ConWatch Summer 2009

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Conservation Watch

A Publication of the Garden Club of America

Volume XVIII, Issue 3 Summer, 2009

The Center for Plant Conservation Turns 25!

In May, 2009 the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) started its 25th year of working to conserve and
restore the imperiled native plants of the United States. The Center’s mission is at least as critical today
as it was in the early years of the environmental movement. Sustaining native plants is imperative for us
and for the health of our ecosystem - plants are essential natural resources that provide food, medicinal
benefits and much more. More than 200 U.S. plants have become extinct in recent years. More than 900
plants are federally listed as threatened or endangered, or are in the process of being listed as such.
Nearly a quarter of our flora is considered to be of conservation concern.

In 1984 two recent Tufts graduates, Don Falk and Frank Thibodeau, became concerned about the lack of
activity taking place to save endangered plants as compared to that taken on behalf of animals. They took
the issue as a challenge and envisioned U.S. botanical gardens, arboreta and other institutions helping.
With good mentors and supporters, they organized a nonprofit organization, starting out in the attic of
the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.

The Center’s work fits well with GCA’s love of plants and concerns for conservation and The Garden
Club of America has supported CPC
from its earliest days. The Center
owes a debt of gratitude to GCA for
helping it build a strong foundation.
GCA members served on the CPC
founding board, and “The Garland of
Generations,” a slideshow narrated by
Christopher Reeve, was co-sponsored
by GCA in 1986 to raise conservation
awareness. Garden clubs all over the
country have viewed the slideshow.

Mary Patterson, a GCA member from

Greenwich, Connecticut, recalls, “Don
Falk from CPC, when it was at Arnold
Arboretum, came from Boston and
gave a stirring talk along with the
slideshow at a tri-club dinner meeting.
Shortly thereafter, the three clubs
Michael Kunz, Conservation Ecologist at North Carolina Botanical
Garden,collects seed for the CPC National Collection. jointly sponsored van Brunt’s Jacob’s

ladder, Polemonium vanbruntiae, for conservation. Subsequently, there were many more [sponsorships],
and we all felt very good about the work we had done and continue to do.”

GCA provided leadership for CPC in 1986 by

sponsoring Robbins Cinquefoil (Potentilla
robbinsiana). The gift provided annual support to a
CPC institution, the New England Wild Flower
Society, for work with other partners that led to
the removal of the cinquefoil from the Endangered
Species List in 2003. It was the first plant delisted
as a result of restoration work that had been
accomplished! Today, 142 clubs sponsor 50 plants
to sustain restoration work for the National
Collection of Endangered Species, which CPC is
continually expanding.

The Center’s effectiveness has grown. Today, the

Missouri Botanical Garden hosts the CPC national office space in St. Louis, Missouri. The CPC network
is comprised of 36 institutions, while the National Collection seed bank conserves 700-plus species, and
is breaking new ground in scientific understanding of our native plants. The various institutions monitor
more than 1600 vulnerable plant sites and work on nearly 190 reintroduction projects.

Over the years 155 garden clubs have given welcome support to CPC. The Center values GCA for its
effectiveness in sending a strong conservation message. Through its role in national conservation policy,
projects like Partners for Plants and effective leadership and connection to local communities, GCA has
become an essential part of the conservation conversation in this country. GCA’s role is essential for
the CPC’s long-term success.

Challenges to the flora are likely to increase in concert with climate change. Partnerships like that of the
GCA and CPC will help protect our nation’s flora for generations to come. There are many
opportunities to partner in our local botanical gardens’ conservation work, in educating our
communities, in improving public policy, and in securing resources to support the urgent work needed.

A reintroduction project for harperella on the Deep River in North Carolina.
"I believe very strongly in the mission of CPC. I believe that, nationally and globally, plant conservation is
something we must address,” says Janet Meakin Poor, a twenty-year CPC board member and a longtime
GCA leader. “When people work collaboratively, it gives us a much stronger position.” Looking back on
25 years of progress, CPC thanks The Garden Club of America for helping it grow, looking forward to
future partnerships for our priceless native plants.

Kathryn Kennedy, Ph.D., Garden Club of St. Louis (MO) – Zone XI

President and Executive Director, Center for Plant Conservation

The Smart Grid – What is It?

Electricity undergirds nearly every aspect of modern life, from delivering water supplies and running steel
mills to controlling traffic lights and the Internet.  But the infrastructure that distributes electricity across
the U.S. has not kept up with the times. Soon after taking office, President Obama asked Congress to
pass legislation that would double alternative energy production and build a new electricity smart grid
within three years. The goal would be to deliver plentiful energy from wind and sunshine to power-
hungry cities.

