Vehicular Networking: A Survey and Tutorial On Requirements, Architectures, Challenges, Standards and Solutions

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Vehicular networking: A survey and tutorial on

requirements, architectures, challenges,

standards and solutions
Georgios Karagiannis1, Onur Altintas2, Eylem Ekici3, Geert Heijenk1,
Boangoat Jarupan3, Kenneth Lin4, Timothy Weil5
1 University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
2 TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, Tokyo, Japan
3 Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
4 Booz Allen Hamilton, McLean, VA, USA
5 Raytheon Polar Services, Centennial, Colorado, USA

Abstract Vehicular networking has significant potential to

enable diverse applications associated with traffic safety, traffic
efficiency and infotainment. In this survey and tutorial paper we
introduce the basic characteristics of vehicular networks, provide
an overview of applications and associated requirements, along
with challenges and their proposed solutions. In addition, we
provide an overview of the current and past major ITS programs
and projects in USA, Japan and Europe. Moreover, vehicular
networking architectures and protocol suites employed in such
programs and projects in USA, Japan and Europe are discussed.
Keywords-; Vehicular networking, V2V, V2I, SAE, IEEE
802.11p, WAVE, IEEE 1609, ISO CALM, ARIB, IntelliDrive, VII,



Vehicular networking serves as one of the most important

enabling technologies required to implement a myriad of
applications related to vehicles, vehicle traffic, drivers,
passengers and pedestrians. These applications are more than
novelties and far-fetched goals of a group of researchers and
companies. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that aim
to streamline the operation of vehicles, manage vehicle traffic,
assist drivers with safety and other information, along with
provisioning of convenience applications for passengers are no
longer confined to laboratories and test facilities of companies.
Prime examples of such services include automated toll
collection systems, driver assist systems and other information
provisioning systems. This grassroots movement has also been
backed up by coordinated efforts for standardization and
formation of consortia and other governmental and industrial
bodies that aim to set the guiding principles, requirements, and
first takes on solutions for communication systems that
primarily involve vehicles and users within vehicles.
The excitement surrounding vehicular networking is not
only due to the applications or their potential benefits but also
due to the challenges and scale of the solutions. Among
technical challenges to be overcome, high mobility of vehicles,
wide range of relative speeds between nodes, real-time nature
of applications, and a multitude of system and application

related requirements can be listed. Furthermore, considering

ITS applications that require information to be relayed multiple
hops between cars, vehicular networks are poised to become
the most widely distributed and largest scale ad hoc networks.
Such challenges and opportunities serve as the background of
the widespread interest in vehicular networking by
governmental, industrial, and academic bodies.
Several excellent survey papers have appeared in the literature
in the area of vehicular networking covering topics ranging
from intelligent vehicle applications to routing protocols [111], between the years 2000 and 2009. This survey paper
differs than the ones listed above since it provides a
comprehensive overview of the state of the art applications,
architectures, protocols, challenges and their solutions applied
in vehicular networks. This work aims to serve as both an
introduction to vehicular networking for readers of diverse
technical backgrounds, and as a detailed analysis and
classification of the state-of-the art. Moving from high-level
goals and objectives towards more detailed solutions, the paper
is structured to lead the reader through the evolution of
vehicular networking arena without losing the sight of the big
picture. More specifically, starting from motivating and driving
applications leading to vehicular networks, we present both
concerted efforts such as standardization efforts and large
projects as well as individual works mostly available in
academic publications.
First, in Section II, we introduce the basic characteristics of
vehicular networks and provide an overview of applications
and their associated requirements as well as the challenges and
solutions proposed. Then, standardization efforts, ITS
programs, and projects are presented in their original structure,
highlighting their original scope and objectives in Section III.
These projects are grouped geographically (i.e., USA, Japan
and Europe), reflecting their common regulatory constraints
and perceived preferential emphasis on different problems.
These projects are also important, as their outcomes are
relevant to standardization efforts. In Japan the outcome of
such projects is used during the deployment of vehicular
networking infrastructures, such as the deployment of ETC
(Electronic Toll Collection) infrastructure and the ongoing

rollout of the infrastructure for vehicle safety communications.

In EU and USA, the outcome of these projects is mainly used
for standardization efforts carried out by industry consortia,
such as C2C-CC (Car 2 Car Communication Consortium) and
standardization bodies. In particular, in USA the research and
development activities are mainly contributing to the
standardization of the IEEE 1609 protocol suite. In EU the
results of such activities are contributing to the ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute) ITS and ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) CALM
(Continuous Air-interface Long and Medium range)
standardization. Moreover, in Japan such research and
development activities are contributing to the ARIB
(Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) and ISO
CALM standardization, via the ISO TC (Technical Committee)
204 committee of Japan. Following this, Section IV is
dedicated to challenges in vehicular networking environments.
This detailed view of problems help set the stage for many
different aspects of vehicular networking that may or may not
have been covered in concerted large-scale programs. Based on
this classification, we present a detailed and comparative study
of existing solutions in Section V. Each of the studied
challenges and their solutions are followed by a critical
evaluation of existing approaches. Finally, the paper is
concluded in Section VI with open research problems.



This section discusses major vehicular networking

applications and use cases. A use case represents the utilization
of a vehicular networking application in a particular situation
with a specific purpose. Moreover, this section discusses the
requirements imposed by such applications on the vehicular
networking architecture.
A. Applications and use cases
Vehicular networking applications can be classified as 1)
Active road safety applications, 2) Traffic efficiency and
management applications and 3) Infotainment applications.
1) Active road safety applications
Active road safety applications are those that are primarily
employed to decrease the probability of traffic accidents and
the loss of life of the occupants of vehicles [7], [12], [13],
[14], [15], [16]. A significant percentage of accidents that
occur every year in all parts of the world are associated with
intersection, head, rear-end and lateral vehicle collisions.
Active road safety applications primarily provide information
and assistance to drivers to avoid such collisions with other
vehicles. This can be accomplished by sharing information
between vehicles and road side units which is then used to
predict collisions. Such information can represent vehicle
position, intersection position, speed and distance heading.
Moreover, information exchange between the vehicles and the
road side units is used to locate hazardous locations on roads,
such as slippery sections or potholes. Some examples of active
road safety applications are given below (for details of these
use cases, see e.g., [12], [15], [13], [16], [17], [18]):

Intersection collision warning: in this use case, the risk of

lateral collisions for vehicles that are approaching road
intersections is detected by vehicles or road side units. This
information is signaled to the approaching vehicles in order to
lessen the risk of lateral collisions.
Lane change assistance: the risk of lateral collisions for
vehicles that are accomplishing a lane change with blind spot
for trucks is reduced.
Overtaking vehicle warning: aims to prevent collision
between vehicles in an overtake situation, where one vehicle,
say vehicle_1 is willing to overtake a vehicle, say vehicle_3,
while another vehicle, say vehicle_2 is already doing an
overtaking maneuver on vehicle_3. Collision between
vehicle_1 and vehicle_2 is prevented when vehicle_2 informs
vehicle_1 to stop its overtaking procedure.
Head on collision warning: the risk of a head on collision is
reduced by sending early warnings to vehicles that are
traveling in opposite directions. This use case is also denoted
as Do Not Pass Warning, see [18].
Rear end collision warning: the risk of rear-end collisions
for example due to a slow down or road curvature (e.g.,.
curves, hills) is reduced. The driver of a vehicle is informed
of a possible risk of rear-end collision in front.
Co-operative forward collision warning: a risk of forward
collision accident is detected through the cooperation between
vehicles. Such types of accidents are then avoided by using
either cooperation between vehicles or through driver
Emergency vehicle warning: an active emergency vehicle,
e.g., ambulance, police car, informs other vehicles in its
neighborhood to free an emergency corridor. This information
can be re-broadcasted in the neighborhood by other vehicles
and road side units.
Pre-crash Sensing/Warning: in this use case, it is considered
that a crash is unavoidable and will take place. Vehicles and
the available road side units periodically share information to
predict collisions. The exchanged information includes
detailed position data and vehicle size and it can be used to
enable an optimized usage of vehicle equipment to decrease
the effect of a crash. Such equipment can be actuators, air
bags, motorized seat belt pre-tensioners and extensible
Co-operative merging assistance: vehicles involved in a
junction merging maneuver negotiate and cooperate with each
other and with road side units to realize this maneuver and
avoid collisions.
Emergency electronic brake lights: vehicle that has to hard
brake informs other vehicles, by using the cooperation of other
vehicles and/or road side units, about this situation.
Wrong way driving warning: a vehicle detecting that it is
driving in wrong way, e.g., forbidden heading, signals this
situation to other vehicles and road side units.
Stationary vehicle warning: in this use case, any vehicle that
is disabled, due to an accident, breakdown or any other reason,
informs other vehicles and road side units about this situation.

Traffic condition warning: any vehicle that detects some

rapid traffic evolution, informs other vehicles and road side
units about this situation.
Signal violation warning: one or more road side units detect
a traffic signal violation. This violation information is
broadcasted by the road side unit(s) to all vehicles in the
Collision risk warning: a road side unit detects a risk of
collision between two or more vehicles that do not have the
capability to communicate. This information is broadcasted by
the road side unit towards all vehicles in the neighborhood of
this event.
Hazardous location notification: any vehicle or any road
side unit signals to other vehicles about hazardous locations,
such as an obstacle on the road, a construction work or
slippery road conditions.
Control Loss Warning: in [18] an additional use case is
described that is intended to enable the driver of a vehicle to
generate and broadcast a control-loss event to surrounding
vehicles. Upon receiving this information the surrounding
vehicles determine the relevance of the event and provide a
warning to the drivers, if appropriate.
2) Traffic efficiency and management applications
Traffic efficiency and management applications focus on
improving the vehicle traffic flow, traffic coordination and
traffic assistance and provide updated local information, maps
and in general, messages of relevance bounded in space and/or
time. Speed management and Co-operative navigation are two
typical groups of this type of applications [13].

B. Requirements
Vehicular networking requirements are derived by studying
the needs of the vehicular networking applications and use
cases [12], [13], [15], [16], [19]. In this paper we use the
requirements classification given in [13]. In the following,
Section II.B.1 discusses these requirements classes, Section
II.B.2, based on [13], presents a number of system performance
requirements derived from the use cases given in Section II.A.
1) Classification of requirements
Vehicular network requirements can be grouped into the
following classes:
a) Strategic requirements
These requirements are related to: (1) the level of vehicular
network deployment, e.g., minimum penetration threshold and
(2) strategies defined by governments and commissions.
b) Economical requirements
These requirements are related to economical factors, such
as business value once the minimum penetration value is
reached, perceived customer value of the use case, purchase
cost and ongoing cost and time needed for the global return of
the invested financial resources.
c) System capabilities requirements
These requirements are related to the system capabilities,
which are:

a)Co-operative local services

This type of applications focus on infotainment that can be
obtained from locally based services such as point of interest
notification, local electronic commerce and media
downloading [12], [13], [16], [19].

Radio communication capabilities, such as (1) single hop

radio communication range, (2) used radio frequency
channels, (3) available bandwidth and bit rate, (4) robustness
of the radio communication channel, (5) level of compensation
for radio signal propagation difficulties by e.g., using road
side units.
Network communication capabilities, such as (1) mode of
dissemination: unicast, broadcast, multicast, geocast
(broadcast only within a specified area), (2) data aggregation,
(3) congestion control, (4) message priority, (5) management
means for channel and connectivity realization, (6) support of
IPv6 or IPv4 addressing, (7) mobility management associated
with changes of point of attachment to the Internet.
Vehicle absolute positioning capabilities, such as (1) Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), e.g., Global Positioning
System (GPS), (2) Combined positioning capabilities, e.g.,
combined GNSS with information provided by a local
geographical map.
Other vehicle capabilities, such as (1) vehicle interfaces for
sensors and radars, (2) vehicle navigation capabilities.
Vehicle communication security capabilities, such as (1)
respect of privacy and anonymity, (2) integrity and
confidentiality, (3) resistance to external security attacks, (4)
authenticity of received data, (5) data and system integrity.

b) Global Internet services

Focus is on data that can be obtained from global Internet
services. Typical examples are Communities services, which
include insurance and financial services, fleet management and
parking zone management, and ITS station life cycle, which
focus on software and data updates [12], [13], [16], [19].

d) System performance requirements

These requirements are related to the system performance,
which are: (1) vehicle communication performance, such as
maximum latency time, frequency of updating and resending
information, (2) vehicle positioning accuracy, (3) system
reliability and dependability, such as radio coverage, bit error

a) Speed management
Speed management applications aim to assist the driver to
manage the speed of his/her vehicle for smooth driving and to
avoid unnecessary stopping. Regulatory/contextual speed limit
notification and green light optimal speed advisory are two
examples of this type.
b) Co-operative navigation
This type of applications is used to increase the traffic
efficiency by managing the navigation of vehicles through
cooperation among vehicles and through cooperation between
vehicles and road side units. Some examples of this type are
traffic information and recommended itinerary provisioning,
co-operative adaptive cruise control and platooning.
3) Infotainment Applications

rate, black zones (zones without coverage). (4) performance of

security operations, such as performance of signing and
verifying messages and certificates.
e) Organizational requirements
These requirements are related to organizational activities
associated with deployment, which are: (1) common and
consistent naming repository and address directory for
applications and use cases, (2) IPv6 or IPv4 address allocation
schemes, (3) suitable organization to ensure interoperability
between different Intelligent Transport Systems, (4) suitable
organization to ensure the support of security requirements, (5)
suitable organization to ensure the global distribution of global
names and addresses in vehicles.
f) Legal requirements
These requirements are related to legal responsibilities, which
are: (1) support and respect of customers privacy, (2) support
the liability/responsibility of actors, (3) support the lawful
g) Standardization and certification requirements
These requirements are related to standardization and
certification, which are: (1) support of system standardization,
(2) support of Intelligent Transport System station
standardization, (3) support of product and service
conformance testing, (4) support of system interoperability
testing, (5) support of system risk management.

