ODDC Report IHub

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Understanding the Impacts of Kenya
Open Data Applications and Services
Au g u s t


Leonida Mutuku
Christine M. Mahihu


The funding for this work has been provided through the World Wide Web Foundation
'Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries' research project,
supported by grant 107075 from Canadas International Development Research Centre
(web.idrc.ca). Find out more at www.opendataresearch.org/emergingimpacts

Understanding the Impacts of Kenya Open Data Applications and Services by Leonida Mutuku and Christine
Mahihu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Introduction And Background

Kenya Open Data Initiative (KODI)

The Code4Kenya Initiative

The Code4Kenya Tools Developed

Research Problem Statement

Background of Project - Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC)

Research objectives


Literature Review

Exploratory Field Study

Stakeholder Interviews

Application Dashboard Analysis

User Experience Study

The Contextual Framework of the Kenyan Open Data Ecosystem

Political And Historical context

Legal Context

Technical Context

Economic Context

Social Context

Organizational Context

The Supply of Open Data In Kenya

Early Impact Evaluation of Open Data Technology Intermediaries

Citizen Response to Open Data


Demand For Open Data And Government Information


Access to Technology

The Sustainability of Open Data Technology Applications


Development And Design of Open Data Applications


Deployment of Open Data technologies


Utility and Usability of Open Data Technologies

Suggested Framework for Impactful Open Data Technology Interventions

High Quality Data

Closed Citizen Feedback Loops: Listening to Data Demand

User- Centered Technology Design

Content From Data to Knowledge

The Context of Open Data

Works Cited


Executive Summary
The Kenya Open Data Initiative was launched in 2011 and received great
government support to provide access to and utilization of open datasets
by the population. Technology tools have also been built to synthesize
and visualize the data in simple formats in order to improve access to this
government information. Three years later, there has not been substantial
documentation of level of use of these datasets or of technology applications
built using this data. Further, there is little or no recorded evidence to
support consequential social impact of these initiatives and technologies or
the way grassroots citizens engage with government data.

iHub Research set out to study and assess the implementation and impacts of initiatives
that use data from Kenya Open Data Initiatives (KODI) portal (opendata.go.ke). These
initiatives include Code4Kenya, an outreach initiative supporting intermediaries to work with
government datasets to develop applications and services that make data more accessible
and that improve governance, as well as independently created open data applications. The
research aimed to explore the extent to which these open data applications affect access
to and use of government information in relation to service delivery within the sectors of
Water, Health and Education.
The research used a mixed method approach, which combined qualitative, quantitative and
experimental methods. This was necessary to provide a holistic view of the status of open
data awareness, access and use in the country and help us better understand the underlying
factors that affect the roll out, adoption and use of open data. These methods included
a literature review, a user perception survey, dashboard data analysis of the open data
applications, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and a user experience experiment
on three open data platforms. Findings from these techniques were aggregated and crossanalyzed to measure the extent to which technology intermediaries have increased the
accessibility and utilization of open data in Kenya.

Citizens do access and use government data, but know little about KODI this finding signifies
low outreach and awareness raising at the grassroots by open data stakeholders despite demonstrated
demand for government information by citizens. 62% of survey respondents stated that they currently
received information on services from the government. Nonetheless, there was very little knowledge
of KODI and open data among our respondents with only 7% of all respondents having heard of
the open data government portal. None of our respondents was aware of any of the Code4Kenya
applications or other open data applications covered by this study. It was therefore difficult to ascertain
widespread impact of these technology tools on grassroots communities given that these community
members were hardly using open data.
Low quality of the available data is hinders its usage and limits its value -The low quality of the
data available through opendata.go.ke greatly hinders the use of the data by technology developers
and the public. The following were identified as the key contributing factors to the low data quality:
prevalence of irrelevant information/data of little interest, outdated datasets in the platforms and
poorly structured data. This resulted in few active open data initiatives or applications with outdated
or inaccurate information that could be limit its value to grassroots communities and potential for
Well-designed and implemented intermediary technology can enhance access and usability
of open data - Research participants found the KODI platform difficult to navigate and could not
easily access the specific information they were interested in. However, when using other third-party
provided applications they found it easier to navigate and extract the information of interest to them.
This finding showcased the potential value and importance of open data intermediary technologies in
improving access to information and increasing the publics utility of open data.
Based on our findings we put forward a framework with suggested ideal factors that would
increase the utilization and impact of open data intermediary applications, including
extensive outreach efforts to drive demand for data, and improving quality of data on
the platforms, and platform usability. We identify the need to pay special attention to the
choice and structure of data provided by iteratively seeking feedback from users, both
the technology intermediary creator and the general public. Finally, we propose an acute
awareness of the contextual framework in which an open data initiative exists, including
social, political and legal contexts.
Understanding the Impacts of Kenya Open Data Applications and Services is a one year
study that iHub Research has been conducting as part of a two-year research program
titled Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries or, commonly
referred to as, Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC). This research program is
coordinated by the World Wide Web Foundation, and funded by the Canadian International
Development Research Center (IDRC).


Introduction And
Open data, as defined by various key stakeholders, covers more than just
the availability of information; the underlying principle is that the data
should be freely available to everyone to use, republish and share as they
wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of
control (Auer, et al. 2007, OKF-Open Knowledge Foundation 2011). Two
main civil society movements have promoted open data: one that promotes
freely available information from a human rights perspective and the other
as a way to promote good governance and economic opportunities (OKFOpen Knowledge Foundation 2011).

There are numerous benefits and incentives for both the entities holding the data and the
ultimate users of the open data - government, public institutions, academia, private sector
and the general public. These benefits include transparency and accountability, innovation,
active citizenry, open research, among other benefits that spread to numerous other sectors;
"In addition, openly accessible data provides information, knowledge and wisdom that have
the potential for a number of social, economic and environmental benefits" (Reitano 2013).
Open data movements have been most popular in developed countries with the earliest
open data initiative launched in the US by President Obama in 2009 (Mutuku, Colaco and
Omenya 2013). In Europe shortly after, the European Commission, EU member states and
civil society quickly launched open data initiatives after the EU Directive 2003/98/EC was
made to set a basis for creating a common framework for availing publicly owned data
(Schwegmann 2013). In Canada, the open data initiative has availed opportunities for
researchers and start-ups, as (Reitano 2013) describes, "great benefits of publishing OD
lies within research and development and is highly likely to create and support innovation."
In developing countries such as Kenya, however, the uptake of open data initiatives is much
slower, but signs of progress exist; developing countries owned 12 of the 41 national open
data platforms launched by 2013. Kenya was the first Sub-Saharan and second African
country to launch its open data Initiative after Morocco, later followed by Tunisia and Ghana.
Continental data is provided through a platform developed by the African Development
Bank, which became the first African regional entity to do so (Schwegmann 2013, Mutuku,
Colaco and Omenya 2013).


The Kenya Open Data initiative (KODI) was launched in July 2011. The purpose of this
initiative was to make key government data freely available to the public through a single
online portal (Kwamboka 2013). The portal hosts more than 400 government datasets. The
2009 census, national and regional expenditure and information on key public services such
as education, health and agriculture, were some of the first datasets released1. Kenya was a
pioneer in launching such an initiative with the main objective of helping in propagating
better governance through the implementation of the new constitution (Mutuku, Colaco
and Omenya 2013).2
Through this portal, data is provided on a free-to-use license in accordance with the principles
and definitions of open data (The Open Knowledge Foundation n.d.). Open Government
Data further outlines 8 principles3 of open data that include data completeness, timeliness,
accessibility, ability to manipulate, non-proprietary and license-free. In accordance with the
open definition requirements, the data on the portal is open for manipulation by users and
the portal provides different views of these datasets. The most notable formats include
spreadsheets, charts, tables, and digital maps. The portal allows for manipulations on the
datasets with some of the possible actions including filtering, visualizing, exporting and
embedding data into other websites.


