United States of America, and State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, Plaintiff-Intervenor v. Context-Marks Corporation, 729 F.2d 1294, 11th Cir. (1984)

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729 F.

2d 1294
20 ERC 2142, 14 Envtl. L. Rep. 20,459

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellant,

State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation,
CONTEXT-MARKS CORPORATION, et al., DefendantsAppellees.
No. 82-5444.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
March 29, 1984.

Anne S. Almy, Appellate Section, Land and Natural Resources Div., U.S. Dept.
of Justice, Robert L. Klarquist, Environmental Defense Section, Washington,
D.C., for plaintiff-appellant.

Paul R. Ezatoff, Jr., State of Fla., Dept. of Environmental Regulation,

Tallahassee, Fla., Maria A. Iizuka, Dept. of Justice, Land and Natural
Resources Div., Washington, D.C., for State of Fla.

Robert L. Parks, Podhurst, Orseck & Parks, P.A., Joel D. Eaton, Miami, Fla.,
for Island, L.M. Marks and J. Pijuan.

Joseph C. Jacobs, Ervin, Varn, Jacobs, Odom & Kitchen, Melissa Allaman,
Tallahassee, Fla., for Toppino & Sons.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of

Before HILL and HATCHETT, Circuit Judges, and ALLGOOD* , District

ALLGOOD, District Judge:

The government appeals from the district court's refusal to grant a permanent
injunction against appellees, Marks Development, Inc., et al. The government
had sought to require the appellees to remove approximately 20,000 cubic yards
of fill material which the government contended had been placed below the
mean high water line (hereinafter MHWL)1 in violation of the Rivers and
Harbors Act of 1899, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 403 of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1311(a) (the Clean Water

The appellees counterclaimed against the United States and the plaintiffintervenor, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation,
seeking injunctive relief from prospective permitting of the subject property
above the MHWL and proposing an alternative restoration plan in the event
that the court found some restoration necessary.

The property in question, Parcel 38, is a roughly rectangular piece of land,

enclosed by Roosevelt Boulevard and comprising 52 acres in Key West,
Florida. This property was purchased in June, 1972, and was to be developed in
a multi-unit apartment complex and marina in accordance with the Master Plan
of the City of Key West. In November of 1972, the appellees applied for and
obtained a dredge and fill permit from the City of Key West. A fill operation
on approximately 10 percent of Parcel 38 was commenced in November and
December of 1972.


During the time that this fill operation was taking place, the Randall Act, F.S.
253.135(3), which exempted property in Key West from state dredge and fill
permit requirements, was in full force and effect. Also at this time, the Corps of
Engineers was not exerting jurisdiction above the MHWL and did not require
permits to fill above the MHWL. Historically, the Corps had not exercised its
full jurisdiction in the area of the fill in question (within Roosevelt Boulevard)
and had not required permits to fill below the MHWL in that area.


In January, 1973, the Corps sent a cease and desist order to the appellees
concerning the fill which the Corps alleged was below the MHWL. In June,
1973, the government filed a criminal information against Island in the Sun
Condominiums, Inc.,2 charging unauthorized filling. The Corporation pleaded
nolo contendere and was fined $500.


An application to dredge a marina in the area bounded by the fill was submitted
in July, 1973. This application was considered by all the parties concerned to be
an after-the-fact permit application. Appellees were denied the permit because

they had been denied a water quality certification (a prerequisite for the
granting of a permit) by the State of Florida. Appellees were ordered to remove
the fill at this time and were so ordered again in November, 1977, after the
Florida Supreme Court denied certiorari to review the state court's decision to
uphold the denial of certification. When the appellees failed to comply, this suit
was brought.

On January 15, 1982, the district court ordered partial restoration, additionally,
the appellants were ordered to abide by the regulations in effect in December
1972 and January 1973 provided that the appellees accomplished the partial
restoration at their own expense. The district court also held that the appellees
were not individually liable.


