Methods of Formal Rectification, The Pros and Cons. Mandi Upagrahi, Aprakasha Grahas

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Methods of formal rectification, the pros and cons.Mandi Upagrahi, Aprakasha grahas ...

You know at least one astrologer who would not doubt, even occasionally, to the correctness of
the horoscope?And I do not wish to have in the arsenal of the method - accurate and
understandable - correction, this horoscope specific time limits?Not in vain in the astrological
environment go jokes like: "... was a horoscope, otrektifitsiroval on events, I made a prediction, and
then noticed that was not in 1954, and by 18 ... So the funny thing is that all grow together and
everything came true .. "
Jokes, jokes, but the reality is that every practitioner astrologer sooner or later realizes that his
"rectification of events" is nothing but the procedure of fitting the reality to the level of their own
ignorance.A method of "rectification of events" is the only in the elimination of its own selfconsciousness of the contradictions between the facts and their own ideas astrologer about how
it's all supposed to be.Simply put, the "rectification of events" for the astrologer - a method
perepryatat crying from the fact of their own ignorance about what the West called "radical
astrology", and Jyotish - the choir and Jataka.
On the other hand, the determination of the time of birth on the basis of their own not very
sophisticated self-representations is a hindrance in terms of acquiring perfect knowledge.
According to Hermetic principles underlying all spiritual and philosophical tradition, "two hares
chase - you will not catch", or impossible to simultaneously seek knowledge about something or or
both at the same time to act with a view, be already have this knowledge.
Thus, if in modern astrology there is no method that specifically explains the criteria for the possibility
of giving birth in a certain period of time, you should admit it - firstly,
to recognize the huge probability of incorrectness "rectification of events" and, especially,
"appearance" - secondly,
to seek rectification of the formal methods, test their specific data (standing in the hospital giving
birth over and chronometer in the hands of time to celebrate the cutting of the umbilical cord or
other events received for the time of birth) - in the third,
to look for such techniques among the half-forgotten and little-known rules of ancient astrology
("everything is new - conveniently forgotten old") - fourthly,
very frankly to call methods that are not based on a formal rectification, "not science at the basis of
his" - in the fifth.
Why, if it is obvious (think not just for me), the rules clarify the position of the main significators radix
(Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Lagna), in a variety of classical texts available from Brihat Jatakas to Prasna
Marga, has not been generally widespread use ?
1) Because the radix in Jyotish is made in sidereal zodiac, the absolute importance is ayanamsa or
date of departure from this world, Sri Krishna.Different directions of Hinduism that date in the
chronology of the current is determined differently.And the value ayanamsy adopted by different
schools, traditions, astrological practice can give different radix shastyamsha Lagna, to say nothing
of the finer divisions.
2) Almost all methods are tied to the formal rectification technique Prashna.She called in vain on
the most mystical astrological practice.And where is the mystic, there individual characteristics
practitioner (ie astrology), which promises a significant number of cases of various refined maps for
the same people ...
3) Now the fun part.In different texts of formal methods are different, not only the wording but also
the content, which naturally leads to different results ...
For example and became renowned rule of the relationship with Mandi Lagna / navamsa Lagna.
The definition and calculation of Mandi in the most prestigious Jyotish-tex Brihat Parasara Hora
Shastra, not given.It says about Gulick.Moreover, this Gulick, like Mundy from the texts of other

authors, again the son Shani, etc.

