EAWAG SANDEC 2008 Sandec Training Tool Module 2 Environmental Health Lecture

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Sandec: Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries

Sandec Training Tool 1.0 Module 2

Environmental Health Aspects of

Water and Sanitation


The natural and built environment in
which we live, the water we drink, the
air we breathe or the houses we occupy,
greatly affect our health. For instance, if
our drinking water is polluted and contains high numbers of pathogenic microorganisms, we shall probably suffer from
bad health. Worldwide, 1.8 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases, thereof, 88% are attributed to unsafe water supply, inadequate sanitation
and hygiene. Moreover, about a third of
the population of the developing world is
infected with intestinal worms in some
communities the infection rates are
even as high as 95%! Many also suffer
because of chemical contaminants in
their drinking water: In Bangladesh,
about 30 million people consume water
with elevated levels of arsenic, which
can lead to skin lesions and cancer.
In China alone, over 26 million people
suffer from dental fluorosis due to
elevated fluoride in their drinking water.
Other countries in South Asia and Africa
are similarly affected. Of these environmental health related diseases, people in
developing countries and especially children, carry a disproportionately heavy
One focus of this module is the health
aspect of environmental services, in particular sanitation, water treatment and
solid waste management. The global
improvement of these services could
contribute significantly to achieving the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
especially in reducing child mortality (MDG 4), improving maternal health
(MDG 5) and ensuring environmental
sustainability (MDG 7). Global improvements in drinking water and sanitation
services could result in a 25 45% reduction of diarrhoeal disease morbidity.
Protecting human health can also lead
to improving the natural environment:
Keeping a drinking water source free
from chemical, organic and/or microbiological contaminants may also improve the water quality of a nearby lake.
Arsenic and fluoride are important geogenic contaminants of drinking water
in developing countries, whereas nitrate
and lead belong to the most relevant anthropogenic contaminants.
Water and sanitation-related diseases are usually caused by microbiological

or chemical contaminants. Microbiological pathogens, present in human excreta, follow typical transmission routes.
The most relevant pathogens are viruses (e.g. hepatitis A), bacteria (e.g. cholera), protozoa (e.g. amoebiasis) or parasitic worms (e.g. hookworm). They are
typically transmitted to the new host via
a faecal-oral route, e.g. along the pathway of excreta fingers food new
host. Whether the new host is infected and gets sick or not, is dependent on
pathogen and host factors (e.g. number
of transmitted bacteria or health condition of the new host). Certain people are
at greater infection risk than others (e.g.
host factors) if they work in close contact with faeces, such as pit emptiers or
farmers reusing excreta as fertiliser. Furthermore, certain situations cannot only
increase individual health risk but also
endanger a whole community: Emergency situations, such as flooding, war
or industrial accidents, are frequently associated with outbreaks of epidemics.
In contrast to microbial contamination,
chemicals arising in drinking water are
usually of health concern only after extended exposure over many years, rather
than months.
Water treatment and sanitation alone
do not efficiently disrupt the transmission routes of diseases. It is indispensable that they are accompanied by appropriate hygiene practices. Washing hands
after defecation or constructing safe
sanitation facilities are primary barriers,
which prevent pathogens from entering the environment. Washing hands before eating or protecting food from flies
are secondary barriers, which prevent
pathogens from infecting a new host or
contaminating food. To make hygiene
promotion effective and sustainable,
choices have to be made about which
behaviours to target. Too many messages may be confusing and counterproductive. Furthermore, hygiene promotion should build on what exists, target
a specific audience, identify the motives
for changed behaviour and communicate
positive messages. Hygiene promotion
can thus be highly effective in reducing
water and sanitation-related diseases in
developing countries.

Figure 1: Environmental health in the context

of the natural and built environment.

Not included in Module 2

Other environmental health risks aside
from water and sanitation (e.g. air
pollution or road safety).
Detailed medical aspects of diseases
such as:
Pathogen pathways and effects
inside the human body.
Disease treatment by pharmaceuticals, disease prevention by

Publishing details
Publisher: Eawag/Sandec (Department of
Water and Sanitation in Developing
Countries), P.O. 611, 8600 Dbendorf,
Switzerland. Phone +41 (0)44 823 52 86,
Fax +41 (0)44 823 53 99
Editors: Christian Zurbrgg and
Sylvie Peter
Concept and Content: Melanie Savi and
Karin Gdel
Layout: Melanie Savi and Yvonne Lehnhard
Copyright: Eawag/Sandec 2008
Eawag/Sandec compiled this material,
however much of the text and figures are
not Eawag/Sandec property and can be obtained from the internet. The modules of
the Sandec Training Tool are not commercial products and may only be reproduced
freely for non-commercial purposes. The
user must always give credit in citations to
the original author, source and copyright
These lecture notes and matching
PowerPoint presentations are available on
the CD of Sandecs Training Tool. They can
be ordered from: [email protected]
Cover photo: Woman washing clothes in
Napo province, Ecuador.
(Source: Melanie Savi)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2



1 Definitions & Objectives



What is environmental health?

What is our focus?
What are the environmental health objectives?
Why should the Green Sustainability Agenda also be considered?

2 Introduction


What is the burden of disease?

What is the environmental health impact of water and sanitation?
What is the standardised disease measure?
What are the main causes for water and sanitation-related diseases?
What are the main transmission routes of pathogen-related diseases?
What factors influence occurrence and non-occurrence of infection?
What particular situations can increase the potential and actual risk
of disease?
2.8 What are the sources of pathogens and places of exposure?


3 Diseases


3.1 What is the environmental classification of pathogen-related diseases?

3.2 What are the main microbial hazards associated with water and excreta?
Helminths (parasitic worms)
3.3 What are the main chemical contaminants in drinking water?


4 Hygiene Approaches


4.1 How can we disrupt the transmission routes of pathogens?

4.2 Why is hygiene promotion important and what are the challenges of
hygiene approaches?
4.3 How to make sure that hygiene promotion works?
4.4 Why is it important to monitor and evaluate hygiene promotion
4.5 What further aspects of hygiene approaches have to be considered?



5 References and Links


Weblinks <www>



Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

1 Definitions & Objectives

1.1 What is environmental health?

Environmental health is the branch of public health concerned with the aspects related to the natural and
built environment likely to affect human health.
Environmental health also includes the provision of environmental services to households and communities,
such as water supply or air pollution control.

The environment in which we live greatly affects our health. The household,
workplace and outdoor environments
can pose a variety of health hazards from
contamination of the air we breathe, the
water we drink and the food we eat, to
the risk of accidental injury from vehicles or unsafe housing. (Cairncross et al.,
2003, p.7)
Environmental health addresses all
the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and all the
related factors impacting behaviours. It
encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that
can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments.
<www> (WHO, 2008a)

Environmental health comprises:

Sustaining a natural environment free
from undue hazard.
Ensuring a built environment free from
undue hazard.
Providing essential environmental
services to households and communities. These can include:
Water supply
Traffic control
Hygiene promotion
Air pollution control
Stormwater drainage
Solid waste management

Climate change and human health

The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirmed the
overwhelming evidence that humans are responsible for the global climate change, and highlighted a wide range of implications for human health. Climate variability and change cause
death and disease through natural disasters, such as heat waves, floods and droughts. In addition, many important diseases are highly sensitive to changing temperatures and precipitation. These include common vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue, as well as
other major killers such as malnutrition and diarrhoea. Climate change already contributes to
the global burden of disease, and this contribution is expected to grow in the future.
The impacts of climate on human health will not be evenly distributed around the world. Populations of developing countries, particularly in small island states, arid and high mountain
zones, as well as in densely populated coastal areas are considered to be particularly
vulnerable. <www> (WHO, 2008c)

Figure 2: Contents of environmental health.

Some facts on environmental health

Worldwide, 13 million deaths could be
prevented every year by making our
environments healthier.
Among the children below the age
of five, one third of all diseases are
caused by environmental factors, such
as unsafe water and air pollution.
An improved environmental management could prevent 40% of deaths
from malaria, 41% from lower respiratory infections and 94% from diarrhoeal diseases three of the worlds
biggest child killers.
<www> (WHO, 2008b and 2008g)

Further questions
What effect will climate change have on
water and sanitation-related diseases in
developing countries?
The urban population is growing
rapidly as a result of rural to urban migration. Since the built and natural environment is subjected to major changes, how
will peoples health be influenced by these

Additional info
McMichael (2003): Climate change
and human health Risks and responses.
Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/globalchange/publications/cchhbook/en/index.
html (last accessed 15.07.08)
WHO/UNICEF (2006): Meeting the MDG
drinking water and sanitation target: The
urban and rural challenge of the decade.
Geneva. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
health/monitoring/jmp2006/en/ (last
accessed 15.07.08)

Photo 1: Dry soil in Mauritania. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

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Training Tool and from the Internet.

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

1 Definitions & Objectives

1.2 What is our focus?

Table 1: Indicative values for environmentally

attributable fractions classified according to
specific environmental risk factors and disease
risks. (Prss-stn et al., 2006, p.80)

Climate change



Other community risks

Land use and built environment

Water resources management

Recreational environment


Other housing risks


Disease or risk

Outdoor air pollution

Risk factor

Indoor air pollution

Air pollution, water quality and the aforementioned environmental health factors
are specifically related to certain diseases (cf. Table 2). The most relevant
environmental health risk factors comprise a lack of sanitation and safe water
quality, which lead to a large number of
Table 1 reveals that diarrhoeal diseases, intestinal nematode infections,
trachoma, schistosomiasis, lymphatic
filariasis, and malnutrition are attributable to a fraction of more than 25% to
the risk factor water, sanitation and hygiene.
The number of deaths attributable to
environmental factors is especially high
in developing countries: The number of
deaths caused by diarrhoeal diseases in
2002 amounted to over 1.5 million in developing countries, as opposed to less
than 20 000 in developed countries. This
difference (factor 75) is extremely high
despite the fact that the population in
developing countries is 3.5 times higher than in industrialised nations. (Prssstn et al., 2006, p.82)
Hence, provision of safe drinking water and improved sanitation, as well as
promotion of good hygiene practices in
developing countries, are the most important interventions to reduce the burden of these and other diseases. This
module focuses on diseases attributable to water and sanitation, on disease-causing pathogens and their main
transmission routes, as well as on hygiene approaches aiming at reducing the
burden of diseases. Detailed medical aspects of the diseases, such as pathogen
effects inside the body, disease treatment by pharmaceuticals or disease prevention by vaccines are not discussed in
this module.

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Our focus is the environmental health aspect of sanitation, water treatment and storage, hygiene promotion,
stormwater drainage, and solid waste management. The module centres on diseases attributable to these
aspects, on related disease-causing pathogens and their main transmission routes and on hygiene approaches
aiming at reducing the disease burden. The chemical hazards of drinking water are also elucidated.

Lower respiratory
Upper respiratory
Diarrhoeal diseases
Intestinal nematode infections
Chagas disease
Lymphatic filariasis
Japanese encephalitis
Sexually transmitted diseases
Hepatitis B and C
Perinatal conditions
Congenital anomalies
Neuropsychiatric disorders
Cardiovascular diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Musculoskeletal diseases
Physical inactivity
Road traffic accident
Other unintentional injuries

Fraction attributable to the environment:

: <5%

: 5 25%

: >25%

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

1 Definitions & Objectives

Risk factors

Related diseases

Outdoor air pollution

Respiratory infections, selected cardiopulmonary

diseases, lung cancer

Indoor air pollution from solid fuel use

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower

respiratory infections, lung cancer


Mild mental retardation, cardiovascular diseases

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Diarrhoeal diseases, trachoma, schistosomiasis,

ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease

Climate change

Diarrhoeal diseases, malaria, selected unintentional

injuries, protein-energy malnutrition

Additional info
Cairncross (2003): Health, environment
and the burden of disease; A guidance
note. London, DFID. www.dfid.gov.uk/
pdf (last accessed 15.07.08)

Selected occupational factors:


Unintentional injuries


Hearing loss



Airborne particulates

Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Ergonomic stressors

Low back pain

Table 2: Diseases related to different risk factors. (Prss-stn et al., 2006, p.27)

Further questions
Can these water-related diseases also
be prevented by other means than water
and sanitation?
Besides health aspects, what are the
other problems caused by inadequate
water and sanitation services?

What is the relation between malnutrition, water and sanitation?

Why is malaria not listed as a water and
sanitation-related disease in Table 1?

Prss-stn (2006): Preventing disease

through healthy environments. Towards
an estimate of the environmental burden
of disease. Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/
quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/preventingdisease/en/index.html (last
accessed 15.07.08)

Download available on the CD of Sandecs

Training Tool and from the Internet.

1.3 What are the environmental health objectives?

The environmental health objectives comply with the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the UN.
Improving water supply and sanitation will contribute to meeting especially MDG 4 (reduce child mortality),
MDG 5 (improve maternal health) and MDG 7 (ensure environmental sustainability).

The aim of environmental health is to

prevent diseases and to create an environment that supports health. To achieve
this goal, the environmental factors likely to affect health must be assessed and
controlled. In September 2000, a Millennium Declaration was endorsed by
189 United Nations member states. It
led to eight Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) to be reached by 2015.
The MDGs contain commitments to reduce poverty and hunger, to tackle ill
health, gender inequality, lack of education, lack of access to clean water,
and environmental degradation. <www>
(WHO, 2008d)
Achieving some of the Millennium Development Goals strongly depends on
environmental health, especially on environmental sanitation and water supply.

as compared with the rate in the best

performing region. In terms of just diarrhoea and lower respiratory infections,
two of the most significant child killers,
environmental interventions could prevent the deaths of over two million children under the age of five every year,
and thus help achieve a key target of this
MDG a two-thirds reduction in the rate
of mortality among children in that age

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

Environmental interventions can contribute to attaining this MDG by providing
a safe home environment, a particularly important factor to improve the health
of children and pregnant mothers. Conversely, a contaminated home environ-

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

The mortality rate in children under
five years of age from environmentallymediated disease conditions is 180 times
higher in the poorest performing region,

Figure 3: Symbols of the Millennium

Development Goals. <www> UN

ment is a threat to the mother and her

unborn child. Childbirth requires, for example, safe water and sanitary conditions.

