IWFL Rule Clarification 2016

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2016 IWFL Rule Exceptions

To the 2015 NCAA Football Rulebook

Independent Womens Football League


Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
w w w .iw flsports.com

IWFL Football Rules

THE IWFL follows the NCAA 2015 Rulebook with the exceptions included in this document. All new rules
established during the current IWFL season by the NCAA will be reviewed at the next annual Delegate
meeting. All rules in the NCAA 2015 rulebook shall be followed except for those listed below voted on by
the IWFL Delegate Board.

2016 IWFL Exceptions to the 2015 NCAA Football Rulebook

Rule 1 The Game, Field, Players and Equipment
Section 3. The Ball (FR-18)
IWFL Exception: IWFL Football may be any style of the Deysini brand football. No other brand
name footballs may be used.
Section 4. Players and Playing Equipment
Jersey Design, Color and Numerals
Article 5. a. Design
2. Other than the players number, the jersey may only contain (Does not apply) (FR-22)
Article 5. c. Numerals
2. Teams wearing jerseys/numerals that do not conform to this rule will be asked to change into
legal jerseys before the game and before the start of each quarter until the jerseys are changed.
Officials shall charge a team timeout at the start of each quarter the illegal jerseys are worn.
(Does not apply) (FR-23)
Mandatory and Illegal Equipment Enforcement
ARTICLE 8. a. No player wearing illegal equipment or failing to wear mandatory equipment shall
be permitted to play. (FR-24) (2016 Exceptions: Jersey numbers, facemask, eye shields,
electronic devices as listed in the 2016 exceptions.)
Optional Equipment
Article 6. The following items are legal (FR-23)
c. Eye shields. Exception: May be clear or tinted.
Prohibited Signal Devices (FR-25)
Article 10. Electronic, mechanical or other signal devices
2016 Exception pending further evaluation by the Executive Board: Players may be
equipped with any electronic, mechanical or other signal devices for the purpose of
communicating with any source. These devices will be limited to one player on the offensive side
of the ball and one player on the defensive side of the ball.
Rule 2 Definitions
Section 3. Blocking (FR-28)
IWFL 2008 Exceptions:
Article 2 There is no Blocking Below Waist (other than against the ball carrier)
Article 3 There is no Chop Blocking (No exceptions)
Article 7 There is no Low-Blocking Zone
Rule 3 Periods, Time Factors and Substitutions
Section 1. Start of Each Period
First and Third Periods (FR-44)
ARTICLE 1. a. Pregame Warmup. (Does not apply - Exception based on IWFL Operating

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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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Rule 6 Kicks
Section 1. Free Kicks
Restraining Lines (FR-63)
ARTICLE 1. For any free kick formation, the kicking teams restraining line shall be the yard line
through the most forward point from which the ball shall be kicked, and the receiving teams
restraining line shall be the yard line 10 yards beyond that point. Unless relocated by a penalty,
the kicking teams restraining line on a kickoff shall be its 40-yard line (IWFL 2014 Rule
Exception), and for a free kick after a safety, its 20-yard line.
Rule 9 Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules
Section 1. Personal Fouls (FR-88)
IWFL 2008 Exceptions:
Article 5 There is no Clipping (No Exceptions)
Article 6 There is no Blocking Below Waist (other than against the ball carrier)
Article 10 There is no Chop Blocking (No Exceptions)

