Magazine 2015 - 16

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The Best! P.G.L.

By Isobel and Taylor

The year 6s had an amazing time at PGL and
they told us some of the
things they did. On the
way down they visited
Ludlow Castle where they
had lunch, explored and
sketched. Once at PGL
did raft building and went
in the lake to see if their
rafts floated! They also
went on the zip wire, challenge course, trapeze and
climbing wall. They also
played aeroball and did
abseiling, riffle shooting, archery and the low
rope course.

val back they taught us

some of the PGL songs
such as the Tarzan
song, and the cokeacola
Both Mr. Sweetnam and
Mrs. Morley thoroughly
enjoyed themselves too, even if it meant getting covered in mud.
We asked them all to sum up
PGL in one word and here
are some of their responses:
laughter, great, brilliant,
fun, cool, mind blowing,
super, epic, fantastic and incredible. I think
they had a wonderful time, dont you?

Everyone had a go at all these activities! Well You can find more photos of year 6 at PGL on
done year 6 for completing PGL! On their arri- our website:

Stockton Hall Farm

On Thursday 16th June years 4, 5 and 6 went to
Stockton Hall Farm. Only 2 schools go a year and
luckily we were one of them so we got to go.
At first Lady Daresbury greeted us all then we went
to meet the sheep and
they were so cute and
we were able to stroke
the baby lambs. We
were told all about the

Secondly we saw the farrier who made shoes for

the horses and we watched him nail them on to
the foot of the horses. We got to pass round different types of horse shoes. The horse that we
watched having her shoes put on was the really
sweet Pip!

By Livy
Next we went to see the jockey (Edward) who was
training a young horse and he showed us what it
was really like in a horse trailer.
After that we saw a falconry display that David put
on for us and he showed us many different kinds
of owls and birds.
After lunch we went to see the adorable jumpy
hounds. The person who owned the farm could
remember the names of every single hound! Soon
it was time to go home which was sad, but we
were really wet as
it rained most of
the time.
We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute.

Amazing Chester Zoo

By Ava and Lulu
On Thursday the 1st of October 2015 Class 4 and 5
went on a trip to Chester
Zoo as part of their topic
on Africa. There were so
many different types of
animals there.
A favourite was the male lion
with his big, fluffy, black
maneone group even saw
the male lion yawn with its
humungous jaws!

the best. Mrs Chapman said she liked

the giraffes and elephants best and
Miss G. loved the
giraffes as well as
the rest of the animals!

The boat around the newly created part of the zoo

was very popular
and some people
got a log book beThe flamingos were asleep
fore riding the
while standing on one leg in the waterthey looked
boat. Lunch was
so funny on one leg with their head tucked under
eaten either in a
their wing.
boat or mud and
log hut.
The bat cave was one of the best parts of the trip to
the Zoo although one group They also went in the African workshop and did so
loved the meer cats who were many fun activities. Everyone had such a nice time at
moving every where so you Chester Zoothank you to the Class 4 and 5 teachcouldnt remember which one
you were looking at! They
looked a bit like extra fluffy
guinea pigs.
One breed of monkey were showing their blue bums
with red patch! There was
a baby elephant holding on
to its mothers tail all the
timeso sweet.
We asked the teachers
which animals they liked


Fantastic Hockey
By Amelia
The first sports competition of the new school
year was the Kwikstick Hockey Tournament for
Year 5 and Year 6. In the team there were 8 children and they were all AMAZING!!! They played
at Bishop Heber High School on Thursday 10th
September 2015, a beautiful , sunny afternoon!

Heber, decided to ask the Young Leaders (year

10/11) girls to give all the children hockey coaching before the 3 teams played each other. The
teams were Tilston, Shocklach and of course

The first team we played was Shocklach and our

The team captain was Molly Tudor and the other team won 2-0 and then we played Tilston and we
competitors in the team were Lucy Winter, Emily lost 2-0. Overall Tilston won the tournament and
Fowles, Molly Fowles, Angus Doyle, James MorBickerton came 2nd.Mrs Parsons said the team
ris, Taylor Linforth and Reece Thompson.
played excellently. They were a credit to our
The competition was played on the astro-turf. school! A big thank you to both Mrs Parsons and
Unfortunately only 3 teams turned up for the Mrs Chesworth for taking the team.
competition so Mrs Haggis, the P.E teacher at the

Terrific Tag Rugby

By Annabel
Years 5 and 6 went on an amazing tag rugby tournament on Thursday 17th September. The team
captain was Casper Armstrong and the rest of
the team were Ruby Cotgreave, Annabel Cotgreave, Molly Tudor, Callum Rodway, Ryan Hodkinson, Freya Diamond and Emily Smith.
They played Tattenhall A and B teams, Shocklach
and Tilston. They lost to Tattenhall A and B, drew
with Shocklach and lost to Tilston.
Tattenhall A went on to play Malpas A in the final
and Tattenhall won. Mrs Parsons said our team
played well with some outstanding play from
each member, but unfortunately it was not our
day. Although we didnt win we enjoyed ourselves as its the taking part that counts and
playing as a team.
we all thank Mrs Parsons our fantabulous
sports teacher!
Thank you ever so much Mrs Cotgreave for helping with transporting the children to Heber and

Hockey 3/4

by Lucy W.

