The Importance of Electrical Safety Training in Undergraduate Power Engineering Education

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Ravel Ammerman, Colorado School of Mines

Ravel F. Ammerman (Member IEEE) received his BS in Engineering in 1981 at Colorado School
of Mines (CSM), Golden, Colorado. He also received his MS in Electrical Engineering (Power
Systems and Control) at the University of Colorado in 1987. He has over 24 years combined
teaching and industrial experience. Mr. Ammerman has coauthored and published several
technical articles on Engineering Education, Curriculum Development, and Computer
Applications related to Power Systems Engineering. Mr. Ammerman is an accomplished teacher
having received the CSM Graduating Senior Outstanding Teaching Award in Electrical
Engineering on numerous occasions. Currently, Mr. Ammerman is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in
Engineering Systems (Electrical Specialty – Power Systems). His research interests include
Computer Applications in Power Systems Analysis, Electrical Safety, and Engineering Education.

Pankaj Sen, Colorado School of Mines

Pankaj K. (PK) Sen (Sr. Member IEEE) received his BSEE degree (with honors) from Jadavpur
University, Calcutta, India, and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Technical University of Nova Scotia (Dalhousie University), Halifax, NS, Canada. He is
currently a Professor of Engineering and Site Director of the NSF IUCRC Power Systems
Engineering Research Center (PSerc) at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. His
research interests include application problems in electric machines, power systems, and power
engineering education. He has published more than 90 articles in various archival journals and
conference proceedings. Dr. Sen is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado.

Michael Stewart, North Dakota State University

Michael Stewart received a BS in Business and Public Administration from the University of
Maryland in 1972. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), holds the Associate in Risk
Management (ARM) designation and is a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers
(ASSE) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). He has over 29 years experience as
a safety professional, the past 12 years as the Senior Industrial Safety Engineer at the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado.

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© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006

The Importance of Electrical Safety Training
in Undergraduate Power Engineering Education

At Colorado School of Mines (CSM) there is a unique opportunity to educate the future electrical
engineers about the vital topic of electrical safety. All electrical specialty undergraduate students
are required to take a three-week (3-credits) Field Session course during the summer months
between their junior and senior years. This paper discusses the outline and the theoretical
framework of the electrical safety training and education program currently being developed and
implemented in the CSM undergraduate degree curriculum.


Arguably one of the most significant engineering accomplishments of the 20th century was the
electrification of our modern world. The widespread availability of electricity forever changed
our lives, providing a convenient source of energy for our homes and businesses. Even though
electricity plays such a critical role, it is frequently misunderstood and often times is not treated
with respect and caution based on the inherent hazards. According to the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) [1], an average of one worker is electrocuted on the job
every day in the United States. Statistics indicate that additional injuries and deaths occur
because of arc flash events. Within the U.S., arc flash explosions occur at the rate of five to ten
per day.[2]

Tremendous progress in the broad area of electrical safety has occurred during the past three
decades, advancing the overall understanding of how to recognize electrical hazards and take the
appropriate precautions (developing Codes and Regulations) to ensure that the exposure to
hazards does not result in injury or death and to minimize the equipment damage and loss of
production. Not surprisingly, most of this work has been conducted and accomplished outside of
academia. For example, at the 2006 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop held in Philadelphia,
PA, less than 1% of the participants represented academic institutions.[3]

At CSM, in the undergraduate curriculum currently offered for the B.S. in Engineering
(Electrical Specialty), there is a unique opportunity to instruct the future electrical engineers
about the importance of electrical safety. All undergraduate students are required to take a three-
week (3-credits) Field Session course. This opportunity doesn’t normally exist in traditional
engineering programs. To address the vulnerability of young technical personnel and engineers
to electrical incidents, a week-long module on electrical safety education is now a permanent
part of the (Electrical Specialty) Engineering Field Session curriculum at CSM. The primary
objective of the module is to equip the students with the necessary skill set to be able to
recognize and avoid or control the hazards posed by electrical work. The different types of
electrical hazards, the health effects of electrical incidents, methods of limiting the exposure, and
the pertinent safety standards are described. This course was designed to provide the students
with a thorough overview of the essential topic of electrical safety in an active learning
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A common criticism from industry representatives is that their new hires have very little
understanding of how to conduct themselves safely in the work environment. Universities have
largely overlooked this important aspect of a student’s training and development. In
collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a national laboratory of
the U.S. Department of Energy, CSM is working to address this deficiency. NREL recognizes
and embraces as a core value, the elements of electrical safety. Regular workers, subcontractors
and students alike must have the required skill set to conduct work safely. Guidance provided by
NREL safety engineers has been instrumental in helping CSM to develop a level of student
training that has far reaching benefits.

