Flows: Pressure Drops and Void Fractions in Horizontal Two-Phase Potassium

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Pressure Drops and Void Fractions in

Horizontal Two-Phase Flows





University of Michigan, A n n Arbor, Michigan

Vapor-liquid flow of a potassium-8% sodium mixture was studied with the use of o boiling
heat transfer test loop. Pressure drop data were obtained from a 36-in. long, 0.495-in. I.D.
unheated test section. Void fractions were measured at the midpoint of the test section with
gamma ray attenuation.
Flows were essentially frictional. Quality, total flow rate, and absolute pressure were the
principal variables affecting the pressure drop results, which were correlated in terms of a
two-phase friction factor. A metallic void fraction correlation was developed from previously
reported data for other metollic fluids together with the potassium data of this study.
The potassium two phase friction factors fall substantially lower than volues predicted by wellknown frictional pressure drop correlations. Metallic void friction values are appreciably lower
than data for other fluid systems. Velocity slip ratios appear to be much higher than for other
fluid systems due to high liquid-to-vapor density ratios and low void fractions.

In recent years metallic fluids have received consideration as possible heat transfer media in space electrical
power generation cycles which involve boiling and condensing of the carrier fluid. The rigorous designs required
in such applications necessitate the ability to make highly
accurate predictions of two-phase flow phenomena. Although a voluminous literature exists on the subject of
two-phase fluid flow, little has been reported on flow of
metallic systems. The two-phase pressure drop along a
tube in general is the summation of losses due to friction,
acceleration effects, and hydrostatic head. Two-phase values usually are greater than those experienced in singlephase flows with comparable fluid throughputs. Frictional
losses are always present and occur for any orientation of
the flow channel and for adiabatic or heated conditions.
Acceleration losses occur in forced-circulation boiling
flows, where the continuous phase chan e causes the mixture density to vary along the tube. Suc losses also occur
in adiabatic flow at low pressure levels. Hydrostatic head
terms are present only for vertical or inclined flow systems.
Knowledge of the mean two-phase mixture density is
necessary in prediction of acceleration losses and hydrostatic head. In vapor-liquid flow, the mean velocities of
the two phases, based on the cross-sectional area of each,
generally are not equal. Because of this slip, the true
fraction of the pipe cross section occupied by either phase
differs from that calculated on the basis of the volumes of
gas and liquid entering the tube. As a result, the mean
mixture density cannot be calculated on the basis of quality (vapor mass fraction) alone, but requires a knowledge
of the void fraction (fraction of the channel cross section
occupied by vapor). Void fraction, then, is an important
parameter in predicting the hydraulics of many two-phase
flow systems, since without it the accelerative and hydrostatic contributions to the pressure drop cannot be evaluated.
In this study, potassium two-phase pressure drop and
void fraction data were obtained from a boiling heat transfer test loop. Two-phase mixtures were generated in a
preheater section, and the pressure drops were measured

over a horizontal 3-ft. length of 0.495-in. 1.D. tube. Mixture qualities at the ends of this test section were obtained
by heat balance. Void fractions were measured at the
middle of the pressure drop section using single-shot
gamma ray attenuation.
The potassium test loop included a heat transfer test
section, a double-pipe type of exchanger, in which condensing sodium on the shell side transferred heat to twophase potassium flowing on the tube-side. Prior to making
experimental runs a leak developed in this test section,
allowing sodium to enter the potassium system. Two-phase
flow runs were not prevented but the data obtained are
for flows of a potassium-sodium mixture containing 8%
sodium by weight. Chemical analysis of fluid samples
showed that this composition was constant over the period
during which the two-phase flow data were obtained. In
this paper the fluid is referred to as potassium. A study of
the data indicates that the results closely approximate the
two-phase flow behavior of pure potassium (1) .

Lowell R. Smith is with Pan American Petroleum Corporation, Tulsa,


Fig. 1. Simplified flow diagram of boiling metal test loop.