Mrs Chesworth
took Eva Carman (Captain),
Bella Morris,
Livy Francis,
Alfie Smith,
Ted Holt, Adam Pearce, Henley Woodward and Lucy Jones to
Deeside Ramblers Hockey Club on Thursday 5th
May 2016 to play in a 6 aside Hockey Tournament.
There were 13 teams playing in the big Tournament
which were split into 2 groups We were in group B.
We played Acton losing 2-0, Delamere winning 20,
Acton losing 1-0 and finally Tilston drawing 1-1.
We came 3rd overall in our group but do didnt make
it to the semi finals. They all played well and Mrs
Parsons said they were a pleasure to take. A great


by Livy

On Thursday the 24th of March Chloe Wilson, Molly Tudor, Georgina Jones, Jazzi Goldthorpe, Ruby
Cotgreave, Annabel Cotgreave, Millie Smith and
Isobel Doyle played in a netball tournament. There
were two groups and we were in group B with
Farndon A and B and Tushingham. Group A were
Malpas A and B, Tattenhall and Tilston.
We won the first game against Tushingham 2-0.
The second game was against Farndon A which we
won 5-3. Next we played Farndon B which we won
Yeah! We were in the semi final against Tilston.
We drew 1-1 with Tilston so the game went to a
THRILLING Golden goal ( the first team to score
first). Bickerton got the first goal so we were now
in the finals with Tattenhall. It was an exciting
game which Tattenhall won beating us 2-0. Mrs
Parsons said we played magnificently and each
girl gave 100%. We were extremely proud. Well
done girls.

Red, White and Blue

By Lulu and Lucy

On Friday the 17th of June we had a red,

white and blue day honouring Queen Elizabeths 90th birthday. We all came to school
wearing red, white and blue and had a fabulous time.
Class 1 made some Union Jack flags and
made some medals. Class 2 made some
bunting and made up a story about the
Queens knickers based on a book by Allan
Ahlberg! (She needed some new ones for
her birthday!) Class 3 made a card for the
Queen and learnt how to wrap the Queens
present. Class 4 made leaflets about the
queen and Class 5 did portraits of the
queen and drew the flag.
During assembly Mrs Tudor
showed us the card she
made from all our little cards
which will be sent to the
Queen. We also received a
very special commemorative
coin to keep forever.
Mrs Jenkins made the
school a fantastic
lunch of fish and
chips in union jack
Canon Davenport also
celebrated the Queens
90th birthday in assembly, telling us how
amazing she is and that
she has a strong faith.
We had a service at
Bickerton Church and
everybody who went oved it. Everybody had
lots of cakes and sung lots of hymns and
Canon Davenport did a special talk all about
the Queen and her 90th birthday. Happy
90th Birthday Queen Elizabeth!


Underwater Street
Classes 1, 2 and 3 went to Underwater Street in Liverpool on the best trip ever.
All of the children loved it
and had loads of fun.
There was a pooch parlour, dressing up, pizza
palour, fruit and veg shop
as well as a real car to
paint, construction site
and post office! They also made slime, bath bombs, magnets and boats.
They did lots of science experiments and even went inside a
massive bubble. They could also
pan for gold, climb up a climbing wall, play in the water area
and take part in a science show
about bubbles.

Fire and Road Safety

By Isobel
One afternoon an ex-fireman came to talk to us about
safety around cars, and fire. First we watched a bit of a
video about fire. We were shown why not to leave chippans on the hob. We saw a lady get distracted from her
cooking. When she got back her fish fingers were alight,
she got worried and threw a cup of water over the pan,
this caused the fire to blow upwards and then the video
stopped and moved onto another category. The class
learnt that doing this with the water makes the situation
After that he showed us a tape of ideal fire escape plans
and he encouraged us to think about our homes. After
looking around school and finding no fire hazards we then
learnt about road safety. We watched a PowerPoint and
then a mini video about a 13 year old boy called Joe. He
was on his bike and one of his friends told him not to
bother with the helmet, but then on his bike Joe took a
terrible fall and his head sadly became dented. Now Joe
has a big disability which makes it hard for him to move.
This was an event that really happened which is very sad
so the message is clearalways wear a helmet no matter

By Isobel
What was even better is that they had the whole place to
themselves and nobody wanted to come homenot even
the teachers!
When they got back from the school trip, the next day
all the classes did different work about underwater street.
Class 2 enjoyed making leaflets and Class 3 did some
writing about their fabulous and wonderful trip.
In Assembly all three classes shared their trip with the
rest of the school. Everyone from class 1 told us what
they liked best.
Mr Sweetnam
asked everybody
if they had had a
wonderful day.
A few seconds
later there was a
big scream of
Our gymnasts ended another term with a stunning
display of everything they have worked on in club
over the past term.
The routines they did
were fantastic and we
all enjoyed watching
Well done all of you.
On 19th May Mrs Parsons and Mrs Chesworth
took 8 children to play Kwik Cricket at the
Sports Club in Malpas.
The team who played were Georgina Jones
(captain), Freddy Pallot, Emily Smith, Emily
Fowles, Heidi Carr, Joe Browne, Bob Vaughan
and James Morris.
We lost against Tattenhall, Malpas and Tilston
but won against Tushingham. Even though we
played good cricket we came overall 4th. Mrs
Parsons said the team were a credit to the
school and Emily S did an amazing catch.

Cross Country
The Cross Country Competition was held
on the 8th of October 2015a lovely running afternoon! Two children from each
year group took parta boy and a girl:
Year 1: Finn Malins and Jessica Perry.
Year 2: Sammy Dilworth and Lydia Dilworth.
Year 3: Jake Thompson and Ellen Butler.
Year 4: Henley Woodward and Ava Dilworth.
Year 5: Angus Doyle and Annabel Cotgreave.
Year 6: Bob Vaughan and Lucy Winter.

By Beth

and Lydia 3rd in their race, the Year 3s

finished in the top 10, Henley came 5th
but sadly Ava was unable to run as she
was ill, Annabel came 3rd and Lucy 4th
in their race and Angus and Bob both finished in the top 10.
Many of our team were also awarded
2nd place for Outstanding Team Performance.
To end what was a successful afternoon, Bickerton was awarded overall
2nd Team Placewell done team!

