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Effective Interventions for Struggling Readers

Resource Pack
This resource pack accompanies the
NEPS Good Practice Guide: Effective Interventions for
Struggling Readers

1. Assessing Literacy Difficulties, list of up-to-date standardised

tests for reading and spelling
2. Interventions, list of evidence based interventions, with contact
details, including information about free downloads
3. Precision Teaching Guidance
Teaching Sight Vocabulary and Improving Fluency
Precision Teaching Approaches and Using SNIP (free
Checklists for First 100 Words, Second 100 Words, Phonics
4. Reading Partners Guidance (cross-age peer tutoring)
A Rough Guide to Reading Partners, with supporting templates
5. Guidance on the Use of Positive Declarations


Assessing Literacy Difficulties

There are many ways of testing reading, including word reading, sentence
completion and close exercises. Word reading tests, by their nature are
individually administered, while group tests, used at screening, usually
depend on some element of comprehension. Teachers should be aware that
some students can perform well on a reading comprehension task, but still
have significant difficulty with reading accuracy and fluency.
When teachers are using tests to measure progress, it is best to use the same
test before and after intervention. Ideally, tests that have two versions (such
as the WRAT4, Micra-T, Neale Analysis, TOWRE and Group Reading Tests)
should be used as they allow retesting using the same criteria, but eliminate
the risk of practice effects, where the student does better because the test
has become familiar.
In the post-primary years, the importance of measuring progress has
implications for the appropriate selection of tests in first or second year. It is
important that the tests used on entry to post-primary education are age
appropriate and will continue to be appropriate if used for subsequent retesting.
The DES provides a comprehensive list of approved tests for post-primary
schools and this can be accessed on

We strongly advocate that teachers conduct their own assessment for

learning and make use of non-standardised assessment, such as
reading records, as an integral part of their teaching. See the NCCA for
further information on assessment for learning.

Group Administered Tests

Micra-T Group Reading Tests (2004)
Standardised on Irish population, in 2002-2003, with total of 10,000 pupils.
Has four levels, spanning first to sixth class. Published by CJ Fallon.
Drumcondra Primary Reading Test- revised (2007)
Re-standardised in 2006. Tests both reading vocabulary and reading
comprehension, with six levels corresponding to first to sixth class. Published
by the Education Research Centre.


New Group Reading Test, 3rd edition, (2010)

There are four tests, covering different age bands, with standardisation from 5
years to 17 years. Both word reading and reading comprehension are tested.
Group administration. Published by gl-assessments.
Cloze Reading Test 1, 2 & 3, D Young, (2002) Revised norms.
Published by Hodder & Stoughton Age range 7:6 to 12:7, a group test of
reading comprehension.

The Gray Silent Reading Test (2000)

This is produced by PRO-ED, Inc. The GSRT is a norm-referenced test of
silent reading comprehension that is appropriate for individuals ages 7 years
through 25 years 11 months. It has two parallel forms, Form A and Form B.
THE GSRT can be administered individually, to small groups or to entire

Individual and Diagnostic Tests

The Adult Reading Test (2004) is suitable for the age range 16 55 years. It
is a test that needs to be individually administered. It has UK norms and is
published by the Psychological Corporation.
The Wide Range Achievement Tests (WRAT 4 2006)* includes word
reading, reading comprehension and spelling tests. It is suitable for the
complete age range and uses US norms. This individually administered test
also includes a maths assessment. Published by PAR.
The Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (NARA II 1997) has been widely
used, but is of limited utility in secondary schools as it is only standardised up
to the age of 12 years, 11 months. It offers a comprehensive assessment of
reading rate, accuracy and comprehension. This test uses British norms.
Published by gl-assessment.
The Diagnostic Reading Analysis (2006) published by Hodder covers the
age range 7 to 16 years and is particularly suitable for testing less able
students. It is individually administered and covers reading accuracy,
comprehension, fluency and rate of reading.
Woodcock-Johnson III*, Tests of Achievement, Form C / Brief Battery,
(2007) is a battery of 9 subtests of letter-word identification, reading fluency,
passage comprehension, spelling, writing fluency, writing samples,
calculation, applied problems and maths fluency. It is suitable for the age
range 2 to 80 years plus. Published by Riverside Publishing.
There is also a Woodcock-Johnson III*, Diagnostic Reading Battery
(2004) which measures dimensions of phonological awareness, phonics
knowledge, reading achievement, and related oral language abilities. This
again, can be used across the age range. Published by Riverside Publishing.