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A.1.Ch.E. Journal

January, 1966

The Potassium Test Loop

Two-phase flow studies were conducted in a specially instrumented test section incorporated within a forced-circulation
heat transfer loop. The loop was designed for use with
molten alkali metals as the circulating fluids. A flow diagram
of the system is shown in Figure 1. Liquid potassium flowed
from the electromagnetic pump through the throttle valve,
the magnetic flowmeter, and then entered the preheater where
vapor was generated. The resulting two-phase mixture passed
through the heat transfer section and the horizontal pressure
drop test section. Flow continued through the condenser and
into the hot well from which liquid was returned to the pump
via the subcooler. The circuit was equipped with a liquid
metal supply tank as well as valves and auxiliary lines for
bleeding, pressurizing, venting, levelling, and draining.
The pump was a Mine Safety Research Style I1 electromagnetic conduction pump. Liquid flow rate was controlled
by varying the applied voltage to the pump or by regulating
the throttle valve, which was a stainless steel bellows sealed
ball valve. The flowmeter was a Mine Safety Research Style
FM-2 magnetic flow meter. Accuracy of measured flow rates
was found to be better than 2.8% ( 1).
The preheater consisted of three parallel 45-in. lengths of
4-in. O.D. x 3-in. I.D. Haynes-25 pipe heated by electrical
radiant heaters. The total rated power was 30 kw., and values
were measured to within 0.1 kw.
The heat transfer section was a double-pipe heat exchanger
designed for condensation of sodium vapor in the annulus
with two-phase potassium flowing in the central tube. The
details of the mechanical design of this section are furnished
by Balzhiser et al. (2). As mentioned previously, the thin
inner wall of this section developed a leak, preventing experimental use of the section during two-phase flow runs.
The condenser and subcooler each consisted of 10 ft. of
stainless steel finned tube over which air was passed at rates
up to 800 std. cu. ft./min. The subcooler's specific function
was to help prevent pump cavitation by subcooling the liquid
flowing from the hot well. Functions of the hot well were
to assure a liquid level above the pump intake even in the
event of large flow rate instabilities, to act as an accumulating
chamber for system cover gas (argon), and to act as an expansion tank for liquid.
Four thermocouples (TC 25, TC 26, TC 30, TC 31 ) were
vital to the establishment of a loop heat balance. These
platinum-platinum 10% rhodium thermocouples were calibrated against a National Bureau of Standards secondary
standard and provided measurements accurate to within 1"F.
Standardized thermocouple lead wire connected all thermocouples to a potentiometer selector switch, and all were electrically insulated from the loop. About forty other chromelalumel thermocouples were used to monitor loop operation.
All piping was traced with electrical warmup heaters, and
a zirconium chip hot trap was employed to maintain low
oxygen concentraticn. The loop was remotely operated from
a control panel which contained several automatic safety
features in addition to operating controls. Smith ( 1 ) provides
a detailed description of the potassium loop.
For each pressure drop and void fraction value, the fluid
quality was calculated at both pressure taps by a heat balance.
Equilibrium was assumed to exist between liquid and vapor
at both points. Heat loss data, essential for quality calculations, were obtained from a series of all-liquid runs. The heat
losses from the preheater, heat transfer section, and pressure
drop section were essentially independent of flow rate and
were correlated as functions of fluid temperature ( 1 ).

transmitting diaphragm assembly. The pressure transmitting

fluid internal to the assembly was sodium-potassium eutectic
alloy. The zero point of the transmitter exhibited a slight drift
which was periodically checked and corrected. Data were recorded with a Taylor Transcope Recorder. Values were accurate to 1% of full scale, which was set at 100 or 300 in. of
Fluid temperatures were measured 10 in. upstream and 13
in. downstream of the inlet and outlet pressure taps, respectively. These well types of thermocouples (TC 30 and
TC 31) were located away from the ends of the test section
to minimize their effect on flow patterns. These calming distances appear adequate in view of Richardson's observation
( 3 ) that sudden areal expansions caused no void fraction
changes for air-water flow ( a ranging from 0.30 to 0.80).
Temperatures at the pressure taps were estimated from the
thermocouple readings by using the experimental pressure
gradient and by assuming thermodynamic equilibrium existed.
Accuracy of the estimated pressure tap temperatures was
shown to be better than 0.3% for values above 1,000"F. ( I ) .
Except at the point of void fraction measurement, the test
section was covered with 4 in. of insulation (as was much of
the loop).
Void Fraction Measurement

The theoretical basis of the gamma ray attenuation technique for measuring void fractions has been reviewed elsewhere (1, 3 ) . Although the mean two-phase fluid density in
the region traversed by the radiation beam is sought, this
value is not directly obtained in practice due to lack of appropriate absorption coefficients. The usual procedure is to
obtain the void fraction by interpolation between detector signals read for single-phase liquid and vapor flows. For the
probable flow regimes encountered, it can be shown from
Beer's Law that ( 1 , 3 )
In ( N / N z )

Correct application of Equation (1) requires that a11 the count

rates be observed at the same flow temperature. However,
single values of Ng and Nr at one temperature may be adjusted for use at all two-phase flow temperatures encountered
The void fraction measuring system is shown schematically
in Figure 2. Thulium-170 decays by beta particle emission
to ytterbium-170 which yields two soft rays-a
0.053 MeV.
K x-ray and a 0.084 MeV. unconverted gamma ray ( I ). Equation ( l ) assumes the radiation is monoenergetic, but since
the low energy photons were almost completely absorbed by
the pipe wall, the detector saw primarily the 0.084 Mev
Gamma rays were detected by the scintillation method. The
detector was a Harshaw Integral Line Assembly consisting of
a 1.5-in. diameter by I-in. thick, thallium-activated, sodium
iodide crystal coupled optically to a 2-in. photomultiplier
tube. The photomultiplier tube was provided with external
magnetic shielding. Count rates were obtained from a Tracerlab SC-18 Superscaler which had a resolving time of 5 psec.
(less than 1% coincidence loss for count rates up to 120,000

Two-Phase Pressure Drop Measurement

Pressure drop data were measured over a horizontal 36-in.

length of 0.495-in. I.D. Haynes-25 alloy seamless Zubing with
0.065-in. wall. Fluid entered this section from a 10-in. horizontal calming section. The 4-in. long differential pressure
taps were %-in. schedule 40 Haynes-25 pipe nipples welded
vertically to the bottom of the tube. Tap openings into the
test section were about 3/16-in. in diameter.
Pressure drop was measured with a Taylor Transaire Volumetric D-P Transmitter connected to a stainless steel pressure

