Senate Energy Bill Response

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Michael Mariotte, NIRS 301-270-6477

May 12, 2010 cell: 301-395-7463




200 environmental, peace, consumer, religious organizations and small businesses today joined
together to blast the Kerry-Lieberman “climate” proposal as a taxpayer bailout of the nuclear
power industry and other dirty energy interests that would be ineffective at addressing the
climate crisis.

The groups pledged to oppose the Kerry- Lieberman bill unless substantial changes are made,
including removing all support for nuclear power.

“This bill is just business-as-usual: taxpayer giveaways to giant nuclear and other energy
corporations wrapped in the guise of doing something about our climate crisis. To call this a
climate bill is greenwashing in the extreme. We need to direct our resources to the fastest,
cheapest, cleanest and safest means of reducing carbon emissions—this bill does just the
opposite,” said Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource
Service, a national organization based in Takoma Park, MD, which coordinated this statement.

“The climate crisis won’t be solved by increasing reliance on the dirty energy technologies of the
past.” said Michael Keegan of the Michigan-based Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes,
“What we need is an all-out effort to implement the clean technologies that already exist and are
improving daily: solar and wind power, distributed energy systems, smart grids, increased energy
efficiency—these are the energy technologies of the 21st century.”

Among other provisions, the bill is expected to:

*provide $54 billion in taxpayer “loan guarantees” for construction of new nuclear reactors.
These “loan guarantees” would actually be direct taxpayer loans from the government’s Federal
Financing Bank. It would also provide a 10% tax break to wealthy utilities for nuclear
construction costs.

*create a “Clean Energy Deployment Administration” (CEDA) with the authority to provide
unlimited taxpayer loans for new reactor construction without Congressional oversight.

*support dirty and dangerous reprocessing technologies, authorize billions of dollars in nuclear
research and development, and legislatively attempt to speed the nuclear reactor licensing
process despite a recent report from the Bipartisan Policy Center that found the industry is
primarily to blame for the slow pace of licensing.

*continue to support offshore oil drilling near much of the U.S. coastline despite the calamitous
BP oil spill.
*provide $10 billion for wasteful and impossible “clean coal” development.

*target a reduction in carbon emissions of only 17% from 2005 levels by 2020—far lower than
most scientists believe is necessary.

Groups in New England were particularly upset at their Senators’ actions. "Senator John Kerry's
blatant support of the nuclear industry has left thousands of his Massachusetts constituents
questioning his judgment,” said Sandra Gavutis, executive director of C-10, a grassroots group in
eastern Massachusetts.

“Senator Joe Lieberman is the nuclear power industries’ best friend in the U.S. Senate. His
support for a major federal loan guarantee for the nuclear power industry comes as no surprise.
However, he does not represent the interests of the people of Connecticut, who demand
investment instead in safe, clean, renewable energy,” added Nancy Burton of the Connecticut
Coalition Against Millstone.

In an affront to environmentalists across the world, Senators Kerry and Lieberman originally
chose April 26—the 24th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe—to unveil their
“climate bill” that would provide vast new government support for construction of new nuclear
reactors and make future Chernobyl-like disasters even more likely. Only the sudden withdrawal
of support for the bill by South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham changed the bill’s release date.

“Everyone needs to face the tragic truth about the very real consequences of nuclear
catastrophe,” says Glenn Carroll, coordinator of Nuclear Watch South. “The Chernobyl accident
is still happening as wildlife intrudes the ruined reactor and spreads radiation around the
countryside. The massive concrete sarcophagus is 24 years old and threatens to collapse,
initiating another deadly plume of radiation to the environment. Sun and wind promise us
complete freedom from the untenable threat of irreversible nuclear contamination and our leaders
must be pressed upon to heed Chernobyl’s warning against investing in more nuclear reactors.”
Nuclear Watch South is based in Georgia where the giant Southern Company is slated to receive
the first government nuclear payouts for two new reactors at the Vogtle site near Augusta.

