Completed Report ENGG815

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Temperature Profile in the Demethanizer Column

Present to

Dr. Nader Mahinpey


Teerawat Sanpasertparnich 200250594

This term project is a part of Computer-Aided Processes, ENGG 815

Faculty of Engineering

University of Regina, Saskatchewan


The demethanizing process has been used widely in the industrials to separate methane
out of any other hydrocarbon components. Basically, two phases, vapor and liquid phases, of
feed stream, which previously are separated by flash drum, flow to an upper and a lower tray of
demethanizer column, respectively. The vapor phase which mostly composed of methane,
nitrogen and some ethane are heated by the reboiler at the bottom of the demethanizer column.
Methane and nitrogen, which have the lowest boiling point, readily flow upward through the top
of the column, meanwhile the ethane which has a higher boiling point as well as the rest of
hydrocarbon components at a lower tray flow downward and so far they are withdrawn out of the
bottom of demethanizer column. This paper is focused on the behavior of temperature profile
along the demethanizer column. The calculated boundary conditions at the steady state using
PRO/II 7.0 are demonstrated. Further, for temperature profile calculation, the transformation
from partial differential equation to the algebraic difference equation based on the central
difference approximation is applied on this particular problem. As the results, the calculated
solutions are in a good agreement with the analytical solutions using PRO/II 7.0.

The purpose of this term project is to employ the algebraic numerical method to solve the
scientific problems instead of using calculus method to directly solve the partial differential
equation. In addition, the content of this course outlines is to bring the computer aided software,
for example MATLAB, FEMLAB and so on, to solve for the particular engineering problems
(Mahinpey, 2006). To appropriately fit with the course objectives, this term project has been
employed the PRO/II 7.0 (SIMSCI), and MATLAB as the software aided tools to calculate the
boundary conditions at the steady state of the demethanizer column and so far compute the
temperature profile along the demethanizer column based on the partial differential equation but
using algebraic difference equation by an approach of central difference approximation which,
further, it is solved by an approach of the Gauss-Seidel method.

The advantage of this studying helps to predict the behavior of the temperature profile at
the steady state by the degree of temperature inside the demethanizer column. In addition, The
advantage of this study is to help reduce the capital cost of the temperature sensors.


The temperature sensors are inexpensive, more reliable, and commonly used in the
industrials as purposed by Kister, 1990. However, the temperature sensors located far away have
the potential to get significant errors due to noise and pressure variation which could interfere
with the temperature as reported by Rademaker et al., 1975. These issues were handled by using
the temperature and pressure drop compensation as proposed by Luyben and Boyd, 1975 and Yu
and Luyben, 1984 and as well as figured out the appropriated locations of temperature sensors as
proposed by Luyben, 1971, Parnis, 1987, and Bozenhart, 1988.

On the other hands, the model simulations have helped the scientists and researchers to
minimize error from the measurement and help to approximately predict the temperature profiles
along the column instead of installation of temperature sensors in various locations in column
(Luyben, 2006). There are several researches studying about the temperature profile model such
as using the Newton-Raphson methods to predict the temperature in the distillation column by
Nelson, 1971; Komatsu and Holland, 1977; Carra et al., 1979, using modified tri-diagonal
methods by Susuki et al., 1971; Izarraraz et al., 1980; Tierney and Riquelme, 1982; Xu and

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 1

Chen, 1988, using inside-out algorithms by Venkataraman et al., 1990, using partial least square
regression by T. Mejdell et al., 1991 and so on.


Each component in the stream inlet has differences in temperature, pressure, composition,
and/or phase state. As the system goes to the equilibrium, each component which has different
concentration in each zone is separated. This separation process is called distillation. This
general concept has been applied to use in practical such as for distillation column. It starts while
the feed streams flow through the distillation column and are separated into vapor and liquid
phases. Because of different gravity between vapor and liquid, therefore the vapor flows upward
while the liquid flows downward inside a column. Liquid reaching the bottom of the column is
partly vaporized in a reboiler and put some vapor back to the column. The rest of the bottom
liquid is withdrawn as bottoms. Some vapor which flows upward is cooled and condensed to
liquid by condenser. Some liquid is returned to the column as reflux and contact with the vapor
which continuous moves upward as the counter current flow (Warren et al., 1993; Smith et al.,

For the demethanizing system which is one type of distillation processes as illustrated in
Figure 1, firstly hydrocarbon stream which mainly is composed of methane, ethane, propane, iso-
butane, n-butane, iso-pentane, n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane and N2 flows through the flash
drum to separate stream into two phases, the vapor phase and liquid phase. The vapor phase will
flow through the expander and then to an upper tray of the demethanizer column. Meanwhile, the
liquid phase will flow through the liquid valve and so far to a lower tray of column. The
demethanizer column in this study is no reflux which has no condenser unit at the top of the
column because of obviously different boiling points between methane and the rest of
hydrocarbon components. In the demethanizer column, the hydrocarbon liquid flowing down to
the bottom will be heated by reboiler and then move through the top of the column. Methane and
nitrogen which have the significant lowest boiling point will flow out of the top of the column,
but the rest of hydrocarbon stream such as ethane, and propane will flow back to the column and
consequently are withdrawn out of the bottom of the column by reboiler.

The steps to compute the temperature profile have been demonstrated in Figure 2. Firstly
the process flow diagram and the operating conditions as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 are
drawn and put into PRO/II 7.0 to calculate for the temperatures at the boundary conditions in the
steady state. This study focuses on two cases of process flows, the first case by feeding the liquid
stream flowing out of liquid valve to the 3rd tray of column and the second case by feeding the
liquid stream flowing out of liquid valve to the 5th tray of column. The calculated boundary
conditions are put into the grids in Figure 3 which represent the dimension of demethanizer
column. Next, the partial differential equation is applied to solve for the unknown temperatures
in various locations inside the column. This employs algebraic difference approximation by an
approach of Gauss-Seidel method. The results are reported and so far they are graphically
plotted. Further, these calculated results will be compared with the analytical solutions using

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 2

For Case 1 For Case 2
Stream Name
Stream Name
Temperature -169.912 F Temperature -170.589 F
Pressure 139.696 PSIA Pressure 139.696 PSIA
Flowrate 2196.732 LB-MOL/HR Flowrate 2195.533 LB-MOL/HR
Phase Vapor Phase Vapor

