Lec 33

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Communication Engineering

Prof. Surendra Prasad

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Lecture - 33
Behavior of Communication Systems in the Presence of Noise

I have been having to do a reasonable background now, about Random Process, in

Random Processes. How do we characterize random processes, random signals? We are
now ready to take out, the return to our main thing and where as Communication
Systems Communication Theory. We have to study several modulation schemes by now,
linear as well as non-linear, I am to choose frequency phase modulations.

And, we are seen the pros and cons in terms of system complexity in terms of bandwidth
etcetera, we seen also their important properties in the presents of science squirrel
interference, in some limited sense. However, what are the main problems in
communications is the presence of noise, as I mentioned several time in this course
earlier, noise is one of the dense of a communication engineer one of milli ampere.

So, whatever you do you have to keep that in mind because, noise is present rights from
the point and which you have deleting your signal for transmission, through the
procession that we do at a transmitter, then it keeps on moving while it is the signal is
getting transmit to the channel. And, most importantly because the signal is already very
equal it see, when it is see that the receiver at the receiver whatever noise gets edit, that
is one of the most important components of noise.

Because, the signal and noise now more or less at about the same level, very similar
levels whereas the transmitter whatever noise gets any much smaller in the signal power
that you are finally getting, that you are working with. Therefore, the noise that is
anywhere the transmitters not the crucial not the important, the voice that is doing the
transcriptions to the channel, and more important to the one that gets edit at the receiver
itself, is the one which really flex you very significantly in terms of system performance.

So, what you like to now studies how do this various do this various modulation, since
that we discussed compare with each other in the presence of noise is something, any of
them some of them better etcetera, and things like that will like to answer these
questions. Now, we are ready with the tools of the required for carrying out this analysis
will use the tools, we know how to model noise must be know how to model noise. We
can analysis the performance of the system through, which noise as well as signal or
getting process, so that is our objective for the next few lectures.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:04)

Now, start with let us look at the model that we used for the communication system for
our discussion, you start with if you remember the message signal t, and then you have a
transmitter and the transmitters in tools everything that you could have. They could be
some filters wave, maybe like you have in FM some PF physics filters, and they could be
a modulator they could be a power amplifier, before it is transmitted into your channel.

So, the transistorize everything here, I am not go into the big of the transmitter, that will
depend in the specific scheme that you are working. And we are looking at the very basic
level diagram now, and then the transmitter output is work with transmitters to some
physical channel, to some physical media which could be a pair of wires. It could be a
wireless transmission, it could be a coaxial cable, and it could be an optical fiber the
physical channel could take any of these six steps.

Now, we also model the channel, channels so far as was an entity which could modify
the spectrum of the signal, in terms of some transfer function, you can assume that the
channel has a kind of a linear filter which could modify this spectrum of the transmitter
signal. And, we had established conditions and which these modifications could be
acceptable. We may establish conditions for discussion this transmission. For example,
that is the amplitude responsibly flat, across the bandwidth of the signal at the phase
responsibly linear, across the parameter signal.

So far, we are model the channel like that, now we also try to model the noise that gets
edit, as more or less it is a channel which is to calculate. So, usually the noise that gets
edit is show along with the channel, in the form of this block here. So, we called it the
channel noise, and it is denoted by a symbol n of t, now one point that I like to make here
is, not all the noise is getting edit in the passage to the transmission of the channel.

Are you said a lot of noise gets edit at the receiver itself; however, for the purpose of our
modeling. We show analyze as getting edit to certain input and receiver, as input channel
is a culprit and you will call it channel noise. So, whether the noise keep the transmitter,
whether it is getting that is the receiver or whether it is getting edit or channel, all of
them are getting club together. But the purpose of modeling the effect and we are saying
that the total amount of noise, that is present and that is edit to be an incoming signal and
that what you are seeing.

So, you are modeling this addition right of the input to the receiver, so the next mark is
the receiver, and your receiver again is a very generic receiver, it includes everything
that you may have to the particular system. For this discussion, example it will contain
some front and filtering that you are want to do, to reject other signals there many signal
coming in and you just like to except, tune to the signal of interest.

