Willis Carto FBI File (Part 1 of 2)

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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1339107-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 1 Page 42 ~ b6; BIC; LSOgNOUNEANENGONRAOON X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XXX XXX RK ‘Agents Notes. 2. One photostate of #33 joNov. “58" issue of "RIGHT". Transferred from 10. 1A(66). Filed 18/15/58. ss ( Bed 4 photos and. neg. of pasa A.CARTO. Transferred fro 3824~ é : Se 2; Bo vr { See Fas eS Sa nok PE aise. ps Ys een letter from CARYO enclosing a mailing from the PAIRIUY. ‘a n/r/sos with serial 60, filed pees acd f ‘Bia BESO Pe 65: i Literature from Liberty Lobby. Rec'd 2/29/6¢ Filed ‘3/3/60. alm “Posteard, application for Christian Anti-Co: ism Crusade, printed sheet entitled, "Who Cares?", and pamphlet entitled "A- Valuable © hide a f Book-List" bearing stamp. of” The Northern Leagites. Rec'd ahi ser 6 2698 Filed 3/14/60. IMG if phobia 4 Re ‘Fak aha YA cer) afi pled VSI. BS “a Ore pee aRe., wee Bow! ee | Agents Notes by SA Jardarian, Rec'd 11/3/58 : From: Credit Criminal 105-4222-1a(1) Jis- paaa- (aly Se hr CT sirtn credit [} criminar [1 wotor venicte (77 ceatn I warriages Ls 6 prc To: FiTe a Budd ep £ Le ‘Vaae and aliases of subject, applicant or employee & Spouse WitLis ALLISON CARTO Residence WS a= Fa ea Lee rn fusiness 7o1o z Former 7. “pate and ptack 3) marci Gee (iF pertinent) Race Bex Birth Gate [irinpiace CI mae C1 Fenate age reTare weigrt Warr tyes arrest wonber Fingerprint Crassl fication Griminal Speciatty ‘Speci (see reverse side for results of check) Soy be sta te SOR op mp °. SR be «fo bre Noy 3 ‘958 Record Request, - mites SD 4 B C7 sires E71 creait Five nanber ‘Jane and aliases of subject, applicant or employee & spouse ACE Fete Ce. arenes Lie ates 277s susiness Be FU7/s spate and place of marriage (iF pertinent) Wace sex [srt date] 8irtnptace C5 we C1 renate ige evant Worgne air tyes Terese warmer Fingerprint Classification Griminal Spectatty Specitie Tatormation desired (See reverse side for results of check) wo Nov3 1958 be p7C Record Request Fooi25 “{s-27-s5) C7 ceath LI marriages ws be Tor BIC Five runs Z, [ideo SS LOS 222 Wane and allases of sub ject, applicant or employes & spouse A/L475 ALLISON GARTO MdressesSOSCS~—SSSSOCOCOS~—CSS—SSS wwsisene LOLS (aes susiness —agLak Cee 99d tenet Foreer 22. = spate and place of Pisa (if pertinent) ace er Biren cate —[Birinpiace Tere 3 Ww 1 rena ie ae, pea air ae SW arrest Woaber Fingerprint Tass FTcabTon Eriminat Spectalty Specific Tatormation desired —g- A EU (see reverse side for results of check) = 7 coe rsavemy 7 Duuk podbasy CT sirty C7 crest 7 criminar =] wotor venicie C7 veatn 7 marriages 1 ins b6 Ic Ter Retura tor Five nant waded lo S- ¢2 ‘Ware and aliases of subject, applicant or employes & spouse ae Residence business Former “pate and place of marriage GF pertinent) mace Sex Birth date] orrtnplace TI wie C77 fenate ge eTgRt Wergnt arr ee Arrest womber Fingerprint Crassi fication Grininad Specialty Specitte Tatormat ion desiree oe (See reverse side for results of check) Or 001 FT aay _ a fie no. JOE +4 BAQ? i Lepai/e® | Date Recoiv Frome? Description: / (Aotrrsze 4 4 8 Non. SP Gg Ref 106 - 2624 - 778 C66) (05 ~ 4222-4 (2 ) ' i | es Per aero ; oe Prenat Nene or of the Records of 30 of the 93 Men abc a Renae ne Pe err ee eee) en eka ee ea ee eee eee re Pee Sete ER eR eC eas tenn eit coe es ae oa Re et ee ‘Te surprising July 30 speech of Senator Relph Pe Renan ae re ee eta See ee an ae ae tr rae Te ea eeennviaa es eae earn ee cos peer ee ee ee eee Renee esa oor Sea ccd airman a me ean Hearne re oOo Rae Heaton me cy eee trannies reed} Seen Monee eed Perse ree a eT ee roa ate PR tence Pe oa ee are a RN NS Sumner Hane Ce RTL Ree nes eM ca PR Dee Reet ett a a ean TMC CR Part eee once Br 5 eee ee ee aes A Een aces ieee rere cree i ia Nat aaa are er aR ae Sok MRC ne re eee Poe ie Sone ea penser ae ne ec ae cn ea See Rented \ t rota recon ar) ere Poe eed eee ie ns PROMO Ue TURE vice Ce LUIS peer ar Teen Cena Pee Rene Co Te secant Rombings of schools and sssagogues. At the same Gime ean erent er ese ea ed paar e rere See ee eee aceon Rae ceca ad ek ee ee ne eS ry oer rr tnere hie teercare cmc aay ene a erent Re TS Te Puce ee arc ad at nn ee Sea sill make it possible co begin a nationwide crackdown aa rent Ci es ec penetra cCUCS aurea eet ae ee ee Ose terrae a rd OL Pi Rn Peano ca these-apply-10-all, regardless of race, color. or creed peg ners eee Cr Peat eC eM iu eS lished, This Fund is 10 be used ac the discretion of Ve Meer ni a ae Pee err ea a eC eRe CR tCm yz) an Ret eee eas Peer Office of THE NORTHERN LEAGUE has been es tablished at Sausalito, California ‘The objet of THE NORTHERN LEAGUE is cul: Per enero rte eRe Praer en nem an mene eon A ace Bee eR ee ee two terrible world wars and which now sveaken the = fesistance of Christendom istis-fight for sucvival i sis of THE NORTHERN LEAGUE is co ii eer ea ee oo feoenn Pal oro) aa Cela it(t] 5 Meee A JOURNAL OF FORWARD-LOOKING. AMERICAN: NATIONIALISM ‘Bombers’ Framed, Officials. Cores a —— Cc Crt Fig ca onl fee iE ETS ee come Pore echi ye O27 fa) PETER ZENGER IS DEAD Cee crc ener ee ee oT al ene eae ee ae Rd bonne eiete ara ccc a eee as Par eee eee eo Perna see Cae eae cheer en aR a a a eee SE CEN eM ce on pct oe ttt ener ad ce enna en em au See ar eee re eC as eee ie Pere RCC La Hoe TAPE Ree Ee te RSLs ai or a aT Le a a AL ere ee ceo ane Rena | cere ee eC caer pee eee aE te er NT Pee en Ce ame Pea ae tae eR Ona! rene ore Re aie at tea | Pee an Oe a ene Aimee ert Raum anaes ee ESC Re Pia rerte hy tec) esd Raa ent eet Ren ‘Our ruling elite, the press and radio never tice of lin usat yurfucgdon of the pros. Pewr Zonger cee nea er errr a eee es erent Riccar Rca Par rere em Coe een eT Seiten et Ea Rene nce) ede ae re eer acer) ive lip service ( oF ace we-willing to subscribe to Re Nera etre eee Ut ate ad Re ee a ae cere a Ls Pea ae mee ae a eet pore Pera OR Reereeer ere nme os Save ener enr enc are eis Min a ge ec eee eee RC Mn rena are Enc Ree Et er hatrdd for the "barbarous segregationist ‘On the other hand, it would not be too surprising Ree ae Creme ent Aaa] espercely frustrated, betrayed and abandoned. This puld very well be another confirmation of the socio Se ere er irae ert ean Serer ere eee Tera Tee ee oe tier At Sry may eea ersten Loehrer TR ee etre VAACP-AFL-CIO Power Bloc Coalition has all of ree re ree ee Farrer orig cries eee ene etre eet er ener ere Tin gore Co here who eealize that this bloody business is not of Seer ee ne een eet nee Ene iar monaRCrneanin naar cine Serene eer aaa te ere onist objective of unlimited federal power, perma Reeerecnieecnieat Perini Serie a renee Rn tte en eee ea Dee ear teer Cn ee Teeter ee eens ee CR eects) ene eee ets eg ce ce ee eee eee a Ne ee ere eee) Coen ec ee ee ae eee etme ey eee ete ae ean eee nen eet eee Cet) Peete etd hosted Mailing address is P.O. Box 67, Sausalita, Calif seam ean eran Tent ete ee mailing list of The Nerthlander, monthly news review ee Ser et ern ene ar ee cae Pere ee ets elated Pec Oats Peer ee eed Pee arene Penne RS na Poe arte area een es Penance aie Br Sees eae arn Schools acé harmful and that che greater the cameact of racial omerenen irre nena ene ee ea Pee a are ene a Cee es eS re eee ene eee ee arene ae eee a ae Taras ie eee en ee eet ere See Ot eee eae cert ee oe ee een CCE ne arene eae eee emer eater Ta Penman eat ener seria ee ne nen ten eee eee lribuces to the social and psvchologicel maladjustment of the Ren Tar ete eet arcane) eae enrmr arn oe cree nc te Loeeivemeyt pape