Omega Gospels-Players

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Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

A reference citing the fact that
Paulus was the only person to have
heard the first Sermon given by
Paulus 3:12-16

As long as our hearts are ever

(23 IS4)

expanding to distant orbits...

Paulus 23:5
(7 WP)

Paulus and Lextius carried Zebulon
from the dwellings of men, into the
desert, for they heard rumors of a
miraculous healer there. For Zebulon
battles the Demon Touch, and was lost
to them. And Zebulon saw the Abyss,
where Light is Not, and his spirit fell
into the final despair as his body
surrendered life. Yet with a will he
arose, and they came near that region
called Maltarak, where Amalthea's tent
was pitched.
Then came Zebulon to Amalthea's tent,
and said he unto her, "Heal me." And
Zebulon was nigh Death. Within him
the Demon Touch grapples, and the
Prophet battled the cancerous touch,
seeing only the Abyss, and hearing the
Cry of Lost Nothingness. Amalthea
called then on her power, and performed
her greatest miracle, the Healing of the
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

Prophet. The compassionate healer drew

on her spirit, to add to his, and call him
back from the Void.
And on the edge of the Abyss of Death,
which stretches from this life to the next,
world without end, Amalthea brought
him back, whom others could not cure.
For Amalthea walked in the Light
before the Demon Seed, and it withered.
She cast her Light down the deep Abyss,
and the nothingness broke to the sound of
Life and Holy Purpose like unto the
rushing of great waters. And for seven
hours she poured forth her power,
drawing Zebulon nigh onto this side of
the Abyss, but when the sun rose she
said, "I am spent." But Zebulon
stirred. And then Amalthea bled light
into the Grail, in tears and the wounds
she suffered, and offered it unto him.
And Zebulon drank of the Light and
was healed.
Rising, he looked unto Amalthea. But

Amalthea said "Man, thou art healed

already. They say thou art a preacher.
Come, heal me with thy talk, for I am
sore troubled of what is and was, and
strive to create out of fragments."
And Zebulon said, "Let us talk of what
is goen and what can be saved from
ruins, for Religion long outlasts the fall
of Civilization, and Belief survives
when the Known crumbles." And they
went out into the desert and spoke of
many things. Yet at last Zebulon fell
into sleep, for now natural weariness
overcame him, and Amalthea asked
Paulus and Lextius "Who is this man?
For he should be dead. My work did by
unleash a mighty torrent from him, a
flood of Life."
Lextius 8:57-62
(104 PotCS)


disciples gathered about her, and began to

A reference to Amalthea's place of

birth and mother.
Amalthea 1:7

to ruin, and became the haunting place

(8 IS6)

In the seveth year of Timin's

governorship on Tethys, Amalthea,
daughter of Aruna, received her final
calling, and began to heal in the
countryside. When by a child of 10, she
had vision of the Empyrean Angel, who
said it was her destiny to heal worlds
and lives. When she was 17, Viktor,
her uncle, a doctor of propbabilities,
asked her to help him in his studies of
matter origins through the study of
vibrations. His devices broke upon her,
and cause Amalthea to fall silent for
three days, whence she had her second
vision, of a universe which needed
healing, and the dark, hurt places
therein. Awaking, she said: "The
universe must be healed" and left to her
studies and then her healing. And
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

call her Teacher. Her uncle's works fell

of phantoms, yet word of Amalthea the
Healer spread to other worlds.
Amalthea 3:1-5
(101 PotCS)

"...for even the Sons of Zuran have

community, while your unity is a
Amalthea 32:12
(139 PotCS)

Zebulon to Amalthea: "The time of

healing has not yet come, Amalthea.
You are to begin the work, but
remember, in the Pancreator's vision all
things are healed already."
Amalthea 45:2

(109 PotCS)

And Zebulon heard Amalthea, and that

her task was not only to heal the ills of
the body but those things which darken
and shadow the spirit, and he told her of
hidden things that she may accomplish
this task.
Amalthea 47:8

(109 PotCS)