It could includes some, let us say demodulation it could do include some deemphasize
filtering etcetera, so the receiver contains one of the main function to the receiver allow
with the other function because, it has to give the demodulation. But, one of the main
function of the receiver, is to limit the mode of noise that find the gets true to the output,
where the signal should go through nicely without any destruction, the noise should get
extended to that much as possible.

So, that is typically done through suitable process or suitable filters in the receiver. So
that is the overall block diagram in which the field now concentrate, to introduce some
parameters the transmitted output means say as some powers which will denote by S sub
t. So, S sub t is a transmitted power, because our performance will be in terms of what
you call signal to noise ratio, finally at the output.
So, we like to talk in terms of signal powers and noise powers, so this is about the power
recipient transmitter, let us say at the most important parameterize which are filters or
other input to the receiver, not the entire mod of power that is transmitted received at the
receiver; obviously, it is a lot of continuation taking place in this channel. But finally,
what you receive is some power S sub i, let us say the noise power of the input to the
receiver is N sub i.

So, the subscript I here stands for input to the receiver, now let us say the noise the
signal power at the output of the receiver is S sub o and the signal power at the output,
the noise power of the receiver is N sub i. So, basically S sub o that is you know, you
will have the signal, what you are saying is the input to the receiver consist of a signal
component, plus a noise component.

The signal component has a power S sub i and the noise component has a power N sub i,
the receiver at the output also will have the signal component which are divided by S sub
o. The desire signal component plus a noise component which are designated as N sub o,
if the receiver was perfect the noise could be completely eliminated, then only the signal
will come through.

But, you can never design such a perfect receiver, for especially it should be more or less
obvious, but they will become obvious if they are not right. Now, let us say this signal
component is associated with their output power S sub o, as a noise for N sub o and the
((Refer Time: 10:56)) which is a filters to us is the relative values of these two powers.
So, the output signal to noise power ratio then, I say output I mean the output of the
receiver, the signal that is fined going to be heard or seen by the actual receiver, the
actual user.

The power ratio of these two entities at that point is a figure of merit for any
communication system, so that is our desired figure of merit for any communication
system. So, that is our desired figure of merit this is, what we are interested to find out
the value of the output signal to power ratio.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:04)

Just to give a field for what kind of signal to power ratios are useful or typically required
values in various applications, for voice signal that is why if we are talking about voice
signals, if we talk about voice signals or various situations that is why your voice signal
or a telephone line. If the signal to noise ratio is in the range of 5 to 10 decibels, it
typically all signal to power ratios are measure in the single unit which is, if you have the
power units look at the 10 log of the power units.

So, whatever the actual value of the ratio the 10 log of that, log to the base 10 and
multiplied by 10, so if the signal to noise ratio raise to 5 to 10 degree, we will find that
the voice signal is barely intelligible. You can list about make out the something is being
properly, typical telephone quality speech there is that you work, that you is associated
with the signal to noise ratio of 25 to 35 degree at the output.

So, telephone quality you just give you some field for, what kind of values are desirable
finally. When you come to broadcast quality for example, the music that you hear in
radio receiver, the good broadcast quality signal to noise ratio is in the range of 45 to 55
degree. That is noise has to be really very small, finally that comes out along with the

So, there is broadcast quality, similarly for the picture signals let us say in television, you
have again the broadcast quality resonance, whether it is a picture as well as the voice
resonance have been talking about is this order, again in broadcast quality. So, I have to
understand what this, for example if a signal to noise ratio can d b, what are we talking
about, we talking about the signal view about 10 time 10 times stronger than the noise, in
terms of power.

Because, 10 log of 10 will be 10, whereas if it is 20 degree it will be 100 times stronger,
30 degree is 1000 time stronger, it is a scale of it is a log scale and follow so forth. So, 50
degree is 10000 times stronger 10000 or more, 1 lakh times stronger 100000 times

Student: ((Refer Time: 14:54))

No, when you talk about image is as it is to be see on a television, you required very
good qualities more or less same as your voice. So, this figure gives you a feel for the
kind of less noise which will be acceptable in various applications. Now keeping that in
mind, just in the pattern in your backup your mind, let us start with some discussion on
how do we calculate this output resonant, input in terms of input resonant value.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:36)

So, let us talk about we start with very simple communication systems, this the way we
started earlier in our discussion, we will go through the same sequence, remember we
start with discussion of baseband systems, then we went to AM system and then we went
to FMN phase modulation systems. So, we will repeat that econology, except that we
already know what the system is all about, we just want to understand how they have to
be modeled and analyzed, in terms of ((Refer Time: 16:06)) performance that is our
objective here.

