Examiners' Report June 2015 GCE Physics WPH06 01

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Examiners Report

June 2015
GCE Physics WPH06 01

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June 2015
Publications Code IA042399
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GCE Physics WPH06 01

The paper WPH06 assesses the skills associated with practical work in Physics and addresses
the skills of planning, data analysis and evaluation. Set in a wide variety of contexts the
questions will be more accessible to those candidates who have, themselves, carried out
a range of practicals in the laboratory and who can formulate a plan, which at this level
will consist of several stages. There are questions concerning choice of apparatus, and the
use of that apparatus, that will be immediately familiar to those with the experience of
using such apparatus. The title of the paper, Experimental Physics, is the same as that for
unit 6PH06 for UK centres and the mark scheme for each paper is designed to reflect the
demands made on UK candidates in their coursework. In this way all candidates face the
same test at A2.
The style of the paper is that there are four questions that combine to test the range of
practical skills from the beginning of the experiment to the end. The first question will
usually address the selection and use of measuring instruments. The middle two questions
will ask the candidate to plan an experiment and analyse some data from another; the plan
is usually one mentioned in the specification but the analysis could be from an unfamiliar
context. The final question asks the candidate to consider a practical situation that they
might have seen in the laboratory and to answer questions on how such a practical might
be carried out; there will normally be some data to analyse by drawing a graph. Uncertainty
in measurement and its effect on a conclusion are ideas that run through the paper and
can occur in a variety of ways; numerical work is expected to show an awareness of the
role of significant figures and physical units and candidates are expected to be familiar with
standard practice in an A level physics laboratory. The specification contains examples of
the subjects and techniques likely to feature in future papers and the best preparation is to
carry out those experiments in the laboratory, even if only by demonstration.

GCE Physics WPH06 01

Question 1 (a) (i)

This was intended to be a straightforward question at the start of the paper to serve as an
easy introduction and very many candidates scored the mark.

Examiner Comments

We accepted the value of 1 mm in any correct format so, for example,

0.1 cm was marked correct.
Most errors were probably caused by writing errors although some
candidates incorrectly thought that 1 cm was the right answer.

Examiner Tip

Precision of instruments is something that must be

learned and using the instruments themselves is the
easiest way to do this.

Question 1 (a) (ii)

This question asked about a technique to measure the diameter of a cylinder using two set
squares and a metre rule. There was evidence that candidates knew what a set square was
but were generally unfamiliar with its use. Few candidates scored both marks but many
scored one for coming up with a way of using two set squares in a sensible manner. It is
vital that candidates can draw good clear diagrams that are large and have straight lines
drawn using a ruler, here both marks were available from the diagram alone. We looked to
see if candidates had added to the diagram at the top of the page but in practice almost
none did so.
Any correct technique must leave nothing to chance or to the judgement of the measurer.
Diagrams are much more convincing in 2 dimensions, as attempts to show three dimensions
in a drawing usually lead to confusion. In this question the drawing can be a plan view or an
elevation and in some cases it was not clear which was being shown, but this usually did not
lose marks. In simple terms, if the drawing shows two triangles (set squares), a circle (end
view of can) and a rectangle (rule) the candidate is probably showing enough to convince
the examiner. All diagrams should always be labelled.

GCE Physics WPH06 01

This candidate shows the best of the answers and there were a good number who came up
with this.

Examiner Comments

The set squares are lined up along the metre rule and touching the edge of
the can. The candidate has used a metre rule in the pastand knows that the
numbers start at one end so shows two distances to measured. These two
measurements are subtracted to determine a value for the diameter, this is all
clearly shown on the large diagram.
It is not clear whether this is a plan view or an elevation but that is unimportant
as it is the fundamental measuring technique that is the subject of the question.

Examiner Tip

The difference technique shown here occurs in a

variety of situations and is an important one to

GCE Physics WPH06 01

A common error was to draw the can in line alongside the set squares. This was where two
dimensions was a disadvantage but since the technique is a poor one it would not have
scored the second mark.

Examiner Comments

This is almost certainly an elevation view and it is not certain that the set
squares are in line across the widest part of the can, indeed the measurer
cannot be sure that they are either. It is not necessarily the true value so
scores the mark for use of two set squares but not the second.