“In the past month we’ve commemorated Chernobyl--the worst man-made disaster in history--
and seen two new disasters: a massive oil spill on our Gulf Coast and a coal mine explosion,”
said Mariotte. “Nuclear power, oil and coal are not solutions to climate change, they are
enormous environmental problems. These Senators should know better. The widespread
opposition to this bill indicated by these 200 organizations indicates the American public want
real solutions to the climate crisis, not more expensive bailouts for dirty energy interests.”

Signers listed by State

Russell Lowes, Research Director
Patricia Birnie
GE Stockholders Alliance Tucson, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Stephen M. Brittle
Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa Don't Waste Arizona
The Nuclear Resister Phoenix, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Dave Ewoldt
Executive Director

Natural Systems Solutions Westhaven Center for the Arts
Tucson, AZ Trinidad, CA

Bill Cunningham Joyce McLean

Southwest Solar Santa Cruz WILPF
Tucson, AZ Santa Cruz, CA

Julia Rouvier Marylia Kelley

Flagstaff Nuclear Awareness Project Tri-Valley CAREs
Flagstaff, AZ Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
Livermore, CA
Christopher Worcester
Solar Wind Works Sheldon Plotkin
Truckee, CA Southern California Federation of Scientists
Los Angeles, CA
Elaine Holder, President
Mothers for Peace Action Committee Bernice Fischer
San Luis Obispo, CA Peninsula Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom
Robin Bayer, President Palo Alto, CA
Palo Alto, CA Guenn Johnsen-Gentry
Director of Education and Outreach
Linda Seeley North Valley Food Co-op
Terra Foundation Redding, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA
Albert G Cohen
Mary Beth Brangan Southern California
EON, The Ecological Options Network Ecumenical Council
Bolinas, CA Pasadena, CA

Philip Tymon, Administrative Director Todd Steiner, Executive Director

Occidental Arts and Ecology Center Turtle Island Restoration Network
Occidental, CA Forest Knolls, CA

Lillian Light, President Patricia Krommer C.S.J.

The Environmental Priorities Network Sisters of St. Joseph
Palos Verdes, CA Los Angeles, CA

Leslie Sheridan, President Wendy Oser

The Added Edge, Inc. Nuclear Guardianship Project
Vineburg, CA Berkeley, CA

Steven Gorelick Dorothy Holland, Co-Chair

International Society for Ecology and Culture Santa Barbara Branch
Berkeley, CA Women's International League for Peace &
Enid Schreibman Santa Barbara, CA
Center for Safe Energy
Berkeley, CA Ananda Lee Tan
North American Program Coordinator
Monroe Jeffrey Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
International Tribal Association Berkeley, CA
Perris, CA
Free Soil Party of the U.S.
Carol Wiebe Los Angeles, CA

Pax Christi Northeast Florida
Mark Moulton St. Augustine, FL
Fund For Peace Initiatives
Menlo Park, CA John Hedrick
Panhandle Citizens Coalition
Evan Ravitz, Founder Tallahassee, FL
Boulder, CO Dick Glick
Corporation for Future Resources
Lezley Suleiman Tallahassee, FL
President, Tallahassee Area Community
Canon City, CO Rev. Dr. Kathleen A. Bishop
Rabbi Barry Silver
Judi Friedman, Chair Social Justice League of Palm Beach County
PACE (Peoples Action for Clean Energy, Inc.) Lake Worth, FL
Canton, CT
Joyce Tarnow, President
Nancy Burton Floridians for a Sustainable Population
Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone Cross City, FL
Redding Ridge, CT
Sue Michalson, chair
Paula Panzarella The Village Greens Environmental Club
Fight the Hike The Villages, FL
New Haven, CT
Michael Canney
Alan Muller, Executive Director Alachua County Green Party
Green Delaware Gainesville, FL
Port Penn, DE
Glenn Carroll
Jim Riccio Nuclear Watch South
Greenpeace Atlanta, GA
Washington DC
Tom Ferguson
Jay Marx, Campaign Coordinator Foundation for Global Community
Proposition One Committee for Nuclear Atlanta, GA
Disarmament and Economic Conversion
Washington, DC Bob Darby
Food Not Bombs
Donald Keesing Atlanta, GA
Voices Opposed To Environmental Racism Bobbie Paul, Executive Director
Washington, DC Georgia WAND
Atlanta, GA
Jim Walker
No Nukes Now Adele Kushner, Executive Director
Tallassahee, FL Action for a Clean Environment
Alto, GA
Marilyn Blackwell
Help Save the Apalachicola River Group Roy H. Taylor III
Wewahitchka, FL Choosing Green
Canton, GA
Cara Campbell, Chair
Ecology Party of Florida, Andrea Shipley, Executive Director
Ft. Lauderdale, FL Snake River Alliance
Boise, ID
Nancy O'Byrne

