1955 July 15 Independent Press Telegram Disneyland Paleo Future

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Independent ^
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955

Presented in this special newspaper "section are a few of the

many delights and wonders that are yours to enjoy in Disneyland.
To develop Disneyland from a long-cherished dream to a reality
took the skills and talents of hundreds of artists, craftsmen,
architects, engineers and scientists, to all of whom I am
sincerely indebted.
Disneyland has been designed for the enjoyment of all— a magic
place where every family can find and share happy hours and
experiences together. ,
With your first and future visits to Disneyland, I hope it will
be for you — as it has been for me — a most happy event — a
dream come true.

© Copyright 1955
Wall Disnoy Production*
long l««h (Collf.), Mdny, July ». TM5

Disney's Magic Kingdom

Opens to Public Monday
That magic kingdom of Disneyland-long a dream and now a reality-will open

and then delves fat into the future.

What is the story behind ment and the tons of steel to
Disneyland? ing
II 1£ a
n park
jJ«J-<^ to
*.w house
i' vw-i- his car
be required for this fabulous
This is the question most toon characters on the back of expression of the esthetic
his Burbank Studio lot. How-
often asked. Paradoxically, it ever, as Walt's activities ex- mind.
is the easiest and the hardest panded, so did his dream, and SITE SELECTED
to answer. Easiest because it became apparent that a After about a year's study,
part of the answer is that it larger site was needed. Stanford R e s e a rch Institute
was Walt Disney's dream of W h e n this entertainment recommended the A n a h e i m
years which he brought into site.
pulsing existence. Disneyland genius felt he was ready to go
ahead with his pet project, he When the property was pur-
and its construction has cap- chased it was a flat 160-acre
tured the interest and imagi- called in Stanford Research
Institute to make the neces- parcel of ground where more
nation of people all over the than 12,000 orange trees grew.
world. sary investigation of possible
sites, attendance expectancy, Giant earth movers and bull-
The question is difficult be- dozers moved in, the trees were
cause Disneyland is a dream, cost, and numerous other ques-
tions. moved out, and rivers, moun-
and who can say how a dream tains and lakes began to ap-
develops? ' While Stanford Research In-
stitute compiled this informa- pear. The berm surrounding
PLANNED FOR YEARS Disneyland began to rise and
Dealing with more tangible tion, artists were busy ,on
thousands of sketches, blue- the skeletons of a medieval
facts, sketches of Disneyland castle and an 1890 railroad
were recently found in the prints came pouring from ar- station soon faced each other.
Burbank studio tiles dating as chitects' offices and construc- By now the impact - of
far back as 1932. At that time tion men began to estimate the Disneyland was being felt
Walt Disney considered build- number of feet of lumber, ce-

the south side of the parking lot, looking due north.

. throughout a large area as
sheet metal and ornamental
iron shop.
two shifts put in 17 working
hours daily. Pigeons Ready
merchants considered and pre- Roads began to appear and Walt Disney could be seen on
pared for the 5,000,000 tourists
Disneyland is expected to DISNEYLAND buildings started to take shape. the site almost any time, di- for Their Role
In a few short months Main recting, inquiring or suggest-
draw annually, and as more Street's buildings were recog- jng,_always examining this A mass rehearsal took place
and more Orange Countians
found work at the magic king-
FACTS nizable as individual units; living dream to see that it cor- at Disneyland one recent Sun-
rivers, moats and lakes were responded with his original day when the birds were re-
dom. Anaheim and surround- OPENS—Monday, July 18, dredged and guide rails laid; idea.
ing territory became world fa- to public. Press preview, July hearsed for their part in the
Sleeping Beauty's castle be- Now, with the public open-
mous as press, radio and tele- 17. came recognizable as such and ing only three days away, Dis- opening of Tomorrowland dur-
vision reporters and photogra- the various lands took on their ing the p.ress-televised preview
phers described Disneyland to HOCKS—10 a. m. to 10 p. m., neylanders are pitting on their
people of all nations. identities. party clothes and getting ready to be held Sunday, July 17.
7 days a week In summer, 3,500 EMPLOYES for this once in a lifetime event
FAST WORK closed Mondays in winter. The pigeons, imported from
In May came word that the when the gates to the fabulous Seattle, had their "radar sets"
Meanwhile, Disney research ADMISSION—SI for adult, Disneyland .personnel working magic kingdom swing open.
teams were scouting the con- 80 cents for children. Car park- at Burbank would be moved to tuned to fly south, and Disney-
tinent for materials and equip- ing, 25 cents. the Disneyland site within the land officials- want them to re-
ment to accurately portray the
areas represented, and work SIZE—60 acres Inside park,
week. This meant that office
workers for architectural and
Extra Copies turn to their northern home
upon 'release at Tomorrow-
continued at a furious pace at 100 acres of parking. construction jobs would move land's entrance.
the Burbank studio where the
Disneyland office organization COST—Over $17 million. out of the administration of- Are Available
fice, but there was no place
was set up temporarily. Each
trip to the Anaheim "site"
to move. In true Disneyland
tradition, construction men
You may send copies of
this special Disneyland edi- Food Planning
made mandatory a detailed vaulted the problem like a high tion to friends and relatives Food consumption at Dis-
progress report to eager Dis- jumper at a track meet. They by sending their names and neyland, figured on an annual
neylanders at the studio. through to set' up a lumber mill addresses together with 15c
on the site. By January 3rd, simply built a new house—3200 basis, was estimated at 2.7 mil-
The construction department feet of office space, complete- for each copy desired to:
was following hard on the about $50,000 worth ^f mach- Disneyland Premier Souve- lion hamburger sales, requiring
inery had been installed, but ly equipped—moved in, and 440,000 pounds of hamburger
heels of planners, and about were working steadily when nir Edition, Independent,
this time a friendly competi- power was not available until meat: 900,000 hot dogs, requir-
ROUTES TO DISNEYLAND tion developed between the de- Jan. 17, and the mill went into the "newcomers" arrived a Press-Telegram, 6th and
ing 77,000 pounds; miscellan-
week later. Pine, I^onc Beach 12, Calif.
Thk man shows the various routes which may be used to reach Disneyland. All signers and construction men. production on that date. An
As opening day neared and The 15c per copy includes a eous meats such as steaks,
Sffi^from tte south must turn left at Katella Ave., and use the south entrance Production jumped ahead as ornamental plastering shop colorful wrapper and mailed p r i m e ribs, etc., 170,000
was set up a little later, and construction reached its peak pounds; chicken and turkey,
to the parking lot for lefthand turns will not be permitted off Harbor Blvd into each worked feverishly to keep
was followed with a paint shop the number of employes at postage paid anywhere in
240,000 pounds.
the east side of the parking lot. Long Beach visitors may use East 7th St. or Car- ahead oE the other. Disneyland reached 2500 and the United States.
On Dec. 18 an order came and a completely equipped
son St. to the best advantage.

\\ At last... the great day has arrived when

Walt Disney has established his happy group of
favorites in their fabulous new home near Anaheim.
When you think of it, the fact that any time1
you flick a switch in a home, store, office or factory,
or on a farm, electricity comes to serve you from a
Every youngster from three to one hundred and powerhouse in. the mountains or at the seashore,

All aboard three knows it. We have all been waiting for the
first invitation to come visiting. Now that it is here,
seems like something which belongs in a land of
fantasy. Except, of course, that electricity is a very
real kind of magic. It will be a vital ingredient
we are on our way—and pardon us
in the magic of Disneyland, as it is a vital part of your

Disneyland! if our eagerness is showing!

With no desire to steal any of the limelight,
we are glad that Reddy Kilowatt, the symbol of
living, wherever you are.
So ... a salute from Reddy Kilowatt to
Edison service, is going to be among-those present at Walt Disney and his associates upon the opening of
Disneyland. You won't see him but he'll be there, Disneyland. As the latest and biggest step in his
great record in the field of entertainment, it stands
representing something as well .known as the
Disney people and almost as magic—electricity. as a monument to his creative ability.







« • -1 model


' ••• ^
"The World Beneath Us"
You'll thrill to the years-ahead Richfield New Richfield Ethyl is unsurpassed for TOP
attractions in the Tomorrowland section of OCTANE power. And it contains every , too, i

Disneyland. And every time you fill up your important scientific additive to give you finest uge mechanical
speC aI ffl
^«ion techniques never b o * ' °^
car with years-ahead New Richfield Ethyl, anti-knock driving...longer spark plug life... P-fced into H unCttabl
Beneath Us." ^ttable m'nutes •" "The World
you'll thrill to the extra power and perform- rust-proof protection. When you set out for'
ance that make New Richfield Ethyl the finest Disneyland, be sure to fill up with New Rich-
of premium motor fuels you can buy today. field Ethyl—the only gasoline guaranteed best. I I IM


i.,f,,~ - ;i-v</:>"
An extremely accurate map, printed in color, that gives the most up-
to-date information on how to reach Disneyland and avoid heavy traf-

Mget unf*. tions to con,.


Ucf l.nh (C.llf.), Friday, July II, 1?55

Disneyland Long a Dream of Walt

A creative genius who
has the capacity to make
his dreams come true,
Walt Disney has made his
biggest one a reality. He
envisioned a playground
weeks it jumped to one of the
top ten shows in the nation.
Divided into alternating seg-
ments — "Fantasyland," "Ad-
ventureland," "Frontierland,"
and "Tomorrowland,"—shows
emanate from one of these four
for people of all ages that realms on succeeding weeks. California's most distinctive Hotel and Motor-Hotel will offer the ultimate in convenience and
would become a source of With the success of the visitors of Disneyland Park. Situated opposite the main.exit of Disneyland, on a beautiful SO^cre orange
joy and inspiration to weekly show, ABC contracted tree-covered site, Disneyland Hotel will contain-650 hotel and motor-hotel rooms, suites and garden apcrt-
with Walt for a new hour- merits. Dormitory accommodations for organized youth groups, clubs and chicken s orgcmzcAor^ be
everyone who came to see long daily television show,
it. Monday through Friday, de- available. Three Gourmet restaurants, a coffee shop and cocktail lounges will have a combined capacity
The result is Disney- signed for the youngsters. The of 1,250 persons. • "
land, a $17,000,000 park fall of 1955 launches "The To open about August 15th are the first 104 units with the completsd structure planned ior late November.
in Anaheim, dedicated to Mickey Mouse Club," along
with a continuation of the Disneyland Hotel was designed by the architectural and engineering firm of Pere:ra and Luckman and
happiness and knowledge weekly show, "Disneyland,"
—a land where fantasy Harold Hodges-Byron Vandergrift, the builders.
which received its title and
and imagination are com- format from the "magic king-
panions with history, and dom" in Anaheim, Calif.
a concrete visualization of Plans for this wonderland
first began to go on paper as
the future is not out of far back as 1932 when Walt's
place. This wide range of magnificent dream began to
imaginative reality is in take form. In cleaning out
keeping with the Disney files at the Burbank studio" re-
scope of activities and is cently, original Disneyland
sketches, bearing the 1932 date,
typical of the man himself. were found.
When he came to Holly- The openinc of this magic
wood in 1923, Walt Dis- kingdom will mark the pin-
ney's assets consisted of nacle of a life-Ions dream for
$40 in cash and a bound- its creator, Walt Disney, who
described it as "a fabulous
less imagination. He and playground — something of a
his brother Roy, a partner fair, a city from the Arabian
in all Walt's ventures, in- Nights, a metropolis of the
cluding Disneyland, man- future, a show place of maffie
aged to borrow enough and living facts, but above all,
a place for people to find hap-
money from an uncle to piness and knowledge.
set up a cartoon studio
back of a real estate of-
fice. Later—much later
He was dealing in millions HIS DREAM COMES TRUE
to set up Disneyland, his
Old South
Walt Disney, founder of Disneyland and creator of
.grandest venture in public
The creator of Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse, opens his 517,000,000 magic king-
dom in Anaheim Monday. The opening of Disney- Relives in
snd founder of Disneyland was land marks the culmination of Disney s dream oi 24
born in Chicago, Dec. .", 1901.
His father was Elias Disney,
Irish - C a n a d i a n : and his
vears and the beginning of an exciting adventure
for the millions who will visit Disneyland annually. Big«/ Diner INDOOR OUTDOOR DINING
mother. Flora Call Disney, was cars each, will be in daily oper- When World VVar II broke RECREATION
The Chicken Plantation at
of German-American descent. ation at Disneyland as the out, scores of highly trained Disneyland combines F r e n c h Superb food and beverages
He has three brothers and a Santa Three lovely swimming pools
Disney technicians streamed Provincial decor and old South- served in four exquisite rooms
sister. He went to public road. Fe and Disneyland Rail- into every branch of the armed ern hospitality. (or all ages, tennis co,urt, nine-
school in Chicago and Kansas with op»n-air dining on the
City and attended art school In business, Walter Elias service, and the studio turned
unreservedly to the service of
The restaurant, fea t u r i n g
carry-out chicken dinners, is on
hole golf course, situated among
Pool Terrace or "Del Oesto"
in Chicago. He is married to Disney has been a life-long Uncle Sam. the bend of a river where side- California'* f a m o u s orar.ge
the former Lillian Bounds of partner with his elder brother, The first post-war feature wheeler boats crnise through craves. Terrace.
Idaho. They have two daugh- Roy, president of Walt Disney was a musical, "Make Mine the Frontierland kingdom and
ters—Diane and Sharon. Diane Productions.
4s married to former S. C. foot- When the Disney brothers Music," which highlighted a
new Disney idea —the voices
the Rivers of America.
Customers receive dinners at
ball star, Ron Miller. The Mil- first set up shop, Walt's pro- and talents of screen _ lumi- a serving counter and may eat
lers recently made Walt a ficiency as an artist and a self- naries, used in combination at umbrella-covered tables on MOTOR HOTEL
proud grandfather upon the taught animator was the basis with the cartoon medium. the river bank or at tables on ACCOMMODATIONS
birth of their son, Christopher of the undertaking—the found- Two of his latest live-action a patio. HOTEL GflRDEN APARTMENTS
Disney Miller. Sharon, the ing of an institution which to- features are "Davy Crockett, A c t u a l l y , the .Plantation Budget priced rooms and gar-
youngest daughter, is a stu- day is housed in a multi-million King of the Wild Frontier," re- Building does double duty. California living at Us best.
dent at the University of dollar studio in Burbank. den suites ideal lor the entire
Arizona. Although not his first car- cently released, and "The Lit-
tlest Outlaw," to be released
The side facing the river has
the wide'verandas, grille-work
Colors gracing the furnishings,
family, and you enjoy' the com-
Walt is one of the nation's toon character, it was Mickey this year. a n d graceful construction of reflecting the hues of the gar-
most ardent railroading fans. Mouse, destined to become a early century New Orleans. dens . at the door. An atmps- plete facilities of Disneyland
•His interest in this diversion continuously famous m o v i e TURNS TO TV
In addition to his motion But the opposite side of the Hotel.
ranges from miniature equip- star, who marked Walt Disney picture activities, Disney has building faces a scene from the phere of taste.
ment to scale model operation as a. genius of entertainment. entered the television field on old southwest — a stage coach
on track laid around his Holm- "Silly Symphonies," a series of a grand scale. In October, and a railroad s t a t i o n from For Reservation!
by Hills estate. Railroading brilliant short musi-cornedies, 1954, "Disneyland," a weekly America's c o l o r f u l "Iron WRATHER-ALVAREZ HOTELS, INC. »3*3 Wilshir. Blvd.. I«v*rly Hills. Calif.
elements often are incorporat- came next. In 19S7 "Snow hour-long show was launched Horse" era. This side of the
ed ! in his pictures, and two White" set a. new pattern in over ABC-TV. Within a few restaurant has an adobe motif.
*i scale locomotives, pulling 4 the feature-length field.