ene cn Ree verte R seer reer ree eee Tne een er ere tee aa Paneer nce Ce a ee ea Panne eee me era Pirerer vest rere eran eat eng Scr eke eres a Pe een eee Bith'a minority race willing co be studied without the overls AC enone ete a CCC ay ACLU, or other Negra and liberal action groups. One report fultthing the above neutral crteri has recently become avail died ~ 7 eR eee ecto a Rcd ene nw eer ccen a sera TN peearinet is (Oa re re cea fer pea ee rier an Prareanee ener ones Semen aan ares One eee eee enn Fearn ore Mra ee Ne ST en cae reat eee ae ee ea Pacer ee ner nemo te eee eet Een nie: SCC oe een Renee arene Ne tere UNCC my eae i eae a erm ae a pane enact ete rR ere ae ee cs Se ee ee Seat eee ay estes eee a cee Pen err ve entre eee Ta peers ee Cee eee ers Ree are gee en er oes eee are eran een Net cokers gener arn reer Ti Pee ee eee ee en Pee Ree eet en Sec Pan eer en a Mere Coan a ect nee a ker ee ea en See ae Eaeeneesrer in Re ante PaCe rene perarnier penen renin Seer Len eee ne Eine tere ts Ee Se ee ee ere th Sere acre ee era Saree ee eee pice ene ae recenee RCne ererce rng Rca Rear ral a ening CTT Td Reece ken Ett os ea en omer tate eet cree Pear eee eee ee TR Sen ecer en etna eerie mee Pena cee ernie en renee Ee eee a ae ee Scr eran at ear eee nite rane men ace allowed to deliberate on these mater TOOT TeRS URES Perna eee nes rere ear a ear eer ee eae ei eterna ee ere eee re ats Fiera eee eee Me en cally Pa eee ee Parr toueneel a crm ener eet peer Cee ne Teer aed erie ee ee net ec! Fon ese Verse eer anette Pe rea eee ec eens neat cennane ee ee a eee eens Ane tree ree ee ee ee) Pannen ace arn aS Te ee ene ene ea Pores Ree ier een ee ean eee renee en renee etn serra) Pree oer ee Soe Ar eee eee Peon perenoni Nath enneeteTM rte Peirer ermeat secre inc ec rat prerorn ean esa ane mur renee ener) eee en ae ee ene etn ree errr erer ne peace renee aoe a tee eee eT ant sent oe ene eeu ener nent ni eer Rel acre eens Ciena ars ear ne nen Ta ee een eee ts ee ee ee ee Pe Re ae et Cree Cee rae nen Ce eee eee a Peer Rin ant Eee mCnT net] Ea recor rca eae ene reer Pree eee ar Sar Pecan ee reer ene errr Preoe ee htaccess Cee a ec ran eee een et rd enum been eremeeerionsy enn nr ene ied ea a eT Piece tesa ene eset crane ta Sorte er earner rea reer ee erereeia eee meni erm eo) See ent See cee eC Ree eens [ree ee ee eee cert ay ce at Cer een ee Pea reese end cee ree gg ree er eeeree reer peer a enone evar io aie ere tea aes eae ene es ees tae ae ee eee eee een eee perce ere nnn a ere eerane a carer ents ere er ke neck ees bere ars ee es Speak aot harshly, sou say, of the woman { love, This is en ee ea Te ae Petrone aciea tr mentee Det ns cee ete Meer ees ee ne eT CeCe ere! Pear ere Par tearm ence Nae ee rene eee nec ere ret a Pier iene tener tne eran a eee tae sett Pom nna ert ers ena Sree Me ea CORRE wee see erg: ee MEI, cr Ooisks Sc e Cee eee eee ee rea cee ee een ecco oS ees shop. Neer ee ees steos rom the Jews. Aad like one of those new Buicks, even heasen, on approval of redit, may be had with a mall down Peony popes Siena) PHILOSOPHY eae Caer CaN Cen nt ee seer nee cers Premera nee Pine eveeener perio See Rene errata eee nena ar A ener Si cova oe ne SSG Som EAC eee ge ee retire ee ea ie eee eed Otc apa creme rer a ON eens eeee ir ren nres nner ie crac eee pare eC ee eh nea Ae ee Toa Porn Carer Ree cere ent Pee eereeneeena er eee orn ere mente ne rer ea era niente Rarer Rr ern Her oe mete SiC eee tae Scone on a nem cn RE are nes Paneer Teati oe ee een orn eee eer rere eer en aren Foon Dene Ree RerenrneS a BRON Ear ener retire a Oe cima Em Finally the sane members of society rejected his unques Coe ene ren Er eR ea Sean ne Pe ee ea Pan es erect ene a ea td enter er ee pean aed SAS Re earn nna gone ta a eT een ra eer en een Lae ener Tac acer neeiaes Mee Perr en teaion. Not only was doubt town on the wort af teonon ep ery ee en een ebnn ti Barer Hin Renee Collecvism means the supremacy of the whole ovee the FO eer eae eee eee ear ee pet mee Sree Pe eR sane Torben Nite ste a ene nee na ES Ree re SN eo Sa ee ce ee eee Core a eee a at Sa aera en ce Pe Soames meer eet ear ib d Spree eee ree emcee Beason Sete anaes OPO OCC era or Pena tees Etec a Rts ana nnint The rulers of Communitc Rusia and China suflerrom 4 Pe at eerie eee er SL Mehran Meee teri eer a oar UR ee NE ree Pa es ete te ear Pe aed ee nea ee ree Era reat ise hetero eer ec eee here ee ei ain Rr ere eee ete ee TOS er etn marae ae ner Panne Sorter ae ane eer SO RRC RR ek EH re cs eee ea reece nereete dna eer ne anit fess in pursuit of the phanvom, One World, tis Being barse ra a a ae een Peete meee ean Oa Seca en yee TEC arent poe ntiSre pg Poona eee bentecenais Cee ee Retr een, Corer ceria eta ent Ce ene er areata 1d Potente eee emesis Eee ener ere Pe Pane rent roa ee ieee en eS rar eet mr ea et aes é SCIENCE Ca ere a ee emer ab eT reed oceupation of Europe, hot a Jew of bit on ee een Ea oy are Duna Peart) Pee Eee ee ee NR Rea re eee One Ma or Rien ge: See mec RnR) Pesta eae ar one Porn etre ee MUTT NM EAH ra Soe ec eS arene ari Pee ore eran nevus Ae meni Pa Der irre ic et rs a een ea Pea eSE me Pen ee rr) = ee ee Ra re ences rere ee "Russia, roused into action by the U.S. nuclear sub that ne oe aoa a teenth eee sae eer ec ea ere cena Ca ree eer eee ere Ree rae a ee ea NS were developed during a period when presumably a German Secon cee eS renee ree aa ee i co eee kor ees Pea ener en tence eee oe E, Wilson. In an interview he questioned the value of shoot ree ee ee a enor ae se, Witkon also expressed some reservations about other Peer are neat ee Cee eee Carer as teal competition was between two bunches of German scien a ern ween eee at ce eee are ar ae cae [cal on eae re are rene cere a ae aan ere ce ee ee ae eer ae eee a ee eran Cee ee ere ees Coo ee ee aes a ee ee eee ere ae ered a eee eer eee a ate) Sie RO Ren En nant eerant arte! Sa Ae a ee nen Fe eet eer ere ee Cte ne een pearance eee Tae Eee cane Coenen a FOREIGN POLICY ~ emt Eee Ly ee eras Ce ere eee cn en ec n Cire een ian ori Peet eee era een Pere cr ete ae emer s Peer reer a ee eee ee es So re eee eee aed SRR Se ee er ee The hard fact is hat the USSR i clearly and ungueston ee ere eee ny her lead is geowing each day. This fat is pointed up BY et eae ee eee ony Know. To ignore itis the height of iresponsibilie Ce ee nae rac Cee ee eee Re err ane ea North Pole and the success of ove Sidewinder siao-ir mie See eee eee ent oe i es. occas re eer ee err ee Ree te ene ager ane ET [ore ne cece cen 2 few questions shout how our leaders allowed us toll io re arora Poca ee eeeeed ern ee Perr akon ee a ents eer Net CR ee en eres Si ene See ae CaO Ue eee TENN WE ECC TAT aT OLE Nea, Ce een eae Baran eevee arent eer Seen eS Ree a ered prea reer eee tse ae nei cre cen ned bare eee ee an Sr Pera nies et vee eT Pes iprrne erre ca nne e reo Pr ce eee cna ene a eee eer a eee ar a eee rR eect Seance nent hen r sic For example, shese decisions have OR rece ee eee ar ae Rea ener ees eee te eee ee aerate eh eae ee ee Se een Oyen enc eet nna eer et Sener oa we Heer noone nea iY ee et ener ee ea es EA DNI OOS Sad weenie een a erneerennt eur weet igre Penne a cane ean ar era Perit enone econ eer ae Pe een te ie Tee ces ae Oe De eet kerr en eer Ee ret en reece hy anewetans i Sear ee ict Roe erie ee See Eee es eer peers Beers ne Reon Oe rn eee a ee eres ern eee ene ee et selves inthe fllowing predicament Oe era cee er Pra mE COM ERE Reena POM aL ate Me CEE ie RU Pee Tae Ree ee Pere rae rere tameetay Oe ere ere een Pie ase ae RAS Coo nN ee era are eee Fer ec ean ered meee eae pata eet ee eran Teer eee eee eo ee a