Table 1: Active road safety application requirements

Use case




Lane change

Periodic message

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

awareness between
Broadcast of
overtaking state

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms


frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

awareness between
vehicles associated to
Periodic permanent
message broadcasting

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

awareness between
vehicles associated to
Time limited periodic
messages on event

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

Head on
risk warning

Table 2: Speed management performance requirements

2) System performance requirements of some use cases
This section, based on [13], presents a number of system
performance requirements derived from some use cases
mentioned in Section II.A.
a) System performance requirements of Active road
safety applications
System performance requirements of active road safety
applications are given in Table 1. The coverage distance
associated with this type of application varies from 300 meters
to 20000 meters depending on the use case [12], [13].
b) System performance requirements of Traffic
efficiency and managementapplications
System performance requirements of Speed management
applications are given in Table 2. The coverage distance
associated with this type of application varies from 300 meters
to 5000 meters depending on the use case [12], [13].
System performance requirements of co-operative
navigation application are given in Table 3. The coverage
distance associated with this type of application varies from 0
meters to 1000 meters, depending on the use case [12].
c) System performance requirements of Co-operative
local services
System performance requirements of co-operative local
services application is given in Table 4. The coverage distance
associated with this type of application varies from 0 m to full
communication range, depending on the use case [12], [13].

Use case




speed limit

Periodic, permanent

frequency: 1 Hz to
10 Hz depending on


Green light

Periodic, permanent

frequency: 10 Hz

Less than
100 ms

Table 3: Co-operative navigation performance

Use case




Internet vehicle and

unicast full duplex


Less than
200 ms

adaptive cruise


systems require
25 Hz [71])

Less than
100 ms

automatic system



Less than
100 ms



Table 4: Co-operative local services performance

Use case




Point of interest

Periodic, permanent

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms


Full duplex comm.

between road side
units and vehicles

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms

User access to web

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms



d) System performance requirements of Global

Internet services
System performance requirements of communities
services applications are given in Table 5. The coverage
distance varies from 0 m. to full communication range,
depending on the use case [12], [13].
Table 5: Communities services performance requirements
Use case




financial services

Access to internet

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms

Fleet management

Access to internet

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms

System performance requirements of the ITS station life

cycle application are given in Table 6. The coverage distance
associated with this type of application varies from 0 meters to
full communication range [12], [13].
Table 6: ITS station life cycle performance requirements
Use case




provisioning and

Access to internet

frequency: 1 Hz

Less than
500 ms




This section discusses major vehicular networking projects,

programs, architectures and protocols in USA, Japan, Europe.
These projects are presented with the objective of retaining
their original scopes and structures so as to highlight their
emphasis on different problems. These concerted efforts are
grouped by regions mainly due to common constraints and
regulations they are subject to. Within each group,
standardization efforts, projects, and architectures are presented
where applicable. This structure also helps identify different

schools of approaches to solving ITS problems in different

parts of the world.
A. ITS projects, architecture and standards in USA
Industrial, governmental and university research efforts
have created significant opportunities in projects such as US
IntelliDrive, CAMP/VSC-2; CICAS, SafeTrip21, California
PATH. The vehicular networking protocol standards used in
such projects, except the Safetrip21, are the WAVE protocol
standards that are standardized by the IEEE in the IEEE
802.11p and IEEE 1609 protocol set. The Safetrip21 project
uses as communication medium other wireless technologies
than IEEE 802.11p, such as cellular technologies.
1) ITS Standardardization
In 1991 the United States Congress via ISTEA (Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) requested the creation
of the IHVS (Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems) program
[20]. The goals of this program were to increase traffic safety
and efficiency and reduce pollution and conserve fossil fuels
while vehicles use the national road infrastructure. The U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) got the responsibility of
the IHVS program, which sought the cooperation of the ITSA
(Intelligent Transportation Society of America). Currently, the
research and innovation associated with DOT is administrated
and managed by RITA (Research and Innovative Technology
Administration). By 1996, a framework, denoted as NITSA
(National Intelligent Transportation System Architecture), has
been developed where IHVS services could be planned and
integrated. The IHVS services are currently known as
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) [21]. NITSA supported
the use of wireless communications for the implementation of
many ITS services. The first ITS services, such as the
automated toll collection, were using a frequency spectrum
between 902 MHz and 928 MHz. This band was unfortunately
too small, therefore, in 1997 the NITSA petitioned the FCC
(Federal Communications Commission) for a frequency
bandwidth of 75 MHz in the 5.9 GHz frequency range, having
as goal the support of the DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range
Communications). The allocation for the DSRC-based ITS
radio spectrum was granted in 1999, which is a 75 MHz
bandwidth in the 5.85 5.925 GHz. By 2002 the ITSA started
lobbying in order to convince the FCC on matters such that
DSRC licensing, service rules and possible technologies for the
DSRC frequency band. In particular, it was recommended to
adopt one single standard for the physical and medium access
protocol layers and proposed to use the one that was specified
by the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials),
see Figure 1. This specification was specified in ASTM E221302 [22], based on the IEEE 802.11 [23]. FCC adopted this
proposal during 2003 - 2004. The IEEE task group p, started in
2004, developing an amendment to the 802.11 standard to
include vehicular environments, which is based on the ASTM
E2213-02 specification. This amendment is currently known as
IEEE 802.11p [24]. The IEEE working group 1609 started
specifying the additional layers of the protocol suite. These
standards are: IEEE 1609.1 [25], IEEE 1609.2 [26], IEEE
1609.3 [27], IEEE 1609.4 [28]. The combination of IEEE
802.11p and the IEEE 1609 protocol suite is denoted as WAVE
(Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments).

Another ITS standardization body that is active in the USA

is the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) International
[29], inaugurated in 1905. SAE is active in many areas. One of
these areas is the SAE standardization, which in cooperation
with IEEE 1609 group, is working on standardizing the
message format that can be used by the IEEE 1609 protocols.
An example of this is the SAE J2735 standard that is meant to
be used by the IEEE 1609.3 WSMP (Wave Short Message

Table 7: Main US ITS projects


Start /


Intellidrive / VII
Integration) [30]

2004 /

Verify and enhance WAVE / IEEE 1609

Enabling secure wireless communication
among vehicles and between vehicles and
roadway infrastructure.
Design of new ITS services, where 110 use
cases are identified, but only 20 were available
at initial deployment of Intellidrive system

Vehicle Safety
(VSC) [17]

2002 /

Development of traffic safety applications. In

particular: (1) cooperative forward collision
warning, (2) curve speed warning, (3) pre-crash
sensing, (4) traffic signal violation warning, (5)
lane-change warning, (6) emergency electronic
brake light, (7) left turn assistant, (8) stop sign
movement assistant.
Development of communication and security
means for the support of traffic safety

Figure 1: DSRC frequency band specifications in Europe,

North America and Japan, from [96]

Vehicle Safety
(VSC-A) [18]

2006 /

Develop and test communication-based vehicle

safety systems to determine whether vehicle
positioning in combination with DSRC at 5.9
GHz can improve the autonomous vehiclebased safety systems and/or enable new
communication-based safety applications.

System) [34]

2004 /

Develop vehicle infrastructure cooperative

systems used to address intersection crash
problems, traffic sign violations, stop sign
movements and unprotected signalized left turn

Efficient Travel
Innovation and
Partnership for
the 21st century)


demonstration in order to accelerate the
technologies that have the ability and the
potential to deliver safety and mobility

Highways) [36]

1986 ongoing

2) US Federal and State ITS Projects

A comparative summary of major US ITS projects are
given in Table 7.
Main results and recommendations derived from some of
the US ITS projects currently completed, are the following:
Intellidrive: Several recommendations are derived from
the Intellidrive tests that were performed in 2009, see [32],
Communications: The VII (Vehicle Infrastructure
Integration) POC (proof of concept) communications systems
met the basic requirements, however numerous shortcomings
in the DSRC/WAVE standard were identified that mainly
relate to the dynamic nature of users and roadway environment.
The specification of the protocols has not adequately
considered that the transmitter and receiver are in motion
relative to each other. In particular, the DSRC/WAVE
standards and the resulting radio communication
implementations need to be refined and should include
measures such signal quality, for UDP and IP-based two way
transaction, an improved services design logic, improved
management of applications and arbitration of competing
services from nearby providers.
Positioning: Positioning functionality is required, but the
specific provisioning means, should however not be prescribed.
This is because not all terminals may be able to include GPS
positioning system for economic reasons. The position
requirements must be refined and extended to take into account
the variations under static and dynamic environments.
Furthermore, significant work has to be done to improve
position accuracy and position availability in all circumstances,
meaning that GPS based and non-GPS based solutions should
be investigated.

Provide motorists and other travelers with

information needed to arrive at their
destinations safely and with minimal delay.
Collection of research projects funded by the
Caltrans Division of Research and Innovation
(DRI) [37].
Policy and behavior research
Transportation Safety Research
Traffic Operation Research (1): traffic
management and traveler information systems.
Traffic Operation Research (2): new concepts,
methods, and technologies for improving and
enhancing transit solutions to transit dependent

for safety [38]


Facilitate and help the deployment of the V2V

communication based safety systems that
should enhance safety across the vehicle fleet
within the USA.

Security: The VII tests demonstrated that the basic security

functions can be implemented and work in the context of the
system. However, more work has to be performed in analyzing
security threats and understand how to detect and solve such
threats and attacks. Furthermore, it is recommended that the
anonymous signing scheme be further analyzed, simulated and
implemented. The message signing and verification strategy for
the high rate messages, such as the Heartbeat messages should
be refined and analyzed to accomplish an optimal blend for
security and system throughput.

and communications layers of the physical architecture. The

subsystems roughly correspond to physical elements of
transportation management systems and are grouped into 4
classes (larger rectangles): Centers, Field, Vehicles and
The second ITS architecture introduced in this section has
been specified by the VII (now IntelliDrive) project (Figure 3).

Advisory Message Delivery Services (AMDS): The AMDS

performed well during the VII POC tests, but it could be
improved to be more robust and more easy to use. It is
recommended that the system should be improved such that it
is clear how priority of messages should be interpreted in the
context of other user activities. In particular, the activation
criteria, e.g., which message is relevant, needs to be refined.
Furthermore, the overall management of system in terms of
properly setting configuration parameters and defining AMDV
parameters should be refined.
Probe Data Service (PDS): this service was shown to work,
but it was not clear if the huge amount of data from all vehicles
was necessary, since under most conditions, messages sent
from vehicles on the same roadway are strongly redundant.
Furthermore, the rules used to prevent the availability to track a
vehicle and to maintain privacy are quite complex. It is
recommended that the probe data collected during the VII
proof of concept be analyzed and that representative models of
probe data user applications are developed to asses the
mathematically requirements on vehicle density and the scope
of the sampled vehicle parameters. The privacy rules used for
PDS need also to be integrated in the data collection process,
such that it could be understood and controlled when PDS
should be used and when not.
Vehicle Safety Communications (VSC): The VSC
consortium specified several performance requirements derived
from the traffic safety applications, see [17]. From these
requirements, the most significant ones are: (1) safety messages
should have a maximum latency of 100 ms, (2) a generation
frequency of 10 messages per second and (3) they should be
able to travel for a minimum range of 150 meters.
3) ITS architecture and protocol standards
This section describes two ITS architectures.
The first ITS architecture introduced in this section is the
one that is defined by US DOT and is denoted as NITSA
(National ITS Architecture) [39]. NITSA reflects the
contribution of many members of the ITS community in USA,
such as transportation practitioners, systems engineers, system
developers, technology specialists, consultants. It provides a
common framework that can be used by the ITS community
for planning, defining and integrating ITS. This ITS
architecture defines (1) the functions that are required for ITS,
e.g., gather traffic information or request a route, (2) the
physical entities or subsystems where these functions reside,
e.g., the field, the road side unit or the vehicle, (3) the
information flows and data flows that connect these functions
and physical subsystems together into an integrated system.
Figure 2 represents the highest level view of the transportation

Figure 2: US DOT National ITS Architecture, from [39]

This ITS architecture consists of the following network
entities: 1) On Board Equipment (OBE), 2) Road-Side
Equipment (RSE), 3) Service Delivery Node (SDN), 4)
Enterprise Network Operation Center (ENOC), 5) Certificate
Authority (CA).
WAVE is the protocol suite used by this architecture,
(Figure 4 and Figure 5). The protocol layers used in this
protocol suite are summarized below.

IEEE 802.11p: specifies the physical and MAC

features required such that IEEE 802.11 could work in
a vehicular environment. 802.11p defines PLME
(Physical Layer Management Entity) for physical layer
management, and MLME (MAC Layer Management
Entity) for MAC layer management.