Dave Kraft Co-Presidents
Nuclear Energy Information Service WILPF, U.S. Section
Chicago, IL Boston, MA

Carolyn Treadway Hugh Harwell, MRP

No New Nukes Ecological Planner, Designer & Builder
Normal, IL Sirius Ecovillage
Shutesbury, MA
Carol Stark, Director
Citizens Against Ruining the Environment- Margaret Sheehan, President
C.A.R.E. Biomass Accountability Project, Inc.
Lockport IL Cambridge, MA

Maureen Headington Andrée Collier & Ken Ward

Stand Up/Save Lives Campaign Jamaica Plain Green House
Burr Ridge, IL Jamaica Plain, MA

Cheryl Becker Jonathan Mark,

Body Wisdom Incorporated Publisher, Flyby News
Lake Bluff, IL Wendell Depot, MA

John E. Surette, SJ D.O., Glen & Jean

Spiritearth The Enviro Show
La Grange Pk, IL WXOJ-LP & WMCB
Florence, MA
John Blair, president
Valley Watch, Inc. Virginia Pratt
Evansville, IN Boston Branch, Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom
Ann Suellentrop Boston, MA
Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City
Chapter David Starr, Director
Kansas City, KS GREEN Northampton
Northampton, MA
Nancy Givens, CoChair
BGGreen Partnership for a Sustainable Brent Baeslack, Co-chair
Community Haverhill Environmental League
Bowling Green, KY Haverhill MA

Corinne Whitehead, President William S. Linnell

Coalition for Health Concern, Inc. Cheaper, Safer Power
Benton, KY Portland, ME

W. H. Herke, Ph.D. Bradshaw Cummings

Citizens for a Clean Environment Peace Action Maine
Baton Rouge, LA Portland, ME

Deb Katz Michael Mariotte, Executive Director

Citizens Awareness Network Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Shelburne Falls, MA Takoma Park, MD

Sandra Gavutis, Executive Director Max Obuszewski

C-10 Foundation Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Newburyport, MA Baltimore, MD

Nancy Munger and Laura Roskos,

Ken Bossong, Executive Director
SUN DAY Campaign Danene Provencher
Takoma Park, MD West Metro Global Warming Action Group
Mound, MN
Kevin Kamps
Beyond Nuclear Susu Jeffrey, Founder
Takoma Park, MD Friends of Coldwater
Twin Cities, MN
Angela Flynn, Coordinator
Teach Environmental Awareness for Community Jean Chovan, Joy Johnson
Health Co-chairs
Bethesda, MD Southeastern Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers
Rochester, MN
Gwen Dubois
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility Mark Haim
Baltimore, MD Missourians for Safe Energy
Columbia, MO
Dagmar Fabian
Crabshell Alliance Chris Daum
Baltimore, MD Oasis Montana Inc.
Renewable Energy Supply & Design
Keith Gunter Stevensville, MT
Citizens' Resistance at Fermi Two
Monroe, MI Buffalo Bruce
Western Nebraska Resources Council
Alice Hirt Chadron, NE
Don't Waste Michigan
Holland, MI Steve Larrick, President
South Salt Creek Community Organization
Michael J. Keegan Lincoln, NE
Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes
Monroe, MI Peggy Maze Johnson
Citizen Alert
Joel Welty, Executive Director Las Vegas, NV
Michigan Alliance of Cooperatives
Blanchard, MI Doug Bogen
Executive Director
Eugenia Bajorek Seacoast Anti-Pollution League
SJF & PCUUC Peace and Justice Portsmouth, NH
Oakland, MI
Paula Gotsch
Derek Grigsby GRAMMES
The Detroit Peoples Water Board Normandy Beach, NJ
Detroit, MI
Lori Gold
Vic Macks Genesis Farm
Michigan Stop the Nuclear Bombs Campaign Blairstown, NJ
Detroit, MI
Janet Greenwald
Amber Garlan Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping
Green Party of St. Paul Albuquerque, NM
St. Paul, MN
Joni Arends, Executive Director
Judi Poulson, Chair Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
Fairmont MN Peace Group Santa Fe, NM
Fairmont, MN