Currently, the U.S. power grid consists of three distinct regional grids - the Western, Texas, and Eastern
interconnections, the last being a collection of smaller grids.  Although we think of it as a national
institution, it actually resembles a feudal system, with ownership split among thousands of different
entities.  Control of the power is spread out among dozens of jurisdictions.  The grid grew together
from many small systems and local regulators that have not been melded. 

The existing grids are old and rapidly becoming inadequate.

Output is intermittent and sometimes hard to predict.
Currently 70 percent of the existing high voltage system is at
least 25 years old and very little additional transmission
capacity has been built during those 25 years. Most of the
potential for renewable resources tends to be in places where
there is no adequate transmission infrastructure. Even before
the addition of renewable resources, the transmission system
is being used closer to its limit more of the time than at any
time in the past.

Without new transmission infrastructure, updated standards

requiring the use of renewable resources are unenforceable.
After decades of building coal, nuclear, natural gas and oil-fired
generators close to customers, 28 state governments set
renewable portfolio standards (RPS) that require utilities to
supply a portion of their electricity using renewables. A
typical state’s goal might be to reach a level of 20% renewables
by 2020 or even sooner. 

However, those standards are meaningless with a grid that is

incapable of assimilating intermittent energy without having to

build new fossil-fueled plants. Although fossil fuels will continue to be needed as backup power for the
foreseeable future, the U.S. needs an efficient transmission system that crisscrosses the country much
like the interstate highway transportation system, knitting together all the large wind farms, solar energy
fields, geothermal pools, hydroelectric generators, and other alternative sources.

Construction of a national transmission system is within America’s capabilities, and a regulatory statute
already exists for implementation. The 2005 Energy Act gave the Dept. of Energy (DOE) backup
authority “to approve new power lines over state objections by designing national interstate electric
transmission corridors.” *

However, the DOE is moving forward carefully. In two areas where they have tried to put this law into
practice, it has provoked a firestorm of political objection. Even though legal authority exists to erect
transmission lines, the political consensus may stand in opposition. In fact, major utilities and grid
operators are now planning an expansion of the Eastern interconnection grid to handle the huge
increase in renewable power that has developed as a result of implementation of the RPS. Utilities and
grid operators may try to head off congressional proposals for federal grid planning and to show
Congress that a grass roots planning approach will be more efficient than creating a new, top down
planning process under federal control. The planning of grid operations on a state and regional level is
already complex; utilities may claim that it is important to let states come up with solutions before
federal authority takes over, thus preserving state’s rights. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) will have final planning oversight.

A smart grid relates to the grid’s ability to utilize a number of power sources and integrate them as
needed. Implementing a national smart grid requires a true national energy strategy, not a state-by-state
strategy. Transmission reform must become an important enough priority to assure the resolution of
disputes, beginning with federally elected officials, and reaching down to state and local levels. The
ultimate development of clean energy cannot go forward without an adequate grid, and a smart grid is
the grid of the future.

Benefits of a Smart Grid:

• According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), the huge expense of building a smart grid,
about $400 billion over 10 years, would save billions over the next 20 years by reducing
inefficiencies and power failures.
• There would be less dependence on imported energy and a reduction of the carbon emissions
that contribute to climate change.
• Investments in infrastructure could stimulate economic growth, increase green jobs, make
electric cars more feasible and affordable, and bring the price of home and business-scaled,
renewable power systems down because of shorter payback periods.
• Small players such as homeowners with solar panels, small wind turbines, and plug-in electric
vehicles, and small businesses supplying their own alternative energy, could sell more power to
their neighbors or back to the distribution grid.
• Larger commercial businesses with renewable or backup power systems that can provide clean
energy can also sell power back to the grid at a profit during peak demands.
• Potentially, the use of cars to store electricity and sell it back at times of peak demand would
help utility companies to keep voltage regulation more stable, especially when more power
comes from intermittent sources.
• Power outages would be less of a problem.  The grid would be able to isolate a problem quickly
and create pathways around it.

• Buried power lines, if possible, would reduce accidents and storm-related outages, and make
transmissions through lovely vistas and towns less objectionable.
• Consumers would use energy more wisely and save money with a sensor in the home that
would show the price of electricity at any given time, so that the homeowner could set priorities
and use more energy when the price is lower during off-peak hours.  Through home automation
network devices, home thermostats can be set to reduce energy loads during peak times, and
lights in unoccupied rooms can be automatically shut off.
• Consumers would be able to tell which appliances are energy hogs, and identify energy vampires
such as cell phone chargers, sleeping computers, digital clocks and hot water heaters.

* Wald, Matthew L., “Giving the Grid Some Backbone,” Scientific American 3.0, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2009.

