Refer Slide Time: 00:44

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Digital Communication

Prof. Bikash Kumar Dey

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Lecture - 01

(Refer Slide Time: 00:44)

Hello, everyone welcome to the course on digital communications; in this course we will
see what happens inside a digital communication system. Let us first see what is the
purpose of any communication system?

(Refer Slide Time: 01:09)

The purpose of any communication system is to transmit some signal which is generated
by a source to a destination through a media or channel. So, there is a source which is
generating some electrical signal which is possibly captured from some real life image or
audio. And, then the signal generated by a transducer and then that needs to be
transmitted to a destination through a media which is technically called the channel. So,
we have a source, a destination and a channel.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:40)

So, let us see some examples; radio is a very common example. The source in this case is
a microphone which captures a signal from reality and then converts it to an electrical
signal. And, then that needs to be transmitted through space and it should reach the
destination and should be reproduced at the radio receivers at the users place.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:17)

The next example is a similar example television; where the source and destination are
similar except that in this case we are dealing with video instead of audio signals. And,
the source of the electrical signal is the video camera and microphone because there is
video as well as audio signal. And, then the media is again the space and the destination
is a T V set which has picture tube which should display the video that was captured by
the video camera. And, the speakers in the radio T V receivers which should reproduce
the sound that was captured by the microphone.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:02)

The next example is a telephone system; where the source is the microphone in a phone
set; and the destination is the speaker in another phone set. And, the media in this case is
wire line, the twisted pair wires.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:28)

In the next example we have again a telephone but it is a cellular mobile phone. And, the
channel in this case is space unlike the twisted wire in the case of telephone, traditional
telephone. So, in this case again the source is a micro phone in the phone set and the
destination is a speaker in the phone set, another phone set.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:50)

There are some not so obvious types of channels other than what we have considered.
For example, what are known as storage channels like C D, magnetic disk, magnetic tape
etcetera. So, these though they do not seem like channels actually they also can be
considered a channel. And, when you are writing on a C D or recording in a magnetic
tape that can be considered as a that we are transmitting some signal. And, then when the
time progresses the tape or the C D may be damaged in the due to some phenomenon
like there may be a scratch on the C D, there may be some magnetic interference in the
tape and the magnetization may change in the course of time. And, as a result when you
play it back we may not receive the same signal as it was recorded.
So, this writing on a C D and reading from a C D till the reading from a C D this whole
process may be consider as a communication system. And, what are the different type of
sources that you come across in digital communication?

(Refer Slide Time: 05:17)

In digital communication the data that is to be transmitted is in the digital form; there are
different types of sources in reality but in digital communication the source has to be
converted to a digital form. The source to start with may not be digital may be digital or
may not be digital; if it is digital there is nothing to be done if it is not digital then it
needs to be converted to a digital form. So, there are 2 types of source and they are
digital source and analog source.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:55)

A digital source may be of different kinds; for example it may be binary source like a
like a binary file and a computer and that has many bits. So, it is a sequence of bits. So,
when you want to transmit such a file it is basically that you want to transmit some bits
in sequence and there are other type of digital sources which are not binary in nature. For
example, when you are typing we have we are basically typing English text. So, that
English text is also implicitly a digital signal because every character can be one of the
set of finite set of characters. So, it may be one of the 26 alphabets capital letters, small
letters so there are 52; there are numerical characters, there are punctuation marks and so
on. So, in total there are finite number of character that would like to transmit that the
English text has. So, this is also a digital signal. So, a digital signal is characterized by
the fact that every point, every sample is can take only finite number of values unlike an
analog source; where every sample is at every point the value may be one of the infinite
number of values. So, for example it may be a real number which has infinite
So, English text is an example of a digital source, digital signal. And, however though it
is not binary in nature it can still be converted to a binary signal by using some form of
binary code for every character. So, for example ASCII code is one very popular
stranded for converting for representing the English characters in the form of binary
strings. So, every letter or every character is represented by 8 bits in this code. So, by
using this code we can convert any English text. For example a whole book in English
into binary form. So, you can convert it into a binary file. So, to summarize we have any
digital source represented in the form of binary strings; we can represent any digital
source in the form of binary sequence.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:42)

