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Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

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Social distance, heterogeneity and social interactions

Rama Cont a,b, , Matthias Lwe c

IEOR Dept., Columbia University, New York, United States

Laboratoire de Probabilits et Modles Alatoires, UMR 7599 CNRS-Universit de Paris VI-VII, France
Institut fr Mathematische Statistik, University of Mnster, Einstein Strasse 62, D-48419 Mnster, Germany

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 1 September 2006
Received in revised form
30 December 2009
Accepted 17 March 2010
Available online 24 March 2010
Discrete choice models
Social interactions
Hopeld model
Disordered systems
Random utility models
Limit theorems
Neural networks

a b s t r a c t
A crucial ingredient in social interaction models is the structure of peer groups, which link
individuals with similar characteristics. We propose and study a dynamic binary choice
model with social interactions in which heterogeneity of peer group effects is modeled
introducing diversity in individual characteristics and linking pairwise inuences to a social
distance between individuals. Our framework allows for mimetic as well as anti-mimetic
interactions and a heterogeneous structure of peer groups across individuals. Dynamic
equilibria are studied in the limit when the number of agents is large. We show that the
model exhibits multiple equilibria resulting from conicts between various group pressures
the individuals are subjected to. We study in particular the correlation in the population
at equilibrium between the characteristics of the agents and their decisions: this quantity
has an interesting empirical interpretation and solves a simple analytical equation when
the number of agents is large. Finally we discuss the empirical content of the model and
present a consistent estimator for the parameter describing which is consistent for any
typical population regardless of the structure of individual characteristics.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

While the economic approach to human behavior (Becker, 1974) has traditionally emphasized the role of individual
preferences in explaining social phenomena, the sociological approach (Bourdieu, 2001; Coleman, 1990) essentially views
individuals as members of groups and emphasizes the interaction among individuals and between the individual and the
group as the determining factor in explaining aggregate phenomena. Social interaction models (Durlauf and Peyton Young,
2000; Fllmer, 1974; Schelling, 1971, 1973; Glaeser et al., 1996; Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2002; Horst and Scheinkman,
2006; Manski, 2000; Topa, 2001) have attempted to breach the gap between these two approaches by modelling individual
decision making when preferences are inuenced by ones social environment. Social interaction models take into account
the fact that the preferences of individuals over actions can depend on the actions of other individuals in their social group,
by considering that the utility Ui of an action i for an agent i can depend on the actions {j , j =
/ i} of other agents:
/ i})
Ui (i ; {j , j =


With respect to more common settings in game theory, here the emphasis is on the interplay between the heterogeneity
of individual preferences and social interactions in large populations, where behavior is not strategic (see also Morris and
Shin, 2005).
These studies explain the statistical behavior of aggregate outcomes in many socio-economic phenomena in particular
the excess variance of aggregate variables and social multiplier effects in terms of a competition between two factors:
the degree of heterogeneity of individual preferences and the strength of peer group inuence. While it is possible to give

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Cont), [email protected] (M. Lwe).
0304-4068/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


some general results (Blume, 1993; Blume and Durlauf, 2003; Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2002) on existence and uniqueness
of equilibria for specications of the form (1), in order to obtain models with empirical content parametric specications are
desirable. A exible class of models, introduced by Fllmer (1974) and used in recent studies (Durlauf and Peyton Young,
2000; Brock and Durlauf, 2000; Glaeser et al., 1996; Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2002; Topa, 2001), is obtained by assuming
that utility functions can be decomposed into a sum of an individual (private) utility and social component, expressed as a
sum of pairwise inuences of other agents:
Ui (i ; {j , j =
/ i}) = Ui0 (i ) +

Jij i j


/ i

Here Ui0 (i ) represents the individual preference of agent i in absence of any social interaction. Heterogeneity of individual
preferences can be introduced by modelling Ui0 (i ) as randomly distributed across the population, as in classical discrete
choice models (Anderson et al., 1992; Manski and McFadden, 1981).
A crucial ingredient here is the specication of Jij the gain in utility of i from conforming to j which encodes the
interaction structure between individuals and interesting classes of models are obtained by parameterizing the interaction
terms Jij in a parsimonious way. The choice Jij = J/(N 1) > 0 leads to global interaction models (Brock and Durlauf, 2000;
Orlan, 1995) where each agent is affected by the average action of others. This choice assumes a high degree of homogeneity
in the structure of interactions between agents which implies that the impact of an agents action on all other agents is the
same. This assumption, although mathematically convenient, implies that any peer pressure has to be present at the level
of the whole population, which is rather unrealistic and goes against the notion of peer group. Empirical studies on social
behavior in contexts ranging from neighborhood effects on youth behavior (Case and Katz, 1990; Evans et al., 1992; Jones,
1994) to spatial patterns in unemployment (Conley and Topa, 2002) show that while individuals belonging to different age
classes, income levels, professional categories and cultural backgrounds may exhibit very different behaviors, there is less
heterogeneity inside a given category. This fact cannot be accounted for in a homogeneous model where the notion of peer
group has no theoretical counterpart.
By contrast, in local interaction models (Bisin et al., 2005; Glaeser et al., 1996; Topa, 2001) social inuences are mediated
by the peer group of an individual (Evans et al., 1992; Glaeser et al., 1996; Jones, 1994; Simmel, 1904). Each agent interacts
with a group of neighbors on a graph whose links represent social relations. Here the main issue is choosing a meaningful
notion of social distance to specify proximity. The local interaction models proposed in the literature (Brock and Durlauf,
2000; Fllmer, 1974; Glaeser et al., 1996; Topa, 2001) assume that this neighborhood structure is represented by a regular
lattice Zd . This choice is often motivated by the availability of mathematical results in the framework of lattice models; it
should be noted that these results use in an important way the notion of translation invariance in lattice models, a notion
which to our knowledge has no clear economic interpretation. More importantly, such assumptions about the composition
of peer groups impose a certain homogeneity on the structure of peer groups across individuals. For example, the size of the
peer group of an individual is assumed to be known (2d in this case).
In empirical studies peer groups are observed to vary in size and structure from individual to individual. For example
Borjas (1992) assumes that persons interact with members of their own ethnic group; in a study on spatial patterns in
unemployment (Conley and Topa, 2002) show that ethnic as well as other similarities in characteristics matter. Studies on
the structure of social groups show a tendency of individuals to interact with other individuals with similar characteristics
(Marsden, 1982, 1990), leading to the notion that similarity in characteristics should be a basis for social proximity (Akerlof,
1997). If such criteria are used as a metric for social proximity, the resulting network of social interactions will be a nonregular graph for which lattice models are a poor representation; moreover the properties of the resulting network will be
dependent on the structure of the population under study and thus may vary from one population to another, resulting in a
random graph of which a given population represents a sample.
The composition of peer groups is a crucial ingredient of social interaction models. One is then led to ask how local
interactions may affect equilibrium outcomes when the size and structure of the peer groups is heterogeneous across
individuals, as is the case empirically.
A related question is that of the empirical content of these models (Manski, 2000): is it possible to infer certain aggregate
socio-economic outcomes given statistical information on the structure of social groups, as in population surveys? Equilibrium outcomes of the model can be meaningfully compared to empirical data only if (certain) aggregate variables possess
a behavior which becomes sample-independent for large samples. In other words, the necessary condition for inference in
these models is a law of large numbers for certain aggregate variables. Given the presence of social interactions, individual
decisions will not be independent so obtaining a law of large numbers is not obvious but possible under some conditions
if the peer group structure is known (Fllmer, 1974). When the structure of peer groups and interactions within them vary
randomly across individuals, one needs to distinguish aggregate outcomes which depend on the detailed knowledge of this
microstructure from those which only require to know the statistical features of social groups. Obviously, only the latter can
be compared with survey data on large populations.
Finally, we note that a constant feature of the previously studied models is that social interactions introduce strategic
complementarity: social pressure is assumed to favor imitation of others (Jij > 0).However social interactions can tilt preferences in the opposite direction: (Simmel, 1904) highlights the roles of both imitation and the need to make distinctions in
fashions and fads; (Glaeser et al., 1996) underline the presence of negative interactions among criminals due to competition