Why We Teach Electrical Safety?

The IEEE Standard 902-1998, Guide for Maintenance, Operation, and Safety of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems[4], emphasizes “We should work safely ourselves, look out for the
safety of those around us, and help educate as many people as we can about electrical safety.”

IEEE Std 902-1998 identifies the following reasons for practicing electrical safety:
• Human Factor: Injury, death, and emotional trauma are common adverse affects of electrical
incidents. As the term incident implies, most injuries or fatalities caused by electrical
hazards are predictable and as a result avoidable.
• Business Considerations: Electrical incidents resulting in injury, death, loss of production or
property damage are very costly to businesses.
• Regulatory Reasons: Laws dictating requirements for electrical safety must be followed.
Failure to comply can result in fines to a business or imprisonment of the individuals
responsible for seeing that the laws are followed.

The NFPA 70E Handbook[5] identifies the fact that unsafe equipment and facilities (design
issues) account for 33% of all electrical incidents and injuries. The remaining 67% are attributed
to unsafe acts. It is important that students understand their professional responsibilities as
engineers. The electrical safety training they receive in the early stages of their education
emphasizes that engineers are required to design safe products, systems, homes, and workplaces.
Engineers are also required to safely perform or supervise work on electrical systems. Therefore,
an engineer is required to understand the hazards inherent to an electrical environment and
adhere to the applicable engineering standards necessary to protect personnel and property.

Teaching Electrical Safety: Theoretical Framework

A recent NIOSH publication, which focuses on mine safety training, emphasizes the importance
of developing educational materials that provide the motivation to learn. Many important
lessons about safety training can be learned from the mining industry, because since 1977
extensive safety training has been mandated for all mine workers. “Their most memorable
learning came from personal experiences, from working within groups of other adult learners,
and from mentoring they received from someone they perceived to be both knowledgeable and
wise.”[6] The authors of the report then observe; “In spite of this preference for real-world
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training, over 70% of current training in organizations was still the talking-head variety, with a
trainer in front of a classroom and the trainees sitting and listening passively. It’s no wonder
that trainees are impatient with this type of training.”[6]

During the Field Session class, students are required to attend 40 hours of training each week.
Students are completely immersed in the topic of electrical safety for an entire week. Our
experience developing the training material shows that electrical safety training does not have to
be boring. Students are not taking other courses during their field session training so they are
able to devote their complete attention to the subject matter. This intensive focus helps to
emphasize the importance of electrical safety. The approach would have to be modified if the
same material were to be presented over a 15 week semester. The distinctive character of our
summer field session course provides an ideal opportunity for us to employ a number of
innovative approaches for instruction which are described below.

(1) Active Learning: Much has been written about the importance of actively engaging students
in the learning process. A meta-analysis performed by Springer et al. concludes “that various
forms of small-group learning are more effective in promoting greater academic achievement,
more favorable attitudes toward learning, and the increased persistence in Science,
Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology courses and programs.”[7] Educational research
reveals that the more students work in cooperative learning groups the more they will learn. The
electrical safety course module features many cooperative learning techniques. All the work
assignments designed for the electrical safety training module are to be completed by student

(2) Social Learning Theory: Social learning theory advances the concept that people learn by
observing others. The important work of Bandura focused on the cognitive processes that occur
when we observe others. He maintains that “Virtually all learning phenomena resulting from
direct experiences can occur on a vicarious basis through observation of other peoples’
behavior and its consequences for the observer.”[8] This learning theory is extremely relevant to
electrical safety training because it suggests an effective way to create meaningful lessons. The
reason we provide training is to try and change people’s behavior in some fashion. Social
learning theory is commonly adopted because of its applicability to changing the behaviors and
beliefs of individuals toward adopting healthier and safer choices. Adult learners may learn best
by experience, but in the case of electrical incidents, adults can learn by reflecting on the
experiences of others. Much of the curriculum we developed for use in the Field Session
features the use of electrical incident case studies. These real life stories generally have tragic
outcomes. The case studies are compelling, providing a graphic reminder about the
consequences of not following fundamental safety practices. Students can learn many valuable
lessons about how to conduct themselves safely in an electrical environment by listening to these
visceral stories. In addition, this is a practical way to have students observe a number of varied
electrical incidents during a one-week course module. While there are many resources available
for obtaining electrical incident case studies, we have chosen to use examples that are posted on
the NIOSH Electrocution Fatality Investigation Reports Web site.[9]

