How To Write A Philosophy Paper

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How to Write a Philosophy Paper

Professor Amy Kind

Students often find philosophy papers difficult to write since the expectations are
very different from those in other disciplines, even from those of other disciplines
in the humanities. What follows is some general advice about how to go about
writing short (4 - 5 page) philosophy papers on pre-assigned topics.
Before starting to write

Make sure that you have read all of the relevant texts very carefully. Even
though you have probably read these texts previously, it is a good idea to reread
them in light of the question you plan to answer.

Also make sure that you have spent some time thinking about the question itself.
You want to make sure that everything you write is relevant to the question
asked, and if you dont understand the question, then you wont be able to write
an assignment that is to the point.
How to conceive of and write your paper

Answer the question, the whole question, and nothing but the question. First,
address the question that is asked. (This again points to the need to understand
what the question is asking.) Second, be sure that your answer is complete. If
the question has different parts, be sure that you have addressed each part.
Third, make sure that you do not pursue tangential issues. Your answer will be
evaluated in connection with the question that was asked. Even a brilliant essay
cannot get a good grade if it does not answer the question.

Philosophy papers usually involve both exposition and evaluation. In the

expository part of the paper, your task is to explain the view or argument under
consideration. Make sure that your explanation is as explicit as possible. The
evaluation part of the paper is your chance to do some philosophy of your own.
It is not enough merely to state whether you agree or disagree with the
philosophers conclusion. You should engage with her reasoning. Some
questions you might consider: does her argument succeed in getting to the
desired conclusion? Which premises are the weakest points of the argument?
What objections might be raised to these premises? Are there any ways that her
argument could be bolstered to defend against such objections?

As you write, think about your intended audience. You should not write your
paper as if it is a personal communiqu to me. Instead, imagine your audience
as someone who is intelligent and interested in the subject but has not studied it.
(Think of yourself, before taking this class, or perhaps of your roommate.)

When you use an unfamiliar or technical term (i.e. a term that we have given
some specific meaning in this class) be sure to define it.

In general, a thesaurus is not the friend of a philosophy student. Do not be

afraid to re-use the same terms over and over, especially when they are key
terms in an argument. Do not use different terms just for varietys sake;
unfortunately, synonyms listed by a thesaurus often vary in connotation and
meaning. If you mean to talk about the same concept throughout, use the same
term throughout.

As a rule, you should not use quotes. A series of quotes strung together, even
creatively strung together, is not a paper. The main reason to quote a passage is
to make it more convenient for you to talk about what the passage says (and to
make it more convenient for your reader as well). Thus, you should not rely on a
quotation to answer a key part of the question. Answer in your own words

You should, however, include textual references. Whenever you make a claim
about what is said in the text, it is appropriate to provide a specific reference to
back up your claim. Do not make claims like Socrates believes that without
supporting them. For short papers using class texts, footnotes are not
necessary; it is sufficient to make parenthetical references, such as (Meno 77b).

Write until you have said what you need to say, not until you hit the page limit.
(Incidentally, if you find that you dont have enough to say to reach the word
limit, youre probably missing something. The problem should be to confine your
paper to the page limit, not to stretch out your paper to the minimum required.)
You may end up with a first draft that is too long, but at a later stage you can go
back through your work and see whether there are sentences or paragraphs that
are not really necessary or that can be made more concise. The point is that you
will be better able to evaluate what is truly important if you have included
everything on your first draft.

Finally, do not try to compose your paper, from start to finish, in one session
especially not the night before it is due. Make sure that you have the chance to
write a first draft and then let it percolate for awhile. Very few people are able to
dash off a good paper in one sitting!
How to write an introduction

Dont begin with a very general opening statement: Plato was one of the worlds
greatest philosophers or The definition of virtue is something that
philosophers have debated for centuries

Do briefly tell your reader what your paper is about and what your main thesis is.
Notice that there is a difference between telling your reader what you are going
to talk about and telling your reader what you will argue. Compare:

In the Meno, Meno presents Socrates with a paradox about inquiry. There is no
way to inquire into something that you dont know, since you dont know how to
begin, but there is also no way to inquire into something that you already know,
since you already have the knowledge in question. Thus, we reach the
paradoxical conclusion that inquiry is impossible. Socrates attempts to unravel
Menos paradox by presenting his theory of recollection. In what follows, I will
discuss Menos paradox and Socrates criticism of it.

