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Examiners’ Report

January 2012

GCE Physics 6PH05 01

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January 2012
Publications Code UA030790
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2 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Once again the paper gave candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding
of a wide range of topics from this unit. All of the questions elicited responses across the
range of marks, but marks for Q14, Q16 (b), and Q18 (d) tended to be clustered at the
lower end of the scale.
Calculation and ‘show that’ questions gave candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their
problem solving skills to good effect. In general, very good responses were seen for such
questions. Re-arrangement of equations was sometimes poorly attempted, leading to
marks being lost. Candidates should be encouraged to substitute numerical values into an
equation before attempting a re-arrangement, as this may demonstrate a correct use of the
equation even if the final answer is incorrect due to poor algebra.
Occasionally in calculation questions the final mark was lost due to an incorrect or missing
unit. This was particularly apparent in Q19(c)(iv). Although H, and therefore its unit, might
be less frequently met than some quantities in the unit, it is to be expected that an A2
candidate should be able to derive ms-1/m = s-1.
Most candidates understood the convention that in a “show that” question it is necessary
to give the final answer to at least one more significant figure than the value quoted in the
question. Perhaps because the answer to Q13(b)(ii) was 0.602 many candidates lost the
final mark, as they gave 0.6 as their answer.
Reasoning and explanation type questions need careful interpretation of the question
and subsequent planning of the explanation or argument before the final answer stage is
reached. In this way candidates may ensure that all relevant points are included in their
answer in a logical sequence. The use of bullet points should be encouraged, as is some
thought to the structure of answers to such questions. In this way candidates may ensure
that they answer all the points required by the question. In addition, reference to the marks
allocated to each part of a question will tell them how many points or statements they
should be making.
As is often the case, candidates disadvantaged themselves by not actually answering
the question and in not expressing themselves using suitably precise language. This was
particularly the case in extended answer questions such as Q14 and Q19, where candidates
obviously had knowledge of the topic, but could not express it in the context required.
Although some well-structured, succinct answers to questions were seen it is clear that a
good proportion of the candidates sitting the exam would benefit from more time being
spent applying the physics that they have learnt to the types of extended answer question
commonly met in A2 papers.
Scientific terminology was used imprecisely and incorrectly in a number of responses seen on
this paper. The confusion between atoms, molecules, nuclei and particles was clear from the way
in which these terms were often used interchangeably. Similarly candidates used terms such as
element, isotope and nuclide inappropriately throughout their answers to Q18 and Q19. At A2
level it is to be expected that, where candidates use such terms, they do so with accuracy.
In Q13 and Q17 candidates were asked to “sketch” graphs. The word “sketch” is used
because it is not expected that candidates will use graph paper and plot points. However, all
essential detail should be included. So if a candidate is to attain full marks a sketch should
be drawn carefully enough to be physically correct showing all the important features. In
many sketch graphs that were seen it was not clear if the amplitude or time period stayed
constant etc. Those candidates who used a ruler to check approximate magnitudes and
who marked key values from the question on the axes scored more highly than those who
made a cursory free hand sketch. In such cases, carelessness in drawing rather than lack of
candidates’ understanding of concepts led to marks not being awarded.
The space allowed for responses was usually sufficient. However, candidates need to
remember that the space provided does not have to be filled. If they either need more
space or want to replace an answer with a different one, they should indicate clearly where
that response is to be found.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 3

Question 11
Many candidates made over-complex and convoluted calculations to obtain the ratio. It was
disappointing to see that a significant number of candidates could not go from F = GMm/r2
to g = GM/r2 without error; many candidates dropped the r2 and wrote r instead. The final
answer was not always given as a decimal fraction, leading to further loss of a mark. Some
candidates gave a protracted description that earned no marks as it involved no quantitative
information. It is normally the case that in a question in which numerical values are supplied
a request to compare requires the candidate to find a numerical ratio.

Examiner Comments

The candidate has repeated information they were

given, but their response doesn't answer the question.

Examiner Comments Examiner Tip

This is a correct method, but the final Always work out numerical answers fully,
answer is not fully calculated. giving a decimal fraction where appropriate
for your final answer.
4 GCE Physics 6PH05 01
Question 12 (a)
This was answered successfully by a large proportion of candidates. The most common
mistakes were in not squaring the radius or not taking the fourth power of temperature.
Some candidates did not convert radius and temperature into correct units. A few did not
use the correct formula for area.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments

The radius is not squared at the Check carefully as you go from a statement of
substitution stage. the formula to the substitution.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant has been Physical constants are given in a list at
omitted at the substitution stage. the end of the question paper.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 5

Question 12 (b)
This question yielded mostly correct answers with very few conversion errors. However, the

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments

The candidate seems to convert the wavelength Use SI units throughout in any
from m to km when making the substitution. calculations that you carry out.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments

There is a unit penalty here. Watch out for units - all final answers
should be quoted with appropriate units.

