1 4 Part 2 Feeder OC EF Protection

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Topic 1: Power System Protection

1.4-Prt 2: Feeder O/C


Co-ordination by Time Grading

Selectivity and coordination by time grading can be

achieved by two philosophies:

Definite time lag (DTL)
2. Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT)

Definite Time Lag (DTL) Philosophy

Coordinate with a definite time of operation between
successive relays (0.5 s)
Relay R1 is set to operate in the fastest possible time
Relay operating times increase sequentially at 0.5 s
Disadvantage: the fault closer to source (higher fault
current) cleared at the longest operating time.

Inverse Definite Minimum Time-(IDMT) Philosophy

Use inverse t-I Characteristics (IDMT).
Relay operates faster at the higher fault currents and slower at
lower fault currents.
IDMT relays have to be set to coordinate with both upstream
and downstream relays
Use of Electromechanical Relays
Need about 0.4 second interval
between successive Relays due to
acceptable errors
Imposes restrictions based on the
network design
Use of Digital Relays
Can get better coordination with
considerably reduced time interval
(0.3 second) due to better accuracies

Feeder OC Protection
By far the most common
type of protection for
radial distribution feeders
is Overcurrent protection.
Typical distribution
system voltages are 33 kV
& 11 kV
The point of supply is
normally a few kilometers
from the load.

Feeder O/C Protection

With Radial feeders there is only one possible point of
supply, and the flow of fault current is in one direction only.
Overcurrent protection can therefore be used to provide
adequate protection.
The current entering the feeder at the circuit breaker is
measured by means of a Current Transformer located at the
base of the breaker bushing.
The C.T. secondary current is supplied to the OC relays.
These OC relays must then operate and initiate
tripping if a fault condition is detected on the feeder.

Feeder O/C Protection

1. The relay must not operate for the maximum load current that
will be carried by the feeder.
2. The relay setting must be sensitive enough for the relay to
operate and clear faults at the very end of the feeder.
3. The relay operating characteristic must be set to coordinate
with other protection devices, such as fuses, downstream
from the supply station.

Feeder O/C Protection

If there is generation connected to a distribution feeder, the

system is no longer RADIAL.

Fault current can then flow in either direction into the

feeder from the power system or out of the feeder from the
A directional relay or element must be used to supervise the

overcurrent relay elements to allow the overcurrent protection

to trip ONLY if the fault current flows into the feeder from
the power system.

Curves must not cross


on high fault
currents B will
trip first

Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Two Basic Rules !
Pick up for lowest fault level (minimum)
Must coordinate for highest fault level (maximum)


Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Main Relay


Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Main Relay
Backup Relay

Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Main Relay
Backup Relay

Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Main Relay
Backup Relay

Ideal co-ordination of setting curves

Main Relay
Backup Relay

Ideal co-ordination of setting curves


Topic 1: Power System Protection

1.4-Prt 3: Directional Over Current


Directional Overcurrent Relays

When fault current can flow in both directions through the relay
location, it may be necessary to make the response of the relay
directional by the introduction of a directional control facility. The
facility is provided by use of additional voltage inputs to the relay.
Directional over-current protection comprises over-current relay
and power directional relay- in a single relay casing. The power
directional relay does not measure the power but is arranged to
respond to the direction of power flow.
The directional relay recognizes the direction in which fault occurs,
relative to the location of the relay. It is set such that it actuates for
faults occurring in one direction only. It does not act for faults
occurring in the other direction.


Directional Overcurrent Relays

When fault current can flow in both directions through the relay
location, it may be necessary to make the response of the relay
directional by the introduction of a directional control facility. The
facility is provided by use of additional voltage inputs to the relay.
Directional over-current protection comprises over-current relay
and power directional relay- in a single relay casing. The power
directional relay does not measure the power but is arranged to
respond to the direction of power flow.
The directional relay recognizes the direction in which fault occurs,
relative to the location of the relay. It is set such that it actuates for
faults occurring in one direction only. It does not act for faults
occurring in the other direction.


Directional Overcurrent Relays Parallel Feeders

If non-unit, non-directional relays are applied to parallel feeders

having a single generating source, any faults that might occur on
any one line will, regardless of the relay settings used, isolate both
lines and completely disconnect the power supply.

With this type of system configuration, it is necessary to apply

directional relays at the receiving end and to grade them with the
nondirectional relays at the sending end, to ensure correct
discriminative operation of the relays during line faults.


Directional OC Relays-Parallel Feeders

This is done by setting the directional relays R1 and R2 in

with their directional elements looking into the protected line,
and giving them lower time and current settings than relays R1
and R2.
The usual practice is to set relays R1 and R2 to 50% of the
normal full load of the protected circuit and 0.1TMS.


Directional OC Relays- RING MAINS

A particularly common arrangement

within distribution networks is the
Ring Main. The primary reason for its
use is to maintain supplies to
consumers in case of fault conditions
occurring on the interconnecting
In a typical ring main with associated
overcurrent protection, current may
flow in either direction through the
various relay locations, and therefore
directional overcurrent relays are
With modern numerical relays, a
directional facility is often available
for little or no extra cost, so that it
may be simpler in practice to apply
directional relays at all locations

Grading of Ring Mains

The usual grading procedure for relays in a ring main circuit is to

open the ring at the supply point and to grade the relays first
clockwise and then anti-clockwise.