In the Meno, Meno presents Socrates with a paradox about inquiry. There is no
way to inquire into something that you dont know, since you dont know how to
begin, but there is also no way to inquire into something that you already know,
since you already have the knowledge in question. Thus, we reach the
paradoxical conclusion that inquiry is impossible. Socrates attempts to unravel
Menos paradox by presenting his theory of recollection. In what follows, I will
argue that Socrates does not adequately defend his theory of recollection.
However, I will also suggest that even if we were to accept the theory of
recollection, this would not provide an adequate answer to Menos paradox.

The second of these introductions is superior to the first. Notice that only the
second presents an actual thesis statement.

Sometimes you will be in a better position to write an introduction after you have
written the main body of your paper, for you will then have a better idea of what
your argument really is.

How to write a conclusion

Dont feel as though you must summarize all of your results. You have written a
short paper; the reader recalls your argument and will only be annoyed if you
repeat yourself.

Dont end with a hedged claim like Though Socrates argument is strong, his
opponents also have good points. Also try to avoid the temptation to end with
an empty prediction about continued debate: Though Menos definition of virtue
is a good one, the philosophical debate over what it means to be virtuous will no
doubt continue.

Do find some nice way of wrapping up your essay. This does not mean that you
should claim that every facet of the issue has been addressed. Sometimes a
conclusion sets out problems that still remain. There is nothing wrong with
defending a qualified conclusion, such as Socrates theory of recollection can be
defended against this criticism, rather than an unqualified conclusion, such as
Socrates theory of recollection is entirely correct. In fact, you will probably not
have argued for the latter conclusion in your paper, since it requires that you
have shown not only that some criticisms fail, but also that there are not any
other criticisms that might succeed against Socrates theory. Make sure that you
do not claim that you have shown more than have actually shown in your paper.
(It is especially tempting to exaggerate your accomplishments in a grand-finalestyle concluding paragraph; resist this temptation.)

For example, here is a conclusion that avoids exaggeration:

As Socrates discussion with the slave suggests, it is plausible to suppose that

someone can discover, without being taught, a geometrical claim that they did
not already know. However, as I have argued, we cannot generalize from the
case of geometrical knowledge to knowledge of other sorts of facts. Thus,
Socrates fails to provide an adequate reason to believe his claim that all learning
is recollection.

[Notice that the conclusion does not claim that Socrates claim is shown to be
false, but only that Socrates has not adequately defended it.]
Once you have a draft

The principal virtue in philosophical writing is clarity. As you reread each

sentence of your draft, ask yourself: Is this point expressed clearly? Your prose
should be simple, direct, and to the point.

As you re-read your paper, think about whether it is organized in the best way.
Would it be more effective if this paragraph went here, and that one went there?
Very often, our first efforts need a rather serious structural overhaul. Also, look
for opportunities to improve your paper, such as adding an example here,
rewriting an awkward sentence there, and so on

Proofread your paper carefully. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can
distract a reader and divert her attention from your argument. It may also give
her the impression a false one, perhaps that you simply dont care enough
about your work to run it through a spell-check program.

Very often, what distinguishes an excellent paper from a merely decent paper is
the depth and quality of their explanations. The decent paper may not make any
obvious mistakes or omit anything crucial; it often just does not communicate its
message as clearly and effectively as the excellent paper does. Thus, always try
to find ways of strengthening your explanations. Examples will help here.
Almost all philosophy relies on the use of examples, both for illustrative and
persuasive purposes.

As a professor of mine used to tell his classes, There is, and can be, no direct
correlation between the grade you receive on a paper and the amount of time or
effort you have spent on the paper; which is not to say that hard work does not
produce results, but only that some people can do with great ease what others
cannot do at all or can only do with great effort. In an hour, Mozart could
produce a piece of music that I would be unable to match even if I spent my
whole life working at it.

Also remember that the grade that you get on the paper represents my
judgment of the quality of the results not what you meant to say, but what you
actually said.

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