Goal 7: Ensure environmental

Diarrhoeal diseases associated with a
lack of access to safe drinking water
and inadequate sanitation result in nearly
1.7 million deaths annually. Household
use of biomass fuel and coal by over
one-half of the worlds population, results in 1.5 million annual deaths from
pollution-related respiratory diseases.
Enhancing access to improved sources
of drinking water, sanitation, and clean
energy are therefore key environmental
interventions that can reduce pressures
on ecosystems from water and air-borne
contamination, and also improve health.
Residents in fast-growing cities of the
developing world may be exposed to the
combined health hazards of unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and
indoor and outdoor air pollution. ReducSandec Training Tool: Module 2

1 Definitions & Objectives

Good health is both an end and a means

of sustainable livelihood. For poor people, good health is an essential asset in
the pursuit of their livelihood; however,
their homes and work environments often threaten their health. Since improving
environmental health is a sustainable and
cost-effective means of improving peoples
health, it forms the base for the creation of
sustainable livelihoods and eradication of
poverty. (Cairncross et al., 2003, p.6)

tions in such environmental exposures

will both improve the health and the lives
of urban slum dwellers one of the key
targets of MDG 7.
A key target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG 7) is halving by
2015 the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Globally, WHO has
estimated that the economic benefits
of investments in meeting this target
would outweigh costs by a ratio of about
8:1. These benefits include gains in economic productivity as well as savings in

health-care costs and healthy life years

lost, particularly as a result of diarrhoeal
diseases, intestinal nematode infections and related malnutrition. Providing
access to improved drinking water
sources in developing countries would
reduce considerably the time spent by
women and children in collecting water. Providing access to improved sanitation and good hygiene behaviours would
help break the overall cycle of faecal-oral
pathogen contamination of water bodies,
yielding benefits to health, poverty reduction, well-being and economic development. (Prss-stn et al., 2006)

Further questions
Can the Millennium Development Goals
be attained by 2015?
How can water and sanitation improvements contribute to the other Millennium
Development Goals, i.e. eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger (MDG 1), achieve
universal primary education (MDG 2),
promote gender equality and empower
women (MDG 3), combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria and other diseases (MDG 6),
and develop a Global Partnership for
Development (MDG 8)?

Additional info
UN (2007): The Millennium Development Goals Report 2007. www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/mdg2007.pdf (last
accessed 15.07.08)
WHO/UNICEF (2006): Meeting the MDG
drinking water and sanitation target: The
urban and rural challenge of the decade.
Geneva. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
health/monitoring/jmp2006/en/ (last
accessed 15.07.08)

Download available on the CD of Sandecs

Training Tool and from the Internet.
Figure 4: UN logo. <www> (UN)

1.4 Why should the Green Sustainability Agenda also be

The so-called Brown Agenda focuses on environmental health and the Green Agenda on the health of the
environment. Thus, the Green Agenda centres on the Environmental Sustainability Agenda.
To ensure a sustainable effect of environmental health improvements, both agendas should be reconciled.

The so-called Brown Agenda was established to reach the objectives of environmental health. It focuses on environmental health as defined above, whereas
the Green Agenda is concerned with
the health of the environment. Of course,
control of environmental pollution is
likely to benefit both, however, the priorities of the two agendas sometimes differ. The major health impacts are usually caused by factors affecting people in
their homes or in their neighbourhoods,
whereas the most obvious effects on the
environment in general are relatively remote from them. The difference is illustrated by Figure 5. It illustrates the urban
environment as a series of concentric domains, from the individual household to
the city as a whole and its environs. A
citys environmental infrastructure, such
as water supply, sewerage, drainage,
and refuse collection systems, is organised in a hierarchy corresponding to
these domains. In general, the closer to
the households, the greater the health

impact of environmental changes. Environmentalists are, however, more concerned with the surrounding natural environment, such as the river. Thus, the
Green Agenda might favour wastewater
treatment to reduce environmental pollution, whereas the Brown Agenda would
give priority to getting human waste and
excess water away from households and
residential neighbourhoods, even at the
cost of polluting some local streams.
(Cairncross et al., 2002, p.9)

Figure 5: Concentric domains of the urban

environment. (Adapted from Cairncross et al.,
2002, p.10)

The Brown Environmental

Health Agenda

The Green Sustainability


First order impact

Human health

Ecosystem health






Regional and global

Worst affected

Lower-income groups

Future generations

Priority for water

Increase quantity, quality

and accessibility

Prevent over-use and


Table 3: Characteristics of the two agendas. (Satterthwaite, p.4)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

1 Definitions & Objectives

What are the priorities of most Green

Agenda proponents?
Ecological solutions prioritised with
no knowledge of local contexts
Yet local contexts almost always
influence the most appropriate solutions
Scant regard for engagement with
those who lack good provision
Solutions promoted often do not
Criticising solutions that work well
Spurious statistics and associations
revealing the causes of inadequate
provision of water/sanitation and water shortages
Northern concepts applied out of
Encouragement of donor agencies
to spend too much on what is not
a priority (Green Agenda is easier to implement, easier to spend
large sums on, often appreciated by
middle and higher-income groups).
(Satterthwaite, p.10)
The two agendas differ in priorities; however, several environmental health aspects overlap both agendas. If the Brown
or Green Agenda supporters also consider the other agenda, they could often
kill two birds with one stone. Therefore, a reconciliation of both agendas
should be the objective pursued.
Water and sanitations obvious advantages of the Brown and Green Agendas:
Directly addressing human needs
Performs well in relation to future
Does not make heavy use of nonrenewable resources
Does not generate large volumes
of hazardous non-biodegradable
Does not contribute much to greenhouse gas emissions
Based on a renewable resource (although with limits)
Does not need much freshwater in
relation to total flows in most nations and locations.
(Satterthwaite, p.5)

A project in Kunming, China, aiming at reducing pollution of lake Dianchi, reconciles

both the Green Sustainability and the Brown Environmental Health Agenda.
Kunming, Zurichs sister city in China, is determined to tackle its wastewater problems.
Technical and social measures based on nutrient recycling a long-established principle in
China are being developed with Eawags support.
The drinking water supply for Kunmings population is largely drawn from lake Dianchi. However, this shallow lake is heavily contaminated with phosphorus as a result of urban wastewater discharges and regional agriculture. For some time now, the abstraction of drinking water
from the lake has been steadily reduced, and withdrawals will probably be stopped altogether
in the near future. In view of this precarious situation, the authorities have called for efforts to
restore the lake water quality to its 1960 standard.
Measures taken at source provide important alternatives to conventional treatment technologies. China has a long tradition of nutrient recycling, especially in rural areas where urine has
long been used as a fertiliser. Does this mean that urine separation would be a possible option for improving the water quality of lake Dianchi? To investigate this question, a three-part
project, financed by the Swiss research programme NCCR North-South, was conducted by
Eawag in Kunming. It comprised:
analyses of wastewater flows in Kunming and simulation of the outcome of possible

a survey of the relevant stakeholders acceptance of source control measures, introduction

of urine separation and possible decision-making paths; and

launching of a pilot project to test urine-diverting waterless toilets in a rural area.

Persistence and courage to pursue a sustainable solution

Overall, urine separation contributed significantly to solving Kunmings wastewater problems,
though different approaches are probably required in rural and urban areas. It is also obvious
that significant efforts are being undertaken by Kunming City to restore the quality of the lake,
which has been deteriorating due to intense population pressure. There is no standard solution for this extremely challenging task. Neither upgrading of Kunmings sewerage system,
combined with a diversion of the treated wastewater, nor urine separation alone will solve the
problems of lake Dianchi. A combination of measures is necessary, along with persistence
and courage to experiment, until appropriate solutions are developed and tested prior to their
large-scale implementation. (Larsen et al., 2007)

Photo 2: Industry and agriculture side by

side in Kunming, near lake Dianchi. (Source:
Melanie Savi)

Photo 3: Algae in the polluted lake Dianchi

from which people used to draw their drinking
water. (Source: Edi Medilanski)

Further questions
What makes it so difficult to reconcile both agendas?

Is implementation of the Brown Agenda alone a selfish measure with regard to future

Additional info
Cairncross (2002): Environmental health and the poor our shared responsibility.
www.lboro.ac.uk/well/ (last accessed 15.07.08)
IIED (2006): Environment & Urbanization Brief 13. Ecological Urbanization. Environment
& Urbanization 18(1). www.iied.org/pubs/ (last accessed 15.07.08)

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Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

2 Introduction

2.1 What is the burden of disease?

Environmental health hazards account for 21% of the overall disease burden worldwide.
Developing regions carry a disproportionately heavy health burden with regard to communicable diseases
and injuries.
Children suffer a disproportionate share of the environmental health burden.

The environment in which we live has

a significant effect on our health. Some
examples of the health impact of water
supply, sanitation and hygiene are listed
Diarrhoea causes 2 million deaths per
year, mostly amongst children under
the age of five.
About a third of the population of the
developing world is infected with intestinal worms.
6 9 million people are estimated to
be blind from trachoma.
200 million people in the world are
infected by schistosomiasis (bilharzia), 20 million of which suffer severe
Guinea worm eradication has made
dramatic progress over the past ten
years, with the number of cases dropping by 95% from 890 000 in 1989 to
less than 50 000 today.
An estimated 1.1 billion people are
without access to water supplies,
and 2.4 billion lack adequate sanitation. The number of people without
access to adequate sanitation rose by
around 150 million in the period 1990
to 2000.
(Cairncross et al., 2002, p.3)
Figure 6 lists the 24 diseases with the
largest environmental contribution on a
global scale. Diarrhoea has by far the biggest environmental fraction.



Frac tion of to tal global burden of diseas e in D ALYs *

Environment al f raction



Non-environment al f raction

Figure 6: Diseases with the largest environmental contribution. (Prss-stn et al., 2006, p. 11)
(For each disease the fraction attributable to environmental risks is shown in dark green. Light
green plus dark green represents the total burden of disease).
* DALY or Disability-Adjusted Life Year represents a weighted measure of death, illness and
disability (cf. Chapter 2.3).

Local differences
The burden of disease is not evenly distributed in the world. Developing regions carry a disproportionately heavy
burden regarding communicable diseases and injuries. In 2002, infectious diseases made up the largest overall difference between the regions (as classified
by WHO). The total number of healthy
life years lost (DALYs) per capita as a result of environmental burden per capita
was 15 times higher in developing countries than in developed nations. The en-

Figure 7: Environmental disease burden in deaths per 100 000 people.

(Prss-stn et al., 2006, p.10)

vironmental burden per capita of diarrhoeal diseases and lower respiratory

infections was 120 150 times greater
in certain subregions of developing countries than in the subregions of developed
nations. These differences arise from
variations in exposure to environmental

risks and access to health care services. The world map, containing the environmental disease burden in deaths per
100 000 people, illustrates significant subregional differences. (Prss-stn et
al., 2006, p.11)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2

2 Introduction

O ther; 19 %

Diarrhoeal diseases; 16%

Lower re spirat ory
infe ctions ; 11%
disorders; 7%
Ca rdiovascular
diseases; 7%
Ot her unintentional
injuries ; 6%

Ot her; 3 4%

diseases; 2 9%

I ntesti nal nema tode

infe ction; 1.5 %
Dr ow ning; 2%

Ma lnutrition; 4%
Childhood clus ter
diseases; 5 %

Perina tal c onditions; 3 %

Chronic obstructiv e
pulmonar y disease; 3 %
Total cancers; 4 %

Ma laria; 5 %

Lower re spirat ory

infe ctions ; 16 %
Ma laria; 10%

Perina tal
conditions ; 6%
Total neuropsychiatric
disorders; 6 %

Figure 8: Main diseases contributing to the environmental burden of diseases for the total population (left) and among children between 0 and 14
years of age (right). (Prss-stn et al., 2006, p. 62)

Children suffer most

The children are disproportionately affected by the environmental disease burden. Globally, the per capita number of
healthy life years lost to environmental
risk factors is about 5 times greater in
children under five than among the total
population. Diarrhoea, malaria and respiratory infections all have very large fractions of disease attributable to environment, and also are among the biggest
killers of children under the age of five.
In developing countries, the environmentally-related fraction of these three diseases accounted for an average of 26%
of all deaths in children under five. On
average and per capita, children in developing countries lose 8 times more
healthy life years than their counterparts
in developed nations due to environmentally-caused diseases. In certain very
poor regions of the world, however, the
disparity is far greater: the per capita
healthy life years lost as a result of childhood lower respiratory infections is 800
times greater, 25 times greater due to
road traffic injuries and 140 times greater due to diarrhoeal diseases. Even these
statistics fail to capture the longer-term
effects of exposure occurring at a young
age that manifest themselves as disease only years later. (Prss-stn et al.,
2006, p. 13)
Further questions
What are the reasons for the differences
in disease burden between the developing
countries (e.g. when comparing SouthAmerica to Africa)?
Why do children suffer much more from

What are the specific differences in exposure to environmental risks between developed and developing regions?

By far not all people in developing countries can afford to visit a doctor in case of
illness. How does this affect statistics?
How wrong do you think they are and how
could statistics be improved?

Prevention is better than cure

The World Health Organization has estimated (WHO 2000) that environmental health hazards account for 21% of the overall disease burden worldwide, affecting mainly developing
countries, especially the poorest regions of the world. Environmental improvements are often
more cost-effective health measures than the curative efforts of the health sector. After all,
prevention is better than cure. (Cairncross et al., 2003, p.6)

Photo 4: Child in Mauritania. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

Additional info
Cairncross (2003): Health, environment and the burden of disease; A guidance note.
London, DFID. www.dfid.gov.uk/Pubs/files/healthenvirondiseaseguidenote.pdf (last accessed
Prss-stn (2006): Preventing disease through healthy environments. Towards an
estimate of the environmental burden of disease. Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/quantifying_
ehimpacts/publications/preventingdisease/en/index.html (last accessed 15.07.08)

Download available on the CD of Sandecs Training Tool and from the Internet.

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 10

2 Introduction

2.2 What is the environmental health impact of water

and sanitation?
Almost half of the environmental health-related disease burden can be attributed to unsafe water
and sanitation.
By improving drinking water and sanitation services, diarrhoeal disease morbidity could, for example,
be reduced by 25 45%.

Definition: Attributable Fraction

Diet related illness



Indoor smoke


Unsafe water
& sanitation

Sexual Health

Figure 9: The global disease burden, classified by risk factors, reveals that 21% are associated to
environmental health. In this category, almost half the disease burden can be attributed to unsafe
water and sanitation. (WHO, 2002 in Cairncross et al., 2003, p.2)

If a risk factor (e.g. agricultural pesticides) causing health problems or deaths

to the exposed members of a community were removed from the environment
(e.g. by legislative action), we would expect a decline in the overall number of
health problems or deaths in the community. The proportional reduction in the
number of health problems or deaths
as a result of reducing the risk factor is
known as the attributable fraction. In
other words, it is the proportion of all
health problems or deaths in the community attributable to the risk factor. (Prssstn et al., 2006, p.25)

Health impact
The map (figure 10) reveals that the proportion of DALYs attributable to the risk
factor unsafe water is particularly high
in Africa, some parts of Asia and South
Figure 11 illustrates the high extent
of diarrhoea morbidity reduction through
intervention activities in sanitation, water treatment and hygiene. Figure 12 reveals the impact of improved water supply, sanitation and hygiene on morbidity
and mortality for six common diseases
and child mortality.
Figure 10: Burden of disease attributable to unsafe water (% DALYs in each subregion, DALY: cf.
Chapter 2.3). (WHO, 2002, p.69)

Expected reduction (median %)

Reduction (%)




Improved Household

Figure 11: Reduction in diarrhoeal disease

morbidity resulting from improvements
in drinking water and sanitation services.
(Fewtrell et al., 2005 in WHO/UNICEF, 2005,



Further questions
How meaningful are the aforementioned
studies on different disease-reducing
interventions? What are their impacts and
The burden of disease attributable to
unsafe water is only shown at the global
and regional level. What are the differences at the local level?