The relays looking in a clockwise direction around the ring are

arranged to operate in the sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6

The relays looking in the anti-clockwise direction are arranged to

operate in the sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6.


Grading of Ring Mains

The arrows associated with the relaying points indicate the

direction of current flow that will cause the relay to operate.
A double-headed arrow is used to indicate a non-directional
relay, such as those at the supply point where the power can
flow only in one direction.
A single-headed arrow is used to indicate a directional relay,
such as those at intermediate substations around the ring
where the power can flow in either direction.
The directional relays are set in accordance with the invariable
rule, applicable to all forms of directional protection, that the
current in the system must flow from the substation busbars
into the protected line in order that the relays may operate.


Topic 1: Power System Protection

1.4-Prt 4: Earth-Fault


Earth-Fault Protection

When the fault current flows through earth return path, the fault
is called Earth Fault.
Other faults which do not involve earth are called phase faults.
Since earth faults are relatively frequent, earth fault protection
is necessary in most cases.
When separate earth fault protection is not economical, the
phase relays sense the earth fault currents. However such
protection lacks sensitivity. Hence separate earth fault
protection is generally provided.
Earth fault protection senses earth fault current. Following are
the method of earth fault protection.


Methods of Earth-Fault Protection


Residually connected relay.

Relay connected in neutral-to-ground circuit.
Distance relays arranged for detecting earth faults on lines.
Circulating current differential protection.


Connections of CT's for Earth-Fault Protection


Residually connected Earth-fault Relay

More sensitive protection against earth faults can be

obtained by using a relay that responds only to the
residual current of the system, since a residual
component exists only when fault current flows to
In absence of earth-fault the vector sum of three line
currents is zero. Hence the vector sum of three


secondary currents is also zero.

The sum (IR+IY+IB) is called residual current

The earth-fault relay is connected such that the

residual current flows through it (Fig.1 and Fig. 2).

In the absence of earth-fault, therefore, the

residually connected earth-fault relay does not


Connections of CT's for Earth-Fault Protection


Residually connected Earth-fault Relay

More sensitive protection against earth faults can be

obtained by using a relay that responds only to the
residual current of the system, since a residual
component exists only when fault current flows to
In absence of earth-fault the vector sum of three line
currents is zero. Hence the vector sum of three


secondary currents is also zero. IR+IY+IB=0

The sum (IR+IY+IB) is called residual current

The earth-fault relay is connected such that the
residual current flows through it (Fig.1 and Fig. 2).
In the absence of earth-fault, therefore, the
residually connected earth-fault relay does not


1. Residually connected Earth-fault Relay

The residual component is extracted by connecting the line current

transformers in parallel.

However, in presence of earth fault the

conditions is disturbed and
(IR+IY+IB) is no more zero. Hence
flows through the earth-fault relay. If
the residual current is above the pickup value, the earth-fault relay operates.
(20%-40% of Full-Load Current)
In the Residually Connection, the
earth-fault at any location near or
away from the location of CT's can
cause the residual current flow. Hence
the protected zone is not definite. Such
protection is called Unrestricted
Earth-Fault Protection


2. Earth-fault Relay connected in Neutral to Earth Circuit

Another method of connecting an earth-fault

relay is illustrated in Fig 3. The relay is
connected to secondary of a CT whose primary
is connected in neutral to earth connection.
Such protection can be provided at various
voltage levels by connecting earth-fault relay in
the neutral-to-earth connection of that voltage
The fault current finds the return path through
the earth and then flows through the neutral-toearth connection.

Fig 3

The magnitude of earth fault current depends on type of earthing

(resistance, reactance or solid) and location of fault. In this type of protection,
the zone of protection cannot be accurately defined. The protected area is not
restricted to the transformer/generator winding alone. The relay senses the
earth faults beyond the transformer/generator winding hence such protection is
called Unrestricted Earth-Fault Protection.

3. Combined Earth-Fault and Phase-Fault Protection

It is convenient to incorporate phase-fault

relays and earth-fault relay in a combined
phase-fault and earth-fault protection. (Fig. 4)
The increase in current of phase causes
corresponding increase in respective
secondary currents. The secondary current
flows through respective relay-units
Very often only two-phase relays are
provided instead of three, because in case
of phase faults current in any at least two
phases must increase. Hence two relay-units
are enough.

Economize using 2x OC relays

Fig. 4


4. Earth-fault Protection with Core Balance Current

Transformers. Sensitive Earth-Fault Protection

In this type of protection (Fig. 5) a single ring

shaped core of magnetic material, encircles the
conductors of all the three phases. A secondary coil
is connected to a relay unit.
The cross-section of ring-core is ample, so that
saturation is not a problem.
During no-earth-fault condition, the components of
fluxes due to the fields of three conductors are
balanced and the secondary current is negligible.

Fig. 5

During earth faults, such a balance is disturbed

and current is induced in the secondary.
Core-balance protection can be conveniently
used for protection of low-voltage and medium
voltage systems.

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