Trump Delivers Fascistic Rant To Conclude Republican National Convention

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Trump delivers fascistic rant to conclude

Republican National Convention
By Joseph Kishore
22 July 2016

Donald Trump formally accepted the nomination as

the Republican Party candidate in the 2016 presidential
elections Thursday night with a fascistic rant delivered
before cheering delegates at the convention hall in
Cleveland, Ohio.
In contrast to most of his speeches, Trumps remarks
on Thursday closely followed a prepared script,
eschewing his characteristic stream-of-consciousness
rambling. However, this change in form did not
improve the logical coherence of Trumps thought.
Rather than laying out a coherent political program, his
speech was a series of non-sequiturs, united mainly by
their viciousness and the candidates own limitless
Trump described an America wracked by crisis, the
source of which lies not in inequality and endless war,
let alone the capitalist system, but in terrorism, illegal
immigration and criminals roaming the streets. He said
that his first task would be to liberate our citizens
from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that
threatens their communities.
In this race for the White House, I am the law and
order candidate, Trump said, pledging to expand the
powers of the police.
All the problems plaguing the country, Trump
proclaimed, would be resolved by the gift of his own
personthrough his coming to power. Using the
language of any would-be dictator, Trump declared,
Beginning on January 20th, 2017, safety will be
restored to the United States. If elected, Americans
will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the
United States are enforced.
Throughout his campaign, Trump, with formless
bombast, has sought to direct the immense social anger
and tensions in the United States along the lines of
extreme nationalism. We are going to build a great

border wall to stop illegal immigration, he said on

Thursday, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to
stop the drugs from pouring into our communities.
He also repeated his call for suspending immigration
from any nation that has been compromised by
terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms
have been put in place.
After pointing to the catastrophe in the Middle East
that has been created by fifteen years of war, he
transitioned to a demand for a massive escalation of
military violence in the region. If elected president, he
said, We are going to [destroy the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria] now, we are going to do it fast.
Later on in the speech he referred to China, citing its
outrageous theft of intellectual property, along with
their illegal product dumping, and their devastating
currency manipulation. Trump repeated his calls for
the abolition of existing trade deals, and for a new,
fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to
countries that cheat.
According to the political theory propounded by
Trump, the massive global economic contradictions
that have arisen out of the protracted decline of
American capitalism are to be resolved through the
methods outlined in his book, The Art of the Deal. In
fact, the logical corollary of his America First
nationalism is world war, with the American military
used as the instrument for enforcing the interests of
American business all over the world.
Trump sought to continue his absurd posturing as the
champion of working people and the poor against
corporations and the elite. To the laid-off factory
workers, the forgotten men and women of our
country, he declared, I am your voice.
To the extent that he has succeeded in posing as an
opponent of the political establishment, it is due above

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all to the general hatred of the Democratic Party and

the Obama administration. His statement that big
business, elite media and major donors are lining up
behind the campaign of my opponent was perhaps the
only accurate statement of his speech. However, the
effort of the billionaire real estate mogul to present
himself as the voice of ordinary people is grotesque.
His pledge to be the voice of the voiceless boiled
down to proposals to reducing taxes, particularly for
corporations, and eliminating government regulations.
In the end, his vow to Make America Great is a
proscription for the removal of all restraints on the
accumulation of wealth.
Trumps speech is the culmination of a convention
that has marked a new stage in the crisis of American
democracy. Speakers and delegates issued calls for
violence and repression, including the arrest and even
assassination of political opponents. But behind the
bombast and raucous cheering of the delegates, an air
of demoralization and desperation prevailed
throughoutexpressive of a ruling class terrified of
social upheavals on the horizon.
The protracted decay of the political culture of
American capitalism has now reached the point where
an individual like Trump can be nominated as the
candidate for one of its major political parties. Indeed,
perhaps the most characteristic aspect of Trumps
speech was that it set out to provide proscriptions for a
disease of which he is a prime symptom.
With the Republican nomination concluded, the focus
of American politics will now shift to the Democratic
convention, which begins in Philadelphia on Monday.
The Democrats will no doubt cite the horror show in
Cleveland in an effort to terrify the population into
backing Hillary Clinton.
The Democrats, however, have no more viable
solution to the political and social crisis in the United
States than do the Republicans. Their convention will
be centered on attempting to frame the elections as a
referendum on race, marrying identity politics with the
most right-wing, pro-war and anti-working class
campaign in the history of the party.

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