Vol. 12, No. 1


In ( N , / N I )


A.1.Ch.E. Journal





Page 51

counts/min). The preamplifier was built to match the electronic characteristics of the scaler.
The source was positioned under the flow tube, the radiation
passing upward through the pipe and fluid. The detector was
mounted on top of the pipe, and the two components were
accurately aligned on a common frame, the position of which
was adjusted to align the gamma ray beam with the center
line of the flow tube (1). The beam was collimated to a
diameter of about 1/32-in. at the source. Radiation reached
the detector via a 0.75-in. diameter hole in a 2.75-in. thick
steel detector face shield. The source-to-detector distance was
18.25 in.
Void fractions were measured with a "single-shot'' procedure. To obtain a value, the count rate was obtained from
the collimated beam. Then the beam was "shut off by substituting a 1.5-in. thick steel plug for the collimator, allowing
reading of the background count rate due to scatter. Both
count rates were corrected for coincidence loss ( 1 ) and then
subtracted to give the value of N for Equation ( 1 ). Flow rate
and thermal data were obtained simultaneously with the void
fraction measurements.

Two-Phase Pressure Drop

For nearly all operating conditions the pressure drop
and flow rate exhibited fluctuations. It was evident that
the loop suffered instabilities as are commonly observed
in two-phase test loops. Both quantities were continuously
recorded, and values reported as data are the mean values.
The physical and thermal properties necessary for data
processing were estimated for the binary metallic mixture
containing 8% sodium (1).Properties for the pure components were those reported by Weatherford et al. ( 5 ) .
Ranges of experimental quantities are iven in Table 1."
Inlet pressure was taken as the equili rium vapor
yssure. Consideration of the accuracy of calculated qua ibes
showed that 81% of the vaIues were accurate to within

10% or better of the reported value (1) . High values are

known with best precision.
In loop operation, pressure drop data were obtained
over a wide range of preheater power inputs while keeping the flow rate essentially constant. Examination of the
data showed that the pressure drop was influenced by test
section absolute pressure level as well as quality and total
flow rate. As would be anticipated, the pressure drop
varied inversely with system pressure at given flow rate
and quality values.
Preliminary treatment of the data suggested correlation
of the pressure drop with the above parameters by use of
the two-phase friction factor concept. The specific friction
factor forms of Huntington (6) and Bertuzzi, Tek, and
Poettmann (7) proved unsatisfactory, and it was decided
to derive correlating parameters by simple dimensional
analysis. The two-phase pressure gradient AP/AL was
taken as dependent variable, and total mass velocity G
average quality x, inside diameter D, and vapor density po, were considered to be independent variables. The
effect of system pressure level is accounted for by the
vapor density, since this property is most sensitive to pressure. The pipe diameter, while not a variable in this study,
is included since it would generally be expected to influence the results. A generalized dimensional analysis of
vapor-liquid flow in ipes, such as that performed by Ros
(8), would also inc ude liquid density, viscosity of both
phases, and perhaps surface tension and contact angle.
These quantities did not vary widely over the range of
temperatures encountered in this study and for simplicity
were deleted in the dimensional analysis which yielded

f = f(x)

Additional material has been deposited as document .8561 with the

American Documentation Institute, Photoduplication Service, Library of
Congress, Washington 25? D. C , and m a y be obtained for $1.25 for
photopnnts or 35-mm. m i c r o h .






Figure 3 presents a plot of the pressure drop data according to the relationship suggested by Equation ( 2 ) .
The least-squares line through the data is given by

= 0,0138 x'."



Two-phase pressure drop data
No. of data points
Pressure drop, Ib.i/sq. in.
Total mass flow rate, 1b.Jhr.
Inlet pressure, Ib.i/sq. in. abs.
Inlet temperature, "F.
Inlet quality

0.054 to 3.10
108 to 752
0.54 to 15.8
923 to 1428
0.0004 to 0.3788

Average quality

0.0065to 0.3784

Quality change across section

-0.0051 to $0.0312


0.05 (maximum)
3. % (maximum )
0.03 (max. at 1,000"F.)
4 (max. at 1,000'F.)
Depends on quality level ( 1 )
0.003 at x = 0.05
Depends on quality level ( I )
0.003 at x = 0.05
Depends on quality level ( 1 )
0.003 at x = 0.05

Void fraction data

No. of data points
Total mass flow rate, I b J h r .
Average temperature, O F .
Average quality

Void fraction

Page 52

131 to 749
879 to 1320
0.0172 to 0.1647
0.153 to 0.860

A.1.Ch.E. Journal

3.% (maximum)
4 (max. at 1,00O0F.)