So, let us talk about basic systems then you know, what are baseband systems baseband
communication systems, system of the base which, in which you do not carry out a
modulation process to carry out frequency translation. Basically, we take the signal itself
and transmit as such without any modification, example in a telephone on a pair of wires
connective your home to takes stage.

So, it could be a pair of wires the transmission could be pair of wires, so basically we are
saying transmission without modulation that is, what I mean by baseband system. So, it
could be a pair of wires a transmission it could be coaxial cables, but mainly these will
be short or links. Typically if you have to transmit our along the distances, typically
multiple signals are have to be transparent, and modulation will have to be carried out.

But, your short ((Refer Time: 17:15)) or between one user and the exchange, this is the
kind of situation we will face, also example your digital communication that we take that
we do on an Ethernet, it is time to a coaxial cable and a transmission is this. So, mainly
short or links although we will do this analysis for this specific situation, we will find
that whatever tools its really very simple analysis, and the arguments will be more or less
directly valid for the modulation system.

So, let us go to the look carefully, the other reason why we want to do baseband system
is, because in the other than the simplicity that is associated with that is, it will serve as a
bench mark. Whatever performance you get in this case, inside the bench mark for all
other systems. Because, if you have modulation and if you do not have modulation, how
do the compare to each other.

So, this is the relevant question we will try to address that question, now to modern the
baseband system how is of course, you are saying that it is without modulation by does
not mean that you do not do any processing whatever. You could be example in the most
general situation, have some kind of filtering develop the transfer itself, some at the

The transmitter block no designated as a filter, for example it could be a pre-emphasize

filter. It could emphasize and deemphasize you know in baseband systems, sub
frequency components may have to be enhanced, sub frequency components may have to
be deemphasize of the corresponding frequency component. We have to be Deemphasize
at the receiver, so it could be or you may not have.

And then, it is a in this particular case the transmitter either contains its filter or does not
have this filter that is about it, it is nothing else in the transmitter you know baseband
system. You just amplify the signal, has sufficient power unit and so that it can drive the
line through which it gets transmitted. That is the only processing you are doing
amplified power amplified, have sufficient power to derive the pair of wires through
which has to be finally transmitted.

So, that you get a reasonable strength of the signal at the other end of the line, that is the
only process in we are doing, nothing else or at this you know between some filtering or
some, then comes to channel the channel was said. In this case, both a transfer function
which are denoting H e omega and the noise addition process and before, at the receiver
you could have some kind of a filtering, for two resource one because you, if you use a
pre-emphasize filter you must then use a deemphasize filter.

In any case you must have a filter which will limit the passage of amount of noise, that
will finding goes go through. So, that is the main function of the receiver it has to
eliminate, so let us say it could say that the purpose of this filter could be to limit the
transmission spectrum. Limit the spectrum to some given bandwidth, what is the main
purpose and the main purpose of the receiver filter is to eliminate, what we call out of
band noise that is, the thing you can expect from any receiver filter in terms of what we
can do to the noise.

If you try to eliminate noise which lies in the same bandwidth and the signal, will also
try to eliminate the signal, so basically the anything we can really do is eliminate out of
band noise, and that is what that is we will do. And, also this can also serve the addition
purpose of deemphasize of the emphasize. So, with this as a model, now let us also talk
about if you remember or input is the message signal empty.

Say to work, it also have some kind of a module for empty, because we talking about we
can talk about power of the signal very stressly. So, let us say you will model empty also
as some kind of a random symptom, actually signals most actual signals of interest which
carries some information. Again this is a discussion we have the beginning of this
course, they must necessarily the random, you know what you transmit something very
precisely know, they no need to transmit such a thing.

So, empty also can we module as a random signal, so therefore, we module this as a zero
mean wide sense stationary process. Now, we already start with talking the language of
random processes, will assume that the signal of interest also is some kind of a random
process excuse me, which is band limited to ((Refer Time: 22:42)) basically has a
bandwidth of B H, so it is a its band limited to B H.