Stream Name

Temperature -174.277 F 3
Pressure 139.696 PSIA
Flowrate 1818.585 LB-MOL/HR 4
Stream Name VAPOR
Temperature -84.000 F
Pressure 587.700 PSIA For Case 1
Flowrate 1818.585 LB-MOL/HR
Phase Vapor For Case 2 7

Stream Name

Stream NameSTREAM_IN FLASH_DRUM Temperature -131.381 F 10

Pressure 139.696 PSIA
Temperature -84.000 F Flowrate 861.534 LB-MOL/HR
Pressure 587.700 PSIA Phase Mixed
Flowrate 2680.119 LB-MOL/HR Stream Name
Phase Mixed LIQUID_VALVE Temperature 27.085 F
Pressure 139.696 PSIA For Case 1
Stream Name LIQUID Flowrate 483.387 LB-MOL/HR
Temperature -84.000 F Phase Liquid
Pressure 587.700 PSIA
Flowrate 861.534 LB-MOL/HR LIQUID_OUT
Stream Name
Phase Liquid Temperature 26.833 F
Pressure 139.696 PSIA For Case 2
Flowrate 484.586 LB-MOL/HR
Phase Liquid

Figure 1 A scheme of demethanizing system with its operating conditions and calculated results
for case 1 and case 2

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Outputs:

Outputs: TTijij
of De-methanizing System

conditions PRO/II 7.0 Graphical plot

surface of the column
the steady-state End

PDE transformed to algebraic

difference approximation

Gauss-Seidel Method

No Yes
εa ≤ εs

Figure 2 The engineering problem solving flowchart

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 3

Table 1 A main characteristic of hydrocarbon stream component in this study

Component Composition Boiling point

(% mole) o
( F)
Methane 73.05 -258.745
Ethane 7.68 -127.480
Propane 5.69 -43.784
iso-butane 0.99 10.886
n-butane 2.44 31.096
iso-pentane 0.69 82.180
n-pentane 0.82 96.906
n-hexane 0.42 155.714
n-Heptane 0.31 209.172
N2 7.91 -320.440


This particular problem is the two-dimensional, steady state, and differential balance.
Therefore, the partial differential equation has been employed to solve this problem. The general
form of two-dimensional partial differential equation is shown in Eq.(1).
∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T
A +B +C 2 +D = 0 (1)
∂x 2 ∂x∂y ∂y
In addition, this problem is based on boundary value problem which suits with the elliptic
partial differential equation as demonstrated in Table 2 (Basmadjan, 1999).

Table 2 The categories of second order PDEs: Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic PDEs
Criterion Type of PDE Example Properties
B2-4AC < 0 Elliptic Laplace's equation Boundary value problem
∂ 2u ∂ 2u
+ =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2
B -4AC = 0 Parabolic Fourier's equation Mixed boundary value problem
∂ u2
∂u and initial value problem
α =C
∂x 2 ∂t
B2-4AC > 0 Hyperbolic Wave equation Mixed boundary value problem
∂ u 2
∂ u2 and initial value problem
c2 =
∂x 2 ∂t 2 or initial value problem

By heat balance, the equation can be expressed as

∂q ∂q
+ =0 (2)
∂x ∂y
Then, applying the Fourier’s law of heat conduction as follow,
q i = −kρC( ) by k ′ = kρC (3)
Substituting Eq.(3) into Eq.(2) results in
∂ 2T ∂ 2T
+ =0 (4)
∂x 2 ∂y 2
The Eq.(4) is called the Laplace equation. This equation is similar to the general type of
partial differential equation in Eq(1) by the constant A and C being equal to 1 but B being equal
to zero.

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 4

Next, the differential equation form in Eq.(4) is transformed into the algebraic equation
based on the central derivative difference approximation. The reason to use the central difference
approximation is because it has the residual error (O(h2)) less than the forward and backward
difference approximation’s (O(h)) as demonstrated in Table 3 (Chapra et al, 1998).

Table 3 The type of 2nd derivative difference approximation

Type of difference approximation
f ( x i+2 ) − 2f ( x i+1 ) + f ( x i )
Forward f ′′( x i ) = + O(h)
f ( x i ) − 2f ( x i−1 ) + f ( x i−2 )
Backward f ′′( x i ) = + O(h)
f ( x i+1 ) − 2f ( x i ) + f ( x i−1 )
Central f ′′( x i ) = + O(h 2 )

Case 1 Case 2
j=1 j=5 54 unknown temperatures j=1 j=5
i=1 i=1
Tray 1 (Ti, j = -169.912°F)i=1, 2; j=1, 5 except T2, 1 Tray 1 (Ti, j = -170.590°F)i=1, 2; j=1, 5 except T2, 1
-174.277°F -174.277°F

Tray 2 (Ti, j = -152.956°F)i=3, 4; j=1, 5 Tray 2 (Ti, j = -156.362°F)i=3, 4; j=1, 5

Tray 3 (Ti, j = -134.015°F)i=5, 6; j=1, 5 except T6, 1 Tray 3 (Ti, j = -148.612°F)i=5, 6; j=1, 5

Tray 4 (Ti, j = -133.258°F)i=7, 8; j=1,5 Tray 4 (Ti, j = -144.446°F)i=7, 8; j=1,5

Tray 5 (Ti, j = -132.899°F)i=9,10; j=1,5 Tray 5 (Ti, j = -132.624°F)i=9,10; j=1,5 except T10, 1

Tray 6 (Ti, j = -130.833°F)i=11, 12; j=1, 5 Tray 6 (Ti, j = -129.823°F)i=11, 12; j=1, 5

Tray 7 (Ti, j = -117.836°F)i=13, 14; j=1, 5 Tray 7 (Ti, j = -116.765°F)i=13, 14; j=1, 5

Tray 8 (Ti, j = -71.699°F)i=15, 16; j=1, 5 Tray 8 (Ti, j = -71.069°F)i=15, 16; j=1, 5

Tray 9 (Ti, j = -16.170°F)i=17, 18; j=1, 5 Tray 9 (Ti, j = -16.131°F)i=17, 18; j=1, 5

Tray 10 (Ti, j = 27.085°F)i=19 ,20; j= 1, 5 Tray 10 (Ti, j = 26.834°F)i=19 ,20; j= 1, 5

i = 20 i = 20

Figure 3 The grids for case 1 and case 2 with their boundary conditions and 54 unknown
temperatures in each column

Ti+1, j − 2Ti, j + Ti−1, j Ti,J+1 − 2Ti, j + Ti, j−1
+ =0 (5)
∆x ∆y 2
By simplifying the equation by defining ∆x = ∆y , hence
Ti +1, j + Ti −1, j + Ti, j +1 + Ti, j −1 − 4Ti, j = 0 (6)
Therefore, the Eq.(6) can be solved by rearrange into the matrix form by
[ A ]{T} = {b}
Then, the transformation of boundary condition values is substituted into Eq.(6). The result has
been written as shown in Eq.(7).