The Year 1s and 2s ran 400m , Year 3s

ran 800m, Year 4s and 5 and 6 girls ran Mr Sweetnam, Mrs Chesworth and Mrs
1200 m and the Year 5 and 6 boys ran Parsons were extremely proud of all our
runners. Thank you from Mrs Parsons to
the children for putting in so much efThe team all did very well. Both Year 1s fort.
finished in the top 12, Sammy came 2nd

Tag Rugby Y4

By Lucy and Ava

The year 4s also went to a Tag Rugby Tourna- next game was against Tushingham which was
ment at Bishop Heber High School.
The team was included Adam Pearse, Bella
Morris, Henley Woodward and Ava Dilworth.
Our team played against Tattenhall A, Tushingham and Shocklach.

a really close game, We thought we had won

but then one of our tries was disallowed so
we didnt quite make it into the semi finals!
We came 3rd in our group but the teams performance was outstanding. Each player was
involved as much as they could be in the game

We played Shocklach first which our team and it was a real team effort.
won then we lost against Tattenhall A. Our


Delamere Fun
By Naomi and Beth
When the Year 3 children went to Delamere forest they had a
really good time. We talked to Maisy Tudor who told us all about
what they did.
First they went on a long walk through the forest and they ate
lots of yummy blackberries! After the walk, they went to a mountain bike track and pretended to be mountain bikes! Then they
found lots of pine cones that the naughty squirrels had pulled
apart, and there were a lot of animal holes around and they could
even tell which badger holes were!
After a lot of exploring, they went back to the hut to have their
packed lunches before having a play on the adventure playground.
After that they played an exploring game with Stella, the leader.
A while after that they went into the forest to find some wellie
eaters. Some people stood still and got stuck like Beth and Fin.
They also went through a river and up a very steep hill. They were
even shown how to go sideways down the hill so they didnt fall.
When they got to the bottom of the hill we were allowed to splash
in the water.
After that they went to Stellas Secret Place with sandstone
rocks. In the sandstone rocks we found holes, faces and names.
As we wandered around we saw some mushrooms. Then they carried on walking in the woods learning as they went.
It was so much fun!

Play for a Day

By Sienna and Ava

Guy came in for a day to teach Year 5 and 6 They lived on the island for 12 years. During
a Shakespeare play and they had to learn it a storm more people got shipwrecked and
in a day so they could perform it to the the daughter fell in love with one of them.
school and parents.

They eventually got married but there were





The It was a bril-


lots of twists and turns on the way.

It liant play and


a the

man who had a and






and worked


they lived on an hard. I think it

island. The mans brother wanted to kill him. was

Football 5/6
On Thursday 23rd June 2016 Mrs Parsons
and Mrs Chesworth took a team to Bishop Heber to play in a five a side football
tournament on the Astra Turf.
The team was: Reece Thompson
(Captain), Bob Vaughan, Joe Brown,
Daniel Jones, Callum Rodway, James
Morris, Ryan Hodkinson and Freya Diamond.
They played Malpas 1, Malpas 2, Shocklach, Farndon, Tilston and Tattenhall.
The scores were:
Shocklach 0 v 0 Bickerton
Malpas1 0 v1 Bickerton
Malpas2 1v 0 Bickerton
Tilston 0 v 1 Bickerton
Tattenhall 2 v 0Bickerton
Farndon 2 v 0 Bickerton
We came 4th over all and Mrs Parsons
said that Daniel was man of the match!


1/2 Football

by Taylor

On Thursday the 12th of May 2016, Mrs Adamson and Mrs Parsons took a team of Year
1s and 2s to play football at the Heber.
The team was: Xavi Ralison, Sam SudleyBurrows, Toby Adamson, Lydia Dilworth,
Sammy Dilworth, Sid Faithfull and Finln Malins.
We played Tattenhall, Clutton, Farndon A
and Malpas B. We played Farndon first and it
was 1 all, then Tattenhall and we drew 2 all,
then it was Clutton and we won 8/0 (YEAH!)
and finally we played Malpas B and won
again, 3/0.
We made it to the semi-finals where we
played Tushingham and we won 4/2and this
match took
us to the finals. We
then played
and lost.!


Molly and Charlie are

our e-safety officers.
Here they are telling us
about the day they went
on to find out more on
how to be safe on our
phones and online. They
shared with us the information they learnt
while they were there. Be e-safe everyone!

Fergus Factor!
Molly Tudor was the
next person to receive
the Fergus Factor this
year. She received it
for an incredible act
of bravery. Well done

Musical Assembly
Every term Mrs Holmes (our
music teacher) puts on a
concert to show how much
the children have learnt in
recorder that term.

Easter Service
By Lulu

Lovely Librarians
By Molly

Year 5 and 6 did an amazing play for us at

Bickerton Church for our Easter Service
and the school joined in with loads of fantastic Easter songs. The amazing actors
acted out the Easter story which told of
Jesus last days and his resurrection. We
also had posters that spelled out Easter.

ters! The children who wanted to be librarians were

Molly Tudor, Georgie Jones, Millie Smith, Emily
Smith, Charlie Klass, Emily Fowles, Lucy Winter and
Heidi Carr.
Sadly, only HALF of them could be librarians so after
much debate our new librarians are Molly Tudor,

Canon Davenport showed us a real palm

branch and told us about Palm Sunday and
how Jesus rode into the town of Bethlehem
on a donkey. When we got back to school we
got palm crosses to remind us of what happened to Jesus and that He died and rose
again. They also remind us to share Gods
love everywhere.
By Phoebe and Eva

of pieces that had been

composed by them as well
as many others that they
had learnt. Each term they
get better and better.

In the first concert Class 3

Mrs Barratt also showed
shared a few songs called Silly Song Sing and Hot what her pupils have learnt too on woodwind instruCross Buns. They sung one and played the recorder ments. Bella, Ellen and Isobel played the flute and
for the other one.
Florence and Molly played the clarinet. Mrs Barratt
then played the saxophone and bassoon and we
Class 4 sung a couple of
learnt a bit about the insongs and they were
called Pineapple Punch
All our musical concerts
and Mr Cool . They also
are wonderful to hear and
played a piece that had
the progress is very clear.
been composed by Class
Everyone obviously works
5. Class 5 played a couple
very hard.