6 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 12 (c)
Most candidates correctly identified the wavelength as lying in the infra-red region of the
em-spectrum. It is expected that candidates will be able to match up wavelengths with
regions of the spectrum.

Question 13 (a)
Although many correct definitions were given, poor use of English often prevented
candidates from being given full credit. In good responses, the idea of proportionality
together with an opposite direction between acceleration/force and displacement was clearly
stated. However, when marks were lost it was usually because candidates did not qualify the
word “displacement” with “from the equilibrium position”.

Examiner Comments

The displacement from the mean

position is not clearly stated.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments

There is a lot of information given here, Learn definitions of key things in

but nothing that gains a mark. advance of the examination.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 7

Question 13 (b) (i)
It was surprising how many candidates could not read off simple information (amplitude
and time period) from a graph and give a correct unit. Peak-to-peak displacement was often
seen for amplitude as well as a simple reading of the peak value of displacement from the
graph (the most common wrong answers seen for amplitude were 4.6 or 6.1). In addition
close but inaccurate values for both A and T were seen too frequently.

Question 13 (b) (ii)

Many good answers were seen, with clearly structured calculations leading to answers
within an acceptable range. However, the handling of significant figures was disappointing in
a number of cases. In a ‘show that’ question candidates must give an answer to at least one
more significant figure than given in the question.
Most candidates calculated the answer from vmax = ωA. Those who followed this route
using v = Aωsin(ωt) often failed to realise that sin(ωt) = 1 at maximum, so scored only the
first mark. Those following the gradient method often scored 2 marks. Some values for both
Δs and Δt were impossibly large (but gave an answer within the acceptable range). As a
teaching point, perhaps the use of tangents to curves as a means of finding the gradient of
a curve needs greater emphasis.

Examiner Comments

The candidate has clearly shown that the maximum rate of

change of water level displacement is as given in the question.

8 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Examiner Comments

This candidate has used the values they read

from their graph in a calculation. Again, the
value given in the question is clearly shown.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 9

Question 13 (b) (iii)
The first mark was often not scored, but the second mark was. Poor draughtsmanship
sometimes led to the loss of this mark as well. The vast majority of candidates communicated
the idea of constant amplitude (most choosing the same amplitude as the curve already
there) though a common error was in the type of curve. The most common mistake was to
draw a sine wave starting at 0 and then going positive or to draw a cosine wave.
Graph sketching is still a skill many students need to perfect. The drawing of sine curves
would be helped in many cases by identifying key points on the axis before drawing in the
curve. Clearly some candidates have been taught this, since the dots were visible on their
scripts. This generally produced better graphs.

Examiner Comments

This is a well sketched graph.

10 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Examiner Comments

The graph shape is wrong, and neither amplitude

nor time period are correctly drawn.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 11

Question 14
Many candidates referred to resonance as part of their explanation, and the first four
marking points, relating to resonance, were the ones most commonly awarded. However
candidates often talked about resonance between the hammer and the tuning fork. In better
answers candidates were able to identify how and why the vibrations were transferred.   
References to damping were seen in a number of scripts. However, the mention of a rubber
hammer in the stem seemed to prompt quite a few candidates, if they referred to damping
at all, to do so in connection with the hammer striking the fork rather than with the action
of the sounding box.
Only good candidates were able to say why the sound might last for a shorter time when
the sounding box was present. Some candidates gave reasons for the sound lasting for a
longer time when the fork was connected to the box.

Examiner Comments

The candidate scores marks for 3 out of the first

12 GCE Physics 6PH05 01 4 marking points.
Examiner Comments

The candidate has correctly linked damping of the

vibration to the sound lasting for a shorter time.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 13

Question 15 (a)
Many correct answers were seen. Unnecessary and sometimes incorrect conversions to
kelvin temperatures were occasionally carried out. Candidates need to be aware that a
temperature difference in kelvin is numerically identical to the same temperature difference
in celsius, therefore there is no need to carry out a conversion.

Question 15 (b)
(b)(i) was well answered, although there were some power conversion errors.
In (b)(ii) many answers suffered from lack of specific detail - responses referring to the
efficiency of the washing machine and vague statements of “heat loss” were common. To
gain credit candidates need to say where the “lost” energy might go. Only about half the
candidates could give the answer that no energy was lost to the surroundings.

Examiner Comments

This response gains all 3 marks.

14 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 15 (c)
The vast majority of responses seen gained full credit. Forgetting to convert from kW to
W, and missing or wrong units meant that some candidates were not awarded the second
mark. However, the main errors seemed to come from candidates who attempted to use
E=VIt; in these cases power was often substituted for the energy.

