2002 Chapter Critical Math Solutions

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Tami had 1800 baseball cards. She sold half

of them. Therefore, she had 1800 - 900 =
900 cards left. Then she gave away
her remaining cards. This means that she
of her remaining cards left.
900 = 180 Answer
18 men held the office of President. 11 of
them were Republicans.
= 0.61
Change this to a percent:
0.61 100 = 61.1
Rounding to the nearest whole number
yields 61. Answer
10,200 athletes participated in 28 different
sports over a period of 16 days. The amount
of time doesnt matter. To find the average
number of athletes per sport, divide the
number of athletes by the number of sports.
= 364.2857143 364 Answer
The tree was 32 feet at the end of 6 years.
Since it doubled its height every year, then a
year ago, at the end of 5 years, it was 16 feet
high. The year before that it was 8 feet high
and the year before that (i.e., after three
years) it was 4 feet high. 4 Answer
d =16t2
The distance is 64 feet. Substituting 64 for d
64 = 16t2
4 = t2
t = 2 and t = -2
However, we cant have negative time.
t = 2 Answer
The natural number factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3,
and 6. The reciprocals of these factors are:
1 1
1, , , and .
2 3
1 1 1
1+ + + =
2 3 6
3 2 1
1+ + + = 1+ =
6 6 6
1 + 1 = 2 Answer


8.75 - (-5.65) = 14.4

(14.4) = 7.2
8.75 - 7.2 = 1.55 Answer
8. We need to find the largest integer whose
cube is less than 10,000.
What is 103? 10 10 10 = 1000.
203 = 20 20 20 = 8000
303 = 30 30 30 = 27000
Clearly, the value we need is between 20
and 30 but much closer to 20.
213 = 21 21 21 = 9261
223 = 22 22 22 = 10648
10648 > 10000
21 Answer
9. The median is the middle value. How many
students are there?
5 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 24
24 is even. We must get the average of the
ages of the 12th and 13th students if they are
different. The first 5 are 14. The second 9
are 15 which means both student 12 and
student 13 are 15 years old. 15 Answer
10. Chelsea made 6 of 17 free throw attempts.
Let x be the number of free throw attempts
she needs to make consecutively to raise her
percentage of free throws to exactly 50%.
6+ x 1
17 + x 2
12 + 2x = 17 + x
2x = 5 + x
x = 5 Answer
11. a # b = ab - a + b - 8
3x - x + 3 - 8 = 2x - 5
2x - 5 = 37
2x = 42
x = 21 Answer
12. N + N2 = 6
Solution 1:
N2 + N = 6
N(N + 1) = 6
Since N is negative and 6 is positive, N + 1
must also be negative. This indicates that
the product of two consecutive negative
integers is 6. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3,
and 6. Clearly, the product of -2 and -3 is 6.
N = -3 Answer
Solution 2:
More straightforward is to factor the
N2 + N = 6
N2 + N - 6 = 0
(N + 3)(N -2) = 0

N = -3, N = 2
N is negative so N = -3 Answer
13. The prime numbers between 30 and 50 are
31, 37, 41, 43, and 47.
31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 = 199 Answer
14. The circular spinner is divided by radii into
5 wedge-shaped pieces such that 4 pieces
have equal area and the area of the
remaining piece is twice the area of any one
of the other pieces. The figure shows what
the spinner looks like.

17 x







The sum of all the central angles will be

360. Let x = the central angle of one of the
4 smaller pieces.
x + x + x + x + 2x = 360
6x = 360
x = 60
2x = 120 Answer
How many positive integers less than or
equal to 100 are divisible by 7? The
integers are 7, 14, ..., 98. How many are
there? The simplest way to find them is to
divide 98 by 7 which is 14. Therefore, there
are 14 integers less than or equal to 100 that
are divisible by 7.
100 50
Let x = the number of people in the first or
third row. Then x + 2 = the number of
people in the middle row. There are a total
of 50 people. Then,
x + (x + 2) + x = 50
3x + 2 = 50
3x = 48
x = 16 Answer
The number of inches in both the length and
the width of a rectangle are prime numbers.
The area of the rectangle is 391 square
inches. To find the perimeter, we must find
the length and width. Factor 391 into its
prime factors.
391 = 17 23
Therefore, 17 and 23 are the width and
length of the rectangle.
P = 2(17 + 23) = 2(40) = 80 Answer
4(5x + 3y) = 3(x +7y)
20x + 12y = 3x + 21y
17x = 9y
17 x



