Resume/CV Erik Unger

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Erik has experience in software engineering and architecture spanning over 14 years. He has worked on projects in areas like automotive, science, military and games. Erik is also interested in networking, economics and team dynamics.

Erik has experience with languages like C/C++, Java, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript, Pascal/Delphi and x86 Assembly.

Some companies Erik has worked for include AVL List, EADS, RedTribe, Customer Experts, Sixteen Tons Entertainment and more as listed in his resume.

Resume/CV - Erik Unger

Networker and Connector, Experienced Software Engineer/Architect,

Innovator, Idea Machine

Starting out as an introverted engineer, I have done a lot of personal

development over the last 2 years. Now I am more a networker and connector,
interested in finding out what people want and why. With my blog and its event calendar I have established myself in the
Melbourne social media and entrepreneurial scene.

My main technical expertise lies in large scale software development and

architecture, which I gained by working on projects in the areas of automotive,
science, military, geo information, 3D and games.

In nearly all projects, I worked on the design of the basics, the "engine" that
makes the rest of the project go. I am also known as the go-to guy for those
impossible problems that have been floating around unsolved for too long.

Over the 14 years of my professional career (20 years including programming as teenager) I have
worked with the following static typed languages: C/C++, C#, Java and Pascal/Delphi. The
dynamic typed languages I used are: Python, PHP, JavaScript and ActionScript. I have also used
x86 Assembler code to optimize performance and memory usage of critical program areas
(starting with drivers for graphics cards under MS-DOS, games, 2D and 3D rendering as well as
wearable military prototype hardware).

Beside large scale software, I have also developed smaller scale web applications. Databases I
have used include Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

I am very active in social media and would call myself an expert if this name had not been ruined
by so many bad experts out there ;-)

Beside my obvious passion for engineering and networking as mentioned above, I am very
interested in economics, work processes and team dynamics. In general I want to understand
what's going on behind the curtain to see the bigger picture.

Personal Data:
Born: 25. December 1975 in Graz, Austria
Mother: Mag. Veronika Unger - teacher for physics and mathematics
Father: Helmut Unger - pilot
Nationality: Austria
Lived in: Austria, Germany and Australia
Currently living in: Melbourne, Australia

1982-1986 4 Classes elementary school in Hönigthal
1986-1990 4 Classes BRG-Kepler in Graz
5 Classes and final examination at Höhere technische Bandeslehr - and Versuchsanstalt Graz
- Gösting (BULME), mechanical engineering

Technical Internships:
1991 Punitz-Flug (aircraft and airfield maintenance)
1994 Diamond Aircraft (aircraft building)
Computer Aided Technologies Tüchler: (3D standard-part library for I-DEAS Master Series

Additional Schoolings:
1994-1995 Course at HTL (BULME): Computerbuilding

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1994-1995 Course at HTL (BULME): Quality Techniques QII (Statistical Methods of Quality Assurance)
2001 First Aid Course

Community Service:
1996-1997 Firedepartment Liezen

Professional Career:

Several articles about graphics and 3D programming for PC Magazin - DOS and c't.
Among other: Programming of a realtime-raycasting engine like
1996-1998 Wolfenstein/Doom with Turbo Pascal ander DOS, Basics and graphics-effects,
loading and displaying of a 3D-model ander Windows with Delphi and DirectX

Porting of versions 5 - 7 of Microsofts DirectX for Borland Delphi, and porting of

the 3dfx 3D-driver interface Glide 2.x and 3.x for Borland Delphi (Austria)

1998 Implementation of an employe-data transmission service with Borland Delphi for the
(3 Months) building-trade software baudat (Austria)

1998-2000 2D/3D Track-editor and driving-simulator in Java with OpenGL for engine-
(18 Months) development and tests, developed for AVL List with (Austria)

2D/3D graphics-engine for the military GIS Geogrid, developed for EADS
2000-2003 (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company).
(2.5 Years) Implemented with C/C++ and OpenGL, Ports for Windows CE and embedded
systems plus serverside rendering for internet applications (Germany and Austria)

Co-Founder Bouncing Bytes (Unger & Lefkopoulos OEG) - up to 13 freelances working in our
offices (Austria)

Conception and project-management of a corporation critical online-database for

management of test- and serialnumberdata of highway-toll sensors with PHP and
(3 Months)
PostgreSQL for EFKON (Project Manager - Teamsize: 4) (Austria)

Expert-system for analysing market-trends, values-chains and product-features,

2003-2004 developed for Customer Experts.
(12 Months) Java application with custom object-oriented XML/Java database and custom
Swing Look-And-Feel for the user interface (Project Manager - Teamsize: 3) (Austria)

2004 Online-database for truck-bodies with PHP and MySQL for Karosserie/LKW-Service Wasner
(1 Month) (Austria)

2004-2005 Development of the 3D visualization component of the engine-optimization

(6 Months) software CAMEO of AVL List, implemented in C++ and C# with DirectX (Austria)

2005 Development of various components of the engine-optimization software CAMEO of AVL List
(10 Months) (Austria)

2006 Gameplayprogramming for the computer game The Show from Sixteen Tons
(6 Months) Entertainment (Germany)

2006 Working-time management application for "Kärntner Energie-Verband" implemented with

(4 Months) JSP and Oracle, as sub-contractor of Netconomy (Austria)

Price calculation tool for one of the biggest logistics companies, as sub contractor of
Customer Experts. Realized in C++ with the self developed libraries BaseLib, Ygui and
(2 Months)
Win32Widgets. (Austria)

2007 Development at a Adobe Flex project of Customer Experts. Tools: Adobe Flex Builder,
(3 Months) Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Oracle (Austria)

BaseLib: Self-development of a platform independent C++ base library, inspired by Java

2003-2008 and C# APIs. (Used thirdparty libraries: boost, libcurl, freetype, ICU, libjpeg, libxml2,
libpng, SQLite, zlib )

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Ygui: Self-development of a platform independent C++ GUI library for the time being only
2003-2008 with a widget library for Win32. Supports custom widget libraries, multilanguage, skinning
and stylesheets

Next-Reality Engine: Self-development of a platform independent, multithreaded 3D and

game engine.

Core-tech developer at RedTribe.

Game engine development: Extensions for the collision system, redesign of the
memory manager, memory profiling facilities.
Game development: Memory optimizations for Space Chimps the game.
Tools development: C# .NET Tools for memory profiling and asset database.
Softwaredesign for C++ base libraries. 3D viewer for models and animations.
Network messaging system.
(15 Months)
Programming languages: C++, C#, Python.
Platforms: Windows, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360.
Tools: MS Visual Studio, Eclipse, Perforce, console development kits,
SCons/inhouse build system.
Development Process: Scrum

Experience with:
Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, C#, Python, PHP, Java Script, Action Script, Pascal/Delphi,
Tools: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Adobe Flex Builder eMbedded Visual C++, Perforce, Subversion, CVS, Source
Safe, Harvest, Rational Rose, JBuilder, Delphi, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Doxygen, CppUnit SCons
Technologies: .NET, WPF, OpenGL, DirectX, Xbox360 SDK, PS2 SDK, Wii SDK, Adobe Flex JSP AJAX Design
Development Processes: V-Model at EADS, CMMI at AVL List, Scrum at RedTribe,
Operating Systems: Windows, Windows CE, Linux

German (native)
English (fluent)

PC Magazin - DOS
c't Magazine
DirectX and Glide for Delphi
EADS - Dornier
Customer Experts
AVL List
Sixteen Tons Entertainment

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