Ascariasis Diarrhoeal

Dracuncu- Hookworm Schistoliasis

infection somiasis

Trachoma Child

Disease (number of studies)

Figure 12: Impact of improved water supply,
sanitation and hygiene on morbidity and mortality for six common diseases: evidence from
42 studies. (After Esrey et al., 1991 in WHO,
2005, p.20)

Additional info
WHO/UNICEF (2005): Water for Life
Making it happen. WHO/UNICEF, Geneva. www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/
monitoring/jmp2005/en/index.html (last
accessed 15.07.08)
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Training Tool and from the Internet.

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2


2 Introduction

2.3 What is the standardised disease measure?

The standardised disease measure is the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). One DALY is equal to one lost
year of healthy life.
The DALY concept combines in one measure morbidity (years lived with disability) and mortality (years
of life lost due to premature death).

The concept of the DALY (DisabilityAdjusted Life Year) was introduced in the
Global Burden of Disease Study in an effort to finding a common measure to assess priorities among different diseases
and health problems. Murray and Lopez
did not think it appropriate or necessary
to attach a monetary value to the burden
of disease. They developed the DALY as
an alternative, a concept that takes the
lost life years as a benchmark and includes the following design decisions:
Ideal lifespan. This was needed in
order to define the age before which
death could be regarded as premature, and years of life considered lost.
It was set at 82.5 years for women,
and 80 for men, to correspond with
the averages for Japan.
Value of a healthy year of life. Not
all years of life were considered of
equal value. This was taken as 0 at
birth, rising steeply to a peak of 1.5
times the average at age 22, and gradually declining to 0.5 at age 80.
Effect of socio-economic or ethnic
status. None was allowed. A decision
was taken to value all peoples health
equally, except for the age and gender
effects mentioned above.
Value of life with disability. A system of weighting was devised for 22
indicator conditions, agreed by consensus at a meeting of a group of 8 to
12 health workers. The idea was that
these weightings could be extended
or interpolated to other conditions by
analogy. The 22 indicator weightings
are shown in the table 4.
Value today vs value in the future.
A discount rate of 3% was applied to
the data. This was needed to compare interventions with delayed effects. For example, hepatitis immunisation helps to prevent deaths from
liver cancer occurring 20 to 30 years
(Cairncross et al., 2003, p.53)

DALYs for a disease or health condition
are calculated as the sum of the years of
life lost due to premature mortality (YLL)
in the population, and the years lost due
to disability (YLD) for incident cases of
the health condition:


YLL = Number of deaths Standard life
expectancy at age of death in years
YLD = Number of incident cases Disability
weight Average duration of the case until
remission or death (years)

Figure 13: Example of an individual persons

life and health with a qualitative visualisation
of DALYs lost due to a disease and premature

The disability weight is a weight factor that reflects the severity of the disease on a scale from 0 (perfect health) to
1 (dead). The table below lists the disability weights for several diseases or

indicator conditions. <www> (WHO,

1 DALY is equal to 1 lost year of healthy
life. Figure 13 shows the burden of disease as a measurement of the gap
between current health status and an
ideal situation where everyone lives into
old age free of disease and disability. The
DALY concept combines in one measure

Disability class



0.00 0.02

Vitiligo on face,
< 2 s.d.

0.02 0.12

0.12 0.24

Watery diarrhoea,
severe sore throat,
severe anaemia
Radius fracture in a
stiff cast, infertility,
erectile dysfunction, rheumatoid
arthritis, angina

0.24 0.36

amputation, deafness

0.36 0.50

Rectovaginal fistula, mild mental retardation, Downs


0.50 0.70

Unipolar major depression, blindness, paraplegia

0.70 1.00

Active psychosis,
dementia, severe
migraine, quadriplegia

Further questions
What are the limitations of the DALY
concept? What factors are missing?
Is it ethically correct to value a life year
of a disabled person at a lower number
than that of a healthy person?

Additional info
Robberstad (2005): QALYs vs DALYs
vs LYs gained: What are the differences, and what difference do they make for
health care priority setting? Norsk Epidemiologi 15(2): 183-191. www.ub.ntnu.no/
journals/norepid/2005-2/052_11_Robberstad.pdf (last accessed 15.07.08)
Download available on the CD of Sandecs
Training Tool and from the Internet.

Table 4: Value of life with disability: weighting

system. (Cairncross et al., 2003, p.54)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 12

2 Introduction

2.4 What are the main causes for water and sanitation-related
Diseases can be classified by their transmissibility into communicable (e.g. caused by microbiological
contamination of drinking water) and non-communicable (e.g. caused by chemicals in drinking water).

Diseases can be divided into communicable diseases, such as typhus or hookworm infection, and non-communicable
disease, such as diabetes or heart disease. The communicable diseases can
spread rapidly through direct person-toperson contact (e.g. the rotavirus), or
they can be transmitted indirectly, for example through human contact with water contaminated by humans excreting

parasitic worm (helminths) eggs with

their faeces. The microbiological contaminants in drinking water are viruses, bacteria, protozoa or helminth eggs.
Chemicals in drinking water can cause
non-communicable diseases such as
cancer. These chemicals can have different origins, such as from natural or
human activities (agriculture, settlements, industry or water treatment).


Non-communicable diseases

contaminants in
drinking water

contaminants in
drinking water

Helminth eggs

Figure 14: Origins of communicable and noncommunicable diseases.

2.5 What are the main transmission routes of pathogen-related

Diseases related to water supply and sanitation are mostly transmitted via a faecal-oral mechanism by
pathogens found in human excreta.
Transmission following some typical routes is summarised in the so-called F Diagram.

Most diseases associated with water

supply and sanitation, such as diarrhoea,
are spread by pathogens (disease-causing organisms) found in human excreta
(faeces and urine). The faecal-oral mechanism, in which some of the faeces of
an infected individual are transmitted to
the mouth of a new host through one
of a variety of routes, is by far the most
significant transmission mechanism: it
accounts for most diarrhoea and a large
number of intestinal worm infections.
This mechanism works through a variety of routes, as shown by the so-called
F Diagram (cf. Figure 15). (WHO,
2005, p.10)
Some pathogens also follow slightly
different routes, such as leaving or entering the host through the skin or using
insects as alternate host. This is explained in detail in chapter 3.1.
In addition to the hygiene-related
transmission routes, diseases may also
be caused by poorly managed sanitation. If latrines or sewerage systems are
poorly managed, surface or groundwater
can be contaminated and thus affect the
quality of drinking water.

Figure 15: The F Diagram. (Adapted from DFID/WELL, 1998, p.64)

Further questions
Could animals play a role in transmission routes?

What are possible transmission routes from faeces to fields, or from faeces to fluids?

Additional info
See later in this module.

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 13

2 Introduction

2.6 What factors influence occurrence and non-occurrence

of infection?
Pathogen and host factors influence infection or non-infection of a new host.
The potential risk to public health is determined through pathogens analysed in faecal sludge and
wastewater. The actual risk is determined by the number of actual infections, as shown by epidemiological

If a person comes into contact with pathogens, this does not necessarily mean
that an infection occurs. Several factors
at the pathogen and host level influence
transmission and infection (cf. Figure
16). Agricultural or aquacultural use of
excreta and wastewater can, for example, only lead to an actual risk to public
health if all of the following occurs:
a) Either an infective dose of an excreted pathogen reaches the field or
pond or the pathogen multiplies in
the field or pond to form an infective
b) This infective dose reaches a human
c) This host becomes infected.
d) This infection causes disease or further transmission.
(a), (b) and (c) constitute the potential risk and (d) the actual risk to public
health. If (d) does not occur, the risks
to public health remain only potential.
(Strauss, 1994, p.1)
Different pathogen factors contribute
to the potential risk: The excreted load
is the number of pathogens excreted in a
certain amount of waste. The time needed until the excreted pathogens become
infective is described as latency. Multiplication describes whether the pathogens can multiply outside the host, and
finally the infective dose expresses the
number of pathogens required to cause
an infection.

Pathogen factors

Host factors

Excreted load

Natural immunity


Aquired immunity (e.g. infection, vaccination,

mothers milk)

Infective dose

Age and Sex

Health state

Possible health
No transmission
Transmission and
and infection
with manifest

Figure 16: Pathogen and host factors

influencing the health outcome.

Die-off or persistence of excreted pathogens is an important factor influencing transmission. In principle, all
pathogens die off upon excretion. Prominent exceptions are pathogens whose
intermediate stages multiply in intermediate hosts, as Schistosoma that multiply
in aquatic snails and are later released
into the water body. Another important
factor is the infective dose of a pathogen. It is the dose required to create disease in a human host. For helminths,
protozoa and viruses, the infective dose
is low (<10 2 ). For bacteria, it is medium (10 4 ) to high (>10 6 ). Manifestation of disease is different for the various pathogens: with viruses, protozoa
and bacteria, an infected person will either become sick or not. With helminths,
however, an infected person will exhibit various degrees of disease intensities
depending on the number of worms it
carries in its intestine. Thus, implementation of a nightsoil or wastewater treatment strategy, leading to a reduction

Laxmis short life the accumulative

burden of disease
It was not only one severe illness that
caused Laxmis early death at the age
of only three. During her entire life she
had to fight one disease after another,
among them acute respiratory infection,
diarrhoea, measles, and fever. Due to
her poor nutrition and health condition,
she was affected by numerous infections that led to her early demise.
Figure 17: The graph illustrates the age-dependent development of the weight of a healthy
child (dashed line) and of Laxmi a child from a developing country (solid line). (Dooley, 2008,
UNICEF Presentation)

of worm eggs in faecal sludge by e.g.

80 90% will already have a major public health effect. Since fewer worms will
be discharged on the ground and into
ponds, transmission and peoples worm
burdens will also be reduced. With viruses, bacteria and protozoa, higher removal
degrees (99.9 99.999%) are required.
Pathogens have varying degrees of resistance, however, worms are among
the more resistant, with Ascaris surviving longest. Temperature, dryness and
UV-light are the main factors influencing
die-off. (Strauss, 1994, p.3)
Average survival time in
wet faecal sludge [days]

In temperate
(10 15C)

In moderate
(20 30C)















2 3 years

10 12


Ascaris eggs

Table 5: Example of a pathogen factor: survival

time of different pathogens. When exposed
to the drying sun, all the survival periods are
much shorter.
* Faecal coliforms: commensal bacteria of the
human intestine used as indicator organisms
for excreted pathogens. (Strauss, 1994, p.4)
Further questions
During an infection, health will be reduced and the person will become more
vulnerable to further infections. What can a
person do to break this vicious circle?
The graph of Laxmis short life shows
a normal weight for the first six months,
despite of several diseases. What factors
lead then to the break-in? What are the
effects of disease frequency?

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 14

2 Introduction

2.7 What particular situations can increase the potential and

actual risk of disease?
Some emergency situations can lead to an increased disease risk for an entire community, such as flooding,
war or industrial accidents.

The greatest waterborne risk to health in

most emergencies is the transmission of
faecal pathogens caused by inadequate
sanitation, hygiene and protection of water sources. Some disasters, including
those caused by or involving damage to
chemical and nuclear industrial installations or spillage in transport or volcanic
activity, may create acute problems from
chemical or radiological water pollution.
Different types of disaster affect water

quality in different ways. When people

are displaced by conflict and natural disaster, they may move to an area where
unprotected water sources are contaminated. When population density is high
and sanitation is inadequate, unprotected water sources in and around the temporary settlement are highly likely to
become contaminated. If there is a significant prevalence of disease cases and
carriers in a population of people with

Cholera epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Human population movements on a large scale as a result of war, conflict or natural catastrophes have been tragically common in recent years. The forced migration or displacement
of large numbers of people often oblige them to live in crowded, unhygienic and impoverished conditions, which, in turn, heighten the risk of infectious disease epidemics. This was
the cause of the cholera epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the aftermath
of the crisis in Rwanda in 1994. In July of that year, between 500 000 and 800 000 people
crossed the border to seek refuge in the outskirts of the Congolese city of Goma. During the
first month after their arrival, close to 50 000 refugees died. The extremely high crude mortality rate of 20 35 per 10 000 per day can be associated with an explosive outbreak of combined cholera and shigella dysentery. The speed of transmission and the high attack rate were
related to the contamination with Vibrio cholerae of the only available source of water, Lake
Kivu, and the absence of proper housing and sanitation. The problems associated with people living in high-density environments are not limited to emergency areas, such as refugee
camps. Rapid urbanisation that has become common in many countries in the 21st century
means that cities are now home to over half the worlds population. Uncontrolled urbanisation
is characterised by expanding metropolitan areas, worsening environmental degradation,
increasing inequity and the growth and proliferation of slums and informal settlements.
Indeed, a third of global urban dwellers, or a billion people, live in slums and informal settlements where they exist in cramped, congested living conditions, without access to safe water, sanitation, safe food, decent shelter or meaningful employment. (WHO, 2007b, p.21)

low immunity due to malnutrition or the

burden of other diseases, then the risk
of an outbreak of waterborne disease
is increased. The quality of urban drinking water supplies is particularly at risk
following earthquakes, mudslides and
other structurally damaging disasters.
Water treatment works may be damaged, causing untreated or partially
treated water to be distributed, and
sewers and water transmission pipes
may be broken, causing contamination of
drinking water in the distribution system.
Floods may contaminate wells, boreholes and surface water sources with
faecal matter washed from the ground
surface or from overflowing latrines and
sewers. During droughts, people may
be forced to use unprotected water supplies when normal supplies dry up; as
more people and animals use fewer
water sources, the risk of contamination
is increased. Emergency situations that
are appropriately managed tend to stabilize after a matter of days or weeks.
Many develop into long-term situations
that can last for several years before a
permanent solution is found. Water quality concerns may change over that time,
and water quality parameters that pose
long-term risks to health may become
more important. (WHO, 2006, p.104)

Further questions
What factors other than lack of water
and sanitation services could be responsible for the increased disease burden in
emergency situations?
What measures should be taken in such

Do developed regions have similar

problems in emergency situations?