Despite the efforts to avail government datasets openly through KODI, utilization of data
from the portal was not as widespread instantly as expected. Therefore, a fellowship and
outreach initiative, Code4Kenya4 was conceptualized. This initiative in the form of a preincubator5 was launched and run from July to November 2012 in a bid to test a model
that could potentially increase uptake of government datasets by creating technology
based applications, services and platforms. Code4Kenya was also created to accelerate the
awareness and ability of the public to make sense of data and to promote engagement
around critical public issues. The program was a private sector consortium initiative with
funding support from the World Bank and the Africa Media Initiative. Other partners
included the Kenya ICT Authority (formerly, the ICT Board)6 (a government agency), the
Open Institute (an open data think tank), Strathmore University and iHub (a technology
innovation hub).
Skilled data technologists were embedded within three media houses (the Star, The
Standard, Nation Media Group) and a civil society organization (Twaweza) to collaboratively
build local relevant tools and applications that would increase consumption of data on the
open data platform (Mutuku, Colaco and Omenya 2013). The developers relied on the host
organizations knowledge of key thematic issues - health, education, county administration
and election coverage - affecting grassroots citizens, to identify problems statements that
could be addressed using open data tools.

Kenya Open Data Initiative https://opendata.go.ke

Open Government Principles https://public.resource.org/8_principles.html
Code4Kenya http://code4kenya.org/
A Pre-incubator here is defined as an experiment used to test an operational incubation model before it is implemented in a formally established
open data technology incubator.
6 Additional Details of consortium partners and their roles are included in the Appendix


More specifically, Code4Kenya aimed to develop applications that would create demand for
government data and in the process, catalyze institutional change as well as how the citizens
engage with the government. Moreover, Code4Kenya aimed to develop capacity in data
journalism within organizations working with grassroots communities. These could then
implement their own data projects that could increase access to government information
within these communities. The Code4Kenya applications built were launched to the general
public early 2013 at a press conference. This provided an opportunity for research to study
the implementation of these projects, monitor how they were deployed for use and establish
an evaluation process of emerging impacts.
The following section provides a brief overview of the Code4Kenya applications developed7

The Code4Kenya Tools Developed

County Safety
Host Organization: The Standard Group
The County Safety Crime Visualization is an intensity map of all crimes reported in selected
local dailies, including The Standard, from January to August 2012. The crimes are listed in
15 categories and are documented by where the crimes occurred (Source: Code4Kenya).

7 Descriptions provided by Code4Kenya

Find My School
Host Organization: Twaweza
FindMySchool provides visitors with information on how individual schools in Kenya perform
in national examinations. The underlying data is presented in a simplified way and visualized
to for easy understanding and sharing. (Source: Code4Kenya)

Data Story
Host Organization: Nation Media Group
Datastory is a tool designed to allow journalists and those working at the data desks in
media organizations to publish visualizations. With a heavy emphasis on geographical
visualizations, the content published from the platform can be used online and in print.
(Source: Code4Kenya)



Star Health
Host Organization: The Star newspaper
Star Health is a dashboard that presents health sector related data through visualizations
and various widgets. It works for the journalists as well as the general public. In addition to
widgets that curate various datasets, the dashboard aggregates health related story from
the The Star newspaper website.


GotToVote! was built as a Code4Kenya data journalism project to demonstrate how datadriven tools can help ordinary citizens decipher and then act on the news they read / watch,
by finding out how a national event such as the elections affects their personal lives or local
communities. This tool has since been used in other countries including Zimbabwe and

Africa Open Data

Africa Open Data is an open data portal and data repository for data across Africa.

(Descriptions provided by Code4Kenya)




Current research around local open data initiatives in developing regions, where the concept
is relatively new, is mainly focused on a countrys readiness to adopt open government
and the journey towards setting up these initiatives. However, there is limited systematic
documentation on the sustainability of these initiatives, initial impacts that these initiatives
have had on increasing citizens access to information, or how open data has helped promote
transparency and improved service delivery.
Since the launch of the Kenya Open Data Initiative three years ago in July 2011, access to
and utilization of open datasets by the population has still remained low, despite availability
on the main portal (opendata.go.ke). There have also been community applications built
using this data available on the platform, pulling data from the portal and presenting it in a
more simplified way for use by the population. Despite these initiatives, there has been little
documented evidence of consequential increase in use of open data from the platform or
the resulting impact of these initiatives and technologies on the way citizens engage with
government information. The impact of the six-month Code4Kenya pre-incubator initiative
is also yet to be documented.
Thus, through a research study, iHub Research aimed to follow the post-implementation
process of these technology intermediary interventions to evaluate their progress and
success in promoting access to information and citizen engagement with government data.
The underlying hypothesis is that improved access to information empowers grassroots
citizens to hold their governments accountable and demand for improved service delivery
on the basis of this information. However, majority of the grassroots communities are not
in a position to make sense of open data in the government portal as it is (Mutuku and
Colaco 2012). Intermediary technology tools such as open data applications aggregate and
synthesize this data to produce useful content in a manner that can be easily assimilated
and utilized by the community thus improving access to government data and information.


iHub Research conducted a research study between May 2013 and March 2014 to understand
the emerging impacts of open data applications and technologies, in promoting access
to information in developing countries. The study, dubbed Understanding the Impacts of
Code4Kenya Open Data Applications and Services, is part of a two-year research program
named Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in


Developing Countries or in short, Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC8). The research
program is coordinated by the World Wide Web Foundation, and funded by grant 107075
from the International Development Research Center (IDRC9), Canada.
The project is part of 17 independent case studies conducted in 14 countries, with iHub
Research focusing on the emerging impacts of open data technology intermediaries in
Kenya. For this project, iHub Research assessed the state of several open data intermediaries
in Kenya, such as the national Kenya Open Data Initiative (KODI)10, and other independently
managed open data initiatives, including the Code4Kenya initiative. The main goal of this
project was to understand the intended long-term impact of these initiatives and document
evidence of the extent to which they achieved a stated goal of drastically increasing the
usage of open data in the country.

The main objective of this research was to monitor and assess the impact of technology
open data intermediary interventions in promoting and facilitating the grassroots utilization
of open data, thus promoting different governance structures within the sectors of water,
health, and education. The research aimed to explore the extent to which these open data
applications affect access to and use of government information to improve accountability
and service delivery within these sectors. Specifically, the research aimed to study the
following key elements:




How intermediary open data applications affect the awareness of the availability and
potential value of open data among citizens.
How intermediary open data applications are deployed to increase consumption and use of
open data;
How intermediary open data applications impact citizens and improve governance.

To meet these objectives we aimed to answer questions such as:


What is the level of awareness of open data among citizens in grassroots communities?
How did these citizens come to know about open data and related initiatives?
Who is using open data tools and what are the characteristics of the people using open data?
What prevents citizens from accessing and using open data and open data applications?
Has access to open data improved the social welfare of citizens and how public institutions
offer services?

8 The Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries http://www.opendataresearch.org/emergingimpacts

9 International Development Research Center http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx
10 The Kenya Open Data Initiative Portal http://opendata.go.ke/



Through this research, we further aimed to provide evidence of impact that provides a good
business case for entrepreneurs, companies and government that may wish to explore open
data further. Moreover, we anticipate that if empirical evidence of open data achieving
some of its stated objectives11 is documented, this will provide a basis for governments
and local organizations to proactively sustain the existing platforms. Further, through this
research we would like to contribute to the development and testing of common methods
of assessing context, strengths and weaknesses of open data initiatives over time.

In order to effectively conduct this study, we used the following mixed
methods approaches to achieve our objectives. The methodology drew largely
from the suggested ODDC network-level research framework and tools.12

A preliminary literature review was conducted to study the current state of open data supply
and use in Kenya. This review, looked at published articles and papers written on case
studies of open data in Kenya as well as other developing regions. Through this review we
aimed to study the extent to which open data informs local stakeholders and its impact on
influencing governance structures. An analysis of the literature review also encompassed a
contextual assessment of the political, legal, technical and social contexts in which the Open
Data Movement in Kenya operates and other macro factors that may promote or hinder the
success of such an initiative.

11 Vision for Kenya Open Data https://opendata.go.ke/page/about

12 ODDC Methods http://www.opendataresearch.org/emergingimpacts/methods



An exploratory survey was carried out to understand the communitys awareness of the Kenya
Open Data Initiative in Kenya, and any of the applications resulting from the Code4Kenya
initiative. In particular, this study aimed to qualify the perceived usage and penetration of
these apps in different communities in Kenya as a first step towards understanding the role
that technology intermediaries play in facilitating impacts from open data.
Data collection was primarily collected using questionnaires.13 We used two sets of
questionnaires in this survey targeting respondents who may have heard about open data
before, and those who had never heard of open data. A pre-test was conducted for two
days within different locations in Nairobi. The main fieldwork was carried out in three main
towns - Nairobi, Meru and Nakuru:

Nairobi - Nairobi Central Business District, Kasarani and Zimmerman suburbs, Mathare and
Pipeline slums.
Meru - Town Center, Makutano area, Kenya Methodist University campus.
Nakuru- Town Center, Langa Langa, London Estate, Jomo Kenyatta University and Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries areas.

