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Hazards of Surgical Diathermy

Makama J. G. MBBS, Ameh E. A. FWACS, FACS
Department of Surgery, ABU Teaching Hospital, Shika - Zaria

Background: Surgical diathermy is an invaluable facility
widely used in the operating theatre. Its application in
surgical practice is rapidly expanding. However, its use
may be accompanied with hazards, which this review is
intended to highlight.
Method:s Publications from local and international
journals were reviewed.
Results: The role of diathermy in surgical practice has
expanded beyond imagination in recent years. The
patient, surgeon and the theatre staff are frequently
exposed to hazards such as burns injury, electrocution,
hypoxic stress, inhalation of diathermy plume, and gene
mutation. However, strict adherence to preventive
measures such as proper connection and handling of
diathermy machine, avoidance of inflammable theatre
gases, the use of suction device, theatre scavenging
system and diathermy plume extraction system could
significantly reduce the hazards.
Conclusion: Continuous exposure to electrocautery
appliances in surgical practice is associated with potential
risks. Optimizing health and safety in work place should
be an ongoing goal. Hence, all methods geared toward
the reduction of these risks to health should be
KEYWORDS: Diathermy, surgery, hazards


Surgical diathermy utilizes high frequency (300KHZ3MHZ) alternating current to generate sufficient heat in
1, 3, 4
the tissues, which effect cellular changes.
The heat
produced depends on the intensity of the current, wave
form, the electrical property of the tissue through which
the current passes and relative sizes of the two
electrodes.3, 4
Different surgical diathermy machines exist and are in
use in surgical practice, ranging from those operating on
the spark gap principle (fig. 1) producing energy at a
frequency of about 400KHZ which achieves coagulation
2, 3, 4
but poor cutting to a more recent model (fig 2) which
uses valve oscillators producing energy at a frequency
of 1.6-3MHZ which produces cutting but poor
Fig 1: Old diathermy machine that uses spark gap

Paper accepted for publication 13th August 2007.

The use of heat for therapy in surgical practice can be
traced back to 300B C when Egyptians used it for the
treatment of tumours. The use of diathermy in modern
surgery was first introduced by Czerny in 1910 when he
described electro dissection or cutting by means of an
electric current. Since then diathermy has remained
one of the invaluable facilities widely used in the operating
theatre.3,4 Its application in surgical practice is rapidly
expanding, though not without possible hazards to the
5, 6
patient, surgeon and the operating team. The aim of this
review is to highlight the hazards of surgical diathermy
and raise awareness among members of the surgical
team and operating theatre staff. Preventive measures
are also discussed.

Fig 2 Recent model of diathermy machine that uses

valve oscillators

Correspondence to Dr J G Makama E-mail: [email protected]

Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 4, October- December 2007


Hazards of Surgical Diathermy, Makama J. G. Ameh E. A.

The active electrode is always small compared to the

indifferent (neutral) electrode and could be in the form of a
needle, a blade, a button, or a pair of forceps.
Consequently, there is concentration of heat beneath the
active electrode often sufficient to coagulate (coalesce
blood proteins, drying and shrinkage of cells in the vessel
wall and retraction of the vessel), fulgurate and/ or form
an arc between the tissue and the electrode.
Whichever type of machine is being used, the basic
principle at the cellular level remains the same. The
current is produced by the diathermy generator and
passes through the active electrode to the patient and via
the large indifferent electrode (unipolar) back to the
earthed pole of the generator (fig 3). Electrical energy is
usually converted to heat energy at both electrodes.
However, since the indifferent (neutral) electrode is
relatively large (approximately 300cm ), the heat is
reduced to a minimum and is dissipated rapidly. The
heating effect beneath the active electrode liberates byproducts such as carbon monoxide and complex
hydrocarbons contained in the aerosol which the
operating staff or team is liable to inhale.7 Therefore, the
operating team is exposed to many risks of developing
different symptoms resulting from repeated use and
exposure to diathermy plume (smoke).
Fig 3. Complete circuit.