y 17
There are 12 possible doors to enter, but
since we must leave by a different door,
only 11 possible doors to exit by. Order
counts, i.e., entering by door 1 and leaving
by door 2 is different from entering by door
2 and leaving by door 1.
12 11 = 132 Answer
A jar contains 10 red, 7 blue and 5 yellow
marbles. Therefore, there are a total of 10 +
7 + 5 = 22 marbles. We wish to find out
how many blue marbles must be added to
change the probability of randomly selecting
a blue marble from the jar to greater than
. The easiest way to do this is to
determine how many blue marbles must be
added to make the probability . Then we
can just add 1 to that. Let x = the number of
marbles that must be added to make the
probability of selecting a marble .
7+ x
22 + x 2
22 + x = 14 + 2x
If we add 8 blue marbles that gives us 7 + 8
= 15 marbles out of a total of 22 + 8 = 30
marbles and that is definitely . But the
probability must be greater than
so we
must add one more blue marble.
8 + 1 = 9 Answer
If a positive perfect square is a multiple of 9,
then we need to look at positive integers
who can be factored into 9 and x, where x is
also a perfect square (otherwise the product
would not be a perfect square). In addition,
the positive integer must be less than 300.
33... Therefore, all squares less than
33 will suffice. The squares less than 33 are
1, 4, 9, 16, and 25. So, there are 5 positive
perfect squares less than 300 that are
multiples of 9. 5 Answer
We need to find the LCM of 1332 and 888.
In the rows of the table below, the leftmost

number is dividing the two rightmost values

from the row above. The two rightmost
values in the same row are the resulting
quotients. Where the same number appears
in the same column in adjacent rows, it
means that there is no integral quotient and
the value has not changed. Use primes as





So, the least common multiple of 1332 and

888 is 2 2 2 3 3 37 = 2664
If the square root of a randomly selected
two-digit whole number is less than 8, then
the two-digit whole number must be less
than 64. There are 63 - 9 = 54 two-digit
whole numbers that are less than 64. There
are 90 two-digit whole numbers.
54 6 3
90 10 5
Mathman rides of a mile in 1 minutes
on his bicycle. Therefore, he rides of a
mile in 3 minutes. (Multiply by 2.) There
are 20 sets of 3 minutes in an hour.
20 = 6 4 = 24 Answer
June 1 was on a Friday. Therefore, there
were 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 4 Sundays,
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Jonathan ran 2 miles on
Tuesdays. 2 4 = 8. Jonathan ran 2 miles
on Thursdays. 2 4 = 8. Jonathan ran 7
miles on Saturday. 7 5 = 35. Jonathan ran
7 miles on Sunday. 7 4 = 28.
The total is 8 + 8 + 35 + 28 = 79. Answer
The arithmetic mean of all tests that Brian
has taken so far is 91. If he takes one more
and gets a 98, the arithmetic mean will be
92. Let x = the number of tests that Brian
has already taken.
91x +98
= 92
x +1
92x + 92 = 91x + 98

x + 1 = 7 Answer
27. Tiling a 24-foot by 72-foot rectangular floor
with 1-foot by 1-foot square tiles means that
there will be 24 tiles in each row of the
shorter side and 72 on the longer side. To
move through 1 row on the shorter side, on a
diagonal, you will have to travel through 3
squares on the longer side as in this smaller

24 3 = 72 Answer
28. There are 697 days in a year on Mars. Each
week has 12 days. Therefore, there are
= 58 weeks and 1 day left over. If year
0 begins with day 1 one of the week, then it
ends on day 1 of the 59th week. Year 1 must
start on day 2, year 2 on day 3 and so on to
year 11 on day 12. So, the next year on
which the first day is day 1 is year 12.
29. ABB
C is the thousands digit. Because neither the
first number or second number is greater
than 1000, C must be 1. Looking at the
units digits in the addition, B + A = C.
Either B + A = 1 or B + A = 11 and the tens
unit is carried. If B + A = 11, then looking
at the tens digits we have B + B + 1 = B
with a carry. 2B + 1 can be 11, 13, 15, 17 or
19 when B = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. . B could not be 0
through 4 because the ones digits in 2B + 1
cant be B. When B = 9 we get 9 2 + 1 =
19 So C = 1 and B = 9. Looking at the
hundreds digits we have A + B + 1 = A with
a carry of 1. A + 9 + 1 = A and this holds.
What is A? Looking back at the units
addition: B + A = 11 = 9 + A, so A = 2.
299 + 992 = 1291
Are we done? In the addition of the units
digits, suppose that C was 1 with no carry.
Can this happen? No, because this would
mean A + B = 1. The addition of the
hundreds digits would imply that A + B = 1
plus a possible carry from the tens digit
addition, but that would never be large
enough to create a carry to the thousands

of the cube have exactly one face painted.