Additional info
Connolly (2005): Communicable disease
control in emergencies A field manual,
WHO. www.who.int/hac/techguidance/pht/
(last accessed 15.07.08)
Photo 5: Washing facility in a temporary refugee camp. (Source: WEDC Bob Reed)

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Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 15

2 Introduction

2.8 What are the sources of pathogens and places of exposure?

Pathogens causing water and excreta-related diseases are mainly found in faeces, but also in urine,
greywater, industrial wastewater, and stormwater.
The main areas or activities leading to pathogen exposure in the example of excreta reuse include toilets, as
well as handling and reuse of excreta as fertiliser. Residents of these areas or those conducting such activities
are often at greater risk of infection than others.

Sources of pathogens are closely related

to sanitation, excreta and waste reuse.
Though sanitation systems that close
the loop generally have positive impacts
on the health of users, certain risks still
prevail. And although a source-separating system tries to separate hygienically
critical substances (mainly faeces) from
those that are safe, cross-contamination
may still occur.
Depending on the location of exposure, certain people are at greater risk
of being infected than others, namely children playing near toilets, pit emptiers, collectors, farmers reusing waste,
and consumers of products that came
into contact with reused waste. Occupations exposed to a higher risk level
are described in other modules (Modules 4 6).


Possible sources of pathogens

Contain the major amounts of pathogen, enteric (bowels, stomach)


Enteric infections can be transmitted by pathogenic species of bacteria,

viruses, parasitic protozoa, and helminths.
From a risk perspective, exposure to untreated faeces is always considered
Only a few diseases are transmitted through urine.


Generally low health risks for transmission of diseases found in urine,

except for Schistosomiasis (in tropical areas).
Faecal cross-contamination through urine poses the highest health risk.
Mainly laundry, washing diapers, food.


Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria originating from growth within the

actual system.
Main greywater hazard from faecal cross-contamination however, this is
less acute than from urine and is limited to washing faecally contaminated
laundry (i.e. diapers), childcare, anal cleansing, and showering.


Slaughterhouse, food industry (plant pathogens).


For example run-off from ground (animal faeces).

Table 6: Main risks from different wastewater components. (Heeb et al., 2007, Module 4-5)

Photo 6: Woman emptying compost in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Source: Eawag/San- Photo 7: Man working in a compost container in India. (Source:

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 16

2 Introduction

Area or activity
leading to pathogen


Transmission route

Technical measure

Behavioural measure

Direct contact; transport to groundwater; environmental contamination.

Water for hand-washing available;

elevated collection chamber; lined
collection chamber (no seepage to
groundwater or environment).

Washing hands; keeping toilet area


Direct contact.

Ash, lime or other means of

reducing microorganisms at toilet;
informed persons collecting and
transporting excreta.

Wearing gloves; washing hands;

addition of ash, lime or other means
of reducing the microbial content
during use.

Direct contact; environmental


Suitable choice of location; treatment

in closed systems; information signs
in place.

Wearing gloves and protective

clothing; washing hands; avoid
contact in treatment areas.

Direct contact.

Informed farmers reusing excreta;

special equipment available.

Wearing gloves; washing hands;

washing the equipment used.

Direct contact; transport to surface

and groundwater.

Working excreta into the ground;

information and signs.

Avoid newly fertilised fields.

Consumption; contamination of

Choice of suitable crop.

Proper preparation and cooking of

food products; cleanliness of kitchen
surfaces and utensils.

Primary handling
collection and transport


Secondary handling
use, fertilising
Fertilised field

Fertilised crop

Table 7: Places of exposure. (Schnning, 2004)

Further questions
Treatment of excreta for safe disposal
or reuse is highly recommended, however,
it may expose the workers or recyclers to
a much greater risk of infection. How can
this dilemma be solved?
How important are additional pathogen
sources (such as saliva or blood) to the
water and excreta-related pathogens?

Would a centralised sanitation system

be more desirable than a decentralised one
from a health perspective?

Additional info
Schnning (2004): Guideline for the
safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems. Stockholm, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control
(SMI). www.ecosanres.org/pdf_files/ESRfactsheet-05.pdf (last accessed 15.07.08)
Download available on the CD of Sandecs
Training Tool and from the Internet.
Photo 8: Farmers using compost on their fields in India. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 17

3 Diseases

3.1 What is the environmental classification of pathogen-related

The water and excreta-related communicable diseases can be categorised by their common environmental
transmission routes. Thereby, an important distinction is made between water-washed and waterborne

Classification of diseases into communicable (pathogen-related) and non-communicable (e.g. caused by exposure to
chemicals) was discussed in the chapter Definitions. The communicable
diseases can be further subdivided. This
chapter describes the currently used environmental classification and uses the
biological classification to discuss the
different diseases.
An environmental classification of disease groups, such as water-related and
excreta-related diseases, is more useful to environmental engineers than one
based on biological types because it
groups the diseases into categories of
common environmental transmission
routes. Thus, an environmental intervention designed to reduce transmission of
pathogens in a particular category is likely to be effective against all pathogens
in that category, irrespective of their biological type.
An important distinction is made
between waterborne and waterwashed diseases. Water-borne diseases are caused by pathogens in the water
a person drinks. Whereas water-washed
diseases are diseases where transmission is facilitated by insufficient quantities of water (regardless of its quality),
thus, directly linked to issues of personal and domestic hygiene. All diseases, commonly considered waterborne,
can also be transmitted by the waterwashed route. Epidemiological studies
have revealed that the latter is more
important under conditions of water
scarcity, such as in rural and periurban areas of developing countries. The
water-washed transmission route is likely to be important even in areas with
adequate water supplies but poor
personal and/or domestic (including
food) hygiene. Table 8 provides an overview of an environmental classification
of water and excreta-related diseases.
(Mara et al., 1999, p.334)
Further questions
Is it better to use unsafe water to wash
hands than no water at all?

Categories and typical

transmission routes
Feco-oral waterborne and
water-washed diseases

Examples of pathogens
(Bold = described in this
Hepatitis A and E (virus)
Cholera (bacterium)
Amoebiasis (protozoa)
Ascariasis (helminth)

Non-feco-oral water-washed

Skin infection:


Leprosy (bacterium)
Eye infection:

Control strategies

Improve water quantity,

availability, and reliability
(water-washed disease
control); Improve water quality
(water-borne disease control);
hygiene education.

Improve water quantity,

availability and reliability;
hygiene education.

Trachoma (bacterium)


Ascariasis (helminth)
Hookworm infection

Water-based diseases

Legionellosis (bacterium)
Clonorchiasis (helminth)
Schistosoma (helminth)

Ingestion or
through skin

Insect-vector diseases

Guinea worm infection


Malaria (protozoa)
Dengue (virus)
Yellow fever (virus)
Fly-borne and cockroachborne excreted infections.

Sanitation; effective treatment

of excreta or wastewater prior
to reuse; hygiene education.

Decrease contact with

contaminated water; improve
domestic plumbing; public
education; sanitation;
treatment of wastewater prior
to reuse, public education;
drying of flood-damaged
Decrease passage through
breeding sites; larvicide application; biological control; use
of mosquito netting and
impregnated bed nets;
improve stormwater drainage;
public education.

Rodent-vector diseases

Rodent-borne excreted

Rodent control; hygiene

education; decreased contact
with contaminated water;
public education.


Beef and pork tapeworm


Sanitation; effective treatment

of excreta or wastewater
prior to reuse; hygiene
education. proper cooking of
meat and improved meat

Table 8: Unitary environmental classification of water and excreta-related diseases. (Summarised

from Mara et al., 1999, p.335)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 18

3 Diseases

3.2 What are the main microbial hazards associated with water
and excreta?

Virus infections such as rotavirus or hepatitis A and E.

Bacterial infections such as cholera or trachoma.
Protozoal infections such as amoebiasis.
Infections with helminths (parasitic worms), such as ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, guinea worm
or schistosoma.

Communicable diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites

(e.g. protozoa and helminths) are the
most common and widespread health
risks associated with drinking water.
While typical waterborne pathogens are
able to persist in drinking water, most
do not grow or proliferate in water. After leaving the body of their host, most
pathogens gradually lose viability and the
ability to infect. The rate of decay is
usually exponential, and a pathogen will

become undetectable after a certain period. Pathogens with low persistence

must rapidly find new hosts and are
more likely to be spread by person-toperson contact or poor personal hygiene
than by drinking water. The most common waterborne pathogens and parasites are those with a high infectivity,
which can either proliferate in water or
possess high resistance to decay outside the body. Microbial water quality
may vary rapidly and widely. Short-term

peaks in pathogen concentration may increase disease risks considerably, and

may also trigger outbreaks of waterborne disease. (WHO, 2006, p.121)
On account of the large number of
water and excreta-related diseases, we
cannot describe them all in this Module.
We have selected the most relevant diseases and exemplified various biological types along with different transmission routes.

Since viruses are infectious sub-microscopic agents lacking an independent metabolism, they can only grow
or reproduce within a living host cell and cannot multiply within the environment. Many viruses are hostspecific, causing disease in humans or specific animals only. Rotaviruses and hepatitis A and E viruses are
the most relevant water and excreta-related viruses.

Rotavirus can infect people of all ages,
as well as many animals, however, in
humans its primary targets are infants,
the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems, as seen in
AIDS. Human rotaviruses are the most
important single cause of infant death
in the world. Typically, 50 60% of cases of acute gastroenteritis of hospitalised children throughout the world are
caused by human rotaviruses. By the age
of three, most children have been infected at least once by rotavirus, with a significant number infected two or more
times. Although no natural immune state
exists for rotavirus, secondary infections
are usually less severe than primary infections. The viruses infect cells in the
villi of the small intestine, with disruption of sodium and glucose transport.
Acute infection has an abrupt onset of
severe watery diarrhoea with fever, abdominal pain and vomiting. Though easily treated with intravenous fluids in developed nations, these supplies are often

unavailable in the developing world, and

the dehydration caused by rotavirus is a
significant cause of mortality. A rotavirus
vaccine could prevent or reduce both the
severity of rotavirus infection and many
Viruses transmitted by the faecal-oral
route have been detected in sewage, rivers, lakes, and treated drinking water.
Human rotaviruses are excreted by patients in numbers up to 1011 per gram of
faeces for periods of about 8 days. This
implies that domestic sewage and any
environments polluted with the human
faeces are likely to contain large numbers of human rotaviruses. Only 10 to
100 infectious virus particles are needed
to cause infection. This amount can readily be acquired through contact with contaminated hands and objects. Although
ingestion of drinking water is not the
most common route of transmission, the
presence of human rotaviruses in drinking water constitutes a public health risk.
(WHO, 2006, p.257 and <www> Scott
et al.)

Hepatitis A and E viruses

Hepatitis, a broad term for inflammation
of the liver, has a number of infectious
and non-infectious causes. Two of the
viruses that cause hepatitis (hepatitis A
and E) can be transmitted through water
and food; hygiene is therefore important
in their control. Among the infectious
causes, hepatitis A and E are associated
with inadequate water supplies and poor
sanitation and hygiene, leading to infection and inflammation of the liver. The illness starts with an abrupt onset of fever,
body weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, followed
by jaundice within a few days. The disease may range from mild (lasting 1 2
weeks) to severe disabling disease (lasting several months). In areas highly endemic for hepatitis A, most infections occur during early childhood. The majority
of cases may not show any symptoms;
fatal cases due to fulminant acute hepatitis are rare. Nearly all patients recover completely with no long-term effects.
Hepatitis A and E viruses, while unreSandec Training Tool: Module 2 19

3 Diseases

lated to one another, are both transmitted via the faecal-oral route, most often
through contaminated water and from
person to person. Both hepatitis A and E
are found worldwide. Hepatitis A is particularly frequent in countries with poor
sanitary and hygienic conditions. Countries with economies in transition and
some regions of industrialised countries
with sub-standard sanitary conditions
are also highly affected, e.g. in southern
and eastern Europe and some parts of
the Middle East. Outbreaks of hepatitis
E have occurred in Algeria, Bangladesh,
China, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mexico, Myanmar,
Nepal, Pakistan, Somalia, and the Central Asian Republics of the CIS. The mortality rate is low (0.2% of icteric cases)
and the disease ultimately resolves. Occasionally, extensive necrosis of the liver
occurs during the first 6 8 weeks of illness. In such cases, high fever, marked
abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice, and
hepatic encephalopathy (with coma and
seizures) are the signs of fulminant hepatitis, leading to death in 70 90%
of the patients. In these cases, mortality is highly correlated with increasing age, and survival is uncommon over
50 years of age. Among patients with
chronic hepatitis B or C or underlying
liver disease, who are super infected
with hepatitis A virus, the mortality rate
increases considerably. Hepatitis E is
mainly found in young to middle-aged
adults. Women in the third trimester of
pregnancy are especially susceptible to
acute fulminant hepatitis arising from
hepatitis E infection. <www> (WHO,

Dengue virus
Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an
Aedes mosquito infected with any one of
the four dengue viruses. It occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world.
Symptoms appear 3 14 days after the
infective bite. Dengue fever is a febrile
illness that affects infants, young children and adults. Symptoms range from
a mild fever, to incapacitating high fever, with severe headache, pain behind
the eyes, muscle and joint pain, and rash.
There are no specific antiviral medicines
for dengue. It is important to maintain
hydration. Dengue haemorrhagic fever
(fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding) is a potentially lethal complication,

Mosquito breeding sites

The mosquitoes are found indoors, in closets and other dark places. Outside, they rest where
it is cool and shaded. The female mosquito lays her eggs in water containers in and around
homes, schools and other areas in towns or villages. These eggs become adult in about 10
days. Dengue mosquitoes breed in exposed water storage containers. Favoured breeding
places are: barrels, drums, jars, pots, buckets, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles, tins, tyres, water cooler etc., and a lot more places where rainwater collects or is
stored. All efforts of control should be directed against the mosquitoes. It is important to take
control measures to eliminate the mosquitoes and their breeding places. However, the efforts
should be intensified before the transmission season (during and after the rainy season) and
at the time of epidemics.
The spread of dengue is attributed to expanding geographic distribution of the four dengue
viruses and their mosquito vectors, the most important of which is the predominantly urban species Aedes aegypti. A rapid rise in urban populations is bringing increasing numbers
of people into contact with this vector, especially in areas favouring mosquito breeding, e.g.
where household water storage is common and where solid waste disposal services are
inadequate. <www> (WHO, 2008f)

Plates used for holding water

under flowerpots

Figure 18: Body fluids containing different

virus concentrations. <www> (CDC)
Hepatitis A: Facts & figures
There are 1.5 million cases of clinical
hepatitis A every year. (WHO, 2004)

affecting mainly children. Early clinical

diagnosis and careful clinical management by experienced physicians and
nurses increase survival of patients.
Aedes mosquitoes generally acquire
the virus while feeding on the blood of
an infected person. After virus incubation for 8 10 days, an infected mosquito is capable, during probing and blood
feeding, of transmitting the virus to susceptible individuals for the rest of its life.
Infected female mosquitoes may also
transmit the virus to their offspring via
the eggs, but the role of this in sustaining transmission of virus to humans has
not yet been delineated.

