Introduction To IT Governance
Introduction To IT Governance
Introduction To IT Governance
The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a systematic process to manage the acquisition,
design, implementation, and use of IT systems.
The phases of the SDLC are briefly defined as:
1. Systems planning is the evaluation of long‐term, strategic objectives and the prioritization of IT
systems in order to assist the organization in achieving its objectives. Systems planning also
involves the planning and continuous oversight of the design, implementation, and use of those
IT systems.
2. Systems analysis is a study of the current system to determine the strengths and weaknesses
and the user needs of that system. Analysis requires the collection of data about the system and
the careful scrutiny of that data to determine areas of the system that can be improved.
3. Systems design is the creation of the system that meets user needs and that incorporates the
improvements identified by the systems analysis phase.
4. Systems implementation is the set of steps undertaken to program, test, and activate the IT
system as designed in the system design phase.
5. Operation and maintenance is the regular, ongoing functioning of the IT system and the
processes to fix smaller problems, or “bugs,” in the IT system. During operation, management
should request and receive ongoing reports about the performance of the IT system.
The process map in Exhibit 5‐2 shows these various phases of the SDLC. Conceptual design is the
process of matching alternative system models with the needs identified in the system analysis phase.
Evaluation and selection is the process of assessing the feasibility and fit of each of these alternative
conceptual approaches and selecting the one that best meets the organization’s needs. The best system
may be either software that can be purchased, or a system designed and developed in‐house. If
software is to be purchased, the company must undergo a set of steps called software selection to select
the best software for its needs. When systems are to be developed in‐house, the company must
undertake steps to design the details of that system. Detailed design is the process of designing the
outputs, inputs, user interfaces, databases, manual procedures, security and controls, and
documentation of the new system.
Elements of the Systems Planning Phase of the SDLC
Feasibility Study
There are four feasibility aspects that should be considered—remember them by the acronym
1. Technical feasibility—assessment of the realistic possibility that technology exists to meet the needs
identified in the proposed change to the IT system.
2. Operational feasibility—assessment of the realistic possibility that current employees will be able to
operate the proposed IT system. If the operation will require new training of employees, this assessment
should evaluate the feasibility of providing training to existing employees.
3. Economic feasibility—assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the proposed IT system. Is
it realistic to conclude that the benefits of the proposed IT system outweigh the costs?
4. Schedule feasibility—assessment of the realistic possibility that the proposed IT system can be
implemented within a reasonable time.
Preliminary Investigation
The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to determine whether the problem or deficiency
in the current system really exists.
Conceptual Design
The next step is the conceptual design phase, which involves identifying the alternative
conceptual design approaches to systems that will meet the needs identified in the system analysis
phase. This step could be viewed as a sort of “brainstorming” to generate the different conceptual
approaches in a system design that will meet the identified needs.
Detailed Design
The end result of the evaluation and selection phase of the SDLC is that the best alternative
design is selected. Once the design has been selected, the details of that selection must be designed.
The purpose of the detailed design phase is to create the entire set of specifications necessary to build
and implement the system. The various parts of the system that must be designed are the outputs,
inputs, processes, data storage, and internal controls. Outputs of the system are reports and documents,
such as income statements, aged accounts receivable listings, inventory status reports, and sales by
product. Other outputs are documents or turn‐around documents. Inputs are the forms, documents,
screens, or electronic means used to put data into the accounting system.
The inputs must be designed to work efficiently and with as few errors as possible. Samples of
the different methods of data input are as follows:
1. Keying in data with a keyboard from data on a paper form. The person operating the keyboard must
enter data from a paper form into an input screen on the computer.
2. Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) is used on checks and turn‐around documents such as the
portion of your credit card bill that you return. The computer system reads the magnetic ink to
determine information such as account number.
3. Electronic data interchange (EDI), in which standard business documents are transmitted
4. Internet commerce, in which the customer enters customer and order data.
5. Bar code scanning, such as in the point‐of‐sale systems used by grocery and department stores.
As depicted in Exhibit 5‐7, some tasks can occur simultaneously. The employee training, program
testing, and documentation can all be undertaken at the same time.
Software Programming
Using the design specifications developed in the detailed design phase, the programming staff
would write the program code for the new or revised system. In the case of purchased software, the
programming staff would modify the program code as necessary to meet the design specifications.
Training Employees
As the programming is completed or nearing completion, employees should be trained to use
the new system. Depending on the extent of changes from the old system, employees may need training
in the use of new input screens, output reports, and processes.
Software Testing
As programmers complete the programming of the new system, the programs and the modules
that make up the programs must be tested. Software should never be implemented before it is tested;
otherwise, it can cause errors or problems in the accounting system and thereby result in erroneous
accounting data. The most common way to test software is to use test data, which is specially created
and entered into the software to ensure that the software works correctly.
Data Conversion
The file or database storage for the new system may be different from the storage format of the
old system. In most instances, a conversion program can be written or acquired that will convert the
data from the old to the new format. Accountants should oversee the data conversion process to make
sure that all accounting data is completely and correctly converted.
System Conversion
There are several different conversion methods to choose from: parallel conversion, direct
cutover conversion, phase‐in conversion, and pilot conversion. Parallel conversion is a conversion
method in which the old and new systems are operated simultaneously for a short time. Direct cutover
conversion means that on a chosen date the old system operation is terminated and all processing
begins on the new system. Phase‐in conversion is a method in which the system is broken into modules,
or parts, which are phased in incrementally and over a longer period. Pilot conversion is the system that
is operated in only one or a few subunits of the organization.
User Acceptance
User acceptance means that when the manager of the primary users of the system is satisfied
with the system, he will sign an acceptance agreement. The enforcement of user acceptance makes it
much more likely that project teams will seek user input and that the project team will work hard to
meet user needs.
Post‐Implementation Review
Post‐implementation review is a review of the feasibility assessments and other estimates made
during the process. The purpose of the review is to help the organization learn from any mistakes that
were made. The review does not correct any errors made, but it helps the company avoid those same
errors in the future.
After implementation, the company will operate and maintain the system for some length of
time. This part of the SDLC is the longest and most costly part, since it may last for several years. At
some point, the company will need to make major revisions or updates to the system, which will trigger
the SDLC to begin again to revise the system. During the ongoing operation, management should receive
regular reports regarding the performance of the IT system. The reports are necessary to monitor the
performance of IT and to enable management to determine whether IT is aligned with business strategy
and meets the objectives of the IT system. Some examples of these IT reports are the following:
• IT performance
• IT load usage and excess capacity
• Downtime of IT systems
• Maintenance hours on IT systems
• IT security and number of security breaches or problems
• IT customer satisfaction, from both internal and external customers. Internal customers are the
various users of IT systems within the organization.
These reports are an important part of IT governance, as they drive the continual monitoring of the IT
Three major purposes are served by the continual and proper use of the IT governance
committee and the SDLC:
1. The strategic management process of the organization
2. The internal control structure of the organization
3. The fulfillment of ethical obligations
Managers, employees, and consultants all have obligations to act ethically while engaged in
changes to IT systems. Managers must ensure that proper IT systems are functioning to meet the
stewardship obligation they have for the assets entrusted to them. In addition, they must consider
confidentiality and the effects of employee displacement as changes occur. Employees have obligations
to provide honest feedback about IT systems and to not disclose confidential information. Consultants
have ethical obligations to bid and bill time fairly, to not oversell IT system modules, and to maintain