September 24 - 28, 2018

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School Gov. F.

Leviste Memorial NHS Grade Level 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Sarah Mariel C. Abanto Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time September 24 – 28, 2018 Quarter SECOND


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature serves as a means of enhancing the self through using strategies in summarizing, assessing, and processing
information in texts listened to and viewed; word derivation and formation strategies; distinctions between and among informative, journalistic, and literary writing ;and appropriate and creative
use of word order, punctuation marks, and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body
Movements/Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competency/ies / Learning Competency Learning Competencies Learning Competencies Learning Competencies Objectives:
Objective/s EN9F-IIc-3.11.1: Use the EN9LT-IId-15: Analyze EN9LT-IId-15: Analyze EN9LT-IIg-15: Analyze 1. Observe /l/ sound.
correct production of English literature as a means literature as a means literature as a means of 2. Recognize /l/ sound.
sounds: vowel sounds, valuing other people and valuing other people and valuing other people and 3. Produce /l/ sound correctly
consonant sounds, their various their various their circumstances in life and undergo Speech Analysis
diphthongs, etc. circumstances in life circumstances in life EN9LT-IIg-2.2.3: Determine 4. Locate sound placement in
Objectives: EN9VC-IId-22: Agree or EN9VC-IId-22: Agree or tone, mood, technique, and each word.
1. Use correct production of disagree with the ideas disagree with the ideas purpose of the author 4. Identify words with /l/ sound.
sounds in English such as presented in the material presented in the material Objectives:
diphthongs viewed viewed 1. Analyze the speech as a
2. Identify words with EN9G-IIe- 20: Use EN9G-IIe- 20: Use means of looking closely at
diphthongs conditionals in expressing conditionals in expressing situations the country
3. Demonstrate confidence in arguments arguments is facing at present
reading a poem containing Objectives: Objectives: 2. Determine the tone,
words with 1. Read and analyze the 1. Read and analyze the mood, technique and
diphthongs literary text as a means of literary text as a means of purpose of the
appreciating other appreciating other author/speaker his piece
people and their situations people and their situations 3. Create a poster depicting
2. Share personal opinion 2. Share personal opinion one‘s dreams for the
about the ideas presented in about the ideas presented Philippines
the material viewed in the material viewed
3. Appreciate the 3. Appreciate the
significance of supporting significance of supporting
other people‘s advocacies other people‘s advocacies
for the good of society for the good of society
II. CONTENT Diphthongs “Ida B. Wells- “Ida B. Wells- “I Have a Dream”
Barnett and Her Barnett and Her by Langston ECLP
Passion for Passion for Hughes /l/ sound
Justice” by Lee D. Justice” by Lee D. By Martin Luther
Baker Baker King Jr.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page/s
2. Learner’s Materials page/s LM pages 166 - 167 LM pages 173 - 177 LM pages 173 - 177 Lm pages 185 - 191 ECLP module 17 - 20
3. Textbook page/s
4. Additional Materials
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask the following questions:
1.Who was Ida Wells?
2.What are her
3.How had she proven her
worth as an individual?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Introduction: ―Nature has Introduction: Concerned WORTH Introduction: How do we “Charades”
lesson given to man one tongue, but and active citizens of a CONTEMPLATING seek justice for others? The class will be divided into
two ears that we may community usually Play the video clip about Who will seek justice for four (4). The teacher prepared
hear from twice as much as justice once again and ask set of words to be guessed by
champion them?
we speak.‖ them to accomplish the the members of the group.
certain policies for the good When is the right time to Each student should take turn
task below.
of society. Their cry for help liberate our brothers from in acting the word. Each group
would be heard and injustices and will be given 3 minutes to play.
acted upon with urgency if discrimination? The group with the highest
they could solicit the support How do you contribute to an point will be the winner and
of the greater majority equitable, respectful, and gets additional 3 points on
their Sample Words exercise
– as the support of every just society for
individual would count. everyone?
C. Presenting examples/ instances THE PROBLEM OF STICKY NOTES! THE FIRST WORD THINK TANK Sound Introduction
of the new lesson PRONUNCIATION The teacher will hand out  Work on the concept of Listen to the song /l/ is a consonant sound. It is
Read the poem aloud post-it notes to everyone in justice with your group. ―Imagine‖ by John obstructed and voiced
observing correct  Write the word JUSTICE Lennon. Some lines will be sound. /l/ sound can be
the class. In your sticky
pronunciation. vertically down the side of a lifted from the song. You will observed in words like lion,
notes, write your thoughts, page. be continuing those lines clean, cellphone, etc.
comments, reactions  Make a short phrase or with your own answers.
regarding the following sentence that begins with Imagine there’s no The teacher will launch
quotation: each letter of the word heaven: Pronunciation Power 2 and will
and offers important present Side and Front View
characteristics about the Demonstration. She will
topic. emphasize the kind of sound
being produced and the
articulators‟ movement.