Tyres kept outdoors collect


Open water container

Not easily emptied large water storage container without

tight fitting lid

Barrel without lid for water


Coconut shells collecting rainwater (poor garbage


Photos 9: Examples of mosquito breeding sites for dengue. <www> (WHO, 2008f)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 20

3 Diseases

Humans are the main amplifying host

of the virus, though studies have shown
that in some parts of the world monkeys may become infected and perhaps
serve as a source of virus for uninfected mosquitoes. The virus circulates in
the blood of infected humans for two to
seven days, at approximately the same
time as they have fever. Aedes mosquitoes may acquire the virus when feeding on an individual during this period.
<www> (WHO, 2008f)

Dengue: Facts & figures

The global prevalence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. Before 1970,
only nine countries had experienced dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) epidemics, a
number that had increased more than four-fold by 1995.
Some 2500 million people two fifths of the worlds population are now at risk from dengue. WHO currently estimates there may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year.
Not only is the number of cases increasing as the disease is spreading to new areas, but
explosive outbreaks are occurring. In 2001, Brazil reported over 390 000 cases, including
more than 670 cases of DHF.
An estimated 500 000 cases of DHF require hospitalisation each year, a very large number
of which are children. At least 2.5% of cases die, although case fatality could be twice as
Without proper treatment, DHF case fatality rates can exceed 20%. With modern intensive
supportive therapy, such rates can be reduced to less than 1%.
<www> (WHO, 2008f)

Bacteria are microorganisms a few micrometers in size and of varying shapes, such as spheres, rods or spirals.
Unlike animal cells, they do not contain a nucleus (prokaryotes). Bacteria are ubiquitous: growing in soil, in
the deep ocean or even in acidic hot springs. A gram of soil or a millilitre of water can contain several million
bacterial cells. Though the vast majority is harmless or even beneficial to humans, a few can cause diseases,
such as cholera, trachoma or salmonellosis.

Vibrio cholerae
Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection
caused by ingestion of the bacterium
Vibrio cholerae. Transmission occurs
through direct faecal-oral contamination
or via ingestion of contaminated water
and food. The disease is characterised in
its most severe form by a sudden onset
of acute watery diarrhoea that can lead
to death by severe dehydration and kidney failure. The extremely short incubation period two hours to five days enhances the potentially explosive pattern
of outbreaks, as the number of cases
can rise very quickly. About 75% of people infected with cholera do not develop any symptoms. However, the pathogens stay in their faeces for 7 to 14 days
and are shed back into the environment,
potentially infecting other individuals.
Cholera is an extremely virulent disease
that affects both children and adults.
Unlike other diarrhoeal diseases, it can
kill healthy adults within hours. Individuals with lower immunity, such as malnourished children or people with HIV,
are at greater risk of death if infected by
cholera. Cholera is mainly transmitted
through contaminated water and food

and is closely linked to inadequate environmental management. The absence

or shortage of safe water and sufficient
sanitation combined with a generally
poor environmental status are the main
causes of spread of the disease. Typical
at-risk areas include peri-urban slums,
where basic infrastructure is not available, as well as camps for internally displaced people or refugees, where mini-

mum requirements of clean water and

sanitation are not met. Among people
developing symptoms, 80% of episodes
are of mild or moderate severity. Among
the remaining cases, 10 20% develop severe watery diarrhoea with signs
of dehydration. If untreated, as many as
one in two people may die. With proper
treatment, the fatality rate should stay
below 1%. <www> (WHO, 2008f)

Cholera in the past, present, future

During the 19th century, cholera spread repeatedly from its original reservoir or source in the
Ganges delta in India to the rest of the world, before receding to South Asia. Six pandemics
were recorded that killed millions of people across Europe, Africa and the Americas. The seventh pandemic, which is still ongoing, started in 1961 in South Asia, reached Africa in 1971
and the Americas in 1991. The disease is now considered to be endemic in many countries
and the pathogen causing cholera cannot currently be eliminated from the environment.
Since 2005, the re-emergence of cholera has been noted in parallel with the ever-increasing
size of vulnerable populations living in unsanitary conditions. The number of cholera cases
reported to WHO during 2006 rose dramatically, reaching the level of the late 1990s. A total of 236 896 cases were notified from 52 countries, including 6311 deaths an overall increase of 79% compared with the number of cases reported in 2005. This increased number
of cases is the result of several major outbreaks that occurred in countries where cases have
not been reported for several years. It is estimated that only a small proportion of cases less
than 10% are reported to WHO. The true burden of disease is therefore grossly underestimated.
Recent studies indicate that global warming might create a favourable environment for
V. cholerae and increase the incidence of the disease in vulnerable areas. <www> (WHO,

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 21

3 Diseases

Chlamydia trachomatis
Trachoma is the result of infection of the
eye with Chlamydia trachomatis. Infection spreads from person to person, and
is frequently passed from child to child
and from child to mother, especially in
areas of water shortage, numerous flies
and crowded living conditions.
Infection often begins during infancy
or childhood and can become chronic.
If left untreated, the infection eventually causes the eyelid to turn inwards and
the eyelashes to rub on the eyeball, resulting in intense pain and scarring of the
front of the eye. This ultimately leads to
irreversible blindness, typically between
30 and 40 years of age. <www> (WHO,
Trachoma: Facts & figures
500 million people are at risk from

Photo 10: Variable-sized flies on the face of a child infected by trachoma in Gambia.
(Source: Johnson, 2004, Fig. 17)

146 million are threatened by blindness.

6 million people are visually impaired by
The disease is strongly related to lack of
face washing often due to a lack of
nearby safe water sources.
Improving access to safe water sources
and better hygiene practices can reduce
trachoma morbidity by 27%.

Diarrhoea (can be caused by several viruses, bacteria or protozoa): Facts & figures
1.8 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases (including cholera); 90% are
children under five, mostly in developing countries.
88% of diarrhoeal diseases are attributed to unsafe water supply, inadequate sanitation
and hygiene.

(WHO, 2004)

Protozoa are one-celled eukaryotes (in contrast to prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, eukaryotic cells
contain a nucleus) about 10 50 micrometers in size. Many protozoa are parasitic, such as plasmodium
(malaria), entamoeba histolytica (amoebiasis), and giardia lamblia (giardiasis), and can affect human health.
Some protozoa have the ability to form a cyst to survive harsh conditions, such as exposure to extreme
temperature, chemicals or long periods without water or food. In parasitic species, the cyst allows survival
outside the host and transfer from one host to another.

Entamoeba histolytica
Person-to-person contact and contamination of food by infected food handlers
appear to be the most significant means
of transmission, although contaminated
water also plays a substantial role. Ingestion of faecally contaminated water and
consumption of food crops irrigated with
contaminated water can both lead to
transmission of entamoeba histolytica.
Sexual transmission, particularly among
male homosexuals, has also been documented. (WHO, 2006, p.266)

Amoebiasis is caused by invasion of

the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica in the intestinal wall. Amoebic
colitis results from ulcerating mucosal
lesions caused by the release of parasitederived hyaluronidases and proteases.
Hepatic infection occurs as a consequence of entry of the parasite into
the afferent bloodstream. The disease
is prevalent throughout the developing
nations of the tropics, at times reaching a prevalence of 50% of the general
population. It is estimated to cause more
than 100 000 deaths per year. <www>
(WHO, 2008f)

Photo 11: Photomicrograph of an Entamoeba

histolytica. (Source: <www> CDC)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 22

3 Diseases

Helminths (parasitic worms)

Helminths are parasitic worms living inside their host. Intestinal helminths are those that live inside the
digestive tract. Intestinal worm infection is the most common parasitic infection worldwide. About 500 million people in the South-East Asia Region are chronically infected with intestinal worms and all 11 countries
in the Region are endemic. Infection rates differ according to ecology, however, in some communities, they
are as high as 95%. The infection predominantly occurs in school-age children. <www> (WHO, 2008f)

Helminths are divided into:

Trematodes (flukes). Adult flukes
are leaf-shaped flatworms. Prominent
oral and ventral suckers help maintain
position in situ. Flukes are hermaphroditic except for blood flukes, which
are bisexual. The life cycle includes
a snail intermediate host. Chlonorchis, Fasciola, Opisthorchis and Paragonimus are the main trematodes that
cause infection in humans.
Cestodes (tapeworms). Adult tapeworms are elongated, segmented,
hermaphroditic flatworms that inhabit the intestinal lumen. Larval forms,
which are cystic or solid, inhabit extra
intestinal tissues.
Nematodes (roundworms). Adult
and larval roundworms are bisexual,
cylindrical worms. They inhabit intestinal and extra intestinal sites. Examples of species parasitic to man are
Ascaris, whipworm and hookworm.
<www> (Castro; WHO, 2008f)

Ascaris lumbricoides
Ascariasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by Ascaris lumbricoides,
a large roundworm. Children are infected
more often than adults, the most common age group being 3 8 years. The infection is likely to be more serious if nutrition is poor. They often become infected
upon putting their hands to their mouths
after playing in contaminated soil. Eating
uncooked food grown in contaminated
soil or irrigated with inadequately treated wastewater is another frequent avenue of infection. The first sign may be
the passage of a live worm, usually in
the faeces. In a severe infection, intestinal blockage may cause abdominal pain,
particularly in children. People may also
experience cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing or fever. Ascariasis is
found worldwide. Infection occurs with
greatest frequency in tropical and subtropical regions, and in any areas with inadequate sanitation. Worldwide, severe
Ascaris infections cause approximately
60 000 deaths per year, mainly in chil-

soil). After infective eggs are swallowed,

the larvae invade the intestinal mucosa
and are carried via the circulation to the
lungs. The larvae mature further in the
lungs, penetrate the alveolar walls, ascend the bronchial tree to the throat and
are swallowed. Upon reaching the small
intestine, they develop into adult worms.
Adult worms can live 1 2 years. Eggs
in the soil can remain infective for several months or years. (Cf. Fig. 19) <www>
(CDC; WHO, 2008f)

Figure 19: Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides.
<www> (CDC; WHO, 2008f)

dren. Infected individuals (and domestic animals) should be treated with medicine to reduce disease transmission.
Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest
nematode parasitising the human intestine. (Adult females: 20 35 cm;
adult males: 15 30 cm.). Adult worms
live in the lumen of the small intestine.
A female may produce approximately
200 000 eggs per day, which are passed
with the faeces. Unfertilised eggs
may be ingested but are not infective.
Fertile eggs embryonate and become infective after 18 days to several weeks,
depending on the environmental conditions (optimum: moist, warm, shaded

Human hookworm infection is a soiltransmitted helminth infection caused by

the nematode parasites Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale. It
is a leading cause of anaemia and protein malnutrition, afflicting an estimated
740 million people in the developing nations of the tropics. The largest number
of cases occurs in impoverished rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia, and China.
Hookworm transmission occurs by
skin contact with infective third-stage
larvae (L3) that have the ability to penetrate through the skin, frequently entering the body via the hands, feet, arms or
legs. A. duodenale L3 can also be ingested. L3s migrate through the body and
enter the lungs from which they are ex-

Photo 12: Photomicrograph of a hookworm larva. (Source: <www> CDC)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 23

3 Diseases

pelled by cough and swallowed into the

intestine where they first moult twice to
become adults. Adult hookworms are
approximately one-centimetre-long parasites that cause host injury by attaching to the mucosa and submucosa of the
small intestine and producing intestinal
blood loss. The presence of between 40
and 160 adult hookworms in the human
intestine results in blood loss sufficient
to cause anaemia and malnutrition. In
children, chronic hookworm infection has
been shown to impair physical and intellectual development, reduce school performance and attendance, and adversely
affect future productivity and wage-earning potential. Unlike other helminth infections in which the highest intensity infections occur primarily in school-aged
children, high-intensity hookworm infections also frequently occur in adult populations. This is an important health threat
to adolescent girls, women of reproductive age and to outcomes in pregnancy.
<www> (WHO, 2008f)

it can be prevented by protecting water

sources and filtering potentially contaminated water. <www> (WHO, 2008f)
Guinea worm: Facts & figures
Guinea worm, currently found only in
remote rural villages, is transmitted
exclusively by drinking contaminated
water. It can be eradicated with effective and inexpensive interventions, such
as water filtration and vector control.
Major progress has been made with the
number of reported cases plummeting
from nearly 1 million in 1989 to 25 000 in
2006. <www> (WHO, 2008h)

Access to safe water and sanitation

facilities and improved hygiene practice
can reduce morbidity from ascariasis by
29% and hookworm by 4%.
(WHO, 2004)

Guinea worm
Dracunculiasis is an infection with Dracunculus medinensis, a nematode worm.
It is caused by drinking water containing
water fleas (Cyclops species) that have
ingested Dracunculus larvae.
In the human body, the larvae are released and migrate through the intestinal
wall into body tissues, where they develop into adult worms. The female worms
move through the persons subcutaneous tissue, causing intense pain, and
eventually emerge through the skin, usually at the feet, producing oedema, a blister and eventually an ulcer, accompanied
by fever, nausea and vomiting. If they
come into contact with water as they are
emerging, the female worms discharge
their larvae, setting in motion a new life
cycle. There are no drugs available for
the treatment of this disease. However,

The disease causes tens of thousands

of deaths every year, mainly in subSaharan Africa.
It is strongly related to unsanitary
excreta disposal and absence of nearby
sources of safe water.
Basic sanitation reduces the disease by
up to 77%.
Man-made reservoirs and poorly
designed irrigation schemes are main
drivers of schistosomiasis expansion
and intensification.
(WHO, 2004)

Intestinal helminths: Facts & figures

133 million people suffer from highintensity intestinal helminths infection
often leading to severe consequences,
such as cognitive impairment, massive
dysentery or anaemia.
These diseases cause around 9400
deaths every year.

Schistosomiasis: Facts & figures

An estimated 160 million people are
infected with schistosomiasis.

Figure 20: Life cycle of schistosoma.

<www> (CDC)
Photos 13: The female guinea worm induces a
painful blister (above); after rupture of the blister, the worm emerges as a whitish filament
(below) in the centre of a painful ulcer often
secondarily infected. (Source: <www> CDC)

Further questions
Could the use of disinfected drinking
water especially for children lead to
missing immunisation in adult age?
What happens if medical treatment,
such as antibiotics against bacteria, is applied on a large scale? What is the risk of
bacteria becoming resistant?