Test of Word Reading EfficiencySecond Edition (TOWRE2, 2011)

This test measures an individuals ability to pronounce printed words (Sight
Word Efficiency) and phonemically regular non-words (Phonemic Decoding
Efficiency) accurately and fluently. Because it can be administered very
quickly, the test provides an efficient means of monitoring the growth of two
kinds of word reading skill that are critical in the development of overall
reading ability. The age range for use is 6 to 24 years. It uses US norms and
is published by Pearson.
York Assessment of Reading Comprehension (YARC), (2011, 2nd
edition). It is suitable for the age range 4-11 years. It focuses on not just
decoding and sight reading but also on reading comprehension. In addition to
passages for pupils 5-11, YARC also includes four short tests (letter-sound
knowledge, sound deletion, sound isolation and early word recognition)
specifically designed for five and six year olds. It uses UK norms and is
published by gl-Assessment.
York Assessment of Reading Comprehension (YARC) Passage Reading
Secondary, (2010). It is suitable for the age range 12-16 years. The
assessment comprises of a series of prose passages that assesses a
students reading comprehension and fluency in a systematic way across the
secondary school years. It also assesses reading rate, reading accuracy and
reading fluency. It uses UK norms and is published by gl-Assessment.
Finally, there is also Wechsler Individual Achievement Test for use by
teachers. This WIAT for Teachers II (2006) can be used from 4 years to 16
years, 11 months and has both US and UK norms. It is an individual
assessment which covers the following areas: word reading, reading
comprehension, reading speed, reading rate and spelling. Published by
* Some of these tests have restricted access for teachers, depending on the
qualifications of the teacher administering and scoring them. Your educational
supplier can advise further.

Standardised tests of spelling skills can be very helpful in identifying those
who have marked difficulty with spelling. Weekly class spelling tests, where
child learn off lists of spellings, can be misleading. This is because some
children can manage to memorise spellings in the short-term, but do not retain
spellings learnt (and often lack fundamental phonological skills to work out
unfamiliar words). Dictation and free writing activities give a better indicator of
a childs spelling ability, than a test of weekly spellings.
The Drumcondra Primary Spelling Test (2003) can be used from first to
sixth class in primary school. There are two forms. It can be group
administered in about 45 minutes.


The Single Word Spelling Test, (SWST 2001) gl-assessment (standardised

from age 6 to 14) has been popular with some schools.
The British Spelling Test Series, (2nd edition 2009), published by glassessment, is standardised from ages 5 to 15 years, 11 months and can be
group or individually administered. It takes 30-40 minutes and uses UK
Vernon Graded Word Spelling Test, third edition, (2006)
This is published by Hodder and is standardised for ages 5 to 18 plus.

Also, see WRAT, WIAT and Woodcock Johnson tests listed above, as
they include spelling tests.

Other Tests of Literacy / Writing

Informal Dictation
It may be helpful to ask students to complete a short piece of dictation. Such a
test can yield useful information about a range of skills, including: rate of
writing, handwriting legibility, listening skills and spelling skills. While
standardised results are not available, an experienced teacher should be able
to identify students who have weaker skills in key areas. These students may
need further diagnostic testing.
The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting Test (DASH 2007,
Harcourt Assessment) can be group administered and is standardised from
ages 9 to 16 years, 11 months. It takes 30 minutes and involves five short
subtests, including a 10 minute free writing activity.