You will enjoy a delicious dinner of the future delivered to you
from an immaculate, fully-automatic food service. Just push a button
of your selection — seconds later you will have a complete, piping
hot meal. Then you eat midst all the splendor of Walt Disney's
"Tomorrowland," at family-sized tables in a shaded resting place
overlooking the freeways of tomorrow.

You'll want refreshments during your thrilling tour of Disneyland.
You'll see a history of the confection industry at seven stands located
at principal points throughout Disneyland. You'll see an ice cream
pushcart of the 1890's, an old fashioned popcorn wagon, a colorful
pavilion straight from the days of King Arthur and a fully
automatic restaurant of tomorrow.

eat hot dogs in Fantasyland! Just after you cross the moat into the
Operated by UPT Concessions, Inc., a Subsidiary of American-Broadcasting Paramount-Theatres, Inc.
towering, medieval castle, you're confronted with a colorful
pavilion—fit housing for the most delicious refreshments of any age.
i.«h (fallf.). Frld^f, July »- "»

Park Brings New Concept

of Family Entertainment
Made of plastic, they move,
Walt Disney has won 22" Alice in Wonderland and Peter roar and slither along the
Pan in their own enchanted
Oscars over the years, but settings. banks o£ the "rivers."
someone will have to think up Davy Crockett will be there OLD WEST REVIVED
a more spectacular award for Next is Frontierland, fronted-
his fabulous, dreams-come-true too. by a massive log stockade and
Disneyland which opens its YOUR OLD HOME inhabited by leatherstocking
gates Monday. Visitors step from a 100-acre frontiersmen and I n d i a n s .
Workmen and artists are parking lot into a 1900 railroad Frontierland boasts ,an IsoO
putting the finishing touches station overlooking "Main W e s t e r n settlement with
on the $17,000,000 project—a Street, U. S. A." where Dis- boardwalk streets, h a r n e s s
combination world's fair and ney's magicians have built a shop and general store. There s
Never-Never Land described by small, turn-of-the-century town a Wells Fargo station, and
Walt as "a new concept in which promises to evoke a tear stage coach trip through the'
family entertainment." and smile from youngsters in Painted Desert.
Composed of five major their 60s and 70s. The kids Fantasyland is next—and it
"lands." Disneyland was fash- will love it. dominates all of Disneyland'
ioned from an orange grove Complete with opera house, with a shimmering castle that:
which once was part of the his- city hall, 'fire station and hun- has towers and parapets 70
toric Rancho San Juan Cajon dreds of old-time stores, the
De Santa Ana. The visitor en- town Is brought to life by feet high. This is where the
ters through "Main Street, horse-drawn streetcars and gas creatures in Disney's cartoons
U S A."—a replica of a small lights, the Golden Horseshoe come to life.
town of the 1900s, Everything Cafe, the Main Street Cinema Last in line is Tomorrow-
is scaled down to % actual and a Floradora show. land, symbolized by a huge
size. Leaving Main Street, visitors space rocket and a city: Circa
Beyond Main St. is a central move into a central plaza with 1986. Here visitors-can drive
plaza that acts as a hub for four roads leading to more boats and cars of the future.
fouc other make-believe king- wonder worlds: . "Adventure- A space terminal has been
doms — Adventureland, Fron- land, Frontierland, Fantasy- built for the adventurous to
tierland, Fantasyland and To- land and Tomorrowland. board a passenger rocket for a
morrowland. The names in- The gates of Adventureland realistic, scientifically correct
adequately describe the won- open on a Tahitian settlement round-trip to the moon.
ders that lie behind the glitter- s u r r o u n d e d with tropical Disney expects 80 per cent
ing portals of each fantastic flowers, birds and fish. An ex- - of the customers will be adults.
"land." plorer's boat churns through "But no matter the age of visi-
More of the marvels, later. tropical rivers of Mexico, Cen- tors, this "experiment in new
The permanent, . privately- tral and South America, Africa, entertainment" is certain to
owned, world's fair will ac- Asia and Australia. bring to life the places most
commodate 60,000 persons at Sharp-eyed youngsters can everyone knew existed all the
one time with 20 restaurants spot wild animals by the dozen. time.
capable of feeding 7,000 visitors
an hour.
Disneyland will be open from
10 to 10 daily, seven days a
week. Admissions: adults $1,
children under 12, 50 cents.
SUN SETS ON YOUR OlD HOME TOWN Disneyland. Here Is pictured , section of Car parking, 35 cents.
The flat surface of the old
orange grove has been bull-
dozed into a park of hills,
f n r lakes streams and flowers. It
m ^horse drawn streetcar will haul passengers through the area. could hold its own as a man-
made park without any other
Electric Work Done Historic Carrousel in Fantasyland A narrow-gauge railroad-
exact in
Santa ;
every detail to the old
Fe steam engine, pas-
*™*^** . freeway. In_ its
.. original
_!_: i _*„*„
state, „„
ran tvmincrh
through manv
many centuri
Prancing to gay calliope senger and freight cars-
the carrousel consisted of lions, the Fantasyland Carrousel's circles the area. Tiny ponies
f os/'/y by Newbery tunes, the 72 steeds of King
Arthur's Carrousel act as a
siren call to young knights
elephants, tigers and other wild finished design combines the burros and mules — special
animals, as well as horses. austere tones of the 6th cen- stock bred for the park—will
However, since this carrousel tury and the heavy baroque haul old-fashioned horsecars in
Having electrified many of The electrical installations was for the entertainment of common to the 12th and 13th. addition to Conestoga wagons,
approaching Sleeping Beauty's
were supervised by Roy J. visitors to Disneyland's medie-
the industrial, commercial, Castle in Fantasyland. one of Top of the carrousel is sur- buckboards and other pioneer
and recreational miracles of Gruendler, manager of New- the major e n t e r t a i n m e n t val castle, and because King mounted by Arthur's gold vehicles that helped win the
bery's Orange County district realms of Disneyland. Arthur never rode anything but crown. Ten spears, bearing the • West.
the west during the past 52 a horse, it was necessary to shields of ten of the founding "The Mark Twain," a stern-
years, Newbery Electric Corp. office located at 1335 Santiago When Walt Disney first
planned his multi-million dol- stick with the wonderfully .old Knights of the Round Table, wheel steamer of the 1800s will
took the rapid electrical pon- Ave., Santa Ana. and colorful looking Dentzel support the covering canopy. ply one of the seven large
Gruendler has worked in lar magic kingdom, a carrousel
struction of Disneyland in of tha size and'vintage suitable mounts. Others with equally bodies of water, taking passen-
the industry for 32 years, and for the courtyard of Sleeping bright and ancient trappings gers on a mile-long tour.
stride. were added from abandoned There are pirate ships and
The Disneyland fantasy, re-
producing the lands of yester-
has a fine continuous supervi-
sory record with Newbery for
Beauty's castle topped the list
of "musts."
merry-go-round equipment. To Use Water rocket ships, snow slides and OLD CORNER STORE
day as well as visualizing to- The Fantasyland model is If any horses—like one row the Painted Desert; carrousels
the last 13. Pie is now a per- called a Dentzel — lineal de- on the Toronto machine—were When Irene Dunne launches and magic shows. But best ot Note the detail of perfection given this corner store
morrow, presented no serious building, which exemplifies the authentic detailing.
challenge to Newbery people manent resident of Santa Ana, scendant of America's first found standing, their legs were the "Mark Twain" she will all, Disney's beloved screen
and manages Newbery's affairs broken by W a l t Disney s break a flask filled with water characters will come to life. «iven every structure in Disneyland. Upstairs apart-
who have grown up with the m e r r y - g o - r o u n d . It was
industry and have also con- in Orange County, headquar- acquired in Toronto, Canada, artisans and the horses re- from all the rivers of America Visitors will see Snow White ments have fine, old lace curtains.
tering in a new plant complete .ormed into jumpers. instead of the traditional bot- and the Seven Dwarfs, Dumbo,
structed an atomic energy where it had been uprooted to
plant and Nike guided missile with warehouse, shop and con- make way for an advancing Since King Arthur legend tle of Champagne
batteries. struction equipment.

In "frontierlarid" at
Disneyland, r i g at
'across f r o m the
steamboat landing
and near the Dany
Crockett museum is
the heautijal Aunt
jemima restaurant. Here'! A view
of the dining room where you can
enjoy some of those fatuous Aunt
Jemima Pancakes in an authentic old
south atmosphere.


"Come in and enjoy my

pancakes when you visit tsne
" You're sure going to have lots of fun seeing
E*T the wonders of Disneyland. And when you getjmngry from all
Balking around, you can sit-down and enjoy some Aunt Jemima
Pancakes. I'll be serving them to you hot off the gnddle-tender
and golden brown with the flavor folks all over America say
can't be matched. So I'll be seeing you in my own 'flavor-land
at Disneyland."

h. - A- « fc **" ""**
I** iMth (C«llf.). Friday, July 15. '»"
Grocery Store of 1890 Is Duplicated in Detail
* ' _ , . . millions
millions of people to produce
of. Sagamore,
« ^ near„ his
t,i« home.
fc»ma foirrsr-ita food
favorite fnrtd dishes
dishes will
will be
An 1890 food store, with all clear view of the limitations message center and meeting In 1955, 100 years later, Swift mounted on the cake. the other goods necessary to
of food retailing 65 year* ago. place for meat and grocery "We like to tell a story this modern living and progress,"
its quaint fixtures, has been & Co. is represented by 78,000
re-created in the Swift Mar- "The Swift Market House people from all over the coun- employes in nearly 600 units year which we call the Miracle
is a tribute to the important try who come to Disneyland. throughout the United States of Feeding America," Wester-
ket House on -Disneyland's
Main Street to dramatize by role of the food dealer in the "In sunny California we and Canada. ing said.
Fast Work
contrast the service provided job of feeding our rapidly won't be able to have get-
togethers over a "hot' stove BIG CAKE "It's a story of our nation a Typical of D i s n e y l a n d ' s
by the modern food store. growing population and will like in the old days, but we At the Market House, Swift century ago in which three out magic was the sudden appear-
, Sponsored by Swift & Co., illustrate the progress that has ought to be able to trade helps observe its centennial of five workers lived on farms ance of 3000 square feet of
the old-time market will agree been made by the fr~d indus- plenty of ideas anyway," West- year by "celebrating" a cen- office space when Disneyland
in every detail with the 1890 try as a whole," Westering ering said. tury of progress in the food and produced just enough to administration personnel an-
decor of the Disneyland Main said. The 1890 Market House por- industry. Plans call for a spe- feed themselves, a few head of nounced their plans to move to
St. There is a pot-belly stove trays the retail meat and gro- cial room in which a huge livestock, and the few folks Anaheim from Burbank. Office
near the entrance, marble MESSAGE CENTER birthday cake will fly the who lived in town.
Westering, a native of Edgar, cery business as it was 35 'Today's food industry is a space for construction person-
counters, large glass jars, Swift Centennial emblem with nel was completely built and
cracker and pickle barrels and Neb., was manager of the years after Gustavus F..Swift the inscription "100 Years of story of 164,000,000 Americans
Swift & Co. soap department began his business on Cape leading longer and happier finished in five days, according
other bulk containers and even Swift to serve your family to the construction superin-
sawdust on the floor. until assigned to the Disney- Cod, Mass. better." In the cake, which lives and with more and better
land project by O. E. Jones, Swift, then only 16 years old, food than ever before. And tendent. Prefabrication and co-
Myrt Westering, who will borrowed $20 from his father, will rotate continuously, Swift ordination is the secret of Dis-
manage the exhibit, said old- executive vice president. products, colorfully caricatured, only about one worker out of neyland's speed construction,
timers will get a treat for A genial guy by nature, bought a heifer from a neigh- will be on parade. Full color 10 is needed to produce the
their memories of yesteryear "Myrt" expects the 1890 Swift boring farmer, dressed it, and transparencies of America's food we eat, freeing many he says.
and youngsters will have a Market House to serve as a sold the meat to the people-1



Swift's Market House on Main St. is complete in
every detail, with an old fashioned 'coffee grinder,
pot-bellied stove and the old-time bins for staples.