Schistosomiasis or bilharzia is a parasitic
disease caused by trematode flatworms
of the genus Schistosoma. Larval forms
of the parasites, which are released by
freshwater snails, penetrate the skin of
people in the water. In the body, the
larvae develop into adult schistosomes,
which live in the blood vessels. The females release eggs, some of which are
passed out of the body in the urine
or faeces. Others are trapped in body
tissues, causing an immune reaction.
In urinary schistosomiasis, there is progressive damage to the bladder, ureters
and kidneys. In intestinal schistosomiasis, there is progressive enlargement of
the liver and spleen, intestinal damage
and hypertension of the abdominal blood
vessels. Control of schistosomiasis is
based on drug treatment, snail control,
as well as improved sanitation and health
education. <www> (WHO, 2008f)

Unsafe water often contains different

pathogens. How can the human body cope
with multiple infections?

What about the secondary damage of

infection? How many people still
suffer from survived infections, and for
how long?

Additional info
WHO (2006): Guidelines for drinking water quality [electronic resource]: incorporating first addendum. Vol. 1, Recommendations. 3rd ed. Geneva, WHO. www.
who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/gdwq0506begin.pdf (last accessed 15.07.08)
Download available on the CD of Sandecs
Training Tool and from the Internet.
WHO, World Health Organization,
<www> www.who.int/en/

Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Division of Parasitic Diseases,

<www> www.dpd.cdc.gov/DPDx/

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 24

3 Diseases

3.3 What are the main chemical contaminants in

drinking water?
In contrast to microbial contamination, chemicals arising in drinking water are usually of health concern
only after extended exposure of years rather than months (with the exception of nitrate).
Arsenic and fluoride are important geogenic contaminants of drinking water in developing countries,
whereas nitrate and lead belong to the most relevant anthropogenic contaminants.

In contrast to the previously described

diseases related to microbiological contamination, the diseases caused by
chemicals in drinking water are noncommunicable.
Microbial hazards make the largest
contribution to waterborne disease in
developed and developing countries.
Nevertheless, chemicals in water supplies can cause serious health problems
whether the chemicals are naturally
occurring or derive from sources of
pollution. At a global scale, fluoride and
arsenic are the most significant chemicals, each affecting perhaps millions of
people. However, many other chemicals,
such as selenium, nitrate and lead, can
be important contaminants of drinking
water under specific local conditions.
(Thompson et al., 2007, p.vii)
Most chemicals occurring in drinking water are of health concern only after extended exposure of years rather
than months. The principal exception is
nitrate. Typically, changes in water quality occur progressively, except for those

substances that are discharged or leach

intermittently to flowing surface waters or groundwater supplies from contaminated landfill sites for example. A
number of chemical contaminants have
been shown to cause adverse health
effects in humans as a consequence
of prolonged exposure through drinking
Significant problems even crises can
occur, however, when chemicals posing
high health risks are widespread but their
presence is unknown because their longterm health effect is caused by chronic exposure as opposed to acute exposure. This has been the case of arsenic
in groundwater in Bangladesh and West
Bengal, for example. For some contaminants, there will be exposure from sources other than drinking water, and this
may need to be taken into account when
setting standards and considering the
need for standards. Drinking water monitoring strategies should therefore not be
considered in isolation from other potential routes of exposure to chemicals in
the environment. (WHO, 2006, p.145)




Naturally occurring
chemicals (including
algal toxins)

Rocks and soils,

cyanobacteria in
surface water.

Chemicals from
activities (including

Application of
manure, fertilisers
and pesticides,
intensive animal production practices.

Chemicals from
human settlements (including
those used for public health purposes,
e.g. vector control)

Sewage and waste

disposal, urban
runoff, fuel leakage.

Chemicals from
industrial activities

processing and

Chemicals from
water treatment and

Water treatment
chemicals; corrosion
of and leaching from
storage tanks and

Arsenic is widely distributed throughout

the earths crust, most often as arsenic
sulphide or as metal arsenates and arsenides. Arsenicals are used commercially and industrially, primarily as alloying
agents in the manufacture of transistors,
lasers and semiconductors. Arsenic is
introduced into drinking water sources,
primarily through the dissolution of naturally occurring minerals and ores. Except
for individuals who are occupationally
exposed to arsenic, the most important
route of exposure is through the oral
intake of food and beverages. There are a
number of regions where arsenic may be
present in drinking water sources, particularly groundwater, at elevated concentrations. Arsenic in drinking water has a
significant health effect in some areas,
and is considered to be a high-priority
substance for screening in drinking water sources. Concentrations are often

Table 9: Categorisation of chemical sources in

drinking water. (Thompson et al., 2007, p.6)

highly dependent on the depth to which

the well is sunk.
Arsenic has not been demonstrated to
be essential in humans. It is an important
drinking water contaminant, as it is one
of the few substances known to cause
cancer in humans through consumption
of drinking water. There is overwhelming evidence from epidemiological studies that consumption of elevated levels of arsenic through drinking water is
causally related to the development of
cancer at several sites, particularly skin,
bladder and lung. In several parts of the
world, arsenic-induced disease, including
cancer, is a significant public health
problem. (WHO, 2006, p.306)
Arsenic: Facts & figures
In Bangladesh, between 28 and 35 million people consume drinking water with
elevated levels of arsenic.
The number of cases of skin lesion related to drinking water in Bangladesh is
estimated at 1.5 million.
Arsenic contamination of groundwater
has been found in many countries, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile,
China, India, Mexico, Thailand, and the
United States.
Preventive measures comprise a
reduction in consumption of drinking
water with elevated levels of arsenic, by
identifying alternative low arsenic
water sources or by using arsenic
removal systems.
(WHO, 2004)

Photo 14: Irrigation pumps discharging arsenic

contaminated groundwater to paddy fields.
(Source: Roberts et al., 2007)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 25

3 Diseases

Ingestion of excess fluoride, most commonly in drinking water, can cause
fluorosis that affects the teeth and
bones. Moderate amounts lead to dental
effects, but long-term ingestion of large
amounts can lead to potentially severe
skeletal problems. Paradoxically, low
levels of fluoride intake help to prevent
dental caries. The control of drinking water quality is therefore critical in preventing fluorosis. Chronic high-level exposure
to fluoride can lead to skeletal fluorosis. In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates progressively in the bone over
many years. The early symptoms include
stiffness and pain in the joints. In severe
cases, the bone structure may change
and ligaments may calcify, with resulting
impairment of muscles and pain. People
affected by fluorosis are often exposed
to multiple sources of fluoride, such as
in food, water, air (due to gaseous industrial waste), and excessive use of

Photo 15: Man affected by skeletal fluorosis.

(Source: www.maji.go.tz/units/activities.php
Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Tanzania,

toothpaste. However, drinking water is

typically the most significant source. A
persons diet, the general state of health
and the bodys ability to dispose of fluoride all affect how the exposure to fluoride manifests itself. Fluoride in water is
mostly of geological origin. Waters with
high levels of fluoride content are mostly
found at the foot of high mountains and
in areas where the sea has made geological deposits. Known fluoride belts
on land include: one that stretches from
Syria through Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Sudan, and Kenya, and another
that stretches from Turkey through Iraq,
Iran, Afghanistan, India, northern Thailand, and China. There are similar belts
in the Americas and Japan. In these areas, fluorosis has been reported. Removal
of excessive fluoride from drinking water
is difficult and expensive. The preferred
option is to find a supply of safe drinking
water with safe fluoride levels. Where
access to safe water is already limit-

Photo 16: Boy affected by dental fluorosis in

Kenya. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

ed, defluoridation may be the only solution (cf. defluoridation filters in Module
3). Mothers in affected areas should be
encouraged to breastfeed since breast
milk is usually low in fluoride. <www>
(WHO, 2008f)
Fluorosis: Facts & figures
Over 26 million people in China suffer
from dental fluorosis due to elevated
fluoride in their drinking water.
In China, over 1 million cases of skeletal
fluorosis are thought to be attributable
to drinking water.
The principal mitigation strategies
include exploitation of deep-seated
water, use of river water, reservoir
construction, and defluoridation.
(WHO, 2004)

Exposure to lead causes a variety of
health impairments, particularly among
children. Water is rarely an important
source of lead exposure except where
lead pipes are common, such as in old
buildings. Removal of old pipes is costly but the most effective measure to
reduce lead exposure from water.
Too much lead can damage the nervous and reproductive systems and the
kidneys, and can cause high blood pressure and anaemia. Lead accumulates in
the bones and lead poisoning may be
diagnosed from a blue line around the
gums. Lead is especially harmful to the
developing brains of foetuses and young
children and to pregnant women. Lead
interferes with the metabolism of calcium and vitamin D. High blood lead
levels in children can cause consequences which may be irreversible, including
learning disability, behavioural problems,
and mental retardation.
A recent report suggests that even a
blood level of 10 micrograms per decilitre can have harmful effects on childrens learning and behaviour. <www>
(WHO, 2008f)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 26

3 Diseases

30 January 2000: Cyanide spill in the

Danube example of an accidental
chemical contamination
A dam breaks at the Aurul Mine Tailings
Recovery Plant in north-western Romania,
releasing around 100 000 m3 of wastewater with a high concentration of cyanide
and heavy metals in the Danube through
its tributaries. In view of the magnitude of
the ecological disaster and its potential impact on human health, the governments
of Romania, Hungary and Yugoslavia, as
well as the International Commission for
the Protection of the Danube River Basin,
asked for assistance from the United
Nations system to assess the effects of
the spill.
Acute effects, typical for cyanide, occurred
for long stretches of the river system. Phytoplankton and zooplankton were down to
zero when the cyanide plume passed and
fish were killed in the plume or immediately after. The aquatic microorganisms recovered rapidly, however long-term effects on
biodiversity will have to be shown from further analysis. Chronic effects from heavy
metals should be subject to future assessments, since especially the sediments
have the potential to influence the aquatic
Villages close to the accident site were
provided with alternative water sources;
however, they were allegedly not informed
early enough about the spill. Downstream
drinking water was not affected because
of the use of alternative supplies and deep
wells. Immediate risk to human health
seemed to be minimal from the spill alone,
but chronic health impacts due to longterm pollution by heavy metals are possible. Today, Hungary and Romania have
ratified the Protocol on Water and Health,
which will set up safety provisions and
mechanisms for international coordination
to act coordinately, rapidly and efficiently in
such situations. <www> (WHO, 2007a)

Nitrate and nitrite are naturally occurring
ions that form part of the nitrogen cycle.
Nitrate is used mainly in inorganic fertilisers. The nitrate concentration in groundwater and surface water is normally low
but can reach high levels as a result of
leaching or runoff from agricultural land
or contamination from human or animal
waste as a consequence of the oxidation
of ammonia and similar sources. (WHO,
2006, p.417)
The main disease associated with
high nitrate levels in drinking water is
methaemoglobinemia. It is characterised by reduced ability of the blood to
carry oxygen due to reduced levels of
normal haemoglobin. Infants are most
often affected and may seem healthy
but show signs of blueness around the
mouth, hands and feet, hence the common name blue baby syndrome. These
children may also have trouble breathing as well as vomiting and diarrhoea. In
extreme cases, there is marked lethargy, an increase in the production of saliva, loss of consciousness and seizures.
Some cases may be fatal. Methaemoglobinaemia is now rare in most of the
industrialised countries due to control
of nitrate contamination in water supplies, although occasional cases continue to be reported from rural areas. It is a
risk in developing countries, for example
where the drinking water is from shallow
wells in farming areas. <www> (WHO,

Microbial contamination can increase

the risk significantly. Methaemoglobinaemia has rarely been associated with
nitrate in the absence of faecal contamination of the drinking water. (WHO,
2006, p.196c)
The group at greatest risk is bottle-fed
infants. Breastfeeding protects babies
from methaemoglobinaemia. Boiling water does not remove nitrate. <www>
(WHO, 2008g)
Further questions
How does geogenic contamination differ
from anthropogenic contamination?
An ever-increasing number of people
live in urban areas or close to industrial
sites. How does this affect the chemical
quality of their drinking water?

Is radioactive contamination of drinking

water a problem in certain regions?

Do new technologies introduce new

chemical hazards for drinking water (e.g.
electronic waste)?

If water is chemically contaminated,

accumulation in the food chain may occur
(especially of lipophilic contaminants, e.g.
the pesticide DDT). How does this affect
peoples health?

Additional info
WHO (2006): Guidelines for drinking water quality [electronic resource]: incorporating first addendum. Vol. 1, Recommendations. 3rd ed. Geneva, WHO. www.
who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/gdwq0506begin.pdf (last accessed 15.07.08)
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4 Hygiene Approaches

4.1 How can we disrupt the transmission routes of pathogens?

Washing hands after defecation or constructing safe sanitation facilities are primary barriers that prevent
pathogens from entering the environment.
Washing hands before eating or protecting food from flies are secondary barriers that prevent pathogens from
infecting a new host or contaminating food.

The most effective ways of reducing disease transmission is to erect primary barriers to prevent pathogens from entering
the environment. This can be done by:
Washing hands with soap after defecation or after cleaning childrens bottoms after their defecation.
Constructing sanitation facilities to
prevent the spread of diseases by
flies and contamination of drinking
water, fields and floors.
Where sanitation facilities are badly
planned and constructed, poorly maintained, used wrongly or not used at all,
their construction can set up further
potential disease transmission routes,
and lead to contamination of the environment. Selection of the right technologies, good design, appropriate use
and proper management are required
to protect against these additional risks.
(WHO, 2005, p.10)
Primary interventions with the greatest impact on health often relate to the
management of faeces at the household level. This is because (a) a large percentage of hygiene-related activity takes
place in or close to the home and (b)
first steps to improving hygienic practices are often easiest to implement at the
household level. However, to achieve full
health benefits and in the interest of human dignity, other sources of contamination and disease also need to be managed, such as:
Sullage (dirty water that has been
used for washing people, clothes,
pots, pans etc).
Drainage (natural water that falls as
rain or snow).
Solid waste (also called garbage,
refuse or rubbish).
All these sources of contamination must
be managed in all the locations where
they are generated.
Thus, a full-scale programme to
improve hygiene would need to address
the management of excreta, sullage,
drainage, and solid waste at the following levels:

Figure 21: Barriers and interventions to disrupt

transmission of diseases. (Adapted from
WHO, 2005, p.10).

