Postgraduate Ophthalmology Exams in Ireland

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The document outlines the structure and content of the MRCSI and FRCSI ophthalmology examinations in Ireland. It discusses the different parts of the examinations and their objectives, eligibility requirements, exemptions and schedules.

The MRCSI examination has two parts - Part 1 which assesses basic science and optics, and Part 2 which has a written and clinical component assessing clinical ophthalmology, optics and pathology. The FRCSI examination assesses clinical competence to practice independently.

Conditions like uveitis, retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration and ocular tumours are discussed in detail in relation to the examinations.

Irish College of


Postgraduate Ophthalmology
Examinations in Ireland

Irish College of Ophthalmologists

121 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Telephone: 01 402 2777


The RCSI is the awarding body for Postgraduate Ophthalmology Qualications in Ireland

Regulations for the MRCSI/FRCSI (Ophthalmology)

**Important notice
The nal sitting of the MRCSI (Ophth) Part 1 examination will be held in January 2015, after which it will be discontinued.
Following this, candidates will be required to pass the FRCOphth Part 1 examination in order to proceed to the MRCSI (Ophth)
part 2 examination, which will continue in its current form. The MRCSI (Ophth) Part 2 examination is not aected by this
change. Candidates should visit the Royal College of Ophthalmologists website for information on the FRCOphth Part 1


Eligibility to take the examinations

The MRCSI (Ophth) and FRCSI (Ophth) are internationally

recognised examinations that assess competence in clinical
ophthalmology and the relevant basic sciences. They focus on
the assessment of the key components of clinical competence;
knowledge, clinical skills, communication, clinical reasoning
ability and professionalism. Candidates are required to
demonstrate competence in all of these areas to achieve
success in the examinations.

Candidates must hold a medical qualication from a medical

school or university whose degree is recognised by the Irish
Medical Council or General Medical Council as being
acceptable for Full or Temporary/Limited registration in Ireland
or the United Kingdom. Candidates must also have completed
a satisfactory pre-registration year or equivalent internship,
which provides eligibility to work under Full or Temporary/
Limited Registration in Ireland or the United Kingdom.

The MRCSI examination is aimed at trainees in their rst three

years of ophthalmic training, Basic Specialist Training. The
standard of the MRCSI examination is commensurate with the
degree of competence in clinical ophthalmology and relevant
basic sciences required to perform the duties of a junior
registrar/specialist registrar. Therefore, to pass this examination,
candidates will need to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge
and clinical skill that enables them to work with a degree of
clinical independence in all areas of ophthalmology but under
the supervision of a senior clinician/consultant ophthalmologist.

Candidates who have passed FRCOphth Part 1 are eligible to
proceed to MRCSI (Ophth) Part 2. Either the MRCSI (Ophth)
Part 1 or the FRCOphth Part 1 must be passed in order to
proceed to the MRCSI (Ophth) Part 2. No other examinations
will be accepted for progression to the MRCSI (Ophth) Part 2

Examination calendar
The Part 1 MRCSI and Part 2 Written MRCSI examinations are
held twice a year in Dublin in January and September. The Part
2 Clinical MRCSI examination is held in Dublin twice per year in
March/April and September/October. The Fellowship examination, FRCSI, is held in Dublin once or twice per year, depending
on need. Specic dates for these examinations are posted on
the RCSI website under postgraduate examinations. The nal
sitting of the MRCSI (Ophth) Part 1 examination will be held
in January 2015, after which it will be discontinued.
Following this, candidates will be required to pass the
FRCOphth Part 1 examination in order to proceed to the
MRCSI (Ophth) part 2 examination, which will continue in its
current form.

The FRCSI examination is a test of competence to practice as

an independent specialist (consultant) in ophthalmic surgery
and is aimed at trainees who are coming to the end of their
Higher Specialist Training (HST). The MRCSI is an entry
requirement for the FRCSI and candidates for the FRCSI must
be in their nal year of HST in Ireland. The award of FRCSI
(Ophth) requires both success in the FRCSI examination and the
documented and satisfactory completion of HST in Ireland.

The examination
The examination is in four parts:
Part 1 MRCSI applied basic science and theoretical optics (see
important notice above)

Limit on attempts

Part 2 MRCSI written examination clinical ophthalmology,

clinical optics and refraction, and ophthalmic pathology

There are no limits on the number of attempts that candidates

may have at any part of the MRCSI or FRCSI examinations. The
Part 2 written examination must be passed within ve years of
success in the Part 1 MRCSI. However, if more than ve years
have lapsed since passing Part 1, that part can be re-taken. The
Part 2 clinical examination must be passed within two years of
success in the Part 2 written examination. However, if more
than two years have lapsed since passing Part 2 written, that
part can be re-taken.

Part 2 MRCSI clinical examination clinical ophthalmology,

clinical optics and refraction, and ophthalmic pathology.
This is held on a separate date to the Part 2 written
Fellowship (FRCSI) examination an assessment of clinical
ophthalmology and generic issues pertinent to an
independent specialist in ophthalmic surgery

Withdrawal from the Examination

Any candidate wishing to cancel his application either before

or after the closing date will forfeit their fee in FULL.
Applications for consideration or a refund on medical grounds
must be accompanied by a medical certicate. Applications for
consideration of a refund on compassionate grounds should
be supported by the consultant or surgical tutor responsible
for training. All such applications must be submitted to the
examinations department/section of the appropriate College
within 14 days of the commencement of the examination.

The Colleges reserve the right, regardless of eligibility to take

the examination, to review applications on an individual basis
in exceptional circumstances.

Candidates with special needs should advise the appropriate

College at the time of application of the nature of their needs
and any assistance that they require. Requests should be
supported by medical evidence (an educational psychologists
report is required for requests for extra time because of
dyslexia). If appropriate, details of extra time or other
allowances made by other examining bodies should be given,
although the Colleges are not bound to follow these

Obtaining or seeking to obtain unfair advantage during an

examination, or inciting other candidates to do the same.
Examples of unfair advantage are: having on the person any
material that would give advantage in an examination once
the examination has commenced (this includes electronic
communication devices), communicating or attempting to
communicate with another candidate once the
examination has commenced, refusing to follow the
instructions given by examiners or examinations sta
concerning the conduct of and procedure for the
examination. This list is not exhaustive.
Removing or attempting to remove from the examination
any condential material relating to the conduct of the
Obtaining or attempting to obtain condential information
concerning the examination from an examiner or
examination ocial.
Passing condential information on the content of the
examination to a third party.

The list given above is not exhaustive.

The College may also on an individual basis decide that a
candidate should not be allowed to proceed further with the
examination or, having passed the examination, may not be
admitted to Membership, according to their own statutes and
regulations, in cases where serious misconduct not related to
the examination is judged to make the person unt to become
a Member of the College.

Results will be posted on the website and sent out in the post
by the examinations department/section of the College
through which the candidate entered.

Notification of Pregnancy and Deferral


A deferral may be permitted to candidates supplying an

appropriate medical report which satises the relevant College
indicating that:
the candidate has any pregnancy related problems or
illness; and/or
the candidates connement is due shortly before or around
the date of the examination; and/or
the candidate has sucient discomfort for her to consider
that it will have a detrimental aect on her performance.
In such circumstances, a deferral will be permitted and no
further fee will be required.

Candidates will receive a breakdown of their marks for all Parts

of the examination. Further feedback on performance in Part 2
of the examination only can be obtained by application to the
examinations department/section of the appropriate College.
Requests must be made within four weeks of the publication
of results.

Appeals Mechanism
Candidates who wish to make an appeal about the conduct of
their examination must address it to the examinations
department/section of the appropriate College within 30 days
of the publication of results. Appeals will be considered which
allege maladministration or bias or impropriety of some kind,
whether in the conduct or in the determination of the result of
the examination. Appeals disputing the academic judgement
of the examiners will not be allowed. Details of the appeals
process and fees charged may be obtained from the
Examinations Oce.

Any candidate who does not inform the College of her

pregnancy and is consequently unable to sit for that
examination will not normally be allowed to defer this
examination without submission of another fee.
NOTE: These Regulations are under continual review. It
is recommended that candidates review the RCSI
website to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
information. Any changes will be announced on the

Improper Conduct by Examination

In the case of improper conduct of an examination candidate
as dened below, the College may impose a penalty relating to
the candidates eligibility for the relevant or future
examinations. Improper conduct is dened as:
Dishonestly obtaining or attempting to obtain entry to the
examination by making false claims about eligibility for the
examination or falsifying any aspects of the entry

MRCSI(Ophth) Examinations Committee June 24th 2014

Part 1 MRCSI (Ophth) regulations and guidance notes

**Important notice
The nal sitting of the MRCSI (Ophth) Part 1 examination will be held in January 2015, after which it will be discontinued.
Following this, candidates will be required to pass the FRCOphth Part 1 examination in order to proceed to the MRCSI
(Ophth) part 2 examination, which will continue in its current form. The MRCSI (Ophth) Part 2 examination is not aected
by this change. Candidates should visit the Royal College of Ophthalmologists website for information on the FRCOphth
Part 1 examination.

