Scope and Sequence 2017-2018

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2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017

Week Language/ Science &

Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Aug No spelling Unit 1 Rules, Rules, Unit 1 Social Studies Getting to

7 Author's Purpose Procedures, and Procedures, Extending Base Ten know one
Review vowel Story Structure & Elements Routines and Routines Understanding SS2CG1 rules and laws another
Week and consonant (6 weeks) building
1 identification ELAGSE2L1g Unit 1 Pre- classroom
and what ELAGSE2RL1 Ask and answer such (ongoing) Test Unit 1 Pre-test community
syllables are questions as who, what, where, Legible
when, why, and how to demonstrate handwriting NBT1 base ten
understanding of key details in a *MD10 graphing
text. *Review ending
Rules, Procedures, and Routines

Aug ELAGSE2RF3: Unit 1 ELAGSE2L1g Lessons from Unit 1 Social Studies HE2.1a
14 initial l blends - Author's Purpose Legible the Masters Extending Base Ten Unit 1 Feelings
bl, fl,cl,gl,pl,sl Story Structure & Elements handwriting Bend 1 Understanding (1/4 weeks) vs.
Week Lessons 1-4 (2/6 weeks) behaviors
2 initial r blends - ELAGSE2RL3 Describe how Before there was Georgia
tr,pr,br,fr, characters in a story respond to L1 - Review NBT1 base ten
cr,dr,gr major events and challenges. Nouns - Singular *MD10 graphing; *Where we live*
& Plurals ways to organize
items for data SS2G1a regions and
(charts) landforms
SS2G1b 3 rivers

Aug ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 1 ELAGSE2L1g Lessons from Unit 1 Social Studies HE2.1a
21 Initial s blends- Author's Purpose Legible the Masters Extending Base Ten Unit 1 Exercise
sk,sm,st,ssp Story Structure & Elements handwriting Bend 1 Understanding (2/4 weeks)
Week Lessons 5-8 (3/6 weeks)
3 Final Blends- ELAGSE2RL5 Describe the overall ELAGSE2L2a Before there was Georgia
-ng, -nk structure of a story including (Proper Nouns) NBT3 expanded
describing how the beginning form, pictures, words SS2G1a regions and
CV(open) ex. go introduces the story, the middle Capitalize *MD10 graphing landforms
provides major events and holidays, SS2G1b 3 rivers
CVC (closed) ex. challenges, and the ending product names,
got concludes the action. and geographic
RL3 Major Events and Challenges
Classwork Grade
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Aug ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 1 ELAGSE2L1a Lessons from Unit 1 Social Studies HE2.1b
28 ELAGSE2RF3d Author's Purpose Collective nouns the Masters Extending Base Ten Unit 1 Germ and
Story Structure & Elements Bend 2 Understanding (3/4 weeks) communica
Week VC/CV Classwork Grade Lessons 9-11 (4/6 weeks) ble
4 ex. nap/kin ELAGSE2RL3 Describe how Before there was Georgia diseases
characters in a story respond to NBT2 Skip Counting
Sept. V/CV major events and challenges. *MD10 graphing SS2G1a regions and
1 RFF ex. be/low landforms
Day ELAGSE2RL5 Overall Structure; SS2G1b 3 rivers
VC/V Beginning, Middle, End
ex. lim/it

Sept ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 2 ELAGSE2L1a Lessons from Unit 1 Social Studies HE2.1b
4 Consonant Fables and Folktales Collective nouns the Masters Extending Base Ten Unit 1 Germ and
diagraphs ELAGSE2RL2 Recount stories, Bend 2 Understanding (4/4 weeks) communica
Week Ex. Sh,ch, th, including fables and folktales from C.A. Lessons 12- (5/6 weeks) ble
5 wh, tch diverse cultures, and determine 15 Before there was Georgia diseases
their central message, lesson, or NBT4 Greater than /
Sept. moral. Less than / Equal to SS2G1a regions and
4No *MD10 graphing landforms
School SS2G1b 3 rivers


2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Sept ELAGSE2RF3d Unit 2 ELAGSE2L1b Lessons from Unit 1 Science HE2.2a