Other tests of writing speed included one developed by professional

association of teachers of students with specific learning difficulties. Click on the Handwriting Speed Assessment
link in the right hand column.
The Hedderly Sentence Completion Test is another alternative and it can be
downloaded for free. Google Hedderly Sentence Completion and open the
pdf file in which contains the test itself, as well as
instructions for scoring.
The Irish Adaptation of the Handwriting Speed Test by Hazel Killeen,
Mairead Dempsey and Paul OMahony. Produced by The Association of
Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI), Suite 2.20 Smithfield Business
Centre,The Distillers Building, Smithfield, Dublin 7 01 8748136


There is information here about a number of interventions referred to in the
Good Practice Guide, but also information about other, evidence-based
interventions that are currently available in Ireland. However, the selection of
interventions is limited to those for which NEPS psychologists have reviewed
the recent research evidence and/ or the theoretical basis. There are many
other interventions available for which we have not, as yet, reviewed the
evidence and this is not in any way to imply that they are not suitable for use
in Irish schools. For a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of
interventions, see Brooks (2007). See also for information on
interventions at post-primary level which have been used successfully in Irish
Jolly Phonics
While this is now more typically used at the whole class level in the Infant
years, it is nonetheless a useful interventions for children who are struggling
with acquiring early literacy in the senior infants/ first/ second class years, IF
the children have not already had comprehensive teaching using this method.
The basic book, with photocopiable master sheets, is widely available. The
Phonic Handbook (1992) by Sue Lloyd, Published by Jolly Learning
A whole range of supporting materials are available from Jolly Learning,
including a starter kit,
Acceleread Accelewrite is available in Ireland through software providers. It
can also be purchased on line through It can be purchased as a
CD, which includes the manual and colour cards. Children of 8 years and up
can make use of this, but basic key board skills are needed and the entry
level presumes the ability to read simple CVC words (fat/ man/ run etc).
Toe by Toe is available in Ireland from a range of educational suppliers. It is
intended to be used for one to one teaching and can be used across the age
range, but is probably better suited to children from third class and up.
Literacy Acceleration
This programme is an intensive literacy programme for use with struggling
readers on entry to post-primary school. The research suggests that some
amount of restructuring of the timetable may be needed to deliver this
programme effectively in first and second year. The Literacy Acceleration
Teachers Pack of Resources can be purchased from:
AWLED Consultancy Ltd
PO Box 33
Cornwall, TR71YP
It can be ordered on line through website


There is emerging evidence that Phono-Graphix may be a highly effective
way of teaching early phonic skills, both at the whole class level and as an
intervention with struggling readers. The book: Reading Reflex the foolproof
Phono-Graphix method for teaching your child to read (1998) Mc Guinness
and Mc Guinness, Penguin, is the central element, but those who wish to use
the approach should have specific training. The website, has
details of training courses. There are on-line certified training courses, as well
as 4 day courses run in venues in England (Bath and Essex).

Reading Partners/ Peer Reading

Extensive information about this approach can be found through the Centre
for Peer Learning at the University of Dundee
There are also multiple sources of information available on the internet. See
also the attached resource, A Rough Guide to Reading Partners.

Precision Teaching Approaches

SNIP Precision Teaching Pack (credit Carol and Phil Smart) This is a free download. It should be noted that the
research evidence provided in the text is based on the original SNIP word lists
and did not involve the follow-up activities that are now part of the resources
See also the sample precision teaching approach for Teaching a sight
vocabulary and reading fluency in this pack, which gives details of other free
download resources.
Reading Recovery
You need to complete intensive training to be a recognised Reading Recovery
Teacher. Information available from Reading Recovery National Network
(covers Britain and Ireland) based in the Institute of Education, London
See also and for information about reading recovery in Ireland.

See the website where there is information about research
findings and the training programme. Staff need specialist training and the
school need to invest in the software.
The ARROW centre can be contacted on [email protected] so see
Phone 00 44 1823 324949


Resources for Developing Reading Comprehension

Since the teaching of comprehension involves the deployment of strategies,
rather that programmes, the approach is somewhat different to the approach
to teaching phonics or fluency. Excellent resources that use evidence from
research are available. For teaching comprehension skills in the primary
school phase, the following is a free download and includes clear guidance
with five key recommendations.
Download Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten through 3rd
Grade, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse, NCEE
The NBSS (National Behaviour Support Service) have produced excellent
materials on comprehension strategies for post primary schools.
Comprehension and Learning Strategies for all Subjects- Teacher Resource
2009 Contact
A further resource which pays particular attention to adolescent readers is the
report of the ADORE project: Teaching Adolescent Struggling Readers: A
Comparative Study of Good Practices in European Countries.


