United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit

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3 F.

3d 1508
62 USLW 2241

Mannie CHAPMAN, Jimmie Erskine, Dorothy Reid, James L.

Woodall, R.P. Vinall, and Diane L. Ragone,
Herman M. KLEMICK, Herman M. Klemick P.A., a Florida
Professional Association, Defendants-Appellants;
Mannie CHAPMAN, Jimmie Erskine, Dorothy Reid, James L.
Woodall, R.P. Vinall, and Diane L. Ragone,
Plaintiffs-Appellees, Cross-Appellants,
Herman M. KLEMICK, Herman M. Klemick P.A., a Florida
Professional Association, Defendants-Appellants,
Nos. 91-5854, 92-4355.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
Oct. 12, 1993.

Phillip D. Parrish, Stephens, Lynn, Klein & McNicholas, Miami, FL, for
Mark J. Berkowitz, Alice Weisman, Sugarman & Susskind, P.A., Miami,
FL, for plaintiffs-appellees.
Appeals from the United States District Court for the Southern District of
Before EDMONDSON and CARNES, Circuit Judges, and HILL, Senior
Circuit Judge.
CARNES, Circuit Judge:

This case arises under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. Secs. 1001-1461. The issue presented is whether an
attorney who represents a beneficiary of a trust fund in the beneficiary's
separate personal injury action becomes a fiduciary under ERISA when, in
settlement of his client's personal injury claim, the attorney receives funds to
which the trust fund asserts subrogation rights. The district court held that the
attorney became an ERISA fiduciary when he received such funds, and that he
breached his fiduciary duty to the trust fund by disposing of those funds in a
manner inconsistent with the subrogation agreement his client had signed.
Because we do not think that ERISA's reach extends this far, we reverse. Our
reversal of the district court's decision imposing liability on Klemick renders
the Trust Fund's cross appeal for an increase in the damages award moot.


The facts were stipulated by the parties in the district court. Chapman v.
Klemick, 750 F.Supp. 520, 521-22 (S.D.Fla.1990). Briefly, Frank Wilson, Jr., a
beneficiary of the Laborers Health and Welfare Trust Fund of South Florida
("Trust Fund") suffered personal injuries as a result of a motorcycle accident
and retained the professional services of Herman Klemick, a lawyer, to assist
him in recovering compensation from the tortfeasor's insurance carrier. Wilson
incurred approximately $28,000.00 in medical expenses, which he sought to
have the Trust Fund pay. Prior to releasing the funds, however, the Trust Fund
requested that he sign a subrogation agreement stating that the Trust Fund
would be reimbursed should he recover any compensation for his injuries by
suit, settlement, or otherwise. After consulting Klemick by telephone, Wilson
signed the agreement.

Following negotiations with the tortfeasor's insurance carrier, Klemick received

a check for $25,000.00 made out jointly to him and Wilson. Klemick asked the
Trust Fund to waive its right to subrogation, but the Trust Fund declined.
Klemick stated to the Trust Fund that he would never recommend that his client
voluntarily turn over all the settlement funds that he had recovered, and
indicated that he had conceived of a plan by which, even if the Trust Fund sued
Wilson and obtained a judgment against him for the amount of money
recovered in the settlement, the Trust Fund would be frustrated in its attempts
to collect.

A few days after his conversation with the Trust Fund, Klemick and Wilson
endorsed the check. Klemick deposited the entire amount in the Herman M.
Klemick, P.A. Trust Account, and made out a check to Wilson for $15,431.50.
Klemick then paid himself $8,333.00 as his attorney's fee and applied the

balance to offset costs.


Ten days later, the Trust Fund filed a complaint and application for a temporary
restraining order to enjoin Wilson from spending the funds. In an emergency
hearing on that application, Wilson informed the district court that he had
already spent all of the money. The Trust Fund obtained a judgment against
Wilson for the full amount of the settlement plus $21,659.00 in attorney's fees.
See Pugh v. Wilson, 693 F.Supp. 1096 (S.D.Fla.1988). The validity of that
judgment against Wilson is not at issue in this case, but Wilson's assets were
insufficient to satisfy the judgment against him. The Trust Fund then sued
Klemick, alleging that he had become an ERISA fiduciary because Wilson's
insurance settlement became "Trust Fund assets" by operation of the
subrogation agreement, and that Klemick had breached his fiduciary duty to the
Trust Fund by retaining a portion of the settlement as his attorney's fee and
allowing Wilson to spend his portion.