Now, there are also analog sources signature. For example, the audio signal that we
capture from microphone is basically an analog signal; it is continuous in time and also it
is continuous valued meaning by at any point of time the voltage level that is generated
at the microphone can be can have infinity possibilities, it is a real number. Similarly, the
video signal that is a captured in a video camera has infinite possibilities for the color at
every point or infinite possibilities for the gray level at every point. So, it is basically an
analog signal, it is continuous valued signal and also it is continuous time in nature.
There are even if we have 1 second duration of audio or video signal there are infinitely
many samples in that 1 second duration. So, it is continuous in time as well as it is
continuous valued signal. So, analog sources are continuous time and continuous value.
Now, we have just know said that in a digital communication system the source has to be
represented in the digital form. And, then will use digital techniques to transmit the
digital data. So, analog signal also has to be converted into digital form for us to be able
to use digital communication systems to transmit that signal. So, the common block that
is used in this purpose is called the A to D converter is the abbreviation for analog to
digital converted. And, this usually involves 2 operations and we will come to that in a
moment. So, the they are basically sampling and quantization and we will come to that in
a moment.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:52)

So, we have discussed source to some details. Now, let us see what kind of channels we
usually see in practice. So, the common examples of channels are wire line channels like
that is there in telephone, fiber optic cable, space where for example mobile cellular
phones operate, satellite communications use, space, as channel, storage channel; just
now we discussed about magnetic recording channels they are basically storage channels
or C D, optical recording channels CD, then magnetic tape etcetera. And, there is also
underwater acoustic channel; where the signal is transmitted from one point in under sea
to another point under the sea. So, if the signal goes through the water. So, that is little
different from the space.
Now, these channels if they behaved in a deterministic manner. For example what you
mean by that is that if we knew exactly how the channel will change the signal when we
transmit the signal. Then, our job will be quite simple we would like to get the
transmitted signal back. So, if the job of the receiver now is just to invert the process of
the channel. So, we need to design an inverse system. So, that will solve the problem; but
in practice the channels do not behave in a deterministic manner. And, that gives raise to
all the problems and that actually, that is actually why we need to study so much and do
so much about digital communication. And, the channels are not deterministic and there
are most of the times why they are deterministic? They are not deterministic is that
there is noise in the channel.

So, the noise may be introduced from the channel or it may be in the receiver. So, there
are different kind of noise; then the noise themselves may be different kind of noise may
be either man made noise or there they may be generated in the nature processes like
lightening and so on or manmade noise like switching also generate noise. Now, there
are different kind of noises in nature thermal noise, flicker noise, impulsive noise these
are just to just few different types of noise; though there are this different types of noise
the most predominant type of noise that we come across in communication systems is the
thermal noise. And, this thermal noise though as we said noise is random in nature; there
is no way to predict exactly what value the noise will take at any point of time.
So, does not mean that we do not have any information about the noise? No, it we do
have some information about the noise usually we assume that we know the statistic of
the noise. And, that usually can be estimated by performing experiments or there are
models for the noise that are reasonably good in practice. So, they reasonably well
approximates the noise that we come across in practice. And, thermal noise is usually
modeled as Gaussian noise. And, the most common type of channel as a result that we
come across in communication systems is what is known as additive white Gaussian
noise channel or that is abbreviated as AWGN channel.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:07)