Penny Thomas, G.C. of Princeton (NJ) – Zone IV

Former GCA NAL Committee, Vice-Chair – Climate Change 2007-09

Your Cosmetics – Are They Safe?

Queen Elizabeth I probably did not realize that the white lead make-up she used could have caused her
death. Neither the FDA nor any other Federal agency regulates the cosmetic industry in the US. It is
self-regulated. Here is some information from the FDA’s website: “Who is responsible for substantiating
the safety of cosmetics? Cosmetic firms are responsible for substantiating the safety of their products and
ingredients before marketing….”
The ingredients have to be listed except in the case of fragrance, which is proprietary information and
does not have to be listed. This is where some dangerous ingredients can hide.
The European Community has much stricter ingredient controls in effect. However, some of the large
manufacturers that sell cosmetics in the EU and the U.S. do not use the same formulas for each market.
Some U.S. formulas have ingredients that are not allowed in the EU. The cosmetic companies’ reasoning
is that the traces of cancer causing chemicals, developmental/reproductive toxicity, allergens/immuno-
toxicity and other concern items are too small to make a difference. But by buying the chemicals that
produce these trace amounts they are causing another company to produce them. Look at this site to
see how safe the products you use are:
If the ingredients don’t scare you enough, the use of nanotechnology in
cosmetics might. Cosmetic companies are using this technology to make
particles so small they can penetrate the blood brain barrier, leading to
heightened toxicity. And, they are not labeled. Friends of the Earth
International is the world's largest grassroots environmental network. Their
research has shown “that nanoparticles have entered just about every
personal care product on the market, including deodorant, soap, toothpaste,
shampoo, hair conditioner, sunscreen, anti-wrinkle cream, moisturizer,
foundation, face powder, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, nail polish, perfume and
after-shave lotion. Nano-scale titanium dioxide and zinc is widely used today in sunscreens. Major
cosmetics manufacturers including Revlon, L’Oreal, Lancôme, Avon and The Body Shop use nanoparticles.

The concern is that nanoparticles in sunscreens and cosmetics may cause skin
damage. Scientific studies have shown that nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and
zinc oxide commonly used in sunscreens and cosmetics can produce free
radicals, damage DNA, and cause cell toxicity, especially when exposed to
ultraviolet light. The concern is that rather than offering us sun protection,
nanoparticles used in sunscreens and cosmetics could actually result in serious
skin damage.

Check out what is really in your cosmetic products, if you can. A helpful book
that is available is called Not Just a Pretty Face:The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry.
This award-winning book by Stacy Malkais is a thought-provoking read.

Tina Freeman, New Orleans Town Gardeners (LA) -Zone IX

Past GCA Conservation Committee, Vice-Chair – Air Quality/Toxic Substances

[Special note from the author: If a consumer is pregnant, nursing, or wishes to lower her exposure to
ingredients that may not be listed on the label, avoid products that list “fragrance.”]

History in the Making – GCA Committees Visit Green Building

At a recent meeting of the GCA Conservation and NAL committees, members toured the new,
beautiful, and ultra-green Kroon Environmental Sciences Building located on “Science Hill” on the Yale
University campus in New Haven, Connecticut. The group trekked to New Haven via train and car for
an education in sustainability. And “Kroon” we did!

The newly completed Kroon Hall is home to Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. It
achieves remarkable energy savings from many ground-breaking techniques specially designed for the
school’s New England climate. It is the university’s most energy-efficient building, as well as being one of
the nation’s most environmentally sensitive. The Kroon houses classrooms, faculty offices and open
study areas.

Kroon Hall is an
educational tool as well,
showcasing energy-saving
concepts which the
Forestry Department and
Yale University hope will
inspire builders
nationwide to “go green”.
“More than a decade ago,
the School of Forestry
and Environmental
Studies set out to achieve
an unconventional, even
audacious, agenda, focused
on breaking with the past
and speaking to the future
of environmentalism,”

wrote the renowned Forestry and Environmental Studies
Dean, Gus Speth. “We wanted a healthy place to study and
work and to create a bridge between nature and people.”

The building uses natural materials. Its pale yellow stone

exterior was inspired by other Yale buildings. Its shape, tall
and thin with an east-west orientation, contributes to the
heating and cooling of the building. The lowest floor is set
into a hill, with only its south side exposed, providing
thermal insulation, minimizing a northern exposure, and
increasing the amount of natural light that enters the
building. The shape of Kroon, combined with its glass
facades, enables daylight to provide much of the interior’s
illumination. Spaces are filled with natural light, its tall
windows opening onto a tree-filled hillside. Louvers of
Douglas fir can cover glass facades to prevent unwanted
heat and glare. Light and occupancy sensors dim artificial
lighting when not needed. Rooftop photovoltaic panels
provide 25% of the electricity. Four 1,500-foot-deep wells
use 55-degree underground water to heat and cool the
building. Four solar panels in the southern facade provide
hot water. Exposed concrete walls and ceilings provide
thermal stability by retaining heat in winter and cool air in
summer. An elaborate ventilation system transfers heat
and cool air throughout the building as needed year-round.