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

for resources; (Conley and Topa, 2002) note the presence of negative correlations in unemployment rates of individuals
when ethnic differences are large. It is therefore interesting to allow for negative as well as positive social inuences in social
interaction models.
Our intent here is to propose a modeling framework in which the above issues have meaningful theoretical counterparts.
We propose and study a dynamic binary choice model with social interactions in which heterogeneity is introduced at two
different levels: at the level of agents preferences by introducing an agent-specic random component in the utility function,
and at the level of the interaction structure by taking into account afnities between agents with similar characteristics,
allowing for positive as well as negative interactions as well as a heterogeneous structure of peer groups across individuals.
The introduction of a dynamic framework allows us to distinguish between the two types of randomness: behavioral
heterogeneity, stemming from randomness in individual preferences, modeled as IID across time and randomness in population characteristics and peer group structure, which does not vary in time but only across populations.1 We study dynamic
equilibria of our model and describe them through the level of conformity of individuals decisions to their characteristics.
Our dynamic setting is similar to stochastic choice revision schemes studied in evolutionary game theory (see e.g. Baron
et al., 2004 or Young, 1998, Chapter 6 for a review) in which one is interested in stochastically stable states (Foster and Young,
1990) obtained by studying the behavior of equilibria when randomness is driven to zero. However in our case randomness
constitutes a behavioral component of interest, corresponding to bounded rationality in agent behavior, and not just an
equilibrium selection scheme.
This article is organized as follows. Section 1 provides a mathematical description of our model in terms of agents
characteristics, communication structure, preferences, decision rules and dynamics. In Section 2 we dene static and dynamic
equilibria and study their properties. In Section 2.3 we show existence and uniqueness of a dynamic equilibrium given the
characteristics of the population and describe these equilibria through the correlations between agents characteristics and
their choices. While the dynamic equilibria clearly depend on the characteristics of the individuals in the population, in
Section 3 we show that if the population is large then the correlations between individuals actions and their characteristic can
only have a nite number of congurations, thus obtaining a result robust to the randomness of population characteristics.
Exploiting this result we explore the empirical content of our model and propose in Section 3.2 a method for measuring
the heterogeneity of individual preferences, based on aggregate observations on choices of individuals. Section 4 discusses
how these results are modied by the presence of a bias in individual preferences, which can result among other things
from incentives provided by policy maker. Finally, Section 5 concludes by discussing the obstacles to reaching equilibrium
in large heterogeneous populations and its implications for the empirical content of social interaction models.
1. Model framework
We now introduce a model describing the inuence of social interactions on the decision making behavior of a large
number of heterogeneous agents, facing a binary choice problem, emphasizing the economic interpretation of the concepts
A description of agents by their characteristics is introduced in Section 1.1. Section 1.2 denes the notion of social afnity
between agents. The communication structure among the agents is described in Section 1.3. Section 1.4 describes the agents
preferences and their interactions. Section 1.5 discusses the probabilistic description of the agents decision rules. Section
1.6 describes some quantities of interest that we focus on in the rest of the article.
1.1. Heterogeneity of characteristics and social groups
Consider a set of agents, labelled by i = 1 . . . N, where each agent is described in terms of M possible attributes such as age,
gender, income level, ethno-cultural background, etc. Such descriptions are precisely of the type given in population surveys
in which individual proles are specied through multiple-choice questions asking to identify the age category, income
category, ethnic group, etc. Characteristics will be denoted by the Greek letter . For example = 1 can correspond to the
age category, = 2 to gender, = 3 to the income category, = 4 to ethnic group, etc. For simplication we shall assume
that these attributes are binaryfor each characteristic , there are two exclusive possibilities e.g. young/old, male/female,
high income/ low income, . . .. The attributes of agent i can then be described by a sequence (i )=1...M of binary variables,

> 0) or not (i = 

< 0).
indicating whether agent i possesses the characteristic (i = +
A social group can then be dened as a set of individuals sharing the same characteristics. Each social group can therefore
be described as an element of
{ , + } while the statistical description of a heterogeneous population is given by a


convex combination of these elements i.e. a vector in =1 [

, +
], the barycentric coordinates describing the proportions
of each social group in the population.
In large heterogeneous populations, only a statistical description of population characteristics is typically available. For
example, we might know that a population is 40% young, 55% female, 70% white, etc.

While this distinction is also made by Horst and Scheinkman (2006), their setting is a static one in which the distinction does not entail any consequence.

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


Heterogeneity of characteristics can then be modelled by assuming that for each characteristic = 1 . . . M the binary
variables (i )i=1...N form a family of independent identically distributed (IID) random variables such that:

) = 1 P(i = 
) = 
P(i = +


N i 1,

M 1.


is the fraction of the population with characteristic 

> 0. Thus, a population of size N is represented by a sample

(i )i=1...N of IID draws from the distribution above. For each individual, i = (i , = 1 . . . M) describes the attributes of i.

Here i are simply indicator variables and their values +

may be normalized such as to center them:

= 2(1  )
= 2


In the particular case where  = 1/2 then i takes the values 1.

1.2. Social afnity
As argued above, one of the main issues in a model of social interactions is to dene a notion of social distance between
agents. Although in some applications of local interaction models (Glaeser et al., 1996; Topa, 2001) this notion has been
assimilated to a spatial distance, as noted in the introduction the notion of social distance is not limited to geographical
distance (Akerlof, 1997). For example (Conley and Topa, 2002) show that ethnic distance clearly seems to be dominant in
terms of explaining spatial patterns in unemployment. More generally, sociological studies (Marsden, 1982, 1990) indicate
the tendency of individuals to interact more with other individuals with similar characteristics. These observations motivate
the following denition: given a description of agents by the vector of their characteristics i = (i )=1...M , we dene the
social afnity of agents i and j is given by the scalar product of i and j :
a(i, j) =


i j



Two agents with identical proles have maximal afnity while two agents with opposite proles have negative afnity. In
the case where all  = 1/2, a(i, j) simply reduces to the number of common attributes i and j have in common, opposite
attributes being counted negatively. If agents i and j have many common attributes, then a(i, j) is large and positive. In
a homogeneous population, all pairs of agents have the same afnity. In a heterogeneous population with characteristics
randomly distributed across the population, the afnity between two individuals will also be randomly distributed across
pairs of agents.