Examiner Tip

Both the drawings shown for this question are large,

clearly drawn using a ruler and have dimension lines.
This is good practice.

GCE Physics WPH06 01

Question 1 (b) (c)

These questions were generally done well and show that most candidates have a reasonably
firm idea about uncertainties in measurements and their use in drawing conclusions.
There was some confusion about the use of significant figures (SF)and precision. Apart
from the mass the measurements are to 3 SF, so the value for the external volume is
411 cm3, correct to 3 SF, and since the internal volume is correct to 3 SF when these two
are subtracted for the answer to b(ii) we get 15 cm3and only 2 SF are justified here.
Consequently the calculation for the density should be quoted to 2 SF only. A great number
of candidates lost this mark for correct use of SF. The percentage uncertainties were done
well but few candidates understood that by subtracting two numbers that are close together
we arrive at a value that has a large uncertainty. This is because the actual uncertainties
add and we are dividing by a small number, this means the answer is a large number.
This candidate can do the calculations but does not show the processing skills expected at
this level.

GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

Their value for the external volume is correct but 4 SF is not justified. They score the
mark for (i). They also appreciate what they must do to find the volume of the metal and
although only 2 SF is justified they score this mark but lose one mark in (iii) because
this is where the SF penalty is applied. In this way SF penalties are not applied to every
answer or candidates would lose many marks for the same mistake.
The candidate makes a mistake in converting cm3 to m3as can be seen at the bottom
and so loses the first mark as well.

Examiner Tip

The number of significant figures for a value is justified by the number of significant
figures quoted in the measurements.
Take care when converting units and write out the calculation in full.
Candidates need not write that 411 is roughly equal to 400, the examiners are not
looking for this explicitly.

Examiner Comments

This candidate expresses the idea of c(iii) very


GCE Physics WPH06 01

This candidate givesgood and clearanswers to every part of these questions.

GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

In part (b) the candidate uses significant figures as appropriate. Their

unit for density is appropriate thus they avoid having to change units
and so reduce the chance for error.
In part (c) they clearly show what they are doing with the
uncertainties - doubling the uncertainty in d because the diameter
is squared in calculating the volume. They use the full range to
calculate the uncertainty in the internal volume, a candidate who
used 4 as half the range would also get the mark but other figures,
such as 3 or 5, lost this mark in (ii). They say enough in (iii) to score
the mark.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Question 2 (a)
This question deals with choosing the right graph which is a common feature of practical
work. At this level the relationship between the variables will always be a non-linear one.
This candidate tries to say things too many times in part (i) and gets in a muddle in part (ii).

Examiner Comments

In part (i) it is as important to take the actual measurement three times as it is to record the time for
a number of oscillations, which the candidate acknowledges.
In part (ii) plotting T2 against m is a good graph to plot and clearly they were thinking about T2 over
42 which would also work but they choose their first option and compare it wrongly with the equation
of a straight line and thus get the gradient wrong too.

Examiner Tip

Don't change your mind in the middle of an answer without writing it

all out again. It doesn't take long.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


This candidate gets the right way of doing part (ii).

Examiner Comments

The use of the brackets helps very much to show

exactly what they intend to use as the gradient.

Examiner Tip

It is a great help to include the zero to show that

your graph will have a zero intercept rather than
leave it up to the exmainer to decide whether you
knew this or not.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Question 2 (b)
The use of ICT in experiments has been with us for some time now and the appearance
of questions such as this should be expected. It seemed that few candidates had thought
much about the use of a position sensor rather than a light gate but a light gate is not very
good at recording the time for a number of events - it requires unusual software. A position
sensor records the position over a period of time rather than individual events and is much
more versatile.
This was a good answer but unfortunately not very typical.

Examiner Comments

This candidate got the mark for placing the sensor in

the line of motion of the moving object but failed to
indicate what it was connected to.
In (ii) the second bullet point would only be of use
if the system had a very high frequency, which is
unlikely for a spring-mass system, but the marks
were awarded for the other two bullet points.

