Thesis Tadesse 2015

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Tadesse Abadi

January, 2015

Haramaya University

A Thesis Submitted To Postgraduate Program Directorate

(School of Plant Sciences)


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of


Tadesse Abadi Assemaw

January, 2015

Haramaya Ethiopia


As Thesis Research advisors, we hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this thesis
prepared, under our guidance, by Tadesse Abadi, entitled “Growth and Yield Response of
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Varieties to Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates at Gantaafeshum,
Northern Ethiopia” We recommend that it to be submitted as it fulfills the requirements.

Wassu Mohammed (PhD) _________________ ________________

Major Advisor Signature Date

Gebremedhin Woldewahid (PhD) _________________ ________________

Co-Advisor Signature Date

As members of the Board of Examiners of the MSc. Thesis Open Defense Examination,
we certify that we have read and evaluated the Thesis prepared by Tadesse Abadi, and
examined the candidate. We recommended that the Thesis be accepted as it fulfills
requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Horticulture).

Professor Kebede W/tsadik _________________ ______________

Chairman Signature Date

Professor Nigussie Dechassa _________________ ______________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

Getachew Tabor (PhD) _________________ ______________

External Examiner Signature Date


This Thesis manuscript is dedicated for the memory of my mother Adanu Berhe Bitew
(1940-2010). She was eager to see every success and stability in my life, Oh! May God
would keep her soul in his domicile forever.


First, I declare that this thesis is my bonafide work and that all sources of materials used for
writing it have been dully acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for MSc degree at the Haramaya University and is
deposited at the Library of the University to be available to borrowers under the rules and
regulations of the Library. I solemnly declare that this thesis has not been submitted to any
other institutions anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.

Quotations from this thesis are allowable without special requiring permission provided
that an accurate acknowledgment of the source is made. Requests for permission for
extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or part may be
granted by the Head of the Department of Plant Sciences or the Dean of Graduate Studies
when in his/her judgment the proposed use of the material is for scholarly interest. In all
other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author.

Name: Tadesse Abadi Assemaw Signature _________________

Place: Haramaya University, Haramaya

Date of submission: January, 2016


The author, Tadesse Abadi Assemaw, was born at Alamata town, which is located in the
Southern part of Tigray Region State, Northern Ethiopia, on 01 May 1978. He attended
elementary education at Edget Fana Elementary School from 1984 to 1991 and junior and
secondary education at Tadagiwa Ethiopia Senior Secondary School (TESSS) from 1992 to
1997, respectively.

He joined Ambo College of Agriculture (now Ambo University) to study for a Diploma in
General Agriculture in 1999. Soon after he was graduated from Ambo College of Agriculture
(ACA), he was employed by Raya Valley Integrated Agricultural Development Project
(RVIADP) in 2000 and served as supervisor for about two years and then left the project, and
was employed by Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) as technical assistant.

The institute gave him a chance to upgrade his qualification status to B.Sc. level. For this
purpose, he joined Mekelle University in 2003 and graduated in 2007 from Department of
Dry Land Crop and Horticultural Science (DCHS) in horticultural program. Since then he
has been working in different research positions and as team leader.

In September 2013, he joined Haramaya University to pursue his MSc degree in Plant
Sciences majoring in Horticulture.


I would like to acknowledge with a great gratification for all those who directly or indirectly
assisted me and participated in giving constructive ideas and suggestions during the study
period of post graduate. I would express my gratitude with sincere appreciation to my Major
advisor Dr. Wassu Mohammed (Haramaya University) and Co-advisor Dr. Gebremedhin
Woldewahid (LIVES-ILRI Project Coordinator in Tigray) for their genuine desire and
invaluable guidance based on their academic and professional expertise as well as critical
review of the thesis manuscript.

I am greatly indebted to the Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) for providing me
opportunity of post graduate scholarship and also the privilege undertake thesis research
project by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)-Livestock and Irrigation
Value chain for Ethiopian Society (LIVES) project for financial support of thesis research. I
also thank Haramaya University (HU), Department of Plant Science for creating smooth and
healthy environment in teaching and learning process during my stay in the compass. I would
express my thanks to Mr. Desta Fikadu and Dr. Getachew Tabor from Debrezeit Agricultural
Research Center (DZARC) for their opinion and provision of improved garlic planting
materials. The deepest acknowledgement goes to Mekelle Agricultural Research Center
(MARC) staff members for their unreserved facilitation and all possible support from
beginning to the final field and laboratory works.

I would like also to appreciate and thank to Mr. Hailemariam Araya (Village Administrator),
Mr. Tedros Adiaumer (Irrigation Development Agent), Mr. Gebru Birhane and his son Gezae
Gebru (Farmers) for their providing me of the land, data collection, for the day-to-day
management of the field experiment in Guahgot village-Gantaafeshum district respectively.
Similarly, I would also thanks to Mekelle soil laboratory research center for the permission
to use their soil and plant analysis laboratory.

At Last but not the least, I would like express my deepest gratitude to my beloved wife
Atsede Michael, my elder daughter Arsema Tadesse and younger daughter Yididiya Tadesse,
my mother Zenebu Endris for their prayers, love and affection which encouraged me to focus
on finalizing the study.


ACA Ambo college of agriculture

ATA Ethiopian agricultural transformation agency
ANOVA Analysis of variance
BAU Bangladesh agricultural university
CEC Cation exchange capacity
CIMMYT Center of international maize and wheat improvement
CSA Central statistics agency
DAP Di-ammonium phosphate
DCHS Department of crop and horticultural science
DZARC Debrezeit agricultural research center
EIAR Ethiopian institute of agricultural research
FAO Food and agricultural organization
FAOSTAT Food and agricultural organization statistics
ILRI International livestock research institute
LIVES Livestock and irrigation value chain for Ethiopian society
MACB Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives of Bangkok
MARC Mekelle agricultural research center
MoARD Ministry of agriculture and rural development
NMA National meteorological agency
OARI Organization of agricultural research institute
SM Sub-moist mid-high lands
TARI Tigray agricultural research institute
TSP Triple super phosphate
TSS Total soluble solids

Table page
2.1. General Description 5
2.2. Ecology Requirements and Production of Garlic 6
2.3. Growth and Development 7
2.4. Irrigation and Field Management 9
2.5. Composition and Uses 9
2.6. Garlic Production and Productivity in Ethiopia 10
2.7. Variety Development 11
2.8. The Role of Variety on Garlic Yield and Yield Components 13
2.9. Function of Nitrogen in Growth and Development 14
3.1. Description of the Study Site 18
3.2. Experimental Materials, Treatments and Design 18
3.3. Management of the Experimental Field 19
3.4. Soil Analysis Methods 20
3.5. Data Collection 20
3.6. Partial Budget Analysis 23
3.7. Data Analysis 24
4.1. Pre-planting Soil Sample Analysis 25

4.2. Phenology of the Crop 27
4.3. Growth of the Garlic Plant 29
4.4. Yield and Yield Components 35
4.4.1. Bulb Characters 35
4.4.2. Clove Characters 39
4.4.3. Shoot Dry Weight, Dry Biological Yield and Harvest Index 44
4.4.4. Total Bulb Yield (t ha-1) 47
4.5. Number and Size Distribution of Bulbs and Cloves 51
4.5.1. Marketable and Unmarketable Bulb Categories 51
4.5.2. Marketable and unmarketable Cloves Categories 54
4.6. Cost Benefit Analysis in Garlic Cultivars 56
4.7. Correlation of Yield and Yield Related Traits 59

Table page
1. Description of garlic cultivar used for the experiment during 2014/15 at Guahgot
(FTC) in the Gantaafeshum district of Tigray region 19
2. Soil Physical and Chemical Property of the Study Site 26
3. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on days to emergency of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 27
4. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on days to physiological
maturity of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district
during 2014/15 29
5. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on plant height of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/2015 31
6. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on leaf width of seven garlic
cultivars (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 322
7. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb neck diameter of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 33
8. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on leaf number per plant and leaf length of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Ganta'afeshum district during 2014/15 34
9. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the average bulb weight of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 36
10. interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on average dry weight of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during
2014/2015 37
11. Interaction effect of cultivars and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb diameter of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in the Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 38
12. Interaction effect of cultivars and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb length of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 39
13. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on number of cloves per bulb
of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 41
14. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on average clove weight of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 42
15. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on clove diameter of seven

garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15
16. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on clove length of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 44
17. Interaction effect of cultivar and n fertilizer on shoot dry weight of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 45
18. Interaction effect of cultivar and n fertilizer on dry biomass yield of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 47
19. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on total bulb yield of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 2014/15 49
20. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on marketable yield of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 2014/15 50
21. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the total number, medium and large
size of marketable and unmarketable bulbs of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot
(FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 53
22. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on weight of marketable and
unmarketable clove categories of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in
Ganta'afeshum district during 2014/15 55
23 Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the economic analysis of
garlic yield at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 57


Appendix Page
1 Mean squares from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for phenology, growth, yield
and yield components of seven garlic cultivars evaluated during 2014/15 79
2 Mean squares from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for marketable and
unmarketable clove categories of seven garlic cultivars evaluated during 2014/15 80
3 Effect of cultivar on phenology of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in
Ganta'afeshum district during 2014/15 81
4 Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield and yield components of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 82
5 Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield and yield components of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15 83
6 Correlation of treatments with growth and yield parameters 84
7 Correlation of treatments with growth and yield parameters 84
8 Yield correlations with growth and yield components parameters 85
9 Correlations with bulb and clove size categories 87


Appendix Figure page

1. Ploughing, land preparation and lay out 89

2. Clove preparation and planting 89

3. Watering using water pumps and clove germination 89

4. Farmers' evaluation on vegetative growth of garlic 90

5. Vegetative growth performance of garlic 90

6. Harvesting and data collection 91

7. Bulbs after harvest and laboratory measurements 92


Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the most important vegetable crops produced in Tigray
region; however, farmers are producing the crop from the available cultivars without or with
very low rates of nitrogen fertilizer. The cultivars produced in the region were not evaluated
in comparison to improved varieties to the response of nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, this
experiment was conducted during 2014/2015 in Gantaafeshum district i n Tigray region
with objectives of assessing the effect of nitrogen rates on yield and yield related traits of
garlic cultivars and thereby identifying adaptable and high yielding cultivars with higher
market demand. Seven garlic cultivars (three improved, three locally introduced and one
local) and four N fertilizer rates (0, 41, 82, 123 kg N ha-1) were arranged as 7 x 4 factorial
treatments and laid out as a randomized complete block design with three replications. All
yield and yield related traits were significantly influenced by the interaction of cultivar and
nitrogen fertilizer except leaf length (cm), leaf number per plant, bulb length (cm) and sizes
of bulbs and cloves of different categories that were significantly influenced either by both
cultivar and nitrogen or one of these. The highest total yield was obtained from the cultivar
Bora 1 (12.61 t ha-1) at the rate of 82 kg N ha-1 but the yield decreased to 12.27t ha-1 as the
nitrogen level increased to 123 kg N ha-1. The lowest yield was recorded from the local
cultivar Guahgot (5.31 t ha-1) without N fertilizer application. The quality was determined
based on number of marketable bulbs and weight of cloves.Bora-1 had 44.44 and 20% of
bulbs categorized under medium and large categories, respectively. This cultivar had also
the highest proportion of marketable cloves categorized under medium (27.10%) and large
(33.80%) clove categories. The cost benefit analysis indicated that cultivar Felegdaero
followed by Bora 1 both at 41kg N ha-1 rates had maximum marginal economic return of
148.24 and 135.84, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to suggest the advantage of
growing cultivar Bora-1 at 82 kg N ha-1 followed by Tsedey and Felegdaero varieties both
in combination of 123 kg N ha-1 at Guahgot, Gantaafeshum district and in other areas
having similar agro-ecology.

Key words: Bulb yield, garlic variety, local cultivar and nitrogen


Garlic (Allium sativum L.) belongs to Alliaceae family (Allen, 2009). The origin of garlic is
thought to be in Central Asia (India, Afghanistan, West China, Russia) and spread to other
parts of the world through trade and colonization (Tindal, 1986). Garlic has been used in
China and India for more than 5000 years, and Egypt since 2000 B.C. (Kamenetsky and
Rabinowitch, 2001). Garlic is the most important Allium crop and ranks second next to onion
in the world (Voigt, 2004).

With respect to its production and economic value, garlic is one of the main Allium vegetable
crops in the world and used as a seasoning in many foods throughout the globe. The oil of
garlic is volatile and has sulfur combining compounds which is responsible for strong odor, its
unique flavor and pungency as well as for healthful benefits (Salomon, 2002). Garlic is a
basic flavoring in many types of dishes ranging from vegetable soup, meat, salad, tomato
combination, spaghetti, sausages and pickles (Brewster, 1994). Similar to green onions, it is
eaten as green and blenched tops in different ways as fresh and cooked as well as immature
bulb consumption is common especially in tropics (Rabinowitch and Brewster, 1990). Bread
and butter obtained from garlic have many uses in homes and restaurant cooking and food
preparations (Nonnecke, 1989). Garlic has also medicinal value which is well recognized in
the control and treatment of hypertension, worms, germs, bacterial and fungal diseases,
diabetes, cancer, ulcer, rheumatism etc. (Kilgori et al., 2007(b); Samavatean et al., 2011).
Many people perceived and appreciated garlic for its many medicinal attributes (Rabinowitch
and Currah, 2002).

The plant can perform best when planted on well drained soils. It is better to plant on flat
beds; but on heavy soils, which are poorly drained during the rains; it is advisable to plant on
the ridges. To obtain good yield, producers should give attention to select a land which has
high fertility and apply considerable quantities of manure or fertilizers. Garlic production
requires a growing period of 4.5-6 months and the amount of rainfall ranges between 600 mm
to 700 mm during its production season. The optimum temperature for garlic growing lies
between 12 °C and 24 °C. Garlic withstands moderate frost. Garlic production spread

throughout the country and has been cultivated under irrigated as well as rain fed
conditions, mainly in the mid and highlands of Ethiopia (Lemma and Hearth, 1994).

Garlic is one of the most important vegetable crops in Ethiopia and is used as ingredient of
local stew ‘ wot’ and has also a tremendous use in the formulation of local medicines.
According to CSA (2012), in Ethiopia, garlic was cultivated on 13278.55 hectares of land and
above 1.2 million quintal of yield was harvested during 2011/12 crop season. The average
yield per hectare was 9.34 ton. Garlic is one of the most important bulb crops produced by
small and commercial growers for both local use and export (Metasebia and Shimelis,
1998). As a cash crop, it is used to earn foreign currency by exporting to Europe, the Middle
East, Africa countries and USA (Kilgori et al., 2007). At off season the same quantity of
garlic is usually sold at twice or three times the value of onion (Getachew and Asfaw, 2000).

In Tigray, producing and marketing high value vegetable crops are intensifying throughout
the region. Different vegetables and spices have been introduced and cultivated mostly in the
lowlands or flood plains where source of water and soil fertility is relatively higher. Garlic is
one of the high value vegetable crops produced during the cold season, in rotation with pulses
that have contributed in breaking the life cycle of pest problems and improve soil fertility
(Gebremedhin et al., 2010). In the year 2011/2012 production season, the area covered by
garlic production was about 616.10 ha; the total production obtained from this hectare was
8891.8 tones (CSA, 2012).

In spite of its importance (increasing of garlic production and productivity), garlic yield is low
in many parts of the world, due to genetic and environmental factors affecting its yield and
yield related traits (Nonnecke, 1989). In many garlic producing areas, lack of available
nutrients is frequently the limiting factor next to soil water, because the uptake and liberation
of N, P and S from soil organic matter depends upon availability of water (FAO, 2003). The
other production constraints of garlic include lack of improved varieties resistant to major
diseases and insects (Getachew and Asfaw, 2000). To overcome such production problems,

great effort should have to be made in the selection and breeding of high yielding cultivars
and the development of cultural techniques (Rabinowitch and Brewster, 1990.

The most constraint of garlic production and productivity of the country in general and of the
study area in particular is lack of improved variety (ies) in required quality and quantity.
Consequently, farmers are restricted to use garlic landraces inferior in yield, prone to most of
the diseases and insects with traditional agronomic practices. However, it is supposed that not
all local cultivars are inferior in yield and quality. But less attention has been given to
evaluate the local cultivars along with the improved varieties. Mostly farmers in Tigray region
are using very low fertilizer rate below blanket recommendation. Because, it is not known the
optimum rate of N and apply very small amount which could not have significant function for
the crop production. Therefore, the low yield in the region is expected to be the results of lack
of improved and adopted garlic varieties as well as the low N-fertilizer rates application. To
overcome this problem, it is necessary to introduce improved garlic varieties and agronomic
practices in the area which requires testing and identifying of suitable technologies before
making recommendation.

A study in the Central Ethiopia indicated that application of 92 kg N ha-1, 40 kg P ha-1, and 30
kg S ha-1 was appropriate to attain maximum quality of the crop for enhanced household
income (Diriba et al., 2013). It was also reported that garlic bulbs supplied with N, P and S
improve bulb quality and nutrient contents did not significantly respond to highest level of
phosphorus for bulb yield. Nitrogen and sulphur application showed a direct and positive
effect on pungency and total soluble sugar (TSS) content. This showed that the importance
conducting research focusing on N rates to increase yield which is partly the extension of the
previous study. On the other hand, it is necessary to test different varieties and farmers
cultivars with different N rates to identify variety (ies) and/or local cultivar(s) to attain
maximum garlic yield potential for the specific agro-ecology. This is because that the
varieties and agronomic practices recommended elsewhere may not perform in the new areas
due to agro-ecology and genotype by environment interaction differences. Therefore, this

study was initiated with the general objective of selecting high yielding and adaptable garlic
cultivars with optimum nitrogen level to be applied in the study area.

Specific Objectives:

1. To identify adaptable and high yielding garlic varieties/cultivars with higher market
demand for the study area
2. To elucidate response of garlic varieties/cultivars to nitrogen rates on growth, yield
and yield components of garlic


2.1. General Description

Botanically, garlic belongs to the genus Allium family Alliaceae, which includes important
vegetable crop such as onion (Allium cepa), leek (A. ameloprisum) and shallots (A.
asacloncum). Garlic is a diploid species (2n = 2x = 16) of obligated apomixis and propagated
vegetatively (Figliuolo et al., 2001; Ipek et al., 2003; 2005).