areas nn e " : j OR ft eee eee eee Eagle New Vom Duty News they fave 3.00 ee erence eon Reba cept atient eee eee eee en Roy ir ene nn ae ener ei Pen ee eee Coie eee ee ane CR enna ar comer ae cee Sere ones Meee ae oe aan ea a anaes err renner Peon na eroan eeaea eee anee eer e Me irat Paice pte prema San Sn eoea! Seen nee enim eee Semen nent net a ert Er eareae eeetaraees esters ee crc int Sai elise ar mu ni een eh Pe nee Ra mtrrmte rni ee eee ete ect) Creag ei tae ee eer Pe Cee nnn a ve Roe aco the Tacs indie that at bene -shvoagh secnaminaion of Hier boo ec miei area Leena Boca So uae er eee iw En cee een eu Ran Acne pene nt ik Nanna Renan COR Ce CUE LOE LL Sat ee NCSC Report of the California Investigating eee ee en eer ee ee eee eee nee eS eae SEC ea a oe er ee TR era amc ers Fre a a eee eee A Pane ero teeta” cue eer Sere ee RL toate eae work, Two others are Action far You by Harry Ever aE Re ume area Perea ee eet sea NCCC nt Lert ne Pee rena es eet | bare port bi 100. Ui:s Spt 76 ib, Gas eS _Aphetec cmdto rie slacsg * [oo [estes | | a tbe Leb ife g 5- 3f2¢ , by ple itelen pret ww bd és ugg 1 obec pastes net chler (0 8- $222-JPEB) 1 105-4222-14(3) Preturs, coward ie Ise gutless Conable fGernete , Wus A ‘ Cpefo (08> 222-7012) /scziateap toy) 205-1202-14 4) /2 ABR 2/8 lof bé 7c JOE VaR a LA CH) Leh - 2¢-S9 bo Prengphew rel mies abutor) Sai bé bIc PecaT AROUTY ToBeReturned — Yes( ) No (47 fasrecafrn RTT Description; eae lpeiy 0 raoreiy FE 19 §-&PRA- JAG) 105-1222-14 (5) ‘ P. 0, Box 5311 San Francisco 1, California November 10, 1959 eee bs readers eau of Investigation a Federal Office Building Civie Center, San Francisco Dear| Enclosed is the latest mailing which this office has received from The Patriot. As far as I know it is the only one we have received for sometime, Sintere' Willis A. Carto WAC/3r Ene. SAR AR OT oe _ L 7ONE nos. ETTER P. 0. Box 5311 ~ San Francisco 1, Calif. . e Federal Bureau of Investigation v Federal Office Building Givic Center, San Francisco, Calif. ‘File No, OSH 2-2-2, Date Receives R-~P7—GO Libel re = (Name 6f contrib Ai, tensh. by (2° ent pehivetht aie) DC el. O', ‘Na of il ‘To Be etaracd Segal een Description: Rhy 7OL= a 2 5 b6 7c Box 247 San Francisco 1, Calir, Form 3547 Requesteo —___ ; |105-4222-14(6) | TRADE POLICY COMMITTEE SS WASHINGTON 4, B. €. ‘onan February, 1960 ‘mencancnmacToR Dear American: QUESTION: How can we stop the internationalists? ANSWER: Take the PROFIT out of internationalism) Above is a brief dialog which T would like to shout into the ear of every patriot. It reveals a truth which is of capital importance. This truth is that we are where we are because the clever schemers behind the scenes are getting rich pro~ moting it alll This is the secret explanation why there are so many millionaire socialists, com munists and politicians, This is why the internationalists are so strong, I say that the biggest lie of the century is that the leftists are proletarian reformers. They are not. They are cunning, ruthless, inmensely wealthy conspir- ators who know how to tap hidden human drives of weakness: greed, hatred, envy, ambition, gullibility and even misplaced idealism, Then they take these elements and mix them in a witches brew of political power to protect and add to their wealth, Now the way to beat these subverters is to take the profit out of their subversion, The way to take the profit out of their subversion is to make it unprofitable to be an internationalist. . . . And the way to make it unprofitable to be an internation- alist is to raise the tariff. This is the main reason why we selected the tariff issue as the one for the LIBERTY LOBBY to seize to begin its Washington operations. WE'VE LEARNED A LOT Since selecting this issue, we have learned a lot. Now we understand why the issue of tariff is the central one of this moment. After close study we have discovered an appalling fact: This fact_is that unless present trends are reversed, within three or four years Me will be--irretrievably and inevitably--in world government! I say that even if we were to withdraw from the UN tomorrow (and I include the World Court in this) we are still heading for world government unless we immediately reverse our present trade policies. ‘There are two reasons for this, either one of which is bad enough and together they are the answer to Khrushchev's dreams, One, the network of trade agreements which our governuent has committed us to—and the ones planned for us—have the effect of subjecting our national economy to foreign interests and overruling our sovereignty, Two, vast sectors of american business are becoming increasingly committed to the safety and profitability of billions of dollars of overseas investments, The well-being and security of America's economic base is griev- ously jeopardized. You will read little if anything about this imminent peril in your international Ast-controlled "Free Press" newspapers and magazines, LIBERTY LOBBY AT WORK NOW ‘The LIBERTY LOBBY has embarked upon a large-scale campaign to reverse this disas— trous trend, We are staking our future on the success of this campaign, To start with, we have set up the Trade Policy Committee as an "arn! of the LIBERTY LOBBY, The purpose of the TPC is sole and specific, It is to pass the Mason-Bailey Bill, HAR. 10181. This is the former Malone Bill, developed by America's foremost expert on the sub- Ject, Senator George W. Malone—who is now serving as our Research Director. The LIBERTY LOBBY will fight on this issue—through the Trade Policy Committee. until we win, And we will wint Already we have had remarkable success, We have had the old Malone Bill re~intro~ duced, with the bi-partisan leadership of outstanding congressmen, We have the pledged cooperation of hundreds of congressmen, senators, columnists, trade associ~ ations, patriotic magazines, papers and groups, We have set up a special Washington office in the National Press Building for the Trade Policy Committee, We have the beginning of a large mailing list which will ultimately reach every daily and weekly newspaper in the country, as well as tens of thousands of influential Americans, We already have gotten some fine publicity, We will get more, Speeches have been made on the floor of Congress in support of H.R. 10181. We will do all we can to help the backers of H.R. 10181 move it through hearings in committee and to the floor for a vote. They need grass-roots support if they are to pass the bill. Stirring up public awareness of the need for H.R. 10181 is a large part of our Job. Please note that we are taking the offensive. Our side can never win if it persists in fighting defensively, So we are moving forward all the time, THE ODDS WE FIGHT The quicker we pass H.R, 10181, the quicker the LIBERTY LOBBY can move on to some other vital issue--and win that one, too. But we are fighting against billions of dollars of entrenched, selfish, special-interest pressure groups. They will spend noney like water to prevent their special privileges from being taken away. This is all part of the reason why your financial support is needed. . , adequately and promptly. Already we have spent $4500 or more. It took us almost three years to raise this. Soon, our "nest egg" will be all gone. Yet we are committed to spending a lot more. We need your help. Won't you contribute to the best of your ability to this SUCCESSFUL and aggressive campaign? Again I insist—we will be victorious if you do your part, but without your help we cannot hope to wine Please make out a check for a generous amount and mail it in ‘the enclosed envelope. Perhaps