The case came before the district court on cross-motions for summary
judgment. The district court granted the Trust Fund's motion and denied
Klemick's, finding Klemick liable for breach of fiduciary duty under ERISA.
Klemick has appealed to this Court. We review the district court's grant of
summary judgment de novo. Useden v. Acker, 947 F.2d 1563, 1572 (11th
Cir.1991), cert. denied --- U.S. ----, 113 S.Ct. 2927, 124 L.Ed.2d 678 (1993).


We look first to the statutory definition of "fiduciary" under ERISA. 29 U.S.C.

Sec. 1002(21)(A) provides in pertinent part:

8 person is a fiduciary with respect to a plan to the extent (i) he exercises any
discretionary authority or discretionary control respecting management of such plan
or exercises any authority or control respecting management or disposition of its
assets, (ii) he renders investment advice for a fee or other compensation, direct or
indirect, with respect to any moneys or other property of such plan, or has any
authority or responsibility to do so, or (iii) he has any discretionary authority or
discretionary responsibility in the administration of such plan.

The district court held that the subrogation agreement rendered the settlement
proceeds "Trust Fund assets," and that Klemick had exercised control over
those assets, therefore, Klemick was a fiduciary of the Trust Fund. The court
said: "[W]hen Klemick decided how to allocate the monies from the settlement
check ... he exerted what is obviously 'any ... discretionary control respecting ...
disposition of [Trust Fund] assets.' " Chapman, 750 F.Supp. at 522-23. We must

decide whether the district court's conclusion that Klemick was a fiduciary is

As an initial matter, we are not persuaded that the $25,000.00 received by

Wilson in settlement of his tort claim constituted "Trust Fund assets." At the
time Klemick disbursed those funds, what the Trust Fund had by virtue of its
agreement with Wilson was a contractual "claim" for reimbursement of the
$28,000.00 in medical expenses it had paid on behalf of Wilson. That did not
automatically convert the $25,000.00 settlement which Klemick disbursed into
assets of the Trust Fund. Nonetheless, we need not rely solely on the
characterization of those funds for our conclusion, because a functional
analysis of Klemick's status also leads to the conclusion that he was not acting
as a fiduciary of the Trust Fund for purposes of ERISA. See Useden v. Acker,
947 F.2d 1563, 1577 (11th Cir.1991) (applying the "functional definition of
fiduciary status enshrined in ERISA"), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 113 S.Ct. 2927,
124 L.Ed.2d 678 (1993).


We are aware of no case in which a lawyer for an ERISA plan beneficiary, as

opposed to a lawyer for an ERISA plan, has been alleged to be an ERISA
fiduciary. The closest authority we find for guidance is Useden v. Acker, which
we decided after the district court entered summary judgment in this case. In
Useden, a trust fund sought to impose fiduciary liability on a bank which had
acted upon collateral pledged by the fund when the fund failed to perform
under a loan agreement with the bank. The fund also sought to impose fiduciary
liability on a law firm that had rendered legal and business advice to the fund's
managers. We found that neither was an ERISA fiduciary.


The trust fund in Useden argued that the bank became a fiduciary under Sec.
1002(21)(A) when it exercised "discretionary authority or discretionary
control" over trust fund assets. We held that the bank was not a fiduciary within
the meaning of ERISA, observing that "the discretionary role needed to support
fiduciary status must amount to more than a theoretical contrivance." Useden,
947 F.2d at 1574. The terms of the loan agreement, which were typical of arm's
length commercial loan agreements, did not confer fiduciary status on the bank:
"An entity which assumes discretionary authority or control over plan assets
will not be considered a fiduciary if that discretion is sufficiently limited by a
pre-existing framework of policies, practices and procedures," such as rules
governing when a bank may act on collateral in the event of non-performance
on a commercial loan. Id. at 1575. Furthermore, we noted that the bank's "duty
to its own shareholders and depositors" could conflict with a fiduciary duty to
an ERISA plan borrower, "subjecting lenders to irreconcilable obligations and
in so doing make it difficult or impossible for pension plans to persuade lenders

to enter into arm's length, commercial loan transactions." Id. at 1575-76.


We also held that the law firm in Useden was not a fiduciary even though it had
rendered both business and legal advice to the trust fund. We relied in part on
federal regulations relating to ERISA that provide that an attorney who renders
legal services to an employee benefit plan ordinarily will not become a plan
fiduciary, where those services amount to no more than an attorney's "usual
professional functions." 29 C.F.R. Sec. 2509.75-5. The law firm in Useden had
not departed from the usual functions of a law firm or otherwise effectively or
realistically controlled the trust fund. Id. at 1577. Our decision in Useden also
pointed out the compelling policy reasons for exercising caution in imposing
fiduciary liability on attorneys:

14 think it imprudent and counter to the thrust of the ERISA scheme to hold that the
commingling of legal advice with incidental business observations, especially when
this advice is proffered to businesspersons of some sophistication, will automatically
confer fiduciary status on attorneys and thus expose them to ERISA liability....
ERISA does not contemplate an allocation of liability that will deter consultants such
as attorneys from assisting plans.