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 5

 4 -1 0 -1 0 ... 0
 
- 1 4 - 1 0 -1 ... 0
 -1 4 -1 0 ... 0 { }54 x1 = {bi,j}54 x1
⋅ Ti, j (7)
 
 : : : : : ... : 
 0 0 0 0 0 ... 4  54 x 54

In order to solve for this simultaneous algebraic equations in Eq.(7), iterative method is
introduced. Basically, there are the Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi methods which generally are used
to solve for simultaneous algebraic equation. In this study, it used the Gauss-Seidel method to
solve. Then, the Eq.(7) can be simplified as follows.
T1 = (b1 − a1,2 T2 − a1,3 T3 − ... − a1,54 T1,54 ) / a1,1
T2 = (b 2 − a 2,2 T2 − a 2,3 T3 − ... − a 2,54 T1,54 ) / a 2,2 (8)
: : : : : : :
T54 = (b 54 − a 54,2 T2 − a 54,3 T3 − ... − a 54,54 T1,54 ) / a 54,54
By simplifying Eq.(8), the result is shown as follow.
{Ti } = {d} − [C]{Ti−1} (9)

b1 / a1,1  0 a1,2 /a1,1 a1,3 /a1,1 . . . . . a1,54 /a1,1 

   
b 2 / a 2,2  a 2,1/a 2,2 0 a 2,3 /a 2,2 . . . . . a 2,54 /a 2,2 
  . 
By, {d} =  .  ,and [C] = 
. . .

 .  . . . . 
 .   
  . . . . 
b 54 / a 54,54  a 54,1/a 54,54 a 54,2 /a 54,54 a 54,3 /a 54,54 . . . 0 
Here, the initial values are defined as zero (Ti = 0) then they are substituted into Eq.(9), until the
approximate error is satisfied with the defined criterion as shown in Eq.(10) (the specified error
in this study is defined as 0.001%). Then the calculated results will be graphically plotted.
Ti − Ti−1
ε a,i = x100% ≤ ε s (10)
The following is the M-file code written in a basis of the Eqs.(8)-(10) for solving this particular
function [x,T] = demettempprof(A,b,deType)
%specified error is defined to be equal to 0.001%.
%size of matrix A is limited at 54x54.
%the initial values of temperature start at Tij = 0 for i = 2..4; j = 2..19.
%Case is the choice either Case 1 or 2.
es = 0.001; ea = es + 1;
C = A;
for i = 1:54
C(i,i) = 0;
x(i) = 0;
x = x';
for i = 1:54
C(i,1:54) = C(i,1:54)/A(i,i);
for i = 1:54
d(i) = b(i)/A(i,i);
iter = 1;
while ea > es
xold = x;
for i = 1:54
x(i) = d(i) - C(i,:)*x;

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 6

if x(i) ~= 0
ea(i) = abs((x(i)-xold(i))/x(i))*100;
iter = iter+1;
k = 0;
for i = 2:19
for j = 2:4
T(i,j) = x(1+k);
for i = 1:20
for j = 1:5
xx(i,j) = j;
yy(20-i+1,j) = i;
%Set the boundary conditions resulting from PRO/II 7.0 (SIMSCI).
if deType == 1
for i = 0:1
for j = 0:1
T(1+i,1+4*j) = -169.912; T(3+i,1+4*j) = -152.956;
T(5+i,1+4*j) = -134.015; T(7+i,1+4*j) = -133.258;
T(9+i,1+4*j) = -132.899; T(11+i,1+4*j)= -130.833;
T(13+i,1+4*j)= -117.836; T(15+i,1+4*j)= -71.699;
T(17+i,1+4*j)= -16.170; T(19+i,1+4*j)= 27.085;
T(1,2)= -169.912; T(1,3)= -169.912; T(1,4)=-169.912;
T(20,2)= 27.085; T(20,3)= 27.085; T(20,4)= 27.085;
T(2,1)= -174.277; T(6,1)= -131.381;
elseif deType == 2
for i = 0:1
for j = 0:1
T(1+i,1+4*j) = -170.590; T(3+i,1+4*j) = -156.362;
T(5+i,1+4*j) = -148.612; T(7+i,1+4*j) = -144.446;
T(9+i,1+4*j) = -132.624; T(11+i,1+4*j)= -129.823;
T(13+i,1+4*j)= -116.765; T(15+i,1+4*j)= -71.069;
T(17+i,1+4*j)= -16.131; T(19+i,1+4*j)= 26.834;
T(1,2)= -170.590; T(1,3)= -170.590; T(1,4)=-170.590;
T(20,2)= 26.834; T(20,3)= 26.834; T(20,4)= 26.834;
T(2,1)= -174.277; T(6,1)= -131.381;
axes('position',[0 0 .25 1]);
shading interp;
hold on;
[ch,h] = contour(xx,yy,T,40);
clabel(ch,h,'fontsize',8,'label spacing',800);


The calculated temperature results are based on the iterative method by an approach of
Gauss-Seidel method, until the approximate error (εa) is less than or equal to the specified error
(εs) as shown in Eq.(9). Here the iterative steps will stop after the approximate error is less than
or equal to 0.001%. As the results, the calculated temperatures for case 1 and case 2 have been
demonstrated in Table 4 and 5, respectively.

