Charles L. Ricker v. B-W Acceptance Corporation, 349 F.2d 892, 10th Cir. (1965)

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349 F.

2d 892

Charles L. RICKER, Appellant,

No. 8015.

United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit.

July 1, 1965, Rehearing Denied Aug. 16, 1965.

Eugene Klecan, Albuquerque, N.M. (Bingham & Klecan, Albuquerque,

N.M., on brief), for appellant.
Eric D. Lanphere, Albuquerque, N.M. (Iden & Johnson, Bryan G. Johnson
and James T. Paulantis, Albuquerque, N.M., on brief), for appellee.
Before PHILLIPS, LEWIS and HILL, Circuit Judges.
PHILLIPS, Circuit Judge.

Ricker has appealed from a summary judgment against him, individually, in

favor of B-W Acceptance Corporation, on a written contract of guaranty. In
opposition to the motion for summary judgment, Ricker filed an affidavit in
which he admitted that he signed the written guaranty, but averred that he
signed it in his representative capacity as President of Modern Furniture
Company, a New Mexico corporation, and did not execute it as an individual

The written contract in part here material reads as follows:

'Modern Furn. Albuquerque N.M.

June 10, 1958

'Blanket Guaranty 'To B. W. Acceptance Corporation Dallas, City Texas State

'In consideration of the purchase by you of any contract, mortgage, or

commercial paper from Modern Furniture Co. * * * of Albuquerque, New

Mexico * * * hereinafter called the Dealer and/or distributor * * * the
undersigned hereby guarantees to you the performance and payment at maturity
of any and all such contracts, mortgages, notes, trust receipts or commercial
paper heretofore or hereafter purchased by you by all persons who may be
obligated thereon in any capacity.

'Undersigned further agrees to pay you all costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorney fees, incurred by you in endeavoring to obtain or enforce
payment on such instruments.

'Undersigned further guarantees the faithful performance of any and all written
agreements now existing or which may hereafter be entered into between you
and dealer and/or distributor.

'This guaranty is unlimited in amount and continuing and to remain in force

until written notice of the undersigned's withdrawal is served upon you at your
office in Dallas, Texas. It is understood that any such withdrawal shall not be
effective as regarding any transaction made prior thereto.

'Undersigned hereby waives notice of nonpayment, protest and demand.

Undersigned waives notice of the acceptance of this guaranty. You may accept
additional collateral, extend times of payment or otherwise vary the terms of
any contract, mortgage, note, trust receipt or commercial paper without notice
to the undersigned. Undersigned waives any demand upon dealer and/or
distributor by you and any notice of non-performance or breach of any
agreement. This guaranty shall not be discharged or affected by death; but it
shall bind and its benefits shall accrue to, the respective heirs, executors,
administrators, assigns and successors of the parties. The parties intend that the
law of the State of New Mexico, shall govern this transaction, where the
acceptance shall be deemed to have been given. If this guaranty is executed by
two or more persons all obligations shall be joint and several.


'Chas. L. Ricker, Pres.'


Ricker's contention is that he was entitled to establish by parol evidence that he

executed the written guaranty as President of Modern Furniture Company and
not as an individual guarantor, and therefore no contract came into existence
between the Acceptance Corporation and Ricker.


The contract of guaranty was made in New Mexico and expressly recited that it

was to be governed by New Mexico law. Hence, in resolving the legal issues
here presented, we must apply the law of New Mexico.

In Ellis v. Stone, 21 N.M. 730, 158 P. 480, at page 483, L.R.A.1916F, 1228, the
court said:


'* * * Where a writing in the nature of a contract is signed by a person, and

contains apt words to bind him personally, the fact that to such signature is
added such words as 'trustee,' 'agent,' 'treasurer,' 'president,' and the like does
not change the character of the person so signing, but is considered as merely
descriptive of him. * * * The mere fact that a person sustains an agency relation
to another does not prevent him from becoming personally liable on a contract
with a third person, and, if it appears from the contract that he pledged his own
credit or bound himself personally, the addition of such words as 'president' and
the like will be considered as mere descriptio personae. * * *'


Thus, it appears New Mexico has adopted the well-settled general rule of
descriptio personae.1


However, the court in the Stone case found the guaranty was so ambiguous it
was impossible to determine whether it was intended to bind Stone,
individually, or the bank of which he was president, and concluded that the trial
court properly considered evidence aliunde the writing.


The name 'Modern Furniture Co.' appears in the body of the written guaranty,
not as a contracting party or guarantor, but only in the capacity of a 'dealer
and/or distributor,' and seller of the securities guaranteed, and at no place in the
body of the guaranty is such company referred to other than in the two lastmentioned capacities.


