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Introduction To Working Capital: 1.1 Objectives of The Study

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• To find out the investment needs in current assets to sustain the business
• To find out the percentage increase or decrease (trend analysis) of working
capital for the given 5 years.
• To strike off a Balance between financial stability and profitability through its
working capital estimation.
• To find out the financial position and solvency of the company by calculating
the ratios.
1. Library reference i.e. primary data collection
2. Select an organization
3. Procurement of data
• Estimation of working capital
• Trend Analysis
• Ratios relating to working capital

The management of fixed assets and current assets differ from each in three
main aspects as given below
a) Time factor plays a minor role in managing current assets while it plays a major
role in managing fixed assets. Fixed assets management presents values of
expected future cash inflows and outflows.
b) If a firm maintains a large holding of current assets, in cash, the risk is reduced,
but it also reduces the overall profitability.
c) Though the fixed and current assets levels depend upon sales, only current
assets can be adjusted with sales fluctuations.
The importance of working capital management is reflected in the fact that
financial managers spend a great deal of time in managing current assets and current
liabilities. Arranging short-term financing, negotiating favorable credit terms,
controlling cash movement, managing accounts receivable, and monitoring investments
in inventories consume a great deal of time of financial managers.
The concept of working capital can be broadly divided into two categories
(i) Gross working capital and (ii) Net working capital.
(i) Gross Working Capital
This concept implies the total of all current assets of a business firm. A current
asset is that asset, which can be converted into cash within an accounting year or an
operating cycle. The current assets include cash and bank balances, debtors, bills
receivables, inventories, prepaid expenses and short- term investments.
(ii) Net Working Capital
This concept of working capital is the difference between current assets and
current liabilities. While current assets have been defined as above, current liabilities
can be explained as those liabilities which are expected to mature for payment within
an accounting year and include creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses, bank
overdraft and other short-term loans.
The net working capital can be positive or negative. If current assets exceed
current liabilities, the difference is positive working capital and when current liabilities
exceed current assets, the difference is negative working capital.
The working capital can also be divided into categories
(i) Fixed working capital and (ii) Fluctuating working capital.
Every business requires some amount of working capital in spite of the level of
operations, throughout the year. This amount represents the fixed amount of working
The need of gross working capital or current assets cannot be overemphasized.
The object of any business is to earn profits. The main factor affecting the profits is the
magnitude of sales of the business. But the sales cannot be converted into cash
immediately. There is a time lag between the sale of goods and realization of cash.
There is a need of working capital in the form of current assets to fill up this time lag.
Technically, this is called as operating cycle or working capital cycle, which is the heart
of need for working capital. This working capital cycle, can be described in the
following words.
If the company has a certain amount of cash, it will be required for purchasing
the raw material though some raw material may be available on credit basis. Then the
company has to spend some amount for labour and factory overheads to convert the
raw material in work in progress, and ultimately finished goods. These finished goods
when sold on credit basis get converted in the form of sundry debtors. Sundry debtors
are converted in cash only after the expiry of credit period. Thus, there is a cycle in
which originally available cash is converted in the form of cash again but only after
following the stages of raw material, work in progress and sundry debtors. Thus, there
is a time gap for the original cash to get converted in form of cash again. Working
capital needs of company arise to cover the requirement of funds during this time gap,
and the quantum of working capital needs varies as per the length of this time gap.
The working capital cycle is shown below:

