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Mechanical Engineering Department

Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

InstitutTeknologi Bandung
History & Overview
Mechanical Engineering department ITB was founded on August 1, 1941 as part of
TechnischeHogeschool (TH) Bandoeng, a higher education institution established by the Dutch EastIndies government in 1920. Not long after the declaration of independence of the Republic
Indonesia in 1945, the campus became the residence of the Engineering School of Universitas
Indonesia. In 1959, the present ITB was founded by the Indonesian government as a higher
education institution of science, technology and fine arts, with education, research and community
service missions.
In January 2006, the management of resources and programs was shifted from department to
Faculty/School. The Mechanical Engineering Department were under Faculty of Industrial
Technology until December 2007. In further reorganization of ITB to enhance agility and ability to
swiftly respond to challenges facing the country, the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering was formed. Mechanical Engineering Department became part of Faculty of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering together with Aerospace and Material Engineering Departments.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, currently is the largest educational and research group in
the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The undergraduate program is a 4-year, 144
credit units with a curriculum that is geared toward producing engineers that have the abilities to
design, develop, manufacture, operate and test various equipment or devices.
The department has collaborative in educational and research activitieswith numerous industrial
partners which. Students could benefit from this collaboration by participating in the industrial
internship program and networking to enhance post-graduate professional opportunities. The
industrial partners come from various fields, both national and international corporations.
Vision & Mission
Shall be an institution of higher education and center of development for mechanical engineering,
continuously striving for excellence, reliability and respectability, and actively participate in the
nation's development and prosperity.
1. Keeping up-to-date of the very latest in knowledge and technology related to mechanical
engineering through research and development activities.

2. Conducting higher and continuing education activities in mechanical engineering fields.

3. Disseminate knowledge, technology and industrial views to the society, both through its
graduates, partnership with industries or other institutions, as well as services to the society.
Curriculum Overview
1. 1st year (common first year (TPB)). Students of FMAE will study the basic concept of
engineering, including: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Introduction to Engineering and
Design, and Statics. Students are also take courses in Physical Education, English, Scientific
Writing, and Programming. The total course is 36 credits.
2. 2nd 4th year. Students will study the Mechanical engineering sciences, including energy
conversion, mechanical design, production engineering, control, and maintenance. The
compulsory course is 96 credits. Several courses include laboratory activity to deepen the
understanding of the course such as material engineering, manufacturing processes,
mechatronics, and engineering design. Student should take 15 credits of electives based on
their interest in the field of study, and usually related to their undergraduate thesis topics. In
addition to the General Mechanical Engineering stream, interested students may opt for
either Mechatronics or Production Engineering streams.
3. Final project. In the final year, students should finished the final project by conducting
research in their areas of interest, i.e. Mechanical Design, Energy Conversion, Mechanical
Production Engineering, and Mechatronics. Each of the research area is supported by
laboratories and faculty staffs from relevant research groups. The objective of the final
project is to synthesize the mechanical engineering science, apply the scientific method to
do the problem solving and obtain the research objective, and deepen the understanding of
student in the current research areas.
Research Group
The academic and research programs as well as collaborative activities are supported by various
facilities and expertise of the academic staffs, mainly from the following research groups.

Mechanical Design
Mechanical Design research group has a wide research scope in the area of mechanical
engineering design, ranging from engineering design, mechanics of materials, bio-mechanics,
dynamics of machinery and vibration-based predictive maintenance.

Energy Conversion
Energy conversion research group has active research and development activities in diverse
energy-related topics, such as thermo-fluid engineering, heat transfer, computational fluid
dynamics, heating-ventilating-air-conditioning, biomass energy utilization, wind energy and
solar thermal energy.

Mechanical Production Engineering

Mechanical production engineering has active research and development activities in the
area of manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems, quality control, robotics,
automation systems, computer-aided manufacturing and sustainable manufacturing.