Garlic is propagated asexually, but shows a high morphological diversity among cultivars.
These cultivars have a wide range of adaptation to different environments. Like onion, garlic
plants have thin tape shaped leaves about 30 cm long. Roots reach up to 50 cm depth or little
more. Heads or bulbs are white skinned, divided into sections called cloves. Each head could
have from 6 to 12 cloves, which are covered with a white or reddish papery layer or “skin”
(Hector et al., 2012).

Sexual propagation in garlic is expected to facilitate the exchange of genetic traits from one
genotype to another and to improve garlic cultivars through classical breeding (Kamenetsky et
al., 2004). Garlic does not produce true seed but it is propagated by planting cloves. Each bulb
usually contains a dozen or more cloves and planted separately. Select only larger outer
cloves of the best garlic bulbs for planting because larger cloves yield larger size and mature
bulbs at harvest.

Do not divide the bulb until ready to plant; early separation decreases yields. Select “seed
bulbs” that are large, smooth, fresh, and free from disease. To plant garlic properly, dig a hole
or trench, place the unpeeled clove gently into the hole with the pointed side up (the scar
[stem] end down) and cover the clove with soil. Setting the cloves in an upright position
ensures a straight neck (McLaurin, 2012).

2.2. Ecology Requirements and Production of Garlic

The ecological requirements of garlic is with a reasonably mild winter regions which have
some rainfall followed by a sunny dry summer, with good for maturity and harvesting of the
bulbs are ideal for garlic production (Brewster, 1994). Very high or Excessive humidity and
rainfall are unfavorable to vegetative growth, bulb formation and reduced production. The
garlic plant is easily stressed by insufficient moisture and water logging during its growing
period (Rubatzky and Yamaguchi, 1997). To attain the maximum yield, the top upper surface
should be moist and maintained close to field capacity for most of the growing season
(Brewster, 1994). The geographical areas providing mean monthly temperature ranging from
12-24 0C is best for garlic growing. High temperature is required for optimum bulb
development but cooler condition in early stages favor vegetative growth. Elevations less than
2000 m a s l is not suitable for garlic growth and production (Nonnecke, 1989).

Garlic has a wide area of adaptation and cultivation throughout the world. On global basis,
the leading producers are China, Korea, Thailand, Spain, Egypt and India. The
productivity of garlic in many parts of the world is low due to genetic and environmental
factors affecting its yield and yield related traits (Nonnecke, 1989). The area covered by
garlic exceeds 1,142,000 ha and its average productivity is estimated to be 12t ha-1 in the
world (FAO, 2003).

World production of garlic is ranked 14th among vegetables with a total of 14.5 million ton
(Trejo, 2006). In Mexico, its consumption is about 400 g per capita (Chavez, 2008), and the
production is considered low as compared to other countries such as China (80 % world
production), India, Korea and (20 %) the rest of the world (FAOSTAT, 2011).

As indicated Anonymous, (2004) the term ‘seed’ in the garlic refers to individual cloves
separated from a bulb. The ‘seed’ needed per hectare are very variable as the cloves of
different species vary greatly in size. When using your own planting stock, harvest the
planting stock bulbs later than your main crop, as harvesting very mature bulbs increases the
ease of clove separation, otherwise when out it will produce smaller bulbs. The upper 15-20

cm of the soil surface should be always moist, but not wet, because most of the root system
will be grown in this depth (Trejo, 2006).

Yield and quality will vary with climate, region, altitude, soil and pH, cultural practices, and
the variety of garlic. The term “biological elasticity” describes garlic’s ability to acclimate to
these factors over time. No one practice is best suited for every situation. It is advisable to
conversation with local growers who have experience growing garlic and experiment with
different cultural practices and varieties to discover the best combination for your operation
(Siktberg et al., 2006). Lighter soils will need more frequent water applications, but less water
applied per application. Water stress during the growing season can cause bulbs to be smaller
and is thought to also cause a multiple stem disorder (Anonymous, 2004).

2.3. Growth and Development

Garlic is a cool season plant; it makes all vitality and leaf growth while the temperatures are
cool and the day is short. As the temperature becomes warm and the day is lengthen, the plant
stops making leaves and begins to form bulbs. Cloves or young plants exposed to
temperatures of between 0 0C and 10 0C for one to two months hastens subsequent bulbing
under long days (Moore and Gough, 2010).

A study in the Netherlands conducted by Messiaen and Rouamba (2004) during the life cycle
of plant under go successive stages of growth and development, the dormancy of mature
cloves, induced by the temperature of 25-30 0C is eliminated most quickly at 6-7 0C
vegetative growth is optimal at 18-20 0C. When 12-14 leaves have been produced, bulb
swelling is induced at temperature below 20 0C. There is considerable physiological
variability amongst garlic cultivars. The total growing period varies from 4 months to about 9

According to McLaurin, (2012) the matured garlic cloves planted in the fall go through a
dormant period. Garlic cloves require a period of 6-8 weeks of cool weather after planting
(below 4.4 OC to undergo vernalization inducement to bulb) by low winter temperatures.

During the fall and winter in Georgia, cloves will develop their root systems and initiate some
top growth. The clove will swell considerably, forming a globular bulb with many fine roots.
A pair of intertwined leaves will emerge from the terminal end of the bulb and will eventually
break through the soil, depending on the weather and location. Leaf development will
accelerate with flat, dark green leaves on stems reaching a height of 30 cm or more. Proper
bulbing is a function of adequate growth, vernalization, and subsequent growth under longer
days. As temperatures rise and day length increases, bulb formation begins.

Results show the following development stages in garlic: Sprouting: from sowing to 20-30
days, adventitious roots, leaf emergence and total soluble carbohydrate assimilation in seed
cloves are observed. Shoot growth: from the end of sprouting until 140 days after sowing.
Translocation of photosynthesis to the bulb begins afterwards. Bulb growth: during the
inductive stage, from sprouting, no increases in dry weight in total soluble carbohydrates can
be observed up to 90 days Ledesma et al., (nd.).

For proper growth, garlic needs a period of cold followed by a period of light and heat.
Although garlic requires low temperatures in preparation for bulb development, increased day
length and heat are necessary for bulbs to begin forming (Siktberg et al., 2006). Garlic is a
species of vegetative propagation, showing high morphological diversity. Besides, its clones
have specific adaptations to different agro-climatic regions (Paredes et al., 2007). Garlic
shows wide morphological and agronomic variations in characteristics such as color and size
of the bulb, plant height, number and size of the cloves, days to harvesting, resistance to
storage capacity, dormancy and adaptation to agro-climatic conditions (Figliuolo et al., 2001).

Leaves will begin to turn brown and tops will fall, indicating maturity. Stop irrigation at this
time to avoid bulb discoloration and bulb rots. To ensure bulbs are fully mature, remove the
top layer of soil over the top of a few bulbs and check bulbs to make sure they are fully
differentiated (division of bulb into distinct cloves). Harvest the garlic when 1/3 to 1/2 of the
leaves have died back in this manner (McLaurin, 2012).

2.4. Irrigation and Field Management

Most of the time garlic really likes moist soil. Watering regularly in the fall during
germination is essential. In dry climates, watering is also important. Do not let the upper
surface of soil turn to dust. Try the old farmer's test of clumping a bit of soil in your fist. If the
clump stays together upon releasing your fingers, it is wet enough. If not, water. During the
last four weeks, when the bulbs are finishing off, and the wrappers are drying out, too much
water is not good. You can create a mold or fungus problem. In drier climates some people
like to heavily irrigate at the pre-planting phase to help build a deep soil moisture reserve
(FAO, 2007).

Garlic requires between 2.5 cm and 5 cm of water per week. Like nitrogen, water will have its
greatest effect on yield prior to bulbing. Adequate moisture is still needed after bulbing, but
irrigation should be stopped at least two weeks prior to the expected harvest date. Late-season
irrigation tends to stain the skins and reduce quality (Goldy, 2000).

As Hickey (2012) conducted research in Australian, for optimum yields, water stress should
be avoided in garlic crops prior to the first signs of maturity. The fibrous root system is
confined to the top of soil and sufficient water should be applied to wet the soil to this depth.
Cease irrigation when the first signs of maturity are evident (tops yellowing or necks
softening). If cultivation is necessary for weed control or for water infiltration, keep it shallow
to avoid root pruning. A knife may be used. Weeds that have emerged in the row must be
removed by hand hoeing (Hickey, 2012).

2.5. Composition and Uses

According to Volk and Stern, (2009) bulb elemental analysis in Northern Colorado, bulbs was
significantly different was performed for the elements on freeze-boron, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, and nitrate-nitrogen. They also reported that Nevada bulbs were high
in potassium, sulfur, and zinc and were high in sodium. It has higher nutritive value than other
bulb crops in addition to containing antibiotics like garlicin and allistatin (Maly et al., 1998).

But the growth and yield of garlic is influenced by different nutrition management and other
factors during their production in field (Diriba et al., 2013).

Its flavor is due to a group of sulfur containing compounds and lachrymatory effect of
garlic is due to the high proportion of 2-PECSCO (2-propenyl L-cysteine sulphoxide)
content. The bulb contains about 1.4% of the fresh weight as alliin (Brewster, 1994). Garlic
is rich in sugar, protein, fat, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, fiber and silcon,
in addition to vitamins. Its pungent flavor makes it used mainly as a spice, seasoning and
flavoring for food stuff involving both green tops and bulbs (Kilgori et al, 2007). Moreover, it
contains considerable amounts of Ca, P and K and its leaves are sources of protein, vitamin A
and C (Mahmood, 2000; Samavatean et al., 2011).

As Hector et al., 2012 also reported that bulbs are consumed fresh, totally or partially dried,
and pickled. Although the bulb consumption is more common, tender shoots sometimes are a
delicatessen for sophisticated cuisine. These shoots may be prepared like asparagus. Each
clove is capable to develop a new plant, since they have an apical shoot bud that can elongate
even though they are not sown. This shoot is apparent after three months of the harvest,
depending on the genotype and conservation conditions. These stems produce a strong odor
from two compounds: alliin and diallylsulfide.

2.6. Garlic Production and Productivity in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Garlic is one of the important bulb crops grown and used as a spice or a
condiment throughout the country. It is mainly used for flavoring and seasoning vegetables in
different dishes. It also has many medicinal properties (Abreham et al., 2014).

Small growers in the highlands are growing garlic traditionally but due to faulty cultural
practices, yields are generally low. The yield in large-scale production with irrigation is
expected to be about 10 tons per hectare (CVR, 2009). According to the central statistical
agency (CSA) of Ethiopia, 2011 the number of holders practicing garlic farming is considered

to be 1,411,151 farmers which are much less than that of grains or cereals crops. In the same
year the area under garlic production was estimated 10,690.41hectars and the production
obtained from these hectares were about 1,284,409.36 quintals as well as the average
production predicted 120.15 quintal yield per hectare.

Garlic is adapted to cool climates and should not generally be planted at altitude below 2000
m. a. s. l. Amount of rainfall during the growing period (4 to 6 months) should be 600 mm
to 700 mm. The optimum temperature for growing garlic lies between 12°C and 24°C. Garlic
withstands moderate frost on well-drained soils, rain fed crops may be planted on flat beds;
but on heavy soils, which are poorly drained during the rains; it is advisable to plant on
ridges as for irrigated crops. It is essential to select land with high fertility or to apply
considerable quantities of manure or fertilizers to obtain good yields (CVR, 2009).

Under the comparison of countries in garlic production, next to ten top garlic producers,
China, India, South Korea, Egypt, Russia, Bangladesh, Burma, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, United
states. Ethiopia has placed number 12 in the world ranking and world share of Ethiopia in
garlic exporting was very small amount only 0.7 % (FAOSTAT, 2013).

2.7. Variety Development

The different garlic species are classified in four groups: longicuspis, ophioscorodon, sativum,
subtropical and the pekinense sub-group. The longicuspis group is considered the oldest and it
is postulated to be the original group. The ophioscorodon group is distributed in Central Asia,
the sativum group in the Mediterranean zone and the subtropical in the south and southeast of
Asia. Finally, the pekinense subgroup comes from the east of Asia (Maab and Klaas, 1995).

To develop specifically adapted and high yielding varieties in such variable rain fed
environments like in Tigray, joint experimentation has to be initiated through farmers
experimentation and own innovation (Fetien and Bjornstad, 2008). As Rahim, 2011 explain
that selection of improved genotypes, development of appropriate management practices, and

production of bulb and quality seeds are important to reduce the existing wide gap between
consumption and production. Collect, characterize (morphological and molecular) and
conserve local and exotic germplasms of garlic for developing variety/varieties.

Thirty-three germplasms of garlic were collected from domestic and exotic sources. Yield
performances of these collected germplasms were assessed through field testing. Management
practices for bulb and seed production were also assessed through field trials. After initial
screening, 25 germplasms of garlic were selected and conserved (Rahim, 2011).

The effectiveness of selection depends on the amount of variability present in the genetic
material for yield and yield related characters. The majority of traits important to crop
productivity are controlled by the combined effects of a number of genes that influence
the trait; each has a similar small influence (Pike, 1986). The Mexican genotypes have a
wide variation on clove size and number that reflects good genetic pool for breeding through
individual selection of plants. Some other characteristics are qualitative that may have
positive impact for worldwide market demands. For example, the late cultivars have the
longest storage life (Hector et al., 2012).

Garlic cultivated in rural farms of South Italy is often a heterogeneous clone population,
which can comprise different cytotypes. Significant differences in yield were observed within
and between ploidy levels. Discriminant analysis did show that four characters (leaf basal
width, total number of leaves, clove diameter and neck height) were able to correctly
discriminate all germplasm accessions (Figliuolo et al., 2006).

According to Hector et al. (2012) described that higher differences of bulb diameter were
found among varieties. Plants showing a smaller number of cloves per bulb appeared to have
greater clove weights. ‘Chino’ and ‘Coreano’ varieties also showed a good clove weight
performance. However, they are more susceptible to diseases and they require more time for
bulb formation. Varieties with greater bulb weights appeared to be taller than those with
smaller bulb weights.

Varieties of garlic can be harvested at either 150 (early cycle), 180 (intermediate cycle) or 210
(late cycle) days after planting. Late cycle varieties showed greater bulb and clove weights.
Greatest bulb weight varieties showed more than 75% greater bulb weight than lowest bulb
weight varieties had a better tolerance to environmental conditions, their bulbs had fewer
cloves (10-12), and their bulb and clove weights were favorably compared with those of
commercial varieties in California (Hector et al. (2012).

2.8. The Role of Variety on Garlic Yield and Yield Components

The variety must be selected from a list of recommended or local varieties. Apart from its
adaptation, the variety should have high yield potential, tolerance to biotic and abiotic
stresses, good marketability and high consumer preferences. Unless the variety meets the
requirements of farmers and consumers, it is less likely to be widely adopted and therefore,
the demand for seed cannot be addressed (Bishaw et al., 2008).

The character of yield reflects the performance of all plant components and might be
considered as the final result of many others i.e. every plant contains an inherent
physiological production capacity that operates on energy required for normal plant
performance though all accessions do not have the same inherent physiological capacity to
yield. Breeders commonly find yield to be a very complex array of plant component
interactions and by the manipulation of these genetic systems yield is improved as the result
of plant efficiency improvement (Welsh, 1981).

The yield performances of twenty five garlic germplasms were evaluated and gave quit
satisfactory, yielding 6.5-9.4 t/ha in Bangladesh agricultural university (BAU). Garlic
germplasm G-49 produced the highest yield (9.4 t/ha) followed by G-53 (7.9 t/ha) and G-27
(7.6 t/ha), the National Seed Board registered the G-49 garlic germplasm as garlic-3 variety
for mass production. Allicin content of local germplasm (G-13) is quite high (2.4 mg/ml)
(Rahim, 2011).

2.9. Function of Nitrogen in Growth and Development

Farmers strive to produce high yield and good quality garlic both for consumption and
economic value but soil fertility depletion is among the major obstructions to
sustained garlic production, especially in the less developed countries, because of limited
application of suitable rate, type and sources of fertilizers (Diriba et al., 2013).

Nitrogen has been identified as being the most limiting nutrient in plant growth. Plants
absorb nitrogen in the cation form (NH4+) or the anionic form (NO3-). Plants obtain readily
available N forms from different sources. The major forms include: biological nitrogen
fixation by soil microorganisms, mineralization of organic N, industrial fixation of nitrogen
gas and fixation as oxides of nitrogen by atmospheric electrical discharge. Similarly,
mineralization of organic nitrogen to inorganic forms depends on temperature, level of soil
moisture and supply of oxygen (Tisdale et al., 1995; Miller and Donanue, 1995).

Nitrogen is necessary and important element for increasing the yield and quality of vegetables
such as garlic (Gulser, 2005). As increased the level of N, increased the growth trend of the
number of leaves, leaf length and plant body that garlic has a high nitrogen requirement,
particularly in the early stages of growth. The highest yield was obtained in high N application
of 300 kg N ha-1 (Sardi and Timer, 2005).

Availability of nitrogen is a prime importance for growing plants as it is a major and

indispensable source of protein and nucleic acid molecules. It is also an integral part of
chlorophyll molecules, which are responsible for photosynthesis. It is well known that the use
of fertilizer helps in production and is a somewhat quick method for achieving maximum
yields (Naruka and Dhaka, 2001). Manure is a good supplier of organic matter, but usually a
low and slow supplier of nutrients, as it releases over a year. If you are using manure some of
the above mentioned nutrients will only become available over time (Anonymous, 2004).

The available nitrogen form can be made unavailable or lost via plant uptake, denitrification,

volatilization, leaching, and ammonium fixation (Tisdale et al., 1995). The loss of available
nitrogen through natural processes is believed to surpass the gain (Miller and Donahue, 1995;
Tisdale et al., 1995). This fact has made fertilizer management is an important aspect of
crop production practices (Kleinkopf et al., 1987). Consequently, nitrogen is applied
relatively in large quantities all over the world (Sanchez, 1976; Miller and Donanue, 1995).
The deficiency of nitrogen has an overriding control on plant growth and dominates the
effect of other plant nutrients (Miller and Donanue, 1995; Tisdale et al., 1995).