11 R-controlled Fables and Folktales Irregular plural the Masters Extending Base Ten Unit 1 Family
vowels ELAGSE2RL2 Recount stories, nouns Bend 3 Understanding (1/4 weeks) influences
Week ar, or, ore, oar including fables and folktales from Lessons 16- (6/6 weeks) Astronomy on healthy
6 diverse cultures, and determine Classwork Grade 19 living
their central message, lesson, or END OF UNIT TEST S2E1. Obtain, evaluate, and
moral communicate information about
Unit 2 Pre-test stars having different sizes
ELAGSE2RL3 Characters and and brightness.
Major Events
S2E2obtain, evaluate, and
communicate information of
the patterns of the sun and the
moon and the sun's effect on

Sept ELAGSE2RF3a Unit 2 ELAGSE2L1b Pre & Post Unit 2 Science HE2.2
18 R-controlled Fables and Folktales Irregular plural Assessments Becoming Fluent with Unit 1 Family
vowels Compare and Contrast nouns Addition and (2/4 weeks) influences
Week er, ir, ur ELAGSE2RL9 Compare and Remediation Subtraction Astronomy on healthy
7 contrast two or more versions of C.A. (1/6 weeks) living
the same story (e.g., Cinderella Celebration S2E1. Obtain, evaluate, and
stories) by different authors or OA2 Mental math to communicate information about
from different cultures. 20 strategies stars having different sizes
*MD10 graphing; and brightness.
ELAGSE2RL2 Fables and Folktales picture graphs with
putting together and S2E2obtain, evaluate, and
take apart questions communicate information of
the patterns of the sun and the
moon and the sun's effect on
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Sep ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 2 Review Week of Information Unit 2 Science HE2.1b

25 Suffixes Fables and Folktales Pronouns Books Becoming Fluent with Unit 1 Media
Inflectional Compare and Contrast Bend 1 Addition and (3/4 weeks) influences:
Week endings ELAGSE2RL9 Compare and Lessons 1-4 Subtraction advertisem
8 -s, -ed,- ing contrast two or more versions of (2/6 weeks) AstronomyS2E1. Obtain, ent and TV
the same story (e.g., Cinderella evaluate, and communicate
stories) by different authors or NBT5 add / sub to information about stars having
from different cultures. 100 strategies with different sizes and brightness.
properties of
ELAGSE2RL2 Fables and Folktales operation S2E2obtain, evaluate, and
*MD10 graphing communicate information of
the patterns of the sun and the
moon and the sun's effect on

Oct ELAGSE2RF3a Unit 2 ELAGSE2L1c Information Unit 2 Science HE2.1b

2 Consonant Fables and Folktales Reflexive Books Becoming Fluent with Unit 1 Media
diagraph -ck Compare and Contrast Pronouns Bend 1 Addition and (4/4 weeks) influences:
Week Lessons 5-6 Subtraction advertisem
9 (review sh,ch, END OF UNIT TEST Classwork Grade (3/6 weeks) AstronomyS2E1. Obtain, ent and TV
th,wh,tch) evaluate, and communicate
Oct. 5 NBT5 add / sub to information about stars having
RFF 100 strategies with different sizes and brightness.
Day properties of
operation S2E2obtain, evaluate, and
Oct. 6 *MD10 graphing communicate information of
TWD the patterns of the sun and the
moon and the sun's effect on


End of 1st Nine Weeks

2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Oct ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 3 ELAGSE2L1c Information Unit 2 Social Studies HE2.3a

9 Reading for Information Reflexive Books Becoming Fluent with Units 2 & 3 Trusted
Long vowels ELAGSE2RI3 Describe the Pronouns Bend 2 Addition and (1/5 weeks) adults that
Week long a connection between a series of Lessons 7-10 Subtraction help you
10 Ex. -a, -ai, and - historical events, scientific ideas C.A. (4/6 weeks) Georgias Beginnings feel safe
ay or concepts, or steps in technical SS2H1, SS2H1a, SS2H1b
Oct. 9 procedures in a text. OA1 add / sub Tomochichi, Oglethorpe
No 1-2 step word
School Anchor Text: problems to 100
Biographies: Tomochichi, Mary *MD10 graphing
Musgrove, and James Oglethorpe, PBL Unit