Depends on quality level

0.003 at x = 0.05
Variablesee Figure 7
0.056 average standard deviation

January, 1966

sium-mercury amalgam system, Tang, Smith, and ROSS

(11) found the amalgam data would not correlate with
the mercury data when the same method of correlation
was attempted. All the data were finally resented in the
form suggested by Lockhart and Martinel . (12).
Ten of the potassium void fraction points occurred for
all-liquid Froude numbers between 1.05 and 1.15, prom ting an attempt to correlate the data in the form given Yly
Kutateladze. However, as experienced by others (11), a
correlation of that type was not obtained. When the data
were plotted in the manner of Lockhart and Martinelli
( 1 2 ) , the resulting graph indicated the existence of a
correlation, although considerable scatter was present.
Comparison of the potassium data with the mercury and
potassium-mercury amalgam results of Tang et al. (11)
showed that all these metallic data lay on about the same
curve. In addition, Noyes' four reported oints (13) for
two-phase adiabatic sodium flows at 8 b./sq. in. abs.
plotted in the same region. Because of the agreement
among all these metallic data, they are presented in a
single correlation, Figure 4.
The correlation of Figure 4 has the form devised by
Lockhart and Martinelli ( 1 2 ) , where liquid fraction is
taken as a function of the variable X which is defined by

For flows where the liquid and vapor each exhibit superficial Reynolds numbers in the turbulent range (tt flow
type), X may be approximated by (12)


Fig. 3. Two-phase frictional pressure gradient correlations for potassium and comparison with other correlations.

Statistical treatment of this correlation ( 1 ) showed it to

be significant at the 0.1% level. The 95% confidence
range for average f values predicted by the correlation is
included in Figure 3.
As will be discussed subsequently, the two-phase pressure drop correlation is valid only for potassium flows
where acceleration contributions are negligible compared
to friction losses.
Metallic Void Fractions

Ranges of pertinent experimental quantities are given

in Table 1 which indicate that the void fractions were obtained over the same flow rate range as the pressure drop
data. Actually, the flow rate distribution is narrow, nine
void fraction values occurring for flows between 200 and
300 lb./hr., and four values for flows between 300 and
400 Ib./hr. Approximate superficial velocities, assuming
an all-liquid flow, ranged from 0.6 to 3.5 ft./sec. with
about half the values 1.2 ft./sec.
In a summary of Russian metallic heat transfer research,
Kutateladze (9) presents void fraction results for vapor,
liquid mercury flows (obtained by Gremilov et al. and
also Siryi) and for magnesium amalgam-mercury vapor
flows (Korneev) . Void fraction was correlated against the
ratio of superficial vapor velocity to total liquid velocity
with a parametric all-liquid Froude number which ranged
from 1 to 20. In recent investigations of metallic two-phase
flows, Smith, Tang, and Walker ( 1 0 ) obtained mercury
void fraction data and correlated them in the form suggested by Kutateladze. Froude number was the order of
10". However, in extending this work (10) to the potas-

Vol. 12, No. 1

All the potassium data were of this type of flow, as were

Noyes' sodium points (13). The mercury and potassium
mercury data (11) mostly occurred for conditions where
liquid and vapor superficial Reynolds numbers were laminar and turbulent, respectively, (ut type of flow). Hence,
the metallic data in Figure 4 encompass two of the "types
of flow" postulated in reference 12. The scatter in the data
precludes making any distinctions between types of flow
for the correlation.
The least squares line through the metallic data in
Figure 4 is given by
a = 1.- 0.574X0.=
This correlation was shown to be significant at the 0.1%
level ( I ) . The 90% confidence range for average liquid
fraction values is indicated.

Recalling that the experimental results were obtained

from flows of a sodium-potassium mixture, it is pertinent
to consider how well they may be expected to approximate
the behavior of pure potassium. In the temperature range
of 900" to 1400F. only the binary vapor density deviates
considerably from values for pure potassium (1). Since
the liquid fraction correlation (Figure 4) is derived from
several metallic systems, nothing is sacdiced by the fluid's
being a binary mixture, particularly since nearIy all the
metallic data (the sodium data being the exception) display more scatter than can be attributed to uncertainty in
fluid properties. The significance of Figure 4 is in comparison with other fluid systems, as will be discussed subsequently. With regard to possible effect of fluid property
differences on the pressure drop results, Smith has shown
( 1 ) that the f values are probably at most affected by 4 % ,
which is within the 95% confidence band of the correlation. It is concluded that the experimental results are good
approximations to the two-phase flow of pure potassium.

A.1.Ch.E. Journal

Page 53

Two-Phase Pressure Drop

For about 60% of the pressure drop data, the temperature decrease across the test section was greater than
15"F., and the mixture quality increased. In many cases
the quaIity increase was between 0.01 and 0.02, representing a significant fraction of the test section average
quality. I t was previously stated that the two-phase pressure gradient correlation, Figure 3, is for frictional pressure losses. This statement demands justification in view
of the possible acceleration components which could accompany the quality increases cited above.
For any flow system in which a change of phase occurs,
the differential pressure loss is usually considered to be
the sum of components due to friction, fluid acceleration,
and hydrostatic head. Since the potassium flows were


= -dP,

+ p -vdv


The local two-phase mixture density is obtained in terms

of the Iocal void fraction and individual phase densities
The acceleration term in Equation (9) may be written in
terms of the total mass velocity G and mean density, giv-


G' d;