Kalidas, Uttarakalamrita, 1.6-8:
Lagna Siddhi: define Rasi occupied by the Moon and Mandi, and their Navamsa.Rasi
The birth will be, the strongest of the four, or 7, 5, or 9 m from the strong.
On the day of the week, starting from Sunday onwards, multipliedDinmana(day length)
on, respectively, Charu (26), Khari (22) Jata (18) Wyoh (14), Nat (10), Tan (6) and Roon
(2), and divide the product on Khang (30).By the result, in ghatika, fell etc, accepted as
Ishta, calculated Lagna.Detected as Lagna will meet Mandi Sphuta.
Eighth part Dinmana or Ratrimana (duration of night) corresponds to the period of a
planet.At birth day (Dinmana) rulers 1's seven-part Sunday, respectively, the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
The last eighth of a steward is not.Part of belonging to Saturn, called Gulikala ("Gulick
In the case of night-born lords 1 - 7 pieces will be in the same order as in the afternoon,
but the lord of the 1st part is 5 meters from the ruler of the day of the week.And there is
also a part of belonging to Saturn, will determine the position of Gulick.note: Gulick and
Mandi are considered sons of Saturn and, according Mandavya Rishi, they are as
harmful: Fully destroy the results of Bhava, which take in the birth chart.Some ancient
texts are identified as the two names of one factor radix;this view is now accepted by
many.However, the author defines Uttarakalamrity Mandi according to the teachings
Mandavya Rishi:to find Mundy, multiplied by the number of Ishta Cala corresponding
day of the week and divide the product by 30. The time interval so prepared and should
be used to set in Mandi Rasi Amshe, Kala and Vic, in the same way as are the position of
the ascendant.

Mantreshvara, Phaladipika, 3.16:

Mark the position of the dispositor Mandi in Rasi Chakra.Rising sign at birth in trine to sign
this dispositor or navamsa ascendant in the trine to navamsa occupied by Mandi
directly.When the moon is strong, rising sign can be found through the moon, instead of
The calculation is given in Mandi Uttarakalamrite.Commentators (directly Indians owning Sanskrit
and who know the ancient Jyotish text) argue that the method results in Kalidas Mandava Rishi (it
must have the same mythical character of the Mahabharata, who cursed Yamaraja prehistoric
times and set the age of personal responsibility and capacity as the 14 years).Most of the other
authors to identify Mandi Gulik.Perhaps not without reason - Calculate for yourself and make sure
that both are determined by the time, belonging to Saturn.And he Gulick different authors
identified with the Lagna at the beginning / middle / end of the Saturn.
An interesting study conducted G.K.Goel this problem by publishing the results in the article "The
method of calculating upagrah"
brief speech there comes the following:
1.To practice jyotisha great importance is the use upagrah.
2.They are calculated as follows.
2.1.It determines the duration of the day / night event analyzed.Moreover, Sunrise - Match center
of the solar disk with the eastern horizon;Sunset - a match the center of the solar disk with the
western horizon.
2.2.Determined by 1/8 of the length.