The nitrogen fertilizer levels demonstrated on Kermani garlic heap progress of 60 to 180 kg
urea, increased length and number of leaves of garlic. At highest application of urea, the
highest yield was recorded (Khodabakhshzadeh, 2001; Maryam et al. 2012).The application of
increasing rates of nitrogen had significant effect on fresh bulb yields. It was observed that the
combined increasing levels of nitrogen from 0 to 120 kg ha-1 resulted in significant in fresh
bulb yield; however further increase to 240 kg N ha-1 reduced the yield (Kilgori et al., 2007).

The morphological characters like plant height, neck diameter and leaf area index, and the
concentrations of N, P, K and S nutrients, and their uptake of garlic plant were significantly
influenced by the applications of different compound fertilizers, season and soil types at
different growth stages (Diriba et al., 2013). Kumar and Rao (1992) and Panda et al. (1995)
indicated that increasing N and P uptake with increasing N and P fertilizer applications to the
soil as a result of improved availability and uptake through increased root growth and
effective absorption.

Based on Tyler et al., (1988) five-year study of garlic mineral nutrition has shown that
responses of the California Early and California Late varieties to fertilizer application are
moderate. Addition 113.5 to 127 kg of nitrogen per ha should be sufficient for garlic.
Application of nitrogen fertilizer increased growth and yield parameters over control. The
application of 200 kg N ha-1 significantly increased the growth attributes like plant height in
cm and neck thickness, bulb diameter, number of cloves per bulb, fresh weight of cloves, dry
weight of cloves, fresh weight of bulb, dry weight of bulb and bulb yield qt ha-1 (165.18) in

comparison to 50 kg N ha-1 and 100 kg N ha-1. However, no significant difference was
recorded between 200 kg N ha-1 and 150 kg N ha-1 (Farooqui et al, 2009).

The different growth parameters improved with increasing application rate of N up to 120 kg
N. Also, bulb fresh weight increased significantly with application 120 kg N than 80 kg N by
17.6 % and 21.5 % in the two growing seasons respectively (ElHifny, 2010). As a result of
comparison, increasing the amount of fertilizer to 200 kg N ha-1 increase highest (16,620 kg
ha-1) yield, and the lowest yield loss (11,530 kg ha-1) was obtained with the application of 300
kg N ha-1 (Khodabakhshzadeh, 2001). In line to this finding , there was also reported with
increasing amounts of urea up to 200 kg ha-1, the yield and quality of garlic showed an
increasing trend than 225 kg N ha-1 (Gaviola and Lipinski, 2008; Dos and Mohanty, 2001).
Buwalda (1986) also reported on the treatment of 120 kg N ha-1 cause yield up to 200 qt ha-1.

Comparison of quantitative traits showed ammonium sulfate fertilizer was more effective in
weight single clove. This can be attributed to a number of clove since urea was also
significantly increased the number of clove, and are smaller clove by increasing the amount of
fertilizer to 200 kg N ha-1 single clove weight gain and then decreased with increasing
fertilizer (Huchette et al., 2004). Correlation between some quantitative traits of garlic
showed the positive and significant correlation with yield and leaf length. Between
performance and bulb diameter and length, diameter and weight clove showed positive
correlation observed at 1%. Leaf length, bulb diameter and length, and the mean number
clove negative clove and significant bulb weight and number of leaves per plant were showed
significant positive correlations (Maryam et al., 2012).

The quantity of nutrients to be applied depends on the yield potential of the cultivar, the level
of available nutrients in the soil, and growing conditions (Marschner, 1995). Similarly,
Selections of the best variety with their proper rate of fertilizer rate are very important factors
to increase productivity and marketability of garlic (Abreham et al., 2014; Shaheen et al.,
2007). The effect of N fertilizer levels on the performance of different onion varieties
suggested that N levels significantly enhanced plant height, produced the bulbs of greatest

marketable yield, total bulb yield (Tibebu Simon et al., 2014).

According to Abreham et al., (2014) the interaction of variety, nitrogen and phosphorus were
increased the total bulb yield. The same manner the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer
application alone as well as across interaction of the varieties had increased on total bulb yield
due to varieties.


3.1. Description of the Study Site

Gantaafeshum is the potential garlic growing district located Eastern Zone of Tigray region,
Northern part of Ethiopia. It is one of the nine districts in the eastern zone of the region and
120 km to the north from the capital city of Tigray, Mekelle (TLZR, 2014). The experiment
was conducted at Guahgot Farmers Training Center (FTC) in the Gantaafeshum district at
2014/2015 growing season, which was planted at off season with irrigation. The testing site is
located at 14º 16' 57'' N and 39º 46' 97'' E latitude and longitude with altitude of 2444 m. a. s.
l. (GPS Reading). According to FAO (2005) area has the mean annual rainfall of 552 mm. It
has mono-modal rainfall which extended from June to September with peak rainy month in
August. The mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures are 7.7 0C and 24 0C,
respectively. The coldest month is December while the warmest month is May. According to
Tigray Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (BoARD, 2009) the soil type for garlic
growing area of Gantaafeshum district is Cambisols.

3.2. Experimental Materials, Treatments and Design

Three improved varieties (Bishoftu Nech, Tsedey 92 and Kuriftu) released by DebreZeit
Agricultural Research Center, under Ethiopia Institute of Agriculture Research
(DZARC/EIAR), three local cultivars (Felegdaero, Bora-1 and Bora-2) which were found
elsewhere in the region, that introduced to the study area and one local garlic cultivar
(Guahgot) was produced locally around the experimental site. A total of seven cultivars were
used as testing materials. There was a Farmers’ association organized at Adishahu district in
Bora village to produce garlic seed, the two local cultivars (Bora-1 and Bora-2) were
produced, maintained and used as garlic seed production. The description of the planting
materials is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Description of garlic cultivar used for the experiment during 2014/15 at Guahgot
(FTC) in the Gantaafeshum district of Tigray region

Cultivar Year of release Breeder/Maintainer

Bishoftu Nech (W-014) 1999 DzARC/EIAR
Tsedey 92 (G-493) 1999 DzARC/EIAR
Kuriftu 2010 DzARC/EIAR
Felegdaero Farmers maintained for many years Farmers around Mekelle
Bora-1 Farmers maintained for many years Farmers around Bora
Bora- 2 Farmers maintained for many years Farmers around Bora
Guahgot local Farmers maintained for many years Farmers around Guahgot

Four nitrogen fertilizer rates viz., 0, 41, 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 were used. The rates were
derived from blanket recommendation rate of urea (100 kg ha-1) and di-ammonium phosphate
(DAP) (200 kg ha-1). Urea contains 46% N and DAP contains both 18% N and 46% P2O5.
Urea was applied as split application. It was applied as one-third during planting, one-third at
active vegetative growth (three weeks after plant emergence) and the rest one-third six weeks
after plant emergence just before bulbing as side dressing. However, 200 kg triple super
phosphate (TSP) (46 % P2O5) per hectare was applied at the time of planting uniformly in all
treatments. The experiment was arranged in 7 x 4 factorial combinations (28 treatments)
which were laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications.

3.3. Management of the Experimental Field

The land was ploughed and leveled properly before planting. The planting materials (cloves)
were planted with the tip in upright position and the basal part of the clove down. The spacing
between blocks, plots, rows and plants were 1m, 0.75m, 0.30m and 0.10m in single rows,
respectively. The spacing between rows and plants which was proposed to be used in this
experiment was adopted from the previous recommendation for the variety ‘Tsedey’ which
was planted on a ridge with the spacing of 30 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants. It
was concluded that spacing 10cmx30cm is optimal for better production of garlic (Mengesha
and Tesfaye, 2015). Weeding, cultivation, and ridging were done at the appropriate time to
facilitate root, vegetative growth and bulb development. The crop was grown under irrigation
with the agronomic managements were applied as per the recommendation made for the crop.

3.4. Soil Analysis Methods

Soil samples were collected randomly from the entire experimental field following a zigzag
fashion from 0 to 30 cm depth before planting using an augur. The soil samples that were
collected from the entire experimental field was made one kg composite sample and used to
determine soil chemical properties. The composite soil sample was air dried, crushed with
wooden pestle and mortar to pass through a 2 mm sieve size for the analysis of physical and
chemical properties. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, soil pH,
cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil texture were determined in Mekelle Soil Laboratory.
The soil pH was measured in 1:2.5 soil water ratios using an electrode pH meter. Organic
carbon content of the soil was determined by Walkley and Black method (Walkley and Black,
1934) while available phosphorus was estimated following the standard procedure of Olsen et
al., (1954) and total nitrogen was estimated by the Kjeldahl method (Jackson, 1958).

3.5. Data Collection

Phenology, growth, yield and yield component data of garlic were collected from the three
central rows either on the basis of sample plants or plot basis as described below.

Days to 50 % emergence: this was recorded when 50 % of the planted cloves sprouted and
emerged out of the soil in each plot.

Days to physiological maturity: physiological maturity was recorded when 75 % of the

leaves of the plants in each plot become yellow, dry and/or shown senescence.

Plant height (cm): the average length of the plant in cm was measured from the soil surface
to the tip of ten randomly taken plants in each plot at physiological maturity.

Leaf length: the average length of the longest leaf, at physiological maturity was measured in
cm from the ten randomly taken plants in the three central rows.

Leaf width: the average width of leaves was recorded from ten randomly taken plants in the
three central rows. One leaf from each sample plant was measured at the widest part at the
time of physiological maturity.

Leaf number per plant: the total number of healthy leaves was counted from the ten
randomly taken plants from middle three central rows at physiological maturity.

Shoot dry weight (g): the total dry weight of above ground biomass was recorded in gram
after drying under sun for seven days followed by oven drying at temperature of 70 0C for 48
hours from ten randomly taken plants. The averages were calculated and above ground dry
biological yield weight per plant was recorded.

Bulb neck diameter (cm): The average thickness was measured at the middle narrow point
of the bulb neck using graduated caliper in cm. It was measured from ten randomly taken
plants from the middle three rows in each plot.

Bulb diameter (cm): bulb diameter was measured from randomly taken five bulbs at the
widest point in the middle portion of the bulb using graduated caliper in cm

Bulb length (cm): bulb length was measured form the bulbs which the bulb diameter was
measured as indicated above. It was measured at the basal end point from the bottom scar of the
bulb to the tip point of the bulb using graduated caliper in cm.

Average bulb weight per plant (g): the average mature bulb weight per plant was recorded
after weighting ten bulbs produced in the three central rows and dividing by the number of plants.

Bulb dry weight per plant (g): the average bulb dry matter weight of ten randomly take
plants for which the average mature bulb weight was measured in gram after ten days of
curing bulbs and drying in oven with a forced hot air circulation at temperature of 70 0C for 72

Number of cloves per bulb: the total number of cloves produced from ten randomly taken
plants were counted and divided by number of bulbs.

Average clove weight (g): This was recorded as average of the weight of ten randomly taken
cloves after curing.

Clove length (cm): the average clove length was recorded as average of five cloves of different
sizes which was measured from the base to the tip.

Clove width (cm): the width of the cloves was measured form which the cloves length was
measured as indicated above. Clove width was measured at the widest point in the middle
portion of the clove using graduated caliper in cm.

Total yield per hectare (t ha-1): total bulb yield of plants grown in three central rows was
measured after bulbs were cured or exposed for ten days to sunlight. The yields obtained from
plots were converted to hectare base.

Marketable bulb yield per hectare (t ha-1): the bulbs harvested from the three central rows
were sorted as healthy bulbs free from defects, disease, and damage and acceptable by the
market, weighted and converted to tons per hectare as marketable yield.

Unmarketable yield per hectare (t ha-1): the amount of unhealthy bulbs (defected, diseased,
immature, badly stained skins, and damaged, etc.) that did not acceptable by the market were
weighted and converted to tons per hectare as unmarketable bulbs.

Marketable and unmarketable bulbs size category: the bulbs that were sorted as
marketable and unmarketable bulbs as indicated above were graded into size categories based
on diameters of bulbs as very large (Jumbo) (>7.62 cm), large (6.35-7.62 cm), medium (5-
6.35 cm) and small (<5cm) (Goldy, 2000).

Cloves size category: cloves of ten bulbs randomly taken bulbs were categorized in to three
market sizes and one unmarketable cloves (very small) on the basis of clove weight as very
small clove (< 1g), small clove (1-2 g), medium clove (2-3 g), large clove ( >3g ) in weight
(MACB, 2008).

Dry biomass yield per plant (g): it was recorded as the sum total of above ground dry
biomass/shoot dry weight and bulb dry weight per plant.

Harvest index (%): was determined as the ratio of bulb dry weight to the total plant dry
biomass weight.

3.6. Partial Budget Analysis

Partial budget analysis was employed for economic analysis of fertilizer application and it
was carried out for combined bulb yield data. The potential response of crop towards the
added fertilizer and price of fertilizers during planting ultimately determine the economic
feasibility of fertilizer application (CIMMYT, 1988). To estimate the total costs, the current
prices of urea and TSP were collected at the time of planting and market price of garlic bulbs
was taken at harvest. The economic analysis was based on the formula developed by
CIMMYT (1988) and given as follows:

Gross average bulb yield (kg ha-1) (AvY): was an average yield of each treatment.

Adjusted yield (AjY): was the average yield adjusted downward by a 10% to reflect the
difference between the experimental yield and yield of farmers. AjY = AvY- (AvY-0.1).

Gross field benefit (GFB): was computed by multiplying field/farm gate price that farmers
receive for the crop when they sale it as adjusted yield. GFB = AjY*field/farm gate price

Total cost: was the cost of urea and TSP used for the experiment. Their prices were based on
2014 price during planting. The costs of other inputs and production practices such as labor
cost for land preparation, planting, weeding, crop protection and harvesting were assumed to
remain the same or were insignificant among treatments.

Net benefit (NB): was calculated by subtracting the total costs from gross field benefits for
each treatment. NB = GFB – total cost

Marginal rate of return (MRR %): was calculated by dividing change in net benefit by
change in cost which was the measure of increasing in return by increasing input.

3.7. Data Analysis

The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) which was appropriate for the
design of the experiment using statistical software of SAS version 9.1.3 (SAS, 2007). Least
significant differences at 5% level of probability were computed to delineate the significances
between and/or among the treatment means. Correlation analysis was conducted for yield and
yield components of garlic.


4.1. Pre-planting Soil Sample Analysis

Composite soil sample of the experimental site was analyzed soil texture and chemical
properties before planting. The soil was classified under clay soil texture (Table 2). Goronski
et al. (2010) categorized the texture of Gloucester and surrounding areas based on the size of
the soil particles. Sandy soils have very large particles, silt and clay (very fine). Water, air and
plant roots can move freely in sandy soil but not in very fine clay.

The total nitrogen content of soil is low 0.104 % (Table 2). Goronski et al. (2010) described
that N content of soil between 0.15-0.25 percent is medium and greater than 0.25 % is high.
Available phosphorus of soil was categorized within very low (6.5 ppm) which was based on
the ranges rated by Egel et al. (2014). Most vegetables will benefit from P fertilization if the
soil test is less than 35-40 ppm P using the Bray-Kurtz P1 extraction method. Also the
exchangeable potassium contents of the soil was considered as low content (75.2 ppm)
because according to Egel et al., (2014), if the soil test is less than 85 ppm K, it is categorized
under low potassium content. There is always some organic matter in soil, but usually not
enough for plant’s needs. It corrects clay soil by making it looser, so that air, water and roots
can penetrate. In all soils, it encourages beneficial microbial activity (Goronski et al., 2010).
The experimental soil was characterized by 0.99 % organic carbon and 1.7 % organic matters
that were characterized as low. According to Egel et al, (2014), soils having more than 3%
organic matter, may not need any side dressing of nitrogen fertilizer. If the soil has less than
3% organic matter, then half the total N can be applied pre-plant and the other half side
dressed early in the crop growth cycle.

The soil of experimental site Guahgot FTC had 28 meq/100g cation exchange capacity (CEC)
which is moderate according to Egel et al., (2014) who related the soil texture with CEC
content, the soil textures like sands, silts, clays and organic soils have 5-15, 8-30, 25-50 and ≥
50 meq/100 g ranges of CEC, respectively. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of
the soil’s ability to hold exchangeable cations such as hydrogen (H), calcium (Ca),

magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al). Cation
exchange capacity is measured in terms of milliequivalents (meq) per 100 grams of soil
(McCormack, 2012). The experimental site had 0.06 dm/m electron conductivity and pH of
6.8 close to neutral soil property. Garlic prefers a fairly neutral pH, 6.5 to 7.0. Soil that is too
acid or too alkaline causes slow growth and late maturity. N is decreasing as soil acidity
increasing while highly available as soil alkalinity increasing (McCormack, 2012; Goronski et
al., 2010).

The soil sample analysis showed that the experimental site was deficient in some macro and
micronutrients. Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA, 2014) had reported that
seven soil nutrients were found to be deficient in the Gantaafeshum district. These are the
total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, available sulfur and extractable
iron, Zinc and boron. The current study results also showed that some of these elements were

Table 2. Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of the Study Site

Soil parameters
Soil physical property Value Soil Status
Clay (%) 82 Clay
Silt (%) 7 ---
Sand (%) 11 ---
Soil Texture >80 clay Clay texture
Soil chemical property
Total N (%) 0.104 Low
Available P (ppm) 6.5 Very low
Available K (ppm) 75.2 low
Organic carbon (%) 0.987 low
Organic matter (%) 1.7 Very low
EC (ds/ml) 0.06 low
CEC meq/100g 28 Medium
pH (1:2.5 H2O) 6.8 Neutral
N-nitrogen: P-phosphorous: K-potassium: EC-electron conductivity: CEC-cation exchange

4.2. Phenology of the Crop

Days to 50 % plants emergence and days to 75 % physiological maturity were significantly

influenced by cultivar and the interaction effect of cultivar by nitrogen fertilizer (Appendix
Table-1). The cultivar Guahgot local and Felegdaero without nitrogen fertilizer application
were significantly earlier for days to 50 % plants emergence at about 8.98 and 9.78 days,
respectively. Cultivar Guahgot local was earlier by 7.44 days than Bishoftu Nech with 41 kg
N ha-1 application. However, Bishoftu Nech was statistically non-significant with other
combinations of treatments in clove emergence (Table-3). It was also observed significant
differences among cultivars where the highest number of days to emergency was observed in
the improved variety Tsedey (15.55 days after planting) while the Guahgot local cultivar (10.5
days) was earlier in emergence (Appendix Table-3). This may be due to genetic makeup of
the cultivars and the interaction with nitrogen fertilizer. Tadesse (2009) stated emergence
success was fastest in local cultivar than improved variety of garlic G-99-2. Dickerson and
Wall (1993) was also observed significant differences among nine cultivars of garlic in
emergence success in New Mexico.