( 10)

g c

It is desired to ascertain whether the total pressure

losses measured experimentally included significant ac-

I .c

celeration components. To evaluate this possibility it was

necessary to establish the -dP, term with assurance.
Eighty-eight data points occurred for essentially isothermal conditions where quality changes were very small,
therefore representing frictional flows. These data were
used to formulate a correlation for the two-phase friction
factor from which the frictional term in Equation (11)
could be obtained.
Equation (11) was numerically integrated with flow
data for many points, representing a wide range of Bow
conditions which exhibited appreciable quality increases
( 1) . The metaIlic void fraction correlation, Equation ( 7 ) ,
was used in evaluation of mixture densities, thermodynamic equilibrium was assumed, and quality was assumed
to vary linearly along the section. Calculated overall pressure drop values agreed well with experimental vaiues.
More important, however, comparison of acceleration and
friction components showed that acceleration losses never
exceeded 3%, and for most cases it was less than 1.5%
of the overall value. While frictional gradients ranged
from 0.016 to 1.03 Ib./(sq. in.) (ft.), the acceleration
components ranged from 0 to 0.014 lb./'(sq. in.) (ft.). This
evaluation demonstrated that the experimental potassium
pressure drops were essentially frictional.
It may seem anomalous that the f data in Fi ure 3
show small values for qualities approaching all- iquid,
rather than being of the same order of magnitude as for
nearly all-vapor flows. Ordinarily, two-phase pressure
gradients are greater for most qualities than for either
pure vapor or liquid. It must be remembered, however,
that f is defined using po and not a mean mixture density.
When plotted in the classical manner of Lockhart and









This study 8-92 Na-K


K-Hg Amalgam


I l k

0.0 I




Hewitt, et. al. A i r - H20

Richardson Air-H20,
112 x 2" Section
Richardson Air-HZO,
114 x 2" Section
Richardson Air-H20,
118 x 2" Section

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1


0.4 0.6 1.0


4.0 6.0 10.0


40 60


Fig. 4. Metallic liquid fraction correlation and comparison with other data and correlations.

Page 54

A.1.Ch.E. Journal

January, 1966

Martinelli ( 1 2 ) the data show the trend of the correlation

curves ( 1 )
In Figure 3 the potassium data are compared with values predicted by the frictional pressure drop correlations
of Lockhart and Martinelli ( 1 2 ) and Bertuzzi, Tek, and
Poettmann ( 7), which were developed from air-liquid and
natural gas-liquid data. Predicted values from the correlations are appreciably high.
Figure 3 also shows a comparison of the potassium data
with values calculated from Bankoff's variable density
single-fluid model (14 ) which was quite successful in predicting behavior of steam-water flows. Generally, the Bankoff model predicts values which are a factor of lo" higher
than the potassium data, and, in contrast with values from
the other correlations (7,12),the Bankoff predictions show
scatter. The Bankoff K parameter (14),necessary in the
application of the model, was evaluated as a smoothed
function of pressure from the potassium void fraction data
( 1 ) . The discrepancy between the model and the potassium data may arise from the model's inherent assumption
that the ratio of mean two-phase viscosity to liquid viscosity is unity. In addition, the model was derived for
bubble types of flows where slip ratios are low, whereas
the potassium data indicate high slip ratios and probably
were not bubble flows.
In Figure 5 the potassium correlation is compared with
data obtained from other fluid systems. The vertical
steam-water data of Isbin, Sher, and Eddy ( 1 5 ) were corrected for hydrostatic head before plotting. Pike's steamwater data (16) were obtained from nearly adiabatic flows
in a long horizontal tube. The data of Johnson and AbouSabe (171,Govier and Omer (18),and Reid et al. (19) were



from horizontal air-water flows in pipes of various dimensions. Except for the heated runs of Johnson and AbouSabe, and the nearly adiabatic data of Pike, the data in
Figure 5 were obtained from isothermal flows. The data
furnished by Tek ( 2 0 ) are from flows of oils and air or
natural gas in various sized pipes, The data of Reid et al.
were obtained from pipes of large diameter. The data
shown in Figure 5 all fall substantially higher than the
potassium results, in keeping with the comparison with
other correlations (7, 12) which are based on data of the
type plotted in Figure 5.
A few experiments on two-phase flows of metallic SYStems have been reported (21) , but either the flow characteristics involved, the system geometries, or the method
of data presentation precluded comparison with the results of this study. The only metallic pressure gradient
and liquid fraction data for which a valid comparison
could be made are the horizontal isothermal mercurynitrogen results of Koestel ( 2 2 ) . The pressure gradient
data are compared with the potassium correlation in Figure 6 which shows very favorable agreement between the
two fluid systems. This agreement, as compared with disagreement between the potassium and nonmetallic systems, suggests that some fundamental difference exists in
pressure drop behavior between metallic and nonmetallic
two-phase fluids.
An effort was made to determine a parameter which
distinguishes the metallic data of Figures 3 and 6 from
the data of other systems shown in Figure 5. Neither the
vapor-to-liquid viscosity ratio nor density ratio provided
a suitable parametric effect (1) . Of several other parameters examined, the most promising was the liquid vis-




. -

























H 2 0 -STEAM

. PlPF
. ..




Fig. 5. Comparison of potassium two-phase pressure gradient correlation with data of other investigations.

Vol. 12, No. 1





Fig. 6. Comparison of potassium two-phase pressure gradient correlation with mercury-nitrogen data of Koestel (22).