Thus, some amount of funds is blocked in raw materials, work in progress,

finished goods, sundry debtors and day to day cash requirements. However, some part
of these current assets may be financed by the current liabilities also. Example, some
raw material may be available on credit basis, all the expenses need not be paid
immediately, workers are also to be paid periodically etc. But still the amounts required
to be invested in these current assets is always higher than the funds available from
current liabilities. This is the precise reason why the needs for working capital arise.
From the financial management point of view, the nature of fixed assets and
current assets differ from each other in the following respects.
1. The fixed assets are required to be retained in the
business over a period of time and they yield the returns
over their life, whereas the current assets loose their
identity over a short period of time, say one year.
2. In case of current assets, it is always necessary to strike a
proper balance between the liquidity and profitability
principles which is not the case with the fixed assets.
Example, if the size of current assets is large, it is always
beneficial from the liquidity point of view as it ensures
the smooth and fluent business operations. Sufficient raw
material is always available to cater to the production
needs, sufficient finished goods are available to cater to
any kind of demand of customers, liberal credit period
can be offered to the customers to improve the sales, and
sufficient cash is available to pay off the creditors and so
However, if the investment in current assets is more than what is ideally
required, it affects the profitability as it may not be able to yield sufficient rate of return
on investment. On the other hand, if the size of current assets is too small, it always
involves the risk of frequent stock out, inability of the company to pay its dues in time
etc. As such, the investment in current assets should be optimum. Hence, it is necessary
to manage the individual components of current assets (viz. stock, receivables and cash)
in a proper way. Thus, working capital management refers to proper administration of
all aspects of current assets and current liabilities.
Working capital management is concerned with the problems arising out of the
attempts to manage current assets, current liabilities and inter relationship between
them. The intention is not to maximize the investment in working capital nor is it to
minimize the same. The intention is to have optimum investment in working capital. In
other words, it can be said that the aim of working capital management is to have
minimum investment in working capital without affecting the regular and smooth flow
of operations. The level of current assets to be maintained should be sufficient enough
to cover its current liabilities with a reasonable margin of safety.
Moreover, the various sources available for financing working capital should be
properly managed to ensure that they are obtained and utilized in the best possible
The amount of working capital required depends upon a number of factors
which can be stated as below
1. Nature of business
Some businesses are such, due to their very nature, that their requirement of
fixed capital is more than working capital. These businesses sell services and not the
commodities and that too on cash basis. As such, no funds are blocked in piling
inventories and also no funds are blocked in receivables. Example, public utility
services like railways, electricity boards, infrastructure oriented projects, etc. Their
requirement of working capital is less. On the other hand, there are some business like
trading activity, where the requirement of fixed capital is less but more money is
blocked in inventories and debtors. Their requirement of the working capital is
obviously more.
2. Length of Production Cycle
In some business like machine tool industry, the time gap between the
acquisitions of raw material till the end of final production of finished product itself is
quite high. As such more amounts may be blocked either in raw materials, or work in
progress or finished goods or even in debtors. Naturally, their needs of working capital
are higher. On the other hand, if the production cycle is shorter, the requirements of
working capital are also less.
3. Size and Growth of Business
In very small companies the working capital requirements are quite high due to
high overheads, higher buying and selling costs etc. As such, the medium sized
companies positively have an edge over the small companies. But if the business starts
growing after a certain limit, the working capital requirements may be adversely
affected by the increasing size.
4. Business / Trade cycles
If the company is operating in the period of boom, the working capital
requirements may be more as the company may like to buy more raw material, may
increase the production and sales to take the benefits of favorable markets, due to the
increased sales, there may be more and more amount of funds blocked in stock and
debtors etc. Similarly, in case of depression also, the working capital requirements may
be high as the sales in terms of value and quantity may be reducing, there may be
unnecessary piling up of stocks without getting sold, the receivables may not be
recovered in time, etc.
As such, in both these two extreme situations of business/ trade cycles, the
working capital requirement may be high.
5. Terms of Purchase and Sales
Sometimes due to competition or custom, it may be necessary for the company
to extend more and more credit to the customers, as a result of which more and more
amounts is locked up in debtors or bills receivables which increase working capital