Oct ELAGSE2RF3b Unit 3 REVIEW OF Information Unit 2 Social Studies HE2.3a

17 Reading for Information VERBS Books Becoming Fluent with Units 2 & 3 Trusted
Long vowels ELAGSE2RI6 Identify the main Bend 3 Addition and (2/5 weeks) adults that
Week Long e purpose of a text, including what ELAGSE2L1d Lessons 11-14 Subtraction help you
11 Ex. -e, -ee, -ea, the author wants to answer, Irregular verbs (5/6 weeks) Georgias Beginnings feel safe
and -y explain, or describe. SS2H1, SS2H1a, SS2H1b
ELAGSE2L5 OA1 add / sub Tomochichi, Oglethorpe
Anchor Text: Shades of 1-2 step word
Biographies: Tomochichi, Mary Meaning with problems to 100 PBL Unit
Musgrove, and James Oglethorpe, Verbs *MD10 graphing
Classwork Grade
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Oct ELA2SERF3b Unit 3 ELAGSE2L1d Information Unit 2 Social Studies HE2.7a

23 Long Vowels Reading for Information Irregular verbs Books Becoming Fluent with Units 2 & 3 Food Plate
Long O Text Features Bend 4 Addition and (3/5 weeks)
Week Ex. -o, -oa, -ow, ELAGSE2RI5 Know and use various Classwork Grade Lessons 15- Subtraction
12 -oe text features (e.g., captions, bold 18 (6/6 weeks) Georgias Beginnings
print, subheadings, glossaries, SS2H1, SS2H1a, SS2H1b
indexes, electronic menus, icons) to END OF UNIT TEST Tomochichi, Oglethorpe
locate key facts or information in a
text efficiently. Unit 3 Pre-test PBL Unit

ELAGSE2RI7 Explain how specific

images (e.g., a diagram showing how
a machine works) contribute to and
clarify a text.

Oct ELA2GSERF3b Unit 3 ELAGSE2L1d Pre & Post Unit 3 Social Studies HE2.7a
30 Reading for Information Irregular verbs Assessments Understanding Units 2 & 3 Food Plate
Long Vowels Text Features Measurement, Length, (4/5 weeks)
Week Long I ELAGSE2RI5 Know and use various C.A. Remediation and Time
13 Ex. -i, -ie, -igh, text features (e.g., captions, bold (1/6 weeks) Georgias Beginnings
-y print, subheadings, glossaries, SS2H1, SS2H1a, SS2H1b
indexes, electronic menus, icons) to MD8 Money word Tomochichi, Oglethorpe
locate key facts or information in a problems
text efficiently. PBL Unit

ELAGSE2RI7 Explain how specific

images (e.g., a diagram showing how
a machine works) contribute to and
clarify a text.
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Nov ELAGSE2RF3b Unit 3 ELAGSE2L4 Writing Unit 3 Social Studies HE2.8a

6 Reading for Information Dictionary Skills About Understanding Units 2 & 3 Outside
Long Vowels Text Features Reading Measurement, Length, (5/5 weeks) play
Week Long u ELAGSE2RI3 Historical Texts Classwork Grade Bend 1 and Time
14 Ex. -u, -ue Lessons 1-4 (2/6 weeks) Georgias Beginnings
ELAGSE2RI6 Main Purpose SS2H1, SS2H1a, SS2H1b
MD6 using a number Tomochichi, Oglethorpe
ELAGSE2RI5 Text Features line to measure units
MD1 measuring PBL Unit
ELAGSE2RI7 Contributing Images length
*MD10 graphing;
picture graphs with
compare questions