Charlie Klass, Millie Smith and Emily Smith! (If youre

wondering why Molly is wearing that ridiculous hat,
its because it was her birthday on the day the picture was taken! ).
All the librarians have started reading to Classes 1, 2
Once again the time came to pick our new librarians! and 3 already and there are busy planning an autumn
All of the children who wanted to apply for the job competition it will be judged by the librarians and
had to write a letter to Mrs Chesworth explaining why there is a prize up for grabs! (See article below for
they wanted to be a librarian, and we had EIGHT let- the results of this competition)


By Amelia

The amazing librarians held a fantastic competition. Reception and Year 1 had to colour a picture - the Reception boy winner was Joel Goodwin and the reception girl
winner was Amelie Hepworth; the Year 1 winners were
Jamie Bryant and Jessica Edge. All four of their colourings were AMAZING!. Year 2 and 3 had to draw a fantasy picture: the Year 2 boy winner was Oscar Fox the
Year 2 girl winner was Ursula Archer . Only Year 3 girls
entered and the winner was Beth Bryant. Again they
were AMAZING!. Year 4,5,6 wrote a fantasy story. Only
girls entered for Year 4 and 6 boys entered in year 5:
the Year 4 winner was Lulu Ralinson the Year 5 winner
was Angus Doyle and the Year 6 winner was Georgie
Jones. All of them were outstanding. Well done everyone! We look forward to more competitions.


Library Revamp

Harvest Service
By Lulu
This year, Class 4 led the Harvest service, and it was tion.
brilliant! Everybody who came enjoyed it and it
made us think and appreciate what we have. The I can`t wait till next harvest!
play they did in the service was based on their African topic and Harvest time.
There were actors (a man, a cow, and an African
family) and the rest of the class were narrators, and
introduced when people should sing the songs and
when to act. There was some fake crops and Class 1
saved up there leftover milk bottles for the play and
gave them their outside tools for props.

By Sienna and Ava

The Junior library has a new system and has

have lots and lots of wonderful new books to
been totally rearranged so that we can choose choose from. Thank you to Mrs Chesworth,
books that are just right for us really easily.
Mrs Weaver and all the librarians who have
worked hard to get this ready for us.
Everyone from Year 2 up has got a reading
code (ZPD code) which is based on a comput- The Infant library has had a revamp too and is
er test we do every half term After we have
now organised into themes. Each book has a
read a book we get on the computers and do a sticker on it so we can all put our books back
quiz about the book. We can then choose a
in the right section. The infants love choosing
new book. We are all really enjoying reading
books from their new library. Thank you to all
the books and doing the quizzes. We also
the teachers who sorted this library out too.

Chester Sportshall

By Lulu and Eva

competition. We competed in the track events
4 Times 1 lap hurdle relay, 1 Times 1 lap race,
2 Times 2 lap race, 6 lap Paarlauf, 4 Times 1
lap relays.

The whole school went down to the church and

some parents came to share in our Harvest Celebra-

There were 2 heats for each track event and

the winner was the team with the quickest time
overall. We were always in the 2nd heat and
won most of our races.

Indian Assembly
By Molly

Miss Barlow came and gave us a to walk miles for that too!
special assembly all about the
tine she spent in India. She told When she was in India she was
us a little bit about life in India. given a sari. She said the people
there were so generous and
We found out that children friendly. She showed us how to
there had lessons outdoors and put a sari on by dressing Isobel
that the girls left school earlier in it. We also learnt how to say
than the boys. This was because hello and goodbye in Indian.
men are generally valued more
highly than the women.
It was a very interesting and informative assembly. It also made
She also told us that in some us realise how fortunate we are.
places they only get dirty, unsafe
water to drinkand they have

The field events were long jump, vertical jump,

chest push, javelin and speed bounce. In each
of these events Bickerton managed to come in
the top three.
Mrs Morley and Mrs Parsons took 23 children
to compete in the Chester Sports hall at Elles- We came 3rd behind Saughall in 2nd and Overmere Port Sports village on the 4th February leigh St Marys 1st at this event and ended up
4th out of 25 schools (wow) which is amazing,
The team was: Emily Smith, Amelia Jones,
Molly Tudor, Freya Diamond, Emily and Molly Mrs Parsons said the
Fowles, Millie Smith , Chloe Wilson, Lucy Winchildren all competed to
ter, Georgie Jones, Ruby and Annabel Cotmaximum.
greave, Joe Brown, Luke Pearse, James Per- their
ry, James Morris, Calum Rodway, Casper
Armstrong, Finlay Davies (Captain), Harry any more. We were very
Weetch, Bob Vaughan, Angus Doyle and Ryan proud of them. WELL
Hodkinson .
There were five other teams competing in this


Teddy Bear Picnic

By Lucy J and Phoebe

Wonderful Wonderland

Cass 2 had a teddy bears picnic and all their

mums, dads and grandparents were invited.
There were just under 40 adults that came so
the hall was full. First the children acted out a
play about Paddington then they shared some
information they learnt about Peru.
The children made marmalade sandwiches,
cakes and teddy biscuits which they ate with
their parents as a teddy bears picnic while they
showed their topic books.
Mums, dads and grandparents all brought their
teddies too. It was a lovely time and everyone
enjoyed the picnic!

School Council
Our new school councillors are Finlay Malins
and Katie Flann (Y1) Tom Pearse and Ursie
Archer (Y2), Oliver Golding and Naomi Malins (Y3), Alfie Smith and Bella Morris (Y4),
Harry Weetch and Ruby Cotgreave (Y5) and
Joe Brown and Georgie Jones (Y6).

By Molly

By Sienna
2 and 3 they put their hand up if they want
to be in the school council then they do a
secret vote. In years 4, 5 and 6 they have
to make speech about what they will do to
the school before they are voted for. Every
year group has a boy and a girl on the school

Schools councillors are voted forin years1,

Football Y3 / 4
The Year 3 and 4 football team went to Bishop
Heber to play in the Football Tournament. The
team was Henley Woodward, Alfie Smith, Ted Holt,
Adam Pearse, Franz Saksarov, Oliver Golding , Angus Adamson and Toby Adamson (a Y2)
It was a lovely afternoon and we played in a group
with Tattenhall, Farndon 1 and Tushingham which
Mrs Parsons said was a tough group! We played
agents Farndon first losing 2v0 , then we played
Tushingham drawing 1v1, then we played Tattenhall. We lost against Tattenhall 3v0 .
We came third in our group but the team were

By Lucy
very, very good and had practised very hard .
They played some very good football .
We look forward to trying again next time! Thank
Mrs Adamson for helping with the transport.