IEEE 802.2: specifies the Logical Link Control (LLC).

IEEE 1609.4: provides multi-channel operation that

has to be added to IEEE 802.11p.

IEEE 1609.3: provides routing and addressing services

required at the WAVE network layer. WSMP (WAVE
Short Message Protocol) provides routing and group
addressing (via the WAVE Basic Service Set (WBSS))
to traffic safety and efficiency applications. It is used
on both control and service channels. The
communication type supported by WSMP is broadcast.

WME (WAVE Management Entity): used for network

management. IEEE 1609.2: specifies the WAVE
security concepts and it defines secure message
formats and their processing in addition to the
circumstances for using secure message exchanges.

IEEE 1609.1: describes an application that allows the

interaction of an OBE with limited computing
resources and complex processing running outside the

OBE, in order to give the impression that the

application is running on the OBE.

This ITS plan has been based on the Basic Guidelines for the
Promotion of an advanced Information and telecommunication
Society, which was determined by the Advanced Information
and Telecommunication Society Promotion Headquarters in
February 1996. The five government bodies listed above,
recognized the need to develop a design that could respond to
changes in social needs and development in technology in the
future. In August 1999, these five government bodies jointly
released a first draft of the System Architecture for ITS. The
draft was released so as to collect opinions from the industrial
and academic sectors and to actively address the information
worldwide. In November 1999, the System Architecture for
ITS has been finalized.
Currently, the main public and private organizations that
influence the initialization, research, realization, and
standardization of ITS in Japan are the following organizations:

Figure 3: IntelliDrive ITS architecture, from [31]

Figure 4: WAVE protocol suite, from [40]

ITS Info-communications Forum, Japan

Public and Private sectors Joint Research: MIC

(Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications),
MLIT (Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport),
NILIM (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure
Management), Private corporations.

DSRC Forum Japan: HIDO (Highway Industry

Development Organization), ARIB (Association for
Radio Industry and Businesses), JARI (Japan
Automobile Research Institute), JSAE (Society of
Automotive Engineers Japan), Private corporations and

Others: ITS Japan, AHSRA (Advanced Cruise-Assist

Highway System research Association), JAMA (Japan
Automobile Manufacturers Association) ASV
(Advanced Safety Vehicle), JEITA (Japan Electronics
and Information Technology Industries Association)

1) Japanese ITS Projects

Major programs and projects in the ITS area in Japan are
summarized in Table 8.
A couple of numbers, facts and results regarding these
activities are as follows: By May of 2008, approximately 20
million vehicles were equipped with ETC OBUs. In particular,
as of June 5, 2008, in the expressways nationwide, 74.1 % of
all vehicles used ETC and on the metropolitan Expressways,
81.1 % of all vehicles used ETC. In comparison, in March
2006, the annual distribution of VICS onboard units was
approximately 3 million and in November 2007, the aggregate
distribution of VICS onboard units surpassed 20 million.

Figure 5: WAVE protocol suite and interfaces

B. ITS Projects, architecture and standards in Japan
In July 1996, five related government bodies jointly
finalized a Comprehensive Plan for ITS in Japan [41], [42].
These government bodies are the National Police Agency
(NPA), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI),
Telecommunications (MPT), and Ministry of Construction.

Smartway, in contrast, supports vehicle to infrastructure

communication at 5.8 GHz, combining ETC, e-payment
services and VICS traffic information and warning in a single
OBU. The Smartway driver warning system was successfully
demonstrated in field trials on public roads in 2004 and 2005.
The Smartway OBU was publicly presented in February 2006,
while the Smartway driver information and warning service
became operational in Summer of 2006.

Table 8: Main Japanese ITS projects

ITS projects

Start /


(Electronic Toll
[44], [45], [46],


Development of a common Electronic Toll

Collection system capable of both prepay and
postpay systems, confirmable of usage records,
which are written into IC (Integrated Circuits)
System should be available for all vehicles,
using vehicle to infrastructure communication
for all throughout Japan.
Development radio communication system
active at 5.8 GHz DSRC.
Input to standardization at ITU and ISO.

VICS (Vehicle
System) [48],

1995 2003

between vehicles and the infrastructure-based communication

is only used for augmentation. The main purpose of ASV3
and ASV4 is to develop a vehicle to vehicle based driver
information and warning system. The demonstration project
results took place on a test track in Hokkaido in October 2005.
Partial market introduction is envisaged for after 2010.
ITS-Safety 2010 defines the frequency bands that will be
used for vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to road and for radar
communication (Figure 6). In particular, one interesting point
to observe in Japan is that the frequency band of 700 MHz will
be introduced for V2V safety applications. The frequency
spectrum reallocation in Japan for UHF (Ultra High
Frequencies) and VHF (Very High Frequencies) are given in
Figure 7. In 2008 and 2009 verification testing on public roads
has been accomplished. The start for a nation-wide deployment
is planned to take place during 2010 and 2011.

communications using the communication radio
at 2.5. GHz frequency range.
Provide advances in navigation systems.
Assistance for safe driving.
Indirectly increasing




Increasing the efficiency in commercial vehicle

Cruise Assist
[50], [51]


Smartway [52],

2004 /

Development of vehicle to infrastructure

communication based driver information and
warning system with information collection by
infrastructure sensors.

Figure 6: ITS-Safety 2010 frequency bands, from [43]

Reversing the negative legacy of motorization.

Ensuring mobility for elderly.
Developing affluent communities and lifestyles.
Improving the business climate.

Safety Vehicle)
[53], [54]


2010: PublicPrivate
program [43]


Develop methods and devices to improve the

safety of the transportation system, such as
emergency braking, parking aid, blind curve
accidents, right turn assistance and pedestrian
accidents, blind intersection and image of
cognitive assistance.
Focus on ITS safety and security and it will use
the vehicle-to-vehicle communications system
and the road-to-Vehicle communications
Use millimeter wave radar system to sense the
distance between vehicles or vehicle and

ASV (Advanced Safety Vehicle) program is divided into

four phases: ASV-1, which was conducted during 1991 to
1995, ASV-2 between 1996 to 2000, ASV-3 between 20012005 and ASV4 between 2006 to 2010. ASV1 and ASV2
mainly focused on traffic safety and efficiency applications
supported by vehicle to infrastructure communications, while
ASV-3 and ASV4 focused on the direct communication

Figure 7: Frequency spectrum reallocation in Japan, from

2) ITS architecture and protocol standards
In Figure 8, the ITS architecture used in the Smartway
project [55], is used as an example. An On-Board Unit (OBU)
provides similar functionalities as the OBE used in the USA
ITS architecture. In particular, it is the processing and
communication feature that is located in each vehicle and it
provides the application run time environment, positioning,
security, and communications functions and interfaces to other
vehicles and other entities. Such entities can be central servers
used by service providers that are communicating with OBUs
using cellular technologies. The RSU represents the road side
unit, which provides similar functionalities as the RSE used in
the USA ITS architecture. The RSU is located along highways,
intersections and in any location where timely communications

is needed. Its main functionality is to provide communication

support to OBUs via the 5.8 GHz DSRC radio communication
link and to communicate with network entities, e.g., servers
and car navigation systems used by the service provider and by
road administrators, located far away and that are using the
Internet infrastructure. Note that the DSRC communication
link is synchronous and it uses as medium access, the
TDMA/FDD (Time Division Multiple Access Frequency
Division Duplex), which is different then the medium access
used by the IEEE 802.11p.
The protocol suite used in Japan is depicted in Figure 9.
Similar to the WAVE protocol suite two types of protocol
suites can be distinguished. In the left part of the protocol suite
the applications are supported directly by the DSRC protocol,
which is specified in the ARIB standard [56]. On the right side
of the protocol suite applications are supported via the ASL
(Application Sub-Layer), which is specified in the ARIB
standard [57]. In Figure 10, an overview of the service
interfaces and the protocols of the DSRC-ASL protocol suite
are given. The ARIB STD-T75 is composed of three protocol
layers: OSI Layer 1 provides the physical layer functionalities,
OSI Layer 2 provides the data link layer functionalities and
OSI Layer 7 provides the application layer functionalities. Note
that if needed, layer 7 could also provide the functionalities of
the OSI Layers 2, 4, 5 and 6. The ARIB STD-T88 layer
provides some extension to the link layer protocol, and the
network control protocol.

C. ITS Projects, architecture and standards in Europe

The scope of many European programs and projects is to
provide the ability to its citizens that use European roads to
benefit from improved traffic safety, reduced traffic
congestion, and more environmentally friendly driving. This
can be realized by providing standardized and common
communication means between vehicles driving on these roads
as well as between vehicles and road infrastructure.
1) ITS standardization
Three bodies are responsible for planning, development and
adoption of the European standards [58]. These are: (1) the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), which is a
general standardization body and is responsible for all sectors
excluding the electro-technical sector, (2) the European
(CENELEC), which is responsible for the electro-technical
part of the standardization, (3) ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute), which is responsible
for the standardization in the telecommunications sector.
Upper layer

Upper layer

primitives +
Network control NCP-PDU

Extended link


Upper layer
primitives +
Network control

Extended link

primitives +
DSRC layer 7


primitives +
DSRC layer 7


Figure 8: Smartway architecture: positioning, mapping

and communication, from [55]

DSRC layer 2
DSRC layer 1


DSRC layer 2
DSRC layer 1


Figure 10: Overview of DSRC ASL protocols and service


Figure 9: ITS protocol suite applied in Japanese programs

and projects, from [43]

CEN is currently standardizing the European ITS DSRC

5.9 GHz radio communication technology. ETSI ITS Technical
Committee (TC) has several working groups: (1) WG1, which
describes the basic set of application requirements, (2) WG2,
which provides the architecture specification, (3) WG3, which
provides the 5.9 GHz network and transport protocols, (4)
WG4, which provides the European profile investigation of
802.11p, (5) WG5, which provides the security architecture.
The European standardization bodies are heavily cooperating
with international standardizations, such as the ISO
(International Organization for Standardization), the IEC

(International Electro-technical Commission) and the ITU

(International Telecommunication Union) as depicted in Figure
ISO, in 1993, created the ISO/TC 204 that covers ITS
activities, excluding the in-vehicle transport information and
control systems, which are covered in ISO/TC 22. The ISO/TC
204 activities are performed in 16 working groups. In
particular, the general communication system for all types of
ITS communications is the focus of ISO/ TC 204 WG16. The
protocol suite that is standardized by this working group is
denoted as Continuous Air-interface Long and Medium range
(CALM). CALM considers infrared communications, as well
as radio systems that are following different standards and
communication technologies, such as GSM, UMTS, DAB,
CEN DSRC, etc. ISO/TC 204 WG 16 is closely cooperating
ERTICO ITS Europe [59], is an organization that was
founded at the initiative of leading members of the European
Commission, Ministries of Transport and the European
Industry. It represents a network of Intelligent Transport
Systems and Services stakeholders in Europe. The main goal of
ERTICO is to accelerate the development and deployment of
ITS across Europe and beyond.
C2C-CC (Car 2 Car Communication Consortium) is a nonprofit organization [12] initiated in the summer of 2002 by the
European vehicle manufacturers, which is open for suppliers,
research organizations and other partners. C2C-CC cooperates
closely with ETSI TC ITS and the ISO/TC 204 on the
specification of the ITS European and ISO standards.
HTAS (High Tech Automotive Systems) [60] is a Dutch
organization that drives innovation through cooperation of
Industry, Knowledge Centers and Government.
EUCAR (European Association for Collaborative
Automotive Research) [61], established in 1994, evolved from
the previous Joint Research Committee (JRC) of the European
motor vehicle manufacturers. EUCAR supports strategic cooperations in research and development activities in order to
progressively achieve the creation of technologies for the
optimization of the motor vehicle of the future.

Figure 11: Relations between standardization bodies, from


eSafety: The European Commission organized together

with the automotive industry and other stakeholders a meeting
over Safety in April 2002 and as a result of this meeting
eSafety Working Group was established. Currently, eSafety
[62], can be considered to be a joint initiative of the European
Commission, industry and other stakeholders and it aims to
accelerate the development, deployment and use of Intelligent
Vehicle Safety Systems that use ICT such that the road safety
is increased and the number of accidents on Europe's roads is
reduced. eSafety plays an important roll on the realization of
the i2010 (Intelligent Car Initiative).
2) ITS projects
The European Commission research and development
programs are structured in "framework programs" covering
several years of broad activity with topics ranging from
biology to environment. The current program is FP7 [63]. Most
of the R&D activities associated with ITS are covered by the
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) work in
FP7. Some of the ITS projects within FP6 and FP7 are
introduced in Table 9, Table 10 and Table 11.
Main results and recommendations derived from some of
the EU ITS projects currently completed, are the following:
Currently, technologies developed in SAFESPOT [66] are
being verified in test beds located in six European countries,
i.e., France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
CVIS has developed several vehicular applications such as
guidance of the fastest possible path towards the destination
and emergency vehicle warning. Currently CVIS technologies
and applications are being tested in test beds in seven European
countries, i.e., France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium,
Sweden and the UK.
NoW [69] provided solutions for (1) position based routing
and forwarding protocols, (2) adaptation of wireless LAN
under realistic radio conditions, (3) fundamental questions on
vehicular antennas, (4) data security in vehicular ad hoc
networks, (5) secure and fast communication between vehicles.
SEVECOM provided a security architecture that is used as
input for security related ETSI ITS WG5 and ISO CALM

3) ITS architecture and protocol standards in Europe

The ITS ISO CALM architecture [79], [80] is shown In
Figure 12, CALM is being used and is enhanced by ITS
European projects, such as COMeSafety and CVIS. Figure
13 shows the European system architecture used by the
COMeSafety project. Major difference with the USA and
Japanese ITS architectures is that European architecture
includes the ISO CALM protocol suite which provides
interfaces that specify how several existing wireless
technologies can be used by the upper layers. These different
interfaces are:
CALM 2G/2.5G/GPRS Cellular [81].
CALM 3G [82].
CALM Infra Red (IR) [83].
CALM M5, includes IEEE 802.11p and WiFi (5 GHz)
[84], [89]. Supported logical channels are control channel,
service channel and auxiliary channel.