In this channel model the transmitted signal goes through a deterministic change in the
channel and then a Gaussian noise is added. So, this is basically the thermal noise that is

generated a different electronic devices in the receiver. So, thermal noise is modeled as
Gaussian noise and it is added to the signal that we get after it goes through the
deterministic change. So, the received signal is the transmitted signal changed
deterministically plus a Gaussian noise. And, usually this Gaussian noise is assumed to
be white and what it means is that the noise is uncorrelated. That means, at one point of
time the noise value that we see has no correlation with at any other point of time
whatever noise value you see.
So, 2 different noise samples at different time instances do not have any correlation; that
is what white noise means. We will see more about this white noise in a later class when
we discuss some background material about probability and random processes ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:22)

So, though we know the most of the early communication systems are analog in nature.
For example, radio, television and a telephone the one of the earliest communication
systems was digital in nature and that is the telegraphy system; it was a very nice and
efficient digital communication system which actually had lot of advanced ideas in it.
And, there the purpose was to transmit English text and as you discussed sometime back
the English text is not a binary signal in nature.
So, they have so this famous code called Morse code actually encodes this characters A
to Z 26 of them, 0 to 9 the numerical characters and this 3 punctuation marks. And, they
are expressed as sequences of dots, dashes and space. And, they there was a nice system

designed to transmit English text using this code. So, A has a particular sequence of dots
and dashes. And, similarly all the other characters and at the transmitted end if an
English text is to be transmitted every letter will be coded individually according from
this using this Morse code and they will be transmitted by dots and dashes. So, in this
case dot usually means a short pulse, short duration pulse of electrical signal. So, short
electrical pulse of current and a dash will mean a longer duration electrical pulse. So, and
the space is a gap between gap when there is no signal transmitted.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:45)

So, in this form there is a interesting instrument where so will this was the one of the
earliest instruments that was used generate the electrical pulses; in this there is a key here
which can be placed to make contact between 2 metallic parts. And, when you press it
there will be a contact and then there will be current flowing through the wires that go to
the other end of the through to another telegraph center. And, this can be pressed for a
shorter duration or a longer duration by the operator though avoiders were used to be
called sounders. Because when this switch is pressed it makes a clicking sound. So, tick
tick sound is made by this key when this pressed.
So, the sounders will actually encode the English text and they are they usually know the
whole Morse code by heart. So, they can encode any English text really very fast. And,
at the other end of the at the receiving station there will be also receiving operators; who
will actually hear the pulse coming in the sense that the pulses that come the electrical

currents that come they will be used to generate some sounds of shorter or longer
duration at the receiving station. And, the receiving operator who will be a person he will
hear the signal that is coming and you will immediately write down the massage after
decoding. So, these receiving operators will be trained people, they will be trained on
Morse code just like a language. So, they will learn Morse code as a language. So, that
they can hear any signal in Morse code and they can decipher in running time.
So, this telegraph key this kind of telegraphic key was used for long time to transmit
English text through telegraph.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:04)

And, in the Morse code there are some very interesting ideas used which even nowadays
advanced techniques use. So, the idea is that all the letters and all the characters that
were encoded where not encoded by same number of dots and dashes; the number of
dots and dashes that will be used to represent a character was kind of inversely
propositional to the frequency in which those characters come in English text. So,
frequent characters will be represented by shorter sequences of dots and dashes. And, the
real characters like Z and punctuation marks like interrogation marks they will be
represented by long sequences of dots and dashes. So, that on average if you see an
English text represented by Morse code it will have a minimum length. So, that is that is
what is desired you do not want to take a lot of time to transmit a message.