Nov ELAGSE2RF3b Unit 3 ELAGSE2L4 Writing Unit 3 Science HE2.8a

13 R controlled Reading for Information Dictionary Skills About Understanding Unit 2 Outside
vowels Text Features Reading Measurement, Length, Force and Motion play
Week Ex. -are, -air ELAGSE2RI3 Historical Texts C.A. Bend 1 and Time (1/5 weeks)
15 Lessons 5-8 (3/6 weeks)
ELAGSE2RI6 Main Purpose S2P2. Obtain, evaluate, and
MD1 measuring communicate information to
ELAGSE2RI5 Text Features length explain the effect of a force (a
MD3 estimating push or a pull) in the movement
ELAGSE2RI7 Contributing Images length of an object (changes in speed
MD2 comparing and direction).
END OF UNIT TEST length using multiple
*MD10 graphing

20 24
Thanksgiving Break
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Nov ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 4 ELAGSE2L1 Writing Unit 3 Science HE2.4b

27 R controlled Voice and Dialogue Adjectives About Understanding Unit 2 Listening
vowels Readers Theatre Reading Measurement, Length, Force and Motion skills to
Week Ex. -ir, -ire, -ier ELAGSE2RL6 Acknowledge ELAGSE2L5 Bend 2 and Time (2/5 weeks) enhance
16 differences in the points of view of Shades of Lessons 9-12 (4/6 weeks) health
characters, including by speaking in Meaning with S2P2 Explain the effect of a
a different voice for each Adjectives MD4 comparing 2 force (a push or pull) in the
character when reading dialogue objects lengths movement of an object (change
aloud Classwork Grade MD9 Line plot of in speed and direction).
MD5 word problems
*MD10 graphing

Dec ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 4 ELAGSE2L1e Writing Unit 3 Science HE2.4b

4 Syllabication Voice and Dialogue Adjectives About Understanding Unit 2 Listening
Consonant + le Readers Theatre Reading Measurement, Length, Force and Motion skills to
Week "final stable ELAGSE2RL6 Acknowledge ELAGSE2L5 Bend 3 and Time (3/5 weeks) enhance
17 syllable differences in the points of view of Shades of Lessons 13- (5/6 weeks) health
characters, including by speaking in Meaning with 16 S2P2 Explain the effect of a
Ex. -ble, -dle,- a different voice for each Adjectives MD7 tell time to the force (a push or pull) in the
fle,-gle,-ple,- character when reading dialogue nearest 5 minutes movement of an object (change
tle,-zle,-kle,-cle aloud C.A. *MD10 graphing in speed and direction).
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Dec ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 4 Review of Skills Writing Unit 3 Science HE2.5a

11 Voice and Dialogue Needed About Understanding Unit 2 Feelings of
Suffixes Readers Theatre Reading Measurement, Length, Force and Motion being
Week Comparative Story Structure Bend 3 and Time (4/5 weeks) scared or
18 endings ELAGSE2RL3 Describe how Lessons 17- (6/6 weeks) frightened
Ex. -er and -est characters in a story respond to 19 S2P2 Explain the effect of a ; peer
major events and challenges END OF UNIT TEST force (a push or pull) in the pressure
movement of an object (change
ELAGSE2RL5 Describe the overall Unit 4 Pre-test in speed and direction).
structure of a story including
describing how the beginning
introduces the story, the middle
provides major events and
challenges, and the ending
concludes the action.

Dec 18 R controlled Unit 4 Review of Skills Pre & Post Review Science HE2.5a
vowels Voice and Dialogue Needed Assessments Unit 2 Feelings of
Week Ex. -ear, -eer,- Readers Theatre Force and Motion being
19 ure Story Structure Remediation (5/5 weeks) scared or
ELAGSE2RL3 Describe how frightened
Dec. characters in a story respond to Celebration S2P2 Explain the effect of a ; peer
21 & major events and challenges force (a push or pull) in the pressure
22 movement of an object (change
No ELAGSE2RL5 Describe the overall in speed and direction).
School structure of a story including
describing how the beginning END OF UNIT TEST
introduces the story, the middle
provides major events and
challenges, and the ending
concludes the action.

