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Alternate Way To ATM UT

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Interested in A&M College Station?

NEW A&M College Station General Information

General Studies is no longer a major offered to incoming freshmen. You must

now choose a major. A&M plans to beef up their website with resources to help students
choose majors
Admission Information
1. Visit www.tamu.edu/admissions/ for complete admissions information.
2. Ways to be Admitted:
Automatic Top 10% Admits
Automatic Academic Admits rank in top 25% of class; score 1300 on
SAT (at least 600 in Math & 600 in Reading) or score 30 composite on
ACT (at least 27 in Math and English); take the writing component of SAT
or ACT; have taken all recommended coursework
Review Admit if student is not in the top 10% or an academic admit, their
application will be reviewed in a holistic manner. This is very competitive.
3. NEW As BCS is a non-ranking school, A&M assigns a rank to our students based
on the school profile and the students GPA. A study with U of H, Texas State and
A&M was done and data from the previous year is used.
4. NEW I have A&M review the BCS School Profile each year to assure that we are
providing them with the information they need to accurately rank our students.
5. Attend programs, workshops, camps, workdays offered at A&M. Provide this
information under Academic Association on college application. This
demonstrates to Admissions how dedicated you are to attending A&M. They
assume that if you have spent a great deal of time there, you will be familiar with
the campus and the A&M way of doing things and you have already determined
that A&M is a good fit for you. The Academic Association visits must be
documented. It doesnt count if you drove through campus or spend the weekend
with a friend at A&M. Legacy is no longer offered at A&M. Following are
suggestions of events you could claim under Academic Association. Go to
Scheduled Tours on campus
Game Day Application Workshops at College Station for Seniors
Aggieland Saturday Open House for 9th-12th graders
Participation in Corps of Cadets related programs
University sponsored Programs such as:
o SEAL for Seniors
o SLOT for Juniors and Sophomores
o Whoopin Weekend
Appointment with a counselor at the Prospective Student Center (located in

Revised April 2012

Summer camps (Youth Adventure Program YAP is offered for 7 th-11th

graders in the summer)
6. Essays - Essays A&B on the Application are required. Applicants who do not
qualify for top 10% or automatic admission are strongly encouraged to complete
Essay C. For scholarship consideration, Essays A, B & C are required.
7. Admission Deadlines: APPLY EARLY
Admissions application opening date August 1 st

No longer a priority deadline for guaranteed first choice major. First come,
first serve for majors. Business, Engineering, Architecture, Communication
and Psychology fill up first.
8. Financial Aid Deadlines:
Scholarship Application Deadline December 1st

Apply for all scholarships at www.applytexas.org.

Federal Financial Aid FAFSA is available online January 1 st at

There is no application deadline for Corps of Cadets scholarships.

If you are denied to College Station, they MAY offer you the following options
if you applied to College Station initially. (You may not request them, admissions
has to offer them to you.):
Summer Gateway: 6 hours at College Station during the 2 nd summer session. If
at the end of the program you have earned a 2.0, you will be accepted to College
Blinn Team (co-enrollment program). You can live in A&M residence hall if
housing isnt closed by the time you get the Blinn Team offer. Must maintain 3.0
on both campuses. If they complete entire program of 45 hrs @ Blinn & 15 hrs @
A&M with a 3.0 GPR they are guaranteed admission to A&M College Station, OR
they can apply to A&M after one year as a transfer student. Blinn Team students
are considered General Studies A&M students. Blinn Team students are not
guaranteed their choice of major. Blinn Team students can receive A&M financial
aid as A&M is listed as the home institution. Blinn Team is not a letdown. 15,000
students who were rejected wish they had been offered Blinn Team.
Program for System Admission (PSA): Attend one of these A&M system schools
(Prairie View A&M, Tarleton State, Texas A&M International, Texas A&M
Kingsville, West Texas A&M, Texas A&M Commerce, Texas A&M Texarkana and
Texas A&M Corpus Christi) and after 24 hours and a 3.0 GPR you can transfer
to College Station into one of the 3 following colleges: College of Science,
College of Geoscience and College of Agriculture and Life Science. You dont
need to have chosen one of these 3 colleges on the initial application. If you are
denied College Station and offered PSA, you dont need to apply to the system
school. (You only pay one application fee.) admissions.tamu.edu/PSA.

Revised April 2012

For Other Pathways to A&M, go to

NEW Wait List: A&M no longer has a wait list.
If you are offered any of the above, visit with an A&M counselor to determine which
one of the options is the best for you.
Transfer to A&M College Station
Through A&M Galveston Branch
If you are not an automatic admit to College Station for your freshman year, apply
to A&M College Station and A&M Galveston at the same time through the
www.applytexas.org application. College Station and Galveston have two
different school codes and two different application fees.
NEW If you are accepted to Galveston and choose to accept the offer, be up
front with the counselors. Tell them your plan is to transfer to College Station.
They will advise you on the best course of action to transfer.
NEW Galveston transfers are not guaranteed automatic acceptance into
preferred A&M majors as the colleges may be full. Example: The college of
Engineering and Business may not accept them. In that case they could transfer
to the major of Agri Business.
You should hear immediately from Galveston. You may not hear until April from
College Station. Do NOT wait until you hear from College Station to apply to
Galveston. By then, they have had all the applications from all the other students
who were denied at College Station.
After 30 hours at Galveston (1 year if you take at least 15 hours per semester)
and a GPR of 2.5, you can transfer to College Station with automatic admission
under the Change of Curriculum program. ALL grades and GPR transfer. Dual
Galveston offers a Summer Bridge program (similar to College Stations Summer
Gateway program) At the end of the summer program if you have a 2.0 you will
be accepted to A&M Galveston.
Benefits of attending A&M Galvestion Branch over Junior College:
On campus housing is offered NEW Brand new dorm for fall of 2012
Financial aid is available
Already in the A&M system. Galveston is the only A&M school that is a
branch of College Station.
Student can join the Corps
Only A&M campus with all benefits of College Station campus. Galveston
students get Aggie Ring & can buy a Sports Pass to attend College
Station sporting events.

Revised April 2012

Through Transfer Articulation Program (TAP)

For more info go to: admissions.tamu.edu/TAP.
Transfer to College Station after 24 hours and a 3.0 GPR at one of the
participating schools. Dual credit hours dont count. (Blinn in Bryan is a
participating school.)
Financial Aid. A&M Financial Aid is not available for TAP students.
Interested in University of Texas in Austin?
Admission Information
1. Visit bealonghorn.utexas.edu for complete admissions information.
2. Ways to be Admitted:
Automatic Admits (changes annually, may be top 7% or 8%)
Review Admit if student is not in an automatic admit, their application will
be reviewed in a holistic manner. This is very competitive.
3. Admission Deadlines: APPLY EARLY
Admissions application opening date August 1 st
Admissions Deadline - December 1st
4. Financial Aid Deadlines:
Scholarship Application Deadline December 1st

Apply for all scholarships at www.applytexas.org.

Federal Financial Aid FAFSA is available online January 1 st at


If you are denied to Austin, they MAY offer you the following options if you
applied to Austin initially:
Coordinated Admission Program (CAP) For more information go to:
http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/cap/admission/info/index.html. BUT, after
completing the evaluation process for fall freshman applicants, the university
was not able to offer immediate admission to many highly capable applicants.

Revised April 2012

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