Teaching Sight Vocabulary and Improving Reading

A precision teaching approach

A Guide for Teachers and Parents

This NEPS Good Practice Guide was developed by educational
psychologists. It is based on current knowledge in this area. It is intended as a
guide only. Not all the suggestions here will apply to any one student or


A Precision Teaching Approach to Teaching Sight

Vocabulary and Improving Fluency
It is important when working with children that they read at a level that is
called proficiency level. This means they can read material at a 95% accuracy
Outlined below is a method that will support you to achieve this proficiency
level. It is a precision teaching method although precision monitoring may be
a better term to use as it monitors precisely learners progress in acquiring
sight vocabulary. It is about building a sight-vocabulary using a visual method.
This is learning to read words by looking at them and remembering them,
rather than sounding them out.

1. Establishing target words

To start precision teaching one needs to identify where the learner is in
relation to either their current class reader or dolch list, textbooks, Jolly Phonic
tricky words or any list of key sight words being taught. Establish where they
are by checking the number or words which they can automatically recognise.
(Automatic recognition is different to decoding. It means the learner instantly
recognises the word as a whole word and does not hesitate or sound out the
Provide the student with a copy of the list of words you wish to check and
keep a copy for yourself. Ask the student to read down the list and tick off the
words he/she can read instantly (see sample list below). The unrecognised or
hesitantly read words will form the students longer term target list.
Select a short term list of words as a target for your student to learn. This can
vary depending on the age and ability of the student but is typically 4 to 6 new
words. This can be increased or decreased depending on the rate at which
the student learns.

2. Teaching Strategy
Following the identification of the target words you then select appropriate
teaching strategies. We have given one example below of a teaching strategy,
which is based on a direct instruction method. This teaching approach can
also be delivered by a parent, peer or a community volunteer under teacher
direction and demonstration.
Step 1
Print the short term target words onto card. (This can be varied for older
students as flashcards may seem a bit childish for them. Perhaps use
PowerPoint to teach new words). Do not use capital letters unless the word
starts with a capital letter.


Try not to use card that is too big as it will be cumbersome to store. Make
sure you use the same colour and size of card and same colour marker so
there is no other way for the pupil to recognise a word. For example a student
may know that the green word is home, as opposed to recognising home as a
sight word. Avoid putting similar looking words together as this can make
learning harder for students e.g. home and house or their and they.
Place each card on the table one at a time and say the name of the word e.g.,
this is the word shop. Ask the learner to put the word into an oral sentence.
If they have difficulty with this, give them an example and get them to repeat
your example or give their own sentence. (Remember if a student doesnt
know or understand a word they shouldnt be learning to read it). Repeat this
process with all the target words.

Step 2
When all the cards are on the table say the following to the pupil, Point to the
word shop. The student must look at the word, putting their finger under
the first letter of the word and say the word at the same time. Then say,
Point to the word home Continue like this for about 10 or 15 times,
moving between the words. Getting the student to place their finger under the
first letter cues them into the starting phoneme of the word and keeps them
focussed on the word.
This is can be done in a fun manner, or as a game. Younger students usually
enjoy being told, Lets see if I can catch you out. This allows the student lots
of practise to name the word without putting an expectation on the student to
recognise the word from his/her own memory.

Step 3
The next step is to pick up the cards and shuffle them. Place the cards down
in a random fashion and ask the student to name the word. Usually students
have no difficulty with this. Repeat this process 3 or 4 times. It may seem
tedious but is the essential learning part of the method.