Basic Manufacturing Laboratory

Machine Tools & Production
Equipment Laboratory
Metrology Laboratory
Automation & Production System
Internal Combustion Engine &
Propulsion Construction Laboratory
Fluid Machinery Laboratory

Cryogenic, Refrigeration & Air

Conditioning Laboratory
Thermal Energy Laboratory
Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Mechanics and Mechanical
Construction Laboratory
Computing Laboratory
Dynamic Laboratory

Learning Process and Academic Atmosphere

In order to build their strong knowledge as future mechanical engineers, mechanical engineering
students should take compulsory subjects such as engineering drawing, statics, dynamics, strength
of materials, materials engineering, instrumentation, mechatronics, thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics, heat transfer, mechanical vibration, control theory, engineering design and
manufacturing process. Students are facilitated by a number of laboratories to do practical work,
research and experiment to back up their knowledge and sense of engineering.

Mechanical engineering students are very active in various engineering contests. Since 2010, ITB has
regularly sent teams to Shell-Eco marathon Asia contest, a world level competition where students
are challenged to design, build and test energy efficient vehicles. Many mechanical engineering
students joint these teams and played important roles in their teams. Mechanical engineering
students also succeeded in a number of national competitions. They are currently the champion of
KRAI 2015, a very prestigious robotic contest in Indonesia, where university students from all over
Indonesia participated.The students of mechanical engineering can also take part on other activities,
such as students association,industrial exposures andvarious trainings.

Graduate Prospect
Job markets available to the mechanical engineering graduates are very wide coveringvarious areas,
and the demand of mechanical engineers is still very high. Possible job market areas for the
mechanical engineering graduates are:

Design and analysis of engineering systems such as in automotive and railways (design,
analysis, production, assembling and quality control of vehicles and spare parts), machine
tools, petrochemical, oil & gas industries, power plant, mechanical system in the building (air
conditioning, water supply, waste water circulation, hoisting equipment, elevator, fire
hydrants), etc.

Operation and maintenance: as operator and maintenance engineer in any factory such as
oil and gas, petrochemical, power plant, etc.

Production and manufacturing (including planning and operation) in manufacture industries

(such as vehicles), material manufacturers, fabrication, consumer goods, etc.

Power generation: to take care of the power generation using water/steam/gas turbine
related equipments such as pumps, fans, blowers to control the system, etc.

Service company: inspection, failure analysis, corrosion, modification & repair of engineering

Academic/researcher in university/research institutions.

Government officials (department/ministry of industries, transportation, infrastructure,

energy, education, etc.).

Industrial Links

BPPT (Ministry of Research and

Applied Technology)
LIPI (Indonesian Science Institute)
BalaiKeramik (Ceramic Research
MIDC (Metal and Industrial
Development Center)
P3KT-PUSPITEK (institution for
Applied Chemistry)
PPGL (Geological Research Center)
PT. Krakatau Steel
PT. PupukKaltim
Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF)
Total Indonesia
Dephan (Indonesian Department of
Garuda Indonesia

PT. Dirgantara Indonesia

PT. Pertamina
LNG Arun
Total Fina ELF
Bdak NGL
Petrokimia Gresik
KNKT (National Committee for
Transportation Safety)
Astra Otopart
PT. KramaYudhaRatu Motor
PT. Indonesia Power
KMDICA (Korea Medical Devices
Industry Cooperative Association)
PT. Aker Solution

International Cooperation

USA (MIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, Ohio State University)

Canada (Quebec University, McMaster University)
England (Sheffield University, Cranfield University, Aston University)
Netherlands (TU Delft, University of Twente)
Germany (RWTH-AACHEN University)
Japan (The University of Tokyo, Toyohashi University of Technology, Keio University, Tohoku
University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka Prefecture University, Hokkaido University,
Hiroshima University)
Malaysia (UKL, USM, UKM, UM, UTP, UTM)
Taiwan (National Cheng Kung University)
Korea (Konkuk University, KAIST, Sungkyunkwan University, Sejong University)
Singapore (National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University)
Saudi Arabia (King Saud University)
Czech Republic (Czech Technical University in Prague)

Labtek II Building, 2nd Floor
InstitutTeknologi Bandung
JlGanesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia

: +62 22 2504243


: +62 22 2534099




: [email protected]

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