United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

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948 F.

2d 1281

NOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of

unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing
res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires
service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth
LCS SERVICES, INC., a corporation, Plaintiff-Appellant,
J. Edward HAMRICK, III, Director, West Virginia Division of
Natural Resources, individually and in his official
capacity; George Max Robertson, Chief, Section of Waste
Management, Division of Natural Resources, individually and
in his official capacity, Defendants-Appellees.
No. 91-1411.

United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.

Argued July 31, 1991.
Decided Dec. 6, 1991.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of
West Virginia, at Charleston. Charles H. Haden II, Chief District Judge.
Argued: Anne E. Shaffer, Ditrapano & Jackson, Charleston, W.Va., for
appellant; Susan K. Coghill, Assistant Attorney General, Environment &
Energy Division, Charleston, W.Va., for appellees.
On Brief: P. Rodney Jackson, Ditrapano & Jackson, Charleston, W.Va.,
for appellant; Mario J. Palumbo, Attorney General, Robert D. Pollitt,
Deputy Attorney General, Environment & Energy Division, Charleston,
W.Va., for appellees.


LCS Services, Inc., appeals the district court's granting of appellees' motion to
dismiss this suit seeking injunctive and monetary relief under 42 U.S.C. 1983.
The district court relied on three alternative grounds--(1) the states' Eleventh
Amendment immunity; (2) state officials' immunity from official-capacity suits
under 1983; and (3) Burford abstention. We find that, even though defendants
are not immune from all of the claims asserted, abstention was nonetheless
appropriate. Accordingly, we affirm.


This dispute has engendered a proliferation of regulatory proceedings and

lawsuits in state and federal courts. It reaches us for a third time. The
underlying tussle involves appellant LCS' attempts to open a solid waste landfill
in Berkeley County, West Virginia. Appellees are officials of the West Virginia
Division of Natural Resources ("DNR"), which is charged by statute to
administer the state's solid waste laws. In the first appeal, Geo-Tech
Reclamation Industries, Inc. v. Hamrick, 886 F.2d 662 (4th Cir.1989), we
declared unconstitutional a West Virginia statute that allowed the DNR to deny
a landfill permit based solely on standardless "adverse public sentiment."

Our opinion in the second appeal summarizes the succeeding events, see LCS
Services, Inc. v. Hamrick, 925 F.2d 745, 746-747 (4th Cir.1991). In short, the
district court held on remand that the permit statutes and regulations as they
existed in February, 1988, rather than as later amended while Geo-Tech was
pending, should be applied to LCS' application. On September 27, 1989, the
state Water Resources Board issued LCS a permit to construct and operate the
landfill. No interested party, DNR included, appealed the granting of the

DNR filed three state court proceedings in May, 1990, concerning tonnage
limits, LCS' failure to post a performance bond, and a county site approval
certificate. See 925 F.2d at 747-748. At LCS' instance, the district court
enjoined the state proceedings under the relitigation exception to the AntiInjunction Act, 28 U.S.C. 2283. DNR appealed, and this court reversed. We
held that none of the state proceedings attempted to relitigate matters resolved

in Geo-Tech; therefore, the Anti-Injunction Act barred enjoining the state


While the second appeal was pending, LCS completed construction of the
landfill. LCS alleges that it had completed every prerequisite to accepting solid
waste, and that an agent of DNR confirmed that all items on the final check-off
were satisfied. Nonetheless, on November 30, 1990, when trucks from the city
of Martinsburg arrived at the landfill, six armed DNR conservation officers
turned them away. The officers allegedly informed the truck drivers that LCS
did not have a permit to operate the landfill; appellee Hamrick called the mayor
of Martinsburg to demand that no further loads of trash be sent to the site.

DNR's orders setting conditions for compliance with West Virginia's solid
waste laws are appealable to the state Water Resources Board and eventually to
the state courts. DNR issued no appealable orders in conjunction with its
refusal to allow LCS to operate on and after November 30, 1990.