*Student Production*

End of 2nd Nine Weeks

2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Jan ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 5 ELAGSE2L1e Lab Reports Unit 4 Social Studies HE2.5b
8 Vowel Informational Reading Adverbs Bend 1 Applying Base Ten Unit 4 Bullying;
diphthongs Main Idea and Details Lessons 1-4 Understanding Civil Rights what to do
Week Ex. -oo (book), - ELAGSE2RI2 Identify the main Classwork Grade (1/7 weeks) (1/3 weeks) when
20 ou, -ow topic of a multi-paragraph text as someone is
Sort 28 well as the focus of specific NBT8 Mentally add / SS2H1 MLK and Jackie ill or
paragraphs within the text sub 10 and 100 Robinson injured
*MD10 graphing; bar
ELAGSE2RI8 Describe how reasons graphs with putting
support specific points the author together and take
makes in a text. apart questions

Anchor Text (Biographies):

Martin Luther King Jr
Jackie Robinson

Jan ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 5 ELAGSE2L1e Lab Reports Unit 4 Social Studies HE2.5b
15 Vowel Informational Reading Adverbs Bend 1 Applying Base Ten Unit 4 Bullying;
Diphthongs Main Idea and Details Lessons 5-7 Understanding Civil Rights what to do
Week Ex. -oo (moon), ELAGSE2RI2 Identify the main C.A. (2/7 weeks) (2/3 weeks) when
21 -ue, -ew, -u topic of a multi-paragraph text as someone is
well as the focus of specific NBT8 Mentally add / SS2H1 MLK and Jackie ill or
Jan. paragraphs within the text sub 10 and 100 Robinson injured
15 No *MD10 graphing; bar
School ELAGSE2RI8 Describe how reasons graphs with putting
support specific points the author together and take
Jan 16 makes in a text. apart questions
Day Anchor Text (Biographies):
Martin Luther King Jr
Jackie Robinson
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Jan ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 5 ELAGSE2L1f Lab Reports Unit 4 Social Studies HE2.6a
22 Silent Informational Reading Simple and Bend 2 Applying Base Ten Unit 4 Safe car
consonants Compare and Contrast Compound Lessons 8-10 Understanding Civil Rights behavior;
Week Ex. Kn, wr, gn, ELAGSE2RI9 Compare and Sentences (3/7 weeks) (3/3 weeks) TV limits;
22 mb contrast the most important points short term
presented by two texts on the Classwork Grade NBT7 add / sub SS2H1 MLK and Jackie health
same topic regrouping Robinson goals
*MD10 graphing
Anchor Text (Biographies): END OF UNIT TEST
Martin Luther King Jr
Jackie Robinson

Jan ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 5 ELAGSE2L1f Lab Reports Unit 4 Science HE2.6a

29 Three letter Informational Reading Simple and Bend 2 & 3 Applying Base Ten Unit 3 Safe car
blends Compare and Contrast Compound Lessons 11-15 Understanding Matter behavior;
Week Ex. scr, str, ELAGSE2RI9 Compare and Sentences (4/7 weeks) (1/3 Weeks) TV limits;
23 spr, squ contrast the most important points short term
Sort 33 presented by two texts on the C.A. NBT7 add / sub S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and health
same topic regrouping communicate information about goals
NBT9 explaining add the properties of matter and
Anchor Text: / sub using properties changes that occur in objects.
Matter Informational Books *MD10 graphing

Feb ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 5 ELAGSE2L2b Lab Reports Unit 4 Science HE2.6b

5 Informational Reading Commas in Bend 3 Applying Base Ten Unit 3 Fitness
Silent ELAGSE2RI3 Describe the greetings and Lessons 16- Understanding Matter goals and
Week Consonants connection between a series of closing of 19 (5/7 weeks) (2/3 Weeks) who can
24 Ph, gh historical events, scientific ideas letters and lists help you
or concepts, or steps in technical NBT6 add / sub 4 S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and achieve
procedures in a text. Classwork Grade two-digit numbers with communicate information about them
regrouping the properties of matter and
ELAGSE2RI8 Describe how reasons NBT9 explaining add changes that occur in objects.
support specific points the author / sub using properties
makes in a text. *MD10 graphing