Eligibility to take the examination


Candidates must hold a medical qualication from a medical

school or university whose degree is recognised by the Irish
Medical Council or General Medical Council as being
acceptable for Full or Temporary/Limited registration in Ireland
or the United Kingdom. Candidates must also have completed
a satisfactory pre-registration year or equivalent internship,
which provides eligibility to work under Full or Temporary/
Limited Registration in Ireland or the United Kingdom.

The Part 1 is a test of knowledge of relevant basic science and

its application to clinical ophthalmology. There are many
excellent texts on the vision sciences available and some are
listed in the recommended reading list. Questions will be based
on a broad range of topics as detailed in the syllabus below.
NOTE: These Regulations are under continual review. It
is recommended that candidates review the RCSI
website to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
information. Any changes will be announced on the

Examination content
This is an examination of applied basic sciences relevant to
ophthalmology and theoretical optics. General basic science
questions that have relevance to the practice of ophthalmology
will also be asked. See below for a detailed examination syllabus.

MRCSI (Ophth) Examinations Committee June 24th 2014

Format of the examination

There are two multiple choice papers comprising 100 questions
each, with a single best answer (type A) style of questions. Each
question consists of an initial stem followed by 5 possible
answers, identied A, B, C, D and E. Candidates should select
one item they believe to be correct. Every other item in that
question must be left blank. The duration of each paper is 2.5
hours. There is no negative marking. Some samples questions
can be found below.

Orbit and adnexae
Cranial cavity
Central nervous system
Gross anatomy of the head and neck and cardiovascular and
respiratory systems

Standard setting
The pass mark is determined in advance of each examination
by the Examinations Committee using the Ango method of
standard setting.

Embryology of the eye and visual system
Development of the eye and visual system during childhood
Congenital anomalies of the eye and visual system

Overall result
Candidates will receive a pass or fail based on their
performance against the pass mark determined by the
standard setting examination committee. The marks in the two
MCQs will be combined to provide an overall score which will
determine a pass or fail. Cross compensation between the
two papers is allowed. Candidates with an overall fail but who
pass one of the MCQ papers will be required to re-take the
whole examination.

Cell biology and Biochemistry

Structure of the cell and cell membrane
Production and use of energy by cells
Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and amino acids
Protein synthesis, structure and function of proteins, enzyme
Connective tissue and the extracellular matrix
DNA structure and function
Cell signalling
Active oxygen species
Basic laboratory techniques in cell biology such as polymerase
chain reaction, in-situ hybridisation, immuno-localisation, ELISA
assays, and Western, Northern and Southern blotting
Cell biology and biochemistry of ocular tissues and uids
including cornea, sclera, uveal tract, lens, vitreous, retina, tears,
aqueous humour, and vitreous

Limit on attempts
There are no limits to the number of attempts at Part 1 MRCSI.

Timing and venue

The examination is held twice a year at the Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.
The two MCQ examinations are held on the same day, one in
the morning and the other in the afternoon. Further
information can be found under postgraduate examination
calendar on the RCSI website.



Basic general physiology

Maintenance of homeostasis

Host defence mechanisms of the eye

Microbial pathogenesis: colonisation, invasion, endotoxins,
exotoxins, and virulence
Bacteria: gram staining and classication,
Commensal eye ora
Viruses: classication, structure and replication, antiviral agents,
laboratory methods of viral detection; viral infections of the
Fungi: classication, host susceptibility factors, antifungal
Toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, acanthamoeba, helminthic infections
Sterilization, disinfection and asepsis
Antimicrobial therapies and bacterial resistance

Ocular and visual physiology

Light detection
Dark adaptation
Electrophysiology of the visual system
Magnocellular and parvocellular pathways
Visual acuity
Visual elds
Contrast sensitivity
Colour vision
Physiology of eye movement control
Pupillary reexes
Retinal phototransduction
Physiology of tear production and drainage
Physiology of the cornea, lens, vitreous, retina and choroid
Blood ocular barrier

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, particularly in
relation to the eye
Drug-receptor interactions
Mechanisms of drug actions
Mechanisms of drug toxicity, including ocular toxicity from
systemic drugs and systemic side eects of ocular agents
Methods of drug delivery to the eye
Specic classes of pharmacological agents of relevance to
ophthalmology: adrenergics, cholinergics, serotonergics
and histaminergics, eicosanoids, corticosteroids, local
anaesthetics, analgesics, drugs used to treat glaucoma,
immunosuppressive and anti-inammatory drugs, tear
substitutes, botulinum toxin, anti-VEGF therapies

General pathology
Acute and chronic inammation
Wound healing
Immunological mechanisms: types of hypersensitivity reaction
Degenerative disorders, ageing and atrophy
Hypertrophy, hyperplasia and metaplasia
Vascular pathology: thromboembolism, ischaemia and
infarction, angiogenesis, aneurysms, shock

Epidemiology and biostatistics

Descriptive statistics
Statistical tests: parametric vs nonparametric tests, Chi squared
Statistical inference: p-values, risk ratio, odds ratio
Correlation and regression analysis
Survival analysis
Clinical study design: types of clinical studies, bias, errors,
power, sample size calculation, condence intervals, reliability
and validity
Denition of blindness, main causes of blindness worldwide
Screening for ocular disease: principles of screening, evaluation
of screening programmes, sensitivity and specicity
Evidence based medicine

Cells and tissues of the immune system
Organisation of the immune system
Host defence mechanisms with particular reference to the eye
Host response to injury
Innate immunity, complement and phagocytic cells
Adaptive immunity: MHC antigens, antigen presenting cells;
T cell and B cell activation, antibody responses, eector
mechanisms in cell mediated and humoral immunity
Autoimmunity and immune tolerance
Allergy, anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity reactions
Immunodeciency and immunosuppression
Transplantation immunology, particularly with respect to the
Immunology of the eye

Theoretical optics
Properties of light: electromagnetic spectrum, wave theory,
particle theory, diraction, interference, resolution,
polarisation, scattering, transmission and absorption of
electromagnetic radiation by the eye, photometry, lasers,
principles of the pinhole
Reection: laws of reection, reection at a plane surface,
reection at curved surfaces
Refraction: laws of refraction, refraction at a plane surface,
refraction at curved surfaces, critical angle and total internal
Prisms: denition, notation of prisms, uses in ophthalmology,
types of prism

Clinical genetics: chromosomal abnormalities, patterns of
inheritance, genetic basis of eye diseases, genetic counselling,
population genetics
Molecular genetics: the genome, DNA analysis, gene therapy

Oxford handbook of Medical Statistics. Peacock J, Peacock P, 2010.

ISBN 9780199551286.

Spherical lenses: cardinal points, thin lens formula, thick lens

formula, formation of the image, vergence power,
magnication, spherical decentration and prism power, lens
Astigmatic lenses: cylindrical lenses, Maddox rod, toric lenses,
conoid of Sturm, Jacksons cross cylinder Lasers: coherence,
laser physics, laser properties, types of ophthalmic laser,
tissue eects of laser, photocoagulation, photoablation,
photodisruption, drug-enhanced laser absorption, optical
coherence tomography

Physiology at a glance. Ward J, Linden R. Blackwell Publishing, 2008.

ISBN 9781405177238.
Medical biochemistry at a glance. Salway J. Blackwell Publishing
2006. ISBN 9781405113229

Sample MCQs for Part 1 MRCSI

Which of the following statements regarding the pre-corneal
tear lm is true?
a. The aqueous layer contains immunoglobulins
b. The mucous layer originates from meibomian glands
c. The mucous layer increases surface tension of the tear lm
d. The lipid layer allows the tear lm to adhere to the corneal
e. Conjunctival goblet cells do not contribute to the tear lm

Suggested Reading
The following is a list of textbooks that are suitable reading
material for the examination. Some of the books require
detailed reading, whereas in others only certain sections are
directly relevant to the examination. Reference should be made
to the examination syllabus in this regard. Titles in bold are of
particular importance although questions in the examination
will arise from all sections of the syllabus.

Regarding treponema pallidum, which of the following is true?
a. Survives for long periods outside the host
b. Is readily visualized by microscopy and gram staining
c. The VDRL test returns to normal after successful treatment
of syphilis
d. The FTA-ABS is a screening test for syphilis and when
positive a specic test should be performed to conrm
e. Is resistant to treatment with penicillin

The Eye: Basic Sciences and Practice. Forrester JV, Dick AD,
McMenamin P, Lee WR. WB Saunders 2003. ISBN: 0702025410.
American Academy of Ophthalmologists. Basic and Clinical
Science Course. ISBN: 1-56055-570-X
Volume 1: Update on general medicine
Volume 2. Fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology
Volume 3. Optics, refraction and contact lenses


Clinical Anatomy of the Eye. Snell RS, Lemp MA. Blackwell

Scientic Publications 1998. ISBN: 063204344X.

A 32 year old man undergoing a fundus ourescein angiogram

develops wheeze, shortness of breath and a diuse rash. Which
of the following types of hypersensitivity reaction is involved?
a. Type 1 (immediate)
b. Type 2 (cytotoxic)
c. Type 3 (immune complex)
d. Type 4 (delayed)
e. Mixed

Adlers Physiology of the Eye. Ed. Hart WM. Mosby 2003. ISBN:
Clinical optics. Elkington AR, Frank HJ and Greaney MJ. Blackwell
Science. ISBN: 0632049898.
MCQ companion to the Eye. Basic Sciences in Practice. Galloway PH,
Forrester JV, Dick AD, Lee WR. WB Saunders 2001. ISBN: 0702025666.

