a low-key demonstration of sea elf
The demonstration went completely
unheeded. Drudarch and his advisor
overestimated the humans superstitious
awe. The proud men considered the spell
a pathetic show of might, and Drudarchs
conciliatory words were taken to be a sign
of weakness. Besides, certain nations on
Taladas had been interested in doing
trade with the islanders, since a rich fishing ground surrounded the coral reefs.
The humans had used the 36 days to
forge alliances and get promises of aid
from the mainlands.
What followed in the next nine years
was a series of skirmishes that escalated to
all-out war. Still, the Dargonesti showed
amazing restraint in combat, inflicting
casualties only on the humans who were
able to fight, not on the innocents.
Sometimes, the Dargonesti forces struck
at the leaders of the islands, in hopes that
eventually a group of humans who were
weary of fighting would come to power.
In the ninth year of the war, the Dargonesti strategy finally bore fruit. After a
whole new set of leaders was appointed,
the new commanders realized the folly of
the war. Also, since some of the new leaders had actually been in combat, they
could see how the Dargonesti were using
restraint, so they knew first-hand that Takalurions words of talking instead of
fighting were sincere.
In the sixth month of the ninth year, an
agreement was worked out between the
human leaders and Takalurion. The hu90

mans could use portions of the islands for

trade and commerce, in return for paying
rent to the Dargonesti. Furthermore, the
humans had to limit their trade with undersea races to the Dargonesti. Finally,
the humans had to allow the Dargonesti
to purchase surface-made goods at lower
than normal prices.
Aside from some expected grousing on
the part of the humans, things went
smoothly for quite a while. The humans
and the Dargonesti avoided each other,
and once every 36 days both parties gathered on Ki-Takaluras, the island where
the humans first made contact with the
Dargonesti. (Ki-Takaluras means Victory of Takalurion.)
The gathering was called the Mingling,
and the name continues to be used as
does the gathering itself. Instead of a
large party, however, it is a cool, formal
occasion at which the humans pay the
monthly rent, and both sides merchants
quietly conduct trade.
When Sagarassi sparked her first war
against the Dargonesti and merfolk, Takalurion warned the humans that it if
they just sat back and let things happen
that Sagarassi would attack them next.
Reluctantly, the humans joined forces
with the undersea alliance of the merfolk
and the sea elves. Takalurion was in critical need of supplies, especially weapons,
and the humans helped arm the ranks of
those who opposed Sagarassi.
However, war materiel was about the
only significant thing that the humans
contributed. When it came to actual
fighting, the human leaders sent only
small units to help, and even then they
were supposed to fight only in defensive
After the war, the humans expected to
be given an island or two for their troubles, or at the very least, lower fees. They
were sorely disappointed, for the Dargonesti pointed out that it was elven
blood that mixed the most with the warm
seas during the battles. Takalurion also
reminded the humans that the Dargonesti still had to pay for the extra weapons that the humans sold them. His final
point was that it was the Dargonesti who
did the humans a favor by pointing out


the menace of the Sea Witch and giving

the air-breathers a chance to fight for
To the human leaders, Takalurions arguments demonstrated an amazing
amount of gall. Bitterness set in among
the humans. What of the scores of dead
men who fell fighting for you? the human leaders shouted. What of the thousands of Quoowahb who fell fighting for
everyone? roared back Takalurion.
Though the arguments dissolved into silence, it was a sullen silence. The humans
vowed to themselves that they would
never come to the aid of the Dargonesti
When the Cataclysm ravaged Krynn,
the humans suffered on the islands, but
not as much as those poor unfortunates
who lived on Krynn or Taladas. The humans expected the Dargonesti to help
them, almost in the same way that a
renter would expect a landlord to repair a
leaky roof. The Dargonesti never showed
up, not even to collect rent.
Twelve years later, the Dargonesti returned to their original agreements with
the humans. Though that first Dargonesti
party met with some initial verbal hostility, the human leaders grudgingly admitted that the original agreement never
mentioned that a planet-wide Cataclysm
would abrogate the terms of the treaty.
Bitter, the humans resumed the rents and
the Minglings.
During Sagarassis second attempt at
destroying the Dargonesti and merfolk,
the humans refused to help. This refusal
mattered little to the Dargonesti, since
they did not even ask the humans for
their help.
Some of the more amoral humans managed to make contact with Sagarassi and
offered her their services. She accepted,
but she soon found that the humans who
followed her were too few and too ineffectual to make much of a difference.
More recently, the humans have made
contact with the merfolk and have engaged in some small trade with them, despite the treaty with the Dargonesti.
The humans and the merfolk have
talked extensively about their common
predicament, and they have resolved to do