3. Monitoring and charting progress

Following this teaching segment the teacher administers a one minute speed
test known as a probe. The probe consists of the words the child has just
been taught. The probe gives information on the pupils accuracy and fluency.
Probes are constructed by preparing a list of words just taught, which are
repeated randomly.
A simple user friendly probe generator is available from this website . (Click on smaller print version and
then save it to your computer. A page will open with numbers 4 onwards, on
the very bottom of the page. Click on the number of target words you want in
your probe e.g. 4 or 5 or 6 etc. A page with a grid will appear. In each of the


red squares at the top of the page type one target word. The probe will
automatically place the words randomly across the grid. An example of a
probe sheet with five target words and aim rate is shown below).
For the pupil to achieve sight word recognition at automaticity or fluency levels
they have to read 50 words on the probe within one minute with no more than
two errors. Each day following the teaching, the probe is administered and the
pupils progress is charted on a graph/chart until the pupil achieves the aim
rate (50 words per minute with no more than 2 errors). Charts can be very
motivating for students. To see a sample graph/chart click on, then click on Precision Teaching on the left hand side.
When the next page opens up click on Daily Recording Charts and a sample
chart will open up.
If the pupils rate of reading is not improving after 3 days then the number of
words being taught needs to be reduced. If after 8 days the pupil is not at or
very near your selected aim rate then you may consider adapting your
teaching strategy and reviewing your target words.
Over successive days of practice, the data (corrects and errors) plotted on the
chart produce learning pictures. When used effectively these learning pictures
can indicate for each child, whether a task is too difficult, too easy or just right;
whether the child requires further instruction, further practice, or should move
onto to more complex tasks. Most importantly it indicates whether the
teaching methods being adopted are having the desired effects.
When the aim rate is reached a new set of target words is identified and the
process is repeated again and again until the longer term targets can be read

4. Possible extension work

The following steps are optional but provide extra extension work for students
and link in with other key skills.
Place all the words on the table again and ask the child to point to the
word that starts with the sound /s/ or ends with the sound /s/. Pick other
letter sounds or letter patterns e.g. /a/, ing, -and etc.

Some words that children are learning may have smaller words within
them e.g. they, home, caravan. As an extra piece of work present
words like these to the children one at a time. For example with the
word caravan, cover the last four letters and ask the pupil, What word
do you see now? car, or cover the first four letters and ask the pupil,
What word do you see now? van. It doesnt matter if the child doesnt
recognise the words, tell them or prompt them. This is just an exercise
to develop their visual skills. If you do this every day they will soon start
to see those smaller words.


A more difficult step from the previous one is to then ask the child to
cover letters in the word caravan to show you car or van. Again dont
worry if they cant do this, demonstrate for them each time.

If possible supplement their daily learning with words they already

know especially their name so sentences can be written with the words
they have just been learning.

5. Maintenance Check
It is very important to carry out regular maintenance checks of all target
words over a six to eight week period. This involves re-visiting or re-checking
the original long term target list of words. Generally pupils who have achieved
this level of fluency maintain those words; however any words they havent
maintained can be included in the next list of target words.
It is good practice at the beginning of each session to ask the student to read
the words learnt previously.

6. Generalisation
One of the potential difficulties of learning words that are not in context is that
the pupil may not generalise their learning to written passages. Therefore, it is
important to present the student with unseen passages that contain the target
words to see if he/she can read the words fluently. That is the one advantage
of taking the target words from a graded reading scheme. Alternatively
teachers can compose passages of text which include the target words.

Chiesa, M., & Robertson, A. (2000). Precision teaching and fluency training:
Making maths easier for pupils and teachers. Educational Psychology in
Practice, 16 (3), 297-310. DfES. (2003)
Desjardins, E. A., & Slocum, T.A. (1993). Integrating Precision Teaching with
Direct Instruction. Journal of Precision Teaching, X (2), 20-24.
Ikin, A.B. (2005). Precision teaching: The Standard Celeration Chart. The
Behaviour Analyst Today, 6(4), 207-213.
Raybould, E. C., & Solity, J. E. (1988). More Questions on Precision
Teaching. British Journal of Special Education, 15(2), 59-61.