Mechanical Wizard
Emcees Continual
Show of Fashions
The Wonderful Wizard of stitched "V-Ette Whirlpool"
Bras, famed symbol of the Hol- soon became a much-sought-
lywood-Maxwell B r a s s i e r e after fashion item and the
Company and major-domo of original operators found they
the novel, eye-popping exhibit were part of a thriving, grow-
prepared by Disneyland by this ing business.
manufacturer of intimate ap- Several years after the
parel is one of the major ma- founding of the firm, Holly-
gicians in the nation's greatest wood-Maxwell achieved n a -
magicland. tional distribution and was
The Wonderful Wizard high- well on its way to becoming
lights the Hollywood-Maxwell the large, successful firm it is
display which is one of fifty today—the largest bra manu-
"famous names in American facturer west of the Misissippi
business" selected by Disney- and one of the important foun-
land officials to populate Mam dation wear style leaders in
Street, U.S.A., an exact replica America.
of an American town of the In order to keep in touch
1890-1910 period. with the latest fashion styles
The Hollywood-Maxwell ex- in the world of fashion, Holly-
hibit features the Wonderful wood-Maxwell's chic designer,
Wizard of Bras on a revolving Theo De Voe, regularly attends
stage, on one side of which is a the Paris openings, determin-
complete re-creation of the ing basic silhouette changes so
fashions and intimate wear of that Hollywood-Maxwell bras
the 1890's and on the other side can be styled according to the
a showing of the fashions of latest couturier trends.
today—inner and outer wear. Much of the meteoric rise of
On stage, acting as master
of ceremonies, via a tape re-
corder, is the Wonderful Wiz-
ard who, with presto-change
the company has happened
since 1946 when Herndon J.
Norris, who previously -had
been attorney for the concern,
Santa Fe
charm, explains the basic bought the company and took The "E P Ripley." replica of one of Santa Fe s early trams.
theme of the show—"This is
how it was . . . Now . . . This
is how it is."
over as president.
Norris has introduced mod-
ern methods of manufacture
IE' puSs into he Santa Fe station at the entrance to D.sneyland
The % scale version of the original-train will carry visitors
The exhibit, like the others and marketing, making the on a complete circuit of the 60-acre Disneyland par
on Main Street, is period in company a model of efficient
both its interior and exterior and workmanlike procedures. Weighing 15 tons, the old-fashioned steam locomotive w,ll
design, with the only "out-of- Today, Hollywood-Maxwell pull six coaches accommodating 300 passengers.
this-world" touch being the maintains 10 plants through-
fabulous Wonderful Wizard out the United States and one
who greets visitors with a in Canada. In addition, the
wave of his magic wand. firm has licensed manufactur-
The exhibit will portray a ing and distributing represent-
typical 19th Century shoppe. atives in Europe, England,
The Wonderful Wizard and South America, Australia, New
modern day clothing will occu- Zealand and the Orient.
py one-half. The remaining
part will be devoted to a Vic-
torian "front-room" complete
with period fireplace, drapes,
Car Is 'Trapped1
large mirror, sofa ?yd old-fash-
ioned showcase. A most un- by Fast Work

usual and unique part of the and commerce.
display will be an authentic Disneyland's photographer
Singer Sewing Machine, circa had a sharp reminder of the
1860. In addition, 3-D illusion speed of construction at Dis-
boxes will be featured depict- neyland recently when he
•ing both outer and intimate drove into Tomorrowland to gers and freight.
apparel of the by-gone era. take pictures. When he re-
The company was founded turned to his car a few min- Built to accurate scale, you'll find an inspection and ride on these trains one of the
In Los Angeles 21 years ago— utes later a ditch had been
with two rented sewing ma- dug and pipe was being laid thrilling adventures awaiting you at Disneyland.
across the "road." The pho-

chines and an idea, a patented tographer had to wait until
design for a revolutionary bras- the pipe was laid and tne
siere. ditch covered to move his car.
The unique bra—the circular
famous Super Chief.

The "C. K. Holliday" is the newest old freight train in America.

Its run of I'/s miles is made at 20 miles per hour pulling 3 cattle
cars, 2 gondola cars and a little red caboose.


C. V. Wood (left), vice president and general man-
ager of Disneyland, and Herndon J. Norris, presi-
' dent of the Hollywood-Maxwell Brassiere Co., plan
final details of display which will occupy a Victorian
"shoppe" on Disneyland's Main S t r e e t , U. S. A.
Theme of the exhibit will be the "Wonderful Wizard
of Bras" whose tape-recorded "voice" will emcee the
continual showing of intimate apparel and outer
wear styles from the 19th Century to 1955.
In* bach ie.I».l, rrMty July IS, Its! INDIMNDINT.«l$$.TIlIOM»-7;

Good Eating Land^isnetjlattd!

Like Adventureland and Fantasyland, the new "Kingdom of Good Eating" at
Disneyland is another great attraction. Fine restaurants, unique refreshment stands
and interesting luncheon spots abound in Disneyland. Dining Disneyland style
is an unforgettable experience. The food's as fabulous as the fun, too!

' . ,/ A. • ;^^

The Red Wagon Inn is one of several charming eating.places in

Disneyland. It is resplendent in the elegance of a by-gone era reminiscent of the most;
famed eating houses of yesterday. All appointments are authentic mementos of
the gay and glamorous 90's-including the stained glass ceiling, entrance hall and
foyer taken from the St. James home in Los Angeles, one of the West's most
In all Disneyland only Swift's Premium Meats, noted old mansions. Atmosphere, however, is not confined to the building alone. The
Swift's Poultry and other Swift's fine foods will be-served-exclusively menu itself brings back visions of historic good eating-featuring steaks and chops.

The Swift Wagon-horse-drawn replica

of the 1890's that services all eating establishments
in Disneyland with Swift fine foods.

Grandmother shopped in a store like Swift's Market House on

Disneyland's Main Street. Here we find the old-fashioned butcher in straw hat
and cuffs, the pot-bellied stove and shelves lined with authentic old-time
meat and grocery products. Swift & Company, whose quality meats
are served exclusively in Disneyland, is the sponsor of this exhibit.

The Chicken Plantation at Disneyland is a gay antebellum river

plantation house, reproduced in every nostalgic detail. French provincial decor
and old Southern Hospitality make the Chicken Plantation a memorable
spot. You'll want to visit The Plantation soon.
Un« Inch (Calif.), rrifey, July 11. 1»M Famed Old Mansion
Is Park Restaurant
The Red Wagon Inn, on the ing sections, two of them on
"Plaza" at Disneyland offers porches. Restaurant capacity
elegance and glamour reminis- is 400 persons.
cent of famed eating houses of In addition to seven-days-a-
yesterday. week luxury restaurant — at
Turn-of-the-century furnish- p o p u l a r prices — the Red
ings are authentic mementos of W a g o n Inn handles catering
the 1890s — i n c l u d i n g the for organized picnic groups.
stained glass ceiling, entrance
hall and foyer taken from the A cafeteria for Disneyland
St. James home in "Los An- employes is also under the res-
geles — one of the west's most taurant roof.
noted old mansions.
The menu, too, is a remind-
er of h i s t o r i c good eating.
Steaks and chops are featured.
Workers Trapped
Children's menus are provided. Construction workers in
Meals are served in five dm-
Fantasyland found themselves
in the predicament of the
painter who's blocked the ACROSS PAINTED DESERT
To Be.'on TV exit with fresh paint. When Disneyland's Painted Desert was a playground for the James Unger family re-
Total number of television they started out to lunch a centiy when they took one of the first pack mule trains a c r o s s this miniature
cameras to be used on the few days ago the entire fore-
ground of the castle courtyard "desert waste." Cactus and sagebrush was moved in and the area given its; reahs-
July 17th invitational press was covered with newly poured tic appearance by Disney craftsmen and artisans. Led by a Disneyland trainer,
preview of Disneyland now cement and workmen had to
numbers 24. The show will be the riders are Ws. James Unger and sons, Melvin, 9; Albert, 12, and Richard, 2,
televised from 4:30 to 6 p. m. detour about half a mile to the riding with his father, James W. Unger.
over ABC. lunch wagon.

Featured in "The World Beneath Us," Richfield's show in Tornorrowland, is this
840-square-foot "Diorama" of the Los Angeles basin. The show, which takes
the audience on a simulated trip through the hidden wonders inside the earth,
includes a special Walt Disney Studios film in Technicolor and CinemaScope.

Red Skelton
Visitors to See Stops Traffic
Red Skelton stopped traffic
Far Into Earth i',
one day at Disneyland when he
was recognized leaving the
gate. An Ontario, Canada,
You'll have plenty of chances to be "up in the air" family had driven out to Dis-
at Disneyland, what with space stations, rocket rides neyland and asked Red for his
to the moon, Peter Pan fly-throughs and so on. picture. He offered to trade
with them and as the groups
But there's only one place where you can take a got out of their cars to pose
simulated trip in the other direction ... into the weird for each other's cameras Har-
world thousands of feet underground. That's at a bor Blvd. traffic came to a
Tomorrowland show called "The World Beneath Us. standstill.
To achieve the illusion of a
"drop" into another world,
producers of the show have
come up with a gadget to end
all gadgets. It is a model oil
reservoir, complete with flow-
Ing oil and gas wells.
The dome, or model reser-
voir, rises out of a Diorama
model of the Los Angeles basin
and actually works to bring
oil out of rock-bound traps
and show the powerful forces
that exist beneath us.
The unique dome is actually
& movie screen shaped like a
quarter of a watermelon. Film
is projected on the face and
curved roof of the model from
two synchronized projectors,
and film animation is in turn
synchronized with mechanical
•movement. It was "one of the
most unusual problems ever to
develop in the motion picture
business," according to pro-
ducers of the film portion.
The show takes place in a
specially-designed theater in WALT ABOARD STEAMBOAT
the North Exhibit building in
Tomorrowland. In the dark- Walt Disney, founder of Disneyland, and Joe Fowler,
ened theater, the spotlighted operations director of this multimillion dollar show-
reservoir produces a "You Are place, enjoy a ride on the Mark Twain while the
There" feeling that has im- Santa Fe and Disneyland freight train, background,
pressed all who have seen its chugs its way around the magic kingdom's perimeter.
trial runs.

Famed Aunt Jemima Will Cook

With a slight paraphrase of lowed birch with white pillared ter and his era plus Aunt
Jemima singing songs in her
her famous words, "I'm in gallery and lacy ironwork trim. style that has entertained mil-
town, honey," a nationally- Broad lawns slope gently down lions on TV, radio, and in per-
known, vital, living personal- to the river and a steamboat sonal appearances before audi-
ity known to millions joins landing gives an. authentic ences throughout the country.
An Old South mural depicts
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Southern atmosphere to the highlights of the earliest days
Snow White, Peter Pan and natural setting. of Aunt Jemima.
the hundreds of other beloved Inside, wood-panelled walls
Aunt Jemima's menu will in-
story book characters who glow with the patina of years. clude pancakes, waffles, .bacon,
dwell in Disneyland when A massive brass kettle hangs
"Aunt J e m i m a ' s Kitchen" in the huge fireplace. The country sausage, coffee, and
milk—all characteristic of tra-
Opt.ns in Disneyland, July 18th. charm of true Southern hospi- ditional Southern cooking at
Aunt Jemima will have her tality will be the key-note as its finest, A trip to Aunt
kitchen located near "Frontier Aunt Jemima herself prepares Jemima's Kitchen will be a
Land". It will be a faithful and serves her world-famous memorable visit' to the Old
reproduction of a Southern pancakes. Entertainment will South.
nlantation mansion of mel- be mood music of Stephen Fos-


This artist's drawing shows how Aunt Jemima will be on hand in one of the
m^yWsneyland^ting place*. She will serve her famed pancakes and also will
sing to entertain visitors.
tenfl iMdi (€•!!!.), lrM«y, July 13, 1»M