Question 16 (a)
Very few students could explain clearly that the Moon is held in place by the gravitational
pull of the Earth. The mutual attraction between the two bodies was a common way of
expressing candidates’ understanding. A large proportion of candidates were not able to
demonstrate a clear grasp of what affects the radius of Moon’s orbit. Most answers indicated
gravitational force provided by the Earth was involved. Some lost marks by presenting a list
of possible factors.

Examiner Comments

The identification of a centripetal force is not enough

here - the candidate needs to say that it arises from
the gravitational pull of the Earth on the moon.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 15

Examiner Comments

This response scores both marks.

Question 16 (b)
The most commonly awarded mark was for a reference to a centripetal force. However,
very few candidates seemed to understand the application of Newton’s 2nd law to circular
motion. Centrifugal force was commonly seen, along with the bottom of the bucket
attracting the water and holding it in the bucket. There was still the tendency in some
candidates’ minds to think of the centripetal force as an actual physical force, in addition to
weight and reaction, instead of it being provided by the weight and reaction.
Candidates who knew that there was a centripetal force, often attempted to explain the lack
of downwards motion by using Newton’s 3rd law and have a ‘centrifugal’ force making the
water move outwards. Very few candidates seemed to understand that the weight of the
water was supplying the centripetal force and so long as the required force was greater than
weight the weight could not pull the water down.

16 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

The question asked about a minimum speed, but this was not always addressed in the
responses, with some candidates even suggesting that water would come out of the bucket
if the speed was too great. Where candidates were able to get the connection linking the
forces correct, there was generally no problem in arriving at an expression for the minimum

Examiner Comments

The candidate seems to be saying that there is a maximum

speed before the water will come out of the bucket.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 17

Examiner Comments

This is a common misconception - that the

centripetal force is balanced by an outward force.

18 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 17 (a)
The most successful answers to this question were through the use of T=2p√(m/k).
A few failed to gain any marks by choosing to use the simple pendulum formula, or by
setting the acceleration to 9.81m s-2.

Question 17 (b) (i)

Most candidates knew about a decrease in amplitude, and so the second mark was usually
awarded. Vague answers relating to energy loss in general without relating it to the system
in the question led to the first mark being withheld. A lot of candidates did not state clearly
that energy is dissipated or lost from the system. References to energy transfer need to be
clear that energy is being transferred out of the oscillating system.

Examiner Comments

This response comes close to being awarded a mark,

but overall the statements are too vague. e.g. which
part of the oscillation decreases?

Examiner Tip

Be specific when you are giving an explanation.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 19

Question 17 (b) (ii)
The first two marking points were gained by most, although the sketches were often poor
with no evidence of pre-plotted points to help with the curve drawing. The final mark was
lost by most candidates because the time period of their curve decreased over time. It
might be that the majority of candidates still think that the period of the oscillation reduces
when a system is damped, but good candidates identified points on the time axis which
would give their graph a constant period.

Examiner Comments

This is an example of a clear sketch.

Examiner Comments

The time period decreases substantially

from the first oscillation to the last.

20 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 18 (a)
Many candidates only described what isotopes are. In too many responses there was no
mention of the nucleus, candidates preferring instead to refer to atoms or molecules or
particles. Most candidates were too vague about what was decaying. Very poor terminology
and sloppy statements (such as ‘emitting ‘radioactive particles’, or describing α, β, γ
radiations as being radioactive) were commonly seen.
It is the nuclei that are unstable – not atoms, molecules, etc. Candidates should know that
radiation is emitted from a nucleus within the atom and that the radiations themselves are
not radioactive.

Examiner Comments

The response refers to "it" rather than "the nucleus".

Examiner Tip

Be careful of referring to quantities as "it" in your

answers. The examiner has to guess what "it" means.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 21

Examiner Comments

The first sentence is enough for 2 marks.

22 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 18 (b)
General knowledge that “which nucleus will decay next” and “when a given nucleus will
decay” are unpredictable was good, but issues occurred in the terminology used. After
writing the phrase “we do not know which nucleus will decay” quite a few candidates
omitted to add the word “next”, which is necessary to establish that the decay is random
(since all nuclei will decay eventually). Few candidates were able to express the fact that
there was a probability of decay in a given time.

Examiner Comments

There is nothing here that is worth a mark. The final sentence

comes closest to gaining a mark, but it is just too vague.

Examiner Comments

The first part of the response is worth 1 mark.

