United States v. Jose Luis Mendoza-Lopez, 7 F.3d 1483, 10th Cir. (1993)

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7 F.

3d 1483

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Jose Luis MENDOZA-LOPEZ, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 93-2032.

United States Court of Appeals,

Tenth Circuit.
Oct. 25, 1993.

Teresa E. Storch, Asst. Federal Public Defender, Albuquerque, NM, for

Louis E. Valencia, Asst. U.S. Atty. (Don J. Svet, U.S. Atty., with him on
the brief), Albuquerque, NM, for plaintiff-appellee.
Before McKAY, Chief Judge, GOODWIN * and SEYMOUR, Circuit
McKAY, Chief Judge.

Defendant-Appellant Jose Luis Mendoza-Lopez appeals his conviction under 8

U.S.C. 1326(b)(1) for re-entering the United States after having been

In May 1986, a California court convicted Mr. Mendoza of possession of

narcotics and sentenced him to a prison term, at the end of which he was
paroled into custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. A
deportation hearing took place on February 27, 1987, resulting in Mr.
Mendoza's deportation. Mr. Mendoza immediately returned to the United
States and was re-arrested soon thereafter for a parole violation. Another
deportation hearing ensued on August 7, 1987, resulting in Mr. Mendoza's
second deportation. Again, he immediately returned to the United States. In
June 1992, he was arrested on the current charge of re-entry after deportation.

Mr. Mendoza has apparently been a legal permanent resident of the United

States since his arrival in this country at the age of eight months. He received
an alien registration card when he was fourteen. Despite his legal status, and
apparently in reliance upon the advice of other detainees, Mr. Mendoza
deliberately concealed this important information from the Immigration Law
Judge at each deportation hearing. At each hearing, the ILJ specifically
informed Mr. Mendoza individually and as part of the group of the need to
disclose any defense to the deportation proceedings, including the existence of
any immigration papers, or any belief that he had a legal right to be in the
United States. In response to the ILJ's questions on these points, Mr. Mendoza
replied both individually and as a member of the group that he had never
received any immigration papers and had no legal right to be in the United
States. Mr. Mendoza further stated, again untruthfully, that the only family he
had in the United States were some cousins. At trial, Mr. Mendoza testified that
these misstatements were the result of his desire to be quickly deported so that
he would be released from the allegedly "horrible" conditions at the detention
center as quickly as possible.

The ILJ also clearly informed the detainees at each hearing of their right to
appeal if they thought that his decision was incorrect, and told them that he
would assist them in filing the appropriate paperwork to do so. The ILJ
indicated that any appeal would not be immediate, and that any detainee would
be able to stay at the detention center pending the appeal. The ILJ requested
anyone who wished to appeal to stand; nobody did.

On appeal, Mr. Mendoza raises two constitutional claims attacking the validity
of the deportation hearings. Mr. Mendoza argues that the two deportation
hearings violated his constitutional right to due process because the ILJ failed
to inform him of his apparent eligibility for a waiver of deportation under 8
U.S.C. 1182(c). Mr. Mendoza also argues that his waiver of his right to
appeal the ILJ's decision was not knowing and voluntary.1 Mr. Mendoza thus
argues that neither deportation can form the basis for his conviction under

A collateral attack on the constitutionality of deportation proceedings

underlying a conviction under 1326 is a mixed question of law and fact which
we review de novo. United States v. Valdez, 917 F.2d 466, 468 (10th
Cir.1990). We have previously noted that the circuits are split over what a
defendant seeking to overturn a conviction under 1326 must show; some
require a showing of either fundamental unfairness in the deportation
proceeding or a lack of judicial review, while others require the defendant to
show both. See id., 917 F.2d at 469. As in Valdez, we conclude that Mr.
Mendoza's claims must fail under either standard.

To establish fundamental unfairness sufficient to constitute a violation of due

process, Mr. Mendoza must show that he suffered prejudice from the alleged
unfairness. Michelson v. INS, 897 F.2d 465, 468 (10th Cir.1990). Mr.
Mendoza predicates his claim of fundamental unfairness upon his insistence
that the INS had an affirmative duty to search its files for any information
pertaining to Mr. Mendoza's potential eligibility for a waiver of deportation and
to report that information to the ILJ presiding at the deportation hearing.2

The ILJ's duty to inform an alien of his apparent eligibility for discretionary
relief from deportation is triggered only after the alien has provided
information sufficient to support such a duty. The ILJ is not required to engage
in hypothesizing as to what theories, if any, might be available to find an alien
eligible for discretionary relief. Id. at 468. Moreover, the ILJ repeatedly gave
Mr. Mendoza the opportunity to notify him of his claim to permanent resident
status, which opportunity was dependent upon information unequivocally
within Mr. Mendoza's knowledge at the time. Under these circumstances, we
cannot hold that the ILJ failed in his duty to inform Mr. Mendoza of his
apparent eligibility for relief. Nor can we conclude that Mr. Mendoza was
prejudiced by any allegedly improper actions of the INS. Any prejudice Mr.
Mendoza may have suffered was the result of his willful misstatements to the
ILJ. Accordingly, we hold that Mr. Mendoza's claims cannot be upheld under
the fundamental unfairness standard.