Real Castle Is Entrance

to Fantasyland Paradise
A real, honest-to-good- day—replete in Celtic harness gers in a flight over London,
—carry 72 young knights on a past the Second Star to the
ness castle, straight from ride through dreamland where Right to Neverland and Skull
the land of dreams and every rider becomes the hero Rock. Riders become Peter Pan
the pages of h i s t o r y , he imagines himself. and share his adventure as he
stands in the center of a Beyond the carrousel is the outwits Captain Hook and the
Mad Hatter's Tea Party where pirates. The Mr. Toad car
160-acre plot in Southern takes guests for a wild ride
California. guests go for a merry and un- through Toad Hall, city streets
usual spin in a cup and saucer, and the countryside of Eng-
It is the entrance to and the Mad Hatter and the
Fantasyland, one of the March Hare- debate furiously land to a dramatic finish.
major e n t e r t a i n m e n t atop a sugar bowl. In the Snow White wing of
To one side Dumbo, guided the castle an adventurous ride
realms of Walt Disney's is taken through the Diamond
magic kingdom, Disney- by his friend and manager, Mine with the Seven Dwarfs.
Timothy Mouse, soars aloft, The castle of the Wicked
land. Pink and blue para- carrying his friends for an ex-
pets and towers give the citing aerial ride, as only the Queen and the Enchanted For-
castle a dream-like qual- Walt Disney's flying elephants est are among the wonders
could. found here.
ity, while the bright ban- Re-entering the castle and
ners waving from the The Casey Jr. Train—as crossing the drawbridge on the
steeples assure all comers nearly human as a train can way back to Disneyland's
get—almost laughs out loud as Plaza, the mountains, moats
that this is a land of it pulls its six circus cars of and lakes take on the magic
gaiety. merry riders up hill and down of Fantasyland as memory
The medieval drawbridge, dale and over the Canals of points out that this was a flat
once a precautionary measure, the World. Casey Jr. carries acreage where orange trees
its own music in the Calliope grew only a year Ego.
is now a welcome mat to all Car and boasts, two animal
who would enter this land of cars, two chariots and caboose.
fantasy. Graceful^ black and
white swans swimming in the
Canals of the World are
navigated by American, Eng- Much Training
moat, add dignity to the cheer- lish, French and Dutch boats
ful sounds emanating from the and offer even the youngest for Animals
castle courtyard where the sailors a safe and amusing
King Arthur Carrousel whirls ride. The patience of Job and the
melodiously. In the Peter Pan ride seven dubious tact of a mule skinner
Horses of the King Arthur Pirate Galleons carry passen- went hand in hand in Disney-
land recently as more than 200
horses, donkies and ponies
were being trained.
Some of the more stubborn
animals slid around the train-
ing area on their haunches
two or three times before ac-
cepting the idea the older,
lead horse was trying to get
across. Trainers say all horse SLEEPING BEAUTY'S CASTLE
drawn equipment, from Fron- Entrance to Fantasyland, a major entertainment realm in Walt Disney's magic kingdom, is through Sleeping Beauty Castle, shown here.
tierland stages to Fantasy-
land's Sardinian carts, will This section is certain to be a big favorite for the children yet adults as well will enjoy the lands of make-believe that have been pro-
show the Disney perfection on duced. A drawbridge across a moat permits entrance. The castle was patterned in three-fifths size after an ancient European castle.
opening day, July 18.

Gas-Powered Racers Built for Autopia

One of the many thrills up, are so completely safe that hubs and the steering wheel is
awaiting young and old at Dis- any child might push' or pull of special aluminum casting.
neyland is the Autopia, a gaso- any control without endanger- Steering gear "is of the rack
line powered miniature racer ing himself or the automobile. and pinion type.
Just as the word "autopia"
Brake and throttle controls stresses
traveling the Autopia Free- safety and good driv-
way, an expressway of the fu- are all spring loaded and the ing, Disney's craftsmen de-
brake is operated from the signed the Disneyland Autopia
ture. outside. A governor on the and the Autopia Freeway
Even the youngest might en- carburetor allows the speed- the ultimate in automobile as
joy driving a police car as four sters a fast clip of 11 miles safety.
of the 40 cars traveling over per hour.
Tomorrowland's Autopia Free- Based on a square tubular
frame with seven and one-half
way are black and white po-
lice cars, complete with sher- horsepower Gladden engines, Over 200 Ponies
iff's insignia, flashing red lights the cars are equipped with
and dual controls. centrifugal clutch and sur- D i s n e y l a n d stables were
Walt Disney plans to en- rounded by aluminum bumpers turned into a nursery tem-
joy the freeway, too, and has designed with control springs porarily, with nine mares ex-
his own Disneyland Autopia on the inside of the frame. pecting the stork before Dis- YOUNGSTERS TO DRIVE THESE
Special. It is painted a metal- The rear portion of the body, neyland's opening day, and
REAR VIEW OF CASTLE lic maroon with upholstery of which is made of fibreglass, five colts having arrived after Gasoline-powered, these special sports cars will be operated by youngsters on the
red nylon boucle and off-white swings upward to facilitate the move to Anaheim from the "freeway" in Tomorrowland at Walt Disney's famed park. The freeway is con-
Showing that the buildings' are complete in detail leatherette. servicing of all mechanical Burbank stables. More than structed to acquaint youngsters with traffic conditions on highways.of tomorrow.
and not just movie lot sets, this is the view of Sleep- These little cars, designed parts. Demountable w h e e l s 200 ponies are working in the They must pass a driver's test before operating the cars.
ing Beauty's Castle as seen from the rear. for everyone from 7 years old. are finished with aluminum park.

"look forme to tie Pirate Ship Restaurant

the Chicken of the Sea Pirate #

Ship Restaurant... one of the most
colorful creations to come from the

genius of Walt Disney! ,

to salads and sandwiches 5

featuring Chicken of the Sea Tender
Tuna Cuts... served to you 10 deli-
,.~ . .
cious, different, tempting ways!

,.. in Walt Disney's Wonderful, Hagic K White Star Brand Tuna; Chicken of the Sea Brand Tuna,
CHICKEN OF THE SEA b a regltlor«d !red«-morl of Von Cnmp SeJFood Company, lnc,T«mlnd bland, CalilomT. Frozen Tuna Fie, Frozen Tuna Dinner, Oysters, Oyster
Stew; Willapoint Oysters, Oyster Stew.

884S-0 (Chicken of tiufiMTtma)

Unt loch (Mil.), M*» July », 1«M Train Ride Publicity on
Broad Scale
Is Opener Disneyland is one of the^
most widely advertised ven-•--
Gov. Goodwin J. Knight and tures in history. Since the in-'-"
Fred W. Gurley, Chicago, ception it has been given wide" t
president of the Santa Fe publicity in newspapers, mag-
Railway, will be among the azines and on the air. Then •_->"
distinguished guests helping Richfield Oil Corp. incorpp--*-
Disney open the park at a rated the Disneyland motif in .
its 1955 sales campaign.
press showing Sunday. They Within a week's time, deal- -.'
will ride the scale model ers gave away 500,000 Disney- ~:•
train from the entrance of the land comic books, and a sec-
park around the perimeter on ond edition of 750,000 is being;--
the first run. distributed. The comic book^,
The railroads in Disneyland story tells the adventures of
are operated by the Santa Fe an imaginary family from out-.;,
and are small models of regu- er space visiting Disneyland. --•
lar Santa Fe trains. Visitors to Southern Cali-;";
Members of the press and fornia will be able to find their- •
radio in unprecedented num- way to Disneyland with an of-'.-'
bers are expected for the ficial Disneyland road map,--
grand opening preview, and an given free at Richfield sta.-^
hour and one-half program tions throughout the west. !£*••
will be televised nationally. includes a large-scale map of"-;'
Also present for the occasion ALL EMPLOYES SCHOOLED much of Southern California,^
will be other invited guests- Pictured are a few of the 1100 employes who attended orientation classes before a detail map of the approaches f',
public officials and civic and assuming their duties at Walt Disney's magic kingdom. The importance of good to Disneyland in the Anaheim ••---
business leaders—and the huge area, and specific directions on^
manners and good grooming, along with the correct handling of jobs under dis- main routes, alternates and -
160-acre will be opened to cussion, is stressed. Freda Allender, personnel assistant, handles the picture other important information-:%'
the general public the follow- on reaching Disneyland.
ing day. projector from the back of the classroom.


When Disneyland opens to the public Monday this crack Santa Fe and Disneyland
Railroad passenger train will be found waiting at the station for the first cus-
tomers. This is one of the three railroads in the park. The station, in period
architecture, forms the entrance to Disneyland. The train, station as well as other
structures in the park,, are all scaled to three-fifths standard.


This Santa Fe And Disneyland freight train is ready to pull out from its Fron-
tierland station for a trip around the Disneyland perimeter. As many as 300 pas-
sengers can ride the little train each trip.
gage-mail car and an observa-

Trains to Carry tion car, will be boarded at the

1890's type station which is
the entrance to Disneyland.
The freight train, of 4 stock
cars and a caboose, will be
Visitors in Park boarded at a western-style
station in Frontierland, The
total capacity of the two
trains is approximately 500.
"Do you hear that whistle the founder and first president The trains will be operated
down the line—." It's the of the prototype Santa Fe over tracks which have been
Santa Fe and Disneyland Rail- Railway and the E. P. Ripley laid along the perimeter of
road, the nation's newest, for the Santa Fe president Disneyland and will operate
steaming up for service July from 1895 to 1920. within the limits of the area
18. Two trains will be operated The cars as well as the loco- except at the station entrance
overthe SF&D line, which will motives are authentic in every where they will emerge brief-
feature Walt Disney's land of detail in portraying that fgrm ly.
magic. of transportation during the The passenger cars are
An enthusiastic railroad fan, period 1890-1910. An excep- painted yellow and decorated
Walt Disney has personally tion is the steel underframing in the somewhat ornate fash-
watched the construction of for the coaches and air brakes ion of the Gay Nineties with
the SF&D and kept In con-
stant touch with the creation
of the motive power and the
rolling stock.
in the interest of safety. the name of the railroad and
The trains, one passenger of the passenger cars in gold
and one freight, will operate lettering.
over approximately one mile The route of the SF&D will
Meet you on Main Street!
Built to % scale, ride-size and one-quarter of 36-inch be past structures and scenes
for the youngster and adult gauge track and the entire of historic and cultural inter-
alike, the trains will be drawn SF&D system will comprise est which will be familiar to
by two steam locomotives about 9,000 feet of tracks. those who have traveled the
which were built especially for
that purpose. Of the 4-4-0 The passenger train of 4 transcontinental Santa Fe be- be there. Just as you enter the magic realm of Disneyland-right on
type, which added so impor- 'coaches, a combination bag- tween California and Chicago.
tantly in pushing American
civilization westward, the lo- Main Street-you'll see Bank of America in an authentic, turn- of-the- century
comotives have been named
the C. K. HoUiday in honor of setting. Bank of America is proud to be a part of this unusual new California
9,000 Feet community- just as it's proud to be part of 330 other communities throughout
the state. While you're at Disneyland please plan to stop in and say hello. We'll
of Railroad
Enlarging a hobby from a
be happy to see you.
back-yard plaything to two 15-
ton operations Is not a thing
most men would attempt. With
Special souvenir money orders
Walt Disney, however, it was
the natural thing to do, and
today his $17,000,000 magic
As a memento of your Disneyland visit, Bank of
kingdom in Anaheim has two
% scale locomotives chuffing America has provided special, souvenir money orders
over the Santa Fe and Dis-
neyland tracks surrounding
Disneyland. which may be purchased at the Disneyland Branch in
The two trains, one passen-
ger and one freight, are au-
thentic in every respect. The
$1, $5, and $10 denominations. Convertible into cash at
Santa Fe and Disneyland line
comprises a mile and a quar- banks and stores everywhere, they make a picturesque,
ter of 36-inch gauge railroad
and approximately 9,000 feet
of trackage, including sidings. yet practical gift to send to the family at home.
Trains are operated according
to a standard book of rules.
The passenger train pulled
by a capstack locomotive, con-
sists of four coaches, one ob-
servation car and a combina-
tion baggage-mail car. It Is
boarded at the ornate two-
story Santa Fe and Disneyland
Railroad Station which forms
Bank of America
the entrance to Disneyland.
The freight train, pulled by
a Diamond-stack locomotive,
consists of three cattle cars,
two gondolas and a caboose
and is boarded at a western-
style station in Frontierland. MICKEY RIDES TRAIN
of the "4-4-0" type. The pas- Walt Disney gives Mickey Mouse a special treat as
senger cars are of the wooden the pair take an early ride on one of the Santa Fe
type used in early-day rail- and Disneyland railroad trains that will circle Dis-
roading except for steel under- newland daily. The train has stopped at the freight
frames, used in the interest of
safety. station in Frontier-land.
y li. 1»i»

Ing pack train trips and the Painted Desert.

