A Compiler Writer Guide To C#

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A compiler-writers guide to C#

Mark Shields
University of Melbourne

C# p.1/89

Microsofts contractual-obligations alternative to Java

Now ECMA Standard 334

The usual features:
Overloading and overriding of methods
Subtyping, explicit conversions
Garbage collection

C# p.2/89

Not just Microsoft Java

Some nice touches:

Enumeration types
Pass-by-reference and output-only params
Variable argument lists
User-defined operators
User-defined conversions
Sugar for some common programming situations:
Properties and indexed access
Collection enumeration
Events and delegates

Many efficiency-inspired features:

Virtual and non-virtual methods
Unboxed values, with automatic boxing/unboxing support
Direct (unsafe) pointer manipulation
Checked and unchecked arithmetic

C# p.3/89

Open to growth?

Possible language extensions:

Generics [Syme, Kenedy, PLDI 2001]
Join patterns [Benton, Cardelli, Fournet, FOOL 9]
Closures, staged computation, higher-kinded generics, ...
All beyond ECMA though

C# p.4/89


Typically will be run on (some implementation of) the Microsoft Common

Language Runtime:
Dynamic assembly loading and JIT compilation
Class-centric stack-based intermediate language
Support for type reflection
Targeting the CLR is easy

So far though, not many compilers:

Microsoft Visual Studio.Net includes C# compiler
[Commercial] [Windows only]
Microsoft .NET SDK includes command-line C# compiler
[Free (adverb)] [Windows only]
Microsoft Rotor includes source of old version of command-line C# compiler
[sscli/clr/src/csharp/csharp/sccomp, 77kl C++ code]
[Free (adjective)] [Windows and BSD]
Ximian Mono includes source of (alpha) C# compiler
[mcs-0.11/mcs, 31kl C# code] [Free (adjective)] [Windows and Linux/BSD]

C# p.5/89

Give overview of language from point of view of compiler writer
Code generation for CLR is trivial, so well focus on type checking
Specification is 410 pages, almost no formal methods, and frustratingly
verbosely written
Well boil much of it down to five parts:
1. Syntactic Quirks
2. Types and Declarations
3. Procedural sub-language
4. Inheritance
5. Sugar

C# p.6/89

I: Syntactic Quirks

C# p.7/89

No lexical distinction between type and term identifiers
Unicode escapes in identifiers and string literals aka Java
Keywords may be used as identifiers by prefixing with @
Conditional compilation: #define, #undef, #if/#elif/#else/#endif (no
macro expansion)

Most infix/postfix operator names may be used as member function names by

prefixing with operator
But only for declarations:
public static MyInt operator + (MyInt x, MyInt y) { ... }
And only for built-in operator names
Hence only useful for overloading built-in operators
Can overload literals true and false
None of this in Java

C# p.8/89

Namespace control
Compilation units identified with files, but filename not significant
Assemblies units of dynamically loaded code (executable or library)
Assemblies contain multiple compilation units
Type declarations cannot span compilation units
Compilation units may contain multiple type declarations
Explicit namespace blocks qualify enclosed defined names
namespace N1 {
class C { ... }
/* == N1.C */
namespace N2 {
class C { ... } /* == N1.N2.C */
namespace N3.N4 {
class C { ... }
/* == N3.N4.C */

C# p.9/89

Namespaces cont.
Same namespace may be distributed over many scopes within many compilation
namespace N1 {
class D { ... }
/* == N1.D */
Types may be qualified
Types (but not namespaces) may be imported from a namespace
using N1;
/* C
== N1.C */
/* D
== N1.D */
/* N2.C undefined */

Name clashes tested lazily (aka Haskell)

Types names and namespace names may be abbreviated
using N12 =
/* N12.C ==
using N1C =
/* N1C

N1.N2.C */
N1.C */

Abbreviations not significant in other abbreviations

C# p.10/89

Access control
Most declarations specify their visibility
protected internal subclasses and assembly
defining class and subclasses
defining class
Not all modifiers apply to all declaration forms in all contexts
Accessibility must be consistent. Eg:
public class C {
private enum D { MkD }
public D m() { ... }

Error since m is public but result is private

C# p.11/89

Nested types
Classes and structs (but not interfaces) may be nested, but (unlike Java) only
significance is in qualification and accessibility
Many other named definitions similarly qualified
class C {
private static void f() { return; } /* == C.f */
class D {
public static void g() { f(); }

/* == C.D */
/* == C.D.g */

range over namespace contexts


range over namespace names. Let

. .


