Ayyappa PanchaRathnams

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The key takeaways from the passage are that it describes the attributes of Lord Ayyappa/Sastha and highlights his importance as the deity worshipped at Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. It mentions that he is the son of Lord Vishnu and Shiva, born to kill the demon Mahishi. It lists his virtues like being a great warrior, protecting his devotees, easily pleased, and removing obstacles for people.

The main attributes of Lord Ayyappa mentioned are that he is a great warrior, protects everybody, gives happiness to Parvathi's heart, is worshipped by scholars, son of Vishnu and Shiva, easily pleased, walks like an angry elephant, full of mercy, removes obstacles, god of devotees' clan, destroys enemies, fulfills wishes, greatest in Pandya dynasty, took form in Kerala, and protects the distressed.

According to the text, the significance of Sabarimala Temple is that it is located in the forests of Kerala, where Lord Ayyappa entered after completing his life's objectives. Millions of devotees congregate there every year to have his darshan.

Sastha Pancharatnam

[The five Gems on Shaastha]

Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Sastha is the son born to Lord Vishnu when he took the form of a woman
called Mohini and Lord Shiva. He is believed to have two wives Poorna and
Pushkala and a son called Sathyaka. Ayyappa is his incarnation and was
brought up by a king belonging to the Pandya dynasty and ruling over a small
principality of Kerala called Pandalam.]
Loka veeram, maha poojyam sarva rakshakaram vibhum,
Parvathi hrudayanandam Saasthaaram pranamamyaham. 1
I salute that Shaastha,
Who is a the best warrior,
Who is greatly adored,
Who protects everybody,
And who gives happiness to Parvathys heart.
Viprapoojyam viswa vandhyam, Vishnu shambho priyam sutham,
Kshipra prasada niratham Saasthaaram pranamamyaham. 2
I salute that Shaastha,
Who is worshipped by Vedic scholars,
Who is saluted by the entire world,
Who is the darling son of Vishnu and Shiva,
And who is pleased easily.
Matha mathanga gamanam, karunyamrutha pooritham,
Sarva vigna haram devam, Saasthaaram pranamamyaham. 3
I salute that Shaastha,
Who walks like an elephant in fury,
Who is full of the nectar of mercy,
And who removes all obstacles on the way.

Asmath kuleshwaram devam, asmath shathru vinasanam,

Asmath ishta pradhatharam, Saasthaaram pranamamyaham. 4
I salute that Shaastha,
Who is the god of my clan,
Who destroys my enemies,
And who satisfies all my wishes.
Pandyesha vamsa thilakam, kerale keli vigraham,
Aartha thranaparam devam, Saasthaaram pranamamyaham. 5
I salute that Shaastha,
Who is the greatest in the pandya dynasty,
Who took a playful form in Kerala,
And who protects the distressed.
Pancharathnaakhya methadhyo nithyam shuddha padennara,
Thasya prasanno bhagwan Saastha vasathi manase. 6
To the one who with purity,
Chants daily these five gems,
The God Shaastha would be pleased with him,
And live in his mind.
Bhoothanadha sadananda sarva bhootha dayapara,
Raksha raksha maha baho, sashthre thubhyam namo Nama. 7
My salutations to you Shaastha,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is forever happy,
And who takes mercy on all beings.
With a prayer,
Oh, great one, please protect me.
Yasya dhanwantharir matha, pitha rudhraabhishikthama,
Tham sashtharamaham vande mahavaidyam dayanidhim. 8

I salute that Shaastha,

Who is the greatest doctor,
Who is the treasure of mercy,
And whose mother is the great doctor Dhanwanthari,
And father the supreme physician, Rudra.

Sastha Dasakam
[Ten verses about Sastha]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Sastha is the son of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He was born in this world to
kill an ogress called Mahishi. Sastha assumed the form of a baby and was
found by a king belonging to Pandya Dynasty ruling over Pandalam of Kerala.
He was named Iyappa. After his lifes objectives were over; he entered in to a
Temple in the forests of Kerala called Sabarimala. Millions of devotees
congregate there every year to have a glimpse of this god.]
Loka Veeram Maha poojyam,
Sarava raksha karam Vibhum,
Parvathi hrudayanandam,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 1
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the hero of the world,
Who is greatly noble,
Who is the lord protecting everyone,
And who gives happiness to the heart of Parvathi.
Vipra poojyam, Viswa Vandhyam,
Vishnu Shambho priyam sutham,
Kshipra prasada niratham,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 2
I salute that God Sastha,

Who is being worshipped by Brahmins,

Who is saluted by the universe,
Who is the darling son of Vishnu and Shiva,
And who is becomes pleased very quickly.
Matha mathanga gamanam,
Karunyamrutha pooritham,
Sarva vigna haram devam,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 3
I salute that God Sastha,
Who walks like a vigorous elephant,
Who is filled with nectar of mercy,
And who is the God who removes all obstacles.
Asmad kuleshwaram devam,
Asmad Shathru vinasanam,
Asmad ishta pradha daram,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 4
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the god of my family,
Who destroys my enemies,
And who fulfills all my wishes.
Pandyesha vamsa thilakam,
Kerale Keli vigraham,
Artha thrana param devam,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 5
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the greatest of the clan of Pandyas,
Who is the playful god of Kerala,
And who is the God who looks after the oppressed.
Traymbaka puradheesam,