And the Sutekian said to Zebulon,

child, who is lost and easily swayed by

the new season's shining objects."
Horace 16:12

"But I have studied the works of holy

men, and found naught, for they are at
variance with each other. This universe
is our mansion, and I have gotten
wealth, and fine things, and dwell in
my rebuilt mansion with the latest
innovations. What is life, but
competition, and a struggle for riches?"
Zebulon answered Paulo, saying "Better
to have all your acquisitions burn and
swell in solitude, until life awakens in
you, fire on fire, then count the newest
treasure with the heart of death, seeking
to gain meaning by acquisition. For
trasures and contraptions are but tools
for the few who udnerstand them, not
baubles for which the multitudes sell
their lives cheaply. Only the few know
what I say, and only the parent can
minister the safe and unsafe toys to a

(103 FL:T)

"Behold the light Incarnate!" Hombor

exclaimed before the throng. "Behold the
Man Incarnate."
But Zebulon admonished him, saying,
"No, no Hombor. Behold within the
Light Incarnate, the gift of thy Creator to
thee. Behold within all of you the
Incarnate, and long for reunification
with the Light Unending!" And the
throng yelled, "Tell us! Tell us that
we may find this light." Ans Zebulon
said, "It is within you, above desires, the
Incarnate, the light of thy soul lit by the
Pancreator. Pray do not extinguish it by
longing for darkness."
Horace 77:1-8
(133 PotCS)

Chroniculae III
When Zebulon had made planetfall, the
folk of Cadavus thronged about him in
multitudes, beseeching him in desperate
tones: "A darkness is upon our land,
and sorrow hath been writ across the face
of our world. A creature of great evil
power makes its lair in the badlands,
and sends forth its minions to scourge
our communities, souring the land,
poisoning the water and the skies, putting
our homes to the torch and carrying
away our firstborn sons and daughters,
never to be seen again. Word hath
reached us that thou art a man of power
and compassion, wherefore do we implore
thee to drive out this menace.
And so Zebulon made ready for the trek
into the badlands, and when the minions
of the dark one moved to bar his way,
grim was their aspect. But Zebulon
raised his hands and made the sign of the
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

gate before their eyes, and the faithless

one fell back before its power.
And the Prophet entered into the
badlands, where the earth had been
scorched and the rivers ran black and
crimson and ochre, and the skies hung
heavy with ash and the wind bore
noxious fumes which stung he eye and
burned the throat. Before him he saw the
jet-black tower of granite which the evil
one had caused to be raised for his lair.
And the evil once came out of the tower
and beheld Zebulon, and spake unto him
saying, "Lo! thou fool who doth venture
where he hath not been bidden! Know
that thou that I am called Durago, and
I have made claim to these lands even as
I stretch forth the shadow of my hand
across them. For I have looked into the
heart of darkness that abideth beyond the
far-flung stars, and lo! did I find much
power and knowledge therein. Prepare
now thyself for doom, churl, and feel

the wrath of one possessed of true

have scried even unto the end of histery,


when the races of man and his servants

And the one who called himself Durago

have fallen into the dust, and the

dropped to the ground, and even before

darkness between the worlds swells to

his belly touched the dust a terrible

swallow even the burning stars

transformation took place. His body

themselves!" And the serpent-body of

lengthened and writhed, and took the

Durago grew greater still and unfolded

form of a great serpent-beast, which

itself to become a hoary dragon of legend,

coiled itself and lunged forward,

rising into the sky and unfurling its

enveloping the Prophet forasmuch as to

wings until all daylight was gone from

crush him between its glistening black

the face of the land.

scales. But the grace of the Pancreator

And Zebulon spake unto him, saying,

was upon Zebulon, and the divine light

"This I have seen as well, but that is

of wisdom shone forth from his brow,

not all, for beyond the darkness, yea,

and he called down the cleanising flame

and even within it, are there yet brighter

of Cadavus' sun to sear the beast's body

glories for man to behold.' And the

with its wholesome holy fury, so that the

Prophet knelt, and kissed the ground

serpent of darkness that was Durago

before him.

recoiled into the shadow of its stronghold.

And where the Prophet had pressed his

And Durago said, "I see now that thou

lips, there dia a tiny crack appear,

art not without power thyself. Thy gaze

which spread forth until it became a

hath penetrated far, yea, but know that

fissure, which spread forth et until a

my understanding is greater still. For I

vast canyon was opened up across teh

face of the world, and the molten heart

of the planet could be seen. And the evil
one did fall into the tormenting flames
at the earth's core, and the Duragobeast's howls of agony and anguish could
be heard even unto the moons of
Chroniculae III, 6:12-18

(47 DBtS)

Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

The term 'Viscicae Iniquitates' is
used to describe the legendary
Whores of Nineveh as 'Vessles of
Maya 17:5

(58 H&O)

"What man wishes to outlive his own

--Maya 17:
(verse is not given, also appears to be named Maya's Song)

(88 S&R)


A passage that has been interpreted
by the Second Coming to suggest
that Zebulon's message is not
unique and that a another prophet
would follow to reform the church.
Church doctrine claims that this
instead refers to the faithful
Hombor 12:22

(37 H&O)

And Hombor said unto Maya: "There

be chains shackled to your wrists and
feet, and so you bemoan your servitude
and rage against bars of your cage. But
in such binding I see opportunity, for do
not chains invoke pity? Pity in turn
invokes charity."
"Fool!" Maya replied. "What good is
charity without the freedom to use it?"
"Ah, but you do not understand,"
Hombor replies, rubbing his sores. "It is
not the charity of Humanity I seek, but
that of the Pancreator. What chains can
hold against His grace? In this darkened
universe, liberty is not a right but a
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

Hombor 13:7
(2 WitH:L)

A passage that has been interpreted

by the Second Coming to suggest
that Zebulon's message is not
unique and that a another prophet
would follow to reform the church.
Church doctrine claims that this
instead refers to the faithful
Hombor 2:11

(37 H&O)

"Empyrean Grace shines on the valorous
soul who faces evil armed with the
sword of the Pancreator - his body may
suffer mightily, but his soul will rise
the higher for it"
Mantius (record of the fallen)

(83 WitH:L)


armies and weapons, of the transported

"And when selfishness and darkness

have had their fill, then the vessel
yearns for light," Zebulon said to the
First Citizen of Kish, and the Li Halan
looked at the Prophet in deep thought.
"Go your way, prophet, it will be long
before I follow you," he replied, and
then walked out of the garden with his
guards and wisemen. Zebulon turned to
Paulus and said, "Long is the journey
into Night, but at last the dawn breaks.
So shall it be with them."
Galaxia 2:1

(1 IS4)

"It has been said, that one cannot control

the universe until one controls the
world, and one cannot control the world
unless there is calm in the community,
and one cannot control the community
until one controls the dwelling, and the
dwelling is chaos unless one controls the
self. And this is true. For what needs of
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

wealth of worlds, of homes and

ownership, if one is not captain of one's
soul? Better to be poor but free and
master over the soul than own all the
latest innovations of the market, and yet
not have mastery over the self. Let those
who have wisdom, ponder, and let those
who understand take heed."
Galaxia 5:8
(104 FL:T)

"Li, you have seen the distances of space.

Reflect on what you have seen, and all
that has brought you here. It is the work
of many hands, as is all culture and
innovation. A reef built by many
individuals joined together, not knowing
what will come after, but each adding a
life to the process. For in building,
constructing and innovating, we reach
within ourselves to build on what was
before us, and to give those after us our
improved works. That is the secret of

innovation. A distant treasure kept in

the deep solitude of our souls, it is
produced and given to unseen hands to
improve and build upon. That is the
way, the heart of intention, world
without end."
Galaxia 12:12-26
(this is actually called "The Solar Gospels" the reference states that is is compressed somewhere
into G 12:12-26, so I am assuming Galaxia 12 incorporates an incident with Li Chan as mentioned
in FL:T)

(108 FL:T)

The thirst of your souls beckons you to

break stagnant chains and open star
lanes to new worlds and tomorrow's
without end.
Galaxia 12:18

(0 IS4)

"But we are as fire, the fire which dies

not, seeking to discover new sources, and
to those I say, onward! The thirst of
your souls beckons you to break stagnant
chains, and open star lanes to new
worlds and tomorrows without end. For
the explorer cannot be held to dying
creeds. Those wells are empty.
Innovation begins when the well is dry,
and distant currents beckon."