No namespaces within classes

Can formalize all this in the well-kinding judgement

is well-formed type under , and is fully-qualified as

In namespace context


C# p.12/89

II: Types and Declarations

C# p.13/89

Types ( )

Value types: instances stored on stack, passed by value

Primitive value types: ( )
sbyte, byte
1 byte
short, ushort 2 bytes
int, uint
4 bytes
long, ulong
8 bytes
2 bytes
4 bytes
8 bytes (IEEE)
16 bytes (base 10 exponent, no NaNs)
1 byte

Enumeration types: where is a declared enumeration

Structure types: where is a declared structure

C# p.14/89

Types cont.

Reference types: instances stored in heap, passed by reference

Class types:
where is a declared class
Interface types: where is a declared interface
Array types: [, ] for
. The arrays rank is
(One of only two structural types!)
Strings: string
Pointer types (more later)

C# p.15/89

C# uses implicit subtype polymorphism

(cf Haskells implicit parametric polymorphism)

( is a subtype of ) if any value of type may be coerced to a value
of type
For reference types, coercion will always be the identity
For value types, coercion will change bits without changing value
The subtype relation is rich and user-extensible
Actually quite a few relations which come into play for various features

C# p.16/89

Compilation unit is set of namespace and type declarations (no global functions
or values)
Type declarations include classes, structures, interfaces and enumerations
Within class and struct declarations may declare types, fields, constructors,
destructors, methods, and constants
(To make examples easier, well assume an interpreter for statements:
> int i = 1 + 1;
> Console.WriteLine(i);
==> 2
This avoids having to wrap every code fragment within a declaration)

C# p.17/89

Key unit of declaration: class

is the class name
is either empty or the single base class of


Class declarations

are interfaces implemented by

are the class members of
Base class is implicitly object (cosmic root) if none given

implement the interfaces declared

a subtype of each of



Extends the subtyping relation to make

Asserts that

A class declaration does four things:

Introduces a new nominal record type as an extension of an existing nominal
record type
Introduces some (stylized) procedures operating on references to instances
of that record type

is standard by-width record subtyping

is more subtle (more later)

C# p.18/89

Class declarations: example

public class Point {
const int zero = 0;
/* constant */
int x;
/* fields */
int y;
public Point(int x, int y) {
/* constructor */
this.x = x; this.y = y;
public void move(int dx, int dy) { /* member decls */
this.x += dx; this.dy += dy;
public Point moved(int dx, int dy) {
return new Point(this.x + dx, this.y + dy);
public class ColoredPoint : Point {
enum Color { Red, Blue, Green }
/* type decl */
Color c;
/* extended field decl */
public void makeRed() { c = Red; } /* extended member decl */

C# p.19/89

Structure declarations

As for classes, but:

May only derive (implicitly) from object
(May still implement any number of interfaces)
No virtual methods
Restrictions ensure structures are mostly just pass-by-value records
struct Point {
public int x;
public int y;
public void move(int dx, int dy) {
this.x += dx; this.y += dy;

C# p.20/89

Interface declarations

Declares a name for a set of members which may be implemented by classes

(says nothing about fields, constructors, types or constants):
is the interface name
are the base interfaces which extend
must be bodiless member declarations only
Simple example:
public interface IPoint {
public void move(int dx, int dy);
public class Point : IPoint {
public void move(int dx, int dy) { ... }
> Point p = new Point(1, 2);
> IPoint ip = p;
> ip.move(3, 4);

C# p.21/89

Interface declarations cont.