Recall that in order to center the variable i we normalized its values to +

= 2 , 
= 2(1  ). Now assume  1/2

(the majority of the individuals have characteristic i > 0) and take i, j belonging to the majority (i = j = 2(1  )) and
i , j belonging to the minority i = j = 2 . Then
i j < i j .
which means that belonging to the same minority has a larger impact on social afnity than belonging to the same majority:
peer pressure is stronger on members of smaller social groups.
1.3. Random communication structure
In standard game theoretical models, all agents communicate with each other: the communication structure is described
by a complete graph linking all pairs {i, j}. In a large population it is more realistic to assume that each agent can communicate
with some, but not all, other agents. This can be modeled by a (Erds-Renyi) random graph: given a pair of agents {i, j}, there
is a probability p that they communicate, independently from all other pairs. The communication structure may then be
described as in Kirman (1983) via a random graph with N vertices and IID edges. Dene the set of links (edges) by
LN = {{i, j}|1 i N, 1 j N, i =
/ j}


Dening an indicator variable ij {0, 1} for each pair of agents, a random communication structure can be represented by
a random variable = (ij , i =
/ j) taking values in {0, 1}LN with IID components such that:
P(ij = 1) = 1 P(ij = 0) = p


For p < 1 a completely connected graph is an atypical conguration in a large population: the probability that all pairs of
agents communicate is then pN(N1)/2 , which tends to zero when N is large.
1.4. Preferences
Each agent is facing a choice between between two feasible alternatives: the action of each agent i can be represented
by a variable i S = {1, +1}. For example, in the classical setting of the discrete choice theory of product differentiation
(Anderson et al., 1992) agents may be faced with a choice beween product brands. Another example is that of a speculative


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

market for a nancial asset (Cont and Bouchaud, 2000), where each trader is faced with the decision whether to buy or sell
and eventually the size of the order. Alternatively, one may consider the choice of adopting or not adopting certain social
practices: the decision to smoke (Jones, 1994), to follow a social trend (Evans et al., 1992; Simmel, 1904; Schelling, 1973),
to engage in a criminal act (Glaeser et al., 1996). This formalism has been also applied to cases where i is not the result of
a decision but describes the state of the agent i as a result of interaction with his environment e.g. unemployment (Topa,
Agent i chooses i such as to maximize a utility function Ui , which is the sum of two components: an individual (private)
utility Ui0 (i ) which only depends on the choice i of agent i and a social component Vi which also depends on the choices
/ i:
of the other agents j , j =
Ui ():=Ui0 (i ) + Vi (i , {j , j =
/ i})


Since i {1, 1}, Ui0 can be assumed to be linear without loss of generality. As in (Brock and Durlauf, 2000) we model this
component as:
Ui0 (i ) = ui i + h(i )i


where h is common to all agents in a social group and expresses a social bias in preferences and the idiosyncratic term ui
is specic to agent i and describes her individual taste. In Sections 2 and 3 we will set h 0; in Section 4 we will allow h
to depend on the agents characteristics and analyze its effect on equilibrium behavior. Heterogeneity of individual tastes is
modelled via a random utility approach by considering (ui )i=1...N as a sequence of IID variables whose distribution we denote
by F:
F(x) = P(ui x)


A common parametric form used for inference is the logit distribution (Anderson et al., 1992; Manski and McFadden, 1981):
F(x) =

1 + exp(x)


where > 0 is a homogeneity parameter: large indicates a population where agents share similar individual tastes while
small indicates a large heterogeneity of tastes. The logit distribution can be also derived as a tradeoff between exploration
and exploitation where 1/ may be viewed as representing the cost of exploration (Anderson et al., 1992; Nadal and
Weisbuch, 1998).
We allow the preferences of an agent i to be inuenced by actions of his/her peer group i , specied as being the set of
agents communicating with i:
i = {j|ij = 1}


Given the random communication structure among agents, i is a random set and its size may vary across individuals. A
exible parametric form is obtained by assuming that Vi has an additive structure (Fllmer, 1974; Brock and Durlauf, 2000;
Glaeser et al., 1996; Topa, 2001):
/ i}) =
Vi (i , {j , j =

Jij j i


j i

where Jij is the gain in utility of agent i resulting from aligning her choice on that of agent j. Since the average size of a
neighborhood i is pN, the normalizing factor 1/pN sets the right scale2 such that when N grows one the social component
does not systematically dominate the other term in Ui . The quantity Jij plays the role of an interaction coefcient describing
the inuence of the choice j of agent j on agent i. For example if Jij > 0, agent i tends to imitate j. Jij = 0 means that the
choice of agent j does not affect agent i. With the parametrization introduced above, the mutual inuence of two agents
choice is described by the interaction coefcient Jij . Different specications of Jij then lead to different interaction structures.
Using the notion of social afnity dened in Section 1.2, it is natural to assume that agents with a higher social afnity
will have a higher interdependence in their choices. A simple parametrization of this idea is to choose:
Jij = ij a(i, j) = ij


i j



The idea is that the mutual inuence between two agents parameterized here by Jij is related to their social afnity: if
agents i and j share many common attributes (for example if they are both young, male and belong to the same ethnic group)
the choice of j is more likely to inuence that of i than if i and j share few common attributes, a fact that is corroborated by
various behavioral studies (Marsden, 1982). Finally, if two agents do not communicate (ij = 0) they do not inuence each

Here pN can be replaced by |i |, the (random) size of the neighborhood of i, without changing the results in the sequel.

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


others actions, no matter how similar or different their characteristics may be. Note that (14) implies that Jij are random
1.5. Probabilistic description of individual choice
Each individual i makes her choice i by maximizing her utility function Ui as in (8). Since the utility of an action for
i depends on action of other individuals j i in her peer group, this utility maximization problem is only well dened
conditionally on the variables (j )j  . Given (j )j  i will choose i = +1 if

Ui0 (+1) + Vi (+1, {j , j i })


Ui0 (1) + Vi (1, {j , j i })

Vi (+1, {j , j i }) ui > h

Jij j

Ui0 (+1) Ui0 (1) > Vi (1, {j , j i })


j i

The conditional probability of i choosing i = 1 is therefore given by:

P(i = +1|(j )j  , J) = 1 P ui h


Jij j = 1 F h

j i


Jij j


j i

Here the conditioning on J = (Jij , j i ) means that the structure of interactions in the population is xed. In the case where
F is a logit distribution given by (11), (16) becomes:
exp[/2(h + (1/pN)
exp Vi (+1, j )
exp(Vi (+1, j )) + exp(Vi (1, j ))

exp[/2(h (1/pN)

j i

Jij j )]

j i

Jij j )] + exp[/2(h + (1/pN)