requirements. On the other hand, in case of purchases, if credit is offered by the
suppliers of goods and services, a part of working capital requirement may be financed
by them, but if it is necessary to purchase these goods or services on cash basis, the
working capital requirement will be higher.
6. Profitability
The profitability of the business may vary in each and every individual case,
which in its turn may depend upon numerous factors, but high profitability will
positively reduce the strain on working capital requirements of the company, because
the profits to the extent that they are earned in cash may be used to meet the working
capital requirements of the company. However, profitability has to be considered from
one more angles so that it can be considered as one of the ways in which strain on
working capital requirements of the company may be relieved. And these angles are:
(a) Taxation policy how much is required to be paid by the company
towards its tax liability? As the amount of cash profits only after
payment of taxes will be available to the company for meeting its
requirements of working capital.
(b) Dividend policy how much of the profits earned by the company are
distributed by way of dividend? As the amount of cash profits to the
extent not distributed by way of dividend only will be available to
the company for meeting its requirements of working capital.
7. Operating Efficiency
If the business is carried on more efficiently, it can operate in profits which may
be reduces by eliminating waste and improved co-ordination etc.
8. Production Policy
Working capital requirements also fluctuate according to the production policy.
Some products have a seasonal demand but in order to eliminate the fluctuations in
working capital, the manufacturer plans the production in a steady flow throughout the
year. This policy evens out the fluctuations in working capital.
9. Market Conditions
Due to competition in the market, the demands for working capital fluctuate. A
business firm has to give liberal credit to customers. It has to maintain a large inventory
of finished goods to serve the customers promptly. In this situation, larger amount of
working capital is required.
On the other hand, when a firm is in seller’s market it can manage with a
smaller amount of working capital because sales can be made on cash basis and there is
no need to maintain large inventory of finished goods because customers can be served
10. Seasonal Fluctuations
A firm producing products on seasonal demands requires more working capital
during peak seasons while the demand for working capital goes down during slack
11. Dividend policy
A company has to pay dividends in cash as per Company Act, 1956. With
liberal policy for payment of dividends, more working capital will be required, while
the needs for more working capital will be reduced if policy is conservative.
12. Credit policy
The working capital requirements of a firm depend on the credit policy to its
debtors. A liberal credit policy will result in huge funds blocked with debtors which
will enhance the need for working capital. The situation will be further deteriorated, if
the collection procedure is slow. If a liberal credit policy is followed without inquiring
into the creditworthiness of customers, there can be a problem of recovery in future
which will further push up the working capital requirements.
The need for working capital is also affected by the credit policy followed by
the firm’s creditors. If the creditors are ready to supply materials and goods on liberal
credit, working capital requirements are substantially reduced. On the other hand, if
purchases are mainly in cash, working capital needs, goes up. While planning the
working capital, due attention should be given towards credit policies followed by the
firm and its creditors.
The basic objective of working capital management should be an optimum
investment. There should not be excessive or shortage of working capital. In order to
decide the optimum investment in working capital, there is a need to consider different
policies of working capital.
a) Ratio of current Assets to Sales
The current assets change as a result of changes in the sales. A firm has to
decide about the proportion of current assets to be maintained in relation to sales.
There can be aggressive, moderate or conservative current assets policies.
If an aggressive current assets policy is followed, a firm will maintain a very
low level of current assets in relation to sales. On the other hand, a conservative policy
implies carrying of a very high level of current assets in relation to sales. A moderate
policy is via media between the two extreme policies mentioned above and results into
a moderate proportion of current assets to sales. The result of a conservation current
asset policy is that the risk is reduced. The surplus current assets will ensure that the
firm is able to cope up with fluctuation in sales as well as in production. Besides this,
the higher liquidity in this method will help in eliminating the risk of technical
insolvency. However, high profitability will have to be sacrificed in this method.
An aggressive current assets policy implies that there is a minimum investment
in current assets in relation to sales. This means the firm is taking greater risk. This
method ensures higher profitability but, it exposes the firm to greater risk of technical
insolvency as well as lack of capacity to cope up unanticipated changes in market.
A moderate current asset policy tries to balance risk and profitability by keeping
moderate level of current assets in relation to sales.
The various policies discussed are shown in the following diagram.