Team generated Clarifications

The rules listed below are listed in the NCAA 2015 Rulebook, and have been listed for clarification to the
Players, Coaches, and Officials as requested by the team Delegates.
Points of Emphasis (FR-7)
the committee introduced a separate rule prohibiting forcible contact with the helmet and
targeting a defenseless opponent. These actions are now in two rules: Targeting and Making
Forcible Contact With the Crown of the Helmet (Rule 9-1-3) and Targeting and Making Forcible
Contact to Head or Neck Area of a Defenseless Player (Rule 9-1-4). Use of the helmet as a
weapon and intentional (targeted) contact to the head or neck area are serious safety concerns.
The penalties for fouls under both 9-1-3 and 9-1-4 include automatic disqualification. The
committee continues to emphasize that coaches and officials must be diligent to insure that
players understand and abide by these rules.
Rule 2-27-14 defines and lists characteristics of a defenseless player.
HELMETSThe helmet is intended to protect the player from head injuries. It must therefore be
fitted properly so that it does not come off through play. Coaches and trainers must be diligent in
seeing that players wear the helmets properly, and officials must firmly enforce the rules
requiring chin straps to be tightly secured. The rules now call for the player whose helmet comes
off to leave the game for one down, unless this is the direct result of a foul. The player may
remain in the game if his team is granted a charged timeout.
Rule 1 The Game, Field, Players and Equipment
Section 1. General Provisions
Persons Subject to the Rules (Fr-14-15)
ARTICLE 6. a. All persons subject to the rules are governed by the decisions of the officials.
b. Those persons subject to the rules are: Everyone in the team area, players, substitutes,
replaced players, coaches, athletics trainers, cheerleaders, band members, mascots, publicaddress announcers, audio and video system operators, and other persons affiliated with the
teams or institutions.
IWFL additional notes: Sideline Attendants
a. No one under the age of 10 shall perform the duties of water girl/boy
b. No one under the age of 16 shall be allowed on sidelines (except water girls/boys) while
game action is occurring.
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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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This means that miscellaneous fans, children, unnecessary attendants shall not be on
the sidelines. If the water boys or water girls are too young to pay attention to your
players needs, then they are too young to be on the sidelines.
d. Sideline attendants, coaches, trainers, managers etc are not authorized to take
photographs (cell phone, or camera) from the sideline unless they are licensed by the
IWFL to do so.

Section 2. The Field (FR-17)

Line-to-Gain and Down Indicators
ARTICLE 7. The official line-to-gain (yardage chain) and down indicators shall be operated
approximately six feet outside the sideline except in stadiums where the total playing enclosure
does not permit. These must be operated on the side of the field opposite the press box.
IWFL Note: Yardage chain shall be in view of the home team game filming crew to help in clarifying
game day grievances.
Section 4. Players and Playing Equipment
Players Numbering (FR-20)
ARTICLE 1. It is strongly recommended that offensive players be numbered
According to the following diagram that shows one of many offensive formations:

Article 2. a. All players shall be numbered 1 through 99. Any number proceeded by zero (0) is
IWFL Note: Jersey numbers are always suggested and not required for any play. Zero is an illegal
number; numbers must be between 1-99.
Section 4. Players and Playing Equipment
Mandatory Equipment (FR-21)
ARTICLE 3. All players must wear the following mandatory equipment:
b. Hip pads. (Not enforced)
d. Knee pads. (Not enforced)
i. Thigh guards. (Not enforced)
Specifications: Mandatory Equipment (FR-21)
Article 4.
a. Helmets. 1. The helmet must be fitted with a facemask and a secured four- or six-point chin
strap, all points of which must be secured whenever the ball is in play.
h. Socks. Players of a team must wear socks or leg coverings that are identical in color and
design (Exceptions: Unaltered knee braces, tape or a bandage to protect or prevent an injury,
and barefoot kickers). (IWFL Note: There is no height specified for socks)