Interface extension is mostly just set union:
public interface IColoredPoint {
public void makeRed();
public class ColoredPoint : Point, IColoredPoint {
public void makeRed() { c = Red; }

C# p.22/89

Enumeration declarations
Not in Java
Introduces a type and a discrete set of constants of that type
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }
> Color c = Red;
> Console.WriteLine(c);
==> Red
Constants may be explicitly assigned from integers

Some arithmetic on enumeration constants

Underlying representation may be specified
enum Color : byte { Red = 2, Green = Red - 1, Blue = Green - 1 }

No enumeration extension :-)

C# p.23/89

Constant declarations
May declare compile-time constants, but not for structures or arrays (or pointers)
class C {
public const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643D

Value must be computable at compile-time:

Literals, built-in operators and other constants only
No cycles
No method calls
No instance creation (so constants of reference type must be null)

C# p.24/89

Constructor/destructor declarations

Two flavors of constructor declarations:

Static constructor : called before first access of static field, static member or
instance constructor to initialize static fields of class
Instance constructor : called after space for new instance has been created
to initialize instance fields.
Destructors called when instance about to be garbage collected (no static
Instance constructors and destructors passed an implicit reference to instance
named this

C# p.25/89

Constructor/destructer declarations cont.

class C {
int i;
public static C() { Console.WriteLine("loaded"); }
public C(int i)
{ this.i = i; Console.WriteLine("created {0}", i); }
C() { Console.WriteLine("destroyed {0}", i); }
> C c = new C(1);
==> loaded
==> created 1
> c = new C(2);
==> created 2
<arbitrary operations>
==> destroyed 1

May explicitly call constructors from constructors

class D : C {
int j;
public D() : this(0, 0) { }
public D(int j) : this(0, j) { }
public D(int i, int j) : base(i) { this.j = j; }
C# p.26/89

Field declarations

Two flavors of field declarations:

Static fields: global variable, name qualified by class
Instance fields: record field within each instance, accessible via . notation
class C {
int i;
public static int j;
public C(int i) { this.i = i; }
> C c = new C(1);
> c.i = c.i + 2;
> Console.WriteLine(c.i);
==> 3
> C.j = 1;
> Console.WriteLine(C.j);
==> 1

C# p.27/89

Fields declarations cont.

Fields may be explicitly initialized

Fields may be read-only

for instance fields: initialized when instance constructed
for static fields: initialized when class loaded
class D {
readonly int i;
public static readonly C c = new C(1);
public C(int i) { this.i = i; }

C# p.28/89

Field declarations cont.

Instance/static fields initialized in sequence
1. to default value appropriate for type (0, null, false, etc); then
2. by explicit initializers; then
3. by assignments within instance/static constructor
class E {
public static int a = b + 1;
public static int b = a + 1;
public static E() { a = a + 2; b = b + 3; }
> Console.WriteLine("a = {0}, b = {1}", E.a, E.b)
==> a = 3, b = 5

C# p.29/89

Member declarations

Three flavors of member functions:

Static: global function, name qualified by class
Instance, non-virtual: global procedure, name qualified by class, implicit
this parameter
Instance, virtual: (conceptually) readonly field of instance (of procedural
type) with default binding to given body, implicit this parameter (more later)
Complicated by overloading and overriding (more later)

C# p.30/89

Member declarations cont.

is implemented as




within class/interface


Non-virtual instance methods always take implicit reference to instance as

implicit argument named this

and which


to call (more later))

(But we must determine which



Calls to non-virtual instance methods always with respect to particular instance:

is implemented as
(Virtual methods bit more complicated (more later))
Instance fields implicitly in scope within instance methods
class C {
public int i;
public C(int i) { this.i = i; }
public int next() { i++; return this.i; }
C# p.31/89

Member declarations cont.

Result may be any type or void (void is not a type!)

Arguments may be of any type, and use any of 3 calling conventions:

By value: int x
By reference: ref int x (cf C++ int& x)
By output: out int x
Calls must also specify convention, which must match:
class C {
public static int m(int x, ref int y, out int z) {
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
z = x + y;
return x + y + z;
> int x = 1, y = 2, z;
> Console.WriteLine("result = {0}, x = {1}, y = {2}, z = {3}",
C.m(x, ref y, out z), x, y, z);
==> result = 10, x = 1, y = 3, z = 5

C# p.32/89

Member declarations cont.