Figure 1: Nairobi Fieldwork Map

13 See appendix



Figure 2: Meru Fieldwork Map

Figure 3: Nakuru Fieldwork Map

In this survey, we had 71 respondents (66% male and 34% female) from different socioeconomical classes both in rural and urban communities neighboring these towns. We did
not aim to be representative and were more interested in collecting qualitative insights
on emerging impacts open data.14 We intended to reach respondents who had at least an
access point to Internet (mobile phone, laptop, cyber caf etc.) as the open data applications
we were studying are all on an online platform.

14 Additional demographic information is provided in the appendix


Figure 4: Occupation of Respondents (n=71)

We anticipated recruiting, introducing and training on the use of the Code4Kenya

applications the respondents in these communities who had not had any prior awareness or
interaction with the open data platforms or applications. However, Code4Kenya applications
were never officially launched from beta mode and thus were not supported as discussed
further in the report. We found it difficult to do an impact assessment on applications that
are not in public use or support and thus did not deploy these applications or conduct a
follow up study to understand their usage.

We conducted in-depth interviews with stakeholders identified as part of the local open data
ecosystem in a bid to understand their current efforts in building, using and maintaining
open data technologies.15 This included interviews with stakeholders of the Code4Kenya
project, independent developers using open data, government officials and civil society
actors. These interviews were led using discussion guides with an aim of understanding the
perceived roles of each of these actors as well as the successes and challenges experienced
in providing intermediary open data services, supplying or using open data.

15 See appendix II for list of participants in the IDIs




With this approach we intended to quantify the initial usage patterns on the open data
platform, selected Code4Kenya and independent community apps. This involved an analysis
of statistics derived from application dashboards through a process known as web analytics.
Web Analytics is the process of measuring web traffic on websites as well as providing
metrics on how effective your website is. It is critical to understand who is using the data
and what content is useful to them on the website. We studied the following different open
data platforms:


The Star Health, County Safety and Find My School built under the Code4Kenya program;
Ufahamu, hosii, sekoo and primo16, health and education platforms built by independent
application developers and;
The main Kenya Open Data platform.

We also did a comparison analysis with dashboard data from the proprietary Kenya School
Report, which uses survey-based data and closed data to provide information on education
facilities. Each of these applications are on an online platform and accessible from a web
Through web analytics, we aimed to study the actual usage of the platforms and using the
results obtained to infer the overall penetration of the applications. We also monitored the
application dashboards throughout the research in order to infer overall change in usage of
these applications over time and consequently, any impact of the content provided by these
platforms. During our initial in-depth interview discussions, we explicitly requested access to
the back-end of Code4Kenya applications in order to understand the demographics of the
application users as well as their behavior when accessing the site. Similarly we were able
to obtain statistics of the usage of two independent open data applications and the main
Kenya Open Data Portal in 2013. For this particular analysis, we tracked sessions over time
on the websites through:

Number and demographics of visitors unique and return visitors;

Number of page views and duration of time spent on each page;
Bounce rates only going to the home page and leaving without opening other pages on the site;
Browsers used to access the applications.

Collectively, by cross analyzing these results with the qualitative interviews, we were able
to discover trends and draw a picture of activity patterns on each of the websites tracked.
The dynamics of the traffic to each site would provide a rudimentary insight into who is
accessing the content on the web on which content is most popular (has most impact).





Three sample applications and platforms (the Kenya Open Data Portal, Find My School
and Kenya School Report)17 were selected for a usability evaluation to understand the
functionality and the potential of utilization of the open data platforms. This experimental
approach was used as an alternative to an end line survey, where respondents were exposed
to these platforms and their experience using each of these documented. These applications,
which were education-focused, were selected based on a preliminary analysis of the survey
data. Open data available on the education indicators in use by these applications was most
closely related to the desired information of most of the respondents in the exploratory
survey.18 The three sample platforms had location-based (geo-tagged data) open data on
schools as the common underlying base information. The applications were communityfacing solutions, meaning that the application can be used by grassroots level citizens, not
just by the high-level policy makers and organizations.
Each of these web-based applications was tested in our user experience lab where different
scenarios of use were simulated and respondents asked to perform specific tasks. At least
one of these tasks was the same for each platform under study and this was useful for
comparative analysis on the use of the open data technologies. A sample of nine respondents
participated in this user experience study through one-on-one interviews, modified think
aloud experiments and general testing of the web tools. This sample represented potential
end-users of the open data platforms. These respondents were aged between 24 and 40
who had used a computer with Internet before. These included parents, students, teachers
and general citizens who may have an interest in education information. Qualitative data
collected during the research was analyzed and contributed to the overall analysis of the
role of technology intermediaries.


Kenya School Report http://www.kenyaschoolreport.com/

Additional information regarding the sampling and selection included in the appendix



of the Kenyan
Open Data
The push for open data has been driven by different factors, incentives and
influences. In developed countries, economic benefits of available data
seem to be more prominent in driving open data initiatives. In developing
countries, advocates base their core reasons on transparency and good
governance. Open data programs in developing countries initiated by
governments and civil societies are hailed as encouraging citizen engagement
and promoting access to information. In Kenya, objectives of the open data
initiatives also included innovation and information-based policy in addition
to transparency (Sika 2013, Schwegmann 2013).

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, other factors influence the success or failure
of open data initiatives - political pressure either from civil society, media, businesses
or opposition sometimes drive the launch of these initiatives. Most of these open data
programs in developing regions are funded by international donors, creating an avenue
for governments to receive additional resources. Open data initiatives have been viewed as
great PR for most governments, but those that do it for this reason usually have low quality
data, as their intentions do not align with the essence of what open data is and should do
(Schwegmann 2013).


The successful launch and use of data from these platforms depend on the various climates
in the country at the time. Kenya is one of the few African countries to host an open data
platform, a feat that has earned the country a great reputation internationally. The launch
of the Kenya Open Data Initiative was no different and mainly influenced by the political
climate, current events, sector interests and other key players. We discuss in this section
the contextual framework in which open data initiatives exist in Kenya including political,
historical, legal, technical, economic, social and organizational contexts.


Political will is a key driver in incentivizing open data initiatives. In Kenya, government
institutions are charged with collecting and storing data that relates to their mandates.
Unfortunately, due to policies and ingrained practices of the colonial and early Kenyan
governments, most of this information was siloed within the respective institution and
was rarely shared, even with other government institutions. Corrupt networks in public
institutions benefited greatly from this culture of monopolizing access to information,
and used this power to advance their personal interest, usually at the expense of the
citizens. Access to this information was extremely difficult and in some cases impossible.
These corrupt networks put up a spirited fight against any and all attempts to release data
that would have made them accountable (Schwegmann 2013, Kwamboka 2013, Majeed
2012). Civil society had been advocating since the turn of the century to have data held in
government ministries availed to the public.
These efforts were continuously met with resistance mostly due to vested interests, up
until Dr. Bitange Ndemos appointment as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Information and Communications. His role was vital in promoting an open data ecosystem
as he spearheaded the initiative to avail data in an open platform. He and a volunteer task
force made up of computer programmers, data experts and World Bank officials, worked
together to launch Kenyas first successful open data platform in July of 2011 (Majeed 2012).
The KODI initiative was not the first attempt at releasing government-held data though.
Ndemo, who joined the then President Kibakis government in 2005, was able to successfully
map distributions of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) and by doing this, exposed the
unfair allocation of funds. The initiative ran into intense political resistance from Members
of Parliament as it exposed the allocation of funds to vote rich areas at the expense of
deserving marginalized areas. In order to protect their interests, politicians lobbied to the
minister at that time and the initiative was eventually terminated.
In 2010, due to pressure from the private sector (businesses and the technology community),
the ICT board launched a government website that also aimed to equip the public with
crucial government held data.