Renewable Energy Certificates will be purchased for

additional future electricity needs, which will eventually
reduce Kroon’s greenhouse gas emissions to zero. The
Kroon is expected to achieve a platinum rating in the
green building certification program, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Yale hopes
to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from all of its facilities by 43 percent in 15 years through
continued green construction, conservation measures, and renewable energy projects.

The Kroon’s surrounding courtyards are landscaped with 25 varieties of native plants. The south
courtyard is a raised platform with a “green roof.” The courtyards are watered by a rainwater-harvesting
system which channels water from the roof and grounds to a courtyard where aquatic plants filter out
sediment and contaminants. The grey water, held in underground storage, is then pumped back to Kroon
for flushing toilets and irrigation. This system is expected to save 500,000 gallons of potable water

Knowledgeable explanations from tour guides Susan Black and Eugenie Gentry of the School of Forestry
and Environmental Studies intrigued the group. Our members were inspired by the new techniques that
could be used in their own homes and cities. Sustainability can be beautiful. The Kroon proves it.

Audrey Platt, Trustees’ Garden Club (GA) – Zone VIII

Former GCA Conservation Committee – Vice-Chair, Endangered/Invasive Species '07-'09

And now for an “insider’s” viewpoint . . .
“From my perspective, the main value of the building [Kroon Hall] is that it demonstrates that a seriously
and genuinely sustainable office building can be erected. And it can look good, as well. In fact, I think
Kroon Hall is truly beautiful.  When you're on the front edge, as Yale has been with Kroon, you find that
some of the features you want the building to have cost more. But the value of demonstrating the
feasibility of those features is well worth this higher cost, especially for an environmental school.  In
addition, as more people build buildings this way, the cost gets lower, so after a while, greater building
sustainability becomes more and more cost effective. For the Environmental School, sustainability is one
of our "esthetics" and its additional cost is justified by the result.

“How have occupants received the building?  When I'm there myself, I find the place very comfortable
and very well connected to the light and views from outside.  My colleagues who have offices there or
use the classrooms seem to think it's great.  Their comments could hardly be more laudatory.  A
sustainable building does require more involvement and cooperation by its occupants than an ordinary
office building.  Unnecessary lights need to be turned off. Windows and window blinds need to be open
at certain times and closed at certain times, depending on external conditions.  But everyone is happily
adjusting to those requirements, especially given the larger purpose involved.  Students generally are
completely enchanted by the fact that their school is raising the bar on building sustainability and
showing the world how it should be done, and is being done.  It's a great accomplishment.”

William Ellis, Ph.D., Senior Visiting Fellow; Lecturer; and Resident Fellow in Industrial
Environmental Management, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Is Your Village Green ?

We know you've been thinking about it.  Towns and villages nationwide are perking up to green. The
interest usually comes from a group or organization and expands to include others and critical town
players. Many begin with grants and municipal building energy efficiency audits.

GCA clubs are fast becoming instrumental in these initiatives.  The Bedford (NY) Garden Club hosted a
one-day Environmental Summit, in January 2009, planned in just a few months. It is emblematic of what is
happening.  Their Summit grew to attract 1,000 attendees. More than one hundred partners
contributed programs and green wares were on display at tables lining the halls.  The agenda was
awesome with dozens of workshops and many renowned speakers. And, at the day's end, the work was
just beginning! That's one way to go and the Bedford energy advisory leaders are eager to share their
experience.  Check out their website: The website will be updated
thoroughly by mid-August of this year.

There are myriad other town-wide greening initiatives percolating throughout the U.S. You will be
interested in checking out a single website of particular note.  It's very appealing, even fun to visit, and
looks so down-to-earth helpful, you’ll be glad you did. Look for this website:

A quick visit there will certainly change your “getting started blues” to shades of green.