By the first paragraph of the written guaranty, the 'undersigned' guarantees to

the Acceptance Corporation 'the performance and payment at maturity' of any
and all contracts, mortgages, notes, trust receipts or commercial paper
purchased by the Acceptance Corporation 'from Modern Furniture Co. * * *
hereinafter called the Dealer and/or distributor.'


By the third paragraph, the 'undersigned' guarantees the faithful performance of

any and all written agreements 'now existing or which may hereafter be entered
into between' the Acceptance Corporation and the Modern Furniture Company.
Clearly, that paragraph manifests an intent to bind Ricker personally. Modern
Furniture Company, as a party to such 'written agreements,' would be obligated

to perform the same. The guarantee of such performance by Modern Furniture

Company, by the written guaranty, would add nothing to its existing obligations
as a party to such 'written agreements' and would serve no purpose.

In the last paragraph the clause, 'Undersigned waives any demand upon dealer
and/or distributor by you' clearly differentiates the 'undersigned' from the
'dealer and/or distributor' and plainly shows the italicised words refer to
different entities or parties, namely, Ricker, individually, and Modern Furniture
Company, respectively.


The last paragraph also provides that the guaranty 'shall not be discharged or
affected by death.' 'Death' is an appropriate term to use with respect to a natural
person. The existence of a corporation ends with the termination of the period
provided in its charter for its existence, or by its prior dissolution.


And, finally, the last paragraph also binds the respective 'heirs, executors,
administrators' of the parties. Those are apt terms with respect to a natural
person, but not to Modern Furniture Company, a corporation,2 and Ricker,
individually, is the only natural person referred to in the guaranty to which they
could apply.


The word 'undersigned' appears in the instrument eight times. The word
'undersigned' can only refer to Ricker, whose signature is affixed to the written
guaranty. At no place in the body of the instrument does the context indicate it
refers to the Modern Furniture Company, and in at least three instances the
context clearly indicates the 'undersigned' refers to Ricker as a natural person
and not in a representative capacity. Furthermore, at no place in the body of the
instrument is there any language indicating Modern Furniture Company was a
guarantor thereunder. The only basis for interpreting the guaranty as binding
the Modern Furniture Company is the addition after Ricker's signature of the
abbreviation 'Pres.'


Since the language of the instrument manifests a clear intent to bind Ricker,
personally, the addition of 'Pres.' following his signature is only descriptio
personae and does not render the instrument ambiguous.3


To construe the written guaranty as binding Modern Furniture Company and

not Ricker, individually, would contradict and vary the language of the written
instrument itself.


In Halliburton Company v. McPheron, 70 N.M. 403, 374 P.2d 286, the court

held that parole evidence is admissible to show that the parties to a contract,
prior to, or at the time it was made, entered into an agreement that such contract
should become operative only on the occurrence of a particular condition or
contingency, since such evidence would not vary or contradict the written
instrument, but would only show that it never matured as a valid obligation. But
the court also held that parol evidence of a conditional delivery of a written
instrument is not admissible when it contradicts the terms of a written
instrument, as where the contract by its terms excludes the possibility of a
conditional delivery.4

Therefore, under the law of New Mexico, parol evidence is not admissible to
establish that a written contract never came into existence, where such parol
evidence would be inconsistent with and would contradict the terms of the
written instrument.


Since there was nothing in the written guaranty manifesting an intent not to
bind Ricker, individually, and the guaranty contained apt words to bind him
personally, we conclude that evidence of an oral agreement that Ricker was not
to be bound personally would contradict the terms of the written guaranty and
violate the parol evidence rule.


It follows that Ricker's affidavit raised no material issue of fact and the trial
court properly granted summary judgment for the Acceptance Corporation.



Williston on Contracts, Third Edition, Jaeger, Vol. 2, 299, pp. 393, 394

See Norfolk County Trust Co. v. Green, 304 Mass. 406, 24 N.E.2d 12, 13

Bissonnette v. Keyes, 319 Mass. 134, 64 N.E.2d 926, 927; Inland Rubber Corp.
v. Eskimo Kooler Corp., 337 Ill.App. 292, 85 N.E.2d 859; Gavazza v.
Plummer, 53 Wash. 14, 101 P. 370, 371, 42 L.R.A.N.S., 1; Norfolk County
Trust Co. v. Green, 304 Mass. 406, 24 N.E.2d 12, 13

See also Martin v. Cole, 104 U.S. 30, 31, 37, 38, 26 L.Ed. 647

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