The successful launch and use of data from these platforms depend on the various climates
in the country at the time. Kenya is one of the few African countries to host an open data
platform, a feat that has earned the country a great reputation internationally. The launch
of the Kenya Open Data Initiative was no different and mainly influenced by the political
climate, current events, sector interests and other key players. We discuss in this section
the contextual framework in which open data initiatives exist in Kenya including political,
historical, legal, technical, economic, social and organizational contexts.


Political will is a key driver in incentivizing open data initiatives. In Kenya, government
institutions are charged with collecting and storing data that relates to their mandates.
Unfortunately, due to policies and ingrained practices of the colonial and early Kenyan
governments, most of this information was siloed within the respective institution and
was rarely shared, even with other government institutions. Corrupt networks in public
institutions benefited greatly from this culture of monopolizing access to information,
and used this power to advance their personal interest, usually at the expense of the
citizens. Access to this information was extremely difficult and in some cases impossible.
These corrupt networks put up a spirited fight against any and all attempts to release data
that would have made them accountable (Schwegmann 2013, Kwamboka 2013, Majeed
2012). Civil society had been advocating since the turn of the century to have data held in
government ministries availed to the public.
These efforts were continuously met with resistance mostly due to vested interests, up
until Dr. Bitange Ndemos appointment as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Information and Communications. His role was vital in promoting an open data ecosystem
as he spearheaded the initiative to avail data in an open platform. He and a volunteer task
force made up of computer programmers, data experts and World Bank officials, worked
together to launch Kenyas first successful open data platform in July of 2011 (Majeed 2012).
The KODI initiative was not the first attempt at releasing government-held data though.
Ndemo, who joined the then President Kibakis government in 2005, was able to successfully
map distributions of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) and by doing this, exposed the
unfair allocation of funds. The initiative ran into intense political resistance from Members
of Parliament as it exposed the allocation of funds to vote rich areas at the expense of
deserving marginalized areas. In order to protect their interests, politicians lobbied to the
minister at that time and the initiative was eventually terminated.
In 2010, due to pressure from the private sector (businesses and the technology community),
the ICT board launched a government website that also aimed to equip the public with
crucial government held data.


However, the board had no access to information leading to lack of content on the site, and
before the year ended, the site was taken down. The failure of these early attempts were
attributed to lack of well established relationships with the various ministries and institutions
that held this data, as well as lack of political will (Majeed 2012, Kwamboka 2013).
At this time, pressure to increase transparency from different sectors, more notably the civil
society, was piling up. In 2011, Mzalendo, a civil society initiative that aimed to increase
public participation, advocated for release of financial data to allow citizen scrutiny of the
management of public resources. This provided a great opportunity for the development of
an open data initiative. Ndemo and the then Minister of Information and communication,
Mutahi Kagwe, had a good working relationship and were fortunate to have the presidents
ear. Buy-in from the very top of political power created a favorable environment to persuade
government institutions to release their data, allowing for launch of the Kenya Open Data
Initiative (Majeed 2012).
Unfortunately, the momentum built during this time wore off as the political landscape
changed. The shift from a centralized system of government to devolved units (in response
to schedules stipulated in the constitution promulgated in 2010) significantly changed
the roles of national government officials especially those working in ministries whose
functions were to be devolved to county governments. The transition period into a devolved
government system is still taking effect today brings with it many challenges, and sometimes
hinders effective adoption of open data.
Before, during and after the 2013 elections, little attention was paid to the open data platform
and the excitement seen around its launch quickly faded. The current president, Uhuru
Kenyatta, has however, shown some interest in opening up government, reigniting hope
in the revival of the initiative (Brown 2013). The government, through their Jubilee party
manifesto, pledged to increase transparency in government as well as promote information
sharing within public institutions. Citizens have expectations for an effective government as
the president promised to digitalize government, by cleaning up and managing databases
that will be stored in a secure and centralized location and which can be accessed and used
by all ministries and branches of Governmentto make Government more efficient (Jubilee
Coalition 2012).
In reference to the Kenya Open Data Initiative, the government also pledged to provide more
information on population, voting, taxation and health. Recently, the Ministry of Information,
Communications and Technology invited iHub to contribute to its Draft National Public
Communication Policy, a document that strived to not only avail more information to the
public, but also improve information sharing within the different government institutions
and ministries (Personal Communication, Ministry of ICT, 2013).






Policy played a significant role is shaping how government handled data and contributed to
the establishment of a culture of hoarding government information. The Official Secrets Act,
a legal provision possible within the old constitution, gave government the right to withhold
data from the public. Under the colonial government and later under president Daniel Arap
Moi, this policy was in effect and therefore gave government officials the freedom to resist
and even turn down requests for data. In a past interview, Davis Adieno, former national
coordinator at the National Taxpayers Association, described the attitude most government
officials had in regards to information sharing, Under the Moi regime, the government was
clearly on one side the citizen on the other. Citizens had no business to access (government)
information (Majeed 2012).
The new constitution, promulgated in 2010 under the coalition government, contradicted
the Secrets Act, as it required public institutions to allow access to information that they
held. Article 35, section 1 to 3 of this new constitution explicitly gives citizens the right to
access public information; Every citizen has the right of access to information held by the
state...The state shall publish and publicize any important information affecting the nation
(Majeed 2012, Kwamboka 2013).
However, three years after the open data platforms launch, the initiative still faces a major
barrier; public institutions refused to post their information while claiming ownership. While
access to information may be enshrined in the bill of rights it is not institutionalized in law.
The current legal framework does not explicitly define what information citizens can access,
how public institutions can avail data to the public, or the consequences to be faced for their
violation or failure to comply. A draft bill is still pending in parliament but the need for an
Access to Information Law to action the above constitutional right is necessary to adequately
support the National Kenya Open Data Initiative (Wokabi 2012, Kwamboka 2013).

The ICT sector in Kenya is stated as one of the most advanced in the continent. There are
currently more than 31 million active mobile phone subscriptions; 49.7% of the general
population has access to an Internet connection. Despite most people accessing Internet
via mobile phones, fixed fiber subscriptions has grown by 86.8% from 2012 to 2013
(Communications Commision of Kenya 2014). In its annual report dubbed Measuring the
Information Society 2012,19 the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) ranked Kenya
as one of the leading countries in the developing world to take a lions share in mobile
growth (International Telecommunicatin Union (ITU) 2012).

19 http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/


The country now has four main undersea fiber optic cables: The East Africa Marine System
(TEAMS), SEACOM, Eastern Africa Submarine Cables Systems (EASSy) and Lower Indian
Ocean Network (Lion2). These infrastructure development structures have led to significant
competition, leading to lower prices of data and communication. Telecommunication
companies now see data as the future main revenue generator (Nyabiage 2013).
These numbers place Kenya in a relatively good position to disseminate open data via
online resources. However, this has not been the case, as feature phones still dominate the
Kenyan Market, with smart phones accounting for only 30% of urban phones. This means
that most mobile devices are not optimized for the maximum use of the open data platform
and applications built out of it (Manyika, et al. 2013). The public sector is also yet to join
the digital revolution; most government institutions and even the Kenya National Bureau
of Statistics (KNBS) have paper based data collection, storage and dissemination systems.
This established system makes it extremely difficult to easily share in open formats the
information and is mainly due to lack of funding, personnel and most importantly, goodwill.
To solve this issue, digitization of content held by government was launched recently and
priority given to Judiciary and Lands ministries, health and police records (Kwamboka 2013,
Wokabi 2012).
The Kenyan government chose to launch an open data portal on the Socrata platform,20 an
America-based cloud software company that focuses exclusively on democratizing access
to open data. The platform was availed on a commercial contract basis between the Kenyan
Government and Socrata (Kwamboka 2013). According to the Kenya ICT Board, the decision
to use the Socrata portal was reached due to time constraints, and building a platform from
scratch would consume a lot of time (K. Kobia, personal communication, April 11, 2011).21

Kenya has been experiencing fairly slow economic growth from 2011 to 2013. In 2011,
the same year that the country was launching the Open Data Initiative, Kenyas economy
recorded a 4.4% growth, and 4.5% in 2012 (African Development Bank 2013). The slow
growth was attributed to both the International Criminal Court (ICC) cases against six
prominent Kenyans, and the preparation for the general elections that took place in March
2013. Despite this slow progress, the information, communications and technology sector
in Kenya has seen impressive growth in recent years- a steady growth of 20% annually since
2000 and a contribution of at least 1% to the GDP. This economic growth has catalyzed the
advance of a multibillion-telecommunication industry. Digital financial products such as
mobile money had 24.8 million subscriptions as of June 2013.