Lesley Weinstock, Coordinator
Aguq es Vida Action Team (AVAT) James Rauch, Secretary
Albuquerque, NM F.A.C.T.S. (For A Clean Tonawanda Site)
Alden, NY
Marian Naranjo, Director
Honor Our Pueblo Existence (H.O.P.E.) Conrad Miller M.D.
Espanola, NM Founder
Physicians For Life
Penelope McMullen, SL Watermill, NY
Loretto Community
Santa Fe, NM Elaine Donovan, co-founder
Concerned Citizens for Peace
John Boomer Honeoye, NY
MASE (Multicultural Alliance For A Safe
Environment) Jim Warren, Executive Director
Albuquerque, NM NC WARN
Raleigh, NC
Pam Gilchrist
Network of Spiritual Progressives Lewis E. Patrie, MD, Chair
Santa Fe, NM Western N. C. Physicians for Social Responsibility
Asheville, NC
Greg Mello
Los Alamos Study Group E.M.T. O'Nan, Director
Albuquerque, NM Protect All Children's Environment
Marion, NC
Alice Slater
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NY Robert Eidus
New York, NY Eagle Feather Organic Farm
Marshall, NC
Barbara Warren
Executive Director Wells Eddleman, Staff Scientist
Citizens' Environmental Coalition NC Citizens Research Group
Albany, NY Durham NC

Arnold Gore Ed King

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition Triangle Greens
New York, NY Pittsboro, NC

Stanley Romaine, Chair Roberta Dees

Great Neck SANE/Peace Action Carolina Green Sense
Great Neck, NY Charlotte, NC

Gerald R. Lotierzo, Co-Chair Connie Kline

Peace Action of Central New York Ohio Citizens Against a Radioactive Environment
JK Canepa, Co-Founder Willoughby Hills, OH
New York Climate Action Group
New York, NY Chris Borello, President
Concerned Citizens of Lake Twp./Uniontown IEL
Aresh Javadi, Executive Director Superfund Site, OH
The More Gardens! Fund
New York, NY Terry J. Lodge, Convenor
Toledo Coalition for Safe Energy
Ann Eagan Toledo, OH
Green Party NYC
New York, NY

Karen Hansen, State Director Mike Ewall
Ohio Conference on Fair Trade Energy Justice Network
Columbus, OH Philadelphia, PA

Marilyn McCullough Zoey Alderman-Tuttle

The Carrie Dickerson Foundation Student Green Team of Mercyhurst College
Tulsa, OK Erie, PA

B.A. Geary Eric Epstein

Citizens Action for Safe Energy Three Mile Island Alert
Tulsa, OK Harrisburg, PA

Nina Bell, J.D., Executive Director Katharine Dodge, President

Northwest Environmental Advocates Northeast PA Audubon Society
Portland, OR Honesdale, PA

Betsy Toll Uke Jackson

Living Earth Gatherings Uke Jackson Productions, Inc.
Portland, OR Delaware Water Gap, PA

