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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: B

Automotive Engineering

Volume 14 Issue 4 Version 1.0 Year 2014

Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861

Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation Nomenclature

By Jahnavi & Avinash
Abstract- Weight components of airplane explained as follows:
a) Crew weight (Wc )

The crew comprises the people necessary to operate the airplane in flight.
e.g., Pilot, Co-pilot, Airhostess etc.

b) Payload weight ( Wp )

The payload is what the airplane is mentioned to transport passengers, baggage, freight
etc. (Military use the payload includes bombs, rockets and other disposable ordnance) .

c) Fuel weight ( W f )

This is the weight of the fuel in the fuel tanks. Since fuel is consumed during the course of
flight. is a variable, decreasing with time during the flight.

d) Empty weight ( We )

This is weight of everything else-the structure engines (with all accessory equipment),
electronic equipment landing gear, fixed equipment and anything else that is not crew, payload
or fuel.

e) Gross weight ( W0 )

The sum of these weights is the total weight of the airplane. Gross weight or total weight
varies through the flight because fuel is being consumed. The design take off gross weight is the
weight of the airplane at the instant it begins its mission. It includes the weight of the fuel.
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2014. Jahnavi & Avinash. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons .org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), permitting all non commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation

Jahnavi & Avinash

The crew comprises the people necessary to operate

the airplane in flight.
e.g., Pilot, Co-pilot, Airhostess etc.


Payload weight ( W p )

The payload is what the airplane is mentioned to

transport passengers, baggage, freight etc. (Military use the
payload includes bombs, rockets and other disposable
ordnance) .


Fuel weight ( W f )

This is the weight of the fuel in the fuel tanks. Since

fuel is consumed during the course of flight. is a variable,
decreasing with time during the flight.


Empty weight ( We )

This is weight of everything else-the structure engines

(with all accessory equipment), electronic equipment landing
gear, fixed equipment and anything else that is not crew,
payload or fuel.


ii. Estimation of fuel fraction ( W f

W0 )

The aircrafts fuel supply is available for

performing the mission. The other fuel includes reserve
fuel, trapped fuel (which is the fuel which cannot be
pumped out of the tanks).
Fuel fraction ( W f W0 ) is approximately
independently of aircraft weight. Fuel fraction will be
estimated based on the mission to be flown.


a) Mission profiles

Typical mission profiles for various types of

aircraft are shown in Fig1. The simple cruise mission is
used for many transport and general aviation designs,
including home built. Following are the briefly explained
the terms that are used in mission profiles:

Gross weight ( W0 )

The sum of these weights is the total weight of the

airplane. Gross weight or total weight varies through the flight
because fuel is being consumed. The design take off gross
weight is the weight of the airplane at the instant it begins its
mission. It includes the weight of the fuel.

W0 = Wc + W p + W f + We

W0 = Wc + W p +
W0 =



W0 +


(Wc + W p )
W f We

W0 W0


Estimation of empty weight fraction ( We W0 )

The empty weight fraction ( We

W0 ) can be

estimated from data based on

Historical data and tables
Refined sizing data and tables
Author : Shaili Gardenia, Hyderabad, Telangana.
e-mails: [email protected], [email protected]

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Crew weight ( Wc )




Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( B ) Volume XIV Issue IV Version I

Abstract- Weight components of airplane explained as follows:



Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation Nomenclature

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( B ) Volume XIV Issue IV Version I


Fig.1 : Typeical mission profiles for sizing

Warm Up and Take-Off

Warm Up is the engine start up for the airplane

kept idling for some time to warm up. Take Off is the
point where aircraft is made lift off from ground. It is the
motion after warm up i.e., moving of airplane after
starting and till it lifts off from the ground.


It is between take-off (TO) and cruise (stead

level flight with constant speed) Increase in height until
airplane achieves steady level flight.


It is the steady level flight to cover the mission

distance. The mission distance is called Range.


Represent the airplane spending in air for some

fixed number of minutes near airport before getting the
clearance from airport signal or simple spending some
time to collect data of some mission (Terrain data).


It is the mission that must be flown at just a few

hundred numbers of feet of the ground for low level


It is the aircraft landing on the runway till

stopping of engine.

b) Estimation of mission segment weight fractions

The various mission segments (legs) are

numbered starting from zero denoting, the start of the
mission. Mission leg one is usually engine warm up and
take-off. The remaining legs are sequentially numbered.
For example in the simple cruise mission the legs could

2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

be numbered as (0) warm-up and take-off, (1) climb (2)

cruise (3) loiter and (4) landing.
Similarly, the aircraft weight at end of each
mission is denoted by W . Denoting i-th segment as

mission segment weight

W0 =Beginning airplane weight (Take off gross

W1 =Weight of the airplane at end of warm-up and


W2 =Weight of the airplane at end of climb.

W3 =Weight of the airplane at end of cruise.

W4 =Weight of the airplane at end of loiter.

W5 =Weight of the airplane at end of landing.