The government raises three issues on appeal:


1. Whether, under the facts of this case, the United States may be estopped
from requiring the appellees to comply with the provisions of the Clean Water
Act prior to filling wetlands situated above the MHWL.


2. Whether the appellees should be required to remove illegally placed fill

material and restore the wetlands to their original condition.


3. Whether the district court improperly failed to hold the individual appellees
liable for the costs of remedying a violation of the River and Harbor Act.


With respect to the first issue raised by the government, the district court held
that "requiring a Sec. 404 permit for the property above the mean high water
line would be a retroactive application of Corps regulations and this
requirement would be unreasonable and result in a 'manifest unjustice.' "
(citations omitted) (emphasis in original). The court found that had the Corps
not intervened in January 1973 without determining the location of the MHWL,
the land above the MHWL could have been developed prior to the
implementation of the Corps revised wetlands policy (33 C.F.R. Sec.
209.120(e)(2)(iii)) which required permits for work above the MHWL, and
thus would have been "grandfathered" in.


In a factually similar case decided by this same panel, Buccaneer Point Estates,
Inc., et al. v. United States, et al., 729 F.2d 1297 (11th Cir.1984, we held that
retroactive application of the permitting requirement would not be appropriate.
We affirm the similar holding of the lower court here.


The trial court's determination to order partial restoration of the filled portion of
Parcel 38 rather than the total restoration sought by the government rests upon
two separate grounds: (1) equitable estoppel; and (2) equitable standards for
fashioning relief for the government in cases of violation of federal dredge and
fill regulations.3 The government argues that the trial court erred in estopping
the government from obtaining total restoration below the MHWL and that it
abused its discretion in ordering only partial restoration. As this court finds the
action of the trial court to be fully sustainable on the second ground alone, we
decline to address the estoppel issue.4


The cases utilized by the district court in fashioning its restoration order
indicate that the court should base such orders on "a complete examination of
both the environmental factors involved and the practicalities of the situation."
Weiszmann v. District Engineer, U.S. Corps of Engineers, 526 F.2d 1302, 1304
(5th Cir.1976); United States v. Moretti, 526 F.2d 1306, 1310 (5th Cir.1976);
see, also, United States v. Sexton Cove Estates, 526 F.2d 1293 (5th Cir.1976).
The memorandum opinion of the district court reveals a careful consideration of
all relevant factors. We find the government's allegations of error with regard to
the findings of fact on this issue without merit and find no abuse of discretion in
the court's order for partial restoration.


As a condition for further development, the district court below ordered the
individual defendants as well as the corporate developer to restore the property
below the MHWL. Therefore, this court need not reach the third issue raised by
the government.


Accordingly, for the reasons discussed above, the decision of the district court

Honorable Clarence W. Allgood, U.S. District Judge for the Northern District
of Alabama, sitting by designation

Also called mean high water mark and mean high tide line

Island in the Sun Condominiums, Inc., was formed to develop the property

The trial court, in its memorandum opinion, referred to a trilogy of cases as

setting forth the "standard for fashioning restoration" in this circuit: United
States v. Sexton Cove Estates, 526 F.2d 1293 (5th Cir.1976); Weiszmann v.
District Engineer, U.S. Corps of Engineers, 526 F.2d 1302 (5th Cir.1976);

United States v. Moretti, 526 F.2d 1306 (5th Cir.1976) (Moretti II)

This court has held that equitable estoppel will not lie against the government
when it acts in its sovereign capacity. Deltona Corp. v. Alexander, 682 F.2d
888 (11th Cir.1982); Hicks v. Harris, 606 F.2d 65 (5th Cir.1979). The district
court found that the Corps' activities amounted to "affirmative misconduct" and
applied estoppel, however the "affirmative misconduct" exception to the
general rule that the United States is not subject to an estoppel when it acts in
its sovereign capacity has not been accepted by this circuit. See, Deltona, supra

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