Variable arguments possible using parameter arrays
class C {
public static int m(int x, params int[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("Called with {0} args", args.Length + 1)
> C.m(1);
==> Called with
> C.m(1, 2, 3);
==> Called with
> int[] a = {2,
> C.m(1, a);
==> Called with

1 args
3 args
3, 4};
4 args

Neither of above in Java

Covariant subtyping for value arguments, invariant for ref and out arguments

C# p.33/89

III: Procedural sub-language

C# p.34/89


42, 0x2a
a, \n
true, false
null, "Hello world!"
where is an enum-type with enum-member
is a class/interface/array type


C# p.35/89

Side-effecting of course!
Static and instance method call
Fields access
Usual operators, compound assignment, and conditional expressions of C:
++, -, +, -, !, ~, *, /, %, , , <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, &, ^, |, &&, ||, ?:, =

equivalent to

; x = ( )(x

Array creation: new

Instance creation: new

* / % + - & ^ |



); return x; }

x =

Compound assignment:

logical operators typed with bool rather than int

char is not int
built-in operators for string and decimal
Covariant subtyping for assignment:
> C c = new C();
> object o = c;

] (more later)

C# p.36/89

Expressions cont.

yields true iff

is null


Silent conversion:
as where reference type. Yields null if
or the run-time type of
is not a subtype of

invokes explicit conversion from

Numeric overflow: checked(

) enables overflow checking for evaluation of
numeric operators lexically within
(throws System.OverflowException).
Dually for unchecked(

Explicit conversion: ( )
(which must exist) (more later)

is not null and run-time


Run-time type testing:

type of
is subtype of

Type reflection: typeof( ) yields instance of System.Type representing

C# p.37/89

Usual statements of C: if, if/else, while, do/while, for, break,
continue, return
Variables introduced at start of any block
switch on value types (including enumerations) and string (unlike Java), no
switch (i) {
case 0:
case 1:
goto case 0;
case 2:
case 3:
goto default;

labeled statements, goto label or case arm

C# p.38/89

multi-dimensional, base zero indexed, index checked (raises
System.IndexOutOfRangeException if fail)
> int[,] a = new int[5,2];
> a[1,2] = 1;
> Console.WriteLine(a[0,0]);
==> 0
May be initialized (but no "array literals")
> int[,] a = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}}
> Console.WriteLine(a[2,1]);
==> 5
Covariantly subtyped for reference types (!)
> string [] strs = { "A", "B", "C" };
> object [] objs = strs;
> Console.WriteLine(objs[1])
==> "B"
Hence every update requires type compatability test (raises
System.ArrayTypeMismatchExcepiton if fail)
> objs[2] = (object)2;
==> Uncaught exception: ArrayTypeMismatchException

Invariantly subtyped for value types

C# p.39/89

As for Java
try {
throw (new Exception("fail"));
catch (System.NullReferenceException e) { ... }
catch (Exception e) { ... }
catch { ... }
finally { ... }
User-defined exceptions declared by deriving from System.Exception
No throws declarations on methods (hence all exceptions unchecked in Java

C# p.40/89

Exceptions cont.
All failures cause exceptions:
Run-time system OutOfMemoryException
Load-time ex.
Blocks may be prefixed by checked/unchecked with same effect as
expressions (lexical scope only)

C# p.41/89

Unsafe code
C pointer types and pointer arithmetic available as sub-language
Lexically delimited by unsafe modifier on declaration or an unsafe block.

Ok to call an unsafe method from a safe method

Pointer types:
* or void * (The only other structural type!)
Declaration of must not contain reference types, ie must be primitive value
type, pointer type, or structure with fields only of these types

C# p.42/89

Unsafe code cont.

Usual dereferences: *
-> ,
Usual arithmetic: ++, -, +, Usual comparison: ==, >, etc
sizeof( ) only in unsafe context
legal if
denotes a fixed variable, ie is a local variable, field of fixed
variable, or pointer dereference
Addresses of movable variables can only be taken within specific scope (so
gc can be told not to move relevant object)
static unsafe void Test() {
int[] a = new int[100];
fixed (int* p = a) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
*p++ = 1

C# p.43/89

Unsafe code cont.

Can allocate on stack
static unsafe void Test() {
char* buf = stackalloc char[16];
fixed (char *p = "A string") {
char *q = buf;
while (*p != 0)
*q++ = *p++;
*q = 0;

C# p.44/89

IV : Inheritance

C# p.45/89

Now it starts getting interesting...