Table 3. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on days to emergency of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Days to 50 % emergence
0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 15.16a-d 16.42a 15.21a-d 13.82a-g
Tsedey (G-493) 15.38abc 14.95 a-e
15.39 abc
Kuriftu 14.22a-f 14.07 a-g
12.04 e-i
Felegdaero 9.78h-j 11.58f-j 12.53c-h 12.09e-h
Bora-1 12.19e-h 13.48 b-g
12.33 d-h
Bora-2 12.52d-h 12.04f-i 13.91a-g 15.50ab
Guahgot (local) 8.98 j 11.54 f-j
11.24 g-j
Mean 13.071
S.E. (±) 1.766
LSD (0.05) 2.903
CV (%) 13.507
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and
CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

However, the non-significant difference was observed to nitrogen fertilizer rates, indicating
cultivar genetic makeup influenced than nitrogen fertilizer application in controlling days to
emergence. In line with this, nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients did not significantly
influence the sprouting and shoot growth stages of garlic (Youssef, 2013; Betewulign and
Solomon, 2014).

The interaction effects of cultivars and nitrogen rates was significantly influenced the plant
maturity, the earliest maturity was recorded by cultivar Felegdaero at 41 kg N ha-1 matured
within 145.02 days after planting but this did not statistically differed with all combinations
except with Tsedey at 41, 123 kg N ha-1. Bora-1 at application of 41kg N ha-1 but non-
significant differences was observed among themselves. It was also significantly differed with
Bora-2 with combination of 123 kg N ha-1 and Guahgot local at 41 kg N ha-1 but not
statistically significant between themselves. High significant differences were recorded in
Guahgot local attained maturity 19 days late from the cultivar Felegdaero without fertilizer
application. However, non-significant results were exhibited by Guahgot local without N and
fertilized at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1.Abraham et al.( 2014) reported that varieties were
significantly varied in days to maturity where Tsedey 92 variety took 126 days to mature
whereas the local cultivar took seven days more to mature. Kuriftu improved variety and
Felegdaero cultivar showed ten days earlier in maturity as compare to Guahgot local which
took 158.67 days to be mature. Plant physiological maturity is the stage when a product is
capable of further development or ripening i.e. ready for eating or processing (Dhatt and
Mahajan, 2007). The results of this experiment indicated that physiological maturity affected
by garlic cultivars and their interaction to the applied nitrogen fertilizer either by enhancing or
delaying the time required for plant maturity. The interaction effect of garlic varieties and
nitrogen fertilizer rates were showed significant differences among the treatment means.
Varieties had different morphological and physiological senescence due the genetically and
environmental effects but the combined analysis of garlic cultivars with high level of nitrogen
could be attributed to delay maturity and extended the physiological activities and
photosynthesis (Abraham et al., 2014). Hector et al. (2012) explained that varieties of garlic
can be harvested at either 150 (early cycle), 180 (intermediate cycle) or 210 (late cycle) days

after planting. They also reported that lines JAS-45 and JAS-46 were early maturing (135
days) lines.

Bulb neck of garlic was taken before ready to harvest when plants were dry yellow and the
stem (bulb neck) have not begun to be soften (Kamenetsky, 2007; Rubatzky and Yamaguchi,
2007). It is an indication of optimum maturity of garlic when the bulb neck becomes soft and
assimilation of food transportation stops. Optimum harvest at physiological maturity is
important to obtained successful planting materials. While if the bulb neck is stiff, the xylem
and phloem vessels are also active and can transport water, nutrients and photosynthesis
assimilation respectively. Too early harvest produces small bulbs that exhibited rapid weight
loss, formed cracked bulbs and wrapped skin (Grieve, 2006; Hickey, 2006).

Table 4. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on days to physiological maturity
of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Days to physiological maturity

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 145.333g 145.808fg 149.260c-g 150.756c-g
c-g bcd c-g
Tsedey (G-493) 150.886 154.740 149.887 153.720b-e
Kuriftu 150.845c-g 146.571efg 152.100c-g 152.810c-g
g g d-g
Felegdaero 145.441 145.016 147.979 148.582d-g
c-g b-e c-g
Bora-1 151.920 154.520 151.808 150.423c-g
Bora-2 148.808d-g 149.989c-g 150.848c-g 153.000c-f
a abc a
Guahgot local 164.330 157.130 163.190 161.330ab
Mean 151.68
S.E. (±) 4.934
LSD (0.05) 8.112
CV (%) 3.253
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and
CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

4.3. Growth of the Garlic Plant

The analysis of variance revealed that plant height, leaf width and bulb neck diameter were
significantly influenced by cultivar, nitrogen fertilizer and the interaction of the two.
However, leaf length and leaf number per plant were not significantly influenced by the

interaction of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer. Leaf length was significantly influenced by
nitrogen fertilizer application while leaf number per plant was influenced by both main
factors only (Appendix Table-1).

The longer plant height was recorded by Bishoftu Nech (81.583 cm) at 123 kg ha-1 rate of
nitrogen fertilizer application, however statistically not significant with Tsedey (G-493) in all
rates of N fertilizer except without fertilizer treatment. Moreover the results were not
revealed statistically significant among the combine means of Bishoftu Nech and Bora-1 in all
rates of nitrogen fertilizer including zero as well as Bora-2 at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1.The longer
plant height was higher than Felegdaero and Bora-2 by about 21.99 to 27.31%, both without
nitrogen fertilizer application, respectively. Even though the shortest plant height was
recorded from Guahgot local (64.07 cm) at N application of 41 kg ha-1, it was not exhibited
statistically significant results when the cultivar treated with different nitrogen rates. Besides,
non-significant results were obtained with varieties Bishoftu Nech, Felegdaero and Kuriftu at
nitrogen application of zero, 41 and 82 kg N ha-1 (Table 5).

In general, plant height of all cultivars was increased at the highest level of fertilizer rate. The
cultivars had different plant height at different rates of nitrogen fertilizer which might be due
to the differences of the cultivars genetic constitute to respond to the applied fertilizer in
enhancing meristematic elongation. The growth of garlic was significantly influenced by
nitrogen fertilization. Garlic plant height increased from 42.4 to 64.7cm as the nitrogen rates
increased from 0 to 200 kg N ha-1 (Zaki et al., 2014; Zaman et al. 2011). This result agreed
with the study of Abraham et al. (2014) the difference in plant height was observed
significantly differ between the varieties Tsedey 92 and Local throughout the growth period.
Under his observation a wide range of variation was measured in plant height among different
garlic varieties. Etoh and Simon (2002) also reported wide variation among garlic varieties in
plant height. In general, Balady cultivar gave taller plants than Sids-40 one in presence or
absence of organic treatments. Similarly, Yudhvir and Ramesh, 2003; Youssef, and Tony,
2014; explained that the data exhibited significant variation in different clones for different
characters. Garlic Plant height from the landraces Elgharbia was the longest, while side 40

accessions was the shortest in all seasons (Hazem, 2013). Besides a significantly difference
result of plant height were reported by Abou El-Magd, et al., (2012); Panse et al., (2013)
based on their perspective garlic cultivar trials. It was also reported that the height of garlic
plants was increased due to the highest rate of nitrogen application (125 kg N ha-1) as
compared to the shortest plants (83.27cm) observed at zero nitrogen fertilizer (Hossein, et al.,

Table 5. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on plant height of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/2015

Plant height (cm)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 66.333h-l 66.241i-l 66.009jkl 81.583a
f-l abc a-i
Tsedey (G-493) 67.676 77.333 74.241 78.500ba
Kuriftu 68.694d-l 67.296h-l 67.787e-l 73.722a-j
lk b-l f-l
Felegdaero 64.352 70.667 67.556 72.176b-k
Bora-1 74.319a-h 76.474a-d 75.583a-f 75.833a-e
l b-l a-g
Bora-2 64.083 71.583 74.824 76.426a-d
lk l d-l
Guahgot local 64.917 64.065 68.667 69.769c-l
Mean 70.953
S.E. (±) 4.911
LSD (0.05) 8.077
CV (%) 6.922
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%) =
coefficient of variation.

Interaction effect of varieties and nitrogen rates showed highly significance differences of leaf
width among the treatments. But insignificant results were recorded in nitrogen fertilizer rates
(Appendix 1). The widest leaf width was recorded from the cultivar Guahgot local (3.20 cm)
when the plant received without nitrogen fertilizer while non-significant results were achieved
by this cultivar when it was fertilized by all nitrogen rates. However the smallest leaf width
(1.87 cm) was recorded from variety Tsedey (G-493) with no nitrogen fertilizer and at
application of 82 kg N ha-1 without significance difference between them. Similarly varieties
Bishoftu Nech at application of 82 kg N ha-1, Felegdaero, Kuriftu, Bora-1 and Bora-2 were
also showed non-significant results in all rates of nitrogen fertilizer as compare to Tsedey
recorded the smallest leaf width.

In general, Tsedey was narrower by 44.38% than the widest leaf width at zero nitrogen
fertilizer. The Guahgot local cultivar was superior in plant leaf width over other cultivars at
all rates of nitrogen fertilizer application. These results showed that leaf width was more
related to the function of genetic makeup in the cultivars than the application of nitrogen
fertilizer. Yudhvir and Ramesh (2003) also observed highly significant differences of leaf
width in their study among cultivar.

Table 6. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on leaf width of seven garlic
cultivars (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Leaf width (cm)

82 kg N ha- 123 kg N ha-
Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 1 1

Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 2.09e-h 2.43cde 2.04e-h 2.31d-g

h bcd d-h
Tsedey (G-493) 1.87 2.62 2.29 2.35def
Kuriftu 1.93fgh 2.09e-h 2.01e-h 2.10e-h
e-h e-h e-h
Felegdaero 2.00 2.11 2.07 2.22d-h
Bora-1 1.91gh 2.05e-h 2.18e-h 2.18d-h
e-h d-h d-h
Bora-2 2.03 2.28 2.29 2.28d-h
Guahgot local 3.20a 2.84abc 2.99ab 2.95ab
Mean 2.275
S.E. (±) 0.264
LSD (0.05) 0.435
CV (%) 11.614
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%) =
coefficient of variation.

Highly significant differences were observed in bulb neck diameter among the combined
treatments of variety with nitrogen rates. Guahgot local cultivar had significantly thicker bulb
neck (1.85 cm) without nitrogen and (1.66) at nitrogen rate of 82 kg ha-1 but no statistically
significance difference between them. This local cultivar had been shown more of vegetative
growth than bulb development. The narrower bulb neck diameter was recorded from cultivar
Bora-1 (2.01cm) at application of 82 kg N ha-1 but non-significance difference with the same
cultivar at all nitrogen fertilizer rates besides Bishoftu Nech at application of zero and 82 kg
N ha-1, variety Tsedey without nitrogen fertilizer, Felegdaero in 41 kg N ha-1 and Bora-1 and
2 at all rates of nitrogen fertilizer. Medium neck diameter was recorded from the rest

treatment combination. Bulb neck diameter was found minimum in JAS-3 (0.71 cm) and it
was exhibited maximum in line JAS-25 (1.76 cm) (Panse, et al., 2013). This differences could
be highly influenced by the genetic makeup than nitrogen fertilizer application, this is in line
with the studies of Hazem, (2013); Farooqui et al. (2009), who showed significance results of
varieties than nitrogen fertilizer due to genetics influence.

Table 7. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb neck diameter of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Bulb neck diameter (cm)

0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 1.10ghi 1.44bcd 1.15e-i 1.37c-f
Tsedey (G-493) 1.22d-i 1.39 ecd
1.34 c-g
Kuriftu 1.09ghi 1.14e-i 1.24d-i 1.12f-i
Felegdaero 1.15e-i 1.43 bcd
1.02 i
Bora-1 1.13f-i 1.10ghi 1.02i 1.26d-i
Bora-2 1.16e-i 1.05 hi
1.10 ghi
Guahgot local 1.85a 1.31d-g 1.66ab 1.59bc
Mean 1.259
S.E. (±) 0.158
LSD (0.05) 0.259
CV (%) 12.530
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

Unlike the other growth parameters, numbers of leaves per plant and leaf length were not
significantly influenced by the interaction of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer. Cultivars
showed no significant difference for number of leaves per plant and leaf length. Similarly the
absence of significant differences among garlic cultivars for number of leaves per plant was
reported by Hazem, (2013) and Tibebu et al., (2014).

Both average numbers of leaves per plant and leaf length were significantly influenced by
nitrogen fertilizer. Sufficient quantity of nitrogen is very important for proper growth and
development of the plant because it is critical component of chlorophyll. In nitrogen nutrient
deficient soils, chlorophyll can’t prepare well which reduce the green color, size and shape of

the leaves and necrosis is results (Nori et al., 2012). This is due to the integral function of
nitrogen in the leaves which plays greater role in synthesizing of chlorophyll for
photosynthesis which improves the cell division and growth. Leaf is the main part of the shoot
and primary photosynthesis organ which plays in food preparation. Leaves have different
shapes and sizes help to adapted adverse environmental conditions (Wiedenhoeft, 2006).
Similarly, Betewulign and Solomon (2014) reported leaf length and leaf number per plant
were significantly influenced by application of nitrogen fertilizer rates. The maximum leaf
number per plant (10.83) obtained by the application of 125 kg N ha-1 while the lowest leaf
number per plant (7.83) was at zero treatment of nitrogen fertilizer (Hossein et al., 2014).

The longer leaf length (54.41cm) was attained by the application of 123 kg N ha-1 whereas the
lowest leaf length (49.05cm) was measured in plot that did not receive nitrogen fertilizer,
which was statistically non-significant compared with nitrogen rates of 41 and 82 kg ha-1.

Table 8. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on leaf number per plant and leaf length of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

kg N ha-1 Leaf length (cm) Leaf number per plant

0 49.058 12.26b
41 51.257b 12.55b
82 50.189b 12.63b
123 54.414a 13.52a
Mean 51.23 12.74
S.E. ( ) 4.49 1.180
LSD (0.05) 2.858 0.755
CV (%) 9.10 9.600
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns in each trait and treatment are not
significantly different each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant
difference at P<0.05 and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

4.4. Yield and Yield Components

4.4.1. Bulb Characters

Average fresh and dry bulb weights, bulb diameter and bulb length were significantly
influenced by the interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer application (Appendix
Table 1). The highest fresh bulb weight was recorded from Tsedey (G-493), Bora-1, and
Felegdaero fertilized at the highest rate of N (123 kg N ha-1) with respective bulb weight of
43.39 g, 43.32 g and 43.25 g. These treatment combinations were not statistically significance
difference with Bishoftu Nech, Kuriftu, Felegdaero and Bora-2 with cultivars fertilized from
41-123 kg N ha-1. Moreover non-significant results were recorded from cultivar Bora-1 at all
nitrogen fertilizer rates. However, the lowest fresh bulb weight was produced by the cultivar
Guahgot local at no nitrogen fertilizer which was 54.39% lower than from the highest average
fresh bulb weight while statistically non-significant cultivar Guahgot local along all nitrogen
rates. In general across all cultivars the average fresh bulb weights had increasing trends at
application 123 kg N ha-1 but low at 0 kg N ha-1 (Table 9).

On the other hand, significantly the highest bulb dry weight (14.81 g) was recorded from
Felegdaero cultivar at application of 123 kg N ha-1 but there were not statistically significance
when cultivar Felegdaero combined with 41, 82 kg N ha-1 and variety Tsedey fertilized at
123kg N ha-1. Even though cultivar Guahgot local recorded the lowest bulb dry weight of
3.31g at zero nitrogen fertilizer application, did not statistically significant with Kuriftu at
zero kg N ha-1. The other cultivar and N combinations had shown medium dry bulb weight
significantly (Table 10). The fresh and dry bulb weights of the cultivars were the highest at
highest nitrogen fertilizer rates. However, the increase of bulb weight was not linear with
increase in nitrogen fertilizer rates responded in all cultivars. This indicated that cultivars
differentially to the different rates of nitrogen fertilizer because of a greater morphologic
variability in agronomic traits among the accessions (Matus et al., 1998; Volk et al., 2004).
The significant differences among garlic cultivars due to the application of fertilizers was
reported by many authors (Yudhvir and Ramesh, 2003; Hector et al., 2012 and Abedi et al.,

2013). Similarly, the existence of significant variation among garlic cultivars for fresh and dry
bulb weight was reported by Youssef, (2013) and Tibebu, et al. (2014). Hore et al. (2014)
reported the fresh bulb weight was increased from 19.23 to 25.15g with the increased level
nitrogen fertilizer from 50 to 200 kg ha-1. Beside Farooqui et al. (2009) also observed the
application of 200 kg N ha-1 significantly increased fresh weight of bulb (48.67g) in
comparison to 50 kg N ha-1 and 100 kg N ha-1. Nori et al. (2012) also reported that the highest
dry bulb weight was obtained from the highest rates of nitrogen fertilizer application.