(3) Mentoring: Another important aspect of the social learning theory is mentoring.
“Explanations of learning may need to focus on more than overt behavior.”[10] It is important to
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provide appropriate role models when teaching electrical safety. A number of guest lecturers are
brought in during the week to help deliver the electrical safety information to the class. A senior
industrial safety engineer from NREL, a safety officer from CSM’s Environmental Health and
Safety Department, electricians and engineers from CSM’s Plant Facilities, a NFPA code
authority, and engineers from a large power plant all assist in delivering the safety message. The
students, recognizing the credibility of the safety experts, and the relevance of the information
being conveyed, are usually very attentive and rate this part of the experience very high.

(4) Addressing Students’ Misconceptions: At CSM we have been involved in research that
provides evidence that the mental models used by students can often be faulty even after
advanced coursework has been completed. The study shows that undergraduates with advanced
training in physics and electrical engineering may still view electrical processes like voltage and
current as substances.[11] [12] A substance-based view of electrical phenomenon may not
adversely impact students’ ability to perform circuit calculations, but it can significantly affect
their ability to work safely in an electrical environment. Consequently, the misconceptions
regarding voltage and current can have dire consequences. Our research provides evidence that
safety training involving a discussion of step potentials, touch potentials, and the importance of
grounding electrical systems may be an effective way to help students address their
misconceptions regarding electrical processes.

Collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

At CSM we are fortunate to be located near the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),
a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy. NREL is a leader in industrial safety
education and practice. The challenges and risks faced by a national laboratory when conducting
research are formidable and dynamic. The nature of the work embodies change. To address this
environment of continuous change, NREL has established a formal process for identifying and
evaluating the hazards presented by research activities so that appropriate controls can be
implemented to maintain an acceptable level of risk. This process begins during the conceptual
development of the research activity. The researcher, working with their Environment, Safety,
and Health (ES&H) Office Point of Contact, begins this process by conducting a safety
assessment. This assessment identifies the hazards and maps out the risk assessment techniques
that will be applied to assure that an appropriate set of controls are established and implemented,
and that they will evolve to keep pace as the work changes. Many organizations view
“management of change” as a separate safety mechanism. At NREL it is integrated into a
continuous and effective risk assessment process. NREL’s concept of risk and hazard
assessment applies to all aspects of work.

At CSM one of our goals is to train students to evaluate the risks associated with energized
electrical work environments. The hazards must be identified and evaluated so that the
necessary set of controls (e.g. selecting the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
compliment and defining the approach boundaries) can be implemented to assure an individual’s
safety. With guidance from a senior industrial safety engineer from NREL, we have been given
the opportunity to develop a similar proven risk assessment program at the university level.
Instructors developing the CSM Electrical Safety Module have attended Electrical Safety
Training sessions at NREL. In addition, NREL has provided copies of their Laboratory-Level
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Electrical Safety Procedures Manual and Safety Hazard Identification and Control Program.
NREL also supports our safety program by providing guest lecturers and training material. We
believe that our partnership with NREL allows us to provide a level of electrical safety training
for our students that is unprecedented.

Electrical Safety Course Curriculum

Energy Systems, Machines and Power Electronics represent one of the major electrical focus
areas at CSM. A more detailed description of CSM’s Power Engineering Curriculum is provided
in another paper accepted for publication at the 2006 Annual Conference of the American
Society for Engineering Education.[13] The Electrical Safety Training Module that is included as
part of the Electrical Specialty Field Session is described below. In the required Field Session
course, students must participate in a minimum of 40 hours of training each week. This
opportunity doesn’t normally exist in traditional engineering programs. This gives CSM a
unique opportunity to educate the future engineers about the important topic of electrical safety.
The course curriculum we developed for the Field Session Electrical Safety Module focuses on
the following topics:

(1) Exposure to Electrical Hazards: NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the
Workplace, defines an electrical hazard as: “a dangerous condition such that contact or
equipment failure can result in electric shock, arc flash burn, thermal burn, or blast.”[5] In
general, there are three major categories of injury that may result while working on or near
electrical equipment.