A.1.Ch.E. Journal

Page 55

cosity influence number of Ros ( 8 ) which includes surface tension. Indications are that interfacial characteristics
and wettability may be principal factors which Werentiate two-phase flow behavior among various fluid systems,
so surface tension would be expected to have influence in
more general correlations.
Metallic Void Fractions

The potassium void fraction data were determined by

a single-shot gamma ray attenuation method. This procedure is not as accurate for determining void fractions as
the traversing method (3, 16). Pike (16)and Richardson
(3) used Lucite mockups of void distributions to assess the
accuracy of their experimental procedures. Mockups were
not used in this study. However, it has been shown that
the potassium values as predicted by the correlation of
Figure 4 fall within the accuracy theoretically expected
from the gamma ray count rate data (1) . The theoretical
variance in void fraction due to statistical randomness in
gamma ray counting is given by


[Partial notation is used in Equation (11) since temperature is also a variable. However, since temperature corrections were made in calculating void fractions ( 1 ) , it is
assumed any contributions to a'( a) from temperature
variance are negligible.] The working beam count rate is

The variance of any individual gamma ray counting measurement is equal to the number of counts obtained. Then

Insertion of Equation (14) into Equation (11) and the

use of Equation (1) allow complete evaluation of the
variance in void fraction due to counting statistics. The
standard deviations in void fraction, calculated for the
potassium data by this analysis, are plotted in Figure 7.
For a values greater than 0.3, the standard deviations range
from 4 to 19% of the a values. The point a = 0.153 has
a theoretical standard deviation amounting to 73% of the
a value. This figure illustrates that the higher a values
are inherently more accurate. Decreasing background
count rates would improve a values.
Since a narrow stationary radiation beam was employed,
errors might have been incurred in stratified flows because of channel wall curvature in regions not scanned. It
seems probable, as discussed below, that flow patterns
were wavy stratified with intermittent slugging. To get an
idea of the magnitude of possible errors due to incomplete
scanning of the fluid, the void fraction data were adjusted to account for the liquid volume not scanned. The
adjustments on the average were less than the standard
deviation due to counting statistics, suggesting that significant accuracy probably was not lost by use of a singleshot narrow beam procedure.
Although theoretical considerations give an indication
of the accuracy of the potassium a values (Figure 7), the
range of scatter in the data is beyond the inaccuracies
anticipated. It is believed that this situation arose from
the flow instabilities present in the loop. Recall that the
pressure drop and flow rate records showed fluctuations,
suggesting that liquid slugs periodically traversed the test
section. Since gamma ray counts were obtained over 3min. periods, the oscillatory void fraction behavior was
effectively averaged. Randomness in the void fraction

Page 56


Fig. 7. Standard deviation in potassium void

fractions due to gamma ray counting statistics.

oscillations very likely caused the pronounced scatter in

the data. In view of the data scatter probably being due
to these flow oscillations, any inaccuracies due to averaging inlet and outlet temperatures and qualities to give
values at the point of measurement are probably insignificant (that is, these quantities only affect the abscissa
X in Figure 4). The oscillatory flow behavior is also believed to have caused much of the scatter in f values
shown in Figure 3.
As shown by Figure 4, the metallic liquid fractions fall
substantially higher than correlations and data from other
fluid systems. The correlation Line of Lockhart and Martinelli ( 1 2 ) , developed from water-air and oil-air data,
shows about the same slope as the metallic correlation.
Richardson's data (3) on turbulent-turbulent water-air
flows in horizontal rectangular channels are in agreement
with the Lockhart-Martinelli curve, but similar data of
Hewitt, King, and Lovegrove ( 2 3 ) for flows in round
tubes fall lower than the correlation. Even if standard deviations (Figure 7) are placed around each potassium
point, the data still are substantially higher than the
Lockhart-Martinelli correlation.
The lower part of Figure 4 shows potassium values
calculated with a correlation developed by Baroczy ( 2 4 )
which was suggested for use with single-component
metallic fluids. The correlation was developed with the
mercury-nitrogen data of Koestel ( 2 2 ) and the air-water
data of Hewitt et al. ( 2 3 ) . The calculated values from
Baroczy's correlation show a substantial degree of scatter
and the mean line through them is indicated. It is clear
that this correlation is more inadequate than the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation for predicting potassium liquid
fractions. Koestel's mercury-nitrogen data ( 2 2 ) are included in Figure 4.
Recalling from Figure 6 that Koestel's mercury-nitrogen
pressure drop data agreed with the friction factor correlation used for the potassium data, it is interesting to
note the disagreement between liquid fractions in Figure
4. Experimentally, one clear contrast exists between
Koestel's flows and the potassium flows: liquid wettabilities with respect to the tube wall are opposite. Koestel's
data were obtained from a glass test section which would
not have been wetted by the mercury. However, the
Haynes-25 alloy was wetted by potassium. These opposing wetting characteristics suggest that wettability may
be a decisive factor in void fraction behavior. The favorable friction factor comparison suggests wettability may
be of considerably less significance in two-phase fraction
pressure loss behavior. Another probable factor in the

