Sad Lecture 1 - Revised
Sad Lecture 1 - Revised
Sad Lecture 1 - Revised
Business analyst
Systems analyst
Infrastructure analyst
Change management analyst
Project manager
The system evolves through gradual refinement
Phase I: Planning
John, Megan, and Phil, like many others in the music industry,
watched with alarm the rise of music-sharing websites like Napster, as
music consumers shared digital audio files without paying for them,
denying artists and record labels royalties associated with sales. Once
the legal battle over copyright infringement was resolved and Napster
was shut down, the partners set about establishing agreements with a
variety of industry partners in order to offer a legitimate digital music
download resource for customers in their market niche. Phil has asked
Carly Edwards, a rising star in the Tune Source marketing department, to
spearhead the digital music download project. Tune Source currently has
a website that enables customers to search for and purchase CDs. This
site was initially developed by an Internet consulting firm and is hosted
by a prominent local Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Los Angeles. The IT
department at Tune Source has become experienced with Internet
technology as it has worked with the ISP to maintain the site.