Assets Moderate


0 Sales

b) Ratio of Current Assets to fixed assets

A firm needs fixed assets and current assets to support a level of output. When
output is increases, current assets are increases but not in proportion to the increase in
output. A ratio of current assets to fixed assets indicates the level of current assets.
This ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by fixing assets. Assuming a constant
level of fixed asset, higher current assets to fixed assets ratio indicates a conservative
current assets policy, while a lower ratio indicates an aggressive current assets policy.
Conservative policy

Average policy

Aggressive policy

Fixed Assets

Ideally, companies finance working capital for business through adequate
capitalization by owners and profits reinvested in the business. Working capital
financing of various types are often needed, however, especially in the day-to-day
operations of growing businesses.
Working Capital Finance may be classified in:
• Spontaneous Finance:
Finance which naturally arises in the course of the business is called as
“Spontaneous Financing”. Trade Creditors, credit from employees, credit from
supplier of service etc. are examples of spontaneous finance.
• Negotiation Finance:
Financing which has to be negotiated with lenders, say commercial banks,
finance institutions, general public is called as “Negotiated Finance”. This kind of
financing may be short-term in nature or long term.
Between spontaneous and negotiated sources of finance, the latter is more
expensive and inconvenient to rise. Spontaneous sources of finance reduce the amount
of negotiated financing.
Internal Tax
and Dividends
Short- term provision
External Bank
overdraft Cash
Sources of Working Negotiated credit
Capital Sources

Spontaneous Retained profits
Long term Provision for
Sources. depreciation

Trade Credit External Share

Sundary Creditors capital
Bills Payable Long-term
Note Payable loans


Name Crystal Solutions Private Limited

Firm Type Private Ltd Company
Industry Type Service Industry
Managing Director Mr. Vasant Bhanushali
Stake Holders Mr. Vasant Bhanushali and Mr. Kiran Shiveskhar
Auditor Jignesh R. Mehta and Associates,
Borivali East, Mumbai
Corporate Office 716/717,Reena Complex Vidyavihar(W)
Mumbai - 400 086.
Other branches U.S. Office 244, Fifth Avenue,
Suite 2795, 2nd floor,
New York, NY 10001
Nature of Business Providing online security solutions
Slogan “for powerful network solution”
Their Customers Tata Communications Ltd.
Times of India
Crompton & Greaves
Web-site www.crystalonnet.com/Solutions.htm
Customer Care 91-022-67179700
Fax No 91-022-67179702
E-mail www. [email protected]
Crystal Solutions Pvt. Ltd., established since 1994 has been a key player in the
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international software vendors to deliver their solution in India Crystal plans to have
strategic tie-up with many other software vendors and some are almost at
• Anti-Virus Solutions
They have 9+ years of experience in Anti-virus industry and are in a position to
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4.1 Assessment of Working Capital for all the 5 years i.e. from 2003-2007

Particulars 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Inventories 385442 35125 385442 347442 578377
Sundry Debtors 4078947.12 2522820.69 3618713.14 2614018.47 2895696.90

1891944.13 2098467.56 1405779.56 946327.12 631445.59

Cash & Bank

(-)754559.73 450042.53 618571.29 1426545.88 1083021.39

Total 5601773.52 5106455.78 6028505.99 5334333.47 5188540.88


Current liabilities &

3526421.06 2416115.26 2580751.99 2515224.52 2808029.95

Total 3526421.06 2416115.26 2580751.99 2515224.52 2808029.95

= Current Asset
- Current 2075352.46 2690340.52 3447754.00 2819108.95 2380510.93

From the above figures, it is observed that from 2003-2005 the working capital
was steadily increasing while 2006-2007, the working capital has significantly
decreased. This can be possible due to decrease in current assets and increase in current
The basic objective of working capital management is to make optimum
investments. Hence, the company should improve its working capital requirement to
utilize them effectively and efficiently in investments.
4.2 Calculations of Ratios from 2003-2007