So, your desire signal empty which you want to it applicator the receiver output, is the
model as a zero mean, wide sense stationary process of bandwidth B H. So, this
characterization makes us where I say bandwidth. Bandwidth is to be B H what does it
mean, that your power spectrum of this wide sense stationary process, it will not talk in
terms of spectrum. Now, it will talk in terms of power spectrum is limited between minus
P and plus P, that is for it means.

Let us assume, that we do not have any P L position deemphasize filters, but these are
replace by ideal in pass filters, so both the transmitter filter as well as the receiver filter
for this, in the first filter we will replace the work ideal depositor. The purpose of this
ideal depositor filter is we make sure that the only signal that base three is the signal only
this empty passes through. ((Refer Time: 23:53)) There is some other noise or something
that is being generated here, that is an ((Refer Time: 23:58)) at least some portion of

Suppose, if I limit the spectrum to B hertz, similarly we will assume that the I this filter
is as soon as ideal low pass filter of bandwidth P. So, whatever the channel we will say
some kind of the channel also. In the first instance in fact the most of the calculation that
we will do, will assume that, the channel for the purpose of symbol to noise ratio
analysis that we are going to do. For this purpose we will assume that the channel is
otherwise ideal.

That is, that is the distraction less channel, so if it is a distraction less channel what will
be the characteristics of H c omega, will again is an ideal low pass filter. The ideal low
pass filter will either zero phase characteristics or linear phase characteristics. So, there is
H c omega H p omega and H d omega are all being modulus pass filter in this situation
because, we are saying that the only effected channel, only effected channel that we are
interested in studies of this ((Refer Time: 24:59)) the effect of noise.

So, we idealize everything else, we idealize the transmitter filter the receiver filter at
((Refer Time: 25:07)) channel we do not want to get confused, we do not want to mix of
the effect of this as well as that. So, let us look at only the effect of noise that assuming
that the channel is otherwise ideal.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:23)

So, we will say here that the H p omega H c omega and H d omega, will all these model
as ideal low pass filters with bandwidth B, when I say what I am in the ideal depositor;
that means, we have this kind of transfer function. Constant it will minus B to plus B and
0 outside, this is the amplitude characteristics, the phase response to be either 0 for
frequencies or linear, over the again it has to be linear only over the bandwidth of filters.

Now, in this situation that this diagram here, you have a certain the signal input power
here and the signal has a bandwidth of B, what will be the signal output power here, list
being the data i data p of filter of bandwidth B, will you have difference in the two. The
output signal will be the same as the input signal, because it has the input signal as a
spectrum, power spectrum which extends up to B hertz, this is an ideal filter which does
not do anything to the spectrum as long as utilize within B hertz.
So, basically you see the same thing at the output looks its perfect thing, so output
symbol S not could be the same as the input signal power S sub i, so in a scale that for
this case. If you have to calculate, the output signal power in the noise power since S o t
could be equal to S i t the two will be the same. This implies that the output signal power
will be the same as an input signal process, input to the receiver, is it.

What can you say about the noise power that will be come out, to give that you are to
make some assumption regarding the noise power spectrum, noise again we will model
as a, now we will have to first model noise, before we talk about output noise power we
talk about modeling of the noise. What kind of model is appropriate for noise, first of all
it is resizable resource that will be a zero mean WSS process just like a signal, in
addition, we can usually assume that it is Gaussian.

Although, Gaussianity is not going to be central to our discussion because, as long as it is

wide sense stationary we will anyway work in only for first elements, but it helps us to
keep in mind that if it is a Gaussian process the first two groups are complete description
anyway. So, it will be to assume to be zero mean WSS Gaussian noise process, in
general it could have some arbitrary power spectrum.

So, let us say as a power spectrum or power spectrum density function, which is
designated denoted by S sub n f or S sub n omega. Usually we will most of the time we
will work with that model. Usually if you remember discussion in this context I said that
the kind of noise is generally deal with in communication system can we thermal noise
short noise etcetera.

Can we model as a very wide spectrum noise and therefore, all typical purpose is can be
consider to be wide noise process, so it will usually be equal to constant pass density
function, existing equal to let us a some value and 0 by 2 for all frequency with all values
of f less than infinitive of all f. There is a slight confusion for in notation is in it, I will
call it N sub o I simply call it N, because N sub o I already used for some other output
noise power.