The November 30 showdown was apparently expected, inasmuch as LCS filed

this complaint that very day against Edward Hamrick, director of DNR, and
George Robertson, Chief of the Waste Management section of DNR. The
complaint contains five counts:

Count I prays for an injunction against appellees' interference with LCS'

operation of its landfill and for the appointment of a federal receiver to
administer the state's solid waste laws.

Count II is a 1983 civil rights claim against appellees in their official and
individual capacities; LCS seeks $1 million in compensatory damages.


Count III prays for attorney's fees.


Count IV is a pendent state claim for tortious interference with contracts.


Count V prays for $5 million in punitive damages.


LCS' 1983 theories included violations of due process, the contracts clause,
and equal protection. For example, as an equal protection deprivation, LCS
asserts that the appellees turn a blind eye to county- and municipality-owned
dumps, while insisting on superhuman compliance from LCS.


The appellees moved to dismiss. The district court granted the motion, and LCS


The district court concluded that it lacked jurisdiction or alternatively would

abstain. We find that abstention provides a proper basis to affirm the dismissal
of all counts.


The Eleventh Amendment precludes federal courts from hearing suits against
states. 2 The only exception is a suit brought for prospective injunctive or
declaratory relief against a state statute, regulation, or practice that violates the
federal constitution. Kentucky v. Graham, 473 U.S. 159, 167 n. 14 (1985); Ex
Parte Young, 209 U.S. 123 (1908). Therefore, to the extent this suit seeks
injunctive relief against purportedly unconstitutional acts of state officials, it is
not barred by the Eleventh Amendment.


States are not "persons" within the meaning of 1983; therefore, they cannot
be sued for money damages under that statute. State officers acting in their
official capacities share the state's immunity. Will v. Michigan Dep't of State
Police, 491 U.S. 58 (1989). Therefore, to the extent the complaint seeks
damages from appellees in their official capacities, it is barred.


However, this suit is clearly brought against appellees in their official and
individual capacities. The district court nonetheless made a "finding of fact"
that appellees "at all relevant times were acting only in their official capacities."
The district court is of course bound by the factual allegations of the complaint
when ruling on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss; it must construe the factual
assertions of the complaint liberally in favor of the plaintiff and may not make
"findings of fact" in favor of the defendant. Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41


In the style of the case, in a paragraph identifying Hamrick, and in the body of
the 1983 claim, LCS states that it sues the appellees in their individual and
official capacities. At paragraphs 3 and 4, LCS asserts, as it must for 1983
relief, that appellees acted "under color or authority of" state law. The appellees
interpret this allegation as an admission that they took no actions in their

individual capacities. This interpretation stumbles over vital, though by no

means quickly apparent, distinctions in the jurisprudence of 1983. "Official
capacity" means that the individual's office (and hence the governmental unit's
treasury) is being attacked; "individual capacity" means that damages are only
sought from the individual. "Color or authority of state law" is an element of
the 1983 claim in either case. LCS' assertion of appellees' "color or authority"
is a requisite, not a defect, of its claim.

The complaint states a viable 1983 claim to the extent it seeks damages
against appellees in their individual capacities. Hafer v. Melo, 1991 WL 221067
(U.S., Nov. 5, 1991), aff'g, 912 F.2d 628 (3rd Cir.1990); Goodmon v.
Rockefeller, --- F.2d ---- (4th Cir.1991); Pontarelli v. Stone, 930 F.2d 104, 113
n. 17 (1st Cir.1991).


The district court ruled that it would abstain from exercising any jurisdiction it
may have under the doctrine of Burford v. Sun Oil Co., 319 U.S. 315 (1943).
Among the various abstention doctrines, Burford is especially policy-laden.
The Burford policy is that federal courts should act " 'with proper regard for the
rightful independence of state governments in carrying out their domestic
policy.' " 319 U.S. at 318, quoting Pennsylvania v. Williams, 294 U.S. 176, 185
(1935). Burford is most often applied to disputes arising within a complex and
comprehensive local regulatory scheme. Instead of permitting free access to
district courts, which could bring a local scheme to a halt, Burford teaches that
the states should be able to conduct complex local affairs without the undue
interference of federal courts, with appeal to the United States Supreme Court
the single federal check on state abuses. 319 U.S. at 334.