2.3.Determined stewards of these parts.Surya (Sun) - Chandra (Moon) - Mangal (Mars) - Buddha
(Mercury) - Guru (Jupiter) - Shukra (Venus) - Shani (Saturn) respectively SUN CMD vtrn-avg-Thu-FriSatFor the first time the day of the ruler corresponds to the day of the week (Monday - the moon,
Wednesday - Mercury), second - order, etc.The last part - without the manager.For the first part of
the night-time is controlled by a fifth from the corresponding day (Monday night - the fifth from the
Moon - Venus Tuesday night - the fifth from Mars - Saturn).
It should be remembered that the Vedic vremyaschislenie defines weekday spolunochi
not until midnight and before sunrise svoskhoda.For a night birth, referring to Monday,
begins at sundown on Monday and lasts until sunrise on Tuesday.And when you look at
a horoscope drawn up for the 2:00 local time on December 17 (Monday) 2001 Western
time-calculation in terms of Jyotish horoscope isSunday, and the ruler of the first part
there will be a fifth from the Sun - Guru (Jupiter)
, for example, 2: 15 m.vr.17.12.2001 Yekaterinburg.
Sunset on Sunday December 16 at 16:04 local time.Sunrise on Monday at 9:04 am local
time.The duration of the Sunday night (Sunday to Monday) 17 hours.1/8 of this period is 2
hours 7 minutes 30 seconds.Therefore:
16: 04-18: 11: 30 - of the Guru (Jupiter) - ashe was fifth in the order of Surya (the Sun), the
ruler of Sunday.
18: 11: 30-20: 19 - part of Shukra (Venus)
20: 19-22: 26: 30 - part of Shani (Saturn)
22: 26: 30-0 34 - part of Surya (Sun)
0: 34-2: 41: 30 - part of Chandra (Moon)
2: 41: 30-4: 49 - part Mangal (Mars)
4: 49-6: 56: 30 - of the Buddhi (Mercury)
6: 56: 30-9: 04 - The 8th part, without the manager.
2.4.Part Shani - Gulick;Surya part - Kaal, part Mangala - Mrityu part of Guru - Yamaghantak and
part of Buddha - Ardhaprahar.
2.5.Ascendant degree at the beginning of the Gulick in this location will be its longitude.That is, in
this example of the Gulick (Saturn) starts at 20:19 local time on 16 December.For Ekaterinburg at
that time ascending degrees of Cancer 17:48 (in the sidereal zodiac, adjusted for longitude
(ayanamsoy) = "- 23:52:50"; from the calculations in tropicheskm zodiac necessary to subtract this
value).This is Gulick longitude to a map prepared for the 2:15 local time on December 17
(Monday) 2001 in Yekaterinburg.
2.6.Mr. Goel makes a strong case regarding the need to distinguish between the position of Gulick
and Mandi.He argues that the position should be calculated as Gulick ascending degree at the
beginning of the Saturn, but the situation should be defined as Mandi ascending degrees atthe
middleof the Saturn.In the example of the Saturn begins at 20:19 and ends at 22:26:30.Hence, the
middle part of Saturn begins at 21:22:45.For this time the rising degree 28:10 Cancer.This is the
position of Mandi Goel.In the same way - as ascending degrees at a time corresponding to the
middle part - he recommends to calculate the rest upagrahi (Kaal, Mrityu etc.) except Gulick.
I see no reason to somehow comment on the above, the more there is no asronomicheskih /
astrological definitions Mandi.If we take the number line and mark off time points for determination
of Mandi Uttarakalamrite / Mandava Rishi in parts of Saturn by day of week, it turns out that on
Sunday it progresses almost from the end of the Saturn before its mid-Saturday.This behavior can
be observed in the variable Prasna Marga, where it comes to finding the position of some
significators (eg.,YoginiandMrityu) Consequently, Mundy could be determined by some factors
showing us neizvesno pattern ...

To understand the validity of a reading method is simple enough.Take the specific time of birth installed in the hospital with a stopwatch in hand - and we believe ...
We believe the position of Mandi Goel and Uttar Kalamrite checking the validity of one of them:
1.Lagna in Rasi be in trine to the sign occupied by Mandi or
2.In navamsa ascendant in the trine to the sign occupied by Mandi
3.In navamsa ascendant in the trine to the planet - the owner sign occupied by Mandi
If these rules do not go, take out Phaladipiki.Which point will pass the real time of birth - that is
Mandi.It's simple.
It's a pity the hospital with a clock in Russia will not let ...
However, the count and Mandi, and Gulick is extremely useful.In general, "Graham Children" - a
mathematically defined points - are widely used to analyze the birth horoscope and Prashna
(horara).Moreover, they have a system of forces in symbols, etc.
The text Keeranuru Nataraja Jatakalankaram described Rasi, giving strength and upagraham
exaltation drop
Kumbh Makar
Vrishabh Mithun
Dhanu Dhanu
Mithun Kark
Yamaghantak Dhanu
Ardhaprahar Mithun
It is interesting to note that none of the grahas Surya to Shani not exalted in the signs of exaltation
aprakasha Graham (top five) and does not fall in the signs of their fall.
From 5 upagrah - four but Kaala have both svakshetra signs controlled by their fathers.Gulick son
Shani has Kumbha (Aquarius) as its own bhava (house).The son of Guru Yamaghantak - svakshetra
in Dhana (Sagittarius).Ardhaprahar son Buddha - in Mithun (Gemini).Mrityu son Mangal, at home in
Vrishchike (Scorpio).It is not known why Kaal, the son of Surya, placed in Makara (Capricorn), a sign
of his brother Shani (Saturn is considered the son of the sun), but not as a sign of his father - Simha
(Leo).Obviously, Shani gave his son his Mulatrikonu Gulick and Makar (own svakshetra) - his "Brother
NON-luminescent (APRAKASH) Graham.
The calculations are based on the longitude of the Sun at birth or at the time of issue.Do not forget
that at the longitude of the Sun is always implied the longitude of the center.The method of
1.Longitude 133 degrees Sun + 20 = Dhuma
2.Dhuma + 53 degrees 20 'Vyatipat =
3.Vyatipat + 180 degrees Parivesha =
4.Parivesha + 53 degrees 20 'Indrachapa =
5.Indrachapa + 16 40 '= Upaketu
Aprakasha grahas These are the following planets (Jataka Parijata, 2.6):