something about it. The two groups wish

to form a military, economic, and political
alliance. They hope to force concessions
out of the Dargonesti. This coalition does
not want war, but they have not ruled out
the possibility of using armed force.
The alliance will solidify in the upcoming months. It will undergo its first true
test when the merfolk appear at the first
Mingling of the new year. Only then will
the alliance know if all their careful planning pays off.
Culturally, the humans on these islands are a blend of Taladans and migratory tropical fishermen. Most of the
Taladans come from the Minotaur League
(especially from Eragala) and Armach,
but only Armachs humans; the Silvanaes
want nothing to do with the islanders affairs, for the islands are located close to
where the Dimernesti settled after they
broke off from the Silvanaes.
Many of these former Taladans have
settled on the rented islands, where they
have built trading posts, wooden houses
(importing the wood from the mainland), inns, wharves, and even small
The Taladans also have large vessels
powered by sail and capable of making
long sea voyages. These ships are the
prime movers of goods to and from
The migratory fishermen make the islands their home in the winter time, returning to the northern latitudes near the
ogres islands in the summer. There are
also some fisherfolk who live on the islands all the time.
The fishermen are a primitive folk, using large, seaworthy canoes and rafts to
make their journeys. Fortunately, the currents shift with the seasons, and the fishermen time their migrations so that they
are carried by the currents to their goal.
The Dargonesti call these people the
Akatabey, the murderers of fish. The
Akatabey are very skilled fishermen, but
they occasionally catch a dolphin or other
sea creature that is friendly to the Dargonesti.
The Akatabey generally dislike the
wooden houses built by the Taladans, instead preferring grass huts.



The islands do not have ruler, but a

council made up of representatives of
each island convenes every seven days to
decide policy and resolve disputes. There
is no overlord or king that rules all the islands.
The chain of coral islands are scattered
over an area of 10,000 square miles.
Jointly, the islands are called the Fellowship of Coral.
Besides the alliance with the merfolk,
the Fellowship is also trying to strengthen
ties with the island-dwelling ogres to the
northeast and with the League of Minotaurs. In fact, the islanders are trying very
hard to persuade groups of minotaurs
and ogres to come to help colonize the islands. The Fellowship council secretly
hopes that the Dargonesti would be more
intimidated by the ogres and minotaurs.
Apparently, the islanders still do not
know the Dargonesti very well.
Rumors have drifted over from Ansalon, rumors of a great war against evil.
The Fellowship hopes that some of the
participants of that war, regardless of
which side they were on, would come
over to the islands and help out with the
elven problem.
It should also be noted that no matter
how bad things are between the Fellowship and the Dargonesti, it is nothing
compared to the difficulties between the
Fellowship and the Dimernesti. Ignorant
of the animosity between Dargonesti and
Dimernesti, the Fellowship has been reluctant to anger the Dargonesti for fear
that both races of elves would team up
against the islanders.
Regarding alignment, members of all
nine moral philosophies can be found on
the islands. Council members tend to
lean toward the three neutral alignments.
Treyen, the current Speaker of the
Moon for the Dargonesti, has sent several spies from the Company of the Octopus to the islands to spy upon the
humans. These spies appearances have
been magically altered to allow them to
pass for humans.