No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Current Ratio =
1. Current Assets 1.58 2.11 2.33 2.12 1.84
Current Liabilities
The ideal ratio considered is 2:1. This ratio is also named as, “Working Capital
Ratio” as it represents the working capital being the excess of the current assets over the
current liabilities. This ratio indicates the solvency of their business i.e. ability to meet
the liabilities of the business as and when they fall due. The current assets are the source
from which the current liabilities have to be met. It is also the measure of the margin of
safety that management maintains in order to allow for the inevitable unevenness in the
flow of funds through the current assets and liability accounts.
Though 2:1 ratio is considered desirable, it is not must – it depends upon the
nature of the industry. What is more important is not the size of current ratio but the
distribution and characteristics of current assets and current liabilities and their relation to
the prospective sales volume.
Findings and Suggestions:
The current ratio has always been almost 2:1 or more than 2:1. Hence the company
should either decrease its current liabilities or increase its current assets, so as to maintain
the ideal ratio 2:1. This signifies the liquidity or solvency of the firm.
This also enables them to meet their short term obligations as and when they fall
No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Liquid Ratio =
Current Asset – (Stock and
2. 1.47 2.09 2.18 1.98 1.64
prepared expenses)
Current Liabilities
The quick ratio indicates the relation of ‘quick assets’ with ‘quick liabilities’. Quick
or liquid assets include all current assets, except stock and prepaid expenses where as liquid
liabilities include all current liabilities except overdraft and accrued expenses.
If this ratio is 1:1 it is considered that all claims will be met when they arise. It is a
measure of the extent to which liquid resources are immediately available to meet current
obligations. In so far as it eliminates inventory as a part of current ratio, the ratio is a more
rigorous test of liquidity than the current ratio and when used in conjunction with it, gives a
better picture of the firm’s ability to meet its short term debts out of short term assets.
This ratio does not take into account two important factors i.e. certain portions of
stock would be sold over to meet current liabilities and all creditors would not be required to
be paid at the same time.
Findings and Suggestions:
According to the above figures, the liquid ratio has been more than the ideal ratio
i.e. 1:1. This implies that the current assets of the firm can be readily converted into cash
and helps to meet the current liabilities. In case, this ratio is less than 1:1, it shows a very
weak short-term financial position and in case, it is more than 1:1, it shows a better short-
term financial position.
Therefore, the company should try and maintain this trend.

No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

3. Working Capital Turnover 12.50 6.90 2.60 3.00 2.20
Ratio = Sales
Working Capital
The working capital turnover ratio measures the efficiency with which the working
capital is being used by a firm. A high ratio indicates efficient utilization of working
capital and a low ratio indicates otherwise. But a very high working capital turnover ratio
may also mean lack of sufficient working capital which is not a good situation.
Findings and Suggestions:
This ratio indicates the number of times the utilization of working capital in the
process of doing business. The higher is the ratio, the lower is the investment in working
capital and the greater are the profits. However, a very high turnover indicates a sign of
over-trading and puts the firm in financial difficulties. A low working capital turnover
ratio indicates that the working capital has not been used efficiently.
According to the above figures, the working capital turnover ratio in 2003 is 2.20:1
which has been marginally increasing. In 2006 and 2007, the working capital turnover
ratio being 6.90:1 and 12.50:1 respectively, implies that the working capital has been
efficiently utilized and the company is also able to generate more net sales with smaller
amount of working capital
Thus, the present status is a favorable situation for the company.