Galaxia 12:18

(107 FL:T)

"Would you so quickly judge another
as heretic? Beware first the shadow you
cast yourself, for it is often this, your
own darkness, that you cast onto others
and callt heirs."
Meditations 8:3

(2 H&O)

Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

"Woe! Woe to the worlds of Man
forever unto the final cinder of light
from the last star, for slavery shall be
their fate hence forth. Enslaved to false
passions and ignorance, but for those who
carry a lamp in their hearts, and bear it
unto the kings of men, no matter the
lashes they receive from the blind. They
alone shall be free."
Lamentations 2:17

(Town Criers Report, Dec 8 5000)

"When Meliva answered Palamedes,
she said 'Why join you" We have our
own book and prophet, and that is
enough for us.' And Palamedes said
'Woman, thou hast cast your lot from
the light. Now be gone! Stubbornly thou
hast scorned thy salvation. Now, I say
verily, hard will it be for yours and
Delphians 33:15-17

(140 PotCS)

Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

Humanity will be judged by the fate of
the stars. A sun must burn to birth
light. When your passion burns, you
give off light. You are born in light but
travel in darkness. Beware the dark
between the stars. Bring a lantern to it.
Omega Gospels (The Prophet's Words)

(163 2nd Ed)

"Look on this shell, ye unbelievers!

Look on this war-mail of the tyrant
Ashur-baal, whom ye dreaded more than
the coming of the Musters. See the spiked
helmet, wherefrom he would issue
commands and order punishments, now
rent tripartite; view, O newly liberated,
the cuirass, which turned blade and
beam alike, now collapsed as paper
before the Pancreator's fury; look upon
the gauntlets and greaves, with which he
would smash the innocent and trample
the defenseless, now slagged nigh to

(Revised) Omega Gospels 38:6

(EotFS / Composite Armour)

"And, thus concluding, the Prophet

gestured scornfully, and the Pancreator
answered his call. The infidel was lifted
as if by an invisible hand and hurled
headlong into the fusion beams he had
sorcerously evoked; and there was a
mighty clap, and a lightning-stench, and
a terrible hiss; and then naught
remained of the infidel but the thinnest,
wavering mist, dimly illumined by the
mocking crackle of the beam."
Omega Gospels 44:43

(EotFS / Fusion Rifles)

Messages to

There shall be great going forth, an

exodus of the restless to the beckoning

These are a series of quotations

taken from the opening page of the
various books. Most of them are
not given a reference, but they
certainly fit the format of the
Omega Gospels.
Woe to he that goeth unprepared into the
sorcerer's den, for the marvels of
destruction wait to waylay intruders
into this diurnal realm lit only by the
false light of caged heaven, crackling
with thunder loud enough to burst the
ears. Verily beware the pleas of the
sorcerer, even after he has suffered the
rack and is rendered immobile with

stars. But think not that such a

pilgrimage will be without hardship, for
you open the gates at your peril.
Hunger, fear, loneliness and doubt will
assail thee within the orbits of distant
stars. Divers beings birthed under
strange skies and formed with odd
gravities will threaten and tempt thee.
But hold fast to the light that shines
unseen, and make of your soul a mirror
to reflect its flame outward onto these
foreign lands. For only in such a
radiance can you behold the other as

chains, for his tongue is sweet, full of

your own.

marvels and wonders, primises of power

Oh, how the stars beckon your wayward

unimaginable. Cut his tongue out lest

such visions corrupt thee to worship his
lore, and punish him with his own
Works, so that the irony of his misspent
labor is made clear to him.
(2 FL:T)

Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

(2 WP)

souls. But go not alone to the distant

lights; take friends. Companions on the
roads of night are ever a boon and a light
to kindle the heart's flame. No matter
the soils from which they came, the

careers they follow or their strange

neighbour, but the way of the wicked

viseages; they are connected to you in

seduceth him. Correction is grievous unto

common cause and faith. Did not the

him that forsaketh the way, and he that

Prophet gather companions about him? If

hateth reproof shall die. The sacrifice of

He saw the wisdom in such company,

the wicked is an abomination to the

how can you spurn it? heed his example

Pancreator but he loveth him that

and make many friends.

followeth after righteousness.