Sample list of words

Jolly phonic
tricky words

Book 1




Book 2



Sample probe sheet with five target words










































Word Probe Sheet

Name of child: ________________________________
Baseline: _____________________

Date: _____________

Target: ______________________

Date: _____________



Precision Teaching Approaches and Using SNIP

SNIP is a resource pack aimed at increasing the reading ages of pupils with
reading ages of 10+. It includes curriculum words and words that often
contribute to reading hesitation and are irregular i.e. not phonic.
The packs are intended to be photocopied and a new one given weekly to
students who practise them daily and are then timed on their ability to read
them out loud. How the reading practice is organised depends on the
organisation of each school some may be able to involve parents, adult
helpers and peers, but it is also important to encourage the pupils themselves
to practice unaided in order to allow them to gain fluency and control over the

SNIP Precision Teaching Pack (credit Carol and Phil Smart) This is a free download.
Sample from SNIP



Wednesday Thursday


Checklists for the First Hundred Words, Second

Hundred Words and Phonics

These resources have been developed by NEPS to assist teachers who wish
to check a students knowledge of sight words or phonics. They allow for
teaching and review of progress and may be particularly suited to using with a
precision teaching approach.

Click here to download these checklists

There are also extensive resources freely available on Once on this site look at the material labelled
Dolch kit. It allows you to make really attractive booklets with sight words set
out in 11 lists.
There are, of course, many other ways of teaching sight vocabulary, including
teaching vocabulary works in advance of meeting them in text. Teaching
sight vocabulary is only one element of a balanced approach to literacy and
should form part of a coherent approach to literacy skills.







A Rough Guide to Reading Partners

A cross-age, peer-tutoring approach

This NEPS Good Practice Guide was developed by educational

psychologists. It is based on current knowledge in this area. It is intended as a
guide only. Not all the suggestions here will apply to any one student or

A Rough Guide to Reading Partners


A cross-age, peer tutoring approach

The Reading Partner Scheme
The programme set out here is described as a Reading Partners Scheme. It is
a cross-aged peer tutoring approach, in that the tutor would normally be at
least two years older than the tutee. It is possible to run such a programme in
mainstream primary or secondary schools, or indeed in a special school
setting. Schools are encouraged to select children with literacy difficulties to
participate in the scheme both as tutors and tutees. The emphasis is on the
importance of the partnership being egalitarian. Although the terms tutor and
tutee are preferred in the academic literature, I prefer the terms helper and
learner, as students can easily understand these terms.

Participation in a Reading Partners Scheme should have a number of


increased reading skill of learners and of helpers

increasing confidence and self-esteem of helpers

creating a positive attitude to reading for both parties

Managing a Reading Partner Scheme

In order for a Reading Partners Scheme to be successful, a named teacher
must have overall responsibility for co-ordinating the programme, and this will
need some time allocation. This can be a Learning Support/ Resource
Teacher or can be another member of the school staff who can give some
time and energy to the project.

Who should participate in such a scheme?

Reading interventions normally target those who need additional help with
reading. Schools may choose to target struggling readers, both as readers
and as helpers, while others may be invited to participate in order to build their
self-esteem or their social skills. Generally, identifying those who need extra
help with reading can be done through the schools own screening and


through information from the Class Teachers, Learning Support/ Resource

Teacher. Participation in a Reading Partner Scheme may be particularly
suitable for children at Classroom Support and School Support level
intervention, as described in the Continuum of Support documents.

Attendance is a key issue and, if a child has poor attendance, there needs to
be some contingency in place to address the needs of the partner. For
example, there could be a substitute helper/ learner available.
Models of partnerships include:

Sixth class helpers working with younger learners

Transition year students working with First years

Older special school pupils working with younger special school pupils

Selecting Helpers
Students can be selected by Learning Support Teachers, nominated by Class
Teachers or can volunteer.