Nor can we conclude that the ILJ's use of a mass waiver by silence
unconstitutionally denied Mr. Mendoza his right to judicial review of the
deportation decision. The Ninth Circuit has found such waivers to violate due
process where they "made it impossible to determine whether [the defendant]
made a voluntary and intelligent decision" to waive his right to appeal. United
States v. Lopez-Vasquez, 985 F.2d 1017, 1020 (9th Cir.1993), as amended, 1
F.3d 751 (1993).


In this case, we hold that it is not impossible to determine whether the waiver
was intelligently and voluntarily made. We conclude that Mr. Mendoza's
decision to waive his right to appeal was the voluntary and intelligent result of
his asserted desire to be released from the detention center as soon as possible.
Accordingly, we hold that the deportation proceeding did not improperly deny
Mr. Mendoza his right to judicial review of the deportation order.


Finally, Mr. Mendoza urges this court to remand the matter to the district court
for clarification on the sentencing decision. Mr. Mendoza claims that the record
is unclear as to whether the district court decided not to depart from the
Guidelines on the merits, or whether the court believed that it lacked the

authority to grant such a departure.


Where a district court in the exercise of its discretion decides not to depart from
the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, an appellate court lacks jurisdiction to
review that discretionary decision. United States v. Fox, 930 F.2d 820, 824
(10th Cir.1991). However, where the district court decides that it lacks the
discretion to depart from the Guidelines, we review that decision de novo.
United States v. Spedalieri, 910 F.2d 707, 710 (10th Cir.1990). If the district
court's ruling is unclear as to whether the court believed it had the discretion to
depart, we must remand for clarification. See United States v. Lowden, 900
F.2d 213, 217-18 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 498 U.S. 876, 111 S.Ct. 206, 112
L.Ed.2d 166 (1990). On the record before us, we do not believe remand to be


Mr. Mendoza raised three grounds for a downward departure: his efforts at
drug rehabilitation; his "extraordinary" family circumstances; and the "unduly
harsh consequences" of imprisonment for deportable aliens. At the sentencing
hearing, counsel for Mr. Mendoza restated these reasons for requesting a
departure. The district court responded as follows: "I would inform you that I
see no grounds in this case for a downward departure.... I can't abide [the]
request [for a departure]." (R.Vol. IV at 6-7.) The court then remarked upon the
defendant's prior criminal history, history of drug abuse, and previous
deportations, concluding that in light of these facts, "[t]he sentence imposed
will reflect the sentencing goals of punishment, deterrents [sic] and protection
of the public." Id. at 7-8. Taken as a whole, we believe that these statements
indicate that the district court considered Mr. Mendoza's arguments on the
merits, and did not refuse to grant the departure in the belief that it had no
authority to do so. We therefore have no jurisdiction to review the district
court's exercise of its discretion in denying a downward departure.


Moreover, with regard to the first ground raised to support downward

departure, Mr. Mendoza's efforts at drug rehabilitation, we note that, while this
court had not yet addressed the issue at the time of the sentencing hearing or at
the time briefs were submitted in this case, the question is no longer open. In
United States v. Ziegler, 1 F.3d 1044 (10th Cir.1993), this court expressly
rejected the possibility that efforts at drug rehabilitation may justify a
downward departure beyond that authorized by Section 3E1.1's provision on
acceptance of responsibility, even in extraordinary circumstances. Thus, even
assuming that the district court's pronouncement was ambiguous, we hold that
such ambiguity does not require remand and clarification, because it is now
clear that the district court may not consider rehabilitative efforts as grounds for
a separate downward departure.


Second, we note that this circuit approved a downward departure for

extraordinary family circumstances in 1991. United States v. Pena, 930 F.2d
1486, 1494-95 (10th Cir.1991). The sentencing hearing in this case was held in
January of 1993. There is no reason to presume that the district court was
unaware of the Pena decision. Accordingly, there is no reason for us to
conclude that the district court did not consider this ground for departure on the


With respect to the third ground for departure urged upon the court, the "unduly
harsh consequences of imprisonment for deportable aliens," we note that after
the submission of briefs in this matter, the Second Circuit vacated and
remanded the sole decision Mr. Mendoza relied upon as grounds for a
downward departure. United States v. Restrepo, 999 F.2d 640 (2d Cir.1993).
We agree with the well-reasoned decision of the Second Circuit. Accordingly,
even if we were to conclude that the district court's decision on this ground was
ambiguous, we would hold that there is no cause for remand.


We therefore deny Mr. Mendoza's request for remand and clarification. The
district court's decision is AFFIRMED.

Honorable Alfred T. Goodwin, Senior Circuit Judge, United States Court of

Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting by designation

Mr. Mendoza also argues that he did not make a considered waiver of his right
to appeal because he was unaware of his possible eligibility for a waiver of
deportation. In light of our holding on the due process claims, this theory is
without merit

Mr. Mendoza claims for the first time on appeal that the INS lacked a prima
facie case for Mr. Mendoza's deportation hearing. We do not address this issue,
which was not considered and ruled on by the district court. See Farmers Ins.
Co. v. Hubbard, 869 F.2d 565, 570 (10th Cir.1989). Accordingly, Mr.
Mendoza's claims that he was coerced into admitting his alienage by the
allegedly improper deportation charges must also fail

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