Nancy Howard, Essex County Adirondack G.C. (NY) – Zone III

GCA NAL Committee, Vice-Chair - Forests/Redwood

Conservation Exhibit Awarded the Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Award

at GCA Annual Meeting
“The No Run-Off Challenge”

For decades the gold standard of good development was to grade a site, install drainage to get water off
it as quickly as possible, and then to cover the land with as many buildings and parking lots as possible,
setting aside some land for landscaping and lawns. That plan lasted until someone noticed that rainfall
was no longer soaking into the ground. Instead, it collected on hard surfaces or rushed into storm
sewers and then into local streams at high velocity and in unnaturally high volume. That caused unusually
high flows following even minimal precipitation, which resulted in ripped-up stream banks. Along the
way, the rushing water picked up pollutants that included fertilizer, pesticides, motor oil from streets and
parking lots, litter, pet waste and even rain-borne pollution. Public officials began to notice an increase in
urban and suburban flooding and a decrease in the quality of stream water. This type of development
was also responsible for devastation of the ecosystems of freshwater wetlands, as well as the marine
areas affected by urban runoff.

In response to growing concerns about these issues, a new method of development was pioneered in
Prince George’s County, Maryland in the mid-1980’s. This time, developers were challenged to achieve a
greater balance between conservation, growth, ecosystem protection and public health. The new
philosophy of Low Impact Development (LID) uses a number of site design and pollution prevention
techniques to create a hydrologically functional and environmentally sustainable landscape. The guiding
principle of LID is to manage runoff at its source, mimicking natural processes by using soil- and plant-

The Conservation Exhibit with its creators Claire Caudill, Diane Stoner, and Jane Whitaker.

based retention areas. These “rain gardens” reduce runoff volume, remove pollutants, and increase
groundwater recharge. They also reduce the temperature of runoff from impervious surfaces.

Low Impact Development was the topic of the conservation exhibit at the 2009 GCA Annual Meeting
held in Providence, RI. The GCA Conservation Committee submitted the exhibit, which was created by
Jane Whitaker, Diane Stoner and Claire Caudill. The display focused on several LID techniques, including
rain gardens, cisterns or rain barrels, green roofs and permeable paving. Photographs and brief
explanations highlighted the exhibit panels while a model green roof featuring live common roof plants,
and a sample of permeable paving with flowing water animated the display. The team also created a
brochure explaining the principles and techniques of low impact development.

An electronic version of this award-winning exhibit, as well as the brochure, is available on the GCA
website under the heading “Conservation Committee.” If your club is looking for an interesting new
conservation exhibit, check out this one. Low Impact Development is a valuable tool for improving our
water quality, creating beautiful and sustainable landscapes and providing important urban wildlife habitat.
Please educate your club and community about its many benefits.

Claire Caudill, G.C. of Houston (TX) – Zone IX

Former GCA Conservation Committee Chair, 2007-2009

"Summer Shorts" - Short Subjects, Long on Impact

The “Other’’ Redwood

There are three types of redwood trees
in the world. We’re all familiar with the
famous and majestic coast redwood, of
which GCA owns a grove many of us
have visited. Some may be familiar with
the deciduous dawn redwood whose
native habitat is in a remote valley in
China. Last, and definitely not least, is
the giant sequoia, also known as the
sierra redwood.  Unlike their coastal
cousins that thrive in the fog, these trees
are located in the snow packed southern
Sierra Nevada Mountains where the
climate is extremely dry in the summer. 
These groves are being studied closely as
the snow pack shrinks and the inland
summer temperatures rise.  One tree in
particular is worth a trip – the General
Sherman. More than 2000 years ago, a
seed the size of an oatmeal flake began
to sprout and eventually grew to reach
275 feet (the height of a 27 story
building) with a trunk wider than a
three-lane highway!  Today, this giant
sequoia is the world’s largest tree with

enough wood to make a two-foot wide path of inch thick planks 60 miles long! Every year this tree
produces enough new wood equivalent to that of a tree 50 feet tall and one foot in diameter.  Located
south of Yosemite and only a few hours drive from Los Angeles, these magnificent trees are not to be
[Sources: Via Magazine, May, ’09 and Save the Redwood League Newsletter, Spring, ‘09]
[Also, see The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the
Coast Redwoods by Reed Noss.]
Ann Lyman, Piedmont (CA) G.C. – Zone XII
1st Vice Chair, GCA NAL Committee