you can make a regular pledge. If so, we will send you a reminder and an envelope every month, Please let us hear from you at once, Yours, for VICTORY, G C. an ee Chairman rise, so as to create a larger market in their countries. This is che wise measure developed by Sen. George W. Malone after years of study ‘and exhaustive research, The’ conscientious legislators who have introduced it in the 86th Congress need every bit of grass-roots support they can get if they are to pass this bill. WHAT IS THE TRADE POLICY COMMITTEE? The TPC has been set up by a group of Americans specifically to promote passage of the Mason-Bailey Bill. The Committee is nat in- terested in perpetuating itself, Ie wants action. Ik is registered as a lobby and that is what i¢ is, Bue it is a different kind of lobby. It is for the national interest and the general welfare of ll Americans, and noc for any special, imiced interest. HOW CAN VOTERS HELP PASS H.R, 101817 = Write your congresiman and senators Ask them co support H.R. 10181. Advise them frankly that their attitude on this vital question will greatly influence your attitude when they come up for re-election and ask your vote. © Tell your friends about the work of the ‘Trave Po.icy ComMirree and seek their help and letters co Washington, Send us their names and addresses for our mailing lis. ® Send a contribution to che TRADE POLICY Commaurrer. This work must be financed by working people and small investors. They are most hurt of all. ‘They cannot transfer their work and capital overseas. Their liveli- hood—and theie country—is at stake, TRADE POLICY COMMITTEE 998 National Press Building Washington 4, D.C. EuGENE C. POMEROY Chairman (George W. Malone, former U. S. Senator, Nevada, is "retained as" Research Director to the TPC.) A Brief Analysis of a Serious Condition ... And What Can Still Be Done About It. HISTORY. In 1791 the Founding Fathers laid down a basic principle of American govern- ‘ment, and spelled it out plainly in Article I, Section 8 of the Consticution. That principle was thar Congress and Congress alone had the responsibility to regulate trade with foreign lands. ‘Article Il, Section 2 gave the Executive branch the duty of administering our foreign policy. Under this wise and typically American principle of separation of powers, the United States prospered as no country ever had in human history. From the beginning, Congress set cariffs. In fact, the first act of Congress—after an organizing bill—was a tariff law to protect the industries of che new Nation. Throughout the years, Congress raised or lowered the tariff as conditions changed. The aim was to equalize the costs of production here and abroad. This assured fair competition. It ‘made the American economy strong, PROGRESS REVERSED. In 1934 there was an abrupt reversal of the progressive principle of separation of powers. Congress passed the Trade Agreement Act (misnamed “reciprocal trade"). ‘The 1934 law clothed the Executive with the power to regulate foreign trade and the national economy. In effect, this put the State Department in control of American industry. President Roosevelt said chat this was only fa “temporary” measure, to expire the end of the “emergency” then existing. It expired but was renewed . .. again and again ‘and again. THE RESULT HAS BEEN CHAOS. Under the cloak of seeking “allies” and “friends,” the starry-eyed reformers in the State Department have arrogantly issued death sentences on thousands of American industries. For the first me since 1876, thanks to them, we have an unfavorable balance of trade, and our gold reserve—supposedly the backing for our cur- rency—is almost all gone. Irresponsibly, they have made us dependent on far-away sources for the critical raw materials we need for peace and war. The wreckage which has been caused by the 1934 law is appalling . . . incredible =. - but fully documented by the Research Division of the Trave Pouicy ComMiTTEE. THE ROAD AHEAD. A continuance of the present policy means these things: (1) Probable defeat in war, for we will be isolated from our sources of raw materials by 600 Russian submarines knowa co be afloat, (2) An increasing bleeding of American capital overseas and the closing of American factories as more and more businessmen transfer their plants abroad. This, while temporarily profitable for some businessmen, will irreparably cripple our domestic economy and national defense. (3) Gradual, ever-tightening control over the economy and political structure of the Nation by a world super-authority heedless of the rights and needs of Americans. (4) The steady lowering of the American standard of living to a common denominator with the rest of the world. ‘THE CURE IS SIMPLE BUT TAKES IMMEDIATE ACTION. Strip the State Department of its authority over the national economy by passing H.R. 10181, the Mason- Bailey Bill The Mason - Bailey Bill provides that the ‘Tariff Commission ~ an agency of Congress es- tablished in 1916— shall again establish and adjust flexible tariffs after proper hearings on the principle of developing the whole country alike. The bill will equalize the cost of pro- duction of American products with imported ‘The Mason- Bailey Bill takes the profit ‘out of sweatshop labor at the water's edge. Ie will encourage exploiters of low-wage workers to allow wages in their countries to NewYork Joumal-Ameriean QeFri,Feb.5,1960 Tariff Revival Urged To Protect U.S. Jobs By PETER ANDREWS fin thts counties to ise, so as ‘Hearst Headline Service Special to N. ¥. Journal-American_ fe esreate ‘s larger market in| ‘WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.—Rep. Noah Mason (R.-IIl.) sO has introduced a bill designed to “take the profit out|, The Meson, bill specifically fof sweatshop labor” in foreign markets and re-establish amends the 1950 Tarif Act by fa system of flexible duties and tariffs, eneoe eae Rep, Mazon, a longtime fehicn tok away the authori locate of protective tartts ang|endltures abroad while we im-|or" tue commission and. se | [ranking minority, member of Port mass-produced items from|the’ reciprocal trade 4Ystem. eanking minority member of| foreign. markets by spending|" ine Tiieous Republica aso eee een cne bi our gold reserves overseas. Ott|acoured the State Depariaent provides the Tari! Commis-| sold stocks are at a “eighten-lof wsurping authority over [dion can again establish taritfs.|inely low level,” Rep. Mason|taritfs, charging that, “duly ‘The bill, referred to the|*™% elected Congressmen and not| eae Ua rere tee | No longer can we lrespon-|aiplmats nave Um proper re- Pee Meas COtneasnng|Ibly and rulnousy assume the|sponsibilty "to oversee the 58 iuplcte, of meative| american worker snd taxpayer|beatth of the American econ \ genet Gs tonmer’Sea, Georg [ean forever support the rest ofO13.” pre er the worl" he sald. “Fo do eller it ls ow time| Wil result in the complete de-| tor Coravess to reassert. is|structlon of our economy and ichtfot authorty over forelrn| industry. feeds and’ the ‘naitonal econ-| "Rep. Mason sald several men| Jems," Rep. Mason aid, "Wel and women in his district have ns recogsled there have Deen| Tost Jobe because of untatr a ome basic and. far-reaching| bor practices in ether countries: changes’ inthe world econ-|. The protective tariff bl wil fom, and we must catch up|“not only halt the bleeding of vith. these changes. because |American Jobs, eapltal and n= itty to foreign lands, BeP. on. keeping: abreast of them."