20 Socrata Platform http://www.socrata.com/company-info/

21 Kaburo Tells the Story of the Kenya Open Data Initiative http://vimeo.com/40158452



20 Socrata Platform http://www.socrata.com/company-info/

21 Kaburo Tells the Story of the Kenya Open Data Initiative http://vimeo.com/40158452

Other social enterprises build technology based applications such as Ushahidi,22 a platform
that uses crowdsourcing to identify and report emergency situations, was launched locally
and has since been used worldwide. According to the technology community, access to data
spurs growth in ICT related businesses as well as increased efficiency in business processes
(Majeed 2012, Communications Commision of Kenya 2014).
Despite growth in this sector, the World Bank states that Kenya is still underperforming as
compared to its peers, all who have not launched open data initiatives (The World Bank
2009). For this reason, recommendations for the current government administration include
focus on: social equity, quality education and better management of water resources to
improve economic standards. The Bank also advises the Kenyan government to strengthen
institutional reforms in devolution, judicial transformation and public financial management.
The role of ICT in the economic development in Kenya has been a key priority moving
forward and is part of the countrys economic stimulus plan, Vision 2030. Access to data is
extremely vital in catalyzing and sustaining the sectors and overall economic growth.

Kenya is a diverse country made up of over 40 million people belonging to more than 40
different ethnic groups. According to the World Bank, this mostly youthful country has a
fairly impressive education rate but poverty levels are still high, with a little less than half
living below the poverty line (The World Bank 2009). Kenya however, still grapples with high
inequality and corruption levels and the need for effective service delivery is paramount
in promoting development and citizen empowerment. Classified as a low income country,
according to World Banks country classification,23 the country continues to be faced with
major social challenges including; poverty, insecurity and food shortages. International
bodies like the United Nations, The World Bank, in partnership with the Kenyan government,
have been working on initiatives to help alleviate some of these social challenges through
projects distributed in various sections of the social economy. The World Bank was also an
important partner in Kenyas quest to have an open data portal, by contributing towards
funding the project.
Despite these efforts, other governing challenges exist. Most ministries responsible for
service delivery have been working in isolation and are ignorant of projects other ministries
are undertaking. This lack of synergy occasionally leads to contradicting programs and
policies that promote waste of resources and duplication within the public sector. Citizens
have become accustomed to missing, inadequate, and sometimes, inaccurate data from
the government lead to lack to trust in public institutions. Citizens attitude to government
projects can lead to failure of these initiatives despite the noble motivations (Kwamboka,

22 Ushahidi http://www.ushahidi.com/
23 World Bank country Classification http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups


Necessary structures were needed for the successful launch of the Kenya Open Data Initiative.
In 2006, parliament passed a bill that decommissioned the Central Bureau of statistics and
replaced it with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the agency mandated to
handle all government data including publication and dissemination. However, most of this
data held by KNBS is either in paper form and if online, data available cannot be manipulated
easily. This was also due to the fact that the agency relied on selling its reports to recover
costs of collection and publication of data (Majeed, 2012). In 2007, another institution, the
ICT board was set up as a state corporation under the State Corporations Act in 2007. The
semiautonomous agency was mandated to advice and implement ICT policies and projects
drafted by the ministry of Information and Communications. The ICT Board was the initial
custodian of the national open data initiative in partnership with the Kenya National Bureau
of Statistics, the World Bank and the US software company, Socrata. The institution has
since been merged with other technology agencies within government to form the Kenya
ICT Authority.
In order to quickly launch the open data platform, a team drawn from various organizations
and with different relevant skills was assembled to form the open data task force. This team
was instrumental in launching Kenya Open Data Initiative, which included the opendata.
go.ke portal (Brown 2013, Majeed 2012). Similarly, other private institutions have since come
together to form initiatives such as Code4Kenya. Below is a summary of various instrumental
players and the roles they played in launching the platform and the Code4Kenya initiative.



Code4Kenya organizational structure (Kwamboka 2013, Mutuku, Colaco and Omenya 2013)


The Supply of Open

Data In Kenya
In this section we examine the current state of open data with regards to the
supply side of open data in Kenya. This analysis is based on key informant
interviews with the stakeholders within the open data ecosystem, including
open data technologists and host organizations in the Code4Kenya fellowship.

The Kenya Open data portal explicitly states under its terms of references that it is the
responsibility of all government Ministries, Departments/Agencies to release information in
their possession deemed as open data in accordance to Article 35 of the Kenya Constitution
(2010) that guarantees the citizens a right to information. This has however been a challenge
as most government ministries and agencies are yet to fully embrace the directive leading
to most of the information available on the platform remaining out of date. In fact, over
the past year and a half, since December of 2012, fewer than 10 new datasets have been
uploaded or updated constraining regular supply of open data through the national portal
in 2013, based on website analytics.
This challenge may be due to an unclear distinction of what information can be safely
shared with the public and what information is considered classified; technical capacity
to periodically produce open data and; an understanding of the exact mandate for these
institutions to release data as enshrined in law. For this reason, legal frameworks including
policy documentation with implementation plans and an access to information law are
necessary. However, citizens can still individually demand for public information held by the
government on the basis of Article 35 in the constitution (Georgiadis 2012). The ICT Board
that was managing the KODI platform also underwent structural changes. These changes
included a merger into a new government agency, the Kenya ICT Authority. Further, there
was no open data program manager to run the initiative and this resulted in the few updates
of new datasets affecting the supply of open data.



Consequently, privately organized initiatives such as Code4Kenya resorted to scrapping

web pages and other information sources to liberate new open data for use within their
platforms and applications. However, other independent application users still relied fully
on the open data portal for supply of data for their applications for the following reasons.
The data on the open data portal is free to use as opposed to secondary sources that may
require them to purchase datasets of interest. The datasets are openly licensed on the portal
without restricting how it can be reproduced and re-used. Sources of data such as NGOs
and public institutions sometimes require formal applications for permits to access the data
and restrictions on how it can be used. Finally, the developers mentioned that they tended
to trust the data provided by the government, saying that it is much more reliable and
verifiable as compared to data from external sources.
Most of the data available on the open data platform however, is not sufficient information
on crucial sectors for which the applications were developed. For this reason, developers
spent a lot of time obtaining supplementary data from the source ministries, with some of
them demanding for licenses or permits in order to produce the data. For instance, TheStar-Health lacked crucial information for its application, including data on the number of
registered doctors in Kenya, and the national health insurance scheme, National Hospital
Insurance Fund (NHIF)24 data. To overcome this, Code4Kenya had to directly contact the
local Doctors Union.25 A future challenge however arises on how to constantly keep this
data updated without making individual requests and rely on goodwill each time.

24 National Hospital Insurance Fund http://www.nhif.or.ke/healthinsurance/

25 The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) http://www.kmpdu.org/


Early Impact
of Open Data
This chapter discusses key findings and results from our research, in
particular, how open data intermediaries are facilitating impacts in the lives
of grassroots citizens and the sustainability of open data intermediaries to
continue realizing these impacts.



Demand For Open Data And Government Information

While there is low awareness of open data among citizens, there exists a high demand for
government information, a need that goes unmet.
As mentioned above, one of the objectives of Kenya Open Data was to open up government
data to its citizens. We, therefore, wanted to understand how our survey respondents currently
interact with the government and how they access government data and information. There
was very little knowledge and awareness of open data among respondents interviewed.
Only 10% of our respondents had heard of the concept open data and only 7% were aware
of the Kenya Open Data Initiative. Two of our respondents who work within government
agencies were not aware of KODI.



Most of our official communication channels are through emails and memos but we they have never
received anything on the Kenya Open Data initiative.

The respondents, who had heard before of open data or the open data portal, mainly
stated that they found out about it from mass media such as television and newspapers or a
friend. Only one of our respondents had found out about it from the open data website. Our
field researchers observed that most surprisingly, several of our respondents were aware of
e-government initiatives26 and tended to confuse it with the Kenya Open Data Portal.
A quick analysis of the different application dashboards indicates general low usage. Analytics
of website statistics for the opendata.go.ke portal obtained from the ICTA indicated that in
as much as the portal receives a lot of website page visits (approximately 1.1 million unique
visits in 2013), actual activity on the portal (including downloading of datasets, manipulation
of data into visualizations and other formats) remains quite low. The screenshot below
shows variance of page views over time (the number of times a page has been loaded by a
users browser) versus page request/ or activity (the number of requests on a page).27 More
specifically, only 33 new charts and 81 new maps were created (indicating an increase of less
than 10% and 35% respectively, of visualizations created on the site since its launch). The
spike in activity on the portal could be as a result of increased interest in the implementation
of the newly devolved county administration units after the March 2013 national elections.
This is evidenced by the fact that the most popular datasets were poverty rates and county
urbanization data sets.