This is the respective, the units of this could be different from the units of the output
noise power, tell me the units of this, it will be suppose the units of power of watts. This
is a density function this will be watts or hertz, so here this is watts per hertz or it will be
measuring watts.
Student: ((Refer Time: 30:27))

Parse spectral density if I got a

Student: ((Refer Time: 30:33))

Let us, this is a important point, you must understand this point, what is our
understanding the second order characterization of a random process, Gaussian is not an
important for that purpose. What is the important is, you must know the mean value
function, of the process. If it is wide sense stationary the two parameters which will
characterize, the second order description is the zero, the mean value function. What
should be the mean value process and what should be the auto correlation function.

Or equivalently the parse spectral density function, because the auto correlation
functions and parse spectral density function is a very transparent ampere. So, the second
order description characterization of a wide sense stationary process is through the zero
mean. Or is through the mean value function and to the auto correlation function, or
equivalently to the mean value function and the parse spectral density function that is
precisely, what I am specifying.

I am saying that the process is zero mean that is, the mean value function is constant is
equal to 0 for all time, mew x t is equal to 0 can I say zero mean. It means the process
mean value function is 0 where is then, what is specify its auto correlation function or
equivalent I will specify the parse spectral density function, therefore it as a phase. When
I say that it is white, it gives the parse spectral density function is constant, and the cross
auto correlation function will be the retain functions, do you remember that.

Student: ((Refer Time: 32:18))

Gaussian is Gaussianity is not even required in this description

Student: ((Refer Time: 32:26))

So, whatever you has to do with the density function, we are in the first order second
order descriptions are very cross characterization of a density function itself, density
function at various times or joint density functions. However, if I know this also
Gaussian process, then I know that given this knowledge I can generate the density
function of the process and first order density function second order density function
third order density function, through the general expression that I discussed last time for
a Gaussian process.

If I may be auto correlation function, I can find out the joint density function of X t 1 and
X t 2. I can find out the third order density function also, fourth order density function
also for a Gaussian process not otherwise.

Student: ((Refer Time: 33:23))

I am coming to that, so let me if you assume it is white we also say it is white Gaussian,
if you assume it is white, if you do not assume it is white it is simply a Gaussian process.
So, all of us on the same view of point now, we are list on what we are talking about in
terms of in the model, noise model is any point of discussion at this stage. So, given that
the noise is white sense stationary Gaussian, and has a parse spectral density function of
S sub n of f.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:07)

What can I say about the noise power of the output of the receiver, what we are saying is
at the input to the receiver, at the input to the receiver here the noise function n t noise
process m t, its parse spectral density function is S n f. What will be the input noise
power, suppose I ask you what is the value of M sub i, how is the power noise power
related to the spectral density, the area under its spectral density is the total noise power
or the average noise power.

If you assume it is a white noise process, what is the amount of noise present to the input
infinite, so what is the signal to noise ratio of the input zero, zero in terms of absolute
value and minus infinitive in terms of d v decibels; is it clear? So, we can it is a white
noise process; however, is the output noise power how do we calculate the output noise
power to do that, first let us find out the output parse spectral density function.

What is the output parse spectral density function, it will be S n f into substitute that, so
this is the output parse spectral density function, integrate this density function all
frequencies and that gives you the various of the output noise process or the noise output
power. In our case this will be, let us say minus b to plus b that is means it is a how is a
even function, parse spectral density function has to be even before as a magnitude
square, so you can implicit a twice of 0 to B.

So, let us assume it is white what is the parse spectral density function of N by 2, and this
is Gaussian to equal to 1 between 0 to B, so d f what is that equal to, the value of this
integral equal to N B and you can entity relative is wide is N B input, input noise as a
plat parse density function, you are passing through a filter like this. This height is N by
2, so what is the total area of the output noise parse density, the output noise spectral
have the same shape and the area under that is N by 2 into 2 B which is N B, it is
tentatively to be obvious.

So, the output noise power is N B and that is something that you will have to work with
tolerate, you cannot do anything about this noise, this is the noise that will come to if you
want to a signal to come through, a signal of this for bandwidth. Therefore, you have to
have filter with this for bandwidth, you have a filter width large with smaller bandwidth
and this.