Table 9. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the average bulb weight per
plant of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Average fresh bulb weight per plant (g)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 31.98c-g 36.32a-e 37.02a-e 40.93abc
e-h a-e a-f
Tsedey (G-493) 29.09 37.17 35.81 43.39a
Kuriftu 30.65d-g 32.45c-g 30.89d-g 34.73a-f
b-f a-e a-e
Felegdaero 33.75 36.77 37.98 43.25a
a-f abc ab
Bora-1 35.11 40.53 41.97 43.32a
Bora-2 27.01f-i 36.73a-e 34.50a-f 38.43a-d
i hi hi
Guahgot local 19.79 20.67 21.51 23.38hgi
Mean 34.112
S.E. (±) 5.5156
LSD (0.05) 9.0705
CV (%) 16.169
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

Table 10. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on average dry weight of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/2015

Average dry bulb weight per plant (g)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
hij fgh efg
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 6.68 8.50 9.79 10.14def
Tsedey (G-493) 7.02hij 7.45g-j 7.85f-i 13.57ab
ef abc ab
Felegdaero 10.03 12.67 13.57 14.81a
Kuriftu 5.15jk 6.32hij 7.46g-j 11.27b-e
cde b-e bcd
Bora-1 11.07 12.10 12.43 11.38b-e
Bora-2 5.97ij 6.39hij 8.38fgh 11.16cde
k hij hij
Guahgot local 3.31 6.93 6.46 5.69ij
Mean 9.056
S.E. (±) 1.439
LSD (0.05) 2.367
CV (%) 15.89
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

The bulb diameter was significantly influenced by the interaction effects of variety and
nitrogen fertilizer (Appendix table-1). The height bulb diameter (5.92 cm) was recorded from
cultivar Felegdaero but it was not statistically significance with all rates of nitrogen
interaction. Besides, cultivars Bora-1 with all rates of nitrogen fertilizer, Bishoftu Nech at 82
and 123 kg N ha-1 and Tsedey also at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 were showed insignificant results
with cultivar Felegdaero. However, the narrower bulb diameter was recorded from cultivar
Guahgot local which was lowered from Felegdaero with the range of 62.36 to 89.83%.
Though there were not significant differences among most combinations of variety and N
rates, Bora-1 was recorded a bulb diameter of 5.77 cm and 5.79 cm and it had under the
higher bulb diameter categories at an application of 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 fertilizer
application (Table 11).

The significant effect of the interaction of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb diameter
was reported by Carolin et al. (2007); Hector et al. (2012) and Youssef, (2013) which is in
agreement with the current study results. However, Tibebu et al. (2014) reported that all
interaction effects among variety, N and P on mean bulb diameter were non-significant.
Yudhvir and Ramesh (2003) reported bulb diameter of 5.53 cm as maximum while Singh et

al. (2012) reported 4.84 cm as the highest bulb diameter. It was reported by many researchers
in different countries that the bulb diameter of garlic ecotypes varied from 4.32 to 6.62 cm
(Etoh and Simon, 2002; Abedi et al., 2013). These results of the current study were showed
similar to the work of Zaman et al. (2011) who reported the maximum bulb diameter was
recorded from plants grown with 150 kg N ha-1, but the minimum value was recorded in the
control. Farooqui et al. (2009) also observed similar results, at application of 200 kg N ha -1
significantly increased bulb diameter (5.03cm) as compare to 50 kg N ha-1 and 100 kg N ha-1.

Table 11. Interaction effect of cultivars and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb diameter of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in the Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Bulb diameter (cm)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 5.17b-f 5.57bac 5.13b-f 5.42a-d
f a-f b-f
Tsedey (G-493) 4.64 5.20 5.18 5.81ba
Kuriftu 4.98c-f 5.01c-f 4.69ef 5.17b-f
a-f a-e a-f
Felegdaero 5.23 5.38 5.25 5.92a
a-d bac ba
Bora-1 5.47 5.64 5.77 5.79ba
Bora-2 4.77def 5.15b-f 5.11b-f 5.44a-d
g g g
Guahgot local 3.12 3.32 3.35 3.48g
Mean 5.00
S.E. (±) 0.44
LSD (0.05) 0.72
CV (%) 8.76
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

Only considering the cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer separately, the cultivar Felegdaero, Bora
1, Bishoftu Nech and Tsedey were exhibited the maximum bulb diameter of 5.46, 5.42, 5.38
and 5.27 cm respectively without statistically significance difference among themselves while
the lowest bulb diameter (3.79 cm) was recorded from cultivar Guahgot local. In addition the
maximum bulb diameter (5.33) was recorded from application of the highest nitrogen rate
(123 kg Nha-1) whereas the lowest from control (Appendix table 4).

The combine effect of cultivar and nitrogen, the highest bulb length was recorded 6.31cm
from Bishoftu Nech (W-14) variety but not statistically non-significant with cultivars Tsedey

(5.96 cm) at 123 kg N ha-1, Bora-1 (5.76 cm and 5.83 cm) at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 as well as
Guahgot local (5.85 cm) at 82 kg N ha-1 respectively. However, cultivar Felegdaero was
recorded the smallest bulb length of 4.82 cm at no nitrogen fertilizer application. Moreover it
was not statistically significant with other treatment combinations except Tsedey at 41 kg N
ha-1, Kuriftu at 123 kg N ha-1 and Bora-2 at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1. In line with this study, the
presences of significant differences in bulb length among garlic cultivars were reported by
Panse, et al. (2013). The significant effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on bulb length was also
reported by Zaman et al. (2011) that highest length of bulb (3.12 cm) was recorded in 150 kg
N ha-1 followed by 200 kg N ha-1 (3.05 cm) and 250 kg N ha-1 (3.03 cm), the last two
treatments being statistically identical. The lowest bulb length (2.28 cm) was found in the
control plots that received no fertilizer.

Table 12. Interaction effect of cultivars and nitrogen fertilizer on bulb length of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Bulb length (cm)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 5.12 e-h 5.41 b-h 6.32 a 5.63 b-f
c-h b-g b-h
Tsedey (G-493) 5.23 5.49 5.45 5.96 ab
Kuriftu 5.02 fgh 5.23 c-h 5.20 d-h 5.47 b-g
h gh fgh
Felegdaero 4.82 4.90 5.10 5.21 c-h
c-h b-h a-e
Bora-1 5.29 5.45 5.76 5.83 a-d
Bora-2 4.98 fgh 5.29 c-h 5.56 b-f 5.56 b-f
b-f b-h abc
Guahgot local 5.61 5.38 5.85 5.08 fgh
Mean 5.401
S.E. (±) 0.395
LSD (0.05) 0.649
CV (%) 7.110
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

4.4.2. Clove Characters

The applied of nitrogen fertilizer and cultivar interacted to influence significantly the number
of cloves per bulb, average clove weight, clove length and width. These characters were also
significantly affected by cultivar; moreover, nitrogen fertilizer application alone had

significant influence on number of clove per bulb and cloves diameter (Appendix Table 1).
Tsedey and Bishoftu Nech exhibited the highest number of cloves per bulb 26.96 and 26.43,
respectively at 123 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application. But these had not statistically significance
difference with Bishoftu Nech at 41 and 82 kg N ha-1 as well as Tsedey at 41 kg N ha-1. While
cultivars Bora-1 recorded the lowest number of cloves 13.79 at 123 kg N ha-1 fertilizer
application but not statistically significant with cultivar Felegdaero at all rates except 82 kg N
ha-1, Bora-2 and Guahgot local at zero and 41 kg N ha-1. Bishoftu Nech (W-14) and Tsedey
(G-493) showed superiority over Bora-1 and Bora-2 by greater than 45.3% at the 123 kg N ha-
fertilizer application (Table 13).

Most interaction of cultivars responded to increased nitrogen fertilizer rates linearly in

producing number of cloves per bulb. However, some interactions of the cultivars with N
fertilizer rates did not show defined trend in producing number of cloves per bulb at the
increased rates of fertilizer application due their genetic potential of the varieties. This
showed that increased application of nitrogen fertilizer also increased the number of cloves
per bulb. Yudhvir and Ramesh, (2003) also observed maximum number of cloves per bulb at
highest rate of potassium fertilizer application in local cultivar which produced an average
30.77 cloves per bulb. Similar to the current study, significant variation among garlic cultivars
for number of cloves per bulb was reported by other authors (Hector et al., 2012; Hossein et
al., 2014). According to Zaman et al. (2011) the highest number of cloves per bulb (20.35)
was obtained from 150 kg N ha-1 and the lowest (13.62) was found in the control treatment.
Hossein et al. (2014) reported very low number cloves per bulb that was (13.67) as maximum
achieved by the application of 125 Kg N ha-1 while the lowest clove number per bulb (9.83)
was obtained at zero nitrogen fertilizer application.

Table 13. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on number of cloves per bulb of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 2014/15

Number of cloves per bulb

Cultivar 0 kg N ha -1
41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
cd abc abc
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 23.03 24.52 24.35 26.43 ab
Tsedey (G-493) 22.72 cde 24.78 abc 22.43 c-f
26.96 a
Kuriftu 19.83 e-h 20.87 d-g 19.49 f-i 23.44 bcd
Felegdaero 15.21 klm 16.06 j-m 18.69 g-j
16.51 i-m
Bora-1 14.06 m 15.64 j-m 17.24 h-l 13.79 m
Bora-2 16.18 j-m 14.64 lm 17.38 h-l
17.79 g-k
Guahgot local 16.16 j-m 16.33 j-m 17.31 h-l 17.75 g-l
Mean 19.27
S.E. (±) 1.898
LSD (0.05) 3.121
CV (%) 9.847
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

The cultivar Bora-1 in combination with 82 kg N ha-1 recorded the maximum average clove
weight (4.48g) but statistically non-significant with different rates of nitrogen in the same
cultivar. Moreover it was not significance with Bora-2 and Felegdaero cultivars at 123 kg N
ha-1 fertilizer application. While the smallest average clove weight (2.69g) was attained by
cultivar Tsedey (G-493) with combination of no nitrogen fertilizer application but
insignificant with variety Tsedey and Guahgot local at all rates of nitrogen fertilizer. The
Bora-1 cultivar was produced heavier cloves than the variety Tsedey by 33.93 up to 39.96 %
weight difference (Table14).The number of cloves per bulb may not express the size of bulb
because sometimes, it is inversely related with size of the cloves (McCormack, 2012;
Farooqui et al., 2009). This study was shown similar range with the study of Hazam, (2013)
obtained the average clove weight in the range of 1.79 to 4.78 g; Yudhvir and Ramesh, (2003)
obtained the maximum average clove weight of 3.63g from one cultivar but the other had
small and varied weight of cloves.

Table 14. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on average clove weight of
seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Average clove weight (g)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
ij ij e-j
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 2.81 2.86 3.28 3.26e-j
Tsedey (G-493) 2.70j 3.33d-i 3.27e-j 3.34d-i
e-j hij d-i
Kuriftu 3.28 2.93 3.35 3.19f-j
Felegdaero 3.65b-g 3.78b-f 3.87b-e 4.12a b
a-d a-d a
Bora-1 3.90 3.91 4.48 3.99abc
Bora-2 3.13g-j 3.37d-i 3.50c-h 4.22a b
j hij g-j
Guahgot local 2.72 2.96 3.10 2.82ij
Mean 3.398
S.E. (±) 0.371
LSD (0.05) 0.610
CV (%) 10.92
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

Clove diameter and length determines the size of bulbs to be either large or small size as a
result it contributes to the total bulb yields. According to Masoumi et al., (2006) cultivars had
shown different clove diameters and lengths which contributed in the major area and
dimensions of the clove. The interaction between cultivar and nitrogen was significant in
determining clove diameter. The widest clove diameter (2.39 cm) was obtained from cultivar
Bora-1at 82 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer application but statistically insignificant showed in
same cultivar and cultivar Felegdaero in all rates nitrogen fertilizer. Besides, Bora-2 was
showed insignificant results with cultivar Bora-1 at application of 41-123 kg N ha-1.

However, the lowest clove diameters were recorded in Tsedey (G-493) and Guahgot local
cultivars which exhibited 1.53 cm and 1.55 cm diameters respectively. The cultivar Tsedey
and Guahgot local were not statistically significance difference with all rest interaction
treatments of variety and nitrogen fertilizer, except Bishoftu without N fertilizer, Tsedey at 82
kg N ha-1 and Kuriftu at 82 kg N ha-1. Therefore, cultivar Bora-1 had 35.42 % superior clove
diameter over Guahgot local (Table 15).

Table 15. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on clove diameter of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Clove diameter (cm)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
f-h ghi d-i
Bishoftu Nech 1.66 1.65 1.80 1.81d-i
Tsedey (G-493) 1.53i 1.81d-i 1.93b-h 1.85d-i
d-i c-i c-h
Kuriftu 1.77 1.88 1.92 1.89c-i
Felegdaero 2.24abc 2.15a-d 2.26abc 2.26abc
ab ab a
Bora-1 2.30 2.38 2.39 2.40a
b-g abc a-e
Bora-2 1.97 2.24 2.08 2.03a-f
Guahgot local 1.55hi 1.88c-i 1.53i 1.63ghi
Mean 1.956
S.E. (±) 0.228
LSD (0.05) 0.375
CV (%) 11.664
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

The interactions of varieties and nitrogen effect showed significance differences among the
treatment means on the clove length. The highest clove length was recorded from both Bora-1
(4.34 cm) and Bora-2 (4.29cm) at application of 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 respectively. But there
were not a significance differences among the cultivars all treated with 123 kg N ha-1 except
Guahgot local. Similarly statistically insignificant longer cloves were recorded in varieties
Tsedey, Kuriftu, Bora-1 and 2 at application of 41 kg N ha-1 except in Bishoftu and
Felegdaero cultivars. While the shortest clove length was recorded from Guahgot local (2.48
cm) without nitrogen fertilizer application, similarly this local cultivar did not showed
statistically significant differences among the nitrogen fertilizer rates. The average clove
length of cultivar Bora-1 was higher than Guahgot local by over 46 % without nitrogen

Table 16. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on clove length of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Cultivar Clove length (cm)

0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
gh fg efg
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 3.358 3.425 3.458 3.950a-g
Tsedey (G-493) 3.642c-g 3.850a-g 3.692b-g 3.850a-g
b-g a-g a-g
Kuriftu 3.708 3.775 3.833 3.775a-g
Felegdaero 3.517d-g 3.625c-g 3.675b-g 3.717a-g
a-f a-e a
Bora-1 4.050 4.083 4.342 4.233abc
c-g a-d ab
Bora-2 3.650 4.133 4.292 4.300ab
Guahgot local 2.483i 2.792hi 2.500i 2.492i
Mean 3.650
S.E. (±) 0.384
LSD (0.05) 0.632
CV (%) 10.522
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

4.4.3. Shoot Dry Weight, Dry Biological Yield and Harvest Index

The interaction of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer had significant influence on shoot dry
weight and total biological yield. However, harvest index was not significantly influenced by
the interaction of the two but it was influenced only by cultivar (appendix Table 1).

The highest shoot dry weight per plant (6.57 g) was recorded with cultivar Guahgot local at
123 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer application, but it gave non-significant result with variety
Tsedey (G-493) at application 82 and 123 kg N ha-1. However, the lowest shoot dry weight
(2.49 g) was recorded from variety Kuriftu without nitrogen fertilizer but except Guahgot
local all the six cultivars were showed statistically non-significant results with Kuriftu variety
without nitrogen fertilizer application. Similarly, cultivar Felegdaero was showed
insignificant result across all rates of nitrogen fertilizer. This cultivar which had the highest
shoot dry weight gave over 44.60 to 62.10 % weight increases as compare to variety Kuriftu
at no nitrogen fertilizer application (Table 17). These results might be expected based on the
genetic background of each cultivar and the variable climatic condition requirements of

genotypes; it could be attributed in plant height and leaf number per plant as increased the
shoot dry weight of the plant (Zaki et al, 2014; Abreham et al. 2014)

Abou El-Magd et al. (2012) measured the highest and lowest shoot dry weight of 5.95 g and
2.45g from Egaseed and Balady varieties, respectively. Hossein et al. (2014) reported
relatively higher shoot dry weight of 6.38 g from Hamedan while the lowest shoot dry weight
(4.03 g) was measured from the cultivar Violet. Hossein et al. (2014) also reported that the
maximum shoot dry weights (7.01g) was achieved on the application of 125 kg N ha-1 which
was close to the amount used in study while the lowest shoot dry weights (3.41g) was
achieved at zero treatment of nitrogen fertilizer.

This was in agreement with the findings of Kahane et al. (1997) and Takagi, (1990) the
influence of environmental factors, such as temperature, day length and carbohydrates has
been often stated development and growth in garlic plant. Kamenetsky et al. (2004) also
indicated that garlic morphology and plant development indicating that the environmental
regulatory effect is obligatory and yet quantitative in certain varieties.

Table 17. Interaction effect of cultivar and n fertilizer on shoot dry weight of seven garlic
cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Cultivars Shoot dry weight (g)

0 N-rate 41 N ha-1 82 N ha-1 123 N ha-1
ijk c-g b-d
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 3.236 4.595 4.933 4.512c-h
Tsedey (G-493) 3.539g-k 4.044d-i 5.419ab 5.341abc
k h-j e-j
Kuriftu 2.488 3.269 3.770 3.645f-k
Felegdaero 2.712jk 2.710jk 3.142ijk 3.376g-k
f-k e-j e-j
Bora-1 3.675 3.783 3.792 3.832d-j
Bora-2 3.190ijk 3.469g-k 4.168c-i 4.202c-i
b-g b-f bcd
Guahgot local 4.544 4.794 5.067 6.568a
Mean 3.993
S.E. (±) 0.756
LSD (0.05) 1.244
CV (%) 18.94
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

The interaction effects of variety and nitrogen were significantly affecting the dry biological
yield per plant. It is sum total of underground and aboveground dry matter yield. As
increased, the dry biological yield increasing food assimilation of a plant even if the genetic
performance of increasing rate of the cultivars differed due to their potential. Below, 2001
stated increases in crop productivity due to variety and fertilizer N additions may be realized
as dry matter yield, protein yield, or an improvement in quality factors. Different cultivars
grown at the same location can exhibit different response patterns to N fertilization. The
results obtained in this study support the findings of Abou El-Magd, et al., 2012 where a
significant increment in canopy dry matter yield of garlic was reported as N application
increased. Similarly Hossein et al., 2014 reported a significant increase in dry matter yield
of garlic.