Aprakasha Graha
Indrachapa-Kodand-Karmuk Venus
PRANAPADA.The calculation is based on the length of time from sunrise to the time of birth - Ishta
stool - and the longitude of the Sun at sunrise.
-Preobrazovat Ishtakala in vighati (1 ghati = 24 min., 1 vighati = 24 sec.)
-Results divide by 15, the result must be converted to characters (Rasi) degrees, minutes, etc.and
added to the longitude of the Sun at sunrise (UDYA KALAIK SUN).
-If the sun is in mobile (cardinal) sign derived longitude immediately give PRANAPADU.If the sun is in
the double (Mutable) mark, add 120 degrees, and if in a fixed sign, add an additional 240 degrees.
Example.Now 20:23:05 local time on 19.12.2001 Ekaterinburg.
Ishta Kala - the difference between the time of sunrise and today this time.Sunrise at 9:33.Thus,
Ishta Kala = 10:50:05.This is the time you need to convert to vighati.
10 hours 50 minutes 5 seconds = 39,005 seconds
39005 divided by 24 = vighati 1625.2
1625.2 divided by 15 = 108.347 Now the fun, transformation.This number 108.347 - signs.Discard a
multiple of 12. The residue is 0.347 characters (30 degrees) = 10 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds
and this quantity must be added to the longitude of the Sun at sunrise, which Sagittarius = 3:27:16
So PRANAPADA = 13:51:52 Sagittarius + 120 degree (Sagittarius double mutable sign) = 13:51:52
Aries (Mesha) - for the moment 19.12.2001 20:23:05 local time in Ekaterinburg.
Parasara Hora Shastra.Chapter 25. Results APRAKASHA Graham.

1. As I have explained the results of the seven Graha, along with Rahu and Ketu.Now, I'll let you
know the results of APRAKASHA Graham.
2.Dhuma (longitude of the Sun + 133 g for 20 minutes) different bhavah / houses (up to sloka 13):
If Dhuma in the ascendant - is bold, with beautiful eyes, stupefied (? - not very clear), evil, wicked
and very short-tempered.
3 .If Dhuma in Dhana Bhava (2nd) - will be painful, rich, devoid of a member (the body) will cause
insult to the highest personages will be weak mind and the eunuch (impotent).
4.Dhuma in Sahaj Bhava (3rd) - is intelligent, very brave, sublime, eloquent and assured servants
and wealth.
5.Dhuma in Bandhu Bhava (4th) - will mourn because of the woman left him, but knows all the
6.Dhuma in Petrie Bhava (5th) - limited offspring, deprived of wealth, large, there will be horrible,
and will be deprived of friends and mantras (anyway, forget-lose).
7.Dhuma in Ari Bhava (6th) - will be strong, to defeat the enemy, will be bright, well-known and free
from diseases.
8.Dhuma in SEAP Bhava (7) - will be penniless, sensitive, skillful in seducing other men's wives and
always unobtrusive.
9.Dhuma in randhra Bhava (8th), it will be deprived of courage, but it will be a joyful,
truthful;unpleasant, cruel and selfish.
10.Dhuma Dharma Bhava (9th) - will be provided by the sons and wealth, rich, noble, kind,
religious, and well located for families.
11.Dhuma Karma Bhava (10th) - will be provided by the sons and welfare, exalted, intelligent,
happy and truthful.