Ganadhipa Samanvitham,
Gajaroodam aham Vande,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 6
I salute that God Sastha,
Who rides on an elephant,
Who is the king of Tryambaka,
And who is near to Lord Ganesa.
Siva veerya samud bhootham,
Sreenivasa thanudbhavam,
Siki vahanujam Vande,
Sastharam pranamamyaham 7
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the personification of power of Shiva,
Who was born out of the body of Sreenivasa,
And who is the brother of him who rides the peacock.
Yasya Danwantharir matha,
Pitha devo Maheswara,
Tham Sastharamaham vande,
Maha Roga nivaranam. 8
I salute that Sastha,
Whose mother is Dhanwanthari,
Whose father is Lord Shiva,
And who cures all diseases.
Bhoothanatha, sadananda,
Sarva bhootha daya para,
Raksha raksha maha baho,
Sasthre thubham namo nama. 9
Salutations and salutations to that Sastha,
Who is the lord of all beings,

Who is perennially ever happy,

Who shows mercy towards all beings,
And I pray, Protect me great hero.
Ashyama komala vishala thanum Vichithram,
Vasoavasana arunothphala dama hastham,
Uthunga rathna magudam, kutilagra kesam,
Sastharamishta varadam saranam prapadhye. 10
I seek the protection of Sastha who loves his devotees,
Who has the peculiar pretty black body colour,
Who lives till the end of the world,
Who has dawn like hands which resemble lightning
Who has tall crown made of costly gems,
And Who has curly and pretty hair.

Mani Kanda Sthuthi

[Prayer to Mani Kanda]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Lord Ayyappa was found by the King of Pandalam in the forest as a small
baby. The King called the baby Mani Kandan as he was wearing a gem tied to
a string on his neck. This prayer is addressed to Lord Ayyappa.]
Bhootha nadha,, Dayambhudhe,
Bhuvanadhi Nayaka, Pahi maam,
Bhoothalakhila pala, nirmama,
Sarma dayaka, Pahi maam. 1
Lord of all beings, sea of mercy,
Lord of all worlds, please save me,
Ruler of all earth, one who does not
Have selfishness, giver of pleasure, please save me.
Bhoothi poorna, surendra vanditha,

Sadhu rakshaka, pahi maam,

Bhoothi bhooshana, bhoori bhavuka,
Bhootha sevitha pahi maam. 2
He who is the complete pleasure, one saluted by Indra,
He who saves poor people, please save me,
One who uses ash as ornament, one who gives abundant blessing,
One who is served by bhoothas, please save me.
Aadhi nayaka, veda varnitha, nithya,
Nishkala, nirmala, Pahi maam,
Modha dayaka, dheena vathsala,
Deva vandhitha paduka, Pahi maam. 3
Primeval lord, Lord described by Vedas, one who is perennial,
One without stains, one who is clear, please save me,
One gives pleasure, one who likes depressed people,
One whose feet are worshipped by devas, please save me.
Nadha ranjitha, pada sevaka,
Bhaktha pala, krupaalaya, pahi maam,
Kheda bhanjana, manju roopa,
Miranjana prabha, pahi maam. 4
One who loves music, One who takes care
Of devotees serving his feet, temple of mercy, please save me,
One who cuts off sorrow, one who has a pretty mien,
One who shines of truth, please save me
Bhaktha manasa raja hamsa, samastha
Bhaktha vasamkara, pahi maam,
Nithyamuktha, nithantha bandhura,
Bandha mochana, nisthoola, pahi maam. 5
The royal swan in the mind of devotees,
One who can be influenced by all devotees, please save me,

One who is perennially free of ties, Always pleasing,

One who frees from ties, One who is very great, please save me.
Sathya dharma hithangarachyutha,
Sankara,pahi maam,
Nishthoola prabha, veera thunga-,
Thuranga vahana, pahi maam. 6
Lord Vishnu who comforts the mind with
Truth and dharma and Lord Shiva, please save me,
God with unmatched brilliance, one who rides
On the valorous and lofty horse, please save me.
Mara maraka veera nandana,
Deva raja supoojitha, pahi maam,
Saramanasa sarasasana nandaneeya,
Suravana, pahi maam, 7
The valorous son of Him who killed god of love,
God who is worshipped by Indra, please save me,
God with the firm mind, The son of Lord Vishnu,
God who lives in forest, please save me.
Ghora satrava sangha dandana vethra
Hastha, Bhayapaha,pahi maam,
Dheerasan mani kanda, paditha
Mandalarchitha, Pahi maam. 8
God whose hand punishes groups of terrible enemies,
God who removes fear, please save me.
Valorous God who wears a bead on his neck,
God who is worshipped by learned for forty days, save me.
Pahi mam bhava bhanjana Priya,
Manju bhashana pahi maam,
Pahi maam mahishee madhapaha,

Narthana Priya Pahi maam, 9

Please save me, Oh God who likes people who cut off the ties of birth,
Please save me, Oh God who has very sweet pleasing speech.
Please save me, Oh God who stole the pride of Mahishi,
Please save me, Oh God who likes to dance.
Pahi mam paramathmaka bodhaka,
Dharma saasana, pahi maam
Pahi maam nikhilamayardhana,
Bhootha nayaka, Pahi maam. 10
Please save me, Oh God who teaches about the ultimate God,
Please save me, Oh God who is a just ruler,
Please save me, Oh God who is the neighbor for the entire world,
And please save me, Oh God, who is the ;lord of all beings.

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