May they be swallowed up by the ocean
floor, never to molest any good-hearted
denizen of the sea.
Dargonesti curse on the Mahkwahb
The Mahkwahb, or elves of the
Abyss, are a blot on the Dargonestis
name and heritage. This offshoot of the
Dargonesti consists of exiled Quoowahb
of evil alignment, forced to leave Watermere for their crimes or ideas.
The idea of exiling someone for thinking the wrong way may seem harsh, but it
must be remembered that the Dargonesti
are not a violent race. They are not used
to crime or dealing with internal threats.
Most Dargonesti find it inconceivable
that a Dargonesti would raise a hand in
anger at another Dargonesti. The
Mahkwahb would, and the Speakers decided that it would be better to head off
trouble before it gets a chance to flourish.
Such is elven justice.
The first migration of Mahkwahb oc-

curred in 1063 PC. Imbrias Takalurion,

Drudarchs daughter, had been Speaker
of the Moon for a mere 137 years. A small
group of Dargonesti, thinking that Drudarchs death meant a loosening of societys laws, began perpetrating evil acts,
such as killing whales, openly defying the
Militia, and entering the Land of the
Dead on forbidden days.
Imbrias knew that she could not simply
rule by virtue of her famous fathers
name. She realized that she had to lay
down the law and take a stand.
Therefore, after much agonizing and
soul-searching, Imbrias dispatched the
Order of the Dolphin to bring in the renegades to face her at court in Takaluras.
The miscreants were brought before
Imbrias, with smirks of contempt on their
elven faces, so sure were they that Imbrias
was a weak-willed elf maiden. In the presence of the assembled Speakers, the
rabble-rousers showed no respect for their
Speaker of the Moon, something that
shocked the Speakers of the Blood.
The Speakers of the Blood received a
second shock when Imbrias announced


that this group of elves who had indulged

in counter-productive behavior was to be
Imbrias had taken a risk, and it
worked. Though the rebellious Dargonesti vehemently cursed her and swore
that her actions that day would someday
destroy Watermere, the Speakers and the
good people of Watermere approved of
her actions. More than one old-timer who
witnessed her pronouncement swore that
they could see a little of Drudarch himself
in Imbirass eyes as she announced the
Politely but firmly escorted to Watermeres northern frontier by the Order of
the Dolphin, the 40 miscreants left the
Dargonesti kingdom in search of a new
After two months of wandering, the
exiles found a large fissure in the ocean
floor. Climbing down ten miles of
treacherous cliff-face, the exiles found
excellent caves, plenty of odd, pale,
blind fish, and even a volcanic rift that
provided the elves with heat and an eerie
reddish light.


As the exiles settled and bred, they

adapted to their new environment. Deprived of the little sunlight that fell on
Watermere, the elves skin turned white
and their hair blackened.
Subjected to harsher conditions than
in Watermere, their facial features began
reflecting their environment. The elves
incisors grew into fangs, their eyes developed a reddish cast, and their chins,
noses, and eyebrows took on a harsher,
pointier shape.
The exiles themselves came up with the
name Mahkwahb. The Mahkwahb
spurned the Dargonesti gods, instead embracing Zeboim, the evil Sea Queen. Even
their magical practices changed, with all of
their wizards changing to Black Robes.
Five centuries after the exiles left Watermere, Imbrias sent a Leftgroup of paladins from the Order of the Dolphin to see
what had become of the exiles.
For paladins, the Leftgroup was quite
stealthy and careful. They found the
Mahkwahbs new home, and managed to
return after only one skirmish with the
evil elves.
The Mahkwahb were also named the
Dark Elves and the Deep Elves by
Imbriass advisors. (This explains why the
Dargonesti do not like being called Deep
Still, the Dargonesti decided to leave
the Mahkwahb to their own fate. After
all, the exiles were punished when they
were forced to leave Watermere. The
Mahkwahb could scarcely be faulted for
trying to establish their own society and
survive as best they could. Most of the
Speakers were in agreement with this line
of reasoning, though a few did recall the
exiles threats and declarations that Imbrias would regret exiling them.
Zeboim, the evil Sea Queen goddess,
heard the Mahkwahb prayers of devotions and grinned at the irony of elves
praying to her. Still, she did gain a small
measure of power as a result of their devotion, so she heeded them.
The first thing Zeboim did was to establish a clerical system, which allowed
Mahkwahbs to become members of the
Holy Order of the Stars, devoted to