CALM Millimetre (MM), in frequency band 62-63 GHz

CALM Mobile Wireless Broadband IEEE 802.16 /
CALM Mobile Wireless Broadband IEEE 802.20.
CALM Mobile Wireless Broadband Existing Systems.
CALM Satellite.

Table 10: Main European ITS projects (part 2)

ITS projects

/ End


NoW (Network
on Wheels) [69]

2004 2008

German project that developed communication

protocols and data security algorithms for intervehicle ad hoc communication systems.
Support active safety applications, infotainment
applications with infrastructure and between

Table 9: Main European ITS projects (part 1)

ITS projects

/ End



2006 2010

Co-ordination and consolidation of the research

results obtained in a number of European
projects and organizations and their

Enhance radio systems based on IEEE 802.11

Active in standardization on European level
with the Car2Car Communication Consortium.
Implementation of a reference system.
Planning of introduction strategies and business

Support of the eSafety Forum.

2006 2010

Frequency allocation, mainly for the spectrum

allocation for ITS applications.


FP6 STREP project that focused on the full

definition, design and implementation of the
security and privacy requirements that apply on
vehicular communications.

Dissemination of the system properties towards

all stakeholders.

C & D (Connect
& Drive) [71]

2008 2011

Dutch HTAS project that investigates, design

and implement a Cooperative - Adaptive Cruise
Control (C-ACC) system, which uses WiFi
(IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 802.11) on the
infrastructure and has as targets to: (1) improve
the capacity of the road infrastructure, (2)
further improve traffic safety and efficiency and
(3) reduce the emission of vehicles.

Intelligent Road
Safety) [72]

2006 2010

FP6 IP that has as main goal the

enhancement the road safety by using a
cooperative traffic management and direct
and up to date information obtained via
communication between infrastructure and
motorized vehicles on a motorway section.

GeoNET [73]

2008 2012

FP7 IP project that develops geographic

addressing and routing (geonetworking)
solutions using reliable and scalable
communication capabilities, which enable the
exchange of information in a particular
geographic area, usually located far away from
the source of information.

Worldwide harmonization with activities and

initiatives elsewhere.


2006 2010

An FP6 IP that should develop a Safety Margin

Assistant to increase the road safety, which
detects in advance dangerous situations on the
road and is able to extend the diver awareness
of the surrounding environment in time and
The SAFESPOT solutions should be based on
vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure
SAFESPOT should use safety related
information provided by the communication
network and the in-vehicle sensors and should
be able to provide the proper warning and
driving advices information to the driver.

AIDE (Adaptive

2004 2008

FP6 IP project that had as main goal the

development of an adaptive and integrated
driver-vehicle interface that should be able to
(1) allow a large number of individual
functions, (2) maximize benefits of individual
functions, (3) be safe and easy of use.


2004 2009

FP6 IP project that developed and introduced

critical technologies that could improve passive
safety for all European road users in allrelevant accident types and severities.

Systems) [67]

2006 2010

FP6 IP project that designed, developed and

tested technologies needed to support vehicles
to communicate with each other and with the
nearby road infrastructure.

dependable ipbased Networks

2006 2008

FP6 STREP project that developed and

analyzed end-to-end resilience solutions for
distributed applications and mobility-aware

Support the deployment of IPv6 for in-vehicle

onboard access and internet access to other
vehicular services and applications, by
combining geonetworking and IPv6.
FRAME [74]

2001 2004

Enhanced the European ITS Framework

architecture that was originally produced by an
earlier European project, i.e., KAREN.

The ISO CALM protocol suite architecture is shown in

Figure 14. The ISO CALM first layer represents the physical
and link layers, which corresponds to OSI layers 1 and 2,
respectively. The second ISO CALM layer represents the
network and transport layers, which corresponds to the OSI
layers 3 and 4, respectively. The third ISO CALM layer
represents the CALM services and applications layer, which
corresponds to the session, presentation and application OSI
layers 5 through 7.

Table 11: Main European ITS projects (part 3)

ITS projects

/ End


E-FRAME [75]

2008 2011

Further expand the European ITS Framework

Architecture in order to include the support of
cooperative systems and at the same time
provide advice for the development and
operational issues for a given ITS architecture.

(Preparation for
and evaluation
technology) [76]

2008 2010

FP7 IP project that is establishing a pan

cooperative systems and is setting the road for
future field operational tests on cooperative
systems by answering the following questions:
(1) How should a common European system
look like?, (2) Which are the most promising
applications?, (3) How will the system have to
be implemented and deployed?

infrastructure in
Europe) [77]

2008 2011

FP7 IP project that establishes an efficient and

quality ensured data supply chain from public
authorities to commercial map providers with
regard to safety related road content.

(Privacy enabled
capability in cooperative

2008 2010

FP7 STREP that verifies whether co-operative

systems can comply with future privacy
regulations by demonstrating that an example
vehicular based application can be endowed
with technologies for suitable privacy
protection of location related data.
Defines an approach for evaluation of cooperative systems, in terms of communication
privacy and data storage.

Figure 13: European ITS system architecture, from [64]

The left part of Figure 14 shows the ISO CALM
management functions [90], which reside outside the
communication protocol suite. The purpose of these
functionalities is to set-up and release connections between
media and services. The top layer is not part of the ISO
CALM protocol suite, but is shown here to emphasize that
user services and applications can use the ISO CALM protocol
suite via the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Defines a privacy aware architecture for cooperative systems, involving suitable trust
models and ontologies, a V2V privacy
verifiable architecture and a V2I privacy
verifiable architecture.

User services / Applications


Defines and validates guidelines for privacy

aware co-operative systems.


Investigates specific challenges for privacy.

Application layers
OSI layer 5, 6, 7



Network layers
OSI layer 3, 4


Physical / Link layers

OSI layer 1, 2

Figure 14: General CALM protocol suite architecture

using OSI layers
In Figure 15, a more detailed representation of the CALM
CI (Communication Interface) [86], and CALM networking
layers are given. The CALM CI layer (equivalent to physical
and link layers) supports different types of interfaces as
described previously. The CALM networking layer can be
divided in two main parts:
Figure 12: ITS ISO CALM architecture, from [98]

CALM IP networking and transport ([87]): uses IPv6

mobility support protocols for Internet reachability,

session continuity and seamless communications. The

protocols defined in the IETF working groups NEMO and
MEXT will probably be applied. UDP and optionally TCP
are used on top of IPv6.

CALM non-IP networking and transport ([73], [88]): Does

not use the IP layer, but a new network layer is defined for
the support of user applications with strict latency
requirements. Instead, it uses the CALM FAST network
protocol for unicasting and broadcasting, on a single hop
basis. This protocol is currently specified by the C2C-CC.
The CALM FAST protocol also provides transport layer
functionalities. It uses the CALM geo-networking for
unicast, broadcast, geo-unicast, geo-anycast, geobroadcast, topo-broadcast and store and forward

D. Conclusions
The ITS vehicular networking standardization and research
activities in USA, Europe and Japan are severely progressing,
but they cannot be considered as completed. In Japan however,
the ETC infrastructure is deployed and the rollout of the
infrastructure for vehicle safety communications is ongoing.
These standardization and research activities are strongly
supported by the US states and European and Japanese national
governments, as well as the US federal administration and the
European Commission.


CALM Service


















Figure 15: CALM CI and CALM networking layer

In USA the research and development activities are mainly
contributing to the standardization of the IEEE 1609 protocol
suite. In EU the results of such activities are contributed to the
ETSI ITS and ISO CALM standardization, while in Japan such
research and development activities are contributed to the
ARIB and ISO CALM standardization, via the ISO TC 204
committee of Japan.
One of the common factors associated with the
standardization activities in these parts of the world is that the
IEEE 802.11p technology is targeted to be the common V2V
data link technology used for traffic safety applications.



Section II discussed several applications and use cases that

make use of vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to road side units and
vehicle to infrastructure communication technologies. Variety
of applications, ranging from infotainment applications, such
as media downloading, to traffic safety applications, such as
driving assistance co-operative awareness, impose diverse
requirements on the supporting vehicular networking
technologies. These diverse requirements lead us to a number
of research challenges. This section describes these research
A. Addressing and Geographical addressing
Some vehicular networking applications require that the
addresses are linked to the physical position of a vehicle or to a
geographic region. Mobility makes tracking and managing of
geo-addresses extremely challenging.
B. Risk analysis and management
Risk analysis and management is used to identify and
manage the assets, threats and potential attacks in vehicular
communication. Solutions on managing such attacks have been
proposed, but models of attacker behavior are still missing.
C. Data-centric Trust and Verification
For many vehicular applications the trustworthiness of the
data is more useful than the trustworthiness of the nodes that
are communicating this data. Data-centric trust and verification
provides the security means to vehicular applications to ensure
that the communicated information can be trusted and that the
receiver can verify the integrity of the received information in
order to protect the vehicular network from the in-transit traffic
tampering and impersonation security threats and attacks [91].
Public key cryptosystems can be used here but the main
challenge is associated with the overhead that is introduced by
the use of the public key cryptosystem, see e.g., [119].
D. Anonymity, Privacy and Liability
Vehicles receiving information from other vehicles or other
network entities need to be able to somehow trust the entity
that generated this information. At the same time, privacy of
drivers is a basic right that is protected, in many countries, by
laws. Privacy can be provided using anonymous vehicle
identities. One of the main challenges here is the development
of a solution that is able to support the tradeoff between the
authentication, privacy and liability, when the network has to
(partially) disclose the communicated information and its
origin to certain governmental authorities.
E. Secure Localization
Secure Localization is a Denial of Service (DoS) resilience
mechanism related to the means of protecting the vehicular
network against attackers that are deliberately willing to
retrieve the location of vehicles.
F. Forwarding algorithms
Forwarding of packets is different than routing, where the
goal of routing is to choose the best possible route to reach
destination(s), whereas forwarding is concerned about how
data packets are transferred from one node to another after a
route is chosen.

G. Delay constraints
Data packets sent by vehicular networking applications
usually have time and location significance. Primary challenge
in designing vehicular communication protocols is to provide
good delay performance under the constraints of vehicular
speeds, unreliable connectivity, and fast topological changes.
H. Prioritization of data packets and congestion control
Data packets carrying traffic safety and traffic efficiency
information usually have higher significance and therefore
should be forwarded faster than other packets. Majority of
the research activities have focused on how to provide the
highest priority to the emergency type of data packets. When
an emergency occurs, the channel utilization is likely to
degrade due to massive broadcast of emergency messages.

Reliability and cross-layering between transport and

network layers
Due to the wireless nature of the vehicle to vehicle
communication network, a route may suddenly break. It is
therefore important to provide as much reliable as possible
transport service on top of the inherently unreliable network.
Designing cross-layer protocols, which span between transport
and routing layers, can be beneficial in vehicular networks that
support real-time and multimedia applications.


This section describes solutions to the challenges described in

Section IV.
A. Addressing and Geographical addressing
Packets transported within a vehicular network require
particular addressing and routing features. In fixed
infrastructure routing, packets are usually routed following
topological prefixes and therefore cannot be adapted to follow
geographical routing [99].
In [92] and [93], three families of solutions are described to
integrate the concept of physical location into the current
design of Internet that relies on logical addressing. These
families of solutions are: (1) Application layer solutions, (2)
GPS-Multicast solution. (3) Unicast IP routing extended to
deal with GPS addresses. [92] specifies how GPS positioning
is used for destination addresses. A GPS address could be
represented by using: (1) closed polygons, such as circle
(center point, radius), where, any node that lies within the
defined geographic area could receive a message, (2) site-name
as a geographic access path, where a message can be sent to a
specific site by specifying its location in terms of real-word
names such as names of site, city, township, county, state, etc.
1) Application layer solutions to addressing
The application layer solution uses an extended DNS
scheme to find the geographical position. DNS (Domain Name
System) is extended by including a geographic data base,
which contains the full directory information down to the level
of IP addresses of each base station and its coverage area
represented as a polygon of coordinates. Four level domains
are included. The first level represents the geographic
information, the second one represents the states, the third one
represents the counties and the fourth one represents polygons

of geographical coordinates, or the so called points of interest.