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 7

Table 4 The calculated temperature (Tij for i = 2…19, j = 2…4) of case 1 (note: the initial values are equal to zero)
(oF) Iteration |εa|between#34 and #33
node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .......... 33 34 (%)
T(2,2) -86.047 -116.982 -133.804 -144.013 -150.681 -155.121 -158.129 -160.195 -161.631 -162.638 -163.350 -163.856 -164.218 -164.478 -164.664 -164.799 .......... -165.153 -165.153 0.0003%
T(2,3) -63.990 -102.514 -123.275 -135.852 -143.840 -149.101 -152.655 -155.100 -156.802 -158.000 -158.849 -159.454 -159.887 -160.198 -160.423 -160.585 .......... -161.011 -161.011 0.0003%
T(2,4) -92.225 -119.114 -132.240 -139.765 -144.473 -147.566 -149.661 -151.106 -152.116 -152.829 -153.336 -153.697 -153.957 -154.144 -154.279 -154.376 .......... -154.633 -154.633 0.0002%
T(3,2) -59.751 -88.513 -108.589 -122.683 -132.455 -139.224 -143.936 -147.235 -149.561 -151.211 -152.387 -153.229 -153.834 -154.270 -154.585 -154.813 .......... -155.413 -155.414 0.0005%
T(3,3) -30.935 -70.271 -97.241 -115.002 -126.900 -135.015 -140.631 -144.561 -147.334 -149.305 -150.712 -151.721 -152.447 -152.971 -153.350 -153.624 .......... -154.347 -154.348 0.0005%
T(3,4) -69.029 -100.773 -118.296 -129.138 -136.252 -141.075 -144.412 -146.750 -148.404 -149.581 -150.424 -151.029 -151.465 -151.780 -152.008 -152.173 .......... -152.609 -152.609 0.0003%
T(4,2) -53.177 -77.324 -96.520 -111.180 -121.921 -129.643 -135.159 -139.098 -141.917 -143.939 -145.393 -146.442 -147.201 -147.749 -148.147 -148.436 .......... -149.200 -149.201 0.0006%
T(4,3) -21.028 -56.326 -83.180 -102.167 -115.482 -124.857 -131.497 -136.223 -139.604 -142.030 -143.777 -145.038 -145.950 -146.611 -147.091 -147.439 .......... -148.359 -148.360 0.0007%
T(4,4) -60.753 -90.747 -108.830 -120.679 -128.763 -134.399 -138.378 -141.209 -143.236 -144.692 -145.741 -146.500 -147.048 -147.446 -147.735 -147.945 .......... -148.500 -148.500 0.0004%
T(5,2) -46.798 -68.210 -85.900 -100.106 -110.908 -118.887 -124.705 -128.926 -131.984 -134.200 -135.807 -136.974 -137.821 -138.437 -138.885 -139.211 .......... -140.073 -140.074 0.0007%
T(5,3) -16.956 -48.211 -73.655 -92.428 -106.008 -115.798 -122.857 -127.955 -131.641 -134.312 -136.248 -137.654 -138.676 -139.419 -139.959 -140.352 .......... -141.392 -141.393 0.0008%
T(5,4) -52.931 -80.888 -98.453 -110.362 -118.707 -124.646 -128.907 -131.979 -134.199 -135.808 -136.975 -137.822 -138.438 -138.886 -139.212 -139.449 .......... -140.076 -140.076 0.0005%
T(6,2) -44.545 -64.854 -81.576 -95.270 -105.883 -113.849 -119.734 -124.050 -127.206 -129.509 -131.189 -132.415 -133.308 -133.959 -134.433 -134.778 .......... -135.690 -135.691 0.0008%
T(6,3) -15.375 -44.650 -68.984 -87.281 -100.740 -110.580 -117.761 -122.998 -126.817 -129.601 -131.631 -133.110 -134.188 -134.974 -135.546 -135.962 .......... -137.061 -137.063 0.0009%
T(6,4) -50.580 -77.313 -94.326 -106.041 -114.373 -120.380 -124.737 -127.906 -130.213 -131.895 -133.121 -134.014 -134.665 -135.139 -135.484 -135.735 .......... -136.397 -136.398 0.0005%
T(7,2) -44.451 -64.374 -80.607 -93.962 -104.387 -112.270 -118.133 -122.460 -125.639 -127.969 -129.673 -130.919 -131.828 -132.490 -132.973 -133.324 .......... -134.247 -134.248 0.0008%
T(7,3) -14.956 -43.392 -67.101 -85.027 -98.302 -108.074 -115.252 -120.515 -124.369 -127.190 -129.251 -130.756 -131.854 -132.654 -133.236 -133.660 .......... -134.770 -134.771 0.0009%
T(7,4) -49.699 -75.853 -92.506 -104.030 -112.278 -118.263 -122.630 -125.822 -128.156 -129.862 -131.108 -132.017 -132.680 -133.162 -133.513 -133.769 .......... -134.437 -134.438 0.0005%
T(8,2) -44.427 -64.202 -80.219 -93.379 -103.671 -111.467 -117.280 -121.577 -124.738 -127.055 -128.751 -129.989 -130.891 -131.547 -132.024 -132.371 .......... -133.271 -133.272 0.0007%
T(8,3) -14.846 -42.960 -66.357 -84.050 -97.170 -106.849 -113.970 -119.200 -123.034 -125.839 -127.889 -129.384 -130.473 -131.264 -131.839 -132.256 .......... -133.339 -133.340 0.0009%
T(8,4) -49.451 -75.339 -91.796 -103.179 -111.341 -117.273 -121.609 -124.783 -127.104 -128.801 -130.039 -130.942 -131.598 -132.075 -132.421 -132.672 .......... -133.323 -133.324 0.0005%
T(9,2) -44.332 -64.051 -79.941 -92.989 -103.171 -110.882 -116.620 -120.854 -123.961 -126.233 -127.889 -129.094 -129.969 -130.603 -131.061 -131.393 .......... -132.245 -132.246 0.0007%
T(9,3) -14.794 -42.768 -65.998 -83.528 -96.512 -106.074 -113.097 -118.245 -122.008 -124.753 -126.752 -128.204 -129.257 -130.020 -130.572 -130.970 .......... -131.993 -131.994 0.0008%
T(9,4) -49.286 -75.062 -91.378 -102.657 -110.723 -116.580 -120.851 -123.970 -126.245 -127.902 -129.107 -129.982 -130.616 -131.075 -131.406 -131.646 .......... -132.259 -132.260 0.0005%
T(10,2) -44.308 -63.878 -79.681 -92.587 -102.649 -110.226 -115.844 -119.964 -122.969 -125.153 -126.736 -127.881 -128.707 -129.302 -129.730 -130.038 .......... -130.819 -130.820 0.0006%