12.Dhuma in labha Bhava (11th) - is rich, handsome, modest, be aware of art and a good singer.
13.Dhuma in Vyaya Bhava (12th) - is morally fallen, sinful affairs surrenders, he will be interested in
other men's wives, carried away the bad;cruel and wicked.
14. Results Vyatipata (Sun + 186 g 40 min) in a variety of bhava (up to sloka 25):
Vyatipat (also known as "Pat") in Tanu Bhava - will bother disasters;cruel, will enjoy the ravages will
be stupid and will be located to the relatives.
15.Vyatipat in Dhana - is a moral monster, gall, will enjoy pleasures, unkind, but grateful to be evil
and sinful.
16.Vyatipat in Sahaj - will be stable, to be a warrior by nature, liberal, very rich, near and dear to
the "big boss" and he will be captain.
17.Vyatipat in Bandhu - will be a lot of relatives and well in the family, but ill with the birth of sons
and wealth.
18.Vyatipat in Petrie Bhava - will be poor, charming, would be a violation of tridosha be cruel and
19.Vyatipat in Ari - to destroy the enemy, to be physically powerful, skilled in the use of all weapons
and martial arts, and is peaceful in nature.
20.Vyatipat in SEAP - will be deprived of his wealth, his wife and sons, women obey;miserable,
sensual, shameless and friendly.
21.Vyatipat in randhra - will ugliness in connection with the eyes;It is ugly, unfortunate malice
towards Brahmans and c blood disease.
22.Vyatipat in Dharma - there will be many types of businesses and a lot of friends;it will be very
educated, kind to his wife and eloquent.
23.Vyatipat Karma - is religious, peace, qualified in religious activities, very educated and prudent.
24.Vyatipat in labha - is extremely rich, noble, true, sustainable policies, many horses (car) and a
lover of singing.
25.Vyatipat in Vyaya - will be angry associated with many things, damaged, unbelieving and
hating their own relatives.
26. Results Pariveshi (or Paridhi) in different houses (up to sloka 37):
If Paridhi (Sun + 6 g 40 min) 1, will be the formation, truthful, peaceful, rich, and his sons, clean,
charity and expensive for seniors.
27.Paridhi 2, will be rich, charming, will enjoy the pleasures of a happy, very religious and is Lord.
28.Paridhi 3, will love his wife very charming, a devout, well-located to his comrades, and the
employee will be respectful to elders.
29.Paridhi 4 will be useful even for enemies and skillful singing.
30.Paridhi 5, is a rich, virtuous, brilliant, gentle, religious, and beloved wife.
31.Paridhi 6, will be known and the rich sons and pleasures provided useful for all and defeat the
32.Paridhi 7, there will be little children deprived of luck, mediocre intelligence, thick-headed and
very painful wife c.
33.Paridhi 8, will tend to the spiritual, peaceful, strong body, steady decisions, religious and tender.
34.Paridhi 9, will be provided by the sons, happy, brilliant, very rich, devoid of excessive passion,
noble and happy even in small things.
35.Paridhi 10, is well-versed in the arts will enjoy the pleasures, strong body, and knows all the
36.Paridhi in 11 women will enjoy, virtuous, intelligent, dear comrades for the;disorders of the
digestive fire.
37.Paridhi 12 will always thrifty, miserable, stable and would be a shame for its leaders.
38. Results Indrachapy (chapy Indra Dhanusa or Kodanda) (up to sloka 49):