Secondly, she greatly increased the fertility of the Mahkwahbs. Their current
population has increased to 200. To an elven race, this constitutes a significant
population explosion.
Finally, Zeboim saw to it that not a single Mahkwahb would go to waste. When
a dark elf dies, he returns as either a zombie, ghast, or wight, depending on his
level of devotion to Zeboim. These undead are under the command of the highest level cleric of Zeboim.
Sagarassi the Sea Witch is unaware of
the Mahkwahbs existence, and Zeboim
plans on keeping it that way. Like her
scheming mother Erestem, Zeboim enjoys having more than one tool at her
The Mahkwahb have constructed a
large city in the cliff walls of the dark
abyss, complete with fortresses, several
temples to Zeboim and one temple to
Erestem, and an ornate palace. Despite
all of these trappings of culture, the true
nature of the Mahkwahb cannot be
For the position of ruler, the
Mahkwahb have an Overlord, a powerful
dark elf who rises to power by killing all
other claimants to the throne.
Every decade, the Overlord must accept challenges from aspiring politicians
who desire to rule.
There is yet another big difference between Mahkwahb and Quoowahb. The
dark elves lust after treasure, whereas the
Dargonesti care little for such things.
Mahkwahb society is stratified, with
wealth being the gauge of how important
someone is. Dark elf lairs are rich in gold
and steel coins, gems, and other valuables.
The Mahkwahb have also rejected the
Dargonesti power of shapechanging into
dolphins. In its stead, the dark elves have
developed the power to change into either a manta ray or a shark. These forms
carry the same restrictions as the Dargonestis shapechanging.
In fact, the Mahkwahb hate the dolphin so much that a dolphin is sacrificed
to Zeboim on the middle night of
Nuitaris High Sanction. After the sacrifice, the Mahkwahb sit down to a feast of
dolphin meat.

As another sign of their breaking away

from the Dargonesti, the Mahkwahb
have turned from using the traditional
tridents and spears, and instead use long
and short swords, most of the blades
coated with poison (class F poison, see
page 73 in 2nd Edition DMG, +2 bonus
to saving throw).
The dark elves are a fearsome, randomly destructive, treacherous, mischievous and savage race. They kill
Dargonesti on sight.
In terms of long-range plans, the
Mahkwahb have no immediate intention
of invading Watermere. They share the
Dargonesti love of privacy and desire to
be left alone. For now, the Mahkwahb are
content to dwell in their gloomy abyss
and multiply. Their leaders feel that they
may do something about the Dargonesti in a half millennia or so, once
the dark elves numbers have swelled.




It is possible to use the Dargonesti in
an underwater campaign. There are certain differences from other elves that
need be kept in mind, however.
The minimum and maximum ability
scores for PC Dargonesti are as follows:

Minimum Maximum


Their initial ability rolls are modified

by a -1 penalty to Strength and a +2
bonus to Dexterity. Dargonesti have all of
the special abilities of elves listed in the
AD&D 2nd Edition Players Handbook,
except for the languages.
Dargonesti can learn merman,
koalinth, Dimernesti, common, triton,
sea dragon, amphidragon, dragon turtle,
brine dragon, shark, dolphin, or whale.
Classes that Dargonesti can enter are
fighter, paladin, mage (renegade), Wizard of High Sorcery, and priests of the
Holy Order of the Stars. Dargonesti can
advance an unlimited number of levels if
adventuring underwater. Further information on Krynn character classes can be
found in the DRAGONLANCE Adventures hardcover book.

The only multi-class PC allowed is the

fighter/mage (renegade) combination.
If adventuring outside of the water, the
maximum level limits are 14th for all
classes except for paladin, which is limited to 8th level.
Should a player wish to run a member
of the Order of the Dolphin, the PC must
have the following minimum ability
scores: Strength 15, Dexterity 12, Constitution 15, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13,
Charisma 10. If a paladin wishes to be a
member of the Order, the higher of the
two minimum ability requirements must
be met.
Order of the Dolphin PCs are allowed a
third weapon, a long sword.
Starting Dargonesti PCs must be of a
good alignment. There are no starting
funds for new PCs. Since each member of
Watermere must serve in the militia, a suit
of leather armor is given to every
Dargonesti. The starting PC also receives
two of the following weapons (his choice):
dagger, lance, trident, club, or net.
For miscellaneous equipment, each PC
is entitled to one of each of the following.
Belt-net: This functions as a surface
dwellers backpack. It is a small net
hooked onto the Dargonestis belt at the
small of the back.
Glagh: A one weeks supply of glagh,
which is a very nutritious kelp, chopped
up and compressed into bars. A single bar
of glagh meets the nutritional needs of
one Dargonesti for one day.
Helmet: An open-faced helm made
from leathery hides.