*Apply to student writing*

2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Feb ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 5 ELAGSE2L2b Pre & Post Unit 4 Science HE2.6b
12 Informational Reading Commas in Assessments Applying Base Ten Unit 3 Fitness
Prefixes ELAGSE2RI3 Describe the greetings and Understanding Matter goals and
Week Ex. un, dis, mis, connection between a series of closing of Remediation (6/7 weeks) (3/3 Weeks) who can
25 non, re historical events, scientific ideas letters and lists help you
or concepts, or steps in technical Celebration NBT9 explaining add S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and achieve
Feb 16 procedures in a text. C.A. / sub using properties communicate information about them
No *MD10 graphing the properties of matter and
School ELAGSE2RI8 Describe how reasons changes that occur in objects.
support specific points the author
makes in a text. END OF UNIT TEST

*Apply to student writing*

Feb ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 6 LAGSE2L4b,c,d Poetry Unit 4 Social Studies HE2.3b

19 Prefixes Poetry Prefix & Root Bend 1 Applying Base Ten Unit 5 Locate
Ex. pre, mid, ELAGSE2RL4 Describe how words Word Lessons 1-3 Understanding (1/3 weeks) school and
Week micro and phrases (e.g., regular beats, (7/7 weeks) community
26 alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) Classwork Grade Human Rights health
supply rhythm and meaning in a NBT6, 7, 8, 9 Juliette Gordon Low helpers
Feb. story, poem, or song *MD10 graphing SS2CG1 rules and laws
19 SS2CG2 roles of elected
No END OF UNIT TEST officials
School SS2CG3 character traits
Unit 5 Pre-test SS2CG4 capitals
SS2H1 Jimmy Carter
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Feb ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 6 ELAGSE2L4b,c, Poetry Unit 5 Social Studies HE2.3b

26 Vowel Poetry d Bend 1 & 2 Understanding Plane Unit 5 Locate
Diphthongs ELAGSE2RL4 Describe how words Suffix & Root Lessons 4-7 and Solid Figures (2/3 weeks) school and
Week (-aw, -au, -augh, and phrases (e.g., regular beats, Word (1/5 weeks) community
27 -al) alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) Human Rights health
supply rhythm and meaning in a Classwork Grade G1 recognize / draw/ Juliette Gordon Low helpers
story, poem, or song. and describe shapes SS2CG1 rules and laws
and attributes SS2CG2 roles of elected
*MD10 graphing; bar officials
graphs with compare SS2CG3 character traits
questions SS2CG4 capitals
SS2H1 Jimmy Carter

March ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 6 ELAGSE2L4a Poetry Unit 5 Social Studies HE2.7b

5 Suffixes Poetry Context Clues Bend 2 & 3 Understanding Plane Unit 5 Head lice
(-ly, -tion, -tur, ELAGSE2RL4 Describe how words Lessons 8 - and Solid Figures (3/3 weeks)
Week -ion, -ness) and phrases (e.g., regular beats, REVIEW 11 (2/5 weeks)
28 alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) Human Rights
supply rhythm and meaning in a Classwork Grade G2 partition Juliette Gordon Low
March story, poem, or song. rectangles SS2CG1 rules and laws
9 *MD10 graphing SS2CG2 roles of elected
(Poetry) SS2CG3 character traits
SS2CG4 capitals
SS2H1 Jimmy Carter


End of 3rd Nine Weeks

2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Mar ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 7 ELAGSE2L2c Poetry Unit 5 Science HE2.7b

12 Reading Fiction for Understanding Use an Bend 3 Understanding Plane Unit 4 Head lice
Suffixes ELAGSE2RL10 By the end of the apostrophe with Lessons 12- and Solid Figures Needs of Living Things
Week (-less, -ful, - year, read and comprehend frequently 14 (3/5 weeks) (1/5 weeks)
29 ish) literature, including stories and occurring
poetry, in the grades 2-3 text possessives G2 partition S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and
March complexity band proficiently, with rectangles communicate information about
12 scaffolding as needed at the high Classwork Grade *MD10 graphing the life cycles of different
TWD end of the range. living organisms.

S2E3. Obtain, evaluate, and

communicate information about
how weather, plants, animals,
and humans cause changes to
the environment.