The highest total dry biomass yields per plant were produced from Variety Tsedey (G-493)
(18.91 g), Felegdaero (18.19 g) and Bora-1(16.26 g) at an application of 123 kg N ha-1
without significance differences among them. While the lowest dry biomass yield per plant
were recorded from Guahgot local, Kuriftu, Bora-2 and Bishoftu Nech which exhibited 8.37
g, 8.95 g, 9.92 g, and 9.44g at zero nitrogen fertilizer rates, respectively. Likewise, these
cultivars were not produced statistically significance difference with variety Kuriftu at 41 and
82 kg N ha-1 as well as Bora-2 at 41 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application (Table 18). In general, the
highest dry biomass yield per plant was differed from the lowest by 50.08 to 55.74 % dry total
yield. ElHifny, 2010 reported significant differences among cultivars and NPK fertilizer rates
in bulb dry weight and percent of dry matter of Chinese garlic

Table 18. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on dry biomass yield of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Cultivar Dry biomass yield per plant (g)

0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 9.919j-m 13.433d-h 14.385c-g 14.652c-g
Tsedey (G-493) 11.385h-l 11.494h-l 12.443f-j 18.914a
Kuriftu 8.916lm 9.589klm 9.952i-m 14.912c-g
Felegdaero 12.739e-h 15.383cde 16.715abc 18.190ab
Bora-1 14.862c-g 15.058c-f 15.880bcd 16.262abc
Bora-2 9.442lm 9.583klm 12.548f-j 15.359cde
Guahgot local 8.373m 11.251h-l 11.474h-l 12.262g-k
Mean 13.05
S.E. (±) 1.698
LSD (0.05) 2.792
CV (%) 13.01
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

4.4.4. Total Bulb Yield (t ha-1)

The interaction effects of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer showed a significance difference
among the treatment means in total bulb yield. Total bulb yield increased with increase of N
fertilizer, except in cultivar Bora-1, which decreased at 123 kg N ha-1. Even though, the
cultivar Bora-1 produced significantly highest total bulb yield (12.61 t ha-1) at application of
82 kg N ha-1, it was not statistically significance difference with application of 41 and 123 kg
N ha-1 as well as with variety Tsedey at application 123 kg N ha-1. While the lowest bulb yield
were recorded from cultivar Guahgot local (5.31 t ha-1) without nitrogen fertilizer application
and at 41 kg N ha-1 with no significance differences between them. The other combinations
were showed yield performance in between the highest and the lowest with significantly
differed among themselves.

The yield difference between Bora-1 and Guahgot was between 104.26 to 137.27% at the
indicated rates of fertilizer which produced highest and lowest yield. The cultivar Bora-1
showed superiority over the released varieties Bishoftu Nech (W-14), Tsedey (G-493), and
Kuriftu by about 13.87, 15.97 and 28.74% without fertilizer application. This cultivar showed

maximum yield advantages of 28.07, 26.88 and 36.40 % over Bishoftu Nech (W-14), Tsedey
(G-493) and Kuriftu at 82 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application, respectively. However, the yield
advantage of this cultivar over the three released varieties was reduced at 123 kg N ha-1
fertilizer application which ranged between 4.63 to 22.22%.

The yield of all cultivars increased as the rates of nitrogen fertilizer increased except the
cultivar Bora-1 which had 2.67 % lower bulb yield at 123 kg N ha-1 as compared to its yield at
82 kg N ha-1 rate. The maximum yield increase of 28.85, 28.17 and 26.34 % were obtained
from Kuriftu, Tsedey (G-493) and Guahgot local respectively, at 123 kg N ha-1 as compared
to zero fertilizer application. The high yielding cultivar Bora-1 showed yield increment at 41
kg N ha-1 as compared to yield obtained without fertilizer application. The yield increase was
19.16 % but further increase to 82 kg N ha-1 resulted in only increase 5.59 % over the yield
obtained at 41 kg N ha-1 (Table 19).

The present study revealed that cultivars produced maximum yield at different nitrogen
fertilizer rates. Similar result was reported by Abreham et al., 2014, that garlic cultivars
produced maximum total bulb yield at different rates of nitrogen fertilizer application. He
reported the bulb yield of the local (farmers’) variety increased from 0.67 to 2.31 t ha-1 as the
level of N application increased from zero to 150 kg ha-1 while it was increased 0.67 to 1.85 t
ha-1 under no N applied. Tsedey 92 variety and local cultivar produced maximum total bulb
yield at 100 kg N ha-1.

It was reported that the significant differences among garlic cultivars in total bulb yield in the
range between 10.24 to 7.76 t ha-1 (Hossein et al., 2014; Youssef, 2013). Relatively low yield
was reported by Kilgori et al. (2007) in the range between 5.84 to 8.02 t ha-1. Hossein et al.
(2014) reported the maximum bulb yield of 9.65 t ha-1 at 100 kg N ha-1 and the lower yield
(8.13 t ha-1) at zero rate of nitrogen. They also indicated non-significant bulb yield difference
between 50 and125 kg N ha-1 fertilizer applications suggesting that 50 kg N ha-1 was
sufficient to obtain good bulb yield.

Hore et al. (2014) also observed low yield per hectare increase of 5.7 to 7.6 t ha-1 with
increasing level of nitrogen from 50 to 200 kg ha-1. In Chile, Ruiz (1986) reported that
increasing rate of applied nitrogen from 0 to 150 kg ha-1 increased bulb yield from 4.6 to 10.6
t ha-1. Farooqui et al. (2009) observed that the application of 200 kg N ha-1 significantly
increased bulb yield (16.52 t ha-1) in comparison to 50 and 100 kg N ha-1. Bulb yield of garlic
increased with increased rate of nitrogen application up to 150 kg N ha-1 (6.97 t ha-1) (Zaman
et al., 2011; ElHifny, 2010) reported the highest yield was attained in garlic plants treated
with 120 kg N ha-1.

Table 19. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on total bulb yield of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 2014/15

Total bulb yield (t ha-1)

Cultivar 0 kg N ha-1 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
ijk g-j hij
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 8.631 9.207 9.068 10.690def
Tsedey (G-493) 8.423ijk 8.943hij 9.217ghi 11.727a-d
mln klm j-m
Kuriftu 7.143 7.542 8.021 10.039fgh
i-l efg def
Felegdaero 8.259 10.353 10.735 11.011c-f
Bora-1 10.019fgh 11.939abc 12.606a 12.278ab
ijk hij g-j
Bora-2 8.433 9.028 9.167 11.231a-d
Guahgot local 5.313o 6.007no 6.994mn 7.213ml
Mean 9.259
S.E. (±) 0.721
LSD (0.05) 1.186
CV (%) 7.792
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different
from each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05
and CV (%) = coefficient of variation.

4.4.5. Marketable Yield and Unmarketable Yield (t ha-1)

Analysis of variance showed that the interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer were
high significant difference on marketable bulb yield. However, unmarketable bulb yield was
not significantly influenced by either cultivars or nitrogen fertilizer rates (Appendix Table-2).
Significant differences were observed by only the cultivar or nitrogen fertilizer for the
marketable bulb yield. The highest marketable yield was recorded by cultivar Bora-1 (11.92 t
ha-1) at 82 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer application but statistically non-significant at 123 kg N

ha-1. In addition, it was significantly higher than the other cultivars at all rates of nitrogen
fertilizer. But across all cultivars, the marketable yield increased significantly with increasing
rates of nitrogen fertilizer from 0 to 123 kg ha-1. The other combination means were
statistically significant and found in medium categories of the higher and the lower
marketable yields per hectare.

However, the lowest marketable yield was recorded from cultivar Guahgot local which was
produced 4.97 t ha-1 at zero nitrogen fertilizer application. When compared to Bora-1 at 82 kg
ha-1 nitrogen application of preeminent harvest of marketable yield, gave greater harvest than
Kuriftu, Bishoftu Nech, Bora-2, Tsedey and cultivar Felegdaero by 33.72%, 31.71%, 29.94%,
24.58% and 22.73% yield surplus respectively (Table 20). The present finding is supported by
many researchers (Maryam et al, 2012; Kakar et al., 2002; Kumar and Rao, 1992) who
indicated that higher marketable yield of garlic due to application of nitrogen was attributed to
significantly higher bulb yield and quality. According to Tadese, 2009 investigation of the
average marketable bulb yield per hectare indicated that garlic varieties differed significantly
in producing total bulb yield.

Table 20. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on marketable yield of seven
garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum District during 2014/15

Marketable yield (t/ha)

Cultivars -1
0 kg N ha 41 kg N ha-1 82 kg N ha-1 123 kg N ha-1
hij d-h g-j
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 6.52 8.23 8.14 9.60 b-e
Tsedey (G-493) 5.79 j-m 7.28 g-j 8.99 e-i 9.41 bc
h-k b-f bcd
Felegdaero 7.65 9.43 9.21 10.44 bcd
Kuriftu 5.51 j-m 7.85 j-m 7.90 hij 9.560 c-h
c-g bc a
Bora-1 8.15 9.46 11.92 11.88 ab
Bora-2 7.21 f-i 8.52 i-l 8.47 f-j 10.68 abc
n mn klm
Guahgot local 4.97 5.33 6.64 6.50 mln
Mean 8.380
S.E. (±) 1.210
LSD (0.05) 2.430
CV (%) 17.10
Means represented with same letter(s) in columns and rows are not significantly different each
other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV (%)
= coefficient of variation.

4.5. Number and Size Distribution of Bulbs and Cloves

4.5.1. Marketable and Unmarketable Bulb Categories

The percentages of marketable and unmarketable bulbs were categorized in to small, medium,
large and very large bulb sizes but these categories were not significantly influenced by the
interaction effects of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer rates. Marketable and unmarketable bulbs
out of the middle 45 bulbs harvested in the middle rows were significantly influenced by
separate effect of variety and nitrogen fertilizer. There were significant differences among
varieties in medium, large and total marketable bulb categories while small and total bulb
categories were significantly different in the proportion of unmarketable bulbs. The
percentage of large size marketable bulbs was significantly influenced only by cultivar
(Appendix Table 2).

Bora-1 had significantly the highest proportion of total marketable bulbs (93.33%), large
(20%) and medium (44.44%) size bulbs. Tsedey (G-493) also had highest proportion of large
size bulbs (20%) as equal as Bora-1. Guahgot local had significantly smallest proportion of
total marketable (84.44%), large (13.33%) and medium (35.56%) size bulbs lower than the
overall mean values. Significantly highest proportion of total number of marketable bulbs
(93.33%) were obtained from the application 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 while lowest proportion
was obtained from plots that did not receive fertilizer (82.22%). The proportion of large sized
bulbs was equal for all rates of nitrogen fertilizer application except significantly lowest
proportion was calculated for plots that did not receive fertilizer. Plots received 41 and 82 kg
N ha-1 had equal proportion of medium size marketable bulbs while bulbs produced in plots
that received 123 kg N ha-1 and did not receive fertilizer had highest (42.22%) and lowest
(35.56%) proportion of medium size marketable bulbs, respectively (Table 20).

Varieties have their own genetic potential to produced quality and marketable bulb size. This
is in line with Dickerson and Wall, 1993 who reported that nine cultivars of garlic had
showed high genetically significant differences in their marketable bulb performances. Highly

significant differences were recorded between the varieties in respect of weight of tuber size
categories of small and large sized tuber on potato (Assefa, 2005). The differences among
cultivars for marketable bulbs sizes is important for identifying the best cultivar which leads
to easily adaptable, marketed and satisfy consumers preferences. This suggestion may be
supported by Singh et al. (2012) that wide range of variability was recorded for marketable
yield, these high ranges of variation among different lines could be utilized by breeders for
the improvement of desired traits. Highly significant difference in marketable bulb yield was
observed due to increase in the application of nitrogen, Increasing N application from 0 to 123
kg ha-1 increased marketable bulb yield of medium categories from 35.6 to 42.20 % however
decreasing the total unmarketable bulb yield from 15.6 to 2.2 %.

Significant difference in unmarketable bulb yield was observed among the seven garlic
cultivars only under total and small bulb category. Similarly, the unmarketable bulb yield was
not significantly (p > 0.05) affected by cultivars and N fertilizer under very small, medium
and large bulb categories of unmarketable bulbs. Besides, the variety and nitrogen interaction
effects were also statistically non-significant (p > 0.05). This result seemed to suggest that
unmarketable bulb yield might be controlled more effectively by genotype and nitrogen
levels. The unmarketable bulb yield was significantly higher under small size categories by
cultivar Guahgot local which exhibited 13.33% of small unmarketable bulbs. However the
rest cultivars were not significantly differ from one to the other. In addition, nitrogen fertilizer
rate was significantly influences the unmarketable bulbs under small categories. Maximum
percentage of small unmarketable yield was recorded at zero rates of N application. As
compared to improved varieties with farmers cultivars except Guahgot local, the proportion of
yield wastage was high by improved varieties from 6.67-8.89 % but yield wastage of farmers’
cultivar were ranges from 2.22-6.67 % under both small and total bulb categories. This might
be farmers cultivar had showed well adapted to micro climatic conditions than improved
varieties. Again as nitrogen fertilizer increased from 0-82 k N ha-1 the proportion of small
unmarketable bulb size was decreased from 15.6-2.2 %. In contrast to the present finding,
Tibebu et al., 2014 unmarketable yield revealed no significant differences among varieties
and similarly nitrogen fertilizer also had no significant effect on unmarketable yield.

Table 21. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the total number, medium and large size of marketable and unmarketable
bulbs of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Source of variation Percentage of marketable bulb number out of 45 samples Percentage of unmarketable bulb
number out of 45 samples
Medium(5-6.35 cm) Large (6.35-7.62 cm) Total Small (<5cm) Total
Cultivar No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 18.77 42.22ab 7.59 abc
17.78abc 40.61 ab
91.11ab 2.58 b
6.67 b
2.86 b
Tsedey (G-493) 16.75bc 37.78bc 7.28abc 15.56abc 39.83b 88.89b 3.94b 8.89 b 4.09b 8.89b
Felegdaero 18.01abc 40.00abc 8.61ab 20.00ab 41.17ab 91.11ab 2.58 b
6.67 b
2.58 b
Kuriftu 18.52abc 42.22abc 6.51bc 15.56bc 39.89b 88.89b 2.71b 6.67 b 2.97b 6.67b
Bora-1 19.62a 44.44a 9.45a 20.00a 42.31a 93.33a 0.93 b
2.22 b
0.93 b
Bora-2 17.61abc 40.00abc 7.92abc 17.78abc 41.45ab 91.11ab 1.14b 2.22 b 1.39b 2.22b
Guahgot local 16.26c 35.56 c 6.12c 13.33c 37.54c 84.44c 6.25 a
13.33 a
6.27 a
Mean 17.93 39.85 7.64 16.98 40.40 89.78 2.88 6.700 3.01 6.700
S.E. ( ) 1.06 5.910 1.03 5.710 1.00 2.740 1.67 1.820 1.66 4.040
LSD (0.05) 2.130* 4.810* 2.06* 4.640* 2.00** 5.470** 3.36* 3.630* 3.32* 8.050*
N levels kg ha-1
0 16.37b 35.6b 7.59 15.60 37.30c 82.2c 6.36 13.3a 6.64a 15.6a
41 17.90ab 40.0ab 7.28 17.80 40.15b 88.9b 3.55 8.90b 3.97b 8.90b
a a a a c c
82 18.16 40.0 7.66 17.80 41.88 93.3 0.87 2.20 0.92 2.20c
123 19.30a 42.2a 8.06 17.80 42.26a 93.3a 0.73 2.20c 0.81c 2.20c
Mean 17.93 39.85 7.64 16.98 40.40 89.78 2.88 6.700 3.01 6.700
S.E. ( ) 0.8 5.840 0.78 5.940 0.76 1.790 1.27 1.250 1.25 1.250
LSD (0.05) 1.61** 3.590** 1.56 3.650 1.51** 3.570** 2.54** 2.500** 2.5** 2.510**
Means represented with same letter(s) in column in each treatment and characters are not significantly different from each other.
SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05.

4.5.2. Marketable and unmarketable Cloves Categories

The combined effect of variety and N rates on yield of various bulb sizes is presented in Table
(21). Highly significant differences were recorded among the varieties in respect of the size
categories of small, medium, large and total sized cloves under marketable category.
However no significant difference among the varieties with regard to unmarketable clove
category except small sized cloves of garlic. Bora-1 produced significantly higher proportion
of clove size in weight 16.25 (44.9 %), 22.80 (62.7 %), 27.10 (74.6 %) and 33.70 (93.0%) of
under very small, small, medium, and large marketable categories respectively. Whereas the
reverse was true of small clove size category of unmarketable cloves that Bishoftu Nech,
Tsedey and Felegdaero produced significantly zero proportion of small cloves. But Guahgot
local was produced higher unmarketable small sized clove 4.79 (39 %); non-significance
differences were recorded among the rest cultivar themselves. different clove sized might be
appeared due the genetic potential of the cultivars this is agreed with the result of Kassahun,
2006 who observed that majority of the accessions (68 %) were grouped in medium and
heavy weight category, which could be considered as marketable yield. Fikreyohannes, 2005
reported that there are no grade standards for garlic crop in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, from
experience it can be argued that size category is more of specific attribute for cultivars.
Tadese, 2009 also reported that the highest record for small clove (54.52 g/plot) was from G-
161-2 and the lowest, 9.68 g/plot was in Tsedey 92. Then clove size was significantly affected
by the variety.

There was a consistent increase in the production of marketable clove categories with
increasing levels N fertilizers from 0-123 kg N ha-1 in all clove categories. Unmarketable
clove categories were not showed a significance differences on N fertilizer application in all
groups of cloves. The highest marketable cloves were recorded at 123 kg N ha-1 but non-
significant result was obtained from small clove categories between 82 and 123 kg N ha-1.
There were linearly increased with proportion of clove weights in the marketable whereas
decreased in small unmarketable clove categories up to certain level. The result in agreement

with Assefa, 2005 who reported that there was a consistent increase in the production of
medium and large-sized bulb categories with increasing levels of applied N fertilizers.