The geographic address is resolved in a similar way as the
typical domain address, by using IP addresses of base stations
that cover the geographic area. Two possibilities are
distinguished. In the first one, a set of unicast messages is sent
to the IP addresses returned by the DNS. These IP addresses
correspond to the base stations located in the given geographic
area. Each base station then forwards the messages to the nodes
that are communicating with it, either using application layer
filtering or network level filtering. In the second option, all the
base stations located in the given geographic area have to join
the temporary multicast group for the geographic area specified
in the message. All messages that have to be sent to that given
geographic area will be sent on a multicast manner using that
multicast address.
2) GPS-Multicast Solution to Addressing
The GPS-Multicast solution uses the GPS Multicast
Routing Scheme (GPSM). Here each partition and atom is
mapped to a multicast address. An atom represents the smallest
geographic area that can have a geographic address. A partition
is a larger geographic area that contains a number of atoms that
can also have a geographic address. A state, county, town
could be represented by a partition. The main idea used by this
protocol is to approximate the addressing polygon of the
smallest partition, which is contained in this polygon and by
using the multicast address corresponding to that partition as
the IP address of that message. GPSM provides a flexible mix
between application level filtering for the geographic address
and multicast.
3) Unicast IP routing soultion extended to deal with GPS
The solutions associated with this geographic addressing
type are the following:

Geometric Routing Scheme (GEO) [92]: This routing

scheme uses the polygonal geographic destination
information in the GPS-cast header directly for routing.
GEO routing uses a virtual network, comprised of GPSaddress routers, which applies GPS addresses for routing
overlayed onto the current IP internetwork.

Geographical Positioning Extension for IPv6 (GPIPv6)

[94]: This protocol is defined for distribution of
geographical positioning data within IPv6. GPIPv6
requires the specification of two new option types for
IPv6. These options are GPIPv6 source and GPIPv6
destination, which consist of signaling the geographical
positions of the source and destination, respectively.

Using unicast prefixes to target multicast group members

[95]: In [95] an extension to IPv6 multicast architecture is
described that allows for unicast-prefix-based allocation of
multicast addresses. Using this specification unicast
prefixes could be used to target multicast group members
located within a geographic area.

4) Conclusions
Three geographical addressing families can be identified:
Application layer, GPS-multicast and Unicast IP routing
extended to deal with GPS addresses. The most promising, but
also the most complex one is the family that extends IP routing

and IP addressing in order to cope with GPS addresses. While

several solutions associated with this family have been
proposed, more research and standardization activities are
needed for a successful realization.
B. Risk analysis and management
Risk analysis in vehicular networks has not yet been
studied extensively. One frequently cited paper on attacker
capabilities in vehicular networks is [100], which describes the
work accomplished in the German project Network on Wheels
(NoW) [69]. The security model used in NoW is flexible,
allowing to integrate previously found attacks into the studied
attack model. This model studies four major attack aspects:

Attacks on the wireless interface;

Attacks on the hardware and software running on
OBUs and RSUs;
Attacks on the sensor inputs to different processing
units in vehicles;
Attacks on security infrastructure behind wireless
access networks, such as vehicle manufacturers,
certification authorities, traffic authorities, etc.

[101] identifies two procedures to enhance the overall

security: 1) perform local plausibility checks, such as
comparing the received information to internal sensor data and
evaluating the received information from different sources
about a single event; 2) do regular checks on the nodes, most
notably RSUs.
1) Conclusions
Risk analysis and management have been researched on a
small scale. From the performed studies in this area it can be
concluded that position forging attacks constitute a major
vulnerability of the system. More work is needed in the area of
risk management in order to cope with this vulnerability.
C. Data-centric Trust and Verification
In [102], security concepts that can be used to support the
data trust and verification are categorized into proactive
security and reactive security concepts.
1) Proactive security concepts
The proactive security concepts can be currently,
considered as the most promising candidates for traffic safety
applications in vehicular networks. This type of security
solutions can be further divided into three classes, i.e., Digitally
Signed Messages, Proprietary System design and Tamper
Resistant Hardware.

Digitally Signed Messages come in two flavors: Digitally

Signed Messages Without Certificates and With
Certificates. Former one is much simpler to deploy and
use, while the latter provides a more secure
communication, but is much more complex. Similar
solutions can be found in [103], [104], [105], [106]. [107],
[108], [109], [110].
Proprietary System design comprises Non-public
Protocols, and Customized Hardware. The former uses
non-public protocols to realize access restrictions to nodes
that are not using these protocols. The latter uses
customized hardware in order to achieve the same goal.

Note however, that these solutions do not prevent an

attacker from doing any harm, but they aim at raising the
required effort an attacker has to spend in order to enter
into the system.

Tamper Resistant Hardware is the third proactive security

context class. Even when securing the external
communication part of an application, it is not possible to
guarantee that the in-vehicle system is free from the
generation of e.g., unnecessary accident warnings. A
solution to this problem is to use tamper-resistant
hardware for the in-vehicle devices. Some examples can
be found in [111], [112].

2) Reactive security concepts

The reactive security concepts consist of Signature-based,
Anomaly-based and Context-based approaches. The main
characteristic of such systems is that they correlate the received
information with information that is either already available
into the system from observations on normal system operation
or which is introduced additionally, see [113], [114], [115],

Signature-based: intrusion detection is comparing network

traffic to known signatures of attacks to detect an attack on
the system.

Anomaly-based: intrusion detection compares the received

information with the one derived from the normal
operation behavior. This solution requires that the
definition of the normal communication system behavior
is available.

Context verification: is an approach used by each vehicle

to collect information from any information source
available in its neighborhood in order to create an
independent view of its current status and the current
surroundings environment. When the vehicle receives
data, it compares the parameters related to status and
environment, e.g., position, with its own estimated
information regarding status and environments to detect an
intrusion. Three Context verification types are identified:

The Position Information verification aims to prevent

an attacker from pretending to be at arbitrary

The Time verification solution correlates the vehicles

internal clock, which is synchronized and updated
using information provided by GPS, with the time
data fields of the received messages, and in particular
of the beacon messages.

Application Context Dependent verification solution

correlates the application context with a similar
application context that is known to a vehicle. This
solution can be realized if it is assumed that for every
application, there is a set of constraints in a realistic
scenario where the application can generate and
deliver e.g., accident warning messages. The solutions
presented in [115], [117] and [118] can be considered
as being Application Context Dependent verification

3) Conclusions
The data centric trust and verification solutions can be
categorized in proactive and reactive. The proactive security
concept has been researched extensively. However, the tamperresistance-hardware used in a vehicle to e.g., detect
unnecessary accident warnings, needs to be further researched.
The reactive security concepts have been studied in a smaller
scale. More work is needed in the area of context verification,
where a vehicle is able to realize an intrusion detection system
by comparing received information on parameters associated
with status and environment with its own available
D. Anonymity, privacy and liability
1) Anonymity and privacy
Pseudonyms should ensure that cryptographically protected
messages should not allow for their sender to be identified.
Furthermore, it should be difficult that two or more messages
generated by the same node should be linked together.
a) Linkability between pseudonyms
A possible issue associated with pseudonyms could be a
subject to a movement tracking attack.
However, if the lifetime of a public key is several minutes and
different vehicles update their public keys at different times,
then situations can be observed where consecutive messages
can be connected and thus the whole movement of a vehicle
can be traced. Two solutions can be identified that reduce the
movement tracking attack:
Silent period: of [120], is proposed to reduce the
linkability between the pseudonyms, or to create
groups and guarantee that the vehicles in a group
cannot listen to messages sent by vehicles from
another group.

Mix Zone: of [121], is a concept, where all vehicles

within a Mix-Zone share the same secret key, which is
provided by an RSU located in the same Mix-Zone.
Public keys are changed when the vehicles go out of
the Mix-Zone. This way, the location privacy is

b) Anonymity and adaptive privacy

The adaptive privacy and anonymity concept is introduced
in [122] and [123]. In particular, it is argued that privacy is a
user-specific concept, and a good mechanism should allow
users to select the privacy that they wish to have. A higher
level of privacy requirement usually results in an increased
communication and computational overhead. Users may want
to use different level of privacy depending whether they are
communicating with a public or a private server. The trust
policies include, full trust in which the user trust both types of
servers, the partial-trust in which the users trust only one type
of servers and zero-trust in which users trust neither type of
servers. This algorithm assumes that the zero-trust model is
used. It uses a group-based anonymous authentication protocol
that can trade off the computational and communication
overhead with the privacy degree. By using this group based
protocol, the authentication requester only need to be verified
by only verifying that he is a member of a group. All the users
are treated the same.

Another concept used to provide pseudonymity is described

in [124]. A multi-layer addressing is provided, which is able to
support user privacy at different levels by providing
pseudonymity at the different levels. Furthermore, it provides
packet forwarding schemes that use pseudonym caching.
Moreover, a location service is introduced that is capable to
periodically change pseudonyms and enabling unicast
c) Liability
The Liability challenge is mentioned in many papers, e.g.,
[125], but no solutions are however, provided. One of the
anonymity solution that has been mentioned in [122], see
previous subsection, could in our opinion satisfy the liability,
by adapting the privacy degree of the user.
2) Conclusions
Anonymity and privacy is being extensively investigated.
However, an open area is anonymity and adaptive privacy,
where users are allowed to select the privacy that they wish to
have. Effective liability solutions are not yet provided. A
significant work in this area is necessary.
E. Secure Localization
Several solutions have
localization in the literature.





Tamper-proof GPS [126] proposes a system, where each

vehicle has a tamper-proof GPS receiver, which can register its
location at all times and provides this information to other
nodes in the network in an authentic manner. The main
problem with this solution is that its availability is limited in
urban environments, e.g., GPS reception problems on bridges,
or in tunnels. Furthermore, GPS based systems are vulnerable
to several types of attacks, such as blocking, spoofing and
physical attacks.
With verifiable multilateration [126], the verification of the
vehicle location is accomplished using the roadside
infrastructure and by using multilateration and distance
bounding. Distance bounding is used to ensure that the distance
between some nodes is not higher then some value.
Multilateration means that the same operation is used in several
dimensions. One such operation involves the use of verifiers to
establish positions. In [127], a challenge and response based
solutions is proposed that involves verifiers. Verifier nodes are
placed at special locations defining an acceptable distance for
each verifier. Given a set of overlapping circles of radius R,
verifiers are distributed over each such circle. The verifier
request from a node to send its position. Afterwards, the
verifier sends a challenge to the node via the communication
radio link. The node that receives the challenge has to reply via
ultrasound. If the answer arrives in a certain time then the
verifier can deduce that the node is within the region R.
Another challenge-response system involves the use of
logic reception of beacons [128], which involves synchronized
acceptor and rejector nodes. Acceptor nodes are distributed
over region R, while rejectors form a closed annulus around the
receptors. If a node sends a beacon, then the first verifier that
receives the message decides whether the transmitted position
by the transmitting node is acceptable. If the transmitted
information first reaches a rejector then the transmitting node

cannot be located with the region R. If it first reaches an

acceptor, the transmitting vehicle is approved to be located
within region R.

describe the forwarding solutions by organizing them into two

main categories. The first category focuses on unicast routing,
and the second addresses broadcast routing.

In [129], [130] the concept of Position Cheating Detection

System is introduced. In this scheme suitable sensors are used
to detect cheated position information. Two classes of position
verification sensors are used. With Autonomous Sensors,
sensor results contribute to the overall trust ratings of
neighboring nodes independently. With Collaborative Sensors,
sensors collaborate with other nodes surrounding the
monitored neighbor node. In both cases, sensors only use the
information provided by the routing layer. Furthermore, no
additional dedicated infrastructure is needed, since only
VANET nodes are included.

1) Forwarding for Unicast Routing

There exist a number of routing algorithms proposed for
VANETs. The protocols developed for unicast communication
can be divided into three sub-categories: geographic, link
stability-based, and trajectory-based. A brief overview of these
protocols can be found in Table 12.