Households (both formal and

Semi-public places (such as
Public places (such as markets, bus
stations etc).
Refugee communities.
Sanitation and hygiene promotion would
also have to be geared up in many cases
to handle emergency situations. Such
emergencies could relate to the outbreak
of epidemic diseases (such as cholera)
or to a physical event such as a hurricane
or earthquake. (WHO, 2005, p.10)
Secondary barriers are hygiene practices preventing faecal pathogens, which
have entered the environment via stools
or on hands, from multiplying and reaching new hosts. Secondary barriers thus
include washing hands before preparing food or eating, and preparing, cooking, storing, and re-heating food in such
a way as to avoid pathogen survival and
multiplication. They also include protecting water supplies from faecal contaminants and water treatments, such as
boiling or chlorination. Other secondary barriers include keeping playgrounds
free from faecal material, preventing
children from eating earth and controlling
flies. (Curtis et al., 2000, p.25)
By combining the biological reasoning
of the F Diagram and the findings of ep-

idemiological studies, it seems reasonable to conclude that the hygiene practices of prioritisation should be those that
constitute the primary barriers to pathogen transmission. These practices prevent faecal material from entering the
domestic environment of the susceptible
child. Human stools should be regarded
as the public enemy number one. (Curtis
et al., 2000, p.30)
Interventions to establish primary and
secondary barriers comprise hardware
approaches, such as water supply and
sanitation facilities and services, as well
as software approaches of hygiene
behaviour. Cf. Modules 3 7 for details about the approaches related to water treatment, sanitation, excreta, faecal sludge or solid waste management,
and the planning approaches. Motivation
and implementation of hygiene promotion are described in this Module.
An additional approach to reducing
the burden of diseases is the preventive
use of vaccines and disease-treatment
with pharmaceutical drugs. This does
not only protect the individual person
from illness, but can also help to interrupt the transmission route of diseases
and thus benefit the entire community
(despite the risk of pathogens becoming
resistant to the drugs).

Further questions
Engineers building water treatment and
sanitation facilities need to understand all
the transmission routes: Building a septic
tank without air-ventilation does not solve
the problem of fly transmission. How realistic is implementation of the required
interdisciplinary approach?
Additional info
Curtis, Cairncross et al. (2000): Review:
Domestic hygiene and diarrhoea pinpointing the problem. Tropical Medicine
& International Health 5(1): 22-32. www3.
abstract (last accessed 16.07.08)
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4 Hygiene Approaches

4.2 Why is hygiene promotion important and what are the

challenges of hygiene approaches?
Hardware approaches such as water treatment, sanitation facilities and equipment alone are not efficient
enough to disrupt the transmission routes of diseases. It is imperative for them to be accompanied by
software approaches, such as the promotion of hygiene behaviour.
Hygiene behaviour may also serve needs other than only health improvements, such as the desire to create
order and beauty and to show respect for ethical issues.
Some of the challenges of hygiene approaches include frequent confusion of good hygiene (in the moral
sense) and safe hygiene (in the epidemiological sense), the lack of resources and time, and the fact that
hardware approaches are often inappropriate because they were not planned within an overall hygiene
improvement framework.

Hygiene improvements can lead to a

45% reduction in diarrhoeal disease morbidity (cf. Chapter 2.2). Both research
and field experience has shown that
hardware approaches alone typically
have little or no health impact. Access to
water and sanitation must be accompanied by software approaches. Health
benefits from water and sanitation programmes will not be fully realised unless hygiene behaviour is promoted and
achieved. Correct use of the hardware
results in the greatest health impact.
(Heeb et al., 2007, Module 4-5)

Challenges of hygiene approaches

However, since hygiene approaches are
not easily implemented, as they pose
several challenges, a sophisticated and
well-imbedded hygiene promotion is
Hygiene is a complex and confusing
subject. Whilst hygienic practices play a
fundamental role in the prevention of infectious diseases, they also serve other
needs. Amongst these is the desire to
create order and beauty and to show respect for traditional values. Those who
seek to promote safe hygiene need to
both understand the motivations underlying hygiene behaviour in general and be
able to identify specific practices that may
be putting health at risk. Whilst hygiene
promotion is increasingly favoured by
policy-makers because of its potential to
deliver reductions in diarrhoeal diseases
at low cost, such interventions are often
foggily formulated. Good hygiene, in
the moral sense, is confused with safe
hygiene in the epidemiological sense.
(Curtis et al., 2000, p.22)
Changing hygiene behaviour is a key
element and may often be the most crucial step in achieving health gains. Hygiene promotion is all about changing
behaviour. Nevertheless, it is often ne-

Photo 17: Washing hands with water and

soap. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

glected or marginalised in programmes

aiming at improving hygiene; many of
these programmes place much greater
emphasis on the construction of hardware (often prioritising water supply over
sanitation). This not only means that
there is insufficient resources available
for effective hygiene promotion, but it
also means that the hardware installed
may be inappropriate because it is not
planned within an overall hygiene improvement framework. In some cases, these interventions may even make
it more difficult for communities and
households to improve hygiene and enjoy real health benefits. This may happen for example when designs are inappropriate and facilities cannot be used,
or where sections of the community are
excluded. To be effective, sanitation and
hygiene promotion programmes need
to be designed with the hygiene improvement framework in mind ensuring
adequate resources for all three elements, and perhaps in some cases, focusing on hygiene promotion ahead of

construction of physical infrastructure,

which may be a secondary, more longer-term strategy. Furthermore, hygiene
promotion should be seen as a major element in the programme, requiring not
only adequate financial resources, but
also the required levels of professional expertise and effort. Too often, engineers may seek to add on a hygiene
promotion component to what is essentially a latrine construction programme,
without due attention to the complexities of making hygiene promotion effective. An important factor, often neglected
during the planning phase, is the need to
pay sufficient attention to collecting the
types of information required to design
really effective strategies of behavioural change. At the other end of the scale,
insufficient time may be made available
for the needed change in behaviour to
take root. Changing hygienic practices
is often a long-term process, which may
not be achieved for example within the
three-year planning horizon of a conventional water supply project, or indeed the
common term of a local political administration. (WHO, 2005, p.70)
Further questions
If hygiene approaches are so effective,
can investments in other aspects (e.g.
sanitation, immunisation etc.) be reduced?
Are infrastructural interventions combined with hygiene measures more costly?

Traditionally, engineers are not educated

in health issues. How can this be rectified?
Should hygiene promotion be a subject
at technical schools?

Additional info
WHO (2005): Sanitation and hygiene
promotion. Programming guidance. Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
health/hygiene/sanitpromotionguide/en/index.html (last accessed 16.07.08)
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4 Hygiene Approaches

4.3 How to make sure that hygiene promotion works?

Choices have to be made about the behaviours to target. Too many messages can be confusing and
Furthermore, hygiene promotion should build on what exists, target a specific audience, identify the motives
for behavioural change, and communicate positive messages.

Changing peoples behaviour is a difficult and uncertain process. Programmes

have to focus their efforts on a small
number of messages of proven public
health importance if they are to avoid
wasting the resources of both the programmes and target communities. Public health planners thus have to make
hard choices concerning the promotion
of specific hygiene practices. Logically,
these should reflect the particular practices with the greatest health risk. It is
usually not feasible or desirable to carry out full-scale risk factor studies before designing an intervention. Hence,
decisions have to be made in the light
of what is known about the interaction
between human behaviour and the behaviour of pathogens. (Curtis et al.,
2000, p.22)
Hygiene promotion programmes are
to be clearly formulated and visibly effective; hard choices have to be made about
the behaviours to target. Employing too
many messages confuses and exhausts
the attention and goodwill of target populations, and thus wastes precious pub-

lic health resources. Practitioners cannot

opt out of making a considered diagnosis
of the one or two practices most likely to
be sources of risk. This needs to be done
in the light of the biological and epidemiological evidence and on the basis of a
careful diagnosis of behaviour. (Curtis et
al., 2000, p.30)
Much has been learned about making
hygiene promotion effective. The main
ideas are summarised below:
Build on what exists: A hygiene promotion programme should be based
on a thorough understanding of:
The most important risk practices
to be targeted.
Who are primary/secondary and tertiary audiences for key messages.
Who can most effectively motivate
behavioural change.
What may prevent behavioural
How can audiences be most effectively reached.
How can the effectiveness of the
programme be measured.

Target a small number of risk

practices: The priorities for hygiene
behavioural change are likely to include hand-washing with soap (or a
local substitute) after contact with excreta, and the safe disposal of adults
and childrens excreta. Other examples of hygiene behaviour are shown
in figure 22.
Target specific audiences: Audiences may include mothers, children, older siblings, fathers, opinion leaders or
other groups. An important group are
those primarily involved with childcare. Audiences need to be identified
in each particular case.
Identify the motives for behavioural change: These may have nothing
to do with health. People may be persuaded to wash their hands in order
for their neighbours to respect them,
for their hands to smell nice or for
other reasons. Participatory planning
with target groups can be used to discover local views about disease and
ideas about the benefits of safer hygiene practices. This can form the basis for a hygiene promotion strategy.
Hygiene messages need to be
positive: People learn best when
they laugh, and will listen for a longer time if they are entertained. Programmes attempting to frighten audiences will probably alienate them.
Furthermore, messages consisting of
dos and donts can be frustrating and demoralising for the poor, particularly where they urge unrealistic
actions for poor families.
(WHO, 2005, p.70)

Photo 18: Children in Karnataka, India, playing with water. (Source: Marcel Kessler)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 30

4 Hygiene Approaches

Always wash hands

before and after using the toilet and before handling food. Use
clean water and soap
if available. If not, use
clean sand or ash.

Use a toilet. This puts

germs and worms out
of contact with people. If there is no toilet,
it is best to defecate far
from sources of water,
in a place where faeces
will not be touched by
people or animals. Cover
it with dirt to keep flies

Keep animals away

from household food
and community water

A hygiene promotion programme tailored to local customs in Bobo-Dioulasso,

Burkina Faso
In Burkina Faso, the previous diarrhoeal prevention programmes focused on promoting oral
rehydration therapy and improving water supplies. Yet, diarrhoea still causes as much childhood illness and death in urban areas as malaria and respiratory tract infections. Hygiene
promotion programmes could have a major impact but will fail if they are not based on up-todate local information. Small-scale and carefully focused research can increase the effectiveness of hygiene promotion programmes and optimise the use of scarce resources. A study
revealed the following in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Fasos second largest city:
Unsafe stool disposal and inadequate hand-washing are the most widespread risk factors
for childhood diarrhoea.
The target audiences for promotion programmes should be mothers and older children
caring for infants under 3 and school-age children.
As local women do not associate poor hygiene with diarrhoea, the social virtue of
cleanliness is more likely to motivate behavioural change. School children may respond to
peer pressure.
The best channels of communication are word-of-mouth, social gatherings, local radio, and
theatre. Due to illiteracy, print-media are not suitable.
Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and from the Programme Saniya, Burkina Faso, have developed a large 3-year hygiene promotion programme
to reduce childhood diarrhoea in Bobo-Dioulasso. It was tailored to local customs, built on
existing motivation for hygiene and used locally appropriate channels of communication.
Drawing on this experience, they have produced a toolkit to help programme planners design
locally relevant hygiene interventions. <www> (Curtis et al., 2001) and (id21)

Use clean and safe

methods of preparing
and storing food. Wash
fruits and vegetables or
cook them well before
eating them. Feed food
scraps to animals or put
them in a compost pile
or toilet. Keep dishes
clean after using them.

Protect water sources

and use clean water for
drinking and washing.

Photo 19: Hygiene workshop in Yunnan province, China. (Source: Eawag/Sandec)

Make fly-traps and

cover food. This can
prevent flies from
spreading germs. Toilets
that control flies or stop
them from breeding can
help. A fly-trap can be
easily made of a plastic
bottle: Cut the top part
off the bottle, put some
sweet bait, like sugar or fruit, in the bottle
and put the top back in
the bottle upside-down.
Flies will fly in but will
not be able to fly out.

Further questions
Dont people in developing countries have their own, culturally individual hygiene behaviour? Dont people feel patronised and restricted in their independence if told how to behave?
Hygiene workshops and implementation of hygiene behaviour can be very time-consuming.
How is this time investment compensated?

Who should be conducting hygiene promotion in the villages outsiders or locals? Whose
teaching is more effective?

Additional info
Appleton and Sijbesma (2005): Hygiene promotion. Thematic overview paper 1. Delft, IRC.
www.irc.nl/content/download/23457/267837/file/TOP1_HygPromo_05.pdf (Iast accessed
Conant (2005): Sanitation and Cleanliness for a healthy environment. Berkeley, Hesperian
Foundation. www.hesperian.info/assets/environmental/EHB_Sanitation_EN_lowres.pdf (Iast
accessed 16.07.08)

Conant and Fadem (2008): A Community Guide to Environmental Health. Berkeley, Hesperian Foundation. www.hesperian.info/assets/EHB/EnviroBook4DL.pdf (Iast accessed 16.07.08)

Figure 22: Some examples of hygiene

behaviour to prevent the spread of pathogens.
(Conant, 2005, p.8)

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4 Hygiene Approaches

4.4 Why is it important to monitor and evaluate hygiene

promotion programmes?
Monitoring at the local level is absolutely necessary to ensure that the hygiene inputs are delivered and the
expected outcomes attained.
Evaluation provides a more systematic assessment of whether visions and objectives are being met in the long
run and in the most effective manner possible.

Photo 20: Monitoring of a mapping exercise with children in Ethiopia. (Source: Kar, 2008)

Evaluation of a hygiene promotion programme in Kerala, India

After conclusion of a hygiene promotion intervention in Kerala, researchers studied the
sustainability of behavioural change. They used various methods, including a questionnaire to
assess knowledge, spot observation, demonstration of skills on request, and household
pocket voting to measure the hygiene outcome. Hence, the researchers evaluated the impact
of the different intervention components on women, men, girls and boys two to nine years
after the programme had ended. They also assessed the extent of the programmes longterm changes in the use of newly installed toilets and hand-washing behaviour.
The results of the study can be summarised as follows:
The programmes interventions led to a change in hygiene behaviour, which was sustained
over time.
More than half of the adults reported good hand-washing practices, compared to less than
10 percent in a control area.
The practice of hand-washing was not significantly associated with the passage of time
since the interventions up to nine years in some communities thus indicating that
behavioural change had taken place and persisted.
Women recalled taking part in health education classes and this was significantly associated with good hand-washing practice, indicating that the classes are an effective part of the
The effect of home visits and an awareness campaign on hygiene behaviour were not as
significant, however, the home visits had an impact on knowledge.
Analysis of the impact of interventions on mens hand-washing suggests that this occurred
indirectly, as most men did not attend the education sessions on health and hygiene or on
maintenance and use of toilets.
The report suggests that changes in hygiene behaviour may persist indefinitely as a result of
such interventions. This implies that interventions promoting good hygiene are more costeffective than previously accepted, since their benefits may persist for years to come. However, for changes in hygiene behaviour to be fully effective, the study also recommends that
the interventions should target also men directly and not only women. <www> (Cairncross et
al., 2005) and (id21)

Generally, monitoring observes a situation for any changes that may occur
over time, using one or more appropriate
measuring device. Evaluation in contrast
is the systematic determination of the
merit and significance of something.
It is essential to monitor key results
(ideally improved health) to ensure
that public investments result in public
benefits. However, monitoring long-term
health trends is difficult and can probably only be the subject of periodic evaluations. Instead, it is often more practical to measure service coverage, use of
facilities and hygiene behaviour. (WHO,
2005, p.57). Monitoring systems provide
a rapid and continuous assessment of
what is happening. Monitoring is primarily needed at the project level to show
Inputs (investments, activities, decisions) are being made as planned.
Inputs are leading to expected outputs
(latrines built, behavioural change).
Inputs are being made within the
agreed vision and rules.
Evaluation provides a more systematic
assessment of whether visions and objectives are being met in the long run and
in the most effective manner possible.
(WHO, 2005, p.56)
Further questions
Hygiene promotion programmes are
often implemented within a specific framework along with technical water and sanitation improvements. In many cases, it is
ethically unjustifiable to conduct real experiments, i.e. experiments with a test or
control group. How can the health effect of
hygiene promotion alone be evaluated?
What objectives other than improved
health does hygiene promotion have?