Jij j )]

j i

The randomness of the conditional responses can be interpreted either from an econometric viewpoint, as a cross sectional
heterogeneity in a sample population, or as an intrinsic randomness in behavior due to bounded rationality. When Vi only
depends on i this reduces to the standard logit discrete choice model (Anderson et al., 1992; Manski and McFadden,
1981). When choices are interdependent, Eqs. (16) or (17) represent the inuence of social interactions via the conditional
distribution P(i |j , j i ) of actions given the social environment (Brock and Durlauf, 2000).
When , the agent chooses with probability one the alternative which maximizes social utility, completely disregarding individual tastes, resulting in a very similar behavior across individuals. By contrast the case = 0 correspond to
choosing alternatives with a uniform probability, resulting in a very heterogeneous cross section of individual behaviors.
Hence the case where > 0 interpolates between these two extreme cases: a large indicates a behavior close to social
utility maximization, a small a random behavior. It will be therefore interesting to study how the properties of the model
depend on when varies in [0, [.
1.6. Objectives
Having described our model, we can now examine which quantities and properties are of interest:
(1) Equilibria: different notions of equilibrium, their existence and their properties are studied in Section 2.
(2) Peer group effects: what is the impact, at equilibrium, of the characteristics of an individual on her choice? In Section
2.4 we propose a simple way to quantify this feature and show that it allows a characterization of the equilibria of the
(3) Empirical content of the model: can the model conclusions be (in)validated empirically? How can the model parameters
be estimated from survey type data on agents characteristics and actions?
(4) Effect of biases in individual preferences: how does a non-zero bias h affect equilibrium actions? Can equilibria be
selected or modied by a policy maker providing incentives to orient actions? This question is studied in Section 4.
We will show that, when the number of agents N is large, many of these questions can be answered in a precise manner.
2. Equilibria
The interdependence of agents decisions (i )i=1...N requires an additional criterion in order to specify the decisions in a
consistent way (Blume and Durlauf, 2003; Horst and Scheinkman, 2006). Previous studies (Brock and Durlauf, 2000; Glaeser
and Scheinkman, 2002; Horst and Scheinkman, 2006) consider a notion of static self-consistent equilibrium, based on selfconsistency of the actions or beliefs. This approach, discussed in Section 2.1, does not describe how equilibrium is reached.
In Section 2.2 we describe a dynamic process by which agents update their choices, consistently with their preferences.


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

This allows us to dene dynamic equilibria, which are studied in Section 2.3. Dynamic equilibria turn out to be different, in
general, from static equilibria.

2.1. Static self-consistent equilibria

In social interaction models discussed in the literature, the notion of equilibrium is often the following (Blume and Durlauf,
2003; Horst and Scheinkman, 2006): a conguration of actions (i )i=1...N is a (static) equilibrium of the social interactions
models dened by (3)(13) if the action of each individual is the best response to the actions of others:

i = 1 . . . N,

i argmax Ui (i , {j , j =

/ i})


i S

In general (i )i=1...N is a random variable. More precisely in the context of our model, a self-consistent equilibrium can be
dened by a (joint) probability measure P on (, F) such that under P, (3)(7)(10) hold and (18) holds almost surely. P
is interpreted as the joint law at equilibrium of the charactertistics, preferences and decisions of the agents. Conditions
(3)(7)(10) simply mean that P gives a correct statistical description of the structure of social groups while condition (18)
is a condition of self-consistency among the decisions of different agents.
Eq. (18) denes (i )i=1...N as a xed point of the (upper semi-continuous) correspondence:
(i )i=1...N (argmax Ui (.,{j , j =
/ i}))


The Kakutani xed point theorem entails the existence of a self-consistent equilibrium.
However the mere existence of such equilibria does not tell us whether they can be reached, starting from an initial
non-equilibrium conguration. In fact the computation of such equilibria would already require a certain sophistication on
the part of the agents which may not be meaningful to assume in typical applications of social interaction models. Also note
that the denition of self-consistent equilibria as the specication of a random variable requires the knowledge of the joint
law of actions along with sources of randomness in the environment (preferences, characteristics, communication between
individuals). From an empirical point of view, when we observe a given population it is not possible to distinguish between
two such (self-consistent) equilibria which give the same conditional distributions for actions given the environment. Thus
multiple equilibria may exist in the model but these equilibria may be observationally equivalent.
For these reasons we tackle the equilibrium problem through another angle: we rst dene a rule for updating agents
decisions which is compatible with the conditional preferences describes in Section 1.4 and introduce the notion of dynamic
equilibrium as a statistical distribution of actions which is invariant under the dynamics considered.

2.2. Dynamic updating of choices

A natural dynamic specication for the evolution of agents choices is a sequential updating scheme. However, since there
is more than one agent involved and choices are interdependent, one should specify in which order the agents choices are to
be updated. Since in a natural setting this order is random, one can consider that each agent updates his/her choice at random
time intervals which, for example, are IID random variables with an exponential distribution. The updating times for different
agents are therefore random and independent, such that, with probability one, choices of different agents will be updated at
different times: when they take decisions, agents react to what they observe other agents in their peer group are doing. An
agent reacts to the actions of other as opposed to his anticipations on actions of other (as in Brock and Durlauf, 2000). This
should be contrasted with s ynchronous updating schemes in repeated games with strategic interactions where choices are
determined simultaneously through in a non-cooperative equilibrium as in (18) at each time step. The perspective of social
interaction models in large populations is not to model strategic interactions but collective behavior of non-strategic nature.
Formally, one can consider N IID Poisson processes (i (t), i = 1 . . . N) and dene the decision times of agent i with the
jump times t1i , . . . , tki , . . . of i . Such an approach is also used for instance in Blume and Durlauf (2003). Thus, the intervals
between two updating times are IID exponentially distributed random variables, independent across agents.
Let us stress that there is no natural order in which agents should update their choices: this order is random. This should
be contrasted with models of herd behavior (Bannerjee, 1992) in which individuals are ordered and update their choices in
this predetermined order. Obviously in a realistic situation such an ordering is not available ex-ante.
At the updating time tki , agent i observes the state of other agents j (t), j =
/ i and chooses i (tki ) = +1 with probability:


j i

j Jij

j i

j Jij ) + exp(

j i

j Jij )


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


When this rule leads to choosing the outcome which maximizes the social utility V (.;j , j =
/ i). When = 0, agents
chooses randomly between alternatives regardless of what other agents are doing.3
2.3. Dynamic equilibria
With the dynamic evolution rules described above, the state vector (t) = (i (t), i = 1 . . . N) is then a continuous-time
Markov process with state space {1, +1}N . Given that N is typically a large number, only a statistical description of the
state of the system i.e. the distribution of (t) may be available to an observer: for example, statistics may be obtained from
survey data or some aggregate variables may be observed. Two states giving rise to the same statistical observations are
therefore not distinguishable in practice.
An equilibrium state is therefore dened as a state in which cross-sectional properties of (t) do not change with time.
From a mathematical point of view, this corresponds to an invariant distribution of the Markov process (t). We therefore
dene a dynamic equilibrium as an invariant distribution of the Markov process (t). Note that, in contrast to the notion of selfconsistent equilibrium dened in 2.1, the notion of dynamic equilibrium corresponds to the specication of a (marginal)
probability distribution on actions (i )i=1...N only, as opposed to a joint distribution on actions of agents and their environment. This distinction is important since the marginal distribution of actions (i )i=1...N can be estimated by observing
(sampling) agents behavior therefore this notion of equilibrium does have empirical content. The following theorem shows
the existence and uniqueness of dynamic equilibrium and provides a description of the distribution of actions in equilibrium:
Proposition 2.1 (Dynamic equilibrium). The Markov process of agents choices (t) = (i (t))i=1,...N evolving under the rules
described in Section 2.2 has a unique stationary distribution given by
eHN, ()

 {1, 1}N N, ():=

eHN, (



where HN, : {1, 1}N R is dened by

Jij i j

HN, ( ):=



Then for large t, any xed N, and any initial distribution of (0) {1, +1}N the distribution of (t) converges to the N, .
Proof. The jump times of the independent Poisson processes (i )i=1...N are almost surely distinct and can be arranged
into a strictly increasing sequence 1 . . . n , . . . with n almost surely. By conditioning the Markov process on the
updating times ( n )n0 and dening (n) = ( n ) we obtain a Markov chain ((n))n=0,1,... with transition probabilities