Pathology for Surgeons in Training: An A-Z revision text. Gardner DL
and Tweedle DEF. Arnold 2002. ISBN: 0340759046.
Medical Microbiology. Greenwood D, Slack R, Peutherer J. Churchill
Livingstone 2002. ISBN 0443070776.
Medical pharmacology at a glance. Neal MJ. Blackwell Publishing
2002. ISBN: 0632052449.
Clinical Ocular Pharmacology. Jaanus SD, Barlett JD. ButterworthHeinemann 2001. ISBN: 0750670398.
Genetics for Ophthalmologists: The molecular genetic basis of
ophthalmic disorders. Black GCM. Remedica Publishing 2002.
ISBN: 190134620X.
Biochemistry of the eye. Whikehart R. Butterworth-Heinemann
2003. ISBN: 0750671521.
Immunology at a glance. Playfair JHL, 7th Ed. Blackwell Science.
2009. ISBN 9781405180528.

Part 2 MRCSI (Ophth) Written Examination regulations

and guidance notes
Eligibility to take the examination

Limit on attempts

Candidates must have passed MRCSI (Ophth) Part 1 or

FRCOphth Part 1. The Part 2 written examination must be
passed within four years of success in Part 1 MRCSI (Ophth) or
Part 1 FRCOphth. However, if more than four years have lapsed
since passing Part 1, that part can be re-taken.

There are no limits to the number of attempts at Part 2 MRCSI.

Timing and venue

The examination is held twice a year at the Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. The MCQ
examination is held in the morning and the data OSE in the
afternoon of the same day. Further information can be found
under postgraduate examination calendar on the RCSI website.

For examinations held after January 1st 2014, candidates must

have completed 2 years in training posts in ophthalmology
before sitting the Part 2 written examination. The Part 2 written
examination must be passed in order to proceed to the Part 2
clinical examination. Candidates applying to sit the Part 2
written and clinical examinations in the same semester who fail
the written examination and hence are not eligible to sit the
clinical examination are entitled to a full refund of the clinical
examination fee. Alternatively, they can transfer the fee to a
subsequent attempt.

Candidates should prepare for the Part 2 MRCSI using the
recommended reading list or similar texts and by reading the
current medical literature to keep up to date with clinically
relevant developments in ophthalmology. Clinical experience
in suitable training posts is needed to achieve the standard set
in this examination. It is recommended that candidates make
every eort to avail of learning opportunities that present
themselves whilst performing day to day clinical activities.
There is a particular emphasis on clinical knowledge, clinical
data analysis and problem-solving in the Part 2 MRCSI written

Examination content
This is an examination of clinical ophthalmology, clinical optics
and refraction, and ophthalmic pathology. General basic
science questions that have relevance to the practice of
ophthalmology will also be asked. See below for a detailed
examination syllabus.

NOTE: These Regulations are under continual review. It

is recommended that candidates review the RCSI
website to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
information. Any changes will be announced on the

Format of the examination

The examination comprises one multiple choice question
(MCQ) paper and one data objective structured examination
(data OSE) paper. The MCQ paper comprises 100 single best
answer questions (also known as type A) and 3 hours is allowed.
Each question consists of an initial stem followed by 5 possible
answers, identied A, B, C, D and E. Candidates should select
one item they believe to be correct. Every other item in that
question must be left blank. Questions may include printed
photographic reproduction of clinical ndings including
photographs, imaging and graphical data or pathological
material relating to the questions concerned. The data OSE
paper comprises 10 questions with 10 minutes allowed for each
question. In each question, a clinical scenario or investigation
is presented followed by a series of questions relating to this.
There is no negative marking in either paper. Some samples
questions can be found below.

MRCSI (Ophth) Examinations Committee June 24th 2014

The examination syllabus is designed to complement the
curriculum of Basic Specialist Training (BST) of the Irish College of
Ophthalmologists. Further details of this curriculum can be found
at It is recommended
that candidates familiarise themselves with the requirements for
completion of BST as described on the ICO website.

Main subjects:
Generic competencies and professionalism
Clinical history taking and examination in ophthalmology
Investigations in ophthalmology
Principles of ophthalmic surgery
Clinical optics
Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea & external diseases
Cataract & Refractive surgery
Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease
Medical Retinal disease
Vitreoretinal surgery
Ocular oncology

Standard setting
The pass mark is determined in advance of each examination
by the Examinations Committee using the Ango method of
standard setting for the MCQ paper and the data OSE.

Overall result
Candidates will receive a pass or fail based on their
performance against the pass mark determined by the
standard setting examination committee. Both the MCQ and
data OSE papers must be passed. Candidates who fail either the
MCQ or the data OSE will be required to repeat both parts at
their next attempt.

Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
General medicine relevant to ophthalmology
Ophthalmic pathology

Goldmann perimetry
Hess charts
DEXA scans
Serum biochemistry, haematology, immunology, relevant
endocrine blood tests
Investigation of patients with suspected TB, syphilis and other
relevant infectious diseases

Generic competencies and professionalism

Professional standards, ethics and good medical practice
Principles of clinical governance
Clinical audit and patient safety
Communication skills:
Breaking bad news
Dealing with distressed patients and/or relatives
Dealing with complaints
Communicating with colleagues
Visual impairment
International denitions
Psychological and social implications for the patient
Available support resources
Driving and occupational regulations related to visual
impairment in Ireland/ United Kingdom
Principles of evidence based medicine
Basic epidemiology and clinical research techniques

Principles of ophthalmic surgery

Surgical instrumentation
Sutures and their uses
Common ophthalmic surgical procedures
Management of trauma to the eye and adnexae

Clinical optics
Notation of lenses: spectacle prescribing, simple transposition,
toric transposition
Identication of unknown lenses: neutralisation, focimeter,
Geneva lens measure
Aberrations of lenses: correction of aberrations relevant to the
eye, Duochrome test
Optics of the eye: transmittance of light by the optic media,
schematic and reduced eye, Stiles-Crawford eect, visual
acuity, contrast sensitivity, catoptric images, emmetropia,
accommodation, Purkinje shift, pinhole
Ametropia: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, anisometropia, aniseikonia, aphakia
Accommodative problems: insuciency, excess, AC/A ratio
Refractive errors: prevalence, inheritance, changes with age,
surgically induced
Correction of ametropia: spectacle lenses, contact lenses,
intraocular lenses, principles of refractive surgery
Problems of spectacles in aphakia: eect of spectacles and
contact lens correction on accommodation and convergence, eective power of lenses, back vertex distance,
spectacle magnication, calculation of intraocular lens
power, presbyopia
Low visual aids: high reading addition, magnifying lenses,
telescopic aids - Galilean telescope
Clinical refraction; near and distance vision correction, tests of
Prescribing prisms
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopes
Simple magnifying glass (Loupe)
Automated refractor
Slit-lamp microscope
Applanation tonometry
Specular microscope
Operating microscope
Zoom lens principle
Corneal pachymeter
Lenses used for slit lamp biomicroscopy (panfunduscope,
gonioscope Goldmann lens, 90D lens, etc.)
Fundus camera
Retinal and optic nerve imaging devices (OCT, SLO, GDx)

Clinical history taking and examination in

Candidates must demonstrate competence in clinical
assessment in all areas of ophthalmology and relevant medical

Investigations in ophthalmology
Corneal topography
Optical coherence tomography of anterior segment
Specular microscopy
Confocal microscopy
Wavefront analysis
Microbiological investigations
Diagnostic corneal scrape
Conjunctival swabs
Intra-ocular samples; vitreous biopsy, anterior chamber tap
Schirmers test
Retinal photography
Optical coherence tomography of posterior segment
Fluorescein angiography
Indocyanine green angiography
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
Scanning laser polarimetry
A and B scans
Ultrasound biomicroscopy
Doppler ultrasound
Plain skull and chest X ray
CT thorax
Orbital and neuro-CT scans
Orbital and neuro-MRI scans
Visually evoked potentials
Humphrey and other automated perimeters

Corneal refractive surgery: arcuate keratotomy, laser (LASIK,

Refractive lens surgery; clear lens extraction, phakic IOLs

Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea and external eye disease
Clinical anatomy

Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease

Infections of the conjunctiva

Cicatricial conjunctival disease: Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
mucous membrane pemphigoid; other causes
Allergic conjunctival disease; vernal keratoconjunctivitis, atopic
keratoconjunctivitis, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, giant
papillary conjunctivitis
Conjunctival malignancies: ocular surface squamous neoplasia,
melanocytic neoplasms
Benign lesions of the conjunctiva

Clinical anatomy
Eyelid malpositions including ectropion, entropion, ptosis,
lagophthalmos, lid retraction
Lash abnormalities; trichiasis, distichiasis
Congenital abnormities of the lids
Abnormal lid swellings and benign and malignant lid lesions
Lid trauma
Facial nerve palsy
Principles of oculoplastic surgical technique

