Revised Standard Two of The National Educational Technology Standards

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National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators Analysis

Matthew C. Tyler
Coastal Carolina University


Standard two of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for

Administrators focuses on a digital age learning culture. Standard two asserts, Educational
Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides
a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students (International Society for
Technology in Education, 2009). In summary, standard two focuses on the ability of educational
administrators to keep abreast of current changes in technology and promote the continuous
improvement of digital age learning and classroom integration. According to this standard the
promotion of collaboration as well as the implementation and monitoring of effective technology
is emphasized by administrators who advocate for the continual effective use of technology for
learning. A learner centered technology integrated environment which can differentiate and meet
all learner needs is supported through effective training and monitoring of faculty on a continual
basis. In addition, it is necessary that administrators promote and partake in learning
communities that stimulate innovation, creativity, and digital collaboration.
I feel that it is of great importance to create a digital age learning culture. When a culture
of digital age learning is established, all of those involved share the vision. Their way of
thinking, behaving, or working is a reflection of this vision. Staying abreast of evolving
technologies in a supportive work environment that promotes collaboration and differentiation
integrated through technology innovation is at the core of this standard.
I performed research regarding the application of this standard at __development center,
_____. Since I am a Graduate Assistant who has worked over a year in the ___ department, I
arranged an interview with the Assistant Director of CeTEAL, _____, to gain information about
standard two. Various sources of data were used to research the digital age learning culture of the
department and university. Together, we examined the following documents: ______assessment


data (a departmental self-assessment that is part of the university wide assessment plan), the
University Strategic Plan, _________ Assessment data, _____ faculty development session
surveys, ____ newsletters, and the departmental website. My personal knowledge based on work
experience as a Graduate Assistant within the department was also utilized.
Standard two, indicator one, focuses on the innovative sustained improvement of digital
age learning. Documents such as the Mission and Vision Statements show that this is apparent at
_____. One goal of the Mission and Vision Statements of _____ is to Provide training on
innovative technologies to improve faculty instruction to improve student learning (____,
2016). In regards to the selection, usage, and evaluation of various instructional technologies a
variety of stakeholders are involved. The ______ Advisory Board, Distance Learning
Committee, and Faculty Senate collaborate to examine cost-effectiveness, faculty need, and
accessibility of various technologies. Administrators ensure that technology tools are FERPA
compliant, free of licensure issues, and research based. When technology tools are selected for
implementation, it is integrated into an action plan which is reflected in the University Strategic
Plan, Technology Strategic Plan, and ____ Strategic Plan. These plans are continuously
monitored for effectiveness.
Indicator two places emphasis on educational administrators modeling and promoting
ongoing effective use of technology to enhance student learning outcomes. The Mission and
Vision Statements, as well as goal number four of the implementation plan for these statements,
reflect _____s dedication to a supportive learning environment that champions collaboration,
innovation, and technology use. _________ Assessments and ______ Surveys provide data to
determine if faculty feel that the environment is supportive in regards to innovative technology
use. Collaboration and innovation in technology use is modeled and supported through faculty


determined sessions, round table discussions where faculty members come and discuss their
successes and what they want to improve upon. Other faculty members offer suggestions. The
____ department also promotes faculty who model effective teaching strategies and innovative
technology use in their classrooms. They are spotlighted in the _____ ____ Newsletter and are
invited to host a faculty development session on their area of expertise. In turn, their peers will
view them as a leader and consultant. ____ also hosts book talks which deal with research based
texts that promote ways to teach effectively, integrate technology, engage students, and
accommodate differences. If a technology innovation that will affect faculty and students is
being implemented, beta tests will be utilized with select courses in order to ensure a smooth
integration. Possible deterrents of innovation, collaboration, and implementation are analyzed
during bi-monthly ___ meetings, Advisory Board Meetings, and Distance Learning Committee
Indicator three focuses on meeting the needs of diverse learners through student centered
learning and technology resources. Because a teachers personal proficiency and confidence in
technology make a large impact on how well they implement technology resources, ____ trains
faculty on instructional strategies that can improve student learning. They emphasize faculty
innovation so that the instructors use each tool in a way that meets their needs and comfort level.
For example, students in a business class may address a student learning outcome by using
Weebly to create a website to promote a business and monitor the sites web traffic. Student input
regarding how well their diverse needs are met through student centered learning and technology
resources is not in place at this time. However, I would like to see this in place in the future.
Student groups that may not currently have learning needs met is addressed. For example,
_______ checks each technology tool and acts as an advocate to ensure that it meets the needs of


hearing and visually impaired students and that it works across all devices. _____ ensures that
staff are aware of options available to them to meet student learning needs through the CeTEAL
website, newsletter, E-boards, and posters.
Indicator four stresses the need for educational administrators to ensure effective
practices in the study of technology infusion. ____ encourages faculty members to choose
technology that serves an effective role in helping students meet their student learning outcomes.
Additionally, ____ feels that it is important to take it slow so that instructors feel comfortable
and continue usage instead of feeling overwhelmed and quitting. Numerous daily faculty
development sessions, individual consultations, and classroom observations are all techniques to
ensure effective practices in technology infusion as well as assess the type of technology infused.
The SAMR model, based on Blooms Taxonomy, helps educators gage how well they are
addressing higher order thinking skills with technology. Presently, there are no policies that
require the integration of technology within the university nor policies that require the instructor
to vary their instructional strategies. This is of high concern to me.
Indicator five claims that educators should participate in global learning communities that
stimulate innovation, creativity and digital age collaboration. _____ encourages instructors to
present at international and national conferences and ___ staff have been known to present with
the faculty. Also, ____ hosts sessions on how to effectively leverage Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Weebly to interact with students and other educational leaders outside of the school. ____
encourages participation in faculty development opportunities through Certificate Institutes,
recognition ceremonies with administration present, and grants. Lastly, _____ ensures equal
access to all faculty members by offering faculty development at different times of the day, even


on weekends. Individual consultations are available as needed. Some faculty development

sessions are placed online to accommodate faculty needs and busy schedules.
My reaction in regards to the condition of standard two is high. What concerns me most
about this standard is that there are no policies that require the integration of technology within
the university, nor policies that require the instructor to vary their instructional strategies. I feel
that if such policies were in place, it would greatly impact the effectiveness of all instructors
because they would be held accountable. There would be less lecture and more student
interaction, engagement, and built in processing time. As a result, students would retain the
material in long term memory and be able to apply it in a variety of settings. An innovative
digital age learning culture would develop. When the culture develops, all faculty embraces the
vision and their way of thinking and behaving will be a reflection of this vision. The end of
course reviews presently do not include indicators that address the teachers effectiveness in
integrating technology to meet student learning outcomes. In addition, the course reviews do not
address whether the instructor varies instructional strategies. This is of high concern to me
because a culture of digital age learning is not widespread across the university. However, some
colleges within the university embrace a culture of digital age learning. Approximately sixty
percent of the faculty at _______come to ____ to learn about innovative teaching strategies and
techniques including, but not limited to, technology integration. The remaining forty percent who
do not attend because they either feel comfortable with their teaching strategies and
effectiveness, or they do not want to learn new ways. I feel that it is imperative that University
Administration implements policies that encourage all instructors to integrate research based
technology enhanced instruction.


_______________ (2016). ________Mission Statement, Vision, and Departmental Goals.
Retrieved from ceteal/ aboutceteal/
International Society for Technology in Education (2009). National Educational Technology
Standards for Administrators. Retrieved from

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