|Mason sald, "it will alo. en-| "Rep. Mason scored the poller|ensrege explore of low=waxe TRADE POLICY COMMITTEE, ssa HR. 10181 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE Me, Miso itodocd the folowing Bill; which was refer to the TATIVES ‘Toamend the Twill Act of 1980 and for otber purposes 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represeta- 2 tive of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 pena ow Pur 4 Buono 1.1 is dared to be he poly of the 8 Omer ‘ ) to fate and encaunge td with ocign 7 int 0 the tas fh od esomable eatin 8 (0) to sain, onnveinet ciate thro © the rnc plying en tthe whole com, 30 (0) to provide temtry exity- impor 31 dates harahy taking pose appopita austen 32a epee to eangng etn enna 1) tonsae he accompliment a teehee fives hy etuning tie proviso ft Conaon ale 1, seon 8) in the contl over Amana 4 ipo des now ao iteration agreoments (avove 1s @ reproduction of Section 2 of the Mason-Batley B11.) To: Trade Policy Committee LIBERTY LOBBY 998 National Press Building Washington 4, D. C. I wish to pledge $ every month( ) quarter( ) year ( ). With this coupon, I enclose $ + This 4: My first payment on the above pledge ( ). A single, one-time contribution to your work ( ). Name. Address. TRADE POLICY COMMITTEE 998 NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING WASHINGTON 4, D. C. PP Ble Wo, 2OSaM222_ Date Revive’ 3/4/60. _ be From! bic ~ (Address: of C, Fletcher By < : (Name of Special Agent) ‘To Be Return=d ) tion Description: Postcard, applicaxf for Christian Anti-Commnism Cragade, printed sheet entitled, "Who Cares?" and pamphlet entitled "A Valuable Book-List" bearing stamp of The Northern Leagues [0S 4229 {72% (4) Keith, Sir Arthur “*New Discoveries Relating to the Antiquity of Man” The Place of Prejudice in Modern Civilisation” “A New Theory of Evalution” ‘tkingsley, Charles “The Roman and the Teuton” (9/6 $1.50) Keyserling, Hermann Travel Diary of s Philosopher” ‘America Sot Free “The Recovery of Truth’ “From Suffering to Fuflment”™ Kretschmer, “Paychology”™ Lange, uCrime as Destiny” Landry, Stuare'“The Colt of Equality” Lorimer, F. "Dynamics of Population” Ludoviel, The Chotee of a Mate’ "The Quest of Human Qualley” . fan, an Indicemene™ “A Defence of Aristocracy” iA Defence of Conservatism "Count your Dead, They ng Ruled Ameri Lennard, “German Hen of Science” ‘Wiliam "ls America Safe for Democracy” Fulop “Leaders, Dreamers and Rebel sndre "The Voces of Silence™ alism” Alive” snd Cormic Man” “Paleface Orage, A, Re “Fraderch Nita The Dionysian Spire” apenas, P. “Applied Eugenics” Pound, Exes "Pearson, Roger “Euge rs) Ripley, William Z. "The Races of Europe” Raven, Alexander “Clvilation as Divine Superman” Rose, Edward Elsworth Changing America” Riencoure, Aubrey de “The Coming Caesars” Smith, Charles "Sensism’™ ‘Stoddard, Lothrop "The Revolt Against Civilsation”” "Social Clases in Post-War Europe” "Racial Realities in Europe” “The Clashing Tider of Colout™ ‘The Rising Tide™ Spengler, Oswald ‘The Decline of the West” “Mfan and “The Hour of Decision" Schiller, F.C. "Eugenics and Poltcs” Shoonmaker, Edwin B. “Democracy and World Revolution” Schuyler, P "Cove cat Bedrogn Done ‘Thomson, WS. “Danger Spous In Worls Population” Trower, W. “Inatincre of the Herd in Pesce and War” Wiggan, A.€.""The Fruit of the Family Tree” "The Next Age of Man” Wagner, Richard “Heroism and Christianity” Waddell, A, “The British Eada" Way, Lew Htan's Quest for Signifeance” “Books ard with anterik re ovale for purchase rom “Northern World, Hartley House, Pieuftid, Dunfermline, Seotiand ‘oF 669, Boyd Bivest, Chase City, Vay USA. PORTHERN. LEAGUE P.O. Box 67 No. 4 A VALUABLE | BOOK-LIST A NORTHERN LEAGUE PAMPHLET 23, ROLLAND STREET DUNFERMLINE SCOTLAND We may pride ourselves on being men of open mind, un- clouded by the phobias and “isms” that are so common, but ‘fone has spent much leisure time browsing in the bookshops ‘of Edinburgh, London, Amsterdam or elsewhere, one becomes convinced that in the bookselling business there is a subtle and insidious game afoot. It seems as though sor agency exists to buy up whatever the price all possible titles relating to what some might call ‘the Radical Right. There is ‘2 codex expurgatorlus which after its fashion secures the withdrawal of all works on :Heroic Vital ls if for example’ one was inclined to buy “Essai sur V'inegalite ‘des_saces humaine’ by Count Arthur Gobineau. "*The Foundations of the Hineteenth Century" by Houston’ Stewart Chamberlain or any of the prose works of Richard Wagner, the greatest difficulty would be’ experienced in obtaining them dlspite the face thae considerable editions of these works were produced from time to time, The works of the well known Anthropologists_in America, Madison Grant and. Lothrop Stoddard whose important books “The Passing of the Great Race” and “The Revolt against Civilisation” caused such a stir and were produced in vast numbers are now well nigh unobtainable. Of particular .interest in this connection is the work of ‘Anthony M. Ludoviel whose recent guest article in that up and coming. paper “Right” caused a tide of interest recently amongst right-thinking. people. Of his considerable published works in Britain, devoted as they were to the interests of feugenic Improvement, aristocracy in Tis original concept, and the security of the White world, nothing remains to. be bought. froscledenaat So ABarBey car 16 me ot eet woe HR H. F. K Gunther, the celebrated German anthropologist, whose post-war books “"Lebensgeschichte des Romischen Vokes" and “‘Lebeasgeschichte des Hellenischen Volkes”” have caused quite a sensation in Germany, is another-whose works myster~ iously cannot be found. His English. cranslation “by Methuen of “The Racial Elements ‘of European History” is as scarce as snow ir Hell, ang what pity too, for that. book. isa masterly study ofthe European people and their. wajs.”!Under the stimulus of ‘displaced’ professors from the continent and others of alien origin, often, the anthropological faculties of English and American Universities spend all their energy and talented young men on considering the sex life of the Mende or thumb Sucking in the Polynesian’ Islands, the purpose of which: would seem to keep the attention of students sway from an interes ted study of native Europeans, The purposely neglected study of eugenics is another subject about which a curtain has been drawn. There is a bibliographical black-out about such names as C.B. Davenport, K~ Dunlap, £. 5. Gosney, P. Popencé, RR. Gates, H. P. Fairfield, “H.R. “Hunt, $.:J. Holmes, H. S. jennings. Wm. Macdougall, W. S. Thomson, ard A.E. "Wigan. Yet the pur chase of any of their works, Wherever they can be found, ‘will save them for a grateful posterity. Books well-nigh unobtainable: nowadays are the political works of the great neo-classical thinker, recently deceased, Wyndham Lewis. From time to time copies of his novels are for sale, but such works are “The Art of Being Ruled” and ime and Western Man" are whisked away from view when- ever they appear for Sale. Much the same ‘can be said of the philosophical and political. works of D.H. Lawrence and the Alexis Carrel, the noted French bio-Chemist, whose electrifying pre-war book “Man the Unknown” did so. much to attack the accumulated decadence fof British vand France before the Second War, is another author who appears to have been subjected to the unwelcome interests of these unknown enemies of European civilisation. ‘As the struggle for the’ soul of Europe deepens, we, of true European-descent must seek to organise our armoury’ of literature, In preparation for the total ideological war which vie have to faces ie behoves us allt acquaint ourselves with these books and