Dona Hippert J.D., President Mary Elizabeth Clark

Oregon Toxics Alliance SSJ Earth Center
Eugene, OR Philadelphia, PA

Paige Knight, President Terri MacKenzie SHCJ

Hanford Watch The EcoSpirituality Group, American Province
Portland, OR Sisters of the Holy Child
Rosemont, PA
Chuck Johnson
Center for Energy Research Nancy Tate
Portland, OR LEPOCO Peace Center
Bethlehem, PA
Lloyd Marbet, Executive Director
Oregon Conservancy Foundation I.K. Samways Chair
Boring, OR Green Party of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, PA
Peter Bergel
Oregon PeaceWorks Sandy Hazley, Chair
Salem, OR Green Party of Allegheny County
Pittsburgh, PA
Lynn Sims
Don't Waste Oregon Bill Belitskus, Board President
Portland, OR Allegheny Defense Project (ADP)
Kane, PA
David Hughes
Citizen Power Joe Martin
Pittsburgh, PA McKean County Citizens Against Nuclear Waste
Bradford, PA
Dr. Lewis Cuthbert
Alliance For A Clean Environment Patricia Hval, Chair
Pottstown, PA Westerly Peak Oil Task Force
Westerly, RI
Ernest Fuller
Concerned Citizens for SNEC Safety William Smith, III
Six Mile Run, PA USA Nica Windpower, Inc.
Jamestown, RI

Jason Von Kundra, President
Finian Taylor GMU Environmental Action Group
Hilton Head for Peace Fairfax, VA
Hilton Head, SC
Joe Cook
Louise Gorenflo, moderator Council Coordinator
Know Nuclear Hampton Roads
Crossville TN Norfolk, VA

Kathleen Ferris, Co-Founder Brian Tokar

Citizens to End Nuclear Dumping in TN Institute for Social Ecology
Murfreesboro, TN Plainfield, VT

Irucka Embry Beth Champagne

EcoC2S (EcoCsquaredS) North Country Coalition for Justice and Peace
Murfreesboro/Nashville, TN St. Johnsbury, VT

Eric Lewis, Administrator Crystal Zevon

Cumberland Green Bioregional Council Farm Fresh Market and Café
Nashville, TN Barre, VT

Cynthia Weehler Randy Kehler, Co-Coordinator

Energia Mia Safe & Green Campaign
San Antonio, TX Brattleboro, VT

Jerry Stein, President Debra Stoleroff

Peace Farm Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance
Amarillo, TX Montpelier, VT

Mary Schneider Ariel Zevon

The Holographic Repatterning Institute At Austin Local Agricultural Community Exchange
Austin, TX Barre, VT

Marisol Cortez, Climate Justice Organizer Rachel Smolker

Southwest Workers' Union Climate SOS
San Antonio, TX VT

Peggy and Melodye Pryor Gerry Pollet, JD;

No Bonds for Billioniares Executive Director,
Andrews, TX Heart of America Northwest
Seattle, WA
Joseph L. Goldman, Ph.D, CCM
Technical Director Chris Herman
International Center for the Solution of Winter Sun Design
Environmental Problems Edmonds, WA
Alpine, TX
Marianne Edain
Gary Stuard Whidbey Environmental Action Network
Founder/Executive Director Langley, WA
Interfaith Environmental Alliance (IEA)
Dallas, TX John LaForge
Elena Day Luck, WI
Peoples' Alliance for Clean Energy
Charlottesville, VA Judy Miner, Executive Director
Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice

Madison WI

Guy Wolf
Coulee Region Progressives
Stoddard, WI

Gail Vaugh
DownRiver Alliance
Ferryville, WI

Irene Mehlos
Merrill Peace Study
Merrill, WI

Christopher LaForge
Great Northern Solar
Port Wing, WI

Northern Futures Foundation

Port Wing, WI

Kickapoo Peace Circle

Viroqua, WI

Al Gedicks
Wisconsin Resources Protection Council
La Crosse, WI


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