Years 1 and 2 paid a visit to Wonderland in Telford

as part of their topic Its a Story! When they first
arrived, they were
met the Mad Hatter
at the gates, who
around. He was totally crazy but really
good and fun!

childrenhe was sure the little tree fairies only

moved when no one was looking!
Later on, after lunch, they all enjoyed the rides
the carousel, the train, the white rabbit ride, the
caterpillar ride and the tea party ride! Also they
had fun in the maze, where quite a few groups took
a while to find their way to the centre and back out

First of all, they went to see the Fairy Tale houses!

They saw the Three Bears house, Snow white and
the Seven Dwarves
Grandmas cottage
from Little Red Riding
Hood, the house
Everybody was really sad when they had to go
made out of gingerhome as it was the best trip ever. They had a realbread and the shoe
ly great time!
where the Old Lady lived with all her children!
The children enjoyed going in to all the houses and
learning about the
different Fairy Tales as
well as looking for
things that are in the
stories they know.

As they followed the route past the houses they

walked through dinosaur valley. It was really scary
when somebody pressed the button and the big TRex roared! Also the Mad Hatter kept teasing the


Book Fair

Some New Faces

Hoops for Health

Wingate Centre

By Molly

By Lulu and Ava

By Livy and Lucy J

A few basketball players came in from the

basketball team, Cheshire Phoenix and
taught us about being a basketball player.

Every Wednesday in the Spring Term Class

3 went to the Wingate Centre it is in Wrenbury to learn gymnastics in a place all set
up with the equipment such as proper
springy mats, trampolines and other things.

By Ava and Lulu

On the first week
back to school after
the Half Term holiday the book fair
arrived with loads
of lovely books to
buy. There was a
books for every
choose from.
Every year it comes
books we can buy
it is a joy . The ages
ranges were 4+, 7+
and 9+ you could
choose from any of
All of the

books were exciting

and you could also
buy pencils, rubbers and pencil cases. Everybody loved
the books and a lot
of people came.
Thank you everybodywe made a
massive total which
means we have a
huge commission to
books for the school
library. We look forward to choosing
the books.

The Library Comes

to Bickerton
By Molly
Recently, the library
Bickerton. We get a
visit from the library
van every term so
that we have the
change the books
we have in our

great fun choosing


Some of the authors

for older readers
that we have chosen are books by
Jacqueline Wilson,
Lauren St John and
This term our lovely many more!
Librarians and our
super School Coun- We hope everybody
r e adi ng
cillors have chosen en joy s
books which they
think our classes
will love! We had

This year we have welcomed quite a lot of new children to

Bickerton and we hope they will be very happy. (I am sure
the majority of them dont feel quite so new any more as
they all seem to be settling in very well editor) Our new
Reception settled in extremely quickly.
We would also like to welcome the other children who have
joined our school.

In Class 1 we have welcomed Harry Roger

In Class 2 we have welcomed Jessica Perry, Amy

Woodhouse, Grace Roger, Isla Saltiel.

In Class 3 Ava Conacher and Piers Roger.

In Class 4 Bella Morris and Lucy Jones

In Class 5 James Perry, James Morris, Daniel Jones, Isobel Doyle, Angus Doyle and Taylor Linforth, Freddie

We hope you all have a wonderful time at our amazing

Layer Cake
Class 4 had a fabulous day with Layer Cake which ended
with a performance to the whole schools and parents. During
the day they learnt how to layer music in order to build up to
a finished performance.
As they did each musical layer they recorded it and then added the next layer of music on. The different layers were
made from sounds made with voices, claps, guitar, hollow
tubes and singing. They also learnt how to keep to time so
that all the parts fitted together.
Everyone had a really fun day and the performance at the
end was enjoyed by everyone. Well done Class 4!
Thank you to all the children who made this magazine possibleI
hope you like your finished magazine!
Your school magazine needs some more writers next termif we
have a few more we can get back to publishing once a term. So, if
youre in Y4 6 and are interested please let me know (Mrs Cutts)

They showed us the main tips teaching us

about the importance of not smoking, of
eating healthy food and looking after yourself. We also learnt how to dribble a basketball.
A few weeks later a man called Jeff came in
and taught Classes 4 and 5 basketball. We
learnt to dribble with our left and right
hand .We all had loads of fun. Everyone
loved the basketball training and we can`t
wait till next yearhopefully so they can
come back again and teach us some more.

Y5/6 Basketball

We asked Maisy what she did when she

was there and she told us that they can play
with the hula hoops, the balls, the ribbons
and the skipping ropes.
At the beginning they split up into three
groups and they went on different apparatus, for example the trampoline and the
rings. They did exercises and some of the
exercises were spaghetti, meatballs, grate
the cheese! It sounds lots of fun!

By Lucy J

On Thursday 28th of January 2016, Mrs Chesworth Tushingham played Farndon A in the other semiand Mrs Parsons took 8 of us to a basketball com- final which Farndon won so we were playing against
petition at Bishop Heber .
Farndon. It was a close game but Farndon A got one
basket and won the final 1 v 0! Our team played
The children who went were Molly Tudor (Captain), very well and they were very proud. Well done BickHeidi Carr, Daniel Jones, Bob Vaughan, Mille Smith, erton2nd is an amazing score!
Emily Smith, Lucy Winter and Georgina Jones.
They played Farndon A, Farndon B, Shocklach, and
Malpas B.
The first game was against Malpas B. Mrs Parsons
said our team were very nervous but they 0 v 0. The
next game they played was against Farndon A and
they lost this game 2 v 0. After that they played
Farndon B and they won 2 v 0. They then played in
the semi-finals against Malpas A and we won 2 v
Fantastic! We got into the final!