Additional info
WHO (2005): Sanitation and hygiene
promotion. Programming guidance. Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
health/hygiene/sanitpromotionguide/en/index.html. (last accessed 16.07.08)
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4 Hygiene Approaches

4.5 What further aspects of hygiene approaches have to be

An enabling environment is imperative for effective hygiene promotion: Well-organised communities, institutions and organisations are needed.
Hygiene promotion is a very cost-effective intervention.
There are often many more concrete and powerful incentives for water, sanitation and hygiene
improvements than the promise of better health, e.g. time saved, increased social status, convenience,
esteem or financial gain.

To ensure that hygiene approaches are implemented and effective along with hardware and hygiene promotion, political,
socio-cultural and economic aspects also
have to be considered. The so-called Hygiene Improvement Framework is a useful conceptual model for planning and implementing water and sanitation projects
(cf. Figure 23). The three components,
i.e. access to hardware, hygiene promotion and enabling environment, are all
appropriate. Health and hygiene efforts
can have positive results even if not accompanied by hardware interventions in
sanitation and water provision. However,
an integrated programme with all three
components would be ideal. (Appleton
et al., 2005, p.13)

Political and institutional aspects

Governments and others concerned with
inadequate hygiene may also want to develop the capacities of local governments
and groups to plan and manage their own
action programmes for improved hygiene
Access to

practices and conditions in their communities. In community-managed hygiene

promotion programmes, a representative
local organisation manages the planning
and implementation of local hygiene promotion activities. The programme may
have a range of objectives:
Immediate: to mobilise community resources and build capacities to
identify and measurably reduce risky
conditions and practices, as well as
strengthen positive ones of peoples
own choice.
Longer-term: to reach and maintain
a level of hygiene acceptable to the
women and men of the community,
which prevents or significantly reduces the previously existing risks of disease transmission.
Ultimate: to empower communities
to solve their own hygiene problems
and reduce the local incidence of and
mortality from water and sanitationrelated diseases.


Water supply systems

Social mobilization

Improved sanitation

Community participation

Household technologies
and materials

Social marketing

Safe water containers
Effective water treatment


Diarrheal Disease Prevention
Policy improvement

Institutional strengtening
Community organization
Financing and cost
Crosssector & PP partnerships
Figure 23: The hygiene improvement framework. (WHO, 2005, p.14)

In addition to direct hygiene and healthrelated objectives, there may also be wider developmental objectives: strengthen
the sense of community and community
action, increase the analytical, managerial and problem solving capacities of community members, reduce inequalities
between genders and social and economic groups, enhance self-confidence
and self-respect of various groups, including those that are disadvantaged or
Community-managed hygiene promotion programmes are best undertaken
with relatively well-organised communities with active leaders and their own
resources. The communities need not
be homogeneous and well off, but unity and solidarity have to be sufficiently
strong. Otherwise, interested communities may first need to demonstrate that
they can form active organisations and
effectively manage some form of locally initiated change. A community may
vary from a single neighbourhood or village to administrative clusters, covering
a number of distinct settlements. In the
latter case, there are often two organisational layers:
The organisation at the neighbourhood
or village level organises the participatory planning, implementation and
The organisation at the overall community level manages the overall programme, dealing with such aspects
as aggregation or co-ordination of
lower level plans, contracting and procurement, financial management, and
accounting for their work to the contributing male and female heads of
Community organisations that manage
local hygiene promotion must represent
the different interest groups and capabilities in their neighbourhood, village
or larger settlement. Typically, members are women and men from the difSandec Training Tool: Module 2 33

4 Hygiene Approaches

ferent socio-economic, ethnic and religious sections with a good range in

ages and skills. The groups to which they
belong choose them for their commitment, trust, time, and relevant expertise
(traditional and modern) in health and
Should organisations for locally managed improvements include political
leaders and government functionaries?
The latter can be of great help but can
also dominate decisions and monopolise benefits. The solution depends on
local conditions. They may be respected
and represent the interests of all. Otherwise, some kind of checks and balance is
needed. Political leaders and functionaries have sometimes also become ex-officio members, or the organisation that
manages the hygiene improvements is a
sub-committee with its own status and
authority under a local government body.
(Appleton et al., 2005, p.23)

Financial and economic aspects

As regards the economic aspects of
hygiene approaches, both the costs of
hygiene promotion and the benefits of
the approach have to be taken into consideration. Cost-effective is regarded
as something economical based on the

Is hygiene promotion cost-effective? A case study from Burkina Faso

Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Burkina Faso
Ministry of Health investigated the cost-effectiveness of the Saniya hygiene promotion
programme in Bobo-Dioulasso (the programme is described in chapter 4.3). They conducted a
cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the efficiency and affordability of the intervention
relative to the status quo and obtained the following results:
The total provider costs, including startup and three years running costs, amounted to
US$ 302 507.
Core programme activities (house-to-house visits, participatory discussions in health
centres, hygiene promotion in schools, street theatre, and radio broadcasts) accounted for
only 31% of the costs, while administration consumed 40%.
Salaries represented 47% of the total costs, communication 10%, equipment 7%, and
transport 7%.
The total costs for the 7286 households revealing behavioural change during the three-year
programme in terms of soap and water amounted to US$ 160 125 (US$ 7.3 per year and
The programme averted an estimated 8636 cases of diarrhoea, 864 outpatient consultations, 324 hospital referrals, and 105 deaths.
Savings to the provider from reduced treatment costs were estimated at US$ 10 716 and
the corresponding savings to households were US$ 9136. This gives a total saving to society of US$ 19 852, which rises to US$ 393 967 if indirect savings of caregiver time and lost
productivity associated with child death are included.
The provider costs per case of diarrhoea averted totalled US$ 33.8. The cost to society was
US$ 51.3, plummeting to US$ 7.9 if indirect savings are included.
The researchers concluded that hygiene promotion reduces childhood diarrhoea in Burkina
Faso to less than one per cent of government health spending and to less than two per cent
of household budgets. They also point out that:
Replicating the programme elsewhere would involve less research and startup investment,
reducing provider costs to US$ 26.9 per case of diarrhoea averted.
The programme will be more cost-effective in areas with a higher incidence of childhood diarrhoea, which may offset the increased transport and communication costs of the
programme in rural areas.
Acceptability of this cost-effectiveness ratio in other settings will depend on resource
constraints and available budget.
<www> (Borghi et al., 2002) and (id21)


(US$ per DALY


1658 8274


1402 8357


257 4565

Oral rehydration

132 2570


527 2001

Sanitation construction and promotion


House connection
water supply


Hand pump or


Water sector regulation and advocacy


Sanitation promotion


benefits produced by the money spent.

Table 10 compares the cost-effectiveness of different disease intervention

Socio-cultural aspects
Those who plan, implement, manage,
and study hygiene improvements often
want to educate people by informing
them about the interrelation of good hygiene and improved health. However,
local people themselves often do not
consider health benefits as the primary
reason for improving their hygiene or for
investing in improved water and sanitation facilities.
These views are in many ways quite
right. The different transmission patterns
for different diseases reveal that improvements may depend on large numbers of people changing a wide range of
risky behaviours and conditions. It thus
seems paradox that the quickest and

widest adoption of good and often more

cost-effective hygiene practices is to rely
on social ambitions rather than health arguments to motivate people to adopt improved hygiene. These motivating factors vary for the different groups, and
facilitators of participatory hygiene promotion need to be sensitive to the attitudes and culture of each group.
Those in charge of programmes and
projects often have problems accepting this view. They reason that if people know what makes them ill and know
how to prevent it, they will automatically
change their practices, no matter what it
costs them in terms of money, time, conflicts, and criticism. The hard facts provide a different picture. Convenience,
status, esteem, and financial gain are the
stronger driving forces that affect peoples decisions on many aspects of their

Table 10: Interventions and their costeffectivenesses. (Compiled from

Laxminarayan et al., 2006)

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 34

4 Hygiene Approaches

There are many more concrete and

therefore more powerful incentives for
water, sanitation and hygiene improvements than the promise of better health.
These incentives differ for different
Women and children appreciate less
hardship and more time for rest, play
(children) and schooling.
Men sometimes discount such benefits on the basis that there is no
need for schooling of women and girls
and idleness breeds laziness. Incomegenerating potential and peer pressure are more important incentives
for the men.
Among those in the higher socio-economic group, in lower groups climbing
up or aspiring to do so and in groups
with urban contact, increased social
status and following opinion leaders
and trends are important motivating
Willingness to pay for improved sanitation is much higher in densely populated areas than in areas with lots of
space and vegetation.
In using motivating factors of the user
groups themselves, promoters also need
to be aware of countervailing forces.
Often, the promoted hygiene behaviour
also has certain costs, such as requiring women and girls to invest resources that they are short of and cannot control, such as time, money and criticism
from other family members. For example, mothers-in-law or husbands have
commented negatively on wasting water in dry times, or regard money spent
on good hygiene as wasteful. In many
cultures, women and girls generally
already work longer hours than boys and
men, and more hygiene work competes
with other tasks. They can also often not
impact behaviours of other family members. A targeted approach agreeing on
the main goals and identifying different
groups for different practices addressed
through a family, peer group and community approach is thus important for durable success.
Health communication specialists
have developed models to try and encapsulate the ways to influence hygiene behaviour while respecting local cultures

Zimbabwes community health clubs create demand for better hygiene and sanitation
In rural Zimbabwe, community health clubs (CHCs) have been set up to change health
behaviour and increase demand for better sanitation. A study of the clubs impact suggests
that they have helped to change up to 17 key hygiene practices. This approach could now be
replicated in other countries. Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine report from rural Zimbabwe where a model of community mobilisation is working to
change hygiene and sanitation practices.
The project began in 1995 in the form of a pilot study and has since led to the creation of hundreds of CHCs across rural Zimbabwe. The CHCs are voluntary groups led by local health
technicians. CHCs aim to improve health and sanitation in villages by providing information
and group support through weekly meetings. The study reports on the results of this approach in two rural districts with more than 13 000 CHC members. The researchers found
The CHCs were very popular and increased the sense of unity within communities.
Participants felt a sense of achievement from improving their hygiene practices through the
Women were more prominent in CHCs in communities where men were absent. Participation in the clubs increased womens confidence and social standing in their communities.
Many families who attended the clubs improved their sanitation practices, including the
correct methods of hand-washing with soap. Families who had no access to latrines began
to practise faecal burial.
Levels of demand for sanitation and latrines increased substantially in the population. As a
result, 47% of the population in the areas with functioning CHCs had access to latrines as
compared to 2% in the non-CHC control area.
In sum, the study found that CHCs were an effective way to improve the sanitation and
hygiene practices in poor rural areas because they create a culture of cleanliness among a
population. It also showed that a strong community structure may help improve sanitation and
hygiene behaviour. <www> (Waterkeyn et al., 2005) and (id21)

and beliefs. An example is the BASNEF

Model, which stands for Beliefs, Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Enabling
Factors. According to this model, an individual will adopt a new practice if he
or she believes that the practice has sufficient benefits health or otherwise
and if he/she considers these benefits
important. He or she may then develop
a positive attitude to the change. Positive or negative influences or subjective
norms important to him or her from others in the persons environment will also
influence the persons decision to try the
new practice.
Skills, time and means (enabling factors) are also required to adopt the practice. When the new practice is then actually found to have immediate benefits
a cleaner environment, less hardship,
recognition from respected others it
will be most likely continued. Improved
health is seldom such an immediate benefit. Therefore, it is often not a major
reason why the new practice is adopted, though when asked, people will often give this reason, as they know it is
the expected answer. (Appleton et al.,
2005, p.14)

Further questions
Why are the very cost-effective hygiene
approaches not established globally?
Why do some people have difficulties in
making the link between the diseases
occurring in their families or communities
and their hygiene behaviour?

Additional info
Appleton and Sijbesma (2005): Hygiene promotion. Thematic overview paper
1. Delft, IRC. www.irc.nl/content/download/23457/267837/file/TOP1_HygPromo_
05.pdf (last accessed 16.07.08)
WHO (2005): Sanitation and hygiene
promotion. Programming guidance. Geneva, WHO. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
health/hygiene/sanitpromotionguide/en/index.html (last accessed 16.07.08)

Laxminarayan, Chow, et al. (2006):

Chapter 2 Intervention Cost-Effectiveness: Overview of Main Messages. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. New York, The World Bank / Oxford
University Press. http://files.dcp2.org/pdf/
DCP/DCP02.pdf (last accessed 16.07.08)

Download available on the CD of Sandecs

Training Tool and from the Internet.

Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 35

5 References and Links

Bold: The key readings (additional info)

are available on the CD of Sandecs
Training Tool. They are open source
products. The user must always give
credit in citations to the original author,
source and copyright holder.

Appleton, B. and Sijbesma, C. (2005): Hygiene promotion. Thematic overview paper
1. IRC, Delft.
Borghi, J., Guinness, L., Ouedraogo, J. and
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Cairncross, S. and Kolsky, P. (2002): Environmental health and the poor our shared
Cairncross, S., ONeill, D., McCoy, A. and
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Cairncross, S., Shordt, K., Zacharia, S. and
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Connolly, M. (Ed.) (2005): Communicable
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5 References and Links

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WHO (2008h): Control of Neglected Tropical
Diseases (NTD). www.who.int/neglected_
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Sandec Training Tool: Module 2 37

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