Blepharitis and acne rosacea

Scleritis and episcleritis
Corneal infections: bacterial keratitis, herpes simplex keratitis,
varicella zoster keratitis, fungal keratitis, acanthamoeba
Recurrent corneal erosion syndrome
Dry eye syndrome
Autoimmune corneal disease: peripheral ulcerative keratitis
and corneal melting disorders, Moorens ulcer
Keratoconus and other ectasias
Pseudophakic/aphakic bullous keratopathy; other causes of
corneal oedema
Corneal dystrophies, degenerations and deposits
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Trauma: penetrating, chemical injury
Congenital corneal abnormalities
Contact lenses
Corneal Transplantation, limbal stem cell transplanation
Eye banking

The watering eye

Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the lacrimal system
Lacrimal surgery
Orbital cellulitis
Orbital inammation including thyroid eye disease
Orbital tumours
Orbital trauma
Congenital abnormalities of the orbit
Vascular lesions of the orbit
Evisceration, enucleation and exenteration

Relevant clinical anatomy and physiology
Epidemiology and screening
Mechanisms of glaucoma
Optic nerve head assessment
Visual eld analysis in glaucoma
Paediatric glaucoma
Open angle glaucomas
Ocular hypertension
Angle closure glaucomas
Medical management
Laser therapies
Surgical management including complications

Cataract and refractive surgery

Clinical anatomy of the lens
Acquired cataract:
Biometry and planning of refractive outcome
Intraocular lenses
Pre-operative evaluation
Predicting surgical challenges
Surgical methods, equipment and instrument
Anaesthetic techniques
Complications of cataract surgery and local anaesthesia
Managing coexisting cataract and glaucoma
Cataract surgery combined with penetrating keratoplasty
Lens-induced glaucoma
Phacolytic inammation
Intraocular lenses
Cataract surgery post corneal refractive surgery
Managing refractive surprise after cataract surgery
Ectopia lentis
Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy

Medical Retinal disease

Clinical anatomy
Vascular retinal disorders:
Diabetic retinopathy
Arterial and venous occlusive disease
Ocular ischaemic syndrome
Hypertensive retinopathy
Retinal arterial macroaneurysm
Retinal Vasculitis
Coats disease
Sickle cell retinopathy
Eales disease
Retinal features of blood disorders, e.g. anaemia, leukaemia,
and myeloma

Congenital cataract including surgical management options

Optical treatment and prevention of amblyopia

Retinal vascular anamolies

Age-related macular degeneration
Epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology
Retinal dystrophies
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Flecked retina syndromes
Macular dystrophies
Congenital stationary night blindness
Choroidal dystrophies and degenerations
Hereditary vitreoretinopathies
Angioid streaks
Central serous retinopathy
Cystoid macular oedema
Degenerative myopia
Drug-induced retinal disease
Radiation retinopathy

Clinical anatomy
Clinical assessment of ocular motility, diplopia, nystagmus,
abnormal eyelid and facial movements, pupils, ptosis,
proptosis, cranial nerve function and visual elds
Ocular motility disorders
Cranial nerve palsies
Visual eld abnormalities
Pupil abnormalities
Optic disc abnormalities
Optic neuropathies
Visually evoked cortical potentials
Pituitary and chiasmal disorders
Intracranial tumours
Headache and facial pain
Benign intracranial hypertension
Cerebrovascular disease
Optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Parkinsons disease
Psychosomatic disorders and visual function
Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
Periocular Botulinum toxin injection technique

Vitreoretinal surgery
Clinical anatomy
Peripheral retinal lesions
Retinal breaks
Retinal detachment
Serous retinal
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Macular hole
Epiretinal membrane
Vitreous haemorrhage
Trauma and IOFB

Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus

Clinical anatomy of the extraocular muscles
Physiology of eye movement control
Binocular function
Accommodation anomalies
Assessment of strabismus
Cover, cover-uncover test and alternate cover test
Assessment of ocular movements
Measurement of deviation
Assessment of fusion, suppression and stereo-acuity.
Knowledge of Hess Chart/Lees Screen, eld of BSV and
uniocular elds of xation
Paediatric strabismus
Infantile esotropia
Acquired esotropia
Intermittent exotropia
Congenital superior oblique weakness
Duanes syndrome
Browns syndrome
Forced duction test technique
Tests to predict postoperative diplopia
Concomitant strabismus in adults
Third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsy
Supranuclear causes of eye movement decits
Strabismus due to Myasthenia, thyroid eye disease and
orbital trauma
Principles of strabismus surgery
Principles of adjustable surgery techniques
Botulinum toxin, role in the management of strabismus
Paediatric refractive errors
Vision testing in children
Retinopathy of prematurity
Visual loss secondary to neurological disease in infants and

Clinical anatomy of the uveal tract
Congenital abnormalities
Infectious uveitis
Non-infectious immune-mediated uveitis
Uveitis masquerade syndromes
Systemic disease associated uveitis
Investigation of the patient with uveitis
Principles of uveitis management
Management of cataract and glaucoma in uveitis

Ocular oncology
Malignant intraocular tumours
Uveal melanoma
Uveal metastases
Lymphoma and leukaemia
Benign intraocular tumours
Choroidal naevus
Choroidal haemangioma
Choroidal osteoma
Retinal hamartomas
Retinal vascular tumours
Investigation and management of intraocular tumours

Neuroophthalmology Review Manual. Kline LB, Bajandas FJ. Slack

Incorporated 2008. 6th Ed. ISBN 978-1-55642-789-3.

Lebers congenital amaurosis

Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology. Denniston A, Murray P. Oxford

university Press. 2nd Ed. 780199552641.
Training in Ophthalmology: The Essential Clinical Curriculum.
Sundaram V. Oxford University Press 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-923759-3.

General medicine relevant to ophthalmology

Systemic diseases with manifestations relevant to ophthalmology in the following specialities:
Rheumatological disease
Respiratory medicine
Chromosomal disorders
Medical management of the perioperative patient
Medical emergencies:
Candidates are expected to be able to assess patients with the
following life threatening emergencies and initiate appropriate
treatment prior to the arrival of specialised assistance:
Cardiorespiratory arrest
The breathless patient

Sample MCQs for Part 2 MRCSI

A 34 year old man presents with a severely painful red right eye
of two weeks duration. He has a 3 month history of sinusitis,
rhinitis and intermittent epistaxis but has no other past medical
history. On examination, the right eye shows severe peripheral
ulcerative keratitis, intense episcleral injection and marked
tenderness to gentle palpation. Which one of the following
investigations is most likely to conrm the aetiology?
A. Serum rheumatoid factor
B. Mantoux test
C. Chest x-ray
E. Serum ANCA

Ophthalmic Pathology

A 65 year old myopic male with Type II diabetes mellitus suers

a right isolated sixth nerve palsy with diplopia of 8 pd in the
primary position. Which of the following distance glasses would
you prescribe?
A. R: -3.00 DS 4 pd BO, L: -2.75 DS 4 pd BO
B. R -3.00 DS 4 pd BI, L: -2.75 DS 4 pd BI
C. R: -3.00 DS 8 pd BO, L: -2.75 DS
D. R: -3.00 DS, L -2.75 DS 8 pd BO
E. R: -3.00 DS 8 pd BI, L: -2.75 DS

Benign and malignant lesions of the eyelids

Cornea endothelial dysfunction and corneal dystrophies
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Retinal vascular occlusion
Retinal detachment and proliferative vitreo-retinopathy
Ocular tumours
Tissue sampling for pathological investigation; types of biopsy,
ne needle aspiration, transport of specimens

With regard to macular holes, which one of the following

statements is true?
A. They are equally common in men and women
B. Stage 1 macular holes are managed by observation as they
commonly resolve spontaneously
C. The risk of developing a macular hole increases after
posterior vitreous detachment
D. They are complicated by rhegmatogenous retinal
detachment in approximately 5% of idiopathic cases
E. Progression from stage 2 to stage 3 macular hole is
characterised by the appearance of a Weiss ring

Suggested reading
The following is a list of textbooks that are suitable reading
material for the examination. Close reference should be made
to the examination syllabus when preparing for examination.
This list is not exhaustive and there are many other textbooks
which are also suitable for exam preparation. In addition,
candidates should be aware of the main ndings of key clinical
trials in ophthalmology that form the evidence base for our
clinical practice.
Clinical Ophthalmology: A systematic Approach. Kanski JJ, Bowling
B. Butterworth Heinemann 2011. 8th Ed.
American Academy of Ophthalmologists. Basic and Clinical Science
Course Complete Set 2010-11. ISBN: 1-56055-570-X.
Clinical optics. Elkington AR, Frank HJ and Greaney MJ. Blackwell
Science. ISBN: 0632049898.


