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What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review



Why You Should Learn P



Python quickly become one of the top-choice programming

languages. Trendy startups and big corporations often use this
language. Anyone can learn to code Python, be it children or topnotch developers. You are very likely to see Python in an
Introduction to Programming class. If you have no programming
background and would like to learn only one programming language,
your top choice is Python.


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Python is easy to learn

As a Stanford professor Donald Knuth once said, "It was nice to learn Python; a nice aftern
to write something fun.

Python has a high level of abstraction

This means you can focus on the big picture rather than thinking about low-level impleme
stock performance, your primary concern will be understanding of nance. You wont hav
Python will take care of that. This makes you quicker and productive. Typically, Python wo
as Java or C++.

Python ecosystem

Whatever software application you imagine, you most probably can write it in Python. We
computer vision, arti cial intelligence there are Python libraries for that.




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

Python is a glue language that connects different standards

You can use Python as an interface to access libraries written in multiple programming la

Python community


A lot of people around the world already code in Python, and the community is huge. Fam
use Python. The Python language is commonly used is big companies such as NASA, Go



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Python for beginners: What can you do with Python?




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

What Can You Do with P

Web Development
Data Wrangling with Python
Internet of Things
Game Development
Mobile Apps
Beginner Python Projects

Web Development

You can use Python to develop web applications of any level of complexity. You can start with ligh
to advanced web apps with extended functionality by using Django framework.

Django can handle complex applications with multiple features and high load. For example, web c
app to process 165k messages per second. Mobile photo-sharing service Instagram, which serve



What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

technical architecture with Django on their application servers.

Comparison with other languages:

If you learn web programming with Python, you can develop apps faster than in PHP or Java.
Compared to Ruby on Rails, Django lets you take advantage of multiple scienti c libraries which e
features which require using something very speci c, such as machine learning or natural langua
tools are already added to Python.

Data Wrangling with Python

Python is commonly used for advanced algorithms and scienti c data analysis. This is a popular
systems such as R or MATLAB. There is a number of powerful statistical and numerical packages
constantly updated by the community, and new tools are added every day.

1. Pandas: Python Data Analysis Library is an ef cient tool for working with datasets. Thanks t
preprocessing and analysis tasks can be done with just a few lines of Python.

2. Scikit-Learn: Machine learning toolset, complete with data pre-processing, popular training a
would like to predict customer satisfaction or analyze which factors will affect household pr
libraries for similar tasks, such as NLTK or TensorFlow.

3. Jupyter Notebook: An interactive notebook which can be helpful for logging and re-running y
and more convenient than scripts stored in traditional les.
4. Matplotlib, Seaborn: Libraries for data visualization.

5. NLTK: A library for natural language processing, for tasks such as spam ltering or sentimen

6. NetworkX: a Python library for social network analysis, with an opportunity to create impress

Internet of Things: Raspberry Pi




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

Raspberry Pi is a tiny affordable computer which was designed for education and gains popularit
and automation. Python is a language of choice for this tiny computer. This device can t almost
design a smart feeder for your car, a talking telephone toy or basically anything you can imagine

Game Development

PyGame is a set of modules for writing video games in Python. The basic idea is to use Python to
level interface to optimized modules which handle computationally expensive graphics. PyGame

Mobile Apps

Though its not a common use of Python, you can use the same language to develop mobile apps
to create mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows using interactive features, such as multi-touc
app on all supported platforms, which additionally include Linux and Mac OS X.

Beginner Python Projects

Even if you already know a lot about programming, you can try to complete several tutorials for be
1. A simple microblog application in Flask: http:// ask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/tutorial/

2. Creating a basic poll application in Django: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/intro/tuto

3. A mobile ping-pong game using Kivy: https://kivy.org/docs/tutorials/pong.html




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

Python Programming Languages History

Introduction to Python
Advantages of Python
Disadvantages of Python
The Bene t of Having Python Programming Skills
What Do You Need to Learn Python?
Top Resources to Learn Python Online

The Bene t of Learning Python by Taking Online Co

Python Programming Language's History

What is Python?

Python was rst designed in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a computer programmer fr
Guido chose the title Python because he was a big fan of the British comedy series Monty P

The second version of Python appeared in 2000. Around this time the language development
started to attract more attention. The language is open source, and anyone can contribute to i
readable as plain English. The idea was to create a powerful and intuitive programming langua

Probably the most important boost for Pythons reputation as a powerful programming langua
been an important part of Google since the beginning, and remains so as the system grows an
language became so prominent at Google that they invited Guido van Rossum, the creator of t
has worked at Google in 2005-2012; now he works at the cloud storage company Dropbox.

The most controversial moment in Pythons history was the release of Python 3. This new vers
created a big barrier for its adoption. The nal release of Python 3 appeared in 2008 but pro
point when Python 3 is supported by most Python libraries.