to buy wherever possible any second hand copies to ensure they are not lost ordeliberately destroyed. There is appended a book list which the writer hopes will serve as a guide to the vast literature Which exists in "English for people proud of their inheritance and keen to bulld for the future (35 BOOK LIST Bardeche and Brasillach, “History ofthe Film” Bonall, George "The Awakening of a Race” Bon, Gustave le "The World in Revel the Crow Barnes, FW. "The Rise of Christianity" Burckharde, jacob "Civil Bruck, Moeller van den. omer est Beaty, John viron Curtain over America” Carlyle, Thomas “On Heroes and Here Worshi jermany's Third Empire" {Chamber Houston Stewart “The Foundations of the 1th Century Carrel, Alexis "an, the Unknown Exmpbell,c.6. Grleehfela, G. W. "American Supremacy” ‘Campbell Byram “Race and Religion™ “American Race Theotiss" “World of Oneness Cox, Col tarnest Sevier “White Ame Bavenperts 68, sHoredip TRC Eugenie Dunlap. Ks Dennis, Laweene Darlington, C, D. The Facts of Life™ Fast, M1 "thanklnd at the Crossronds” Fairchild, H.P- “Immigration ie “Optimum Population” reat AERA Afost Dicay and Degeneron Freeman, €. A.~"The Historical Geography of Europe” ‘Forth, Tasman *The Call of Our Ani Gates, Rc "Heredity in an” ‘Human Genetics” ‘ Grane, Madison "Conquest of 3 Continent” he Passing of the Great Race” Gobineas, Arthur ‘Gunther, HF. K._“The Rachl Elements of European History” Gregory, J. W. “Human migration and the Future” ‘Godéard and Gibbons ""Civisation or Civieations” Gsiton, Francis “Hereditary Genies™ "Gayre, Prof “The North European Face : A Portrait Book of Modern Nordiet™ (2/652) Holmes, S.J. The Trend of the Race” ‘The Eugenie Predicament™ Holmes, Mind a Pure Spire Hunt, HR. "Some Biological Aspects of W: Jonnlnge, H. 5. "The Biolggical Basis of Human Nature” ‘Genetic "The Peychology of Socilism’* ation of the Renaissance in Europe” "The Dynamies of War and Revlution” 1 Nordic Religion®(S[-; $1) jaman Ancestry” FP itamsun, nue “anger sGromth of the Sot” Heri enttcesee Diary “erga Road Hatha ac nnn Sean ae Hoaldegger, "Time and Being” Ireland, Alteyne of the ¥ ‘Commescial Asnects ofthe Yalow Peri Josey, Chas Cg onal Solas” Feil, GH. fhe Shagowe at the WORT eure SK. ""Mankind, Racal Values and Racial Prospect” "Gs ee ie seth sein wi cg Sol foe oe TY mal alte apone tase Sere ia Ge wida cag aie Ta ea oases eels ts aabter olee tas ie te aerate ety Rela and Sparta Gerbane sneer TE een ee conic ules wre pum @ see e eee ee ne re ay nara anes ee oe ee (Brom hese on, people wil panage withcthe aitualion'as. under Red: Leadership. akaifat the. Western. Man)’ there". (6 Sitds. and the foreign poweis,that bei ‘Even a ‘Toynbee has,‘always awoke in.all the peoples belonging to the threatened -* ee ee: “Culture an overpowering feeling 6f spiritual relationship. to’ ‘We shiga torrente-of blood that reddeked the battiesields each otlior, The notions of the Cultute: Alien Barbarian was “op-which se fought wiles, Nan. Qa we bave spt sayy lei oi Baton fly Not ony doe Mellver se (Maat eset seted each ater 1 tine that the joe Brotes Nations into the Ovi of the Barba We 7 "Meshing the man who inwardly Woes.’ 20 ‘urtHier. ‘We arm the:Barbariant One hundred and sevens He. ‘not, belong to: our “Westers Cultures) oF 3 ty five thousand German ‘téchiicians| and spécialists‘the, bat Es 7 ‘isin’ the ‘orld Wwe, have forced into the: Red Orbit! ~Ten. Fy 2 And. do, j-haidly surprised us when: vei iow! ee-out- ousahds Chidesg stlldents ‘we perbit today, fo, learn the __)spitit-Litters® mount the’ platform of Joni Inetier. a the. achnic and Universities of 65; wen they shout at our ates that they Seas a frst ihd elo lan Stop, and Untgeataat : © adr buai) beolkcr “ey Hoes voreeenaDt gote ong Dmbre oe srwtazesw 1 Cinna ainécoin aug aproatydhy ie-toncete glen ems 3 % Seek ere zee pear we sone eee NEMO CHRERS : ‘iprongyomt Teton (rote: apn oiiavieuieny. mot-ok-Hi6 08 S10 oH Sis i 6 qpstves eabpewistey Prowse ie Fesead se EMPORIA ipl ee nUbEyPe.-ph_ sue WANTON oh WUSIRAITIIA yy, pst yors0s ug eae plete fie yolosne one omer ssinge Yeiee ee ss a wee setunojteg mous sense ne vi wave {yonUtstid. ub payee cjeet A erkusjaype-nbsiawe Of EBC PER oo, Senor tie Van ec tis Pou eo soe wea LSP, Ok ORAAPIOR. IPE |THE pe vp ySuREn sm pag eee ek aa fing amo ay ue egy om. are (exer. combjorerh qieeerzon: sua, cos"sipe nawhase) eee Ning HESVES OWED LHeaUSEe 42 yom “pORPIOIR TU He 2 9 Exomb of BLoBT © “opsts spear ati “ave ih a8 ype moan dadomesemauoR peng Ween pan! “ ee Tou icttar Work po esespeg dieembure-iag. spovrongdt- we caer Bre Ben ‘ eae ft Yan fo! sizopRe' gence 40 epont eper Were ATE, = Sage ook Glau ABS Ha Se SPITE OE RSTEL ype goosqsnw ipo emtaEe ~ a Uainceqpoe fe 9;KGUGD. (Be fongetuit blous" Oar yeeqr BIC” gene Sy, Bom eat Sher siRCe the Gufeteq (mp AOLIG Ange 1) «BE CLs Of OE Ozeat Je Con toy pioticaing jyuienycenpen: .~ Teh an 70] CAN COMBAT YOUR iD) 7 NPA ea ENEMY .... Attend Northerit Galifornia’s First Anti-communism School Tuesday, March 15 through Saturday, March 19, 1960 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. T pom. = 9:30 pam. FACULTY HERBERT PHILBRICK - Counterspy egainst Communism for the FBI, author of “‘/ Led Tiree Live whose experiences hove been dramatized on nation-wide television. FRED C. SCHWARZ, M.D. - Exec- utive Director of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, physician and student of communist theory ond philosophy. RICHARD ARENS - Director of the House Un-American Activities Committee of the House of Representatives. W. CLEON SKOUSEN - Chief of Police of Salt Lake City, formerly of the FBI, author of “The Naked Conmurist”. WILLIAM E, MAYER, M.D. - Director of the Howaii Mental Health Service, U. S. Army, Hilo, Hewaii, well known student of communist “indoctrination” of Amer- icon prisoners in Korea. W. P. STRUBE, Jr. - President of Mid-American Life Insurance Company of Houston, Texas, Secretary of Christion Anti-Communism Crusade and Director of the Texas Branch of Christion AntisCommunism Crusade. JOOST SLUIS, M.D. - Director of Northern Californie Branch of Christion Anti-Communism Crusode. Whitcomb Motor Hotel Fees: Carmel Room in Convention Center Doy sessions: $5.00 Night sessions: $2.00 8th to 9th Streets on Market, San Francisco Entice school: $20.00 (Ministers ond students: $10.00) Adequete parking Bonquet Saturday, March 19, 7:30 p.m.: $5.00 Write for reservations and further information NOW, or telephone LOmbard 4.4380 [NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BRANCH CHRISTIAN ANTI-COMMUNISM CRUSADE [NON-PROFIT CORPORATION EVANGSLISTIC. .. EDUCATIONAL... DEDICATIONAL U. 5. Postoge CAN COMBAT YOUR Donald C. Meany pi zN Pa ea ENEMY .... BIS Laqunn Herrda 120 Porw ssfreegPesTeD OYRISTIAN ANT-COMMUNISM CRUSADE $95 Buckinghom May san Francisco 37, Califernia I wish tootend sessions of the acho! fr Crstion An-Communits: Please send me inferation on how | an suppat she Chistian AntiConmunisn Day session" Nighttecsicn ——Crasege by sank Gz och Mons, Horch 14,1960 o TE) Proves Sppert Toes. Horch 15 o 3 Fy enone Wed, Merch 165 o a he Thurs March 17 o Fru, Merch 18 o So Merch 19 o name San Merch 19, Closing Bonget (3) go All Sessions ($20; Ministers & Students: $10) i STREET. \anclose §_____te cover the cot of sessions lndlcaed ey FONE on STATE “Study to present youself to Gad 08 © man opproved, 0 workman who has na need to-be oshomed, rightly handling the word of uth.” = 2 TIMOTHY 2:46 bé BIC _ FEB 2°7 1960 Dear| Under sepurate cover I am v6 sending you some literature bearing some- »7¢ what on the subject under discussion. The one book I wanted