D. Discussing new concepts and JUST ADD E The students will post their ALL ABOUT IDA LISTENING CORNER Sound Recognition
practicing new skills #1 Add an e to the end of these notes on the board and With your group, Listen to the song ―I Have The teacher will utilize the
short vowel words to make share their thoughts with the accomplish the following a Dream‖ by Westlife. Pay words they used in the game
new long vowel words class. “Charades”, emphasize the
tasks that will be assigned attention to its lyrics. Then,
difference between the two
byyour teacher. look at the pictures sounds.
Group 1: Construct a presented below.
timeline of significant
events in the life of Ida B.
Group 2: Identify various
civil rights issues that
concerned Ms. Wells-
Group 3: Examine and
evaluate Miss Wells‘
responses to
Group 4: Analyze the
impact that Miss Wells had
on history.
E. Discussing new concepts and WORDS ENDING IN Y WORTH Look closely at the pictures Sound Production
practicing new skills #2 All of the words in the word CONTEMPLATING depicting current situations The teacher will launch
box end in y. If the y word has Watch the video clip about in the Philippines. What Pronunciation Power 2. Side
social problems are View and Front View Demo
a long e sound, like justice. Share with the class
depicted in the pictures?
baby, write the word under your will be discussed. The teacher
What kind of changes would
the baby. If the y word has a personal opinion about the you want for the country? must emphasize the
long i sound, like spy, ideas presented in the video movement of the articulators
write the word under the spy. clip. when producing the sound.

Finish the sentences with one Read ―Ida B. Wells-Barnett Below is a list of Catch Martin Luther King‘s The teacher will introduce the
of the words below. and her Passion for Justice‖ advocacies. Choose one dreams in the graphic activity (Speech Analysis). The
1. __________________ by Lee D. Baker on p. 173 students should be given
from the list that your organizer. Highlight his most
always arrives before winter. of your learner‘s material guidelines on how they will
2. We were and then answer the group would like to support. important dreams about come up with the correct
________________ the following questions in your  No to Violence Against change, liberation, and waveform. Take note that there
ABC‘s in kindergarten. notebook. Women social justice. (LM, P.190) are no two voices that are
 Environmental Advocacy – exactly alike. They have to
create a waveform that has
protecting the air and water
resemblance on the
 Anti-Bullying instructor‟s waveform.
 No to Drugs
G. Making generalizations and TAKE NOTE Answer the following IN HIS SHOES Sample Words Exercise
abstractions about the lesson Diphthong is a close questions: Read the speech once The students will read the
combination of two vowel 1. Who was Ida B. Wells- again. Determine the tone, Sample Words exercise for /l/
elements Barnett and how did she mood, technique, and sound. The teacher should
pronounced as one vowel contribute to the Civil purpose of the author. (LM, emphasize sound placement
with gliding articulation. It Rights Movement? p.191)
forms one syllable. 2. What does ―lynching‖ in this exercise. (initial, medial
means? How did she and final sound). The students
respond to it? should employ proper sound
3. Why was her case articulation. Group reading can
against the railroad also be done before recording
company so important even exercise.
though in the end, she lost
the case?
H. Finding practical applications of BRAINSTORMING LISTS ALL ABOUT IDA Create an SAY IT IN A POSTER Practice reading the
concepts and skills in daily living Work by groups. Come up With your group, accomplish advertisement for Look back to the pictures sentences below. Notice
with a list of words that the following tasks that will your chosen you have analyzed earlier. the words with /l/ sounds.
contain be assigned by You were asked what kind 1. Isabelle is not around when
advocacy based on
diphthong(s). Afterwards, your teacher. of changes you would want her friends visited.
present your output to the Group 1: Construct a the medium that for the country. This time, 2. The glass is tall.
class. timeline of significant events will be assigned to make a representation of 3. Lovely is very fond of
in the life of Ida B. Wells- your group. your dreams for the country reading novels.
Barnett. in a poster. 4. Lea Salonga is one of the
Group 2: Identify various most successful Filipina
civil rights issues that actress.
concerned Ms. Wells- 5. Life without friends is like
Barnett bird without wings.
Group 3: Examine and
evaluate Miss Wells‘
responses to discrimination.
Group 4: Analyze the impact
that Miss Wells had on
I. Evaluating learning CHECKPOINT Presentation WHAT ARE YOU Present to the class the Hands-on activities.
In ach set of words below, THINKING RIGHT rubric of the poster making
encircle the word with a NOW? and ask one volunteer to
different diphthong. present his/her work before
 Post your support on your the class.
chosen advocacy on your
Facebook timeline.
 Tag as many friends as
you can (including your
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

REGINA I. AMEN ______________________
MARY JANE D. BARAL _ APRILITO C. DE GUZMAN, Ed. D. ____________________

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