(2 PC)

(2 S&S)

Beware the sin of Republicanism! That

For when you walk among strangers, if

you believe all sentients are free and

you bear arms, you will be met with

equal is a sign of ignorance. The

arms. And when you bear instead open

Pancreator raises some above others, and

palms, mayhap you will still be met

for right purpose. The merchant is a

with arms. But if you bear an open

necessary evil; do not mistake his station

heart - Pancreator willing - you may be

for one of glory or liberty. Deny his

met in kind, and thus may light catch

honeyed words when he says that you,

light and reflect tenfold throughout the

too, are free to do as you will. If all

universe. Then shall new and unseen

acted upon such thought, the universe

suns being to burn...

would be mightily different indeed.

(2 MotJW)

(2 SC1)

And though you travel in darkness,

Yea, the Pancreator's light is as all-

light is unseen all around you, cast

illuminating as the sun, but legion are

from that celestial lantern which hangs

those who would turneth away. The

above us all day and night, shining grace

righteous is more excellent than his

into the cold void without and within.

Let your souls be as mirrors, casting

condemned to their worldly palaces,

forth radiance to those who do not know

prisons of the soul.

it, whose ears have yet to hear the word

of the Prophet, which casts the veil from
our mind's eye. Deliver to them that
which reflects from above, not what
lurks below.
(2 SC2)

(2 LotKW)

O Pancreator, lift the veil from mine

eyes and let me see the light! Thy
creatures yearn for the truth and the
reality behind reality. All around are
shadows, shifting patterns and form -

Would'st thou become kings among

illusion. Ignite the stars! Banish the

men? Look to your breeding first! The

shadows! Free your creatures to live

Pancreator has wisely separated the

fully within Creation!

escola seeds from the husks, the pure

from the base. Look instead to your
fields, to your own harvests, that you
might better reap the bounty of your own
souls. Nay, sully not yourselves with
the ways of man and power. Such a
curse is not for you, happy in your
ignorance. Let the cursed bear such
burdens and reap as their rewards the
wealth of the world. You humble have
the wealth of the Empyrean coming to
you. And yet still you envy those
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

(2 PotCS)

Woe to you who travel the Dark

without a spark of Light in thy breast.
The Absence of Stars shall devour you
and a chill, unending hell shall be thy
fate far from warmth and joy. Until the
Holy Flame once more conflagrates
through the universe in its fiery, final
embrace, redeeming what was old and
remaking anew.
And if you heed not this dire advice,
then carry you a torch that you may at
the least burn the maw that swallows

where the Light is plentiful and Grace is

(2 ItD)

Seek ye the wisdom of the Ur Children?

Be wary then. They have wisdom, but

not far. Stray from this path and ye

risk damnation in the sightless void.
(2 DBtS)

see it as folly. They have folly, but see

The path to Understanding twists and

it as wisdom. Their very gestures

turns torurously, and is riddlesd with

mirror those of their forefathers, the

sharp rocks underfoot. May the

Empyrean powers who wrought the very

Pancreator Gudie your steps on this

gates to the stars. Fallen they are,

path, and may this tome act as a

abandoned by heaven. But who now is

guidepost through the treacheries of the

not so alone? As our sins darken the

universe. Woe to he who spurns the light

skies, we may yet remember what has

shaded within its pages. May he shiver

been lost. Stand beside those long in

in the icy depth of the black void as

memory, whose words may yet echo the

punishment for his hubris.

voices of heaven.