No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Current Asset Turnover
4. Ratio = Sales 4.63 3.63 1.49 1.58 1.01
Current Assets
Current Assets Turnover ratio shows the productivity of the company's current assets.
The assets turnover ratio is a key to understand financial statements. The ratio calculation
reduces time and effort in calculating decision making ratios. They reduce risk for lenders
and investors and enable owners, managers and consultants to increase productivity and
business profits. These ratios are bargain priced to provide a huge return on investment.
Findings and Suggestions:
There is no norm for this ratio. On the basis of the nature of the business, there may
be different ratios for different concerns. However this ratio indicates the extent to which
the proprietor’s funds are invested in current assets.
According to the above figures, this ratio has been increasing from 2003 to 2007. In
2003, it was 1.01:1 and in 2007 it is 4.63:1. A high ratio should be maintained in order to
increase the productivity.
Currently the current assets turnover ratio is at its best in the past five years and the
company, being a service firm, should try to increase it or maintain the same.

No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Inventory : Working Capital

Ratio =
5. 0.18 0.013 0.11 0.12 0.24
Closing Stock
Working Capital
The ratio is an index of the position of over stocking. It shows what part of working
capital is represented by closing stocks. This ratio tells how much of a company's funds
are tied up in inventory. It is preferable to run the business with as little inventory as
possible on hand, while not affecting potential sales opportunities. Keeping track of
inventory levels is crucial to determining the financial health of the business. If this
number is high compared to the average for your industry, it could mean the business is
carrying too much inventory.
Inventory to working capital ratio is an important indicator of a company’s
operation efficiency. A low value 1 or less of inventory to working capital ratio means that
a company has high liquidity of current asset. While it may also mean insufficient
inventories. A high value of inventory to working capital ratio means that a company is
carrying too much inventory in stock. It is not favorable for management because
excessive inventories can place a heavy burden on the cash resources of a company. A key
issue for a company to improve its operation efficiency is to identify the optimum
inventory levels and thus minimize the cost tied up in inventories.
Findings and Suggestions:
According to the above figures from 2003-2007, this ratio has always been less than
1. Hence, this shows that not much of the company’s funds are held up in inventories. One
reason can be that this company is a service firm.
No. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Current Assets : Proprietary
6. 230.22% 256.89% 343.22% 326.92% 417.70%
Current Assets * 100
*Proprietary Funds
*Proprietory funds include equity share capital and reserves and surplus

The ratio shows the percentage of proprietors funds invested in current assets. In
case of too small investment of proprietor’s funds in current assets, there may be shortage
of working capital. The ratio must be studied in relation to fixed assets to proprietory
funds ratio. This ratio establishes the relationship between current assets and shareholder's
funds. The purpose of this ratio is to calculate the percentage of shareholders funds
invested in current assets
Findings and Suggestions:
The ideal percent used should be 100%. But, from the above figures, it is observed
that the percentage for 2003 has been 417% while in 2007 it is 230%. Hence there is a
decrease in percentage over the 5 years. The company should also try to decrease it further
to 100%.
4.3 Trend analysis

Particulars 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003


= Current Asset
- Current 2075352.46 2690340.52 3447754.00 2819108.95 2380510.93

% increase in
-22.85% -21.96% 22.29% 18.42%
working capital

% increase in working capital = Final value – Initial value *100

Initial value
• Final value is the value of the current year
• Initial value is the value of the previous year

Trend Analysis


2004, 22.29
2003, 18.42


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


2005, -21.96 2006, -22.85


From the above graph, it can be seen that, previously there was an increase in
the working capital i.e. from 2003 to 2005. Then in comparison to 2005, the working
capital decreased and as compared to 2006the working capital decreased by 22.85%.
The present status of the company is although good but it shows that over the 5 years
the working capital has first increased and then decreased. Thus, the company should
improve its working capital.
There are many different equity and debt options available to small business
owners, and choosing the appropriate one(s) is essential to ensuring a healthy business.
If the business has a good capital structure and strong working capital management,
then a higher resale value is possible, and it may then prove easier to attract buyers.
Current Assets are essential in sustaining the operations of a business. Working
Capital Management deals with how current assets are managed and financed. The
objective of working capital management is to maximize profitability without
jeopardizing liquidity.

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