Mar ELACC2RF3d Unit 7 ELAGSE2L2c Poetry Unit 5 Science HE2.7b

19 Reading Fiction for Understanding Use an Bend 3 Understanding Plane Unit 4 Safety on
Suffixes ELAGSE2RL10 By the end of the apostrophe to Lessons 15- and Solid Figures Needs of Living Things a bike
Week (-er, -or) year, read and comprehend form 17 (4/5 weeks) (2/5 weeks)
30 literature, including stories and possessives/
poetry, in the grades 2-3 text contractions G3 partition circles S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and
complexity band proficiently, with and rectangles into communicate information about
scaffolding as needed at the high Classwork Grade halves, thirds, and the life cycles of different
end of the range. fourths living organisms.
*MD10 graphing
S2E3. Obtain, evaluate, and
communicate information about
how weather, plants, animals,
and humans cause changes to
the environment.
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Mar ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 7 ELAGSE2L2c Pre & Post Unit 5 Science HE2.7b
26 Reading Fiction for Understanding Use an Assessment Understanding Plane Unit 4 Safety on
Suffixes ELAGSE2RL10 By the end of the apostrophe to and Solid Figures Needs of Living Things a bike
Week (-able, -ible) year, read and comprehend form Remediation (5/5 weeks) (3/5 weeks)
31 literature, including stories and contractions
poetry, in the grades 2-3 text Celebration END OF UNIT TEST S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and
complexity band proficiently, with C.A. communicate information about
scaffolding as needed at the high Unit 6 PreTest the life cycles of different
end of the range. living organisms.

S2E3. Obtain, evaluate, and

communicate information about
how weather, plants, animals,
and humans cause changes to
the environment.

April 9 ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 7 ELAGSE2L4d Writing Unit 6 Science HE2.8a
TBD Reading Fiction for Understanding Compound Gripping Developing Unit 4 Healthy
Week ELAGSE2RL10 By the end of the Words Fictional Multiplication Needs of Living Things teeth
32 year, read and comprehend Stories (1/5 weeks) (4/5 weeks)
literature, including stories and Classwork Grade
poetry, in the grades 2-3 text Bend 1 OA3 odd and even S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and
complexity band proficiently, with Lessons 1-4 *MD10 graphing; communicate information about
scaffolding as needed at the high cumulative the life cycles of different
end of the range. living organisms.

S2E3. Obtain, evaluate, and

communicate information about
how weather, plants, animals,
and humans cause changes to
the environment.
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

Apr ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 7 ELAGSE2L4d Writing Unit 6 Science HE2.8a

16 Reading Fiction for Understanding Compound Gripping Developing Unit 4 Healthy
TBD ELAGSE2RL10 By the end of the Words Fictional Multiplication Needs of Living Things teeth
Week year, read and comprehend Stories (2/5 weeks) (5/5 weeks)
33 literature, including stories and C.A.
poetry, in the grades 2-3 text Bend 2 OA4 arrays S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and
complexity band proficiently, with Lessons 5-8 *MD10 graphing communicate information about
scaffolding as needed at the high the life cycles of different
end of the range. living organisms.

END OF UNIT TEST S2E3. Obtain, evaluate, and

communicate information about
how weather, plants, animals,
and humans cause changes to
the environment.


Apr ELAGSE2RF3 Unit 8 ELAGSE2L5 Writing Unit 6 Social Studies HE2.4a

23 Reading Non-Fiction for ELAGSEKL5B Gripping Developing Unit 6 Express
TBD Understanding Synonyms and Fictional Multiplication Personal Finance needs,
Week ELAGSE2RI10 By the end of the Thesaurus Work Stories (3/5 weeks) (1/4 weeks) wants, and
34 year, read and comprehend feelings
informational texts, including Classwork Grade Bend 2 & 3 OA4 arrays SS2E1-scarcity
history/social studies, science, and Lessons 9-12 *MD10 graphing SS2E2- goods and services
technical texts, in the grades 2-3 SS2E3-money makes trade
text complexity band proficiently, easier than barter.
with scaffolding as needed at the SS2E4-personal saving and
high end of the range spending choices.