T(10,3) -14.776 -42.631 -65.695 -83.051 -95.840 -105.221 -112.073 -117.066 -120.694 -123.326 -125.230 -126.605 -127.597 -128.311 -128.825 -129.194 .......... -130.130 -130.131 0.0007%
T(10,4) -49.240 -74.818 -91.021 -102.142 -110.073 -115.800 -119.954 -122.969 -125.156 -126.740 -127.885 -128.711 -129.306 -129.734 -130.042 -130.263 .......... -130.824 -130.824 0.0004%
T(11,2) -43.785 -63.251 -78.764 -91.475 -101.282 -108.635 -114.029 -117.951 -120.788 -122.832 -124.301 -125.355 -126.109 -126.650 -127.036 -127.312 .......... -128.006 -128.006 0.0005%
T(11,3) -14.640 -42.284 -65.068 -82.059 -94.510 -103.553 -110.101 -114.831 -118.240 -120.693 -122.453 -123.714 -124.617 -125.263 -125.726 -126.056 .......... -126.885 -126.886 0.0006%
T(11,4) -48.678 -74.114 -89.960 -100.830 -108.500 -113.991 -117.942 -120.786 -122.832 -124.302 -125.356 -126.110 -126.651 -127.037 -127.313 -127.511 .......... -128.007 -128.008 0.0004%
T(12,2) -43.655 -62.258 -77.411 -89.587 -98.971 -105.886 -110.908 -114.518 -117.100 -118.942 -120.252 -121.183 -121.846 -122.318 -122.653 -122.892 .......... -123.486 -123.487 0.0005%
T(12,3) -14.574 -41.700 -63.748 -80.089 -91.857 -100.310 -106.365 -110.694 -113.780 -115.978 -117.540 -118.651 -119.442 -120.004 -120.405 -120.691 .......... -121.400 -121.401 0.0006%
T(12,4) -48.521 -72.918 -88.285 -98.582 -105.780 -110.879 -114.511 -117.099 -118.942 -120.252 -121.184 -121.846 -122.318 -122.654 -122.893 -123.063 .......... -123.487 -123.488 0.0003%
T(13,2) -40.373 -58.346 -72.293 -83.681 -92.219 -98.458 -102.921 -106.087 -108.321 -109.896 -111.006 -111.791 -112.346 -112.740 -113.019 -113.218 .......... -113.709 -113.709 0.0004%
T(13,3) -13.737 -39.598 -60.426 -75.365 -86.021 -93.573 -98.915 -102.682 -105.335 -107.204 -108.524 -109.458 -110.119 -110.588 -110.921 -111.158 .......... -111.744 -111.744 0.0005%
T(13,4) -45.023 -68.599 -82.575 -91.930 -98.383 -102.905 -106.084 -108.321 -109.895 -111.006 -111.791 -112.346 -112.740 -113.019 -113.218 -113.359 .......... -113.709 -113.709 0.0003%
T(14,2) -39.552 -54.329 -66.873 -76.705 -84.090 -89.366 -93.080 -95.667 -97.470 -98.732 -99.619 -100.244 -100.687 -101.000 -101.222 -101.380 .......... -101.769 -101.770 0.0004%
T(14,3) -13.322 -37.064 -55.116 -68.080 -77.143 -83.469 -87.862 -90.916 -93.049 -94.545 -95.598 -96.341 -96.867 -97.241 -97.505 -97.694 .......... -98.158 -98.159 0.0004%
T(14,4) -44.045 -63.752 -75.936 -83.894 -89.331 -93.074 -95.665 -97.470 -98.732 -99.619 -100.244 -100.687 -101.000 -101.222 -101.380 -101.492 .......... -101.770 -101.770 0.0003%
T(15,2) -27.813 -40.297 -50.187 -58.223 -64.026 -68.096 -70.882 -72.806 -74.147 -75.089 -75.753 -76.223 -76.556 -76.793 -76.961 -77.080 .......... -77.375 -77.375 0.0004%
T(15,3) -10.284 -29.415 -44.314 -54.566 -61.606 -66.379 -69.652 -71.922 -73.510 -74.628 -75.418 -75.978 -76.375 -76.657 -76.857 -77.000 .......... -77.351 -77.352 0.0004%
T(15,4) -31.507 -48.216 -57.730 -63.963 -68.085 -70.880 -72.805 -74.147 -75.089 -75.753 -76.223 -76.556 -76.793 -76.961 -77.080 -77.165 .......... -77.375 -77.375 0.0003%
T(16,2) -24.878 -32.762 -40.174 -45.749 -49.713 -52.368 -54.205 -55.498 -56.414 -57.066 -57.531 -57.861 -58.097 -58.265 -58.385 -58.470 .......... -58.681 -58.681 0.0003%
T(16,3) -8.790 -23.735 -34.232 -41.291 -45.868 -48.983 -51.160 -52.699 -53.792 -54.570 -55.124 -55.519 -55.801 -56.001 -56.144 -56.246 .......... -56.498 -56.498 0.0004%
T(16,4) -27.999 -38.971 -45.692 -49.706 -52.366 -54.205 -55.498 -56.414 -57.066 -57.531 -57.861 -58.097 -58.265 -58.385 -58.470 -58.531 .......... -58.681 -58.682 0.0002%
T(17,2) -10.262 -15.076 -18.841 -21.835 -23.810 -25.256 -26.326 -27.113 -27.686 -28.101 -28.400 -28.615 -28.769 -28.879 -28.958 -29.015 .......... -29.154 -29.154 0.0004%
T(17,3) -4.763 -13.472 -19.157 -22.447 -24.820 -26.579 -27.878 -28.828 -29.518 -30.017 -30.376 -30.633 -30.818 -30.950 -31.044 -31.111 .......... -31.277 -31.278 0.0005%
T(17,4) -12.233 -19.106 -21.872 -23.814 -25.257 -26.326 -27.113 -27.686 -28.101 -28.400 -28.615 -28.769 -28.879 -28.958 -29.015 -29.055 .......... -29.154 -29.154 0.0003%
T(18,2) -6.608 -5.550 -6.262 -6.910 -7.667 -8.351 -8.905 -9.330 -9.648 -9.882 -10.053 -10.176 -10.265 -10.328 -10.374 -10.406 .......... -10.487 -10.487 0.0007%
T(18,3) -2.843 -4.450 -4.791 -5.787 -6.821 -7.698 -8.388 -8.910 -9.296 -9.579 -9.784 -9.932 -10.038 -10.114 -10.169 -10.208 .......... -10.304 -10.304 0.0009%
T(18,4) -7.812 -6.470 -6.932 -7.669 -8.351 -8.905 -9.330 -9.648 -9.882 -10.053 -10.176 -10.265 -10.328 -10.374 -10.406 -10.430 .......... -10.487 -10.487 0.0005%
T(19,2) 11.890 14.413 15.158 15.100 14.844 14.577 14.350 14.172 14.038 13.938 13.866 13.813 13.775 13.748 13.728 13.714 .......... 13.679 13.679 0.0002%
T(19,3) 9.033 12.724 13.140 12.873 12.488 12.135 11.849 11.630 11.466 11.346 11.258 11.195 11.149 11.117 11.093 11.077 .......... 11.035 11.035 0.0003%
T(19,4) 13.848 15.106 15.094 14.843 14.577 14.350 14.172 14.038 13.938 13.866 13.813 13.775 13.748 13.728 13.714 13.704 .......... 13.679 13.679 0.0002%