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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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Rule 2 Definitions
Section 1. When Ball is Ready for Play (FR-27)
ARTICLE 4. A dead ball is ready for play when:
b. With the play clock set at 25 seconds, or at 40 seconds after an injury to or loss of helmet by a
defensive team player, the referee sounds his whistle and either signals to start the game clock
or signals that the ball is ready for play.
Section 16. Kicks; Kicking the Ball
Kicking the Ball; Legal and Illegal Kicks (FR-33-34)
IWFL Note: The kicking tee or a kicking block (that does not raise the ball more than 1 above the
ground) may be used per the NCAA definitions of a kick.
Rule 3 Periods, Time Factors and Substitutions
Section 1. Start of Each Period (FR-44)
Article 1. c. Three minutes before the scheduled starting time, the referee shall toss a coin at
midfield in the presence of not more than four field captains from each team and another game
official, first designating the field captain of the visiting team to call the coin toss. Before the
second half, the referee will obtain the teams second-half options.
IWFL Note: One Honorary Captain will be allowed to join the 4 Game Day Captains on the field for
the coin toss. Officials must be notified before the coin toss of the Honorary Captain. The Honorary
Captain can not be a current team member, can not be dressed to play, and must leave the field at
the completion of the coin toss.
Section 2. Playing Time and Intermissions
Timing Devices (FR-47 48)
Article 4.
c. 25-Second Clock. If the officials signal the game clock to be stopped for any of the following
reasons, the referee shall signal (one open palm in an over-the head pumping motion) that the
clock should be set at 25 seconds:
13. An offensive team players helmet comes completely off through play. The play clock is
set to 40 seconds if the helmet comes completely off a player of the defensive team.
Section 3. Timeouts: Starting and Stopping the Clock
Timeout (FR-48)
Article 1. c. Once the game begins, players shall not practice with a ball on the field of play or
the end zones except during the half-time intermission.
IWFL Note: This includes all Sideline Attendants, and everyone that the NCAA rules apply to
Starting and Stopping the Clock (FR-48-49)
ARTICLE 2. e. Starts on the Referees Signal. For each of the following reasons, the game clock is
stopped on an officials signal. If the next play begins with a snap, the game clock will start on
the referees signal:
13. The referee declares a timeout for unfair noise
16. A players helmet comes completely off through play.
IWFL Note: Music and announcer will stop when the huddle breaks until the ball is snapped
Referees Notification (FR-52-53)
b. Unless a visual game clock is the official timepiece, the referee also shall inform each field
captain and head coach when approximately two minutes of playing time remain in each half. He
may order the clock stopped for that purpose.
1. The play-clock count is not interrupted.
2. The clock starts on the snap after the two-minute notification.
IWFL Note: The referee shall (regardless of visual game clock) inform each field captain and head
coach when approximately two minutes of playing time remain in the 2nd quarter and the 4th
quarter. He may order the clock stopped for that purpose.

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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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Helmet Comes offTimeout (FR-53)

ARTICLE 9. a. If a players helmet comes completely off through play, other than as the direct
result of a foul by an opponent, the player must leave the game for the next down. The game
clock will stop at the end of the down. The player may remain in the game if his team is granted
a charged timeout.
b. When the helmet coming off is the only reason for stopping the clock, other than due to an
injury to the player or his teammate, the following conditions apply.
1. The play clock will be set at 25 seconds if the player is on offense and at 40 seconds if the
player is on defense. With one minute or more remaining in either half, the game clock will
start on the referees signal.
2. If there is less than one minute in the half the opponent has the option of a 10-second
runoff. If there is a 10-second runoff the game clock will start on the referees signal. If there
is no 10-second runoff the game clock will start on the snap. The 10-second runoff may be
avoided by the use of a team timeout, if available. There is no option for a 10-second runoff
if helmets come off opposing players.
c. If the ball carriers helmet comes off as in paragraph a (above) the ball is dead. If the
player is not the ball carrier the ball remains alive, but he must not continue to participate in
the play beyond the immediate action in which he is engaged. Prolonged participation is a
personal foul. By definition such a player is obviously out of the play.
d. A player who intentionally removes his helmet during the down commits a foul for
unsportsmanlike conduct.
Rule 4 Ball in Play, Dead Ball, Out of Bounds
Section 1. Ball in Play Dead Ball (FR-57-58)
Ball Declared Dead
b. When any part of the ball carriers body, except his hand or foot, touches the ground or
when the ball carrier is tackled or otherwise falls and loses possession of the ball as he contacts
the ground with any part of his body, except his hand or foot [Exception: The ball remains alive
when an offensive player has simulated a kick or at the snap is in position to kick the ball held for
a place kick by a teammate. The ball may be kicked, passed or advanced by rule]
q. When a ball carriers helmet comes completely off.
IWFL Note: This is no longer an active exception. Use the NCAA rules regarding Dead Ball rules.
Rule 6 Kicks
Section 4. Opportunity to Catch a Kick (FR-68)
ARTICLE 1. a. A player of the receiving team within the boundary lines attempting to catch a
kick, and so located that he could have caught a free kick or a scrimmage kick that is beyond the
neutral zone, must be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the kick
b. It is an interference foul if, before the receiver touches the ball, a Team A player enters the
area defined by the width of the receivers shoulders and extending one yard in front of him.
When in question it is a foul.
IWFL Note: This is also referred to as the Halo rule.
Rule 7 Snapping and Passing the Ball
Complete Pass (FR-76-77)
ARTICLE 6. Any forward pass is complete when caught by a player of the passing team who is
inbounds, and the ball continues in play unless completed in the opponents end zone or the pass
has been caught simultaneously by opposing players. If a forward pass is caught simultaneously
by opposing players inbounds, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the passing team