to send you--May God Forgive Us, By Robert Welch, I cannot find. You can get a copy direct from author at: Belmont 76, Massachusetts, for 50¢. The other book with volumnous information on this is McCarthy's America's Retreat From Victory, $2.75 from The Bookmailer. Address of this on some of the material en route. Best LK : pg 54222 ~/A0P) Date te, ‘ 24 9 oepamrue oF erare (wre on 21-0) PASSPORT APPLICATION (Bee Intsrmitin' for Pinapctt AppligaNts of pak AY i Wares fa | SERS CR Ocr1060 700027 © LEacuPeT va " 1.00; & \ nae ofS nes ie " roo] Fe Dotorhy lwitie Gree." | Claefaud, Ohio ; S756. . (Guattan gyapianm, 000s re Tithe : bs bre 1 ¥ _ i Sa oe ees a nay aa pe Taisen Rc fon pao Tae gar aT SSUES RANE inna Sid wena sn oar oes es mE [ro oo 7 Tomar are Saal te aetna Cadena ou aoe eras SF rire no. fase yoea Date Received Loto Z From S 5 “of Con’ pr EP By _| To Be Returned = Ye - ‘0 teturnes ee ye Description: ‘Car¥e jaay GAZ pak, 70S 43222-jA(7) WILLIS ALLISON CARTO October 1960 | 105-222-214 (10 1 Veh rake fO5~- VAAL 7 C6) (044 StI} AO) RRR ae ara Lu AC rca ee eet eae artes Pe Oars ae A eae ee aca anata of North pene eee Cae ocd ee nae are ou Per a similar publicotions aero aad oe rr oe Reet aun eer kale Ae ane eee a aneere Dr ae poet pean Petre aaa obligations! B ea rf oa we ene a errr ene ad Pee cnn TL Tine ere el Pears Pet aa eer cas Semele Sree cas Beene acl Reale peeve ola Poel Pay ce ee ae roa SL Pa ae arr 7 Ree . ee eee res PN LOC a ee eT ea aM neat area Renee Perera Pea ae ne an Soa tea tn , Dea ae eae ea eae ar ae Camaneaier iain! 7 . ree Se een Ps eae ee fied Pemeienah ers ke an on a ee aa et Pas rr ese quickly, if we as aaa nea en aE ee ge a a a deve ana mileage Aid, sed tn sal eta hand Ea Cea a baer a ti er ea re a Re OR Ue Na tied we reer Rc rete neon CRM nOMncmET UR eta Pere EA OR nn Te et Ac OE ma Retr er ates Ta aes hs ‘ / creel se co Dees eo eeeray Do Donat eer eR Fen eer a H Pon ream iae si nye sich one inet ee Me sh ase eS er es Sas oe Woy Caer 184. | To Be Returned i ao | Description: Ovaeg | of Be 38, Yay 583 (05-39 AG-/ACEE) (205-4222-18 (an) | | LOS - LRA vee Cr) < = Pe eee era ere CIRCUIT RIDERS (196) has made 4 Compilation PTA nr Ee ere ee eer ee How Red ts the NAACP & Leaders? asks Common Cora rec tere reer att cer ce ener ete AN ie ete renee eerie reir eke ee eae ae ee er aT cae ee cn Trem Rae a are Re aneeeeert are eater ay ae en eae Pees eee recta ease em hoe ena ees Noone rn ate rag eee Race CMTS a Pane ereenan ame rE ra ara Re Le Pe ae eee ea ea trent ne Reed et emer from (934) ag ee ee PSR Cn rane ear come en en nee eka as af Retard. youre tucks. This basin ie oth the fall EPRI er ee Habana i Sse ere eC ar veer areemn eS rea ne ee Pen a Mee Ree Pate ae nee re Peer ere see aS Prien ae cae ene ria SPO x A Poe cr pers er ere econ es PONCE) EC re Oe ee ADR rmomnnen enema tir om it ers Sorter ee eee Commend oa Rover ety ee eee Caer ate =a Ota rere ara (earner (Licence ee A JOURNAL OF FORWARD-LOOKING AMERICAN NATIONALISM PSCC CSC) CM Stet rer 5 eee a eas ere NaC UCC UR SU Ee Perera ra Lon eee rear va te eles eae Screen en Renee eee ee ad Prog aah eree peeves eecrerireis a preva it Reape ee cence i ect ae ed Corea ree eee Te RA area ae eee a Prone cee ere ene een ee Peer fret areca raat earns re rae ee wee ea ee reorient Corre ees nero) ea ee one ee Reet Penson reer ene ey eee ct a eee ee eet ee eee ere ee ee een eee eee ee ere ee RC err eee nee eee ac stake is one of civil rights and fecedom. Apparently Pen ane ers ee teat aes ee merece rere! peace ret eee lished. This Fund is to be used at the discretion of Admiral Joho G, Crommelin, Trustee, for legal ex: ppenses in this and other eases. The address of the Fund Pa Oe ee en me asm RCT CM CCM ya Falling in step with other “realistic idealists” locar- ed all around the world, the first North American office of THE NORTHERN LEAGUE has been es ree ere aes ‘The object of THE NORTHERN LEAGUE js cul: eee a ee of all nations. In this way the mutual misunderstand: ings will be eliminated which have so far resuleed i oso terrible world wars and which now weaken the Peay Ree eee eee Fane See Tae cle scientific and forward-looking. It is recognized thar ome 2» med on Po THE RIGHT LINE Cee) 7 PETER ZENGER IS DEAD « BUT WE AREN'T! ere ener Ln neers Pe erent sr eer rete ane a Pres cA rae et ear eee eet ree eee Pier Aenea a ne Sa ee Bremen eerie sae Freer korea ea Neer Se eel ei reer rere Monee of simply barring “hate publications” from the mails Roar ere er eerie Ce eee tk tele ae Pine eee ek eee earn oe aa CoE aera tara ae na BN Re oree ran re a aa ce ete Pere Caen ace era ona atin onr eT eco a eo ae ara Pea eon or Or An Rete eta ears Dee ate ets RAN Aan Soe Crete Perera reer ey eric ii an ee eee eee ae Pere prceten oe ae ea eer ee Seu eco mrcs Ce eee ee he ens eee cesar 2 a eee n ae ea eee ee ee Pee Lc an ere ere eae hee and heir stories ace repeated over and over. Well Re Le cara ean ee its money where its mouth is, How mach do we really Sate ean ee era ated Pee ee annem rn et ee Ca ene era nt ae ore Cee cere need Be a eee a ne na eae pes Sad Grae rca reer CE eee 7 ee eee can biological science and che immutable laws of heredity rae cer ir progress, DC ae ee ee POR Ree oie eerie ge oer a Andersoi, ‘brilliant recited - professor and. author Ss ee car en reer sere) eon eens SOUL ee eet eT DNAS anes er een DOS Sea aca a ee eer ca eee ee Soe cee stay pores Ral D aT a Pence ere Sa ae eer a Se ener Rane Cee vr apogee ert ane nee HER Cn the : me Re ace ae eae Lae recent nee eo nen eee oma 1988)-3 Bee co ee ren era Rar Cae rene et en Ope aC Gor nn en a otk Rice rete een oa Prema [en ene er Ra ea eRe ea er eer nd Poet eee ae ee a Coane ei ae ne Peat Merce ee ee eee eneten One See Le ee ee Cee ee ee near ae ee ec ere rE ec Reet ee eee ne oT ee EC TeC eset Ta ae ect santero na ee a ee en ee en eee Cee nese an eer eer anon PRR ice ner ne eae een ane Sond ere ee Ue ee Rue Hacer See eer ene Penna Peete Sea anan See a oe ane nanny Cia re or rE a arenes Seen era oan eee eer eee een RC ec rae ge wishes ta force himself into a societe which woul sent his inirusion? Rather than undertake such an unwelcome and des eee ec eC ae SRL COT o Dv Wc Sve Rte ear ee ee ee ese Se aR ee eae Sa a ere ee ean ei oe eee ee eee eri Cree ene et av noah taed rel Toray SCORES cae nn eee rs sill cheaper dollar. The stock market he Sn reas ate ee ei ir sana Coa eae eran perc ean er ee PSOne a mcrae n nennniiad Da a eee ee Se ee Ln oe nn cae LeU ca cE nie nn Ce ern rere eet ese is - eet eer ee er Se eae a en nN Poa a eee rer anand Aa Re Reet ee nen aad eee a orn ocean Seer eee en era Seas ee ee ere eee er eee eee eee een eee eee a eee eee een ee ce irene eee eet ene rie uaereenc tear scar ei ater ee a i ee eens Se ee eee cee ee ee oe ee ene tear ceed eae etree rent eae ee et nas ae oe) eccrine esc eer etna ot Toate ee eee tenee heer nes Feneirioe sara Sern aeaeese nr ed r ence ke een ie eee eed pate Pree en Se ee ee ee een era UTNE Nt ne Tet cee neers ae ere ann ane ne ee ee ee Se eee ee pier ee heen steel er ea en as eee ee eee ee ee rer actrees acre CRATE ati a ee as eee eee era eee eT ar orate neared Sere ee ere enc ea eee ie cee genes TMi pera nC nee nti Ca cece ae eee RN ec Ta ee eee cee oer eek iter beet ry) eee ree enters retinas Pater ne ene eer Se rier erent aN a eee nts oan eR creer rere eee aie eared en eee Re ca eT Peer ete Cn en nr Nee a nog Serre es eee ec a area | vr oath af allegiance, as revised, pure oue pation unde Ce eerie eee Te et Pe re Reece ne Rc nren Saran shop. ee eee as emer eee eer feat heaven, an approval of credit. may be had with a small down