Young Voices
By Ava and Sienna
On Tuesday 1st of March it was Young Voices
hurray! We had it at Manchester arena which is
the biggest place ever. We joined with lots of
other schools and we had great fun altogether.
There were just under 8000 children there! It
was an amazing atmosphere and the children who
went there for the first time were amazed.
We sang 14 songs in total and watched other
singers and dance acts. Our favourite song we
sung was the was pop medley but we loved all of
the songs.

Smile for Smileys

By Naomi
The whole school got very excited when Mrs Tudor introduced the new
reward system for the
school. Instead of Golden Time we would collect Smileys working
towards different goals.
We get smileys for all
sorts of things such as
holding doors open, being good, being polite,
getting things right,
contributing and being kind towards others. All
the adults in the school have pocketfuls of Smiley cards ready to give out

Everybody loved Young Voices. and we thought it

was the best thing ever. Thank you Miss G and

The first step we are aiming for is 50 Smileys

which gives us our bronze certificate, after another 50 we get our double bronze award. After
that it is silver and double silver and then gold
and double gold. Once the whole class has
achieved a Double Bronze award we get to
choose a session to do what we want, after Double Silver the class has a morning or afternoon to
choose an activity and finally if the whole class
achieves Double Gold then we get a whole day to
do an activity. It is all really exciting.
Amy was very proud when she received the first
ever Smiley and we are all working very hard to
reach Gold .

all the other teachers who came with us.

PTA Takeaway Tea

By Holly and Lulu
Everybody had a lovely time at the Takeaway Tea
this year that the PTA organised for us all at the
end of September. In the morning everybody gave
their teachers two pounds and then in the afternoon
we all went into the Hall one class at a time in order to choose our cakes.

Mrs Vaughan said that

when her class got back
into the classroom the
children were all excitedly showing each other
the cakes they had choAll the cakes looked delicious and there was a real- sen. Some of them wanted to eat them straight
ly big variety! There were muffins, cookies, choco- away so they probably didnt last long when they
late cakes, brownies and lots more. It was very dif- got home!
ficult to decide which ones to get as there was so
many yummy cakes to choose from. Everybody Thank you so much to the PTA for organising this
got three cakes and a choice of either orange or event and for laying out the cakes so nicely and
apple juice.
serving them. We love the PTA Takeaway Tea!


Infant Multi Skills

World Book Day

a banana and The Hungry Caterpillar!

In assembly every class went to the front
and told the school who they were even
the teachers!

By Amelia and Lulu

Mrs Chesworth and Mrs Parsons took eight children from Years 1
and 2 on Thursday 12th November 2015 at 3.30pm to Bishop Heber

Some of the activities we did across the

school were designing book tokens, making
book covers, making bookmarks, craft activities to do with books and role play.

to experience the Multi Skills Festival.

The children who took part were: Ozzy Robinson-Lea, Teagan Ayton,
Tristan Williams, Bea Benson, Albert Baker, Imogen Baker, Adam
Carr and Cale Noutch.
The children were split into 2 teams, Teagan, Albert, Bea and Tristan in one team and Ozzy, Imy, Adam & Cale in the other.
In the sports hall there were 20 activities laid out such as speed
bounce, carrying a ball on a cricket bat, having a bean bag your head
whilst you ran around cones, throwing bean bags into a hoop, spinning
hoops round your waist, balancing, throwing a wobbly ball at the wall
and many more activities!
There were two Heber sports leaders for each group and they took
the children around each activity and showed them what to do.
Other schools that were there were Farndon, Malpas, Tilston and
All the children had a really good time and enjoyed themselves.

By Holly


On Thursday 3 of March it was World

Book Day and everybody dressed up as a
character from a book and had a day of
activities to do with books. We had Harry
Potter, The Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding hood, The Hungry caterpillar, St trillion and The
Gingerbread man as well
as many others.

The winners of the competition were also

announced and they all received a book.
Well done to all who took part in the competition and to those who won (pictured

Even Mrs Tudor came in

with Nancy dressed up as

W.B.D. Book Fair

The World Book Day book fair was from the
1st of March to the 3rd March. We would
like to thank all those of you who came to
the book fair and bought books.
Over the 2 fairs we raised over 1000!
Wow! Thank you.
There were some fantastic books to choose
from such as Eagle in the Snow, The BFG
and many other books.

By Eva ad Phoebe
Lots of people came to the book fair and
chose the books that they wanted. The children loved the book and thank the staff for
what they did.
The money raised from both book fairs went
towards stocking up the library. Has anyone
read any of the new books yet? Keep a look
out for them and maybe recommend them to


The Talent Show


By Lulu and Lucy J

By Lucy and Holly

We all had a wonderful time at the talent show

and everyone who participated was excellent.
Everyone enjoyed watching them it was all
Our hosts did a wonderful dance first based on
star wars. We had some amazing actresses
and actors including Oscar and his brother Arthur who read a poem about granny, Taylor
and Molly did some gym and there was some
lovely singing from Lucy and Georgie and Lulu
who sung Somewhere Only we Know.
After the first set of acts everyone had something to eat like cupcakes, cakes, biscuits, tea
coffee and juice
After the interval we had some more super
events such as Heidi`s amazing gym and a
lovely surprise of Maisy doing some hula
hooping and dancing with a ribbon!
We all agree that everyone did very well and
all the performances were absolutely amazing.
At the end every participant got a medal including the hosts. Everyone did an amazing
job. Thank you too to Mrs Tudor for organising
it. Well done Bickerton!