So, for that the characters which are more frequent; so they will be they need to be
transmitted more in number. So, they will be represented by smaller number of dots and
dashes and the rear characters like Z will be represented by longer sequences of dots and
dashes. So, the purpose is to minimize the average length of the code strings. So, when
you discuss source coding in a later point of time in this codes; we will see the that is the
basic idea that is used in source coding; to minimize the average length of code strings
we try to assign longer sequences of bits to the real characters or real symbols and
shorter sequences of bits to the frequent characters.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:21)

And, here is an example of some Morse code for some of the letters, some of the
characters. This is not really the original Morse code; original Morse core had some
spaces in it. And, later on when manual transmission and reception was ruled out and it
was automated; it was found that this space is difficult to due to the space the Morse
code is difficult to implement in an automatic way. So, it is not perfectly binary in
nature. So, this space character was removed and another Morse code which is called
international Morse code was developed for this purpose; and here space character was
not used. So, here we see that in this example E is represented by single dot, Z is dash
dash dot dot, 1 is dot dash dash dash dash; 4 dash it is; and interrogation mark is dot dot
dash dash dot dot. So, here you see that the E has the character E has only 1 dot; it is
encoded by a single dot.

So, the purpose is quite obvious because E is the most frequent letter in English text, in
English language. So, if E is represented by a short sequence the shortest possible then
will save a lot of time in encoding English text. Because E needs to be encoded many
times. And, then on the other hand Z has very it comes in English text is very rarely; its
frequent is very less. So, as a result we want to encode Z by a longer sequence; there is
no harm if we encode Z by a longer sequence than other more frequent letters. So, that
what is done. And, the numerical characters are even less frequent in English text and
that is why the numerical characters are encoded by longer sequence. In fact, all
numerical characters add encoded by 5 symbols in this international Morse code. And,
this interrogation mark this type of punctuation marks are encoded by 6 characters, 6
dots and dashes.
So, we see that the one of the most, one of the earliest communication system was a
digital communication system. And, it used very fantastic idea about encoding English
into a binary form dots and dashes. So, we can say the dots are just 0s and dashes are just
1s. And, say that this is binary encoding of the English text and the Morse code also has
the basic idea of source coding that will see in details in a later class.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:35)

Now, let us see what a digital communication system has; the basic digital
communication system has today? We have a digital source the output of this digital
source is some kind of digital signal; though in most of the course we assume that the

digital source generates binary signals and that assumption is not really a lot of
restriction. Because it is it is not a strong assumption because we are dealing with digital
source and a digital signal can always be represented by binary sequence. So, by using
ASCII code we encode English text or by Morse code. So, digital source there is no harm
in assuming that the digital source is a binary source. And, then there is a source encoder
which tries to compress the data that it is receiving from the digital source into minimum
number of bits. Because we do not want to use a lot of bandwidth in this channel to
transmit the same amount of data.
So, the there is different reason for which the source may be generating redundant
information. So, that the 100 bits here may not contain really the maximum amount of
information that 100 bits can carry. So, as a result there may be scope for compression of
the source. And, we know that the we can compress a binary file for example to a great
extent by using different compression softwares like ((Refer Time: 28:27)) and so on.
So, those are basically source encoders; those softwares implement some source coding
techniques. And, the reason why there may be some redundancy in the output of the
digital source is that first of all there may be the 0s and 1s here; if it is binary signal may
not be equiprobable. So, there may be more 0s than 1s on average pair. So, for example
if there are 90 percent of the bits are 0s then obviously they do not carry so much
information. Because at the other end most of the times we can guess that the bit will be
0 than 1.
So, the 0 does not carry so much information. So, there is there would possibility be a
way of compressing the output of the source; if the source is of that type if the source
generates bits where 0 and 1 are not equiprobable. Another reason why there may be
redundancy in the source output is that there may be correlation between the conjugative
bits. So, for example in an image signal if one pixel is blue, if it is a blue pixel then the
probability that the next pixel is also blue pixel is very high; usually the neighboring the
pixels have similar color. So, in an image signal there is high correlation between
neighboring pixels. And, as a result we can say that all the pixel do not carry really
independent information; if we know 1 pixel value there is no need to transmit equal
number of bits for transmitting the next pixel.
So, there is possibly way of transmitting some difference between the pixel; for example
which will require less number of bits. So, the reason why there may be scope for