inflammation, eye irritation, hypoxic stress and

dermatitis. More recently, accumulated evidence has
shown that the aerosol from electrocautery smoke might
carry viable cells, tumour cells and virus particles.
The use of surgical diathermy poses some danger to the
patient on the one hand and the surgeon and the entire
3, 5, 10
operating team on the other.
It is important that
surgeons and operating theatre staff are not only familiar
with the hazards they are often exposed to daily in
handling and using diathermy appliances, but should
also ensure and create a conscious effort at averting
these hazards. These hazards include;
Burn injury: The patient is at risk of sustaining three
type of burn injury.
(a) Diathermy (thermoelectric) burns -this may occur in
several ways; application of diathermy too close to
the skin,
the return of earthed current to stray
contact points on the operating table , inadequate
application of the plate (indifferent) electrode so that
it makes too small an area of contact,13, 14 break in the
cable connecting the indifferent electrode to the
machine such that the current is earthed through the
body; burns could occur at any of these points of
14 15
Most importantly, an inadvertent
activation of the circuit while doing other things so
that the active electrode possibly resting near the
patient's skin 15,16 could cause burns.
(b) Burns on the skin or cavities (e.g. umbilicus, vagina)
may occur from the use of inflammable antiseptic
solutions such as alcohol 5, 6, 12 especially if diathermy
is used before the antiseptic dries out.
(c) Burn injury can also be sustained by the surgeon or
any member of the operating team5 as a result of not
only wrong handling of the appliances but also from
the steam and hot particulate matter generated in the
field of surgery.18
Table 1 Sources of burns injury when using


The heat generated in tissues during the use of diathermy
burns the tissue, proteins and lipids and evaporates fluid
and electrolytes.5, 7 Hence, excessive formation of
necrotic tissue may result especially following over
zealous use of diathermy. The surgical smoke produced
contains chemicals7, 8 and particles that when inhaled
repeatedly can cause symptoms such as airway

1. Diathermy burns
Application of diathermy too close to skin
Return of current earth to stray contact point
Inadequate application of plate electrode
Break in the cable connecting indifferent electrode
Inadvertent activation of the active electrode

Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 4, October- December 2007


Hazards of Surgical Diathermy, Makama J. G. Ameh E. A.

2. Inflammable antiseptic solutions (e.g. alcohol)

Umbilical cavity
3. From the field of surgery
Hot particulates
Explosion: This could occur commonly from two sources
(though it is a remote risk now that highly flammable
gases are rarely used in open circuits);
(a) During use of flammable volatile anaesthetic gases17
such as ether (in exceptional cases where ether is the
anaesthetist's choice),and cyclopropane.
(b) In surgery involving hollow gastrointestinal viscera, if
mannitol is used for bowel preparation or when there
is intestinal obstruction; production of hydrogen (H2 )
and methane from metabolism of carbohydrate in the
5, 18, 19
diet and bacterial action respectively
can occur
and the accumulated gases may reach sufficient
explosive concentrations.
Channeling effect: If the organ to which diathermy is
being applied has attachment or pedicle to the body
narrower than the diameter of the organ concerned, then
the passage of the current through a pedunculated part
will concentrate its intensity so that coagulation at the
narrowest point may occur5( fig; 4). The current will pass
with greatest intensity where there is the highest
concentration of electrolytic solution and this can very well
be the blood vessel supplying the organ which may go into
20, 21
spasm and thrombose, resulting in ischaemia.
commonly occurs, if unipolar diathermy is used during
procedures on organs such as penis, digits and testis. 20, 21
Several disasters have occurred from the use of
diathermy in circumcision.
Fig 4: channeling effect

Wound infection and poor wound healing:

Excessive use of diathermy may lead to the formation of
excessive necrotic tissue which will subsequently act as
a good culture medium for the proliferation of bacteria.
Also, many vessels coagulated during this procedure
have been shown to cause extensive tissue ischaemia,
so much so that wound healing may be delayed. This
may occasionally lead to wound dehiscence.5
Secondary haemorrhage: Patients are at risk of
developing secondary haemorrhage when the
necrosed vessel wall sloughs off later.3 The bleeding
may be torrential enough to threaten the patient's life,
especially if moderate to large vessels are involved.
Perforation of hollow viscera: The use of diathermy in
hollow viscera as in endoscopic surgery is expanding
3, 5, 6, 23
Diathermy is commonly used to fulgurate
intraluminal and pedunculated growths in hollow
viscera. During this procedure, it may be difficult to
control the depth of the tissue necrosis. Hence, the risk
of extensive tissue necrosis with perforation of hollow
viscera may be high.
Electrocution: This is another common hazard that
patients, surgeon and other members of the operating
team are exposed to. It is usually due to faulty
5, 6,
connections accompanied with electric current leak.
14, 24