26 Kenya E-government site http://www.e-government.go.ke/

27 Learn About Data Portal Usage From Socrata Site Analytics https://support.socrata.com/hc/en-us/articles/202949968-Learn-about-data-portal-


Figure 5: Site usage of the national open data portal in 2013

All applications reviewed other than Code4Kenya received less than 5,000 monthly page
visits, indicating that they did not have widespread reach given that they target the general
population. The general site activity was even lower. For instance, in July 2013, Code4Kenya
sites received an average of approximately 3000 daily page views (with a 78% bounce rate
i.e. visits to the home page without further interaction in the site) and 1.47 page views
per visitor per day with average duration per visit at 1.31 minutes per visitor. Analytics for
independent developer sites such as Ufahamu indicated even lower usage per day with
approximately one visitor per day.
However, this does not necessarily translate to low demand for this data. 87% of the
respondents do receive information from the government. In particular, 62% of these
respondents actively seek information on various services from the government including
information related to the ministries, their various programs, and the services they offer
including the youth fund, census data, security, health services and available trainings.



Political information, government jobs vacancies, information on government tenders and

other government procedures were of importance with regards to access to information
on government services. Such information could be perceived to be of personal benefit, i.e.
employment and other economic opportunities that could improve their lives. Unemployment
in Kenya is fairly high with the latest reports placing it at 40%. The government is also one of
the largest employers in the country so it was not surprising that information specifically on
job opportunities and tender information was of interest to 30% of the respondents.

Figure 6: Information that citizens seek useful from government sources (n=71)


Generally, there is a high citizen demand for government information on the three thematic
areas we focused on in this study water, health and education. When asked what
information and data they wished they could regularly access from government, citizens
were mainly interested in information on access to and quality of services provided in public
institutions with more than 50% of citizens interviewed stating that they desired to access
this kind of information in each sector.
More specifically, 55% of our respondents were interested in accessing data on the
availability or supply schedule of water in their areas of residence. This citizens demand
for data has been attributed to major supply issues due to scheduled and irregular water
rationing. Other areas where there was a demonstrated demand for data include water
quality and safety (42%), water sources (39%) and costs of water services (36%).

Similarly, 60% of respondents were interested in the availability of health services, including
doctors, medicine availability, treatment options, costs if any, and if the facility specialized in
a particular field, such as cancer treatments. This is of particular interest as one Code4Kenya
application, the Star Health, aimed to address this kind of demand for data.



More than 65% of respondents expressed interest in education data such as school
performance, teachers and their qualifications, type of school (public or private), costs and
scholarships. We collectively termed these are education administration information. As
with the demand for health information, there is a Code4Kenya application, FindMySchool
meeting this demand for education information. These results were further confirmed by
our user experience test respondents who stated that they had previously attempted to
obtain in the past education information such as school performance and courses offered.


In this regard, the large disconnect between the applications owners and the grassroots
community is evident. It can be inferred that application owners were not raising awareness
of the services that their platforms were providing to potential end-users who are demanding
for this same kind of information.


Access to Technology

There is a high penetration of technology among grassroots citizens, indicating potential

demand for technology intermediaries as platforms of choice to access open data.
Traditional media still plays a large role in increasing citizens access to government
information. 75% percent of our respondents currently seeking government information
stated that they received it mainly through newspapers, television and radio. As all our
respondents were recruited on the basis that they at least had access to an Internet
connection or Internet enabled device, it was not surprising that 54% of these respondents
go online to government and social websites to find this information. Similarly, respondents
who were recruited for the user experience experiment searched for education related
content online websites including those of government education institutions. Field reports
indicated that several of our respondents preferred to use a desktop interface to interact
with open data as it was easier for them to navigate on a larger screen.



Mobile phone penetration in Kenya is at over 76% and the popularity of the mobile phone
as an access-to-information platform was apparent with 46% of respondents showing
preference to access open data through mobile web. Similarly, 36% also preferred to use
open data mobile applications to access such information on health, water and education.
That said, respondents with mobile devices found it difficult to identify the technology
applications on their phones indicating a lack proper understanding on the definition of
technology applications. Most of these had applications but did not know them by that
nomenclature and the researchers had to confirm by physically checking the phones. Social
sites such as Facebook and Twitter are also gaining popularity with this demographic (79%
and 59%, respectively), particularly our respondents who has access to feature and smart




More than half (52%) of the respondents indicated a preference to receive government
data as visualizations. Stories and articles were also highly rated with 43% preferring this
option. Of the choices provided, fact sheets and raw data got the lowest preference with
only 20% of respondents preferring this method of open data dissemination. Those who
selected other options include; word documents, excel documentaries and features, and
PDF documents. This preference for means of accessing government information provides
an evidence basis for the necessary role of open data intermediaries and in particular
data journalism methods. Code4Kenya program objectives aimed to meet this demand
indicating potential value for impact from such data journalism and visualization technology
intermediary initiatives.
These findings collectively indicate that there is potential citizen demand for open data
applications as technology intermediaries. However, a great challenge for the utilization of
open data intermediaries to access government data arises from the low awareness levels
of these tools.



Development And Design of Open Data Applications

Open Data applications rely on data from the national government portal and the
sustainability of this a portal, in terms of data quality and supply, consequently influences
the sustainability of open data technology intermediary tools.
All the open data applications sampled in this project, including those developed through
Code4Kenya, and the independently developed applications, use data from the Kenya Open
Data Portal. This data varies from location-based/geo-tagged data of public facilities to
different health, education and water sector indicators. The developers mentioned that they
use the data provided on the open data platform, manipulate it and simplify the outputs
through various visualization methods like interactive maps and graphs. Most developers
stated that their applications aimed to demystify data to the grassroots citizen. These
technologists further stated that their applications were designed in a way that would make
the normal citizen, who has no formal training in data analysis, appreciate data, and in the
process enable them to make informed decisions.


Developers have created both web and mobile versions of their applications. From the
interviews, the developers revealed that usage levels were higher on the web applications
as compared to mobile apps. Web applications allow for better interaction with the datasets
as compared to mobile apps. The Kenyan market is dominated by basic phones, which could
also contribute to the low mobile application access.
However, several open data technology intermediaries that formed part of our study (both
Code4Kenya and other independent applications) do not seem to have sustainable models.
As at August 2013, there was no ongoing development or maintenance on Code4Kenya
projects due to contractual issues with the initial funders (Personal Communication,
Code4Kenya, 2013). Most of the websites are still on beta mode, incubated in the main
Code4Kenya site as opposed to live sites maintained by host organizations. It seems that
the media houses and Civil Society Organization did not have a sense of ownership of
these applications and were therefore still relying on the Code4Kenya pilot program to
maintain and develop further the applications. Without this requisite funding, operations
and activities around these technology applications ground to a halt. This made it difficult
for us to conduct follow up research on emerging impacts, as the applications were not in
The sustainability of the government open data portal (opendata.go.ke) did also influence
the subsequent sustainability of applications built on the basis of data from the portal.
As mentioned above, there is no regular supply of quality data to the open data portal
over the past few years. This resulted in the developers interviewed unable to update their
applications with relevant data often and rendering these applications obsolete with the
value of the content depreciating as well.


Deployment of Open Data technologies

There is little to no outreach on the availability of open data and technology intermediary
tools, leading to low awareness among citizens. Further, government remains a primary
target audience over citizens.
Most of the owners of the open data applications sampled mentioned that, although their
applications made data accessible in forms that the average citizen could comprehend,
they were not ultimately targeting citizens with their platforms. They instead identified the
Kenyan government as the primary target user, a body that is in fact the same source of
the data. In particular, application developers (not affiliated with Code4Kenya) mentioned
that their main target audience for their applications was the government. The primary
reason one of these developers provided for this was that they perceived that most of the
data provided on the platform was high-level information. This was in reference to data
such as GDP growth, disease prevalence, poverty rates and constituency expenditure. This
developer did not believe that such data could be impactful immediately by solely building
citizen-facing applications.