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 8

Table 5 The calculated temperature (Tij for i = 2…19, j = 2…4) of case 2 (note: the initial values are equal to zero)
(oF) Iteration |εa|between#34 and #33
node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .......... 33 34 (%)
T(2,2) -86.217 -117.428 -134.400 -144.779 -151.597 -156.187 -159.325 -161.497 -163.014 -164.081 -164.836 -165.374 -165.758 -166.033 -166.230 -166.373 .......... -166.744 -166.744 0.0003%
T(2,3) -64.202 -102.919 -123.911 -136.709 -144.930 -150.400 -154.124 -156.700 -158.502 -159.773 -160.674 -161.316 -161.775 -162.105 -162.342 -162.513 .......... -162.959 -162.960 0.0003%
T(2,4) -92.448 -119.629 -132.935 -140.648 -145.524 -148.756 -150.958 -152.484 -153.555 -154.312 -154.849 -155.233 -155.509 -155.706 -155.849 -155.951 .......... -156.220 -156.220 0.0002%
T(3,2) -60.645 -89.813 -110.338 -124.814 -134.950 -142.034 -146.996 -150.487 -152.954 -154.706 -155.955 -156.848 -157.489 -157.950 -158.282 -158.522 .......... -159.150 -159.151 0.0005%
T(3,3) -31.212 -71.026 -98.531 -116.885 -129.299 -137.825 -143.756 -147.920 -150.864 -152.957 -154.450 -155.520 -156.289 -156.842 -157.241 -157.530 .......... -158.285 -158.286 0.0005%
T(3,4) -70.005 -102.237 -120.293 -131.577 -139.033 -144.117 -147.648 -150.128 -151.884 -153.134 -154.028 -154.669 -155.130 -155.462 -155.702 -155.876 .......... -156.331 -156.331 0.0003%
T(4,2) -54.252 -79.564 -99.586 -114.955 -126.290 -134.472 -140.333 -144.522 -147.517 -149.664 -151.206 -152.316 -153.117 -153.695 -154.113 -154.416 .......... -155.211 -155.212 0.0006%
T(4,3) -21.366 -57.636 -85.724 -105.738 -119.834 -129.788 -136.847 -141.872 -145.464 -148.038 -149.888 -151.221 -152.183 -152.878 -153.381 -153.746 .......... -154.704 -154.705 0.0007%
T(4,4) -61.933 -93.344 -112.412 -124.947 -133.525 -139.515 -143.746 -146.755 -148.907 -150.450 -151.560 -152.361 -152.939 -153.358 -153.660 -153.880 .......... -154.457 -154.457 0.0004%
T(5,2) -50.716 -74.007 -92.918 -108.110 -119.657 -128.185 -134.390 -138.881 -142.126 -144.470 -146.167 -147.395 -148.284 -148.930 -149.398 -149.738 .......... -150.632 -150.633 0.0007%
T(5,3) -18.020 -51.437 -78.699 -98.800 -113.330 -123.783 -131.302 -136.718 -140.624 -143.446 -145.487 -146.965 -148.037 -148.814 -149.378 -149.788 .......... -150.865 -150.866 0.0008%
T(5,4) -57.141 -87.268 -106.111 -118.872 -127.793 -134.126 -138.658 -141.917 -144.266 -145.964 -147.192 -148.082 -148.728 -149.196 -149.536 -149.782 .......... -150.431 -150.432 0.0005%
T(6,2) -49.832 -72.038 -90.174 -104.928 -116.326 -124.833 -131.088 -135.655 -138.982 -141.402 -143.163 -144.444 -145.375 -146.052 -146.544 -146.902 .......... -147.843 -147.844 0.0007%
T(6,3) -16.963 -48.884 -75.239 -94.958 -109.367 -119.846 -127.459 -132.989 -137.008 -139.929 -142.053 -143.598 -144.721 -145.537 -146.131 -146.562 .......... -147.695 -147.696 0.0008%
T(6,4) -55.679 -84.723 -103.129 -115.704 -124.594 -130.974 -135.583 -138.923 -141.348 -143.110 -144.391 -145.322 -146.000 -146.492 -146.850 -147.109 .......... -147.791 -147.792 0.0005%
T(7,2) -48.569 -70.280 -87.752 -102.077 -113.170 -121.503 -127.669 -132.201 -135.519 -137.945 -139.715 -141.006 -141.946 -142.630 -143.128 -143.489 .......... -144.435 -144.436 0.0007%
T(7,3) -16.383 -47.363 -72.975 -92.109 -106.173 -116.471 -124.001 -129.503 -133.521 -136.453 -138.591 -140.150 -141.284 -142.110 -142.709 -143.145 .......... -144.284 -144.285 0.0009%
T(7,4) -54.127 -82.553 -100.373 -112.606 -121.312 -127.602 -132.174 -135.506 -137.935 -139.707 -140.998 -141.938 -142.622 -143.120 -143.481 -143.744 .......... -144.429 -144.430 0.0005%
T(8,2) -48.254 -69.026 -85.959 -99.798 -110.559 -118.673 -124.703 -129.148 -132.410 -134.798 -136.542 -137.813 -138.738 -139.411 -139.900 -140.254 .......... -141.173 -141.174 0.0007%
T(8,3) -16.159 -46.354 -71.027 -89.550 -103.222 -113.273 -120.647 -126.050 -130.003 -132.891 -134.998 -136.532 -137.648 -138.459 -139.047 -139.473 .......... -140.578 -140.579 0.0008%
T(8,4) -53.683 -80.942 -98.166 -110.035 -118.518 -124.667 -129.151 -132.426 -134.818 -136.563 -137.835 -138.760 -139.433 -139.921 -140.275 -140.532 .......... -141.196 -141.196 0.0005%
T(9,2) -45.219 -65.286 -81.643 -95.069 -105.524 -113.426 -119.297 -123.625 -126.797 -129.115 -130.803 -132.030 -132.921 -133.566 -134.032 -134.369 .......... -135.235 -135.236 0.0007%
T(9,3) -15.345 -44.232 -68.126 -86.120 -99.428 -109.216 -116.398 -121.655 -125.495 -128.294 -130.331 -131.810 -132.882 -133.658 -134.219 -134.624 .......... -135.662 -135.663 0.0008%
T(9,4) -50.413 -76.819 -93.537 -105.092 -113.349 -119.339 -123.704 -126.888 -129.208 -130.898 -132.125 -133.016 -133.661 -134.127 -134.465 -134.708 .......... -135.331 -135.331 0.0005%
T(10,2) -44.150 -63.759 -79.729 -92.791 -102.977 -110.646 -116.331 -120.501 -123.542 -125.751 -127.353 -128.511 -129.346 -129.948 -130.381 -130.693 .......... -131.483 -131.483 0.0006%