It is important to note that helpers may have reading skills that would be
considered delayed in comparison to the mainstream population, and some
may even be weak in comparison to their own classroom peers. For example,
a fourteen-year old helper may only have a reading age of nine years. In fact,
this does not prove to be a difficulty if the helper and learner are carefully
matched, with the learner having significantly weaker skills and the helper
having at least enough expertise to be helpful to the learner.
When selecting helpers it can be very beneficial for the helper group to
include some children with advanced reading skills and/or high social status.
This avoids the possibility that participation as a helper is seen as a negative
stigma (the scheme is perceived as being for weak readers). A very
successful way to engage weaker older readers in the scheme is to reframe
their difficulties. For example, while acknowledging that their own reading
skills might not be perfect, it is an opportunity to value the work they have
done, for example: You have made so much progressare doing so well


and of course, you know what its like for younger kids when reading is
tricky so you will be really understanding This puts the helper in a
positive role. It can be particularly beneficial to sixth class weak readers who
may be ready to graduate from a learning support setting and who need to
build their confidence before transfer to secondary school.

Matching Partners
There is some initial work in managing the logistics of matching partners.
When matching partnerships, it is important to consider both chronological
and reading ages. Ideally, there should be at least a two year gap on both,
and often times the gap can be considerably greater. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that learners prefer their partners to be a number of years older,
perhaps because this age difference legitimises the difference in reading
ability. Same sex reading partners seemed to work best socially. There may
also be factors of personality or social issues to be considered.

A Time, a Place and a Book

Reading partners need to have access to a range of books, including fiction
and non-fiction and books with high interest and low reading age. These might
be available in the learners classroom, in the school library or in a resource/
learning support room.

Partnerships should ideally meet three times per week or more. Meetings can
happen during lunchtime, at designated times in the school day (such as
immediately after lunch) or after school. Each meeting will need approximately
20 minutes. A satisfying block of time for partners to meet might be for one
term (approximately 3 months). This time-frame allows for a relationship to
build up between the partners, but does not create an unlimited commitment.
The model chosen in any one school will depend on the age and maturity of
participants, constraints of the time table and availability of suitable space.


Training of Reading Partner Helpers

It is important that the children understand how paired reading works before
they begin. Accordingly, helpers need to be trained. This can be done in a
single session, delivered by a teacher in the school.

A typical training session might follow the outline below;

Nominated helpers are invited in a group to a training session.

They are complimented on their ability to read and praised for their
assumed progress over the years.

Students are also encouraged to reflect on what it had been like to

learn to read.

The scheme is briefly outlined and students are told very clearly that
participation in the scheme involves a commitment, and their consent is
sought before further training progresses.

The three key tasks are then explained; to remember to go to

appointed meeting place at the right time, to listen to a child read, to be

The strategy of Pause, Prompt, Praise (outlined below) is explained.

The process of using these strategies can be role played by adults.

Helpers then have the opportunity to practice the skill with another

Pause, Prompt, Praise is a simple approach suitable for use by peer tutors
(see Wheldall 1995). The procedure involves the following simple steps:

the child encounters an unfamiliar word;

instead of stepping in immediately and giving the word, the

teacher/tutor waits a few seconds for the child to work it out;

if the child is not successful, the teacher/tutor prompts the child by

suggesting he or she perhaps guess from the meaning of the passage,
or attend to the initial letter, or read on to the end of the sentence, etc.;

when the child cannot get the word after brief prompting, the
teacher/tutor quickly supplies the word;

the child is also praised for self-correcting while reading


This initial training only needs about twenty minutes. At this point the matched
learners can be invited to join the training. Responsibilities for the learner
include remembering meeting times, coming to the appointed place, selecting
a book and keeping a record of each session (if the learner is very young, the
helper may have this responsibility). The readability of the book chosen is
primarily a matter for learner selection. In the event that the book proves too
hard during a session, helpers are advised to read it to the learner and, at the
end of the session, ask the teacher/ co-ordinator to supply an easier book for
next time.

During the second part of the training session these learner responsibilities
are described. Both partners complete their first record form together. This
gives them a chance to learn each others names, identify the place where the
partnership will meet and make a note of the meeting days. There is also time
for a brief trial reading partner session, closely supervised by the attending

Finally, the incentive of earning a certificate can be introduced to the group.