On the other hand, Burford abstention is an exercise in restraint by the federal

government, and not an unfettered license for the states to trample federal
rights. Application of the doctrine requires thoughtful balancing of the
competing federal and state interests--the clarity and importance of the federal
rights the plaintiff seeks to vindicate, the local or national character of the
subject matter, the complexity of the state regulatory scheme, the adequacy of
state remedies, and others too case-specific to catalogue. In any event, this
often-difficult ruling is committed to the sound discretion of the district court,
and we will reverse it only if that discretion is abused. Brandenburg v. Seidel,
859 F.2d 1179, 1195 (4th Cir.1988).


Burford abstention has been approved in a similar case in this court. BrowningFerris, Inc. v. Baltimore County, 774 F.2d 77 (4th Cir.1985). In that case,

Browning-Ferris' permit to operate a landfill had expired, and the county denied
a renewal. Browning-Ferris had a state regulatory procedure available to it, but
chose instead to file a 1983 suit. The district court abstained, and this court
affirmed. Browning-Ferris is not a completely congruent precedent, because the
act complained of was subject to direct state administrative review, where here
LCS alleges a course of conduct that is ancillary to the substantive issues
pending before the various state entities. Still, the degree of unnecessary
entanglement with primarily local concerns is the issue, rather than wooden
examination of whether a particular act or acts is or may be under state review.
Significantly, BrowningFerris instructs that "land use questions, especially
those that involve the regulation of trash dumps, are the peculiar concern of
local and state governments, and traditionally, federal courts have not
interfered...." 774 F.2d at 79. There are two aspects of LCS' claims where the
district court had the power to grant relief: (1) to enjoin unconstitutional
interference with LCS' operation of the landfill; and (2) to award 1983
damages against appellees in their individual capacities. We think Burford
abstention is appropriate in both instances.

There are four state court cases and a half-dozen administrative appeals
currently pending between the parties. Two of the state cases are before the
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. The issues involved concern the
validity of LCS' permit, whether LCS must obtain local site approval, whether
an aggregate county tonnage limit applies to the landfill, and several technical
issues. We cannot envision how a district court could craft an injunction that
would not interfere with appellees' legitimate rights to litigate in state court, or
even how it could decide to issue the injunction in the first place without
resolving the merits of disputes pending in state court. Any lingering doubts
that these proceedings are relitigations of Geo-Tech were laid to rest in the
second appeal to this court. If a federal court should not enjoin the proceeding,
it should not enjoin one of the parties from "interfering" with the other.


The 1983 suit is a somewhat closer call. Nonetheless, we cannot see how this
case could proceed while the state cases are pending without unduly interfering
with appellees' actions in them or requiring the district court to resolve factual
issues that ought to be decided in the state proceedings. The district court's
finding that Burford abstention is appropriate is not an abuse of discretion.


The judgment of the district court is affirmed.3



DNR has since filed an action in state court challenging the validity of this
permit, however

The Amendment actually prohibits a federal court from hearing a suit

"commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of
another State...." Suits by a person against his own state are not even within the
Article III jurisdiction the Eleventh Amendment was intended to counteract, i.e.
Art. III 2 provides that the judicial power extends to controversies "between a
State and Citizens of another State." However, there is no difference in the way
the Supreme Court has analyzed suits against states by its own or other states'
citizens. See In re New York, 256 U.S. 490, 497 (1921) (Sovereign immunity is
underlying doctrine; Eleventh Amendment merely an application); Pennhurst
State School and Hospital v. Halderman, 465 U.S. 89, 98-99 (1984)

Both parties sought to supplement the appendix before oral argument. We took
the motions under advisement; at argument, it became apparent that the
additional material was irrelevant to the issues before us. Accordingly, all
pending motions to file supplemental appendices are denied

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