You can, if you have a filter with smaller bandwidth and this your signal will get
distorted; however, what you can do is not no filter with the bandwidth larger than B.
You should not change the filter larger than the bandwidth of the signal, because if you
do that the noise that you will get in will be larger. So, this is the amount of noise
minimum amount of noise if you will have to tolerate at the output effluence 1.
So, a signal power at the output is, say as an input signal power the noise power of the
output is N B therefore, your signal to noise ratio at the output which is the figure of light
of interest to us is given by S sub i upon N B, this your result for a baseband
communication system. So, what is the result that the output signal noise ratio of the
baseband communication system, is the ratio of the signal power this is your input signal
power to the noise parse spectral density times, the bandwidth N by 2 times to B.

This N B is nothing, but N by 2 into 2 B we can consider 2 B bandwidth in the sense of

at least in distance all actually, conventional sense is to say the bandwidth is B, but in the
mathematical sense it is bandwidth 2 B. And, this is a benchmark we cannot have in any
system is signal to noise ratio which is better than this, you cannot have any system
simplification noise is better, is it clear.

Student: ((Refer Time: 39:15))

If noise is white, assuming that the noise with white, so this is therefore, that sense it is
benchmark will call this benchmark ((Refer Time: 39:26)) now falling more or less
logical notation here. So, finally easy to read this portion from that book, so we will call
this parameter as gamma and we say that this is equal to gamma, so anything else that we
do will be in terms of this benchmark will try to compare in terms of this benchmark.

Is I agreed one last thing that we can briefly talk about this, how can we express this S
sub o in terms of m t, what will be the S sub i or S sub o in terms of this m t, also here in
this discussion we assuming everything is ideal I have ignore the attributions. So, if
introduce attribution there will be attribution factor which will come because, finally
what is of important is what is the input power, that already takes here of the attribution.

But, suppose this attribution how in this S i t related to m t, it is not n f you do not talk in
terms of n f anymore if you modeling n t to be a random process, again we are going to
talk about the parse spectral density function m t SMF.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:52)

So, again we are m square that is the average value of m t m square which is expected
value of m square t, that will be a signal power also that is given by twice 0 to B of S m f
d f S m f is a parse spectral density function of noise. So, that is the main results there is
output is S sub i in a baseband system is equal to S sub i upon N B, that is the best thing
that we can do, now very AM systems stand in this context.

I was modify this statement, where is a this is the best thing that we can do, developing
into linear systems you will find later, that you will lead modulations schemes like f m in
any AM can do that better thing this, just how to do better is something that will become
clearly later. So, I should need a statement we will say this is the simply a benchmark,
that this is what the baseband system can be we will compare everything as with respect
to this figure, I think that is the better way of putting.

So, let us come to AM systems and the first system AM system that we will discuss is
the DSB-SC system, and we will find that the method of analysis is more or less as same.
We will draw a picture of the system, look at the signal power input to the receiver noise
power the input to the receiver noise parse spectral density and signal power of the
output of and so on, so forth.

So, let us draw a diagram what you do, first multiply this at the carrier I denote the
carriers here by root 2 cosine omega C t. Then multiply this root 2 has been included to
normalize the power then the same power to the same value or before. We will discuss
that is all transmitting that is all we are doing modulating the signal multiplying with the

Channel is again we will assume to be ideal, but it is not going to be ideal low pass now,
it will be ideal than parse, there is it will have a perfect of flat transmit function between
minus B to plus B, it have to have to a bandwidth of 2 B now not B center of C. So, it is
a band pass filter, showing it here but keep that in mind, the only effective the channel
that we will consider here is the.

Student: ((Refer Time: 43:55))

No, it is a minus B to plus B is F c minus B to F c plus B and similarly we will have, in

the negative side between minus F c minus B 2 minus F c plus B that is implicit, I am not
stating that. But, the bandwidth is 2 B the mathematical bandwidth if you like to use such
a term will be 4 B, for the purpose of calculating the noise power, it is it will be N by 2
into 4 B.

So, that only effect the channel with therefore we will consider this again noise, we will
assume that the channel is ideal band pass channel which is ideal and what will be the
receiver consists of now. The receiver will have a band pass filter central alone F c, that
is the starting point, so we have a band pass filter with frequency F C and bandwidth plus
minus B.