Wx W0 =

W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
W0 W0 W1 W2 W3 W4

So in general it can be written as

Wx W0 =

Wi W1 W2 W3 W4 Wi
W0 W0 W1 W2 W3 Wi 1

Warm-up/take-off, climb and landing weight

The warm-up, take-off and landing weight
fractions can be estimated historically from Table 2.

Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation Nomenclature

Table 2 : Historical mission segment weight fractions

V = velocity, L/D = lift to drag
= exp
Wi 1

C = CbhpV (550 p )

Table 3 : Specific fuel consumption (C)


0.866 (L/D)max

L/D max


L/D max

0.866 (L/D) max

For any mission segment i the mission

segment weight fraction is expressed as Wi Wi 1 . 37

Wx (Assuming x segments are present for total

mission profile) is the aircraft weight at end of the
mission. Wx W0 ratio can be used to calculate fuel

W f W0 = 1 (Wx W0 )

Table 4 : Propeller specific fuel consumption (Cbhp)

At the end of the mission, the fuel tanks are not

completed empty, typically a 6% allowance is made for
reserve and trapped fuel

W f W0 = 1.06[1 (Wx / W0 )]
c) Estimate of gross weight at take-off ( W0 )
Cruise segment weight fraction

Weight fraction for cruise segment is found

using Breguet range formula

V L Wi 1
R = range, C = specific fuel
C D Wi

= exp
Wi 1

( )

V = velocity, L/D = lift to drag

We W0 is function of W0 , W f W0 is also a
function of

Weight fraction for loiter segment is found using

Endurance formula.


L D Wi 1


E = endurance or loiter time, C

= specific fuel consumption

W0 . W0 is calculated from equation(1)

through process of iteration.

W0 is taken a guess value

and, then RHS value of equation(1) is calculated which

should match the value of assumed, if it doesnt,
increment the assume by some value and iterate it. This
process is continued till the absolute difference of RHS
value and assumed value is the least and that iteration
step will be your nearest solution.


Loiter segment weight fraction


It is the rate of fuel consumption divided by the

resulting thrust. Typical values are depicted in Table3
and Table4 for jet and propeller aircrafts respectively. If
the aircraft is propeller, then C should be replaced by

Aircraft Conceptual Sketch and

Its Gross Weight Estimation
Algorithm Aim

Write the request for proposal for the particular

aircraft, draw the conceptual sketch of the aircraft for
given type of aircraft, draw the mission profile and write
generic algorithm for gross take-off weight estimation

a) Conceptual Design

Conceptual design begins with a specific set of

design requirements established from customer or a
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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( B ) Volume XIV Issue IV Version I

Specific fuel consumption (C)

The most efficient cruise is velocity for propeller

aircraft occurs at velocity yielding max L/D, where as for
the most efficient cruise for a jet aircraft occurs at
slightly at a higher velocity yielding an L/D of 86.6% of
the maximum L/D
Type of



Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation Nomenclature

company-generated guess what future customers may

Design requirements include



Aircraft range
Take-off distance
Landing distance
Maneuverability and speed requirements
Design begins with innovative idea rather than
as a response to a given requirement. Before design a

decision is made to what technologies to incorporate, it

must use only currently available technologies as well as
existing engines and avionics. If designed to build in
more distant future, then an estimate technological state
of the art must be made to determine which emerging
technologies will be ready for use at that time.
Design begins drawing with a conceptual
sketch like shown in Fig1. Good conceptual sketches
start with approximate sketch of following:

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( B ) Volume XIV Issue IV Version I


Fig.1 : Initial sketch


Tail geometries
The fuselage shape
The internal locations of the major components
such as the:
a) Engine
b) Cockpit
c) Payload/passenger compartment
d) Landing gear
e) Fuel tanks.


The conceptual sketch is used to estimate

aerodynamics and weight fractions by comparisons to
previous designs. These estimates are used to make a
first estimate of the required total weight and fuel weight
to perform the design mission.
First order sizing provides the information to
needed to develop an initial design layout in three view
format. This three view drawing is completed with the
internal arrangement in detail. The initial layout is
analyzed to determine if it will perform the mission as
indicated by the first-order sizing.
2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)


Algorithm for Gross Take-off

Weight Estimation

Following steps are involved in gross take-off

weight estimation:
Study the design objectives.
Sizing mission starts here.
Aspect ratio selection is done here.
Sketch the layout in three views.
Select L/D ratio and engine specific fuel
Estimate fuel weight fraction.
Select empty weight fraction (Historical trends).
Guess initial gross weight.
Calculate gross weight from equation.
Iterate for gross weight by going to step8, until
guess and calculated are matched.
The following flow chart explains the same
algorithm as explained previous



Aircraft Design and Weight Estimation Nomenclature



Write the request for proposal for the given aircraft.

It should be in the form of parameters and
requirements for the aircraft.

Draw the conceptual sketch of the aircraft as

explained in theory.

Draw the mission profile for the aircraft.

What do you understand by flight vehicle design?

Explain it with various examples.

What do you understand by weight estimation and

write the algorithm for gross take-off weight

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( B ) Volume XIV Issue IV Version I



The take-off weight can be estimated by doing

the iterations, until we get,
W0 guess = W0 Calculated

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