peeninees rememanens Ciera PHILOSOPHY eC eo CORN nt Cece me eer Ee aera] ae arereree ners mean eiciny Seer Tee oy limes) supremacy for oneness. The Jews, maintained thik era eee eens ne Several centuries belore the birth of Christ, Greek philoso. Foetre ae cree ene naked Serene rca ret erry aod In these quests the explorers were, from the point of view Pa Ree ener eee re eeeren the outer world. They belonged 0 a breed apart—men of er nein eee eT) inner turmoil. This demand could only be met throwsh faith ina final veality—a realty based on oneness, We shall thete- ee en ae eee an eee cee eer eects proved to be effective propagandists, The set in mation forces pee eee eer er ees eee ec tess aa ae Pre ee eee re eee ee crete eee eens erent keener ne er ereetiar a cet In this way questions that might distur the darkness of one. one Finally the sane members af society rejeced this ungues! ree a eee During the Renaissance, light Aooded the land. Horizons opened in all dizections. New continents were found. Men reed eee een eer ae eee ere oe ere ee ae eee eT ea ee ere es Pee ener tara ferret ce eer ee Ca eee ee art Se et eae ae eer er eee ee ner a ny reason. Not only was doubt thrown on the worth of reason, eee ene a eed panei peer eertan eee aa cea ean eee ee ee ene ee ee ee ee end ‘The French philosopher and social thearist, Auguste Comte, Cen one ee eee eee na Pee oes oe eee ee nt ee ee ee eer eee ett aggre rte psa ae ae eh enc tt Perec eee ate ee eee cee eee eet eee RS Seer ear i Nip ee ec eT Peed er eet Pee end Enema i ene een ecco Peer ene enna avanti peer eae Mneentiner ne Parise etd RCT ee Oa ea een ed eer Neen aries eee ae Picea re een nee crn acors Peete etna ee nS pr nei ROR NEA eerie ar Soren nee ee nner CI TY Poa nnn mean Sener pia renenee se rere ne ere era arn ch meer INE RON i eT eens rere ee ene a coebannemete winia Meeer rita etc Peat ree ree ermrate rt cn Rana ne Meccan arcane aoa Pea ae eee oe Serene eer eee Re Pa cera ee ree tr Sen een et eerie Soerecrenerntn ek en tat POR eee ener Hare ene in eee eaten ae Perce one et east {he past and heya be again Bot to accompli this Serene ee See Pe een Eee etn een ener easiest SCIENCE | ee epee Pras Ped nee in Rare ner oa aa ae ca aT Ereerunr ras eater ent eC Ce ne ee ec cc es See Cera Pa eae ee SE eevee Ors Pee er ene nc eed eee eer Cee aD Preerrret eke Cad eee ee eee ey Sciemists whom dhe Soviets had caprored (onder the rules of the alia pact) as slave Inhorers who organized ‘Sputnik, eee on ea ree eet ee a pcan ee ene ier at eC S Seen ne ere Pe ee a Lior eet eer eee Ca es bea ee 5 ae a ae aren per nn See ee as Ae an Re eg pee erence tar nt Len eer nce een So eat cso ae Cag Coe era eg OTE Donets ees Bees omen Te Kec pba areca epeia anes en ar] ee cere eae a te See ee ee re Frc eee Eee ap ean reat ees NOEs Bar 2h cee eee Se Anan ee ere er ee Pine eben nne neem cron Sanne terete teen api biror aetna Rca aa Pa a Me ee ee a Fa SIR a a ea a ee RE or eS a ne NO cag Hanae aa tar earn SOR or) Set nearer ete Sas Re ne ence oo os Sank een a eee re a aCe Mery Ee een ne a eee eee oa Ron een ee Lent age een nec Brier ean ear iaey Janae aie eee Om Tuo pc riematic ee eee es ee enna a Paneer en at ra een MIE ead sa ieeaaeeeerier onic eee ete Rie ca Fein anne ne ca NCCES er een ne eee Serre ce ee ae ined eon a eee En aN oar e a ee Rees Perna eee te eee He ences Ec sioner enieieer ee Ree here ee aa Se eae Mah nent ca Ae Pee eeeie en alata ete eeonerenreeier teers Ie eau Four sheer Weer era ce Cn Piper er ee ee ico nae erence ret OEE oa ea ee ere Ce eee ee pera ri aceon tn eee cee ae ear eee oreo oneans Lene encase eet ate Teas perro ie eee tee poem ce een Nee eee ere Pe en ea ease eer Sere Hen SeReeva ne. nro Per Den eae acne eee Re et ee ne nT Tete Soar Nee nie Ree eRe eRe or eis te Peak Oe nen pei tan ene ete Ee Pe eer er ees bv Na aera TES ee rec mS Rent ara et caret ccd rr irene ee eee are re Ps ener een ees ra crane) ar nar va enrenie Seer een eee ars Sinner a ie ornare ees Caroma te Po eae een ners tc eo Ce ees oe tee eee eee ee Ree key rawr tas * Creer ee rer err Pe merger h a meter eer na aera ee een re ee Peer ert er rere Suey Perini errr cn neer eg Pane ne rer Rn ee econ Nan Oo er ier een Ce a eee ae eee a Pee eee ee ea rarer eee a eee Rene ene ech enna eer LS eee tT ene ee a inent people and intelligence reports which have warned for sears that the USSR was ahead of us ia the development of Pree re eet here te aS eee een ee eee es cee me Ne ees eee en RR Ce eet re een STS cer nome Sn Ler mest eee EM nee Beer eer aoe eek etree See re sore eee ee ete et er (oe anne e est tees Pere aren CeCe eee ete es Rene eC Tn aetna eR! patra Ce eee eee ee eva earn enn Tan eee een era en ee en ee er ne teen ecen Peer ACCA ae ee ee pera ear nen ae Ce Ee eet aC ees eae pera tcl emer eters fox ence he CC COCO eee ee ene a cere Tale ere ae ere a ae ene ree ee eae ae Pe ern ed (Cu Re anee ena a em ae a charged that Rovsia’s gains are due mote to successful espid Bian epee ar ett kecreee aTena era iy em rede ae Dana 7 ee ee ray Pree ern oer oa be quite i order with the patter of decline and demorstica ee eee aes ners when, he was told of the mate, But appaeently bi nee ree eae per rane renee ie ee eee ee | a ‘ Sinan Rents enon rita Penn weebante pee Pees an eee ree ea ee i Lan eer ne nen eelet Aner ns bere eine he een nee ae por Nice creamed enna eet Sean ee ee eee Sane onesie eesti terete : erie rere onee ee ne oa event Sie eee es POSE Ean hy Re ee ea Report of the California Investigacin Committee on-Education is availabll Pee erm ed ee eer See ee Pee etree eS or es a ee freee eee ee eer | Perera meets In RIGHT 37 one booklet was reviewed which giv] grettunbkedata on the HOW of precineclevel politid; he Se ce ee eee cence ed Oho ae ee ee RAT Eee Uae CN eT OLS i pyc eee a \ | | | | One _photostat of pamphlet entitled “AIMS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE | | NORTHERN, : hsferred fron 105-362h-1a (67) 12/15/58, Filed 12/15/58. ss_he | ‘ Ld : | 1 negative and Filed 1/9/59. dim __he aagniaeseeeesess | To Be Returned | Gime © OS - 3824-14 1) JO5- YRRR~jj CR) joo= - | | | | i Rese eas FOR YOUR SUPPORT To learn more about che work of the Leagle write at once to The Local Secretary, P.O. Box 67, Sausalito. California, USA. Local centres are alrdady widely PC ee a eee ee me) et ae een aaa ata a eae ts Pant NCS eee Peres reno no ere eS ene cee uanen erase rt? a cea aaa eae oa PO ee a ae aS cae cr Oa Uae ee aa te Se es ec only 3 per annum. Write at once to the address shown ees Pe nas NORTHERN LEAGUE tol ie eel Dread SEND r SETS eerie ome retin eae Emer reais PCa) AO Cmca Corny ee a PCR ene aoe ee eee ey eC eae eC ae ee ae Pe er core ey ee ee Se ee ae Se eae een ae ) \ | Crean ] ee ae eee a biological heritage is preteeved, and a cultural decline ee ae ere Seta | | | | AIMS The Northern League accordingly aims To foster North European friendship throughout the world Internecine warfare must be atandoned if a common ee eer atid Cee ae eed ete eeeneg rar oe Coen cee ee oa Paes Both our biological and our cultural identity are threat ened by the forces of Communism and Cosmopolitanism, er ae ero ae Bots Scone eo ee ee cc our biological and cultural heritage faces a still more severe threat from within, The immigration of alien eC ee eee ee ec ce ee ee te Ore ea eae ete SC ces Cetra ee eee ee ee ees ce ce een eet eer ese erence ee te ret Tooter tel ea erate eres eke: By. Name oe To Be Returned Yes No ( Description: _ Mega thie. tous 5 Ded: faa Meg Ried ae, Te CA) 0O=FF 9H) LR. Ondltrsnee vos waza) Seo”

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