Another solution is based on plausibility checks. Two

examples of plausibility checks are SLV and the solution
developed for PBR (Position Based Routing). In [131], Secure
Location Verification (SLV) is proposed to detect and prevent
position-spoofing attacks. This is accomplished by using
distance bounding, plausibility checks and ellipse-based
location estimation to verify the position claimed by a vehicle.
On the other hand, a secure localization solution is developed
for PBR [132]. PBR is considered and evaluated by the CRCCC and it provides a scalable and efficient unicast forwarding
in large-scale vehicular networks. PBR is based on three
features: beaconing, location service and forwarding. The
location service is used when an originating node needs to
know the position of another node that is not included in its
location table. When this happens the originator node sends a
location query message that includes the node ID, sequence
number and hop limit. Nodes that receive the message and are
not the ones that are searched, are rebroadcasting the location
query message. When the searched node receives the location
query message it replies with a location reply message carrying
its current position and a time stamp. When the originating
node receives the location reply message it updates its location
table. In order to secure the PBR messages, i.e., location query
and location reply, each received message has to pass certain
plausibility checks by using the packets time and location
fields as inputs. If the plausibility checks fail then the message
is discarded. Otherwise, the verification of the message
continues. First the certificate is validated unless it was
previously validated. If this verification passes then the digital
signature of the message is verified. If all these verification
steps pass, then the message is further processed, otherwise the
message is discarded.
1) Conclusions
Secure localization can be considered as an efficient
solution for the DOS attacks associated with localization. A
number of solutions have been found and briefly described in
this section. However, more work in the area of tamper-proof
GPS and on the use of plausibility checks to prevent position
spoofing attacks is needed.
F. Forwarding algorithms
The multi-hop communication between source and
destination can be performed in either V2V, V2I, or hybrid
fashion. Messages are forwarded to destination by making use
of multiple intermediate vehicles as relay nodes. We now

Geographic: Most algorithms in this category are inspired

from the popular Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)
[133]. All forwarding decisions are taken mainly using the
location information of vehicle's immediate neighbors. Such
algorithms are especially required for VANETs due to high
vehicular mobility. Since each vehicle maintains only local
information, these methods can scale to networks with large
number of vehicles. The vehicles are assumed to be equipped
with GPS or other location services so that they can determine
their own location without incurring any overhead. The set of
all neighbors and their respective locations are discovered
using periodic beacon messages that are exchanged among
nearby nodes. Subsequently, all forwarding decisions follow a
greedy method where the neighbor that is geographically closer
to the destination is selected as the next forwarding node. Since
the vehicles do not have global knowledge of the network
topology, the forwarding decisions are often locally optimal
and may not be globally optimal. As a result, these protocols
often encounter cases where a vehicle does not find the next
forwarding node (e.g., due to dead-ends or network
disconnection). To solve the local optimum problem, GPSR
proposed the perimeter forwarding algorithm or the right-hand
rule. This solution is not suitable for road networks, especially
in urban environments where there are multiple intersections
and paths. Many existing geographic routing protocols solve
this problem by employing a new path recovery mechanism.
Examples of such protocols are GSR [134], GPCR [135],
GPSRJ+ [136].
GSR [134] addresses various problems involved in
applying position-based GPSR to city environments. It
specifically targets the following issues: network disconnection
due to radio obstacles; too many hops; and loopy paths. GSR
discovers the current position of a desired communication
partner by using a reactive location service, where the query
node floods the network with a ''position request'' packet for
some specific node identifier. Whenever the node with
requested identifier receives a request, it sends a ''position
reply''. With this information, the sending node can compute a
Dijkstra shortest path to the destination by using the underlying
map of the streets. The reverse path contains sequence of
junctions that packets can reach the destination.
To compute shortest paths in GSR protocol, vehicles must
have access to a global street map. When such a map is not
available, a protocol called GPCR [135] can be employed.
Unlike GSR that relies on source routes information, GPCR
makes a decision at each junction about the street the packet
should follow next; and in between junctions, GPCR uses
greedy forwarding.

Table 12: Unicast and broadcast forwarding protocols

The key challenges, since a street map is not available, are

to identify nodes that are at the junctions and to avoid missing
intersections while greedy forwarding is being used. One way
to deal with this problem is by making the nodes at
intersections (junction nodes) send special type of notification
messages so that surrounding nodes can make their forwarding
The limitations of GPCR are highlighted by GPSRJ+ [136],
which argues that GPCR incurs additional delay and overhead
since forwarding decisions and recovery process depend
primarily on the nodes at the intersections. GPSRJ+ makes an
observation that all packets need not be forwarded via junction
nodes. The sender vehicles forward information to neighbors of
junction nodes instead of junction nodes themselves. This
greatly reduces the packet load around intersections. However,
this solution requires additional information exchange between
the junction nodes and their neighbors.
The protocols that we discussed so far do not handle sparse
networks. Low vehicle density of sparse networks causes
intermittent network connectivity and routing failures. This
problem is typically addressed by employing a technique
similar to store-and-forward or data mulling. Packets are
temporarily stored at moving nodes while waiting for
opportunities to forward those [137]. Such techniques however
are targeted only for delay tolerant applications.

Store-and-forward techniques have also been applied to

urban road networks where different streets have different
vehicle densities. VADD [138] attempts to address this
problem by routing the packets via road segments with high
vehicle density. However, such high density paths may not be
the best ones in terms of delay. Since all vehicles try to route
packets via high vehicle density streets, the channel utility
along these streets may increase, and as a result, packets may
either get dropped or incur high delays. VADD makes use of a
delay estimation model to select paths with minimum delays.
The model however relies on preloaded street map and traffic
statistics such as vehicle speed and traffic density at different
time of the day.
D-Greedy and D-MinCost [139] are other protocols that
employ the store-and-forward technique to route packets in
urban networks. Unlike VADD, these protocols aim to provide
bounded transmission delay while minimizing the bandwidth
utilization. D-MinCost requires knowledge of global traffic
conditions while D-Greedy does not require this knowledge. In
D-Greedy, a source node uses geographical location of the
destination to estimate the length of the shortest path. The
chosen path is allocated a delay budget that is proportional to
the street length of each road segments. Since each node does
not have global information, D-Greedy assumes that the
message delay budget can be uniformly distributed among the
intersections that are part of the shortest path. Each relay node
makes routing decisions based on the remaining message delay

budget. The relay node is allowed to carry the packets to the

next intersection as long as the time that the vehicle takes to
reach the intersection is within the allocated delay budget. This
mechanism reduces the number packet transmissions while
guaranteeing bounded transmission delays. D-MinCost
improves upon D-Greedy by incorporating additional factors
such as vehicle density into the path selection process.
The problem of sending packets via non-optimal routes in
VADD is addressed by SADV [140]. The main idea is to avoid
non-optimal routes and reduce the packet delay by deploying
static nodes at the intersections. Authors proposed two
forwarding systems: in-road forwarding and intersection
forwarding. In-road forwarding refers to directional packet
forwarding mechanism where packets are sent greedily along
the road. Around the intersections, the packets are sent to static
nodes, which compute minimum delay paths based on vehicle
densities on different road segments. These static nodes store
the packets until they find vehicles along computed minimum
delay paths.
In general, the store-and-forward technique used in VADD,
D-Greedy, D-MinCost, and SADV is targeted at sparse
networks, and hence it is suitable only for delay-tolerant
applications. This technique typically requires vehicles to have
larger buffers in order to minimize the number of packet drops.
The minimum delay estimation in these protocols is mainly
based on vehicle-level information such as average speed and
density. Such information alone, however, is not sufficient to
find delay-optimal paths. A packet may experience small
delays on some road segments but longer delays on others.
Therefore, one must also consider amount of data traffic along
different streets. Data-traffic characteristic can be incorporated
into routing protocols by following a cross-layer design
An example of such a protocol is PROMPT [141]. It is a
position-based cross-layer data delivery protocol that uses the
real-time packet traffic statistics to deliver packets along
minimum delay paths. As base stations broadcast beacon
messages across the network, beacons are updated with several
network traffic statistics that are collected at the locations from
which the beacons are reforwarded. The receivers of a beacon
message can therefore construct the entire path to the base
station including the data traffic statistics along the path. These
statistics are later used by a sophisticated delay estimation
model through which vehicles determine the minimum delay
path to base stations. Furthermore, PROMPT takes advantage
of digital roadmaps in mapping communication paths with
positional information (obtained from beacons) to source
routes along physical roads. Such a mapping is very important
in the context of vehicular mobility. Given such a source route
by the network layer, the MAC function determines individual
relay nodes based on their locations and forward the packets
towards the destination. Since beacons are sent out
periodically, vehicles can always choose the delay-optimal
routes as they are constantly made aware of real-time data
traffic conditions along different streets. Furthermore,
PROMPT can handle network sparsity issues by making the
intermediate relay nodes hold the packets until suitable next

forwarding nodes are found. Such a mechanism can be

implemented in the MAC function.
Link Stability-based: Topology-based routing protocols
(e.g., reactive and proactive routing), which are popular in
MANETs can be applied to vehicular networks. However, the
main issue for VANETs is that the overhead incurred in path
discovery and path maintenance can be significantly high due
to high mobility. Such protocols are mainly deployed in
highway environments and small scale networks where number
of hops between source and destination is small. To improve
the link stability and reduce the path recovery overhead, one
can also exploit mobility information to predict how long a
given path will last and find a new path before the link
breakage occurs.
MOvement Prediction based Routing (MOPR) [142] is a
protocol that aims to improve the reactive routing process by
leveraging vehicle information such as its position, speed, and
direction. It estimates the lifetime of a link by predicting the
future positions of vehicles involved in the link based on their
current position. The source node can therefore estimate the
transmission time and thereby decide upon the most stable
path. During the route discovery process, MOPR specifically
searches for intermediate nodes that have similar speed and
direction to both source and destination. A route table that
includes the position, speed, direction, street information of all
neighboring vehicles is maintained by MOPR. This table is
used while searching for paths with most stability. Similar
techniques are implemented in proactive routing [143].
Velocity-Heading based Routing Protocol (VHRP) [144]
uses vehicle headings to predict route disruption before it
actually happens. Here, the vehicles are grouped according to
their velocity vectors. Routes involving vehicles from same
group exhibits high level of stability. Whenever a vehicle shifts
to a different group, routes involving that vehicle may
potentially get disrupted. To avoid such a problem, VHRP
periodically sends route update message and maintains route
table and vehicle groups. VHRP is particularly suitable for
proactive routing protocols such as DSDV, and it can improve
end to end throughput performance. Similarly, Predictionbased routing (PBR) [145] protocol makes use of a mobility
model to characterize the collective motion of vehicles on a
highway. PBR uses mobility model to predict route lifetimes
and preemptively creates new routes before existing routes fail.
Trajectory-based: Trajectory-based Forwarding (TBF)
[146] algorithm is a novel combination of source routing and
Cartesian (position) forwarding for ad hoc networks. The
source node selects the route or trajectory to the destination.
Unlike traditional source routing, the forwarding decisions in
TBF are based on the relationship to the trajectory rather than
ID of intermediate nodes. It essentially decouples path naming
from the actual path. The framework of TBF can be used for
any type of services including unicast, broadcast, multicast,
multipath routing etc. The next hop node (or relay node) is
chosen based on the distance between candidate relay nodes
and the trajectory. However, TBF discovers trajectories using a
flooding method, which causes additional overhead.
The issue of flooding overhead is addressed by TBD [146],
which is a data trajectory-based forwarding scheme for low

density road networks. TBD makes use of a local delay model

to compute the expected data delivery delay from individual
vehicles to an access point. The vehicle with the shortest
expected data delivery delay is selected as the next relay node.
Unlike TBF, TBD is not a source routing mechanism as it does
not assume that there exists a path between source and
destination. It allows intermediate nodes to make routing
decisions based on its trajectory and neighbor information. The
delay is estimated from the contact probability and the
forwarding probability at the intersections. To obtain the path
information, trajectory-based protocols are equipped with
digital map and GPS system.
MDDV [147] is a mobility-centric approach for data
dissemination in vehicular networks. It is designed to operate
efficiently and reliably despite the highly mobile, partitioned
nature of these networks. It combines the ideas from
opportunistic forwarding, trajectory based forwarding and
geographical forwarding. Packets are forwarded based on a
predefined trajectory geographically. The relay node must be
able to store or forward the message opportunistically to the
next forwarder. Each forwarder verifies the status of the
message dissemination which is attached to the message
header. Vehicles use the header information to gain the
knowledge of the message heading location over time and
apply the data propagation analysis to act accordingly. The
propagation process is limited to the area of the destination to
provide timely message delivery.
TBD, MDDV, and PROMPT are examples of hybrid
solutions to solve the network disconnection via store-andforward approach while minimizing the end-to-end latency
using global knowledge such as trajectory or source route as
well as local knowledge such as neighbor information.
2) Forwarding for Broadcast Routing
Driver safety related applications are the most important
motivating applications for VANETs. In such applications,
information (e.g., detour route, accident alert, construction
warning) should be provided to all surrounding vehicles,
thereby requiring a broadcast forwarding protocol. Traditional
broadcasting techniques like flooding seriously suffer from
broadcast storm problem where large amount of bandwidth is
consumed by excess number of retransmissions. When node
density is high, this leads to large number of collisions and
high channel contention overhead. Most of research activities
in broadcast forwarding algorithms propose new ideas to
alleviate this problem. Solutions used to adapt the packet load
by controlling the packet generation rate is discussed in several
papers, see e.g., [148], [149], [150], [151], [152], [153], [154],
[155], [156], [157], [160], [162]. In this paper only a subset of
them will be discussed.
In [151], [157], five different techniques are proposed to
address the broadcast storm problem in MANETs:
probabilistic, counter-based, distance-based, location-based,
and cluster-based. Their simulation results show that a simple
counter-based implementation can avoid a number of
redundant messages in dense networks. They showed that if
location information available via services like GPS, then
location-based scheme is the best choice as it can eliminate a
lot of redundant rebroadcasts under all kinds of host