Sample data OSEs for part 2 MRCSI

7. A telescope has a +2.00 D objective and a -10.00 D

eyepiece. What type of telescope is this? What is the
magnication of the image? What is the orientation of the
image? (4 marks)
a. Galilean Telescope (1 mark)
b. Magnication = - eyepiece/objective = -(-10)/2 = 5X (2
c. Erect (1 mark)

1. Transpose the following prescriptions: (2 marks)
a. -6.50/+2.50 X 75
b. +2.50/-1.00 X 120
a. -4.00/-2.50 X 165 (1 mark)
b. +1.50/+1.00 X 30 (1 mark)


2. How much prism is induced if a patient looks through a

+6.00 D lens 15 mm below its centre? (2 marks)
a. Prentice rule: prism dioptre = hD; Prism dioptre = 1.5x6
= 9 prism dioptres(base up) (2 marks)

A 52 year old lady presented with a 2 year history of

increasing painless proptosis of her right eye. She had noticed
a change in her appearance but had no visual complaints. She
had no past ocular or medical history and was in otherwise
good general health. Her visual acuity was 6/7.5 OU unaided.
Examination revealed non-axial proptosis of 4 mm on the
right, inferonasal globe displacement and a 3 mm ptosis.

3. A patient holds a -6.00 D lens in front of the left eye such

that the optical centre of the lens is 5 mm lateral to the
visual axis. What type of phoria is induced by this lens
and how large is it? (4 marks)
a. Esophoria (2 marks)
b. Prism dioptre = 0.5 x (-6) = 3 prism dioptres base in
(2 marks)

1. Describe in detail the ndings on the CT scan shown in

Figure 1. (4 marks)
a. Well dened/circumscribed round radiopaque lesion
(2 marks)
b. Arising from region of lacrimal fossa (1 mark)
c. Lack of bone erosion (1 mark)

4. What is the mean spherical equivalent of the following

prescriptions: (2 marks)
a. +3.00/-2.00 X 90
b. +4.50/-0.50 X 60

2. What is the advantage of CT over MRI scanning in the

diagnosis of this lesion? (2 marks)
a. Shows bone erosion if present (2 marks)

a. +2.00 D
b. +4.25 D

3. What is the most likely cause of this lesion? (2 marks)

a. Pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland

5. A 3 year old child with an esotropia has the following

cycloplegic retinoscopy ndings. Write a prescription
for glasses for him. (3 marks)




4. What is the dierential diagnosis of this lesion? (6 marks)

a. Dacryops (lacrimal gland ductal cyst) (1 mark)
b. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (1 mark)
c. Pleomorphic carcinoma/mixed malignant tumour/Ca
ex pleomorphic adenoma (1 mark)
d. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma or primary
adenocarcinoma (1 mark)
e. Lymphoma (1 mark)
f. dacryoadenitis/pseudotumour conned to lacrimal
gland (1 mark)



Working distance 2/3 m

5. How would you manage this patient and what particular

considerations are there? (4 marks)
a. Complete intact surgical excision (2 marks)
b. Avoid biopsy- risk of tumour seeding and malignant
transformation later (2 marks)

a. RE: +4.50/+1.00 X 90 OR +5.50/-1.00 X 180

LE: +4.00 DS
6. A 10 year old girl with an esotropia has the following
cycloplegic retinoscopy ndings. Write a prescription
for glasses for her. (3 marks)




6. What is the natural history of this condition if

untreated? (2 marks)
a. Benign lesion
but risk of
(2 marks)



Working distance 2/3 m

a. RE: -5.50/-1.00 X 45 (OR -6.50/+1.00 x 135)

b. LE: -7.00/-0.50 X 35 (OR -7.50/+0.50 X 125)


Part 2 MRCSI (Ophth) Clinical Examination regulations

and guidance notes
Eligibility to take the examination
Candidates must pass the Part 2 written examination before
proceeding to the Part 2 clinical examination. The Part 2 clinical
examination must be passed within two years of success in the
Part 2 written examination. However, if more than two years
have lapsed since passing the Part 2 written, that part can be
Candidates applying to sit the Part 2 written and clinical
examinations in the same semester who fail the written
examination and hence are not eligible to sit the clinical
examination are entitled to a full refund of the clinical
examination fee. Alternatively, they can transfer the fee to a
subsequent attempt.

Examination content
This is an examination of clinical ophthalmology, clinical optics
and refraction, and ophthalmic pathology. General basic
science questions that have relevance to the practice of
ophthalmology will also be asked. A detailed examination
syllabus is provided below.

Format and marking of the examination

The examination consists of:

1. A clinical component comprising four short case clinical
stations and one viva station as follows:
Station 1 - Anterior segment (cornea, glaucoma,
Station 2 - Posterior segment (medical retina, surgical
retina, uveitis, ocular oncology)
Station 3 - Paediatrics, strabismus, oculoplastics and
orbital disease
Station 4 - Neurology/medicine

Station 5 - Clinical/pathology viva

2. A clinical refraction examination lasting 30 minutes.

Marks are awarded for each station as follows:

Very good overall performance: covering all major
aspects; few omissions, good priorities. Very clearly an
above average candidate in terms of communication
and clinical acumen.

Safe Pass: Good sound overall performance without

displaying any clinical attributes out of the ordinary. The
candidate was able to demonstrate a satisfactory level
of clinical and communication skills throughout the
station. There were no errors in critical areas. The
candidate was able to prioritise and was safe
throughout. In depth understanding was evident in
some but not necessarily all areas. The candidate was
generally able to interpret the clinical ndings he/she
elicited to formulate an appropriate management/
investigative plan. The responses were well constructed
and organised. He/she was able to cover the range of
topics to be examined with very little prompting. The
examiners judged that the candidate had the
knowledge and understanding to pass.


Borderline Pass: Adequate performance. The candidate

was able to demonstrate the minimum acceptable level
of clinical and communication skills in all critical aspects
and in most other areas. In depth knowledge and skill
was not, however, demonstrated. Appropriate
examination techniques were applied in most areas and

Clinical component

Knowledge of relevant evidence base medicine and

Clinical examination skills: these will be examined in
detail and the ability to perform a competent
examination of the patient(s) is a requirement of the
Professionalism including attitude, ethics and

Clinical management skills and knowledge

In the pathology/clinical viva, questions will be based on
photographs of pathological preparations, microbiology or
other laboratory investigations and clinical photographs.
Practical clinical issues will be the focus of the clinical part
of the viva station. Likewise, pathology questions will cover
the key areas of ophthalmic pathology as described in the
The examiners take it in turns to act as questioning
examiner and observing/recording examiner. While one
examiner asks the questions, the other takes a note of the
questions asked and the candidates responses.
All candidates will be asked similar questions in each
Equal marks are awarded for each of the ve stations
Compensation between stations is allowed providing that
a minimum of a borderline fail is awarded for each station.
If a fail is awarded in any of the ve stations it is not possible
to achieve an overall pass. If the combined score from all
ve stations reaches the pass mark an overall pass will be
awarded for the clinical component.

The timing of each station is precisely 17 minutes with 3

minutes for changeover between stations. The entire clinical
examination takes 1 hour 40 minutes. Timing of the
examination is undertaken by the invigilators.
Two examiners will be present at each station, including
two ophthalmologists in stations 1-3, an ophthalmologist
and a neurologist/physician in station 4, and an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmic pathologist in station 5.
The candidate will be asked to assess between two and six
clinical cases at each of the four clinical stations.
The examination will focus on the following core clinical
Communication skills: this may be assessed in any of
the stations, for example through history taking,
obtaining consent for a proposed procedure,
explaining a management plan to the patient or
breaking bad news.
Interpretation of investigations appropriate to the


the interpretation of clinical signs adequate. No

signicant errors were made and responses were
organised. He/she was generally able to cover the range
of cases to be examined with little prompting or hints.
The examiners judged that the candidate had the skill
level and understanding to pass, despite requiring some
support to demonstrate this in some cases.


In the remaining 10 minutes of the refraction component the

candidate may be asked to perform and demonstrate
knowledge of any of the following (if not already assessed):
Focimetry (manual or automated)
Duochrome/+1 blur test/Binocular balance
Lens neutralisation
Maddox rod
Near addition
Cycloplegic refraction
Measurement of interpupillary distance
Prescribing prisms
Visual acuity testing of a child

Borderline Fail: Poor performance. The candidate was

able to demonstrate the minimum acceptable level of
clinical and communication skills in some areas but not
in others. The candidates approach to the patient was
appropriate but there were signicant gaps in his/her
understanding and application of clinical examination
techniques. As a result some signicant errors were
made. While perhaps one case in the station was
handled well, with others there was failure to elicit and
interpret clinical ndings that candidates were expected
to get. The candidates examination techniques were
poorly organised and he/she usually required some
prompting. Some answers were slow and unconvincing.
Examiner intervention was frequently required to ensure
that a sucient number of cases was covered in the

The candidate will receive a pass or a fail for the refraction

component. The ability to provide an accurate spectacle
prescription within the allotted time is required to pass this

Overall result
Both the clinical component and refraction component must
be passed to achieve an overall pass in the part 2 clinical
examination. Candidates failing either the clinical component
or the clinical refraction will be required to re-sit that
component alone at subsequent attempts.

Fail: Clinical acumen and communication skills are very

poor. The minimum standard required is not attained.
The candidate did not demonstrate a satisfactory level
of clinical skills over the majority of cases examined. The
candidates approach to the patient was inappropriate
(limited or no introduction, poor patient courtesy and
respect) and/or patient handling was rough with
obvious patient discomfort and little attention paid to
the patients non-verbal signs. The candidate made
critical errors and was unable to prioritise. The candidate
needed frequent prompting and hints. The responses
were not organised and because of deciencies in
examination technique the candidate was unable to
elicit appropriate clinical signs and could not cover the
range of cases to be examined.