P(i (n + 1) = |j (n), j i ) =


j J ij
j i

j J ij
j i

+ e


j J ij
j i

It is easily checked that the transition probabilities (23) of the Markov process are reversible with respect to the distribution
N, : denoting the transition operator of the Markov chain by T :
T. N, = N, .T = N,
Hence N, is a stationary distribution for the Markov chain. It remains to check that the Markov chain is irreducible. Since
the state space is nite, it is sufcient to check that the transition probability between two congurations  and  differing
by a single coordinate is strictly positive. This indeed the case since the transition probabilities in (23) are strictly positive.
Hence N, is the only stationary measure. Also since the Markov process is ergodic it will converge to its stationary measure
when t starting from any initial distribution. 
The above result shows that the study of the long run behavior of (t) boils down to the study of N, .
Note also that, in a given population dened by the characteristics (i ), the dynamic distribution will depend on the
population characteristics: the equilibrium distribution N, is a random measure. Hence, a priori, two different populations
following the same dynamic rules will in general have different dynamic equilibria. It is therefore interesting to see what
an equilibrium looks like in a typical population. Are then any properties of N, which hold for any typical population (i.e.
almost surely with respect to population characteristics)? This point will be further discussed in Section 3.

This was rst remarked in the context of neural networks by Hopeld (1982) and was the starting point of the statistical mechanics of neural networks
(Mezard et al., 1988).


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

Remark 2.2 (Relation with evolutionary game theory). As noted in the introduction, such stochastic choice revision schemes
have also been studied in the literature on evolutionary game theory (Baron et al., 2004). The approach in this literature is
to study the limit of the invariant distribution as the noise level goes to zero i.e. N = lim N, . The states in the support
of N are interpreted as stochastically stable states (Foster and Young, 1990) and in many cases constitute a subset of Nash
equilibria of the unperturbed game with = . Noise is thus used as an equilibrium selection mechanism. By contrast, in
the present case noise is not asymptotically reduced to zero but constitutes an essential component of the description of
individual behavior. In Section 3, we will study the behavior of dynamics equilibria when is xed and the number of agents
N becomes large.
2.4. Correlation between characteristics and decisions
The equilibrium measure dened above gives a statistical description of the system in terms of the states (choices) of
individual agents  = (i , i = 1 . . . N). An important question which is considered in empirical studies of population behavior
is the correlation between certain individual characteristics and the outcome of individual decisions. In the case of survey
data, one can quantify this correlation by computing the sample covariance between the decision variable i and each of
the M characteristics i , = 1 . . . M:
i i

() =



This quantity, which can be interpreted as the population covariance between the -th characteristic and the individual
decisions i , also appears in the cross-sectional regression of i on i . The subscript N,  indicates the dependence on the
population size N and the population characteristics . m
measures the inuence of the -th characteristic on the decision
of the agents in the population: for example, if a certain social group (whose individuals are characterized by i1 = 1) has
a consumption pattern which leads members to choose i = +1 with high probability then m1N, will be very close to the
maximal value. These quantities can therefore be used to quantify peer group effects.
In addition to their obvious empirical interest, the sample correlations m , = 1 . . . M play an important theoretical role
in the case where p = 1 (i.e. when the communication structure is described by a completely connected graph). In this case
one can rewrite HN, (and hence also N, ) as a function of the equilibrium correlations only:
N, ():=

exp((N/2) mN, () 2 )


exp((N/2) mN, (
) 2 )


(), = 1, . . . M), < , > denotes the inner product in RM and | | the Euclidean norm. Therefore in the
Here mN, ():=(m

case where p = 1, the equilibrium correlations mN, () = (m , = 1 . . . M) are the (only) relevant variables for the description of dynamic equilibrium. This is interesting since these quantities can be estimated in the context of survey analysis and
are used to interpret survey results (Borjas, 1992; Evans et al., 1992; Glaeser et al., 1996; Jones, 1994). This can be restated
by saying that these correlation coefcients are sufcient statistics for the description of the equilibrium distribution so the
procedure of using them as descriptive variables is indeed the correct way to proceed. Note however that this is not true
anymore if p < 1 i.e. if communication is imperfect. In the general case one needs more than the knowledge of macroeconomic variables m , = 1 . . . M to pinpoint the equilibrium distribution: one also needs to know something about the
social communication structure (ij ). However the equilibrium correlations m , = 1 . . . M are still interesting quantities
since they still represent the impact of characteristics on individual decisions.
Note that the quantities (m )=1...M are random variables whose equilibrium values depend on the population characteristics (i ). The vector mN, is thus a RM -valued random vector, whose distribution we denote by QN,, :
QN,, (A) = N, (mN, A).
By construction m
is an aggregate quantity: it is dened as a population average. A natural question is then to ask whether
it obeys a law of large numbers: does it converge to a well dened value when N is large? If yes, what is this value and how
does it depend on the population characteristics  on one hand and on the heterogeneity parameter on the other hand?
The answer is not obvious since the individual decisions i are far from being IID: social interactions induce a complex
dependence structure among them. These questions can be answered by the study of the limit behavior of QN,, when
N , as shown in the next section.
3. Equilibria in large populations
The (random) variables (m )=1...M quantify peer group effects and may be interpreted as population averages or cross
sectional moments. A natural question is then to investigate their behavior when the population size is large. Do they obey a

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


law of large numbers i.e. do they converge to a deterministic limit? If yes, then this limit can be used to describe the effect
of conformism on equilibrium in a large population.
Studying the large population limit has another interesting by-product: as we shall see below, the properties of dynamic
equilibria in this limit do not depend on the details of the population characteristics, which is very important from an
empirical point of view.
For a given population size N we have a random conguration N = (iN , i = 1 . . . N), whose distribution is given by
N, () and the equilibrium correlations m whose distribution is QN,, . There are various ways to dene and study the
convergence of such a sequence when the population size N increases. In a framework of statistical modeling of agents
behavior, the only relevant quantities to compare with observations are aggregate macroeconomic variables which correspond to population averages. We are therefore interested in expectations of various quantities under QN,, and the limits
of these expectations will dene the behavior of the corresponding aggregate variable. The convergence of expectations of
(bounded continuous) functions corresponds to the mathematical notion of weak convergence of measures.
We study in this section the properties of the model when the population size is large. First, we will show that in a large
population, the sample correlations m can only assume a nite number of values. These values can in turn be computed
from the heterogeneity parameter (dened in Section 1). For large enough values of , this will lead us to conclude to the
existence of multiple equilibria while in heterogeneous populations (characterized by small ) the values of equilibrium
correlations will be equal to zero. This result will then be used to propose an estimator for the parameter and show that
it is consistent for almost any population as the size of the population grows.
3.1. Large population behavior of equilibrium correlations
Assume without loss of generality that
1/2 1 = 2 = . . . = k < k+1 . . . M


, = 1 . . . M) will take
In mathematical terms, we will show that when N , the equilibrium correlations mN, = (m
their values in the nite set with 2k elements:
= {z()e , = 1 . . . k}


where z() is the largest solution of:

z = 21 (1 1 )[tanh(2(1 1 )z) + tanh(21 z)]


Denote by  the -neighborhood of :


B(x, )


Our main result can be stated as follows:

Proposition 3.1.
1 =

Let QN,, be the distribution (on RM ) of mN, () under the equilibrium measure N, . Dene

41 (1 1 )


Then, as pN
(1) For 1 and for almost all population characteristics , QN,, converges weakly to the constant zero as N i.e. for any
bounded continuous function f : RM R,

E N, [f (mN, ())] f (0)



(2) For > 1 and for almost all population characteristics , the support of QN,, becomes concentrated on the nite set :

 > 0, A M = (QN,, (A) 0).


