0094 x0400 - Power of Attorney - Individual 100 50 Read Only
0094 x0400 - Power of Attorney - Individual 100 50 Read Only
0094 x0400 - Power of Attorney - Individual 100 50 Read Only
Scaria Cherian,
the agreement No. 12/AEE entered into by me with the Assistant
Executive Engineer, Buildings Sub Division, Muvattupuzha and
executed on the....................... day of ...................... Two thousand and
nine (hereinafter referred to as ‘the said agreement’ ) and to receive
payments due to me under the said agreement other than those
hereunder specified.
Scaria Cherian,
3. AND WHEREAS to secure the interests of my said attorney,
the execution of the above work, the said Reji Kuriakose, has requested
me to appoint him as my attorney for the purpose and subject to the
terms and conditions herein contained, to which I have agreed, I hereby
authorise my said attorney to act in my name on my behalf and to do all
matters relating to the receipt of all payments due to me under the said
agreement other than payments of any kind hereunder specified. I
hereby further authorise my said attorney to receive any amounts due to
me under the terms and conditions of the said agreement and to receive
payments of all kinds of bills other than those specified hereunder for
sums payable to me under the said agreement in my name which bills
will be accepted and signed by me and to cash and receive the amounts
thereof and appropriate such receipt to himself towards amounts spent
by him or to be due to him and all other moneys agreed to be payable to
him under the arrangements between us and to grant receipt on my
behalf in respect thereof.
Scaria Cherian,
6. I hereby agree that I shall be bound by all that my said attorney
dues in connection with the above work in pursuance of this power of
attorney. Any amounts paid by the Assistant Executive Engineer,
Buildings Sub Division, Muvattupuzha to my said attorney shall be
deemed to have been paid to me personally and I will be absolutely
liable for all or any amounts paid to my said attorney even in cases
where my attorney has not accounted to me.
8. I hereby agree that all acts, deeds and things done by my said
attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me and I
undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatever my said attorney shall
lawfully do or cause to be done for me by virtue of the Powers hereby
In the presence of witnesses: