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MTech Integration Plan

Principle 1
Vision Driven Implementation in Support of Learning
Marianapolis is dedicated to providing students with the skills that they need in order to succeed
in their high school courses, in college and in their lives beyond their years of formal education.
To accomplish this, it is imperative that our students develop into self-sufficient, responsible,
lifelong learners. Marianapolis strives to create an environment in which students, faculty and
administrators have access to technological tools that engage and excite while enlightening.
The Marianapolis community recognizes that technology is a tool to be used in service of
education, and that these tools enable students, teachers and administrators to accelerate and
enhance the abilities of the individual in pursuit of learning. Marianapolis has set the goal of
creating an environment in which technology enhances the productivity of all community
members through the seamless inclusion of technology into every aspect of the school from the
classroom to school management. In creating this environment, technology will naturally
become interwoven into the learning community because the goals of productivity, efficiency
and learning will drive the selection of the tools.
Integrating technology into the learning process requires a significant shift in pedagogical
methods, and as a result, will require consistent quality training and support for teachers. In
pursuit of these goals, teacher training will be implemented not just in opening meetings, but
throughout the year. This training will model the student centered pedagogical practices which
have driven the development of educational technology, thereby providing teachers the
opportunity to collaborate with and learn from one another. In these collaborative learning
sessions the focus will be on the pedagogy from which the use of technology is a necessary

MPrep EdTech Goals

Marianapolis has made a commitment to achieving the following goals over the next 3 years.
These goals represent a collective vision to provide teachers with the training and tools they
need to support students in acquiring the skills required for high school, college and life.

Offer effective technology training and support for all staff

Offer the necessary hardware and software for instruction, learning and management
Offer a robust learning environment that extends beyond the constraints of class time
and location
Offer substantial opportunities for students, faculty and administrators to collaborate and
share their creations.
Require students to demonstrate 21st Century Skills proficiency

Transition to primarily cloud based applications to diminish the need for licensed

Principle 2
MTech Student Digital Literacy
Marianapolis offers all students, teachers and administrators with the tools and training
necessary to create a technologically enhanced learning environment. In this technology
enhanced learning environment, students will learn to use digital tools while using them. Digital
literacy will be incorporated into the overall school curriculum, and incorporated into each class
students take. In addition to use in the classroom, students will have opportunities to attend
technology training sessions offered in person and have access to training offered to them

MTech Faculty and Administrative Digital Literacy

All teachers and administrators will have access to in house training sessions.
All new teachers will complete the Marianapolis Tech orientation program.
All teachers are provided with a laptop computer.
All teachers are provided with an iPad.
The school as a whole uses technology every day to maximize efficiency and support
All teachers are required, as part of the school curriculum, to incorporate 21st Century
skills and digital literacy into their courses.
All 1:1 iPad initiative provides all students with the digital tools necessary for student
centered, 21st Century learning.

Principle 3
MTech PD Overview
Because technology integration requires implementing new methodologies and acquiring new
habits, professional development is a necessity. Marianapolis teachers and administrators are
just as much learners in the digital age as the students. However, whereas the students are
growing up in a world in which technology is the norm, making them digital natives, teachers
and administrators in most cases did not. Learning a new approach to a profession one has
been in for years is often a daunting task. For this reason, ongoing, regular PD sessions and
support are to be implemented.

MTech: A Community of Learners

Marianapolis is committed to promoting the best learning
practices currently in place and building on them for the
future. To do this, all members of the community will be
considered learners with ideas that can benefit the
community as a whole. Marianapolis strives to be a
community built on the ideals of continued improvement
because improvement is learning. Improvement may not
always be easy, but it is a simple 4 step cycle. Plan: The
first step is to plan the path to a desired outcome based on
the best available information. Do: The second step in the
cycle is the implementation of the plan. Check: The third
step in the cycle is to assess the outcomes of the plan
based on the best available evidence. Act: The fourth step
in the cycle is to determine from the assessment what parts of the plan worked and what parts
fell short, then standardizing that which worked. That which did not not work is then revamped in
the next planning cycle and the process is repeated.
As a community of learners, each member of the community and the community as a whole will
follow the steps of a cycle of continuous improvement.

How Can I Do That? Peer to Peer Collaborative Learning Series

A community of learners recognizes that the best ideas can come from anywhere. For this
reason, Marianapolis will create a Collaborative Learning environment for teachers and students
alike. These Collaborative Learning sessions will be a place where teachers come together to
showcase their best practices and help their colleagues adapt these practices to their own
classrooms. This is a true community activity. Each member of the community brings with them
their own strengths and through teamwork, the strengths of each individual become the strength
of the group.
Topics for the Collaborative Learning Series will include:
Assessment Strategies
Student Centered Lesson Planning
Anything any Teacher Wishes to Share with Colleagues that has worked for them

MTech Boot Camp

In the opening of school meetings, all teachers and administrators will receive training on how to
use the myriad of tools available to them from the Google Suite of Products to Canvas, to TED

and beyond. The goal is to make sure that all members of the community meet the minimum
proficiency requirements for the tools we should use every day.
Those who meet the minimum proficiency requirements will be able to place out of the training
ahead of time and will become peer facilitators who can assist others in areas where they may
be behind.
We also recognize that a few sessions at the beginning of the school year may enhance skills in
the short term enough to show proficiency but with time these skills may fade. Therefore,
refresher courses and resources will be made available online as well.

MTech in House PD
To reinforce and expand on the concepts presented in the MTech Boot camp. Regularly
scheduled after school PD and PD days will be held during the course of the school year. These
PD sessions will serve to support teaching faculty and administrators in implementing the
pedagogy that requires and is enabled by technology. These sessions will be learner centered
to model technology enhanced pedagogical techniques, require collaboration and have specific
classroom applications that will drive them. In essence, these sessions will be PD classes in
which teachers and administrators will be creating student centered, collaborative, technology
rich lessons to use in their own courses.

MTech PD Opportunities

New Teacher Tech Orientation

Opening of School Boot Camp
Online Teacher Training
How Do I Do That? Peer to Peer Technology Collaboration Series
A Minimum Requirement of 5 on Site PD Sessions.
Optional Tech Workshops Driven by Teacher Inquiry
1:1 Support and Training Provided at Teacher Request
Regular Grade Level Collaboration and Sharing Opportunities
Regular Departmental Collaboration and Sharing Opportunities
Leveraging Social Media, such as Twitter, to share new information regarding
Educational Technology.
Off site PD will be encouraged. (Required?)
Parent Tech Workshops to Educate Parents in Pedagogical Shifts Required for and
Enabled by Technology

Principle 4
MTech Access to Technology Vision
Marianapolis has made a commitment to its students, teachers and administrators to provide all
members of the school with access to technology tools to enhance learning. Marianapolis also
recognizes that the rapid improvements in hardware and software require a plan to keep its
learning environment up to date. This will require, but is not limited to, regular upgrades in
network hardware, and student, teacher and administrator hardware and software to stay in line
with or ahead of the industry standard. After a review of current stock, standards will be set for
outfitting each classroom on campus with the technology necessary for learning.
Students, teachers and administrators will be supported in developing ways to use the tools
available to them as we move away from licensed software to cloud based applications such as
Googles Suite of products. It is important to note that cloud based applications evolve even
more rapidly than licensed software, and this evolution will necessitate adapting our learning
environments to use the best tools for the desired learning outcomes.

MTech Student, Teacher and Administrator Access Plan

Reliable wireless connectivity everywhere on campus

1:1 Teacher Laptops
1:1 Teacher iPads
1:1 Student iPads
Computer Labs
Cloud Based Applications
Multimedia Hardware
Multimedia Software
Hardware for Digitization: Scanners

Marianapolis will use all of the technology resources available to create an environment that
excites and engages students to enhance learning. The Marianapolis learning environment will
be one in which technology is seamlessly integrated into daily activities. This will come as a
result of integrating 21st Century Skills and technology into the school curriculum. The ultimate
goal is to create a community of lifelong learners who will be able to adapt to a rapidly changing
world and the challenges of the future which cannot yet even be imagined.
Adapting to a technology rich environment to support student learning will require teacher
training and support. Marianapolis teachers are themselves learners who require and will be
given scheduled opportunities to develop skills, collaborate with peers and learn from each

Technology Tools Available to Students, Faculty and Administrators






Version 2, 4 and Air

Version 2, 4 and Air

Version 2, 4 and Air

Apple Computers

16 in the MacLab

The art department

members all have
Apple computers and
all teachers have
access to the

Several admin
members have Apple
computers and all
have access to the

Laptop Computers

None provided, but

most students have

Lenovo laptops
provided for all

Lenovo laptops
provided for all

Desktop PCs

14 PCs in the Baron


14 PCs in the Baron


14 PCs in the Baron



Projectors in each

Projectors in each

Projectors in each


Smartboards in
classroom #s:

Smartboards in
classroom #s:

Smartboards in
classroom #s:

Programs, Apps
and Cloud Based




Gmail, Google Drive,

Google Suite of cloud
based apps

All students have with All teachers have with All administrators
Marianapolis email
Marianapolis email
have with
Marianapolis email

Canvas LMS

All students have

access to the Canvas

All teachers have

access to the Canvas

All administrators
have access to the
Canvas LMS.