Lets look at cubes with sides of 5 and 4
units, respectively.

digit. Therefore, A = 2, B = 9 and C = 1.

2 9 1 = 18 Answer
30. 33 9 3 27 3 813 = 9 x

( ) (3 ) (3 )

33 3 2

3 3

4 3

= 9x

33 3 6 3 9 312 = 9 x

(3+ 6+ 9+12)


3 = 9 = 9x
x = 15 Answer






An equilateral triangular region of side

length 2 cm is cut from a corner of an
equilateral triangular region with side length
6 cm as in the following picture.

The resulting figure shows the smaller

triangle with sides of 2 cm and a trapezoid
with sides 2, 4, 6, and 4 cm, respectively.
The perimeter of the trapezoid is
2 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 16 Answer
An investment of $10,000 is made that pays
6% interest compounded annually. At the
end of 1 year there will be a total of 106% of
the original value, i.e., multiply by 1.06.
10000 1.06 = 10600
At the end of 2 years there is:
10600 1.06 = 11236
At the end of 3 years there is:
11236 1.06 = 11910.16
At the end of 4 years there is:
11910.16 1.06 = 12624.7696
At the end of 5 years there is:
12624.7696 1.06 = 13382.25578
Rounding to the nearest whole number,
there are $13382 at then end of 5 years.
13382 Answer
Washington, D.C. has a land area of 68
square miles and a population of 570,000.
To find the number of people per square
mile, we must divide the population by the
land area.
= 8382.352941
Rounding to the nearest hundred, there are
approximately 8400 people per square mile.
8400 Answer
When a cube, constructed from individual
unit cubes, is painted, only those cubes that
do not touch an edge and are on the outside




Each face of a cube with sides of length 5

has a 3 (i.e., 5 - 2) by 3 square which
contains unit cubes that have only one side
painted. Each face of a cube with sides of
length 4 has a 2 (i.e., 4 - 2) by 2 square that
contains unit cubes with only one side
painted. This will be true for all 6 faces of
the cube. Therefore, there are 6 (n - 2)2
unit cubes that have one side painted in a
cube whose side is n units.
486 = 6 (n - 2)2
81 = (n -2)2
92 = (n-2)2
n must be positive.
n = 11
The number of unit cubes is equal to the
volume of the cube.
11 11 11 = 1331 Answer
42% of the 52,000 attendees at a game are
women. (Go Steelers! Go Bucs! Go Pens!)
Therefore, 52000 0.42 = 21840 are women
(and one of them might just be me). There
must be one restroom for every 70 women.
= 312 Answer
We must determine how many of the
natural numbers from 1 to 600, inclusive,
contain the digit 5 at least once.
First look at the numbers from 1 to 99. The
numbers that contain 5 are 5, 15, 25, 35, 45,
50-59, 65, 75, 85, and 95. Thus, there are 19
numbers. (You can look at it as 10 numbers
that start with 5 and 10 numbers than end in
5. But remember that 55 is counted twice,
so 10 + 10 - 1 = 19.) The same holds true
for 100 to 199, 200 to 299, 300 to 399, and
400 to 499. However, for 500 to 599, all
numbers start with 5 so all 100 have to be
counted. 600 doesnt have any 5s. Thus,
we have 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 100 = 19
5 + 100 = 195
195 Answer
A ferris wheel has a radius of 90 feet. The
entire circuit is its circumference or 180 .
If it takes 7 minutes to make the complete
circuit, then we must divide the
circumference by 7 to determine the rate in
feet per minute.


180 180 3.141592654

= 80.78381109
Rounding to the nearest tenth,
80.78381109 80.8 Answer
The word triangle contains 1 i, 1 a and 1 e
and sells for $6. The word square contains
1 u, 1 a and 1 e and sells for $9. The word
pentagon contains 1 e, 1a and 1 o and sells
for $7. The word cube contains 1 u and 1 e
and sells for $7. The word tetrahedron
contains 2 es, 1 a and 1 o and sells for $8.
The word octahedron contains 2 os, 1 a and
1 e. Writing these as equations:
i + a + e = 6 (Eq. 1)
u + a + e = 9 (Eq. 2)
e + a + o = 7 (Eq. 3)
u + e = 7 (Eq. 4)
2e + a + o = 8 (Eq. 5)
We must determine the value of 2o + a + e.
e = 1 (Eq. 5 - Eq. 3)
u + 1 = 7 (from Eq. 4)
6 + a + 1 = 9 (from Eq. 2)
1 + 2 + o = 7 (from Eq. 3)
2o + a + e = 2 4 + 2 + 1 =
8 + 3 = 11 Answer