A. I .Ch.E. Journal


January, 1966

wide divergence between liquid fractions for these two

flow systems is that Koestel's vapor phase was a noncondensable second component.
It has been mentioned that the mean velocities of the
two phases in vapor-liquid flow, based on the cross-sectional area occupied b each phase, are frequently unequal and the ratio o l vapor-to-liquid velocities greater
than unity. This velocity slip ratio is given by


s =Vt = ( -)




Potassium slip ratios corresponding to each void fraction

point were calculated and ran ed from 53 to 1,150, the
wide range resulting from the arge variance in the void
fraction data. It is believed, however, that their average
value of 350 suggests that potassium values were of the
order of lo". This is about a factor of l@higher than airwater slip ratios observed by Richardson (3) for flows in
rectangular channels at atmospheric pressure. Equation
(15) indicates that high slip ratios would be observed for
metallic fluids, since the density ratio (pz/p,) generally
is very high. Koestel's mercury-nitrogen data (22) also
show high slips; values for fifty-four data points ranged
from 3.9 to 60.7, with the mean value 15.8. These results
add credence to the suggestion that potassium S values
were of the order of lo", since the values ( 1 - a)/a were
much lower for the mercury-nitrogen than for the potassium data.
Although the potassium flow patterns were not experimentally observed, it is interesting to consider probable
characteristics. Of the seventeen liquid fraction values,
only two are below 0.2. Bankoff (14) pointed out that in
vertical flows, bubble flow is usually observed when liquid
fractions are greater than 0.2. Bubble flows would seem
improbable in this case, since flows were horizontal and
gravitational asymmetry would tend to force liquid to the
tube bottom. It seems most likely that the potassium flows
were stratified wavy with slugging superimposed. This
situation is compatible with the high veIocity slip ratios
and also with the fluctuating pressure drop and flow rate


1. Although the experiments were run with a sodiumpotassium mixture containing 8 wt. % sodium, it is believed that the two-phase flow correlations are representative of pure potassium behavior.
2. Two-phase frictional pressure gradients for potassium
were correlated in terms of a two-phase friction factor f
defined by Equation ( 3 ) , which accounts for the effects
of total mass flow rate, tube diameter, and system pressure. Quality was the other correlating variable.
3. Well-known, two-phase pressure dro correlations
and a theoretical model, when applied in t e usual manner, predict potassium pressure gradients that are substantially greater than the experimental values.
4. The potassium two- ase frictional pressure gradient
correlation shows remar ably good agreement with previously reported mercury-nitrogen data ( 2 2 ) . These
metallic data are much lower than values reported for
flows of water-air, oil-air, and water-steam systems.
5. The potassium void fraction data, together with
other metallic data reported previously (11, 13), have
yielded a Lockhart-Martinelli type of liquid fraction correlation for single-component metallic fluids.
6. Metallic void fractions are Iower than for watersteam and water-air systems; previously published correlations do not fit the metallic data. The mercury-nitrogen
data ( 2 2 ) , with which the potassium pressure gradients
agreed favorably, showed large divergence with respect



VOl. 12, No. 1

to void fractions. Experimental differences suggest that

wettability may be highly influential on void fraction values.
7. Because their liquid-to-vapor density ratios are generally higher, metallic systems display considerably higher
velocity slip ratios than nonmetallic fluids. It appears that
the potassium slip ratios may have been of the order of
loZ, although precise values cannot be stated.

This study was made possible by financial support from the

U. S . Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Contracts
AF 33(616)-8277 and AF 331 657)-11548.
Engineers of Mine Safety Research Corporation, particularly
Guy Kennedy and Earl King, were especially helpful in the
design and troubleshooting of the potassium test loop.

tube I.D., ft.

two-phase friction factor defined by Equation ( 3 )
total mass velocity, lb.,,,/(hr.) (sq. ft.)
gravitational conversion constant, 32.17 (lb.=)
(ft.)/ (Ib.f)(sec.) (sec.)
N = gamma ray count rate for two-phase flow, counts/
gamma ray count rate for all-vapor flow, counts/
N , = gamma ray count rate for all-liquid flow, counts/
= absolute pressure, lb.,/sq. in.
-dP, = differential pressure drop due to friction, 1b.J
sq. in.
AP/AL = two-phase pressure gradient, Ib.J( sq. in.) (ft.)
( A P / A L ) g) = pressure gradient that would occur if
the liquid (or vapor) were passed through the
tube at its own flow rate, lb.,/(sq. in.) (ft.)
= velocity slip ratio, given by Equation (15)
= local superficial two-phase mixture velocity, ft./
V, = average vapor velocity, based on cross-sectional
area occupied by vapor, ft./sec.
V, = average liquid velocity, based on cross-sectional
area occupied by liquid, ft./sec.
= Lockhart-Martinelli ( 1 2 ) two-phase flow parameter defined by Equation (5)
X , , = Lockhart-Martinelli X parameter for liquid turbulent-vapor turbulent flow, given by Equation
= quality (vapor mass fraction)


Greek Letters



void fraction (volume fraction vapor)

viscosity, Ib.,/(ft.) (hr.)
density, lb.,/cu. ft.
variance operator


bkg = background counting

coll = collimated radiation beam
= vapor phase
= liquid phase

1. Smith, Lowell R., Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor

( April, 1964).
2. Balzhiser, R. E., et al., Rept. RTD-TDR-63-4130, WrightPatterson Air Force Base, Ohio (November, 1963).
3. Richardson, B. L.,ANL-5949 (December, 1958).
4. Egen, R. A., D. A. Dingee, and J. W. Chastain, B M I 1163 (February 4,1957).