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

A Brief Introduction to Python Programming L

Python was designed as an interpreted language you can type instructions into the command l
in Python for beginners is by using an interactive command line.
If you launch Python on your computer and try typing a few commands:
> import this
This command will show Zen of Python, a list of principles behind Python.
> import antigravity
This is a surprise Easter egg in Python try it yourself.

Getting to more serious things, let us see basics of Python using a simple example. Imagine we h
calculate the average grade. The code can look the following way:
grades = [10, 7, 9, 8] average_grade = sum(grades) / len(grades)

In this case, the average grade is calculated as the sum of all values in the list, divided by the leng

A data scientist will use a library function mean which will calculate the average value automatic
from numpy import mean
average_grade = mean(grades)

Overall, Python is designed as a language which can be read as plain English. For example, the fo



What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

if is_rainy(today) or is_rainy(tomorrow):

Please note four whitespaces in the next line after if: this indentation is also a part of the langua
related to if. Indentation is designed to replace curly braces {} which you might remember from C

Advantages of Python

1. Python has a low entry barrier, there are multiple libraries available, big ecosystem
language which is perfect for beginners and still sophisticated enough to be used in

2. Python is a perfect language for rapid prototyping: if you would like to quickly cre
you have, be it a scienti c idea or a minimum viable product for a startup, Python w

3. Python doesnt require thinking a lot from the machine point of view in general,
think about the big picture.

4. Python doesnt dictate a programming paradigm if you are an experienced prog

style you prefer, be it functional programming, object-oriented programming, or scr

Disadvantages of Python

1. Speed of development doesnt come for free the cost is the speed of execution
like C and C++. It shouldnt matter too much in the era of distributed computing and
developers are still concerned about Pythons speed. It is up to you to decide what m
the speed of your programs. Often the optimal solution would be to make a quick p



What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

program later if needed. You can even rewrite bottleneck modules in a language like

2. Incompatibility of Python 2 and Python 3 is another source of complaints. Curren

peacefully, and newer updates of Python 2 still appear.

3. Forced indentation in Python is another common concern. You will usually hear i
have always used curly braces {} or instructions such as begin end to mark wh
ends. A popular argument is that whitespace can completely change the behavior o
mistake with whitespaces. Its particularly dif cult in the documents where whitesp
it shouldnt be a problem once you start writing in Python.

The Bene t of Having Python Programming S

Coding in Python is a universal skill which can help you in a variety of tasks. After learning the bas
expand your skills in any direction you want.

Basic Python skills will take you to a level where you can decide to focus on web applications, gam
nancial analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, arti cial intelligence, or anythin
variety of business problems. Do you have to build an online platform for selling second-hand clo
towards a speci c brand changed over time? Or make a home automaton system? Or generate c
course? You can do almost anything in Python.

For experienced programmers, Python will be a useful tool for writing quick scripts and rapid prot
primary programming language, its features and ecosystem has a lot to offer.

What Do You Need to Learn Python?

Skills required to learn Python:
You dont need any particular skills to learn Python: your willingness to learn is enough. There are



What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

to code in Python without a need of any speci c skills. Of course, if you already know one or two p
you, but this is not a requirement. Taking a Python course online may be all you need.
System requirements:
If you use Linux or Mac OS, Python should be already installed in your system.

If you use Windows, you may want to read the notes on how to install Python: https://docs.pyth
If you love MATLAB and R, take a look at Scienti c PYthon Development EnviRonment:
Depending on your needs, you may want to install additional libraries later.

Please remember that you can also learn Python online without a need to install anything it will
courses come with interactive web-based tools which run Python.

Top Resources to Learn Python Online




What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

Google Python Class

A quick introduction to Python for programmers. If you already know terminology like variables,
speed with Python.
Coursera: An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python, Rice University

Learn Python by building simple interactive tools and games. No knowledge of programming requ
Coursera: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python), University of Michigan

A good introductory course to Python programming for beginners. You dont need to know anythi

EdX 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, Massachuset
If you are not afraid of taking a rigorous university course to understand programming, try taking
Science and a great deal about Python.
Try Python by Code School

An interactive course for beginners which is easy to follow: read the instructions, type your solutio
Python class by Code Academy
Another interactive course similar to Code School.
Learn Python the Hard Way

This is an online version of a popular book. Learning Python the hard way means a lot of practic

This list is not exhaustive you can nd a variety of tutorials online, from Learn Python in 10 min
with examples.
A list of Python tutorials for non-programmers
A list of Python titorials for programmers



What Can You Do With Python - Ecourse Review

Python Courses from Udemy

Udemy is the leading online learning platform that offers massive IT training courses, including Py
advanced courses there.

As you see, there are different ways of learning Python online: you can use study materials, intera
universities. It all depends on your preferences and personal learning style.

The Bene t of Learning Python by Taking Onl

There will be a lot of other students taking the same class with you. There will be deadlines to kee
get the answers you need, and excitement of learning new material together. Last but not least, th
you can get a veri ed certi cate, and mention it in your resume or LinkedIn pro le.

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