T(10,3) -14.874 -43.015 -66.325 -83.877 -96.816 -106.307 -113.241 -118.293 -121.964 -124.626 -126.552 -127.944 -128.947 -129.669 -130.189 -130.562 .......... -131.508 -131.509 0.0007%
T(10,4) -49.478 -75.233 -91.588 -102.827 -110.849 -116.643 -120.846 -123.896 -126.109 -127.711 -128.869 -129.705 -130.307 -130.740 -131.051 -131.275 .......... -131.842 -131.842 0.0004%
T(11,2) -43.493 -62.876 -78.391 -91.126 -100.961 -108.340 -113.755 -117.696 -120.546 -122.601 -124.079 -125.139 -125.898 -126.442 -126.831 -127.110 .......... -127.808 -127.809 0.0005%
T(11,3) -14.592 -42.211 -65.010 -82.032 -94.519 -103.594 -110.170 -114.922 -118.349 -120.815 -122.586 -123.855 -124.764 -125.414 -125.880 -126.213 .......... -127.049 -127.050 0.0006%
T(11,4) -48.473 -73.865 -89.717 -100.607 -108.300 -113.813 -117.781 -120.640 -122.697 -124.175 -125.235 -125.994 -126.538 -126.928 -127.206 -127.405 .......... -127.905 -127.906 0.0004%
T(12,2) -43.329 -61.801 -76.880 -89.013 -98.371 -105.273 -110.289 -113.897 -116.481 -118.324 -119.636 -120.570 -121.234 -121.707 -122.044 -122.284 .......... -122.881 -122.881 0.0005%
T(12,3) -14.480 -41.458 -63.407 -79.691 -91.429 -99.869 -105.920 -110.248 -113.336 -115.536 -117.102 -118.215 -119.008 -119.572 -119.975 -120.261 .......... -120.975 -120.976 0.0006%
T(12,4) -48.194 -72.448 -87.747 -98.010 -105.193 -110.286 -113.917 -116.505 -118.349 -119.662 -120.595 -121.260 -121.733 -122.070 -122.310 -122.481 .......... -122.907 -122.908 0.0003%
T(13,2) -40.023 -57.847 -71.695 -83.009 -91.499 -97.707 -102.151 -105.307 -107.535 -109.106 -110.215 -110.999 -111.554 -111.948 -112.228 -112.427 .......... -112.919 -112.919 0.0004%
T(13,3) -13.626 -39.289 -59.972 -74.818 -85.416 -92.934 -98.255 -102.010 -104.657 -106.523 -107.842 -108.775 -109.436 -109.905 -110.239 -110.476 .......... -111.064 -111.064 0.0005%
T(13,4) -44.646 -68.039 -81.919 -91.219 -97.639 -102.142 -105.310 -107.541 -109.112 -110.222 -111.006 -111.561 -111.955 -112.235 -112.434 -112.575 .......... -112.926 -112.926 0.0003%
T(14,2) -39.197 -53.846 -66.287 -76.044 -83.375 -88.617 -92.310 -94.883 -96.678 -97.935 -98.819 -99.443 -99.885 -100.197 -100.419 -100.577 .......... -100.967 -100.967 0.0004%
T(14,3) -13.206 -36.746 -54.652 -67.519 -76.519 -82.806 -87.175 -90.215 -92.338 -93.829 -94.879 -95.621 -96.146 -96.519 -96.783 -96.972 .......... -97.437 -97.437 0.0004%
T(14,4) -43.654 -63.195 -75.282 -83.183 -88.584 -92.305 -94.884 -96.680 -97.937 -98.821 -99.445 -99.886 -100.199 -100.421 -100.579 -100.691 .......... -100.969 -100.969 0.0003%
T(15,2) -27.566 -39.942 -49.748 -57.719 -63.477 -67.518 -70.286 -72.198 -73.532 -74.469 -75.131 -75.599 -75.931 -76.167 -76.334 -76.454 .......... -76.748 -76.749 0.0004%
T(15,3) -10.193 -29.157 -43.931 -54.102 -61.090 -65.831 -69.083 -71.340 -72.920 -74.033 -74.820 -75.377 -75.773 -76.054 -76.254 -76.396 .......... -76.748 -76.748 0.0004%
T(15,4) -31.229 -47.793 -57.230 -63.415 -67.508 -70.284 -72.198 -73.533 -74.470 -75.131 -75.599 -75.931 -76.167 -76.335 -76.454 -76.539 .......... -76.749 -76.749 0.0003%
T(16,2) -24.659 -32.480 -39.832 -45.362 -49.296 -51.933 -53.758 -55.042 -55.953 -56.602 -57.064 -57.393 -57.628 -57.795 -57.915 -58.000 .......... -58.210 -58.211 0.0003%
T(16,3) -8.713 -23.529 -33.943 -40.947 -45.491 -48.585 -50.748 -52.277 -53.364 -54.138 -54.689 -55.083 -55.363 -55.563 -55.705 -55.807 .......... -56.059 -56.059 0.0004%
T(16,4) -27.753 -38.636 -45.305 -49.290 -51.932 -53.757 -55.042 -55.954 -56.602 -57.064 -57.393 -57.628 -57.796 -57.915 -58.000 -58.061 .......... -58.211 -58.211 0.0002%
T(17,2) -10.197 -14.980 -18.719 -21.692 -23.654 -25.091 -26.154 -26.936 -27.505 -27.918 -28.216 -28.430 -28.583 -28.693 -28.771 -28.827 .......... -28.966 -28.967 0.0004%
T(17,3) -4.728 -13.372 -19.020 -22.288 -24.645 -26.394 -27.684 -28.628 -29.314 -29.810 -30.167 -30.423 -30.607 -30.738 -30.832 -30.899 .......... -31.065 -31.065 0.0005%
T(17,4) -12.153 -18.979 -21.729 -23.658 -25.091 -26.154 -26.936 -27.505 -27.918 -28.216 -28.430 -28.583 -28.693 -28.771 -28.827 -28.867 .......... -28.967 -28.967 0.0003%
T(18,2) -6.582 -5.542 -6.255 -6.902 -7.655 -8.335 -8.886 -9.309 -9.625 -9.858 -10.027 -10.149 -10.238 -10.301 -10.346 -10.379 .......... -10.460 -10.460 0.0007%
T(18,3) -2.827 -4.437 -4.785 -5.778 -6.806 -7.679 -8.364 -8.883 -9.267 -9.548 -9.752 -9.899 -10.004 -10.080 -10.134 -10.173 .......... -10.270 -10.270 0.0009%
T(18,4) -7.778 -6.460 -6.924 -7.658 -8.336 -8.886 -9.309 -9.625 -9.858 -10.027 -10.149 -10.238 -10.301 -10.346 -10.379 -10.402 .......... -10.460 -10.460 0.0005%
T(19,2) 11.772 14.268 15.002 14.942 14.687 14.421 14.196 14.019 13.885 13.786 13.714 13.662 13.624 13.597 13.577 13.563 .......... 13.529 13.529 0.0002%
T(19,3) 8.945 12.594 13.000 12.734 12.350 11.999 11.715 11.497 11.334 11.215 11.128 11.065 11.019 10.987 10.964 10.947 .......... 10.905 10.905 0.0004%
T(19,4) 13.709 14.951 14.936 14.686 14.421 14.196 14.019 13.885 13.786 13.714 13.662 13.624 13.597 13.577 13.563 13.553 .......... 13.529 13.529 0.0002%