Old Frontier Town It's All Types

Springtime of Roofs
Is Full of Activity in Big Park Construction of Disneyland
: All the activity of a frontier town on Saturday is called for many types of roofs
seen in Walt Disney's Frontierland. Wagons, surreys, Nature's fragile q u e e n , on the various structures.
mule packs and Indians mingle with frontiersmen and Springtime, will always reign
at Disneyland where most of Some were of old wood shin-
shoppers in this land of yesterday. the trees are evergreen and gles, others of modem asphalt
• The Mark Twain steams up to the dock after a trip flora from all over the world shingles. Others were of tile.
on Disneyland's Rivers of America, and in the back- will be in continual bloom. There were flat roofs, slant
More than 6,000 trees, rang- roofs and steep roofs. So the
ground the Santa Fe and Disneyland freight tram ing from 6 to 60 feet, now grow call went out to one of the
whistles a warning as it approaches a cross-road When in the park and represent all Southland's leading firms, the
the train stops at the freight station in Frontierland parts of the world. Some of, Pioneer Roof & Shingle Co.,
guests climb aboard for a real freight-train ride around the more familiar trees in 7522 Westminister Ave., West-.
Disneyland are Brazilian Pep- minster, which is affiliated
the magic kingdom. pers, Magnolia, Rubber, Palm, with the Pioneer Roof Co., of
A log stockade forms the the bridge leading to the San- Los Angeles, which has been
ta Fe and Disneyland freight Pine, Elm, Sandalwood, Oak in business since 1916.
entrance to Frontierland and station. and Pittosporum. With skilled crewmen at
the Indian trading post on the STEAMER DOCKS In planning this $17,000,000 work, the Pioneer Co. took
right offers authentic Indian magic kingdom, landscaping the vast project Jn stride.
Across the street elaborate was designed to capture the Authorized dealers for many
merchandise from many tribes. grill work supports lamps of
The Davy Crockett museum- theme of each realm. One of famed roof materials such as
the old New Orleans days and the more exotic of these is Johns-Manville, Celotex, Pabco
theater, on the left, houses visitors gather at the dock to
equipment of the Alamo pe- Adventureland where the fra- and Flintkote, the Pioneer
riod. A replica of Davy's old greet the "Mark Twain" as it grance of the tropics prevails. firm finished each building
steams in from river ports Epiphytic a n d terrestrial well ahead of time.
gun, Betsy, is on display, as is throughout America:
the Bowie knife, clothing and type orchids bloom in Adven- Among big. projects they
other items in use at that Going back toward the tureland's Amazon section and previously completed are: New
time. Next door, the ever- stockade, an old-time black- Bouganvillea plants present a Broadway, Anaheim; General
famous General Store offers smith is at work shoeing some blaze of beauty. The Gunnera Motors Delco Remy, Anaheim;
merchandise of all kinds for of the 200 head of horses that Plant, or Bog Plant, with its Market Basket, Santa Ana;
sale. pull Disneyland carriages. The six-foot leaves grow at the Pershing Square garage; May
blacksmith is an artist at the edge of the tropical "river" Co., Crenshaw and Valley;
POP BAB forge and uses only tools of in this section. Prudential Bldg., Wilshire;
Slue Foot Sue's Golden the 1800s, with no modern The Congo is represented by Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles;
Horseshoe is a replica of the equipment. lilies of the Nile and by NUe Douglas Aircraft and many
more elaborate saloons of Near the blacksmith shop and Papyrus grasses. The others.
frontier towns where Flora mule pack trains gather for Bushman "Poison P l a n t," Kenneth E. Carlon is presi-
Dora girls arid Can-Can danc- their daily trips into the whose juices are used to make dent and general manager of
ers will be seen in regularly Painted Desert and passen- poison darts, Is a native of the Pioneer Roof and Shingle Co.;
presented floor shows. The gers wait in the shade of African Congo and Is g r o w n Richard T. Avard is vice presi-
Golden Horseshoe, like every- gnarled old trees for stages Jn the Congo area of Adven- dent; Robert Sandhoff, secre-
thing else in Disneyland, is or wagons, depending on their tureland. tary; Robert L. Baier, assist-
built on % scale and its stair- destinations. Banana trees from Ethiopia ant secretary and treasurer;
case and bar, where the "tall- grow in Adventureland, as Hoschel Moses, superintendent
est glass of pop" is served does the Cycador Sago Palm, of tract projects, and Donald
(only soft drinks may be pur- one of the oldest forms of plant Racowski, . superintendent of
chased in Disneyland) are ma- life in the world. This latter is new commercial and industrial
jor attractions. a transitional plant—from the construction. THE 90's REVISITED-Living memories for a few, a new adventure for most. Here
Disneyland guests will be Officers of the Pioneer Roof
Just around the bend in the drawn from the 6.9 million paleozoic age when ferns began
Frontierland street the New residents of the Southern Cali- to acquire arborescent char- Co. include Avard as presi- '• along the gaslit stretches of Main Street will be found the ice cream parlor
Orleans motif becomes appar- acter. Here, too, is iound the dent; Vincent R. Haselfeld, vice
ent and a souvenir shop ad- fori.ia area, the 4.2 million president and Baier as secre- of grandmother's day, re-created in authentic detail from the almost forgotten past
out-of-state tourists a year and Dragon Tree, which actually
joins a New Orleans style "bleeds" a red fluid if wounded. tary, treasurer and general
an estimated 2 million business manager. The last three men
patio. A malt shop and a res- tourists who visit Southern The Taro Plant from Ha-
have been engaged in the roof-
Bridging the years for both young and old who visit this Disneyland creation
taurant styled after the Deep California annually. About 5 waii, which is used to make
South are the last buildings ing business for a combined
in the New Orleans section of million guests are expected the stable food called poi, is
also grown in Adventureland. total of 67 years. is the name Carnation. Founded before the turn of the century, the Carnation
Frontierland before crossing annually at Disneyland.
Company continues to this day to provide ice cream comparable to
the legendary quality of those wonderful confections of the home freezer.

rules of the road in motoring. ,

5 Z%
Here in the unhurried atmosphere of this 19th century setting, visitors to

Tomorrowland Is Trip Into Future Disneyland can enjoy giant sundaes and satin-smooth milk shakes made with
famous Carnation Ice Cream and Fresh Milk...just as did "Victorians" of another
ground is of silver aluminum m o t i o n picture, "20,000 trations of current movies, era enjoy ice cream in similar parlors. Those of this generation will find the
So you always thought the Leagues Under the Sea," may methods of accomplishment in
and applied on that are coun- screen and television achieve-
moon was made of green tries of the world in gold alum- be seen. Here visitors first past recaptured and blended with a modern day tradition-the enjoyment of
cheese? view will -be of a painted ments, and a display of 1the
inum. Roof and base of the newest in plastics, as used in
clock are of imported Italian backing which will have view-
At Tomorrowland, Walt Dis-
glass mosaics and the entire ing parts showing superstruc- the movies. fresh dairy products of a quality, that has identified Carnation for more than half
ney's world of the future in ture of the Nautilus as she
his multimillion dollar magic structure sits on a brilliant MOON ROCKET a century. Such wonderful flavors as Rainbow, Fresh Peach, and Pineapple
kingdom in Anaheim, you'll see floral pattern indicating the rests on her side at the bot- Commercial displays are set
the moon made of silver alum- cardinal points of the compass. tom of the ocean. The public up as a preview of future sci-
inum — even the Man,in the Beyond the clock is the will enter the salon of the sub- entific and industrial tech- are but a few of countless tempting treats that will be served up in the gracious
Moon proves to be an alum- Court of Honor. The Court is marine, walk past the wheel nique. TWA's Rocket to the
inum illusion at Disneyland. an eight-pointed star, 80 feet house, the chart room, Arrc- Moon offers trav«l through manner of the 90's to all who pause for refreshment during a day at Disneyland
These startling "proofs" will in diameter, with six flags ra- nax's cabin, past the pump outer space in a simulated, but
be seen atop the Clock of the diating, out from the center room, the diving chamber and scientifically accurate repre-
World at Tomorrowland's en- toward each point. The flags, the power supply room. At the sentation of what is expected
trance where a rotating motif atop 30-foot poles, represent circular viewing window the .in future space travel.
represents the sun and the each state of the Union, while illusion will be that visitors
are looking out at the giant ''Other rides include the Au-
moon. the American flag, waving squid that attacked the sub-' topia, midget racing car that
The sun's warm rays will from a 45-foot pole, stands in marine in the picture. .travels the freeway of the fu-
come from a gold aluminum the center. Current work of movie and ture, and a speedboat ride
half-sphere, which is lit from INSIDE NAUTILUS television art directors .will' be over an island dotted freeway.
the Inside. At night the moon presented by the Sodety of A preview of future food
reflects the sun's light, com- Huge exhibit buildings are service technique and atmo-
plying with the pattern of the on either side of the entrance Motion Picture Art Directors
and house fascinating displays. as a special Tomorrowland at- sphere Is offered in the Space
universe. traction. It win occupy 2,100 Bar and the Yacht dub, To-
The clock itself is of stylized One of these is the Jules Verne morrowland's restaurants.
hour glass shape. Its back- Exhibit where gets from the square feet and include illus-
Long (each (Calif.), Mdoy, July 13, 1»M
Paddle-Wheeler, Mark Twain
Travels 'Rivers of America'
partments and built to % stand upright, it prevented the
The Mark Twain, first pad-
scale. It travels at four knots deck hands' taking them for ;
dle wheeler built in America purposes other than fire fight- •
in 50 years—travels the "riv- per hour over its own Disney-
land waterway and carries 300 ing—and leaving .empty racks. -
ers of America" at Disneyland. The hull and 9-ton paddle -
Walt Disney's Mark Twain passengers.
In outfitting the Mark wheel were made by Todd
is a 105-foot replica of the ro- Shipyards. The superstructure
mantic old vessels that opened 1 Twain an extensive search was
American river traffic into a made for gimble lights, smoke was built at Disney Studio in
western wilderness. Burbank, then brought to Ana-
bells and running lights of the heim and assembled.
Built to preserve the dra- 1
matic sense of life as it was period and size required. The "Mark Twain" docks at
on the Mississippi when leads- Firefighting b u c k e t s and the New Orleans section of
men shouted their safety call. their racks had to be made up Frontierland for its trip into
"By the mark, twain," Walt specially because of the round the nostalgic splendor of the
Disney's riverboat is accurate bottom pails used in earlier Old South and Early America
in every detail. days. Reason for the round and carries a cargo of boxes,
The 100-ton riverboat is di- bottoms was a simple one— barrels, wooden buckets, sacks
vided into five watertight com- since these buckets wouldn't and cotton bales.

Recall OH Ice Cream Parlor?

You'll Find It ,in Disneyland
Nostalgia is in store for pare the old and the new. In- fashions, the waitresses' uni- -
those who remember happy stead of the proprietor packing forms have been designed with
ice with an ax handle or a an eye to comfort and serving
hours spent in the 'corner ballbat and then sprinkling it ease.
sweet shop or ice cream parlor with rock salt, the unit takes Carnation has e x c l u s i v e
of the Gay Nineties when they care of that with a refrigera- rights on milk, ice cream and
visit the Carnation Ice Cream tion compartment with three other dairy products in Dis-
Parlor in Disneyland. A faith- separate temperature controls. neyland and will serve all of
ful reproduction of that mecca Lovers' Delights, B a n a n a the eating facilities in tns
for the devotee of good taste Splits, Parfaits, Phosphates, park. An early model truck
and clean fun that was found Sodas and other concoctions will service these customers.
in Everytown. U. S. A. during will not depend on the whim Scaled to five-eighths—a spe-
STERNWHEELER READY TO GO the turn of the century houses of the proprietor to be meas- cial panel body, brass head-

" "
18 The riverboat is an authentic replica of the stern- Carnation's c o n t r i b u t i o n to
Disney's new wonderland.
. Disneyland, Inc., furnished
an artist's conception of such
an ice cream parlor which has
ured with the correct amount lights and radiator, high pres-
of ice cream and other ingredi- sure tires, tufted leather uphol-
ents because modern syrup stery, Carnation's d e l i v e r y
pumps can be accurately set to truck
deliver the right proportion.
will fit into the Mam
Street bustle of horse-drawn
been duplicated in every phase. A l t h o u g h authentic 1890 drays and trolleys.
Much Steel Needed Metal castings of hand turned
wooden valves^and faucets are,
to all appearances, completely
authentic. Mirrors are hand-
for Disneyland Job cut and framed in the popular
hardwood of the 1890's, Hon-
duras mahogany. _
With Disneyland de=igns call- with 125,000 square feet of Wire-backed c h a i r s and
covered warehouse. It is served wire-framed t a b l e s , leather
ing for buildings of yesteryear, tufted seats and island benches
the present and future designs, by two spur railroad tracks around the columns have been
it meant a big job was faced and carries a complete stock faithfully reproduced. _ Even a
in fabricating the steel for the of steel, wire, fasteners, pipe, marble counter top is installed
structure's. valves, fittings and tools. Air at the soda fountain.
The job of fabricating the tubes carry orders from the Beneath this 1890 counter
girders, the pipe and other office throughout the plant to will beat the heart of the lat-
such needed materials went to prevent delay. est 20th century fountain.
the Triangle Steel & Supply . In the steel department Tri- This stainless steel unit will
Co., 3691 Bandini Blvd., Los angle can deliver hot rolled give all an opportunity to com-
Angeles. strip, flats, rounds, squares,
And the firm came through reinforcing angles, structurals,
well in advance of deadlines. wide flange beams, junior Armored Knights
Triangle is designed for just beams, sheared plate, U. M.
such service, points out J. F. plate floor plate, sheets, hot There will be 17 knights at
McLaughlin, the general man- rolled galvanized, cold finished, the invitational press preview
ager. Huge stocks and a big cold finished bars and expand- Sunday. Sixteen of them will
fleet of trucks make it possible ed metal. Angle stocks of all be in shining armor and on
for Triangle to be on the road sizes are kept. horseback, and one will be the
with nominal needs of struc- From this vast supply it was governor of California.
tural materials soon after an easy to keep a continual flow
of steel into Disneyland to
order is received.
A large staff of trained men keep pace with construction. Big Swim Pool
who know the material and
tool business make ordering a Messenger boys at Disney-
simple matter with Triangle.
A builder can describe his
From Afar land took full advantage of
their surroundings on a Sat- vajtf&y-' ~ v
•"• —

COMING ROUND THE BEND wants, via a telephone call, Applications for employment
and the experts take over, says came to Disneyland from such day of many calls—all on the Disneyland's famed ice cream parlor operated by the
McLaughlin. far away places as South double—they "peeled off" and Carnation Co. is designed after such places of years
Triangle is a 10-acre plant America, England, France and went swimming in Frontier- ago Even the delivery truck is of ancient design.
Steams through the "Rivers of America" carryingpassengers. Saudi Arabia. land's "Rivers of America.