compression of the digital source is that either the source signal may not be the signal
samples may not be independent of each other; there may be correlation or the signal
values may not be equiprobable. Then, the next lock is the channel encoder; where it
receives some bits here and then it tries to transmit the signal in a way that is suitable for
the channel. And, so it takes care of what kind of channel the system has and then it raise
to shape the signal in a way so that the receiver will be able to get the maximum
information from what it receives. So, another a very traditional way of doing channel
encoding is to do error correction coding where the if we have K number of bits to be
transmitted; we actually transmit few more bits add few more bits. But they are not extra
information bits but those bits are actually derived from the K number of bits that we
want to transmit. And, so those bits do not carry any extra information, they are
redundant bits. But those bits allow enable the receiver to correct some bits if the channel
introduces some error. If the channel introduces some errors that is flip some bits then
the receiver will be able to correct to some extent; the bits that are in wrong. And, the
next is digital modulator; where which is specially used for analog channel; the channel
most of the channels are analog in nature and so we want to transmit digital signal. So,
this or the input is digital but the output of digital modulator is an analog signal. So, this
is the interface between the digital part and the analog channel.
Now, the receiver. So, this part is the transmitter and here is the receiver. And, in the
receiver gives the counter parts of these blocks are there in the opposite sequence; first
there is a digital modulator here at the front end of the transmitter. So, here we have to
demodulate the signal that is coming from the channel that we have receiving. So, this
digital demodulator we will receive the analog signal and try to estimate what value was
transmitted here. So, if it is binary it will try to estimate what is the bit that was
transmitted here; from the wave form it receives. So, its output will be bits. And, then the
channel decoder will try to correct some errors if they have some errors in the detection
So, channel might have introduced some distortion in the analog signal due to which the
digital demodulator detected some bits wrongly. So, if the digital demodulator detected
some bits wrongly and the channel decoder will be able to correct those bits with the
help of the extra information bits that were transmitted by the channel encoder. So, that
will be possible that the cannel decoder will be able to do to some extent not that

whatever is the number of errors that the channel introduces or the digital demodulator
introduces the channel decoder will be able to correct. It will able to correct say may be
up to 2 bits in error or 3 bits in error that depends on the design of the system. And, so
we have to see that we have to we have to note that if we choose to correct more and
more errors we need to add more and more redundant bits.
So, as a result we need to compromise on the rate of transmission. So, we will see we
will discuss this in details in a later class in the course. And, the channel decoder then
gives its output to the source decoder; which take this signal and then reproduces the
signal that the source generated. So, this is the output signal at the receiver.
Now, though the digital source is assumed in this block diagram; the source in practice
may not be digital as we said. So, in that case we need to convert the analog signal
coming out of the analog source to a digital form. And, that involves 2 operations; one is
the sampling and the other is the quantization and coding. So, the analog source needs to
be digitized by sampling and quantization.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:10)

So, if we have an analog source to start to start with we need to A to D converter, analog
to digital conversion. And, that involves sampling and quantization and coding So,
quantization; so what does sampling do sampling? Basically so the analog source is
generating the signal which is continuous time. But we cannot transmit the signal at all
time instances because there are infinite number of time instances even in 1 second