Table 22. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on weight of marketable and unmarketable
clove categories of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district during

Clove weight
Marketable Unmarketable
Cultivars Very small Small clove Medium clove Large clove Small clove
(g) % (g) % (g) % (g) % (g) %
Bishoftu Nech 34.0ab 20.2 44.7bc 26.5 48.9bc 29.0 40.8bcd 24.2 0.0b 0.0
Tsedey 34.4ab 22.1 44.5bc 28.6 42.7c 27.4 33.9cd 21.8 0.0b 0.0
Felegdaero 18.3b 10.1 36.3c 20.0 60.6b 33.4 66.0b 36.4 0.0b 0.0
Kuriftu 20.3b 15.1 35.3c 26.2 44.1c 32.7 35.0cd 26.0 0.3b 6.2
Bora-1 44.9a 16.3 62.7a 22.8 74.6a 27.1 93.0a 33.8 1.0b 27.2
Bora-2 38.4a 17.8 60.0ab 27.8 60.8b 28.1 56.7bc 26.3 0.5b 8.5
Guahgot local 21.2b 22.0 30.1c 31.3 29.5d 30.6 15.5d 16.1 4.8a 39.0
Mean 30.2 17.2 44.8 25.6 51.6 29.4 48.7 27.8 1.0 14.4
S.E. ( ) 7.92 8.610 7.710 13.26 1.28
LSD (0.05) 15.9** 17.3** 15.5** 26.6** 2.6**
N levels kg/ha
0 21.1b 18.43 29.8b 26.03 37.1c 32.4 25.5c 22.27 1.00 0.87
41 22.7b 15.60 37.6b 25.84 42.2c 29.0 41.9bc 28.80 1.10 0.76
82 33ab 16.21 54.0a 26.52 58.5b 28.7 57.8ab 28.39 0.30 0.15
123 44.0a 18.30 57.0a 23.70 68.6a 28.5 69.5a 28.90 1.40 0.58
Mean 30.20 17.13 44.60 25.52 51.60 29.7 48.68 27.09 0.95 0.59
S.E. ( ) 5.99 6.510 5.83 10.02 0.96
LSD (0.05) 12.00* 13.0** 11.7** 20.1** 1.93
Means represented with same letter(s) in column in each treatment and character are not significantly
different each other. SE ( ) = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05.

4.6. Cost Benefit Analysis in Garlic Cultivars

Partial budget analysis was shown a significance differences by ranking the treatments in
order to increasing of the total cost. The highest total bulb yields 10690, 11727, 11011,
10039, 12606, 11231and 7213 kg ha-1 were recorded from Bishoftu Nech, Tsedey (G-493),
Felegdaero, Kuriftu, Bora-1, Bora-2 and Guahgot local all cultivars at 123 kg N ha-1 but Bora-
1 at 82 kg N ha-1, respectively (Table 25). Moreover, the highest adjusted marketable bulb
yield was high when 123 kg N ha-1 was applied to all six cultivars except Bora-1 gave highest
adjustable bulb yield at 82 kg N ha-1 (CIMMYT, 1988). Accordingly, Bora-1 had the highest
net benefit of 477127.2 Birr at 82 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application. This was followed by
Tsedey (G-493) and Felegdaero that exhibited net benefit of 436940.8 and 404720.8 Birr both
at 123 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application.

The highest marginal rate of return were recorded from cultivars Felegdaero and Bora-1
which exhibited 148.24 and 135.84 both at application of 41 kg N ha-1 which followed by four
cultivars viz. (Tsedey (G-493), Kuriftu, Bora -2 and Bishoftu Nech (W-14) gave highest
marginal rate of return of 77.49, 67.80, 65.48 and 47.92 at application of 123 kg N ha-1 as
compare to the control, respectively. While the lowest marginal rate of return recorded by
Guahgot local which gave 58.90 at application of 82 kg N ha-1. On the other hand, application
of 82 kg N ha-1 recorded the highest marginal rate of return for Felegdaero cultivar as
compared to all combination treatments. According to CIMMYT (1988), the minimum
acceptable marginal rate of return should be between 50 % and 100 %. The current study
indicated that the marginal rate of return was above 50 % for all treatment combination.
Moreover, Felegdaero and Bora-1 at 41 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application gave the highest
marginal rate of return percentage which exhibited 14823.98 and 13583.88%, respectively.
The highest benefit to cost ratio were obtained from Bora-1 (5.29) and followed by Tsedey
(4.81) at 82 and 123 kg N ha-1 respectively, but the lowest was by Guahgot local (1.69) with
no N fertilizer. Therefore, that could be recommended for the study area.

Table 23. Interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on the economic analysis of garlic yield at Guahgot (FTC) in
Gantaafeshum district during 2014/15

Cultivars kg Average Adjusted Gross Field Total Net benefit Marginal Marginal Benefit
N Yield yield Benefit cost (ETB) rate of rate of cost
ha-1 (kgha-1) (kg ha-1) (ETB) (ETB) Return return ratio
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 0 8631 7767.9 388395 88880 299515 3.37 336.99 3.37
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 41 9207 8286.3 414315 89511.4 324803.6 40.05 4005.16 3.63
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 82 9068 8161.2 408060 90142.8 317917.2 14.57 1457.25 3.53
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 123 10690 9621 481050 90774.2 390275.8 47.92 4791.51 4.30

Tsedey (G-493) 0 8423 7580.7 379035 88880 290155 3.26 326.46 3.26
Tsedey (G-493) 41 8943 8048.7 402435 89511.4 312923.6 36.06 3606.05 3.50
Tsedey (G-493) 82 9217 8295.3 414765 90142.8 324622.2 27.29 2729.43 3.60
Tsedey (G-493) 123 11727 10554.3 527715 90774.2 436940.8 77.49 7749.22 4.81

Felegdaero 0 8259 7433.1 371655 88880 282775 3.18 318.15 3.18

Felegdaero 41 10353 9317.7 465885 89511.4 376373.6 148.24 14823.98 4.20
Felegdaero 82 10735 9661.5 483075 90142.8 392932.2 87.23 8723.25 4.36
Felegdaero 123 11011 9909.9 495495 90774.2 404720.8 64.38 6437.85 4.46

Kuriftu 0 7143 6428.7 321435 88880 232555 2.62 261.65 2.62

Kuriftu 41 7542 6787.8 339390 89511.4 249878.6 27.44 2743.68 2.79
Kuriftu 82 8021 7218.9 360945 90142.8 270802.2 30.29 3028.76 3.00
Kuriftu 123 10039 9035.1 451755 90774.2 360980.8 67.80 6779.95 3.98

During experimental period the price of urea and DAP fertilizer was 15 and 16 ETB kg-1 and selling price of garlic at farm gate was
50 ETB.

Table 24. Cont.…

Cultivars kg Average Adjusted Gross Field Total Net benefit Marginal Marginal Benefit
N Yield (kg yield Benefit cost (ETB) rate of rate of cost
ha-1 ha-1) (kg ha-1) (ETB) (ETB) Return return (%) ratio
Bora-1 0 10019 9017.1 450855 88880 361975 4.07 407.26 4.07
Bora-1 41 11939 10745.1 537255 89511.4 447743.6 135.84 13583.88 5.00
Bora-1 82 12606 11345.4 567270 90142.8 477127.2 91.19 9118.80 5.29
Bora-1 123 12270 11043 552150 90774.2 461375.8 52.48 5247.64 5.08

Bora-2 0 8432.7 7589.43 379471.5 88880 290591.5 3.27 326.95 3.27

Bora-2 41 9027.7 8124.93 406246.5 89511.4 316735.1 41.41 4140.58 3.54
Bora-2 82 9167.3 8250.57 412528.5 90142.8 322385.7 25.18 2517.75 3.58
Bora-2 123 11231 10107.9 505395 90774.2 414620.8 65.48 6547.85 4.57

Guahgot local 0 5313 4781.7 239085 88880 150205 1.69 169.00 1.69
Guahgot local 41 6007 5406.3 270315 89511.4 180803.6 48.46 4846.15 2.02
Guahgot local 82 6994 6294.6 314730 90142.8 224587.2 58.90 5890.26 2.49
Guahgot local 123 7213 6491.7 324585 90774.2 233810.8 44.14 4413.78 2.58

During experimental period the price of urea and DAP fertilizer was 15 and 16 ETB kg-1 and selling price of garlic at farm gate was
50 ETB

4.7. Correlation of Yield and Yield Related Traits

Total bulb yield had positive and highly significant correlations with plant height, number of
leaf per plants, bulb diameter and width, bulb and clove weight as well as clove width and
length. However, total bulb yield showed negative and highly significant correlation with leaf
width. Total dry biomass yield was positively and significantly correlated with all yields and
yield related traits except with days to 50 % emergence and clove characters such as weight,
length and width. Marketable bulb yield also exhibited significant correlation with plant
height, bulb diameter, bulb weight, clove length and width, biological yield and total bulb
yield (t ha-1) but negative and significant correlation with 75% physiological maturity, leaf
width, bulb neck diameter and number of cloves per bulb. In contrast to this study
Asgharipour, M. and Javad M., 2012 reported a significant correlation between numbers of
cloves per bulb versus bulb weight and between bulb weights versus cloves weight was not
found. Garlic marketable yield was significantly dependent on the number of cloves per bulb,
and increasing the number of cloves per bulb and hence reducing cloves weight reduces garlic
marketable yield.

On the other hand, unmarketable bulb yield had positive and significant correlation with leaf
width, bulb neck diameter and biological yield but negative and significant correlation with
plant height, clove length and total yield per hectare (appendix Table-11). In agreement with
result of Kasssahun, 2006; Hector et al., (2012); Nori et al., (2012) reported strong and
positive correlations of total and marketable bulb yield with biological yield per plant (0.455),
bulb dry weight (0.198), and weight of clove (0.115), bulb length (0.11), and days to maturity
(0.094), leaf diameter (0.046) and plant height (0.027).

The significant correlation of total dry biomass yield of garlic with plant height, days to 75%
physiological maturity, leaf width, leaf number per plant, bulb diameter, bulb weight and
clove weight was also reported Unmarketable yield of garlic was significantly and positively
correlated with leaf width, bulb neck diameter, biological yield per plant and shoot dry weight

but negatively correlated with clove length, marketable bulb yield and harvest index (Nori et
al., 2012; Singh, et al., 2013).

Days to emergence had positive and significant association with leaf number per plant, bulb
diameter, and bulb weight, number of cloves per bulb and clove length. But it had negative
and significant correlation with leaf width and 75 % physiological plant maturity. Plant
physiological maturity had highly significant and positive correlation with leaf length and
width, bulb neck diameter, bulb diameter, bulb length and average bulb weight. However, it
showed significant and negative correlation with harvest index as well as total soluble solids
(ºBrix). Similar results were reported by, Kassahun (2006), Yudhvir and Ramesh, (2003), and
Panse, et al., (2013). The phenology of garlic such as days to emergence and physiological
maturity had strong correlation with plant height, leaf number, leaf diameter and leaf length
but at phenotypic level and it was negatively correlated with all the characters except dry
weight above ground at genotypic level.

It was observed significant and positive correlations among the garlic growth traits (plant
height, leaf length, leaf number per plant and leaf width) except the correlation between plant
height and leaf width was no significant and between plant height and number of un
marketable bulbs was negative and significant correlation. Plant height had strong and
positive correlation with bulb diameter, bulb length, bulb and clove weight, leaf length and
leaf number per plant, clove length, clove width, total and marketable yield as well as total
soluble solid while leaf length and width showed significant and positive correlations with
number of days to 75% physiological maturity, leaf number per plant, bulb neck diameter and
bulb length, bulb diameter and number cloves per bulb.

Marketable small size bulb had positive and significant correlation with plant height, bulb
diameter, bulb length and bulb weight and while medium and large size bulbs showed
significant and positive correlation with pant height, leaf width, leaf number per plant, bulb
diameter and length, bulb weight, clove length and width, clove weight, biological yield and
total yields but significantly negative correlation with leaf width.

Correlation among some growth and yield characteristics of garlic, the effect of nitrogen
fertilizer rates indicated a significant positive correlation with plant height, leaf length, leaf
number per plant, bulb diameter, bulb length, average of bulb weight, total bulb yield,
biological bulb yield per plant, average shoot dry weight per plant and bulb dry matter per
plant. As increased the level of N, growth performance of garlic plant is increased based on
the above positively correlated parameters. While other parameters were non-significant
correlation with treatments of nitrogen doses (Appendix Table 10).

The interaction effect of varieties and nitrogen fertilizer rates were showed a positive
relationship with number of days to plant physiological maturity, leaf width and bulb length
whereas it was showed a negative correlation with number of days to clove emergency, leaf
number per plant, bulb diameter, average of bulb weight and number cloves per bulb. The
interaction effect of varieties and N was showed that the garlic varieties correlated differently
at different rates of N and varieties (Appendix Table 8-9).


Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the oldest cultivated crops and widely used around the
world for its characteristic essence as a seasoning or condiment. It is also one of the most
important vegetable bulb crops produced in Ethiopia, which is used as spice and flavoring
agent for foods and as medicinal plant. Improving the yield and product quality of garlic is
paramount importance for enhancing the production and productivity of the crop. Garlic is
one of the bulb crops produced and used as spice ingredients as well as medicinal action in
Tigray Region, however, farmers are producing the crop from the available cultivars without
or with very low rates of nitrogen fertilizer. The cultivars produced in the region were not
evaluated in comparison to improved varieties to the response of nitrogen fertilizer
application. Therefore, selections based on morphological and agronomical characteristics of
varieties that respond to fertilizer rates are essential to produce high yield; adaptable and high
market acceptance. Also appropriate nitrogen fertilizer rates are very significant factor to
increase the productivity, bulb quality and marketability of garlic. In view of this, the
current investigation was conducted to select and determine the effect of variety, nitrogen
doses and their interaction on growth and yield of garlic at Guahgot Farmers Training Center
(FTC), Gantaafeshum district of Tigray region, northern Ethiopia.

The experiment was conducted during 2014/2015 in Gantaafeshum district i n Tigray region
with objectives of assessing the effect of nitrogen rates on yield and yield related traits of
garlic. Seven garlic cultivars (three improved, three introduced and one local) and four
nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 41, 82, 123 kg N ha-1) were arranged as 7 x 4 factorial treatments
and laid out as a randomized complete block design with three replications.

All yield and yield related traits were significantly influenced by the interaction of cultivar
and nitrogen fertilizer except leaf length, leaf number per plant, bulb length and sizes of bulbs
and cloves of different categories that were significantly influenced either by both cultivar and
nitrogen or one of these. The highest total yield was obtained from the cultivar Bora 1 (12.61 t
ha-1) at the rate of 82 kg N ha-1 but the yield decreased to 12.27 t ha-1 as the nitrogen level
increased to 123 kg N ha-1. The lowest yield was recorded from the local cultivar Guahgot

(5.31 t ha-1) without N fertilizer application. Bulb quality was determined based on number of
marketable bulbs and weight of cloves where Bora 1 had 44.4 % and 20 % of bulbs
categorized under medium and large categories, respectively. This cultivar had also the
highest proportion of marketable cloves categorized under medium (27.10 %) and large
(33.80 %) clove categories. The cost benefit analysis indicated that Felegdaero at 41kg N ha-1
followed by cultivar Bora-1at 41 kg N ha-1 rates had maximum marginal economic return of
148.24 and 135.84, respectively.

In general, it was observed that farmers’ cultivars were not completely inferior as compare to
released varieties either without or at different rates of nitrogen fertilizer application. These
suggested that the importance of testing varieties and farmers cultivars for the response to
different rates of nitrogen fertilizer application. Therefor a greater attention should be given
for the investigation of these cultivars at similar climatic conditions and nitrogen rates on their
yield and quality stability to recognize as formal varieties in the national level. Small scale
farmers at Gantaafeshum district and similar agro-ecology areas would use these packages for
growing garlic for better yield. However, it is hardly possible to make this as final
recommendation because it was the one growing season research result and for one site in the
district. As conclusion, it is suggested to repeat the experiment once again in the study area to
release the final packages.


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Appendix Table 1. Mean squares from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for phenology, growth,
yield and yield components of seven garlic cultivars evaluated during 2014/15

Replication Variety Nitrogen A x B Error CV Mean

Trait (2) (A) (6) (B) (3) (27) (54) (%)
NDE 2.17 31.13** 11.79 7.14** 4.63 16.46 13.07
NDPM 23.99 136.52** 39.26 54.39** 35.61 3.93 151.68
PH (cm) 120.34 107.23** 153.22** 46.17* 32.39 8.02 70.95
LL (cm) 26.42 38.91 122.50** 24.83 20.2 8.77 51.23
LW (cm) 0.05 0.75** 0.16 0.20** 0.12 15.13 2.27
LNP 2.32 2.98 1.40* 1.67 1.39 9.24 12.74
SDWP (g) 0.12 6.58** 5.20* 1.24* 1.41 29.33 4.05
BND (cm) 0.43 0.08** 0.13 0.10** 0.05 17.9 1.26
BD (cm) 1.06 4.04** 1.06** 0.84** 0.43 13.16 5
BL (cm) 0.22 0.53** 1.55** 0.20* 0.17 7.7 5.4
BW (g) 152.69 273.41** 200.52** 64.17* 43.08 19.24 34.11
BDWP (g) 203.99 85.66** 56.75** 3.59* 7.33 30.56 8.86
NCB 16.62 109.40** 26.29* 20.59** 9.97 16.39 19.27
CW (g) 0.99 1.13** 0.17 0.55** 0.29 15.87 3.4
Cwid (cm) 0.18 0.40** 0.12** 0.19** 0.11 16.61 1.96
Cle (cm) 0.17 1.58** 0.17 0.54** 0.29 14.83 3.65
TY (t/ha) 53.1 192.77** 402.80** 41.12** 18.673 14.76 9.259
DBYP (g) 114.92 111.54** 589.89** 33.48** 52.33 17.35 41.69
HI (%) 96.5 429.82** 124.96 148.91* 100.51 23.92 41.91
The * and **, significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively. Numbers in parenthesis
represents degrees of freedom, A x B = interaction of factor cultivar (A) and factor Nitrogen
fertilizer (B), and CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent. NDE-Number of days to
emergency, NDPM-number of days to 75% physiological maturity, PH- plant height, LL-leaf
length, LW-leaf width, LNP-leaf number per plant, SDWP- shoot dry weight per plant, BND-
bulb neck diameter, BD-bulb diameter, BL-bulb length, BW-bulb weight, BDWP-bulb dry
weight per plant, NCB-number of cloves per bulb, CW-clove weight, Cwid-clove width, Cle-
clove length, TY-total yield, DBYP-dry biological yield per plant and HI-harvest index.