• Electrical Shock: Electric shock is caused by the release of energy when a person contacts a
live circuit. The primary factors affecting the severity of the shock depends on the current
magnitude flowing in the person’s body, the path that the current takes, and the time
duration. The effects of electric shock vary dramatically ranging from a barely perceptible
tingle to death.
• Burns: Another common shock-related injury is a burn. Burns are the most common result
of a nonfatal electric shock, which may cause very serious injuries, requiring specialized
medical treatment.
• Impacts from Blasts: An arc-blast is defined as the explosive release of molten material from
equipment caused by high-amperage arcs. Arc-blasts occur when high currents arc through
the air because of equipment failure.

(2) Managing Electrical Hazards: Over the past century, from experience and detailed
scientific and engineering analyses, engineers have developed methods to significantly reduce
specific electrical hazards. For example, the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is credited
for a 50% reduction in residential electrocutions since its development nearly forty years ago.[14]
Some of the most common methods used to protect people from the hazards related to the
exposure to electrical installations are presented to the students:

• Insulation: Contact with bare energized conductors can be significantly reduced through the
use of insulation, e.g. the use of nonconductive gloves and shoes. Hotsticks are another
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example of how workers can be insulated from bare energized conductors.

• Interlocks: Electrical interlocks automatically de-energize equipment whenever a protective
enclosure is opened.
• Warning Signs: Warning signs are often posted at points of access to hazardous electrical
• Isolation: Barriers are used to isolate untrained personnel from electrical hazards.
Unauthorized personnel must be prevented from exposure to a potentially dangerous
• Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI): A GFCI monitors a system and interrupts the
circuit for ground faults by sensing the current flow in a system.
• Grounding and Bonding: Grounding provides an alternative low resistance path to ground,
thereby protecting people from receiving a current due to a fault. Bonding is a form of
grounding in which all major parts of a system are linked with an effective conductor to
provide a continuous path to ground. Bonding is a physical connection between separate
parts of a system.
• Double Insulation: Double insulating involves enclosing the electrical components of
equipment in a layer of insulation, and then enclosing that within a case made of
nonconductive material.
• Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters: An arc fault circuit interrupter is designed to monitor and
protect systems for arcing faults.
• Arc Resistant Switchgear: The energy from an arc flash and blast is directed away from
• Proper Applications and Better Coordination of Protective Devices

(3) Codes, Regulations and Standards: There are many codes, regulations and standards written
that pertain to electrical safety which must be strictly followed. Laws, standards, and
recommended practices relating to electrical safety include:

a. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): OSHA's mission is “to assure
the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards.” The
OSHA standards are federal law that must be followed.
Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR)[15] deals with:
• Part 1910: General Industry; safety standards for electrical systems and safety-related
work practices.
• Part 1926: Construction Industry; general electrical practices and standards for power
transmission and distribution.

b. National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA): The NFPA has acted as the sponsor of
the National Electrical Code since 1911. The NFPA publishes a number of standards
covering recommended practices for electrical equipment and safety in the workplace.
This includes:
• NFPA 70E-2004: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace[5]
• NFPA 70B-2002: Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance[16]

c. The National Electrical Code (NEC-2005): The original NEC document was developed
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in 1897. The NEC covers the installation of electrical equipment in public and private
premises. This is also referred to as NFPA 70.[17]
d. Numerous IEEE/ANSI Standards including:
• IEEE Std. 1584-2002, Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations[18]
• ANSI C2. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)[19]
• IEEE Color Book Series: This series developed by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers provides recommended practices that go beyond the minimal
requirements of the NFPA, NEMA, and UL standards.

Electrical Safety Training Course Objectives

CSM’s electrical safety training program has established the following objectives.

(1) Hazard Awareness: From NFPA 70E-2004 Edition, Article 110-6, Training Requirements:
“Such employees shall be trained to understand the specific hazards associated with electrical
energy. They shall be trained in safety-related work practices and procedural requirements as
necessary to provide protection from the electrical hazards associated with their respective job
or task assignments. Employees shall be trained to identify and understand the relationship
between electrical hazards and possible injury.”[5] The purpose of our safety training program is
to raise the awareness of the students, so that they conduct themselves safely in an electrical
environment. After completing the course the students should be more cognizant of the rules,
responsibilities, and procedures regarding electrical safety.

(2) Engineering Solutions to Mitigate Electrical Hazards: An objective of the training module
is to make the students aware of the role engineering has played in developing technology to
significantly reduce electrical hazards.

(3) Compliance with Federal Law: Another goal of the training module is to make the students
aware of the applicable laws governing electrical safety.

(4) Electrical Incidents Safety Investigations: As practicing engineers many of the students will
be asked to serve on safety investigation committees. Accurately documenting electrical
incidents is an important part of any electrical safety program and students are expected to
understand the requirements of an electrical incident safety investigation.