The proof of this result is given in Appendix B

In the special case where  =  does not depend on (i.e. where the characteristics are IID) and p = 1 (completely
connected graph) the model described above is mathematically equivalent to the Hopeld model of neural networks (Pastur
and Figotin, 1977; Hopeld, 1982; Mezard et al., 1988) and the corresponding limit theorem was rst proved in Bovier et al.
(1994) (see also Comets, 2002; Pastur and Figotin, 1977). The case where  = , p < 1 was studied in Bovier and Gayrard
Let us now comment on the meaning of these results. First, note that by denition dynamic equilibrium for a nite population corresponds to a random conguration of individual actions with distribution N, , which depends on the population
characteristics. However, the result above shows that when the population is large, we will observe a single deterministic
conguration if < 1 . The almost-sure nature of the convergence means that all these results are valid for any typical


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

Fig. 1. Equilibrium correlation as a function of the heterogeneity parameter .

population and are therefore robust to the details of population characteristics.Typical here refers to any set of population
characteristics which has non-zero probability of occurring given the distribution of individual characteristics described in
Section 1.1. Also, we see that a qualitative change in the behavior of the equilibrium properties occurs when the heterogeneity parameter crosses the critical value 1 . For < 1 , there is no cross-sectional correlation between the agents behavior
and their characteristics: individual diversity dominates the outcome. It was already expected that the lower is, the less the
social interactions will tend to overrule the heterogeneity of individual preferences. However the above result shows that
there is a t hreshold value of below which social interactions dominate individual heterogeneity to the point of altering
the nature and number of equilibria. This abrupt change of behavior at = 1 is usually called a phase transition and is
observed in many similar models with social interactions (Fllmer, 1974; Brock and Durlauf, 2000; Glaeser et al., 1996).
In terms of the equilibrium distribution, this means that when individual tastes are heterogeneous enough ( < 1 ) the
distribution of choices is close to being uniform, just as in a random utility model with IID utilities and no social interaction.
When > 1 , more interesting phenomena happen. First, the equilibrium correlations between choices and characteristics will take a non zero value. More precisely, the above results mean that only those characteristics which divide the
population most evenly (i.e. with  closest to 1/2) will play a role in determining the long run equilibrium. Let us call them
d ominant characteristics in the sequel. According to the notation dened in Eq. (26), these are the characteristics labeled
 , = 1 . . . k. Of course the generic situation is the one where 1 < 2 so k = 1. Moreover, out of these dominant characteristics, only one of them (say, 0 ) will be correlated with the agents behavior at equilibrium (the others having zero correlation
with the behavior). This characteristic 0 can be any of the k dominant characteristics = 1 . . . k, each choice leading to a
different (deterministic) conguration: for > 1 we therefore have at least 2k possible decision congurations which can
occur at equilibrium and an observer of the system will conclude that there are multiple equilibria. The characteristic i0
will then have a non-zero correlation with the agents behavior i . However, the value of this equilibrium correlation is not
any arbitrary number in [1, 1]: it can only take the two possible values z(). This value of the equilibrium correlation
only depends on : this dependence is shown for 1 = 1/2 in Fig. 1.
3.2. Measuring the heterogeneity of individual preferences
The results above have interesting implications for the empirical content of the model. Apart from the population characteristics i , is the only parameter in this model and is not, in principle, an observable quantity. In a discrete choice
model without social interactions, the individual choices i are regarded as IID variables with a distribution in which is the
(only) parameter (Anderson et al., 1992) and estimating from a sample (i , i = 1 . . . N) is a classical parametric estimation
problem. When social interactions are introduced, (i , i = 1 . . . N) are no longer IID variables: their dependence is especially
strong if > 1 . Also, the equilibrium distribution (21) of  not only depends on but also on the population characteristics
. So it does not seem possible at rst glance to infer from aggregate, survey-type data on the population (Fig. 2). The
following result shows that can still be estimated via an aggregate quantity which, if the population is large, becomes
Proposition 3.2. Denote by z() the largest solution to Eq. (28) and by z 1 : [0, [ [1 , [ its inverse function. For m
:=z 1 (|m |) = z 1


i i



:= sup(


= 1 . . . M)


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


Fig. 2. The equilibrium correlation z() for = 1.7 as a function of 1 .

N is a consistent estimator of for almost all :

Then if > 1 ,



Proof. Let > 1 . Then by Theorem 3.1 for any typical population (i.e. almost surely in ), the measure QN,, concentrates
on the nite set dened in (27). But on , either |m | = |z()| or m = 0 with |m | = |z()| for at least one component, say
0 . Then for =
/ 0 ,


i i
0 and

i i



) z() almost surely in . Since z :]1 , []0, [[ is one to one we obtain the assertion of the
almost surely in . So z(

Again, the almost sure character with respect to  of the convergence in N means that the estimator is consistent for
N dened above, one can naturally ask
any typical population (Fig. 3). In order to assess the asymptotic distribution of the
whether there is a central limit theorem associated to the law of large numbers given in 3.1. In the case p = 1,  = 1/2, such
a result has been shown by Gentz and Lwe (1999) for > 1 . However the variance diverges as 1 : the uctuations
around equilibrium can be shown (Gentz and Lwe, 1999) to be of order

c N:=

1 z()

1 (1 z() )


is, while on average z()N agents will tend to behave according to the limit distribution derived in Theorem 3.1, around
c N agents will deviate from this behavior. The graph of the function

1 z()


1 (1 z() )


is shown in Fig. 4: the uctuations become larger and larger, as gets closer to the critical value 1 4 : which means that
when  1 it is not possible to identify accurately from the aggregate covariances m . This breakdown of the central
limit theorem close to the phase transition is a typical property of systems with multiple equilibria.
4. Biased preferences and incentives
As shown in Section 2.3, starting from any initial state the system described above eventually self-organizes into a statistical equilibrium described above. However in the case where social pressure does not dominate the effect of heterogeneity
( > 1 ), Theorem 3.1 shows that multiple equilibria can occur.

In fact in the case p = 1, at = 1 , the uctuations are no longer of order

N but of order N 3/4 .


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

Fig. 3. The value of the minimum of (.) as a function of  for = 1.7.

N as a function of (Eq. (36)).

Fig. 4. Standard deviation of

Given that the model exhibits different regimes of behavior, it is of interest to see whether a policy maker can inuence
the emergence of a particular type of behavior by providing appropriate incentives to the agents. Consider a policy maker
providing incentives to agents in order to orient their actions: these incentives may be modelled by an exogenous term
introduced in the utility function, increasing the utility of one of the choices. In our binary choice model, this may be
modelled as an exogenous additive term in the utility function:
/ i}) = Ui (i ; {j , j =
/ i}) + hi i0
Uih (i ; {j , j =


0  0 ) to an agent with characteristic  0 =  0 for

Thus when h > 0, the incentive policy provides a gain in utility of h(+

choosing i = +1: the policy is directed towards individuals possessing the characteristic 0 .
Taking into account the effect of incentives, it is easy to see that the existence and uniqueness of dynamic equilibrium
given in Theorem 2.1 still hold. However, the equilibrium distribution is now given by

eHN,,h ()

N,, ():=


eHN,,h (


where HN,,h

i j i j h
i0 i .