Los Angeles –
Where Hundreds of the 11,000 Billboards are Going Digital!
This city is perhaps the worst in the nation when it comes to billboards and billboard control. Los
Angeles, California has surrendered its built environment to advertising and sign companies. New
technologies have allowed the outdoor advertising companies to create giant digital displays and vinyl
wraps on buildings. The city is now home to “supergraphics” - gigantic advertisements that completely
drape buildings. There are about 11,000 billboards in the city, of which perhaps one-third are illegal. The
outdoor advertising companies, with the aid of
willfully blind or inept public officials, have
allowed the industry to simply take over the
streets and put up signs wherever it chooses. The
difference between Los Angeles and many other
cities is that other places have taken enforcement
seriously. And, this is an enforcement issue. It’s
about having strict codes, and it’s about banning
new signs. In the meantime, cities that are
serious, like Houston, Texas and Jacksonville,
Florida, have banned all new signs in order to get
a handle on their problem. It is a battle for
control of the public realm - a battle between the
outdoor advertising companies and those of us
who would prefer that our cities remain places
where we can enjoy the cityscape, the
streetscape, and the life of the city without the
continual bombardment of commercial messages.
The states of Vermont, Maine, Rhode
Alaska, and Hawaii have made the
Island, Alaska
decision to preserve, protect, and defend their
fundamental character as scenic and visually
pleasing places. The ban in Vermont is celebrating
its 40th birthday. The philosophy there is that the
visual integrity of a place matters in long-term development. The way each municipality or state
regulates and enforces billboards varies. What happens in your community?
Jane Herrmann, Diggers G.C. (CA) - Zone XII
GCA NAL Committee, Vice-Chair – Transportation Corridors

[Sources: NPR All Things Considered, Nov. 11, 2008 and Scenic America Newsletter, March, 2009.]

Scenic America is the national nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the
visual character of America’s communities and countryside. Established in part by members of The
Garden Club of America, Scenic America often leads the charge in stopping billboards. A unique
situation is found in the State of Florida regarding the fight against billboards. If someone from that state
donates to Scenic America for the first time, Scenic Florida will match the donation up to $5000. Then
the doubled donation will again be doubled by an anonymous donor. As a result, Scenic America
receives four times the original donation! Florida residents should send their donation to Scenic
America at 1250 I St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 and mention that the donation is available for a
Scenic Florida match. Is there a state affiliate of Scenic America in your state? Consider joining in their
efforts and see if a similar giving program exists in your state.
Leslie Pierpont, Late Bloomers G.C. (FL) - Zone VIII
Vice-President - Board of Directors, Scenic Florida

New York City Going Green!

MillionTreesNYC is an ambitious plan to plant and care for
one million new trees across the city’s five boroughs over
the next decade. Increasing New York City’s urban forest
by 20%, the plan includes plantings in parks, along streets,
public, private and commercial lands. Under the leadership
of Mayor Bloomberg, the city will be responsible for 60%
of trees being planted in public spaces. The remaining 40%
will be planted and paid for by private community
organizations and homeowners. The mayor has initiated a
very aggressive “green” plan for NYC and wants to make
sure that, as the city expands, trees are in place to help
clean the air, reduce pollutants and cool the city in the
Ann Lyman, Piedmont (CA) G.C. – Zone XII
1st Vice Chair, GCA NAL Committee

Home Energy Monitors – A Way to Reduce Home Electricity Costs

Have your summer electricity costs skyrocketed? Do you want to find a way to reduce your costs and
reduce your home energy use? Home Energy Monitors are now readily available and reasonably priced.
These devices were recently featured on the television program, “Ask This Old House.” The monitors
provide prompt, convenient feedback on electrical usage, rather than waiting for the electricity bill
“surprise.” A monitor, a home energy “speedometer,” will help you learn more about saving energy and
help save the environment. You can monitor total home energy consumption and some even trend the
power consumption of individual appliances and estimate greenhouse gas emissions. Homeowners can
then change their energy using behavior. To find out more and to order a monitor, Google “home
energy monitors.” Models start at around $150.00. Editor

Coming Attractions!
PBS TV Production:
Six years in the making, this highly acclaimed documentary, to be
released this fall, has been much anticipated. The six-part, 12-
hour production tells the story of how the National Park
System, our “common treasure” came to be. The film celebrates
the beauty of the parks and the vision of those who worked for
their preservation, as well as exploring the challenges they face.
Don’t miss it!
Carole Hunter, Lake Minnetonka G.C. (MN) - Zone XI
Former NAL Committee Vice-Chair - National Parks/Public Land

Filming in Yosemite National Park” (Source: PBS Website)

[Note: The series will begin on Sept. 27 in most TV markets. A companion book to the series, with the same name, will be
released on Sept. 8, 2009.]

Club News
St. George’s Garden Club Celebrates a Day of Conservation
The St. George’s Garden Club held a flower show titled “Conservation
at its Best” on April 2, 2009. The show was spearheaded by Anne
Hawkins, Artistic Committee Chair, and celebrated a Day of
Conservation in Maryland. The categories for the show included “Use
It or Lose It,” which featured recycled materials. One of the most
imaginative and beautiful of the arrangements included a clothes
washer exhaust tube duct-taped to its base (pictured here). Other
categories were “Go Green” and “Wind, Water, Warmth,” which
included energetic arrangements depicting motion. GCA judges
pegged many of the entries as winners.