Electrical Safety Training Course Schedule and Grading

Formal Lectures:
• Introduction to Electrical Safety:
• Electrical Code Seminar: Featuring NFPA 70, NFPA 70E, and IEEE 1584
• Electric Power Generation Systems and Electrical Safety
• Misconceptions Regarding Electrical Processes

Guest Lectures, Videos and Demonstrations:

• Safety Presentation: Defibrillators
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• Safety Presentation: NREL

• Video: Electrical Safety
• Video: Arc Flash Hazards
• Video: Electrical Case Histories

Field Trips:
• Tour of CSM’s Electric Power Distribution System
• Tour of an Xcel Energy Generating Station

In-Class Projects and Presentations:

• Risk Assessment (Arc-Flash Comparative Study): NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584
• Safety Investigation Group Presentations


• Group Assignments: 50%

• Miscellaneous Homework (Field Trip Reports, Assignments, etc.): 20%
• Final Exam: 10%
• Attendance and Participation: 20%

Electrical Safety Training Course Assessment

Extensive assessment data is not yet available because this paper has been written early in the
course development process. At this time it is impractical to determine if the course objectives
have been met. Nevertheless, the electrical safety module course curriculum appears to be well
received by the students, as they rated their learning experience very high during the pilot
program that was offered during 2005. The overall sentiment of the class can be summarized by
the comment made by one student: “Because of the electrical safety presentation in field session,
I have a much greater respect for electricity. As an engineering student, I used to think of
electricity only in terms of equations and analysis techniques.” A more thorough evaluation of
the safety module is planned for the 2006 Field Session. It is our intention to present a more
detailed assessment after the electrical safety course becomes well established and sufficient data
is available.


While it is premature to determine if the course objectives have been met, or to suggest
improvements for future classes based on the available assessment data, some conclusions about
the Electrical Safety Module can still be drawn. The module addresses the concern expressed by
many in industry that young engineers have very little understanding of what is required to
manage the risks in electrically hazardous environments. As a result, CSM views electrical
safety training as a vital part of an electrical engineer’s education. It is imperative that they are
made aware of the potential dangers and understand how to conduct themselves safely. We
have worked closely with industrial representatives to develop relevant safety training materials
for our students. Because the industry sees a tangible benefit from our approach they are willing
to support our electrical safety program. Through this cooperative effort we have integrated
Page 11.1301.9

proven methods for risk and hazard assessment into our curriculum. The course is designed to
advance the electrical safety culture through education at the university level.

The authors acknowledge the local industries for providing technical tours, guest lecturers and
training materials in support of our electrical safety program. We would like to thank the many
individuals who supported this course by volunteering their time to enrich the student’s learning
experience. The NSF IUCRC Power Systems Energy Research Center (PSerc) also supported
the development of this class.


[1] NIOSH Publication No. 2002-123, Electrical Safety: Safety and Health for Electrical Trades Student Manual.
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Atlanta, GA, NIOSH Publications Dissemination, Cincinnati, OH, January

[2] Arc Flash – Safety Information for Electrical Professionals, Retrieved from the Electricity Forum, Inc. web

[3] Registration List, 13th Annual IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, February 7-10, 2006.

[4] IEEE Std. 902-1998, Guide for Maintenance, Operation, and Safety of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems, IEEE, New York, NY.

[5] NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, 2004 Edition, National Fire Protection
Association, Inc., Quincy, Massachusetts, 2004.

[6] NIOSH Publication No. 2005-152, Tell me a Story, Why Stories are Essential to Effective Safety Training.
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Atlanta, GA, NIOSH Publications Dissemination, Cincinnati, OH, August

[7] Springer, L., Stanne, M.E., and Donovan, S.S., “Effects of Small-Group Learning on Undergraduates in
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology: A Meta-Analysis,” Review of Educational Research,
Vol. 69, No. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 21-51.

[8] Bandura, A., “Modeling Theory” In Sahakian, W.S. (Editor), Learning: Systems, Models, and Theories, 2nd
Edition, Rand McNally, Chicago, IL, 1976.

[9] Traumatic Occupational Injuries, Electrocution Fatality Investigation Reports, National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Retrieved from the NIOSH web

[10] Merriam, S.B. and Caffarella, R.S., Learning in Adulthood A Comprehensive Guide, 2nd Edition, Jossey-
Bass, Inc. San Francisco, CA, 1999.