These technology developers instead created visualizations containing correlations

of different datasets available on the platform, with which they approached different
government bodies including ministries, NGOs working in these sectors, international
bodies and businesses to use in making decisions pertaining the services most needed by
the citizens. These technologists thus expressed expectations for the government to use
the visualizations created by the applications to gain more insight into their own data for
planning and informed decision making. In this regards, citizens were deemed a secondary
Our main objective was to try and find out if the problems faced in the Kenyan health
sector can be solved using data correlation and visualization, so that we dont just talk about
building more hospitals and employing more doctors yet the problem can be solved through
analysis of the data and finding other route courses of diseases in a particular area, one
respondent who has built a health data visualization platform said during the interviews.

Code4Kenya applications, on the other hand, were targeted at mass usage and collaborated
with mass media host organizations to avail these tools to citizens. Partnering with media
and civil society organization (CSO) ensured that the technology applications could leverage
on and tap into their wide audience and grassroots communities. From the interviews
conducted with Code4Kenyas lead fellow, it was revealed that the initiatives main target
users were the upper-middle class in Kenya. This group of people understands English and
has access to the Internet on computers and smartphones. This explained the reason why
Code4Kenyas applications were web-based. It was rationalized that this target group would
then be used as information champions to Kenyans who have no access to Internet, thereby
leading to a greater impact of the applications at the grassroots level.
However, this did not necessarily translate into greater awareness levels of open data within
these targeted groups of people. In the case of Code4Kenya, the media houses and CSO did
not do any marketing campaigns and only deployed the tools online. Independent application
developers also indicated taking a similar approach to deploying their applications. The
applications studied have all included links to social media on their home pages. However,
these only enable one to share links to the applications on their social media networks.
This assumes that the users first get to know of the applications and can then share these
further through their networks. None of the application development organizations had
strong social media presence and were therefore not engaging and doing outreach to new
users through these channels. This was in spite of the fact that a lot of their potential users
regularly access sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
In this regard, no strategies were deployed to target specific users, be it the general public
or the government itself, translating to the low awareness levels and ultimate impact as
discovered on the ground during the exploratory study. A few of the developers mentioned
that they participated in open data conferences where they talked about their applications,


but this did not seem to increase public awareness of the existence of their applications.
Developers thus admitted to not actively maintaining or developing further their applications,
with the low usage cited as the reason behind poor motivation to work on the applications.
In order to increase the usage, and ultimately the impact of open data applications, it is
imperative for the open data intermediary initiatives to carry out more awareness initiatives
directed at their end users, including advertising and marketing in various public fora and


Utility and Usability of Open Data Technologies

Technology intermediary tools have the potential to improve access to open data among
citizens by presenting open data in an easy-to-comprehend manner using appealing
designs, layouts and synthesized content.
Given the low awareness among our research participants in the survey, we used lab-based
user-experience evaluation to understand how grassroots citizens could potentially use
existing open data applications. We created real life scenarios to test the functionality of
sample open data education applications, which provide similar information and, extrapolate
their experience to how citizens would potentially derive utility from open data applications.
Open data applications were perceived to be more appealing by our research participants
than the main open data portal. The respondents found it easier to extract and understand
information from the technology intermediary tools, than the main open data portal.
This was especially evident when participants were only able to locate data about a local
primary school, Naivasha Primary School, on both Kenya School Report and Find my School
applications but none of them was able to carry out this particular task on Kenya Open Data.
The main reason provided by participants for this observation was that the KODI platform
was too difficult to understand and navigate and that there was too much information.
Open data applications sampled were also observed to be user-friendly with rich content
and media. The participants in the usability evaluation tended to favor the intermediary
applications, Kenya School Report and Find My School, over the main opendata.go.ke portal
due to the fact that they were relatively easy to navigate through. The designs and fonts of
these applications were also pleasing to the respondents. Rich media such as videos were
also points of attraction to the users. The Kenya Open Data site was too complex for all the
participants, which they stated to be cluttered. This was contrary to the feedback given by
developers who found the portal user friendly and meeting their needs. On Kenya School
Report and Find my School all the participants were able to accomplish different tasks.
It is revealed the need to be aware of different user segments and tailor platforms to meet
the needs of each kind of user. While developers find the government portal easy to use,
grassroots citizens may not be able to use the data as presented in the portal. These findings
highlight the key role that technology intermediary tools play in contributing to improved
citizens access to information. Technology intermediaries tailor the data and present the
information in formats or layouts that appeal to less technical audiences. It is recommended
that opendata.go.ke needs to be redesigned if it is to be attractive and useful to citizens.



Other feedback from these user experience studies corroborated our findings from the
exploratory survey was in the desired government data and information. Experiment
participants were interested in information such as school ranking by performance; types
of institutions registered under the Kenya Institute of Education; school contacts; facilities
available in schools and other extra-curricular activities and; student per class ratio within
the schools. This data is available in the sample platforms but the low awareness levels
prevent them from meeting this demand.

Framework for
Impactful Open
Data Technology
Based on our findings we put forward the following recommendations in a
framework of ideal factors that would increase the utilization and impact of
open data applications.


High quality data is required to improve the utility and functionality of open data intermediary


From our research findings, the supply and quality of the available data on the national
open data platform and other initiatives greatly hinders the use of the KODI platform. This
low data quality data on the KODI platform was inherited by the applications drawing their
underlying data from the portal and, consequently, negatively affecting the overall data
quality and ultimate value found from these applications. Developers stopped maintaining
open data applications, as there was no new data to update them with.
In order to ensure high quality data, it is recommended to open data initiative owners in
developing regions to ensure that the data has information relevance this data contributes
to the increased access by the public to valuable knowledge. There was a clear information
mismatch between some of the data and government information that was available on the
technology applications and what citizens really wanted (job opportunities and information
on quality of services provided in different regions). This component is necessary for
impactful open data technology intermediaries as ultimately, there will be significant low
adoption, even if all other enablers for open data ecosystems are at optimum levels.
Another key contributor to relevant open data technology intermediaries is provision of
regularly updated datasets. While the life cycle of different data sets such as census and
household surveys vary, other data on open data platforms should be as regularly updated
as possible. However, in order for this to be a reality, government agencies need to have
a legal framework or policy in place that describes a public release schedule to frequently
publish their data as open data.
Additionally, readily usable open datasets are useful in increasing the utility of the data in
application development. The developers interviewed stated that they had to spend time
finding and cleaning open data for their platforms and sometimes complementing it with
additional data from other sources. This process is time consuming and assumes a level
of expertise in liberating and structuring data. Poorly structured data made it difficult for
developers to extract and use the data from the platform directly into the application. High
quality and availability of data on the national open data portal directly influences the quality
of information available on intermediary platforms and consequently, their contributions to
open data impacts in grassroots communities.


To emphasize on results described in the previous section, there is evidence that indeed,
citizens are searching and do find government related information; 62% of our survey
respondents stated that they currently received information on services from the government.
However, this need for access to information is not currently met by the national open data
initiative, as there was very little knowledge of KODI among our respondents.



Other intermediary efforts have also not succeeded in improving access to government
data, a fact that can be inferred from the lack of awareness and low site usage (from
the dashboard analytics) of the Code4Kenya tools and other open data applications.
Consequently, some of the developers working on these applications mentioned that they
had also abandoned their applications or shifted priorities to other development projects
due to this low awareness and usage.
One of the findings we found very interesting is that approximately 50% of education
related information desired by those surveyed does exist in both the KODI platforms and
the applications built. The lack of awareness in this case contributed to the loss of potential
citizen engagement on the platforms through this necessary information.
A key lesson to be learnt here is the necessity of robust and iterative ways for the custodians
of the Kenya open data initiative and new application developers to define, understand
their target users and use their platforms to meet their demands and needs. The ICTA
recently carried out a survey of user perceptions on the opendata.go.ke platform and
hopefully, these results will be used to improve the quality of data, the technology design
and other decisions critical to meeting end user demands. Sustained citizen engagement
on the open data technology platforms ensures the data provided is demand-driven.
This not only contributes towards improving the quality of the available data but also the
general usability of the platforms. This feedback first and foremost ensures that there is
no information mismatch between what the open data platforms are offering and what
citizens are demanding for. Further, the feedback provides insights into how citizens are
using the platforms and any challenges that would hinder their access to this government
information through the site.
Citizen feedback should not be one way. There is a need to also increase awareness levels
of these platforms. Through collaborative efforts with institutions close to grassroots
communities such as mass media and civil society organizations, technology intermediaries
can leverage on and tap into their wide audiences at the grassroots to raise awareness of
their applications. Due to the fact that traditional media is still very influential, we suggest
popularizing applications build on the open data platforms through traditional media to
increase awareness. Generating awareness on these platforms through TV adverts and other
awareness raising campaigns is required to target the specific end-users that the application
developers have in mind. This is even more necessary in areas of high population where
amenities such as water and health services are unreliable or inadequate. Media houses can
also play a big role in not only popularizing the portals but in helping to disseminate the
information provided (through data journalism activities).
Most people seemed more aware of e-government initiatives, sometimes confusing it with
the Kenya Open Data Portal. It is recommended to the government to use similar outreach
strategies as those used to popularize e-government to increase awareness of open data
initiatives among citizens.