Limit on attempts
There are no limits to the number of attempts at Part 2 MRCSI
clinical examination.

Timing and venue

The examination is held twice annually at the Royal Victoria Eye
and Ear Hospital, Dublin 2. Further information can be found
under postgraduate examination calendar on the RCSI website.

Further guidance

This component of the examination assesses competence in

refraction and practical clinical optics. Extensive practice and
experience in clinical refraction is required to pass this
component. Candidates should also ensure they receive
adequate tuition and supervision in practical refraction from a
senior trainee, consultant or optometrist prior to the
examination. As for the clinical component of the examination,
the refraction examination is strictly timed.

Clinical experience in suitable training posts is needed to

achieve the standard set in this examination. The standard of
the examination is commensurate with the degree of clinical
competence required to perform the duties of a junior
registrar/specialist registrar. Therefore, to pass this examination,
candidates will need to demonstrate the knowledge and
clinical and communication skills that enables them to work
with a degree of clinical independence in all areas of
ophthalmology but under the supervision of a senior clinician/
consultant ophthalmologist. It is recommended that candidates make every eort to avail of learning opportunities that
present themselves whilst performing day to day clinical

The refraction component of examination is 30 minutes long

and is supervised by two ophthalmologists. In the rst 20
minutes of the examination the candidate will be asked to
perform the following on a patient:
Take a brief relevant history
Assess visual acuity for distance and near
Perform retinoscopy and an accurate subjective refraction
and provide an appropriate spectacle prescription for distance
and near
Assess the patients binocular cooperation and understand
the practical implications of the ndings

In the clinical component there is a particular emphasis on

communication skills, clinical examination techniques, the
ability to formulate an appropriate dierential diagnosis based
on the clinical ndings, and the ability to propose a suitable
management plan based on current best practice for each case
examined. Candidates are rewarded for thoroughness and
eciency in their clinical skills so these should be very well
practiced under the supervision of senior trainees and
consultants before the examination. All equipment that is
required for the examination is provided. However, it is
recommended that candidates bring their own equipment

Refraction component


such as pin hole occluder, xation targets, targets for

confrontation eld testing, pen torch, etc if they wish to avoid
being unfamiliar with the equipment provided. The trial lenses
and trial frames used in the refraction component are standard
and should be familiar to all candidates.

Medical Retinal disease
Vitreoretinal surgery
Ocular oncology
Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
General medicine relevant to ophthalmology
Ophthalmic pathology

During the examination it is important that you understand

what the examiner is asking you to do. Therefore, do not
hesitate to ask the examiners to repeat the instructions if they
are not clear.

Generic competencies and professionalism

You need to be clear and precise in your replies, making sure
that the answers are given in a logical manner. If you feel that
you have done badly in any of the questions, you should not
dwell on this but concentrate on answering the next question
well. A weaker performance on one question may be
counterbalanced by a stronger performance elsewhere.
Examiners are there to assess your knowledge and
understanding on essential issues. The degree of diculty of
the questions will vary during the examination.

Professional standards, ethics and good medical practice

Principles of clinical governance
Clinical audit and patient safety
Communication skills:
Breaking bad news
Dealing with distressed patients and/or relatives
Dealing with complaints
Communicating with colleagues
Visual impairment
International denitions
Psychological and social implications for the patient
Available support resources
Driving and occupational regulations related to visual
impairment in Ireland/ United Kingdom
Principles of evidence based medicine
Basic epidemiology and clinical research techniques

Since patients will be helping us with this examination, it is vital

that you are as courteous and kind as possible to these patients.
Failure to introduce yourself and to respect these patients will
be unacceptable to the examiners. You must also be aware that
many patients are nervous about participating in this
examination and may be concerned that they may say
something which will fail you. They also, therefore, are
frequently anxious. They have taken time to come and help us
and to help you, so please be courteous to them. Most patients
ask afterwards how successful you have been and are
genuinely concerned that you do well.

Clinical history taking and examination in

Candidates must demonstrate competence in clinical
assessment in all areas of ophthalmology and relevant medical

Good hand hygiene is vital. Aqueous gel or hand washing

facilities will be available and must be used between all

Investigations in ophthalmology
Corneal topography
Optical coherence tomography of anterior segment
Specular microscopy
Confocal microscopy
Wavefront analysis
Microbiological investigations
Diagnostic corneal scrape
Conjunctival swabs
Intra-ocular samples; vitreous biopsy, anterior chamber tap
Schirmers test
Retinal photography
Optical coherence tomography of posterior segment
Fluorescein angiography
Indocyanine green angiography
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
Scanning laser polarimetry
A and B scans
Ultrasound biomicroscopy
Doppler ultrasound
Plain skull and chest X ray
CT thorax
Orbital and neuro-CT scans
Orbital and neuro-MRI scans

NOTE: These Regulations are under continual review. It

is recommended that candidates review the RCSI
website to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
information. Any changes will be announced on the
MRCSI (Ophth) Examinations Committee June 24th 2014

Main subjects:
Generic competencies and professionalism
Clinical history taking and examination in ophthalmology
Investigations in ophthalmology
Principles of ophthalmic surgery
Clinical optics
Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea & external diseases
Cataract & Refractive surgery
Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease


Visually evoked potentials
Humphrey and other automated perimeters
Goldmann perimetry
Hess charts
DEXA scans
Serum biochemistry, haematology, immunology, relevant
endocrine blood tests
Investigation of patients with suspected TB, syphilis and other
relevant infectious diseases

Lenses used for slit lamp biomicroscopy (panfunduscope,

gonioscope Goldmann lens, 90D lens, etc.)
Fundus camera
Retinal and optic nerve imaging devices (OCT, SLO, GDx)

Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea and external eye disease
Clinical anatomy

Surgical instrumentation
Sutures and their uses
Common ophthalmic surgical procedures
Management of trauma to the eye and adnexae

Infections of the conjunctiva

Cicatricial conjunctival disease: Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
mucous membrane pemphigoid; other causes
Allergic conjunctival disease; vernal keratoconjunctivitis, atopic
keratoconjunctivitis, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, giant
papillary conjunctivitis
Conjunctival malignancies: ocular surface squamous neoplasia,
melanocytic neoplasms
Benign lesions of the conjunctiva

Clinical optics

Blepharitis and acne rosacea

Principles of ophthalmic surgery

Notation of lenses: spectacle prescribing, simple transposition,

toric transposition
Identication of unknown lenses: neutralisation, focimeter,
Geneva lens measure
Aberrations of lenses: correction of aberrations relevant to the
eye, Duochrome test
Optics of the eye: transmittance of light by the optic media,
schematic and reduced eye, Stiles-Crawford eect, visual
acuity, contrast sensitivity, catoptric images, emmetropia,
accommodation, Purkinje shift, pinhole
Ametropia: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, anisometropia,
aniseikonia, aphakia
Accommodative problems: insuciency, excess, AC/A ratio
Refractive errors: prevalence, inheritance, changes with age,
surgically induced
Correction of ametropia: spectacle lenses, contact lenses,
intraocular lenses, principles of refractive surgery
Problems of spectacles in aphakia: eect of spectacles and
contact lens correction on accommodation and
convergence, eective power of lenses, back vertex
distance, spectacle magnication, calculation of intraocular
lens power, presbyopia
Low visual aids: high reading addition, magnifying lenses,
telescopic aids - Galilean telescope
Clinical refraction; near and distance vision correction, tests of
Prescribing prisms
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopes
Simple magnifying glass (Loupe)
Automated refractor
Slit-lamp microscope
Applanation tonometry
Specular microscope
Operating microscope
Zoom lens principle
Corneal pachymeter

Scleritis and episcleritis

Corneal infections: bacterial keratitis, herpes simplex keratitis,
varicella zoster keratitis, fungal keratitis, acanthamoeba
Recurrent corneal erosion syndrome
Dry eye syndrome
Autoimmune corneal disease: peripheral ulcerative keratitis
and corneal melting disorders, Moorens ulcer
Keratoconus and other ectasias
Pseudophakic/aphakic bullous keratopathy; other causes of
corneal oedema
Corneal dystrophies, degenerations and deposits
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Trauma: penetrating, chemical injury
Congenital corneal abnormalities
Contact lenses
Corneal Transplantation, limbal stem cell transplanation
Eye banking

Cataract and refractive surgery

Clinical anatomy of the lens
Acquired cataract:
Biometry and planning of refractive outcome
Intraocular lenses
Pre-operative evaluation
Predicting surgical challenges
Surgical methods, equipment and instrument
Anaesthetic techniques
Complications of cataract surgery and local anaesthesia
Managing coexisting cataract and glaucoma
Cataract surgery combined with penetrating keratoplasty
Lens-induced glaucoma
Phacolytic inammation
Intraocular lenses

Cataract surgery post corneal refractive surgery

Managing refractive surprise after cataract surgery
Ectopia lentis
Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy

Retinal arterial macroaneurysm

Retinal Vasculitis
Coats disease
Sickle cell retinopathy
Eales disease
Retinal features of blood disorders, e.g. anaemia, leukaemia,
and myeloma
Retinal vascular anamolies
Age-related macular degeneration
Epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology
Retinal dystrophies
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Flecked retina syndromes
Macular dystrophies
Congenital stationary night blindness
Choroidal dystrophies and degenerations
Hereditary vitreoretinopathies
Angioid streaks
Central serous retinopathy
Cystoid macular oedema
Degenerative myopia
Drug-induced retinal disease
Radiation retinopathy

Congenital cataract including surgical management options

Optical treatment and prevention of amblyopia
Corneal refractive surgery: arcuate keratotomy, laser (LASIK,
Refractive lens surgery; clear lens extraction, phakic IOLs

Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease

Clinical anatomy
Eyelid malpositions including ectropion, entropion, ptosis,
lagophthalmos, lid retraction
Lash abnormalities; trichiasis, distichiasis
Congenital abnormities of the lids
Abnormal lid swellings and benign and malignant lid lesions
Lid trauma
Facial nerve palsy
Principles of oculoplastic surgical technique
The watering eye
Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the lacrimal system
Lacrimal surgery

Vitreoretinal surgery
Clinical anatomy
Peripheral retinal lesions
Retinal breaks
Retinal detachment
Serous retinal
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Macular hole
Epiretinal membrane
Vitreous haemorrhage
Trauma and IOFB

Orbital cellulitis
Orbital inammation including thyroid eye disease
Orbital tumours
Orbital trauma
Congenital abnormalities of the orbit
Vascular lesions of the orbit
Evisceration, enucleation and exenteration

Relevant clinical anatomy and physiology
Epidemiology and screening
Mechanisms of glaucoma
Optic nerve head assessment
Visual eld analysis in glaucoma
Paediatric glaucoma
Open angle glaucomas
Ocular hypertension
Angle closure glaucomas
Medical management
Laser therapies
Surgical management including complications

Clinical anatomy of the uveal tract
Congenital abnormalities
Infectious uveitis
Non-infectious immune-mediated uveitis
Uveitis masquerade syndromes
Systemic disease associated uveitis
Investigation of the patient with uveitis
Principles of uveitis management
Management of cataract and glaucoma in uveitis

Medical Retinal disease

Clinical anatomy

Ocular oncology

Vascular retinal disorders:

Diabetic retinopathy
Arterial and venous occlusive disease
Ocular ischaemic syndrome
Hypertensive retinopathy

Malignant intraocular tumours

Uveal melanoma
Uveal metastases
Lymphoma and leukaemia
Benign intraocular tumours

Choroidal naevus
Choroidal haemangioma
Choroidal osteoma
Retinal hamartomas
Retinal vascular tumours
Investigation and management of intraocular tumours

Botulinum toxin, role in the management of strabismus

Paediatric refractive errors
Vision testing in children
Retinopathy of prematurity
Visual loss secondary to neurological disease in infants and
Lebers congenital amaurosis

Clinical anatomy
Clinical assessment of ocular motility, diplopia, nystagmus,
abnormal eyelid and facial movements, pupils, ptosis,
proptosis, cranial nerve function and visual elds
Ocular motility disorders
Cranial nerve palsies
Visual eld abnormalities
Pupil abnormalities
Optic disc abnormalities
Optic neuropathies
Visually evoked cortical potentials
Pituitary and chiasmal disorders
Intracranial tumours
Headache and facial pain
Benign intracranial hypertension
Cerebrovascular disease
Optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Parkinsons disease
Psychosomatic disorders and visual function
Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
Periocular Botulinum toxin injection technique

General medicine relevant to ophthalmology

Systemic diseases with manifestations relevant to ophthalmology in the following specialities:
Rheumatological disease
Respiratory medicine
Chromosomal disorders
Medical management of the perioperative patient
Medical emergencies:
Candidates are expected to be able to assess patients with the
following life threatening emergencies and initiate appropriate
treatment prior to the arrival of specialised assistance:
Cardiorespiratory arrest
The breathless patient

Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus

Ophthalmic Pathology

Clinical anatomy of the extraocular muscles

Physiology of eye movement control
Binocular function
Accommodation anomalies
Assessment of strabismus
Cover, cover-uncover test and alternate cover test
Assessment of ocular movements
Measurement of deviation
Assessment of fusion, suppression and stereo-acuity.
Knowledge of Hess Chart/Lees Screen, eld of BSV and
uniocular elds of xation
Paediatric strabismus
Infantile esotropia
Acquired esotropia
Intermittent exotropia
Congenital superior oblique weakness
Duanes syndrome
Browns syndrome
Forced duction test technique
Tests to predict postoperative diplopia
Concomitant strabismus in adults
Third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsy
Supranuclear causes of eye movement decits
Strabismus due to Myasthenia, thyroid eye disease and
orbital trauma
Principles of strabismus surgery
Principles of adjustable surgery techniques

Benign and malignant lesions of the eyelids

Cornea endothelial dysfunction and corneal dystrophies
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Retinal vascular occlusion
Retinal detachment and proliferative vitreo-retinopathy
Ocular tumours
Tissue sampling for pathological investigation; types of biopsy,
ne needle aspiration, transport of specimens


FRCSI (Ophth) regulations and guidance notes

Recent changes to FRCSI (Ophth)

Timing and venue

The new FRCSI (Ophth) has replaced the Fellowship Exit

Assessment for Higher Specialist Training (HST) in
ophthalmology in Ireland. Trainees who entered Higher
Specialist Training in Ireland after January 1st 2010 will take the
new fellowship examination in year 4 or 5 of their specialist
registrar training. Trainees who commenced Higher Specialist
Training in Ireland before January 2010 will continue to prepare
for the old exit assessment of the RCSI, in which a portfolio of
clinical cases, publications and audits will be assessed in a viva
examination in the last year of specialist registrar training.

The examination will be held twice annually at the Royal

College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St Stephens Green, Dublin
2. Further details will be posted under postgraduate
examination calendar on the RCSI website.
NOTE: These Regulations are under continual review. It
is recommended that candidates review the RCSI
website to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
information. Any changes will be announced on the

Eligibility to take the examination

MRCSI(Ophth) Examinations Committee June 24th 2014

This examination is exclusive to higher specialist trainees in

Ireland. To be eligible to sit the FRCSI examination you must
hold MRCSI or equivalent and be in year 4 or 5 of HST.

Main subjects:

Examination content and standard

Generic competencies and professionalism

Clinical history taking and examination in ophthalmology
Investigations in ophthalmology
Principles of ophthalmic surgery
Clinical optics
Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea & external diseases
Cataract & Refractive surgery
Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease
Medical Retinal disease
Vitreoretinal surgery
Ocular oncology
Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
General medicine relevant to ophthalmology
Ophthalmic pathology

The examination syllabus, as detailed below, is identical to that

of the Part 2 written and Part 2 clinical examinations. The
candidate will need to demonstrate that he/she is competent
to practice independently as a general ophthalmic surgeon by
possessing the requisite knowledge, clinical skills, communication skills, clinical reasoning ability and professional values.
The standard expected will be that of a general ophthalmic
surgeon without a specic subspecialty interest.

Examination format
The examination will take the form of a one-hour viva
examination with set questions that cover the breadth of
clinical ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery. A minimum of
three examiners will conduct the examination. The examiners
will take turns asking the questions and recording the answers.
The expected answers to the set questions will be approved by
the FRCSI (Ophth) examinations committee. More information
regarding the fellowship examination format and standard
setting will follow, including sample questions.

Generic competencies and professionalism

Professional standards, ethics and good medical practice
Principles of clinical governance
Clinical audit and patient safety
Communication skills:
Breaking bad news
Dealing with distressed patients and/or relatives
Dealing with complaints
Communicating with colleagues
Visual impairment
International denitions
Psychological and social implications for the patient
Available support resources
Driving and occupational regulations related to visual impairment in Ireland/ United Kingdom
Principles of evidence based medicine
Basic epidemiology and clinical research techniques

It is most eective to prepare for the FRCSI through experiencebased learning, regular reading of the literature and up to date
textbooks, and attendance at post-graduate training courses
and meetings over the entire duration of higher specialist training.
It is recommended that higher specialist trainees aim to achieve
the required standard to pass this examination at the end of
each subspecialty attachment in the areas covered during that
subspecialty attachment. Therefore continually preparing for
this examination throughout HST cannot be recommended
highly enough.

Overall result
Candidates will receive a pass or a fail in this examination.

Limit on attempts

Clinical history taking and examination in


There are no limits to the number of attempts at the FRCSI


Candidates must demonstrate competence in clinical assessment

in all areas of ophthalmology and relevant medical specialties.