And then, what will you have you have the demodulator, several noise we already have
we have elementary part of the channel noise to this filter, and the rest of it is that
demodulator. So, demodulator is essentially once again multiply, we need to cosine
omega C t followed by the baseband low parse filter, bandwidth is B hertz and for
convenience I look at, you know look at the input from let us say if I go to white Y i t
here, what will I get here.

This is the input to the demodulator, this is your demodulator that is the input to the
demodulator Y sub i t. So, the subscript I now denotes the input to the demodulated,
what will be that equal to this is equal to root 2 what will you get here, what are you
transmitting root 2 m t cosine omega c t plus n t, but after band pass filtering the signal
power will be the same as before, is in it that n t which was white Gaussian.
So, for could become narrowband, narrow band Gaussian the parse spectral will get
modify to have bandwidth of 2 B, so how do we denote this noise will be, let me call this
Y i t which contains S i t and n i t. And, this is equal to root 2 cosine I am sorry Y i t is
equal to root 2 m t cosine omega c t plus n i t where n i t is narrowband Gaussian noise.

And, before can be denoted by remember that the quadrature representation, that is call it
N this is a standard notation n sub c t cosine omega c t and slightly modify earlier c o
that stands that are cosine. So, in phase sometimes it is also this is n c and similarly n sub
s t finally c t, so you can write the noise process here n sub i t with your normal Gaussian
process, in terms of its quadrature components which are now been represented by in-
phase component is things n sub c t, the quadrature component by n sub s t.

Student: ((Refer Time: 48:29))

You can call it plus or minus it does not make any big difference in, as for the properties
of the resulting process of the result you could do that. What is the signal power here, the
signal power that you will have here is this power, and the power in the signal power in
this part of the thing, is it not? At the input to a demodulator this is your signal
component, so the power in this component is your signal power of the input.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:08)

So, what is S sub i that is expected vale of root 2 m t cosine omega c t whole square,
expected value of this square which we can write. Take the cosine for inside take the
square inside its expected value of m square t into 2 cosine omega square sine square
omega c t is again, we can write us m square t into 1 plus cosine 2 omega c t m square t

So, what is equal to the first part is nothing but your message power, in the second power
could be what can if you a second part, it is 0 is it clear. So, this is equal to m square bar,
so now you see why the factor 2 as included because. This will make sure that S sub i is
going for m equal to m square bar the same value that you had earlier, what can you say
about the noise power very quickly, where you demodulate this is a signal at the input of
demodulated, what will be the output of the demodulated. I think, before that you will
calculate n sub i, n sub i is how much it does not required much calculation for that.

Student: ((Refer Time: 50:51))

No, just even looking without doing any calculation can you tell me what is n sub i here,
here what is n sub i infinity, same as before. What is capital N sub i at this point, it is N
by 2 which is the parse spectral density input into 4 B, so this 2 N B. So, N sub i is 2 N B
and what I am saying at the output, this is as for as the input is concern input is

What will be the output of the demodulator, let me call its y o t, this is the input to the
demodulator what will be the output of the demodulator, you are multiplying with this
into cosine omega c t and see what will you get you get m t plus 1 by root 2 of n c t. So,
the output we will be m t plus 1 by root 2 n c t, so what is your output signal power same
as the input signal power, what is your output noise power, it is half of average value of
n c square n.

What is the important property there a gave this as a exercise in the quadrature
representation of noise, you have to show that each of the two quadrature components as
we same power of the noise process itself, as a major noise process itself. But, the
narrowband noise process say you was n i t, n c t is an in-phase component of that. So,
this power is same as 2 N B same as this, so this is equal to half of 2 N B in same as N B.
So, once again if we call this as S i S o equal to S i, what you find, the output is r once
again S i upon N B, it is same as gamma.
(Refer Slide Time 53:11).

Using the fact, that n c square t average value of this, is equal to average value of this, is
equal to average value of the noise power itself. This was an exercise as we do, a very
simple to provide please provide that and that is the result I am using here.

So, we find that we just conclude that, in as for as signal to noise ratio figure as we
concerned there is no difference between the baseband system and the modulation
system, which was something that we can expect into two ways. And therefore, it is not a
very surprising ((Refer Time: 54:05)) we will discuss it further next time.

Thank you.

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