Our goal now is to understand the interaction of three features:

Subtyping (implicit conversions)
Overloading (same name, different type signatures)
Overriding (stylized form of second-order programming)

C# p.46/89

(parameter passing convention) range over ref out






) {

to method declarations by



Define the type signature of a sequence of method parameter declarations by:

Note: return type and params are not part of type signature



Define the expanded signature set by:


Likewise extend to method declarations

C# p.47/89


Method (but not field) declarations may be overloaded:

method may have
definitions within class and (transitive) base classes
provided their signatures are distinct
methods in unrelated classes are already distinguished by respective class
class C {
public static int not(int i) { return 1 - i; }
public static int not(bool b) { return b ? 0 : 1; }
> Console.WriteLine(C.not(1));
==> 0
> Console.WriteLine(C.not(true));
==> false

Exploited for all the built-in operators



int operator +(int x, int y);

uint operator +(uint x, uint y);
float operator +(float x, float y);
string operator +(string x, string y);

C# p.48/89

Overloading cont.
Implicit subtyping on argument types may make more than one method
applicable to a call, overloading resolution chooses best
class A { ... }
class B : A { ... }
class C : B { ... }
class D {
public static void
public static void
public static void
public static void
> A a = new A();
> C c = new C();
> D.m(a);
==> D.m(A)
> D.m(c);
==> D.m(B)
> D.m(a, c); /*
==> D.m(A, B)
> D.m(c, c); /*
==> Error: D.m(A




Console.WriteLine("D.m(A)"); }
Console.WriteLine("D.m(B)"); }
b) { Console.WriteLine("D.m(A, B)");
a) { Console.WriteLine("D.m(B, A)");

{ D.m(A a) } */
{ D.m(A a), D.m(B b) }, D.m(B b) < D.m(A a) */
{ D.m(A a, B b) } */
{ D.m(A a, B b), D.m(B b, A a) } */
a, B b) and D.m(B b, A a) incomparable

All else being equal, methods without params prefered to those with
C# p.49/89

Virtual methods
In Java, all methods virtual
In C# (like C++), must explicitly distinguish virtual from non-virtual
Conceptually: virtual methods are stored in instance, non-virtual methods are
global procedures:
class C {
int i = 1;
public virtual void v(int j)
{ Console.WriteLine("C.v({0})", j); }
public void nv(int j)
{ Console.WriteLine("C.nv({0})", j); }

is conceptually sugar for:

class C {
int i = 1;
readonly void v(C, int) =
\(C this, int j) -> Console.WriteLine("C.v({0})", j);
public void C.nv(C this, int j)
{ Console.WriteLine("C.nv({0})", j); }
C# p.50/89

Virtual methods cont.

Similarly, virtual method call is via instance, non-virtual method call is via global
> C c = new C();
> c.v(2);
> c.nv(3);

is conceptually sugar for:

> C c = new C();
> c.v(c, 2);
> C.nv(c, 3);

In popular parlance: virtual methods dispatch on run-time type, non-virtual

methods dispatch on compile-time type
In practice: implemented as in C++ using pointer in instance to vtable of virtual
method function pointers in inheritance order

C# p.51/89

Virtual methods cont.

Virtual functions of (transitive) base class may be (explicitly) overridden in

derived classes
Name, return type and signature in derived class must match declaration in
(transitive) base class
Must declare using override keyword
If simply wish to shadow an inherited virtual function, should declare using
new keyword (otherwise warning, since could be unintended shadowing of
newly introduced virtual member)

Conceptually: field for virtual method is re-initialized with overridden method

when derived class initialized
Interaction of virtual methods and subtyping gives us a stylized form of
second-order programming
Conjecture: this is real reason why OO works quite well
Claims of data encapsulation are for most part bogus (witness research on
representation escape analysis for OO languages)

C# p.52/89

Virtual methods cont.

For example:
class A {
public void nv() { Console.WriteLine("A.nv"); }
public virtual void v() { Console.WriteLine("A.v"); }
class B : A {
public new void nv() { Console.WriteLine("B.nv"); }
public override void v() { Console.WriteLine("B.v"); }
class C : B { }
> C c = new C();
> A a = c;
> a.nv();
==> A.nv
> c.nv();
==> B.nv
> a.v();
==> B.v
> c.v();
==> B.v

C# p.53/89

Virtual methods cont.