Indrachapa (Sun + 60 g) in 1 will be a rich, rewarding, attractive and devoid of any acts.
39.Indrachapa 2, will speak kindly to be very rich, modest, educated, charming and religious.
40.Indrachapa 3, will mean, well versed in many arts, will steal, will be deprived of some members
and will unfriendly.
41.Indrachapa 4, will be happy;with cars, wealth, etc;awarded the King / authorities and
deprived of diseases.
42.Indrachapa 5 will be bright, prudent, pious, affable and prosperity will, in all its activities.
43.Indrachapa 6, to destroy the enemy, to be happy, gentle, clean and achieve abundance in all
44.Indrachapa 7, will be rich, provided all the advantages of knowing the shastras, religious, nice.
45.Indrachapa 8, will climb into someone else's business;cruel, interested other men's wives and
defective member.
46.Indrachapa 9, perform penance, will undertake the observance of the religious (the posts, etc.),
is highly educated and well-known.
47.Indrachapa 10, there will be many sons, excessive wealth, cows, bulls, etc., and will be known.
48.Indrachapa 11, will receive a lot of treasure, will be free from disease, very passionate,
affectionate to his wife, and will know the mantra and weapons (or bombs, missiles, explosives).
49.Indrachapa 12, is angry, very noble, shameless;will be temporary due to poor women, and will
in some periods.
50. The results Upaketu (or Sikhi, Dhvadzha) in different houses (up to sloka 61):
Dhvadzh (Sun + 76 g 40 min) 1 will be qualified in all branches of knowledge, happy, persuasive
speeches, flexible and very gentle.
51 .Dhvadzh 2, will be pleasant and polite in communication, will shine, will write poetry will be
learned, noble, humble and provided vehicles.
52.Dhvadzh 3, will mean, cruel, thin, poor and will have serious illness.
53.Dhvadzh 4, is a charming, very virtuous, gentle, keen knowledge of the Vedas and always
54.Dhvadzh 5, will be happy, enjoy the pleasures, well versed in the arts, purposeful, intelligent,
eloquent and will respect the elders.
55.Dhvadzh 6 will be ominous for relatives, conquer enemies, will have a lot of relatives;brave,
brilliant and skillful.
56.Dhvadzh 7, is a fan of gambling, sensual, will enjoy the pleasures and will support the prostitutes.
57.Dhvadzh 8, will be of interest to the sordid affairs, is sinful, shameless, blaming others;lack of
marital happiness and be a traitor.
58.Dhvadzh 9, will wear (Religious) signs will be exalted, it is useful to all, and is qualified in religious
59.O Brahmin, if Dhvadzh is 10, will have good luck and prosperity, love, women, charity and would
befriend Brahmins.
60.Dhvadzh 11, will be at different times to make a profit, it will be very religious, noble, rich,
successful, courageous and skilled in the sacrifices.
61.Dhvadzh 12, will be inclined to sinful actions, brave, untrustworthy, evil and unrestrained interest
to foreign women.
62. Results Gulick (ascending degrees at the start of the Shani / Saturn) in different houses (up to
sloka 73):
Gulick 1, will be struck by disease, lustful, sinful, wicked, wicked and very unhappy.
63.Gulick 2 will be unsightly appearance, miserable, low, tied to the shortcomings, shameless and
without a penny.
64.Gulick 3 will be fascinating, will head the inner circle, virtuous people will love and will be
honored with the King / authorities.