On Thursday 3rd of March Year 4 did a Handball

competition at Bishop Heber. The team were:
Jack Blake (Captain), Lucy Jones, Holly Carr, Alfie
Smith, Bella Morris, Henley Woodward, Ted Holt
and Adam Pearse.
When we first got there we had a ten minutes to
practise. Then all of the schools played four
games against four different schools. We played
against Shocklach, Tilston, Clutton and Farndon.
We came 4th out of 6 schools and Clutton came
At the end they gave out certificates. Everybody
played very well so well done Bickerton!

By Phoebe and Lucy


On Thursday 11 February Mrs Chesworth and

Mrs Parsons took 8 children to play in a Handball
Competition and Bishop Heber on the Astro Turf.
Our team was, Emily Fowles (Captain and Goalkeeper), Casper Armstrong, Ryan Hodkinson, Callum Rodway, Angus Doyle, Annabel Cotgreave,
Ruby Cotgreave and Freya Diamond.
The teams we played in our group were Farndon
B, Tattenhall A, Clutton and Tushingham. We lost
to Tattenhall A, won against Farndon B and drew
against Tushingham and Clutton.
Although we had played well we had not scored
many goals and therefore we didnt get into the
semi-finals as we had the same points as other
teams but not as many goals scored.
Mrs Parsons said it was sad for the team. They
had played very well and tried very hard. Well
done team! Thank you to Mrs Chesworth for
helping. Thank you too to Mrs Parsons.

By Ava and Holly

On Thursday 26th November Mrs Chesworth and

Mrs Parsons took 23 children to compete in the
Sporthall Athletics Competition at Bishop Heber
High School .
The team taken was Finlay Davies [captain], Joe
Browne, James Perry, Bob Vaughan, Ryan Hodkinson, Reece Thompson, Angus Doyle, Harry Weetch,
Callum Rodway, James Morris, Casper Armstrong,
Millie Smith, Lucy Winter, Emily Smith, Freya Diamond, Amelia Jones, Ruby Cotgreave, Annabel Cotgreave, Emily Fowles, Molly Fowles, Heidi Carr,
Molly Tudor and Georgina Jones.

Bickerton came either 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the track

events and did really well in the Field events although we werent always given the results. Fin Davies the team captain did jump a magnificent 1m
80cm in the long jump thoughwell done Fin!
The sports hall at the Heber was packed with children, and parents watching. The other schools competing were Farndon, Tattenhall, Tushingham, Tilston, Clutton, and Shocklach. Bickerton came 2nd in
the competition, 12 points behind the winners, Tattenhall.

Mrs Parsons said All the children were excellent

The track events were: 2 by1 lap race, 2 by 2 lap and gave 100% and their behaviour was immaculate.
race, 4 by 1 lap hurdle relay, 6 lap Paarlauf and the 4 Mrs Chesworth and I were very proud. Well done to
by 1 lap relay. The field events were: chest push, soft all the team.
javelin, standing long jump, vertical jump and speed
bounce. Most of the children competed in both a Thank you Mrs Parsons and Mrs Chesworth. We had
a great time. Thank you too to Mrs Fowles and Mrs
track and field event.
Cotgreave for helping with transport.

Fergus Factor
Well done to Finn Malins on receiving the
Fergus Factor in the Autumn term. Finn
was really surprised to receive the award
but also said he was proud. Finn was diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago and
has taken in his stride the regular testing
and injections he has to receive. Such a
brave boy!


Anti Bullying Week

By Annabel

By Holly

On Monday the 5th of October, in assembly

Mr Sweetnam introduced Anti-Bullying
Week. He talked about what bullying is and
what it isnt so we could recognise it if it
ever happened to us or someone else.

During Anti-Bullying Week all of the Classes did a few

activities to help with their understanding of bullying.

Two groups from Class 5 did a performance, one showing bullying and one that
wasnt bullying. We were reminded that
bullying is when someone is mean to someone over and over again,
It was a good assembly and it was good to
be reminded how to recognise a bully and
how bullying affects people.

Class 2 made bookmarks, posters about how to be kind,

wrote rules to an alien about how to be nice to others and
the year 2s did some plays.
Class 3 wrote about things that would make you happy,
made some posters and some booklets about bullying.
Class 4 made some posters, created story boards with a
anti-bullying theme and created some plays.
Class 5 made some leaflets, posters and made up some
plays. They presented their leaflets and gave them to all
the other classes so we have them to read.
We showed some of the work we did in our Sharing Assembly on the Friday. It was good to see what everyone

Cake Club

By Amelia, Holly and Annabel

The Year 6s love Cake Club and get excited Mrs Chapman found it tricky to find the feaabout the things they learnt to make and their tures that the boys and girls would like but
creations all looked amazing when they had they all loved making them and were proud of
done them.
They have been making cupcakes and then they
found out how to decorate them using icing to
make different figures. They learnt how to
make sponge cakes and they did delicious butter cream swirls.

what they did. They made animals out of different colours of icing and made them look realistic but also really cute. We are all looking
forward to when we can come to cake club!

Great Governors Day

Gripping Yarns

By Molly

By Phoebe and Holly

On Friday 22nd January, 4 of the school

Governors came in to see the school and
some of its pupils. They were Miss Barlow,
Mr Hughes, Mrs Carman and Mrs Smith.
First, they had a tour of the school, led by
the Year Sixes. They would have seen Sharing Assembly, but it was cancelled due to
the photographer arriving at just the wrong
time! Each class got to chat with the Governors, show them their work, and some even
got to read to them! They sat at our tables
during Lunch, and also came out at Playtime.
Some of the Infants and some of the Juniors had a talk with them about what we do
in school. We all had a great time!

Class 4 and 5 had a great day with a lady

called Jane who acted out a play script
about being safe online. She told us how
people can be fake online. She asked us
questions about the play script and we
had to hold up green for yes, yellow for I
am not sure and red for no.
The story was about a girl who had no
friends because she moved away to a different part of the country and she left her
friends behind but she can still talk to
them online. She meets a stranger called
Stylie Guru and they have lots in common. They soon decided to swap their
friends list but then Georgie said that
might be a terrible idea because her
friends dont know Stylie.
We learnt how to be safe online and how
careful we need to be.