A. I.Ch.E. Journal

Page 57

5. Weathenvord, W. D., J. C. T ler, and P. M. Ku, United

States Air Force, WADD-Teci. Rept. 61-96 (November,
6. Isbin, H. S., R. H. Moen, and D. R. Mosher, AECU-2994
(November, 1954).
7. Bertuzzi, A. F., M. R. Tek, and F. H. Poettmann, J. Petrol.
Technol., 8, (January 17,1956).
8. Ros, N. C. J., Trans. Am. SOC. Petrol. Engrs., AZME, 222,
1037 (1961).
9. Kutbteladze, S. S., ed., Liquid Metal Heat Transfer
Media. Atomnaia Energiia, Suppl. No. 2, Moscow ( 1958),
translated by Counsultants Bureau, Inc., New York (1959).
10. Smith, C. R., Y. S. Tang, and C. L. Walker, General
Motors Corp. Allison Div., Eng. Dept. Rept. No. 2809
(May 25, 1962). Paper presented at A.1.Ch.E. Chicago
meeting (December 2 to 6, 1962).
11. Tang, Y. S., C. R. Smith, and P. T. Ross, General Motors
Corp. Allison Div., Eng. Dept. Rept. No. 3549 (September 16, 1963).
12. Lockhart, R. W., and R. C. Martinelli, Chem. Eng. PTOg.,
45,39 (1949).
13. Noyes R paper presented at Third
HighTemperature Liquid Metal Heat Transfer Technol. Conf.,

The Low Temperature

Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., to be published (September 4 to

6, 1963).
14. Bankoff, S. G., J. Heat Tram., 82, 265 (1960).
15. Isbin, H. S., N. C. Sher, and K. C. Eddy, A.1.Ch.E. 1.;
3,136 (1957).
16. Pike, R. W., Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Inst. Technol. (1962).
17. Johnson, H. A., and A. H. Abou-Sabe, Trans. Am. SOC.
Mech. Engrs., 74, 977 (1952).
18. Govier, G. W., and M. M. Omer, Can. J . Chem. Eng.,
40,93 (1962).
19. Reid, R. C., A. B. Reynolds, A: J. Diglio, I. Spiewak, and
D. H. Klipstein, A.1.Ch.E. J., 3, 321 (1957).
20. Tek, M . R., private communication (January, 1964).
21. Third Annual High-Temperature Liquid Metal Heat Transfer Technology Conference, Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., Tenn.,
to be published (September 4 to 6, 1963).
22. Koestel, Alfred, TRW Rept. ER-4104 (June, 1960); private
communication (January, 1964).
23. Hewitt, G. F., I. King, and P. C. Lovegrove, Brit. Chem.
Eng., 8,311 (1963).
24. Baroczy, C. J., Atomics International, Rept. NAA-SR-8171
( ADril. 1963).

Manuscript received September 22, 1964; revision received July 10,

1965; paper accepted IUZY 26,1965.

Removal of


Quantities of Nitrogen or Methane from

Hydrogen G a s by Physical Adsorption
on a Synthetic Zeolite
N a t i o n a l Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado

A flow system wos used to measure the physical adsorption isotherms of two mixtures of
nitrogen and hydrogen and two mixtures of methane and hydrogen on a synthetic zeolite. The
meosurements were made a t liquid nitrogen temperature and a t pressures of 4 to 85 atm.
Static systems were used to measure the pure component isotherms of nitrogen, methane, and
hydrogen at the some temperature and over the appropriate pressure ranges.
Although many different methods have been proposed for using pure component adsorption
isotherms to predict the mixture isotherm, the only method giving quantitative agreement with
the data of this study is the empirical adsorption enhancement factor (4).
In addition to the adsorption isotherms, the concentration-time or breokthrough curves of
the mixtures were measured a t flow rates ranging from 40 to 300 Ib./(hr.)(sq.ft.). The method
proposed by Eagletan and Bliss (18) was used to correlate these curves.

Since all materials, with the exception of helium, are

solids at liquid hydrogen temperature, the concentration
of impurities in the feed gas to a hydrogen liquefier must
be reduced to levels equal to their solubilities in gaseous
or Liquid hydrogen. Otherwise solid deposition will occur,
resulting in eventual plugging.
By using the experimental phase equilibrium data of
Dokoupil ( I ) , Baker and Paul (2) have established the
desirable impurity levels of nitrogen and carbon monoxide

Page 58

in Liquefaction grade hydrogen at 1 p.p.m. The data of

Hiza and Herring ( 3 ) for the methane-hydrogen system
indicate that the tolerable impurity level of methane will
be considerably less than 1 p.p.m. Obviously, then, the
final step in any hydrogen purification train must be a
process capable of attaining a very high degree of purification. Although there are a number of possible processes
for attaining the required impurity level, the only feasible one is physical adsorption at cryogenic temperatures.

A.1.Ch.E. Journal

January, 1966

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