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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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Rule 8 Scoring
Section 4. Field Goal (FR-82-83)
Next Play
ARTICLE 2. a. Successful field goal. After a field goal is scored, the ball shall be put in play by a
kickoff or at the succeeding spot in extra periods. The team scoring the field goal shall kick off.

b. Unsuccessful field-goal attempt.

1. If the ball untouched by Team B beyond the neutral zone is declared dead beyond the
neutral zone, it belongs to Team B. Except in an extra period Team B will snap the ball at the
previous spot unless the previous spot was between its 20-yard line and its goal line. In that
case Team B will next snap the ball at its 20-yard line.
(a) The 20-yard-line snap shall be from midway between the hash marks unless Team B selects a
different location on or between the hash marks before the ready-for-play signal.
(b) After the ready-for-play signal, the ball may be relocated after a charged team timeout,
unless preceded by a Team A foul or offsetting fouls.
2. If the ball does not cross the neutral zone, or if Team B touches the ball beyond the
neutral zone, all rules pertaining to scrimmage kicks apply
3. If the ball crosses the neutral zone, is untouched by Team B beyond the neutral zone,
and is declared dead behind the neutral zone, all rules pertaining to scrimmage kicks apply
Rule 9 Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules
Section 1. Personal Fouls (FR-87)
Targeting and Making Forcible Contact With the Crown of the Helmet
ARTICLE 3. No player shall target and make forcible contact against an opponent with the crown
(top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.
Section 1. Personal Fouls (FR-87)
Striking Fouls and Tripping
Article 2.
a. No person subject to the rules shall strike an opponent with the knee; strike an opponents
helmet (including the face mask), neck, face or any other part of the body with an extended
forearm, elbow, locked hands, palm, fist, or the heel, back or side of the open hand; or gouge an
b. No person subject to the rules shall strike an opponent with his foot or any part of his leg
that is below the knee.
c. There shall be no tripping. (Exception: Tripping the runner is not a foul.)
Targeting and Making Forcible Contact to Head or Neck Area of a Defenseless Player
ARTICLE 4. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a
defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. When in question,
it is a foul
Section 2. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Fouls
Unsportsmanlike Acts
ARTICLE 1. b. Other prohibited acts include: (FR-94)
1. During the game, coaches, substitutes and authorized attendants in the team area shall not
be on the field of play or outside the 25-yard lines without permission from the referee unless
legally entering or leaving the field
2. No disqualified person shall be in view of the field of play.
3. No person or mascot subject to the rules, except players, officials and eligible substitutes,
shall be on the field of play or end zones during any period without permission from the referee.
If a player is injured, attendants may come inbounds to attend him, but they must obtain
recognition from an official.
4. No substitute(s) may enter the field of play or end zones for purposes other than replacing a
player(s) or to fill a player vacancy(ies). This includes demonstrations after any play.