Examiner Comments

No marks here.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 23

Question 18 (c)
Many correct answers were seen, with most candidates able to gain the first three marks.
However, not all were able to tackle the final equation and calculation.
The ratio N/No was generally substituted with the correct value though some inserted 60
and forgot it was a percentage. Some problems arose by candidates using 40% rather than
60%. A few answers brought in the mass numbers of the carbon isotopes, writing the ratio
as 12/14.
Candidates could have saved a lot of time if they didn’t bother to convert time into seconds
in this question. Poor conversions such as 360 days in a year and the omission of 24hrs in a
day when using seconds were not as uncommon as might be expected.

Examiner Comments

Apart from an arithmetic error this is all correct. Final

mark is not awarded, as the answer is incorrect.

Examiner Comments

A typical weaker response, gaining the first 3 marks.

24 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 18 (d)
Most grasped the idea that the amount of C-14 varied somehow, but fewer described
the variation in terms of the C-14 to C-12 ratio. Quite a few stated the age as lower
than calculated and very few communicated the lack of comparing ‘like with like’ in the
calculations. Some responses concluded that “the date would be less” which is a good
example of poor language skills obscuring what might be a correct understanding /
“It will make no difference” or “the decay constant / half-life will change” were seen quite
often, and it was also quite common for the information given to be interpreted in the
opposite way from that intended.

Examiner Comments

This response says enough for all 3 marks to be awarded.

Examiner Comments

No marks here. It was a reasonably common incorrect

response to say that the decay constant becomes smaller.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 25

Question 19 (a)
In general candidates scored well in explaining the process of nuclear fusion and in
describing and explaining the conditions, but generally scored very badly in explaining why
it is difficult to replicate conditions outside of a star.
Many responses showed familiarity with the nature and requirements of fusion, but with a
lack of accurate expression. For instance ‘molecules’ were said to fuse, mass was ‘changed’
(without reference to the fact that it was lost), and the very high temperature was to ensure
that the electrostatic repulsion between ‘atoms’ was overcome. Candidates should know
that plasma in stars and in fusion reactors it is much too hot for molecules and atoms to
exist, so it is nuclei that fuse. Also, a small number of candidates confused fusion with
Most candidates did not seem to appreciate problems with the containment of a very hot
plasma and the problems with any containment vessel. It is a pertinent question to ask in
teaching this section of the specification why, after over half a century of trying, we still
have not developed the technology required.

Examiner Comments

Just 2 marks here - for the high pressure and the confinement
problems. The reference to molecules is worrying at this level.

26 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Examiner Comments

This is an example of a good response which

covers most of the 3 areas well.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 27

Question 19 (b)
This question part was quite poorly answered. The first mark was commonly awarded but
the second two were rarely given. Candidates recalled that fission took place for A > 56
and fusion took place for A < 56 but showed no clear understanding of why this was the
case. General comments on the binding energy change when a nucleus is formed from
separate protons and neutrons were also quite common. Some candidates were too sloppy
in stating B.E. as opposed to B.E./nucleon to discuss the stability of a nucleus; they did not
realise that nuclei heavier than iron will have larger B.E.s by virtue of increased numbers of

Examiner Comments

Just 1 mark for the reference to Fe having the

greatest binding energy per nucleon.

28 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Examiner Comments

This response is worth the first 2 marks. There isn't enough

to award the 3rd mark, although the response comes close.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 29

Question 19 (c) (i)
Many answers talked about the uses of standard candles without actually clearly stating
what a standard candle was. However, those candidates who knew what a standard candle
is gave answers to the point.

Examiner Comments

This response says what a standard candle is used

for, rather than saying what a standard candle is.
This was typical of a minority of responses.

Question 19 (c) (ii)

Most candidates correctly answered this question part.

Question 19 (c) (iii)

Many correct answers to this item were seen, but although the majority of candidates knew
the answers, a few did not seem to know the difference between a galaxy moving away
from us and galaxies moving apart. Some just said that the universe was expanding, which
didn’t answer the question posed.

30 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Question 19 (c) (iv)
While there were many correct values calculated, candidates were not always able
to identify the units for Ho from the equation. Some used the red shift ratio as the
velocity. Some candidates played it too smart, giving answers in parsecs.

Examiner Comments

Correct answer, but unit penalty applied. Interestingly

the candidate does give units for the speed.

Examiner Comments Examiner Tip

An incorrect re-arrangement of the Hubble's Law Always show substitutions into

equation and so an incorrect final answer. The mark equations that you quote.
for use of the Hubble's Law equation cannot be
awarded, as the substitution is not shown.

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 31

Paper Summary
In order to improve their performance candidates should:
Ensure they have a thorough knowledge of the physics for this unit.
Read the question and answer what is asked.
For descriptive questions, make a note of the marks and include that number of different
physics points.
Show all their workings in calculations.
For descriptive questions, try to base the answer around a specific equation which is quoted.

32 GCE Physics 6PH05 01

Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:

GCE Physics 6PH05 01 33

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Order Code UA030790 January 2012
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