The Reading Partners Certificates can be earned by partnerships that have
met successfully over a number of times during the term. Some schools like to
offer a hierarchy of awards, for example:

A certificate for partnerships meeting ten times

A certificate for partnerships meeting twenty times

A certificate for completion of the Reading Partners Scheme

In all the training sessions do not require more than forty minutes.

Monitoring the Reading Partner Scheme

Some amount of monitoring and trouble shooting may be needed. The most
common difficulty is absenteeism of one of the partners, but difficulties may
also arise in relation to the selection of books at an appropriate level, the
availability of suitable places to meet or personality clashes. It has been
found that some ongoing feedback to helpers is helpful in sustaining

The co-ordinator (and possibility class teachers, depending on the context)

needs to take on responsibilities such as remembering to encourage helpers
to keep appointments, helping learners to select appropriate books and
accommodating partnerships in the classrooms. The reading records, which
are the primary source of evidence of attendance, need to be monitored and
collected periodically. Certificates need to be awarded as needed. Whenever
possible, it is helpful to integrate such a scheme into structures already in
place in the school. For example, the reading partner certificates and prizes,
can be included in the termly/ annual prize giving assemblies.
In some schemes, the Reading Partners co-ordinator may bring partners to
visit the local library as part of the scheme or plan a celebration/party for
participants after completion of the scheme.

Peer reading is an effective form of literacy intervention for students in many
educational settings. It not only is easily established, but is cost effective. For
many participants, not only are there impressive gains in literacy skills, there
are also other gains, such as improved self-esteem, attendance and social
skills. Dearden (1998) argues that if peer learning is of such value to both
parties involved, then there needs to be a way of ensuring it happens (p257).
It is hoped that this Rough Guide will encourage teachers to accept the
challenge and implement such a programme in their own schools.
Dearden, J. (1998). Cross Age Peer Mentoring in Action, Educational
Psychology in Practice, 13 (4), 250 - 257.
Wheldall, K. (1995). Helping readers who are behind, Educational Monitor 6,
(1) 23-5.

A version of this guidance was previously published in the Learn Journal:

Nugent, M. (2008) A Rough Guide to Reading Partners- A cross age, peer
tutoring approach. Learn, Journal of the Irish Learning Support Association,
Vol 30, 76-82.


Reading Partners
Your reading partner is _________________________________

You will be meeting in ___________________________________

Your meeting times are__________________________________

Reading Partners
Your reading partner is _________________________________

You will be meeting in ___________________________________

Your meeting times are__________________________________


Reading Partner Record Form

For Week Beginning Monday_____________

Names ________________

Day/ Date


and ___________________


Today was

Help words
good very tried lovely hard worked enjoyed funny
boring effort excellent reading


Reading Partner
Awarded to

In recognition of hard work,
co-operation and reliability in the
Reading Partner Scheme




Guidance on the Use of Positive Declarations

Psychological research has shown that making bold positive
declarations about future reading achievement can have a
significant impact on both reading ability and attitude to reading
(see McKay 2006).
The following is some guidance for you about how to implement
this practice in your own classroom.
The expectation is that each child will make a minimum of 3
positive declarations per day about future reading achievement
and the enjoyment of books/ reading. Declarations can be general
or specific and can be done individually, in groups or as a whole
class group.
Declarations typically begin with the phrase, I willThey should be
about future reading achievement or enjoyment.
I will become a good reader.
I will be able to read all the words in my word box.
I love books.
I will read lots of books this term.
Reading is fun.

Please feel free to use any of these sample declarations, to

generate your own ideas or to encourage the children to propose
their own suggestions.

Typically, this kind of intervention runs for about one term. The
weekly self-monitoring sheet below may be helpful to you.

Positive Declarations

Weekly Teacher Self-Monitoring Record Sheet


Week Beginning______________________

Time of

Affirmations used

Individual I
Group G
Whole Class W






Other comments/

Time of day: this helps you monitor that affirmations are used three times a
day, spread throughout the school day
Sample affirmations: no need to write out each and every affirmation, but just
note an example or two to check for variety
Individual, group or whole class: Note whether the affirmations were done
collectively or not, if the affirmations are done in a mixed way, for example,
some group and some whole class, note G +W etc


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