Antique Shops Searched STEEL FOR DISNEYLAND by T R M N G L E

for Authentic Objects ™

The cross-country search in- ing the story of Walt Disney's

augurated by Disneyland an- plan to reconstruct an entire
tique specialists for the Main Main St. of America's early
Street and Frontierland areas days. i
of Walt Disney's fabulous won- Even the pirate, Jean La-
Fitte's part in American his-
derland in Anaheim would tory is touched upon lightly in
have delighted the heart of any Frontierland's park. On ex-
antique collector. hibit here is an anchor believed
This search covered t h e to be about 200 years old and
United States and parts of possibly a part of a pirate ship
Canada, taking in everything Jean LaFitte sailed in the
from metropolitan collections Gulf of Mexico. This was
to inconspicuous little junk found in an antique shop just
shops in out-of-the-way vil- below New Orleans as Disney-
lages. Even individuals were land researchers looked for
called upon to part with treas- everything from powder horns
ured objects to contribute to to antique china. '

Disneyland's perfection. And powder h o r n s they
One such case involved the found! These and other Davy
magnetic electric fire alarm Crockett trappings — clothes,
gong which is a part of the flintlocks (similar to Davys

NEWBERY Main St. fire house. The gong old gun, Betsy), bowie knives,
works on the same principle as and other items generally in
the old telegraph key and was use during the Davy Crockett the most,
period are seen in the Davy '°Perato,
first used in Boston in 1851.
The hunt for this was begun Crockett Museum in Frontier- "Wafcj,<r tfis <
at the obvious place—the fire land,

ELECTRIC department. However, none Working toward a glimpse

was available at local fire de- into yesterday, Walt Disney
partments and Disneylanders and his artisans have brought
were referred to an individual America's historical past to

collector, who agreed to part
with the gong only after hear-
life again in an inspiring and
unforgettable manner. hi/ c$ll AN
w'll $tf tltfi
Certified Sen/ice
n be, so "your


...Quick litoTWit!
^^ _ T_ .X^^^— f ^ A


For Nlsli* favtefttorSP.UJfrll AM 9-5748

3691 Bandini Blvd (Triangle Rd. & Bandini Blvd'l.Hos-'Angeles - A N 9-9111

WALT REMEMBERS DAD In Las Vegas, N e v a d a - 716 Mesquile A v e n u e - Phone: la? Vegas 7205
Elias Disney, Walt Disney's father, is imrnortatoed p BOLTS, NUTS. S C R E W PRODUCTS ... VALVES ... FITTIH<
on Disneyland's Main St. with a contracting-office STEEL

over one of the stores, as shown here. Walts dad WIRE PRODUCTS . . . A I S Y N I T E . . . H A R D W A R E & INDUSTRIAL SUF ~
was a contractor.
Edison's Planning for Future 20 Different Restaurants
Gives Ample Power for Park the demands for service of the
Visitors to Disneyland are
sure to be a well fed group
niquas and atmosphere as It
will be in 1986. It carries out
the theme of Tomorrowland to
After a year's study-surv;y, concept in family entertain- communities they serve and with 20 restaurants and snack
ment, designed for the enjoy- the letter. .
Walt Disney selected a section who must build ahead to make bars available to serve 8,000 Chicken of the Sea's Pirate
of the old Rancho San Juan ment of every individual and such growth possible, this con- people per hour.' Ship restaurant, a feature ot
family member from grandpar- dition' has brought with it A wide and varied choice of Fantasyland, is designed as
Cajon de Santa Ana near the many attendent problems.
city of Anaheim in Orange ents to grandchildren. restaurant facilities is pro- dining facilities to serve light
One of the seemingly major Typical of the companies af- family meals. Refreshments
County and changed it into a fected is the Southern Califor- vided on the Park's 60 acres, and light food are offered from
land of fact and fantasy. ''Dis- elements in making Disneyland nia Edison Co., whose service including different d i n i n g stands planned with the flar
neyland," as millions will know possible and one which prob- territory includes all or part places in every area, each in and color of a drcus in this
the 160 sunny California acres, ably shall remain the greatest of 10 Southern and Central
"magic" of all times, yet taken California counties. At the keeping with the theme of the
is divided into four major for granted, is the presence of particular part ol Disneyland For those who wish some-
kingdoms of Walt Disney s end of 1945 there were 670,4bd thing different in the way or
dretms — Tomorrowland, Fan- electricity. The ingenious uses electric meters connected to in which it is situated. food and refreshments, Fron-
tasyland, Frontiersland and made of Thomas A. Edison s Edison lines. Today this fig- Near the Plaza at the end tierland provides a complete,
invention has helped Disney s ure has increased to over of Main St., the visitor will varied appeal. "Included in the
Adventureland. dream come true and every find two distinctive types of
In 1952, after years of im- 1,300,000 meters. old West section of the Parts
agination, Disney's enterprises child's f a v o r i t e characters Keeping pace with ever-in- restaurants. One is the Plaza are a Chicken Plantation res-,
bigan to grow constructively come alive. creasing demands for electric- Pavilion, a completely new
The part light and power conception of high quality, low taurant, an Aunt Jemima pan-_
—sketches, blueprints and to- has played in the appearance ity as well as planning for the cost food service, while t h e cake and waffle house, an au-
day, realities. After less than of Disneyland also is the re- future increases, occasioned other is a recreation of early thentic Mexican Taco cafe and
a year of bustling activity on sult of planning and looking the Edison Co. to undertake century elegance of the Del- a Frito house. .
the old ranch site, engineers, into the future, and at the the largest expansion in us monico-style restaurant, named In Adventureland, the visi-
steam-fitters, architects, land- same time keeping pace with history. During this postwar the Red Wagon Inn. Complete tor is given a chance to quench
scapers, carpenters, scenic ar- record demands for electricity period Edison's gross plant ex- meals at moderate cost may his thirst with a variety of
tists and an almost endless list in the unprecedented growth penditures have amounted to exotic fruit and berry bever-
of other crafts and professions more than $500,000,000 to im- be obtained here. ages native to Polynesia. A
have changed an orange grove of the Southland since the end prove and enlarge its electrical Tomorrowland includes a buffeteria serves light luncne»,
into a $17,000,000 show-place of World War n. generation, transmission and modernistic Space Bar offering to the adventurous explorers^
of magic and living facts. To the utilities of this area distribution facilities. a preview of food service tech
Disneyland is a fresh new whose expansion is dictated by


shotgun. She and Leo Wagman head man at me DJ ^ go Qf ^

America's central .cash vault at^Los Angelesito n e P^j,, - t o an old.time

^s^^^^^^^^/^ 189°period> down to

ver dollars for shipments. Bagman pours^he carmnee ^ ^

the Wg brfss Yale padlock on the old stagecoach box.

banks. Customers of Bank of
America branches in other cit-
Bank in Disneyland ies of California can use the
interbranch services, making
d e p o s i t s , withdrawals, loan
payments, and other transac-
Is Real Institution tions at Disneyland for their
own branches.
The bank will be open for
When visitors enter the Disneyland Mark Twain river- business every day, including
magic kingdom of Disneyland, boat, the Santa Fe-Disneyland Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
one of the first things they railroad, and the bank itself. And just so little folk who
will see is a bank that looks They are as cashable in the have banking to do won't have
like it came straight out of the "outside world" as other money to reach so high, there's a
1890's. A peek inside the pony- orders. special "small fry" window
sized office will reveal that Anyone can open an account built much clouer to the
real banking is going on there or cash checks as in other ground than the others.
at a great rate.
This is Disneyland branch or
Bank of America, and it will
offer most of the services
found in. any modern bank,
even though a brass hatrack,
shiny cuspidors, and an old
fashioned settee with matching
chair grace the lobby.
Sitting just behind the rail
in an old-fashioned arm chair
will be a man who will smile
and nod at visitors and cus-
tomers alike, and who will look
just a bit proud. Perhaps he
looks that way because he will
be the only Bank of America
branch manager in existence
with a roll-top desk.
Tellers, dressed in their vests
and string ties, will push sil-
ver dollars and other money
through old-time wickets. Vis-
itors, looking over the shoul-
ders of these tellers, will see
an ancient wooden filing cabi-
net, high bookkeeping desk and
stool, and an 18SO typewriter
still in working order. But
there's nothing ancient about
the solid concrete vault that
will protect the money and doc-
uments, although the vault
door is in the style of the
early period.
Both sightseers and people
•who want to do banking busi-
ness will be welcome. Spe-
cial souvenir guide maps of
bisneyland will be given to all
who want them.
Except tor escrow service
and safe deposit boxes all the
•services of the statewide bank-
ing firm are to be offered. STUBBORN BURRO
;Most popular should be the This burro decided to exert his natural prerogative
'brightly colored s o u v e n i r
;money orders, which visitors and be stubborn as a Missouri mule until he caught
can send home to family and a glirr-pse of the Disneyland stables where some 200
•friends. Issued without a serv- of his near relatives live in high style. All the equines
ice charge in denominations of at Disneyland receive the greatest of care and have
51, $5, and 510, they are im-
Iprinted with pictures of the been well rehearsed in their daily chores.