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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
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5. Persons subject to the rules, including bands, shall not create any noise that prohibits a team
from hearing its signals.
IWFL Note: Music and announcer will stop when the huddle breaks until the ball is snapped.
Appendix E
Equipment: Additional Details
A. Details Regarding Illegal Equipment (FR-128)
2. Hand and arm protectors (covered casts or splints) are permitted only to protect a fracture or
IWFL Note: Casts and splints must be covered with slow-recovery foam padding at least -inch
thick, or an alternate material of the same minimum thickness having similar physical properties.)
5. Therapeutic or preventive knee braces must be worn under the pants and entirely covered
from direct external exposure
2016 IWFL Operation Documents
Article 7 Schedules
1. Any team that does not play a game they are scheduled to play will have the result recorded as a
2. A team that forfeits a game scheduled will lose one home game on the schedule in the following
season and that lost home game will be played as an additional away game, preferably against the
team they forfeited on. It will be the responsibility of the team forfeited on to inform the IWFL
Director of the game that needs to be removed.
IWFL Clarification: If a team no-shows/forfeits during the regular season, the team is disqualified from
ANY post season participation. That includes championship, bowl games, etc.
Article XV. Playing Seasons
Section 15.03 Forfeits
Forfeiture is defined as: (Note this is only a portion of this section for clarification)
A game no-show by one team regardless of reason
Fielding an ineligible player
A ineligible coach appearing at a game to coach his or her team
Breaking a Rule of the Game which gives team an unfair advantage (as determined by

the Disciplinary Committee)

A weather related forfeit will not result in a penalty as long as both team delegates have
contacted the Chief Executive Officer and agreed to a forfeit.
A forfeit will be posted as a score of 1-0 on league and team websites.

Article XXXIV. Disproportionate Competition

Guidelines for Disproportionate Competition will be agreed upon by both Delegates in advance of
a game deemed to have Disproportionate Competition.
To be deemed a game of Disproportionate Competition, the less competitive team Delegate must
request the designation at least 5 days in advance of the game.
Final guidelines will be communicated via a member of the Executive Council prior to the game in
question but will included, at a minimum, a Slaughter Rule which will be automatically activated
when one team is ahead by 40 points or more. Once the Slaughter Rule is active, the game will
stop and the Delegates from both teams will meet to determine if the game will continue without
scoring or if playing will stop completely or played with additional safety precautions.
The more competitive team may decline to play under the Disproportionate Competition and
accept a forfeit win provided the decision is communicated to the less competitive team and
Executive Council member no later than 1 day after the designation.
Article XXXV. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
(a) Unsportsmanlike conduct is considered but not limited to the following:
(i) Striking or fighting with another player
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Independent W om ens Football League

P O BOX 1844 R ound R ock, TX 78680
w w w .iw flsports.com

(ii) Striking or fighting with another player as documented by the referee shall warrant suspension
of the player from IWFL for a period of at least one game following the incident as
determined by the Disciplinary and Protest Committee. A maximum penalty of permanent
banishment may be applied depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. Note:
Striking or fighting with another player shall only be considered if the intent to injure is obvious as
determined by the referee.
(iii) Verbal Abuse of a Referee/Team Management/League Officer
(iv) Verbal abuse of any of the above referee shall warrant suspension of the player or coach
from the IWFL for a period of at least two games as determined by the Disciplinary and
Protest Committee. A maximum penalty of permanent banishment may be applied depending on
the severity and frequency of the offense. Note: Repeated swearing is considered verbal abuse at
the discretion of the referee (or other official party present).
(b) Threatening Behavior Directed Towards a Referee/Team Management/League Officer
(c) Threatening behavior directed towards any of the above shall warrant suspension of the player
from IWFL for a period of at least 2 games as determined by the Discipline and Protest
Committee. A maximum penalty of permanent banishment may be applied depending on the severity
and frequency of the offense. In addition, a report shall be filed with IWFL for further disciplinary
(d) Physical Assault of Referee/Team Management/League Officer
(e) Physical assault of any of the above shall warrant permanent banishment from IWFL as
determined by the Discipline and Protest Committee.
(f) Should a member of Team Management also happen to be a player, the individual will ONLY be
viewed as an IWFL player, not Team Management or League Officer by the Disciplinary and Protest
(g) Refusal to comply with the IWFL guidelines for Disproportionate Competition during a game
(previously mercy rules).
IWFL Clarification:
a) Player suspension: Players may not participate on the field as a player or coach during the
suspension period. Players may attend games on the sideline, not dressed for play, with the
team jersey inside out.
b) Coach suspension: Coach may not participate on the field, in the press box, or communicate
in any way (including electronic communication devices, hand signals etc.) with players or
coaches on the field, from the time the players take the field, until the game official ends
the game.

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Coaches and players that violate the suspension rules will be further suspended
pending the IWFL Disciplinary and Protest Committee review.


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