Concetually sugar for:
class A {
readonly void v(A) =
\(this) -> Console.WriteLine("A.v");
public void A.nv(A this) { Console.WriteLine("A.nv"); }
class B : A {
public B() { this.v = \(B this) -> Console.WriteLine("B.nv"); }
public void B.nv(B this) { Console.WriteLine("B.nv"); }
class C : B { }
> C c = new C();
> A a = c;
> A.nv(a);
==> A.nv
> B.nv(c);
==> B.nv
> a.v(a);
==> B.v
> c.v(c);
==> B.v
But notice contravariance on type of this
C# p.54/89

Virtual methods cont.

Virtual functions may be abstract (ie declare a field to hold member function
without also supplying a binding).
Containing class must be similarly declared abstract (and cannot have
abstract class A {
public abstract void v();
class B : A {
public override void v() { Console.WriteLine("B.v"); }

Overriding definition may also be abstract

An overriding definition may be sealed, preventing any further overriding in
(transitive) derived classes
abstract class A {
public abstract void v() { Console.WriteLine("A.v"); }
class B : A {
public sealed override void v() { Console.WriteLine("B.v"); }
C# p.55/89


Listing an interface in a class s base class list:

Implies and its (transitive) base classes provide an implementation for
each member function declared in and its (transitive) base interfaces.
(Matching is by name, return type and type signature)
Makes a subtype of

Conceptually: interfaces are abstract classes containing only abstract virtual

Coercion from to fills-in virtual functions of from member functions
(virtual or otherwise) of
This (conceptual) process termed interface matching

In practice: calling a member function through an interface is handled specially

Coercion from to is the identity
Each object has extra pointer to interface dispatch table
Interface member functions hashed to offsets
Stub code checks for collisions at run-time
Since tables can be large, cache performance suffers
Hence could optimistically branch and test run-time type information

C# p.56/89

Interfaces cont.
interface I {
public void m();
interface J {
public void n();
class C : I, J {
public void m() { Console.WriteLine("C.m"); }
public void n() { Console.WriteLine("C.n"); }
> C c = new C();
> I i = c;
> J j = c;
> i.m();
==> C.m
> j.n();
==> C.n

C# p.57/89

Interfaces cont.
Unlike Java, implementation of interface members may be supplied without
polluting class interface
class C : I, J {
void I.m() { Console.WriteLine("C.m"); }
void J.n() { Console.WriteLine("C.n"); }
m and n not visible from C, only via I and J

Derived classes may re-implement an interface already implemented by a base


C# p.58/89

Type Equality
Types fully-qualified during kind checking

Most types nominal

[, ]

[, ]



C# p.59/89

Simple Subtyping:

is the natural subtyping relation

For numeric types: coercion changes representation (bits), but not value
For reference types: coercion is identity

Applies in
Run-time type testing (is)
Run-time silent conversion (as)

Constructed from
Subtyping on built-in types
User-defined class and interface inheritance

There are four (!) notions of subtyping coexisting in C#

C# p.60/89

Simple Subtyping cont.

For value types:












C# p.61/89

Simple Subtyping cont.



reference type

[, ]

[, ]




For other types:

[, ]

System.Array System.ICloneable

C# p.62/89

User-defined conversion operators

User may define implicit and explicit conversion operators
class C {
int i;
public C(int i) { this.i = i; }
public static implicit operator int(C c) { return c.i; }
public static explicit operator sbyte(C c)
{ return (checked ((sbyte)c.i)); }
> C c = new C(128);
> Console.WriteLine(c);
==> 128
> Console.WriteLine((sbyte)c);
==> Uncaught exception: OverflowException

In an implicit(explicit) coercion, at most one user-defined implicit(explicit)

coercion operator is used
No user-defined coercions in Java

C# p.63/89


iff an implicit conversion exists from

Implicit Subtyping:
Coercion may involve arbitrary computation

Applies in
Assignment, even to array elements
Method call, for call-by-value arguments

Constructed from
User-defined implicit conversion operators

We can coerce by composing simple subtyping with at most one user-defined

implicit conversion operator, provided there is a best such operator

C# p.64/89

) iff

has a least element

ordered under


The set

( has an implicit user-defined coercion to

are not interface types


Implicit Subtyping cont.