Examiner Tip

Labels for diagrams are vital always.

Note too that bullet points
are acceptable for this sort of
answer which requires a list.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


This candidate gets their ideas very muddled up.

Examiner Comments

The position sensor looks very like a light gate and

it is placed at the centre of the oscillation - which
means it will count double - but it looks as though it
is in an electric circuit of some sort.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Question 3 (a)
To criticise some results is to comment on the good and bad features. A few candidates
misunderstood this and described how the potential difference decreased with frequency
which is interpreting them rather than criticising. Many correctly said that there were only
four readings and many remarked that there was no evidence of repeat readings. There
were only four colours available to me when I did this practical and this is a valid criticism
but since the frequencies (colours) are fixed by the manufacturer many candidates' critcism
that the gaps between the variables was not the same was not valid. This can only be valid
when the experimenter has control over the independent variable but even then it is not
always necessary since the output might vary non-linearly.

Examiner Comments

This is a candidate who describes the trend

correctly but this is not a comment on the readings

Examiner Tip

Ensure you understand what the command terms are

asking you to do.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Question 3 (b)
This part of the question is designed to test candidates' ability to fit a line to some data and
use the line to produce the value forPlanck's constant.
Many candidates joined the top and bottom plot and lost the mark for (i). A line of best fit
should have plots on either side and the same number on each side if possible. It is very
tempting to draw the line through the most extreme plot - here the top one - and then pivot
about that point to fit between the remainder. The top plot is no more significant than the
others and so should be treated the same.
Most candidates found the gradient using a large triangle and read the values from the axes
correctly. Many then lost sight of the equation and the powers of ten and fewer than half
achieved the correct value for the constant either by failing to multiply by e, the electron
charge, or by misusing the powers of ten. Many lost the final mark by not using 3 SF in their
answer; 3 SF is always expected for plotting, gradient work and final values for graph work.
This candidate scores 4 out of 6 but could so easily have done better.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

There is a good line of best fit. It passes just below two of the lower plots but
slightly further above the third so that these 'balance'.
The triangle is not large enough. Having small differences in the gradient
calculation makes the final result more susceptible to mis-reading and hence
a less accurate final value. The triangle should occupy at least half the plotted
length or preferably usethe whole line.
Having got a decent value for the gradient they only use 1 SF leading to 1 SF
in the final answer. Ignoring the powers of ten their gradient calculation gives
0.3/0.6; given that major grid lines are used to obtain these values the gradient
should be expressed as 0.500 and 3 SF is justified in being carried through to the
final value for h.
Along with many candidates (iii) is correct and candidates seem to be good at
this sort of calculation.

Examiner Tip

Use 3 significant figures in all aspects of graphical


GCE Physics WPH06 01


This candidate lost marks in a similarly silly way.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

Their line of best fit joined the top and bottom plot, thus passing through
one of the lower plots but leaving one plot on its own. They do not get the
mark for (i).
The values used for their gradient calculation are those of the top and
bottom plot. This is acceptable as the line was drawn exactly though
these points; it is not acceptable to use plotted points when the line does
not pass exactly through the point as the candidate is not then using a
They use 3 SF for their gradient value and for the constant but leave out
the unit thus losing the fourth mark.
Again the percentage calculation is correct.

Examiner Tip

Consider the units that your gradient value will have

when you use it and always ensure your final answer
has units compatible with your measurements.
If nothing else use the data sheet tocheck your

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Question 4 (a)
This question asked candidates to design an electric circuit, this is a task that an AS student
should be able to do and it was surprising how many candidates dropped a mark. Commonly
they used the wrong symbol for the variable resistor but there were more fundamental
For a relatively simple question, many candidates found it quite challenging.

Examiner Comments

They are asked to measure the power so the absence

of an ammeter is wrong but to connect the voltmeter
inseries is a mistake that should not be made at this

Examiner Tip

Questions at this level draw on knowledge from

previous years, so candidates are expected to be
able to use knowledge from GCSE and AS.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

Did this candidate spot the word vary in the


Examiner Tip

Read the question and underline the command

terms, here draw, vary and determine.
Read the question again when you have completed
your answer.