65.Gulick 4, will be painful, devoid of luck, sinful and struck excess bile and wind.
66.Gulick 5, is unworthy of praise, a poor, fragile, angry, low, the eunuch (impotent), subordinate to
his wife and be unorthodox.
67.Gulick 6, will be deprived of the enemy, with a strong body, bright, love my wife, joyful, very
friendly and helpful.
68.Gulick 7, submit to the wife (husband) will be sinful, temporary sexual relationships, exhausted,
deprived of friendship and to live at the expense of his wife (or women).
69.Gulick 8, will starve;miserable, violent, very short-tempered, very evil, poor and devoid of good
70.Gulick 9, many tests will be exhausted, evil actions, very evil, sluggish or talker and storyteller.
71.Gulick 10, will be provided by the sons happy to enjoy the many things to love and worship the
gods of fire and will reflect on the work and religion.
72.Gulick 11, will enjoy the beautiful women, will be the leader, will be useful for families to be small
growth and will Emperor / powerful people.
73.Gulick 12, will do things low-lying, sinful will, with a defective member of the body, a loser, lazy
and join the poor people.
74. Results Pranapady position against the ascendant and the various buildings (up to sloka 85):
Pranapada (Calculate your see. above) 1, will be weak, sickly, deaf, crazy, stupid, defect member,
miserable and exhausted.
75.Pranapada 2, will be provided with an excess grain (rice, wheat, etc.), excessive wealth,
abundance of servants, and the excess will be a lucky child.
76.Pranapada 3, will be harmful, proud, cruel, very dirty (dirty) and deprived of respect for their
77.Pranapada 4, will be a happy, friendly, attached to women and elders, soft and truthful.
78.Pranapada 5, will be happy, busy with good deeds, kind and very gentle.
79.Pranapada 6, will be subject to the relatives and enemies, be accurate, be disturbed digestive
fire will be angry, sick, rich and short-lived.
80.Pranapada 7, is a green-eyed, sexy, brutal, not worthy of respect and with poor position in
81.Pranapada 8, will be destroyed by disease, restless and impoverished because of the King /
authorities, relatives, servants and sons.
82.Pranapada 9, the sons will be very rich, successful, charming, serve others, and not evil, know
how to be in business.
83.Pranapada 10, is the heroic, intelligent, skilled, is well versed in the implementation of the royal
orders and will worship the gods.
84.Pranapada 11, will be known, virtuous, learned, rich, well-built and attached to his mother.
85.If Pranapada is 12, is a low, angry, c limb defects, he will hate the Brahmins and relatives
suffering from eye diseases, or will the one-eyed.
86-87.0 Brahman, it is - the results for Dhumy etc., (and Pranapady).Before the announcement of
these results, and other results of Surya Graha should be wisely evaluated for their positions,
relationships and Drishti (influence aspects), apart from their strength or weakness.
Well, everything is clear and without comment.Especially if consciously read the latest slokas (8687).If the "dark" Grah confirms the weakness of the horoscope, the above things show up anyway,
especially in connection with the sphere of life, marked the house, where there is a threat.If
horoscope is very strong and there is no clear indication of the poor, we should expect some
unjustified promises of good action consulted the pest, especially when it is turned on the
associated principal (mahadasha) or sub-period (bhukti etc.).If horoscope "neutral" as most
people today, and the favorable impact of evil more or less equilibrated, things, indicates the

position of the pest, will be more pronounced in some periods, and the potential to be bad - in the
other ... Just like always.
Now, let's see how these pests in specific situations, with the example of transits.I emphasize that I
have no intention to offer some "new method" of the forecast.It is quite enough of those that
already have them to understand at least a little.
Let's just look at the constellation upagrah Radix transit planets in critical situations with different
people ...
Situation 1.Everyone has heard of Henry Ford, the founder of the automobile empire in the United
States.In Russia, published his autobiographical book.It says that in the beginning of his career,
Ford worked to "uncle" as the chief engineer until, until it is time to choose.The question was - or to
pursue a career in one of the largest firms in the United States to give up their own automobile and
surveys, or to leave the company and had a ball - without money, sponsors and permanent source
of income ... Let's see transits on the day of the dismissal of Henry Ford Edissonovskoy Company,
where he was offered the position of Chief Executive Officer - August 15, 1899.It was a day in some
sense to separate the past from the future, where an Edissonovskoy Company almost no one
knows, and "Ford" rolled all over the world ...
Henry Ford.07.30.1863 7:00 local time, the 41.19N 83.11W;TZ = -5.53;ayanamsa Lahiri 21:57:19
Lagna 8:30:57 Simha (Leo)
Note: All calculations for the sidereal zodiac
Surya (Sun) 14:50:14 Cancer - natal Ford.
---------- -
Dhuma 28:10:14 Scorpio
Capricorn Vyatipat 21:30:14
21:30:14 Parivesha Cancer
Indrachapa 14:53:14 Virgin
Upaketu 1:30:14 Libra
This position aprakasha-Grah in Rasi at the time of the birth of Henry Ford.
During the reporting day on August 15, 1899,every one of them including transit influences!
Of particular note isthe exactConnect Transit of Venus with longitude Pariveshi in Radix.And, you
know, if the map in the ascendant in Leo Ford, then Venus - ruler Karma bhava, the 10th house - the
position, career, artha, etc.The exactconjunction of the transit of Mars to the position Indrachapy
in Radix.Mars - Yoga Karaka for upward Leo and the ruler of the Dharma Bhava H. Ford ...
Situation two.In Sarajevo, shot a man - an Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand - and now the day
June 28, 1914 is considered the beginning of the 1st World War ...
Franz Ferdinand, was 08.18.1863 7:13 m.vr.47.05N 15.27E;TZ = 1.0 ayanamsa 21:57:21
26.46 ascendant Leo
Sun Lion 2.49
Dhuma 16.09 Sagittarius
Vyatipat 9.29 Aquarius
Parivesha 9.29 Lion
Indrachapa 2.49 Libra
Upaketu 19.29 Libra
On the day when Franz Ferdinand shot, transiting Mars in the exact conjunction with Pariveshey
(and hence, in exact opposition to Vyatipatu).Mars - Yoga Karaka.In addition, in conjunction with
Ketu Pariveshey transit and transit Moon.Ketu in the 10th radical.If we consider that in the present
Radix Kala Sarpa - yoga, iePeople suffering from the curses and failures, and Ketu - a natural