PBL Unit
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

April ELAGSE2RF3e Unit 8 ELAGSE2L5 Writing Unit 6 Social Studies HE2.4a

30 Reading Non-Fiction for ELAGSEKL5B Gripping Developing Unit 6 Express
TBD Understanding Antonyms and Fictional Multiplication Personal Finance needs,
Week ELAGSE2RI10 By the end of the Thesaurus Work Stories (4/5 weeks) (2/4 weeks) wants, and
35 year, read and comprehend feelings
informational texts, including Classwork Grade Bend 3 OA4 arrays SS2E1-scarcity
history/social studies, science, and Lessons 13- *MD10 graphing SS2E2- goods and services
technical texts, in the grades 2-3 16 SS2E3-money makes trade
text complexity band proficiently, easier than barter.
with scaffolding as needed at the SS2E4-personal saving and
high end of the range spending choices.

PBL Unit

May ELAGSE2RF3d Unit 8 Review Skills Post Unit 6 Social Studies HE2.8b
7 Reading Non-Fiction for Assessment Developing Unit 6 Encouragin
TBD Understanding Multiplication Personal Finance g peers to
Week ELAGSE2RI10 By the end of the Celebration (5/5 weeks) (3/4 weeks) be healthy
36 year, read and comprehend
informational texts, including END OF UNIT TEST SS2E1-scarcity
history/social studies, science, and SS2E2- goods and services
technical texts, in the grades 2-3 SS2E3-money makes trade
text complexity band proficiently, easier than barter.
with scaffolding as needed at the SS2E4-personal saving and
high end of the range spending choices.

PBL Unit
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
Week Language/ Science &
Phonics Reading Comprehension Writing Math Health
of: Grammar Social Studies

May ELAGSE2RF3d Unit 8 Review Skills Cumulative Cumulative Review Social Studies HE2.8b
14 Reading Non-Fiction for Review Unit 6 Showing
TBD Understanding Instructional Personal Finance respect to
Week ELAGSE2RI10 By the end of the Assessment (4/4 weeks) our friends
37 year, read and comprehend
informational texts, including SS2E1-scarcity, SS2E2- goods
history/social studies, science, and and services
technical texts, in the grades 2-3 SS2E3-money makes trade
text complexity band proficiently, easier than barter.
with scaffolding as needed at the SS2E4-personal saving and
high end of the range spending choices.



May Cumulative Cumulative Review Review Skills Cumulative Cumulative Review Review and reteach Summer
21 Review Review Safety
Instructional Assessment

Ongoing standards:
Reading Writing Language Speaking and Listening PBL Standards:
ELAGSE2RL10 ELAGSE2W5 ELAGSE2L1g ELAGSE2SL1a Follow ELAGSE2W7 Participate in shared
ELAGSE2RI10 Revising and Legible conversation rules research and writing projects (e.g.,
ELAGSE2RI4 Determine meanings of words and phrases editing handwriting ELA2SESL1b Conversation read a number of books on a single
ELAGSE2RF4 Read with purpose, accuracy, rate, and ELAGSE2W6 ELAGSE2L2d skills topic to produce a report; record
expression; use context to confirm or self-correct when Using digital Generalize learned ELAGSE2SL1c Ask for science observations).
reading tools to publish spelling patterns clarification in conversation ELAGSE2W8 Recall information from
ELAGSE2RF3f Sight words ELAGSE2L5 a. - when writing ELAGSE2SL2 Recall experiences or gather information
ELAGSE2L5 - Demonstrate understanding of word Identify real- words information from oral stories from provided sources to answer a
relationships and nuances in word meanings. life connections ELAGSE2L3a ELAGSE2SL3 Asks question.
ELAGSE2RL7 Use information gained from the illustrations between words Compare formal questions about oral ELAGSE2SL5 With guidance and
and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate and their use and informal uses information support, create audio recordings of
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. (e.g., describe of English ELAGSE2SL4 Tell a story stories or poems; add drawings or
ELAGSE2RI4 Determine the meanings of words and phrases foods that are ELAGSE2L6 Use ELA2SESL5 Create an audio other visual displays to stories or
in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. spicy or juicy). new vocabulary recording of reading recounts of experiences when
2nd Grade 2017-2018 Scope and Sequence-Revised June 2, 2017
ELAGSE2SL6 Answers appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts
questions in detail and feelings.

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