) {

implicit operator



Now define

implicit operator
) {
implicit operator
) {

the set of implicit conversion operators declared in class

or structure type and its (transitive) base classes


need not be transitive!

C# p.65/89


iff an explicit conversion exists from

Explicit Subtyping:

For numeric types: coercion may loose information or raise exception (in
checked context)

For reference types: if

, coercion is identity.
, downcast coercion is

\x -> let
= run-time-type-of(x)
in if
then x
else throw InvalidCastExpression

Coercion may involve arbitrary computation

Applies in
Explicit casts

Constructed from
Conversions on built-in types
User-defined explicit conversion operators
Defined much as for

C# p.66/89

Overloading Subtyping:

, but with additional subtyping on value types:





as for


Need variation on
to ensure methods on signed integers considered better
than those on unsigned integers


(args) {

Plus special tiebreaker rule: if methods equal under

params above method without params


(args) {


Now define the better-than ordering on method definitions as:

, place method with

C# p.67/89







class interface struct


no field, constant, type or enumeration member defined in


class interface struct

is visible in current context
is not an override method

, the set of member functions accessible within
class/interface/structure definition as follows

Notice we dont keep track of class-of-origin of methods

can easily do so explicitly; or
stamp every member definition with a unique natural number to keep them
C# p.68/89


Given a method call

Method resolution






ref out



(we can always determine types bottom-up,
hence no interaction between typing and resolution)
and where is a class/interface/structure type
define the set of applicable members as

has a least method definition

The call is well-typed (with type ) if the set

ordering whose return type is

And you thought Haskells type system was complicated :-)

C# p.69/89

V : Sugar

C# p.70/89

Base access

base allows access to fields or methods of a base class hidden by a derived


with base class

, base is type-checked as

is sugar for (using internal form of method declarations)



Within a declaration within class

(( )this)

and overridden within

is virtual within

This applies even if

So need to be a bit more precise with our encoding of virtual methods...

C# p.71/89

Overload field access and assignment syntax
class Even {
int i = 0;
public int Value {
get { return i * 2; }
set { i = value / 2; }
> Even e = new Even();
> e.Value = 11;
> Console.WriteLine(e.Value);
==> 10

C# p.72/89

Properties cont.


} set {

{ get {

} }

value) {


get_ () {
void set_ (

Sugar for





sugar for



. sugar for


Read-only fields: declare get accessor only

Write-only fields: declare set accessor only
May be virtual

C# p.73/89

Overload array access syntax
class BitArray {
int[] bits;
public BitArray(int len) { bits = new int[((len - 1) >> 5) + 1]
public bool this[int index] {
get { return (bits[index >> 5] & 1 << index) != 0; }
set { if (value)
bits[index >> 5] |= 1 << index;
bits[index >> 5] &= (1 << index); }
> BitArray a = new BitArray(10);
> a[1] = true;
> Console.WriteLine(a[1]);
==> true

C# p.74/89


} }



value) {

} set {

] { get {
Sugar for
) {
void set_Index(

Indexers cont.




sugar for




] sugar for


May be virtual
May be overloaded

C# p.75/89

Delegate declaration names a function type
Delegate instance is pair of object pointer and method pointer

A poor-mans closure:
Nominal, not structural
Captures state of one object only, no nesting

C# p.76/89

Delegates cont.
> let j = 1
> in let f = \i -> i + j
> in f 2 + f 3
==> 7
public delegate int IntToInt(int i);
class J {
int j;
public J(int j) { this.j = j; }
public int add(int i) { return i + j; }
> J j = new J(1);
> IntToInt f = new IntToInt(j.add);
> Console.WriteLine(f(2) + f(3));
==> 7

C# p.77/89

Delegates cont.