distributions without compromising the reachability. In [150],

similar techniques are performed in the context of variable
thresholds where they can be adjusted on-the-fly. These
studies, however, was performed in MANETs. In the
following, we discuss some of the techniques developed for
Probabilistic: In [148], [158], three probabilistic flooding
techniques are proposed to solve the broadcast storm problem
in VANETs. The solutions are denoted as weighted ppersistence, slotted 1-persistence, and slotted p-persistence
schemes. The key suppression technique of these algorithms is
a combination of probabilistic-based and timer-based
retransmission. In weighted p-persistence methods, vehicles
rebroadcast the packets according to the probability p where
the higher probability is assigned to farther nodes. The slotted
1-persistence and slotted p-persistence solutions are related to
the probability of re-broadcasting a packet within one time slot.
The former uses a probability of 1 to re-broadcast a packet
within one time slot, while the latter one uses a predefined
probability p to re-broadcast the packet within one time slot. To
prevent the messages dying out, vehicles buffer the message
for certain time and then retransmit it if nobody in the
neighborhood rebroadcasts. These techniques are designed in
the network layer to reduce the number of packets sent from
the network layer to the data link layer. They also quantified
the impact of broadcast storms in VANETs in terms of
message delay and packet loss rate in addition to conventional
metrics such as message reachability and overhead.
In [156], an enhancement of the 1-persistence solution is
described, denoted as microSlotted 1-Persistence Flooding,
where the time slot used in the 1-persistence solution is divided
into a number of micro-slots. This means that within one 1persistence time slot, more than one node could re-broadcast.
This solution, however, gives higher priority of retransmission
to the furthest node within the coverage area associated with
one 1-persistence slot.
Distance-based: In the distance-based forwarding protocol,
the vehicles set the waiting time inversely proportional to the
distance of the source. However, the vehicles with same
distance can still contend for the channel at the same time.
Time reservation-based relay node selection (TRRS) algorithm
[159] aims to provide shortest end-to-end delay irrespective of
the node density. According to these algorithms, all nodes in
the communication range of a relay node randomly choose
their waiting time within a given time-window. The timewindow range is determined by a distance from a previous
relay node and a reservation ratio of the time-window. A node
with the shortest waiting time is selected as a new relay node.
To avoid multiple reception of broadcasting messages, TRRS
further prevents the node that received many duplicate
broadcast messages from previous relay nodes to be next relay
Similarly, the urban multi-hop broadcast protocol for intervehicle communication systems [160] uses directional
forwarding approach that suppresses broadcast redundancy by
only allowing the furthest vehicle from the transmitter to
rebroadcast the packet. It determines the farthest nodes by
employing a black-burst (channel jamming signal) contention

approach [161]. UMB uses 802.11-based RTS/CTS handshake

to avoid hidden terminal problem by divided the road into
segments. To handle line-of-sight problem, UMB uses
repeaters at intersections to rebroadcast the messages. This
protocol is later extended to AMB [162] in order to handle
intersection scenarios more efficiently. Unlike in UMB, AMB
protocol selects vehicles that pass by the intersections to
disseminate the packets into different directions.
In [163], it is argued that the relay nodes in UMB may
potentially wait for long time periods before rebroadcasting
due to its contention resolving scheme. They proposed a new
technique called smart broadcast that does not spend time to
resolve collisions, and hence it does not necessarily select the
relay in the region that provides the largest progress. Instead of
using the black burst mechanism of UMB, the potential relay
nodes in this scheme selects random backoff values based on
their position where the farther nodes choose a backoff value
from smaller ranges. However, the delay gains are marginal.
In [164], Multi-Hop Vehicular Broadcast (MHVB) protocol
is described. This protocol can be used to efficiently
disseminate the information related to traffic safety
applications, such as position and speed. It comprises of two
main features: a traffic congestion detection algorithm that
suppresses unnecessary beacons due to traffic congestion; and
a backfire algorithm that efficiently forwards packets through
the network. The congestion detection algorithm detects
whether or not vehicles are in the middle of traffic congestion,
by counting the number of nodes that are present around the
concerned node. It then adjusts the transmitting interval
accordingly. The backfire algorithm, on the other hand,
efficiently forwards the packet through the network by
selecting the next hop based on the distance from the original
node. Before retransmission, the relay vehicles calculate the
waiting time, which is inversely proportional to the distance
from source. The backfire region is mainly contained in a
circular area.
In [165], MHVB solution is enhanced in two places. First,
the backfire region is changed from a circular region to a
sectional region where it is implemented with its angle as an
extra parameter. By adjusting the angle of the sector, the area
covered by the backfire algorithm can be modified. This results
in a flexible and directional backfiring region. The second
enhancement is provided by using a Dynamic Scheduling
algorithm that is used to differentiate between the packets that
have to be transmitted. The packets are prioritized based upon
processing of the received packets from the other vehicles. In
particular, the nodes which are located at a distance farther than
200m are made to transmit the received information earlier
than all the other nodes in the network. The main goal of these
enhancements is to enhance the balance between the
application requirements and the performance of the protocol.
3) Conclusions
The main challenge in designing forwarding algorithms for
VANETs is to provide reliable packet transmission with
minimum delay, maximum throughput, and low
communication overhead. Most existing algorithms target only
subset of these requirements within specific environment
setups. Recently, several unicast forwarding protocols such as

TBD, MDDV, and PROMPT that combine opportunistic

location-based and trajectory-based solutions to provide ability
to deal with the local optimum and disconnection problems are
proposed. There also exists some research on addressing issues
related to broadcast transmission, a primary mode of packet
exchange in VANETs. Approaches such as weighted ppersistence and UMB leverage a combination of probabilitybased and distance-based methods to reduce broadcast storm
problem. Future research must focus on protocols targeted at
heterogeneous systems to handle applications with diverse QoS
requirements. For instance, while location-based forwarding
solutions seem to be natural for vehicular networks due to their
constant topological changes, the IP-address based solutions
are more desirable for internet-based applications. Respecting
the requirements of applications while solving the fundamental
communication problems in VANETs is a significant challenge
in designing future forwarding algorithms.
G. Delay constraints
In this section, we categorize all delay aware protocols
based on the layer in which the appropriate steps are being
1) Application Layer Solutions
Delay constraints at the level of application layer are
necessary due to the requirements to support emergency
warning messages. These messages are typically broadcasted
in the affected area. To deal with broadcast storm problem,
applications require a good forwarding mechanism that avoids
redundant rebroadcasts which can potentially slow down
message propagation speed. In [166], an overview of highway
cooperative collision avoidance (CCA) is presented, which is
an emerging vehicular safety application. It considers a driver
model to estimate the level of emergency, and the appropriate
warning signal. Emergency messages are transmitted using a
direction-aware broadcast forwarding scheme with implicit
acknowledgments. Authors concluded that specific context and
constraint parameters should be designed in an applicationspecific manner. For instance, CCA messages are forwarded
only in those directions in which affected vehicles are present.
In [167], transmission range adaptation techniques for delay
control are described. Their protocol, Fast Broadcast, allows
the sender to estimate the transmission range before sending
the packets. Such a method limits the number of messages that
are exchanged in the network, and therefore, it reduces the total
transmission time.
The QoS support for multimedia applications in VANETS
is studied in [168] by considering three different types of
packet flows: audio, video, and data packets. IEEE 802.11e
standard is an enhancement of IEEE 802.11 that supports QoS
in the MAC layer. This standard attaches a different priority
value for each type of packet flow. Through a detailed
empirical analysis, the authors show that 802.11e is mainly
suitable for MANETs but not for vehicular networks. This is
because the standard does not take link quality, vehicular
mobility, and the impact of multi-hop communication into
account -- motivating the need for a cross layer design between
MAC and routing layers. They then presented a tripletconstraint DeReHQ [168] algorithm that transmits packets via
paths which have the best link reliability, the smallest number

of hops, and link delay is also guaranteed to be under a desired

A mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing system that targets
VANETs is introduced in CodeTorrent [169]. File swarming
techniques that are based on network coding are chosen to
transfer data over minimum delay paths. In wired networks,
P2P systems are designed for IP address-based network, and
they are not readily applicable for VANETs. The challenges
here include high node mobility, error-prone wireless channel,
and security-risk of information sharing. To address these
problems, codeTorrent maintains communication within singlehop neighbors. The file sharing region, however, can be
extended through the network of peers using network coding
and mobility assisted data propagation. These techniques
enable codeTorrent to maintain enough connectivity among
peers with low overhead, and data is transferred with minimum
download delay. Authors showed that such a strategy
outperforms another file sharing protocol called CarTorrent
2) Network Layer
Delay constraints can also be embedded into protocols that
operate in the network layer. Designing routing protocols with
delay-bound and delay-guarantee characteristics is challenging
due to high vehicular mobility. We briefly describe some of the
important examples here.
There exist a few location-based protocols such as VADD
[138], PROMPT [141], and D-Greedy & D-MinCost [139],
which obtain statistical path information to route packets over
minimum end-to-end delay paths. While VADD and PROMPT
perform delay estimation during the path selection phase, DGreedy & D-MinCost considers only those paths that are
within a bounded delay. A key challenge is to estimate the
delay for each path before a selection among available ones is
made. VADD uses preloaded statistical information such as
vehicle density and speed to estimate the path delay. PROMPT,
on the other hand, uses the real-time packet traffic statistics to
search for low data traffic delay path. Similarly, the DeReQ
[171] protocol tries to achieve its dual objectives (reliability
and timeliness) by finding a route that is most reliable and also
has delay within an allowed maximum bound. To estimate the
reliability, DeReQ makes use of road traffic density, relative
vehicle speeds, and vehicle traffic flow.
Along with such location-based strategies, there exist some
topology-based source routing protocols that account for link
stability by estimating the lifetime of different routes. Such an
estimation mechanism is used by sender nodes to select the
most reliable route to transmit the packets. The relay nodes
send the route request for a new route before the existing route
is broken [172]. These methods have a considerable impact on
the end-to-end delay experienced by packets. In [173], two
schemes viz. PGB and AGF are proposed, which aim to
improve the delay performance of existing MANET protocols.
Preferred Group Broadcasting (PGB) is a broadcasting
mechanism that reduces the control message overhead incurred
during the route discovery phase of AODV. PGB decreases the
number of redundant re-transmissions of basic flooding by
allowing nodes in preferred group to rebroadcast or relay the
messages. All receiver nodes rebroadcast the message after

waiting for a fixed time period. The receiver nodes select the
waiting times based on the received signal power level.
Another protocol that was proposed in [173] is Advanced
Greedy Forwarding (AGF). It is an incremental improvement
of GPSR that considers speed and direction along with the
location information while discovering the neighbor nodes.
3) MAC Layer
The effectiveness of IEEE 802.11p amendment for traffic
safety applications which requires low delay, reliable, and real
time communication are analyzed in [174]. It has been
observed that CSMA/CA mechanism of 802.11p does not
guarantee channel access before a finite deadline, and
therefore, it gives poor performance. The authors of [174]
proposed a method known as self-organizing time division
multiple access (STDMA). STDMA is a decentralized system
where each vehicle determines its own slot assignment based
on its positions and neighbor's information. Such a technique
helps in predicting the channel access delay, making it suitable
for real-time ad-hoc vehicular networks.
Some researchers have explored the use of multiple
directional antennas for fast delivery of packets. For example,
RPB-MAC protocol [175] reduces the control message
overhead and guarantees minimum channel access delays by
making use of multiple antennas. A directional antenna with a
communication channel pair is dedicated for set of neighboring
vehicles depending on their positions relative to the source
vehicle. Since vehicles in different directions communicate
using different antennas, the number of channel collisions is
reduced. Furthermore, the transmission power is adaptively
adjusted to maintain the communication with its neighbors.
4) Physical Layer
The Incident Warning System (IWS) [176] utilizes direct
wireless communication to transfer a variety of packets
including traffic incidence reports, text messages, JPEG images
etc. They divided applications into three different categories
and identified specific requirements posed by applications in
each category. These requirements are handled by using two
different frequencies: long range frequency to reserve the
channel; and short range frequency to transmit the packets.
Power adaptation is another technique which researchers
have exploited to realize small end-to-end delays. Transmitting
power adaptation are discussed in several papers, see e.g.,
[177], [178], [179], [180], [181]. Only a subset of these
solutions will be discussed in this article. In [182], a vehicle
can monitor the radio channel conditions by calculating the
overhead sequence numbers. The receiving vehicle records the
successful packet deliveries sent by neighboring nodes which
uses the same radio channel and which are located within the
transmission and reception range of the receiving vehicle. By
identifying and counting the successfully received packets, the
receiving vehicle can detect failed packets and determine the
network condition, i.e., the average reception rate and the rate
of packets that were not successfully delivered. From this
analysis the receiver node can also calculate the minimum
number of nodes that are using the same radio channel. The
same vehicle can then use the calculated radio channel
conditions to adapt its transmission power accordingly. The
beaconing load adaptation mechanism described in [182] does