Builders of Disneyland T he chefs at Disneyland-like chefs the

world over—know that nothing equals the
live Gas flame when it comes to fine cooking.
Take Big Job in Stride (And millions of homemakers agree.)
Gas is fast—utterly dependable and com-
. Long-recognized as one stallation of underground util- office buildings, department pletely controllable. What's more, Gas cooking
ities. stores, resorts, warehouses,
of the West's outstanding Nearly 2 million board feet large housing projects, U. S.
-builders, McNeil Construc- of lumber went into the build- military and naval establish- is clean and economical. Add to all this the fact
Ition Co., was called upon ings constructed; 5,000 cubic ments, and recreational facili- that today's ultra-modern Gas ranges bring you
:for the construction of yards of concrete went into ties such as the Las Vegas
IDisneyland. And, in less construction; 350,000 cubic horse racing plant. dozens of up-to-the-minute features and you can
yards of earth were moved; LARRY TAKES OVER
:than a year the Los An- 4,000 lineal feet of sewer line When J. V. "McNeil suffered see why—at Disneyland—the overwhelming
•geles firm converted the installed; 2,000 lineal feet of a physical breakdown while on
'. orange and nut groves into storm drain piping, 4,000 feet a job in Tucson, his son Larry, choice is Gas.
Ithe fabulous Disneyland. of gas line and 7,000 feet of who had learned the construc-
water line installed. tion know-how by working on
> Much of the construc- Over 1,000,000 sqi'are feet of jobs since the age of 16, took
tion was unique for the asphalt paving was done in over. Larry became known SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY
firm for it meant going the parking area and streets as the "boy contractor."
well back into yesterday inside the park. In 1951 the third generation
'in building the Main St., All of the millwork, wrought came into the construction pic-
: iron work and staff work was ture when Bruce W. McNeil,
U. S. A. area. Castles of done right on the jobsite by at the age of 16, became a car-
-old and such structures McNeil forces. penter's helper and began
,were new to the workers Over 60 subcontractors were learning the business.
;but they took them in employed on the project and In most any city in the
stride. materials were purchased from Southland you will see perma-
several hundred sources in nent monuments to the McNeil (JiSttCmdUU is one of the wondrous
. But building of Tomorrow- Southern California, or else- firm. Among major jobs have
land was nothing unique for where as the need arose. 1
been the vast Firestone plant places of this world. In its planning, nothing has
the McNeil firm. Throughout "From the standpoint of con- in Los Angeles, the Willys-
their long career in the South- struction this project certain- Overland plant, Los Angeles; been spared to make your visit a magical one—
land they have been building ly has been unique." says F. M. Union Oil Co. plant, Wilming-
for tomorrow. Franz, manager of operations ton; Lockheed Aircraft plant, long to be remembered.
The firm did much in con- Burbank; Times-Mirror build-
verting Los Angeles from a for McNeil.
mere country town into one of "We feel sure there has ing, Los Angeles; Ninth and
the great cities many years never been anything built like Broadway Building, los Ange-
ago. And through three gen- this in Southern California, or les; First Trust Building, Pas*
erations this progressive con- elsewhere in the U n i t e d adena, and many, many others.
States. Many of the items In Long Beach their con-
struction has been a McNeil were constructed from artists' struction included the Farmers
feature. sketches." and Merchants Bank Building,
McNeil Construction Co.
now is well recognized as a The McNeil Construction Co. the Security - First National
concern which will undertake history dates back to 1SS6 Bank Building, and 400 2-bed-
ivork on a contract of any size, when John V. McNeil saw the room homes for the Navy.
future of the Los Angeles area Offices of the company are
I Moving equipment onto the and went into the building at 5S58 Wilshire Blvd., Los
business. It is now a co-part- Angeles.
•Disneyland site in mid-July,
1954, McNeil crewmen first
had to remove 12,500 orange
trees, 700 eucalyptus trees
«nd 500 walnut trees.
nership of Lawrence G. Mc-
Today the extensive experi-
Neil and his son, Bruce Mc- ence of McNeil through 67
years has made it possible for
Its record of achievements the firm to undertake a con-
gives you such modern automatic appliances
HUGE PROJECT includes practically every type struction contract of any kino,
* Immediately after the trees of structure; industrial plants, anywhere. It was this record
Jwere removed, work was start- commercial buildings, hospitals, that led Walt Disney to call
ed on site development and in- hotels, churches, apartments, upon them for Disneyland. •
Ung lH<h (Cillf.), IrMiy, July 15, 1MJ Tropical Settings in Adventureland
ornamented barge of a royal bullrushes, such as those de- then ready to be placed on
Adventureland in Walt Cambodian prince might have scribed in the Bible. tracks laid at strategic Adven-
Disney's magic kingdom docked here. Waters of the upper Nile tureland points.
is a land of natural won- are infested with hippopotami, Adventureland, like the rest
Tall giraffes nibble at the of Disneyland, was built on
ders and primitive sav- tree tops and cast a medita- and two baby hippos bob to
the surface. A large one rises minute and detailed research.
agery — a land of exotic tive eye on the adventurers,
and charges but a quick spin It is a land to delight the na-
beauty where the romance who suddenly feel the prickly ture lover and thrill the ad-
tingle of excitement as a fam- of the wheel takes the boat
of the tropics prevails. safely onward. venturer as its tropic aura
ily of crocdlJUes seems ready lures guests back again, and
Entrance to this tropical to attack the boat and another Above the shrill of native
birds and the chatter of mon- again.
paradise is made through old one dozes among the water
lilies. keys comes the sound of jun-
a Tahitian Village where gle drums and a native village
bazaars offer merchandise Steaming round the bend,
the boat enters the Albert looms ahead. Natives peer Bloom Favors
of the South Seas, India Nile, one of the great rivers of from behind trees and fancy
and A f r i c a . Victorian Africa. Two baby rhinos de- shields, their spears poised for
action, as the boat glides past Mickey Mouse
architecture b l e n d s into velop a sudden case of shyness and surprised passengers find
the thatched roofs of Poly- and run into the tall grass and themselves under the shelf of The Ochna Plant, an Aus-
the mammoth mama rhino tralian native, will feel right
nesia and the village itself suddenly makes her appear- a waterfall, with rapids imme- at home in Disneyland. When
appears to have had its ance. A giant bull elephant diately ahead. Huge rocks are in bloom the Ochna "face" is
missed by inches and the-boat, a 'perfect profile of Mickey
share of tropical storms. trumpets in the background, emerges to a placid bend in
Weatherbeaten window and an' answering 'trumpet Mouse. The Ochna Plant is in
sounds nearby. the river. Adventureland.
frames stand next to the bat- Another native hut is seen
tered old door leading into the BIG WATERFALL and one more 'gator charges
bazaar, where a circular stair-
way spirals upward to lose it-
Dead ahead is a beautiful
waterfall, and it looks impos-
the boat just before it steams
smoothly and safely into its Phones Busy
sible to miss it, but expert berth at Adventureland's dock.
self in a mysterious second navigation keeps the boat safe. As pointed out before, Dis- The switchboard at' Disney-
story. Handiwork of a beach- A pair of lions stare curiously ney artisans and craftsmen are land, according to telephone
as the boat passes and their responsible for the life-like ap- company, had an average of
comber is seen in a village 900 incoming calls per hour
next meal—possibly a freshly pearance of all the "animals."
shop, built of driftwood and They were modeled in clay during peak construction pe-
killed zebra—lies in the tiger •riods. This amounted to 42,000
corrugated tin,'and the Tropic grass at their feet. The lush from living counterparts, and-
Trader vends his wares from grasses that seem to grow from the clay models came the incoming calls a week, figured
a dockside booth. right down to the water are plastic "animals." They were on an 8 hour day, 6 day week.
The boathouse is of Victo-
rian vintage. Here the more
adventurous might purchase
passage on one of the canvas-
topped river boats, bearing
such romantic names as Me-
kong Maiden, Congo Queen,
Sewanee Lady or the Nile
The river, winding through
o"iV"Lc ..side D i s a n d >££*« the heart of Adventureland,
SS U- »u represents Tropical Rivers of
the World where plants of
every sub-equatorial area are
moulded by nature. to be found and the life-like
"animals" are a tribute to the
Disney craftsmen and artisans.
At the beginning of the voy-
age the river banks are dotted
with tall. Kentia palms which
were brought all the way from
Lord Howes' Island in the
South Pacific. Then the boat
enters the dark and shady
tropical rain forest where a
continual drizzle creates the
ideal condition to encourage
the growth of such exotic
plants as the Staghorn ferns—
so named because they look
like antlers—and orchids of
every kind and color. These
plants, known as Bromeliads,
need no soil, but live high in
the trees intertwining abpve
the boat. They draw their sus-
tenance from the air. A giant
t a 11 e r e d-lea£ Philodendron
primly insists on growing room
in this lush vegetation typical
of the upper reaches of the
With an abrupt turn of the
boat, explorers find themselves
in a tropic river far removed
from the Amazon. It is now OLD PAGODA
the Mekong River, bordered
-5 with flowering ginger and ba- A decaying pagoda in Adventureland is taken over by a family of monkeys and
nana trees. On the left are the tngle Svtti creeps closer while the little stone structure keeps a silent vxgil
ruins of an ancient pagoda, in the Indo-Chinese section. The pagoda is seen from the explorer s ooat as «
now overrun by a family of
700 automobiles are other features planned for the H otel.
monkeys. Centuries ago, a gold steams down the tropical "Rivers of the World."

Disneyland Hotel
Will Open Shortly builders of...
Situated adjacent to Walt tractions of Southern Califor-
Disney's fabulous Disneyland nia, secure in the knowledge
Park is to be the Disneyland that their children will receive
Hotel, California's most dis- expert care with trained nurses
in attendance. The three love-
tinctive informal hotel and ly swimming pools for all age
motor hotel. groups, tennis courts and a
Designed for families for the nine-hole golf course afford the

DISNEY utmost in living convenience, •ultimate in recreation facili-

Disneyland Hotel, a 10 million ties for the guest and his
dollar enterprise of Wrather- family.
Alvarez Hotels, Inc., will af- Visitors to Disneyland and
ford the public and visitors guests of the hotel may enjoy
to the "land of fantasy" every a leisurely meal or beverage in
-type of accommodation from any one of the three beautiful

BUILDINGS the most comfortable motor- indoor or garden restaurants,

hotel units to the hotel garden with coffee shop accommoda-
apartment suites. tions also available.' The su-
Disneyland Hotel is located perb restaurant and cocktail
or, a beautiful 30-acre orange- facilities are under the super-
tree covered site opposite the vision of the famous Gourmet

main exit of Disneyland Park Restaurants.
and, although adjoining the The first unit of the out-
park, continuous free bus serv- standing hotel, the largest to
ice to the park entrance is be built in Southern California
planned for guests and visitors. in a number of years, will
Upon completion, the lavish comprise 104 units with private
hotel will contain 650 hotel patios and balconies which are

BY..... and motor hotel rooms, suites scheduled for opening about
and garden apartments with Aug. 15.
color television planned for
each unit.
Construction is being rushed
on the project, with the official
opening of the completed
Outstanding i n n o v a t i o n s structure planned for late No-

PIONEER incorporated into the hotel and vember. Disneyland Hotel was
of interest to the guest with a designed by the architectural
family will be the beautiful .and engineering firm of Perei-
" I n d o o r -Outdoor" nurseries. ra and Luckman and Harold
Guests may enjoy short, wor- Hodges-Byron Vandergrift, the
ry-free visits to the many at- builders.

PHONE V A n d y k t 4 5 2 3 —Michigan 7538




PH. WESTMINSTER 5411. WESTMINSTER, CAL. Pat Zimmerman, left, and Clara Maxwell were two
of the busiest switchboard operators in the nation 5858 WILSHIRE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
just prior to opening of Disneyland. According to
a telephone company estimate, 900 incoming calls
per hour were handled at the Disneyland switch-

Unique Restaurant
Long leach |C«IH.), Mdoy. July »> IMS

Inside Pirate Ship

Located in the heart of men, Frank Van Camp,- found-
Fantasyland, just beyond the er of the sea-food firm, and his
towering castle, you'll find a son, Gilbert C. Van Camp,
real, full-sized Pirate Ship present president and chairman
gently riding at anchor in a of the board of directors.
small lagoon.- . The younger Van Camp came
This exciting ship is over 75 to California in 1913. On a
feet long, and you can enter its sports fishing trip to the har-
hold over a gangway, under * bor area, he discovered the old
the cover of cannon looming
out of the portholes. Up on the California Tunny Canning Co.
forecastle another big cannon in San Pedro arid paused to
is likely to boom out your wel- study its obsolete methods of
operation. He was intrigued
come as you come aboard. by possibility of combining his
The skull and crossbones of knowledge of canning with his
the Jolly Roger are flying high love of fishing, and he. wired
on the 65 foot mast, above
the colorful fuli-rieged can- hisFrank father that night
vas sails. It's too dangerous to Southern Van Camp arrived in
California in Janu-
climb the rigging, but you can ' ary, 1941, and, after a lengthy
explore the rest of the ship
from stem to stern. Examine conference with his son, ar-
the beautiful details of the ranged Gilbert
to purchase the plant.
immediately undertook PIRATE SHIP
blonde mermaid figurehead on an extensive modernization
the bow. Aft, on the poop deck, program. Van Camp's Chicken- of the Sea Pirate Ship restau-
.you can spin the helmsman's
wheel as you command a deck first On June 6, 1914, the season's rant, a feature of Fantasyland, rides gently at an-
just like the ones where many core, catch of long-fin, or alba-
was landed and processed, chor in Pirate's Cove. This restaurant is designed to
bloody battles were fought in and Van Camp Sea Food Co. serve light family meals to 300 persons per hour.
days of old! .
The intricately designed was actually in business.
Thereafter followed many
blonde mermaid figurehead Van Camp innovations, numer- frigerated fleet of "tuna clip- retail price of tuna to the point
was modeled in clay at Walt ous of them still standard in pers," an extensive investiga- it was no longer a "rich man's
Disney Studios. It was then the industry today. Of these tion of the habits of tuna, use delicacy" and the development
cast in plastic and painted in the most remarkable were the of the airplane and helicopter of the purse-seine method of
full color before it was mount- construction of a modern, re- as tuna scouts, reduction of the tuna fishing.
ed on the ship.
All the pirates you've ever
heard of would feel right at
home topside this galleon, but
Widespread Use of Natural Gas
they'll get a big surprise below
deck. Here is one of the most
unique restaurants you'll ever
find, serving tuna, oyster,
Clearly Demonstrated in Park
shrimp and other seafood the
likes of which no pirate cap- When Walt Disney lights the of foods throughout the giant commercial and industrial en-
tain ever found in all his first gas lamp along Main amusement park. terprises, has contributed ad-
TROPICS TRANSPLANTED travels on the seven seas. The two unique restaurants vice and operational knowledge
This fascinating feature in Street, U. S. A., in the heart fronting on the Plaza, hub of to the realization of the 160-
the heart of Fantasyland is of Disneyland, he will be pay- the four intriguing Lands acre wonderland.
called the Chicken of the Sea ing tribute not only to the which make up Disney's world Gas will be on hand in To-
Pirate Ship, after the mer- fulfillment of his dream of a in miniature, will be gas- morrowland, too, as a fuel for
maid mascot on the bow. It's fabulous amusement park, but equipped. One of these res- cooking and heating. For gas
one of Disney's finest crea- also to the modern miracle of taurants is the Pavilion, a new will be a part of the actual
concept in food service com- world of tomorrow, growing
Big Trees, Look as if They Had Grown There tions, with all the color and natural gas.
imagination for which hes Back in the turn-of-the cen-
w o r 1 d-renowned. Remember tury days of Main Street, gas
. bining the better features of with the future as it has grown
buffet, cafeteria, and restau- in the past short span of years.
around this part," he pointed tect hired a crew of 30 men to the Pirate Ship—in Disney- manufactured from coal com- rant. The other is the elegant- Today's silent, dependable blue
It was a big flat grove, as mountain. Right there—on work days. Another crew of land. , bustion was used for lighting ly appointed Red Wagon Inn, flame will make possible new
far as you could see, the land the blueprint. Make it look to the blueprint of the hub of 10 men worked nights to take Chicken of the Sea and and for some cooking, but it a recreation of the Gay Nine- homemaking miracles in days
\vas covered with orange trees. as if it had always been there. Disneyland where all the en- care of wiring "the plants and White Star—"the brands- that played second fiddle to other ties restaurant typified by to come. Even in the world of
No mountains or rivers or hills Cover it with forests and such trances are to the different watering what had been plant- made tuna f a ra o u s"—also fuels in popular use. Delmonico's in Old New "York. fantasy envisioned in Disney-
or space ships or jungles. Just but make sure it looks make the packer, Van Camp Now natural gas, the cleaner, Another, and more unusual, land, that much is solid reality.
just like it would if it had sections, "everything is going ed just to keep it growing.
flat land. been there forever. to be scaled down in size so a There was no way of water- Sea Food Company, Inc., Ter- more efficient successor to role for natural gas in the
That was a year ago. Walt child can see it without strain- ing the plants and trees once minal Island, the world's great- manufactured gas, has in a park is its use in conjunction
Disney, the man who is the "In this corner of Disneyland
there will be a jungle. Grow ing. Find trees and plants that they had been planted. An est earner of that deep-sea short half-century grown from
delicacy. Of the 125,000,000
with the "freight" train, the
scaled-down version of an old-
Mickey Mouse
creator of Mickey Mouse and are the right size, so that they old-fashioned water wagon a small business to a highly
all his older brothers and sis-
ters in Fantasyland—had the
a jungle. It has to look like
the Tropics and like deepest will be sure to look as if they was used in the early part of cases of tuna packed over the complex industry which . is
the job to bring water to the past 50 years, Van Camp Sea sixth largest in the country.
time cap-stack "iron horse"
which takes off from Frontier-
Operates Train
Africa, and like Australia and had always been here."
idea of bringing Main Street thirsty plants. Later on there Food has accounted for at least Its growth is nowhere better
"And, finally," said Disney, was land for a passenger-laden ride Walt Disney brought Mickey
Fantasyland, Adventure and Asia and the Amazon. There a giant sprinkler system. 70 per cent. demonstrated than in Disney- around the perimeter of the Mouse to Disneyland for a
will be wild animals coming "you see all these castles and It has 1065 sprinklers, and HEAVY SALES entire grounds. The train will trial run of the Santa Fe and
Tomorrowland—all of them— buildings in Disneyland?" The they carried land.
together to this very orange down to the water edge, and 5950 gallons of Gas has several roles to play be drawn by a Diesel-fired Disneyland % scale locomo-
we want to have jungle vines castle itself is 70 feet tall— water a minute every time the Today tuna is a staple of the steam engine, and natural gas tive and the pair backed it-
grove. and trees thai .look as if they the Landscape Architect could
water was turned on. Now American diet, as indicated by in Disneyland and they are all will be used every morning to from the "roundhouse" to the
To do it he hired a lot of had grown and died and the hardly help seeing it. Let the water comes from wells on the consumption of 12,000,000 symbolic of its part in every-
people. Needed was a land- castle be glimpsed through cases last year,, and sales are day life. fire the engines for the day's Frontierland s t a t i o n . The
scape architect to choose all stumps were left to bo covered Disney's property. Dozens of restaurants, sand- first run. Mouse also enjoyed a trip with
kinds of plants for special with vines. the trees! . Remember, it all started rapidly growing. It is interest- Southern Counties Gas Co., Walt aboard the " M a r k
"Here is Tomorrowland, The landscape architect had ing to speculate as to how long wich counters, and specialty
places and put them together to go to 40 different nurseries with an orange grove a year tuna might have gone all but houses will offer food to the along with hundreds of busi- Twain," a 105-foot river boat,
said Disney to the landscape ness firms, ranging from small as she got up steam and the
to look well and grow healthy.
architects. "Plant a planet to get enough trees, plants, ago. But when you see it you ignored as a profitable catch throngs of Disneyland visitors.
Disney called the firm of seedlings and flowers to do the will agree. Those trees a n d had it not been for the fore- Natural gas will be used pre- shops to some of Southern nine-tone paddles turned for
Evans and Reeves and said: from outer space—and Make plantings look as if they al- California's most far-flung the first time.
Sure It Looks Real." job. sight and astuteness -of two dominantly in the preparation
"Here are some things I want
"On Main Street and all The chief landscape archi- ways had been there.
vou to do. We are building a