Windows 7

On all school PCs

and teacher laptops

On all school PCs

and teacher laptops

On all school PCs

and teacher laptops
(Professional Video

All students

All teachers

All administrators

A Library of
Streaming Video

All students

All teachers

All administrators

Apple iPad Apps

All students

All teachers

All administrators

Library Provided EBooks

All students

All teachers

All administrators

Access to Online
Databases of
Learning Materials

All students

All teachers

All administrators

Technology Integration Essential Conditions Benchmarks and Readiness Check

Although technology integration into schools is a relatively new concept, technology has been
successfully integrated in schools and school districts prior to Marianapolis. The International
Society for Technology in Educations Essential Conditions are the 14 critical elements
necessary to effectively leverage technology for learning. They offer educators and school
leaders a research-backed framework to guide implementation of the ISTE Standards, tech
planning and meaningful change.1

Essential Conditions

Current Conditions

Proposed Conditions

Shared Vision

The idea of what a classroom and what

learning should look like and why it
should look that way is not shared by all
students, teachers and administrators.

Using clearly defined educational values

define what technology use at
Marianapolis should be.

Empowered Leaders

Students have very little autonomy in

most classes. To learn how to learn
requires the ability to choose how you do
things within a framework.
Teachers have little or no input into how
things get done. (The What gets done
isnt their choice, but having input in the
how is important for gaining the best
information possible and for unifying the
community focus on the shared vision.)

Allow faculty the choice to be involved in

the how realizing the vision will be
done. Allow students the choice of how
learning will be demonstrated. In both
cases, what will be accomplished is set
for the group by another, while the
methods taken are driven by those
undertaking them.

Implementation Planning

Full implementation planning has not

been undertaken before now. This
document is a beginning, but more

Using this preliminary plan as a first step.

Create plans for long term objectives and
intermediary benchmarks. The plan

needs to be done.

overall and its subsets must include all

aspects of the cycle of continuous
improvement along the way.

Consistent and Adequate


Funding has been consistent and


Maintain funding or increase funding, in

particular for tech support personnel. All
else fails if the tech doesnt work.
Perhaps funding can be drawn from
other places in the budget?

Equitable Access

1:1 iPads provides equitable access.

The BYOiD has the potential to be

excellent, but it also has the potential to
offer vast differences in the capabilities
of the devices students bring with them.

Skilled Personnel

There is a wide disparity in the skill of

educators, leaders and support staff in
their selection and effective usage of
technology to enhance education.

Increasing the skill of personnel will

come about as a result of training and
collaboration. Any tech integration plan
must include time for training and

Ongoing Professional

All professional learning has been done

outside of Marianapolis to this point. As
with student standards, PD standards
must be created and a course of study
implemented for teachers and
administrators as well.

Outside PD is expensive and limited in

its impact on the community overall. The
role of outside PD is to build weak
relationships which foster new ideas
from different environments. However,
these ideas cannot flourish our
community without the opportunity for
everyone to learn (student centered,
engaged learning with a produced
outcome) and collaborate. PD and
collaborative time is the single most
important component of implementing
any shared vision.

Technical Support

The technical support provided has not

met the needs of the community.

The technical support staff is inadequate

to address the needs of a community the
size of Marianapolis. More dedicated
support staff is needed.

Curriculum Framework

A 21st Century skills curriculum is being

developed. However, and more
importantly, standards based curricula
need to be developed in all courses for
which they are lacking.

All courses must have a standards

based curriculum that is examined and
altered on a regular basis. Schoolwide,
there must be a 21st Century Skills
curriculum that is the responsibility of all
students, teachers and administrators to
demonstrate proficiency in and to use in
their daily practices.

Student-Centered Learning

Although there are teachers who have

student centered classrooms, this is the
exception to the norm. Similar methods
are also used in presenting to, rather
than engaging teachers and
administrators in necessary learning.

Student centered learning, all learning,

needs to actively involve the learner for
them to learn. Therefore, all learning, be
it students, teachers and administrators,
no matter the topic, must actively involve
those learning.

Assessment and

Assessment and evaluation of current

practices to serve as the best information
for planning needs to be undertaken.

A regular schedule of assessment and

evaluation of policies and practices
should become the norm for all members
of the community as individuals, as
groups and as an organization. It is a
necessary part of the learning process
and the only way to improve.

Engaged Communities

There are few connections to learning

communities beyond our school that
would provide guidance in technology

Students, teachers and administrators

should increase their connections with
outside people and organizations which


share a common goal, education..

Increasing these weak connections will
increase the influx of new innovation to
the community.

Support Policies

Implementing specific policies, support

plans and accountability checks for
students, teachers and administrators
will be helpful in pursuing a unified

An evaluation and support plan for

students, teachers and administrators
designed to provide the necessary
information to plan, do, check and act
needs to be designed and implemented.

Supportive External

The reception from parents has been


Involving parents more in their childrens

education process is more possible than
ever due to technology, and parents will
embrace changes when they can see
how these changes positively affect their
childrens learning.

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