not differentiate between the periodic and event driven

messages transmitted by the beaconing control channel of
IEEE 802.11p.
In [177], [178], [183], other two transmission power
adaptation algorithms are discussed to control the beaconing
load. These algorithms are denoted as Distributed Fair Power
Adjustments for Vehicular environments (D-FPAV) and
environments (EMDV). The D-FPAV is a distributed
transmission power control strategy that provides effective
transmission for emergency event-driven messages while
maintaining the fairness for periodical beacon messages. Each
node evaluates the received channel utilization rate that was
evaluated since the last beacon transmission. This rate can be
calculated either from the link layer statistics or from the
network layer statistics. Each transmitted beacon carries this
value. Each node also maintains a target channel utilization
rate. If the received channel utilization rate is smaller than the
target value then the transmitted power is increased by a
predefined amount. If, on the other hand, the received channel
utilization rate is higher then the transmitted power is
decreased by the same predefined amount. The transmission
power is not altered if both the rates are exactly the same. In
addition, D-FPAV allows the prioritization of event-based
messages over periodic messages. The minimum power level
assignment for a vehicle is calculated by choosing the smallest
observed value of the power assignment levels among the
received beacons.
The EMDV uses a contention strategy that supports the fast
and effective dissemination of alerts within a target
geographical area in cooperation with D-FPAV. In EMDV, a
source vehicle that needs to send an alert (emergency) message
chooses a relay node that is as far as possible, and has high
reception probability. On successful reception, the relay node
retransmits the emergency message. If the packet reception is
failed at the selected relay node then other vehicles that
received the message are considered as potential relay nodes.
These nodes wait for a predefined time, i.e., retransmission
delay timer, and rebroadcast the message only if they did not
hear any rebroadcasts during the waiting period. Moreover, this
algorithm is capable of differentiating between the periodic and
event driven messages.
In [184], D-FPAV and EMDV are used as base protocols.
D-FPAV is enhanced by modifying the algorithm in such a
way that instead of processing the received utilization from one
edge region, each vehicle needs to process the received
utilization data from two beacon edge regions, in front of the
vehicle and behind the vehicle along the road. In this case, the
target utilization rate is compared with an effective edge
utilization rate. The latter is calculated through linear
interpolations of the received channel utilization rate and the
beaconing power received in farthest beacons in front and
behind the vehicle. On the other hand, EMDV is enhanced by,
among others, modifying the retransmission delay timer upon
each new reception of same re-broadcasted information. The
delay timer adjustment is done in such a way that it results in a
uniform geographic distribution of re-broadcasting relays. This
can be achieved by re-evaluating the delay timer by

considering the distance to the closest vehicle among the relay

vehicles that can rebroadcast the same information.
In [185], [186], the transmission power is adaptively
adjusted to accommodate the change in neighbors. If the
number of neighbors falls below a threshold then the power is
increased, and similarly when the number exceeds another
threshold the power is reduced accordingly. A potential
drawback here is that the thresholds are static and do not reflect
different vehicle traffic conditions and quality of road
segments. DB-DIPC [187] proposed power adaptation
techniques for vehicular networks which rely on local
information obtained via periodic exchange of beacon
messages among neighbors. LOADPOW [179] uses the traffic
load information in routing protocol to adjust the transmission
power before sending the packet in medium access layer.
Although these algorithms are adaptive and distributive, they
need further analysis to understand of the effects of power
adaptation on different performance measures.
5) Conclusions
The primary challenge in designing protocols is to provide
good delay performance under the constraints of high vehicular
speeds, unreliable connectivity, and fast topological changes.
In this section, we discussed several methods that incorporate
delay constraints in various layers. However, one must be
aware that such individual solutions may lead to conflict
between layers and among other nodes. For instance,
increasing transmission range, the number of hops is reduced
and this could possibly reduce the end-to-end transmission
delay. However, increasing transmission range causes
additional contention delay at MAC level. To provide overall
system improvement, future solutions must focus on crosslayer protocols that strike a balance among conflicting issues
from different layers with an objective of end-to-end delay
H. Prioritization of data packets
When an emergency event occurs, the channel utilization is
likely to degrade due to massive broadcast of emergency
messages. A simple approach in such situations, which many
protocols adopt, is to simply drop lower priority packets. Some
other protocols attempt to provide appropriate congestion
control mechanisms so that the sending rate of lower priority
packets is adaptively adjusted.
A vehicle collision warning communication (VCWC) [188]
is an example of cooperative collision warning system that is
enabled by vehicle-to-vehicle communication. It aims to give
low latency warning message transmission at the initial state of
an emergency event. The issue of packet congestion is
addressed by rate adaptation scheme which assigns different
priority levels to different packets based on the application
requirements. Whenever a node has a backlogged emergency
message, it raises an out-of-band busy tone signal, which can
be sensed by vehicles located within two hops. Vehicles with
lower priority messages defer their channel access whenever
the busy tone signal is sensed. Furthermore, bandwidth
utilization is improved by suppressing multiple warning
messages regarding the same event. In [189], the authors
studied the channel congestion control in 802.11p and
suggested that the packets in CCH (control channel) need to be

prioritized. The safety messages should have higher priority

than background or control messages such as periodic beacon
and hello messages. They provide various congestion control
mechanisms via MAC queue manipulation. The main idea is to
provide absolute priority for safety messages via manipulating
(e.g., freezing) the MAC queues of lower prioritized traffic, or
to dynamically reserve a fraction of bandwidth for the highest
priority traffic with adaptive QoS parameters. Similarly, in
[190], methods based on 802.11e protocol are proposed to
provide higher priority to emergency warning messages.
In [191], a novel pulse-based control mechanism has been
proposed to provide strict priority for emergency messages.
According to this mechanism, as soon as an emergency event is
noticed, vehicles start a random backoff timer whose value
depends on the emergency of the situation. Once the timer
expires, the vehicle will start to transmit pulses in the control
channel. Shortly after starting to transmit pulses, the
emergency packet is transmitted in the data channel. When a
node detects a pulse in the control channel at any time, it aborts
its transmissions to release both channels. Such a method gives
strict priority for emergency messages. In [192] several
random access protocols for a vehicle to send safety messages
to other vehicles are proposed. These protocols fit in the DSRC
multi-channel architecture, and provide high reliability and
small delay for safety messages.
CVIA-QoS [193] aims to provide delay bounded
throughput guarantees for soft real-time traffic. It implements
an admission control mechanism at the temporary routers and
gateways to provide higher priory to real-time applications.
The transmission time is divided into two periods -- high
priority period and low priority period. Low priority period is
adopted from CVIA [194]. The high priority period provides a
reliable pooling system based on channel reservation. The
separation of transmission period between low and high
priority packets guarantees end-to-end delay for high priority
1) Conclusions
The new standards like 802.11e and IEEE 802.11p provide
guidelines for packet prioritization. While there is some
research in adopting these standards, more work needs to be
done in effectively leveraging them. For example, cross-layer
protocols that operate in multiple layers to provide priorities
among different flows and different applications. Furthermore,
developing efficient scheduling strategies that enable delayaware transmission of packets with different priorities is also a
matter of concern for future VANET applications.

Reliability and cross-layering between transport and

network layers
There exist some research work activities on designing
cross-layer protocols which span between transport and
network layers. The motivation behind such a cross layer
design is to support real-time and multimedia applications
which require a reliable end-to-end connectivity with QoS
requirements. Cross layer designs also help in congestion
avoidance. Due to frequent disruptions in the routes, traditional
transport layer protocols from MANETs [137], [195], [196],
[197] are not directly applicable to VANETs. One must
leverage the information from network layer in adjusting the

packet transmission in the transport layer to adapt to the

dynamic network topology in VANETs.
We first discuss several challenges in having transport layer
protocols in vehicular networks. Since TCP is the most popular
transport protocol, we confine our discussion to TCP in
vehicular networks. TCP is originally designed for wired
networks with acceptable data throughput. However, the
fundamental properties of mobile networks such as dynamic
topology, unreliable wireless radio transmission are highly
different from wired networks. Several investigations on the
impact of these properties on the performance of TCP showed
that it provides poor throughput in multi-hop ad hoc networks
[198]. This poor performance is mainly due to the conservative
flow and congestion control mechanisms deployed in TCP. For
example, TCP interprets transmission errors as a congestion
situation and thus reduces the throughput. Developing effective
congestion control mechanisms is also very challenging. This
is because the predictions about potential congestion situations
are based on local information, which may not reflect the
current state of the network.
Another possibility to improve the performance is to
leverage the information from other nodes in the system. For
example, intermediate nodes detect congestions and signal
them to other vehicles through Explicit Congestion
Notification (ECN, RFC 3168) operation. The network
information gathered from neighboring nodes provides a better
estimation when compared to the predictions of individual
node-level congestion control mechanisms. Such mechanisms
require the transport layer to interact with lower layers to
obtain appropriate information about current network
condition, thereby motivating the need for effective cross layer
In [198], the mobile control transport protocol (MCTP) that
aims to provide internet access in VANETs is proposed. The
basic idea here is that MCTP observes the IP packet flow
between sender and receiver in order to react appropriately in
the transport layer. MCTP considers several notifications from
underlying protocols as well as from other vehicles (e.g.,
pending congestions, number of unreachable ICMP messages
etc.). Such information helps MCTP to distinguish between
link errors, congestions, and disconnections from the Internet.
Reliable packet transmission of TCP is of great importance
in file sharing and content distribution applications during
highway driving. In [137], authors argue that robust routing
protocols must be used in order to address the problem of TCP
in handling route breakage in VANETs. They study the joint
optimization of TCP and geographic routing parameters to
handle high vehicle speeds. Under a controlled network, they
show the impact of high mobility on critical system parameters
of TCP and UDP such as hello message exchange rate. They
then proposed an adaptive scheme where the hello interval is
based (and depends) on vehicle speed: I = R (k * speed ) ,
where I is the interval, R is the transmission range, and k is a
tunable parameter. They empirically show that the delivery
ratio of both UDP and TCP is higher when used with adaptive
scheme. The authors have also developed a novel scheme for
out-of-order delivery.

VTP [199] relies on position-based routing such as PBR

[145] to cope with temporary network partitions that interrupt
end-to-end connectivity and cause packet loss. Its main
approach is the utilization of statistical path characteristics for
error and congestion control. VTP avoids unnecessary
transmission rate reductions due to non-congestion packet loss
such as routing errors by using feedback information from
local neighbors. The intermediate nodes compute the minimum
bandwidth that is locally available and feed the information
back to sender (via piggybacking). Sender uses this
information to calculate bandwidth-delay product to determine
route quality. VTP provides connected/disrupted states to deal
with frequent disconnection. The sender periodically sends
probe message. When the relay node becomes available, the
sender resumes its packet transmission.
1) Conclusions
Above mentioned work primarily focuses on applications
which require unicast routing. Since many safety-related and
other applications require geocasting or broadcasting, there is a
clear need for new approaches that are not based on traditional
transport protocols [7]. It is even more challenging the case of
geocasting protocols since the relay nodes in such methods do
not maintain any state information. Cross-layer design holds a
promising future in realizing effective protocols that address
issues related to congestion and link disruption.


Vehicular networking is the enabling technology that will

support several applications varying from global internet
services and applications up to active road safety applications.
This paper is a survey and tutorial that introduced and
discussed the possible applications and use cases that could be
supported by vehicular networks in the near and long term
future. Furthermore, the several requirements, e.g.,
communication performance requirements, imposed by such
applications are emphasized. Moreover, the ITS projects and
programs that were and are being conducted in the USA, Japan
and Europe are presented. The ITS architectures and protocol
suites used in the different parts of the world are introduced
and discussed. Finally the recent main research challenges
associated with vehicular networking are introduced and
several solutions for these research challenges are described.
The main conclusions and recommendations for future
activities are listed below.
Geographical addressing: the most promising, but also the
most complex one is the geographical addressing family that
extends IP routing and IP addressing in order to cope with GPS
addresses. While several solutions associated with this family
have been proposed, more research and standardization
activities are needed for a successful realization.
Data-centric Trust and Verification: the proactive datacentric trust and verification security concept has been
researched extensively. However, the tamper-resistancehardware used in a vehicle to e.g., detect unnecessary accident
warnings, needs to be further researched. The reactive security
concept has been studied in a smaller scale. More work is
needed in the area of context verification, where a vehicle is
able to realize an intrusion detection system by comparing

received information on parameters associated with status and

environment with its own available information.
Anonymity and privacy: is being extensively investigated.
However, an open area is anonymity and adaptive privacy,
where users are allowed to select the privacy that they wish to
Forwarding algorithms: the main challenge in designing
forwarding algorithms for VANETs is to provide reliable
packet transmission with minimum delay, maximum
throughput, and low communication overhead. Future research
must focus on protocols targeted at heterogeneous systems to
handle applications with diverse QoS requirements. Respecting
the requirements of applications while solving the fundamental
communication problems in VANETs is a significant challenge
in designing future forwarding algorithms.
Delay constraints: the primary challenge in designing
protocols is to provide good delay performance under the
constraints of high vehicular speeds, unreliable connectivity,
and fast topological changes. In this section, we discussed
several methods that incorporate delay constraints in various
layers. To provide overall system improvement, future
solutions must focus on cross-layer protocols that strike a
balance among conflicting issues from different layers with an
objective of end-to-end delay minimization.
Prioritization of data packets: the new standards like
802.11e and IEEE 802.11p provide guidelines for packet
prioritization. While there is some research in adopting these
standards, more work needs to be done in effectively
leveraging them. For example, cross-layer protocols that
operate in multiple layers to provide priorities among different
flows and different applications. Furthermore, developing
efficient scheduling strategies that enable delay-aware
transmission of packets with different priorities is also a matter
of concern for future VANET applications.
Reliability and cross-layering between transport and
network layers: since many safety-related and other
applications require geocasting or broadcasting, there is a clear
need for new approaches that are not based on traditional
transport protocols. It is even more challenging the case of
geocasting protocols since the relay nodes in such methods do
not maintain any state information. Cross-layer design holds a
promising future in realizing effective protocols that address
issues related to congestion and link disruption.
G. Karagiannis and G. Heijenk wish to express their
gratitude to the Dutch Connect & Drive project, which funded
their part of this work.
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