Mothers Day Service

By Lucy J.

On Friday 4th March Reception, Year 1 and 2s Reception children had painted lovely pictures
mums and some dads came to the Mothers of their mums and said why they loved them.
Day service in our school hall. The children
sang some songs about their mum and they all
said something special to their mum.
Years1 and 2
showed cards
made for their
said why they
Year 2s also told a story about a bear cub and
his mum. All the children spoke up and sang
beautifully and the mums all felt very special.
There was even some giggles and tears!


Infant Nativity
At the end of the term the Infants did a
Christmas play. It was called A Midwife Crisis. It was about three midwives who heard
that baby Jesus was being born so they didnt want to miss out on when the baby Jesus
was born.

By Livy and Lucy

ever listens to a donkey!
The songs were great and the children sung
them really well. One parent was heard saying This was the best play Ive seen. The
teachers were all really proud of the children . Well done Classes 1,2 and 3.

On their journey they came across some

funky sheep. The funky sheep sang a song
called Baa Baa Baa Baa Bethlehem. Maddie
was a star and she dressed in a shiny, gold
outfit and she sung an amazing solo which
sent shivers down everyones back. Maisy.
Jessica and Naomi were the midwives and
Ursie and Sid the donkeys that went with
them. The donkeys were so funny as no one

Ultimate Frisbee!

PTA Autumn Disco

Children in Need

By Ava and Lulu

By Molly

On the week before half term the PTA organised an Autumn Disco for us. The first one was for Classes 1,2 and 3
and the second one was for Classes 4 and 5.

On Friday 13th November Bickerton School

dressed up for CHILDREN IN NEED DAY!

Everything was so cool and we all had a great time. We

had some yummy hot dogs with crisps and a drink, all
served by the kind PTA. We also had our nails painted
and face painted. The DJ did a lot of funky , cool songs
for everyone and we all had a nice time dancing ,rocking
and having fun and of course we did the cha, cha slide
and had a wonderful time . Everybody had a great time
with our friends.
Thank you PTA for another great event.

Angus and Isobel Doyle were the people that

came up with the idea, and so they organised a
cake sale, tombola for all the children and an
own clothes day! Thank you so much Angus and
Isobel for all your hard work we had a great
Class 5 were busy BAKING the cakes in the sale
so well done to them as well!
A big thank you to everybody who brought in 2
for wearing their own clothes and for a cake to
eat at break time, we raised a whopping 318 or
Children in Need. Well done!

By Georgina Jones

Ultimate Frisbee is a sport that relies on teamwork. There are a variety of different style throws you
can do in a frisbee game, such as:
Frisbee is a 5-a-side game and there are no specific Back hand, Forehand, Hammer and a Knife, altpositions to any one player. The aim of the game is hough forehand and backhand are most common.
to catch the frisbee in the opposite End Zone to
which you started in. If you do, you win 1 point. Also if you cannot reach the disk when its being
thrown to you, then you can always Layout. A
Once youve caught the frisbee in the End Zone,
layout is where you dive for the frisbee and catch
you stay there whilst the other team have to do
it! [Usually done by older ones!] If you are not althe The walk of Shame to the other end of the ready familiar with the game of frisbee and would
pitch. One game normally lasts 15 minutes.
like to give it a go, then sign up to Mr Sweetnams
Frisbee Club during the Summer Term.
In the finals, if its a draw, after the 15 minutes is
up, then you play whats called a Sudden Death, Well done Georgie for competing in and winning
which is where the first team to score a point, the under 14 National Championships for Ultimate
Frisbeea real achievement ! We look forward to
hearing more about your successes.

Class 2 ready for the Autumn Disco

Hands Up!
Class 2 had a visitor in who came and told them all
about germs and washing hands. First they passed
round a toy and told everyone their name, but then
found out that if their hands had been dirty they would
have been passing on germs!
Next they were shown big cuddly
teddies so they could see what
the tiny, tiny germs looked like.
One of the teddies was the cold
virus and one was a stomach

By Class 2
bugthey looked really cute but we know they are not
All the children then put a special soap on their hands
and put their hands under an ultra violet light to see
how dirty their hands were. After seeing them they
then saw how to wash their hands
properly so they washed them and
put them under the special light
again. Mrs Vaughan was impressed with their hand washing!


Proud Parents
By Beth

Towards the end of the term the classes invited

the parents in to come and see some of the work
that they had been doing.
Class 2 did a play of the Gingerbread man with
songs and dancesit was great. They all did very
well and they only shared it with their parents.
Class 3 did a play of Once Upon a Story [a modern
fairy tale.] They also talked about Delamere and
showed their topic books. It was very good and the
parents enjoyed it.
Classes 4 & 5 did an African event where they
shared some facts, music and dance about Africa.
After that the parents went to see the displays and
topic books in the class rooms. WE ALL DID VERY
WELL and the parents loved us sharing our work
and our topic books with them
It was nice for the parents to see the work that
the we had done near the end of the term having
seen an outline of the work at the beginning of the
term in the curriculum brochures.
We continued these sharing times each term and all
have been thoroughly enjoyed by both the children
and their families.


Breakfast with Santa

By Sienna and Ava

Santa came to Bickerton and everyone was re- Thank you for the PTA for organising Breakally excited! Every class had breakfast with fast with Santa.
Santa in the hall. We had jam, honey and butter on toast. Santa walked happily around the
room watching us eat toast and chatting to us
while the PTA made sure we all had a drink
and plenty of toast.
After we had eaten we each had a picture
with Santa and got presents from him Each
class sang a song to Santa.
You would not believe how many pieces of
toast have been eaten. Everyone was so excited to see Santa.

Nocturnal Nancy!
Mrs Tudor has had a baby girl just a couple of days after finishing school!
Her full name is Nancy Mabel Tudor, and
she sleeps all day and cries all night!
Mrs Tudor keeps popping in after school,
and she even came in to Assembly and
showed us all Nancy! We all think she is SO
Congratulations to all the Tudor family!

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