Cyber Cafs emerged as interesting avenues for popularizing the open data initiatives
as grassroots citizens usually accessed other government programs such as Personal
Identification Number (PIN) registration. Forming partnerships with such social amenities
could be useful to promote the utilization of datasets on the open data portal.


Well-designed and implemented technology intermediaries enhance access and usability of
open data. Observations from our usability experiments indicated that participants found
the KODI platform difficult to navigate and were unable to access the specific information
they were interested in. Five of the nine user experience test participants did not find the
information they were looking for on the KODI platform and only two respondents expressed
full satisfaction in using the portal. Most of the respondents who struggled to find specific
data on the platform mentioned that they were overwhelmed by the amount of information
on the portal. As a result, they did not think that it was user-friendly.
When using the other applications tested, however, participants found them relatively easier
to navigate and they were successful in extracting the information of interest to them. The
diagram below illustrates average scores of user preferences in terms of general design and
usability as well as information therein, when exposed to the different platforms.



Well-designed technologies consider the end-users experiences in terms of functionality

and usability of the platforms. Citizens taken through our usability evaluation indicated
a general preference for the open data applications. This was as a result of better appeal
of the sites due to good designs and layout and easily digestible content. This improved
the overall navigability of the platforms and information was easily extracted from these
Other design decisions that need to be considered include the platform of access. While
respondents preferred to access the data from desktop computers due to increased ability
to manipulate the data, most people only have access to mobile devices. These platforms
should therefore consider putting effort to optimize their content and sites to be accessed
from different devices.
Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter are also popular with feature and smart phone
users and would also be a great avenue to advertise or even display open data information
especially to the youth demographic in low-income areas that mostly own feature phones.
Integrating social sites with the open data portals could also be a great way to promote and
popularize its use and, act as information intermediary open data applications themselves.
Overall, the Code4Kenya initiative faced numerous challenges more so in meeting one of its
main objectives of increasing the uptake of open data information from the KODI platform.
As one of its recommendations on how to promote end-user participation in open data, a
report by TechPresident and the engine room encourage the building of applications as a
last priority - after user engagement has been done.
Weve learned that when you start with a products first, and then go backwards to analyze
the needs of those that would use the product, its a massive failure. We should learn from the
for-profit industry, where they do a market analysis to make sure they are actually putting
their product in places where people will want it and use it (Vila 2014).


Open Data intermediaries tend to synthesize data from the main open data portal. Some
initiatives such as Code4Kenya further complimented this data with data scrapped from
within media houses as well as data from other sources. In aggregated formats this
information provides richer content for users to generate knowledge from.
Capacity building is thus vital as it is not enough to just provide data that people want but
also enable them to extract and use it. This is especially important for info-mediaries and
organizations such as the media who may want to incorporate data-based reporting to the
general public.


This may even require frequent workshops and events to promote open data (Mutuku,
Colaco and Omenya 2013, Vila 2014). Code4Kenya aimed to build in-house capacity on
how to extract and use open data in the host media organizations. This targeted approach
potentially gives the host organization a direct way of including data journalism or data
based business models into their structures rather than training all staff to use the platforms.
Moreover, it is recommended that institutions with expert knowledge on some of these
social issues should collaborate with technology developers to create impactful open data
content. This will not only assist these organizations to build in-house capacity to work with
data, they will also provide additional support to developers in synthesizing useful content
from the data, that can be directly used by grassroots citizens. Expert advisory in thematic
areas is indeed useful to understand the trends and analyses and interpret these findings
from the data to users.


We recommend that in the case of any open data intermediary interventions, other
macro factors and contextual settings in which open data lies affect the impact that these
interventions may have. This includes the political, legal, social and economic contexts. For
instance, in the case of Kenya open data, there is a need for legal frameworks to define
what open data is, how government institutions release open data and when this data
should be released. Without these frameworks key success factors of open data such as
the constant supply of open data may be hindered, which threaten the sustainability of the
initiatives. Buy-in from other major decision makers and key stakeholders, is key in assuring
the continuous supply of up-to-date information and reliable data. This key relationship was
missing in the Code4Kenya initiative causing most applications to stall due to availability of
data (Mutuku, Colaco and Omenya 2013). Political will within government is also necessary
to ensure the initiation and propagation of government open data initiatives. Where there
is a culture of secrecy, open data proponents may have an uphill battle to fight in order to
access and release to the public these privately held datasets.



Figure 7: Framework of Ideal Open Data Applications and necessary input.


In this project we tried to understand the impacts that open data has had
in grassroots communities, given the national open data initiative is now
three years old. In particular, intermediary interventions have been created
to help increase the grassroots communitys access to this open data. We
examined interventions by private initiatives such as Code4Kenya and other
independent open data applications developed.

High quality data is required to improve the utility and functionality of open data intermediary
Our research further laid out the different contexts that have contributed to the proliferation
of open data initiatives including how political, legal, historical, social, economical and
organizational contexts have influenced Kenyas open data ecosystem.
These open data initiatives have managed to contribute to information propagation. While
these initiatives may have not sufficiently met their initial goals of disseminating information
to the grassroots level to improve on government accountability and transparency, these
interventions have to some extent been able to open up data that is now accessible to users
when they access the different platforms. In this regard, these initiatives have contributed
towards the creation of new applications that directly use open data. KODI led to the creation
of several community apps while Code4Kenya led to the creation of four applications run
by the host organizations.
These different initiatives have set examples of models for information dissemination via
open data. At the time of launch, Kenya was the second African country to commence an
open data portal after Morocco. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted on how
to open up government data, with Kenya as a case study. Code4Kenya on the other hand
was a pre-incubator with one of its objectives being to create a toolkit on how to increase
open data consumption through relevant technologies for a greater impact at grassroots



There is quite a high demand for information on the three thematic areas - water, health
and education particularly information on how to access these services as provided by the
government. Traditional media sources such as television, radio and newspapers are the
main ways that citizens are accessing government information.
These initiatives are using different methods to deploy their interventions thus impacting
citizens lives. An early evaluation of these impacts shows that there is poor citizen response
and utilization of open data intermediary applications. This is mainly because grassroots
citizens are not aware of these interventions. The owners of these initiatives have also not
put in much effort in awareness raising activities. Further, information mismatch between
information available within the platforms and those sought by citizens seems to contribute
to the low usage of open data applications.
While mobile platforms are increasing in popularity, especially due to their ease of use
and accessibility, open data intermediary interventions are mainly on web platforms. This
technology design may be locking out a large group of citizens from accessing open data.
These technology applications have not specifically met the needs specified by in the
different thematic areas indicated above. Citizen feedback is critical to ensure that there is no
information mismatch between the information that citizens demand for and that available
on the open data platforms and intermediaries. Integrating social sites to the portals could
also be a great way to promote and popularize its use, and promote interaction between the
users and those that maintain the portals.
There is a clear indication that open data technology intermediary interventions do improve
citizen access to government information based on the experiments we conducted. Citizens
were easily able to locate information from the intermediaries as opposed to the challenges
they faced locating information on the main open data portal. The technology design and
content composition are key contributors to this ease of access.
Despite the existence of open data for three years, it is too early to study long-term impacts.
A lot of consideration and effort still has to be put towards user-centric creation and
effective deployment of open data technologies before these impacts can be realized at the
grassroots level.


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