The area of a circle is between 100 and 120

square units. Its diameter is a whole

A = r 2
Using 100 as the area:
100 = r 2
r2 =

r 5.641895835
Using 120 as the area:


120 = r 2
r2 =

r 6.180387232
The only whole number between 5.6 and 6.1
is 6.
6 2 = 12 Answer
Let x be the price of the coat originally. If
there is a 20% discount, the coat will cost
80% of the original value or 0.8x. There is
now a 30% discount on the price of the coat.
This means that the coat will cost 70% of its


current price. 0.8x 0.7 = 0.56x. Now

theres a 10% discount which means that the
coat will cost 90% of its now current price.
0.56x 0.9 = 0.504x
0.504 100 = 50.4
100 - 50.4 = 49.6 Answer
Colette had a doll collection. She gave half
of her dolls to her niece. This meant that
she had half of her collection left. She then
gave away of her remaining dolls to her
sister. So she still had of those dolls but
she had only
of her collection or
1 3 3
= of her original collection left. At
2 4 8
this point she had 24 dolls. If x is the
number of dolls she originally had,
x = 24
3x = 24 8
x = 8 8 = 64 Answer
A candle burns wax at a rate of 10 mm3/min.
If the candle burns all week, it burns for
60 24 7 minutes.
1000 mm = 1 m
100 cm = 1 m
10 mm = 1 cm
1 cm3 = 10 10 10 = 1000 mm3
60 24 7 10
= 100.8 101 Answer
Two dice are rolled. Jean wins if the
product of the two numbers rolled is odd or
a multiple of 3. For a product to be odd,
both numbers must be odd. Therefore, there
is a choice of 1, 3, or 5 for the first number
and 1, 3, or 5 for the second number. Thus,
there are a total of 3 3 = 9 combinations.
Jean can also win if the product is a multiple
of 3. Thus either the first die is 3 or 6 or the
second die is 3 or 6. As long as this holds it
doesnt matter what the other value is. Thus,
there are 2 6 = 12 combinations if the first
die is a 3 or 6 and 12 combinations if the
second die is a 3 or 6. However, we must
realize that were counting (3,1), (3,5), (1,3),
(5,3), (3,6), (6,6) and (6,3) twice and (3,3)
three times.
9 + 12 + 12 - 9 = 24
24 2
= Answer
36 3





The six candidates for president can be

listed 6! ways. The 4 candiates for vice
president can be listed 4! ways. The 5
candidates for secretary can be listed 5!
ways. The 3 candidates for treasurer can be
listed in 3! ways.
6! 4! 5! 3! =
720 24 120 6 =12441600 Answer
A runner starts at the midpoint of AF in the
diagram shown (at Start).

Since we need to determine what percent of

an entire lap the portion defined by Start to
F is, first lets determine the length of the
entire lap. AF = CD = 84. AC = 60 meters.
ABC is a semicircle with radius
DEF is also a semicircle with radius = 30.
Therefore, we can add the circumference of
a circle with radius = 30 to 2 84 to get the
length of a lap.
2 84 + 2 30 =
168 + 60
The distance from Start to F going through
points A, B, C, D, and E, can be computed
=42 from the length of a
by subtracting
lap since Start is in the midpoint of AF.
168 +60 - 42 = 126 + 60
126 + 60 314.4955592

168 + 60 356.4955592
0.882186471 100 = 88.2186471
Rounding to the nearest whole number gives
88 Answer
-12 x 20
-70 y -10
A = the greatest possible value of x - y
B = the least possible value of x + y
The greatest possible value of x - y occurs
when x is the largest positive value and y is
the smallest negative value.
20 - (-70) = 20 + 70 = 90 = A
The least possible value of x + y occurs
when x is smallest and y is smallest.
-12 + -70 = -82 = B
A - B = 90 - (-82) = 90 + 82 = 172 Answer
The area of pentagonal region QWXYZ is
50 square inches. The area of semicircular
region ABC is 80 square inches. PQ = 7 and

QR = 6.

The area of triangle PQR is

7 6 = 3 7 = 21. The area of the
union of the semicircular region and the
pentagonal region counts triangle PQR
twice. Therefore, we can add the two areas
but must subtract the area of the triangle.
50 + 80 - 21 = 130 - 21 = 109 Answer
10. We can number the hexagons as follows:
2 3
6 7
8 9
10 B
The paths are:
10 Answer

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