[11] Nelson, M..A., Geist, M.R., Streveler, R.A., Miller, R.L., Olds, B.M., Ammerman, C.S., and Ammerman,
Page 11.1301.10

R.F., From Practice to Research: Using Professional Expertise to Inform Research about Engineering
Students’ Conceptual Understanding, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, April 2005.
[12] Streveler, R.A., Geist, M.R., Ammerman, R.F., Sulzbach, C.S., Miller, R.L., Olds, B.M., and Nelson, M.A,
Identifying and Investigating Difficult Concepts in Engineering Mechanics and Electric Circuits, Accepted
for Publication at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago, IL.
June, 2006.

[13] Ammerman, R.F.and Sen, P.K., “An Undergraduate Power Engineering Curriculum: A Unique and
Practical Approach to Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry”, Accepted for Publication at the
Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago, IL. June, 2006.

[14] Floyd, H. L., II, Andrews, J. J., Capelli-Schellpfeffer, M., Neal, T. E., Liggett, D. P., and Saunders, L. F.,
“Safeguarding the Electric Workplace,” IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 3, May/Jun
2004, pp. 18-24.

[15] Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards, Washington DC, 1990 Title 29 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR): (a) Part 1910: General Industry; safety standards for electrical
systems and safety-related work practices, (b) Part 1915: Maritime Industry, (c) Part 1926: Construction
Industry; general electrical practices and standards for power transmission and distribution.

[16] NFPA 70B-2002: Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, 2002 Edition, National Fire
Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, Massachusetts, 2004.

[17] NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, NEC 2005, National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy,
Massachusetts, 2004.

[18] IEEE Std. 1584-2002, IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.

[19] National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), C2-2002, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
New York, NY, 2002.

[20] Eastwood, K., Hancharyk, B., and Pace, D., “Making the Case for Safety,” IEEE Industry Applications
Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 3, May/June 2005, pp. 23-29.

[21] Ammerman, R.F. and Sen, P.K., Class Notes and Handouts: EGGN 334 –Electrical Safety Training Module,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, 2005.

[22] Bloswick, D. S. and Budnick, P.M., An Introduction to Electrical Safety for Engineers, NIOSH Instructional
Module, Cincinnati, OH, 1993.

[23] Cadick, J., Capelli-Schellpfeffer, M., and Neitzel, D., Electrical Safety Handbook, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
New York, NY, 2006

Page 11.1301.11
Appendix A: Electrical Incident Safety Investigation, A Case Study

An electrical incident investigation is one of the major assignments given during the one-week
safety training module. Student groups of three are required to prepare a thorough engineering
report and make a formal presentation of their findings to a faculty panel on the last day of class
following the electrical incident case history format suggested in an article titled: “Making the
Case for Safety” appearing in a recent edition of the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. [20]
The report is divided into four major categories:

• Description of the electrical incident.

• Detailed description of the injuries that resulted from the incident.
• Background information revealing why the electrical incident occurred.
• Description of the lessons learned from the incident and recommendations how to avoid such
incidents in the future.

While there are many resources available for obtaining electrical incident case studies, we have
chosen to use examples that are posted on the NIOSH Electrocution Fatality Investigation
Reports Web site: NIOSH Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology (FACE) Study.[9]
Two electrical incidents that the students were asked to investigate during the pilot program
(Summer of 2005) are given below.

Example 1: Case Number FACE 84-17, Electrocution in a Fast Food Restaurant: On June 30,
1984 at approximately 1:05 a.m., an 18-year-old employee with 15 months of experience at a fast
food restaurant was electrocuted while plugging a portable electric toaster into a 110 volt/20 amp

Example 2: Case Number FACE 85-32, 20-Year-Old Construction Worker Electrocuted when
Backhoe Contacts 7200 Volt Power Line at Construction Site in Kentucky: On July 8, 1985, the
owner of a construction company was driving a crawler backhoe through a partially developed
residential subdivision. The raised boom of the backhoe struck the bottom three lines (cable TV,
phone, and neutral) of a four-wire utility line (approximately 26 feet above the road), breaking a
40 foot utility pole located approximately 70 feet from the point of contact (east of the road). The
top line (a 7200 volt single-phase primary distribution line) fell to the ground after striking the
rear of the backhoe. A 20-year-old construction worker was approaching the backhoe from the
rear and was electrocuted when the 7200 volt line fell a few feet away from him.

During the initial offering of the safety training course we had fourteen student groups. This is a
practical way to have students observe a number of varied electrical incidents during a one-week
course module. Because of this exposure to a number of different case studies the students have
an increased awareness of the possible electrical hazards they may face during their lifetime.
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