HN,,h ():=

i,j=1 =1



By comparing the new equilibrium to the one in absence of any incentive policy, one may now discuss how the policy affects
the equilibrium relation between actions and individual characteristics, as measured by m . Indeed, following the lines of
the proof of Proposition 3.1 one can show the following:

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

Proposition 4.1.


Assume that



Let e0 RM be the unit vector in direction 0 . Then, as N for any and any h =
/ 0, the equilibrium correlations mN, ()
converge in distribution to z(, h)e0 with probability one with respect to the individual characteristics :
QN,, z(,h)e0 .


where z(, h) denotes the unique solution of

z = 20 (1 0 )[tanh(20 z) + tanh(2(1 0 )z)]


having the same sign as h.

The proof, similar to Theorem 3.1 can be obtained following the lines of Bovier and Gayrard (1993); Bovier et al. (1994)
and is omitted for the sake of brevity.
This result shows two phenomena. First, in the case where individual preferences are not very heterogeneous ( > 1 , see
Theorem 3.1) an incentive policy can select one equilibrium from many. Second,it can also generate new equilibria in the case
< 1 where precedingly equilibrium was unique. These observations point to social multiplier effects, already observed in
other social interaction models, where providing (small) incentives to agents can create effects on a macro-economic scale.
In the more general case where the incentives h = (h )=1...M may affect various social groups in different ways, one
can show that when N is large the policy dened by h and hmax emax (where hmax is the component of h with the largest
modulus |hmax | = max |h | and emax is the corresponding unit vector) give the same result: the equilibrium distribution is
peaked in the direction where the incentives are the largest and congurations in other directions have a small probability
to occur. This means that efcient incentive policies are those directed towards a single social group. For example, if the
cost of implementing a policy h = (h ) is proportional to the incentive |h | it provides, then the same overall result may
be achieved by replacing h by hmax emax . Finally, the incentive policy also modies the equilibrium correlations between
individual characteristics and decisions: their value is now given by z(, h0 ), solution of Eq. (42). Their effect therefore
leads to empirically observable consequences in terms of cross-sectional regression of actions on characteristics.
5. Conclusion
We have presented in this work a model of binary choice social interactions in which agents actions inuence other
agents preferences in way which depends on the similarity of their characteristics. Our model allows for a random
(population-dependent) structure of interactions and allows both for positive interactions of imitative nature (strategic
complementarity) and for negative interactions, a feature that is not present in previously studied models.
In a population where characteristics are randomly distributed across agents and where the communication between
two agents is also allowed to be random, we have shown that the repeated choice revision process admits a unique dynamic
equilibrium, which depends on the population characteristics. These equilibria are described through the aggregate relation
between characteristics of individuals and their decisions, which we measure by the corresponding sample covariances.
When the population is large, these sample covariances can only take a nite number of values, which are sample independent: depending on the degree of heterogeneity of individual preferences, this leads us to a single or multiple equilibria, the
set of which is the same for almost all populations.
When there are multiple equilibria, and notwithstanding the dependence of individual behaviors, we have shown that
the aggregate observations obey a law of large numbers which may be used to infer parameters describing the heterogeneity
of individual tastes from observations of actions.
Let us now conclude by indicating some questions of further interest related to our model.
The existing literature on social interaction models focuses on equilibrium behavior, and we have followed the same path
in the present work. In Sections 2.3 and 3 we studied equilibrium properties of the model and showed that the corresponding
dynamics equilibria are asymptotically reached from any initial conguration: they characterize the long run behavior of
the system. This convergence takes place with probability one: any typical initial conguration will converge to the dynamic
equilibria studied above. However, we have not characterized the rate of convergence to such equilibria. How long does
an external observer have to sample observations from the system in order for his/her observations to be comparable to a
random draw from the equilibrium distribution? The answer to this question turns out to be non-trivial: in fact, one can
show examples of our model in which the system gets trapped in a non-equilibrium conguration for a very long time
before reaching equilibria. Such slow dynamics is in fact characteristic of many dynamical systems exhibiting structural
(as opposed to dynamical) randomness (Mezard et al., 1988); see (Aoki, 1997) for some examples motivated by economics.
If equilibrium takes a long time to reach as suggested by the above remarks, then the study of the short-run behavior of such
models becomes of independent interest. In fact, social interaction models have often been suggested to describe fads and
fashions which are, by essence, transitory phenomena (Schelling, 1973; Simmel, 1904). Whereas the equilibrium behavior
studied in Section 3 is shown to be the same for any typical population, the same remark does not hold for short-run behavior
in general. It is of interest to see what can be inferred for such transitory behavior of aggregate variables. Further research


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

on these issues in the context of social interaction models is needed to better understand the empirical content of these
Another issue of interest is to explore the inuence of more realistic communication structures between agents which
resemble those observed in social networks, such as small world networks (Cont and Tanimura, 2008), or network structures
determined endogenously, as a result of the agents decision process (Jackson and Rogers, 2005).
The present work was initiated at the DMV-Seminar Mathematical Economics and Finance held in Oberwolfach (June
1998) for which we would like to thank Hans Fllmer and Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. We also
thank Henri Berestycki, Yann Braouezec, William Brock, Daniel Gabay, Glenn D. Ellison, Ulrich Horst, Jean Pierre Nadal, Jos
Scheinkman, David Sherrington and seminar participants in Humboldt Universitt Berlin, Santa Fe, Ecole Polytechnique,
WEHIA 2000, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Universit de Paris X and the Workshop on Social Interactions
(Paris, 2002) for helpful comments.
Appendix A. Proofs of lemmas
Lemma A.1.

Consider the function

, (z) =

z 2
E log cosh(i , z)


Then the global minima of , are of the form: u()e where (e , = 1 . . . M) is the canonical basis of RM and u R is a solution
of Eq. (58).
Proof. Let us prove this lemma just for the simplest interesting case that M = 2 and 1 = 2 = 1/2. The general proof is
very similar. Obviously all critical points of , have to fulll

= 1 . . . M,

z = E[i tanh( < i , z >)]


which in our case reads as

[tanh((z1 + z2 ) + tanh((z1 z2 )] and
z 2 = [tanh((z2 + z1 ) + tanh((z2 z1 )]
z1 =


Obviously u()e , = 1, 2 where u R is a solution of Eq. (58) is a solution of (45). Note that for below the critical parameter
value = 1 this is the only solution of (45). By substracting the two equations one obtains
y:=z1 z2 = tanh(y)


Hence y solves (58) implying that there is 0  1 such that z1 = y and z2 = (1 )y. Studying the function
 , (z)

 [0, 1]

where > 1, z = (z1 , z2 ), z1 = y, z2 = (1 )y, and nally  is the largest solution of (58), one sees that it becomes maximal
for  = 0 and  = 1. 
Lemma A.2.

Let z () denote the largest solution of the Eq. (58). Let 1/2 p 1 denote the probability

p:=P(i > 0)
Then for any > 0
p z () =: zp ()
is decreasing. If is such that z () has more than one solution for 1/2 p1 < p2 then even
zp2 () < zp1 ().