(2 BS)
(2 CotG)

Beware the inner and outer reaches of

the universe, whether in the depths of the
mind or beyond the farthest star.
Remember that darkness lurks at the
bottom of a well as much as outside the
solar spheres, and can also dwell in our
thoughts. Fear abides in the Dark.
Walk ye instead the middle realms,


decide to break into waves of vibrational

energy to undergo an answer to an
ethical prayer?"
The Epistles of Viktor
(109 PotCS)

Aruna was the Matretokos, the mother

of the living goddess, who bore Amalthea
Kecaritomene, blessed of all living.
Apocrypha Amalthea

(101 PotCS)

The Amalthean
A series of religious texts that are
not considered canon by the
Orthodoxy, but are given an
exemption to be used as religious
texts by the Sanctuary Aeon.
"The finite mind cannot comprehend
infinity, but for a brief moment it can be
graced by its touch"
The Epistles of Viktor
(109 PotCS)

"Niece, of Course the Infinite could

healthe finite. But at what pointin our
reckoning of space/time would this
happen? And under what code would
an intelligence beyond the Metrocronos
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

Other Amalthean

The Compassionate Teachings


enlightened. Brighter still is the light of

the enlightened who worketh to rekindle
the divine light in the ignorant, and he
shall be doubly-blessed.
Logos Gospels
(69 PotCS)

These are a series of apocryphal
texts that are given serious
consideration by the Eskatonic
The Learned spoke unto his disciples,
saying: the word of the Pancreator is
like this. The theif in the night who
steals the silver set atop the table shall
not see the gold that lies hidden in dark
corners. How is the word of the

Study, that ye may light the match of

the soul: meditate, that ye may apply the
match to the quiescent ember of God
within: act, that ye may kindle the
flame into a pyre. True theurgy is the
working of the nourished soul.
The Epistles of Horace
(70 PotCS)

Speak not of the shadows that conspire

around us. Instead, banish them with
light, or remain silent lest they corrupt
thy voice.
The Epistles of Horace

Pancreator like this?

(2 S&R)

Logos Gospels

(68 PotCS)

And the prophet said unto the Learned:

bright is the soul of the man who is a
shining lamp for the light of heaven, and
salvation shall be his, for he is

I have seen the end of time, when the

hand of the Enemy shall close fast on
Creation, snuffing out all Light. Only
those souls whose Divine Light burneth
as an inferno shall survive the

cataclysm; all others shall perish.

The Book of the Eskaton
(69 PotCS)

Other Eskatonic
The Acts of Horace

Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

and my fingers to fight.

(44 PotCS)

My fortress and my righeousness; my

castle and my deliverer; my shield and
He in whom I trust; who subdueth my
people under me.
(47 PotCS))

Fighting for the Prophet is the Prophet

(50 PotCS)

Yea, though I walk through the field of

death I fear no evil: for Thou art with
me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort

The Rule of
A heterodox ideology used by the
Brother Battle, it has only ever been
read outside the order in its entirety
by one person, the Patriarch who
first recognized the order.
Plead my cause, Blessed Pancreator,
with those who strive with me: Fight
against them that fight against me.
(43 PotCS)

Blessed be the Pancreator, my

strengh, which teacheth my hands to war

(53 PotCS)

crucible to test the Faithful...

The Fervitudes, II, 57
(92 PotCS)

And it spreads...
The Fervitudes, III, 1

(87 PotCS)

And it spreads from heart to heart, from

soul to soul, uniting all creatures with

The Fervitudes
A long poem written supposedly by
divine inspiration by an Avestite
There is a flame (O Holy Flame!)...
The Fervitudes, first line
(87 PotCS)

And it shines...
The Fervitudes, I, 1
(87 PotCS)

...And it shines from sphere to sphere,

world upon world without end,

the passion of faith...

The Fervitudes, III, 23
(82 PotCS)

And it consumes...
The Fervitudes, IV, 1
(87 PotCS)

And it consumes the brains of the wise,

leaping from thought to thought, that
wisdom may be a beacon to all in the
The Fervitudes, IV, 237
(93 PotCS)

awakening all that is with the light of

The Fervitudes, I, 99

(62 PotCS)

And it warms...
The Fervitudes, II, 1
(87 PotCS)

...And it warms the wastes and the

rocky barren places, making of them a
Created by Sbastien Gamache for Fading Suns Revised

The Gleanings of
Ven Lohji
I met the Prophet, and then I understood.
(22 CotG)

The Pancreator is within

and without;
and without the Pancreator
is emptiness
(32 CotG)

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