Ekstraksi Dan Karakterisasi Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari
Ekstraksi Dan Karakterisasi Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari
Ekstraksi Dan Karakterisasi Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari
A Abitogun, A Omosheyin, D Oloye, O Alademehin. Extraction And Characterirization Of Sunflower Crude Oil.. The
Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness. 2008 Volume 8 Number 2.
The oil samples used for this work were obtained from sunflower seeds. The seeds was prepared, dried, dehulled, conditioned
and flaked. The oil was extracted by solvent extraction. The oil sample was investigated for their physico-chemical parameters
which were specific gravity, refractive index, colour, flash, fire smoke, soft and turbidity points. There values were 0.923 0.016,
1.4750.002, 18.00 units,339.002.20oC, 3421.20oC, 235.001.75oC,, 42.001.10, respectively. Other
were free fatty acid, acid value, saponification value, peroxide value iodine value and yield, the values were 1.400.007%,
3.090.24%,197.430.42mgKOH/goil,12.62.20Meq02/kg, 131.600.71WIJ, 41.32.12% respectively. The qualitative
determination of the fatty acid composition was carried out by methylation and application of Gas chromatography. The
percentage yield which was 41.3% makes it a good source of oil. The free fatty acid (1.40%), peroxide (12.6meg KOH goil/ ),
confirm that the oil can be processed into edible vegetable oil. The high level of unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and oleic acids)
and low level of saturated fatty acids(Myristic, palmitic and stearic acids) makes the oil a liquid oil. Finally, the oil, if refined and
consumed, it will be a good source of essential fatty acid needed in the body.
Lipids are important nutritional component in grains and
seeds of many major fruits, They solubilized vitamins A, B,
E, and K, which are necessary for the proper maintenance of
health and a source of essential fatty acids, thus contributing
to several metabolic function Lawson,(1995).
Lipids can be referred to as heterogenous collection of
biochemical substances, which have in common the
properties of being soluble in organic polar solvent and
insoluble or sparingly soluble in water. The term lipid covers
edible fat, oils and certain related compounds, which
includes phospholipids and steroid Anonymous,(2004).
The sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) is a member of the
compositae (Asteracea) family and the genus Helianthus. It
originates from North America, where it was traditionally
cultivated by the Native Americans. The sunflower was
introduced is into Spain in the middle of 16 century, where
it was cultivated essentially as an ornamental plant. Its oilbearing qualities were only discovered in the 18th century.
Since that time, the sunflower for oil production has been
considerable genetically improved. Some of the first
improvements, through trait selection and hybridization,
took place in Russia, then in U.S.A. and aimed at increasing
the oil contents of the seeds. The breeding resulted in the
development of strains with Oleic improved acid content
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Figure 2
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The results of the investigation carried out on crude
sunflower oil suggest that, if the oil is refined and consumed,
it will supply the essential fatty acid needed in the body.
This will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in human
being. The result of the physicochemical properties
supported the suitability of the oil for consumption rather
than industrial application of soap making.
1. Anonymous. (2004), sunflower production and
management. Manitoba Agriculture,
Food and Rural Initiatives /crops /oilseeds /bgd01301. litml.
2. AOAC, (1984), official method of Analysis, of the
Association of official
Analytical chemist (AOAC) Washington D.C USA Pp
3. Carson, K.F., (1991), Fat and oil processing INFORM.
4. Codex, (2005). Standard for named vegetable oils
(Amended 2003, 2005).
5. Delplanque.B. (2000). Interet nutritional Des Huiles De
Tournesol A Haute Teneur
En OleiqueOcl, vol7, No.6, Pp 467- 472. Tournesol
6. Et Evrard, J, Baudet, J.J. et Burghart. P. (1986).
conditionnement, Transformation,
products, cahier Technique Tounesol, ed, CETIOM,Paris, Pp
7. Erickson D.R. Pryde E.H., Brekks O.L. Mount. T.L. and
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Author Information
A. S Abitogun
Department Of Science Laboratory Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic
A.C. Omosheyin
Department Of Food Science And Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic
D.A Oloye
Department Of Science Laboratory Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic
O.J Alademehin
Postgraduate Student, Federal University Of Technology
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