Arrhythmias: The risk of developing arrhythmia is

important especially in patients with cardiac
pacemakers . The pacemaker may be damaged;
imbalance of the electrolytes in the myocardium may
alter its electrical activities thereby resulting in
5, 17
ventricular fibrillation and other forms of arrhythmias.
Irritation to the Eyes: Electrocautery smoke has been
found to contain significant amount of chemical that
7, 8
constitute irritants to the eye therefore the eyes of the
surgeon, patient and other members of the operating
team are at the risk of developing eye symptoms such
as conjunctivitis and excessive tearing.
Acute airway inflammation: surgical smoke contains
hazardous chemical7 exposure to it and inhalation may
cause symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing
and fever.
Hypoxic stress: The burning of protein and lipids
during electro surgery liberates by-products, which

Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 4, October- December 2007


Hazards of Surgical Diathermy, Makama J. G. Ameh E. A.

cause acute inflammation of the airways. The carbon

monoxide contained in the aerosol may cause hypoxic
stress in healthy patients and operating team owing to its
high affinity for haemoglobin. Reduced oxygen-carrying
capacity of the blood may impair cardiovascular function
in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease6 and
Transmission of infection: Transmission of viruses and
other infectious agents from patient to surgeon or vice
versa have remained one of the topical issues and major
concern in surgical practice. In addition to the known
mutagenic agents contained within electrocautery
smoke, infectious agents such as prions may be present 3,
and the concern regarding the presence of these
viable virus particles and infectious agent27,28 has
continued to increase as this can be transmitted from
patient to any member of the operating team when
inhaled. Studies have shown a higher incidence of
nasopharyngeal lesions in carbon dioxide laser surgery
and that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in carbon
15, 16
dioxide laser smoke may remain viable for 14 days.
There is strong evidence for the presence of viable virus
particles in electrocautery smoke over a range of
diathermy settings.
HIV, Human Papilloma virus,
mycobacteria and Hepatitis B and C have all been
demonstrated in particle size range 0.04-0.18um and
may all be carried and transmitted in the respirable
Gene mutation: Previous studies of electrocautery
during reduction mammoplasty have shown the smoke
produced to be mutagenic. 7, 31 However, the organic
compound that could be responsible has not been
identified. Of interest and concern is that, benzene, a
known carcinogen has been identified in significant
quantities in electrocautery smoke.7 This may be thought
to be contributory as the mutagenic effect of
electrocautery smoke may not be due to a single
chemical agent.
Transfer and spread of tumour cells in the patient:
More recently, accumulated evidences have shown that
viable tumour cells are present in the electrocautery
smoke.7, 28 These are contained in the aerosol which can
be transferred, spread and settled over operating field
previously not containing tumour cells, therefore, the risk
of upstaging a tumour in a patient with malignant
condition is theoretically present.

Table II: Hazards of diathermy to the patient,

surgeon and operating team and theatre staff
Burns injury
Channeling effect
Wound infection
Poor wound healing
Secondary haemorrhage
Perforation of hollow viscus
Transmission of infection
Transfer and spread of tumour cell
Gene mutation
Operating team
Eye irritation
Acute airway inflammation
Hypoxic stress
Transmission of infection
Gene mutation
Theatre staff
Eye irritation
Gene mutation
Surgical diathermy machine should be properly
5, 6, 15
with the indifferent electrode properly
placed and adequate contact ensured particularly if
unipolar diathermy is intended to be used.
Its function should be tested before application during
operation.5, 6
The surgeon should be the only person to activate and
control the diathermy and the active electrode often
placed in a quiver when not in use. 3, 5, 6, 15
Surgical diathermy should never be used until prep
solution has had time to evaporate and any pool such as
in the umbilicus or in the vagina must be thoroughly
mopped up5, 6.
Flammable gases should not be used in patients where
diathermy is intended to be used and the old habit of
consulting the anaesthetist before switching the
diathermy machine should not be discarded.5, 6

Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 4, October- December 2007


Hazards of Surgical Diathermy, Makama J. G. Ameh E. A.

Infusion of carbon dioxide through a scope during

gastrointestinal endoscopy has been shown to
discourage combustion.
Avoidance of mannitol and oral antibiotics during bowel
preparation if diathermy is intended to be used for the
patient should be borne in mind.
Use of diathermy should be avoided in operations that will
involve the body appendages/end organs and if it must be
used the adequate and proper contact with the rest of the
body during surgery will go a long way to prevent
5, 20, 21
channeling effect.
Large vessels should be ligated and patients with cardiac
pace makers should be seen and reviewed by the
5, 6
cardiologists. Also, use of unipolar diathermy should be
avoided in these patients as much as possible.
Theatre scavenging system: Operating room
scavenging system if properly designed is meant to filter
and evacuate aerosol and air contaminants8 and
introduce fresh air in a gentle laminar flow pattern. Where
this is not very effective, air contaminants and other
aerosols would abound in the theatre and therefore
increase the risk of inhaling them.
Use of face mask: The protection obtained by wearing of
facial masks only concerns large particles. The American
conference of government hygienists, international
standard organization, the comiteI Euro peer de
normalization, have defined respirable aerosol as
containing particles of 4.5um or smaller.7 Hence, airborne
particles may not be effectively filtered by facial mask.
Use of suction device: Simply holding a suction device
close to the diathermy probe,8 have been shown to reduce
significantly the amount of smoke that the patient, the
surgeon and the operating team are exposed to.
However, this is not a satisfactory long term solution as it
requires an experienced assistant so that the surgeons'
view is not impeded.

1 Mitchell JP, Lumb GN, Dobbie AK, A handbook of surgical
diathermy 2nd Ed. John Wright & son's Bristol, 1978
2 Memon MA, Surgical diathermy Br J Hospital med 1994;52:403408
3 Ameh EA, Mbibu HN, Principles of surgical diathermy Nig Med
pract1998, 35 No5/6 76-78

Government policy: The need to enforce government

policy where they exist and to enact laws where they
don't exist, on the control of airborne contaminants
especially during surgical procedures can not be over
emphasized. Issues like this have been addressed in
many countries. For instance, in 1994 the Australian
standard addressing the issue of airborne contaminant
in workplace was published (and updated 1998)
outlining the need to confine and contain contaminants
generated by diathermy during surgical procedures. In
UK, the updated control of substances hazardous to
health (COSHH) regulation came into force in
November 2002. All these and many other
recommended efforts should be directed towards the
controlled removal of surgical plume
Use of diathermy plume extraction system: The use
of diathermy plume extraction system like the lina grey
sharkTM, EMT Health care and clearflowTM have resulted
in significant reduction of smoke reaching the surgeon's
mask.8 ClearflowTM particularly have been noted to clear
more than 99.9% particles down to 0.02um thus
ensuring that hazardous products are not carried into
the environment . It is easy to set up, simple to operate
and the pencil thickness was the same as that of a
standard instrument making it comfortable in the hands.
Clearing the plume improves vision in the operative field
and noticeable reduction in the characteristic diathermy
Potential risk to the patient, surgeon and the operating
team of continuous exposure to electrocautery
appliances have been documented. It should be
emphasized that estimated level of exposure of the
patient, surgeon and the operating team in the course of
the surgical procedure have not been determined.
Optimizing health and safety in work place should be an
ongoing goal 3, 5, 6 in most institutions. Nevertheless, in
view of the importance and the wide spread use of
electrocautery, further studies would appear to be
necessary to determine the extent of exposure of all
operating room personnel and if necessary, to develop
and enhance methods to reduce risk to health.

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Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 4, October- December 2007


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