The day concluded with a presentation by Don Young, Executive Vice

President of Ducks Unlimited. Member and guest arrangers provided
centerpieces for the dinner tables, coordinating the arrangements with
Mr.Young’s presentation with themes such as “Scenes from the Bay”
and “Bay Beginnings,” both highlighting the Chesapeake Bay. Attending
the dinner were William Baker, Chesapeake Bay Foundation President,
and former U.S. Senator Joseph Tydings, both of whom have been
forces in the fight for conservation legislation in Maryland. St.
George's members developed an appreciation for the massive scale on
which Ducks Unlimited works in restoring and conserving North
America's wetlands, transforming parched ground into lush wetlands
that become host, not only to ducks, but also to 900 species of animals
- and of course, people - across the U.S, Canada and Mexico.

“First place winning arrangement
by Rebecca Waters.” Sheila Riggs, St. George’s G.C. (MD) – Zone V
Conservation Committee Chair
[Author’s Note: Ducks Unlimited (DU), founded in 1937, has conserved and restored 13 million acres of wetlands
in North America. DU forms partnerships with private landowners, the federal government, and other entities to
organize large conservation projects that not only create and protect flyways for ducks and host areas to many
other species of wildlife. There are 780,000 members of DU in the U.S.]

If It Was Good Enough for Grandma

In this gloved hand, a bottle of ethylene glycol monobutyl
ether, a known carcinogen which causes blood and bone
marrow damage, and whose use requires safety glasses and
gloves, (according to the Material Safety Data Sheet), OR in
this hand a bottle of drinkable liquid. Which would you
choose to clean the countertops where your children eat
lunch? Look at the cleaning aisle in your grocery store –
think of all that in the waste stream. Check the labels.
Many products for different purposes are just the same
chemical with different labels. Do we know what these
chemicals do to our bodies? Our homes? Our
environment? What about the impact caused by the
factories that make these chemicals? And, finally, do they
REALLY clean as advertised?

In our homes, we can often find products that may be making our interior and exterior environments
unhealthy. We have many reasons to rethink how we are cleaning our homes. What if instead of
ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, known as Formula 409, we use the old tried and true cleaning method
of Grandma’s day - vinegar and water! To explore these new/old solutions, The Loveland Garden Club
of Nebraska conducted two workshops on using safer cleaning and gardening products. At the “Make-it
and Take-it Workshop,” participants used a few basic ingredients including vinegar, borax, plant-based
castile soap, and baking soda to fill refillable spray bottles and glass jars with cleaning solutions. Members
discussed green cleaning ideas, such as using rags, not paper towels! And often soap and water is
sufficient! Members also received the booklet of recipes pictured here, with many cleaning recipes and

These self-made cleaning mixtures cost pennies, but more importantly they lessen our environmental
impact. Ingredients like bleach and phosphates are no longer washed down the sink and into the
waterways and oceans, or left in the atmosphere of our homes or on our home’s surfaces. No need to
call Poison Control if Junior decides to lick the Cheerios off the counter!

Here are a couple of the suggestions included in the booklet:

All Purpose Cleaner: 1 tsp. borax or castile soap added to 2 cups hot water – add 1 tsp vinegar or
lemon juice to cut grease.

All Purpose Scrub: Baking soda and enough castile soap to make a creamy paste. Spread on cut lemon,
use as a sink/tub scrubber. Damp cloth to rinse.

Perhaps your club would like to help spread the word. For more information about the program and its
accompanying booklet, contact me at [email protected].

Sharon Blackburn, Loveland (NE) G.C.

GCA Conservation/NAL Representative – Zone XI

Media Reviews
Righteous Porkchop by Nicolette Hahn Niman
This fascinating book examines America’s factory farming world and it’s
alternative - sustainable, family animal farming. As an attorney working
for Waterkeeper Alliance, Ms Niman traveled to Missouri and North
Carolina to educate herself on hog farming. Her travels are
documented in the book. Her horror at industrialized hog farming is
palpable. While on a tour in Missouri led by farmers, she visited a farm
with 75 “large windowless metal warehouses,” each holding 1000 hogs
on slatted cement floors. She was appalled at the unnatural manner in
which the hogs were raised. The Waterkeeper Alliance eventually
brought suit against hog farmers in North Carolina for the water
pollution caused by factory farm effluent.