Shield: This is a shark- bone frame with

a leathery hide stretched over it.
Warning Conch: A conch shell attached to a thong that can be worn
around the neck. This is the universal distress call for the Dargonesti. It has an underwater range of 100 yards.
Plant pouch: This small pouch holds
three doses each of breathroot, lightleaf,
waterbane, and tonguehalt.
Of course, any personal possessions
that would have no effect on game balance can be allowed by the DM.
After creating the PC, roll percentile
dice. If the result is 01 to 05, the PC
comes from a wealthy family. This entitles the PC to own a long sword, if he is of
the proper class to allow its use. Such PCs
also are given a purse with 4d4 steel coins.
It must be stressed that wealthy PCs are
no better than poor ones. Nor are the
richer PCs more capable or more entitled
to lead a party. Being from a wealthy family simply means that their clans have
more access to surface goods, and perhaps
they are merchants.
All Dargonesti get the nonweapon
proficiencies of Swimming and Fishing.
Rules for adventuring underwater can
be found in the AD&D 2nd Edition
Dungeon Masters Guide. Note that most
of the obstacles presented apply to airbreathers trying to adventure underwater. Combat penalties for fighting
underwater, for example, do not affect
Dargonesti PCs.

Dragon, Brine

Any ocean
Very rare
Low (5-7)
Chaotic neutral


1 (2-5)
2 (base)
Sw 9
11 (base)
9 (base)
1 + special
Breath weapon and magical abilities
H (26 base)
Champion (15)


Body Lgt.

- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6

Breath Weapon

Brine dragons are bizarre mutations that may have been created by
Erestem as an experiment. These great beasts claim remote ancestry
to black dragons, but such a claim is difficult to believe, considering
the complete lack of resemblance between the two dragon races.
The only complete ocean-going dragon, these beasts cannot fly or
walk on land. Brine dragons do not enjoy even breaking the seas surface, but they can sometimes be persuaded to do so if given the
proper incentive, such as a boat load of juicy humans.
These massive creatures have bodies much like plesiosauri, but
with draconian heads. They have flippers where other dragons have
claws. To compensate for this, brine dragons have oversized teeth
that make them appear as if they are smiling all the time. The grin is
not a friendly one.
The hide of the brine dragon is rough and mottled, with many
ridges and crags. The scales are irregular and do not fit together very
well. Huge clumps of salt dot the body of the brine dragon, some
clumps so old that they are discolored by the dragons bodily secretions and are no longer able to be dissolved in the water.
C o m b a t : Though they cannot walk or fly, brine dragons are good
swimmers. Though their unwieldy bulks would seem to take away
from the creatures swimming ability, brine dragons can move
through the oceans without causing so much as a ripple. As a result,
opponents suffer a -1 penalty to their surprise rolls. On the other
hand, the dragons themselves are acutely aware of disturbances in
the current, and are surprised only on a 1 in 10 chance.



Treas. Type


XP Value

Though brine dragons lack claws, their bite causes terrible damage
and can create huge gouges in large marine creatures, such as whales
or amphidragons.
Brine dragons attack with little or no provocation. On the other
hand, they sometimes hold off from attacking even in circumstances
where combat would be expected. Being very capricious and unpredictable by nature, it is difficult to tell just what a brine dragon will
do at any given time. They are the embodiment of chaos.
Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: The brine dragon can breathe a
salt and alkaline-based spray that functions like acid. This breath is
in the form of a cloud that is 90 feet long, 45 feet wide, and 45 feet
high. Creatures successfully saving vs. breath weapon suffer half
damage. The brine dragon can employ this breath weapon once
every three rounds. The breath weapon can be used underwater or at
a target in the air, with no change in its effectiveness.
Brine dragons are immune to poisons and acids. They cannot
breathe air.
As a brine dragon ages, it gains the following abilities, each usable
three times a day:
Great Wyrm

