Anis B Inggris Hal 36

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What is the complex of tombs like?

a. It is cool and shady,
b. It is ancient and shabby,
c. It is hot with many kinds of stones, d. It is dominated by the color red and modern

4. What are there on the left and righ of the tomb?

a. The murals,
b. The ancient paintings,
c. The red walls,
d. The pine trees.

The following text is for questions 5 to 8.

Taman Lele
There is a park in my city. The park is very popular. Its name is Taman Lele. 'Lele' is an Indonesian
word for catfish. From the name, we know that in Taman Lele there are a lot of catfish.
In Taman Lele, we can enjoy a lot of activities. We can swim, ride 'becak air' (water tricycle), see some
animals such as,
komodos, crocodiles, monkeys, tigers, and, of course, the catfish.
There is a small resort in the middle of the park. The resort has fifteen rooms. Right in front of the resort
there is a pond. There are several 'becak air' in the pond. Too bad that the water in the pond is not very
clean. It is dark green and looks dirty.
Visitors should walk up the hill to enjoy the mini zoo. The path is shady because there are big trees on
the sides of the path. Clean water runs inside the small river on the left side of the path.

5. Why is the park called Taman Lele?

Because . . . .
a. people can buy catfish there
b. there are a lot of catfish there
c. the place is popular for catfish dishes d. it has a restaurant, which sells catfish
6. There are kinds of animals mentioned in the text,
a. four
b. five
c. six
d. seven
7. How is the water in the pond? a.
8. How is the path? a.

It is hot. b.

It is clean, b.
It is shady, c.

It is clear, c.
It is bumpy, d.

It is dirty, d.

It is green.

It is slippery.

The following text is for questions 9 to 12

The Wax Palace
When you go to Jakarta, please visit this unique palace, 'Istana Lilin' (The Wax Palace) in the Ciputat
Entering the building, you will be welcomed by beautiful yellow sunflowers. They are not the real ones,
of course. They are wax sunflowers. However, you will not realize it until you touch them because they look
so real.
Inside the palace, you can find many things made of wax. There are wax balls, wax fish, wax rice, wax
ice cream, wax cakes, and many more. Many restaurants order models of food and drink made of wax to
be put in their displays.
In addition to the beauty of the wax objects, you can also see the process of making them. If you are
interested in learning how to make the wax things, you can join a one-day course there

9. What is the palace like?

a. It is glossy,
c. It is unique,


It is beautiful,
It is quiet.

10. Where is the location of the wax sunflowers?

a. They are near the door,
c. They are in the park of the palace
b. They are outside the building,
d. They are in the middle of the building.
11. Why do some restaurants order the wax objects? Because . . . .
a. they want to decorate their c. they need them for their displays instead real food
b. the wax objects are cheap
d. they need them to be put on the tables
12. How long does it take for a visitor to learn how to make the wax objects?
a. One month,
b. One week,
c. One hour,
d. One day.
The following text is for questions 13 to 15.
The Amazon Rain Forest
The Amazon Rain Forest is amazing. It is the largest forest in the world.
There are thousands of different animals. There are monkeys, sloths, Anaconda snakes, and tree
frogs. The Anaconda is one of the longest snakes in the world. Some Anacondas are nine meters
long. There are also many different birds, but mostly they are macaws and parrots. The birds are
very beautiful and colorful.
The weather is quite hot. It is just like in Indonesia. The temperature is about 27C.
The Amazon basin gets 2,000mm of rain a year. It usually rains every day.
The river is really amazing. The Amazon river has more water than any other rivers in the world

13. How big are the Anacondas in the Amazon Rain Forest? a.
short, c. It is poisonous, d. It is colorful.

It is very long, b.

It is very

14. How much rain does the Amazon basin have in a year? a. 2,000mm b. 27C c.
full, d. Above the river bank.
15. What is the Amazon rain forest like? a. It has various animals and a good
ecosystem, b. It rains every day, so the river
overflows, c. It is very hot and there are not many
trees, d. It has the longest river in the world

A river

Read the text aloud

Your teacher will choose one of the following texts for you.


Tomb of King Tongmyong

The Wax Palace
The Amazon Rain Forest

Read it loudly. Every mistake in your pronunciation will reduce your score. Please consult your
dictionary if you are uncertain how to pronounce a word.

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