Moksha Karaka, the above-described transit situation is clearly felt extraordinary.In short, put the
card on top with transit - and the need will disappear in the comments.
Bill Clinton,well, who else does not know it.This is the penultimate president of the USA.He won the
elections November 3, 1992.Again - there was one before, after - is quite another.
b.08/19/1946 8:51 AM m. Sp.33.40N 93.37W;TZ = -6 ayanamsa 23:06:37
12.23 Virgo ascendant
Leo Sun 2.54
Dhuma 16.14 Sagittarius
Vyatipat 9.34 Aquarius
Parivesha 9.34 Lion
Indrachapa 2.54 Libra
Upaketu Libra 19.34
on election day - 03/11/1992 - only transiting Sun was connected to Upaketu.Sun Radix - the owner
of 12, Moksha.True also transit Moon (ruler of the 11th, kama), and was connected to Vyatipatom opposition to Pariveshey.
Not particularly impressive is the role aprakasha Graham.Yes, I agree
But if you want to see the beginning of the transits of the scandal involving Monica Lewinsky, there
will be quite a different picture - in terms of involvement of the shadow planets.
Russia, August 19, 1991 - Emergency Committee.This day should be viewed in a couple of
interesting cards - Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev.Mikhail Gorbachev, the last President of the
Soviet Union.March 2, 1931 5:08:30 m.vr.46.09N 38.42E;TZ = 4 ayanamsa 22:53:4314.35 Sagittarius
ascendantAquarius Sun 17.36--------------------------Dhuma 0.56 CancerVyatipat 24.16
LionParivesha 24.16 AquariusIndrachapa 17.36 AriesTaurus Upaketu 4.16There is also an interesting
situation.At the Vyatipatom - Five transiting planets, with Mars in conjunction, the truth is inaccurate
(maybe - in inaccurate?).Mars - the owner 5 (dharma) and 12 (moksha).The rest of the world than
only 4 do not control the radix ... And all this mess in the Dharma Bhava radix.Boris Yeltsin, the first
President of RussiaFebruary 1, 1931 13:35 m.vr.56.47N 63.47E;TZ = 5 ayanamsa 22.53.3911.12
Gemini ascendantCapricorn Sun 18.39------------------------------Dhuma 1.59 PiscesVyatipat 25.19
AriesParivesha Libra 25.19Indrachapa 18.39 SagittariusCapricorn Upaketu 5.291) The transit of
Mars in opposition to Dhume, Radix Mars ruler 6 and 11.2) Transit Saturn conjunct Upaketu, Radix
Saturn host 8 and 9.3) The transit of Rahu is connected to Indrachapoy, Radix Rahu in Karma
bhava 10thexact connection is not present, it is possible to conclude that upagrahi exerted its
influence earlier decisions relating to the events of August 19, 1991.

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