The second half of the book looks at traditional farms where animals
are allowed to graze outdoors, mate with each other, raise their young
on their own milk, and spend their lives the way we’d all like to see our
food animals live. Ms. Niman completes her book with chapters on
locating sustainably raised food and making sure the “certification” many of them claim is authentic. She
recommends seeking out individual farmers that raise eggs, vegetables and meat, whether on location or
at local farmers’ markets. This well-written book gives the reader a personal glimpse into our American
way of farming. Ms. Niman’s concern for the animals we eat is well expressed and contagious.
Susie Wilmerding, G.C. of Philadelphia (PA) – Zone V
GCA Conservation Committee Chair

Living Off the Grid by Dave Black

More and more Americans are now opting to disconnect from the grid,
which usually delivers increasingly expensive fossil fuel based power.
And, as many learned during the Northeast blackout of 2003, power is
not always certain. Why are they living off the grid? Some want to
minimize their impact on the environment, some want to ensure they
have service if there’s an outage, and some just want to be more
“green.” This practical, non-technical guide teaches us how to wean
ourselves off the electrical milk of modern life. The author sees living
off the grid as the path to self-sufficiency in reducing our dependence
on resources from outside our country. He first admonishes the
reader to follow the advice of conserve, conserve, conserve in our daily
lives and teaches us how to do that. Editor

Deeply Rooted:
Unconventional Farmers in the Age of Agribusiness
By Lisa M. Hamilton
The author follows the daily lives of three farmers – a dairy farmer in Texas, a
rancher in New Mexico, and a family of grain farmers in North Dakota – who
run their farms and ranches according to their own principles and opt out of
today’s large agribusiness. Ms. Hamilton favors small, diverse, organic and
sustainable farms and concentrates on the ways these farms and ranches can
work. These stories cause the reader to re-think what our agricultural and food
system looks like, or should look like. Without attacking agribusiness or
focusing on politics or policy, the author asks, “Why not look to the people who
grow our food locally for the answers?"

The Wilderness Warrior:

Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America
by Douglas Brinkley
This new book chronicles the conservation efforts of President Theodore
Roosevelt. He established five new national parks, two game preserves, and
saved from exploitation the Grand Canyon, the Florida Keys, the Olympic
Mountains of Washington State, and the Petrified Forest in Arizona. The bold
scrawl of his signature set aside some 230 million acres for posterity, almost
the size of the Atlantic coast from Maine to Georgia – one out of every ten
acres in the U.S., including Alaska. Roosevelt felt these lands should be
preserved by the U.S. government and were as much a birthright of all
Americans as the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
Roosevelt considered the Grand Canyon the natural wonder of America.
His success in saving the canyon from zinc and copper mining is considered
by many to be the crowning achievement of his administration.
(Book released June, 2009.)

Conservation Quote for Summer:

“ . . . (Theodore) Roosevelt, from the beginning to the end of his Presidency in March, 1909, did far more
for the long term protection of wilderness than all of his White House successors combined.”
Douglas Brinkley in The Wilderness Warrior

Carole Hunter, Lake Minnetonka G.C. (MN) - Zone XI

Former NAL Committee Vice-Chair, National Parks/Public Lands

Susie Wilmerding, Chairman Elva Busch, Editor
Conservation Committee Santa Fe Garden Club (NM) - Zone XII
Garden Club of Philadelphia (PA) - Zone V 20 Windridge Circle
260 Booth Lane Santa Fe, NM 87506
Haverford, PA 19041-1717 (505) 982-4435
(610) 642-5537 (505) 982-4437 (fax)
(610) 642-2947 (fax) [email protected]
[email protected]

Nancy McKlveen, Chairman Anne O'Brien, Assistant Editor

National Affairs and Legislation Committee Columbine Garden Club (AZ) - Zone XII
Committee 6018 East Cholla Lane
Des Moines Founders Garden Club (IA) - Zone XI Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
5803 North Waterbury Road (480) 874-3323
Des Moines, IA 50312-1339 (480) 970-8328 (fax)
(515) 279-2116 [email protected]
[email protected]

Conservation Watch, a publication of The Garden Club of America, is produced by the

GCA Conservation Committee. Readers’ ideas, contributions, and suggestions are
welcome. Letters to the Editor may be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to the Editor and
will be published as space permits.
Elva Busch, Editor

The Center for Plant Conservation Turns 25! 1
The Smart Grid – What Is It? 3
Your Cosmetics – Are They Safe? 5
History in the Making – GCA Committees Visit Green Building 6
How Green Is Your Town? 8
Conservation Exhibit at GCA Annual Meeting 9
“Summer Shorts”
The Other Redwood 10
Los Angeles – Billboards Going Digital 11
New York City Going Green 12
Home Energy Monitors 12
Coming Attractions 13
Club News 13
Media Reviews 15


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