So, very roughly speaking:

public delegate int IntToInt(int i);
is sugar for the (internal) declaration:
newtype IntToInt = IntToInt
a . (a, (a, Int) -> Int)
Creation new IntToInt(j.add) is sugar for the (internal) term
IntToInt (j, add)
Call f(2) is abbreviation for the (internal) term
case f of IntToInt (o, m) -> m(o, 2)
Cf Java (using anonymous classes)
interface J {
public int add(int i);
> J f = new J {
int j = 1;
public add(int i) { return i + j; }
> }
> System.out.println(f.add(2) + f.add(3));
==> 7
C# p.78/89

Delegates cont.
Delegate types are reference types
Instances of delegate types yielding void can may combined (chained) using +
public delegate void IntToVoid(int i);
class K {
public static void printInt(int i) { Console.WriteLine(i); }
public static void printSign(int i) {
Console.WriteLine(i >= 0 ? "+" : "-");
> IntToVoid f = new IntToVoid(K.printInt);
> IntToVoid g = new IntToVoid(K.printSign);
> Console.WriteLine((f + g)(1));
==> 1
==> +
May remove delegate instance from combined delegate instance using -

May also create delegate instances from static methods and other delegate

C# p.79/89

An event field stores a (possibly composite) delegate instance
Internally is just field of delegate type
Externally can be manipulated by += and -= operators only
(Presumably) only delegates types yielding void may be used

C# p.80/89

Events cont.
public delegate void IntToVoid(int i);
class C {
int i;
public event IntToVoid IntHandler;
public C(int i) { this.i = i; }
public void test() { IntHandler(i); }
class K {
public static void printInt(int i) { Console.WriteLine(i); }
public static void printSign(int i) {
Console.WriteLine(i >= 0 ? "+" : "-");
> C c = new C(1);
> c.IntHandler += new IntToVoid(K.printInt);
> c.IntHandler += new IntToVoid(K.printSign);
> c.test();
==> 1
==> +

C# p.81/89

Events cont.
Definition of += and -= may be overridden by class:

} }


is sugar for .add_ (


Expression .


void add_ ( value) {

void remove_ ( value) {

{ add {
} remove {
where is a delegate type yielding void, is sugar for



where is a delegate type yielding void, is
sugar for
void add_ ( value) {
+= value; }
void remove_ ( value) {
-= value; }

) (etc)

C# p.82/89



foreach (



Well-typed iff
has type
has member
has member bool MoveNext() and property
is well-typed assuming


== null) throw NullReferenceException();
== null) throw NullReferenceException();
(e.MoveNext()) {
= e.Current();

Sugar for
C c =
if (c
E e =
if (e

C# p.83/89

May implicitly coerce instances of value type to instances of object
May explicitly coerce instances of object to instances of value type
> int i = 42;
> object box = i;
> if (box is int)
==> 42

C# p.84/89

Boxing/Unboxing cont.
Each value type has corresponding (internal) class declaration.
Hence above sugar for:
class Box_Int {
int val;
public Box_Int(int val) { this.val = val }
public static implicit operator Box_Int(int val)
{ return new Box_Int(val); }
public static explicit operator int(Box_Int box)
{ return box.val; }
> int i = 42;
> object box = i;
> if (box is Box_Int)

However, implicit/explicit conversions in these definitions are considered built-in

(part of ) rather than user-defined (part of / )
Similarly for enumeration and structure types

C# p.85/89

Boxing/Unboxing cont.
Any interfaces implemented by a structure declaration are implicitly moved to the
coresponding boxed structure class
struct Point : IPoint {
public int x;
public int y;
declares structure Point (sans interfaces) and additional class
class Box_Point : IPoint {
Point val;
public Box_Point(Point val) { this.val = val }
public static implicit operator Box_Point(Point val)
{ return new Box_Point(val); }
public static explicit operator Point(Box_Point box)
{ return box.val; }

Thus implicit conversion from Point to IPoint will go via Box_Point

C# p.86/89


Mostly library-level, but some sugar taken from Java


lock (
Well-typed if
and is a reference type
Sugar for
x =
try {
finally { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(x); }

C# p.87/89




using (
) {
Well-typed if implements interface
interface System.IDisposable {
void Dispose();
Sugar for
try {
!= null ((IDisposable) ).Dispose(); }
finally { if

C# p.88/89

Every declaration may be annotated with an attribute
Attributes are instances of classes derived from System.Attribute
These instances available via run-time reflection
Some built-in attributes for conditional and obsolete methods
public class C {
public void checkConsistent() { ... }
[HelpString("Prints instance state to Console")]
public void showState() { ... }

Run-time system executes attribute expressions and builds meta-data when

assembly loaded

C# p.89/89

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