Id. at 1577-78.


The situation here is different from that in Useden, but in a way that makes that
decision even more compelling authority for this case. The governing
regulations, which we interpreted in Useden, involve the possibility of fiduciary
status for attorneys arising in the context of the provision of professional
services "to an employee benefit plan." In this case, Klemick rendered
professional services, not to the Trust Fund, but to Wilson, an individual
beneficiary of the Trust Fund. Neither the statute itself nor the regulations
address the possibility of fiduciary status for an attorney who renders
professional services to a plan beneficiary, and we are aware of no other case in
which an ERISA plan has even argued that ERISA imposes fiduciary liability
on a plan beneficiary's personal injury lawyer.


In Useden, we cited with approval the Ninth Circuit's decision in Nieto v.

Ecker, 845 F.2d 868 (9th Cir.1988), where the court held that an attorney
retained by a group of ERISA plans to collect delinquent contributions from
member employers did not acquire fiduciary status. 947 F.2d at 1578. Using an
argument similar to the one presented in this case--that the attorney's failure to
collect sums owed to the trust fund constituted a dissipation of trust fund assets-the plans sought to impose fiduciary liability. The Ninth Circuit concluded that
"[t]his argument proves far too much," because "[u]nder this rationale, anyone

performing services for an ERISA plan--be it an attorney, an accountant, a

security guard or a janitor--would be rendered a fiduciary insofar as he
exercised some control over trust assets and through negligence or dishonesty
jeopardized those assets." Nieto, 845 F.2d at 870-71. The Ninth Circuit held
that the attorney in Nieto, who had been employed by the plans and presumably
given some measure of control over the trust assets he collected, was not a

We find the arguments against imposing fiduciary status on an attorney who

represents a trust fund beneficiary even more compelling than those against
imposing fiduciary status on banks that enter financial transactions with and
attorneys who render advice or services to an ERISA plan or trust fund. While
Klemick did not assume the type of discretionary control over Trust Fund assets
that the bank in Useden had, nonetheless, a "pre-existing framework of policies,
practices and procedures" similar to that which relieved the bank in Useden
from liability figures prominently in this case. See Useden, 947 F.2d at 1575.
An attorney has an ethical obligation to his or her client that does not admit of
competing allegiances. The following rule binds lawyers admitted to practice
law in Florida:

19lawyer shall not represent a client if the lawyer's exercise of independent

professional judgment in the representation of that client may be materially limited
by the lawyer's responsibilities to another client or to a third person or by the
lawyer's own interest ....

Florida Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-1.7(b). "Loyalty to a client is also

impaired when a lawyer cannot consider, recommend, or carry out an
appropriate course of action for the client because of the lawyer's other
responsibilities or interests." Id. cmt. Klemick was retained by Wilson and
owed a fiduciary duty to him alone. Just as imposing fiduciary liability on the
bank in Useden would have subjected it to "inconsistent obligations," imposing
fiduciary liability on Klemick would also create unacceptable conflicts of


As a practical matter, we noted in Useden, 947 F.2d at 1575-76, 1578, that

imposing fiduciary status willy-nilly would make banks and law firms
extremely wary of ERISA plans as customers and clients. Imposing fiduciary
status in cases such as this one would likely render it difficult for trust fund
beneficiaries with personal injury claims to obtain counsel. That result would
work to the detriment of ERISA trust funds; there would be a reduction in
recovery from tortfeasors, and a concomitant reduction in the amounts available
for subrogation payments. Moreover, a beneficiary who needed legal services

in order to dispute the validity or enforceability of a subrogation agreement

might be left out in the cold. The drafters of ERISA intended fiduciary liability
to be broadly construed, see Brock v. Hendershott, 840 F.2d 339, 342 (6th
Cir.1988); Donovan v. Mercer, 747 F.2d 304, 308 (5th Cir.1984), but even a
broad construction has limits. In this case, the district court's judgment
transgressed those limits.

The district court in this case put Klemick in the untenable position of owing
conflicting fiduciary duties to both his client, Wilson, and to the Trust Fund.
We do not think that Congress intended ERISA to extend that far. As one
widely-cited authority has said:

23 man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or
else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and

Matthew 6:24 (King James). A trust fund is not exactly "mammon," but an
attorney's duty of loyalty to his client is very nearly sacred.


The order of summary judgment in favor of and the award of attorney's fees to
the Trust Fund are REVERSED, and the case REMANDED to the district
court with instructions to enter judgment in favor of Klemick.

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