Appendix Table 2. Mean squares from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for marketable and
unmarketable clove categories of seven garlic cultivars evaluated during 2014/15

Replication Variety Nitrogen A x Error Means

(2) (A) (6) (B) (3) B (54)
Trait (27)
Number of Unmarketable bulbs
Small 110.98 39.06* 148.24** 7.98 16.81 2.88
Medium 0.68 0.2 0.23 0.25 0.21 0.14
Large 0 0 0 0 0 0
Very Large 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 104.75 37.93* 159.75** 6.65 16.45 3.01
Number of marketable bulbs
Small 60.43 9.5 16.94 9.9 11.87 14.79
Medium 148.07 16.41* 30.43** 4.04 6.79 17.93
Large 5.27 15.94* 11.43 6.63 6.33 7.64
Very Large 0.107 0.107 0.107 0.107 0.107 0.036
Total 23.51 28.26** 107.15** 2.28 5.99 40.4
Unmarketable Clove Weight (g)
Very Small Clove 276.95 89.42 53.35 75.79 67.52 5.55
Small Clove 8.74 36.92** 4.85 7.35 9.76 0.95
Medium Clove 0.63 0.84 0.53 0.5 0.61 0.14
Large Clove 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 254.77 151.39 58.79 90.03 91.96 6.6
Marketable Clove Weight (g)
Very Small Clove 487 1271.9** 2365.9** 371.9 376.5 30.2
Small Clove 1116.4 1860.00** 3733.20** 359.9 444.4 44.8
Medium Clove 491.4 2656.80** 4426.20** 324.5 356.3 51.6
Large Clove 3638 7797 7713 307 1055 48.7
Total 11430 40022** 68204** 2416 4889 175
The * and **, significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively. Numbers in parenthesis
represents degrees of freedom, A x B = interaction of factor cultivar (A) and factor Nitrogen
fertilizer (B), and CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent.

Appendix Table 3. Effect of cultivar on phenology of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC)
in Ganta'afeshum district during 2014/15

Cultivar Days to Days to 75% Bulb neck Leaf Clove Clove HI

50% physiological diameter width weight length (%)
emergence maturity (cm) (cm) (g) (cm)
Bishoftu Nech 14.08ab 150.73b 1.31b 2.23b 3.41a-d 3.82a 43.327ab
Tsedey 15.55a 151.73b 1.31b 2.21b 3.27bcd 3.70a 37.819bc
b b b ab a
Felegdaero 12.43 148.26b 1.17 2.01 3.73 3.72 48.626a
Kuriftu 12.81b 149.77b 1.14b 2.14b 3.09cd 3.59a 44.417ab
b b b a a
Bora-1 12.43 150.97b 1.17 2.25 3.83 3.96 44.514ab
b b b b abc a
Bora-2 13.65 151.64 1.18 2.28 3.48 3.88 44.386ab
Guahgot local 10.55c 158.67a 1.53a 2.80a 2.97d 2.87b 30.308c
Mean 13.07 151.68 1.26 2.27 3.40 3.65 41.91
S.E. ( ) 2.15 5.970 0.23 0.34 0.54 0.54 10.03
LSD (0.05) 1.803 4.863 0.185 0.282 0.435 0.437 4.50
CV (%) 16.46 3.930 17.90 15.30 15.87 14.83 23.92
Means represented with same letter(s) in a column in each trait are not significantly different
each other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV
(%) = coefficient of variation.

Appendix Table 4. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield and yield
components of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district
during 2014/15

Cultivar Plant Shoot dry Bulb Bulb Bulb

height weight per diameter length weight
(cm) plant (cm) (cm) (g)
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 72.33 ab 4.34 b 5.38 a 5.50 ab 37.79 a
Tsedey (G-493) 71.45 ab 4.27 b 5.27 b 5.40 abc 35.46 ab
Felegdaero 69.20 bc 3.15 c 5.46 a 5.10 c 38.98 a
Kuriftu 69.64 bc 3.29 c 4.85 b 5.23 bc 31.76 b
Bora-1 75.24 a 3.88 bc 5.42 a 5.63 a 38.26 a
Bora-2 72.47 ab 3.95 bc 4.86 b 5.35 abc 31.52 b
Guahgot local 66.35 c 5.08 a 3.79 b 5.59 ab 25.52 c
Mean 70.95 3.99 5.00 5.400 34.11
S.E. (±) 5.69 0.91 0.66 0.420 6.56
LSD (0.05) 4.962 0.81 0.551 0.389 5.715
CV (%) 8.60 24.9 13.50 8.800 20.60
kg N ha-1
0 68.356 b 3.54 b 4.7048 b 5.1063 c 29.685 c
41 70.869 b 4.10 ab 5.0333 ab 5.3274 bc 34.661 ab
82 70.197 b 3.92 ab 4.9464 ab 5.4487 b 33.870 b
123 74.393 a 4.65 a 5.3333 a 5.7201 a 38.233 a
Mean 70.95 3.99 5.00 5.40 34.11
S.E. (±) 5.690 0.91 0.66 0.42 6.56
LSD (0.05) 3.795 0.667 0.518 0.275 4.791
CV (%) 8.700 27.2 16.9 8.30 22.9
Means represented with same letter(s) in a column in each trait are not significantly different
each other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV
(%) = coefficient of variation.

Appendix Table 5. Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield and yield
components of seven garlic cultivars at Guahgot (FTC) in Gantaafeshum district
during 2014/15

Cultivar Bulb dry Number of Clove Total Biological

weight per cloves per diameter yield yield per
plant (g) bulb (cm) (t/ha) plant (g)
Bishoftu Nech (W-14) 8.410 cd 23.50 a 1.94 a-d 9.88 b 12.75 b
Tsedey (G-493) 9.343 c 22.99 a 1.89 bcd 8.57 c 13.62 b
Felegdaero 13.645 a 17.38 c 2.15 ab 10.41ab 16.79 a
Kuriftu 7.558 de 20.14 b 1.78 cd 8.37 c 10.85 c
Bora-1 11.848 b 16.21 c 2.19 a 11.18 a 15.73 a
Bora-2 7.093 e 17.08 c 2.05 abc 9.27 bc 11.04 c
Guahgot local 5.493 f 17.60 bc 1.69 d 7.12 d 10.58 c
Mean 9.08 19.27 1.96 9.260 13.05
S.E. (±) 1.44 3.16 0.32 1.370 1.700
LSD (0.05) 1.918 2.651 0.265 1.500 2.258
CV (%) 15.89 16.90 16.61 14.76 13.01
kg N ha-1
0 6.54 d 18.2803 b 1.83 b 7.44 d 9.98 c
41 8.32 c 18.9921 ab 2.00 b 8.86 c 12.44 b
82 9.54 b 19.2311 ab 1.96 b 9.76 b 13.39 b
123 11.82 a 20.5797 a 2.04 a 10.98 a 16.38 a
Mean 9.08 19.27 1.96 9.260 13.05
S.E. (±) 1.44 3.16 0.32 1.370 3.660
LSD (0.05) 1.821 2.579 0.220 1.100 2.720
CV (%) 15.89 16.39 16.61 19.30 20.80
Means represented with same letter(s) in a column in each trait are not significantly different
each other. SE = standard error, LSD (5%) = least significant difference at P<0.05 and CV
(%) = coefficient of variation.

Appendix Table 6. Correlation of treatments with growth and yield parameters of garlic

NDE NDPM PH (cm) LL (cm) LW (cm) LNP BND(cm) BD(cm) BL(cm) BW (g)
Var. 0.403** 0.291** 0.107ns 0.007ns 0.371** -0.326** 0.111ns -0.468** 0.105ns -0.403**
N 0.118 ns 0.297ns 0.337** 0.337** 0.095 ns 0.332** 0.064 ns 0.234* 0.447** 0.334**
** ** ns ns ** ** ns **
Var. * N -0.488 0.490 -0.029 0.102 0.401 -0.340 0.155 -0.467 0.294** -0.359**
The * and **, significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively. NDE-number of days to 50% emergency, NDPM-number to 75%
physiological maturity, PH-plant height, LL-leaf length, LW-leaf width, LNP-leaf number per plant, BND-bulb neck diameter, BD-
bulb diameter, BL-bulb length, BW-bulb weight.

Appendix Table 7. Correlation of treatments with growth and yield parameters of garlic


(g) (cm) (cm) (g) (g) (g) (t/ha) (%)
** ns ns * ns ** ns * ns
Var. -0.525 -0.095 -0.077 -0.265 -0.200 0.045 0.146 -0.261 0.020 -0.193 ns
ns ns ns ns ** ** ** ** **
N 0.191 0.146 0.186 0.112 0.590 0.619 0.308 0.462 0.548 0.015 ns
** ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Var.*N -0.655 0.085 0.107 -0.179 -0.192 0.080 0.151 -0.171 0.037 -0.190 ns
* designated significant at P<0.05, ** indicate significant at P<0.01 LSD tests and NS= indicate non-significant results. NCB-
number of cloves per bulb, CW-clove weight, CD-clove diameter, CLe-clove length, Y-bulb yield, BYP- biological yield per plant, SDWP-
shoot dry weight per plant, DBW-dry bulb weight, TBY-Total biological bulb yield per hectare, HI-harvest index, TSS- total soluble solid

Appendix Table 6. Yield correlations with growth and yield components parameters

PARAMETERS NDE NDPM PH(cm) LL(cm) LW(cm) LNP BND(cm) BD(cm) BL(cm) BW(g) NCB CW Cwid
NDE 1.000
NDPM -0.196 1.000
ns ns
PH (cm) 0.182 0.187 1.000
LL(cm) 0.145 0.350** 0.553** 1.000
LW(cm) -0.286** 0.556** 0.110 0.413** 1.000
ns ns
LNP 0.259* -0.130 0.291 ** 0.374** -0.095 1.000
ns ns ns
BND (cm) -0.162 0.432** -0.043 0.268* 0.524** -0.015 1.000
BD(cm) 0.375** -0.454** 0.413** 0.108 -0.479** 0.475** -0.304** 1.000
ns ns
BL(cm) -0.005 0.487** 0.461** 0.618** 0.529** 0.329** 0.379** 0.095 1.000
BW(g) 0.284** -0.257* 0.564** 0.241* -0.260* 0.506** -0.163 0.914** 0.311** 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns
NCB 0.531** -0.124 0.145 0.245* -0.058 0.421** 0.187 0.237* 0.149 0.242* 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
CW -0.161 -0.037 0.318** 0.073 -0.096 0.167 -0.115 0.587 ** 0.185 0.655 ** -0.354 ** 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Cwid -0.177 -0.104 0.234 * -0.083 -0.154 -0.055 -0.247 0.459 ** 0.018 0.443 ** -0.424 ** 0.814 ** 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns
CLe (cm) 0.276* -0.172 0.548 ** -0.056 -0.414 ** 0.118 -0.426** 0.688** 0.078 0.699 ** 0.010 0.575** 0.562 **
ns ns ns ns ns
Y (t/ha) 0.208 -0.205 0.520 ** 0.209 -0.305 ** 0.456 ** -0.210 0.773 ** 0.270 * 0.799 ** 0.086 0.562 ** 0.495 **
ns ns ns
BYP(g) 0.103 0.293 ** 0.428 ** 0.685 ** 0.398 ** 0.420 ** 0.449 ** 0.244 * 0.672 ** 0.372 ** 0.313** 0.133 -0.004
ns ns ns ns
SDWP(g) 0.047 0.523 ** 0.304 ** 0.643 ** 0.621** 0.234* 0.466 ** -0.145 0.666 ** 0.009 0.273 * -0.121 -0.219 *
ns ns ns ns ns
BDMP(g) 0.081 -0.192 ns 0.266 * 0.138 -0.289 ** 0.361** 0.014 0.609 ** 0.157 0.648 ** 0.084 0.486 ** 0.362 **
ns ns ns
TBYH(t/ha) 0.107 0.285 ** 0.461** 0.684 ** 0.392 ** 0.442 ** 0.436 ** 0.294 ** 0.669 ** 0.440 ** 0.330 ** 0.181 0.017
ns ns ns ns ns
HI (%) 0.029 -0.511** -0.151 -0.503 ** -0.689 ** -0.072 -0.565** 0.270 * -0.470 ** 0.114 -0.246 * 0.185 0.328 **
o ns ns ns ns
TSS ( Brix) (%) 0.388 ** -0.263 * 0.231* 0.026 -0.419 ** 0.273* -0.162 0.603 * -0.103 0.498 ** 0.190 0.337 ** 0.276 *
* designated significant at P<0.05, ** indicate significant at P<0.01 LSD tests and NS= indicate non-significant results.

Cont… of Appendix table 8

(t/ha) (%) o
( Brix) (%)
CLe(cm) 1.000
Y(t/ha) 0.607 ** 1.000
BYP(g) -0.044 0.430** 1.000
ns ns
SDWP (g) -0.204 -0.008 0.724** 1.000
0.321** 0.708** ns
BDMP(g) 0.432** -0.098 1.000
0.000 ns 0.421**
TBYH(t/ha) 0.958** 0.720** 0.444** 1.000
HI (%) 0.352 ** 0.350** -0.538** -0.720** 0.121 ns -0.617** 1.000
o ns ns ns
TSS ( Brix) (%) 0.461** 0.488** 0.086 -0.211 0.492** 0.098 0.263 * 1.000
* designated significant at P<0.05, ** indicate significant at P<0.01 LSD tests and NS= indicate non-significant results.

Appendix Table 9. Correlations with bulb and clove size categories

S M Total S M L S (<5cm) VSC (g)
(<5cm) (5-6.35 cm) (<5cm) (5-6.35cm) (6.35-
NUMBY S 1.000
NUMBY M -0.122 1.000
NUMBY Total 0.995 ** -0.023 1.000
ns ns
NMBY S 0.048 -0.261 * 0.022 1.000
** ns
NMBY M -0.669 0.140 -0.660 ** -0.578 * 1.000
NMBY L -0.354 ** 0.042 -0.352 ** -0.574 ** 0.253 * 1.000
ns ns
UMBY S -0.920 ** -0.069 -0.934 ** 0.021 0.582 ** 0.469 ** 1.000
ns ns ns ns
BW (g) -0.132 -0.118 -0.145 * -0.011 0.078 0.225 * 0.252 * 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
NCB -0.121 -0.023 -0.124 0.047 0.029 0.017 0.107 0.242 * 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
CW (g) 0.106 -0.174 0.089 0.098 -0.120 0.074 0.0474 0.655 ** -0.354 ** 1.000
ns ns ns ns
Y (t/ha) -0.325 ** -0.196 -0.347 ** 0.026 0.206 0.293 ** 0.474 ** 0.799 ** 0.086 0.562 ** 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns
DMBW (g) -0.147 ns -0.173 -0.165 0.023 0.046 0.265 * 0.305 ** 0.648 ** 0.084 0.488 ** 0.708 **
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
UMCW VSC (g) 0.219 * 0.070 0.228 * 0.012 -0.256 * 0.049 -0.202 0.077 0.099 0.145 -0.053 1.000
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
UMCW SC (g) 0.178 -0.075 0.172 0.150 -0.188 -0.246 * -0.233 * -0.244 * -0.092 -0.110 -0.232 * 0.184
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
UMCW MC (g) 0.093 -0.050 0.089 0.083 -0.104 -0.136 -0.1289 -0.182 -0.161 -0.040 -0.174 -0.013
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
UMCW Total (g) 0.258 * 0.032 0.264 * 0.067 0.295 ** -0.050 -0.264 * -0.029 0.044 0.087 -0.138 0.935 **
ns ns ns ns ns ns
MCW VSC (g) -0.270 * -0.073 -0.280 * -0.042 0.176 0.240 * 0.341 ** 0.214 0.227 * 0.044 0.379 ** 0.012
ns ns ns ns ns
MCW SC (g) -0.414 ** -0.317 -0.420 ** -0.102 0.301 ** 0.352 ** 0.494 ** 0.283 ** 0.094 0.163 0.420 ** -0.037
ns ns ns ns ns
MCW MC (g) -0.354 ** -0.031 -0.360 ** -0.088 0.216 * 0.440 ** 0.501 ** 0.440 ** 0.004 0.297 0.613 ** -0.150
ns ns ns ns ns
MCW LC (g) -0.312 ** -0.098 -0.324 ** -0.030 0.139 0.454** 0.487 ** 0.369 ** -0.086 0.303 ** 0.566 ** -0.138
ns ns ns ns
MCW Total (g) -0.401 ** -0.076 -0.411 ** -0.073 0.239 * 0.460 ** 0.552 ** 0.400 ** 0.043 0.262 * 0.605 ** -0.105
TSS (°Brix) in (% ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
age) -0.140 0.020 -0.139 -0.026 0.029 0.314 ** 0.272 * 0.425 ** 0.179 0.314 ** 0.441 ** -0.025
* designated significant at P<0.05, ** indicate significant at P<0.01 LSD tests and NS= indicate non-significant results.

Cont. Appendix Table 9

SC (g) MC (g) Total (g) VSC (g) SC (g) MC (g) LC (g) Total (g) in (% age)
UMCW SC (g) 1.000
UMCW MC (g) 0.217 * 1.000
UMCW Total (g) 0.512 * 0.139 ns 1.000
MCW VSC (g) -0.089 ns -0.070 ns -0.024 ns 1.000
MCW SC (g) -0.226 * -0.081 ns -0.114 ns 0.780 ** 1.000
MCW MC (g) -0.290 ** -0.209 ns -0.244 * 0.624 ** 0.686 ** 1.000
MCW LC (g) -0.295 ** -0.169 ns -0.232 * 0.422 ** 0.416 ** 0.751 1.000
MCW Total (g) -0.284 ** -0.165 ns -0.200 ns 0.789 ** 0.810 ** 0.916 0.835 1.000
TSS (°Brix) in (% age) -0.515 ** -0.324 ** -0.218 ** 0.203 * 0.238 * 0.446 ** 0.387 0.395 ** 1.000
* designated significant at P<0.05, ** indicate significant at P<0.01 LSD tests and NS= indicate non-significant results.

Appendix Figure 1 Ploughing, land preparation and lay out

Appendix Figure 2 Clove preparation and planting

Appendix Figure 3 Watering using water pumps and clove germination

Appendix Figure 4 Farmers' evaluation on vegetative growth of garlic

Appendix Figure 5 Vegetative growth performance of garlic

Figures on data collection and GPS reading

Appendix Figure 6 Harvesting and data collection

Appendix Figure 7 Bulbs after harvest and laboratory measurements

Weight measurements using sensitive balance

Photo on laboratory measurements


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