duration of signal. So, we need to discretize the signal in time we cannot transmit the
signal value at every time instant. So, we will be so what is done usually is that we cut
the time instances into some points in regular intervals. And, then we take the values of
the signal only at those regular time intervals and then transmit the signal value at those
time instances.
So, that is the job of the sampler. And, we will discuss in detail the sampling in detail in
a later class; in the next step that is done is quantization and coding. So, in quantization
the each sample value is still analog; in quantization we like to discretize the amplitude
value amplitude also.
So, here only finite number of values will be taken as a representative values. And, then
when we see that the sample has a particular value we try to see what is the nearest
representative value that we have chosen. And, we will only like to transmit that
representative value not the exact value of the sample; because to transmit the exact
value of the sample we need infinite number of bits. So, we chose only finite number of
representing values in a certain range. So, we have some representative values of the
sample. And, then we have a particular value of the sample and we choose the nearest
level or the representative value. And, we encode that we represent that level with some
bits; remember that we have only finite number of levels now. So, if there are 8 levels for
example we can assign 3 bits to each level, 3 distinct bits to each level. And, then
corresponding to the level that is nearest to the sample value we have those three bits and
those 3 bits is the encoded string for the sample.
And, of course in this process there is some error because the level is not the actual value
of the sample but it is an approximation. So, there is no way of getting the exact sample
value back from the quantized sample; there is some loss of information. But most of the
times that would like to quantize in with a sufficient number of bits; that is in a sufficient
number of levels. So, that the quantization noise the error is small enough in our that is it
is in our toleration level. So, once we have this A to D converter the analog source and
the A to D converter together can be considered as a digital source.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:54)

And, then it fits perfectly in our pervious digital communication system. So, this digital
source now if the actual source in the system is analog; this digital source is actually the
source that is shown here; it is actually an analog source together with an A to D
converted, this output is a digital signal. So, though in this main block diagram we have
shown channel encoder and digital modulator separately; in most modern
communication systems this channel encoder has 2 parts. And, this demodulator, this
digital modulator is usually combined with some coding and that block is called coded
So, there is something called coded modulation which combines coding and modulation
together to get better performance. And, the of course there is still a channel encoder
kept usually a still a separate channel encoder used for further error correction.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:13)

So, in the in many systems today the block diagram that is useful is this; there is an
encoder and then there is coded modulator block, this encoder is channel encoder. But
there is also some coding here; this is combined with the modulation.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:33)

Now, we have discussed the digital communication system to some extent. But why go
why do digital communication at all; specially when the source is analog? Why do you
want to convert it to digital and then transmit using digital communication systems?
Most early communication system that use, that that transmit analog information is

analog in nature; in F M radio, television, telephone system everything was analog

communication. So, why do we do digital communication into today? Almost every
system, every new system that we design is a digital communication system. For
example cellular mobile, internet, communication, local area network everything is
digital in nature. So, why is it that we communicate using digital communication
techniques; even if the source is analog in nature? The reason is that first of all the digital
communication technology has developed to a great extent and the technology is very
advanced today.
So, when we want to implement a digital communication system it is often much cheaper
and easier to design than analog communication system. Because the digital electronics
has become very cheap and easy to design; and there also very, very easy to design
because there many digital electronics is electronic devices are programmable in nature.
So, as a result they are they are often very easy to design. And, also with the advanced
digital communication technological that we have today we can achieve near capacity
rates. So, in other words for every channel there is a maximum rate at which we can
communicate; that is called the capacity of the channel. And, the todays digital
communicate technological has gone to a such an advancement that the we can achieve
almost that rates near capacity.
So, digital communication becomes almost the obvious choice when we want to
implement a new communication system today.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:21)

Now, in a communication system we need to know very clearly what are the constraints
that we have? And what are resources we have? So, the resources we have is the channel
is of course the main resource that we have we need to transmit whatever signal we have
through the channel. So, how much is the capability of the channel that is a fundamental
question. And, the how much information can be transmitted through the channel most of
the times depend on the spectrum that is available. The spectrum available in a channel is
limited in a in practice. And, that is because of mainly 2 reasons; one is that the channel
frequency response itself may be limited, the channel may have very high attenuation
outside some particular bandwidth. And, as a result we have to transmit our signal only
in that band; where the channel response is good enough.
And, second whatever bandwidth the channel has that also may not be available to us for
a particular application and for a particular user. Because it may be shared by different
users and or different applications. For example in a cellular mobile system the spectrum
available is actually large; but then a particular service provider for example BSNL has a
particular bandwidth assigned; but they can use for this purpose they cannot go outside
that bands. Because the other bands are used by other service providers or other
applications there is military application, there is police application, there is medical
application, there is a numerous applications that use wireless media for communication.