Problems of spectacles in aphakia: eect of spectacles and

contact lens correction on accommodation and
convergence, eective power of lenses, back vertex
distance, spectacle magnication, calculation of intraocular
lens power, presbyopia
Low visual aids: high reading addition, magnifying lenses,
telescopic aids - Galilean telescope
Clinical refraction; near and distance vision correction, tests of
Prescribing prisms
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopes
Simple magnifying glass (Loupe)
Automated refractor
Slit-lamp microscope
Applanation tonometry
Specular microscope
Operating microscope
Zoom lens principle
Corneal pachymeter
Lenses used for slit lamp biomicroscopy (panfunduscope,
gonioscope Goldmann lens, 90D lens, etc.)
Fundus camera
Retinal and optic nerve imaging devices (OCT, SLO, GDx)

Investigations in ophthalmology
Corneal topography
Optical coherence tomography of anterior segment
Specular microscopy
Confocal microscopy
Wavefront analysis
Microbiological investigations
Diagnostic corneal scrape
Conjunctival swabs
Intra-ocular samples; vitreous biopsy, anterior chamber tap
Schirmers test
Retinal photography
Optical coherence tomography of posterior segment
Fluorescein angiography
Indocyanine green angiography
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
Scanning laser polarimetry
A and B scans
Ultrasound biomicroscopy
Doppler ultrasound
Plain skull and chest X ray
CT thorax
Orbital and neuro-CT scans
Orbital and neuro-MRI scans
Visually evoked potentials
Humphrey and other automated perimeters
Goldmann perimetry
Hess charts
DEXA scans
Serum biochemistry, haematology, immunology, relevant
endocrine blood tests
Investigation of patients with suspected TB, syphilis and other
relevant infectious diseases

Clinical ophthalmology
Cornea and external eye disease
Clinical anatomy
Infections of the conjunctiva
Cicatricial conjunctival disease: Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
mucous membrane pemphigoid; other causes
Allergic conjunctival disease; vernal keratoconjunctivitis, atopic
keratoconjunctivitis, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, giant
papillary conjunctivitis
Conjunctival malignancies: ocular surface squamous neoplasia,
melanocytic neoplasms
Benign lesions of the conjunctiva

Principles of ophthalmic surgery

Surgical instrumentation
Sutures and their uses
Common ophthalmic surgical procedures
Management of trauma to the eye and adnexae

Blepharitis and acne rosacea

Scleritis and episcleritis

Clinical optics

Corneal infections: bacterial keratitis, herpes simplex keratitis,

varicella zoster keratitis, fungal keratitis, acanthamoeba
Recurrent corneal erosion syndrome
Dry eye syndrome
Autoimmune corneal disease: peripheral ulcerative keratitis
and corneal melting disorders, Moorens ulcer
Keratoconus and other ectasias
Pseudophakic/aphakic bullous keratopathy; other causes of
corneal oedema
Corneal dystrophies, degenerations and deposits
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Trauma: penetrating, chemical injury
Congenital corneal abnormalities
Contact lenses
Corneal Transplantation, limbal stem cell transplanation
Eye banking

Notation of lenses: spectacle prescribing, simple transposition,

toric transposition
Identication of unknown lenses: neutralisation, focimeter,
Geneva lens measure
Aberrations of lenses: correction of aberrations relevant to the
eye, Duochrome test
Optics of the eye: transmittance of light by the optic media,
schematic and reduced eye, Stiles-Crawford eect, visual
acuity, contrast sensitivity, catoptric images, emmetropia,
accommodation, Purkinje shift, pinhole
Ametropia: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, anisometropia, aniseikonia, aphakia
Accommodative problems: insuciency, excess, AC/A ratio
Refractive errors: prevalence, inheritance, changes with age,
surgically induced
Correction of ametropia: spectacle lenses, contact lenses,
intraocular lenses, principles of refractive surgery

Paediatric glaucoma
Open angle glaucomas
Ocular hypertension
Angle closure glaucomas
Medical management
Laser therapies
Surgical management including complications

Cataract and refractive surgery

Clinical anatomy of the lens
Acquired cataract:
Biometry and planning of refractive outcome
Intraocular lenses
Pre-operative evaluation
Predicting surgical challenges
Surgical methods, equipment and instrument
Anaesthetic techniques
Complications of cataract surgery and local anaesthesia
Managing coexisting cataract and glaucoma
Cataract surgery combined with penetrating keratoplasty
Lens-induced glaucoma
Phacolytic inammation
Intraocular lenses
Cataract surgery post corneal refractive surgery
Managing refractive surprise after cataract surgery
Ectopia lentis
Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy

Medical Retinal disease

Clinical anatomy
Vascular retinal disorders:
Diabetic retinopathy
Arterial and venous occlusive disease
Ocular ischaemic syndrome
Hypertensive retinopathy
Retinal arterial macroaneurysm
Retinal Vasculitis
Coats disease
Sickle cell retinopathy
Eales disease
Retinal features of blood disorders, e.g. anaemia, leukaemia,
and myeloma
Retinal vascular anamolies
Age-related macular degeneration
Epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology
Retinal dystrophies
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Flecked retina syndromes
Macular dystrophies
Congenital stationary night blindness
Choroidal dystrophies and degenerations
Hereditary vitreoretinopathies
Angioid streaks
Central serous retinopathy
Cystoid macular oedema
Degenerative myopia
Drug-induced retinal disease
Radiation retinopathy

Congenital cataract including surgical management options

Optical treatment and prevention of amblyopia
Corneal refractive surgery: arcuate keratotomy, laser (LASIK,
Refractive lens surgery; clear lens extraction, phakic IOLs

Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital disease

Clinical anatomy
Eyelid malpositions including ectropion, entropion, ptosis,
lagophthalmos, lid retraction
Lash abnormalities; trichiasis, distichiasis
Congenital abnormities of the lids
Abnormal lid swellings and benign and malignant lid lesions
Lid trauma
Facial nerve palsy
Principles of oculoplastic surgical technique

Vitreoretinal surgery
Clinical anatomy

The watering eye

Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the lacrimal system
Lacrimal surgery

Peripheral retinal lesions

Retinal breaks
Retinal detachment
Serous retinal
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Macular hole
Epiretinal membrane
Vitreous haemorrhage
Trauma and IOFB

Orbital cellulitis
Orbital inammation including thyroid eye disease
Orbital tumours
Orbital trauma
Congenital abnormalities of the orbit
Vascular lesions of the orbit
Evisceration, enucleation and exenteration

Relevant clinical anatomy and physiology
Epidemiology and screening
Mechanisms of glaucoma
Optic nerve head assessment
Visual eld analysis in glaucoma

Clinical anatomy of the uveal tract
Congenital abnormalities

Infectious uveitis
Non-infectious immune-mediated uveitis
Uveitis masquerade syndromes
Systemic disease associated uveitis
Investigation of the patient with uveitis
Principles of uveitis management
Management of cataract and glaucoma in uveitis

Acquired esotropia
Intermittent exotropia
Congenital superior oblique weakness
Duanes syndrome
Browns syndrome
Forced duction test technique
Tests to predict postoperative diplopia
Concomitant strabismus in adults
Third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsy
Supranuclear causes of eye movement decits
Strabismus due to Myasthenia, thyroid eye disease and
orbital trauma
Principles of strabismus surgery
Principles of adjustable surgery techniques
Botulinum toxin, role in the management of strabismus
Paediatric refractive errors
Vision testing in children
Retinopathy of prematurity
Visual loss secondary to neurological disease in infants and
Lebers congenital amaurosis

Ocular oncology
Malignant intraocular tumours
Uveal melanoma
Uveal metastases
Lymphoma and leukaemia
Benign intraocular tumours
Choroidal naevus
Choroidal haemangioma
Choroidal osteoma
Retinal hamartomas
Retinal vascular tumours
Investigation and management of intraocular tumours

Clinical anatomy
Clinical assessment of ocular motility, diplopia, nystagmus,
abnormal eyelid and facial movements, pupils, ptosis,
proptosis, cranial nerve function and visual elds
Ocular motility disorders
Cranial nerve palsies
Visual eld abnormalities
Pupil abnormalities
Optic disc abnormalities
Optic neuropathies
Visually evoked cortical potentials
Pituitary and chiasmal disorders
Intracranial tumours
Headache and facial pain
Benign intracranial hypertension
Cerebrovascular disease
Optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Parkinsons disease
Psychosomatic disorders and visual function
Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
Periocular Botulinum toxin injection technique

General medicine relevant to ophthalmology

Systemic diseases with manifestations relevant to ophthalmology in the following specialities:
Rheumatological disease
Respiratory medicine
Chromosomal disorders
Medical management of the perioperative patient
Medical emergencies:
Candidates are expected to be able to assess patients with the
following life threatening emergencies and initiate appropriate
treatment prior to the arrival of specialised assistance:
Cardiorespiratory arrest
The breathless patient

Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus

Ophthalmic Pathology

Clinical anatomy of the extraocular muscles

Physiology of eye movement control
Binocular function
Accommodation anomalies
Assessment of strabismus
Cover, cover-uncover test and alternate cover test
Assessment of ocular movements
Measurement of deviation
Assessment of fusion, suppression and stereo-acuity.
Knowledge of Hess Chart/Lees Screen, eld of BSV and
uniocular elds of xation
Paediatric strabismus
Infantile esotropia

Benign and malignant lesions of the eyelids

Cornea endothelial dysfunction and corneal dystrophies
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Retinal vascular occlusion
Retinal detachment and proliferative vitreo-retinopathy
Ocular tumours
Tissue sampling for pathological investigation; types of biopsy,
ne needle aspiration, transport of specimens


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