Question 4 (b) (i)

This was simple recall of AS knowledge.A very large number of candidates wrote that the
resistance increased. Although this is a 'choice of two' question candidates should have a
way of remembering such information.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Question 4 (b) (ii)

This was a very tricky question for only one mark. Candidates were awarded the mark
for saying something about the intensity varying with distance or that the variable under
investigation was the power supplied to the light bulb and so distance must remain the
same. Many candidates lost the mark because they gave simplistic answers, for example 'so
that there is a fair test'; at this level it is expected that there is appropriate physics in an
This answer nearly didn't get there.

Examiner Comments

The first line is not enough and is in fact wrong. The

purpose of the practical is to vary the intensity not
keep it the same - a lot of candidates thought like
this and added nothing more.
However this candidate recovers by identifying the
true independent variable.

Examiner Comments

This candidate manages to find precisely the right



GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

This response was also awarded the mark, even

without qualifying the reason.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Question 4 (c)
This is the question that discriminates between the candidates most successfully every year.
The surprising aspect of this is that it is the usual hazards that cause candidates to lose
marks. The label for the logarithm of the power measured in Watts is written ln(P/W), this
is so that the logarithm is found for a dimensionless number and the logarithm itself has no
unit. Candidates usually remember this when considering units for their gradient.
Similarly the gradient must be measured and calculated using a large triangle occupying
more than half the plotted length and the line of best fit must have plots on both sides. It is
possible to award the mark for the line of best fit but to find the gradient calculation out of
tolerance in the last part of the question.
This candidate scores 5 out of 9; with a better choice of scale for the graph this might have
been 8.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

We wanted candidates to say that the line was straight because the value determining the
gradient was a constant. Almost all candidates got the log expansion correct, however,
the comparison with y=mx+c is not always obvious, but in this example it was clear. The
candidate then needs to say that since the gradient is given by m, which is a constant, the
gradient will be constant and the line straight - here that is missing.
The values in the table are correct but the fourth significant figure is of no use in plotting the
points. The labels on the axes are correct and the axes are the right way round. The scale is
poor. There is never a need to show the origin (0,0) on a graph unless it is a data point. By
including the origin the candidate has compressed the data making it difficult to read and
difficult to plot. In fact they get the plots right but the line of best fit has no plots below it so
they lose this mark.
In calculating the gradient they use the data values from the table but the line of best fit
does not pass exactly though those points so they are not using a triangle. They lose the first
mark but get the second since their value is in range and has no unit.

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Examiner Tip

Choose a scale that spreads the data out across the

page, this makes all subsequent actions easier.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Examiner Comments

There is no indication that the gradient is constant.

The graph itself scores 0 out of 4 because the labels are
wrong - they should be ln(P/W) for example - the scale
is too small - the origin is included for no reason - the
plot at 2.12, 5.39 is at 5.49 ie onesmall squareout and
the line of best fit has no plots below it. This candidate
seems not to have had much practice plotting graphs.

Examiner Tip

Graph work must be practised.

The gradient triangle is large and correctly read giving a

value in range so they score both marks for part (iii).

GCE Physics WPH06 01


Paper Summary
The paper looked at the range of practical skills but the planning question was more
structured and there was more emphasis on conclusion and evaluation.
The first question looked at the uncertainties involved with taking relatively simple
measurements of a tin can but considering the effect of subtracting values rather than
the usual multiplying or dividing. In this case it is the actual uncertainties that are added
but since the two measured values were so close the uncertainty intheresulting small
values wasvery high. The planning question concerned a mass oscillatingon a spring and
introduced the idea of using a position sensor and data logger; this seemed unfamiliar to the
candidates. There were twoquestions this year on plotting graphs and drawing conclusions,
the first required some criticism of the readings and the resulting graph and the second
included the design of a simple electric circuit in an analysis of the results of an inverse
square law experiment.
Future candidates could improve their results by having more experience in planning
practical work and by drawing more graphs and thenusing the results to evaluate the
outcome. All candidates will benefit by seeing and doing practical work however simple.


GCE Physics WPH06 01

Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:

GCE Physics WPH06 01


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