So, because of so many application, so many users using the wireless channels; the
spectrum that is available for a particular user for a particular application is limited. And,
even for the users using the BSNL service the they have to share the same spectrum that
is allocated to BSNL. So, BSNL will now allocate different spectrum either in frequency
domain or of course they can do it in time domain; they can allocate also different time.
So, in any case the resource will be allocated to different users and to different
applications in practice. So, that is the reason why this the spectrum available to a
particular user for a particular application is often limited?
(Refer Slide Time: 47:34)

The next resource that is the available to us which is also very crucial is the transmitted
power. And, the transmitted power is often is also limited in nature, a limited in practice.
The reason for that is first the constraint on battery power; many communication
systems, many transmitters operate on battery power. For example, mobile phone there is
a battery which needs to be recharged periodically. So, if the if we transmit a lot of
power then the battery will be drained too fast. And, then we need to recharge the battery
more frequently and that is not desired. So, as a result we need to design systems which
use less transmitted power.
So, that is one reason why the transmitted power is constraints. And, the second reason is
interference the consider the wireless application, wireless communication application
where the media is actually common for many applications and for many users. For

example, in a particular cell the mobile I have a mobile which is transmitting some signal
in a particular cell I am in a particular cell. Now, in another cell may be some distance
away from myself there are other user who are using the same frequency. So, if I
transmit a lot of power in the same frequency; then the users in the other cell were using
the same frequency will be interfered by my signal.
So, my the transmitted signal power that is transmitted by my mobile phone needs to be
limited to avoid interference with other phones. So, transmitted power is limited because
of battery power limitation and also because of interference to other users and
(Refer Slide Time: 49:54)

And, one crucial parameter, channel parameter that will play a very important role in the
course is in a communication system is the noise variance. The noise variance the we can
of course intuitively feel that the if the channel has more noise the we can transmit lot of
information. Because the channel is distorting to a high extent, channel distortion is high.
So, of course we can argue that there is if the noise variance is high you can always
attenuate the signal received at the output of the channel at the receiver. And, then the
noise variance at the output of the attenuated will be less, we can attenuate the noise. But
then if we attenuate the received signal the transmitted signal that is coming with the
received signal is also attenuated. So, that does not help either both the transmitted signal
and the noise are attenuated by the same factor. So, that does not help. So, when we say

when we talk about noise variance what we assume is that the channel attenuation is one;
there is no channel attenuation. So, if there is channel attenuation we can amplify the
received signal. So, that the overall channel and the amplifier together has a gain one.
And, then we can talk about the noise variance at the output of the amplifier; amplifier
will also amplify the noise. So, when we normalize the channel gain what is the noise
variance; that is what matters to us that will also dictate what is the signal to noise ratio
at the receiver?
If we amplify the received signal the signal to noise ratio does not change. So, but of
course SNR is not only dependant on the noise variance, it also depends on what was
transmitted; what energy was transmitted by the transmitter? If the transmitter energy is
more the SNR will also be more. So, will so noise variance on the other hand is
parameter which depends only on the which is included only in the channel model;
though we say that this is a noise introduced by the channel we have to strictly remember
that the most of the noise specially the Gaussian noise that is the thermal noise is not
introduced by the channel. But it is generated at the receiver; it is generated in the
devices electronic devices in the receiver. So, it is actually it is often called receiver
noise instead of channel noise ok.
So, we will discuss the topics that we have seen in the block diagram of digital
communication system in detail in the in this course. And, there are plenty of text books
available for digital communication as we go on for different topics; I will keep
suggesting different text books which you can refer. And, to start with you can refer
digital communications by ((Refer Time: 53:36)) that is the fairly good text book. And,
we will come across other book and I will refer other books in the due course as you go
Thank you.

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