If you do not notice

how we made-a jungle out of an orange grove ...
be hills and rivers that never before existed and are now covered with .forests,
or the way we planted an unknown planet...

If it a// looks as if it had always been here...

Because that is the way it was planned to be.

Evans and Reeves Landscaping Inc. Official Landscape Architects for

Evans and Reeves Landscaping Inc.

Offices at Disneyland and at 255 South Barrington Avenue • West Los Angeles, California / Telephone: GRanite 2-1294 • BRadshaw 2-1849

*and of course, the Evans and Reeves Nurseries are famous

for Southern California's finest specimens of tropical plants.
16-.|NDCHNDENT-P»E5S-mti;»AlVI teng ».atli ».

Your first vlslf to

INFORMATION—designed to help OPENING

Disneyland, Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom, will officially open at 10:00 A. M. on

make your visit more enjoyable Monday, July 18th, and remain open every day during the summer from 10:00
A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Beginning in the Fall, Disneyland will be closed on Mondays.

Admission price for adults is $1.00, tax included. For children, under 12, ad-
mission is 50c, tax free. Tickets may be purchased only at Disneyland. Your ad-
mission ticket entitles you to roam all the lands of Disneyland and view the many
exhibits and free shows without any further charge. Disneyland's rides and other
unique amusements are all popularly priced.


A wide variety of food and refreshment facilities are offered for your enjoyment in
Disneyland. They range in cost from modest to moderate, depending on the type
of food and service you desire. Alcoholic beverages are not served or permitted
in Disneyland.
Week-ends and Holidays throughout the summer will be the days Disneyland will
have the greatest number of visitors. Whenever possible we suggest that you plan
your Disneyland visits for week-days, Monday through Friday, to avoid crowds and
congested traffic conditions.
To assure you a pleasant visit, Disneyland's gates will be temporarily closed when-
ever the park is filled to a comfortable capacity. The gates will be re-opened as
visitors leave, to admit new visitors. If your plans call for a visit on a Holiday or
week-end, we suggest you come as early in the day as possible.

Disneyland's parking area will accommodate 12,175 cars, for the convenience of
visitors driving private vehicles. A nominal charge of 25c covers all-day parking.

California's newest and most distinctive resort Hotel and Motor Hotel is situated
opposite the main exit of Disneyland. When completed, the Disneyland_Hotel will
contain 650 rooms, suites and garden apartments offering accommodations to fit
every budget. One hundred and four units will be Available soon. For open-
ing date and reservation information please contact Disneyland Hotel, 9363 Wil-
shire Blvd., Beverly Hills, or telephone — CRestview 5-4586.

Disneyland is located in the City of Anaheim. It is bordered by Harbor Blvd. on
the East, Katella Avenue on the South, West Street on the West and the Santa Ana
Freeway and Ball Road on the North.
The various rides and amusements at Disneyland will delight the very young, the
teen-ager, young married couples, the middle-aged, and. grandparents alike.
When you enter Main Street the Santa Fe and Disneyland passenger rain^ will_ be
ready to take you on a trip around the perimeter of Walt Disney's " Magic King-
dom." A capstack locomotive, the E. P. Ripley, will pull six passenger
passen cars, carry-
ing 300 passengers on each trip.
The pride and joy of the Disneyland Fire Department will be a Ahorse-drawn hose
and chemical wagon. Men of all ages will enjoy jumping on and "riding to a fire.'
The Disneyland Street Railway System, consisting of four horse-drawn cars, is ready
for the entire family. You can enjoy an old-fashioned ride around Town Square, then
down Main Street to the Plaza. Four horse-drawn station wagons are afso at your
disposal in Disneyland's -Main Street, U. S. A.
A visit to the Disneyland Penny Arcade v/ill be enjoyed by the entire family, as will
the Mcin Street Cinema. Here six performances of silent movies wilil run continu-
ously and simultaneously. These will be complete with old-time piano accompani-
On the Autopia, the Freeway of Tomorrow, young and old will thrill to a ride in
one of the Autopia cars, and no trip to Disneyland will be complete without a ride
on one of the 14 speed-boats in Tomorrowland Lake.
The TWA Rocket Ride to the Moon will also be a thrilling experience. The Luna
and Diana each accommodate 104 passengers and are at. your service.
In Tomorrowland you can also see the "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" exhibit.
Here you will find the Nautilus and the giant squid that were immortalized in Walt
Disney's recent motion picture.
From Space Station X- 1 you will be able to see the planet Earth as though you
were 500 miles up in the sky.
When you pass through the Sleeping Beauty Castle you will see the King Arthur
Carrousel with its 72 majestic horses ready to take you on a trip to nowhere.
The Peter Pan Ride with its 7 Pirate Galleons will take you on a ride over London,
HOW TO REACH DISNEYLAND to Never-Never Land, past Skull Rock, and safely back to Earth.
On the Snow-White Ride you will visit the home of the seven dwarfs, see them
'working in their diamond mines-and even pass the old witch.
FROM LONG BEACH AND VICINITY — East on Coast Highway to FROM LOS ANGELES AND VICINITY — Southeast on Santa Ana Freeway
to Anaheim. Turn right at Harbor Blvd. to Disneyland entrance. If traffic Mr. Toad's Wild .Ride will be an experience you will never forget. You will go
Lakewood Blvd.; turn left and go I '/a miles to Spring Street; turn right through a hay stack, knock down a barn door and enter the pearly gates to the
and go along Spring to Los Alamitos Blvd.; turn right and go to Katella is too heavy at Harbor Blvd. turn-off, drive straight on the freeway, about
% mile, to Katella Avenue turn-off. Turn right onto frontage road, then sound of heavenly music.
Avenue; then turn left and go 8'/2 miles to Disneyland entrances.* Dumbo, the flying elephant, also awaits your pleasure and will take you on an
right at Haster Street; right again onto Katella; go past Harbor Blvd.
and turn right at Disneyland entrances.* aerial ride.
ALTERNATE — East on Garden Grove Avenue, past the town of Garden The Mad Tea-Party, with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare in command, is
Grove to Harbor Blvd.; turn left and go 2 miles to Katella Avenue; turn ALTERNATE APPROACHES FROM SANTA ANA FREEWAY: waiting for you to climb into a Tea Cup for a mad whirl.
left on Katella, and then right into Disneyland.* The Casey Jr. train is also waiting for you to climb aboard for a thrilling trip
1. At Buena Park, turn right on Highway 39; go 4'/4 miles to Katella
Avenue; turn left and go 4 miles, turning left into Disneyland. over hill and dale.
FROM SANTA ANA — North on Santa Ana Freeway. When you reach The Canal Boats of the World will glide you on an eventful trip.
divided highway, north of turn-off to''town of Orange, keep right onto 2. Four miles past .-Buena Park on freeway, turn right at Euclid Avenue
(just past Robertshaw-Fulton Plant), and go 2'/4 miles to Katella; turn The Mickey Mouse Theater, with its 400 comfortable seats, will be thoroughly en-
frontage road that parallels freeway, and go about 3/10 mile to Edison
left on Katella to Disneyland entrances.* joyed by all.
Co. substation ot Katella Avenue. Turn right and then immediately left
onto Katella overpass on-ramp. Follow Katella past Harbor Blvd. and FRONTIERLAND
FROM POMONA AND VICINITY — South on Brea Road (which becomes The Mark Twain, a 300 passenger stern wheeler, will take you on a romantic story.
turn right into Disneyland.*
Spadra Road in Fullerton). At junction of Los Angeles and Palm Streets book cruise on the rivers of America.
in Anaheim," continue straight ahead on Palm (which becomes Harbor The Santa Fe and Disneyland railroad freight train will be boarded at the
FROM ANAHEIM — South on Palm Street [which becomes Harbor Blvd.) Blvd.) to Disneyland.
to entrance of Disneyland. Frontierland depot. You will ride in cattle cars, gondolas, or the little red caboose.
FROM CORONA AND ARLINGTON — West on Highway. 18 through The Disneyland Stage Lines, fully equipped with Concord Coaches, will travel on
FROM FULLERTON — South on Spadra Road (which becomes Palm Street town'of Olive to Placentia Avenue, at eastern edge of Anaheim; turn lett an exciting ride through the Painted Desert and Indian country of the Old West.
and later becomes Harbor Blvd.] to the entrance to Disneyland. and go 2'/z miles to Katella Avenue; turn right and go I ft miles Ipast Conestoga wagons, Yellowstone coaches, surreys, buggies, buckboards, and pack
Harbor.Blvd.) to Disneyland entrances. mules are also ready to take you for a ride around. Frontierland.
FROM NEWPORT BEACH AND VICINITY — North on Harbor Blvd. to The Golden Horseshoe will feature the "tallest glass of pop" as well as a com-
Katella Ave.; turn left on Katella and right into Disneyland.* *Do not drive north on Harbor -Blvd. above Katella, since no left turn is plete floor show.
permitted from Harbor into Disneyland. However, should you make this ADVENTURELAND
FROM SAN DIEGO AREA — North on Highway 101, turning inland at mistake, go on north to Midway Drive (just south of Freeway ; turn right Take an explorer's boat ride and visit the rivers of the world. See the crocodiles,
San Juan Capistrono; continue on 101 past town of Santa Ana. When to frontage road, right again to Haster Street, right to Katella, and right the hippopotami, and the waterfall as you wind through tropical vegetation. A
you reach divided highway, north of turn-off to town, of Orange, keep into Disneyland. Do not enter Freeway in making this circuit. native guide will accompany you on the Congo Queen, Swannee Lady, Amazon
right onto frontage road that parallels freeway, and go about 3/10 Belle, Ganges Gal, Nile Princess, Mekong Maiden or the Irrawaddi Woman.
mil* to Edison Co. substation at Katella Avenue. Turn right and +hen For detailed information about routes to Disneyland, we suggest you stop
at your neighborhood Richfield Service Station and ask for a free Regardless of which ride or amusement you patronize at Disneyland it will.- be a
Immediately left onto Katella overpass on-ramp. Follow Katella past
Disneyland road map. thrilling experience you will never foraet.
[Harbor Blvd. arid turn right into Disneyland.*

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