Melfs acid arrow
Stinking cloud

Dragon, Brine
Should the alkaline breath weapon of a brine dragon somehow
mix with the acid-based breath weapon of a black dragon, the
breaths would neutralize each other, creating a volume of water
equivalent to the volumes of both breath weapons.
Since a black dragon breathes sulfuric acid, a volume of sulphur is also created, equivalent to one pound per age category of
the black dragon.
The other effect of the mix is that a large amount of heat from
the chemical reaction is generated. Thus, the newly created water
is scalding hot. Any unfortunate caught in the area where the two
breaths mingle suffers 12d4+12 points of damage (successful saving throw [with a -2 penalty] vs. breath weapon cuts the damage
in half).
It should be noted that gnomes would be very interested in any
news of such an occurrence. The gnomes have been trying for
centuries to get a brine and black dragon together for the sake of
research, the only result being a lot of dead gnomes and no cooperative dragons. Enterprising PCs may make some money on the
experience if they are shrewd enough.
Habitat/Society: Brine dragons are best described as violent,
aquatic anarchists with nihilistic tendencies. They have no system of
rulership, no leader, no society of any sort. The Sea Witch Sagarassi
has long since given up trying to recruit any brine dragons for her
causes, since the beasts are just as likely to breathe on her troops as on
any enemy.

The beasts make their lairs out of coral and rock formations, using
their caustic breath to create a convenient cave. Brine dragons hoard
wealth only when they feel like it.
Each brine dragon stakes out its turf, which can vary day to day
from 100 yards to ten miles. Its cave remains the only point of fixed
When a brine dragon lays its eggs, the mother usually stays
around and raises the hatchlings, though sometimes the father stays
and does the job instead. Other times, both parents stay and raise
the hatchlings, or both parents leave and let the eggs fend for themselves. Sometimes the parents get hungry and just eat the eggs or
This extremely random way of raising children keeps the number
of brine dragons at low levels.
E c o l o g y : Brine dragons get their name from their love of salt. The
dragons eat salt and also absorb it into their systems through osmosis
as they swim the oceans. Often, brine dragons can be found in salt
marshes that exist in coastal areas.
Black dragons are hated by the brine dragons. A brine dragon
would certainly not attempt to eat a black dragon, for despite their
lack of intelligence, the brines have an instinctive knowledge of what
would happen if the acidic meat of a black dragon wound up inside
their alkaline system.
In essence, brine dragons will eat anything. They are distinguished among marine life as one of the few species that will actually
eat undead.



Beyond Ansalonbeyond even Taladas

cut off from the rest of Krynn by distance
or circumstance, lie several lost lands with
enough excitement and peril to challenge
the hardiest adventurer.
Far beneath the vastness of Krynns
oceans is Watermere, home
to the reclusive Dargonesti
sea elves. In their valley on
the sea floor, they work,
play, explore, and resist the
plots and forces of Takhisis,
the Dark Queen, whose ambitions to conquer Krynn
extend even to the seas and
the lands below them. Airbreathers are occasionally
brought to Watermere with the aid of powerful magicsometimes as guests, sometimes as pets, sometimes as prey. . . which
will you be?
Silesia is a jungle island with a spine of
forbidding mountains running its length.
Do the gods dwell among the lofty peaks,
as the superstitious natives believe? Or do
they just say that because no one who goes



to the mountains ever comes back?

South of Ansalon, past the Ice Wall for
another thousand miles, lies the south
pole of Krynn. And there, warmed by lava
flows deep below the surface, is the underground world of Chorane. Three human
tribes, all descended from
the same group of settlers,
wage a bitter and neverending civil war, with evil
dwarves and a long-lost offshoot of the kender race
rounding out the balance of
power. Outsiders should
pick their allies carefully,
lest they become sacrifices
for the great dragons that
lair far beneath the pole.
Otherlands is a 96-page sourcebook detailing three fascinating, never-seenbefore areas on the planet of Krynn, home

of the DRAGONLANCE saga, for


DRAGONS 2nd Edition game. A

full-color map of the Otherlands is also

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