It is easily veried by Taylor expansion that for any > 0, z > 0, and any 1/2 p 1 it holds

p 2p(1 p) tanh(2 p z) + tanh(2 (1 p)p z)

is strictly decreasing. As zp () is dened by to be the largest (and therefore non-negative) solution of the xed point equation

z = 2p(1 p) tanh(2 p z) + tanh(2 (1 p)p z)

this proves the result.

R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


Lemma A.3. Let g : R R be the convex, increasing and twice differentiable function g(x) = log(cosh(x)). Then for every xed
x > 0 the function
H(p):=pg(2(1 p)x) + (1 p)g(2px)


is strictly increasing on the open interval (0, 1/2).


By scaling it sufces to prove the result for x = 1/2. Now

H(p) = log cosh(1 p) log cosh(p) + (1 p) tanh(p) p tanh(1 p).


One veries that (1 p) tanh(p) p tanh(1 p) 0 for 0 p 1/2 and, of course also log cosh(1 p) log cosh(p) > 0 for
0 p < 1/2. Hence
H(p) > 0
for 0 p < 1/2 proving the result.
Lemma A.4.

Let zp () denote the largest solution of the Eq. (58). Let 1/2 p 1 denote the probability

p:=P(i > 0)
Then for any > 0 the function
p ,,p (zp ()):= , (zp ())
is increasing. If > 1 it is even strictly increasing.
Proof. By the above lemma the function p pg(2(1 p)x) + (1 p)g(2px) where g(x) = log(cosh(x)) is strictly increasing
on (0, 1/2) for every xed x. By symmetry it is strictly decreasing on (1/2, 1). Now take 1/2 p < q 1. If is large enough
the corresponding Eqs. (58) have more than the trivial solution z = 0. Let the largest (positive) solutions of (58) then be
denoted by zp () and zq (), respectively. Then
p p g(2(1 p )zq ()) + (1 p )g(2p zq ())
is decreasing, and therefore
p ,,p (zq ())
is strictly increasing. Thus
,,p (zp ()) ,,p (zq ()) < ,,q (zq ())
proving the lemma.


Appendix B. Proof of Proposition 3.1

Proof. The proof will be given in two stages. First, we will indicate how the results are obtained in the case where p = 1 (i.e.
the underlying communication structure is a completely connected graph). In the second part, using an inequality given in
Bovier and Gayrard (1993), we will show how the results can be extended to the case where the communication structure
is random.
(1) Case where p = 1 (completely connected graph):
The main idea in the proof of Theorem 3.1 consists in using the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation (see Mezard et
N,, , dened as the convolution of QN,, with a Gaussian measure in RM with expectation 0 and
al., 1988). Dene Q
covariance matrix (N)

Id (where Id denotes the identity matrix):

N,, :=QN,, N(0, (N)1 Id)



N,, and QN,, have the same weak limits. Moreover,
Since N(0, (N) Id) converges weakly to zero it is easily seen that Q
a standard calculation involving the Babylonian trick:


2 /2







R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590

N,, has a density with respect to M-dimensional Lebesgue M of the form

yields that Q
N,, (z)


eN N,, (z)
Z N,,


eN N,, (z) dM (z)


z 2
log cosh(i , z)



dM (z)

Z N,, :=

N,, (z):=


i , z:=

i z .



N,, can then be studied by using Laplaces method: we rst investigate the minima
The limit behavior of the measure Q
N,, . Since (i )i=1...N are IID
of N,, and then show that indeed these minima determine the asymptotic behavior of Q
variables, one can apply a law of large numbers to show that N,, converges almost surely to:
, (z) =

z 2
E  log cosh(i , z)


Here the expectation is taken with respect to i . Using the estimate given in (Bovier and Gayrard (1997a,b), Theorem
N,, is obtained by replacing N,, by its limit , . The critical points of , can then be
4.1.), the limit behavior of Q
found by taking the derivative of (56) with respect to z:

= 1 . . . M,

z = E[i tanh( < i , z >)]


In Lemma A.1 (see Appendix A) it is shown that the interesting solutions of this equation can only have a single non-zero
coordinate: they are of the form z ()e where (e , = 1 . . . M) is the canonical basis of RM . It is then easy to see by
substituting in Eq. (57) that z () is a solution of
z = E[i tanh(i z )]


First remark that z = 0 is always a solution of this equation. Moreover, for = (4 (1  ))1 , it is the only
/ 0 appear. This leads to 2M critical points for , . In order to
solution. However when > two new solutions z () =
see which one(s) are global minima, assume without loss of generality that 1/2 1 = 2 = . . . = k < k+1 . . . M .
Then 1 = . . . = k k+1 M . Moreover for a given , the value of the minimum , (z )

, (z ) =

z ()
 ln cosh(2(1  )z ()) (1  ) ln cosh(2 z ())


increases with  : , (z 1 ()) , (z 2 ()) . . . , (z M ()) (see Fig. 3). The deepest minima are therefore located
at z()e1 . If k > 1 then there are 2k global minima situated on the set dened in (27). Using Laplaces method (as
in Gentz and Lwe, 1999), one can then show that for any bounded continuous function f : RM R, the behavior of the

N,, (z)f (z)



for large N is determined by the values of f on the nite set . In particular if f vanishes on /2 then the integral
vanishes as N . Given now any Borel set A RM \  , since the indicator function 1A can be approximated by
bounded continuous functions vanishing on /2 (32) follows. Note that due to the exponential form of the density in
N,, (A) eN and also
(52) even more is true: if A RM \  is measurable, then Q

 > 0, > 0, QN,, (A) eN a.s. in.

(2) Random communication structure:
0 as the counterpart of H
Dene HN,
N, when p = 1:
i j i j

( ):=

i,j=1 =1


R. Cont, M. Lwe / Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010) 572590


0 determines the properties of the equilibrium distribution in the case p = 1 while H

N, determines the equilibrium

in the general case p < 1 (random communication structure). Analogously, we dene Q0N,, to be the distribution of

mN, when p = 1. To extend the convergence result above to the case p < 1, we use the following result from (Bovier and
0 and H
Gayrard, 1993) (see also Comets, 2002) which shows that, if pN then the difference between HN,
N, can be
controlled with probability arbitrarily close to one:
Lemma B.1 (Bovier and Gayrard, 1993, Proposition 3.1). When pN there exists a set CN  such that
P[CN ]


(1 eN )


for some constants K > 0,  > 0 such that:

CN ,  {1, +1}N ,

|HN, ()() HN,
()()| (N)N.


where (N) 0 as N and c > 0 is such that pN(N)2 > c.

To see why this helps recall that in the rst part of this proof (where the communication structure is complete) we have
proved the following: If a A fullls A M = for some  > 0 then not only do we have Q0N,, (A) 0 but also
Q0N,, (A) eN
for a > 0 depending on A and M but chosen uniformly with respect to  on a set with probability 1 K  /N 2 . This yields


log Q0N,, (A)

Lemma B.1 above gives us a tool to compare QN,, to Q0N,, : For all CN and all measurable sets A RM one has
e2(N)N Q0N,, (A) QN,, (, A) e2(N)N Q0N,, (A).


While this estimate looks rather poor, it does enable us to control QN,, (A) for events A fullling A M = for some  > 0.
Indeed it implies that also


log QN,, (A)

for such sets A. This in turn implies

QN,, (A) eN/2
for N large enough. This yields the assertion of the theorem.

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