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 9

Then, the outputs and boundary conditions are set into the same matrix form in
dimension 20x5 as previously illustrated in Figure 3 for case 1 and case 2. So far by using the
contour plot for both cases, the temperature profiles are graphically shown in Figure 4.

Tray 1 Tray 1

Tray 2 Tray 2

Tray 3 Tray 3

Tray 4 Tray 4

Temperature (oF)
Temperature (oF)

Node position (i)

Node position (i)

Tray 5 Tray 5

Tray 6 Tray 6

Tray 7 Tray 7

Tray 8 Tray 8

Tray 9 Tray 9

Tray 10 Tray 10

Node position (j) Node position (j)

Figure 4 The temperature profiles of demethanizer column for case 1 and case 2, respectively

Table 4 and Figure 7 summarize the comparisons between the calculated solutions and
the analytical solutions using PRO/II 7.0. As the results, the calculated solutions are in a good
agreement with the analytical solutions.

Table 6 The calculated solutions comparing with the analytical solutions using PRO/II 7.0
Tray Case 1 (oF) Case 2 (oF)
Position Analytical Calculated Analytical Calculated
|εt| (%) |εt| (%)
solution results solution results
1 -169.912 -164.997 2.892% -170.590 -166.158 2.598%
2 -152.956 -150.394 1.675% -156.362 -155.419 0.603%
3 -134.015 -134.909 0.667% -148.612 -148.111 0.337%
4 -133.258 -133.290 0.024% -144.446 -142.367 1.439%
5 -132.899 -131.514 1.042% -132.624 -131.768 0.646%
6 -130.833 -126.008 3.688% -129.823 -125.282 3.498%
7 -117.836 -107.474 8.794% -116.765 -106.580 8.722%
8 -71.699 -63.452 11.502% -71.069 -62.923 11.461%
9 -16.170 -12.724 21.313% -16.131 -12.690 21.330%
10 27.085 27.085 0.000% 26.834 26.834 0.000%
Avarege of true error 5.160% 5.063%
Note the calculated results are based on the average temperature at the same row but different column.

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 10

CASE 1: Analytical solution based on PRO/II
CASE 1: PDE based on AE method
0 CASE 2: Analytical solution based on PRO/II
CASE 2: PDE based on AE method

Temperature ( F)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tray number in the column

Figure 5 The comparisons between calculated results and analytical solution using PRO/II 7.0

By means of partial differential equation (PDE) and algebraic difference approximation
by an approach of Gauss-Seidel method, the mathematical model provides the results that have a
good agreement with the results obtained from analytical solutions using PRO/II 7.0. The results
obtained from the mathematical model have an approximate average true error of five percents.

1. Graduate course materials for ENGG 815, Dr. Nader Mahinpey, 2006.
2. S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, Numerical methods for engineers with programming and
software application, 1998, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions.
3. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith, P. Harriott, Unit operations of chemical engineering, 1993, 5th
Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions.
4. J.M. Smith, H.C. Van Ness, H.M. Abbott, Introduction to chemical engineering
thermodynamics, 1999, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill International Editions.
5. PRO/II 7.0, SimSci-Esscor,
6. MATLAB, The MathWorks,
7. W.L. Luyben, Evaluation of criteria for selecting temperature control trays in distillation
columns, 16 (2006) 115–134.

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 11

Teerawat Sanpasertparnich, [email protected] 12

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